Eastern University The Keep

April 1987

4-24-1987 Daily Eastern News: April 24, 1987 Eastern Illinois University

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p of Charleston residents listened angrily Charleston Board of Zoning Appeals and rejected an appeal Thursday that would ked the building of a home for the men­ dicapped in their neighborhood. peal was filedby neighborhood residents in to zoning officer Jeff Finley's decision to ilding permit for the Gaylord Tull House. president Bill Heise's insistence that yon the appeal be limited to the legality of it's issuance frustrated residents' more attempts to argue against the home. 't understand why there's such a con- on of these facilities in one area," one said. "There seems to be a feeling among · entsthat there's been some collusion." Tull home will be the fourth home for the y handicapped to be built in the area of 18th tly, Alpha House, 1701 18th St.; Omega 910 17th St.; and Heritage House, 738 18th function in the area while there are no such ewhere in Charleston. ed Mr. Finley the first day that the sur­ stepped foot on the property behind me," Richardson, another neighbor protesting e. "We certainly thought that was soon to find out what was being built on the

er, Richardson, whose house is in front of of the Tull home, said she was unable to get tion on what the property was being sur­ for until after the permit was issued. the time of application, it becomes a public "Finley explained at the meeting. "Before is not public." said she originally called Finley on January was told Finley could not release in­ . non the property until an application for a permit was received. son said she called Finley back weekly t but was unable to get information on the until a March- 14- DAN REIBLE I Plfoto editor r article explained tlie Tull home was be to Elizabeth Williams, f<:>reground,-- is comforted by - the meeting in hopes lhafBZAP woula vote to keep Charleston . Tirries-­ Flora Beabout at the Board of Zoning Appeals and the Gaylord Tull House, a•home for the mentally topsoil was removed and the building Planning meeting Thursday night at Charleston City handicapped, out of their neighborhood. es fo! the foundation were set when the Hall. Williams and a group of city residents attended was issued,'� Richardson pointed out. "How we have found out what was going to be built included the possibility of her property value realtors, were we told that they couldn't properly er? From this time on we were told we were declining. appraise our property because thay didn't have any todo anythingabout it." ''If there is no effect on property values adjoining experience with appraisals of homes located as close son said her concerns about the home a group home, then why, when we contacted two as mine to a group home." evention_ is 'bottom line' in controlling • AIDS virus ' is the "Education about the risks of sex is very im­ ing AIDS AIDS portant," she said. "Sexual relationships have to be · Week.final article in a series of five based on something other than sex, because of the in conjunction with Illinois possibility of contracting a disease. People need to understand the dangers. If they don't, it could be literally deadly." ugh the future for AIDS and its victims does ways other than through direct intercourse," she Eastern's Health Service Director Jerry Heath pear very comforting, preventive measures said. "Abstinence isn't very satisfying for anyone, said he would suggest using a condom at all times the chances of contracting the deadly but there are other ways." during any type of sexual intercourse to prevent the O'Shaughnessey said mutual masturbation is spread of disease. Ellen O'Shaughnessey, co-chair of the something many people do not consider as an "People shouldn't taking any chances at all ·ty of Illinois AIDS task force, said the alternative ''but it's an option that works very well," because (AIDS) is not a disease you can cure once lineto the control of AIDS is safe sex. she said. you get it," he said. "IfbEl you don't do safe sex, you are le need to understand that AIDS can be the Oral sex is also listed as a high-risk activity for really being silly." · t stand that never goes away," she said. individuals concerned about contracting the AIDS Before people consider sex without condoms, need to become more careful about who virus,O'Shaughnessey said. Heath said it is very important to be sure of the oose tohave sex with." "It's hard for a young couple, because satisfaction relationship and the otherperson's sexual history. ughnessey said she is concerned that many is so important, but people need to be very careful "If you've been involved in a monogamous people believe there has to be penetration and really trQst and really know someone before relationship for some time, you're pretty safe, but · Uld with sex in order to leave both sexual they sleep with them," she added. past that, 1 would use a condom at all times," he satisfied. The key to safe sex is preventing the exchange of added. satisfaction can be brought about in many bodyfluids, O'Shaughnessey noted.

