wmmrwm.-- v s- -- iP''' r rTHE " , DHL JLr U JLJ JLJ JLJ X llu Stibxcrtpllcin Kb. 2U. HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 3882. 10 I'rnls nr .Month. THE DAILY BULLETIN Professionals. Is published every morning by the B. F. EHLERS & Co., Daily Hum.utin Puiimhiiixo Co., AUSTIN WHITING, Attorney nml cli (minted throughout thu town, mill W and Counsellor at Law. forwarded to the other Inlands by every DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, Agent to lake acknowledgments of opportunity. iiHlrumcnW. All Latost Novelties Fancy Goods Received by evory steamer, Kaahumanu St., Subscription, GO cts. per month. tho in Honolulu. 209 1 FORT STREET. G. Caiisok Ki:nyok, Editor. I.J J. M- - M0NSARRAT, v, All business communications to be nil. 'J. il'Jil 'LI'. .J. dressed, Manager Daily HMllctln, Post Commission Morchants. AT LAW and Notary Ofllcc Uo. No. 14. ATTOHEY J. G. Ci.r.vion, Manager. Oco. W. Maclarlaue! H. MacfiirTaiicl Heal Estate in any HONOLULU CLOTHING EMPORIUM, G. W. MAC7ARLANE & Co. part of the Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on The very latest teetotal drink up IMFOUTEHS, COMMISSION MKlt. CHANTS ami commission. Quccuslnml way is called "snnkc A. M. MELTjIS, Proprietor, Sityar factors, Loans negotiated, juice." It knocks Eli Johnson and FlrcProof Huildine;, 52 Queen street, Legal Documents Drawn. his drugs stiff in one net, and it is Importer and Dealer in Clothing, Honolulu. If. I. prepared as follows: Take seven AIIKNlfl for No. 27 Merchant St. (Gazette Hlock), 190 the deadliest Tim AVaikapu Sugar Fhintation, Maui, Honolulu, Hawaiian Island. snakes of sort, four Goods, Fancy Goods, tiic Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, death-adder- s, Dry and the inside parts of The uceia Suun'r Plantation, Oahu, DOLE, Lawyer and Notary Pub- - Mil), Maul, G cover with sul Huelo Suuar SH. No. 15 Kaaliumaiiu st. 11 tarantulas, the lot Huelo Sugar Plantation, Slaui, coal-ta- pain-kille- r, phuric aeid, i, and and Staple Qoods, &c. 1'uuloa Sheen Hunch Co.. Hawaii. T M. DAVIDSON.Attorncv ntLnw half-an-lio- J. Fowler oc Co. Steam Plow and Port w and boil over a slow fire for 21 US able Tramway Works Leeds, Merchant street. Then add one pint of nitro- Mirrlecs, Wation & Co's Sugar Machin ; "pRANCIS iM. IIATCII, Attornoy glycerine, two quarts of Kerosene cry, tihisgow, All the Latest Novelties by every steamer. Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets. atLaw, 15 Kaahumanu ft. 2.1 oil, three gallons of the oil of vitro, 185 and n little turpentine to flavor. HUSSELL. Attorney at Ctuua iruckrlp. Win. 0. Irwin. JOHN corner of Fort anirMer.'hant Have ready in another boiler a few G. & streets (up stairs) A. 31. MELLIS, 104 Fost trect, Honolulu. IRWIN COMPANY, n. .111 boa constrictors, the essence of three SugarFnclorH and Commission rattle-snake- s, half a pint of prussic Agents, Honolulu. 