. submitted and considered in connection By Ruekcr—To provide for the permanent im- I CHASBED DULY FOB C H. GILMAS—FEBRUARY 12, 1887. WINES OF CALIFORNIA. with the above named measure. CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE. pmvement at the ('ulifornla Home Feeble- by Mr. Wetiuo; erp J(j minded Children. The bill submitted . 9 By Brierly—Definint: power?, duty and follows: I the as TWENTY-SEVENTH SESSION" FOETIKTH ; salary of Lieutcnant-Uovernor. An Act defining pure \yine fc the pre-1 By Sims—l*rovidiug a home for cx-eonvii is, # «nd r DAY. - DEVELOPMENT OF VITI- vention offraud m relating thereto I where they may tad leiniorary shelter aud em- RAPID The people of theSt.,te of t'ulilbrnia, repre- ployment after their terms ot imprisonment THE STATE. sented iv Senate uud Assembly, do enact as fol- have expired. CULTURE IE SENATE. By Gould—To provide for the correction and Section 1. Fo; the pun^-s of this Act. pure establishment ol a jiorti'in of the eastern of Frihay. 11. boundary of the ?tate of California. wine shall b<i dcfini*! us follow:-: The juice February 1887. By line Native grapes fiTKiented. |Hl«i I >irfl or fortified for ate The Senate met at 10 a. m., .Senator Patterson Kuox—Regulating the adoption ofcharters Prejudices Against Pure beverage, or as medicine, by in the Chair. of cities of over •Vj.iwO inhabitants. SHOES! SHOES! as a a methods COMMITTEE ByCallaghan—To provide SHOES!. pro- I REPORTS. for the prevention "Wines Rapidly Disappearing— recognUed as legitimate, according to the of visions of Uiie Act ; uufermcrtted grape juice, passage conflagrations ana the prole 'tion of [iroiierty Statistics of the Vineyards. On Agriculture-Recommending the saved from lire in all |»>:iulu:iini i containing n<» addition of distilled spirits, may of a substitute for S. I>. 238 ; also, the biil cre- cities whose be denominated, according custom exceed! \WM». [Identical with Senate bill \u25a0£*).] to popular ating a new Agricultural District of Calaveras By Failure of a Prominent Manufacturer of and demand, as wine only when descriUd as aud Amador, as amended; also, A. B. 14, as Varicl—To protect lile and property against interesting highly instructive "iiDlermcntcd wine," and shall be deemed pure amended. the careless and malicious use of dynamite and Ab and beverage other high expletives, [identical with Vroo- Major Ben. C. Tru- only w!ien preserved for bm us a or On Chineso and Chinese Immigration—l*e- linn's letter from the pen of medicine, in accordance with the provlgjoni Ql j sult of investigation of the Chinese evil, L',(h "j bill.l this sha. Ibe to By Lewis— Uelative to the incorporation ofya* msn. is published in the New York Rms, Ait. Pure grape must deemed copies ordered printed. companies. be pr.p nape man lroni which water has been On Judiciary—Substitute for S. B. 245. relating concerning California wines andtheirde- extracted by evaporation forpurpose! "fpreset- I liens, also, By I'rlce—Relative to poll tax. gI^LADIES' to passage recommended : recom.- SHOES! By to FINE Britt—Relative lire insuriiniccouipanics. and letter the fol- vation, or increase of saccharine strength. Dry mendiug passage of substitute for s. 11. \'A\, de- [Identical veloptuent, from which i with Senate bill ::lO.J Wine is that produced bycompletc lermeutati" : fining grand larceny : also, substitute for S. B. By lowing excerpts are taken : ofsaccharine contained'inniu^t. >weot wine is i 833, protecting lifeand property against the care- MelXiunell—Providing fortheorgaiii/.atii>n more or less ap- and government ot municipal corporations. 1 wheat and wine, California con- that which contains saccharine less Use of dynamite and other explosives. Byilathews of J. H. BYRNES, Francisco, In gold, the wine is ] Tchama-Relative to the sala- San preciable to Fortified thut Finance—heeommending immi|lii . largely to the wealth of the coun- taste. On the oi ries of physicians at the *«ty- tributes wine to which distilled spirits have been added S. B. 2iiS, relating to salaries of officers of the Stockton Inane And the Stock Sold at Forced Sale on Wednesday last-a Large try, the extensive producer to strength, lum-pmvidiiig that none shall exceed |2,5>A1 commencing and she is most jocnaae alcoholic for purposes of State Board of SilkCulture, as amended. \u25a0»»»\u25a0" Purchase made by us. The same will be on sale products of all pn--. rvation only, and shull lie held to be pure Claims—Recommending passage of j'cr of the three above-named On sub- the <.i:nkp.ai. the States. While there will continue to when the spirits so used are the product ot the stitute for S. B. 303, for the relief of the heirs of rn.r.. yields annually gra|ie only. Pure champ*i*;e, or sparkling wine, j George Horton. The following Assembly t)ill.s were rim a be great gold and wheat