Celebrate! money-saving deals offered by local businesses all the activities offered on campus this weekend as a part of e advantage of the Read about coupon section of Festival of the Arts, 1987 in weekend in the special The News. Celebration: A The Verge. See page SA See page1B • 'l • • " • .. • • Eastem 2A friday, April 24, 1987 The Dally r.A�sociatedPress .. Ten dead after building collapse �ate/Nation/World 40 workers buried under·concre Gunmen goes on stiooting spree BRIDG_EPORT, Conn. (AP)-A downtown Families of the workers gathered at a PALM BAY, Fla.-Two men armed with rifles opened apartment building under construction school to await news. fire at two downtown shopping centers Thursday, and collapsed Thursday, trapping up to 40 Joe Grabarz, an aide to Mayor officials said one police officer was killed and at least 14 workers under tons of concrete, killing at Bucci, said four bodies were pulled _people wounded. least ten people and injuring 12 others, rubble and placed in a refrigerated The gunmen, authorities said, then took an unknown authorities said. the site. A fifth person was declared number of hostages in a supermarket. One gunman was Police Superintendent Joseph Walsh Bridgeport Hospital, a spokeswoman takeninto custody, said a police spokeswoman. · estimated it could take a week or more to said. Up to 100 police officers converged on the scene and clear the rubble and find all the victims. "I can see blue jeans sticking thro police snipers were stationed on rooftops, according to He said about 40 workers were believed collapsed concrete from where I'm s witnesses. Hundreds of shoppers were evacuated from the trapped when stacks of concrete flooring and said WIGC radio reporter Tom ·McCo area and many others were lying on the ground, but in the steel beams collapsed at the L'Ambiance Plaza who was across the street ·from the a ' confusion and panic it was not immediately clear how project at about 1:30 p.m. scene. many had been shot. Rescue workers "have to lift the· rubble About 50 construction workers were ' "Thirty is the number of bodies we have on the ground, before they can actually work," Walsh said. around the building at the time, Graban Palm Bay Police spokeswoman Louise Brown said. She "The state police have their dogs here. We Builders were using a technique kn said one police officer had been killed, and another injured, have sounding devices. We have everything. "lift-slab" in which workers pour all but did not know the condition of the others. But it's a question of taking time." concrete floors for a building on the Cele�rfilt«on A Festival of The Arts, 1987 p.m. Fri., April _ Featuring: FREE-Quad Stage THE El VIS BROTHERS- 3 24 8 p.m. Fri., April Dvorak Concert Hall MORDINE & COMPANY- Tickets: 24 8 p.m. Sat., April Union Grand$5, $ 4,Ballroom $3 Newman ROGER SHIMOMURA- Tickets 25 p.m. Sun., April Catholic 8 $5, $4, $3 26 8 p.m. Mon., April 27 Community THE SKIN OF OUR TEETH- Fine Arts Theatre APRIL Tickets24-26 $4, $3, $2 ''Nicaragua-APeople on the Way." EASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY ...... • Phone (217) 581-3110 for ticket information and reservatio Beginning Mon., Presented by: Sr. Joan Uh/an M.M. April 20 between 1 :00 and 5:00 p.m. Sat.missionary April from25th Nicaragua 9 p.m. CO-SPONSORED BY: The City of Charleston (Tourism Advisory Commi The Illinois Arts Council, University Board (Special Events), Arts Board and in the Casey Rm. Univ. Union lege of Fine Arts'. "The Global Village" Presented by: Sr. Joan Uhlan Love, Romance, and the Volcano Dance ... Sr. Elizabeth Salmon M. M. Missionary from the & Philippines Sun. April 26th 7:30 p.m. in the Casey Rm., Univ. Union presents the The Daily Life's A Beach At Fat's Weekend Eastern News (9:30-1 a.m. each nite) The Eastern News is published daily, Monday through Friday as The Daily Eastern News, in Charleston, Illinois during the fall and spring semesters and twice weekly as The Summer Eastern News during the summer term, except during school vacations or examinations, by the students of Eastern Illinois University.The Eastern News is a member of the Associated Press M�Kenzi which is entitled to exclusive use of all articles appearing in this paper. The editorials on Page Friday Nite-Spuds represent the majority view of the editorial board; all other opinion pieces are signed. Phone 581-2812. The Eastern News editorial and business offices are located in the North Gym of the4 Buzzard Building, Eastern Illinois University. Second class postage paid at Charleston, IL Beach Party , 61920. USPS002250. Printed by Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL 61920. Jimmy Buffet, Beach Boys, Jan Dean, plus all y NEWS STAFF & favorite summertime music • Limbo & Volcano Dancing• Editor in c:hief ...... Jean Wright Verge editor ...... Michelle Mueller Best Beach Outfit, Spuds souvenirs • Trivia for Prizes Managing editor ...... Larry Smith Verge photo editor ...... Steve Beamer News ediltor ...... Julie Lewis Senior reporter ...... Jeff Britt Bud & Bud Lite Longnecks-$1.00 • Happy Hour Pric• Associate news editor ...... Steve Smith Art director ...... Jill Mathwig Edi_torial page editor ...... Sean O. Hogan Advertising manager ...... Tim Corry Activities editor ...... Judy Weidman Asst. advertising manager ...... Amy Smith Saturday Nite-Jimmy Admini�tration editor ...... Amy Carr Sales manager ...... Don Gorecki Buffa Campus editor ...... Eric Wedeking Promotions manager ...... Ch erie Suessen City editor ...... Chrystal Philpott Marketing manager .....Mic hael Steadman Lovely Cruise Nite Government editor ...... Donelle Pardee Student business manager ....Shelly Moore Photo editor ...... Dan Reible Business manager ...... Glenn Robinson •• .. , t. Jimmy Buffet music • Volcano Dance • Limbo Contest• Asst. photo editor ...... Jon Sall Editorial adviser ...... John Ryan • T-shirts many other giveaways • Plus prizes for Trivia Sports ed·tor ...... Barry Bottino Publications adviser ...... David Reed ·�{'. & � Best Beach Outfit NIGHT STAFF Bud & Bud Light Longnecks-$1 l.D. Req. Night editor ...... Craig Edwards Photo editor...... Robb Montgomery 2 for $1 Dr�fts Assistant editor ...... Sean O. Hogan Copy desk ...... Greg Koelling, CROSS COUNTY Satin Jacket Giveaway Wire editor ...... _ ... ..Jeff Mccombs Amy Anderson, Mike Harris, Kimberly MALL Sportsed itor ...... Mike Fitzgerald Bennett, Mike Lynch, Teri Brown, Dan Reible MATTOON It S F OR THE. WE KENO Eastern News New classes and omedian clowns, jokes for crowd

APOSZICH honors courses

ormer Tim Settimi roller skated into the Grand �allroom Thursday night, en­ . inga crowd with a "moving" performance. win CAA support r falling, he said, ''Gravity-it's not just a By MICHELLE MUELLER idea, it's the law." Staff editor ing an altar boy was my first experience on The Council on Academic Affairs Thursday . It's like a concert every week, wearing unanimously passed two · proposals from the ing Boy George outfits with Father," Honors Program and one from the psychology . isaid. department. · · commented on the audience of about The proposals were passed with seven members saying, "Great, you guys look like a jury." present. Although eight members are needed a wever, he soon warmed up the crowd with a 'for quorum, none of the proposals were controversial · g pantomime called "Refugees," in which and none of the members present objected to rtrayed various people from both sides of a holding the meeting, said CAA chair Kandy . Included were the bartender, drunk, tough Baumgardner. andpool shark. The approved psychology course, Psychology ttimi tries to take pantomime further than 4820, ''Psycholinguistics," reflects research done mimes. wanted to learn mrme so can do ''I I in recent years in the area, said psychology in­ 'c and visuals at the sametime ," he said. structor John Best, who will teach the course. The e only real magic there is, is your course will be an elective for psychology majors. · ation. That's why it (mime) works. The With passage of the course, Psychology 4860, er your imagination is, the more real it is," . "Psychology in Criminal Justice and Behavior," . 8aid. will be deleted from the curriculum. en he first began pantomiming, he started Also approved was an honors management the streets. "People don't expect to see you in course, Management 4391, "Administrative Policy­ Their comments are, 'this sucker's on ,,ree,ts.'" for Honors Students." The Honors section wili go into greater depth than the regular section of the ferring to his Catholic school days, Settimi course, 4360, said management and marketing pared the nuns to "neo-Nazis in Penguin instructor Edward Marlow He said to avoid their wrath via the . 'ts." With the new course, some changes in the , · he sang the word "watermelon" Honors Business Program were made. Business tedly when he did not know the Latin. 4444, "Honors Independent Study," was dropped lfway through the performance, Settimi from the requirements and 4644, "Honors Thesis" ed up a guitar and sang his version of some KEVIN CASEY I Staff photographer was dropped. tunes. "I wrapped my yellow Chevy round Comedian Tim Settimi performed stand-up 0 The CAA also passed an Honors Senior old, oak tree " was included in his "alcohol comedy , music and pantomime for an audience of Seminar, EID 4043 (H), "Leadership: Theory and eness portion of the act." about in the Union Grand Ballroom Thursday 50 Practice." The course, to be offered spring of ttimi, a graduate of Western Illinois night. 1988, was modeled after a similar course at 'versity, reflected upon his college pranks. ks always take place in the bathroom member's purse. After rummaging through it, he another college, said English instructor Sharon use you're most vunerable with your pants produced a puppet from a wallet. A hair pick Bartling, who will teach the course. by your ankles," he said. turned into a pitchfork that went along with a "It has grown out of an interest I have had for many years," Bartling said. The course will use a. In a song he co-wrote with a roommate, he commercial for''New Country Cornflakes." essed being in love in college. He sang, "You Settimi said that he encourages audience wide number of texts ranging from Shakespeare's lemon, I'll be the tea." participation, but not hecklers. "As long as they Henry V to Lee Iacocca's Iacocca. The course will the also require . an "acqµ�inJaJ!c�µlp'.' in ith a sudden urge of improvisation, Settimi are having a good time and showing me that, ped off the stage and grabbed an audience that's all that matters." students will spend with a contemporary leader during spring break, Bartling said. w�i�h•;·• tune 4 •""'

