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20 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Tues., March 9. 1982

Students back Bond bill amendment ianchester five] BUSINESS ' i liscipline policy] may save l-park cost >ws in fourneyj Hutton's brokers will be listening this week ... page 3 ... page 7 ... page 11

remains valid even given a spurt in rates. which currently sell at $40 each. In this case, your tax- You know that slogan — “ When E.F. Hutton talks, The idea, by the way, is somewhat similar to the zero- free capital gains would equal 25 times your original in­ • U people listen” ? Well, n «it week it'll be Hutton’s more J coupon corporate offerings — seven all told — that have vestment. than 4,000 brokers who will be listening as the brokerage come to the market over the last 10 months. Here, some biggie unveils a hot new moneymarket security that it SOUNDS GREAT, but if you’re the impressionable $350 million (a billion dollars in total value) was rais^, predicts will entice a billion in capital from the average Dan Doifman type, a word of caution. Municipalities, as we all know, principally from pension funds and forei^ers. A chief Rain tonight guy in the street in no time flat. are being battered by increasing financial pressures — Manchester, Conn. enticement: Neither foreigners nor pension funds pay And, if it’s that good, won’t other brokerage houses be Syndicated so there’s obvious risk. Further, any rise in Interest and Thursday taxes. rates (the danger of which is always present in this Wed., March 10, 1982 listening too? Columnist Hutton insists, however, that the idea of' selling zero- crazy economy) would immediately depress the value of — See page, 2 In brief, it’s a $5,000 municipal bond that doesn’t have 1 coupon municipals was home-bred and has been in the Singie copy 25(p any coupon. And since there isn’t any coupon, the bond -1 the bonds. Another hazard: If you need cash in a h urry, works for a year. Upralb you could be forced to sell the bonds prematurely at a will be offered at a deep discount — anywhere from 4 The initial offering of the Florida authority will be A- loss. cents to 50 cents on the dollar (the earlier the maturity, rated and is reigarded by Hutton as a safe, secure invest­ the costlier the bond). So for anteining up between Clearly, there are drawbacks, but Hoey hastens to ment. Nonetheless, it’ll be insured bv the brokerage roughly $250 and $2,500, you’ll be able to collect a Peter Hoey, Hutton’s national sales director of point out that municipal bonds are second only to U.S. firm because, as Hoey puts it, “ we want it to have un­ maturity the par amount of $5,000. municipal bonds, figures the brokerage firm will sell government securities in their record of repayment; iversal appeal.” In effect, then, the security will take on Exempt from federal taxes — and, in many cases, roughly $1 billion of these bonds over the next year (or among fixed-income instruments. Further, he believes; the rating of a Triple-A rated investment. local and state taxes as well — the zero-coupon some $3 billion in total value). if an investor is suddenly faced with the need for ready municipal bonds (as they're called) will mature Moreover he expects the Wall Street brokerage com­ cash, an active secondary market for zero-coupon bonds somewhere between 7 and 33 years. No commission is munity to get into the act in a big way since investors -- HOEY CHARACTERIZES the investment as a should enable them to be sold at current market value at on a nearly tax-free basis — will be able to double their required. “ guaranteed forced savings plan.” And while the Hutton the time. money in seven years ($1,700 to $5,000), just about official is obviously out selling — and hard — a couple of Hutton, it should be noted, is a roaring bull on the bond Board: Weiss violated charter triple it in 10 years ($1,700 to $5,000), make 10 times his ideas are nonethless worth thinking about. market, forecasting a 34 percent return on 20- to 30-year TH E FIRST IN A SERIES — Tampa Water & Sevyer their money in 17 years (from $5()0 to $5,(W0) and earn Example; If you need $30,000 for your child’s college bonds — that’s a combination of coupon and capital Authority — will be out in early April in a $120 million roughly 25 times on their money (from about $200 to )5,- gains — over the next year. On the other hand, it takes a , offering. Since investors will, on average, buy these tuition in 17 years, you can reach that objective by in­ 000) in 33 years. dim view of the equity market over the same period, es­ bonds at about 30 cents on the dollar, the actual cost will vesting only $4,500 in 30 zero-coupon bonds that mature Town Expert timating a total return (capital gains, plus dividends) of run around $40 million. at that time and which presently sell (once the plan The actual annual essentially tax-free returns will TH E BIG PLUSES: You far outstrip the rate of in­ becomes effective) at $1M each. just 7 % percent. Hoey clearly shares Hutton’s view on equities, range from about 9 '/i percent to 12 percent over the flation and you lock in the current high yields. An impor­ Another striking example: Let’s say you decide you remarking: “ It beats me why anybody would buy length of the instrument — with around 11 Vz percent the tant assumption is rates remain pretty much in the need $10,000 in 30 years when you retire. Simply invest same ballpark as they are today. The concept. I ’m told. $4,000 in zero-coupon bonds that mature at that point and stocks.” stops voiced average. , In brief GAA, Toyota may strike a deal sludge concern Council formed By Paul Hendrie A hydro-geologist from the Herald Reporter engineering firm of Fuss and panies relating to the manufacture of car in the U.S.,” Healy said. Co., a sister company of Toyota, met- By Michellne Maynard O’Neill casually expressed reser­ The Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce small cars in the United States and they He said the Japanese automaker would with Smith in Detroit to sound out (IM on UPl Auto Writer An angry Board of Directors vations to former Highway has formed a business advisory council. agreed to talk further. Beyond this, we gain from te venture because it will the plan. Tuesday night unanimously charged Superintendent Frederick Wajcs DETROIT — General Motors Corp. have no comment,” a GM statement “ take pressure off Toyota in the area of The council, designed to respond to the needs of Japanese automakers in 1981 grabbed town General Manager Robert B. about the town’s plans to accept and Toyota Motor Co. of Japan are dis­ protectionism. It’s easier for them to, small business in Greater Manchester, 'will coor­ said. 27.7 percent of the U.S. market, their Weiss with acting in violation of the sewage ash from the Mattabassett cussing a in the United Toyota was equally brief. “ The two sell cars here if they are building them dinate its activities with those of the Mmchester largest share ever. GM led U.S. town charter. Sewer District for use at the town States that could save the No. 1 companies have committed themselves here.” Economic Development Commission. automakers with sales of 3.8 million cars. Weiss agreed today there was landfill. But the firm was never automaker financially and take political to give further consideration in the “ The possibility of profit rises The council comprises past and present local — down 7.7 percent from 1980 — while' some justification for the board’s asked for a formal recommendation heat off the top seller of imports in possibility,” said a Toyota spokesman in somewhat” for GM through the use of business executives. I Toyota’s U.S. sales of 577,000 led all. concerns, though he was displeased and never made one, according to America. Tokyo. Japanese steel and other cheaper Acting as chairman is Phillip Harrison. He is the foreign manufacturers. Despite import' by the language in the letter. Walter Fuss, a principal in the firm. former owner of Harrison’s Stationers on Main Industry sources in Tokyo said the plan technology, the analyst said. 'The “ GM is saying, 'If you can’t beat em, quotas, Toyota held even with 1980. Meanwhile, the board voted not to At an emergency meeting of the Street and is active on the Manchester Economic join em,’ ” Wall Street analyst David calls for the annual production of some automaker last year made $333 million, accept any more sludge for the town Board of Directors Tuesday night, 500,000 small-car models developed by far below its billion-dollar profits of the Development Commission, and is a former town Healy said Monday of the possible link High labor costs — now averaging landfill from the Mattabassett Mayor Stephen T. Penny said the Toyota at a now-idle GM factory. 1970s. director. between GM and Toyota. $21.50 an hour — were a top issue in Sewer District until the town has a firm had recommended against GM confirmed Chairman Roger B. Healy said the joint venture would help GM recently announced it would close Other members of the council include Charles failed negotiations between GM and the satisfactory written agreement with accepting the ash and the cut GM’s costs and put Toyota in a more a pair of plants in California, including a' Burr, owner of the former Burr Nursery ; Edgar H. Smith met in New York March 1 with United Auto Workers and will be again if the district, which is centered in recommendation was never passed Eiji Toyoda, president of Toyota, to dis­ favorable political light in the United highly modern plant in Fremont that Clarke, president of Clarke Insurance Agency; the union’s GM Coucil votes this week td Cromwell. on to the Board of Directors or to cuss the possibility of cooperation in U.S. States. conceivably could build Toyota models. General Manager Robert Weiss. Francis Handley, director emeritus of the ^vings return to the bargaining table. The extraordinary criticism of Herald photo by Tarquinlo operations. The company refused to “ From the point of view of GM, it ap­ Japan’s economic daily, Nihon Keizai Bank of Manchester, and William Sleith, owner of Ford Motor Co. and Toyota held much Weiss, contained in a letter written Fuss said today the firm was the former Iona Manufacturing Co. parently hps decided that with its invest­ Shinbun, said talks about the possible elaborate. publicized talks that began three years by Mayor Stephen T. Penny and Seagulls fly over part of the landfill on which winter. The last shipment took place never involved in any study of the Assistance on the topics of funding, space, expan­ “ They discussed the possibilities of an ment and labor costs it can’t make deal began in December when Seishi «g o and fell apart last yepr. ratified by the board, stemmed proposal. sion, relocation and marketing will be available on arrangement between the two com­ money by building a mini car or a small Kato. chairman of Toyota Motor Sales sewage sludge from the Mattabassett Thursday. He said the reservations were from the handling by the manager Sewage District has been applied since early request. Referrals will be made as areas requiring and his staff of the Mattabassett expressed by the,.firm ’s particular expertise develop. controversy. hydrogeologisi, Jeff Hiedtmann, in Any business wishing to use the services of the . Hie board charged that Weiss Im- a telephone conversation last council should contact the chamber office at 646- pnqierly made policy decisions by summer with Wajcs, who resigned 2223.. ' UAW, AMC 1000 Prices lower, acc^tlng from Mattabassett more in January and now works for grits and screenings — the by­ Northeast Utilities. products of treated sewage — than Fuss said Wajcs asked Hiedtmann the board had authorized, and by how he felt about the idea for taking will talk, but trading active entering into unauthorized the ash and using it as cover at the NERAC helps negotiations with the district. landfill. 960 Penny said the town never had a written agreement with Mat­ FUSS SAID Hiedtmann, at the STORRS — The University of Connecticut-based one plan is out on Big Board time, did not have all the facts, and New England Research Application Center has tabassett, and yet deliveries of sludge to Manchester began earlier his informal opinion was based on helped a New York company maintain its reputa­ MILWAUKEE (U P I) — The United Auto Workers un­ NEW YORK (UPI) - Prices opened lower operational considerations. Hiedt­ this winter and continued until last tion as a leader in thin film technology. ion has voted to reopen contract negotiations with the mann was not enthusiastic about the today in active trading of New York Stock Thursday. Dr. Daniel U. Wilde, NERAC director, reports method of use that Wajcs described financially ailing American Motors Corp. but union 920 Exchange issues. The board also charged that Weiss that the Materials Research Corp. of Orangeburg, to him at the time. Fuss said. leaders say AMC’s $150 million worker investment plan The Dow Jones industrial average, which failed to inform it that problems had N.Y., has benefited in a number of areas as a result is “ outlandish.” Fuss said he has no knowledge plunged 11.89 points Monday to a 23-month low, developed with the shipments of of the NASA/NERAC technology system. “ We have voted to enter negotiations, but have whether that was the method the Mattabassett material. The According to Arnold Aronson, manager of the rejected the American Motors plan,” UAW President was down 1.33 points to 794.13 shortly after the material was of a different town ultimately used. thin film process group, the firm ’s net economic Douglas Fraser said Monday following the vote. market opened. Declines led advances, 422-192, Herald photo by Hendrie character and quality than the board Fuss said Hiedtmann’s concern gain has been in excess of $100,000 a year. The company proposal called on employees to invest 880 among the 882 issues crossing the New York had authorized. was whether the material would be Materials Research Corp. needed information so 10 percent of their wages to raise about $150 million Stock Exchange tape. The chairs of the Board of Directors were un­ citizens Center before voting to reprimand workable as cover material. “ I regard yoiir action,” Penny to help it improve existing products and processes toward the company’s $1 billion product development Early Big Board volume amounted to about 3,- . General Manager Robert B. Weiss. The Fuss firm drew up the opera­ wrote to Weiss, “ in having failed to ROBERT B. WEISS occupied Tuesday night while members met and develop new ones. plan. AMC would begin repaying the money, plus 10 per­ tion plan for the landfill, but that 097,300 shares. properly inform the Board of Direc­ ... plans review in private In the coffee room at the Senior NERAC, which has access to close to 100 data plan came long before the ash ques­ cent annual interest, as early as 1984, company officials Many analysts expected a continuation in ear­ tors as to subsequent developments bases from which to search for information, has said. tion arose. Fuss said. He stressed ly trading of the downward momentum from in this matter (particularly as to The directors issued something of assisted the Orangeburg company in the areas of Fraser described the original AMC proposal as 840 is recuperating from a back injury. George Kandra said the district so above the authorized 2,500 cubic that the firm has not studied that Monday’s rout, when the market plunged below changes in the kind and quantities of an ultimatum to Mattabassett to marketing, research and development, says Wilde. "outlandish” saying it “ demanded too much of the He said, “ I don’t appreciate the far has delivered about 10,000 cubic yards. ash-cover proposal. the Dow 800 level for the first time in nearly two material being received), in having reach an agreement by the board's American Motors worker.” But he said the idea of in­ language of the letter, but I do ap­ yards of grits and screenings and That would bring the town more Penny’s objection Tuesday night years amid trader fears about the recession and unilaterally altered the conditions March 16 meeting. vesting in the firm was “ constructive, innovative and preciate their concern.” about 50,000 cubic yards of wet ash. than $100,000. was that the administration did not precedent set by the board in its The Mattabassett District board we’re interested in it.” The union worked on a counter ballooning budget deficits. Weiss saw the last paragraph of “ From where I sit, I was expec­ pass on the unfavorable recommen­ August, 1981, action, and in permit­ TOWN ATTORNEY Kevin M. meets next on March 15. offer late into the day. The setback occurred although a number of the letter as the key to his future ac­ ting 158,000 cubic yards of good dation to (he board. 800 ting materials to betransported to O’Brien said the Mattabassett Until there is a signed written Incorporations up 'T m optimistic we can reach an agreement,” said major banks lowered the base or prime lending tions. That paragraph suggests he stuff,” Kandra told the board our landfill absent a written agree­ District has agreed to the concept of agreement, the town will take no TH E R E PO R T that someone in Richard MacCracken, AMC vice president of industrial rate charged on corporate loans to 16 percent review internal administrative Tuesday. “ The bottom line is that ment containing additional the tipping fee, but is balking on two more material except the dry ash, the Fuss firm had recommended NEW YORK — After slowing in the previous relations. procedures. we will receive, at most, 100,000 from the prevailing 16Vk percent, with additional economic considerations for the legal points ^ t would have the and Kandra said he believes there is against use of the ash apparently got month, new business incorporations stepp^ up 3.1 Fraser and MacCracken said job security was a major Weiss said the question is, “ At cubic yards of good stuff. ’Die rest, cuts expected to.follow. town appropriate to the changed cir- effect of releasing the town from no more of tha dry ash left at the back to the directors as the result ot percent to a seasonally adjusted total of 49,413 in concern to both sides. what point do you go to the board to call it what you will, is not good.” The cut in the prime had been expected in light cumstMces, tq constitute an in­ any liability for lawsuits related to Mattabassett plant, anyway. a more recent conversation between November from 47,947 in October, reports Dun & “ The whole thrust of the plan is to provide job discuss administrative problems?” Kandra said he and Weiss halted 760- of the Federal Reserve’s report Friday of a fringement upon the board’s policy the sludge and ash. That agreement would have to in­ George Kandra, the town’s new Bradstreet. This pace of charterings matched the security,” said Ray Majerus, UAW secretary-treasurer. One part of procedure is proper operations on several occasions prerogatives, and a misfeasance un- Pending litigation of another sort clude the tipping fees and the director of public works, and record set in April (on basis of revised seasonal But MacCracken said no automaker could guarantee a Jan. Jan! larger-than-expected $3 billion drop in the reporting and Weiss said he would because of dissatisfaction with the I ...... IIII11 becoming a man of your was c it ^ by the board Tuesday release of the town from liability, someone at the firm. Fuss said. adjustment) and ran 5.7 percent ahead of the given number of jobs. He said new AMC models being Ill 111II nation’s money supply, which prompted expec­ look into that problem. operations and the quality of the professional capability. night as one reason for retreating the directors said. Fuss said Kandra phoned on seasonally adjusted total of 46,750 in November readied for production “ were very critical for the com­ tations the Fed will loosen its tight grip on credit material. “ Your management of this matter TH E BOARD a^eed in August to into executive session before voting Penny said it is to the town’s ad­ another m atter in which the pany as a whole.” and thus let interest rates fall. This wet ash, grits and screenings 1980. represents then a gross departure accept 158,000 cubic yards of ash — on the reprimand of Weiss. The engineering firm is involved and the has an offensive odor. But town of­ vantage (o reach an agreement with All except one of the nation’s nine major AMC, which has already entered into an agreement But The E)ow, after being ahead more than 9 from the high standard of care burped treated sewage — to use as a other reason cited was “ personnel question of the sludge came up in The stock market plunged below the Dow ficials said the most important con­ the district, because the tipping fee geographic regions had more concerns incor­ with the French car manufacturer , outlined its points in early trading Monday, plummeted to which, for five years now, I have cover for the landfill. The ash was matters.” the conversation. Kandra was told 800 level for the first time In nearly two years cern is that it will take up more would be retroactive and about $90,- porated than in the comparable year-earlier month. proposal to the UAW in a one-hour session Monday. its lowest level since it hit 789.25 on April 23, observed you to maintain as a advertised as a clean cover that Penny said this morning that the of Hiedtmann’s earlier concerns. Monday In heavy trading. \ space in the town landfill than an­ 000 cubic yards of the wet material But, the Mountain States with a 45 percent jump MacCracken said the plan was only slightly different 1980. professional city manager.” Penny would save the town some $500,000 Mattabassett Region has threatened The contract for acc'epting the ash ticipated. That will shorten the land­ already has been delivered. and the West South Central States with a 35 percent from one offered in November. has been mayor for five years. oyer the next few years because to sue the town for closing down from the sewer district was sup­ rise dominated the climb — five areas post^ gains fill’s lifespan. WHEN ASKED if the “ personnel Weiss has been manager for 17 gravel qnd other clean fills would operations for three days on one oc­ ported by Wajcs and by former of less than 10 percent. The only regional decline matter” referred only to the years. not have to be purchased. For that reason, the town is casion. Public Works Director Jay J. Giles. from November 1980 took place in the East North criticism of Weiss, or if other town The Manchester Herald contacted However, to get the ash', the town demanding that the Mattabassett He also said litigation hy the town Central States where charters slackened in employees were involved. Penny Weiss today at his home shortly had to agree to accept 2,500 cubic District pay a “ tipping fee” of $9 for against the district is possible if the Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin and Indiana. declined to answer. Public records Independent after he Had read the letter from yards of the grits and screenings. each cubic yard of grits, screenings district fails to sign a satisfactory “ I ’m not sure I should respond to. An aggregate of 533,011 businesses were incor­ Penny. Weiss is confined to bed and But Public Works Director and wet ash delivered over and agreement with the town. porated during the first eleven months of 1981, a Insurance that,” he said. “ It would defeat the Samples today gain of 10 percent from the similar period of 1980. Center,Inc. purpose of executive session.” All regions shared to varying degrees in this ad­ However, former Public Works The Manchester Herald today business as Electric vance. Percentage gains far above the national Release of altachmeni Joseph Quegel of 881 Margaret Erickson, 70 Director Jay Giles and former continues its sampling program average were registered in New Hampshire, Ver­ Charlotta Sue Mrazik Underground at 52 E. Mid­ Tolland Tpke, for a tire and Cambridge St. for a rim Herald appoints manager Highway Superintendent Frederick to bring copies of the mont, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Montana, Colorado, against Everett H. dle Turnpike. rim and front end damage and front end check she F. Wajcs Jr. were cited during the newspaper to - non-subscribers Nevada and Alaska. Brewer, property at 17 A. Inc., Dallas, Texas, he reports he sustained reports resulted from a public meeting *as leading in Manchester. doing business as Wharps from a pothole on Tolland pothole on Adams Street., proponents of accepting the Laurel St. Manchester Herald publisher July, will continue to oversee all good deal of the credit for this Appliance, Dallas, and Gem Turnpike., $311.56. $64.33. Trade name certificate Richard M. Diamond announced the editorial personnel and policies. success. I look forward to continued materials. Carl F. Mayer III doing Appliance, and A-abc Board members were furious that appointment, effective today, of progress for the Herald as a result business as Hat Trick Applicance Heating Co., In making the announcement Dia­ the town has found itself in this Thomas J. Hooper to the newly of Hooper’s vitality, imagination Manager named (music set-vices and and as A. mond said, “ We were fortunate to created position of general and enthusiasm.” mess. Index management) at 41 Hamlin William H. Hale, John A. have an individual of Hooper’s abili­ fiTMii,.ae Jut iMiti, CNI manager. “ Why in Heaven’s name did we GLASTONBURY — Shirley Tinelle has been St. DeQuattro, doing business ty already on our staff. \^en I took Hooper, 33, worked in both the ever accept more than the board Advice ...... 20 named branch manager for the new Citizens Bank Aaron P. Slitt, L. Paul as Heritage Associates, 618 MOTOR SALES Hooper joined the Herald in 1975 . over the publisher’s reins at the advertising and circulation voted to accept?” said an angry Area towns ...... 22 branch located on Hebron Avenue. | Sullivan, Ruth Jacobs and Center St. as retail advertising manager and Herald last March it was my inten­ departments of the Hartford Times Democratic Direptor Arnold M. Business...... 25 In 1974, Ms. Tinelle came to work for Citizens Sharon Jacobs doing John Smith, doing ALL YOUR MSURANCE NEEDO was named advertising manager in tion to appoint, as soon as possible, a prior to joining the Herald. He is a ’’Ike” Kleinschmidt, the board’s Classified...... 26-27 Bank as a customer service representative after business as 148 Main St. business as White Star F«r Expert Front End AHgnnmit 1978 and marketing director, in general manager to supervise the graduate of Central Connecticut public works liaison. “ I think Entertainment ...... 21 spending four years in the Willimantlc office of Associates. Cleaners, 44 Grandview St. Auto • FIro • Life • Homoownort charge of both advertising and cir­ day-to-day operations. State College with a B.S. degree in someone should be condemned for L ottery ...... 2 Connecti^t Bank and Trust Co. She soon was Robert M. Sanford, doing W illiam H. Hale and aid Wheel Belancing culation, in 1980. “ In the year that I have been here business management. Born in New going over our heads. This tees me Obituaries ...... 10 Melody Weir, doing Opinion...... 6 promoted to head teller, and in' 1960 she became business as Sanford As general manager, Hooper will the newspaper has made some im­ Britain, he currently resides there off.” business as Venture Rontort Inturanco • Butinoto Peopletalk...... 2 assistant branch manager of the Hebron office. Roofing and Siding Co., 238 supervise all business'and produc­ pressive gains in dhplay advertising with his wife, the former Mary “ We have been misled,” added Associates, 206 Porter St. 643-9S21 The new branch is scheduled to open March 29. W. Center St. tion departments at the Herald. Dan and in ’Town of Manchester circula­ Ellen Rolandi, and two children; Democratic Director Stephen T. Sports...... 11-14 Notices of injury and Jeffrey, and Ryan, Cassano. Thomas J. Wilkison, 43 830 Hartford A

‘■ '.I 2 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed.. March 10. 1982 MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed.. March 10. 1982 - 3 ^30.00 fit CATTkl News Briefing AAHS discipline policy gets students' backing

complaining." . Reagan mulls TV talk By Nancy Thompson Miss Elliott, a senior, said she has Toxic pollution claimed LOWCtI r TIMPCRATUntB Herald Reporter four free periods a day, time which WASHINGTON (UPI) — There may be more than 300 WASHINGTON (UPl) — President Reagan is con­ she prefers to spend talking with sidering giving a nationwide television addresp to clear Everyone cuts class sometimes at friends instead of sitting in a (]uiet plants across the country polluting the air with toxic Manchester High School, students substances that carry the risk of cancer and lung dis­ up ‘.‘misconceptions” on his plans for increased defense study hall. spending and his "safety net” for the poor. say.. . “I don’t think we abuse it at all,” ease, environmental groups say. Everyone, however, gets caught, White House communications director David Gergen UPI WtATHCR rOIOCAtl I she said. The Environmental Protection Agency disputes the they add. claim, however, saying the data the groups based their said Tuesday, Reagan, at the urging of some Republican leaders, "has been thinking for sometime about taking TTiree years ago, class cutting at BROWN SAID he thinks the charges on is preliminary, subject to error and involves the high school was “epidemic,” ac­ an area of risk about which very little is known. his case to the country.” open campus policy cuts down on Said Gergen, “It will further enlighten the c o u n ^ on cording to MHS Principal Jacob The National Clean Air Coalition said it obtained its Ludes m . class cutting because students can information from studies done for the EPA in 1980 and what he is trying to achieve. Every time he has given a leave the school for one period if speech it has helped to build confidence.” “We had literally hundreds of kids 1981 and made part of the public record. each period who were not where they are free Instead of taking off It said the plants are most heavily concentrated along He said no date has been selected for the television ad­ for a whole day or afternoon to leave dress. Weather they were supposed to be,” Ludes (he Texas Gulf Coast, in New Jersey, In southeast said. campus. Louisiana and in the vicinity of such cities as: Chicago; Critics of Reagan’s proposed 1983 budget charge i( , would retard, rather than accelerate, economic Now the problem is under control. Ludes said, however, that the days Gary, Ind.; Cleveland; Youngstown, Ohio; Buffalo, A computerized printout lists the of the open campus are numbered. N.Y.; Pittsburgh; San Francisco and Los Angeles. recovery. The plan includes more cuts in social programs, a hike in defense spending and a projected name of every student who is not Once renovations are completed at The group said the data proves that the Clean Air Act, Today’s forecast where he or she is supposed to be at the school and officials know how which is being renewed by Congress, needs to be deficit of $96.4 billion. \ Although Reagan has indicated he may be willing to some time during the day. Within 24 much space is available, the campus strengthened to force the EPA to set a timetable for Increasing cloudiness this afternoon. Highs 35 to 40. hours an administrator is in contact compromise in some areas of his fiscal 1983 blueprint, Cloudy with a 40 percent chance of rain tonight. Lows in will be closed at least for first dealing with three dozen pollutants now suspected of with either the student or his or her semester juniors, possibly for the being carcinogens or of causing oMfer ill health effects. he is standing firm on his overall program as the way to the mid 30s. TTiursday variable cloudiness windy and TIM PARSONS end the recession and remedy this economy. mild with scattered showers. Highs in the 50s. Light and parents. TERRIL CLEMONS STEVE BROWN BARBARA ELLIOTT entire junior year. If the absence is indeed unap­ ... no complaints ... everybody skips ... punishment fits ... used to skip variable winds becoming southeast 10 to 20 mph this Some seniors will maintain the Soviets treat American afternoon and continuing tonight. Southwest winds 15 to proved, the student gets two days in detention. anything.” “It gives you time to unwind in­ open campus privilege, he said, “but Cooperation pledged 25 mph Thursday. "I think this is a school and there “If they skip, it’s their own fault,” MOSCOW (UPI) — Soviet doctors told an American Fair? are things we are supposed to teach. said Tim Parsons. “ They know Still, said Steve Brown, stead of going to class all the time," beyond that, I’m not convinced it’s a man today they would treat him with fungus injections WASHINGTON (UPI) - President Reagan, in his “I think it’s good for skipping,” One of thosO things is, if you break what’s going to happen. I used to “Everybody skips — all the way Brown said. “If you have legitimate privilege." for an eye disease that is robbing him of sight, but they most conciliatory remarks on the budget so far, pledged said Barbara Elliott, president of the rules, you’re going to have to skip all the time, but now I don’t. I down to the preppies.” homework, you can do homework. If In other areas, discipline will con­ admitted they could only check the spread of the “full cooperation” to Senate Republicans who are Extended outlook the MHS Student Assem bly. pay for it.” want to graduate and I’m having a The students interviewed ’Tuesday you don't, you can talk or play tinue to tighten, with changes UPI photo “You’re here to learn. What’s the at the school, said the amount of dis­ cards.” expected next year in the suspension . malady. assembling a deficit-reducing alternative to his em­ Extended outlook for New England Friday through hard enough time now.” "They told me they can’t cure me,” Richard Mallard, battled spending plan. point of being here if you don’t go to A CROSS-SECTION of MHS cipline at MHS is neither too much “Most people don’t go to study and detention policies,' he said. 45. of Jesup, Ga., said after conferring with specialists Today in history “’There will always be room for improvement in ahy Sunday: class?’’ students, ranging from Miss Elliott Miss Elliott said, “You’ve got to nor too little, but just enough. Onq halls anyway,” Parsons said. Those changes won’t affect the MassachusetU, Rhode Island and Conneclirult “Attendance, being in class, is the to a student who recently returned have a little discipline in your life. factor which strongly reinforces Clemons said, “Especially come majority of students, Ludes said — at the Helmholtz Clinic. budget or economic policy,” Reagan said Tuesday Chance of showers early Friday then clearing. Fair Mallard was told to report Thursday for the first of On March 10,1969 James Earl Ray pleaded during a trip to Capitol Hill. cornerstone of discipline," Ludes from a suspension, agreed that the TTie punishment usually fits the their opinion is the school’s open summer time, it’s no fun sitting in “only those who break the rules." Saturday. Chance of showers Sunday. Highs in the 40s crime.” study hall." Ludes estimated jhat, out of the two weeks of daily injections of a fungus compound into guilty to the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King But he made it plain he will not yield on the basics of said. “You donU have a problem un­ discipline policy Is an effective way campus policy, which allows juniors and low 50s. Overnight lows in the 30s. of teaching students to accept the Terril Clemons said, and seniors freedom of movement He added, “We get away with a lot 2,000-member stucjynt body, about 50 his eyes and hips. The controversial treatment has been and was sentenced to 99 years in prison. his budget — no change in scheduled tax cuts, large til people are not where they’re sup­ Vermont: Mild through the period. Very mild Satur­ posed to be. consequences of their actions. “ E verybody’s scared to do during their unassigned periods. more than other schools. I’m not are chronic problems. dismissed by American doctors as worthless. Here he arrives at the state penitentiary un­ reductions in non-defense spending, and a continued in­ Mallard suffers from retinitis pigmentosa, a crease in money for the Pentagon. day. Fair Friday. Chance of showers late Saturday and ( progressive diesease that narrows the field of vision un­ der guard. Reagan met privately with Senate GOP leader Sunday. Highs in the 40s Friday and Sunday and 50s til a victim becomes totally blind. The degenerative Howard Baker and Senate committee chairmen in Saturday. Lows in the 20s and 30s. Maine, New Hampshire: Clearing Friday. Chance of process began in 1965. Baker’s office and then addressed a Republican Policy PZC eyes changes tonight "They told me my eyes are pretty bad, but they said Committee luncheon attended by most of the Senate’s 53 rain or snow late Saturday and Sunday. Highs in the mid Boy steals for heat bill 30s and 40s. Lows in the 20s. Officials put aside they could check its progress,” he said. "It’s better than Republicans. Easing provisions in the town’s master plan of yet detailed. the American doctors could offer me.” CHICAGO (UPI) — An 11-year-old boy who saw his “Where further savings are to be found or a better development that tend to increase the cost and Tonight’s workshop is one of a series that will be Mallard followed the path of a fellow Georgian, 12- mother worrying over letters threatening to turn off the way of meeting agreed-upon goals can be worked out, I limit the types of housing in town is a recurring held in the ongoing effort to update the town’s year-old Todd Cantrell of Dalton, who reported his heat at the family’s shabby apartment took a hammer pledge my full cooperation to you and 1 want to hear Long Island Sound theme in recommendations made public Tuesday master plan, which is 15 years old. eyesight improved after the injections of fungus into and tried to steal the $1,000 she needed. from you,” Reagan told the luncheon ^oup. I..ong Island Sound from Watch Hill, R.I., to Mon- by the town’s planning staff. The staff recommendations have been in the eyes and hip. “He told us he had to get $1,000 to his mother today or differences - for now Those recommendations, among others, will be possession of the commission members for a couple tauk Point, N.Y.: Southerly winds 10 to 15 knots late they would turn off their heat,” Patrolman Edward C. this afternoon, increasing to 15 to 25 knots tonight and considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission of weeks. They were released Tuesday. Beale said Tuesday. The boy was caught trying to smash Expulsion vote likely Thursday. Fair today. Mostly cloudy tonight. A chance tonight when it holds a workshop on the master plan The staff recommendations in several different Broken pothole blamed through the steel door of a check-cashing center. By Paul Hendrie Instead, commission members chairmen of ail boards and com­ at 7:30 in the conference room at Lincoln Center. categories suggest reviewing and changing the of showers late TTiursday. V^ibility 5 miles or more.. made presentations — some brief "The only place he knew where they had that much WASHINGTON (UPI) - Sen. Harrison Williams Jr., Herald Reporter missions,” added Penny, asking the Also before the commission will be recommen­ master plan where it appears the limits are WASHINGTON (UPI) - The prpident of the com­ money was the currency exchange,” Beale said. Beale Average wave heights 2 to 4 feet t^ a y and tonight. and some long-winded — about their chairmen to come to the board if excessive, either for construction of new housing or pany that owned an offshore oil drilling rig that sank in a D-N.J.i snared ip the FBI’s Abscam bribery investiga­ dations of an advisory committee and of a housing and his partner, Ronald Littfe, answered a burglar tion, feels bipartisan stings of defeat in his fight against Recent friction between the Board work over the past year and their they see anything relevant on the resource panel. rehabilitation of existing housing. storm off Newfoundland last month with the loss of 84 plans for the coming year. agendas. lives suggested Tuesday the tragedy may have begun alarm call at the 74th and Halsted Currency Exchange Senate expulsion. of Directors and several town The staff of the Planning Department reviewed The staff report also calls for measures that en­ on the South Side Tuesday morning. Sen. Alan Cranston, D-Calif., planned to seek a vote National Forecast boards and commissions was barely Still, recent disagreements — “We will attempt to perform a lit­ reports from both those groups before formulating courage diversity in housin^g types, including high with a broken porthole, evident Tuesday night, when which have tainted relations tle better in making better contact But Hugh Kelly, president of the Ocean Drilling and They discovered the youngster behind the building, today — the fifth day of Williams’ Senate trial — on a its own recommendations, which are broad and not rise where appropriate. beating on the back door with a hammer. The wooden substitute motion to just censure the fbur-term serigjor. By United Press International Los Angeles cy 78 M .... members of all the town bodies between the directors and some ! between the various boards and Exploration Co., told the House Merchant Marine Com­ LoulsviUe pc 46 37 .... door at the rear of the building was hMvily dam age, City & Fest HI Lo Pep sipped coffee and munched cakes commissions and boards — were not commissions,” pledged Penny. “I mittee that it was too soon to be able to pin down the ac­ But the mood of the chamber seemed to" be £o throw Albuquerque c 70 33 .... Memphis p c 62 44 .... but an inner steel door was virtually untouched. Miami Bech pc 78 70 .... together. ignored entirely. would ask that you reciprocate.” tual cause of the sinking of the oil rig Ocean Ranger. Willliams out. Anchorage pc 34 Zi .10 If the censure motion is defeated, a vote on expulsion AahevlUe pc 62 33 Milwaukee pc 22 19 .U “We wanted to address some of Most of the commission presen­ "It’s hard to think that something 18 inches in Atlanta pc 65 4f) Minneapolis pc 19 15 .... the problems of communication that tations were routine descriptions of diameter could start a. chain of events that could end in would likely be held no later than Thursday. Williams, Billing r Nashville pc 57 40 THREE CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Blrmmgham pc New Orlens pc 70 50 have developed,” said Mayor the bodies’ work, although some of March? It’s like January 62, once a highly respected liberal, could become the New York c such calamity,” Kelly said. Boston pc 40 S .... Stephen T. Penny. the presentations were spiced with ,y, 260 NO. MftlN ST. Kelly said, however, that such speculation could first person since the Civil War to be expelled from the Brwnsvll Tx.pc 79 60 Oklahom Cty c m 41 .... Piano sought Up to a half foot of snow in Pennsylvania and record- Buffalo r 29 IS .(B Omaha c 29 S .... huprior. DOUBLE “ MftNCHESTER.CT. Senate. result in a flood of questions that cannot be answered — shattering lows in the Northern Plains made March a Chrlstn S.C. pc Philadelphia pc 49 s .... THE CONSERVATION Com­ At a news conference Tuesday, Williams, who for Phoenix cy , n o r t h w a y at least until investigations by Iwth the Canadian dead ringer for. January in the Northeast and Midwest Charltt N.C. pc 83 so .... The Manchester Bicentennial mission and the Human Relations government and the U.S. Coast G(^rd are completed. three days pleaded bis case — claiming he was framed Chicago pc Pittsburgh cy S » .... Commission both have complained “ I SORT OF feel like Zsa Zsa Manuf acturer* s PLAZA today. A warm front collided with the cold in Colorado, by manipulative federal investigators — acknowledged Cleveland cy PortlamT M. pc n m Band Shell Corp. is looking for a gift Gabor’s seventh husband,” said "They were all huinan beings/— God knows what sparking 95 mph winds. Columbus cy Portland Or. pc M 49 .... of a usable Spinet piano. that the Board. of Directors has that his fate seem grim. But be expressed hope for a Dallas pc 70 53* Providence pc 33 16 .11 failed to keep them properly in^ Robert Gorman, chairman of the happened that night,” he said. At least 26 deaths have been blamed on the latest 82 a .... Ralph Maccarone, Band Shell “turnaround.” Denver pc 61 as Richmond pc formed about relevant actions. relatively anonymous Parking onslaught of snow, rain, ice and sub-zero temperatures Des Mornes pc 16 sn St. Louis c 40 37 .10 coordinator, said the piano would be C o u p o n s He told reporters he learned that Republicans, at a Detroit 8 Salt U ke Cityc 64 a .... In addition, a recent joint budget Authority. “I know why I’m here, since the weekend. Winter, which returned with a fury San Antonio pc 73 a .... used to advantage during the open ^ a n d y caucus earlier In the day, had come but “solidly in favor Duluth cy meeting of the Board of Directors but I don’t know how I’m going to MON DAY-SUN DAY last week, has less than two weeks before Its official El Paso c 79 S6 San Diego cy 71 » .... air season at the band shell on the Mercenaries ‘defect’ of the expulsion.” Republicans hql6 a 53-47 majority in San Francisc r 60 54 .01 and Board of Education was marred make it interesting.” demise. Hartford pc 31 11 .10 Manchester Community College DETAILS IN STORE , HHOMt O M t OOf THt the Senate. Honolulu pc San Juan c 83 70 .... by sharp disagreements. Marion Taggart said the Planning I p c nPFOPLE p i ( PI PIEASERS PIETERMARITZBURG, South Africa (UPI) - ’Two An elderly Chicago woman was found dead in the Indianapolis pc Seattle cy S2 41) .17 campus. and Zoning Commission keeps her South African hired guns turned state’s evidence today kitchen of her unheated South Side home Tuesday. Jacksn Mss. pc Spokane pc S6 31 .n 'The opening performance is listed Penny attributed most of the mix- Specials Effective Jacksonville cy Tampa cy 72 53 .... ups to an overworked, understaffed, busy-, even though she is just an against 43 fellow mercenaries in their trial on charges Authorities said the woman had asked officials of Washington pc S6 a .... Sunday, June 6, when the Thura.