It's the Beer Homer, GW, Salary Aa Dept Aur'veyor 75 Oo Coata in the Survey of the Kirkman Stipe, W
6 COLFAX GAZETTE. COLFAX, WASHINGTON, JULY 14, 1905. Squibb, R X, lodging and meals for Wade, G. W., labor 52 50 milt*Creek, about ouo mile below the indiganta 2 oo Walters, J. W. & Co., labor, $7; Pitt school house. Rose JewelryjStore Sturdivan, J M, labor on court house allowed 3 00 ; LETTERS M. A. COMMISSIONERS MIT grounds TWO OPEN 12 Oo Walters, J. W. A Co., repairs.. 275 \ The auditor was instructed to ad- KSTABLISHKI> IN IHH« Town of Colton, supplies for indigenta 550 Wateon, Virgil, labor 12 00 j vert iae for bids for the repairing of True, M C, expense as assessor 6 25 E. F., labor 10 00 IMfORTAHT TO MARRIED WOMEN . Pass on Bills and Claims and Trans- Wats. J C, labor on atone wall West, the following bridges: Codd bridge supplies West, J. H., labor 12 50 act Uthor Business Wheeler-Motter Co, for over the South Palouse river on Main Mary ofWashington tella county farm 12 16 Williams, Nate, supplies, $7.35; Mr*. Dlmmlck Weinburg, E W, wrvice as special allowed 5 35 street in Colfax, Wash. ; brewery How Lydla K. Pinknam's V»»«t»bl« ehentf $27.91, allowed. 21 oo Wright, W. F., labor 20 25 bridge over the north fork of the Compound Mftd*H«r Well. Official Proceeding of the Board of West, J H, arrest and expense for Yatee, Marcue, labor 33 00 6 Palouse river at the north end of County Commissioners of \V hu- sheriff 10 DISTRICT NO. 2 we publish Webster, J C, service as Bth grade Main street in Colfax, Wash.
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