U FoundationThe approvesBoard of Governors, Eastern's selling title, at such time of as the university foundation ask companies house for their offers, lion editor governing body, approved Eastern has satisfied all indebtedness in­ however, he is willing to listen to EIU Foundation voted President Stanley Rives' request to curred by it in connection with the those which are presented. ously Thursday in favor of purchase the property at a cost not acquisition, retention, maintenance The foundation also discussed the university house, the to exceed $52,600 on or before June and repair of said premises." plans to hold its first board meeting ce designated for the Eastern 30. The foundation also discussed the in the Brainard House, 1548 Fourth ent, to the state. The cost includes $48,954 prin­ possibility of transferring its port­ St., the official home of the foun­ foundation passed a resolution cipal, plus interest payable on the folio from Harris Bank to another dation. The foundation "moved into"

· ing the sale of the house to foundation's existing mortgage and financial institution. the home June 1. state providing they pay all $1,200 estimated legal fees, Although members did not cite Executive Officer Daniel Thorn­ on the house and the closing burgh told members they should be recording, abstracting and -related any specific problems with con­ closing costs. tinuing to do business with Harris able to hold their first meeting in house, located at 1112 The university has leased the Bank, they did express some concern the house this June. A conference sburg Dr., has been a property since October 1972. with at least hearing offers from table has been made specifically for subject recently following a Terms of the lease provide that the other companies. the foundation partially out of wood endation from the Illinois BOG has ". . . the option to purchase "If it's not broken, why fix it?" taken from Old Main. of Higher Education directing said premises for the sum of $1 plus said foundation president Jim "We are very satisfied with the 'versities leasing presidential the payment of all necessary ex­ Roberts. He added that the foun­ facility and situation there," to study their buy-out penses incident to the transfer of dation does not have an obligation to Thornburgh said.

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0 STUDENT SENATE:: QFF1CE. 10:00"" HouR.o;; -1c:1s",.,

Editorials represent the majority opinion of the editorial board

The Dally Eastern News Friday, April 24, t 987 Your turn

lunatic fringe on this bunch. When can you EISCCAP is on the These are obviously extremist " New comics stri right wing U.S. Patriots-that is, 'right wing fringe' if they are any thing at all other than a pure and simple lunatic could be improv make contact Editor: fringe. Editor: John Preston addressed some Think not? Consider the net Although I was not a fan of good, but inappropriate effect of EISCCAP's "Chanelle's Daily" I disagree questions to EISCCAP (Daily preposterous tenets upon the Nancy Gent, who said that with officials? Eastern News 21 April 1987). educated and sensible Western strip's two replacements "ara: Student government is the voice of the For starters , Mr. Preston ear. Such tripe can only serve to quite an improvement." The student body, yet the senators have no makes the unwarranted drive a thoughtful person into the strips seem to be based on required office hours when students may assumption that EISCCAP might rightist camp in order to avoid crude beer jokes nearly e actually prefer fact over fiction. any ideological association with day and April 14's "The call or visit the senators. 0 Not to date, John. A second such moral, ethical and in­ Zone" was a direct and bla The only members of student govern­ misconception would surely be tellectual vacousness. rip-off of a "Far Side" panel. that EISCCAP would even define ment required to have office hours are the It's pretty good reverse Since a quiet majority of EIU's executive officers and the senate speaker. the word "Peace" by any psychology , actually. And after students do not consume The senators are standard acceptable to an even all, John , it's not at all kind to on a regular basis, your av marginally free society. After all, demand rational answers from only required to at- reader likely finds these stri E d•1tor1a • I even solitary confinement can be those who support a com­ be tiring, not funny and in tend the senate viewed as a peaceful experience prehension of global affairs , taste. They are a sore spot · meeting, and one committee meeting each ... can be .. . by some. governmental and social systems otherwise adequate college week. That totals only about two hours Lastly , it has become obvious of the world, etc., which would newspaper. each week. to this observer that EISCCAP is rank well into the net deficit not at all what it would posture According Members, much of column. itselfto be. Far from it to lay the - ... -outside . the senate .their .wor-k handle of left wing pro-Soviet Hugh G. Pistler office so theret6'"'"senate is no reason to require is. doi:ie senators to maintain office hours. This week's question was asked by A.L. Lander& Also, student senators must work Eastern speaks: photos were taken by Steve Beamer. around o'ther schedules such as work and classes, but they ran for public office and should be accessible. Another excuse for not being in the Is the AIDS epidemic worrying you? office is there is not enough room in the government office for all the senators. However, there is a work area in the office and they don't all have to come in at once. EveR- government leaders complained ' Christine Garza Sean Sinclair about student senators not spending Sophomore Freshman enough time in the senate office through Speech com· ; Undecided munication much of this semester. handful of. the A "Yes. Because it more dedicated senators are in and out of "Yes, very . Because it's fects all people the office stopping in to ask what is going spreading fast. You endangers a lot of on. can't trust anybody." people." Even if the senators are stopping by the office and attend the meetings they each should spend at least one hQur a week in the government office when students can be sure to contact their elected officers. One way to inform students which Bill Price Sophomore Crystal Mark senators are in the offic� during a Speech com­ Sophomore specified time is to post a list in some of munication Marketing the buildings, such as the Union or residence halls, listing the senators, their "Sure. I think that it's "Yes. It steals yo phone numbers and when they can be bad for the blood adult lives. I think transfusions and people way to solve it is found in the office. that need them." through education." The reason for the phone numbers in the listing would enable students to contact senators at home if need be. The