-Fri.-8at. March 11,12,13 Kansas City c 30 25 virtually volunteer Board of Direc­ alternate. > of hijacking a jet to flee a bungled coup bid in the People’s Gas to turn off the heat in her small frame Las V ^ s cy 72 59 Wichita c 80 39 .... Manchester Civic Orchestra and STORE HOURS: MON. SAT. 8 AM 9 PM Uttle Iwk pc tors. “One thing I’ve learned,” she Seychelles Islands. dwelling “for no apparent reason.” Chorale will perform. said. "When there’s a hot issue on SUN 9 AM-5 PM The soldiers of fortune, looking serious in the Lottery 1 Anyone wishing to donate a spinet “I have asked the general Dozens of children received minor injuries and at manager to provide copies of our the agenda, someone’s qlways sick Supreme Court dock, pleaded innocent to four counts of least one was hospitalized with a neck injury in two piano may contact Maccarone at ANDYS OWN agendas on a regular basis to the or goes to Florida.” U.S.D.A. CHOICE WHOLE air piracy stemming from the botched mercenary inva­ separate school bus accidents on slippery western Penn­ 649-2090. FRESHLY MADE sion of the Indian Ocean island chain Nov. 26. sylvania roads. > FRESH AMERICAN They were charged with hijacking an Air India Numbers drawn in New 1299 One bus carrying 40 children collided with/a car trying Rhode Island daily: 4981. jetliner with 79 people aboard during a gunbattle at the to make a turn on an icy part of Pennsylvania Route 153 England Tuesday: ’ i Ground Beef Seychelles’ Mahe Airport. The 45 were part of a force in Lawrence Township, police said. In the other, acci­ Connecticut daily: 575. Vermont daily: 2M. Legs of Lamb hired to overthrow the socialist/ government of dent, a bus carrying 34 children collided with a tractor- Maine daily: 453. Massachusetts daily: Seychelles President Albert Rene. ^ New Hampshire daily: 4593. Almanac trailer rig on a snow-covered road in Beaver County. ANY SIZE $ MARCH IS OVEN $ 1 6 9 PKG 1 ■ 1 9 READY ■ LB LB P e o p le ta lk USDA CHOICE BONELESS By United Press International MOSEYS FRONT CUT Today is Wednesday, March 10, the 69th day of 1982 Bottom $ 1 7 9 with 296 to follow. Corned Beef Round .k. lb Liberty lovers The moon is full. A laundry list of celebrities from Jane Fonda to The morning stars are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter MATHES ANY Sen. Barry Goldwater, from Big Bird to and Saturn. HILLSHIRE FARMS Christopher Reeve, will take part in Norman Lear’s There is no evening star. SIZE "1 Love Liberty” spectacular to be aired on ABC Those bom on this date are under the sign of Pisces. Polska Kielbasa PKG .LB American organist and composer Dudley Buck was f March 21. Among them will be , por­ USDA CHOICE BONELESS traying the American flag. bom March 10, 1839. Shoulder Steak FOR LONDON BROIL FAMILY PACK ^1.79 As the script goes, Williams describes himself: On this date in history: "I'm a Gemini — I’m unpredictable, I love the out­ In 1862, the U.S. Treasury issued the first American paper money, in denominations from $5 to $1,000. . ANDY’S GREEN THUMB doors and intimate dinners for two, yet I’m the life PEGS’S PANTRY & DELI PRODUCE of the party. Republican or Democrat, Anyway, I’m In 1945, Br29 bombers of the U.A. Army Air Force 204 years old, but 1 don’t look it. My beauty secret? began incendiary raids on Japan in the waning days of Exercise. Not jogging, not racquetball, but waving. World War II. - „ $^39 Strawberries And billowing. And I spend a lot of time furling and In 1969, James Earl Ray pleaded guilty to the murder Boiled Ham fii i n ^ unfurling. I am one of the great American symbols of Dr. Martin Luther King and was sentenced to 99 years C r m /$ Q SWEET TASTING S S V in prison. NO DOWN PAYMENTl - right alongside Mount Rushmorp, apple pie and Turkev Breast ^2 ^1 . CALIFORNIA quiche.” In 1981, President Reagan arrived in Ottawa for the Turkey Breast first visit of a U.S. president to since 19n. 89 Curtis Mathes WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS A 'thought for the day: President Dwight'D. Grant’s group Eisenhower, while supreme commander of Allied foYcbs 25*Iiich Diagonal It may be another “Night of 100 Stars” as in World War II, said, “In the final choice, a soldier’s Color Console d r W I T H COUPON AFTER MO PURCHASE WITH COUPON AFTER ‘ 10P U B C H A S E ^ A pack is not so heavy a burden as a prisoner’s chains.” A MH e x c l u d in g BEER & TOBACCO EXCLUDING BEKB 8 TOBACCO A celebrities flock to accept invitations to sit on the ...... —- MH ■ dais May 16 when the New York Friars Club honors Modem Styling its man of the year, . • 100% Solid State Soda I I Biscuits FRANCO ZEFFIRELLI KENNY ROGERS CARY GRANT PILLSBURY Emcee will introduce, among • 12 Position Electronic Touch ARM8i ■ E others, Muhammad Ali, Tony Bennett, Tom ... directing soundtrack fighting world hunger .. to be honored BUTTER­ Brokaw, George Bums, Sammy Cahn, Cy Coleman, Tuning System MILK ilanrlipfitrr l^rrald 8 OZ PKG Tony Curtis, the Marvin Davises, Angie Dickenson, Rogers, who makes an estimated $20-million a • 82 Channel Tuning Capability |-■ F 'F r e e i| F ree! Douglas Fairbar s Jr,, Benny Goodman, William year, said $1 million was a substantial sum, but not Glimpses • Auto Color S VALID THURS.-FRI.-SAT. MARCH 11,12.13 m SvALIDTHURS.-FRL-VALID THURS.-FRI.-SAT MARCH 11,12,13 A Randolph Hears! i.r., Kirk Kerkorian, Irving Lazar, enough to make a dent in the world hunger tragedy Richard M. Diamond, Publisher Super Chromallte 84™ 100' LIMIT ONE AT ANDYS N.MANC. LIMIT------ONE AT AANDYS N. MANC, Franco Zeffirelli is in New York to direct the Thomas J. Hooper, General Manager Peggy Lee, , Myma Loy, Joe Namath, if used directly for food. Rogers gave more than soundtrack of Verdi’s “La TYaviata” with James In-Line Picture Tube the Gregory Pecks,' CIliff Robertson and Dina $100,000 to the Chapin Memorial Fund last year and Mottel F501 Levine conducting. Zeffirelli will film the opera in USPS 327-500 VOL. Cl, NO. 13S Merrill, Irene Mayer Selznick, Sidney Sheldon, Nor­ also raised $180,000 with a benettt concert. Europe with Jose Carreras and Teresa Stratas ... ton Simon and Jennifer Jones, Georw Stein- $ Published dally except Sunday Suggested carrier rataa ars AFTER MO PURCH A S ^ ^ A brenner, George Stevens Jr., and Jack Valenti. And Pierre Cardin also^ is in New York — the and certain holidays by the $1.20 weakly, $5.12 lor one A MH EXCLUDING BEER* TOBACCO ^ A m H EXCLUDING BEFR A TOBACCO W that’s only the beginning. Quote of the day couturief is looking over possible sites for the Manchsatar^ Publlthing Co.. IS month, $15.35 lor throe moinlhs, Bralnard Place. Manoheatar, $30.70 lor six months and 961.40 Ask to see Big -Apple version of the .Paris restaurant, lor one year. Mall rataa are Campbells Soup I I Whole Potatoes I 1 Roger Caras, the animal expert and author who is Maxim’s ... ^ Conn. 08040. Second ctaas a complclc copyi postage paid at . Manchester. available on request.' of this warranty CHICktN ^ p B li a ■ SWEET « ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ War on hunger ABC’s pet, wildlife and environment correspon­ Conn. POSTMASTER: Sand ad­ R egularly $799.95 dent, appears in a two-part special segment of The American Symphony Orchestra celebrates dress changes to the Manchastar To plaba a daaalllsd or tHaplay \ 8 , The Moil Expensive Television Set In Americi. And Worth It. A lot of people deplore world hunger, but country World News Tonight, March 10 and 11, discussing the 100th anniversary of the birth of its founder and Herald. P.O. Box 501, advartlaemant, or to rsport a Manchestar. Conn. 06040. naws Item story or-pictura Maa, ■ singer Kenny Rogers is doing something about it. our vanishing forests. He discusses how the forests first conductor, Leopold Stokowski, with a program I ‘I'F F ree 11 F ree! at on April 18 ... call 643-2711. omos hours ars lvALID TH U R S.-FR I.-SAT. MARCH 11,12,13 A A 'VALID THURS.-FRI.-SAT “ “ MARCH 11,12,13 M “ He announc^ Tuesday he will donate $1 million to of the world are being destroyed, and what is being To subscribe, or to.raport a- ^ CurtisMathes LIMIT ONE AT ANDYS N.MANC.*:. 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday LIMIT ONE AT ANDYS N. MANC ^ set up a program of awards for journalists who done to save them. delivery proMam, call 647-0946. through Friday. - .j HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER educate the'public about world hunger. Rogers, in On March 11 he concludes: “It isn’t as if we have James Conlon will become music director and Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 Atlanta shooting the movie “Six Pack,” said the a choice. Governments, science and industry must principal conductor of the Rotterdam Philharmonic p.m. Monday through Friday arxl The Manchastar HaraW la a 171 M. MOOU TN I. WESTFMMS HAU late singer-songwriter Harry Chapin Interested him work together to save our forests. TTie earth is Orchestra beginning with the 1983-84 season, and 7 to 10 a.nt. Saturday. DaMvary subscribar to Unitad Praaa M ar- maantmi wiSTMarmo should be mads by S p.m. Mon­ national news sarvloas aM la a (le m w li TwiipBe TV) IF YOU DIDN’T RECIEVE YOUR CIRCULAR IN THE in the problem, and an organization Chapin set 'up. simply not ours to waste. It is only ours to use and will continue as music/director of the Cincinnati day through Friday and by 7:30 mambsr ol the Audit Btiisau ol (lomwitr l lgMi 5 l »uxdi) World Hunger Year, will administer the awards. then pass on to its real owners, our children.” May Festival.... ' a.m. Saturday. ClrculaUona. ■ ai-aa 4 T SfLKTOWN, FLYER, STOP BY AND PICK ONE UP. TMUfIt M FfM M SAT M MON-SAT 1S-MS SUM 11-S 4 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wed.. March 10, 1982 MANCHESTER HERALD, Wed., March 10, 1982 - 5 John Belushi buried; Man held cocaine likely cause in row CHILMARK, Mass. (UPI) - Ac­ family and dozens of friends and on the resort island of Martha’s tor John Belushi, the anti-hero who colleagues gathered to pay their Vineyard. A Park Street nnan faces soared to stardom on a string of final respects to the 33-year-old After the ceremony, Aykroyd breach of peace charges zany movies and TV routines, was . roared away from Abel’s Hill following a domestic ^s- turbance in which he Off buried in a windswept island Cemetery in the battered yellow- cemetery amid reports he acciden­ Sidekick — wearing striped Dodge Monaco he and allegedly slammed his spring savings are tally ended his life with an injection a stars and stripes bandana and Belushi used to tear around Chicago girlfriend’s head against a of cocaine. leather jacket — jumped on a in the movie, ‘"The Blues Brothers.” wall and dragged her Singer-songwriter James Taylor roaring motorcycle to lead the 4- In Los Angeles, television station across the room by her softly strummed a guitar and sang mile funeral procession to the KABC had quoted sources as saying hair, police said. "That Lonesome Road" at Belushi's cemetery, located not far from the investigation into the actor’s Leo C. Bushey Jr., 29, of spectacuiar in our gravesite Tuesday as his grieving Belushi’s $400,000 oceanfront estate death “is iikely to show Belushi had 138 Park St., was arrested mainlined, or intravenously in­ early Saturday morning jected, cocaine, in the hours prior to after Carol Owens, of the his death.” same address, fled the The station said Belushi’s body apartment and called for had a number of needle marks, all help, according to police. "inflicted within 12 to 24 hours” Miss Owens and two before he died Friday in a rented friends had returned to the hotel bungalow in Hollywood. UPI photo apartment and were talking in the kitchen when Belushi’s doctor, however, told FAMOUS NAME SALE! the incident occurred, UPI late Tuesday the white powder Guatemalan National and city police, some City’s Central Plaza of civilians late Tuesday police said. KABC said was found at Belushi’s Bushey reportedly bedside may be the antibiotic with bullet-proof vests and helmets, stand before a political rally protesting alleged with carbines ready as they clear Guatemala fraud in the country’s elections. awakened and went'to the 3 days only...Thursday, Friday, Saturday powder he prescribed for a severe kitchen table, accusing ear infection. Miss Owens of seeing other The Beverly Hills specialist, who men, police said. He asked not to be identified, said he Downtown Manchester - Tri-City Piaza allegedly smashed a wine Manchester 9:30-5 Thur 9:30-9:00 — Vernon 10-5:30 Thur & Frl til 9 had given Belushi a blood test the glass on the table with his week before he died and had Guafemalan authorities fist, then grabbed the prescribed Chloromycetin — a white woman and slammed her powder similar in appearance to hea^ against the wall, ac­ cocaine. cording to the police The doctor also said Belushi was report. allergic to novocaine, and would smash election protest He hit her several times likely have been allergic to cocaine. and dragged her across the The Los Angeles County Medical ' floor by her hair before she Examiner’s office refused comment GUATEMALA CITY (UPI) - fled, according to police. ."V on the reports, saying it would be Police and soldiers firing automatic Bushey is Khieduled to "several days" before test results weapons attacked a peaceful protest appear in court March 22. 's from an autopsy are available. against alleged fraud in Belushi’s wife Judith, his parents, Guatemala’s presidential election, two brothers and sisters filed into wounding several people and the Congregational Church in West beating or detaining eight foreign Sleeper Tisbury for a noon funeral mass. jdumalists, including a U.S. televi­ I They were joined by comedian Bill sion crew. I Murray, actor Treat Williams, and “It was a brutal repression of a f actress Cathryn Walker, who co- peaceful demonstration,” said a arrested starred in Belushi’s final movie, journalist at the demonstration late "Neighbors.” Tuesday. Belushi’s mother, Agnes, was A hospital spokesman said a in house helped from the white-steepled woman shot in the arm during the church weeping and clutching a gold attack was admitted, and a Catholic cross to her chest. priest said he saw two men lying in . A man found sleeping in­ The Rev. Ilia Katre, one of two the street, apparently wounded in side a condemned building Albanian Orthodox priests who per­ the shooting. The hospital a t 5-7 F ord St. was UPI photo formed the service, borrowed one of spokesman said “numerous” people arrested early Monday Belushi’s wisecracking favorites to were treated because they had bwn morning and charged with Members of the Belushi family leave the West TIsbury, Mass., close the eulogy, saying, “We can severely beaten or inhaled tear gas. third degree criminal Congregational Church following funeral services Tuesday for hear the call of the solitary war­ Television reports showed police trespass, according to comedian John Belushi. ning: ‘Wise up.’” fired automatic weapons and pistols police. toward the protesters as they ap­ Raymond E. Myette, proached the capital’s central plaza of no certain address, W’as for a planned rally. It was not clear found sleeping in a chair in PEABODY JACKET 3,748 pounds found if the shots were intended go over the front room of the LISANNE CHIC their heads. dupimc house at about 3 DEVON HOUSE HOUSE The three losing candidates, who a.m. after police received accused the government of voting a report of a trespasser on fraud, were detained about four the premises, police said. hours by police but released late Myette was arrested and 2 0 % off 2 0 % off Feds sieze cocaine Tuesday, said Antonio de Sandoval, brought to police 2 0 % off 20% off 20% off cousin of opposition candidate headquarters, where he 4 STYLES Mario Sandoval Alarcon. was held in lieu of $1(X) BASiC JR. LINEN MISSES SPRING TERRY ROBES MIAMI (UPI) — The cardboard forcement spokesman. “The, seizure was based on an Witnesses, including a UPI bond. He reportedly told “H.I.S.” boxes in the airport warehouse were The first news of the seizure came arrest at the Miami airport two reporter, said as many as 100 of the police he had been sleeping POLY KNiT JACKETS, IN 3 GOLF JACKETS 4 STYLES IN labeled "blue jeans’’ but the late Tuesday in a brief announce­ weeks ago — information was 1,000-2,000 demonstrators were in the building now and BEST FITTING customs inspector who opened them ment from the Washington office of developed at that time. It was (on) a arrested. It was not known where then and did not realize he SEPARATES iN STYLES, IN 5 COLORS IIRIGHT COLORS found 3.748 pounds of Columbia Vice President George Bush, head flight from Bogota, Colombia, On they were taken. was trespassing, police JUNIOR JEANS cocaine worth up to $925 million — of the newly formdd President’s Tampa-Colombia Airlines.” A journalist at the scene said said. MISSES SIZES COLORS the junior place the largest amount ever seized by South Florida Task Force to combat police and soldiers pummeled ABC The building is scheduled sportswear the junior place coats U.S. authorities. drug smuggling and crime. No arrests were made Tuesday. for demolition by the state Customs inspectors checking the reporter Geraldo Rivera, three "When he opened the (first) box. A Bush spokesman said the members of his crew, an uniden­ to make way for the all he saw was white," said. g. cocaine Was contained in 21 boxes shipment against the plane’s UPI photo proposed Main Street manifest said they felt they were tified American reporter and a 99 HEALTH-TEX® federal,jofficer. Agents had been Intermingled with clothing that had Japanese, a French and a Finnish realignment project. GAILORD R.G. BARRY tipped the boxes might contain arrived on a Boeing 707 air-cargo being watched when they made the cameraman. Gen. Angel Anibal Guevara, apparent winner of Guatemala’s Town Fire (jhief John “YOU drugs. plane from Colombia. discovery. For that reason, they felt general election, defends his party and government against Rivosa has complained it would be futile to set up an under­ Rivera“‘was hit by a .45 pistol and One pound of pure cocaine, after ■DEA spokesman Robert he has a slight wound on the left fraud charges at a Tuesday news conference In Guatemala Cl- that the building is a poten­ being cut, is sold illegally at retail Feldkamp in Washington later dis­ cover surveillance to see if anyone tial fire hazard and should came to claim the shipment. temple,” said ABC producer Hanani ty- on the street for $250,000 a pound, closed other details of the seizure. Rapoport. Another journalist said be tom down as soon as 2 0 % off 2 0 % off 20% off federal authorities said. At that "It was a customs’ seizure at Hadder also was slightly injured. possible. Rivosa blamed a 20% off off rate, Tuesday’s seizure would be Miami International Airport, based The cargo warehouse containing The opposition candidates — San­ The demonstration started after the boxes was sealed and those in All the newsmen were whisked November mattress fire in LONG SLEEVE worth about $925 million. on information supplied from doval Alarcon, of the far-right rightist Gen. Anibal Guevara, the the building on ENTIRE STOCK INFANTS, BOYS, the vicinity detained for questioning away in a police van ’but were National Liberation Movement; candidate backed by the army and Previous record seizures DEA," Feldkamp said. “The in­ released about a half hour later, trespassers. FAMOUS SUPER , QIANA® NYLON amounted to 825 pounds confiscated vestigation, which has been under by DEA officials. Alejandoro Maldonado Aguirre, of President Romeo Lucas Garcia, Myette is scheduled to ‘ANGEL tREADS’ GIRLS SUMMER friends said. the National Renovation Party and claim ed victory in Sunday’s „ by the Drug Enforement Ad­ way for a couple of weeks, is still Bush praised the work of customs In a separate incident, a UPI appear in court on March COMFORTABLE SLENDERALLS® MISSES ministration in Miami last year and going on. the Christian Democrats; and presidential election. SLIPPERS PLAY CLOTHES and DEA officials in the case: reporter was pinned down by gun­ Gustavo Anzueto Vielmann, of the 22. 614 pounds seized by U.S. Customs "The cocaine was in cardboard fire outside the headquarters of the , UNDERALLS® BLOUSES “This is encouraging news and is Authentic National Central Party — With more than 80 percent of from a private plane chased to boxes, marked blue jeans. We had opposition Nation Liberation Move­ ballots counted late Tuesday, children's shops Tennessee in March 1980. reason to believe it was not blue an indication of the success that can met late Tuesday to map new sportswear accessories ment. No one was reported injured. strategy to force the government to Guevara held an 87,000,vote lead. In­ Woman underfashions "There’s been nothing of this jeans,” he said. “’The gross weight be achieved when various govern­ Party officials sdid plainclothes ment agencies work together nullify the elections, party officials suring he would finish'in first place, magnitude ever confisttaTea was 3,748 pounds, including the police did the shifting. election officials said. jk before,” said one federal^w en­ cardboard. cooperatively,” Bush said. said. injured 1 m iles 6 0 in mishap Al ' ’ . f I 1 I’lllf A Rockville woman was IMIIK CIA moves into Nicaragua listed in satisfactory condi- tion at Manchester , ,, • S a ndirx I (.MiiKifhillol Managua WASHINGTON (UPI) - President Reagan ’The paramilitary force would operate out of Memorial Hospital this and quoted an official as saying there is no set morning after suffering * I >1 a d ita has authorized a $19 million CIA plan to commando camps spread along the timetable for, its operation. destroy power plants and bridges in Nicaraguan-Honduran border. head injuries in a one-car accident Monday morning. ^ Under Construction Nicaragua in covert operations aimed at Neither CIA spokesman Dale Peterson nor As part of the covert plan, the commandos slowing the movement of arms to El would attempt to destroy Nicaraguan targets Lillian Kernig, 48, of r the White House would comnient on the Rockville, was a pahsenger Sorroii Salvador, it was reported today. report. such as power plants and bridges, the Post The Washington Post said in today’s reported, assuming such action would slow in a 1973 Toyota Corona i editions the president has ruled out the use of “It’s not our policy to comment on such the movement of arms to El Salvador and dis­ travelling west on Tolland ; . | NICARAGUA] allegations,” Peterson said late ’Tuesday. A Turnpike when the car i l ^ 4 Condega U.S. military forces in anti-Nicaraguan rupt what CIA strategists say is a Soviet and operations. White House spokesman said she did not Cuban-controlled government in Nicaragua. struck a patch of ice and But the covert plan directs the CIA to begin “know anything about it..I would suspect we slid into a telephone pole, would have no comment.” The 5(X)-member force could be Increased if police said. ’-1 I n i m a Nueva to build and fund a paramilitary force of up tp necessary, the newspaper ^o ted officials as - M f f 5(X) Latin Americans, the newspaper said. ’The Post said the force is not yet in place The driver of the car, •E l Rcgate saying. Hiroko H. Rock, 52, of See Cniaiged Map Above Rockville, received bruises to her elbow and left leg in ___ 1_____ Salvador rebels warn of new attacks the accident and was treated and released at MAIDENFORM Manchester Hospital. ITEM-EYES COS COB SARNE SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (UPI) - short of calling the stepped-up activity a Morazan province for 15 nionths. Police cited Mrs. Rock GENESIS Rebels fighting the U.S.-supported ruling jun­ I Airbase ' “final” or all-out offensive, but the attacks The morgue in the eastern city of San for driving unreasonably under ta warned of stepped-up attacks but a 1,500- apparently are intended to disrupt March 28 Miguel ’Tuesday reported reviving the bodies fast under extremely * construction man army offensive against the guerrittas constituent assembly elections. of 21 men and women shot to death the day slippery road conditions. 20% off entered its.Uird day today in the province of Washington hopes the vote will move the before in intgnse fighting between govern­ Rescue operations were 25% off 25% off Morazan. V strife-tom Central American nation of 4.8 ment troops and about 200 rebels. hampered by heavy traffic, 2 0 % off 2 0 % off ENTIRE STOCK At the site of two guerrilla assauits this million toward democracy and cripple sup­ Officials said they did not know whether road conditions and similar MISSES LINEN CANVAS BAGS week, searchers ’Tuesday found the corpses of port for guerrillas. the dead were guerrillas or civilians. Army' accidenta within six MISSES POLY 24 men and woman, including that of a mate A 1,500-man army offensive against officers had said 30 rebels were killed In tte minutes'/ across town, JR. BLOUSES BRAS, COORDINATES NEW SHAPES rebel showing signs of torture. guerrilla positions in the northeastern attack on San Miguel, a provincial capital. •police said. KNIT PANTS IN The clandestine guerrilla Radio province of Morazan entered its third day The body of a man San Miguel army of­ TO TOP YOUR MATCHING IN RASPBERRY, AND Venceremos issued a catt “to the citizens of today but little information was available ficers said was a rebel Skilled in combM was MwaM Jacoby and Alan UPI newsmap spots Nicaraguan military Installations. It was drawn all the nation to maintain the alert, to con­ because of poor communications to the area. taken to the San Salvador nqorgue were of­ Sontag write about bridge PRAIRIE SKIRTS BASIC COLORS LINGERIE TOAST ISPRING COLORS tinue the preparations for future battles at an .Opponents of El Salvador’s civilian- ficials said the man had a.nqw around his — every day on the comics accessories from Information supplied by the Central Intelligence Agency at a hews accelerate rhythm.” the Junior place sportswear lingerie sponswear briefing Tuesday. military regime, strongly supported b^ the neck and his testicles w i^ swoHoi, ap­ . page of llie Manchester The guerrilla broadcast ’Tuesday stopped Reagan administration, have held most of parently from being kic^ira or torbired. ilerald. » MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed., March 10. 1982 - 7 6 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed., March 10. 1982 February construction shows little change in year Richard M. Diamond, Publisher Dan Fitts, Editor Bill may save Manchester construction during February which fees were issued last month was $836,-' Last month’s permits, however, included Alex Qlrelll, City Editor this year differed little from the amount of 298. For February 1981 it was $730,686. provision for 14 units in apartment buildings, construction in town last year, a report by the Only one dwelling was on the permit list while no other new residences were included OPINION Building Division indicates. last month and only two for the same month among the March 1981 pertnits. in l-park cost The estimated cost of construction for last year.

w «hav« J a c k By Paul Hendrle amendments, committee federally mandated water Herald Reporter Co-Chairman Rep. Irving improvement program as ribbons galore! Opening In March A n d e rs o n J. Stolberg, D-New Haven an example of costs that w e prid* ouratlvM on tho most We could learn from the Sun Belt HARTFORD - — one of the few out-of-the- would be driven higher and fabulous aaloetlon of ribbon by tho Manchester was counting closet proponents of a state Washington passed along to taxpayers yard in now angland possibly eastern on Senate Bill 513 to keep income tax — quipped, periods. This type of thinking is tax, compared with Connec­ Merry-Qo-Round without the legislation. u,s.a.l I have always been proud to water rates down, but an “ anyone, want to move an partially responsible for the ticut’s seven and one-half per­ That sentiment was live in Connecticut, considering amendment added to the income tax into this bill?” •velvet asatln •burlap •solids building of new and costly power­ cent, making the bite only half as echoed at Tuesday’s public it to be one of the more bill Tuesday also may save •pialds sstrlpes smock vslvst Manchester generating plants, making elec­ painful. And, it is worth pointing hearing by David Russell enlightened and progressive the town money on TH E B ILL was backed •grosgrain sglngham and the areas in the nation, as befits a tricity rates in Connecticut out, there is no sales or property remaining Buckland In­ in public hearing last week of the Council of Small Towns. special narrow siza for state that perennially ranks first, Spotlight among the highest in the nation. tax on automobiles. dustrial Park costs. by Manchester Mayor barret braiding second or third in per capita in­ • The bill, approved Stephen T. Penny and Sen. “ Suffice to say that we TAXES ARE S T IL L another Y E T TH E RE ARE those who- Reagan, Tuesday by the Carl Zinsser. Both said it have problems with a come. By Rick Diamond — Herald Publisher area in which Connecticut delighted with Connecticut’s tax Now, however, in this time of Legislature’s joint' was a way for the state to number of towns coming to provides scant relief for lower structure. Take a $150,000 wage every deepening recession and sharp Finance, Revenue and Bon­ provide aid to towns, deadline (for converting and middle income wage- earner living in Greenwich in a R ule Hungry Tiger Cafe & Restaurant cutbacks in federal entitlement a dupe ding Committee, and without spending any extra' short-term notes into long­ earners. In Florida, the $300,000 home. He pays no state programs, my previous high opi­ destined for a vote on the state money. term bonds),” said thing Homestead exemption reduces income tax, his sales tax is 120 Charter Oak Street nion of what Connecticut does for “ Did my doctor prescribe by While it is reasonable to They cited the town’s Russell. property assessments by $25|000 minimal and his property tax, in floor, would allow town to its citizens is subject to serious generic name, rather than by assume that the milder Florida float temporary short-term Manchester_____ for each homeowner, shifting a wealthy town like Greenwich question. trade nam e?’ ’ I asked, in weather will produce lower of Lenin? notes for a longer period of more of the tax burden to com­ with its 17-mill rate, is only $3,- It may be more than the astonishment. heating bills, Connecticut has time before being forced to mercial and industrial properties 570. That is equal to what he sunshine that is attracting No, replied the pharmacist. compounded the problem with sell long-term notes. or to those who own two or more would pay if he owned a $72,000 WASHirJGTON — Sen. Daniel families to the Sun Belt. Florida state law mandates that regulatory policies that adverse­ Since the short-term homes. home in Hartford, where the 71 Patrick Moynihan, D-N.Y., is not a My previous iow opinion of he supply the generic equivalent ly affect .low and middle income notes now ca ijy lower in­ Owners of older houses in mill rate is more than four times man who should be taken lightly in a state government in the Deep for a long list of the more com­ users. terest rates, this would Manchester and Hartford would higher. political scrap. The erudite Harvard South is also subject to re­ monly used prescription drugs, mean big savings for finan- Some conservation-minded be more inclined to make im­ The property tax is deductible examination. I base this primari­ unless the doctor or patient in­ professor has the wit and argumen­ cially pressed states, like California and, to a provements if a Homestead on our Greenwich man’s federal ly on my observations during the^, sists upon the more expensive tative skill of an Irish pub patron, municipalities. 33rd ANNIVERSARY SALE lesser degree,. Florida, have in­ tax return — probably saving him SHOOR exemption would shelter them time I spent in Fiorida these two brand or trade name drug, he combined with the presjige o i This legislation would be W troduced “ life-line” rate struc­ from paying taxes on the im­ half — and if he’s especially past years. explained. “ The savings are senior senator from the nation’s - necessajy to keep We have drastically reduced prices throughout the store tures which subsidize the first provements. resourceful he registers his Don’t get me wrong. In many spectacular,” he said. cond most populous state. Manchester water rates few hundred kilowatts of elec­ It is in recession times like this Mercedes in Vermont, where he areas the South still has a lot of Here in Connecticut the state from doubling, town of­ during this, our 33rd Anniversary, to make room for new tricity, with escalating rates for that the weakness of Connec­ owns a ski cottage. Utilizing these attributes, catching up to do, but in a law is reversed. Generic drugs ficials have said. usage above the minimum ticut's tax structure becomes ap­ , ..Even if he fails to take advan­ Moynihan has managed to tie a tin number of specific instances we are only supplied if specifically H o w e v e r, a section spring merchandise. Come in and compare! needed for essentials. Connec­ parent. It is rather ironic that th e. tage of that tax loophole the can to the Reagan administration’s could benefit from its example. requested. Several druggists iklded to the bill in com­ ticut, in contrast, uses a state’s unemployed continue to property tax on his automobile is tail on the issue of anti-communism. have informed me that only 10 to mittee may have given declining rate which favors the pay sales tax on many still less than one-half what he TW O WEKKS AGO I filled 20 percent of the prescriptions Quite simply, what the white-haired Manchester an unexpected heavy consumer. necessities. would pay in Manchester and two prescriptions for antibiotics call for generic drugs. senatorial leprechaun has done Is bonus. Granted, Florida is no three-quarters less than in Hart­ Nationally at a Florida drugstore, expecting Since money isn't a problem accuse the stridently anti-Soviet That section made in­ the usual $10 to $12 bill. The In recent years, Connecticut different; There is no personal ford, thanks to the lower tax rate for most physicians, perhaps too White House of following Vladimir dustrial parks eligible for charge instead came to $3.58, or has even reduced off-peak income tax based on an ability to in Greenwich. many of them can’t empathize Ilyich Lenin’s line. the extension in short-term $1.79 a prescription, an amount savings by one-third, instead of pay and the state also relies With tax havens for the Advertised with their patients. What led to this awesome display tarrowing. comparabie in my experience to encouraging consumers to use heaviiy on sales tax revenue. wealthy like Connecticut who ®^4/Cet6 49-cent gasoline. OR TAKE energy costs. their appliances In non-peak But it is a four percent sales needs Switzerland. of ideological eye-stabbing was the MANCHESTER WAS When you buy a service for 4, you get Reagan administration’^ decision on planning to sell some $4 Poland and its international debts. million in long-term bonds WATCHES 2 BONUS PLACE SETTINGS ... NO CHARGE! The Polish government fell badly this May to pay remaining Seiko — Omega Oneida Stainless . . . America's finest stainless. In Manchester behind in its payments on U.S. bank costs of the Buckland In­ Bulova — Caravelle and government-guaranteed loans, dustrial Park construction. - The choice of brides and smart homemakers because Its luxurious beauty Is backed by lasting quality. and President Reagan was urged to If the legislation is ap­ to declare the Poles in default. Among proved by the full General Assembly, the town may PTA poll won't those who recommended this was 10% -40% be able to float cheaper 40% Sen. Moynihan. short-term notes for the in­ But the president decided instead dustrial park. Off OFF prevent cuts to offer the bankers the money due When told about the on their Polish-Joans, thus sparing amendment to the bill. Ac­ the communist regime from ting Assistant General There is something admirable money, was indicated? And just defaulting on its debts. This was Manager Steven R. but inadequate about the efforts what does “ a good job” mean, viewed by Moynihan as a bailout of Werbner said he could not predict how the amend­ of the town’s Parent Teacher anyway? the Polish Communist leaders and a tacit acceptance of their military ment to the bill would 14K CHARMS Association to assess how town It's almost alarmingly easy to affect Manchester, at least repression. Others suspected that residents feel about the school say over the telephone that the until he saw the new wor­ Reagan really wanted to ball out ihe system. town schools are OK; and. ding. bankers. The survey, a telephone call amassing these OKs into a sur­ “ Potentially, though, it For their part, Reagan and his could be a significant Reduced 40% conducted among 264 persons, vey to be handed over to the minions claimed their action on the effect,’’ said Werbner. f showed that the vast majority town fathers at budget time is Polish loans was actually tougher "What effect it will have ■ m think the schools are doing a also easy.. than letting the Poles default. With monetarily I can’t really good job. Though many We sympathize with Mayor a certain poetic license, they tell you yet.” Short term responded that they were con­ Stephen T. Penny’s response to explained that if the Polish govern­ notes are about 9 percent, Jewelry Cleaner long-term notes about 13 cerned about drugs and dis­ the survey. He said it would not ment was allowed to default, the percent in today’s market. Red regime would be able to weasel cipline. 61 percent said the affect the Board of Directors’ The committee added Regularly 2.25 schools do a good job and 18 per- decision on whether to cut the out of its debts altogether — much other amendments to the cent rated the job as education budget because it does like someone who files for bankrupt­ bill, including one that cy and leaves his creditors holding “ excellent.” not take into account the fact would , not allow semi- the bag. autonomous boards or w®** 99* And. the survey indicated, that the budget increase (and, “ We didn’t bail Poland out in commissions — like boards most town residents called said therefore taxes) may be needed ONEIDA- DELUXE doing this,” the president insisted at of education — to bond for ONEIDA* HEIRLOOM* LTO'^ ONEIDA’ HEIRLOOM’ STAINLESS STAINLESS STAINLESS they'd support a “ moderate” tax to fund other government ac­ a recent press conference. “ Default capital improvements You S«vo S120.00 You Sava $81.so You Save $44.00 increase. counts as well. is literally like bankruptcy,” thus without the permission All Birthstone Rings from town legislative 20*Piece Service for 4... $220.00 20'Piece Service for 4 . $145.00 20-Piece Service for 4 . $80.00 The P T A obviously wants the “The answer a person will absolving Poland of its debts, he bodies. Plus, 2 Bonus Place Settings Plus. 2 Bonus Place Settings Plus. 2 Bonus Place Settings Board of Directors to take these give (to whether they would be declared. No Charge No Charge No Charge However, committee Open forum/ Readers' views Matching Accessory Matching Accessory Matching Accessory findings into account when it willing to pay increased taxes I’HE CONTROVERSY is too members said this would Sets Available Sets Available Sets Available decides on whether or not to cut for education) would be Birthstone Onyx Send letters to: The Manchester Herald, Herald Square, Manchester, CT 06040 complex for most Americans to un­ not affect towns with 4-Piece Hostess Set... $74.00 4-Piece Hostess Set. . $50.00 4-Piece Hostess Set ,S26 50 different if you tell them taxes charters, like Manchester. 4-Piece Serving Set... $^.5 0 4-Piece Serving Set $40 00 4-Piece Serving Set $19 00 the school budget. The PTA derstand. It’s tough enough for us to Pearl Signet Committee Co- hopes the directors will resist would a ls o ^ ^ up $100 on the figure out our mortgage situation, Chairwoman Sen. Audrey SALE THRU MAY 1, 1982. . .QUANTITIES LIMITED! making cuts, armed with the general gov^m ent side,” he many more aquamarine much less the arcane workings of in­ Beck, D-Mansfield, offered for their own safety, they will surely knowledge that “ most” said. Watt’s outrageous actions and ternational finance. an amendment to subject THE AMERICAN MADE TABLEWARE Sensational respond accordingly. residents are willing to see a tax Perhaps Penny didn’t go far decisions must not go unchallenged. Enter Moynihan with his cherubic the legislation to review increase. enough. The value of such a poll, (Concerned Manchester residents demeanor — . and his academic the Office of Policy To the Editor; Nanry Brandenberger □ONEIDA In today’s clim ate, when un­ he failed to say, has little South Windsor must make their dismay heard in research expertise. The senator dug ' Management in 1983. The tA vaiiab le w ith p la c * o r p itto l tty i* knives Washington. up a pertinent quotation attributed ■ amendment was approved. Reduced up to 5 0% em ploym ent and recession are bearing on the complexities of a I take issue with your sensational ‘ Tradem arks o f O neida Ltd ' As other committee headline on the front page on March Specifically, it is not yet too late to the architect of the Russian worsening each day, when $20 million budget which in­ • members offered minor to oppose Watt’s recent decision to Revolution. “ The capatalists of the federal cuts in education volves more than a dozen 3. It is my hope, however, that most Watt outrage lift a 6-year-old ban on the importa­ whole world and their threaten to change the face of schools. of your readers share in my support of the ROTC director’s handling of tion of kangaroo skins. Kangaroos governments,” Lenin wrote, “ in American education, when a Coming up with a budget by are listed by the U.S. Government Water act PEWTER TANKARDS an unfortunate incident. their rush to conquer the Soviet “ stand still” budget still must popular survey is no way to run a To the Edhori It seems to me that this is a story as threatened with extinction, and market will close their eyes ... and town ^ or a school system. All Tankards are English made, glass bot­ climb roughly 10 percent to keep of a man doing his job. Not only was The delicate ecological balance of this decision can set a dangerous Will thereby be turned Into deaf- violations up with last year, finding out Granted, the PTA’s motive he within his rights in restraining a the Oak Grove Nature Center, now precedent for all wildlife. mutes.” tom and 1 pt. capacity. Three letter In addition. Watt is recommen­ that the public thinks the schools was to back the education student who was determined to threatened by proposed extensive According to Moynihan’s monogram engraved FREE on all tankards. are doing a good job seems a lit­ budget at a time when the harm a number of people, he would development nearby, has brought ding the resumed government use of research, the Soviet prophet then recorded tle beside the point. budget — and the programs indeed have been negligent in many concerned Manchester such inhumane poisons as '“ com- went on to say of the greedy , pound 1980” (banned since 1972) to If the poll had revealed that which go along with it — are un­ allowing that student to continue her residents to recent meetings of the capitalists; “ They will furnish “ control’^’ populations of wildlife town citizens thought the Board der fire. We just wonder tirade unchecked. Planning and Zoning Commission. credits which will serve us for the The Town of Manchester like coyotes, but which in­ Water Department of Education was doing a bad whether a poll is the most effec- Where the safety of the school The concern is not limited to people support of the Communist Party ... Special population is concerned, he had no in the immediate vicinity (including discriminately claim the lives of un­ and, by supplying us materials and recorded several violations job, would that mean that less *'VA expenditure o f enfergy. of the Safe Drinking Water other choice. these worried abdiit increased ero­ intended victims such as golden and technical equipment, which we lack, Act last month. I am somewhat surprised that sion from Porter Brook), but is bald eagles. will restore our military industry A color violation was town-wide. Please don’t let one man’s acUons necessary for our future attacks Joyce Peters, director of rehabilita­ recorded at the Lydall cause so much destruction. liirge tion at HARC, would question What an encouraging sign! There against our suppliers.” Street Station with an my neighbors to make their feelings emergency procedure at a facility is a growth contingent of In summation, the "little father” average color of 16 units. Up To 50% Off 14K other than her own. It seems totally conservation-minded- people known to our congresswoman and of Bolshevism is quoted as con­ The standard is 15 units. *12.99 unprofessional to second-guess ac­ throughout Manchester who can no senators. The Oak Grove Nature cluding that the capitalists “ will A turbidity violation was tions taken during an incident where longer remain silent when their en­ Center isn’t the only thing that must work on the preparation of their own also recordta at the Lydall she was not present. vironment is in danger. be preserved for the coming suicide.” Street Station with an Reduced generations. Moynihan has more substantial average monthly turbidity All Earrings Why would it have been alright for I would like to encourage this of 1.54 NTU. The standard the ambulance attendant to use group to take an immediate look at support for his opposition to the Reg. *16.59 David S. Gilbert is 1.0 NTU. NJU is the unit Just come in and deduct up to 50% off restraints but not so for the direc­ the national picture. White House stand than the pic­ 72 Oak Grove St. for measuring turbidity. 