1 ) 1GIIARI) V. HICKERTON, '4 acid, and it gallon of Fanner's "Aftorney uuil & COMPANY, Counsellor at I aw. Friend, or Pottio's Highland Oil. A. KKAFT, HEOLOANt HIIACKFELD .miuuy io ifiiu on jtiortKiigON of Frcc-hold- s. H.S1 Agents, Ofllcc, a I Mix all together, stirring briskly, TAILOlt, Queen street, Honolulu. No. Mcicliaut,Bt. 1 three-ra- il JEWELER, $h OPTICIAN, 201 FOltT ST. and then strain through a JIROWN, A1TORNEY CLEGHOHN & Co., flECIL fence, and bottle off when cooling. Importers and Counsellor at Law, Notary Pub- Dealer Jn Hawaiian Curiosities. HoWrt I.uwom, C. V.. Cooke. Commission Deal- If required for immediate use, AS. Merchants lic, nnd Agent for taking Acknowledg- bulld-4- 4 & O O O K E , ers In General Queen mid sprinkle 10 over Store In tho "Hawaiian Gazette" T EWERS ments of Instruments for the Island of ozs. of dynamite -- &, Kanhuiujim sts., i.onolulu. 78 lug, opposite the Hank. (successors to Lewers Dickson,) O.ihu. No. 8 Kaahumanu htrcet, Hono- the top, and sweeten with a little Importers" anil Dealers in Lumber and all lulu. H. A. 1. Curler. P. V. Jnnco, 1 nsafectida. This makes a most Ciias. 1). GoiiJHch, kinds of Building Materials, Fort street, Jr. pleading effervescent drink, .it HonohilK 1 p B It E AV E It & CO., ILLIAM O. SMITH, Attor- "bite" all tho way dowu, and one Shipping and Commission Merchants ney at Law, No. UG Merclmnt Practical Watchmaker. II & Co., Dealers Queen street, Honolulu. 1 trial will bo more than quite sulli-cicn-t. in htrcet. 7a Jm WILDE Taint, Oil, Nail, Salt Hotel Street, opposite the II. Impoit-J- tSf -- and Building .Materials of every kind, rpiIEO. DAYIES .t CO., 31. 12:t :im International Hotel, a ., ers HAGAN, M. D., cor. Fort ami Queen at-- Honolulu. 1 and Commission Merchants; tf A citizen of Detroit entered a agents for Lloyd's and the Liverpool Physician fc Michigan avenue grocery the other D. ifc HOUINSONy Dealers in Lmlerwritcrs, IJritish and Foreign Surgeon, CLAEK, Assur-anc- c W. Lumbor and all kinds of Huildiug Company, and Northern Ofllcc, 22:1 Fort street. Olllec bouts day and said he wanted a private Company. 71 Watch Maker and Jeweler, Materiali, Faints, Oils Nulls, etc. 71 from 10 to 12 a.m.; and :S to 5 word with tho proprietor. When JOHN T. WATKlfHOUSE, Hesldenci; I'.U Nuuanu st. lot they retired to the desk, he began, "OKOWN & PHILLIPS, Practical Impoiter and Dealer in General G. -- THOUSSEAIJhegsto notify ' I'lumbeiH, GanFittcrsimd Coppur-Hinltli- B, Merchandise, Queen kt., Honolulu. 1 DP. frlemN that bn 1ms "I want to make a confession and a 18 resunuil No. Nutmniiht., Honolulu. practice in Ilonolnhi. ltcsldcncu and Houso H AI con-iiltl- reparation. Do you remember of and Ship Job Worlc promptly G R I N A U & U O., rooms, No. 7:1 Punchbowl st, my buying sugar here two or three executed. 17 MS. of (Jeneral Mer- opposite thu niakai gate of the Queen'rt chandise CoiumlHulon Hospital. cm and AlercliaiitH, Consulting hours, fimn !l a.m days ago?" "Well, in nriT) r.r'iij .., x. t. i . j to 12. "I do." afcvin. vtcjii iMi. ou run si. Honolulu. Telephone No. i'j;i. CC. lm worked off a counter- impor'er ami dealer 111 (iunt'i. paying for it I - EMEItSON. ,.'