office hours would help insure the Keith Hansel senators accessibility to the student body Junior as promised during the spring student Diana Garrett Management government campaign. Freshman If the student senators are supposed to Consumer affairs "Yes. Because you never really know be available to the students they should "Yes. Because it's a can have it. It's have some type of office schedule so problem that's con­ probably the number students can reach them and not have to cerning everybody, and one health problem rely solely on the chance of running into I think someday it's people should be a them on campus. going to affect us all." of today." Friday, April 24, t 987 SA Senate awaits Student Party expenditures By DONELLE PARDEE Government editor Because of a student government election by-law change, the Student Party has until 5 p.m. Friday to turn in its financial statement from the April 15 student government elections. Elections Chair Colleen Murphy said she had originally given the Student Party until 5 p.m. Thursday, but the Student Senate decided durffi6 . ·""""" STEVE SMITH I Staff photographer Wednesday's meeting to extend the deadline one day . Wilson, a musician from North Carolina, was sponsored by several Christian organizations . 0. After going through the financial statements and at the Sonday on Thursday celebration on campus. rmed checking all the receipts, Murphy said the Action Library Quad Thursday evening. The event Party's statement is correct. However, the Voice Party statement is missing Students express Christian faith one receipt, she said. The missing receipt is for an advertisement in The Daily EasternNews. LIZABETH CURVEY '.'I'm happy the people here have great faith and Murphy said she has notified members of the JUDY WEIDMAN that they can see God move through prayer after Voice Party that they could have the extension, but writers he moves," he said. was told they didn't have the receipt. 'dst the half-built booths for Celebration After Wilson's set, juniors Lisa Rhoads and "Everything else checks out, Murphy said. "I don't , a crowd of about 50 people gathered in the Sheryl Masters from Inter Varsity sang a duet see why they would make up a figure." She added Quad Thursday to reveal their Christian entitled ''Love in Any Language." she considers the statement to be complete and "I was scared but when I got up there I was doesn't believe the missing receipt to be an election 'Thepurpose of this event is to make people on fine," Masters said. violation. campus more aware of Jesus Christ," said Next, a few Eastern students performed a skit Murphy said the only reason the matter would be omore Brian Hibdon, an executive board encouraging the audience to abandon the discussed is to see if there is any way the Voice her of the Inter Varsity Christian stereotypes that are commonly associated with Party can get the receipt. owship group. students who have strong Christian faith. If the missing receipt turns out to be an election J.D. Wilson, a musician from North Carolina, The performers peeled away the "typical" violation it would go through the same process as all ed-off the celebration, which was held from 5 masks of the "Jesus freaks" by emphasizing that election violations and the sanctions would be the 8 p.m., by sharing the limelight with Eastern God wants people to be themselves. same, Murphy said. ents who performed skits and songs. Sophomore Craig Cambell said the idea of The Action Party spent a total amount of $902.68 ilson began his first set with ''When There's these groups speaking to Eastern students was and the Voice Party spent $425. Student Senator y Love, " a song he hopes will soon be heard good. Dan Beeman said the Student Party spent less than Christian radio stations. "I think it's a super idea. Not only the campus $400, but hasn't determined the exact amount. Thomson said he didn't "When we were in the tent this afternoon, it in general, but society as a whole needs to be Student Senetor Roger raining so we prayed for the rain to stop and aware of how Christ came to serve them," he know if the amount of money spent would make a said he thought student apathy and did," Wilson said. said. difference. He name recognition is why Action won.

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... 6A· . Friday, April 24, t 987

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Shoes% on Sale-At least% off Shoe KIDS All MENS 10 %-20%WOM EN'S �e �e Jr. Starteck fO'l>- ?,, fO'l>- o �?,, Brooks ?,, New ports By Converse � Chariot Save $13 $2695- 3&TH AtHHVERSARY Reg. $1795 � $3395 SA.LE ------t � Air Jordans-Hi (:laabok Saves Adidas Rivalry Hi-Top Bubble ��. .J44"'" •9900 Gum . �1;,":J) • $3495 · $ 11641 w /thumb latch - � Save 30 · ' Hi's � $24 • - ;;rs���� (:laabok___ (letter size) a f.lc!abok Ex-o-Fit full4 �pensioncir. flle - Meadow Max Reg.�Freestyle Jrs. $ Save$2() with lock•nt.H Reg�$1995 44" � $ Save $20 $24 95- (:laabok Black-n-Brit ,NIKE-- 3-colors ------. ' � Reg.� WARNER 8 OFFICE Reg. n ra Hi's 9 Pe et to $ Dynos � $8 5 r Save 20 $2 �.!(/KL- _sws- $1995 RtnnrnNt tNFANTS. New Balance Now Reg. Adidas Reg. 1601 New Balance � 130's $1495 Broadway 480 hi-Tops $1800 MON-FR! Save $25 $2995 060's $895 $2995 s19°0 Matto234-z415on $1 995 Friday, April 24, 1987 7 A ins conventionop ens Sunday BSU and RHA Prater, the newly elected treasurer children because they look so of the Twins Association. identical compared to the older get ,together At 12:30 p.m. a fellowship lun­ contestants. once, individuality is out and cheon is scheduled, followed by the The Twins Association will hold its with senate someone else is the "in" annual state twin judging contest at annual meeting after the judging is like · · The Student Senate Minority to do. 2 p.m., she added. completed, Prater said. Membership Relations Committee is holding 23rd Annual Convention of The contestants will be judged in dues are $2 per twin for infants a cookout at 3:30 p.m. Sunday · ois State Twins Association 22 categories, Prater said. through 12-years of age; $3 per twin at 1400 Seventh St. with the eduled for Sunday in the ''Last year we had twins from the for 13-to-20-years and $5 per twin Best Western hotel. ages of 2 months to 80-years-old," for those over 21. help of the Black Student tration for the convention Prater said. Interested individuals may obtain Union and the Residence Hall .. at 10 a.m. and continues She said that the judging is more convention information by calling Association. ­ Mini:>rity Relations Co-chair . 1:30 p.m., said Bobbie difficult when contestants are young (618) 669-2281 or (618) 669-2405. Krista Leahy said the purpose of the cookout is to "bring out thor to appear at reading of his play the international students," but everyone at Eastern is English instructor David Radavich Radavich said there were two welcome. will be directing the reading, which reasons why no students were in­ IGA Foodliner, 700 W. · ght Shannon Keith Kelley features Eastern instructors Terry volved. First, was the fact that "The Lincoln Ave., will be supplying pear at the reading of his play Allen and Pat Lenihan. Skin of Our Teeth" is playing. hamburgers and other food, but 'cal Magic" at 4:00 p.m. Also participating in the reading Radavich didn't want to take away there will be a charge of $2 at in the EIU Play Room of the will be Zoanne Allen, Anne Zahlan from that play. the cookout, which will Fine Arts Center. and Therse Supple, performers from He said another reason was that probably last until dark. y, a resident of Springfield, the Charleston area, said Radavich. the characters in the play are in This is the first year for the at the reading to discuss and He added the performance is a their 30s and he felt that older cookout, so it's "real flexible" questions. He will also be "staged reading with little people can relate to the situations iii and "should be a good time," 'pating in English and theatre movement." the play better than students. Leahy said. at Eastern earlier on Friday.