20% to 40% turesque polemics of Lenin. The tor? I can only hope that Ms. Peters Over the past 20 years, this coun­ The State Health Depart­ the price of over 500 pair of stunning off our normally was misquoted or at least quoted out try has made considerable progress experts at' the Congressional ment has granted the Town low prices of context. in wildlife and environmental con­ Research Service were asked to of Manchester an exemp­ pierced and non-pierced earrings. And finally, my bwn daughter, a servation efforts. However, since check out the legal niceties of the tion for these t e ^ . ’The student at ROTC, has informed me the appointment of Secretary of the president’s action on the Polish water is safe for tansump- that the subject has been discussed Interior James Watt, we have been Policy on letters 'loans. They bluiitly contradicted tion. at length at school. Good! Mr. on the road to environmental chaos. Reagan’s claim that the Poles would MANY UNADVERTISED SPECIALS THROUGHOUT THE STOREe The Herald welcomes letters to Peak’s quick and appropriate ac­ Watt is single-handedly and have been able to wiggle out of their the editor, particularly on topics About collecting CASH—CHECK—LAYAWAY—MASTERCARD—VISA—AMERICAN EXPRESS tions may very well prevent a re­ systematically reversing cmiserva- of local interest. debts if they had been allowed to Russ MacKendrick ‘Tfc« Gem occurrence of this type of behavior in tion policies and is exhibiting a per­ Letters ideally should be typed default. ^ ALL SALES FINAL writes about stamps, coins, the future. sonal disregard for the natural and should be no longer than two “ We know of no legal theory of and almost anything Our mentally handicapped world. He has even gone so far as to pages; double-spaced. O tM2 by NCA. me which would absolve Poland of collectible — in “ Collec­ Main Street** use his high office to fight the legal The Herald reserves the right students are not stupid. If they see liability for debts incurred,” the tors’ Corni^’’ every to edit letters in the interest of in their director a man who does iioi rights of thb American Indian, ac­ researchers concluded in a report Tuesday in ,Tue Herald’s OPEN THURS NITES TIL 9 PM "Excuse me, haven’t I seen you In the recent clarity and taste. 917 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER accept violent behavior in the cording to Jack Anderson’s March 3 seen by my associate Lucette Focus/Leinlta section. SUOOR LPQA magazine?"______school, and they realize that this is column in the Herald. MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed . March 10, 1982 - 9 8 — MANCHESTER HERALD, Wed., March 10, 1982 Penosi Fingl arguments ire, police officers tlie ordered Ight pension change Manc(iester today for von Bulow HARTFORD (U P I)- Firefighters and municipality as well as the pension fund, oUce officers jammed a Capitol hearing ^ “there is little medical justification retried Ito oppose a bill that would threaten their for the law to begin with.” Parkaite |eU (^ ^ ty for pensions due to hyperten- Berg said the CCM favored amending NEWPORT, R.I. (UPI) - The during the morning session and hair, and has been known to wear islon and heart disease. the law to require a “rebuttable BRIDGEPORT (UPI) - Reputed classy dandy from the big city and Famiglietti in the afternoon. Justice different suits for different juries.'*' More than 500 members of police and presumption,” which in effect would WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE mobster Guido Penosi apparently the street-smart kid with the Thomas H. Needham, presiding in Fahringer has tried cases in m ore. I fire departments from across the state require the applicant to prove his or her will be tried a second time on hometown airs are clashing in the Superior Court, will instruct the than 20 states and handled more a p p lau d at the Tuesday night hearing hypertension or heart disease was BROAD S T m MANCHESTER charges he was involved in an extor­ next-to-closing act of the trial of jurors on the law before handing the than 300 appeals, including it' as speaker after speaker in the Mali of caused by the job.' tion conspiracy aimed at wealthy Claus von Bulow. case to them around noon on successful ones to the U.S. Supreme; the House attacked the proposal as un­ Berg said such a change would (EXIT 92 TO WEST CENTER ST. entertainers Wayne Newton and Herald Price Fahringer of New Thursday. Ck)iirt. fair and unjust. “eliminate only those claims that can be TURN LEFT ON SROAD ST.) Lola Falana. York for the defense vs. Stephen R. The summations had 23 days of Famiglietti, a prosecutor for only Current law allows paid uniformed.^ clearly' shown by medical evidence to A federal jury reported Tuesday it Famiglietti from the Italian section testimony to recall, chew over, and six years, has made a reputation as members of police and fire departments' have been caus^ by something other was "hopelessly deadlocked" after of North Providence for the flavor with the slant of each side. an assistant attorney general whd to rec^ve pc^ion boiefits for hyperten­ than the job.” ST. RBJRICKS DAY 12 hours of deliberations over the prosecution were the rivals in the The opponents were to have a loves to prosecute, and whorri sion a)nd heart disease “in recognition of Raymond D.- Shea, state president the conspiracy charge against Penosi, a summing-up stage. specially admitted spectator defense attorneys hate to face. Hi; the peculiar problems” and “unsual Uniformed Fire Fighters Association, Beverly Hills’ Calif., native. The seven-man, five-woman jury audience of friends and relatives prepares carefully and operates' iliriu taken by public safety officers.” said the Legislature many years ago that was sworn in on Feb. 1 listens plus members of the Rhode Island forcefully and with a gift for thO A proposal to change the law was aired “readily recognized the hazards, Judge T. K. Gilroy Daly.granted a to two hours of final argument from bar and their kinfolk, and lawyers dramatic. , before the Legislature’s Labor and stressful and death defying” strain on mistrial request by defense attorney each attorney today. Thursday, the from Boston and other cities. He is also the hometown boy Public Ehnployees Committee, which public, safety officers. Smalna of Oi« ttiNraif Richard Caballero. He scheduled a jury retires to its 12-by-24 foot cubi­ Fahringer manages to be dashing whose audience often includes his already had killed the Senate bill. He said supporters of the bill failed to new trial for May 4 in Hartford. cle and goes into the final act, and sedate simultaneously. One of mother, father, aunts, cousins! However, It was given new life when it “recognize the uniqueness of these two Prosecutors claimed Penosi, 52, deliberation and a verdict. his former clients says: “When you fellow attorneys, and admirers who was petitioned out by Sen. John professions” and “would never dare app­ CASUAL LADY conspired with the late Frank Pic­ Or, as . many sidewalk oracles in buy Herald, you’re buying Henry pridefully watch him in action. * Matthews, R-New Canaan, after he was ly for.” Shea urged the committee to Craftsman colo of Bridgeport in a plot to set up this historic and intensely interested. Fonda, but underneath he's a Today was the 41st courtroom daj able to oto in 10 signatures from fellow “box this bill and never, again, permit it ’ true faahion choices for the lucrative, insurance policies on the city will tell you at the drop of a killer.” He was once an actor. He of a trial that began with the first senators. to see the light of day.” Screw Drivers entertainers. query — a hung jury. That opinion on wears stockbroker suits, has silver pre-trial hearing on Jan. 7. Matthews said the purpose of the bill Dennis Murphy, general counsel for fuller figure The policies, which never the outcome of the trial that is now was to limit benefits for hypertension the International Brotherhood of Police Reg. $2.69-$3.89 materialized, had allegedly been in its ninth week can be heard being and heart disease to one source, Officers, said police officers “pay into arranged in return for Piccolo uttered by many in restaurants, in ^'thereby preventing unwarranted their pensions and would see their THIS COUPON IS WORTH <5.00 moving to stop death threats against shops and homes. -ilupUcate compensation.” savings wiped out” under the proposal. Newton and the entertainer's Fahringer is 53, Famiglietti 34, Group calls 3 firms ' The .Connecticut Conference of He said pension benefits polipe and ON PURCHASE OF ea. daughter. 'and the defendant 55. Von Bulow is Municipalities opposed the present law firefighters received when they became Now 99o Piccolo, indicted with his cousin accused on two counts of assaulting as beinig too costly to communities. ill were small when compared to the "in­ $10.00 OR MORE on a pair of Penosi last year, was shot to death his wife, Martha "Sunny" von (X:M spokesman Gregory Berg said calculable!’ value of safety and protec­ on a Bridgeport street Sept. 19. He Bulow. now 50, in 1979 and 1980 in m ajor air public safety officers receive benefits tion rendered to the community during GOOD ON ALL ITEMS wedding rings attempts to murder her. for heart and hypertension from a their careers. was a reputed captain in Fairfield UPI photo EXCEPT SALE MERCHANDISE jWliere quantities last County for a New York crime fami­ In the little jury room with the Stop In for otlwr Soars ly deliberating 12 citizens of Newport By United Press International in releasing the list Tuesday in County will be 46 defense exhibits CASUAL LADY COUPON hardwaro waak valuaa. Federal prosecutor Richard Battling the blaze Washington, D.C., .said the DIAMOND Gregorie said the government in­ and 71 state exhibits — including the Three New England companies (Naxt door lo Savinga lank of Manchoalor Firefighters battie a six-alarm blaze early Tuesday that swept emissions pose for millions of State asked to help Good through 3/15/82 tended to present its case against alleged attempted murder weapon, are among 312 cited by a national Americans the risk of cancer, lung SEARS ROEBUCK and CO. SHOWCASE through a lumber supply store, forcing the evacuation of near­ a hypodermic needle bearing a Penosi a second time. environmental group as being disease and other life-threatening il­ "I want to make it very clear that by residents. About 20 homes were evacuated from the Armory residue of insulin. The state con­ responsible for polluting the air with lnesses. the government has every intention Street area of Worcester, Mass., to protect residents from the tends the Danish aristocrat tried to a total of 3 billion pounds of toxic kill Sunny by injecting insulin. Plants listed in New England ia( in gypsy moth battle of going ahead with this," he said. heavy smoke. No injuries were reported. substances annually. Penosi did not testify during the Fahringer was scheduled to speak The National Clean Air Coalition, dude W.R. Grace & Co. in Nashua, BRIGGS two-day trial and Caballero made N.H., reported to be emitting 90,0(X) ^ % HARTFORD (UPI) - The state has damage in the past -two years. 10 few objections, appearing to let the pounds of toxic waste per year; Dow Chemical at Gales Ferry, Conn., 18|- been urged to make a bigger financial Sen. Eugene Skowronski, D-Derby, co- ICECREAM jury make up its own mind on the commitment to help communities fight chairman of the committee, said he was government's claim by listening to a Purolafor case rulings disputed 000 pounds annually; and the Mon­ OH santo Co. plant at Springfielt], the latest outbreak of gypsy moth cater­ in favor of the proposal and hoped it series of wiretapped conversations. pillars, which is expect^ this spring. could be approved before the gypsy moth Piccolo's comments and the in­ Mass., 128,1()0 pounds. The coalition said it obtained the Sen. Mary Martin, D-Groton, and Rep. larvae emerged from their nests in May Your Suedt^and A slice of flections in both his voice and Naomi Otterness, D-Ledyard, urged sup­ and June. Penosi's indicated Piccolo was the information from studies done foi^ Pizza and a the federal Environmental Proteq- port Tuesday for a bill calling on the Skowronski said the state money would Leather Cjlei^ing mover and shaker behind the in­ Death penalty ban appeal set have to be matched by the communities tion Agency and released at publie state to put up $150,000 to be used for small soft drink surance scheme. spraying if the state entomologist on a 50-50 basis and be available on a Drapes - Caballero said in summation that but sparsely attended meetings. na, 26, of Wallingford was granted a Couture and Pelletier had hired W.R. Grace and Co. of Nashua, declared a gypsy moth emergency. first-come, first-served basis. Penosi's problems were created by WATERBURY (UPI) - Hull, one of two judges whose “I’m sure nobody has to be reminded The bill was opposed by the Oinnec- Covers Piccolo's "big mouth. " He said the Prosecutors intend to appeal lower rulings will be challenged, last divorce Monday in Hartford each other to kill the guards. N.H., plant manager Robert Cronin Superior Court. She filed for the But Superior Court Judge Walter declined comment on the report. of the problems we had last year wito ticut Audubon Society, which called the conversations the jury heard con­ court rulings that prevented them Thursday gave prosecutors permis­ gypsy moths,’’ Mn. Otterness said at'a proposed expenditure of $150,000 “a Explraa 3/20/82 sisted mainly of Piccolo talking and from seeking the death penalty for sion to appeal the capital felony por­ divorce in August 1980. Mrs. Couture M. Pickett ruled last June he had “I really can’t comment on was also arrested in the case, and improperly instructed the jury con­ something that I haven’t seen. Ai -hiraring held by the Legislature's En­ horrible waste of state money.” with this coupon Penosi listening. two men convicted in the slayings of tion of the case. The society said scientific Studies Donald Couture, 29, of Wallingford murder charges against her are pen­ cerning the death of an off-duty the present time, we are in conv vironment Ommittee. “And this year RECORD BREAKER INC. PARKADE CLEANERS Newton testified that he contacted three Purolator ''ecurity guards. 'it’s supposed to be worse.” "show no biological justification for Penosi after receiving a series of State's Attorney Francis and Lawrence “Buddy" Pelletier, ding. policeman, and he threw out the pliance with all of the known staff A grand jury originally indicted capital felony indictmentSw. land federal regulations,” he said. Mrs. Martin said the voracious gypsy widespread spraying programs to con­ death threats. The singer said he McDonald was expected to 38, of Waterbury were convicted in trol the gypsy moth.” knew Penosi only by his first name challenge the rulings that blocked January of slaying the guards during Couture and Pelletier on one count Hull denied a request by Cronin said the company recently moth caterpillars defoliated thousands MARCH a nearly $1.9 million robbery in 1979 each of capital felony murder, prosecutors to call another grand spent “many millions of dollars in 'of acres in Connecticut last year, es­ The group said it feared communities Men’s Arrow and described him as a longtime the indictment of the two men on would use more dangerous chemicals fan. charges of capital felony murder in at Purolator Security’s depot in which could carry the death penalty. jury in an attempt to reinstate .the the construction of a pollutiqf pecially in the Groton-New London and SUPER SAVERS Waterbury. The two men were Prosecutors also had asked that capital felony indictments. facility,” but it handles sewagp Ledyard areas. than allowed by the state Department of Tournament Prosecutors claimed Penosi then the death of guard Edward Cpdy, Environmental Protection. l « SALE called Piccolo, who was able to use who was also an off-duty Hartford sentenced last month to 75 years to the men be tried for capital felony, Itoth Mrs. Couture and Evelyn rather than air pollution. The j' Both women urged that the state in- murder in the deaths of the other Vega, 26, were charged with multi­ Nashua plant produces “specialty ’ Crease funding from the $34,000 provided However, the society said it could sup­ NATURAL his mob influence in calling off the police officer. life in prison. M m MM Meanwhile, Couture’s wife, Don­ two guards because, they said. ple counts of felony murder. chemicals.” , last year to 0 v e communities a chance port selective spraying with safe 24.88 GolfSIiirts threats. Superior Court Judge T Clark to fight off the insect larvae that have chemicals “to save particularly valuable Ttittr caused .thousands of dollars worth of share or ornamental trees. VITAMIN C I CiHpact MNordBT 41.88 500 mg- Complax te- • V t h s Speilwr 140.00 20% OFF with Blotlanohia PAia roaahipa and rutin Liberian women indicted S iam PAIR Our entirs stock of ipaculty union iiopes Reg. 4.80 m m u r n h a n 27M5 now spring shirts in Ck m Hi Ik . ipMiHn 199.95 many colors. SAVE NOW MHU StiTM SOS in probe of welfare fraud m---f--- 8-XL 1 9 3 9 100 TANS Manager'S |For contract approval IMIWir wfwl Reg.$15**NOW 31 mHs pir dw ail 31M 5 199.95 NEW HAVEN (UPI) - Two Alberta Butler, 25, were charged in and Education, which was con­ Liberian women have been indicted the indictments with defrauding the tinuing the probe, -I HARTFORD (UPI) — Union officials was announced last week by Newton and RADIO SHACK D&L ' PARKADE HEALTH as a result of a government in­ government out of more than $24,000 Nevas said the indictment ■jire bopkul the Legislature will give James A. Frost, executive director of vestigation targeted at aliens who il­ in welfare and student loan funds, charged Oretha Butler with 16 ; final approval to a new contract covering the Board of 'Trustees for the State legally obtain welfare and other U.S. Attorney Alan H. Nevas said counts of mail fraud, student loan "about 1,150 teaching faculty at Connec- Colleges, which has its offices at Central ^ OLD VILLAGE government benefits in the United Tuesday. .fe^aud, false representations as to •Uent’s four state colleges. Qinnecticut. MYABEC states, authorities say. The indictment charged the citizenship and false statements on I The contract, .which would run for two In addition to Central’s faculty, also ^ ^ FRAMED BAKE SHOP Oretha Butler, 33, and her sister. women, who lived in Bridgeport, AFDC applications. Choice Sale "years from this August, was ratified covered by the contract would be were "aliens and citizens of The woman was accused of .... Friday a Saturday, March 12 a 13, 1982 ^jiverwhelmingly by the teaching faculty teaching faculty at Eastern Connecticut Happy St. Patricks Day! Liberia" and had "falsely pur­ making false statements that ^ «*urnt. Stock Items only. Many one of 'Tepresented by the State Colleges’ State College in WilUmantic, Southern GRAPHICS ported" to be U.S. citizens to obtain resulted in her obtaining about $18,- TAmerican Association of University Connecticut in New Haven and Western , wiya^.. I We will ba featuring our Bay State the student loans, food stamps and a kind. Great Savings on discontlnuedy acratchedy and off season 22 X 28 000 in AFDC, food stamps, energy ;;J^fes8or8. Ck>nnecticut in Danbury. mm tamoua apdcial Irish Soda matariais. benefits under the Aid to Families assistance and Medicaid benefits The vote tabulated Tuesday was 490-58 Newton said he believed the contract 130 FREE tuitions hiked with Dependent Children program. and $1,670 in student loans, Nevas Tin favor of the contract, witli 16 ballots BraadI Nevas said the indictments, which Manchester already had been ratified by the trustees, Many Subjects said. ^disqualified, said union President David leaving final approval up to the Also toaturad — bread and were rejurned by a federal grand The charges carry a maximum Newton, a' professor of biological BOSTON (UPI) - The High R Max ShaMhlng Autumn Oak Panaling Black a Dackar Powar Toola Legislature, which must approve all NOW cakes lor all oeeaslona. Massachusetts . Board of Regents jury in New Haven, were the latest sentence of 72 years in prison and Down East Bam Board 'Sciences at Central Connecticut State in a series of prosecutions against Tan Bark HlekoDf Panaling Rockwall Powar Toola state employee contracts. Order your wadding cake has approved a plan that will boost $97,000 in fines. Oretha Butler was Owen* Coming Calling Panalt Counter Topa "jPoUege in New Britain. Reg. aliens who unlawfully obtained Slanlay Wsatharstrlpplng “ We hope th a t by bringing a todayl tuition more than 16 percent this fall arrested in Hartford last week and Slalnlaaa Staal Sinks Panaling Walter Boldaring Kite * Newton said the contract would at state colleges-and universities. social welfare benefits while illegal­ held on $5,000 bond, Nevas said. ~«rovide wage increases ranging from 7.5 reasonable agreement to the lawmakers, <29.95 <14.95 Homalila Chain Saw. Hardwara ly in the U.S. Alberta Butler was charged with FIraplaca accaaaorlaa ' perrant to 11.5 percent in the first year approval will be no difficulty,” he said. Reg.9.9S ^4^^ 643-6058 The regents voted 11-2 Tuesday to Wood Casamant Windows Btova pipa and parts Lumbar increase tuition 10 percent over and He said the indictments resulted one count of making a false state­ 6’ Patio Doors -and 7.2 percent to IIJI percent in the se- “I characterize the contract as being from an investigation by a task Aluminum Combination Windows FIngar Jointad Moldinga fair to the taxpayers, d’cceptable to my above a 6 percent increase already ment on an AFDC application and EvarStraH Staal Door Aluminum Combination Doora Plus much more ..^cond year for the 1,150 faculty members UGGEnPHMHUCY ADAMS APPLE OLD VILLAGE BAKERY scheduled to go into effect. The net force of officials from several two counts of falsejy representing •at the four schools. members and reasonable for (he result will be a 16.6 percent jump federal agencies, including the herself to be a U.J. citizen, Nevas At Prices so low you won’t believe Itll Tentative agreement on the contract Legislature.” over this year’s rates. Departments, of Human Services said. i PARKADE HIUVESTHIU A Summer Ellington LAUNDERETTE PACKAGE STORE Leagues DR. DAVID VAN HOEWYK LAUNDERED b FINISHED Interior Shuttara 4” Solid PIpa FIraplaca Accaaaorlaa - Chiropractic Physician DaWalt Radial Arm Saw 4” Part. Pipa Stova pipa and parte now forming! 1x10 Channal Ruatic Pina PRE-SPMNG U Featuring large S Qlngar Birch Panatlng Rockwall Powar Toola TABLECLOTHSTO BEAUTIFY YOUR CRYSTAL. SILVEIf b FINE CHiftA..... 1x4 Yallow Pina Rooring Stenlay Qarags Door Opanara Chain Saw Catas capacity waahara Granil Macnish Don’t be left is pleased to announce the UNENS ALA SWISS...... 1x8 Ship Lap Pina Oak Panaling Waatharatripping relocation of his office to: ROCKVILLE LUBRICATION SPECIAL and dryers DIacontInuad Valapar Paint - • , , • 10 Harlow St. • Doors Black a Dackar Powar Tools out— Call Nowl V t l t Cl a * 35 Windsor Ave. • Cannai Coal Windows Workmates S c o tc h 226 Center St. V v 1 9 2 # ' 237 Hartford Turnpike Scraans VERNO.N Moldinga Combination Doors Save Time & Gas ONE LITER Manchester, Ct. 06040 . V,rnon^C^ro^^|ho^^ng , BRUNSWICK These Items are at an all low clearance 86 Proof Telephone: 64Qj-8632 CHOOSE SWISS ouAUTY WITH coliFtocMCC* 521 Middle Tnpke. Hours Simp wliile yau PARKADE LANES By MW F 9:00-12:00 & 1:30-6:00 Special Appt. & Emergency T Th 0:00-12:00 & 4:00-8:00 Wlllington wash. 643-1507 Franch Door • Mill Plank PaiwIIng Wallar Soktorlng KMs 8.95 Steal Door Bi-Fold Dobra Okigar Birch Panaling, (For any domostlc car) Home of the 11th VALUABLE COUPON Awning Windows Rraplaca Tools Poly ahaattilhg PffilUK LMMIIEIIEnE Ireg. *8.25 * 6 .4 9 Frame Lounge 10’ Rockwall Tabte Saw Stova pipa and parte Shovals Michaels Jewelers FORMAL GENT Qarags D(Ehh Aluminum Storm Windows Root Camant 7.30 SILAS DEANE HWY., Wood Combination Windows Hollow Cora Birch Doora Waatharatripping buys Old Gold and WETHERSFIELD \ LUBMCATHW - (ML GWUME M -F 12-8:30 S A T. 9-4 \S63-4B10 Bam Plank Panaling Miuls A Wadgas Outdoor Tool Cords Unneeded jewelry... 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/ • ' MANCHESTER HERALD, Wed., March 10, 1982 - 11 10 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed., March 10, 1982 Rockets near Fire calls Obituaries first place Manchester Page 12 Monday, 5:17 p.m. — Chimney Mary F. McNamara Home, 400 Main St., and burial will fire, 31 Conway Drive. (Town) COVENTRY - Mary (Fleming) be in Veterans Field of East Tuesday, 6:30 a.m. — Medical McNamara of 57 Lake Road, died Cemetery. Friends may call-at the call, 49 Arch St. (Town) March 4 in Windham Memorial funeral home Friday from noon un­ Tuesday, 8:09 a.m. -i; Community Hospital. In survivors til time of the service. Memorial Unnecessary smoke call, Rte. 30. listed in the obituary notice, the donations may be made to the South (Town) United Methodist Church. Tuesday, 6:52 p.m. — Smoke, Windham nips Tribe name of a daughter, Mrs. Virginia Medhurst, was omitted. Meadows Convalescent Home,- 33 Carl E. Johntorr Bidwell St. (Town) Carl E. Johnson, 79, of 29 Spruce Tuesday, 11:58 p.m. — Smoke, 104 Donald J. Beaton St., died this morning at Manchester Carman. Road. (Town) ■ GLASTONBURY - Donald J. Memorial Hospital. He was the hus­ band of Mary (Moriarty) Johnson. Beaton of 117 Cedar Ridge Terrace to gain season edge He was born in Manchester on died Monday at Manchester Coventry March 29, 1902, son of the late Fran Memorial Hospital. He was the hus­ Monday, 11:01 a.m. — Medical and Anna (Carlson) Johnson. He had band of Helen (Vogel) Beaton. call. Swamp Road. (No. Coventry) Manny Johnson coming up with a “ What hurt were the first two been a life-long resident of town. By Len Auster lost.” He was not pleased at all by Funeral services will be Thursday Tuesday, 1:50 p.m. — Medical minutes of the second half. We came Before retiring in 1963 he had been Herald Sportswriter the defensive effort by his club, con­ big steal. at 9:15 a.m. from the Farley- call. Lakeside Bar and Grill, Lake Johnson drove for the hoop, un­ out like we had the game in the bag employed as an insurance agent tinuing that Windham’s defense was Sullivan Funeral Home, 50 Naubuc Street. (So. Coventry) There wasn’t much difference steadily, with Harris blocking the and they took the game from our with Prudential Life Insurance Co. not the best either. Ave., with a mass of Christian between Manchester High and initial attempt from behind. grasp," Pearson cited, “ The key to of Manchester for more than 25 “ This just shows how even we burial at 10 a.m. in St. Dunstan's Windham High the first two times Mistretta grabbed the rebound and years. Before that he had worked at arc,” cited Windham Coach Bob any game are the first three Church. Calling hours are today Andover they met. was fouled. The 5-foot-lO junior Cheney Brothers. Healy, “ Anyone could have won, minutes of the game and the first from 7 to 9 p.m. Memorial donations And there wasn’t much difference He was a life tnernber of Trinity Tuesday, 7:31 p.m. — Automobile just like the last two games.” guard, in his first varsity campaign, three minutes of the second half and may be made to the Visiting Nurse the third go-around, either. nervously toed the foul btripe and Covenant Church and was a former accident, Rte. 6 and Parker Bridge While the icy road conditions — we didn’t play then.” Association. 34 National Drive, What proved to be decisive was made the second of two tries for a chairman and former treasurer of Road. Rte. 83 was like a smooth skating Harris had 16 points. Ramos 15 Glastonbury. Wilson Ramos’ breakaway layup 66-all tie with 46 ticks left. the church for about 13 years and pond — kept the crowd well under and Luciani 13 to pace the Whippets. bucket with 41 seconds left that Windham, following a timeout, had served as Sunday School anticipated level, both clubs were Valliere, who had an incredible lifted the Whippets past the Silk beat a five-second violation with the Mr*. Letitia S. Heller superintendent for many years. He Bill provides shooting night the last time the Towners, 68-66, in a Class LL Region in-bounds pass going to Ramos, the Mrs. Letitia (Shorts) Heller, was also a former director of the clubs met, was limited to three Herald photo by Pinto I first Tound clash last night at lob just beyond Johnson’s reach. formerly of 31 Ashworth St., died Cromwell Children’s Home in hoops by the fine defensive work of Ellington High. Tuesday night at a Manchester conT Cromwell. low-rate loans The 5-foot-7 junior Whippet guard Pedemonte. Manchester’s Joe Maher misfired raced three-quarters the length of valescent home. She was the wife of Besides his wife he leaves a son. Grading begins ‘Just like NBA Pedemonte -and 6-foot-2 junior on a 12-footer with five seconds left the court ahead of the field to dump the late Otto Heller. Burton C. Johnson and two HARTFORD (U P I) — In anticipa­ Kevin Brophy each had 16 markers with Windham's Stan Harris fouled She was born in Newburgh, On­ grandchildren, Laurie Johnson and tion of deep federal cuts in student home what proved to be a game­ for the Indians with the latter, with Work has begun on rough grading for the Street looking north will be site of the main on the rebound. The latter missed last basket wins’ tario, Canada, and had bpen a resi­ Brent Johnson, all of Tolland. aid, a legislative committee has ap­ winning layup. his finest offensive effort of his town’s proposed water treatment plant. entrance to the plant. By separating the con­ the one-and-one foul try but by the dent of Manchester for more than 60 Funeral services tvill be Friday at proved, a bill to provide low-interest “ I thought we had two, five- career according to Pearson, also Frank Kapsia and Son, excavators of tracts for preliminary wo' k, the town hopes time Maher crossed midcourt and Doug Pearson second violations,” voiced Pearson, years. She was a registered nurse 11 a.m. from Trinity Covenant loans to students attending colleges securing a team-high seven Glastonbury, has the contract for the work. hanked home a 30-footer off the and before retiring she had been Church with the Rev. Norman to save some money In the tight budget for in Connecticut. “ The first one was not touched for rebounds. The locals, had a 22-16 Trees were cleared under a previous con­ glass the final horn had long since at least two seconds and 1 know we employed in the Medical Depart­ Swensen officiating. Burial will be water Improverments. The Legislature’s Education Com­ edge in that department. Maher sounded. had at least three seconds. The se­ ment of Cheney Brothers for many in East Cemetery. Friends may call tract. The middle of this path from Spring mittee Tuesday approved the totaled 15 points and several fine Windham had a 53-51 overtime win hotter than a pistol inside. 'The cond one was very close,’ ’ he years. She was a member of South at the Watkins Funeral Home, 142 measure, which must now be con­ assists for Manchester. over Manchester in Willimantic and Whippets wound’ up shooting 30-for- .United Methodist Church, the Hart­ E, Center St. Thursday from 7 to 9 sidered by four other legislative opined. “ I thought we had a good year. ford Hospital Alumni, Manchester p.m. committees before it can reach the fell, 67-66, to the Indians at Clarke 47, M.8 percent, from the floor It was race horse basketball for The kids played well as a learn. We Registered Nurses Association, Medics better, study says House and the Senate. Arena earlier in the campaign. The against 25-for-47, 53.2 percent, for two stanzas with the Indians taking didn’t have much talent but we real­ M anchester Grange, and the Mrs. Clara C. Gruhn ’The legislation calls for creation win moves the 10-11 Whippets into the Indians. a 40-33 halftime bulge. Each club ly came on," Pearson, looking at the Friday’s second round against Hart­ American Legion Auxiliary. Funeral services will be Thursday of a bond authority modeled after “ We knew what to expect, they was 14-for-25 from the floor with total picture, surmized. ford Fhiblic, a 51-41 winner over She leaves a stepson, Otto F. at 2 p.m. at Concordia Lutheran A paramedic service in cities including Seattle, the study A paramedics system would also ones recen tly established in did. Neither team was tentative and five turnovers. There were 15 lead Vt'inilliiiiii (Till) - - Harris 7 2-3 16. Penney, at a site and time to be an­ Heller of, Manchester; a step­ Church for Mrs. Clara C. Gruhn, 79, Manchester would save about five reports, about one-half of all the enhance emergency techniques for Massachusetts, Illinois and it was like a scrimmage. It came exchanges in the opening canto with Alers 2 0-0 4, Luciani 6 1-3 13, Ramos more heart-attack victims a year nounced. The Silk Towners bow out daughter, Miss Louise Heller, of of 49 Arch St., who died Tuesday at persons saved from a potentially other illnesses, according to the Pennslyvania. None of the states down to had the last shot,” Healy Windham leading at the turn, 23-21. 6 3-4 15, Valliere 3 0-06, Pugmire 0 0- at 12-10. Manchester; and several nieces and Manchester Memorial Hospital. than the existing emergency fatal heart-attack owe their survival report. has yet attempted to sell the bonds. stated. Windham came out quickly in the 0 0, Gardner 3 0-0 6, Hayes 3 2-2 8. system, a health department study “ It was just like the NBA where nephews. Friends may call at the Watkins to bystanders having CPR training. The nationwide drive to come up . Windham’s lead went to 66-63 with third canto and pulled even at 43-aIi Totals 30 8-12 68. released today reports. whoever gets the last basket wins,” Funeral services will be Friday at Funeral Home, 142 E. Center St., “ While research has not with alternative forms of student 1:23 left on an inside hoop by Randy on a Dave Valliere 20-foot jumper at 'Maiielieulcr (66) • - Maher 6 3-3 The study contends that with an Air quality report stated Manchester Coach Doug 1:30 p.m. from the Holmes Funeral today from 7 to 9 p.m. documented the effect of aid comes in response to reductions Luciani off a feed from Harris, who the 6:03 mark. Led by Ron 15. Mistretta 2 2-66, Brophy 6 4-4 16, EMS system, emergency Pearson, “ I’m always disappointed paramedics on citizen behavior and HARTFORi-> (U P I) - The state in five federal assistance programs. penetrated. Mark Mistretta Pedemonte’s eight markers, the In­ .lohnson 2 4-4 8, Pedemonte 7 2-2 16, technicians are better equipped to the resulting change in outcomes to after losing but tonight we didn’t Silver 0 0-0 0, McCurry 1 1-2 3, Hyde Department of Environmental Students in Connecticut could lose answered with a foul line jumper for dians had a slender 57-56 edge going provide life-saving techniques at the give it our best. The result was we emergency events, several experts Protection forecast good air quality as much as $3.4 million in aid next the Indians to null within one with into the final eight minutes. 1 0-0 2. Totals 25 16-21 66. scene that now can only be done at Class action bid denied in the EMS field believe,, this side across Connecticut for today. The year and $17.2 million fn 198384. the hospital. effect to be very important,” the DEP reported goqcf air quality ’The loans would be available to all The study also reports that a HARTFORD (U PI) - A Hartford drug companies are responsible for report states. statewide on Tuesday also. students enrolled g/ private and NCAA Tournament set for openers judge has refused to declare a law­ the vaginal cancer and other dis­ paramedics system would spur public colleges. suit brought by five “ DES eases they contacted because their more people into becoming aware of Probe begins Herald photo by Pinto daughters" against drug manufac­ mothers used the synthetic hormone emergency techniques, thus in­ creasing the number of saved per­ ELLINGTON (UPI) — turers as a class action, making diethyistilbestrol, better known as U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser­ T Manchester High's Ron Pedemonte (22) leaves his feet In going Southern Cal coach glad to qualify sons. Connecticut the seventh state to do DES, during pregnancy. Women vice agents say an in­ J after rebound In CIAC State Basketball Tournament play so. used the pills during pregnancy in “ Seattle,” the study reads, “ has AL SIEFFERT’S vestigation. has begun to against Windham High last night at Ellington, Windham’s Ran- was so happy when he found out his U.S. District Judge T. Em m et, the 1950s and 1960s to prevent mis­ trained 90,000 citizens (20 percent of By United Press International roof into a pool. have stayed closer to home. But get­ find out how a decom­ -! dy Luciani (25) looks on hopefully while Manchester’s Kevin team was selected for the NCAA Clarie said Tuesday in a one-page carriages. population) in CPR. Without the in­ To further dramatize his point, he ting a bid was, of course, our main posing tiger carcass ended I; Brophy (25) Is there to lend support. Southern Cal Coach Stan Morrison tournament, he jumped 12 feet off a then promised to leap from the end ruling the facts in each case differ The federal government banned terest generated by paramedics, concern. up in a landfill area. * * ' \ of the Redondo Beach pier, about 30 “ It is up in the mountains, but 1 too much for one lawsuit to be the pills for that purpose in 1971 training that many persons is highly NO LOWER PRICES Agent Richard Moulton feet above the swirling Pacific don’t think the altitude or the (two- brought on behalf of all the women.. when a study linked DES to vaginal unlikely.” The study further says a of the Fish and Wildlife Ocean, if his team makes it through hour) time difference will be a He said the five women named in cancer in daughters of women who fact that “ only around four percent Service was called in the West regional to the NCAA’s problem.” the original complaint should go took the pills, of the adult population in Manchester has had CPR training Tuesday to determine if ANYWHERE ON Final Four in New Orleans. Fitting enough for his team’s forward with their separate cases. “ DES daughters" have filed about within the past year.” In several federal endangered species All-Star Whaler team of decade Morrison’s swimming exercises nickname. The five women charge that eight 600 cases across the country. laws had been ylolated. will be cut abruptly short Thursday Catlett also .said it didn’t matter night unless he can figure out a way that A&T, champion of the Mid- Budget cuts RCA Color T.V’S One Man’s Opinion: The all-star Hartford at the Manchester Country Club in 1973 and for his 19-8 Trojans to knock off Eastern Athletic Conference, is not Whaler team of the decade as seen by this 1974, died last week in Stuart, Fla., at the age Wyoming, 22-6 and ranked 15th a “ big name” opponent. hurt elderly corner would be Tommy Webster and Blain H e r a l d of 60 ..V Joe McCarthy reports 75 tickets re­ nationally, at Logan, Utah. “ They’re in the NCAA tourna­ Stoughton wingers, Mike Rogers at center, main to be sold for Monday night’s Irish- “ We have a lot of work and ment, aren't they?” he asked. & Video Recorders Rick Ley and Mark Howe on defense and A1 Sports Night at the Knights of Columbus HARTFORD (U PI)-An preparation to do,” Morrison said. In other first-round action analysis report by the stab Smith in . Whaler fans have been asked to Angle Home entertain Win­ “ Our matchup size-wise is not the Thursday: in the Mideast regionals Department of Aging says DID seixl in their choices for the all-time Whaler nipeg tonight at 7:35 at the Hartford Civic Earl Yost, best, so we might have to press at Nashville, Tenn., Indiana, 18-9, Connecticut’s elderly team ... Charlie Robbins reports he finished Center. some of our big people who haven’t faces Robert Morris, 17-12, and 14th- residents will be hit hard in the exact place that he expected in last Sports Editor played lately into action.” ranked Kentucky, 22-7, takes on by President Reagan’s year’s Five Miler but the dry weather slowed The coach referred to 7-foot Middle Tennessee, 21-7; in the budget. his performance by 40 seconds. The all-tiine Shoot-out winner leader in Five Mile appearances has some center Ingo Mendel and forwards Midwest regionals at Tulsa, Okla., Competing in a recent between period In a report released suggestions for the Race Committeee to help Clayton Olivier, 6-9, Mike Owens, 6- Houston, 21-7, opposes Alcorn State, shoot-out at a Hartford Whaler game, Alice Tuesday the department YOU KNOW. smooth out minor wrinkles before another 7, and James MacDonald, 6-5. 22-7, and Marquette, 21-8, faces money to the top finishers in the Shamrock Jeffries o f . Manchester defeated her male said Reagan's proposed year ... John Theriault, a student at East “ Wyoming is one of the Evansville, 23-5; and in the East Classic, a five-mile road race in Boston, rival to earn over $250 in prizes, including a budget for the 1982-83 fiscal Catholic High, was recently cited at three powerhouses in the country,” regionals at Charlotte, N.C., Ohio March 28. In addition, race sponsors have television set. She did it the hard way in a year would affect the different banquets for his horsemanship. The Morrison went on. “ They led the na­ State, 21-9, takes on James'Madison, guaranteed the appearance of Grey Meyer, extra playoff by sending more pucks into the state’s elderly in such sophomore student resides in East Hampton tion in two of the most significant 24-5, and No. 19 Wake Fdrest, 20-8, Billy Rodgers, Eamonn Coghlan, Gary net than her opponent... Paul Azinger picked areas as health care, AL SIEFFERT’S offers one of the and has appeared in competition at Madison statistical categories this year — goes against Old Dominion, 18-11. Bjorklund and Vin Flemming, all world-class up $1,740 after shooting a 72-hole score of 288 energy assistance, housing Square Garden with his horse Skywalker ... rebounding margin and field-goal distance runners. Coghlan, winner of the Five in the Bay Hill Golf Classic in Orlando, Fla., Charlotte is 81 miles from and nutrition by reducing Five years ago there were 24 colleges in the percentage defense." Miler in Manchester last Thanksgiving mor­ last Monday ... Big East Conference did ali Winston-Salem, close enough that federal aio. areas largest selections of Top NCAA Basketball Tournament. Today there Another coach. West Virginia’s ning, is said ready to resume competition right in the United Press International Wake Forest Coach Carl Tacy are 48, at least half that number that don’t Gale Catlett, was just happy to be after nursing a leg injury wnich has kept him college basketball All-America voting. Eric believes his Deacons will have the , deserve the honor. The N IT is also a water- there. His Mountaineers end^ their out of the indoor meets ... Sports Illustrated Floyd of Georgetown made the first time, home-court advantage. down version of the best college teams in the season by losing to Pittsburgh in the features Woodbury’s Barbara Potter, at 20 Danny Callandrillo of Seton Hall was a third “ I think there are some un­ ® APPLIANCES at LOW NStmilT PHIXS!! country each season. Both tourneys are Eastern Eight tournament final, but one of the world’s top 10 ranking female ten­ team selection and honorable mention went derlying advantages to our being money makers and the only reasons they they were still ranked 17th and sent At fiteMtuTJ nis players, in its current issue. The to John Bagley of Boston College and Pat closer to home and especially for 441.449 NUTIOM n l / V nURMITU. have expanded and staged. to Logan to face North Carolina Nutmegger credits pro Bill Drake of Ewing of Georgetown ... Looking forward to A&T in the other West regional our fans,.’’ Tacy said. “ (Certainly we TAKE 1-84 EXIT TO Brdokline, Mass., with much of her success the golfing season and his 70th birthday is game Thursday. will use our (ticket) allotment and KEENEY ST. ^368 of late. Drake has been a regular in pro tour­ retired Joseph Massaro, M.D. The one-time then some, I would expect.” <269 Shades of future “ It’s a great thrill to play in the 20 m s im t I nament play at the Manchester Racquet Club bat boy for the Eastern Baseball League NCAA tournament,” Catlett said. 6 4 7 - 9 9 9 7 - . rebjeteI Shades of the Future Department: Four the last five years ... Esther Burnham, who Hartford Senators looked younger every The first round continues on -20M it4 <599 “ We really didn’t care where we MSTUT major sponsors will offer $20,000 in prize won the Ladies’ Division club championship year. Saturday with the second" round REBATE went, just as long as we got to go. It a « KOUT <34$ • 2 0 4 „yo._ might have been better if we would beginning on Sunday. • 2 0 <249 <579 UConns go up against Dayton tonight ...... - Kevin Brophy (25) of Manchester reaches for basketball as swipe by Sooners adjusted to triumph Windham eager comes up empty In Class LL clash last GET A $2.50 CHECK night at Ellington. Brophy had FROM SCOTCH* ORU scored the game’s first 11 for the game and that was sure evi­ Completing the round on Friday career-high 16 points but it VIDEOCASSETTES By Tony Favla WHEN YOU PURCHASE points and led. 17-3 with 11:59 dent in early going,” Tubbs said. night, it will be Tulane, 17-8, at LSU, wasn’t enough In setback. UPI Sports Writer A SCOTCH BETA L-750, ■ **w remaining in the first half. But Lit­ “ It’s a great tribute to our players 14-13; Maryland, 15-12,. at Rich­ [ Herald photo byPTnto tle scored the Sooners’ next 10 the way they came back.” L-500 o r VHS T-120 a It took nearly eight minutes mond, 18-10; St. Peter’s, 20-8, at Scotch* V lrtinrm itlit— points and 12 of Oklahoma’s last 15 The first round of the tournament before Oklahoma woke up and Syracuse, 15-12; Fordham, 18-1(), at Tlw 1h*h ComM Out points in the first half to help narrow continues tonight with LIU, 20-9, at almost 33 minutes for the Sooners to Virginia Tech, 18-10; Mississippi, 17- the gap to 34-28 at halftime. Illinois, 17-10, in the featured game; go ahead, but their perserverance 11, at Clemson, 14-13; and Cal- Midway into the second half, the Western Kentucky, 19-9, at Purdue, 6 H R T -1 2 0 REFRIGERATOR paid off in the opening game of the Irvine, 22-6, at San Diego State, 20-8. DISHWASHER Sooners resorted to a fullcourt press 1413; Connecticut, 17-10, at Dayton, EFFECTIVE NET PRICE NIT. when they still trailed, 55-48, and 19- 8; Lamar, 22-6, at Texas A&M, Regular Price $16.85 <599 <378 After Sooners Coach Billy Tubbs Special Sale Price $14.25 Little scored six straight points to 18-10; and Washington, 18-9, at I MSTUT suggested some minor adjustments Not for sale Less $2.50 Check from 3M $ 2 50 “"SO nWi MSTUT ignite a string of 10 for Oklahoma. Brigham Young, 17-12. REBATE — 2 0 .m tt for his top scorers, David Little and HOUSTON (UPI)' - Houston REMOE Barnett tied the score at 55 with 9:16 On Thursday night, it will be Tem­ Effective Net Price $11.75 Chuck Barnett, the pair responded • 3 0 left and gave Oklahoma its first lead Rockets’ owner Gavin Maloof said with 57 points to finally carry ple, 19-7, at Georgia, 16-11; Iona, 24- on a jumper with 7:33 remaining. Tuesday night he does not plan to <569 •20 Oklahoma to an 81-73 triumph over 8, at Rutgers, 19-9; ^ e r ic a n , 21-8, Baraett went on to score 15 of sell the NBA franchise and Intends intrastate rival Oral Roberts at at Bradley, 21-10; anif Murray State, Oklahoma’s last 28 points. to sign center Moses Malone. m Tulsa, Okla. 20- 7, at Nevada-Las Vegas, 19-8. Little led all scorers with 33 Maloof, who owns a beer dis­ “ I missed my first four and coach points,' including 20 in the second tributing company in Albuquerque, *7-9997 Tubbs told me I was hesitating on half. Barnett scored 18 of his 24 N.M., said, “ The team is absolutely TONIBHTTIL my shot,” Little said. "But he said -■ 8 7-9998 points after intermission. Hicks to Caps not for sale. I ’m very proud of the to just kept putting it up and I would MON.^J'IIURS.p TIL 9| Cat Johnson scored 20 points and way we’ve come back after a very At be all ri^t.” LANDOVER, Md. (U P I) - The Chris CantreH added 18 to lead disappointing start. General 443-445 HARTFORD RD. | / U MANCHESTER. FRI. T lL 'k ” I missed my first couple of Washington Capitals obtained ORIL which ended its season at 18-' veteran defenseman Doug Hicks Manager Ray Patterson has done a shots,” .added Barnett. “ When I fantastic job with this franchise and [HD Of KUMEY • M tK fl ST. TUE8., WED., SAT. TIL 5 location i m to U. Oklahoma, 20-10, advanced to ffie from the Edmonton Oilers Tuesday came back in, David hit me with a I couldn’t be happier with the job second round of the NIT. in exchange for rookie left winger m PlOPli WHO BKIHC rO O lO W PKICtS S PtRSOHAl SlR¥l(i K i u t n s i h it great alley-oop and that really got he’s doing.” me going.” “ I was afraid we weren’t ready Todd Bidner. 12 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed., March 10, 1982 MANCHESTER HERALD, Wed., March 10, 1982 ^ l-’I Darling looks like mound gem Rockets rock Francis made news • I

