St. John's Home Buyers Program
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"Portal to Business Success" Expo a Success - Page 7 Maze Featuring Sudan Ethnic Piano Texas Cleansing Loses A True Frankie Beverly Sanctioned By Create Soul And World IndiflFerence Disciple Funk Fusion Page 3 Page 3 Page 9 Visit Our Website At A Division of _____ ^^^ ^AJfiWBI^^pportuiiity News, Inc. ^H ^H 'Urn ^^^^F Volume Mil, Number XXIII " :A^, o r t h '.n alia .< ' 'W c f /^ / // '/' u /» c r of C // o i r c " June 24-June 30,2004 SERVING PLANO, DALLAS, RICHARDSON, GARLAND, ALLEN, MCKINNEY AND MESQUITE St. John's Home Buyers Program School's In Session minority families overcome "Racing To The Son" the obstacle often involved Photos and story by Challenges on the in understanding the E. Dewayne Gibson Jr. Rickshaw Rally process of buying a home," St. Mark's Baptist On the HomeCront: said Senator West. Church hosted the 2nd Racecourse. riano'b Courtj-ard Theater presents • Challenge #1 Race to Things with Wings" b>' Lconor Brazao and EfBe Worrell, director of Annual City Wide G!ai Aj'CTS. Apprcodmatdy lOOworiaofan Fannie Mae's Dallas/Fort Vacation Bible School arc othibited. The exhibii wU be dtq^ayed at the Counj-ard Theater located at 1509 Worth Partnership Office, June 14-18th, 2004at Avtouc H from June 3 throu^ Jul>- 9, said, "Interest rates are at an 20&f. Finch Elementary ArtCenue of Piano is presenting a free all time low. Yet we see School in McKirmey. summer arts program for low-income minority homebuyers with families as a part of Jiunpstan For Arts. The VBS Theme was Enrollment is free and OTI a first-come first- double-digit interest rates. "Rickshaw Rally: scivc basis. The program will have three We know the importance of sessions according to age nith classes June Racing To The Son". 14-18 for students age S-9, session 2 is June tearing down barriers to 21-25 for students age 10-12,and July-12- homeownership." The VBS Motto was 23 for sTudenis age 13-15. M sessions are Ready, Set, Race 2 frwn 1-5 p-HL and ii«nq>ortaTion will be Don Babers and Pastor Davis The St. John's Home provided from Memorial, Hicke>', pOTman, Jesus. Mcndenhalt and MeadoiA-s schools to the Photos and story by E. Dewayne United Lending Partners, Buyers program is a six- ArcCentre, There will also be a Spanish Gibson Jr. interpreter on sitc.'l'hc ArtCentre is located and Fannie Mae, announced month course taught by This year's Key in downtown Piano at the corner of 15th On Sunday, June 13th a faith-based initiative to help experienced credit Scripture came from St. and Ax^enue K. For mote infonnation, call 972-123-7809. 2004, State Senator Royce church members and non- counselors, mortgage 1 Corinthians 9:24 The Piano Centre preseno: Celebrating West and representatives members achieve counselors, real estate which says " Know ye American Heroes from St. John Baptist Sundaj-, June 27th, 2004, Doors open at homeownership. "This professionals, insurance not that they which 6:15pm, Event begins at 7:00pm Atribote Church of Grand Prairie, commitment will help to [iw men and women who give or haw run in a race rim all, ff\tn their lives to our country chnni^ St.John's Page 10 but one receiveth the militarj' or CI\T1 &er\icc, featuring patriotic music presented bj- a 80 member choir and prize? So run, that ye orchestra and a special i^>pearance by Sufo may obtain." Minister Henderson John, a sur^^vor of the Wwld Trade Center Denton Celebrates Juneteenth attacJi- Each night Saint Mark's Admission is frre.Tbc Centre is located Meet Jesus at 20O0 E. Spring Creek Haficwa>- Baptist Church gathered For more information contact Firsi • Challenge #2 Run to Baptist Church Piano ai 972.424-8551 or children and adults at visit Finch Elementary School Follow Jesus Collin County- Communir.' College • Challenge #3 Rush to Disnna's (CCCCU) da.^cc repcrion- \\T1\ for VBS. Every night, VBS host a Summer Jan Dance Camp from 9 Learn About Jesus un ' 12 pro, July 12 -14 in ihe Dance students completed 1 of 5 Studio, room A107, at the Spring Creek School's In Page 2 Campu», 2800 H. Spring Creek Parkway m Plana Students age 14 through adults will learn hip-hop and l>Tical jazz dance movements. The camp concludes at 12pm Celebrating Freedom on I'riday, July 16 with a free informal show for family, friends and feUow students. Prc-registration, before June 14, is 875, Part 2 of 2 and registration after June 14 is 885. The regisnatioQ deadline for this camp is Jul>' 5. By Lakeesha Joe the backbone of the black EnroUmeni is limited. After the Civil War, during what communit>-. Even during the days of For more information, call Tiffianee was termed the Reconstruction slavery, the slaves looked to the Arnold at 