FREE SPINAL EVALUATION* VISIT OUR BOOTH 1. Headaches. dizziness. blurred vl\1on? 2. Neck pain. tiwht musc.les. �1.i.1\1ml CELEBRATION WEEKEND l Shoulder or arm p.11n. numbn1•" 1n hdnds? 4 Difficult breatluni:. dbdominal p.11nl Ton S. lower bark p.11n. hip or lei:paml Menu Includes: Egg Rolls , Fried Won Fried Rice, and Iced Tea April 24-26 The Restaurant will be open for dinner. but closed for lunch •Free exumlnatilln Includes ewe hi.story, coruultotion wlth doctor, free contour anoly.Ti' pt11ture M"Un, and 10 orthopediclneurologicol testJ. Nol includ•·d urr x-roy8, treatrnmt, and clinical laboratory tests. If indicated, theseore 1111r111ally covt·red by most insurance policies. WHY FREE? To make it easy jur y11u to {tnd11ut, without obli�otlon. if your problem might be helped by chimpra,-tu· t:are.

Most i11.rn rance accepted. DR. M.L. GANDOLFI CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN . . 21 15 18th St. . . . Ca. ll. 345- 4065 For Appointment ...... �PMI. 1985 . . Next to Coach Eddy's ...... · .. · · ···· ···�· ······· .. ··· · · ··• • ··• . •· . .. .. • • • • • •••. ••• •. ••. .•• . • ... . • . . • • •. •. .• . • •••••...... ••••• . ••. . . •• . . • •. ••. . •. •. . • •. . • •. •. . • .• .•••. . . •. . . �······•• •.A •••· . . Sidewalk Sale!

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: :: : : : : : ; : : ; :

; ; : .· .· SA Friday, .April 24, 1987 The Daily Eastern News COUPON CLIPP UT IT un

- · OUPON - .------:::======-1 ------C ------The Cards? Wrap? Mugs? Posters? Lincoln 10% off Book Shop Everything You Buy* Sixth & Buchanan ($5 minimum) "One Block North of OldMa in" Through Saturday, May 2 • No discounts-no Layways "Where the books are " Poetry? Cook Books? Children's Books? Mu sic?

------" ------� , ------· ��W e Deliver Free We Deliver Free We DeliverOpe Free Wen Deliver Free �: - Free Medium Drink ' · . 10 a.m.�10 � � , p.m. w/ purchase of S�dwich . �! at regular pnce .. · 1416 6th St. � �'��i_\!' · ·' � w/ coupon � - - _ 3 45-1433 Q � � � expires May 8 �� ------. - ==�======couP<>N ======IfefiverFree We Deliver Free We Deliver Free We Deliver Free Si ' �llf>S t�11�us - . "' . . ,' �--\\\)· 1c arr 0 �c(). "' . . ..\. C:-.()ra 13 ch- · k en r agon � \J '-.If l' I /? Featuring afull llnectllof Homema lJlf?ll de Meals I ?� Served with ,,egetable, I • . ' rice an d sa I a d - . SO Today'sCheck Lun chou tSp oueciar daill:y spe 2 Piececials! Fried - $4 I (4-9 p.m. wr/coupon) Chicken Dlnner w/choice of lsides-$2.96 I I I I I $5.50 Lg. Pizza with I � lI I I of Soda I Liter I Free I 51818 Delivery ======cooPbN ======�--��--�����------� (Exp. 7J Located in- Oniversity-Union ------.. -- - .. Free Large Soda with purchase of any sandwich and reg . fries I==� 51818 - ::::======:;,,- ======(C====oupon :cexpiresouF•o N :=--. 7)======FilmCoupon SpOOial OvernightSerivc e Single Double

. $199 . 1 '271 $299 2exp - •543 Town , , 24 ex . _ C h Edd__.. ______p ..__...... ______oac ______.....__ .-. ,,_ :._...:..;... _._.COUl_,Ollr--�....:i -�·------,___ LowestPrice In __.. (-:.; Next to y s , Expiries 5111 Friday, April 24, t 987 rganization Day to aid 50 groups Coroner to attend anization Day, sponsored by the student want to get involved in," said Senate Speaker Tim ernment and University Board, is scheduled Taylor. state convention 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday on Eastern's "We are aiming for 50 to 60 organizations to set By MARY PALLISER Quad. . up tables to give students information of what Staff Writer e purpose of Organization Day is to inform Eastern has to offer," he added. Coles County Coroner Dick Lynch will be ents new to Eastern about different things The organizations participating include the out of town for a while as he touches up on m has to offer. Residence Hall Association, Black Student Union, a few current issues. it is a great tool because it recognizes many of various fraternities and sororities, campus Lynch will be attending the spring con­ organizations on campus, and gives freshman Christian organizations and the senate. ference of the lliinois County Officials idea of what extracurricular activities they Association April 27, 28 and 29 in Springfield. harlest� "The convention will have opportunities to · n developing tourism brochure discuss problems in the county," said Lynch. Charleston may have its very own visitors Stearns said once a design has been selected, The speakers at the convention will discuss ure in the next few months if Tourism bids will be accepted for the printing job. legislative matters, sudden infant death visory Board plans go as expected. However, the brochure would have to be printed syndrome, forensic anthropology, safety of Ron Stearns, chair of the Tourism Advisory locally, he said. coroners and other current issues, Lynch , said the board is now accepting design Once they have been printed, the brochures said. for the brochure. would be mailed to tourism and visitor centers ''We are trying to formulate a mandatory The deadline for brochure development throughout the state. Although the board has not trruning program for all coroners," Lynch posals is May 1. Proposals will be reviewed by decided exactly how many brochures to print, said. Tourism Board at their May 6 meeting. 5,000 is a ballpark figure, Stearns said.

MOVIE MOVIE MOVIE MOVIE MOVIE MOVIE MOVIE I':!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!� Little People's M . 0 ALPHA Weekend Special v I PHIS! E FRIDAY The Zeta Journey to Oz and watch M Alpha . 0 "The Wizard of Oz " v ChapterJs 6:30 & 9:00 p.m. I Celebrating E at their 11th Buzzard Auditorium M Birthday Admission: Little People with 0 v Happy I EIU student-50¢ I Phinominal E EIU students-$ 1 E Birthday A! MOVIE MOVIE MOVIE MOVIE MOVIE MOVIE MOVIE



FreeTransf ers For Come by TODA. Y LittlePe oples We ekend and lis ten to the CBS Recording Artists ...