POMPANO BEACH, Fla. (UPI) - There solutely great to me.” they sit the man and the boy, next to each “ I ’m not on the ball club,” he says, towards lead taking over St, Louis other in the Texas Rangers’ dugout and the referring to his non-roster status. “ I might seven years separating them seem more like Sports not be on it this year and I might not be on it an eternity to both. next year. I really can’t say what.I expect to By Ira Kaufman in a game marred by a fistflght between Bullets’ burly rookie, Jeff early 2-0 deficit and tied it 2-2 5:07 Frank tanana isn’t an old man by any Parade happen to me'this spring. 1 think if I pitch as UPI Sports Writer By Mike Tully 0 before Joe Mullen knocked in a stretch of the imagination. He’s only 28, but well as I'm capable; I’ll warrant serious con­ Ruland and veteran Suns’ center UPI Sports .Writer into tne second period on rebound with 1:58 left in the period. from a baseball point of view, he isn’t a kid Milt Richman sideration.” The Houston Rockets should give Alvan Adams. defenseman Bill Baker’s' second The Islanders, who have lost only anymore. He has been around nine years now If Darling doesn’t make it with the a tip of their Stetsons to a Texas Bulls 109, SuperSonic* 104 Emile Francis made news by re­ career goal. But the Islanders, who once in their last 24 games, had built with three different clubs and that makes him Rangers, he’ll be assigned to their Denver rival for this one. Dwight Jones scored 10 fourth-, enacting an old story. extended their unbeaten streak to their early lead on a power-play goal . rather ancient. , TripleA affiliate. Led by the standout play of guard quarter points and Chicago rallied “ 1 was there long enough that it eight games, regained the lead for by Potvin and a goal by Butch The other pitcher sitting next to hin^, Ron But he’ll get a good look from Zimmer. Allen Leavell, the Rockets con­ from a 15-point second-half deficit hasn’t been long enough for me to good 2:30 later when Mike McEwen Goring in a span of 97 seconds Darling, is only 21 and appears even younger. answered whatever questions he had. “ We don’t wanna rush him,” says the tinued their late-season quest for for a home victory that snapped a forget." Francis said Tuesday night scored from the left point. midway through the period. This is his first time in a big-league camp and Tanana remembers how much he ap­ Rangers’ manager, “ but if he.shows he can first place in the Midwest Division three-game losing streak. Gus after watching St. Louis fall 6-4-to “ With all of the changes and firing In other games, downed he fits right in. Officially, he’s not on the preciated that help and that’s one reason he’s do it, we certainly can use him.” Tuesday night with a 103-91 triumph Williams scored a game-high 25 the New York Islanders in the first the coach you knew they were going Boston 4-2, Calgary whipped Quebec Rangers' regular roster, but he stijl could win always ready to help a rookie pitcher like Darrell Johnson, one of the Rangers’ , over the exhausted Milwaukee points for b a ttle , which had won game since he fired and replaced to come at us," said New York 9-4 and Los Angeles blanked a spot if he has the kind of spring that knocks Darling. coaches, says Darling has all the fundamen­ Bucks — who are still recuperating three straight, but the All-Star guard Red Berenson as Blues’ coach. Coach Al Arbour. "You knew they Colorado 2-0.. Manager Don Zimmer’s eyes out. The former Yale star has just finished tals he needs to be a winner and now it’s a from a wild Saturday night in San missed on' a 3-point shot with six “ You wait and wait and hope would be very aggressive and they UunudiniH 4, ItruinH 2 Darling could be the closest thing you’ll pitching batting practice and some of the case of his putting them to work. Antone. seconds remaining and the things will turn around but they just were.” At Montreal, Linemates Mark ever see to fiction’s Frank Merriwell. Ranger hitters grumble he is throwing too “ He’s a lot like Bobby Forsch,” says Leavell, making the Bucks pay for SuperSonics trailing 107-104. got progressively worse," continued The Blues, outshooting New York Napier and Guy Lafleur had a goal He's*better looking and was a better hard this early. another one of the Rangers’ coaches, Fred a collapsing defense around Moses Knicks 126, Jazz 112 Francis, who three times replaced and an assist each, helping extend pitcher at Yale the past two years than ’’Don’t worry about them," Tanana Koenig. “ He’s very positive in the way he Malone and Elvin Hayes, scored 25 Before a sparse Madison Square his coach while he was general the Canadiens’ undefeated streak to Merriwell ever was with his 26-8 record for counsels the 6-3, 195pound righthander. “ You does things. He knows he’s going to succeed.” points and had eight assists as Garden crowd of 7,828, Maurice manager of the . seven games. Montreal, which has Old Eli. have to take care of yourself. You gotta work Frank Tanana wishes him well. He wishes Milwaukee dropped three straight Lucas scored 21 points and grabbed “ You can’t go out night after night lost only once in its last 24 games, Some of the older scouts who watched him on your stuff and they have to work on the same thing for himself, especially after for the first time this season. 'The and give up the number of goals that also extended its unbeaten string ’ say Darling is the best college pitcher they theirs.” last year’s less than spectacular 410 record Rockets consistently scored on fast were being scored against us. I ’m against Boston to 10 games. can remember since Michigan State’s Robin Darling listens and nods, then leaves to do with the Red Sox. break situations against the fatigued never happy when I see six goals Fluiiicn <), Noriliqui'H 4 Roberts or Fordham’s Hank Borowy. The some running. When he returns, he politely 'T v e ' got a long road back,” says the af­ Bucks, who suffered a tripleover­ scored against us but that’s what At Quebec, right wing Gary Rangers made him their first draft choice obliges the TV people and members of the fable lefthander the Angels thought was going time defeat in San Antonio and lost i we’re going to have to work McAdam notched his second hat last June, then sent him to Tulsa where he press looking for interviews. to be another Nolan Ryan, before he hurt his Monday night in Atlanta. against." 34-20, trailed 3-2 entering the final trick of the season to enable Calgary won four of his six decisions and struck out S3 By watching the way he moVes, the way he ' arm. “ The last three years have been em­ “ 1 think the overtime game Satur­ Denis Potvin scored one goal and period before Brent Sutter in­ to snap a 10-game road winless string in 71 innings. works and the way he uses his time, it’s ob­ barrassing. It’s like being a rookie again day night and traveling here last assisted on two others to lead the creased the lead to 4-2 2:41 into the and take sole possession of second They invited him to camp this spring and vious Darling is enjoying the life. almost. 1 know 1 gotta job, but I’m gonna pre­ night was definitely a factor,” said Islanders to their fifth straight vic­ period with his 20th goal of the year. place in the Smythe Division, two Tanana, who signed with the Rangers this “ I love it,’’ he says, offering an All- tend I have to make the team.” Hayes, who scored 15 points. “ They tory. Francis, the Blues president Baker scored his second goai of the points ahead of the idle Vancouver winter after going through the re-entry draft, American smile. “ It’s great. I can see why Tanana is giving it everything he has, yet appeared tired, especially in the Hi and general manager, earlier fired game 2 :24 later to cut the lead to 4-3. Canucks. has been sort of keeping an eye on him. people come out to watch spring training still finds time to help others, first half. In the first seven minutes, Berenson, last year’s coach of the Bryan Trottier extended his per­ KiniTM 2, RorkicN O Tanana remembers how, when he first came down here in Florida. And for myself, playing “ I like that," says Don Zimmer, ‘ "rhat’s they only hit one outside basket: % year, and announced that he would sonal scoring streak to 24 games — At Denver, rookie center Bernie up with the California Angels in September of alongside guys who I ’ve read about and who one of the things that makes baseball.” that wasn’t the Milwaukee ball coach the team for the rest of the four short of Guy Lafleur's league Nicholls scored his first two NHL 1973, a couple of older pitchers, Clyde Wright have been my childhood heroes is a wonderful Sometimes it even makes a fast friendship club.” season. record — and raised the lead to 5-3 goals in a two-minute span of the and Bill Singer, found time for him and experience. Everybody here has been ab­ that lasts a lifetime. Houston led 35-19 with 10 minutes “ I'll guarantee that there will be a with a power-play goal midway first period and Mario Lessard’s remaining in the first half, but the 20 rebounds as New York handed lot of sweat,” said Francis. “ They’ll through the period. Mike Bossy shutout goaltending ended Bucks pulled to within 84-81 as Utah its seventh straight loss. The play my way or else. 1 thought they added his 54th goal to give New Colorado's three-game winning Marques Johnson and Junior Knicks shot 15-for-18 in the second worked hard. There’s no guarantee York a 6-3 lead before Brian Sutter streak and virtually eliminated the Bridgeman scored eight straight period to break the game open. this this is going to' happen like scored with 1:03 to play. Rockies from contention to a playoff points. Houston’s Robert Reid — Adrian Dantley had 28 points for the that." The Blues outshot the Islanders berth. They trail Los Angeles by 29 pros, amateurs entered nine points. who had 19 points and 11 rebounds— Jazz. , The Blues fought back from an 17-14 in the first period but trailed 2- hit a jumper, picked up a rebound Hawks 120, Nuggets 106 and pass^ off to Leavell to put In Atlanta, Dan Roundfield and Houston up 88-81 as the Rockets im­ Tom McMillen combined for 60 UPI photo proved to 35-27 and pulled within 3V^ points to power the Hawks to their games of the first-place Spurs. third straight triumph. Alex English Montreal’s Robert Picard and Boston’s Keith night’s NHL game in Montreal. Canadians Training session “ 1 don’t like to make excuses, but had 29 points for the Nuggets, who Crowder battle for loose puck during last continued hex over Bruins with 4-2 victory. New faces dot list we’ve been on the road 16 out of 17 were outrebounded 55-34. days,” said Milwaukee Coach Don Warriors 92, Pacers 85 Nelson. “ I knew this was going to be Bernard King scored 28 points in slated for Blues the tough part of the season but this Market Square Arena to lead the trip sure has hurt us. We followed Warriors. Indiana did not hit a free Family ties to end ST. LOUIS (U P I) — One of Emile ’T m very disappointed,” he said. our game plan well, but we gave up throw the entire second half after MfStdio] Francis’ first moves as coach of the “ This was something tfat never something to contain Malone and posting a 51-47 lead at intermission. Bob Kiernan had 16 points to lead for net Grand Prix St. Louis Blues was to take his team crossed my mind. It comes as a sur­ Hayes ... that left Leavell open.” Lakers 105, Kings 99 prise, but 1 guess you have to be four double figure scorers in Malone had 28 points and 10 In Inglewood, Calif., Magic John­ Detroit Red Wings into hiding. Manchester Cycle’s 76-57 win over Francis, the president and general aware of what's been happening By Earl Yost and Bill Drake. rebounds while Bridgeman led the son scored 21 of his 27 points in the Sportsman Cafe last night at manager of the Blues, fired Coach lately. Sports Editor ■ Newcomers include two of the Bucks with 20 points. second half to help Los Angeles to Bennet. Stan Alexander added 14 * local club’s top players, club and Red Berenson Tuesday to climax a “ We’ve been very patient with “ Tonight we held a very good its 16th consecutive home triumph WEDNESDAY markers and Rick Kiernan and Sixth edition of the New England Manchester town champion Mike Top seeds series of moves he hopes will shake this hockey team. Emile and 1 both basketball team to 91 points,” said over Kansas City. The game was placed on market 7:f!> NHL: Whalers vs. Jets, Mark Piekos 11 apiece for Cycle., have. But I guess he was running out Grand Prix Tournament this Custer and Dave Shinn. Both are Houston Coach Del Harris. “ We’ve V(TI<; the team out'of a season-long slump. Marc Schardt netted 14 and Tim marked by the ejection of the of patience. And I can’t blame him.” weekend at the Manchester Racquet top-flight amateurs. The simon 1. John James begun to play defense again.” Lakers’ Kareem Abdul-Jabbar late 7:.30 NBA: Celtics vs. Pacers, After Tuesday night’s 6-4 loss to Hogan and Rick Raimondo 10 apiece Club will have a definite new look. pures being eligible for the first 2. Phil Kadesch DETROIT (U P I) - Bruce A. the New York Islanders, Francis Most of the Blues said they were - Elsewhere, Phoenix beat in the third period. The perennial Norris was heavily booed last WINE, WPOP for Sportsman. Jack Redmond, tournament chair­ 4 shocked by Berenson's dismissal, time to go head-to-head with the 3. Val Wilder Washington 103-95, Chicago topped All-Star center received two Norrid has decided to end his month when introduced during an 7:.30 NHL: Rangers vs. Flyers, had his team pack their bags and Manchester Police overpowered man, released the names of 29 pros in the Manchester Memorial which came after the team returned 4. John Officer Seattle 109-104, New York whipped technical fouls 13 seconds apart, the family’s 50-year ownership of the on-ice pre-game ceremony to mark (ISA Cable hockey sticks for a three-day inten­ Moriarty Fuel, 98-78. Marty Jordan players who will take part in the Hospital benefit play. 5. Peter Lyons sive training session of two-a-day home from Monday night’s 8-1 em­ Utah 126-112, Atlanta defeated second for throwing his goggles at Detroit Red Wings by putting the the family’s 50th year of owning the 7:3.5 College liaskeiliall: UConn pumped in 26 points, Primo Ron- weekend singles play which gets un­ John James, formerly of 6. Jim Sharton practices at an undisclosed location. barrassment at Minnesota — St. Denver 120-106, Golden State beat In­ his own bench in disgust. team up club. vs, Dayton, WDRC dicone and Mario Areata added 15 der way Friday afternoon. Australia and one-time highly “ We’re going to be explaining a Louis’ record 10th straight road diana 92-85, lx>s Angeles downed Clippers 1,38, Spurs 127 for sale. “ He was hurt by the fact he was 8 NCAA Tournament Preview, apiece and Kevin Coneilly 14 for ranked in the world, heads the new­ lot of things and trying to get this loss. Missing from the list are old Kansas City 105-99 and San Diego In San Diego, Tom Chambers and “ Bruce has recently been booed,” Cavalieri acknowledged. ESPN Police. Joe Guardino nettej 23 thing straightened out," Francis “ When my wife woke me up this favorites, two-time winner Doug comers. He’ll most likely to be the upset San Antonio 138-127. Michael Brooks combined for 67 frustrated by the fact he doesn’t “ Clarence Campbell, former NHL 8:.30 Boxing: Top Rank Card, tallies, Mike O’Reilly 22, Kevin said. “ They’ll work. 1 guarantee Crawford, Rich Bray, Steve top seed. debuts in the race for a piece of the .Sunn 10.3, BullelH 93 points as the Clippers snapped a think he can turn this thing around,” president, stat^ then that if it ESPN Spellman 14 and Sean Thompson 12 Others who will be making their guaranteed $2,200 prize money, will that there will be a lot of sweat. Williams, Ted Hoehn, John Hughes In Landover, Md., Len Robinson seven-game losing streak, ^ n An­ Detroit Hockey Club Vice President weren’t for the Norris family, there 8:.30 NHL: Islanders vs. North for Moriarty’s. “ They’ll play my way or else.” be Dan Waintrup, Eric scored 14 of his game-high 35 points tonio’s George Gervin topped all Lincoln Cavalieri said Tuesday in wouldn’t be an NHL. .Stars, Ch. 9 Francis said he made the change Schottemstin, Bill Friend, Peter in the final peri(^ as the Bullets lost scorers with 40 points, marking the making the announcement for the “ I told him it wasn’t him they MIDGET after deciding he could not afford to Holmes, Tom Carey, Dave their 12th in 18 games. Greg 282nd straight game in which he has absent Norris, “ We’re not a very were booing. If we had won that ‘They’ll play A.B. Mistretta popped home 16 Creighton, Marler Beebe, Vic wait any longer in hopes toe Blues Ballard’s 23 points led Washington scored in double figures. good hockey club. game, everybody vVSuld have gone Tanner helps markers and Bill Clayton added Cassone, Rick Sargeson and Dave would revert to last year’s form, “ I ’m sure it will be sold before home cheering,” Cavalieri said. three as the 76ers outlasted the Januzzi.. when the team finished the regular my way or else’ this summer,” Cavalieri said. Rockets, 44-36, last night at the If that isn’t enough. Jim Sharton, Norris, whose father, James D. season with toe league's second-best “ Bruce is determined to sell. UConn cop Community Y. Matt Paggioli (18) Norris, purchased the Detroit record. Val Wilder, A1 Valbunea, Mario “ He hopes whoever buys the team Emile Francis and David Russell (8) led the Training Falcons of the National Hockey “ You wait and wait and hope Dabrowski, Bert Juliano, Wynn will be local,” Cavalieri said, “ so Rockets. Alston candidate League in 1932 and renamed them third spot things will turn around but they just Bohannois, John O fficer, Jeff they’ll know and understand the The Sonics behind Brian Brophy's the Red Wings, is disenchanted got progressively worse,” Francis Camp Hamilton, Rick Lyons and John great tradition and history of the 31 points trimmed the Celtics, 36-28. Voiquis have also entered. “ with the way hockey is today,” said. “ You can't go out night after Red Wings. Jeff Cappello play well for the Back to defend his crowd will be Cavalieri said. “ He’s to the point Former Manchester High swim­ night and give up the number of “ He’s been talking to two or three Sopics while John Wynn and Tom for Hall of Fame where he’d much rather have ming standout Rob Tanner helped goals that were being scored against afternoon and told me 1 kind of got a Peter Lyons, fresh off the Penn pro Notes (local) people but he didn’t rule out sick feeling in my stomach,” said Shiels had seven and six markers circuit. Joe Bouquin, champion in somebody else run the hockey the University of Connecticut to a us. selling the team to out-of-state in­ Blake Dunlop. “ A lot'of us let him respectively for the Celts. 1980, will also return after a year’s terests,” said- Cavalieri, who club.” third place finish in the team stan­ “ It took a team effort last year to TAMPA, Fla. (UPI) - Walter first year of eligibility, preferring down this year. Maybe he was too Over at Mahoney Center, the absence. dings at last weekend’s New get where we were and it’s taken a Alston, the strong and silent instead to concentrate on some of declined to float an asking price Norris’ sister. Marguerite, patient. Bucks stopped the Rockets, 25-21, Ben Bishop, Jeff Aarts and Tom m England Collegiate Swimming team effort this year to get where manager who guided the Dodgers to the more forgotten stars. because “ so many things figure into became president of the Red Wings and the Celtics bested the 76ers, 22- Casalino are also, in the field. The Championships held at the Universi­ we are.” “ A lot ef guys took things too seven pennants and four world Alston’s' name has been mentioned it.” when her father died in 1952. Three lightly. He was too good to some 14. Joe Prignano had 12 points, Lem Barker 'perfect' latter was an assistant pro here the The sale will not include the Red ty of Rhode Island campus in .^Berenson, the NHL coa,ch of the JOE BOUQUIN championships in Brooklyn and Los before at Veterans (Dommittee elec­ years later, 1955, Norris became Brian Scott 6,.and Mark Zackin 4 for last two years before leaving for a Kingston. year last year when he directed the guys and they took advantage of it.” Angeles, is a leading candidate for tions and this time there is a good Wings’ home, Joe Louis Arena, nor president — the last year* Detroit ’The 42-year-old Berenson’s career the Bucks while Jason and Darren business position in another line of Williams College took team Blues to the best season in their election today to the Baseball Hall chance he will be ushered through adjacent Colx) Arena nor Olympia won the . record with the Blues was 100-72-32, Rosano had 11 and 5 points respec­ By United Press International work. honors among the 33-team field with history, was fired with one year of Fame by the Veterans Com­ the Cooperstown gates. Currently Stadium Corp., which runs the but the team had fallen to 28-34-6 tively for the Rockets. Chris Conklin Pairings will be made today with singles matches at 9:30 and 11 with facilities for the city of Detroit. The Red Wings of today are slow Tufts runner-up and UConn third in remaining on his contract. Len Barker is in "perfect" form. only runs came on solo homers by mittee. working with the Dodgers as an ad­ this year after being expected to and Nick Shrider each had 6 marker the top three seeds drawing first two quarterfinals each at 12:30 and However concessions, parking on the ice and sloppy defensively the thrge-day competition. Berenson was not offered another Barker, who pitched a perfect Willie Upshaw in the fourth and Others expected to receive con­ visor in spring training at Vero contend for the Stanley Cup. and Tom Conklin 4 for the Celts. round byes. 2. Doubles competition will be at 4 while the front office suffers from a Tanner anchored UConn’s 400- job in the organization. game last season against the Toron­ sideration the from the member Beachf Fla., Alston managed the revenues and television revenue John Dougan and Ray Sendra each sixth innings. and 6 o'clock. lack of stability and a penchant for meter medley relay to a gold medal The blues have 11 regular season to Blue Jays, hurled a spotless three Thirteen singles matches are committee are pitcher Vic Willis, Dodgers from 1954-76, never “ are negotiable,” Cavalieri said. netted 4 tallies for the 76ers. At Pompano Beach. Fla., reserve Semifinal singles Sunday will be giving away players and draft with the foursome of John Trites, games remaining, starting with a innings at Scottsdale, Ariz., to lead scheduled Friday, five at 4:30 and shortstop Phil Rizzuto, outfielder working on anything longer than a No figure was set for purchase of second baseman Mike Richardt hit a at 9 with the finals at 11:30. Doubles choices. Detroit is run the way Doug Williams, Steve Johnson and game Saturday night at home the Cleveland Indians to a 5-0 exhibi­ four each at 6 and 7:30 with three Babe Herman, manager Jimmy one-year contract. the once-proud franchise but PEE W EE with two out in the bot­ finals will be at 2:30. The Pro-Am teams were run during the club’s Tanner securing top honors. against Minnesota. tion victory over the San Francisco doubles matches at 7 Friday night. Dykes and umpire Al Barlick. Known for his firm leadership and Cavalieri noted the Montreal Mahoney Rec Center Pee Wee All- tom of the seventh inning to lift has been scratched. heyday of the 1950s. Tanner also took 12th in the 100 “ This had better shake us up," Giants Tuesday. Saturday's slate will find four The committee will assemble at a Canadians were sold for $21 million Stars whipped the Bolton Pee Wee Texas. Richardt was the American quiet manner, Alston led the freestyle with a clocking of :48.8 and said Bernie Federko. “ Someone lost Alan Bannister and Chris Bando hotel at Tampa Airport this morning a few years ago and the Colorado Other jeam s have JEuropean Association's batting champion last Brooklyn Dodgers to their only was a member of the 400 free relay ^ o e t his job over us not playing well.” All-Stars, 46-15, last Sunday at and an announcement is expected Rockies recently went for $8.6 scouts, two or three assistants, a ... W each drove in two runs in the first in- year. world championship in 1955 and which garnered a 12th placement. Berenson’s firing capped the day Bolton High. Lindsey Boutilier, . ning to propel Cleveland. about 12 noon EST. Under the rules million.. The Rockies’ owner is computerized scouting system and At Fort Myers, Fla., Trench Davis produced another National League Tanner, a junior, was voted most of announcements by the Blues, who Andy Cole and Jad DeQuattro paced In other exhibition games, Boston Billie Jean comeback bid established for the Veterans Com­ asking $12 million now but finding no advance scouts — all items where singled home Johnny Rey with one pennant for Brooklyn in 1956. After improved swimmer a year ago and also acquired veteran all-star the Mahoney quintet. ripped Detroit 9-1, Atlanta blanked out in the 15th inning to boost mittee, it can select only one player the club moved to Los Angeles in takers. the Red Wings come up short. defenseman Guy Lapointe from A Chicago brokerage firm which is a three-year letterman. Baltimore 1-0, Montreal downed Los Pittsburgh. Rey led off the 15th in­ derailed by college woman and, in addition, either an executive, 1958, Alston guided the team to Montreal and traded three players Angeles 4-2, the Chicago White Sox ning with a double to right field and manager or umpire. world championships in 1959, 1963 handles many of Norris’ business The result is a team that has made and a draft pick, to Vancouver for Rangers move dealings, ’Thomson-McKinnon beat Toronto 4-2, Texas edged the went to third on a wild pitch by The new electees will be and 1965 and produced pennant the Stanley Cup playoffs just once in goalie Glen Hanlon. NEW YORK (UPI) - Goalie John Securities, Inc., has been retained to 10 years (soon to bwome 1-for-ll) — New York 4-3, Cleveland shut out Craig Chamberlain, the losing DALLAS (U P I) - The latest in a Navratilova does not have to play enshrined along with Hank Aaron winners in 1966 and 1974. Going to the Canucks were right Davidson and forward Mike in an era when the NHL lets virtual­ Linsenbigler San Francisco 5-0, and Pittsburgh pitcher. Davis, a non-roster in­ line of comeback a singles match today, but will face and Frank Robinson At “ He was the perfect manager to find a buyer. wing Tony Currie, left wing Jim Backman were sent by the New Mike Hitch, owner of a chain of ly every team qualify. trimmed Kansas City 5-4. fielder, punched a single to center to bids was at least temporarily the winner of the Peanut Louie- Cooperstown, N.Y., on Aug. 1. play for,” former Dodger outfielder Nill, goalie Rick Hejnz and the York Rangers Tuesday to pizza franchises who ran the ill- The Red Wings have had 13 At Lakeland, Fla., Carl score Rey. derailed Tuesday night, while the Petra Delhees match on Thursday in Aaron, baseball’s all-time home run Ron Fairly once said of Alston. “ If Blues’ fourth round pick in next Springfield in the American Hockey fated Detroit Caesars of the short­ coaching changes since 1967-68, Central nine Yastrzemski, beginning his 22nd At Yuma. Ariz., veteran pitchers winning streak of Martina a bid to make it into the semifinals. king, and Robinson, the only player you couldn’t play for Walter Aslton, year’s draft. League. spring training, went three-for-three Rick Wise and John Curtis and Navratilova rolled merrily along. Fifth-seeded Mima Jausovec of ever to win Most Valuable Player you couldn’t play for anybody.” lived American Professional Slo- when Sid Abel ended a decade to key a 17-hit Boston attack and rookie Luis DeLeon combined to King, playing in her opening round Yugoslavia captured her first-round honors in both leagues, were elected Willis was a turn-of-the century- Pitch Softball league a fevy years behind Detroit’s bench, and a nearly tri-captain Glenn Hoffman hit a solo home run limit California to one run on six hits match of the women’s tennis tour’s • match Tuesday night, defeating to the Hall of Fame in January by pitcher for the Braves, Dodgers and ago, has previously express^ in­ equal number of different general Several Manchester men terest in buying the Red Wings. managers. to power Boston to its second as the San Diego Padres nipped the stop in Dallas, lost a 5-2 lead in the Stacy Margolin, 3-6, 6-4, 7-5, and the Baseball Writers Association of Pirates, who had five 20-victory Manchester High product Mike America. straight drubbing of Detroit. Angels 2-i in the opener for both first set and eventually lost the sixth-seeded Wendy Turnbull of seasons; Herman was a star out­ Linsenbigler has been selected tri­ At Miami, Fla., Phil Niekro, clubs. The Angels scored in the first match to college student Wendy Australia easily won over Vicki In order for a player to be eligible fielder for the Dodgers in the 1930s, captain of the Central Connecticut to enter baseball shrine for election ,to the Hall of Fame by Larry McWilliams and Rick Matula on a ^double by Fred Lynn and a White. Nelson, 6-0, 6-2. who compiled a lifetime .339 batting State College baseball team for 1982. the Veterans committee he must East Catholic runner-up combined to pitch a nine-hit shutout single by Reggie Jackson, making The 7-6, 6-2 victory by White Great Britain’s average; Dykes was a slick fielding Linsenbigler, who had an 11-game Several Manchester men will be Naktenis, was announced earlier as have been retired for at least 20 and extended Atlanta’s scoreless in­ his first official appearance in a marked the third time in the still was defeated by Andrea Temesvari, third baseman for the Philadelphia hitting streak and led the 1978 inducted into the Greater Hartford a Hall of Famer from the player years, and received at least 100 ning streak to 34. In winning four California uniform. Garry young 1982 tour that King had lost an 6-4, 3-6, 6-1. Neither player was A’s who later managed four major Manchester diamond edition to a Hall of Fame May 2 at Valle’s in ranks. in weight lifting meet Hartford. straight exhibitions, the Braves Templeton, acquired by San Diego opening round match. seeded. votes in previous BBWAA elections. league clubs and Barlick was con­ tournament berth, batted .328 a year Others to be honored in toe spon­ have not allowed an earned run in 36 in the off-season from St. Louis, ' The 38-year-old King, whose per­ Temesvari will face fourth-seeded After a player has been retired for sidered one of the top umpires in the ago with the Blue Devils. Jack Repass, director, notes that sor group with Moriarty is Bill petition. innings, with 14 different pitchers dazzled a crowd of more than 4,800 sonal life made headlines in 1981, in a second-round five years he becomes eligible for National League during his 32 years Hosting for a second straight year Linsenbigler and his CCSC team­ Matt Moriarty Sr., Jeff Koelsch and Savitt with Ed Kostek joining participating in the streak. East’s Bill Whalen took third with several outstanding plays at declined to talk to the media after match Wednesday, while third- election by the BBWAA and remains ’of service (1940-71). the Connecticut 1982 State High mates will head for North Carolina Earl Yost have been selected. Koelsch in the manager grouping. place combined in the 175-190 pound Jordy Douglas ... 6 feet, 195 At West Palm Beach, Fla., Mon­ shortstop. her loss. seeded Sylvia Hanika of Wes|t Ger­ on their ballot for 15 years before School Football Weightlifting for a southern swing during spring M oriarty has sponsored teams Three presidents, John Mahon and falling under the jurisdiction of the weight class with 895 pounds lifted. pounds ... Born Jan.20,1958 In bearing his name since 1962 and the treal scored three runs on five At Sun City, Ariz., home runs by White, who attends Rollins many will play Catherine Tanvier of Bell moves (tompetitiqn. East Catholic took se­ vacation. Lou Morotto were named along with fourth-inning singles en route to vic­ Lawrence Rush, Bob Skube and two College in. Winter Park, Fla., and second-seeded Andrea Veterans Committee. cond place In the team standings Whalen took third in the squat with a VYinnipeg ... Selected in I979 Gas House Gang has been the most incubent, toe Rev.’Thomas Campion. tory. Burt Hooton had allowed just by Larry Hisle powered the stormed from behind in the first set Jaeger will take on . Rizzuto, a key figure on the great SAN DIEGO (UPI) - The San last Saturday at the Saunders’ Gym­ lift of 450. WHA draft. No. 11 ... Fourth successful team in league history. ’The Eagles’ Rich Kuclnskas, stan­ one pinch-hit single by Warren Milwaukee Brewers to a 5-2 victory to get into a tiebreaker, which she New York Yankees’ teams of the Diego Chargers ’Tuesday acquired nasium, season with club.' CTiflnlng off He also sponsored Moriarty ^entries Umpires* selected were Ben dout linebacker on the ’81 Cromartie through three innings but over the Seattle Mariners. easily won, 7-1. The second set was Paiement traded 1940s and 1950s, is in his first year of running back Ricky Bell from the ' * Andrew Warde of Fairfield, shoulder injury, scored two in Manchester league play. \ Phelps, Pat Pinchera, the late Roland Office, Chris Speier and At St. Petersburg, Fla., Dave no contest. eligibility for the Veterans Com­ Tampa Bay Buccaneers for a draft coached by Jack Coughlin, took edition, took third in the power Sports Slate goals in three games since Koelsch managed numerom Walter Elliott and Yost. clean with a lift of 235-. ’That was in teams including the Rockville Hill Brad Mills had run-scoring hits in Kingman’s first home run of the The top-seeded Navratilova, QUEBEC (U P I) - The Toronto mittee and his nanie is expected to choice. team honors with a total of 6,950 return ... Stock car racing and Joe Cassano, retired Hartford the fourth. the 175-190 pound class. Billies in the Manchester ’Twi loop spring helped the Jumbo Franks tie playing in the city she has made her Leafs traded Wilf Paiement be brought up foF discussion at Bell, the first player chosen in the pounds lifted with the Eagles, baseball fan ... Winger was first sportswriter, will also be cited. At Dunedin, Fla., rookie Jay today’s meeting. ' EUist’s in the 160-175 and Hamilton Standard in the Hart­ the Small Freys 4-4 in the third an