. Ladles' and Childreu's boots, shoes and H. G R N A U & C J resldenco and ci feit quarter on the clerk. was a I )l O. DH-Mlllatlon rooms It slippers. Gil --LJ- Commission at No. 2 KukulN:., mean and came to Always on a nice toek of Merchants, 121 corner of Koit. trick, I tender hand Calllbtnl.. Htrcet, .San Francisco, & CO., Importers TcIc11h011cN0.no. B'.iSm you good money." "Oh, don't 5Watches, Clocks and Jewolry."a TJliCnVN and Cal. mention it," replied the grocer. - Dealers In Ale, Wines and Spirits, ltcpalrlng Watches and Clock a Spoe' No. 'J Merchant St., Honolulu. 12 T. & G o7, Al'FLLER, Surveyor for IJitrcau I want to make it right." J 17 LHN EUAN "Hut "It's alty, No. 5."i Hotel Street. - 71 all right all right. We knew who Importcrh and Coiiiiniton Mcr-chant- Tclcplione, No. 2)0. Nuuanu st., Honolulu. 1 passed the quarter on us, and & II O N OLULU I R O N t). XV. that "Works Co. Ynrndfcv, CLJ Steam engines, sugar 8. N. V.Mu. II, Athcrl V afternoon whrn your wife sent down inills, boilers, coolers, iron, biasp J. IU'ACHEFl OF MUSIC,' VIOLIN, a dollar bill and wanted a can of Artesian Ice Works and lead castings; machinery of every fJASTLE & COOKE, . mid the sardines, I gave her that bad quarter description inadu to order. Particular Shipping and CommUsioii Mer. CrrmATii s or inn Voick. elmnts. lin))ortei". Gen-en- attention paid to ship's bkicksmithing. and Dealers In d Insliueili u with her change. Don't let your Merchandise, ribogiwnin Sight Heading Job work executed on short notice. 1 No. 80 King street, Choir, Choi us mid Part Singing. conscience trouble you at all it's Honolulu. 1 For piir'lciihin apply at all right." 201 tm WELLS' Just Received, NG WO CIIAX & Co., Music Store. An irreverent fellow asked a Inipoitcrs and General Dealer WltAY TAVI.OH. Teacher of Piano- -' clergyman, " Can you tell me how Per bktnc Eureka, a full line of In English. American Chlnc-- e Pro- T CR DELIVEKED to all part- - of the and folic and Organ. Tuning in old tiic devil My visions, Plantation Tea .nnil General all is?" " friend, you city and snlinrlis at all hours of the . us orauciies. 10 dm must keep your own family Supplies-- Also, while and colored con-- , record," BYCICLE r.iel. the reply. Inters from the other Ilands prompt- - SHIRTS mattlnc;. all ipiallties and prices. K. was Jo?" No. 'Si Nuuanu Slieet, opposite W HOWELL, Consulting and lr attended to. Silk, merino and cotton. Constructing Engineer; W. Saddler, dr. Afong's. ,si y oilleo Girls, like opportunities, arc all Ulllcu at E. Foktkk'h, .IP MltTl. Fort btreet. S2m d. n.II.WIIIInm.. n the more to you after being lot) Tvluplionu No. 111. 2m Pajainu Suits, Etc. A.riioilliriiui.'h. .ll.Dlmnuil "YYILI.IAMS, Dl.MONI) & Co.. I J. WILLIAMS & Co. fll A. W. Hiehnrdson it Co. ' ' Shljiplng and Commission Mer- - 12!) Fort Street, Honolulu, C3T A full line of Hoy's Youth' and cliants, Union Hlock, corner Pine nud Market streets, San FumcNco, Cal. Portrait and Landccapo Young Men's Clothing, jut received per JOHN N0TT, roit DPliolo'v-i'sipliei.;- . Mcnmer Hue, at the Honolulu Clothing Aiii:Ts Tin, Coppor and Sheet Iron Worker, Pacific Mall Steamship Coinpany, I"0 lv Emporium of A. M.
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