\�ef. l" JS - -- --br•th·ers· Also for - ·- TODAY 3 P.M. . ' Mo thers Day . on the Library Quad . THE EL VIS BROTHERS have appeared with • Psychedelic Furs • Billy ldol-20 city tour • Cheap Trick • Performed at Farm Aid - ···��;: Fric+ay's Report errors lmmedl1tely 1t 581·281 2. A correct Id wlll 1ppur In the next edition. Unle11 notified, wt c1nnot be responslble for 1n Incorrect 1d 1fter 111 first Classified ads Insertion. o .. dllne 2 p.m. previous d1y. 10ctfA Ser vicesApril Offered 24, 19ctfH87elp Wanted [l?Help Wanted [l?Roommates ctfRoommates l!d'l=orRen t

, " word Need two males to fill two "My Secretary NEE;D EXTRA MONEY? Sell Part-Time Photographers Large House, one block from 1 and 2 bedroom furnished bedrooms at the Penguin proces 'l g. Professional Avon. Call Pam. 359-1 577 or needed for fall semester. Min. campus. Washer/Dryer. 21 /2 apartments at 1 905 South letters, house 1415 9th. 1 o month resum packages, 1-800-858-8000. skills required-Equipment baths. $104 a month. Call 12th Street for summer or lal ______lease for fall & spring. 345- quality t• •rm papers, thesis. oo furnished. For more info call: Dawn at 345-971 5. '87, Park, Laundry and ai' 903 1 8th 345-1 150. TEACHERS - Positions are The Great American Picture ------�4/29 7357. conditioning. 217-359·0 203. ______00 available for Spring '87 grads ------�4/24 Co. , 1-356-0999. FEMALE SUBLEASOR ______5/4 ______Need one female roommate PROFESSIONAL RESUME working with ages O - 6. 4/30 NEEDED FOR SUMMER. Owri Brand new 3 bedroom for next year. Call Amy K. fiiJ PACKAGES: Quality papers, Recruitment for positions for 1 988 SKI AND BEACH bedroom, close to campus. furnished apartments for lal before 11 am. 348-0247. big selection, excellent ser­ the 1987-88 school year is BREAKS! ATTENTION EIU 348-0030. '87 at PARK PLACE II (across vice. PATTON QUIK PRINT, NOW! Join a developmentally MARKETING CLUBS, SKI ------�4/24 Central - -___-- 4/28 from Student Union). 31 . � ���� Roommate needed for 87- W. Park Plaza, 345-63 oriented (Piagetian philosophy) CLUBS, FRATERNITIES, F O U R T H F E M ALE Air, dishwasher, laundry, ______oo 88 yr. Apartment close to team of child care specialists. SORORITIES, and IN­ ROOMATE NEEDED. VER\' parking, and balconies. 217· RESUME campus, very nice, own room, GET YOUR JOB Suburban campus Benefit DIVIDUALS! SKI Steamboat, NICE HOUSE. VERY CLOSE 359-0203. SERVICE, $1 25/mo. Call Kelly 3048 or AT COPY-X! FAST Package. Psychology/Sociol­ Vail/Beaver Creek, and the TO CAMPUS. MUST SEE! ______5/4 CAM­ Sue 2546. LOW PRICES. NEAR ogy grads eligible. Phone 31 2- Summit! the BEACHES in 345-2936. Two 4 bedroom apartmenla . ______4/28 PUS. 207 LINCOLN 945-4290. Resumes to TEXAS and FLORIDA including ______4/28 for 5-6. One 5 bedroom houN ------�00 Deerfield Day Care Center, SOUTH PADRE ISLAND and Male roommate for apt near Do you have a special talent for 6. One block from campua. a typist to Need professional 445 Pine Street, Deerfield, IL DAYTONA BEACH! Earn FREE O'Brian Stadium $125/month. you want known? Advertise it 1 0 month lease. Well main­ rates? do your typing at low 6001 5. TRIPS, GROUP DISCOUNTS, Call 345-4698. in the classifieds! tained. 345-6621 after 4p.m. after 5 ______Call Jean at 345·6759 4/27 and UNLIMITED COM­ ______4/28 ______h-00 ______oo p.m. IRRESISTIBLE OFFER If you MISSIONS! Call Jeff at Sun­ ------'�5/4 are 1 7-35 years old the chase Tours TODAY for 1988 National Guard would lik e to SKI & BEACH BREAK sales · [l? Help Wanted offer you 1 00% college tuition, info. 1-800-321-591 1. at least $1200 part time pay ------_4/24 HELP WANTED FOR per year, and the new G.I. Bill SUMMER. FLOORMAN. for college expenses. An Need a place to crash? Or .-. Campus clips BARTENDERS. WAITRESSES. Irresistible offer form the just to hang yourhat? Find one Apply 3p.m.-4p.m. AT irresistible force. Call 258- in the Daily Eastern News THIRSTY'S. 6381 . classifieds! Chi Alpha April 26 from 3:30 'til whenever. The tl­ ------�4/24 ------�4/30 ______h-00 will show the film "The Music Box" temational Retatiola CAMP COUNSELORS on Su n., April 26, at 6:30 p.m. in the Newman and Minority Student wanted for j.lrivate Michigan Center. comittee is inviting everyone to our boys/girls summer camps. Career Planning & Placement Center will cookout-Please bring beverage! For lllOl9 Teach: swimming, canoeing, have Campus Interviews on May 1 with Tele­ information call the student government office at sailing, waterskiing, gym­ Save(out-Side-Sales Rep.-Communication 581 -5522. nastics, riflery, archery, tennis, Consultant-Long Distance Service- Charleston, Eta Sigma Gamma will hold Initiation on Siii., golf, sports, computers, Effingham & Mattoon Area - Any Major)Sign up April 26 at 4:00 in the LantzClub Room. lnitialee camping, crafts, dramatics, OR please be there by 3:30. riding. Also kit chen, office, now. maintenance. Salary $700 or Career Plannlng & Placement Center will more plus R & B. Marc Seeger have campus interviews on May 1 with Carter Campus Clips are published daily, free Ii 1765 Maple, Nfld., II 60093. Brown Albach (Accounting Majors- Springfield, charge, as a public service to the campus. Ctipa 31 2-446-2444. IL- Citizenship Req. - May & August Grads. or should be submitted to The Daily Eastern New ______4/30 Alumni.) office by noon one business day before date to Waitress and delivery boys The Minority and International Relations be published (or date of event). full or part time. Apply in Information Committee of the Student Senate will have a should perosn after 4p.m. Pagliai's include event, name . of sponsorilg Pizza 1600 Lincoln, Barbeque on Sun,. April 26 in the afternoon at organization (spelled out - no Greek letter Charleston. 1400 7th St. This BBQ is in conjunction with the abbreviations), date, time and place of event, ------�4127 Black Student Union and the Association of plus any other pertinent information. Name Md NEED WOMEN TO SHAPE International Students. There is $2.00 fe for the phone number of submitter must be included. CHRISTMAS TREES 6-10 AM BBQ- bring your own beverage. All students are Clips containing conflicting or confusing in­ IN JUNE AND JULY . 345- welcome! formation will not be run if submitter cannot be 6815. Kappa Omicron Phi will have a picnic on April contacted. Clips will be edited for space ------�4/30 p.m. at Morton Park. If you are available. Clips deadline NEED MEN TO SHEAR 28 from 4-6 submitted after noon of CHRISTMAS TREES 6-10 AM. interested in attending, please sign up in front of day cannot be guaranteed publication. Clips wl START JUNE 10. 345-6815. Dr. Woodward 's office. be run one day only for any event. No clips wl ______.4/30 Student Senate will have a cookout on Sun., be taken by phone.