’ Recipes and Menus Scoreboard FOCUS / Food TV'Novies/Comics Cereal grass high in nutrients SAN ANTONIO (127) , Lambert 0 M 0, Mitchell 8 M M. Transactions Corzine 6 04) 12. Moore I 1-1 3. Gervin 14 12-13 40, Banks 6 2-2 8, Johnson 0 04) 0. Basketball W H O AM I? BraU 12 3-4 28. Yonakor 0 04) 0. Phegley I Hockey Tuc.sday's $ ^rts Transactions 2 04) 4. Rains 2-3 12. Totals f.l 24-29 BasbBall By United fVess Interhational .127. Baseball SAN DIEGO (138) ^ New York (N L) — Named Bob Brooks 13 7-8 33. Wiley 8^. 4-f 20. Chambers 11 12-If. Criss lO 3-3 23 Srhaefer a coach at Tidewater of the Bryant 2 1-2 f.. Wood f. 4-4 14. Brogan 1 Warm up winter meals with barley International League. 4-6 6. Smith 0 04) 0, Douglas 1 1-2 3. Basketball ToUls ftl 3M4 138. _ Houston — Signed forward Liirry Na t io n a l i u k k e y l e a g u e ^ n Antonio 32 3Ti 2139—127 simmer about 1 hour or until meat Bv United Press Internalional Spriggs of Rochester of the Continental NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOC. San Diego X 29 28 46—138 Cxibition Baseball Standings Basketball Association to a 10-day By Adele Angle Wales Conference By United Press International Three point goal»-Brat2. Fouled out— By United Press International and barley are tender, stirring oc­ Patrick Division contract. Eastern Conference Focus Editor College none. Total fouIs-San Antonio X>. San casionally. Dollop individual ser­ W L T Pis OF GA Atlantic Division Diego 28. Technical—Silas, Brooks. A— American NY Islanders 47 14 336214 Duquesne — Fired basketball coach W L Pet. GB Spring might be ju9t around the vings with sour cream. Makes 6 ser­ Mike Rice. f.,016. Pet GB NY Rangers 32 24 2f3 2T« Boston 4f. L*! .TfC — 2 01.000 — comer, but you’d never know It if Nazareth — Named John Beilcin coach. Boston vings. Philadelphia 33 27 272 267 Philadelphia 43 17 .717 2 2 01.000 — St. I»u is — Named .l.,arry Preo. the Cleveland you stuck your nose 'outside this Pittsburgh 2f 32 2fi0286 New Jersey 32 30 .r<16 14 1 01.000 director of physical rccreatioft' at PHOENIX (1031 Oakland Washington 22 36 9 260 280 Washington 28 31 .47fl 16^^ Texas 1 01.000 Marquette, athletic director, effective New York 29 X .4fi3 18 Robinson 13 V-Il X. Scott 4 1-2 9, m 1 It’s still collllllld in Manchester. Roast Chicken Adams Division Adams f. 3-4 13, Johnson 6 7-S 19, Macy 4 Toronto 1 1 July 1. Central Division s/m Monlreal 39 12 17 9f 314 193 041 3. Nance 1 1.2 3; Kelley 1 041 2. Davis Chicago 1 1 1 Shivery, teeth chatteringly cold, and Ikislon 36 23 9 81 263 232 Hockev Milwaukee 42 19 .689 — Milwaukee 1 1 soo 1 Colorado -- Traded left wing Ed 3 2-2 3, Cook 0 2-2 2. Bradley 0 2-2 2. With Herbed Bullalo 33 20 14 80 2fJ213 Indiana 29 33 .468 IS'^n 0 0 .000 1 just the right weather still to make a Cooper to »lm onlon for center Stan I was big enough (6- Dykema 0 2-4 2. Totals 37 29-38 103. Minnesota Quobcc :n 2T 14 74 304 296 Atlanta 27 32 .4f8 14 California 0 1 .000 IW Weir Detroit 27 34 .443 If. Wa s h in g t o n (nr.i pot of soup for the family to warm Barley Stuffing Hiirlforil 18 32 16 f.2 220 290 foot-8, 275 pounds) to Kansas City 0 1 .000 1'^ NY Rangers — Sent ^ a lie John Chicago 24 37 .393 18 Ballard 9 4-4 23, Davis 0 041 0. Mahurn ('ain|)bell ( ’onferenre earn a salary In two Seattle 0 1 .000 up to. Norris Davidson and forward Mike Backman to Cleveland 13 46 220 28 4 1-2 9. Grevev 2 6-8 10. Lucas 3 7-0 13. stuffing: , Division Detroit 0 2 .000 2 Why not make minestrone soup W L T Pis GF GA Springfield of the American Hockey Western Conference sports: But I soon u v e Haywood 3 22 8, Chones 1 22 4. Witts 0 3 cups water New York 0 2 .000 2 Minnesota 30 19 19 79 300 246 U>ague and recalled center Mike Allison Midwest Division up pro basketball. 00 0. Johnson 2 12 r. Collins 2 22 6. and throw in some barley. Baltimore 0 3 .000 2*.i Vz cup regular barley Winnipeg; 26 27 13 6f. 2T7282 and defenseman Tim Itothwell from W L Pet. GB Defense is what gave Roland 4 9-12 17. Totals 30 34-43 !».. Barley? Springfield San Antonio 38 23 l*hoenix 2T, 27 2T 26-103 National League St biiiis 28 3T 6 62 268 301 .023 - 01.000 —- '/z teaspoon salt St. l^uis — Fireos Angeles 19 34 14 f2 261 309 Nilt and goalie Rick Heinz and their Seattle ’ 40 21 6r< tk calcium, and phosphorus, and small 0 0 .000 2 ‘/4 to '<)! cup chicken broth Coloratlo 16 41 11 i3 209 297 lourth-round nick in this years draft; Golden Stale 3T 26 .674 6>.x Philadelphia 0 .000 2 amounts of B vitamin. And it’s easy (Top lour in each division qualify for recalled right wing Mark Reeds from f’hocnix 34 26 .fi67 7 St. Louis 0 2 tablespoons minced fresh Stank'V (*u|> playoffs 4 Salt I.iikc City. recaNed goalie Paul Portland 31 28 .fZ 9'4 «n J0| p « soiM 10 Ix)s Angeles 0 2 .000 3 to prepare: simply cook pearly parsley or 2 teaspoons dried parsley Tuesday s Results .Skidmore- from Salt Lake City and San Diego 16 46 2TA 26 n«H * ‘wnty iMia VXM8NV San Francisco 0 2 .000 3 barley in water to cover from one to returned defenseman Jim Pavese fo x-split .squad flakes Calgary 9, Quebec 4 Tuesday's Results one and a half hours. You’ll want to Montrt'al 4. Boston 2 junior team in Sault Sic Marie. Ontario New York 126. Utah 112 (e)lMSNEA.lBe. Soccer Tuesday's Results l-'/z teaspoons poultry seasoning N Y Islanders 6. St. Louis 4 Toronto — Traded rlghl wing Will Atlanta 120. Denver 106 Montreal 4. Los Angeles 2 soak old fashioned Scotch barley 12 Los Angeles 2. Colorado 0 Paiemcnl to Quebec for right wing Golden Stat(> 92. Indiana 8T. Pittsburgh f, Kansas City 4 Chicken: Atlanta 1. Baltimore 0 hours before . Wedne.sday s Games Miroslav Frycer and a seventh-round Phoenix 100. Washington X One 4 to i-'/z lb. chicken Boston 9, Detroit 1 (All Times ESTi draft choice, reached a contract Chicago 109. Seattle 104 Barley’s nutty flavor makes it a Chicago White Sox 4. Toronto 2 Vj cup butter or m argarine, Philadelphia at N Y . Rangers. 7;3T sclllcment that makes Don Luce a free Houston 103. Milwaukee 91 good bet as a side dish with meats, agent, dropped Rone Robert I-os Angeles lOf.. Kansas City 99 Texas 4, New York Yankees 3 melted p m MAJOR INDOOR SOCCER LEAGUE Winnipeg at Hartford. 7:3F p.m, Washington — Obtained dcfen.seman San Diego 138. San Antonio 127 Cleveland f. San Francisco 0 too. Instead of potatoes. People in F o r stuffing: In medium Doug HicKs from Edmonton lor left wing Wednesday's Games By United Press International San Diego 2. California 1 Pittsburgh at Washington. 7;3T p.m Elastem Division Scandinavian countries have long Chit aco at Toronto. 8:0f p.m. Todil Bldner (All Tiroes EST) Milwaukee f. Seattle 2 saucepan, bring water to a boil. Stir N Y islanders at Minne.sota. R«:3f. [i m So<'cei' Indiana at Boston. 7:30 p.m. W L Pet. GB Chicago Cubs vs. Oakland used barley as an essential in­ in barley and salt. Reduce heat. New York (MISLi — Signed forw.ird SEATTLE (1041 New York .786 - Edmonton at Uis Angeles. I0;3T; p.m. Phoenix al New Jersey. 7:X p.m. Wednesday's Results gredient in every day cooking. In Cover; simmer 50 to 60 minutes dr Rullalo at Vancouver. ll;0f pm .Stan Karasi of Yugoslavia to a 2-year Golden Stale at Philadelphia. 7;3T p.m, Kelscr 6 0-2 12. Shelton T 1-2 11. Sikma Pittsburgh .7K) I (All Times EST) Thursday's Games contract Denver al Detroit. 8:0r b.m. 6 3-4 If.. Hanziik 0 2-2 2. Williams 11 2-4 Baltimore .679 3 New York Mels vs. Eckerd College at fact, the Lake Dwellers of until barley is tender, stirring oc- Winnipeg at Boston Chicago at Milwaukee. 8:30 p.m. 24. Smith 3 2-2 8. Brown 7 0^ If. Vranes Buffalo iil6 Erkerd. Fla.. 1:30 p.m. Switzerland were known to use at 0 2-2 2. Donaldson 3 4-T 10. Tolbert 2 04) Cleveland .333 12>r^ Cincinnati vs. Pittsburgh at Bradenton,' caftonally. Drain; set aside. In Chicago at Montreal Portland at Dallas, 8:3F p.m. least three kinds of barley 3,IXX) N Y. Rangers at Detroit Thur.sdav's Games 4. Totals 43 16-23 104. New Jersey .333 12^ Fla., 1:30 p.m, large skillet, melt butter. Saute CHK'AGO (109) ( olorado at Philadelphia MONTREAL (U PI) Trans;i( tmns m Utah at Atlanta ' Philadelphia 8 23 ZA Toronto vs. Philadelphia at Clearwater. years ago. Greenwood 6 f-T 17, Kenon I 1-2 3. celery and onion until tender. Add Vancouver at Calgary the 24 hours preceding the NHL trading Phoenix al (Meveland Western Division Fla., 1:30 p.m. It’s best to store barley on a tlc.'idline al mK)n Tues^ Fla.. 1 ;30 p.m. First peruKl - 1. (algarv. McAdam 9 tilth-round choice in 1982 or liRt • ing_9 Se.'iUle 31 29 20 24-104 Phoenix 9 21 .300 16 Baltimore vs. Univ. of Miami at to four days in the refrigerator. -0 . Remove giblets and neck from 0^ 18. (iaie 1 0-0 2. Free 8 4-f 20. Brown Kansas City 9 22 290 16^^ iPeplinskii. 9 22 2. Calgary. Konrovd 21 Toronto-Traded center l^aurie Bosch Chicago 20 31 24 34-100 Miami. Fla.. 1:30 p.m. And, here’s good news, calorie chicken. Rinse chicken; pat dry. ( ( ‘houinard Nilsson). 9 f9. 3. Quebec. man to Edmonton for left wing Walt 1 0-0 2, Parker 1 04) 2. Short 2 0-0 4. S. Three-point goals--Williams. Brown. Tuesday’s Result Kansas City vs. Chicago While Sox at Paiement 19 (Cloutier, Picheltei 17:14 I’odduhny and left wing Phil Dernuillard Williams 0 04) 0. Romar 4 0-0 8. Hassett Fouled out—None. Total fouls—Seattle 34. Philadelphia 4. Kansas City 3 Sarasota. Fla., 1:30 p.m. counters. Three and a half ounces of Lightly spoon about 2 cups stuffing 0 04) 0 Totals 39 14-16 92 Penalties Russell, .(’al. 2:ri0. Hunter. Toronto- Traded forward Will Paiement Chicago 23, A--7.380. Wednesday's Games Detroit vs. Minnesota at Orlando, Fla., barley equals 349 calories. That's mixture into body cavity. Secure Quo. 13:3(1, Bridgman. Cal. 16:f.9 to Quebec for Miroslav Frycer and a INDIANA (8fi (No Games Scheduled) 1:30 p.m. H Williams 6 0-0 12. Orr 4 04) 8, not high when you consider how Second pcriod-'4. ('algary. McAdam 10 seventh-round entry draft choice in 1982 Thursday’s Games Texas' vs. New York Yankees at Ft. neck skin over opening with wooden Owens 7 04) 14. Bu.se 3 04) 6. Davis 2 3-4 iHeinhart Hislopi. 3:fX). f. Quebec. Montreal-Traded defenseman Guv Li- Cleveland at Pittsburgh. 7:ff p.m.. EST Idauderdalc, Fla.. 1:30 p.m. filling even half that amount is. pick. Fold wings under back. Tie Hunter 18 (McRae. Cloutier). 6:41 6 {M)inte to St. Louis for a third-round 7. Carter 4 04) 8. Sichting 0 0-0 0, KANSAS CITY (99) California vs. Diego al Yuma. R. Johnson 3 2-2 8. Loder 2 4-4 10, Here are some recipes using Quebec, Rochefort 4 (Pairmcnl. Goulet i, ( hoico in 1983 waiver draft and a second- McGinnis 4 0-2 8. Knight 3 2-2 8. C. Ariz., 3 p.m. iegs together. Douglas 2 1-2 r . Ford f 3^ 14. Woodson f. 10.n 7. Calgary, ('houinard 21) 'Rein round choice in either 1982 or 1983 Johnson 6 2-2 14 Totals 39 7-10 8T. San Francisco vs. Milwaukee at Sun barley you may wish to try. Place chicken breast side up on 4-4 14. S. John.son 4 2-3 10. Dennard 4 2-4 hary, McDonald), 13 ID Penalties waiver draft. Golden Stale 27 20 27 18-92 ClW. Ariz., 3 p.m. 10. Grunfcld 4 4-f. 1, E. Johnson 3 1-f. 7, Especially recommended is the rack in shallow roasting pan; brush Rochefort. Que, 120, Plett. ('al. 140, Calgary- Traded defens(’inan Kan hJo- Indiana 2T> 2616 18-8T. Cnicago Cubs vs. Oakland at Phoenix. Marois. Que. 1 40. McR.ne. Que. 12 06 ranta to St. I^iuis for luiiire considera­ Fouk*d out—None. Total fouls—Golden Drew 3 3-4 9. Totals 37 24-36 99. Ariz, 3 p.m. Barley Minestrone Soup — buy some with melted butter. ^Insert meal Third period 8. Calgarv. McAdam 11 tions. Stale 17. Indiana 19. A—6.8Bf . LOS ANGELES (KT)- Taiyo Whales vs. Cleveland at Tucson, freshly baked Italian bread to go Hambis 4 2-4 10. Wilkes 8 2-2 18. Abdul- thermometer into thickest part of (Unassisted). 3 38. !». Calgary. Houston 22 St Louis—Traded right wings Ariz., 3 p.m. with it, and serve it with a crisp thigh, not touching bone. Roast (Cvr. U'lvallecM. 3 ft 10. Calgarv, Hislop and Tony Curie, goalie ftuk lleinz and a UTAH (112) Jabbar 6 4-6 16. E. John.son 8 11-13 27. Arizona St. vs. Seattle at Tempe, Ariz., 13 (unassisted'. 9 14 11, Tardif 36 (A 1983 fourth-round entry drall choice to Dantley 12 4-7 2R. Hardy 6 3-3 If., Nixon 6 f-6 17. Cooper 6 0-0 12. Jordan 2 3 p.m. salad. about 2 hours and 10 minutes, or un­ Stastny), 10 22 12. Calgary. Nilsson 21 Vancouver lor goalie Glen Hanlon Wilkins 3 2A R. Green 9 04) IB. Griffith 9 04) 4. Brewer 0 04) 0, Landsberger 0 1-2 Thursday’s Games til meat thermometer registers 180“ ((3iouinard. Plett). 17 10.' 13. ('algary. ('olorado- Traded left wing Ed (!ooper r-6 23. Schayes 3 610 12. Wood 2 0-0 4, 1. Totals 40 Z-.33 Iflf . x-Pittsburgh vs. Cincinnati at Tampa. Kansas City 2T.24 222&-S9 Barley (VT 12 (I^ivallee; Houston). 18 25 i(» Edmonton for center Stan Weir. ■ Duren I 2-2 4. ('attage 0 04) 9, Poquette 0 ^Bowling Fla.. 1:30 p.m. to 185“ F,, basting with melted Penaltie.s—Ik’plinski. Cal. major-minor, EdmontoTV--Traded defenseman Doug 04) 0. Nicks 0 04) 0. Totals « 22-32 112. Los Angeles 3219 29 106 x-Pittsburgh vs. New York Mets at. butter every 30 minutes. Makes 4 to 7 f8. Rochefort.'Que. major-minor. 7:r8; Hicks to W'ashington for left wing Todd Three point goal»-Ford. Fouled out—S. Bradenton. Fla., 1:30 p.m. Minestrone Soup NEW YORK (126) Johnson. Total fouls—Kansas City X . Los Russell, Cal, 8 24 Bourgeois. Cal. 10:r4; Bidncr Lucas R r-7 21. Russell 9 3-3 21. Los Angeles vs. Atlanta at West Palm 6 servings. Angeles 28 Technical—Abdul-Jabbar 2. Beach, Fla.. 1:30 p.m. 1 tablespoon vegetable oil McRae. Que 10:M. I^croix. Que. 16:r.9. Cartwright 9 1-1 19. Richardson 11 0-2 22. Riley A-11.614. Shots oh goal—Calgarv 8-1111—30 R. Smith 8 2-2 18. Webster 4 2-2 10. ' St. Louis vs. Houston at Cocoa, Fla., 1 cup chopped'onion Quel)C( 9-n-l.''—y Carter 2 04) 4. S, Williams 4 1-2 9. 1:30 p.m. 1 cup carrot slices (ioalicj^-Calgarv. Riggin Quebec, Gar­ Bradley 1 0-0 2. Totals 14-19 126. Philadelphia vs. Toronto at Dunedin. Casserole 1 cup celery slices rett A-ir.l89 Utah ■ M27 302f-ll2 MII.WAIIKEE (91) COUNTRY CLUB- Ted Backiel 137- Fla. New York 32 34 28 32-126 Ma Johnson 8 04) 16. Mi. Johnson 4 1-2 167-438, Larry Bates 148-399, John Montreal vs Kansas City at Fort 2 cloves garlic, minced con Came Fouled out None. Total fouls—Utah 20. 9., Lanier I 04) 10. Buckner 2 04) 4 Myers, Fla., 1:30 p.m, New York 26 A-7.828. Rieder 147-395, Carl Bolin 160-393, ^ston vs. Chicago White Sox at 6 cups water 1 pound ground beef , Los Angclc'; 2 0 0—2 Moncrief 3 0-2 6, Bridgeman 9 34 21 1 28^z. can whole tomatoes, un­ Colorado 0 0 0--0 Spurs’ signee Calrhings 1 04) 2. Crompton 0 04) 0. Vic Abraitis 140-384, Ekl Shaw 148- Sarasota. Fla.. 1:30 p.m. Vz cup chopped onion First period 1. Los Angeles. Nicholls 1 Winters 7 04) 16, Cummings 3 04) 6 Minnesota vs. Detroit at Lakeland, drained, coarsely chopped DENVER (KB) ^ u , . o .r 381, Gordie Wilson 139-371, Irv Fla.. 1:30 p.m. 1 15-oz. can tomato sauce (unassisted), r, 3T 2. Los Angeles. SAN ANTONIO (U P II- The San English 12 1-6 29. Vandeweghe 7 1-2 If.. Lister 0 1-2 1. Totals 42 r-10 91 cup regular barley Nicholls 2 (unassisted). 7:16 Penaltles- Isscl ? 66 22, Dunn 2 4-4 8, Higgs 1 34 f , HOUSTON (1031 Carlson 369, Tom Turner 140-368, Baltimore vs. Texas at Pompano 1 cup water Antonio Spurs Signed forward Ricky Oondrcxick 2 0-0 4, McKinney 4 2-2 10 Beach. Fla.. 1:30 p.m. 4 to 6 beef bouillon cubes Wells, LA, r.;07; Bonar. LA.d7:16. Hayes 6 3-7 ir, Jones 1 2-2 4, Malone John Wilks 358, Ed Harrington 357, ‘/z cup regular barley Second period-None. Penallles-Nichol- Thompson 3 2-3 9. Hordges 0 04 0. Ray 2 Kl 8-11 28, Leavell II 3-3 2E. Reid 9 1-2 San Francisco vs. Chicago Cubs at Yonakor to a 10-day contract Mon­ ■Al Martin 354, 'Tom Atamian 139-353. Mesa. Arizu 3 p.m. 1. teaspoon sugar son. Col. 3:39; Bozek. LA. 7:39: Kelly. 04) 4. Totals 40 y-33 106. 19. Garrett 1 04) 2. Henderson 3 2-3 8. Vi cup black olive slices day and placed Paul Griffin on the ATLANTA U20) Paultz 0 04) 0. Dunteavy 1 04) 2 Totals California vs. San Diego at Yuma. 1 bay leaf LA. major-minor. 11 00: Nicholson, ( ’ol. Ariz., 3 p.m. Vi teaspoon sugar ' major-minor. 1100, Hardy. LA. ir:14, injured reserve list. Ma(klin 4 7-8 If. Boundlield 12 10-12 34. 42 19-28 100 ZODIAC- Del Dumond 457, Nancy 1 16-oz. can red or white kidney Hollins 3 04) 6. Johnson 10 04 21. Milwaukee 19 24 23 2f^ 91 Oakland vs. Milwaukee at Sun City. Vi teaspoon salt ('ameron. Col. lf:I4. Wells, LA. major- Yonakor, a 6-10, 212-pound rookie Ariz., 3 p.m. minor. 17:1"; Levo. Col. 19:30. Sparrow 2 1-2 f.. McMillcn 10 M 26. Houston 29 241931-103 McKeown 221-543, Eklith Tracy 452, beans, drained;, Vz to 1 teaspoon chili powder Seattle vs. Cleveland at TucMn, Ariz.. Third period—None. PenaUic»-Col. from North Carolina, averaged 12.3 Malthews 1 1-2 3, Pellom 4 04) 8. Glenn 1 Three point goals-Wlnters 2. Fouled 1 10-oz'. pkg. 'frozen Italian green Marian Eaton 205-183-547; Second 3 p.m. 1 cup (4 oz.) shredded sharp Ched­ bench (served' by Gagne). 4 46. Hardy. points and 9.3 rebounds for the Mon­ 04) 2. W))liams 0 04) 0. Totals 47 2T-34 oul-Cummings, Total foula-Milwaukee beans LA. r. 23; Taylor. LA. 8:49. Ramage. Col. 27. Houston 19. A—ir.JJf week Edith Tracy 193-461, Marian dar cheese tana Golden Nuggets of the Con­ x-splil squad 13:28. Bozek; LA. 13 28. iSnver 31 23 3716-106 Eaton 179-505, Pat Cheney 480. Grated Parmesan cheese Heat oven to 375° F. In medium Shots on goal—I» s Angeles 8-16-fr-29. tinental League. Griffin, a six-year Atlanta 34 3r,31»-120 , In 6K{t. heavy saucepan ot Dutch Three-point godis-Thompson, Johnson. skillet, brown ground beef with Colorado 7-7^-16 veteran, had knee surgery per­ Goalies—lyos Angeles. Lessard ('olora­ Fouled out- -None Total foula-Denver 22, oven, heat oil. Saute onion, carrot, onion; drain fat. In large bowl, com­ do. Hesch A-8273.. formed Jan. 26 for an injury he suf­ Atlanta 24 A—r,640. celery and garlic over High heat un­ bine ground beef mixture with fered Dec. 15 against Kansas City. til crisp tender. Add water, rem aining ingredients except Boston 0 0 2-2 tomatoes, barley, bouillon cubes, Montreal 310—4 After School cheese; mix well. Place in 11 X 7- First period 1. Montreal, (iainey 20 Frazier impresses cVvMTIROGi sugar anil bay leaf. Cover; bring to a inch baking dish. Cover tightly with .(Engblomi. 17:11 2. Montreal. Napier 34 Barley Minestrone Soup with a fresh green salad and freshly baked bread makes a delightful March meal. boil. Reduce heat. Simmer 50 foil. (Lafleur. Picard i. 18 27 , 3. Montreal. FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. 1,/afleur 2T (Napier). 18:46. Penaltiesv- minutes, stirring occasionally. Bake about 1 hour or until barley (UPIV— George Frazier, the losing I)elorme. Mil. 2;r7; Engblom. Mil. 13:19: SOCCER ^ eps^ Stir in kidney beans and Italian is tender'. Uncover; stir casserole. Ufleur. Mtl. 16:(r7 pitcher in three of the New York Beginning March 15, 1982 beans. Continue about 5 Second period--4, Montreal. Rischrough -Vit cups chopped onion (about all si^es. Add onion, green pepper Sprinkle cheese on top. Continue Yankees’ World Series games last minutes or until vegetables and Hungarian 1 2 drained If. (Robinson). 3:33 Penalties—K. Crow­ 3:30-4:30 p.m. - AgM 8-10 and salt; cook just until vegetables baking 2 to 3 minutes or until cheese der. Bos. 1:22; Kasper, ^ s . f. :4T. year, took a firm step Monday along barley are tender. Sprinkle in­ large onions) 1 cup regular barley Bourque, Bos. 12 3T. Rischrough. Mtl. 4:30-5:30 pm - AgM 11-13 Barley tablespoon paprika is melted. Garnish with additional his personal comeback trail. dividual servings with Parmesan 1 medium green pepper, chopped 1 are tender. 12:3f: Leveillc. Bos. 16:2); Engblom. Monday and Wadnaaday Dairy sour cream Add remaining ingredients except black olive slices, chopped tomatoes Mtl. 16:2), MarcoMe. Bos. 17:3f. The young righthander, who said O ver cheese. Serve with tossed salad and 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 teaspoon salt In 4-qt. heavy saucepan or Dutch or avocado slices, if desired. Makes Hisebrough. MU. 19 41 all winter he carries scars from \ 8 SaMlona bread, if desired. Makes about 4-Vx pounds beef stew meat, cut 3 cups water- sour cream; mix well. Cover; bring Third period f. Middleton 44 ( McNab. oven, heat oil. Add meat; brown on to a boil. Reduce heat. Uncover; 4 to 6 servings. Pederson). 1 :(H 6, Boston. Bourque 14 the experience, pitched three J Call Rick or MIchMl quarts soup. into V^-inch cubes 1 28-oz. can whole tomatoes, un­ I Krushelnvski). 9 11 Penalties—Melnyk. shutout innings in a 3-2 “ B” game lios. major. 4.fy. .Hunter. Mtl. major, victory over the Atlanta Braves, > 6 3 3 -3 6 8 9 $ 4-ry. 2,000 Shots on goal Boston 12-6-6 -24 Mont­ allowing one hit, striking out three real 7-14-9 31) and walking none. Goalies—Boston, Va< hon Montreal. Sour liquid has long, varied history Wamsiey A—IB.fef Cash Prizes Grievance likely QUEBEC (UPI) - Left NOW THROUGH MARCM 1 7 winger , upset CALDWELL OIL, INC. AUTO REPAIRS My goodness, even vinegar has a mother How to H ay and Win over an arbitration case, Entry blanks are available (no purchase necessary, that saw his playing rights 0 move from the New York WE SERVICE ALL one pier customer per performance) at the gate, plus who still swear by cider vinegar and honey to cure a warm. Increase heat to high, and add more oil to pan if The recent vogue for flavored vinegars in “ nouvelle onions have absorbed most of it. Rangers to the Quebec 1 . 1 0 * C .O .D . YNoms of Mr. Goodwrmneh' GENERAL MOTOR in every program. Fill it out and deposit in thd ' ' cough. cuisine” dishes is, to my mind, more fashionable than When oil is very hot, saute liver strips very quickly for Nordiques, may file a CARS AND TRUCKS Shamrock Sweepstakes Dnun. The more you The English have always been partial to malt vinegar, grievance with the NHL delicious. Some of the flavor combinations are so a predilection that spread to Canada. (Canadians about 1 minute. (The reason that most people think they play, the better your chances to win. On Wednesday bizarre I cannot imagine how one might be expected to B e a r d Players’ Association over » ALL MECHANICAL REPAIRS automatically sprinkle malt vinegar on their French dislike liver is because it’s overcooked. Liver requires evening, March 17, eight names will be drawn after use the stuff. I tasted a French white-Wine vinegar the minimal cooking to be delicious!) Season with salt and the decision. » COMPLETE COLLISION REPAIRS fries, whereas Americans favor sweet tomato ketchup The decision, laid down 649-8841 the 5th race. (You must be present lo win) Each of other day with bright-red chili peppers in it. The pale- o n F o o d and the Dutch like mustard mayonnaise.) freshly ground black pepper to taste. Return onions to gold vinegar was a lovely color, as were the red pan and toss with liver strips just long enough to reheat, Monday by NHL president » REBUILT AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS the eight finalists will select a post position for the Verjuice — literally, green juice — is an earlier type John Ziegler, was made to peppers, but it tasted awful. What salad greens could then add 1 tablespoon of wine vinegar and serve at once. » AUTO PAINTING 12th race and the order of finish will determine the Syndicated Columnist of cider vinegar distilled from crab apples and was used complete the Dec. 31 deal possible stand up to that kind of competition? Serves 4. • OHAROE WITH MASTER OHARSE cash prizes. in cookery right up until the 19th century, especially in in which center Robbie And I can’t help chuckling to myself over the meat and game pies. Verjuice, or verjus, is still made in Another classic recipe that employs vinegar is a Ftorek went to New York raspberry-vinegar craze. Country folk have been French chicken dish that I think you will enjoy very HETCHER GLASS CO. , 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE $ 1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 France — I tried a French mustard the other day that is 100.00 making raspberry-vinegar for generations, but it was ihuch. and forwards J5 Ytcrt oi llol MANCHCifER] flavored with it — but the French use the verjus grape 5 0 0 .0 0 never intended to go in sauces for defenseless little and Dean Talafous came to 7 5 .0 0 rather than crab apples. ■'« Quebec. 2 5 0 .0 0 5 0 .0 0 quail, or in salads. It’s a drink! Not neat, of course, but I remember buying some vinegar mother in Lan­ COMPLlTE AUTO GLASS SERVIU mixed with ice and lots of sparkling water it’s very THE ITAI,,IANS MADE verjuice or "agresto” from Poulet Au Vinaigre ' WINDOW GLASS • MIRRORS • GLASS 1 5 0 .0 0 2 5 .0 0 caster or Redding in Pennsylvania Dutch country. I took refreshing on a hot day. Raspberry vinegar is made by this culture back to New York and put it into a 15-gallon acid grapes grown for that purpose, and in fact agresto Melt 6 tablespoons unsalted butter in a large, heavy FURNITURE TOPS • PICTURE FRAMING (»RTER the equivalent of 24 baskets of ripe raspberries was one of the most widely used condiments in Medieval skillet with a tight-fitting lid. Add two frying chickens (2 • FIREPLACE & DOOR MIRRORS Pkw . . . Special consolation prizes drawn jar. For. years I made my own vinegar by adding all my bumg after the 6th R iro u ^ l l U i races. Stay and wlnl in a gallon of cider or malt vinegar, then clearing off the leftover wine to it. The ground glass stopper was left and Renaissance cookery. The Irish make a traditional to 2!^ pounds each), cut in quarters, and brown on all V • TUB ENCLOSURES • SPECIAL WORK fruit and repeating with another tray of raspberries. very loose to allow essential air circulation, and my cake that uses yinegar instead of eggs; the Italians, or sides. Lower heat, season to taste with salt and freshly These steps are continued until you achieve a really vinegar contained some pretty fine vintages, I can tell more specifically the Venetians, use vinegar with ground black pepper, add V5 cup water and simmer over A MARCH 17 COULD BE aromatic brew. calves’ liver. It’s a classic dish that has been known to low heat, covered for 15 minutes. Add 2 finely chopped ^ANCHISTIW6 4 9 - 4 5 2 ' ^ I run you. Well, I went off to'Europe on a trip and someone turn liver-haters into liver-lovers after one forkful. gre^n onions and 1 tablespoon chopped parsley. Move 1229 MAIN ST. YOUR VERY LUCKY DAYI YEARS AGO, you could buy a vinegar “ mother,” rammed the stopper down while I was gone with lamen­ AUTO REPAIR pieces of white meat to the top, leaving the dark meat, DUUNOND? SI itvu.l s the natural yea^t culture that, put into wine, turns wine table results. He smothered mother! Estimate GUdiy Chren MANCHESTER which takes longer to cook, on the bottom. Ctover and Stale Imf. noone under 18 admitted into vinegar. Contrary to popular belief, old wine will People have made vinegar for centuries, and before Look In the Fegato Venezlena cook until just tender but still juicy, about 10 minutes. TEL. 646-6464 hot tuin Sito vinegar If simply left in the bottle; it will the days when citrus fruit was common, cooks would Chit 1 pound of choice calves’ liver, sliced V«-ii!ch Remove chicken and add Vz cup wine vinegar to the yollow pages PUSTKS M STOCK merely die. To make vinegar, you need a vinejgar use a few drops of vinegar instead of a squeeze of lemon thick, into strips measuring about 1-inch wide; Discard ■pan. Boil, scraping up brown glaze, until vinegar has 54 McKEE ST , MANCHESTER .100-(r-3/lS"-Y4" culture. Not too very long ago, you could buy a fet^ to point up the flavors in a dish. Of course, vinegar has for the GM QUAUTY 0^ any skin or tough bits. Heat 3 tablespoons olive oil in a cooked down to a bubbly consistency, then add V« cup {O jf Center St.) cents’ worth of v l n e ^ mother, which was generally a lw a y s ')))^ used in . In Colonial times cider S aM C f MRTS large skillet, add 2 cups thinly sliced onions and saute water and mix until smooth. Add V4 cup chopped parsley dtanMMd broker. banded to you in a litUe glass Jar and looked somewhat vinegar was used in folk medicine for an extraordinary E (a m B2) TO EX1T67, nJlinipiKlA until limp and delicately browned. Remove and keep and pour pan juices over chicken. Serves 4. (IZN D IAL MOTORS n u n s DtVBION like a jeUyfish. assortment of ills, as well as in cooking. I know people

" t

J 16 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed.. March 10. 1982 MANCH^TER HERALD, Wed., March 10, 1982 - 17 Polly's kitchen pointers: Don't throw any food away Where can onje buy persimmon fudge? lasting ice cubs, put the You can use only as many “instant” gravy or quarters or other suitable yolks. Store leftover whites Sieve. The cooked yolk will about right for a cup of enriching soups and water in muffin tins in­ By Polly Fisher coffee. Milk tends to get as you need at one time portions. Place each piece in separate plastic keep, in a tightly covered or for use in any recipe stead of omventional Ice­ and Polly Cramer on a paper plate, freeze un­ sandwl^ bags, then place container in the watery after freezing, but without thawing the entire cube- trays. These cubes whole milk will seem less package. requiring a meat broth. The best way to get the til firm, then wrap secura- all the bags in an egg car­ refrigerator for a few days Save aluminum frozen- are to use in punch Writer seeks out genuine American food ly. Thaw and use one p i ^ and can be used as a gar­ so than skim or low-fat- Pour leftover gravy or bowls or ice chests. most out of your food ton. They will not dry out meat juices into ice-cube dinner trays and use them at a time. and you can use just as nish for salads, canapes niilk. Freeze leftover coffee in dollar is to use every bit of Remove frankfurters trays and freezer. When to make your own frozen degrees F. Sift flour and Leftover cake or cookies many as you need in future and other dishes. ice-cube trays. Use the USDA extension service search ot tne persimmon appearance ot toodstuffs He would like to see Sokolov’s recipe for ham food you buy. These from the package and frozen, pop out of trgys and TV dinners out of leftovers. By Jeanne Lesem used to feature wild meat. baking powder. Mix with storage hints may enable can be turned into crumbs recipes. If you use milk only in Just heat in a 400-degree cubes in iced coffee; they’ UPl Fannifty Editor people. fudge stand. and traditions. They stopped, he said, some of the energy refor­ biscuits; to make a delicious pie small quantities and in­ freeze separately, wrap­ store in plastic bags in the will not dilute the coffee mists spend touting natural salt and ham. Cut in you never to have to throw Poach leftover egg yolks freezer. These are very oven for 30 minutes or so. The postoffice is another "I’m going to go on a “I really don’t think the because game isn’t shell similar to a graham- in water, cool them and frequently, freeze it in ice­ ping in a aluminum foil or like reeular ice cubes. You may have heard of completely speculative overall trend can possibly foods channeled instead 2 cups flour shortening with knife until good food away again. heavy-duty. plastic wrap. handy for making To make larger, longer- great source of Informa­ federally inspected, so it mixture has consistency of Frozen bread often cracker crust. Mix crumbs then put them through a cube trays. One cube is home gardeners who join tion for locating regional trip to Alabama and change. We’re not going to cannot be sold legally. into saving regional 4 teaspoons baking with just enough melted seed exchanges in an effort Mississippi next month. march every city dweller foodstuffs that cannot be powder meal. Add milk, handling becomes damp and soggy food sources in rural Kentuckians resourceful­ dough as little as possible. while thawing. To prevent butter or margarine to hold to save endangered plant America, he said. I’ve never been in the real­ back to the land and force ly substituted old ewes, mass produced. Pinch of salt together, then press the varieties. "They’re so indiscreet, it’s ly deep TOuth. I want to see him to farm by 19th cen­ He said he'd also like to a 'A cup ground Smithfield Pat out with hands or roll this problem, open the bag Sokolov said, and today on floured board. Cut out when you take the bread mixture into the bottom Raymond Sokolov has a wonderful.” what people are really tury methods.” there are 16 mutton creative system of food in­ ham from the freezer and insert and sides of a pie plate. goal something like that. ' An Indiana county agent doing.” In Owensboro, Ky., he b^fbecue restaurants in spection to permit such 2 tablespoons shortening and bake on greased cookie Chill for two hours. ‘T m trying to find out ' people to sell outside their Vi cup milk sheet until brown. Makes a heavy paper towel. Close C E I ! SUPER COUPON )j SUPER COUPON sent him to the agent’s Sokolov is not optimistic said, the old, traditional that town of 50,000 popula­ the bag and allow the bread In humid weather, about what’s left of mother-inlaw’s house in about halting the dis­ .Catholic church tion. geographic area, he said. Preheat oven to 400 about 12. to thaw as usual. The towel cookies and crackers can WITH THIS COUPOM* 7 SO PURCHASE «P 2 SOI WITH THIS COUPON I 7 SO PURCHASE WP 2 traditional regional food absorbs the excess quickly become soggy. A4P ASSORTED VARiETeS and culture in this coun­ moisture, and the bread Store such products In the CLIP and REDEEM try," Sokolov says. , wiii be fresh and firm. oven if it has a pilot light. these Granulated n|io| Hood Ice He’s looking for "foods Stale bread makes They will always be c i ^ . Sugar Cream 1” that haven’t made it in the | ^ ^ redeem these coupons at any excellent croutons. Simply Cheese can be frozen. SUPER COUPONS *Cse«MllwntPratMnlMtjrUw ^ *Escop( Ntmt ProhWrttU By low supermarket world — Cream cheese should be LMM On« Coupon Par PwMy VaM 0 ^ llm tOno Coupon PofFamily. VohP things like wild persim­ cube the bread and toast it kWtoch M>pi. %m m ttom lima itww. V LMorcR 7-lMi. IIColSlOftlLiUldBlICW. gently in the oven for 30 used within six weeks; mons and Olympia — f i ^ lT 1 store selling these products minutes or more until it is hard cheese will keep for a oysters.” dry and lightly browned. few months. Wrap any type In two years he visited 42 I The croutons will keep for of cheese well in aluminum Stainless Steel-Professional Style ^ of the 50 states in search of many weeks if stored in a foil or heavy-duty plastic Gourmet Gitlery ** basic foodstuffs and 1 covered jar. freezer wrap before DOUBLE COUPONS recipes and reported on his Keep cake fresh and freezing. Redeem All Manufacturers’ Cents-OM Coupons For Double All Purpose Knife ’ K findings in Natural History moist by placing a slice of Frozen hard cheeses Their Value' (See Stores For Delailsi, OFFER EXPIRES MARCH 13lh. 1982. SriM RWVf SONUlC IVItT MfU WtTHMrHCWniRT MOSTIAR IMrl WOCIS' magazine, the official Save 20^on any size fresh bread with the cake, tend to be crumbly if they publication of the then wrapping the whole are used immediately after THIS WEEK FEATURING VOLUMES 11 & 12 American Museum of GunsNaturalWhip thing with food wrap. The thawing. Leave in the . tort W Rii io oPsgHiMP lUMi N 40RUU0P *0 Pt foowty aw lpy *o* CAPTURE VolumM2-24 Natural History, in New I uWMwNlMsHifOtfufHiMdprKtMiMcAAAPStort OiCtpla* the tangy, zesty salad dressing. cake stays fresh, while the refrigerator for a couple of ' ipuciRcoNynoloOwPufO ______The New Funk a Wagnalls wfT York City. wW '■ ' to w days after removing from Illustrated Wlldlile Encyclopedia. Mr. Qrocur: CfiWg wIK rud— m thit coupon for 204 plus 74 for hfindlir>g if you N a tu r a l bread gets stale. d GREEN PRICE SPECIALS Twenty-four of his ar­ rocoivu firul hfindto N gtrldly Wi ficcordancu with the terms of this offer and it, upon Small families can have the freezer for a more ticles have been published re<)uesl, you sutimN evidence thereof satisifictory to Tha John E. Cam Co Coupon W EW A TC H OUR P's f id ’s V o lu m e 1 o n ly 99 * ^ may not be aatignad or tranatarrad. Cuatomar muai pay any aaiaa tax. lAMd whara W l 't P their cake and eat it too. natural texture. in slightly different form in p^ibttad, taxad or reatricted by law Good only m U A.. Na tarrtioriea and pot- After preparing a regular- Many recipes call for “Fading Feast” (Farrar aaaaiona. Caah valut: t/204 fo r rademption of only egg whites or egg propartyrecofvedandhandtedcoupon.mail size cake, cut it into Straus Giroux $17.%). SAVE $ 1 , 2 0 to: The John E. Cain C o . Ayar,Maaa 01432. I The book, like the ar­ ticles on which it is based, includes a few recipes. The recipes are "exhibits to Vitamins noted show techniques,” he said •^in an interview. "I do think I’ve set a fire 20€ off any de Kamps seafood product. under people in Key West," in lunch menus CONSUMER Coupon Sokolov added. acmd only on produg t indloicd Limit one coupon He was in that Florida per nurctuLve ^ In conjunction with National Nutrition Month, RETAILER Ve will pav this month the Manchester school lunch menus city on assignment for a fan value plus handily when you comply with offer have symbols printed next to the foods which are travel magazine when "the lermA Fn>o( that you pur chsned AumciefH produa high in vitamins A and C. old reflexes asserted muu he avallaMe Void where prohibited, used or restrict, A lesson plan involving the two vitamiils has been themselves. I went looking ed Cash value i/20« Mall to for key limes. My motel VandeKamp's.PO Box IHJH, developed by Peggy Gregan, nutrition consultant Clinton. Iowa 92734 COUPON for the school lunch program, and will be used in had a producing tree” but EXPIRES DECEMBER 91. 1982 the elementary classrooms. -ASP Country Farm Pork Shop— people said the tiny, unique -A S P Variety Meat Shop- School officials said the project will also aid the — A AP Butcher Shop— PORKLOM PORK LOm-LOIN fruit was no longer grown nbDD iD37aa general public in identifying those foods through the LEAN GROUND BEEF-UB.FKG. OR MONE-1.5^. BONELESS-FUTCUT commercially. VuideKampsT^ same vitamin symbols printed in The Herald next Silloin Portion 1 1 9 Center Cut After his key lime article Flesh Ground 1 49 A&P Corned appeared in the museum to the menu items. D p p f 3-lb.pkg. I Loin Roaste ,p Poilc Chops Ih DwCI ormoTB ib. ■ I Beef Brisket magazine, “I got the FORK LON-W HOLE-U T 0 17 LBS FORKLOM-RMENO angriest letter frpm eCCFCHUCK-L£AH-BONClESS Pork Loin RWSmW N) 1^ Boneless Pork Roasts •0HELCS5-F0MT CUT 4M Freirich Corned Beef Brisket J someone representing the .Q0T DODCE Beef for Stew «1 FORM LOn-SCENTERCUT CHOPS I4N6CN0II lOMENOROAST EOUAl AMTS CENTERCENTERCU CUTML AOC/SiRLOm ENO CHOFS ~ - — - AtGOrtid commercial lime in­ K E F CHUCK-BONELESS a m FKSH-MIXEDFRYERFART8 VAA M e n u s Pork'Combinatlon n. P Pork Chops FortiLom dustry,” he said. Blade Steaks «2” Box-O-Chickpn ^59^ The writer objected to SiWElse ASP Lertten Seafood Shop FROZEN-CENTER SLICEO LESSER OUANTITKS-W* LB. W M * Sokolov’s saying key limes’ on your next purchase of KtUsgg’j* <0% Bran Flakes. KtUOKis' Bolton Ff§$h Fish AvsHshh Widnesdsf thru Ssturttsy All-Bran*. Kelloa's* Cracklin’ Bran*. orKdigggli* Pr«n Pwfe cereal. FiciH'-coim icuTi flavor is different and The following lunches will be served in the Bolton Beef Liver w /lr AM Fresh Chicken Legs^iCt ..79^ (Offer limited to one coupon per peckepe purchased.) ONDCtR: We will redeem thit coupon plus 74 handling when terms ol this oHar hove been comdisd with KCF-HB.MO-149 Cod Steaks I k ™ Ocean Perch Fillets better tasting than that of Elementary and Center schools the week of March 15 the Persian variety widely ^ by you oiid tha consumar. For poyment, moil coupons loi OfPT. R.. P.O. BOX 1172. CLINTON. IOWA A&P Meat Franks FRESH* Chicken Breasts i.™' 52734. Coupon wHI be h o n o ^ only if lubmrftad bv o ratoiltr of our merchondisa or o clsormphouss through 19: sold in supermarkets and approved by us tn f octing for. ond ot the risk of, s u ^ o rstoiler. kivoicat proving purchoss of sufficient Monday: Taco turnovers, french fries, peas and FROZEN-TABLE T K A T a m Cod orScrod Fillets .2** Haddock Fillets FKSH-BONELESS stock to cover coupons prssantad for redsmpiion must ba shown upon raqutst. Any solas tax must bt groceries. poid by fht consumer Offer good only in tha United Stotts, its isrntorits and Puerto Rko, ond void carrots, pudding with topping. Sandur^h SiMlit pkg QUICK FROZEN-CRUNCHY OLNCK-FROZCN-CRUNCHV whore prohibrtsd. licanssd, toxad or restricted bv low. Coupon subject to confiscation when terms of Steak-Umm 2 Chicken Breast Cutlets >.2 In his travels he has also " ■ . to • ^1 ^ Tuesday: Soup, cold grinder, pepper strips, chips, ap­ offer hove not been complied with. Cosh volue; A&P Fish Portions A&P Fish Sticks located a TCrsimmon fudge t/2 0 o f1 < . KELLOGG SALES COMMNY ple sauce. Wednesday: Macaroni and meSatsauce, Italian bread, CAF'N JOHN S-OUCR FROZEN-SALAD SIZE CAFNJOHNt-OUCKFROZEN-FEELEOiKVEMEO stand in Gnaw Bone, Ind., Coupon OMpIrot fttarch 31,1993* 3BDDD IDRMVD Cooked Shrimp Medium Shrimp and a Baltimore market, 19 Kslegg Compwty (£) 19M KsNego Coinpany butlerered beans, chilled peaches. the Lercington, that sells Thursday; Fruit juice, pizza, tossed salad, gelatin OmCK FROZEN-POTATO CROP ouncrooiEH-MUKA V^orton’s Fish Fillets Shrimp Cocktail 3^ :2” muskrat and terrapin in with topping. season. Friday : Grilled cheese sandwich, potato chips, pickle He also admires Atlan­ spears, make-your-own-sundae. Milk is served with all ta’s municipal market, "an meals. oldfashioned center city )t? SMFEZO* Sunkist California California Tender market with retail stalls. ' on one h4 ox. bottle of Coventry The whole of southeastern The following lunches will be served in the Coventry Seedless Jumbo Navels Fresh Broccoli agriculture is laid out lfei:yniie A | » p l e J u i c e * AXELROD STOUFFER'S schools the week of March 15 through 19; there,” he said— including a i i ^ e TO M R G R O C E R : you are authorized lo a d a s our agent tor the redemption Ricotta Cheese (*«■ b French Bread Pizza of biia coupon. VWs will reimburse you 204 plus 74 handting it it h as been Monday: Beef and bacon burger, sliced tomato, a huge mound of bulk fu ic e used in accordance with our customer offer Invoice proving p urchase of mashed potato, corn niblets, pudding with topping. KRAFT WHH CHEDDAR CHEESE sausage meat sculpted to sufficient slock to cover coupons presented for redemption must be shown on request C o u p o n s void it taxed, prohibited or otherwise restnefed b y law Tuesday.' Turkey dinner with all of the trimmings, Shredded Mozzarella „5 99* 781 Stouffer’s Broccoli look like a hog’s head and Customer pays any sales lax. C a sh value is t/204. Grocers mail coupxmts to and gelatin with topping. K fu n " HOWARD JONNSM greens beautifully dis­ vteryfjne. P.O B ox 1357, Clm toa Iowa 52734. Otter expires 8/31/82, a«t 129 Wednesday: Grilled cheese with potato puffs, cole Sliced Swiss Cheese pke I Macaroni & Cheese played. slaw, and gelatin jewels with topping. LAAQE-Jmev a FUU OF VITAMINS AND NUTRITION A A ^ KRAH Bmos EYE TASTI FtJFFS OR Sokolov was a free lance Thursday: Burito (Mexican sandwich with filling of » « i n California Lemons a to 99^ Fresh Beets or Carrots i>Jd 9^ writer when he gathered 7D S10 lQD3Mb Grated Parmesan COM. I Birds Eye Tasti Fries 1 beef, beans and cheese), Mexican corn, salad, apple. RED nPC-JLNCV SWEET material for the articles ' r y O n e ! FK S H CRISP CA LFO R M A KO OR A A ^ Milk is served with all meals. ZE8TY MOTTS and book. Now be is editor Watermelon’^ I t Green Leaf Lettuce bunch u9^ Friday: Juice, pizza, salad, fruit. Sealtest Sour Cream Apple Juice of Book Digest magazine, MPORtCD-THOMFSON VriflTE MSem F K S H FIRM TENDER FMK but hoping to make oc­ 9 IM 2 Kratl. he. /? Manchester c t ; HBA Specials ^ Seedless Grapes it l** Hot House Rhubarb »V’ ( P H Deli p e d a ls * ^ casional trips during his V ■ *lnSlolt«wnhOMi J The following lunches will be served in the FULL OF VnAM M " C ’-JUICV SEEDLESS U.S. NO 1-ALL PURPOSE YEUOW ONIONS OR free time. Manchester public schools the week of MaTch 15 through QUICK DRY ANnfERSPtRANT-DEODORANT Pink Grapefruit 4 to9 T Florida Red Potatoes 3 . * 1 STOHESUCEO Finding people like Neui- 19: Ban Cooked cy Roberts, the persimmon fudge maker, and Cajun SAVE25<>on The letter after some food items indicates the vitamin value. Boll-On Ham sausage makers Dudley Monday: Hot dog on roil, baked beans, cole slaw (A), ANTIPCRSPMANT-OEOOORANT STOKSUCED-CaONUL Hebert and Elmer gingerbread with topping. (Half-day at elenqentary Ultra Ban Solid ^1** Turkey Pastrami Girouard isn’t easy. MISS BRECK today and Tuesday — no lunch served.) EXTRASTRENOTH-TABIETS-IOOCT. ------He said he finds many by Tuesday: Chicken patty on roll with tomato (C) and S TO K SLICEO asking county agents — the lettuce, cranberry sauce, corn chips, buttered carrots Excedrin Capsules ^ X 2 ” Roast Beef (A), choice of fruit, MULTI SYMPTOM COLD nCLCVER-TAaL£TS-24CT LORRAME Hair Spray Wednesday: Irish stew With potatoes (C), and Comtrex Capsules '5S 1 Swiss Cheese vegetables (A), biscuit, butter, lime gelatin with pears. ANALQESK FRESH-CREAMY Milk mistake Thursday: Lasagna with meat sauce (C), tossed salad Bufferin S?2 ” Potato Salad America’s Number 1 (A), bread and butter, mixed fruit. most common SPAOHETTI-FLAM. MEAT OR MUSHROOM Aerosol Hair Spray Friday: Tomato soup (C), tuna salad on roll, french 32«. 13 KQULAR-PLAM. M U T . MUSHROOM OR MARMARA fried potatoes (C), chocolate cake. Milk is served with Ragu Homestyle Sauce iw I Ragu Spaghetti Sauce l\'EW YORK (DPI) - all meals. The most common nutri­ FLAKED YODELS. YANKEE DOODLES OR RMQ OMG JR AVAILjABLE in 6 FORMULAS - 13«1t9 tion mistake made by Folgers Coffee can 1 Drakes Value Packs RHAM parents in feeding infants ONE RIGHT FOR YOU. FOURAKE-ITAUAN OR FRENCH KEEBLER is giving them unmodified The following lunches will be served at RHAM junior Kraft Salad Dressing • s S y Townhouse Crackers • Regular HoW and senior high schools the week of March 15 through cow’s milk before they are CHUNK UQHT M OR. OR WATER BRM-fRCEZEORKOCOfFEE-B4tt.JAR-4.7t 19; one year old, according to • Super Hold Monday: Veal parmesan, ihashed potato, green Bumble Bee Tuna r s y Brim Coffee 7si::z Dr. Sarah Short, member • Unscented Regular Hold beans, chocolate pudding. of the American Diatetic Tuesday: Steak sandwich, french fries, lettuce and Mott’s Apple Juice Grandma Molasses Association which has • Unscented Super Hold FORPANCAKUANOWAFaES CMOCOUTC proclaimed March as tomato, peaches. V Vermont Maid Syrup ORANGE M A R M AIAK OR POLANCR-RCO R A S P K R R V -m APfBCOT-IDS OR • Ultimate Hold Wednesday; Hamburg pizza, garden salad, juice bar. Polaner Grape Jam ^*89^ Strawberry Preserves Nestle “ National Nutrition New! Bigger size-better value • Soft Hold (NEW!) Thursday : No lunches served. •ONUSPACK Month.” Cadillac Dog Food If* th* soft Phllly erwam chaesa you lova, Friday . Grilled cheese sandwich, minestrone soup, Brillo Soap Pads “Most parents don’t JU A O FACKAQE-SMQIE PLY Passover Speciafs only biggar. 12 creamy ouncas cole slaw, peanut butter brownie. Milk is served with ail AtSORTCD#APCR-IMQU PIV realize thAt cow’s milk raady to spraad right from tha rafrigarator. meals. Viva Paper Napkins ScotTowels does not fulfill the BATH-SMQU PLY-FAIBLV PACK Yehuda Maizos .si.3” ASSORTCD-TWOPIV nutritional needs of an in­ Elderly Cottonelle Tissue Mother’s GeflHe Fish ManischewitzGefiHeFish Scotties Facials fant during the first 12 ihonths of life,” said Dr. T O P gA U R:8h ufton.tnc w S redeem this coupon TfOtitT oooxa •I face vfitui plus 74 handNng If condWon s of oflor The following lunches will be served during the week have been co mplied with by you and your cue- Short. “Iron deficiency 20« tomer. RivolcM proving purchfiis of aufftdent etock of March 15 through 19 at Mayfair and Westhill Gardens Red Rose Goodman’s Macaroons t::; 99^ Manischewitz Matzos < anemia, food allergies and lo oovor coupons prgeentod for rodemptton mual M i O N O C nit KrMI. me. (RMfiN Feed on y iu lfliit purchase of be ehown upon ruquMi. Only euihortzed cotton to Manchester residents who are 60 or oldgr; gastrointestinal dlsordera Oyup) wM lebnbw* you lor me le e M W wW be honored. Any uneuthorixed reproduction or Tea Bags 8 9 - ^ of tm ooupon pka 74 N ndlno eSewenee reprint wHi be deemed void. Coupon mey not be ee- __ Monday: Breaded chicken, hot German potato salad, Fox-U-Bet”s r r 9 y Egg Matzos m l^t result.” tim ed or treneterred. Cuelomer mutt pey ealee r% fiaveZO* provided yOM redeemed R on your retMl s broccoli cuts, wheat bread, applesauce. whan you buy anaon* 12*12-oz. alza of eeMe of me fw ned preducMe) end eiM upon tex. Ceeh value—1/204. Coupon wW not ba hon- Q She cited the American requeM you egieo to tumlin proof otpiN- ored N preeented through outeide agenctea, broA- V Ghooo e u M M produoi eovor e l io> ers or othera who ere not reieu dMnbutors of our f Tuesday: Apple juice, spaghetti and meatballs, tossed Mott's Apple Borscht 10 MISS BRECK* merchendfee or apectticeify authorized by ua to ; to 69^ Sweet TouchNeeto:; Academy of Pediatrics’ demeBone. d iip o n le void where twod, salad with dressing, Italian bread, chilled pineapple. soft premBecL or ro eM o d b i met m ooupona tor radentobon. Vbid where pro* . Sauce 8 9 ^ recommendation that in­ be oeMgned or wwieMnod oy you. Ceeh vMue K Itaxadorreetrtcled.aoodonfylnU.B.A.and ^ Wednesday; Corned beef, boiled potato^, steamed 1/aoe.CSiMormmuMpoye^eMleMiMte. torriioriec. For redemption ofproperh received and Vjjllanischewitz Z z M Rokeach Pancake Mix fants be breastfed by a For lodernpllen moN to: MLAFv WE rF ^ RO. HairSpisiy hendMid coupone mall to M I8 8 B R E C K * Hair cabbage and carrots, rye bread, lime gelatin with Spray, Box tin. CInton. lowe, 52734. healthy, well-nourished PMadelpliia •OX IOWA U 7 M whipped topping. Brand cream'chaasa. Good only upon preaentetton to reteMer on pur- PWCES EFFECTIVE MAHCH 74MnCM 13. IM Z WE RESERVE THE WGMT TO UWII SAl ES AND TO COflMf c I I YPOnRAPMICAl ERflORS ITEMS FOR SMLE n 6 t AVWLAIIE TO WHOIESALE OR RETMl DEALERS mother when possible or, if 9 oz. or 12 oz. aerosol chaee of product deecribed. Any other uee oonatf- Thursday: Split pea soup, turkny salad on roll, lettuce tuiee fraud ttot Is not po^ble or is not pr 8 oz. pump COUPON KXFUW i BtMKMBEW SO, IBM and tomato salad with dressing, vanilla pudding. CALDOR SHOPPING PLAZA BURR CORNERS, MANCHESTER chosen by the mother, fed ONB COUPON n m itkm o u b c m a m d SIOOO ILIObl Friday; Fish with Creole sauce, mashed potatoes, from fortified formula I 2 (y Motsssn- aroBE COUPON_____ spinach, wheat bread, brownie. throoghoat the entire first year of life. MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed., March 10. 1982 - 19 Ifl - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed.. March 10. 