is that n hich COBtaim carbonic acid pas or ef- HIM reading: No. u-.i, i,,r THIS MORNING, to on Corporations—S. B. 285, relating to foreign the relief of San for many years come, it is cbietly in the fervescence produced only by natural fermenta- insurant 1 companies and the duties ofInsurance Francisco citizens for damages caused by ex- AT S:3O O'CLOCK. vineyards of Californa that the people of tion of saccharine manor of musts., or partially Commissioner, without recommendation. Also, cavation ofTelegrapO Hill; JIT, to provide for the Eastern States are at present interested. fermented wine in a bottle. S. It. 141, relating to solicitors of fire insurance, the amicable adjustment of grievances between They do not desire to see the consumption Section 2. In the fermentation, preservation without recommendation. Also, S. B. 143, re- employers and employes, and creating a State aDd fortilication of pure wine it shall be Rpc- lating to insurance corporations, recommending Board of Arbitration: 108, relutive to the State of either American whisky or French citically no militia; 12, organization If Yon Want Standard Goods, Bargain Prices, Don't Miss tired understood that materials shall be that it do not j"*s- tor the of Irrigation at brandy increase, and they are getting u-id Intended as substitutes lor (-rapes or any Oii Public Buildings—Recommending the pas- districts: 179, creating the county of (jltnn. of paying upset rates forforeign wines that part of (.'rapes: DO Coloring matters shall be sage ofs. B. 384, appropriating Wsti.uoo for the HE008I) HEAtmtfli generally been put through processes added which are not the pure products ofgrains erection of an asylum for the chronic insane. This Lo! i have fermentation, or by extraotion A. I!. "i'J. appropriating funds for Improve- of Besides, all experience during from On Banks arid Banking—Recommending pas- of adulteration. grapes with the aM of pure grape spirits: no sage of a substitute for s. B. SB. ment state Capitol: A. 11. l'.'..\ li;j.266, 256, 2M shows that the inhabitants ofwine-produc- loreign fruit juices and no spirits imported from sod 395, deficiency bills: A. B. 588, appropriating ing districts are generally temperate; while foreign countries, whether pure or compounded SPECIAL ORDER. «U>,oUu foradditional buildings at tlie Veteran? Many think that BARGAINS are necessarily poor stuff, but in colder countries by the use of fiery pota- with fruitjuices or ether material not the pure S. B. 340. relating to payment of premiums by Home; A. I!. 71. relative to administering' estates when they see the ones we offer TO-DaY, they will product ofgrapes, shall be used for any pur- foreign insurance companies. Bead second of deceased persons: A. B. _H.i, relative to road- tions, drunkenness is much more common. Murphy A. J!. 122, iclating A change their minds. the for centuries, and it j>o«e: no aniline dyes, salicylic acid, glycerine, time. moved to make the bill the masters: to insurance: A. B. Skin Without Blemish. This has been case alum or other chemical antiseptics or ingre- special order for Monday. Lost. S, same subject: A. 3. 19. amending County Ko ogan is so perfect and so beautiful as the Ihuve suffered all my lifewith skin diseases is doubtful if either preaching or legisla- recognized as to the of Government Act; A. B. 17.">, relating to school dients deletcrioiis health warrants: skin. Soft as satin, sensitive as a camera, tinted of different kinds, and have never found per- tion is likely to reverse completely the im- '\u25a0.•'i-'imers, or as injurious to the reputation of land A. 11. 39, relating to roads and TWENTIETH DAY OF OUR TWENTY-THIRD wine as by authorities con-titutcd t,y By Brieeland—Declaring Klnmath river navi- highways: A. 11. JOS, relative to municipal cor- with the loveliest delicacy, it yet has the strength manent relief, until, by the advice of a lady { memorial result. The true reformer there- pure, this gable. porations: production and dissemi- Act, shall be permitted; and no distilled spirits A. B. ."<.'. relative to the crime of ob- and elasticity sufficient for the protection of all friend, I used your valuable Ci'ticura Kern- fore willfavor the \yi except for sole purpose By Dray—Establishing a Home of Industry taining money under false pretenses'; A. B. I*7, shull added the Ot the underlying frame, tissue, muscle, bone and e. dies. Ipave them a trial, six nation of light or other good wines, which preservation, and withunt the Intention of en- and*Kctuge for State convicts. amending County Government Act: A.8.286, thorough using shall in a measure take the place of the abling trade to lengthen the volume of fortified By Ilaynes—HelutiLK to the boundaries of Del providing for payment of jurors In Justices' nerve.
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