972-881-5830 \x email period, all ex-slav-es u=ere promised the churdi for hope in a better fiiture. larnoldi uccccd. cdu, Need a jobr Ha\e tried to frod one, to no infamous fort>' acres and a mule. Slaves fek that they were loved and a\-ail? Becoming iifraid and losing hope as Some former sla\« were successful in deemed worthy as a child of God no bills are rtioumu^? There is a prvtvcn (Staining the land prcHnised them, matter how they were treated here spirimal solution to this challenge. Collin Count>' Community' College howev-er, most were noL on earth. Disiria will present a public talk and The joy that fi'eed slaves had upon Author Frederick Douglas put it interactive discussion addressing these learning of their freedom slowly best when he said that slaves were issue* titled; EmplovTOent- Our Divine Right. vanished wiien they began to realize fiiee without roofe to cover them, or The evtm will uike place on SamrdaN- that those running the world that the\' bread to eat, or land to cultivate, and June 26 at 2pm at Collin Counn* had labored long and hard to help as a consequence they ciied in sucii Community College, Mam Campus (LeJI to ri£fitj Sickole CheiL—Jones, Treasurer- Entertainment Chairperson, Juneteenth Committee Building. 2200 Vr«t Univenitj Dnve, Tonya Demerson, Secretary Juneteenth Committee * \itia Harris, Juneteenth Committee member build was leading them to take care of numbers as to awaken the hope of McKinncy. Shawn Glover-Williams, Children's Games andTalent Show Coordinator Denton Juneteenth Page 4 themselves without that promised their oiemies that they would soon For more information please contaa forty acres and a mule or anything disappear. Linda Read at 972-562-2540 or e-maU else. linda-studio'.J Although the former slaves really On Wcdn<^ay, June 30th frxjm U im to ExxonMobil Foundation Former sla\'es b^an tfieir journey saw no hope of a bener life after 7pm the Piano Centre wUl present the Pageant Honors Young of frt^edom under conditions that freedom, Juneteenth continued to be Cummins Tods TruckioaJ Sale 2004 Presenting Sponsor for f land tools to pouier tools, all on sale at Summer Enrichment and Summer most of us today would ^ot have a celebration where black AmericarB great pricw! Admission is FREE sur\'ived and man>- ex-slaves did not showed \jp annuall>' in Galveston, Tlic Collin County liealth Care Ladies of Distinction Intensive Dance Training Programs survive. The>' were let go from the Texas, in large numbers to Foundation is announcing agitable grant By DanyeU Taylor plantations in which they once funding for health-<iriented prujecis and DALLAS—ExxonMobil Foundation has provided commemorate the date of their programs. Prd'ercnces will be gi\-en to generous support to the Dallas Black DanceTheatre to The Piano Douglass Community Center's worked without a home or monej; freedom. In the early 1900's, after proposals thai address the following: the sponsor its 2004 Summer Youth Dance Enrichment Girl Talk Organization hosted its 1st Annual Most of the slaves had only the ragged years of Juneteenth celebrations, health and well-being of county' residents; clothes they wore. pitimoie volunteer participation and citizen Program June 7-25, and its Summer Intensive Dance Young Ladies of Disdnction Pageant on last diere was a decline in participarion. invoivtmcnt in the proieci; targcti at-risk, Workshop June 28-July 9. Saturday at the Piano Senior Center. Many fi^^ black Americans Economic and cultural issues were undefscrved or vulnenblc populations; and looked toward the church and religion ke>' faaors in this decline. However, demonstrates new approaches and "The Dallas Black Dance Theatre is one of the "The goal was not to look at the pageant as premier performing ans groups in North Texas, and for hope in the future, which has been techniques in the soluoon of community a beauty contest, but to challenge the girls to Celebrating Freedom Page 4 problems. ExxonMobil is proud to continue supporting their Completed applications are due use their minds to think about what it means artistic excellence ihrou^ a 515,000 grant to fund its Thursday, July 15, by 4 p.m. and tnay be to be a young lady of distinction," said nittiled CT hand deln-cred to; CoUia County summer enrichment and training programs," said Health Care Foundation, Atm: Grants Susan Carter, global community relations manager of Dianne Dillon, Founder of Girl Talk. African American Shoppers Committee to Michelle Patrick, 210 S. ExxonMobil. McDonald St., Suite 626, McKinncy.TX Focusing on the inner beauty of self- 75069- Elcoronit a^>ies of tiw applicarion Session I: The Summer Youth Dance Enrichment confidence, the 16 contestants in the 2004 and Dillard's Inc.