1982 Your neighbor's kitchen Don't use microwave About Town to cook some pork Dog program planned Meatball stew; what the doctor ordered The German Shepherd Club of Eastern Connecticut* will sponsor a.program on March 17 at 8 p.m. at the A TLAN TA (U P I) - The national microwave appliances don’t always Another favorite recipe she has is V4 teaspoon pepper 3 tablespoons sugar Tolland Agricuhure Center, Route 30 in Vernon. By Barbara Richmond Centers for Disease Control urged achieve a uniform temperature one for Quick Quiche. She said she teaspoon onion salt 5 tablespoons melted margarine A Connecticut state trooper from the canine division Herald Reporter owners of microwave ovens not to use throughout the meat," SchanU said. often uses one of the frozen pie Mix above together and form into Pat above into bottom and up 1 who will speak on obedience. Slides will be shown. them to cook some pork because they He said the even-heating rule should crusts from the supermarket. " I small balls. Brown in dutch oven or inch on sides of pan. Chicken soup, watch out. You’ve sometimes fail to kill trichina larvae. apply to all meats, but especially to pork make my own crust too, but I find on cookie sheet in oven., In Dutch Filling: got some competition. Dr. Peter M. Schantz of the CDC said because of the threat of trichinosis. Divorced men to meet the frozen crusts handy,” she added. oven add to meatballs . 3 — 8-ounce packages cream When Mary Wortenbach of 50 Tuesday the use of microwave ovens to Schantz said prevention against the dis­ This recipe is also versatile and 4 cups water cheese (softened) Interested Manchester residents are invited to attend Aiexander St. has.a sick friend, she cook meat could be dangerous because eas is extremely important since treat­ the filling is all tossed in the blender 1 cup tomato sauce 5 eggs the meeting of the Hartford Chapter of the Divorced brings over a big batch of her meat- they don’t always pr^uce uniform ment is hot always satisfactory. Early to mix. 1 package onion soup mix 1 cup sugar bait stew. temperatures throughout the product. symptoms include swelling, fever and Men’s Association on Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the Broad­ Mrs. Wortenbach loves to can and 2 cups sliced carrots ° 114 teaspoon vanilla view Community Church, 45 Oliver St., Hartford. This hearty dish might not be "T o be absolutely safe, you really have muscle pain, he said. has her own garden. Her recipe for 10 ounce package frozen peas_ Beat cheese with eggs, added one Mary Chatfield, director of the Hartford Info Line, recommended for patients on light to take a thermometer and check the USDA studies showed infected pork chili sauce is one that came from 1 cup green pepper (cut up) at a time. Add remaining in­ diets, but it's just what the doctor temperatures,” Schantz said. thawed in a microwave and cooked on a will speak on the service. her husband's late aunt — thus its 5 or 6 medium potatoes cut up for gredients and pour into crust. Bake The association is concerned with helping* its ordered for just about everyone He said pork must he heated to at least charbroiler still carried the trichina lar­ name “ Aunt Mary’s Chili Sauce.” stew at 300 degrees for 1 hour. Remove members with the legal aspects of divorce. The Hart­ else. 137 degrees in all parts to avert vae. ’The larvae also was present on pork Mrs. Wortenbach is a graduate of Bring to boil. Simmer Y4 to 1 hour from oven and top with 1V4 pints ford chapter meets the third Tuesday of each month. And the dish goes over big, too, trichinosis. cooked partially in a mi;:rowave and the St. Francis School of Nursing. or until vegetables are tender. sour cream mixed with V4 cup sugar For more information call 528-0526. with her three children and with her "It’s fairly well known certain finished in a deep fat fryer. husband. Bill. “ My family would She works now as a substitute school Thicken slightly with corn starch. and IV4 teaspoons vanilla. Spreads prefer .this to something fancier,” nurse. “ The Alumni of the nursing Quick Quiche best with ingredients at room CB’ers plan program she said. school is putting out a cookbook and temperature. Return to oven for 5 She said when she makes the stew I ’m working on the committee,” she Vi cup mayonnaise minutes. Refrigerate overnight and The Manchester CBers Club will sponsor a program in she makes a double batch — actually said. 2 tabiespoons flour top with favorite pie filling or serve Many older people fixing table lamps at an open house Saturday at 8 p.m. at she calls it her Meatball Special. She said she spends a lot of her 2 eggs plain.' the Marine Corps Club on Parker Street. "The recipe can be doubled for the time being taxi for her three V2 cup milk The first non-member arriving with a faulty table meatballs and the meat can be children — Bill, who is 18 and a stu­ 114 cups crabmeat, ham or Aunt Mary’s Sauce lamp will have it fixed free by club members who will frozen for future use." dent at Prince Technical School in vegetables 4 onions lose interest in food demonstrate safe and simple ways to fix lamps. Another good thing about it is the Hartford; Mary Jane, 16, a student 8 oz. Swiss cheese (shredded) 24 ripe tomatoes CBers, scanners, short wave buffs and people in­ fact the meatballs can be browned at East Catholic, and John, 12, a stu­ *4 cup sliced green onion 2 green peppers terested in electronics are Welcome. in the oven on a cookie sheet. "That dent at St. James School. Blend the mayonnaise, flour, eggs 2 cups sugar have nutritional im­ decline in kidney function, is my own invention and that way And of course there is the family and milk in processor or blender un­ 4 tablespoons salt By Gaynor Maddox plications and may affect changes in the nervous Handicapped organize you don't get added fat and you can dug. a little Dachshund named til mixed. 'Then add the crabmeat, 2 cups vinegar Many older people seem an individual’s eating and system, gradual loss of do all of them at the same time,” Gretchen, who, Mrs. Wortenbach ham or whatever, the Swiss cheese, Peel tomatoes and chop up into A combination social club and support group for han­ to lose interest in food. drinking patterns,” says neurons within the brain as she added. However, they can also said, “ Doesn’t know she’s a D-O-G.” ,and onion. Precook 9-inch pie shell small pieces. Do same with onions There are those who do Dr. E w ald W. Busse, well as perceptual Horald photo by Pinto dicapped people is now forming in the Manchester- be browned in a dutch oven, if for 10 minutes. Pour in ingredients and peppers. Place all vegetables in not enfoy eating because associate provost and dean changes, such as decreased Vernon area. preferred. Meatball Special and bake at 350 degrees for 40 to 45 pan and simmer until reduced their teeth are in bad con- of medical and allied hearing, vision, taste and The purpose of the group is to get handicapped people One word of caution: IV pounds hamburg minutes. somewhat in volume. Add sugar and Looking for spring together for conversation, support and social activities. 2 Herald photo by Tarquinlo 'dition. health education at Duke smell. She said you can be very versatile vinegar and spices and simmer 2 % cup bread crumbs Some have little energy There is some controver­ For more information, contact Patrick Kane, 872- as far as the vegetables used — No Fail Cheese Cake hours more. Pour into sterilized pint University. 2 eggs for marketing and cooking. Busse is aiso senior sy as to whether age or Taffy, feline resident of the Haslett home, 78 Blue Ridge Road, peers 4734, evenings, or 233-7531, days. except for one thing — “ Don't omit 1 9-inch spring-form pan jars and process for 20 minutes. Mary Wortenbach of Alexander Street makes up a double Vz cup tomato sauce Others simply hate to eat fellow of the Center for the other factors, such as out a kitchen window In hopes of finding a fat robin. the green peppers because it doesn't Crust: Also good as base for Thousand IV2 teaspoons salt batch of meatballs to go In her favorite meatball stew. On the alone following the death Study of Aging and Human , are responsiblle taste the same without them.” 114 cups graham cracker crumbs Island dressing. Grange supper siated '/4 teaspoon allspice counter is an "easy” cheesecake to bo enjoyed by her family. of a spouse. Development at Duke. for the decline in taste sen­ There are also ’The aging processes do sitivity one grows older. Manchester Grange 31 will have its annual corned physiological causes of dis­ not necessarily progress at Still, it is a fact that News for senior citizens beef and cqbbage supper, Saturday at 5:30 p.m. at interest in foods among the the same rate in all people, elderly people show a Grange Hall, 205 Olcott St. elderly. notes Busse in Contem­ decline in the number of Tickets are available from any grange officer and will Herald cookshelf “ C3ianges in bodily func­ porary Nutrition. taste buds. Their most also be sold at the door the night of the supper. Marion tions of elderly persons are Some of these frequent complaint Beer is chairman of the event. gaining increasing atten­ physiological changes that relating to food is that it tion because they may occur in later life are tastes either sour, bitter or Irish events set DAR meets Thursday dry. It is estimated that one- Orford Parish, Daughters of the American Revolu­ Book proves dieting need not be dull Syrup label rules change half of the muscle cells dis­ By Jeanette Cave emergencies. We applaud those older tion, will meet Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the home of appear by age 80; many Director March 12 — 10 a.m. crib- people who continue to Mrs, William O’Neill, 22 Kane Road. aluminum foil. Bake in preheated 400 degree oven for 45 MONTPELIER, Vt. (UPI) — The sUte Agriculture are replaced by fat and bage. work and make valuable The hostess will be Mrs. Joseph Donahue. Members % teaspoon dried rosemary leaves, crushed Department has changed its ruies governing the fibrous connective tissue. St., P atrick ’s Day is March 14 — 6 to 8 p.m. contributions to business are reminded to bring family treasures, collections or By Barbara Richmond 1 tablespoon tarragon vinegar to 50 minutes. labeling of maple syrjip so Vermont producers can com­ In addition, the caloric around the comer and the Variety Show rehearsal. and industry as well as the memorabilia for “ Show and Tell” to share with other Herald Reporter C cup rich chicken stock center has two special ac­ pete in other states. requirement of an elderly March 15 and 22— 10 community. members. If you want to go on a diet, but can't stand the thought 2 whole cloves Mystery Bread Agriculture Commissioner George Dunsmore said Individual drops because of tivities planned. First, the a.m.-4 p.m. cardiac SETBACK SCORES it •> 1 large tart green apple, peeled, cored, and thickly center will have its of eating unappealing meals, there is a new cookbook 2 tablespoons dry yeast or 2 premeasured packages Tuesday what was known as Vermont Grade A has been lowered metabolism and pulmonary resuscitation for March 5 — Clara sliced traditional St. Patrick’s (CPR) Training. Crafts show slated that will end your problems. ■4 cup nonfat dry milk ' redesignated Vermont Grade A Medium Amber; Grade in exercise. Hemingway, 132; Lottie Place meat in bowl. Add crumbs, 4 dashes of the Day Dance on Wednesday It’s the “New Gourmet Recipes for Dieters” 2 teaspoons anise seed, cmshed B has been changed to Grade A Dark Amber. ’Therefore, a gradual cut- March 16— St. Patrick’s Lavoie, 129- Ernest Town crafts people are invited to exhibit their works ground red pepper, and parsley. Blend well. Add 3 evening, March 17, 7:30 to cookbook by Francine Prince, who is the author of two NFWGOURMK 5 to 5(4 cups unbleached flour But the definitions and characteristics of the grades down in food consumption Day Party at Burlington Grasso, 128; Helen Silver, at the ninth annual Bloomfield Arts and Crafts show tablespoons pineapple juice and mash with fork until other “ best seller" cookbooks published by Simon and is desirable after age 60. 10:30 p.m. Lou Joubert and Inn. 127; Mike Desimone, 127; scheduled for June 5, 10 a m. to 5 p.m. blended. Heat 1V4 teaspoons oil in non-stick skillet until V2 cup apple juice (no sugar added) have not been changed, Dunsmore said. Schuster. „ % cup unsweetened pineapple juice his orchestra will entertain March 17 - 7:30-10:30 Archie Houghtaling, 126; ’The show is expected to attract more than 5,000 peo­ hot. Saute garlic, ginger, celery, and sweet red pepper you. Refreshments will be p.m. St. Patrick’s Day The book at $6.95 costs much less than most of the RFnmpm IV4 cups water , Herb Laquerre, 126; Mina ple. Persons wishing to exhibit will be charged a until very lightly browned. Sprinkle with rosemary. Stir. served and door prizes other new cookbooks. It’s printed on good paper stock 2 teaspoons freshly grated orange rind Dance. Reuther, 123; Bill Stone, registration fee of $10 for non-Bloomfield residents. Add vinegar and cook 30 minutes. Pour skillet mixture awarded. Buying your, March 18— 1 p.m. Talk but it doesn’t have any of those beautiful color photos of V4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 123; John Gaily, 120; Frank Entry deadline is May 1. For additional information, into meat mixture and blend (using fingers is best). tickets in advance will on Social Security Issues the food and that’s a major reason for the low price tag. 1 teaspoon honey (optional) Beccio, 118. call the Bloomfield recreation office at 243-2923. Shape into 16 balls. Wipe out skillet, heat balance of oil allow us to prepare the and Changes. However, the valuable information the book contains 1 tablespoon com oil plus V4 teaspoon for bowl in skillet. Saute meatballs until lightly browned on all proper amount of March 15 — 1-3 p.m. trip PINOCHLE SCORES about diets, calories, and the good recipes, offsets the (4 cup each whole wheat and buckwheat flour sides, pour off any exuded fat. Add stock, reSt of the refreshments. fo r March 8 — Anna YWCA schedules event lack of the photos. (4 teaspoon sweet (unsalted) 100 percent com oil sign up for Radio City pineapple juice and ground red pepper, the cloves and On ’Tuesday a busload of Music Hall. Total cost Husarik, 826; Sue margarine, for pans. “ Inside P.M. Magazine with Andria Hall” will be the HER INSPIR ATIO N in writing the cookbook was apple slices. Bring to simmering point. Coyer and seniors will go to the Scheibenpflug, 816; Gert $24.50, $12 deposit theme of the program of the Nutmeg Branch of the her desire to bring her husband back to healthl He had fp u r m e tiK ^ simmer gently for 20 minutes, turning meatballs and McKay, 769; Fritz Wilkin­ Burlington Inn for a St. required. 'IVip leaves on YWCA April 1 at 7:30 p.m. at the “ Y ”, 78 N, Main St. suffered a severe heart attack and refused by-pass sur­ from arom a apples and spooning with sauce twice. Transfer meat­ In large bowl combine yeast, milk, anise seed and 2 son, 766; Ed Scott, 758; Patrick’s Day Party Monday, May 17th. The program is open to the public and, tickets are gery, and chose instead to regain his health through" OteworM- cups unbleached flour. In saucepan, combine juices, 'Leon Fallot, 755; Art Bouf- balls and apple slices to warm serving bowl. Cover to highlighted with lunch, March 25 — Legal Aid available at the YWCA, Monday through Friday, 8:30 tlutt anyone water, rind, cinnamon, honey and* 1 tablespoon oil. Heat fard, 754 ; Archie proper dieting — and with the help of his wife, that’s amcreau! keep warm. Turn heat up to slow boil. Reduce sauce by Irish dancers and a sing-a- Assistance. Please call for a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tickets are„$2 with proof of ” Y ” what he did. Nosugtfnosalt, half (it will thicken naturally.) Pour over meat and ap­ until warm. Pour over dry ingredients. Beat with . long. , an appointment. Houghtaling, 751; John wooden spoon for 1 minute. Cover with plastic wrap and ! membership and $3 for non-members.'Tickets will also The recipes in the book are without salt or sugar and low-fat, ple slices. Serve piping hot. ^ March 25 is Irish Day. In Matjch 25 — Italian Day. Gaily, 744; A1 Gates, 744; let stand 10 minutes. Add whole wheat flour, buckwheat; be available at the door, at $4. For more information are low in calories and fat. This might sound un­ lowxJuiesleroV addition to an Irish meal March 29— 7 p.m. Golf Mina Reuther, 742. flour, and all but (4 cup of balance of unbleached flour, call 647-1437. appetizing — or downright dull, but not so. The recipes and entertainment, we will meeting. Men and women Stuffed Acorn Squash (4 cup at a time, beating with wooden spoon after each There will be a fishing have received plaudits from food’ experts around the have visiting seniors from invited. Agenda to include Ftomdrebeslidbigauhorof .ri-em addition. After adding 4(4 cups flour, flour, dough will trip on April 9, from 3 to 6 country, including Earl Ubell, CBS News health and Tliel-XeariGountiaCoaUiockandD iilfir Ijk 2 acom squash (1(4 pounds each) the South Green Senior selection of golf course, of­ become difficult to beat with wooden spoon. Scoop up p.m. to the Quinnepaug Marriage Licenses science editor, who said, “ The food is excellent, without 1 tablespoon com oil Center in Hartford. This ficers and starting dates. and turn into lightly floured board and knead, adding Valley Hatchery. grease or fat. For my sweet tooth, the sherbet made 2 tablespoons minced onion group, along with the March 7 to 13 — is Older blance of flour, if necessary, to make a smooth and If interested, please call with pineapple and egg white, no sugar added, outshines 1 large shallot, minced center director, will visit Worker Week. elastic dough. the Senior Center, giving ice cream.” (4 teaspoon apple cider vinegar and exchange ideas on Perle Woodrow Hallandbrand, East Hartford, and Shape dough into ball. Drop into lightly oiled, fairly your name, fishing license • Mrs. Prince uses lots of garlic and shallots in her 1 tablespoon peeled and coarsely grated carrot prograhiming and ac­ Karen Ann Brarile, Newington. straight-sided bowl, turning to coat. Cover tightly with Older workers display number, your choice of the recipes, terming them her “ chief allies.” 2 slices lightly toasted rye bread, broken into small tivities. We anticipate Phillip Michael Morris, Bolton, and Beverly Jean plastic wrap and let'rise at room temi^rature until good work habits, perform fly pond or spin casting The recipes also make liberal use of herbs and spices, pieces their visit and anticipate a Webster, Bolton, March 13. doubled in bulk (about 1 hour and 15 minutes.) Puch well on the job and are able pond. ' flavoring extracts, fruit juices, and touches of honey, 1 tart green apple, peeled, cored, and coursely good crowd to welcome to be train^ in new areas. John Frances Zaccaro, Enfield, and Kathleen Mary along with numerous high fiber foods such as almonds, dough down. Transfer to board and cut into 3 equal There are eight openings chopped them. Seniors are a good Maloney, Manchester, April 17, asparagus, beans and whole wheat bread, dates, un­ Meatballs with Apples parts. Cover with waxed paper and let dough rest for 5 for the fly pond and 14 for 2 tablespoons minced fresh basil resource for part time Robert Lee Hagedorn, Manchester, and Deborah salted popcorn, and wheat germ. minutes. Roll each piece out into a 7 X 12-inch rec­ TH E FOLLOW ING is a the spin casting. Vz pound each lean ground beef and veal V4 teaspoon each ground ginger and crushed anise U P I photo employment. A listing of Elizabeth Coliins, South Windsor, April 17. Mrs. Prince’s recipes are imaginative yet practical. tangle, starting with short end, roll up tightly, tucking in schedule of upcoming ac­ 3 tablespoons bread crumbs seed available jobs and services She makes good use of inexpensive cuts of meat, 8 dashes grpund red (cayenne) pepper 6 dashes ground red (cayenne) pepper sides and pressing seam to hold. Place, seam side down tivities: will be located in the focusing on chicken and fish recipes. Her recipe for a 2 teaspoons minced fresh parsley Wash and dry squash. Cut in half, remove seeds and in 3 small (7%X3%x 2V4inch) loaf pans greased with Brooke the teacher March 11— 1 p.rri. dis­ cussion on prescription library instead of the mild chili uses ground beef and ground veal, less than a 5 tablespoons unsweetened pineapple juice pulp. Turn stem and btossom ends so that halves stand margarine. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise at room Guaranteed Launching a program of monthly classes in cosmetology for han­ bulletin board. NOTICE pound all together, and it makes use of a variety of iVz temperature until doubled in bulk (about 1 hour). Gently drugs and medical teaspoon com oil upright. Stand in shallow baking dish. Heat oil in non­ dicapped persons at Now York's Ultissima Beauty Institute, Brooke Probate Court is open herbs and spices to make up for the lack of much chili 2 large cloves garlic, minced remove plastic wrap. Bake in preheated 375 degree oven DRAPERY. CLEANING stick skillet until hot. Saute onion and shallot for 2 for conferences with the powder. V4-inch slice fresh ginger (peeled and minced) minutes. Add vinegar. Cook for 1 minute. Add other in­ for 40 minutes. Remove bread from pans. Place back in Shields applies blush to Debra Mollette. The young people will be • No Shrinkage judge from 6:30 P.M. to To pique your curiosity, here’s a sampling of some of 1 tablespoon minced celery gredients, stirring to blend. Spoon into squash cavities. oven directly on rack and bake 5 mpre minOtes. Let cool taught haircutting, styling, coloring, makeup and skin care. • Squared & Even Hemlines Window QuUt- 8 P.M . on Thurs'day • T akedow n & Re-H ang Service the recipes: 2 tablespoons minced sweet red pepper Add (4-inch water to baking dish. Cover with thoroughly before slicing. from Apprbpriale Technology Innovators in Eriergy Savings nights. Appointments suggested. Nighj tuisfs! Call:' New device telephone number: 647- m m i W 872-0166 on captions 3227. A chatty electric range William E. FitzGerald "CHOOSE SWISS QUALITY WITH CONFIDENCE” •.liidgp of FYnhate HOLLYWCXJD (U P I) — A new m ethod fo r providing closed cap­ tioning for hearinglm- palred viewers will be un­ This kitchen stove talks back to you veiled by the National Cap­ tioning Institute during CUT HEAT LOSS THROUGH They’re ABC-TV coverage of the the range, said the company has no plans at He also said women usually object to the WINDOWS/1ND DOORS By Jeanne Lesem 54th annual A cad em y the moment to market it. button panel on a as too Awards presentations UP TO 79%. Now Here! UPl Family Editor If and when it does appear in stores^ Fran­ complicated. March 29. cis said, the voice feature probably will not ‘"Typically it has about 20 buttons. Now we SAN ANTONIO, Texas - Talk, talk, talk. Called Real Time, the CUT THE COUPON >1ND SAVE 10% add to the price tag. are up to about 36.” ‘ Hunrytll You can’t escape it anywhere anymore. Even method is a form of elec­ Window C M t seals UghUy on all four sides, sealing warm air “ In this electronic age toys already talk,” He said consumer surveys indicated L M M supply kitchen appliances are speaking up. DONE! tronic computerized oIrMqusis. in and cold air out. They're easy to install, operate, and are A Dynamite he said. “ Volume in the toy industry will younger couples and younger women lar more elUcient than ordinary shades or insulated drapes A major manufacturer has built a j^orthand which will allow drive down the price of electronic speech accepted the idea of a talking range much G out Urns may ’raspaotaotls • Wrndow Quilt Ills almost any size window, even 8' wide Collection Of prototype of a chatty electric rpnge. hearing-impaired viewers bStubsHhiltO wcvwim m wi devices. more readily than older people, who tended to % ^A^nutes It has a vocabulary of 150 words and to receive closed captions •orrsoquM. • Window Quilt is three times more edective than storm Active Sportswear; “ We probably will use a female voice if we dismiss it as "just another gimmick.” * on windows, better than 3 glazings (R value: 4.25 with a single phrases. Including “ Please.” But not “ Thank throughout the entire »0% ever produce the range,” he added. The voice can be turned off, Francis said. of any nwnttsnhfp you.” telecast, including accep­ RI ^W nSwv QuUt in most cases will pay for ilselt in 2-5 years. All Chosen With You, The prototype speaks with what Francis There’s also a repeat button fpr people who WCEJ 234 0.83 It says things like: tance Speeches the mo­ NotavaMPa • W in d o w Q uU I h e lp s k e e p s u m m e r h e a t o u t a n d a ls o s a v e s called “ a younger male voice.” forget what they’ve been told or where they Vernon. CT. o n a ir c o n d itio n in g . "P lease select automatic or manual ment they are spoken. B S toJunkirUamean The Customer In Mind I It replaces a deep, booming male voice the are in the operating sequence. 7 -2133 • Window QuUtcomes In lhreedecoratwcofors:bone, cloud cooking.” NCI spokesman John E. white, and camel. company used for a talking dishwasher "It has to use.words that everyone will un­ “ Indicate starting condition, of .food., by D. Ball said Real Time in­ So if you really want to see remarkable savings on your prototype about two years ago. derstand,” Francis said. Whether that need home heating biUs. see us today. touching frozen, fresh or reheat.” volves a courtroom style Otter expiree “ We did several things wrong,” he said. wiil lead to a larger vocabulary, nobody “ Select start or delayed start.” stenotype machine and a March 31 The main error, he said, was the knows. “ Enter desired stop time.” computer capable of dominating male voice delivering imperative Francis said a talking range would have “ Remove utensils from oven,” it warns transmitting phonetic sym­ |windai«rQaUriM on type commands such as “ Do this!” • lower maintenance costs than the silent type when you program the oven for the bols into words. Simply cut this coupon arx] bring it to lh« deAl«r listed I Francis said consumer surveys showed because it would be programmed to talk to a below. It's good for 10% off any size Window Quilt order | selfcleaning cycle. Otferexpires M archSI. 1962 I Not exactly sparkling conversation — but both men and women objected. company computer on a toll-free lipe when GET f FREE CAN OF VITTERT what do you expect of a voice synthesizer? “ I don’t want a man’s voice telling me what trouble developed. This would save money, Open Forum BALLS WITH THIS COUPON General Electric’s major appliance divi­ to do,” they said, often adding that it insulted he said, because a repairman wouldn’t have sion displayed the 30-inch talking electric their intelligence. to make a second trip after {)icking up the The Manchester range for food editors attending the 30th Francis said a talking range has its prac­ right parts. H era ld ’s Open Forum Alan D. Robbins, Inc. { tical side. To talk with the company computer, the provides space for reader JOMTIfllEROBHMIOVEMEMT Solar ACiwimr ■ Pillsbury Bake-Off in San Antonio in Free Demonetretlon Wed. A Thura. February. It’s axiomatic in the industry that few con­ range would use “ beeps and boops” — Fran­ dialogue on current events. Daatgnara A Conlraeiart J sumers read the use and care bookiet before cis’ term for’ non-verbal sounds. They are Address letters to the Open March lOlh A 11th Bolton, Cf 06040^ Don’t expect to find the conversational Calf Club ter DeteMe cooker in stores any time soon. trying to operate a new appliance. Francis "much better than speech, especially if Forum, Manchester ____ J Jack E. Francis, Jr., the senior develop­ said the taiking feature might help solve that another computer is trying to um^rstand it," Herald, Herald Square, ment engineer who played straight man for problem. he said. Manchester, CT 06040. 20 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wed., March 10, 1982

X P ED PLE PHIL RO U RA b TOM p o s t e r W inkler EXCLUSIVE! escapes This ferlw ne^eller gaass into photos 'the Fonz For the Chinese, this is the Year of the Dog. And for Yip, noting her weak eyebrows. “ But her strong straight Chicago Mayor Jane Byrne, marine scientist Jacques nose means she can tackle anything on her own.” When she turns 47 on May 24, “ she will enter the best and hap­ Cousteau and Prince Chafies and Diana, the Year of the By Vernon Scott Dog promises only good things, according to well- piest period of her life. She lacked luck in the past, and , .1 known Hong Kong this year she will begin to , UPl Hollywood Reporter fortune-teller Yip C'ai see results from her HOLLYWOOD — Henry Winkler sat at the head of a Chuen. work.” long trestle table flanked by cast members of his new And Cousteau’s face The Hong Kong Tourist movie, a naturally democratic situation for the un­ shows “ he will live at least RICHARD BURTON Association’s represen­ until he is 94 and will en­ prepossessing star. HENRY FONDA RAQUEL WELCH , ■ ' '’ t tatives in the United States joy success well into his Winkler chatted with Michael Keaton and other young ... won’t attend Awards ... selling her house ... quite a publicist asked Mr. Yip to tell the 80s. His main problem in newcomers during a lunch break at Zoetrope Studios fortunes of some promi­ his youth was a lack of where “Night Shift,” a Ladd Company production, was Joyc»Qr«nfell. Th« head mistreaa of a girla* achool has problems when nent folks and mailed him money to develop and ex­ shooting. photographs, from which her brother, a bookie, wants to use pand his work, but his He broke away from his companions to say hello and the achool to hia advantage. (90 he tells fortunes. Some high principles led to his whip out a couple of snapshots of his 17-month-old mlnsj fortune-tellers read palms, Keith Richards (B) Nightly Bualneat Report success.” daughter, Zoe, obviously the delight of his life. some gaze into crystal Show . And for Charles and Winkler is a sentimen­ e 6:65 balls. Mr. Yip studies Diana, “ their first child tal man with strong fami­ photographs. Here’s what 6:69 will be a girl, and she will Princess Diana: A giH? ly and professional ties. (SO Good Nawabreak Movla A Shining oeaaon 1982 Anchored by Ted Koppel. 1:30 Jane Byrne: Belter times he came up with. be very beautiful.” And, are you ready, folks? Mr. Yip 7KW Stars: Timothy Bottoms, Allyn CD Maude (D Love American Styla Ron Howard, a staunch OD WInterworld Sarles Go For It says the second child will be a boy, a bonnie prince to ® ^SNewa Ann-McLerie.ConnIaForalund.True 9 9 ® 96) The Tonight Show Guest Mayor Byrne can cheer up. “ This lady had a very friend since they into his movie M.A.S.H. •torV of track star John Baker who. Hoat: Bit! Cosby. Guests: Joe hard life with many problems until she .was 36," says carry on the royal family. costarred in the “Happy (I) Muppat Show deapilea painful battle with a fatal Williams, Priscilla Barnes (60 ^ Moscow Live ABCNaws iltneas, spent his linat year of life mins.) ® Twilight Zone Days’’ TV series, is 0 You Asked For It coaching a losing girl's track team to (2D Newsdesk For the late night 1:35 directing Winkler in By Mariiyn Beck Orleans yekerday (March do) ESFN’e SporteForum- a tilla-winning aeaaon. (2 hra.) viewer on the East Coast, and the CD News-Weather 2) to take over leading-lady Wadneeday Edition (X) Marv Griffin prim e-tim e viewer on the W est 1:40 J«rry Ford: He's found a way to duck those lOUs “Night Shift.” ® Festival 01 Faith 93 99 The Fall Guy An encore Coast, a wrap-up ol the day's news. (3) Moment Of Meditation HOLLYWOOD - While chores in "Sound of 1:55 won that fight, but loads of GOP supporters, some of Henry, in fact, agreed Mick dagger’s long- (20 BIHy Graham Crusade •hbwing of the special premiere 9 DM ovIs -(Comedy) • • • • "Animal Jerry Ford is having so much fun out of politics and the to star in the movie Murder’’ from Lee (S) Monayilna From New York, the two-hour, movie-length preseritation Crackera" 1931 Marx Brothers. (i4) Movie (Drama) ••• "F.ort public eyothat he's even considering passing up tons of ap­ whom arc now seeking Republican nominations, want Ford delayed “Kalki” movie only nightly leleceet of itskind-wortd of Ihia series starring Lee Majors as Margaret Dumont. Azany knockout Apacha. The Bronx " 1980 Paul Meriwether — who was Newman. Edward Asner. Brutal peals from candidates across the United States asking for to campaign for them in their primaries. because his old pal was project continues to gather Naiilyn Beck economics and financial news. Wall a professional Hollywood aluniman romp with the famous'Captain directing. stricken with infectious Street trends end expert commen* whoalsotracksdownbailjumperslo Spaulding' routine. (105 mins.) drama ol a veteran cop who battles his endorsement in Republican primary bouts this year. How can he stay neutral? Well, the former president crime and corruption is one of New He discovered, moss, his “Rolling Stone’’ mononucleosis after 10 tary from reapected financial make ends meet. (Repeal) (2 hrs.) 9 4 ABC captioned News “ It’s'all well and good to support Republican candidates, could point to the many corporations he now serves on, Joey Healhenon: Anything to stay in shape mate Keith Richards is Syndicated Columnist days of rehearsals on the analyala. ® 99 Tha Facia Of Life Tootle 96) Movie-(Comedy)*^ "GoWeet York City's toughest precincts moreover, that his role as O Nawa learnaalesson in growing upwhen, to Young Lady" 1941 QlennFord. Ann (RatedR)(119mms ) but in primaries it's tough on him to have to pick one above and company policy would discourage board members rolling into readiness to 2:00 an introverted, passive play. Ross Hunter, who’s ® Tha Vaolahing Giants The great ahowthegirlssheismeture.shegets Miller. A frontier saloon-keeper's all the olhets," said Bob Barrett, top aide to the former from openly engaging in politics. make his big-screen acting directing the drama which whales, some of the largeel drunk on some wine she has stolen nephew turns out to be a woman. (2 (DMovle-(Orama)** "VaryEdga" It’s not legal, but Ford was named to these high-salaried ■xurcisu, uxurcisut That's morgue attendant was a creatures ever to live on earth, are from Blair. ^ hrs.) 1963 Richa'rdTodd. Anne Haywood president-. debut. Jacques Mapes is Pregnant womanlosesherbaby alter That's on the record. O ff the record. Ford has a lot of private positions in the belief that he was out of politics. prime opportunity to dis­ vulnerable to a small but deadly ® Billy Graham Crusade 11:35 Jouy Meatlwrioa's sucrut Richards has been signed producing, tells me, ”It’s a enemy - man. Loretta Swit looks al « 9 :1 0 ’ C2J Hawaii Five-O being raped .(2 hrs . M mins ) political lOUs out there, dating back to his battle with And that’s an easy way out of a political dilemma, and associate himself from the dangers facing the world's whale 9Zl Marx Brothers In A Nutshell 12:00 C$) Joa Franklin Show for the film translation of nightmare. We’ve pushed (il) ESPN's Sportswoman (R) Ronald Reagan for the nomination in Kansas City. Ford an lOU. the image of . Arthur population and at some steps being America's ell-lime favorite movie C6) CBS Late Movie 'The Drowning She's a fixture on the concert circuit and in nightclubs — James M. (Gain’s “Past All I’VE GOT NEWS FOR spilling the sort of stuff back the opening for a taken to aid in their survival. comedy team is the subject of this Pool' 1975 Stars: Paul Newman. (2D Sports Updata Good news lor especially in Las Vegas, where “ I like to get the audience in­ ’’Fonzie” Fonzarelli, Dishonor,” which will start YOU: Mike Douglas is that has translated into in­ week, and we’ll be working (30 Entertainment Tonight entertaining documentary on the Joanne Woodward. Private oye Lew night-owls and West Coast sports leather-jacketed, cock-of- ® Over Easy Guest: Actress Jane performers and their work. The Harper goes to New Orleans to fans -the latest sports results in a volved in my act by walking among the tables and getting shooting in Los Angeles going to be returning to the ternational newspaper fast-paced commentary tbe-walk heart-throb of round the clock to rehearse Russell. Hosts: Mary Martin and Jim program featurea memorable clips investigate an anonymous letter and people to ask me questions.” next month as an indepen­ TV talk show grind — on space since their romance Dina for the part.” Lee, he Hartz. (Cloaed-Captioned; U.S.A.) from the group's movie and TV finds sadism, seduction and murder. ® Kojak But Joey Heatheilon says it takes a lot of exercise to be a “Happy Days.” dent production. He’ll be Cable News Network. erupted in 1961. And, well, 7:20 appearances along with interviews (Repeat; 2 hra., 30 mins.) ^ 2:30 • X.' It’s not that Henry is anxious to lose his identification says, “will be at least two (30 Dally Numbers with the brothers' family and CD Six Million Dollar Man (D News sultry singer and dancer. She’s an expert at it and even bar- playing what is described Come May 1, Mike will be here we go again. CDMovle-(Comedy)** "Stingray" di) SportsCenter with the Fonz. He will be back for the show’s 10th season weeks in the hospital, and 7:30 friends. Is Pittsburgh Steeler quarterback still What was the name of the TV series that slaircd Slnart ties her hefty equipment—mats, rings, a trapeze' and as “a Hoagy Carmichael replacing Lee Leonard — four weeks more in bed.” d ) PMMagaiine 9:15 1976 Chrislopher Mitchum, Sherry (2D Overnight Desk Live, final news 10-pound weights—everywhere she goes. next year. ON THE PERSONAL (X) Alltn The Family 139 Marx Brothers In ANutahelf Jackson. High speed hi-jinks in a headline updates.'coupled with the married to skater Jo Jo Starbuck?—M.K., Farrell, Pa. Whitman?—A.H., Youngstown, Ohio. type” in the Civil War who pioneered talk-hosting Dina, he adds, “has been ( £ ) ® You Asked For It America's all-time fevorile movie •hiny new Corvette. (2 hrs.) best of the day's reports Now, Joey is planning to leak her health secrets to Winkler is proud that the Fonz became an amusing SIDE: “Quest for Fire” According to David Bums, who handles Bradshaw’s af­ Whitman appeared in ‘'Cimmaron Strip,” which was drama that will be directed for the Cable Network. an absolute doll to rush in ( D Family Feud comedy team is the subject of this GD Legendary Pocket Billiard 3:00 women all over the United States—via a book she’s just folk hero for the '70s, although he was playing a '50s actress Rae Dawn Chong is GD Entertainment Tonight entertaining documentary on the Stars Irving Crane vs Joe Balsis CD Community Calendar telecast over the CBS-TV network in the 1960s. by Blaine Novak and (})Movle-(Suspense)*** "CastA fairs, “ they are now separated, and it is very unlikely that begun to outline., IF YOU ASK ME: “into” weddings. She and like this.” (D) SportaCenter performers and their work. The GI) Dr. Scott On Hebrews stereotype. ® Flashback: Tha OraatPlagua program features memorable clips ^ Love Boat An unjustly scan­ Dark Shadow" 1057 Dirk Bogarde. they will ever get back together again." “ Sure, I carry my stuff with me. It’s the only way to produced by Russell Elizabeth Taylor and New York stockbroker There’s more than the In the movie “ Hopscotch,” Waller Matthau plays a tape D ress^ in a three-piece suit for his part as Chuck in Schwartz and Douglas New Orleans stand at (S> CNN Sports Inside sports from the group's movie and TV dalized congressman seeks refuge Margaret Lockwood. A fortune- travel,” Heatherton told People Exclusive during a “Night Shift,” Winkler’s usual sober, self-effacing Richard Burton really Owen Baylis, who are information-what'shappened-and appearances along with interviews aboard the Pacific Princess, and hunter, who has murdered one wile, throughout the film. I believe it's Mozart. Is there a sound- Dilge. And will be sharing stake. Hunter and Mapes with the brothers' family and befriends a clever, attractive meets hin match in a second bride between-engagements workout in New York. “ The first demeanor bore no trace of the Fonz. shouldn’t waste money expecting a child in May, what's ahead. traclt available?—B.P., Irving, Texas top billing with Audrey are supposed to take ® M.A.S.H. friends. reporte' tor a tabloid newspaper; a (Mmins.) thing I do in the morning is get a couple of cups of coffee retaining publicists — 'quietly tied the knot on ® ( 0 MacNelhLehrer Report (ID ESPN's SporUForum(R) “This part is really a departure for me,” he said. “I Hepburn’s son Sean Ferrer 9:30 lovely intellectual is at odds with You’ve got a fine ear for the classics. The music is, in­ down my throat to get my heart started. Then, if the mean playing 'the other role.’ I usually play Michael’s when they’re such masters Valentine’s Day, and are “Sound of Murder’! on to ® Benny Hill Show (39 (39 L o v e , S id n e y When his Isaac over a wonderful, colorful old ., Guntmoke deed, by Mozart. But, unfortunately. Embassy Pictures and high-fashion model San Antonio, and possibly (Si Barney Miller bulldinggoesco-op. Sidney buysthe passenger; a beauty pageant ® Movie'(Comedy)**^ "Belle* weather is pleasant, I jog. As much as five miles, if I feel up part, the flamboyant, up-energy, take-charge guy like at grabbing headlines now planning a lavish Of St.Trinlan’s" 1954 AlastairSim. never recorded a soundtrack. However, we’ve found out Patti Hansen. Tampa and Houston as 8:00 aparlmenl so he can have a conteatant'B chances ol winningare to it. - the Fonz. themselves. Their well- summer wedding. To hear (X) Bugs Bunny: All American Haro permanent home for Laurie and jeopardized by the presence of her JoyceGrenfell. Theheadmielressol what pieces were played in the flick, so you can pick them, Heatherton admitted that with the weird working hours well. And also have plans Uncle Bugs stands in for Uncle Sam Patti. possessive boyfriend. (Repeat) (70 a girls' school has problems when “In this picture I'm the quiet, recessive character. BAD NEWS: Henry publicized reunion at Liz’ the 21-year-old actress tell her brother, a bookie, wants to use up at your local record store; They are: “ Serenade in G, in Vegas,'she doesn’t get to bed before S in the morning, so to adapt the work to when nephew Clyde aske for help in 10:00 mins.) It’s a rite of passage role, a young, insecure guy growing Fonda will not be able to SOth b irth d a y p a rty it, weddings are not exact­ preparing for an American hiatory (X) News 12:15 the school to his advantage. (65 Eine Kleine Nachl Musik,” “ G Minor Symphony No. 40” her “ morning” workouts are usually in the middle of the ly a tradition in her family. screen. taat.(Rapeat) (39®l590ulncyTolearnhowlohelp OMovle-(Comedy)**Vi "Simon" mins.) up, finding a friend and a girlfriend. make it to the March 29 (followed by her “sur­ 3:15 and“ Concerto Rondo D Major op. KV382.” Enjoy. afternoon. “ I make sure that I work out on the mat and the (X) PM Magazine those close to the terminally ill. I9 6 0 Alan Arkin, Madeline Kahn. A “I’m having one of the best times I ever had. , report prise” appearance on a 'The daughter of comedian Billy Graham Crusade Quincy consultsadying Specialist on psychology professor is brain­ CD ThoughtsToLlveBy trapeze. That helps tone the legs and arms. Following that, Tommy Chong says she is THE CELEBRITY ^®TheOreateatAmerlcanHero death and is asked to help counsel washed by a group ol think- 3:20 Can you tell me why I’ve never been able to find a poster Everybody on the set is relaxed. I seem to have a members of his family — London stage during his I may lift some S- or 10-pound weights. That's good for charity reading) was the product of a love affair SCF)NE: Raquel Welch and When an automatic missile system one ol that doctor's patients who is weirdos to believe he has come from CD All Night Weather Service of Houston Oiler quarterback Ken Stabler? Where can I maintaining a nice round figure, if you know what I special relationship with the director. We communicate who add that it is possible goes haywire at the hands of an critically ill and refusing treatment, another planet. (Rated PG) (97 3:30 write to him?—K.F., Omaha, Neb. in a sort of verbal shorthand. I wonder why. the 76-year-old acting great staged with all the subtlety her father had with a cer­ husband Andre Weinfeld, ultra-militant general. Ralph Hinkley ^mint.) mins.) dD Top Rank Boxing From Fort mean.” tain lady, went to live with who are planning to move and Bill Maxwell ere summoned by ® Freemen Reports Today's 12:30 Worth, Texas (R) ’’Ron was the major reason I agreed to the picture. I will film a message to be of a three-ring circus. Liz, newsmakers tonight, live from (3D Real Pictures A pictoral look at Could be that he’s never posed for one. At least the Oh, we do, Joey, we do. him when she was still to New York, have their the eliena to another eerie (X) Get Smart public relations staff at the Oiler offices can’t recall his ever trusted him to allow us to inject human qualities into tb^ shown during the of the blue eye shadow, of sneounter. (Repeat) (60 mlna.) anywhere in the world, with Lata Night With David the beat picture stories from the the S3-carat diamond ring, young, and he was by then Beverly Hills home on the ^ MMt The Mayors award-winning InterviewerSandl Lattarman Gueata: cartoonist Jim 24-hour CNN day. doing so. But just in case he did and neglected to tell comedy. He’s given us every opportunity. Even more, festivities in the event he is (S) College Basketball Report Freeman. Special call-in umber 3:56 Paopla Excluahral anamrart the moat Inlaraaling I involved with another lady. market for |1.4 million. Davis. Gloria Steinem. (60 mins.) anyone in the leam’s/official family, a spokesman suggests he’s helped us.” accorded Best Actor does love calling attention National Collagiate Championship allows national TV audience to ® Wast Coast Raport Updates on (3) Movie-(Drama) *** "S tu n t quaallona from raadora. Sand youra to ua cara of ihia And later had yet another WJiich is cheap — by Bever­ Man" 1980 Peter O’Toole, Steve that you check the NFL Shop at your local Sears, Roebuck. Winkler may be somewhat gun-shy about making honors for “On Golden to herself. As for Burton, Pravlaw participate. the day's financial news and world nawapapar. never have I known a per­ maternal influence — when ly Hills standards. (30® Real Paople Tonight's ® Movie-(Horror) ** "The economics specially scheduled for Railsback. Definitive version of the You can write to Ken in care of the Houston Oilers, P.O. movies. This is his fifth. The first four — “The Lords of Pond.” If he does win, his subjects are a New Jersey Howling" 1981 DeeWallace. the Weal Coaet audience. Hollywood stuntman, the Hollywood eiMZ BY TRIBUNE COMPANY SYNDICATE. INC. her father fell in love with Keith Carradine and San­ /o Jo Starbuck and Terry Bradshaw during a happier lime. Box ISi6, Houston, Texas 77001. 