Off icial Notices are paid for through the Office of University Relations. Questions concerning notices -o fficial Notices should be directed to that office. FINAL EXAM PAYMENT FOR TUITION AND should come to or call the FINAL EXAMINATION SCHEDULE CHANGES FEES. Registration Office. Spring Semester 198 7 Students who have three Michael D. Taylor A current sophomore who final examinations scheduled Director, Registration expects to become a junior at Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday on one day may fill out a the close of Spring Semester May 4 May s May & May 7 May a request for a change in the FEE ASSESSMENT should pay upper-division fees office of the Dean, Student You are responsible for for Summer. M-1 600 Michael D. Taylor Academic Services, Main 1 16. providing accurate and current 0730-093 0 Makeup or M-1 500 M-1 300 T- 1 000 M-1 400 Director, Registration - Forms for requesting a change information so you will be billed Arranged will be available after March correctly for tuition and fees. 13, 1987 and must be sub­ Pre-enrollment fee billing is mitted no later than Wed· based on the type andam ount ATTENTION T- 1 500/1 530 nesday, April 29. Students are of scholarship coverage, the PRE-BUSINESS STUDENTS 1000-1 200 M-0800 Makeup or M-1 200 M-1 100 T- 1200 discouraged from requesting course load, the class level, Students who will have 6 0 Arranged T- 1 230 instructors to deviate from the and residency type DURING semester hours com pleted published exami nation THE SPRING TERM. AND all five of the following schedule. Reasons of per­ If there are changes in the courses completed-ACC sonal convenience such as way you should be billed for 2100, ACC 2150, OAP 2175, T- 1 600 T- 1 300 work, transportation Summer Term , you should give MGT 2460, MGT 281 0-with 1300·1 500 T- 1100 M-0900 Makeup or M-1 000 Makeup or arrangements . or vacation the new fee information to a grade of C or better by the Arranged Arranged plans, do not constitute ground Registration Office i:;ersonnel. beginning of Fall Semester for approval of examination A student who pre-enrolls has 1987, may now apply for changes. two convenient opportunities admission to the College of T-0900 R-1 600 Samuel J. Taber, Dean to correct fee status in­ Business (Blair Hall 101) for 1530-1 730 T-0930 T- 1 400 T-0800 Makeup or Student Academic Services formation: a student may Fall Semester, 1987. In order Arranged complete a new fee cer­ to pre-enroll in upper-division tification card ( 1 ) during pre­ business classes, admission to NEW GENERAL enrollment OR (2) at early the College of Business is 1900-2100 M-1 900 T- 1 900 W- 1 900 R-1 900 CATALOG enrollment (Wrap-Up) JUST required. Deadline for making The new 1987 & 1988 BEFORE paying the cashier. application is June 15, 1987. Gener al Catalogs are here. A student who has questions T.W. lvarie, Dean Student s may pick up a copy at regarding fee assessments College of Business 1 . Final examinations are scheduled on the basis of the first class hour meeting of the week Room 120 Old Main between ------irrespective of whether the first hour is classroom or laboratory activity. the hours of 8:00 a.m. to COMPLETE 2. Final examinations of multiple-hour classes are scheduled on the basis of the first liour of 1111 12: 00 noon and 1 :00 to 4:00 EARLY ENROLLMENT multiple-hour block. p.m., starting Tuesday, April If you pre-enrolled for Intersession/Summer, complete early 3. A M· ,T·,W·, or R· prefix indicates whether the first class day of the week is Monday Tuesday, 28, 1987. You must present a enrollment in the Registration Operations Room (South basement Wednesday, or Thursday. For instance, M-0800 indicates the scheduled time for the fir1ll cY valid l card in order to obtain a. McAfee). Present you ID card according to the following schedule examination in a class having its first class hour meeting of the week at 0800 on Monday, R-1900 ii copy of the new catalog. If you by last digit of social security number: (e.g., SS no. xxx-xx-xxx5 for a class having its first class hour meeting of the week at 1 900 on Thursday, etc. do not have a valid ID card, go reports NOT BEFORE 9:00 a.m., Wed., April 29) 4. Final examination periods indicated in the above schedule as "Makeup or Arranged" are to be to Dean Johnson's office in 0, 1,2 9 am, Tue., Apr. 28 5,6, 7 9 am, Wed., Apr. 29 used only in cases where: 219 Old Main. 3,4 11:30 am , Tue., Apr. 28 8,9 11:30 am, Wed., Apr. 29 a. The first class hour meeting of the week does not conform to the schedule patteml James E. Martin ALL STUDENTS 9:00 a.m., Thursday, April 30 established herein. Registrar DOOR CLOSES EACH DAY AT2: 00 P.M. b. The meeting of thecla ss appears in 1r' Semester Class Schedule as·"ARR." STUDENTS MAY REPORT AFTER THEIR SCHEDULED TIME c. The student presents an approveci examination change request. BUT NOT BEFORE. 5. Final examinations for one-semester-hour courses may be given at the discretion of the in­ INTERSESSION Completion of early enrollment INCLUDES PAYMENT OF structor and, if given, should be scheduled for the last regular class meeting of the term. REGISTRATION TUITION AND FEES due for Intersession/Summer. 6. Final examinations in courses numbered 4 7 50 or above may be given at the discretion of 1111 a IF YOU ARE A CONTINUING The deadline for completing early enrollment is 2:00 p.m., instructor nd, if given, are to conform to the schedule patterns established herein. under STUDENT WHO DID NOT Thursday, April 30. FAILURE TO HAVE FEE BILLS PROCESSED 7. Final examinations are to be given in all courses unless specifically exempted 1111 ri PRE-ENROLL FOR IN­ BY THE CASHIER BY APRIL 30-EVEN IF NO MONEY IS provisions of no.5 and/or no.6 above or by departmental recommendation to , a d approved by, 1111 TERSESSION 1987, you may DUE-WILL RESULT IN CANCELLATION OF YOUR SCHEDULED Council on Academic Affairs. apprO'lll register on Friday, May 1 in CLASSES. 8. Students may not deviate from the published final examination schedule without written Registration Operations Room DO NOT have checks for Summer sent to the University. AT of the Dean, Student Academic Services. written (south basement McAfee) EARLY ENROLLMENT (April 28, 29, 30), you must pay what is 9. Instructors may not deviate from the published final examination schedule without 1111" guidehl between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 due. ALL STUDENTS MUST STOP AT THE CASHIER STATION proval of the department chairperson and Dean of the School or College according to p. m . WHEN COMPLETEING EARLY ENROLLMENT. established by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. When you register on May 1 , Michael D. Taylor Director, Registration bring your l.D. card and Friday's . Report errors Immediately at 581 ·281 2. A correct ad wlll appear In the next edition. Unle11 notHled, we cannot be re1pon1lblefor an Incorrect ad after Its first Classified ads Insertion. Deadline 2 p.m. previousday. Aprll 24, 1987 �or Rent lB'For Rent �or Rent lB'For Rent ll?For Rent 1 tA