120 Em 42nd Sum, Mm Yock, N.Y. 10017 Flathush,” “Heroes,” “The One And Only,” ‘‘Crazy daughter Jane will accept sonality more cognizant of psychologist who'claime he can Patrick MaCNee. A young journalist ® Banny Hill Show direclpr and the seamier side of Joe” — were not big bits. His roles were tinged withj his Oscar for him — and, of — or eager to impart — a her babysitter and dra Will have returned enlarge women'e breesta through seeks refuge in a California retreat movie making. (Rated R) (2 hra., 11 switched roommates from their Tahiti honey­ . hypnoaia; a school for male hula until atrange and terrifying things 12:35 mina.) elements of the Fonz. course, could go home with "quotable quote.” His dancers in Hawaii; tractor races in •tart to happen. (Rated R) (90 CD Adam 12 4:00 ' It is imperative then, in the interests of an extended two that night, if her per­ “confidence” to London again. moon, and now he prepares 6akarafiald.Callf.;aFlorida mins.) 1:00 (S) Freeman Reports For the late to leave for “Zeno’s Web” grandmother who la a stock car 10:30 CD Rat Patrol night West Coast audience, a review movie-TV career, that Winkler prove his versatility. He form ance in "Golden reporters that ”I still love racer;a iSyaaroldblackwriterwho ® Movie -(Drama) • • • • "Eyewll- dD College Basketball Report of Sandi Freeman's provocative talk can’t spend the rest of his-life playing a wise-guy post­ Pond” nets her a Best Sup­ Liz” certainly illustrates PROBLEMS: Dina film production in re c e n tly authored a column in neee"1981 WilljamHurt,Sigourney National Collegiate Championship show. porting Award. he hasn’t lost the knack for Merrill jetted to New Yugoslavia and Paris. Newsweek magazine; and a couple Weaver. A glamorous television Preview (R) ® News A dvice teenager. He is aware of that fact. of urban ecologists in New York. reporterbecomearomantically (2D People Now The world of 4:26 “’N i^ t Shift’ is different. It’s a great comedy and Repeat; 60 mine.) Involved with a young man who may entertainment from Hollywood. Lee ® Movie-(Horror) ** "The ® Prlmanewa*120Prime-time have witnessed a murder. (Rated R) Leonard features celebrity Howling" 1961 DeeWallace, love story,” Winkler said. “My character bears no newscast coveringthenationandthe 0 0 3 mins.) interviews., reviews of current films Patrick MacNee. A young journalist relationship to anything I’ve played before. world. ® Independent Network News and plays, Hollywood gossip, and seeks refuge in a California retreat lSlMovla'(Comady)**V% "Loving 11:00 special events in the entertainment until strange and terrifying things “The part of Chuck was difficult at first because be Couplet" 1980 Shirley MacLaine, (X)(X)(X}®(39® Nfwe world. start to happen. (Rated R) (95 was much closer to Henry Winkler than the others. But I Jamea Coburn. Two couples, one CX) M.A.S.H. ® Entertainmant Tonight mins.) Investing in cable TV married, onenoi.takeastabat some fff) Benny Hill Show 1:05 4:30 jumped right in and with Ron’s help the part became unconventional regrouping. (Rated (S) SportsCenter CD Charlie Rota Show CD Let's Make A Deal Hotline helps hookers quit comiortable for me. PQ)J2hrs.> (39 Nostalgia Theater 1:10 ® 22 Alive______"The closer a character is to some actors, the more ® ( B ) National Geographic'Polar (S) Sports Tonight Top sports d 9 USAF Religious Film difficult it Is to play. But then some actors only play Bear Alert' Churchill. Manitoba, la on anchors present action-packed 1:15 HANDS ON the migratory path of the Arctic's f^hllghis of the sports day. ®Movie'(Comedy)* "FrorhNoon COMPUTER TRAINING DFjAR ABBY: In reference to a letter themselves. I’m . not one of them. Chuck is more largest, most dangerous carnivore. & Twilight Zone Till Three" 1976 Charles Bronson, like everyone else. If organizations such EDWARD FISHER, 2 nights a week. asking if there is a “Hookers frightened of life than I am, but he learns how to take it This documentary shows how 11:15 Jill Ireland. A two-bil outlaw senses as yours do not exist in other NA’nONAL SENIOR for the super rich people living in Churchill prepare to (B) Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy that hia gang's next bank job will be a Upgrade your skills Anonymous": There is an organization metropoiitan areas, they should. VICE COMMANDER ■'on. avoid encounters with the polar 11:30 disaalar.anddecidestoholdupinthe made up of former madams, call girls “Now with only two weeks to go on this picture I ^ a re . (Cloaed-Captioned; U.S.A.) CX) Staraky And Hutch Victorian mansion ol an attractive UNIVERSITY TRAVEL DEAR MR. FISHER: I am pleased to ® Movie-(Muaical)*** "Joleon (X) Entertainmant Tonight widow. (Rated PQ)( 105 mins.) and streetwalkers who counsel people 6 4 9 - 0 6 0 5 be a part of this generous, patriotic ef­ realize I’m going to miss Chuck. I’ll be sad when it’s By Kenneth R. Clark much as anyone in the dollar value and a few tax venture entertainment Story" 1046 Larry Parke, Evelyn CD ^ ABC Nawa NIghtilne (B) PBSLatenight trying to get out of prostitution. That JpOear Abby DEAR ABBY: This is a rather un­ cover. On other films you count the days. ’ ’ business about the teeming breaks. It is the creative channel premieres June 4. Keyet. Story of the great vaudeville fort. Will it include Japanese-Americans UPl TV Reporter performer's rise In the show biz group, formerly known as CAT (Califor­ usual problem, but we desperately need field in which as many as folks who would supply the The weather channel, nia Authority of Trollops), counsels at your help. who were placed in “relocation centers” world. (2 hre., 30 mine.) SHOWCASE Abigail Van Buren (also known as “internment camps” ) for NEW YORK - The cable 104 channels are being projected 104 channels which is funded by Land­ S:30 the Mary Magdalene Project in Los y On Oct. 1, the “Former Prisoner-of- with programs who may (X) Buga Bunny In King Arthur's ,^nnual St. Patrick’s promised to bewildered mark Communications, is War Benefits Act of 1981” became law. the duration of World War II? television industry, which Court Animated epeclal based very CINEMAS Angefts, where up to six prostitutes can have the most to lose, even not on yet. We could go on loosely on the Mark Twain classic SAtaUEMXnSB This law Was enacted to give some much INTERIORS has the potential of viewers, but he denies Dinner-Dance live temporarily while they make the dif­ ~DEAR ABBY: I am from England, generating money as if it expertise. if they have less to invest. and on. and featuring Buga Bunny, Daffy ficult transition into legitimate employ­ deserved benefits to Americans who Duck, and Elmer Fudd.'(Repeat) Spontorad by VFW Post 2046 but I am married to an American and we UNLIMITED INC. . were the U.S. mint, has “No one in this business "If you want to produce ® Carol Bumatt And Friends Ladiss Auxiliary — Dalta Club ment. were prisoners of war. ^ NHL Hockoy Minnesota North live in New York. My mother-in-law is is an expert,” he said in a programing, you can do it “This is just the begin­ POST HOME — MS E. Cwitar 81., MwKhMtar We are having a difficult time locating been likened to a gold rush. Stars va New York lelandera “Children of the Night” is a Los New York interview. “I’m at a smaller scale, but the ning of what it’s going to Saturday March 20, 1982 all ex-prisoners of war in order to inform also a New Yorker, and she insists that Professional Design Services Michael E. Marcovsky (S Top Rank Boxing From Fort HARTFORD Angeles organization that helps 10- to 17- profit margins aren’t huge be, although the industry Worth, Toxaa Cornad Baaf A Cabbaga DInnar 7:30 by more traditional agencies that when my mother comes to visit us it is prefers to think of it as a not an expert.. I’m just INTERSTATE 84 EXIT 58 year-olds who have been forced out on them of these benefits. p and* you’ve got to really has gone out of infancy to ®Movle-(Comedy)*** "Longeat Irish Stop Dancara provide social services. her place to ring up knd say “hello,” for Home and Office... mine field. maybe two chapters ahead Yard" 1974 Burt Reynolds. Eddie EAST HARTFORD 568-8810 the street to hustle as prostitutes. (About Please publish our address. We want to know the territory,” said perhaps the crawling ' Dancing 9 pm - 1 am Our hotline for referrals to specific hear from anyone who thinks be (or she) even though my mother-in-law has been Only the very rich are of the class in the book and Albeil. Story of e ferocious football half of all prostitutes are 18 years old or informed of her arrival. « FURNITURE • CARPETS • DRAPERIES • WALL COVERINGS the book isn’t even written. Marcovsky. “You’d have stage. Wait until they get game between prisoners and “The Penthouse Group” programs for the prostitute is (213) 550- advised to enter, and some guards, with a convicted ex-football CHARIOTS younger.) Father Ritter renders a qualifies for these benefits. to invest. I’d say, half a on their feet! Of course, 7188. Randall J.J. Briere, National I feel that it is the responsibility of the • ACCESSORIES of them are going to come "And what we are star coaching the inmates. Suprise Donation *10.00 — Tickets available at similar service to young male resident of the host country to ring up writing, we’re writing in million up ... and you may when they get on their feet, climax aa priaonaraplay for their OFFIRE^ DR. LOIS LEE Adjutant/Treasurer, out on fihancial stretchers. Post Home 040-0018 -SHOWN AT:- prostitutes at Covenant House in New and welcome the guest. Which is the cor­ 398 HEBRON AVE. GLASTONBURY 659-0303 pencil because what is true wind up with a piece of they’re also going to fail dignity. (119 mlna.) York City. American Ex-Prisoners of War, Inc. "It’s not easy and you 0:0 0 2M-7:1»-I;4$ rect way? have to know what you’re this afternoon will be video tape that has no in­ down a bit. ODCE) CBS Wadnaaday Night P.O. Box 18957 trinsic value other than $60 It was my research and work with DEAR DR. LEE: Thank you for San Antonio, Texas 78218 IRATE DAUGHTER doing,” he said of the changed by next week.” CVr227727ZTZ7Z MAKING LOVE prostitutes that led me to develop bringing attention to a'wideiy neglected business that now has Nonetheless, Marcovsky, a reel. DEAR DAUGHTER: The person who just put Hugh Hefner’s “The rainbow’s further m programs for both adult and child and often overlooked population of peo­ Thanks,'Abby,. for helping some of crews laying cable through Maine Coast — SHOWN fV :------with the best manners makes the first Playboy Channel on the away than what you can prostitutes, who are often disregarded ple who aVe entitled to social services America’s finest. telephone call. neighborhoods in nearly every town in America. tube, knows what it takes see right now and I will say Seafood DRAPERIES “Unfortunately, because of to get into the business. point blank, it’s very hard SHOOTTHE Large Fabric Selection . the tremendous growth and What it takes is a g r^ t to make money, if at all, in Cinema S5 Oakland SL Expert Installation ; the attraction, there are deal of money and the producing programing for Manchaatar, CL cable. There’s not hun­ -SHOWN 4(7:* . still a lot of people who are nerves of a table stakes W5-7:1$.M# 'Revenge' diarrhea, not V.D. poker player. dreds of thousands of profit 643-2667 Visit Our Showroom at: ; stumbling into it. They’re .learning by doing.” “You want In as what?” per program at this point. 38 Windsor Av4. 9:55. - Reds 1, 8. — The DEAR DR. LAMB: I am a 22-year-oId ■ .; According to Marcovsky, he said. “As a programer? The subscriber base is not Hartford Diarrhea can also be caused by DEAR DR, LAMB: My boy bad a cir­ RockvlM.or C«ll> broad enough. The Atheneum Cinema —' Seduction 1:20, 7:20, 9:55. : female and I sincerely hope you can help ; the American public is An operator? A producer? -S H O W N 4(7:* another bacteria called salmonella, cumcision when he was a newborn. His 8 7 2 -6 4 0 0 Platinum Blode 7:30. — They All Laughed 1:45, ; me. I just got back from Mexico. Unfor-, :* going to learn, too — just If you’re a’majpr company economics are just begin­ serve often implicated in food poisoning out­ pediatrician took away all of his ' what their forebears and want to get into cable ning to be there.” Cinema City — Tliree 10:05. — On Golden Pond 1, tunately, I got Montezuma’s revenge. Y our breaks. And in more recent times ^ar- foreskin. Now he is 5 years old and very Brothers 7:10, 9:35. — 7:25, 9:45. ; When I told my mother this she went teamed when the industrial television as a system Like a high-stakes poker THE diasis, which is a water-borne orgairam, active. What kind of barm will occur revolution forever turned operator, I would say you’d Atlantic City 7:20, 9:30. — Manrheater ' crazy and told me it’s V.D. I tried to has become a frequent cause of since he doesn’t have the protection of a game, however, the cable IJA Theatera Eaal Evil SEDUCTIOMb ; explain .that it’s diarrhea. She will not H ealth r £ t d . theii' way of doing things n ^ hundreds , of millions Fame 7:15, 9:45. — My for Lcirt traveler’s diarrhea. It is hard to foreskin? What kind of problems might S m e ^ gamble can pay off hand­ Dinner With Andre 7, 9:20. Under the Sun 7:10,9:30. — -SH O W N 4 (7 t- I believe this. I told her we would call a upside down. He said the of dollars. somely, which probably is lH-7il-M5 Lawrence Lamb, diagnose and bard to treat. Our bowel he have when he becomes an adult? And COMMERCIAL- RESIDENTIAL new society, wired to “If you want to get in­ Cinestudin — The Border 7:15, 9:15. — STEAMERS ! hospital and have them explain the ter­ contains a large number of bacteria. what kind of remedies can we take for why so many corporations Apocalypse Now 7:30. Arthur 7:20, 9:10. minology but the person we spoke to M.D. 'NO JOB TOO BIO OR TOO SMALL cable, will be “the infor­ volved in franchising a new — including the commer­ Sometimes an antibiotic changes the him now? mation society,” and no market, or as a partner C o lo n ia l — Baddest Storra FRESH FISH didn’t know what the term meant. type of bacteria there and either cial networks — are calling Fighter Alive, with Inva­ Trana-Lux College ■ DEAR READER: I wouldn’t worry' 'Annual Spring Claanlng Salal one will avoid its impact. because without cable FIRE SI Please clear up this situation with my eliminates diarrhea or may allow harm­ for a hand. sion of the Kung Fu Twin Shoot the Moon 7, -SHO W m 4(7» mother and me, and calm her down. about it. The main complications from a Ma’rcovsky, who experience, It might be LOBSTERS ful bacteria to multiply and cause spearheaded development hard for you to qualify for a “.j. would say right now Fighters from 6:30. 9:15. — Whose Life is it diarrhea. Also there are many causes for circumcision, if any occur, are in the Anyway 7, 9:15. DEAR READER: The term is quite diarrhea during travels. The term newborn period. The diaper problem can • Carpet Shampooing of the two-way interactive franchise; you would need there are 43 programs East Hartford SHRIMP common in parts of the United States but traveler’s diarrhea is also used. Don’t diarrhea that are not caused by QUBE system in Colum­ tens of millions of dollars available on the various Cinema One — Closed Vernon organisms at all. ^ cause an inflammation for one thing. But • Window Cleaning Cine 1 & 2 — Ragtime since you live in Canada perhaps it is not overlook the role of different foods and by 5 years of age, if he has no problems bus, Ohio, is a cable televi­ — maybe hundreds of satellites,” Marcovsky for remodeling. STUFFED SHRIMP H used there. You may recall that former • Floor Waxing sion consultant now. As millions. If you want: to said, “and that doesn't Poor Rieharda Modern 7:30. — Taps 7:"). 9:30. -SHOWN RT:- drink. Probably a third to half of the Your mother will feel better after from the circumcision he is not likely to l3»-7:2S-M$ President Carter’s use of the term while diarrhea tourists get in Mexico is caused reading The Health Letter number 13-8, develop any. • All typpa of ganaral cleaning president of Marnel start a cable network, you count the ones that have Problems 7:30, 9:30. Be informed BAY SCALLOPS J speaking in Mexico on a state visit by a bacteria called E. Coll. Now we all What You Need to Know About commerolal and realdentlal Associates, Ltd, in Los would need anywhere from been announced that I have Slinwraae Cinema — Some people claim that a circunKlsion Quest for Fire 1:20, 7:20, caused some consternation. He was have E. Coli in our colon and for years Diarrhea, which I am sending ’ you. decreases a man’s enjoyment and others Angeles, he is a guide the 5 to 50 million, depending great faith will go forward stay on top of the news— C U M S ^ J referring to the problem of tourists get­ the organism that causes diarrhea was Others who want this issue can sei^ 75 AH af our •padaf $pring doming daring hire to j i ^ them on what it is.” with their services. 9:30.'— Shoot the Moon subscribe to The -S H O W N 4 8 : • claim the opposite but I doubt it makes "The cable health 1:45, 7:15, 9:50. —Chariots, Lotetsr Boiled At No Extra ting diarrhea in Mexico, often called missed because it looks exactly like the cents with a long, stamped, self- much difference. I am not an advocate of M fo prtem. through the penl of cable But those endeavors in­ Manchester Herald. For \m *m Montezuma’s revenge. But that is not a harmless form we normally carry. But addressed envelope for it to me, in care inveatment. volve hardware, and with network isn’t even up yet. of Fire 2, 7:10, 9:45. — home delivery, call ' 647- circumcision, but if there are no conn- Call for free aatiniataa The Rockefeller-RCA joint Making Love 1:10, 7:35, suitable diagnosis. the Mexican variety behav^ differently of this newspaper, P.O. Box 1551, Radio plications early in life you need not He probably knows as hardware at least gCes real 9946 or 646-9947. There are a number of causes for and is a different strain. City SUtion, New York, N.Y. 10019. .expect them later. 649-8644 .U 1 22 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed., March 10, 1982

£ > Region Astro^graph Area towns H i g h l i g h t Andover Bolton/ Coventry Busing plan studied to puah too hard. Soltan your HEBRON — The Central Office Committee of A numlMr of chingw an in approach for batter raaulta. Mdra for you (Ml coming yaar LBO (July 22-Aiii. 22) Unlaii Regional District 8 is studying plans for a aMeh you ara not Maly to you havs activa outMi to regionalized school bus transportation program in pradpHala. In aach Inatance, occupy you mantally and phyal- an effort to provide a more cost-effective program thay'l halp you mov* up a atap caNy today, you could gal vary kiatatuaandpraaUge. reattaaa and ba rather difficult for the three towns in the district, Hebron, Andover m ClS (M Mllawfi 10) to gat along with. and Marlborough. Suooaaa la Ukaly In your V M M (Ah l 22-Sapt 22) ’The Regional Board of Educatipn has suggested andaavora today, whathar H'a Becauaa of your Intanaa looWng out for your own kitar- daalrea for thinga you'll want that the committee consider unified or coordinated aata or managing aomathlng tor youraalf and your tarnKy, transportation services and to recommend a for anottiar. All baaaa ara you'H ba motlvatad today to Motley’s Crew — Templeton & Forman program that could be started in the 1983-84 school oovarad. Pradictlona of what'a findwayatogaltham.. ki atora for you In aach aaaaon L W U (SapC 22-OeL 22) Nica year. folo«4ng your Mrth data and thingi ara apt to ba aaid about ’The regional board also suggests that the local wharayourkjckandopportunl- you today. Whan you laam of thaaa emmmanta. It wIN Inapira IkUMAP/YOUP C106BT boards continue to provide school transportation, tlaa ka ara In your Aatroi-Qr^ih. 16 EMPTY AND HMMM with the regional board becoming a co-contractor Mao t1 for aach to Aatro- you to even greater afforta. VOUK Qraph, Box 4M, Radio CKy Bcoano (Dot MJIov. 22) d l d th e & a r e a l l to assume its share of transportation costs for Station. N.Y. 10018. Ba aura to Your commardal kiatlncta wW OVER THE PLACB.,. RHAM students. bklhdate. ba wak-honad today and. It Last month the three local boards asked the (March M-Aprit W) Do anyone la aMa to find a g ^ avarythlng today In accordanoa deal. It ahould ba you. Search RHAM board to assume the cost of a late bus ser­ » lorbargalna. with your highaat Idaala. You vice for thehigh school students. ’The Central Office wM And that othara will go out SAOITTAnUS (Nov. 2S-Dae. Committee will discuss tl^ ' proposal tonight. of thak way to treat you aquaOy 21) You have the ability today aawal. _ to awaken the Intaratl and gain TAURUe (AprH 1 M 6 ^ » ) the aupport ol othara lor thingt Strive to ba more knaglnatlve Important to you. than uaual today, even whan, Board approves budget doing mundana chorea. Uakig CAPRICORN (Dae. 22-Jan. 12) your mental powera wilt lead Other! may think and talk EAST HARTFORD — The Board of Education you to And batter mathoda and about wave to Improve thek lot, _1iiafWB)iiiaaO approved a $26.9 million budget early ’Tuesday mor­ ayatama. but you'H be the pereon who actually doea aomathlng about ning after one. board member. Republican Robert o n aMt (Hay 21-juna 20) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 It today. Qood for youl World’s Qrsstsst Supsrhsross 8 9 10 11 Damaschi, had walked out of the meeting about an Taka Uma today to got to know batter paraona you've recently AQUARIUS (Jan. lO-Fab. 10) hour before. mat wtio, you leal, could Thera may be aome krtereatlng 12 13 14 A request by the three Republican board become potential Manda. Your developmenta today which SeiTfR Aluen#')OUR«EUF — 'CAUdB yOUR m i € N P ISN'T ON THE P O r ~ ! 'AlORNIN', FBENP. & could have a favorable effect hunehaa about people ara IP»U DON'T WkHT ID AI/IM eONNA NPVr.. NOT SVEN A and Hgize's AtY THIS WHERE I CkKH 15 16 17 members to have another budget workshop before a right. on your future. You'll recognize vote was taken was denied earlier in the meeting them and know how to use 1CT1R A P P tm m K N T ,. m iM urm fwsT "rue asswnep i SUDDYMPtY/ THE / N -W « » 1 D 'IH E Herald photo by Cody CANCBI (Jana t1-July 22) In UlORARY? Monday night. order to get tMnga done today, them property. 18 16 2 0 21 your Ural Inclination might bo (HCWaPAPtB BnSE A8SN.) _ Dorothy E. Carey, chairman of the board, said OUT ■ Off to Dixieland Damaschi’s request wouldn’t have been denied if he cw m m a , 2 2 23 had had some suggestions for changes in the fWRK&.WEBOTH 2 4 25 2 6 27 2 8 29 3 0 31 budget. She said she asked him if he had any KNOW YOU HAVEN'T Bolton’s 1964 Farrar tanker,.described by firefighters as an old but Some of the southern firefighers, shown here letting air out of the REAP A BOOK 1 changes he wanted to make and he said he needed moody friend, spent its last day in town Tuesday. Shown here being tanker’s tires, complained that they couldn’t find Bolton. Another one SINCE y o u WERE 3 2 3 3 34 more time to examine the bqdget. Ms. Carey said loaded onto a trailer from Huntsville, Ala., the truck will now serve that said he was glad his wife made him wear long-Johns since the snowy IN e o t ie e e t 1 1 1 ■ southern town’s fire department primarily as an extra water tank. The she thought to start all ov^r again would not be Bridge a r r p o m n . 35 3 6 weather yesterday was not something he was accustomed to. productive. town sold the truck for $3,000, after rebelving its new truck last fall. i-'iiffliir 1 1 1 ■ 3 7 3 8 39 4 0 41 Rixi ciaim8 a slam y. KupmegaRB Budget approved 42 4 3 We aren’t going to dlacnss Andover's bottom line SOUTH WINDSOR — An $11 million Board of kwvy*-* M w — James Schumelster 44 45 4 6 47 4 8 49 5 0 51 her bidding. Rha’s bidding Elducation budget was approved ’Tuesday night NORTH a-iaai ■ was always entirely In her 5 2 after the board reduced it by $76,737. 4Q8J own style, but six diamonds 53 54 55 5 6 Robert Goldman, superintendent of schools, said *714 is certainlv a good contract. iptDNTepriHE- THEy WWTFP THEYEESOWO ♦ ATS 57 58 there is one gray item in the budget; the cost of U trumps break 2-2, she has SOMEOTE-VmH TO SPRAY PANT 59 ♦ Kis s MORE BOX GARyCXXEKIAN workers’ compensation and health insurance. He 12 easy tricks. If the king of School budget set at $737,382 peftfo FWM.'iaeH? OFFCP APPEAL. SOA/Pfc. 6 0 61 WBR EAST clubs can score, that is also 6 2 said the expense might rise from $1,000 to $10,000 e i i ♦ 7154 her 12th trick. ta over the budgeted cost, depending on how the rates VKtii eojio West opened the four of V By Richard Cody tion of the infield. change. ♦ 4 .♦J .tl diamonds against the slam. (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) year’s proposed budget includes a lOpel’';, Herald Reporter The board's proposed budget is a teachers’ salaries, contributed to the The budget, as approved, represents a 13.2 per­ eAMTi4i eqjt East played the jack and 101 cent increase in the salary, bringing it to decrease from the 11.24 percent rise surplus. cent increase^over the curreqt$9.8 million budget. SOUTH Rixi won. At trick two she ANDOVER — Thi Board of Education to $30,656. Mrs. Kowalski said the final led a low heart. East won suggested by RHAM’s central ad­ In cutting the administration’s ♦ AKJIO Tuesday set a bottofa.Une of $737,382 for figure may not be the 10 percent in­ f A 9 l and led a second diamond ministration. proposed budget, the board considered its proposed 1982-83 budget, which will be crease, but added that it would not be ♦EQMIM which was taken in dummy. The board is also expecting about a combining a Grade 5 and 6 class, thus Now Rixi played a low BACXH20M CELEBRITY CIPHER presented to the finance board Thursday. more. Sykes closing delayed Celebrity Clpber cryptogrwna are created from guotattone by tamoua ptop**. paal $29,000 surplus at the end of the fiscal eliminating a teacher. club. If Blast held the ace she HOU-YWOOP The new budget is a $58,919, 8.7 percent The $30,656 figure, she said, “ is a place Vulnerable: Neither and praaant. Each lattarmthaclpharataoda for arwthar. Todey’tekrnUaqum K. year owning in part to the fact that oil and Mrs. Kowalski said the board turned VERNON — In order to provide more time for might have made a mistake SO SOON? increase over this year’s. holder." Dealer South and played it, but no such ZL gasoline prices have not risen as much as down the proposal because its members the transition, school administrators., have The board Tuesday failed to agree on The board Tuesday also added $5,000 to luck. Rixi ruffed. expected. Consequently, Mrs. Kowalski felt some students would be “ short­ recommended that Sykes School, which houses Waal Nartb EaM Saatt “ R P eSPAQ QRPAQB-ODMP Principal David K. Kravet's salary for the budget to fix up the school's ballfield. !♦ Things hMked dismal, but Captain Easy — Crooks & Lawrence said, the board did not budget as much changed” on education. In a 40-minute Grade 6 students, be closOd in June 1984. next year, despite an hour-and-a-half Mrs. Kowalski said the money will be Paaa !♦ PaM 34 they were not hopeless. for this area as it did last year. reading period, she said in an example, There was one slight chance long executive session. Board used to pay the town crew to take rocks PM! SNT Pan 4NT A SHORT For heating oil, last year $54,535 was the teacher would spend 20 minutes with ’The revised plan, to be aired at a public hearing Paai Pan (♦ left THANKS FOR ' WE LIKE SEINE ALONE EDNNDFA QFNNTHC FA IPQDJTN Chairwoman Beatrice Kowalski said and stones out of the infield and line it TIME SEINE MORE OP HERE, 5TRAN6ER! budgeted, but only $38,434 is expected to the Grade 5 kids and 20 with Grade 6. on March 16, calls for the sixth-graders to be moved Paaa Pan Pan Rixi ran off four spade today a special meeting has been with clay. The pony league team uses LATER., be spent. For the 1982-83 year, the board She said the budget has no fat, but said to the Vernon Center Middle School. TTie origiriiT' tricks. If East could run in, scheduled for March 23 to set a salary. this field, and many visiting coaches the slam would be kaput is proposing $42,710 for this category. she didn’t know how the finance board recommendation was to close the school in June JTHP NTCQ BPTH. RKOJK At present, the salary is $27,869. Next have complained about the bumpy condi­ But East had to follow to all Mrs. Kowalski said other areas, like would look on the budget ’Thursday. 1983. Officials decided it would be better to delay OpaBli«lead:e4 four spades. Rixi was able to Abi, for one year so they could plan for the closing this discard a heart from 8HFETENB 8HFMPC QKTQ T NFO year and institute a pilot teaching program for dummy, take her ace of Grade 6 students still at Sykes in 1983 before : ByOawaUJaeeby hearts, ruff the last heart I ; aaJAlaaSaalag and claim her slam. moving them to the Middle Sehool. Note bow easy it would FO QFJQFHC THP OPPNDAL AF Here It a hand Alec Tranb have been for Rixi to loee Computers help diabetic children took from a European her contract. Had she played Women'! championahip aev- a second trump . before STDA.” — HFEPHQ ENTUP eral veaia ago. South was conceding a heart. East FARMINGTON (U P I) — Children with diabetes will learn how to control their disease. exposed to computers, just like other kids are,” Dr. Rixi lliu'kuf, one of the fln- would have won and got to lead a third trump. PREVIOUS SOLUTION:“My wife tells me she doesn't care have some fun at a special summer camp this year when “ There are a lot of diabetes camps around, but this is David W. Rowe, a p^iatrician at the University of Pac: Agency eet woman players of all they try to beat computer games designed to help them time. (NBWSPAFDI ENTERPRISE ASSN ) Alley Oop — Dave Graue what I do when I'm away, as long as I'm not enjoying It." — Lea an opportunity to allow these kids a chance to be Connecticut’s John N. Dempsey Hospital in Far­ Trevino ______mington, said ’Tuesday. More than 100,000 children suffer from diabetes in the is hot needed 0 0 O N ,Y O U U avY V A ftM IN TS ! O K TO U TfL I THINK ITS TIME W E DID YEP) I United States. Pop — Ed "Sullivan 'inUI JkN' LCMVB MR JOOHRn SOMETttINS ABOUT THAT SURE DO! POOR HUMANS SmUXTION, ‘"There are well over 1,000 children with diabetes in PONT hOU, CLYDE? Kit ‘n’ Cariyia — Larry Wright Connecticut,” Rowe said. “ It is one of the most chronic HARTFORD (UPI) — Environmental Protection WATER BEPS~[ diseases of childhood, and it is life long.” Commissioner Stanley Pac says a separate state agency Rowe, an assistant professor of pediatrics in the is not needed to oversee land and wildlife preservation WATER IS USUAU-V in Connecticut. UConn School of Medicine, said computers could be an important tool to help young diabetics learn to manage Pac, in a statement read to the Legislature’s Environ­ I SUPPOSE SOJ COULP their disease. ment Committee, said ’Tuesday a bill proposihg the new RLL rr WITH ANYTHING. “ The idea in treating kids is to help them form habits agency was "completely contrary” to a 1971 state fHftrs i'lu they’ll keep throughout their lifetimes,” he said. “ 'You government reorganization plan. __ HAVfe To can’t be dictatorial. You want to make them feel like Pac’s executive assistant, Martin (Sold, delivered the r it’s their idea. statement for the commissioner, who was in New York Ne\feR‘lR.y lb OAUJ A ’The computer camp is the first specially designed for to attend a conference on acid rain. WJINDOU) SMAbe. disabled children, and as many as 120 children with The Department of Environmental Protection was Frank and Ernest — Bob Thaves diabetes from around the country are expected to at­ created in 1971 by fusing several state agencies and tend, Rowe said. expanding their authority, with conservation and ’The National Computer Camp of Orange helped preservation of the state’s land holdings placed under the department. organize the camp, which will be held Aug. 1 through A BEER BEP.' * r M u 5 T Be Aug. 6 at the Westminster School in Simsbury. 1110 ‘"There isn’t any way you can take out the concept of camp will be staffed by computer instructors, and doc­ conservation and preservation from environment as a Rheum atism .*. tors, nurses and dieticians from the UConn Health whole,” said Pac. “ It just isn’t possible.” C en ter^ He said he suspected the tfpiist of the bill, which Each night i set “ PSi-ents of children with diabetes often won’t let would c r e a t ^ Department otv'Natural Resources, was their kids go to summer camp,” Rowe said. "The major “ a feeling"’ th e,D E P’s diWSion of Conservation and 5t *ff in another Preservation wasTioLiwelving enough money. purpose of this camp is to give the kids a chance to use JOINT. computers in a setting where their parents will let them attend.” • t TmAuzs y -i» . 3-/0 One computer game will require the children to Joan-Allce Taylor, balance food calories with insulin. A little man moves M.S., RPT., a ~ T - up and down the computer screen to show points scored native of or lost, and “ an explosion” occurs to indicate an The Born Loser — Art Sansom OteezoyWA me adverse insulin reaction. Newington, has recently become a “ ’That’s a fun thing,” Rowe said. ’"The object is to Buflw Bunnw — Warner Bros- UPI photo keep your blood sugar in the normal range. We felt com­ partner at :!*Our Boarding House — Carroll & McCormick puters were an equalizer, they break down the barriers Glastonbury VOUV£ LOST >OUP DON'T WORI?/a b o u t Southern lumber arrives between adults and kids.” Health Associate BANKER BRiTWN, VOUVE soTHAnim'txjR C Rowe said computers were already.used at the UConn ALWAYS BEEN A TRIFLE COMPUTBR BLEW (JP! I V O IC E ? A -THIN©. in a mul­ C0H5ERVATIVE WITH PM6R/>>MMBP /T 727 SELF- The first shipment of live oak Into the Mystic strength, resistance to rot and natural Health Center to help children leaiw u contrdl diabetes, area since the turn of the century arrived this and they also will be used at the'camp. tidisciplinary YJOR investments, w it P B ^ U C T ANYT/ME curved limbs. This shipment will be used In health care prac­ PERHAPS THAT* A <*»P H-O-O-P LE WAS TYPBP past week from southern Georgia. Mystic, the restoration of the 1841 whaleship t r a it -HEH-HEH-FBOM MB’S ALWAYS AFTER 3T5 once a popular shipbuilding center, used Charles W. Morgan at the Mystic Seaport tice at the Medical A PeWSITORiS POINT I L O m ' ■ ^ OF VIEW,' much live oak prized for Its great tensile Museum. ^ ■ Center In Glaston­ Something Different...... Wlah Someone A' bury. Ms. Taylor Combines her 'bUllg)STFP.-?'«A*l/ general physical therapy expertise Abigail Van Buren offers personal advice daily in one Happy Birthday of America’s best-read columns, “ Dear Abby,” in The PUBLIC NOTICE! with her Bioenergetic and Gestalt Manchester Herald’s Focus section. FREE!! FREE!! with A Herald Happy Heart therapy training, providing a unique approach to physical therapy prac­ WInthrop — Dick Cavalli BLOOD Only tice. Ms. Taylor works with in­ I'LL CHECK. THE V E L U O W IFTtDUcasULJ? U V E IN A N V I'V E AL\A4AYe> BEEN K IN D r e n o u L P h a v e e e s v RUSSELL’S BARBER SHOP PREBBimiE. $6.00 dividuals and groups for consultation PBRIOP IN NAST>^ RV3ES fORA QUACK DOCTCW?. 105 Sprue* 81., Mancimtor OFRkCTIAUTD-nHE THATiONEQOMINer. TAKEN BY and fitness as well as clinical physical WHICH WOULDTOU CH0036? Sf?ANieH INtSTUISmON. announces that CLINIC A REQIBTERED therapy. Her emphasis Is on the In­ NURSE T" ------■ dividual’s participation In therapy Joe Taylor and their own total body fitness. is now associated with us Ms. Taylor Is an Assistant Clinical AT: LIQQETT PHARMACY and Open Tues.-Fii. 8:00-5:30. Sat 8:00-5.‘00 PARKADE HEALTH SHOPPE Professor at UCONN. She Is also ac­ : 0 6 NRB, OTiPWN = ^ • 1 1 . . . . ■>ymAMt,wiieeuePM>TMoe 3*10 New and old euatomen alwaya wolcoma TIME: EVERY THURSDAY 5 PM TO 0 PM tive professionally and Is currently Co-«pon«orad as a COMMUNITY SFHVICE by 6 4 3 - 2 7 1 1 President of the Connecticut Chapter Inetudlna all aanlor eMxana. ■ w* UC.CiFTT PARKADE PHARMACY PARKADE HEALTH ^ /Uk for.. of the American-Physical Therapy <^w«igiaA.bw.nnMtmPMHMoe NUTRITION rENTFR / 3 ^’ A ^ 1 nr PARKADF . . Pam Aaaoolatlon.______, r 24 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed., March 10, 1982 MANCHESTER HERALD, Wed., March 10. 1982 - 25 HOURS: Daily 8:00 am-9:00 pm Supermarket shopper Fridays 8:00 am-10:00 pm On-package offers Sundays 9:00 am-6:00 pm BUSINESS / Classified more complicated You Be By Martin Sloane Bobbie B. from Dickson, require more planning. It Tenn. may take up to two years The DEAR to get a new box into Fees for plastic surgery vary widely SUPERMARKET DEAR BOBBIE: Put­ production. Redesigning SHOPPER: 1 have a dif­ ting a refund form on or in­ the box is also an expensive H l A ' side a'specially marked process. Judge As for the usual "nose job,” that ranks way down in Northeast and Souther California (it figures!). One of ficult time finding refund True or False? the lowest areas lor fees is the Southeast (the retire­ forms at the stores in my package is much more The refund offer must re­ • The most frequently performed plastic surgery the list of operations reported by 61.5 percent of the complicated than printing main valid for a longer 725 EAST MIDDLE TPKE. MANCHESTER. CT, ASPRS’ membership participating in a recent surgery. ment communities of Florida?). area. operation is for face lifts and of face-lift operations, Patients should discuss fees with a plastic surgeon Why don't the conipanies a form in a newspaper period since it is hard to (RT 6 OPPOSITE ST. BARTHOLOMEW CHURCH) Y o u r The total of nose reshapings (rhinoplasty) was 54,000 advertisement or on a tear- nose reshapings are in the lead. last year, at fees ranging from $800 to $3,000. Breast well in advance of the operation, cautions Dr. H. put more refund forms on predict when a given • While plastic surgery is pertorming wonders in their packages? This would > off pad to be posted at the package will pass through M o n e y 's enlargements totaled 72,000 at fees from $500 to $3,000. William Porterfield, president of the society. In supermarket. rdiabilitating individuals who have suffered severe in­ Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery, all four lids) came to choosing a plastic surgeon. Dr. Porterfield advises, solve a lot of our problems the distribution chain and juries or burns, most operations are aesthetic in nature. First, these promotions land on the supermarket W o rth 56,500 operations at fees of $750 to $2,500. The face list make sure that the physician is certified by the in finding their forms. — • Plastic surgery fees range into the many thousands American Board of Flastic Surgery "Some individuals shelf. WALL TO WALL DISCOUNT PRICES! Sylvia Porter was even further down the list in frequently, totaling of dollars and rarely does an operation by a certified calling themselves board-certified plastic surgeons are ( Companies must be plastic surgeron cost as little as $I,0IX), much less lower $39,000. willing to allocate more not, in fact, certified by the ABPs," says Dr. Porter- in the hundreds. In many cases, a plastic surgeon’s fees are deter­ field. Clip ‘n’ file refunds money to a promotion that DOUBIE MANUFACTURERS COUPONSI mined by what the state or private insurance carriers uses a refund form on a Cashier* will have details True or Fabe? Every one of the above three common­ To find a qualified plastic surgeon, call the ASPRS ly held beliefs (I would have guessed face lifts, too) is will pay for certain procedures. Insurance seldom if Patient Referred Service in Chicago (312 ) 856-1834. Or Soups, Snack Foods, Candy (File ,3) specially marked package mallties (cleft palate), 20 percent were for trauma ever covers aesthetic operations and the plastic surgeon TTiat is because a form FALSE. (injury rehabilitation, including bums); and 15 percent write the society at Suite 1900,233 North Michigan Ave.. Clip out this file and keep it with similar cash-off The facts are: will tend to adhere to the insurance carrier’s payments Chicago, 111. 60601. You’ll receive the names of IhrM coupons — beverage refund offers with beverage from a specially marked were for cancer-related surgery. schedule in cases of reconstructive surgery. According package is more likely to The most frequently performed plastic surgery surgeons who are ASPRS members, are experienced in coupons, for example. Start collecting the needed I procedure tn 1981 was to repair daniaged or Injured A minority of 40 percent were aesthetiCIn nature. And to Dr. George Reading of Rochester, N.Y., "It would be the type of surgery you want and are in your area. There proofs of purchase while looking for the required be redeemed than one from APPLIANCES again a Shocker: The most frequebtiy performed difficult, if not impossible, to give representative fees FREE bands. Hand reconstruction cases handled between mid- is no charge. a tear-off pad or an adver­ refund forms at the supermarket, in newspapers 1980 and mid-1981 by the American Society of Plastic procedure was for breast enlargement, accounting for for many types of reconstructive operations, because ("Sylvia Porter’s 1982 Income Tax Book," her com­ and magazines, and when trading with friends. tisement. Specials Good Thru March 15 72,000 of 1981’s operations. they arie all so different in severity and even in type of Despite these problems and Reconstruction Surgeons came to 150,000, far above prehensive guide to income taxes, is now available Offers may not be available in all areas of the coun­ the next most frequent operation that involved removal Fees range from $300 to $2,000 for hand reconstruc­ corrective surgery required.” through her column. Send $3.95 plus $1 for mailing and try. Allow 10 weeks to receive each refund. * we are seeing many more refund offers on specially of tumors. tion, the most frequent operation; they range from $1,- Fees for plastic surgeiy vary widely, depending on the handling to "Sylvia Porter’s 1982 Income Tax Book, ’ in The following refund offers are worth $10.09. This Meat Specials geographic area in which the surgeon practices and care of this newspaper, 4400 Johnson Drive, Fairway, week’s offers have a total value of $20.29. marked packages. A majority of 60 percent-of plastic surgery operations 200 to $5,000 for a rhytidectomy (face lift); from as lit­ Manufacturers know that 5-7 lb. Avg. were for reconstruction work. Of that 60 percent, 25 per­ tle as $200 into the thousands for such procedures as his/her estimate of the complexities of the operation. Kan. 66205. Make checks jiayable to Universal Press Bonus! This offer doesn’t require a form: The 'highest areas for plastic surgeon fees 'are the Syndicate.) ' MILKY WAY, SNICKERS, THREE these forms increase sales cent were for surgery to correct congenital abnor- tumor removal and dog bites. MUSKETEERS, MARS, TWIX, SUMMIT, M and because shoppers like you CEM FANCY SMOKED P^SliouM TIcNIC lb MjS Wrapper Refund, Box NB-449, El Paso, Texas are watching for on- 79977. Receive a refund, of $1, $2.50 or $5. For $1, package offers. full rib or loin half send any 20 wrappers from full-size Milky Way, A recent trip to one of State-backed loans granted Snickers, Three Musketeers, Mars, Twix, Summit the supermarkets where I or M and M’s Plain or Peanut Chocolate Candies. shop turned up a lot of LEAN WESTERN CORN-FED PORK ROASTS l b l . 1 8 For $2.50, send 40 wrappers. For $5, send 60 w orthw hile offers on NEW ZEALAND wrappers. Expires Dec. 31, 1982. specially marked ASST. PACK — 6 ENDS, 3 CENTERS SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS...... JIM These offers require forms: packages. Here are just a PORKCHOPS ...... ,.n.28 Projects expected PATTI JEAN CRUNCHOLA Refund Offer. Receive 50 cents or few: COUNTRY STYLE 98« $1 in coupons for Crunchola products. For two 25- A free six-pack offer lb. ROCK CORNISH HENS ...... *k>. made Beech-Nut baby PORK ...... n.38 cent coupons, send the required refund form and BEST CENTER CUT RIB PATRICK CUDAHY three box tops from any Crunchola bars. For four juice an attractive buy. HAMS...... 3-lb.cans Quaker Natural cereal had PORK CH O PS...... lb. <1.48 <5.28 25-cent coupons, send the form and five box tops. CENTER CUT SMOKED LAND-O-LAKES WHITE OR DARK MEAT 600 a $1 refund offer. to create jobs Expires April 30, 1982. TURKEY ROAST ...... 32 oz Kellogg’s Raisins, Rice PORK CH O PS...... lb <2.18 <3.08 JOLLY TIME. Receive a 15-ounce jar of Jolly MUCKE'S Tirne Premium Popcorn. Send the required refund and Rye offered $1.50 MOSEY’S POINT CUT KIELBASA ...... it> HARTFORD (UPI) — Nearly 600 jobs should be as corporate offices, renovate a former school for use as form and the Jolly Time pennant from panel of one worth of coupons. The Rice CORNED BEEF BRISKETS lb. <1.98 an .engineering and new product research center and Krispies package con­ <1.38 GEM created through expansion and renovation projects 15-ounce jar of Jolly Time Premium Popcorn. MOSEY'S STRAIGHT CUT build a new facility in the Enfield Memorial industrial Expires June 30, 1982. tained a $5 refund offer. CHICKEN FRANKS ...... being undertaken by five firms through a package of CORNED BEEF BRISKETS lb. <1.98 stat^backed, low-cost financing, state officials say. Park. Those with a taste for GEM The electronics equipment manufacturer currently PETER PAUL CADBURY $1 Cash Refund Offer. hors d’oeuvres could pick The $16.5 million financing package was approved Send the required refund form and the “nt. wt. 12 up a Red L package with a CORNED BEEF ROUNDS. <1.98 CHICKEN BOLOGNA...... ,b98‘ Tues^y at the monthly meeting of the Connecticut employs 110 workers and plans to add up to 390 new oz.” statements from any four bags of the following $1 refund offer. "The Jolly Development Authority, the quasi-public financing arm positions within three to five years. Peter Paul Cadbury bite-size products: York Green Giant offered a re­ of the state Department of Economic Development. The development authority also approved $5.5 million Peppermint Patty, Peter Paul Mounds, Peter Paul in industrial revenue bonds to Eastern Extrusion Corp. fund of up to $3 on several SUN MAID Projects approved for financing included plans by one Almond Joy, Caravelle, Power House, Star Bar. frozen vegetable items. firm to renovate a school building for use as an of Girard, Ohio, which will purchase and make im­ Expires June 30, 1982. CHICKEN OF THE SEA RAISINS...... 1 5 0 x 4 .2 9 1 provements to the vacant Keller Pottery facility in Heinz, Ore-Ida and SUNSWEET engineering and product research center and plans by PLANTERS NUTS $1 Refund Offer. Send the another to renovate a vacant pottery company plant. Berlin. required refund form, one proof of purchase from Crisco advertised a $2 PRUNE JUICE...... 40OZ.99* The company, which produces aluminum for use in chicken offer on ketchup LITE CHUNK TUNA ARMOUR State Economic Development Commissioner John J. Planters Mixed Nuts and two proofs of purchase TREET ...... 120x4.19 building products and other markets, estimated the hang-tags as well as store {Carson, who chairs the development authority, said the project would create 120 jobs. from Planters Cocktail Peanuts. The proof is the forms. Packages of Twix PORT CLYDE projects were expected to create a total of nearly 600 Mr. Peanut cut from the yellow lid of the 12-ounce 3 750x 3/4.00 Also approved for financing were: candy bars offered a $5 re­ WALDORF — 4 ROLL PACK SARDINES...... jobs. . . , or larger can. Expires June 30, 1982. fund for candy wrappers. LIPTON'S The latest package brought to $188.76 million the • Projects Inc. of Glastonbury, which will construct a SKITTLES, STARBURST, MARATHON, TEABAGS ...... 100 ct. ^1.69 new building to consolidate plants in Colchester, I even found a free KRAFT LO-CAL amount of financing approv^ so far this fiscal year by MUNCH Comics Refund Offer. Receive a $1 refund. record album offer on the BATHROOM TISSUE The authority, which approves bond issues to allow tax Glastonbury and the Collinsville section of Canton. The Send the required refund form and 10 outer ITALIAN & FRENCH DRESSING 50x2/4.00 project will create 11 Jobs. back of a package of Solo EAST POINT exemptions for companies obtaining the financing. wrappers from Skittles Fruit Chews, Starburst SWEET LIFE STEMS & PIECES The financing approved since the start of the fiscal • G&W Machine Co. of East Windsor, which will build paper cups. But it had MUSHROOMS ...... 39^ TINY CLEANED SH RIM P...... 4.25 OZ. ^1.39 I a new facility in the East Windsor Industrial Park. The Fruit Chews, Marathon Bar and-or Munch Peanut CARNATION year last July 1 has gone to 166 firms, which have added Bar Singles (no Family Packs). Expires June 30,' expired at the end of last company expects to add 13 jobs to its current workforce HOT COCOA MIX...... 12 ox. 8 9 ‘ to 6,541 positions to their previous employment of 6,784 1982. year! PUREX BLEACH...... gal. lug 59^' of seven employees. Even with the best of plan­ FRISKIE'S PRINCE people, officials said. Here’s a refund form to write for: Soft Sense ning, it is not always possi­ CAT FOOD...... e s o z 4 / n .0 0 MACARONI & CHEESE ...... 7 250x 4/4.00 The largest bond issue approved Tuesday was $7.46 Cash Rebate, P.O. Bdx 4037, Young America, Minn. ble for a company to FRISKIE'S PROGRESSO IMPORTED million in industrial revenue bonds to Trilon Nonwoven 55399. Requests must be postmarked by April 17, DRY DOG FOOD...... 25-lb. bag ^ 4 . 9 9 TOMATO PASTE ...... 60x 3/89*1 Corp. of New Milford, which will purchase, modernize predict when its products SWEEL LIFE 1982. This $1 refund offer expires May 1, 1982. will reach the supermarket BOUNTY and expand the plant where it is currently located. JUMBO TOWELS...... 79‘ PEACHES SLICED OR HALVES ...... 16 ox. 59* shelves. BATH SIZE The textile company plans to add 55 jobs to its current r / n brief- RINSO cl workforce of 95 in the project at the building, which . 44 oz. LUX FACIAL SOAP...... lerald photo by Tarqulnlo VJ.AUNDRY DETERGENT...... 99‘ W formerly housed a J.P. Stevens operation. The authority also approved $1.76 million in industrial victor J. Shaw, branch manager for Sinclair new Ink manufacturing plant on Progress revenue bonds for expansion projects planned for three Courses offered produce dept. anci Valentine, stands before his company's Drive. sites by Control Module of Enfield. frozen food specials The firm plans to renovate an existing building for use STORRS — Connecticut residents who operat/ small businesses will have an opportunity to bru$h , up on some of the basics of business in a series of > SWEET SEEDLESS FLORIDA R /SI A A courses being offered by the University of GRAPEFRUIT r e d o r w h i t e ...... w / lu U v Connecticut-based Connecticut Small Bu^mesfii | CELENTANO Ink plant opens here Earnings decline Development Centers. FRESH CRISP A Q O PASCAL CELERY ..... heavy Stalk V v Five short courses will be offered at 15 locations One of the country’s largest ink tion should be at 100 percent since it came to Manchester, said SOUTH WINDSOR (UPI) - Gerber Scientific Inc. in the state during April and May, according to Dr. CHEESE RAVIOLI manufacturers opened a new capacity by the end of this Shaw. He said he is not sure how reported consolidated net earnings Tuesday of $345,000 many people might be employed Jacob M. Duker, director of the SBDC and a FANCY RED fiQ O I plant early last month at 275 month. for the third quarter that ended Jan. 31, which compared professor of marketing at UConn. DELICIOUS APPLES ...... s-ib bagO® Progress Drive. “ We’re glad to be in eventually at the plant. to $1.57 million in the same quarter of the previous year. The company, established in The courses are “Computers for Small MIHUTE MAID CALIFORNIA 113 SIZE Q Q O I Victor J. Shaw, branch Manchester,” he said. For the nine months ended Jan. 31, the company said Business,” "Accounting and Record Keeping for manager for the Sinclair and The Des Moines, Iowa, based 1890, produces ink for large its net earnings from operations were $2.48 million, or EATING ^RANGES ...... dozen VV Small Business,” "Advertising and Promotion,” Valentine plant, said the opera­ company has hired 10 people manufacturers. . 40 cents per share, which compared to $4.07 million, or “Cash Flow and Liquidity," and “Taxes for the ORAHGE JUICE 12oz. FIRM RIPE AQC 1 65 cents a share, in the corresponding period a year Small Business.” SLICING TOMATOES ib wW MINUTE MAID earlier. For further information on the courses, their ORANGE JUICE ...... 99* Cited by the company as contributing to lower location and times, write to: Connecticut Small TASTE-O-SEA $ 4 O Q S C A L L IO N S ...... 3 bunchea^l.OOl third-quarter earnings were competitive jiricing Business Center, Box U-41, University of Connec­ HADDOCK FILETS...... i6ox. X .09 pressures in some product lines and the worldwide ticut, Storrs, Conn., 06268, or telephone: 486-4135 or TASTE-O-SEA $ 1 C Q economic situation and high interest rates on orders for 486-4081 in Storrs, or 241-4982 in Hartford. COD OR PERCH FILETS...... Chrysler K-cors get some other lines. SWEET LIFE fiQ i FRENCH FRIES...... 24ox.pkg. deli savings SENECA Meeting delayed GRAPE JUICE...... 12 ox. DJI IN-STORE BAKED Hearty poached eggs are easy to do for two to enjoy. CELENTANO QQi Public records CHEESE FiAVIOLI...... 0 9 VIRGINIA STYLE HAM .... *2.98 HARTFORD — CBT Corp. has postponed its an­ LA PIZJARIA ) high marl^s on tests nual stockholders meeting from April 20, until June CHEESE PIZZA...... 10.75 ox. 4.391 MUCKE'S June 3, to enable consideration of the proposed SWEET LIFE LUNCHEON LOAF...... *1.68 Quitclaim deed merger of CBT and State National Bancorp. 59 By the Editors the Plymonth Reliant, are provided the best accom­ average repair record is Patricia A. Noblet to Christopher F. Noblet, Unit 65B Here's a poached egg LWAFFLES...... izpk y Expense to the shareholders and the corporation MARINATED of Consumer Reports two of the Chrysler Cor­ modations. one of the poorest CR has Northfleld Green Condominiums. will be kept to a minimum with the merger vote 2.48 poration K-cars introduced There’s no point in spen­ seen for a domestic car. Certificate of devise. MUSHROOMS ...... * Consumer Reports’ auto being part of the annual meeting, CBT said. CBT last year. The Phoenix is a ding the extra $104 for op­ The K-cars’ frequency- Robert J. Finnegan to Thomas R. Finnegan, property will mail its 1981 annual report to stockholders in AURICCHIO test engineers evaluated member of General tional individual front' of-repair record is worse meal for two diners dairy specials four important domestic at Park and New streets. early April. Proxy materials for the meeting will be Motors’ 3-year-old X-car seats (with non-perforated than average, but com­ IMPORTED PROVOLONE *2.68 entries in the mid-sized Certificate of attachment sent in late April. family. vinyl upholstery) in the pared to the records- of Colonial Bank against Diane Valanti, property at 150 CBT and State National announced on Feb. 1 an Hearty poached .eggs perfect for a late lunch that tover liquid may FIRST PRIZE auto market — the Dodge The Ford Fairinont Phoenix. They offer bo most domestic products Aries, the Pontiac High St., $3,000. agreement in principle to a business combination make an ideal cooking ven­ will carry you through the reheated. SEALTEST THURINGER ...... lb. *2.38 Futura and its Mercury more ..lateral support it’s fairjy typical — and Building permits between the two companies. State National had ture for those who are rest of the day. If you are Serve with bread or PboMiix, the Ford Fair­ counterpart, the Zephyr, against cornering forces certainly better than the To Aire Tech Mechanical Service Inc. for Brand Rex mont Futura and the AMC assets of $907 million and deposits of $817 million on cooking for two. limiting your egg intake, biscuits and melon and 4 . 5 9 FRESH FROM OUR OWN OVENS are entering their fifth than the standart bench first-year repair records of Co. to install a concrete pad for a walk-in refrigerator pt December 31, 1981. This main-meal dish is use only one egg. Any lef- coffee. ICE CREAM . . Vzgal. Concord. Because of production year. The AMC seat, they aren’t any other Girysler products. 90 F^ogress Drive, $62,000. GOLDEN ROLLS...... 6/59* similarities within these CBT Corp. is a $3.6 billion financial institution. Concord has been around firmer or better padded To Boulder Development for Heritage Place Associa­ Hearty Poached Eggs car families, the results The new K-cars have The corporation operates 95 banking offices and 10 even longer. than the standard bench, troubles in areas where the tion Inc. to finish a real estate office at 953 Main St., $3,- non-banking subsidiaries in asset-based financing, can be applied to more The Aries, with a stan­ Plants increase values 1 cup sliced onion than the four cars tested. and the angle of the back com pany’s cars have 000. data processing, securities clearing and inter­ V4 . teaspoon rosemary HOOD’S * 1 . 2 9 dard 2.2-liter, four-cylinder isn’t adjustable as it is in historically been weak — To Stuart A. Grisel for Arthur Howe for alterations to fish specials The Pontiac Phoenix has national activities. leaves, crushed SHERBET . . .Yz gal. engine and automatic many cars. body and hardware. The a dwelling at 25 Eklward St., $5,000. WASHINGTON (UPI) - Council of Tree and the same body, chassis, transmission, made the To Alternate Comfort Systems for James Eicker for a .Landscape Appraisers. Generous dash pepper LIGHT & LIVELY ALL FLAVORS engine and transmission as Chrysler’s K-cars are manual 'transmission and Trees and other plants not 2 tablespoons butter or best use of fubl. It achieved worth considering if you the clutch have been solar hot water system at 154 Carriage Drive, $2,995. only beautify landscapes, The council’s "Guide for 3 1.00 TURBOT FILETS ^...... lb. <1.781 the Chevrolet Citation, the 18 mpg in city-traffic To Timothy Connelly for Mr. and Mrs., Frank Loto for margarine YOGURT...... 80Z. /* Bulck Skylark and the need a family-sized sedan. among the trouble spots. they also increase property Establishing Values of mileage tests and 34 mpg Overall, however, their alterations to a . dwelling at 93 Sunnybrook Drive, $1,- WE HAVE MOVED! value and should be ap­ Trees and Other Plants" is 1 can (19 ounces) chunky' LIGHT & LIVELY Oldsmobile Omega, so (he Among currently available vegetable soup FRESH SMELTS ...... lb. <1.28 on the highway. The medium-sized domestic record has shown some im­ 000. praised, like the contents recognized by insurance 89 hdormation oh one would Phoenix batobback tested To John Libro for alterations to a commercial companies, the IRS and the 4 eggs COTTAGE CHEESE..... ieoz sedarisTQiey scored highest provement. AUBMO REALTY, MG. of your home, for in­ In an 8-inch skillet, cook apply to all four was almost as efficient. (For a special reprint of building at 809 Main St., $200. surance purposes. courts as the industry MOSER FARMS HADDOCK FILETS...... ib. namepla^.______in CR’s tests. onions with rosemary and <1.781 The Aries and the Con­ The Pontiac Phoenix did Consumers Union’s evalua­ To Clinton Paquin for Mark Stephens for vinyl siding NOW LOCATED AT Good landscaping is es­ guide for landscape ap­ TASTY The four-^oor Z.^llter pepper in butter until *1.09 cord are designed to ac- almost as well. Its new tion of which cars do best at 18 to 20 Knox St., $2,500. timated to add up to 30 per­ praisers. ORANGEJUICE^... COD FILETS...... ■ lb. Four Futura test results coinmodate six occupants. tender. Add soup; bring to PHILADELPHIA <1.58 throttle-body fuel injection in crashes, send $1 for each To Anthony Salerno (or Ralph Maccarone for 182 S. MMN ST., MMOIESTER cent to property values. To protect your invest­ COMMODORE would tell you what to The Futura Is, too, If you copy to CONSUMERS, alterations to a dwelling at 32 Hawthorne St!, $3,000. OppoM Spring ttraol Two pamphlets about the ment in landscape plan­ j»il._ Gently slip eggs into system enabled the engine soup mixture, ^ v e r; cook 79 ^S E i^F O O D PLATTER . 24 oz. package expect from its twin, the get it with a bench seat (no to run with much less P.O. Box 461, Radio City To Brand Rex Co. for Ken Gee Managment Inc. for a • RBtlDfcNTIAL SA LIS value of trees and what to tings, council experts CREAM CHEESE <3.08 Mercury Zephyr. And the over low hfeat until desired extra charge) instead of stalling and hesitation than Station, New York, N.Y. drying tower in an industrial building at 90 Progress • COMMIRCIAL SALES do if landscaping plants are recommend planning the Aries information applies • PROPEirrV MANAOSMEMT doneness. This kitchen- Not Responsible For Typographical Errors the standard bucket seats. previous models. Gasoline 10019. Be sure to ask for Drive, $52,800.. destroyed in a casualty are plantings, perhaps with ^ tested recipe makes 2 ser- to the Plymouth Reliant as. The Phoenix and the other the reprint on which cars To Lauretano Sign Corp. for Taco Beil for a sign at 270 available free from the professional advice. mileage was good. But the CALL: 040-0917 wril. X-cars were built to dc- X-car’s much-worse-than- do best in crashes.) Broad St., $800. Hie Arles and its twin. commodate five. The Aries 26 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed.. March 10. 1982

MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed., March 10, 1982 - 27 MWERTISING m im m Classified 643'2711 MIES 22— Condomlniunns 12:00 noon the Minlmum'Charge NOTICE EMPLOYMENT 23— Homes lor Sale 35— Healing-Plumbing 46— Sporting Goods 56— Misc lor Rent 24— Lott'Land lor Sale 36— Flooring 15 Words LOOK FOR THE STARS 47— Garden Products day before publication. 59*-Homea/Apts. to Sh8|re f— Lott and Found 13— Help Wantad ' Investment Property 37— Moving-Truching-Storage48— Antiques 2— Partonalt 14— Butinett Opportunitias 26— Business Property 36—Services Wanted 49— Wanted to Buy 3— Announcamtnit 15— Situation Wanted 27— Retort Property 50— Produce AUTOMOtiVE PER WORD PER DAY Deadline for Saturday Is b— Aucitont 28— Real Estate Wanted Look for the Classified Ads with stars; stars help get you better results. 12 noon Friday; Mon­ MISC. FOR SALE 61— Autos lor Sale EDUCATION RENTALS 62— Trucks lor Sale day's deadline is 2:30 63— Heavy Equipment lor Sale1 D A Y ...... 14c: 18— Private Instructions MISC. SERVICES 40— Household Goods 52— Rooms lor Rent 41— Articles lor Sale 64— Motorcycles-Bicycles Friday. FINANCIAL 19— Schools-Classes 53— Apartments lor Rent 31— Service^ Olfered 42— Building Supplies 54— Homes lor Rent 65— Campers-Trailers-Mobile 3 D A YS ...... 13« 6—Mortgage Loans 20— Instructions Wanted : Phone 643-2711 32— Painlino.Paperinfl 43— Pets-Birds-Dogs 55— Otiices-Slores lor Rent Homes Put a star on Y W ad and see what a difference it makes. 9— P#f»onai Loans • 33— Building-Contracting 44— Musical Instruments 56— Resort Property lor Rent 66— Automotive Service 6 D AYS ...... 12

Help Wanted . 13 Help Wanted 13 Ssivfcss Ottered 31 •••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••«••••••••••••••••••• I I REAL ESTATE □ BUSINESS eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ***••••••••••••••••••••• Buffd/ng Conlracf/ng 33 Art/V/« tor* sV/V...... 7 l ***••••••••••••••••••••• and SERVICES Apartments lor Pent S3 AesOeem Beam mm M * V ••••••*••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• ADVERTISEMENT RECEPTIONIST - Office •••••••••• Autos For Sale 61 Autoe For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 61 MAKE THE MOST Lots-Lend tor Sale 24 •••••••••••••••••••••••• FARRAND*...... Aulot For Sale 61 FOR BIDS Assistant - Part time for ***••••••••••••••••••••• fcnrljrHtfr OUT OF SPRINO Serylces Ottered 31 Town of Mancheater. Mrralb oral surgery practice. REMODELING - Cabinets, MAKE MONEY BEAUTIFUL ONE ACRE Connecticut (O w ner) Good typing. Medical or Roofing, Gutters, Room E n d R e H S p ^ l Wooded lot in prime REWEAVING BURN Additions, Decks, All types 3V5 ROOM APARTMENT - Separate sealed bids for the Plea- Em «tn MM| HBii tmi. It jm dental Background GOVERNMENT unt Valley Hoad Drainage Outfall Manchester residential HOLES. Zippers, um­ of Remodeling and .lOk.lach. . Private home. Heat, •M bm iM Hi IMT M* Im t v preferred, however will neighborhood. Principals SURPLUS CARS AND will be received by the Town of 'Your Community Newspaper' brellas repairs. Window Repairs. Free estimates. MUST b# pIckMl up baton appliances. Working single C am 523-9401 or train mature, dependable only. Telephone 646-4599 adult only. No pets. TRUCKS many sold Manchester, Connecticut at the of­ ______540-3595 shades, Venetian blinds. Fully insured. Phone 643- 11:30 (.m . at th# Manchaator fice of the Director of General Ser­ person. 649-2272. evenings to 9 p.m. 6017. Children. 643-2880. through local sales, under Keys. TV FOR RENT. Harald Ofllca. • $300. Call 1-714-569-0241 for vices until 11:00 A .M . E .S.T. Marlow’s, 867 Main Street. March 25. 19S2 and then w ill be BUILDING LOT - Glaston­ MANCHESTER your directory on how to ENGINEERING 649-5221. ROBERT E. JARVIS - publicly opened and read aloud in Matu r e and bury, Manchester line. 1.7 Conveniently located three purchase. Open 24 hours. the Hearing Room of the Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted 13 APPRENTICES - Diesel, RELIABLE woman to Senrice Remodeling Specialist. PLEASE READ acres, level, wooded and BRICK, BLOCK, STONE - For- room auditions, room apartment. Re­ Manchester Town Hall. Gas Turbine, Boilers. babysit for three younger 1972 VW - Excellent run­ The Information for Bidders, YOUR AD private. Convenient to ten­ Concrete. Chimney INCOME TAX kitchens, bathrooms, TA G BALES decorated. $335 monthly; Great opportunity for children for divorced nis club, go|f courses and heat included. Immediate ning condition. Must sell. Form of Bid. Form of Contract, Classlflsd ads are taken Repairs. “ No Job Too PREPARATION - K xj roofing and siding or any Plans, Specifications and Form s of HOME HEALTH AIDE - INFORMATION ON young trainees. lT-25. HS father, Monday - Friday, 6 shopping. Will custom occupancy. 643-2629, 649- Rebuilt engine. $1,150. Small.” , Call 644-8356 for perienced - at your home home improvement need. Bid Bond. Perform ance and P ay­ over the phone as a con- Voluntary home health Alaskan and overseas grad, will gladly train. Call a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Prefer build your home to suit 5600. telephone 647-8172 after 4 estimates. Telephone 643-6712. ment Bond, and other contract vsnlancs. The Herald Is agency has a limited employment. Excellent in- collect 9 a.m, to 1 p.m. live-in sitter, but not essen­ our needs. Peterman - Call Dan Mosler, 649[ p.m. 3329. documents may be examined at responsible for only one number of openings for corne potential. Call (312) (203) 529-6999. tial. Home in North Coven­ Riealty and Building Com­ TAG SALE - MOVING - COVENTRY - One 741-9780 Extension 822. try. 643-0290. C & M Tree Service, Free LEON CIESZYNSKI together the following: certified applicants. pany, 649-9404 or 646-1171. incorrect insertion and estimates. Discount senior BUILDER. New homes, Miscellaneous, some fur­ bedroom apartment for Office of the Director of Please call Rockville HOUSEKEEPER - wanted niture and clothing. 95 Motorcycles-Bicycles 64 than only to tho size of citizens. Company PERSON^AL INCOME additions, remodeling, rec rent. $300 monthly plus General Services Public Health Nursing Saturdays. Telephone 646- Municipal Building the original Insertion. AVIATION POSITIONS - Manchester owned and TAX SERVICE - Retifrns rooms, garages, kitchens Goodwin Street, security required. Association. Inc. for Jobs in all aspects, struc­ 0046. Manchester. Saturday and SUZUKI PE 250 1978 $600. 41 Center Street , Errors which do not Situation Wanted IS operated. Call 646-1327. prepared, tax advice remodeled, ceilings, bath Appliances, heat and hot ^ ^ lic a tio n - 872-9163. tural, electrical, engine •••••••••••••••••••••••• Spring cleaning time is a Sunday, 10-4. water included. Telephone Good condition. 1973 Manchester, CT 06040 lesson the value of the WANTED: given. Learn how to best tile, dormers, roofing. Copies may be obtained at the of- ' repair. No experience L I V E - I N HOUSEWORK WANTED: great time to sell no longer 742-6528. Kawasaki 175 trail bike advertlsonwnt will not COMPANION for elderly LIGHT TRUCKING - Fen­ manage your personal Residential or commer­ tostay $400. Telephone 649-6617 fice of the Director of General Ser­ necessary. Will train HS Building Materials 42 Manchester area. needed, but still useful cing. Attics, cellars, gar­ cial. 649-4291. vices located at Manchester, be corroctod by an ad­ grads. 17-25. Call collect 9 person. Room and board, finances. Reasonable after 6:30 p.m. Experienced, reliable, own items with a classified ad. ages cleaned. All types SOUTH WINDSOR - Connecticut. ditional Insertion. RN - PUBLIC Health a.m. to 1 p.m. (203 ) 529- all utilities, weekly rates. Call 646-7.306. transportation. Tuesday DESIGN KITCHENS, Spacious one bedroom, The Owner reserves the right to Nurse full time position. 6999. allowance. Or Daily 8:30 to trash, brush removed. HONDA 1981 CR 250, fox only. Ironing - pickup and Picket, Split Rail, cabinets, vanities, counter wall to wall carpet, waive any informalities or to Revised salaries. Call 872- "5:30. Cali 643-8811 between forks plus other extras. reject any or all bids. delivery. Telephone 649- Smart shoppers check the Stockade Fences installed. TAXES PREPARED IN tops, kitchen cabinet balcony, fully applianced Hianrhrstpr 9163. Rockville Public 6 and 9 p.m. L U M B E R A N D Excellent condition. $1200 Each Bidder must deposit with his ELECTRICAL TRAINEES 5007. Classified section first. kitchen, air-conditioner, Health NursiM Associa­ 528-0670. YOUR HOME fronts, custom HARDWARE to c h e r. bid. security in the amount, form firm. Days, 289-2919; - 17-25. HS grad. Openings woodworking, colonial pool, tennis, luxury tion, Inc. E.O.& in all aspects of electrical Reasonable rates MANAGERS CHOICE Bryrewood. $375.' For 1982.you’ll find oOr cars are" such remarkable owner loyalty. And nights. 289-6358. and subject to the conditions Homes For Sale LICENSED DAY CARE reproductions. J.P. Lewis provided in the Information to H rra l^ work. Bonuses. Interested? 23 Homes For Sale 23 Homes For Sale accurate., SALE - Great savings on References. Telephone B83- why the average retail value of all HOME - Will watch your 64^9658. better than ever. With improved fuel Bidders. Call collect 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Norm Marshall, discontinued, scratched 0683; evenings 2^2833. Honda cars ever sold in America is PART TIME TELLERS child or infant days. Call and off season materials. eCRciency.’ and our high standards of No Bidder may withdraw his bid (203) 529-6999. 643-9044. over 90 percent of the original within 30 days after the actual date wanted 3 or 4 days per 646-0262. ELECTRICAL SERVICES Strictly cash and carry. quality craftsmanship and attention Smart shoppers check the WILLIMANTIC - One and suggested retail price.' of the opening thereof. week. Includes Saturdays, DENTAL ASSISTANT - - We do all types of Elec­ March 12th and 13th. W.G. to fit,finish and detail. Classified section first two bedroom apartments. Honda quality is built in from With Honda, value is also built in Robert B. Weiss. some evenings at our K- fu ll or a r t tim e . trical Work! Licensed. Call Glenney Company, That’s where they find the General Manager . □ NOTICES Mart office, Spencer after 5:00 p.m., 646-1516. Heat and utilities included. the start. It begins with the design of from the start. Experiencecfpreferred but Manchester, Ellington and Rental assistance best buys in town. 2/25/82 Street, Manchester. Call not essential. Reply Box K, Willington. our cars, and continues through m O lNIlD A 050-02 Don Gandini, 649-4587. TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY available. Deposit and Lost and Found 1 c/o The Herald. references required. No their construction. Residential & Commercial^ That’s why Hondas command Vtemakeit simple. Green, light'weie'ht. Illustrated. Don’t gdve Construction. Remodeling, pets. Telephone 456-1284. LOST: BLUE Backpack on Musical Instruments 44 or near Emerson Street too much of It to tho I.R.S. This year, let home improvements, ad­ ditions, bathroom & MANCHESTER - Three and West Center Street, REALTORS a professional prepare ^our return. RARE GEORGE STECK rooms, second floor, Tuesday about 9:30 p.m. kitchen remodeling, baby Grand player piano, INDUSTRIAL roofing, siding, repairs, carpeted, appliances, Advertise in The Any person finding - “ as is,” $1495. Thomas excellent location. $340 cnoun 1 : A tried .•iioci.rtion ol nEAirODS lerving thr qrc^l door & window replace­ spinet organ, “ as is,” $150. telephone 649-4962 after MECHANICAL M^nchrtter itrrA with morp .4dvrrtising expertise monthly plus utilities. 5:30 p.m. REWARD, N orm ae Co Molcioimlb ment and alterations. 646- Watkins Piano and Organ, imp.icl Hnt) eflicienry lot both buyen .tnd lellen 1379. Available April 1st. Peter­ Herald —"The TECHNICIAN CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Main Street, Manchester man Realty, 649-9404 or IMPOUNDED: Female, (rear). 643-5171. 646-1171. Must have 3 years experience In the following DENNIS AND RUSSELL one year old, Shepard THAT EXTRA ROOM YOU NEEDEO 649-6498 ✓ Community Voice cross, tan, Birch Mountain areas: MILLER - Remodeling, SEARS MAPLE ORGAN can be found In this comfortable four additions, roofing, rec 118 MAIN STREET - Three Road; Male, two years old with foot pedals. $200. and four room apartments. bedroom, 2’/4 bath home just out of rooms, paneling, gutters, mixed breed, black and • Motorized Conveyer Maintenance Telephone 8'72-0482. Hot water, no appliances, Since 1881." white. Spruce Street;.Two Bolton Center. Spacious first floor family aluminum and vinly siding • Small Equipment Repair Painting-Papering 32 installed year round. security. Tenant in­ Fem al^hepard cross pup­ room, two fireplaces, three zone heat. Boats-Accessorles 45 surance. 646-2426, 9-5 pies, 3 months old. Center • Hydraulic Drives Priced right. Call ua. MASONRY WORK - Telephone 649-2954 or 649- INTERIOR PAINTING, 1421. weekdays. Street; Female, 8 weeks • Metal Fabrication Chimney and foundation repairs - blue stone caps - over ten years experience, old, mixed breed, black FOUR ROOM - One • Welding brick patios and walks - low rates and senior citizen 8 8 % * o f ou r re a d e rs and white, Hartford Road. Wolverton Agency Heating-Plumbing 35 bedroom apartment with foundations painted. Call discounts. 643-9980. MFG 14 ft. Bass Boat, Ful­ Telephone 646-4555. ly equipped. 40 H P Mer­ appliances. Two months say advertising is Apply In Person 649-2813 Art - 643-5226. SCHALLER PLUMBING­ INTERIOR AND security and references. Connecticul’e Monday through Friday HEATING- Water pump cury electric start. LOST: MALE black kitten EXTERIOR painting, Teleflex-stick steering. (?all after 5:30 p.m., 649- Largest Honda Heater MOTHER OF NINE specialists. Also, important to the with white spots on neck 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. MANCHESTER paper hanging. Carpentry Hummingbird depth 5758. 24 Adams St., Manchester MONTH OLD will babysit remodeling service or and stomach in Work. Fully insureu. J.P. sounder, Shakespeare (Exit 93 o ff 1-86) 646-3515 one child in my home days. repairs. FREE m erch ant. Hackmatack Street area. Immaculate full dormered aluminum Lewis & Son, 649-9658. remote electric motor, CB, MANCHESTER - Central­ After 5:00 telephone 647- ESTIMATES. 649-4266. 647-0234 after 5 p.m. ' ■ sided 6 room Cape, 2 full baths, 2 Aerated livewell, bilge ly located three room fireplaces, newer roof and burner over­ 1103. 8 8 % * of our readers JCPemey INTERIOR/EXTERIOR pump and much more! apartment. Appliances. Personals 2 size 1 car garage, desirable Hollister St. PAINTING - Wallpapering Asking $2500. Telephone $^5. Telephone 649-6285. Walk to grammar, junior high and high WATERPROOFING - say advertising is 1339 Tolland Turnpike Hatchways, foundation and Drywall Installation. 649-7862 before 2:30 or BANK TICKETS! Grateful Dead school. A must see home. $M,900. Quality professional work. after 10 p.m.' Homes tor Rent 54 and Police at Hartford. Manchester. C T 06040 cracks, sump pumps, tile M&M Plumbing and REPOSSESSIONS important to the lines, window wells, walls, Reasonable prices. Free Heating, Manchester. 649- SELECT Best seats. Major credit An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F 456V4 MAIN STREET - six Lombardo & Associates Estimates! Fullyu lly IIinsured. 2871. Small repairs, 1979 SEAREY 20 ft. 228 for sale cards accepted. Telephone floors, 35 years experience. rooms, $400. plus utilities. G.L. McHugh, 643-9321. remodeling, heating, horse power with low con su m er. 201-272-1800. Five-year Guarantee. No appliances. Tenant in­ 1977 FORD T-BIrd - Fully 649-4003 baths, kitchens and water hours, tandqm E-Z load NUCLEAR FIELDS Albert Zuccaro. 683-1013 or surance. Security. 646-2426 •quipped. Excellent 643-4953. heaters. Free estimates! trailer. $10,0(X) negotiable. condition. $4,000. TRAINEES: 18-24 months 875-1497. weekdays. USED CARS 8 2 % * of our readers paid training available. COMMERCIAL-INDUSTRIAL Crochet and Knit 1076 CHEVROLET I ] EMPLOYMENT Age 17-25. High school grad BOLTON ANDOVER - One bedroom 1981 PontiRc Phoenix 5-dr. H/B . . . have been in the CHILD CARE WORKERS business zoned land plus 7 bay ghrage and single Chevette $1995. •7995 and U.S. citizenry - Immediate openings for Sew-SImple □MISC. f OR SALE Antiques 48 house with appliances. nnt ^ owner financing. $265,000. 1981 Toyota Diesel Pickup ...... •6995 Help Wanted 13 required. Math and science full and part tim e in Large yard. Full Base­ 1975 D A T8 U N B-210 Greater Manchester background may enable residential school for C O LU M B IA 9.8 acres plus 4 buildings - commercial and industrial WANTED: ANTIQUE ment. Security deposit. rough condition. Beet 1989 Toyota Tercel H/B...... •5595 P A R T T IM E training as Electrical, severely multi han­ area. Some owner financing. $240,000. Household Goods 40 FURNITURE, Glass, Telephone 742-6419. offer. area for over 5 years. Reactor Control or •••••••••••••••••••••••• Pewter, Oil Paintings, ol' 1980 H^zon TC 3, H/B ...... •5595 SALESPERSON to sell dicapped children. Respon­ 1974 K A W A S A K I SOOcc Mechanical Operator. sibilities include physical USED Antique items. R. subscriptions door-to-door F. J. Spilecki Realtor Motorcycle $500. 1980Toyota 4X4 Pickup ...... •7895 Sell tlieiii—and with newscarrier two Must be willing to leave care as well as implemen­ 643-2121 REFRIGERATORS, Harrison, telephone 643- Ottlces-Stores evenings a week or Satur­ area. Call collect 9 a.m. to ting programs for students. WASHERS, RANGES - 8709. lor Rent The a b ove can be seen at 1980 Sunbird Sport Coupe...... ••••••••••••••••••••••»• 55 •4895 newcomers—on days. Salary plus com­ 1 p.m. (203 ) 529-6999. Experience working with ASSUMABLE V.A. S^h^k MORTGAGEI Clean, Guaranteed. Parts •••••••••••••••••••••••• the 1980 VW Pickup, 13,000 miles .... handicapped required. & Service. Low prices! IVanfed to Buy 49 •5695 missions. Call Circulation SUGSTANTIAL CASH REQUIRED •••••••••••••••••••••••• WORKSPACE OR Savings Bank of your business. Manager, Manchester BOOKKEEPER - Full Background in special B.D. Pearl & Son, 649 Main STORAGE SPACE FOR 1980 Pontiac LeMans Coupe...... •5795 Herald 643-2711. charge for small retail education, psycholo^, ear­ CALL FOR DETAILS Street. 643-2171. CASH FOR YOUR Proper­ RENT in Manchester. No Manchester chain in Manchester. Com­ ty. We buy quickly and con­ 923 Mein Street 1980 Ford Fiesta ...... ly childhood, occupational ■ SIX ROOM OLDER COLONIAL lease or security deposit. •4395 SUPERINTENDENT puter exposure helpful. therapy or related fields MICROWAVE oven - fidentially. The Hayes Cor-- Reasonable rates. Suitable 1980 Bonneville Coupe ...... •6595 Establish NEEDED - live-in posi­ Excellent salary and preferred.. First and se­ GARAGE — 11/1 BATHS Westinghouse dryer, gas poration. 646-0131. for small business. Retail tion. Must be willing and working conditions, plus cond shift openings MODERN KITCHEN stove with hood, GE and commercially zoned. 1979 Toyota Corolla 1200 ...... •4595 paid Banenfits. Send available. Full time - 37'/z washer. All in good condi­ regular buying able to repair gas stoves, Call 872-1801, 10 to 5. CADILLAC - 1976 - Coupe resume in confidence to hours per ^ week, including PRICED A T $01,000.-1 tion. 647-9921 after 6:30. 1979 Dodge Omni 024 ...... ;as boilers, appliances, * RENTALS DeVille - 72,000 miles. •4895 Box JJ, c/o The Herald. one weekend day. Part fight electrical clean and NEWLY RENOVATED Good condition. $2700 or time - Saturday and Sun­ 431 Main St. BELFIORE. REALTORS GE DRYER - Three years 1979 Corolla Liftback...... •4995 habits with your maintain grounds. For in­ 647-1413 310 square feet office Best offer. Telephone 742- WELDERS/PLUMBERS day. Starting salary $4.39- old. Excellent Condition. Rooms for Rent 52 terview call between 9 and • ••••••••••••••••)»•••••• available. Main Street 6800 - Keep trying. 1978 Mustang H/B black...... •4195 12 noon, Monday through TRAINEES - HS grad, no $4.64 per hour. Cal 243-3496 $100 firm, Call 649-8105 location with ample advertising— experience needed. 17-25 Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 4 after 6 p.m. SHARE IVi baths, kitchen 1978 Toyota Celica G.T., L/B ..... Friday, 528-13(X). New Listing parking. (?all 649-2891. 1971 VW VAN - 4 cyl., new •5595 will train. Call collect 9 p.m. or write: Personnel privileges with owner and Outstanding Wendell Road Colonial one other tenant. Both rebuilt motor, radial tires, 1978 Coma L / E ...... DENTAL SECRETARY a.m. to 1 p.m. (203 ) 529- Assistant, Oak Hill School, Articles tor Sale 41 PRIME LOCATION - •4195 everyd a y in 6999. 120 Holcomb Street, Hart­ located in popular Forest Hills. Four men. Call 649-7630. AM-FM cassette stereo, Assistant - light typing. Downtown, Ground level, sunroof, great transporta­ 1978Yamaha XS750E ...... •1595 Knowledge of business ford, CT 06112. E.O.E. bedrooms, 2Ms baths, fam ily room four rooms, heat, air- CENTER STREET - 10 tion. $2,000. Telephone 647- skills. Send resume to P.O. Price: $110,000. conditioning, utilities and 1978 Patsun B210-GX, 5 spd...... •4195 The Herald, room home. Kitchen and 8805. Box 416, Manchester, CT INDEPENDENT parking. Available im-> ALUMIl^UM SHEETS rec room privileges. .1977 Ghev. Pickup ...... •3195 05040. 1 INSURANCE CENTER, QUALITY CONTROL mediately. Telephone 649- used as printing plates. .007 Working man only. Securi- 1971 CHEVROLET Con- INC. seeks experienced INSPECTOR and first Zinsser Agency 946-1511 2865. 1977 Mercury Marquis Wagon .... •2995 thick, 23x28Vk’ . 50c each, W and references required. cours wagon. Good winter, BOOKKEEPER - Part personal lines customer piece layout with five or 5 for $2.00. Phone 643- Telephone 646-7621 after 5 snow, skiing, hill-driving 1977 Vdare Wagon...... c e e e ■ .time, flexible hours. Must service representative. years experience on air­ •••••••••••••••••••••••• •3195 Excellent opportunity for a MANCHEBTER 2711. They MUST be picked p.m. vehicle. Positraction, 1976 Pontiac Gran Prix SJ ibe fully experienced. craft sheet metal parts, in Homes-Apts. to share 5'i trailering axles, roof rack, •3195 well organized, mature DiffcA Colonial up before 11:00 a.m. only. •••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••»• [Display Craft - 643-9557. an air-conditioned plant. 350 V-8 automatic, power 1975 Celica 4 speed A/C . . . person. Good salary and Company paid benefits and Spacious 8 Roonu. 4 bedFoonu, formal H i-i-i, Apartments tor Rent 53 PERSON TO SHARfi TWO •2895 room, )ai^e_kitchen wiUi pantrv,_ Oralned oak S W IM P O O L S steering, radio, rear •TRAVEL AGENT - one to benefits in a modem local overtime. Dynamics Metal BEDROOM home on fintth. Plastered walla. Handy to busdne. DISTRIBUTOR - must dis­ MANC3IESTER- One and defogger, more. 643-2880. 1975 Olds Omega 4 -d r...... •2595 ■three years experience, Insurance Agency. For ap­ Products Company, Inc., m B r e i Coventry Lake. $375 per It’s easy ‘'Owner financing: Priced at 86(l,9(IO.' pose of brand new on tall University Travel, pointment, telephone 646- 422 North Main Street, two bedroom apartments month plus security. (^11 1976 Dodge Han ...... •2995 with a 6050 - ^ b Lathrop. und 31’ long pools with available. Centrally 1938 BUICK - running con­ 429-9313 or 649-0605. Manchester. 6464048. 742-5234 a fte r 5 p.m. dition. Serious inquiries on­ 19176 Volare Wood Grain Wagon Q-136 Cje sundecks, safety fen­ located on busline near Wednesday through Friday •3295 Classified ad! Philbrick Agency cing, hi-rate filters, shoppi^ center and ly. Telephone 646-1337. [a s s e m b l e r s & COIL and early Saturday. .1976 Merqury Montego 4 ^ .. 8265 ladders, etc. Asking $978 schools. Fer further details •2395 M T T R N 6 m o t.. yn . Over 30 items for the For instance, .-WINDER - females 646-4200 3 1972 DUSTER -1976 engine 1976 Monza Town Coupe___ •preferred. Finger dexteri­ wardrobe and home are complete. Financing call 649-7157. •2795 PART TIME available. Telephone NEIL •••••••••••••••••••••••• - 6 cyl., needs transmission take that t y necessary. Experienced A back-tied pinafore with included with fall direc­ 5 i s tw o FAMILY matching panties for tiny collect (203) 745-3319. , MANCHESTER MAIN work. Has had new brakes, 1975 Toyota Corolla...... •2295 raincoaryou •not necessary. Will train. kl / ! tions in the Needlework Nawspapar ClrcuiaUan Solicitor tots. Easy to sew, cool to STREE’T - One room ef­ □ AUTOMOTIVE radiator, tune-up. $500. [Four day week; 10 hour Have the tenant assist in your Primer, such as the filet 1975 Plymouth Gold Duster .. haven’t used runner shown. A How- USED PHOTO equipment Call after 1:30, 643-1425. •2895 •day; 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. mortgage payments on this 2 bedroom, ficiency. Heated, hot ••••••••••••••••••••••••' ali summer, No. 8266 with Photo- for sale: Grafmatic cut water, appliances. No pets. .1975 Plymouth Valiant 4-dr-.. ;Apply at Able Coil and Thr»« Ev«nlng« p«r WjMk living room, dining area, kitchen unit. S x to r popular •2595 Gnide is in Sizes 6 months etitehes in both crochet film bqlder for 4x5 camera, Security. Parking. 4irtos For Solo ei 1974 FORD GALAXIE - •Electronics, Bolton, CT. Newly painted and roofed, deep lot. to 3. years. Size 1 year; and knit is also featured. $20. Two Graflex four door, power steering, i974 Piymoufli Scamp .. •2495 Someone around k______Approxlmatoly 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. pinafore, 1% yards 46- Telephone 523-7047. Possible owner financing available. Stroboflash units, without power brakes, air- [WANTED; FEMALE inch; panties, % yards. Q-136, Needlework •1995 town is to work with Carrior I. M1.900. Primer, is $3.26 a copy. batteries, each |%. Nikon MANCHESTER - Newly conditioning. Good running 'SENIOR citizen compa- only _Supw Beetle _____ probabiy looking Patterns availabte To sidtr. Hid $325, Im IwIm decorated one bedroom condition. Needs body •2595 •nion. Must be able to drive F T body, $35. Nikkor 35mm Saloa Forca. in sites shown. poitsit Md hH?li«: f/2.8 lens, $50. Nikkor apartment. Access to shop­ work. Telephone 646-7925. 1971 BMW...... for one just (in exchange for free room (JHawt. TO OaBn, Mai tIJO tu H ck •2295 ^ KeWi Heal Estafe $46-4126 AM U W O T 105mm f/2.5 lens, $50. ping centers, buslines and like it and board Telephone 644- JEEPS, CARS, PICKUPS 1971Miistang Ikande 4 s p ^ •2995 3514. Salary plua Commlaalon Nikkor 135mm f/2.8 lens, schools. For further details $W. Nikkorex F body, $15. please call 528-4196 from $35. Available at local II title emblein Inn’t on your car, RIVERBENJ) All sales final. Call Doug between 9 and 5 pm or Gov’t. Auctions. For COMMERCIAL — INDUSTRIAL PARK COM. Directory call Surplus ■ X®** probably paM too much. [DEPENDABLE AND Apply In person nt the 2 sS S r& ‘ Bevins at the Manchester alter 5 pm and wewends, 1982ALBUM with 16-page Data Center 415-33O-TO00. Turn it into » WILLING workers ne^ed "EXPANDABLE CONDOMINIUMB” H erald, 643-2711, only 649-7157. ' Maneheeter Herald OMca GI^SECmNwithfSl [for mail processing plant, between 1 'and 3 p.m. cash with or call Jaanna at 847-9946 SiaSy N^ch lsrt'«^"ff “mplefion. OcT Now FASHION with directions. Price. . . weekdays. MANCHESTER FIVE 1969 M U S T A N G - a Classified f We’ll train you - part time “ verhead garage door plus loading dock in rear Photo-Guide pattema in Mw*n$34iue« Automatic, power "or full time. Apply in per- ROOMS on first floor of ad! for appolntmont lassedJront e n ^ way, all utilities, sprinkler system, and 20 car parking Will sub^ all size ranges, haa a BEAUTIFUL VICTORIAN newer two family. steering, 6 cyl., AM/FM . son 2964 Main Sreet, Hart- divide. Completefi;ted, land,tend, building, eetc. t c $225,000. ' . ^ M ' r e * ou«- special Grace Cole CoUec- S’XsrsiiiriKisysrnr ;tom BRIDAL GOWN WITH Separate driveways, no stereo, white sidewall tires >n for larger aizes: pins plus two snows on rims. 2 B O N U S Conponsj Alencon Lace. Brand new • pets. Lease and security. •Call Warren F. Good running condition. M l 648-2711 ' 6424108 P•'lub , ■ . . #1.23 size 8. Asking $200 or best $400 plus utilities. TeieuBoiie 648-1121. Teii-n'-ono Ii4>-.|