Small house for rent. One NEED A PLACE TO CRASH? 3 Bdr. House. 2 Blks. from Mini-storage sizes 4x 1 2 up 1 bedroom apts. located at CHECK OUR RENTAL person. No pets. Two miles mer subleasers low campus. Available May 15. to 1 Ox30. Price starts as low 751 6th st. $160·21 0/per SPECIALS AFTER SPRING from campus. 345-4828. tilities. Call TODAY. 345· 1 600 1 0th St. Call Dan 348· as $25 a month. Phone 348· month. Call 345-6621 after 4. BREAK. ALDO-ROMA APTS. 9. 0405 (after. 6:00p.m.), 581 · 7746. ______oo ______4/24 JAN EADS-EADS REALTY. ______4 2 and 3 Bedroom Apts. for 345-21 13. 4/27 3818 (8:00a.m.·5:00p.m.). ______oo 3 and bedroom, two rent. Fully furnished & car· ______r summer and/or fall: 3 ______4/28 Now and Fall ! 2 bedroom bathroom houses. One year 5/4 peted. lease & deposit oom furnished apt. for 3 Summer Subleasor, Clean apartments for two people. lease. Leland Hall Real Estate. For Fall-spacious Room. required. No pets. Please call . $ : 50/per person, 1 /2 Studio Apt. for 1 , Air con· 94 7 4th street and 1305 18th 345·7023. Private Bath and En trance. ______345-601 1. After 5:00p.m. er rates. Call Diane ditioning, water included, rent street. Phone 348- 7 7 46 or 00 $1 20 per month. Utilitie�. call 345·9462. d at Robert Carlisle negotiable, 345·9326. 345-5348 between 6 and 1 O APARTMENTS: 1 block to included. 345·64b8. or at345- 2151 . ______5/1 p.m. EIU. 1 BR. · $180 mo., 2 BR. · ______4/24 ______4/24 $160 ea. , 3 BR. $150 ea. Summer mini storage as low Two bedroom mobile home, Female, non-smoking ______oo as $25 per month. Phone 348· furnished subleasor needed for summer Ratts university drive & Ratts RENTAl SERVICES 345· . A/C. Call 345· 7746. and possibly fall. Great Polk street townhouses for 3·4 3100. 6052. ______5/4 ______location, own huge room, students rent is $145 for 3 and 4/24 4/29 .------5/4 reasonable rent. 345·61 O 1 . $1 22 for 4 for fall of '87 and Stlnmer subleasers needed; ______4/28 spring of '88. 9 month lease bedroom, bi-level house; Two female roommates to call 345·61 15. 16 · · · August; 1525 share one bedroom in fur­ -,,------00 St. Price negotiable. nished new 3 bedroom Royal FOR RENT: 2 bedroom Wood Real Estate 345· Heights Apts. being con· apartments (The Quiet FALL AVAI LABILITY 8. stucted begind White Hen Apartments) McArthur Manor PARK PLACE I PARK PLACE II 1------4/27 Pantry, Fall '87 $125-1 57. Apartments. 345·6544 or 2 Female Summer 345-7953. 345·2231 . Ask for Mr. • 1,2,&3BEDROOM •BRAND NEW sors. Large House, near ______4/28 McArthur. us, A/C . Rent negotiable. 2 men, Summer. $50 per ______oo UNITS BEDROOM UNITS ·7529. month. 1609 9th. 581 -2720 FOR FALL ONE BEDROOM 3 ______5/1 or 345·6800. APARTMENT. 41 5 •FU LLY FURNISHED •FULLY FURNISHED one bedroom apart­ ______5/1 HARRISON. FULLY FUR­ ts, very near campus SUMMER ONLY Flat rate of NISHED. TWELVE MONTH " C ENTRAL A.C. •CENTRAL A .C. ge and refrigerator $200 per month on all apart· LEASE. CALL 348·5032. · ed, two people max. ments for 2 people. Carlyle ______;4 /24 •DISHWASHERS •DISHWASHERS 55/mo. and up depending Apts. 947 4th Street & 1305 FREE MONTH, FURNISHED lease length. 345·4220. 18th Street. 348· 7746. APARTMENTS. AVAILABLE • BALCONI ES •BA L CONIES , ______4/24 ______oo IMMEDI ATELY . RENTING SUMMER/YEAR. 345-4846. •LAUNDRY •LAUNDRY ______5/4 2·STORY HOUSE ON 7th ST. ACROSS F=�0M UNION AVAILABLE MAY 15! 1 Block ( ) from Square. Large living, Dining room, 1 and 1 /2 baths, ST. JAMES PLACE 1 S. 1 2th St. ( �Ub ) 2BEDROOM fenced in backyard, Four bedrooms for up to 6 people. •1 2 BEDROOM FULLY F-URNISHED UNITS APARTMENTS AVAILABLE lot's of room! Call 345·681 1 FOF.tSPR ING, SUMMER FALL between 1 O and 4 p.m. •A.C. •FU LLY REMODLED FOR FALL & �------5/ 1 & STARTING AS LOW AS GOVERNMENT HOMES •LAUNDRY •MICROWAVES AVAILABLE FOR PER PERSON from $1 (U repair). Delinquent '87 $1 20 tax property. Call 1 ·61 9·565· ALL UNITS. 9& 12 MONTH 1657 Ext. H1441l for current LEASE AVAILABLE repo list. 21 7 -359-0203 ______.4/24 CARLYLE APARTMENTS 94 7 4TH STREET 1 - 305 1 8TH STREET Puzzle Answers 348-7746 BETWEEN 6 AND 10 P. M. ABB A I s MA·s it I s C AR coR N 1111A L TAI T ARO 345-5348 H 0 0 D •AR I usI E D D 0 - WI L L I A 11 H c l D EN HI B • AlA S •aE I NE u l E N - TA E• S TY AlA E • c A• ER Al -- C A Tc;HE R I NT HER YE --•K AlE N -o E ED RAF• VA FA I TH AV I S o-!' E• NI S JI C A N C A u l lG� ACIC E • I R A �\ ·H'I G0�P.H __ __ .. . _ . . _ . HLE A E •111 A. B E Ii .. AK X 'E"Rli .._ SKINTAT TOOS STE A • s N A �-'R'iv CLOU'D 9 JUST RECEIVED l'Vt:° N£VU S((N SUNGLASSES ALL HOT STYLES FOR 1987 1514 BROADWAY 1-8 MON-SA T MA TTOON p.m. 234-9611

BLOOM ______...;;;.__ ONCE f/fON A TIM€, COUNTYWftell IWl/ f t.177U, /11Y by Berke Breathed � MtJTH£!( 11/0(lf.[l mt.11€57r%?1€ 5 1H@e€ Wl/ 5 11 AT NCJT/ME. .. WONtlffl?Fl/L. 7V €1/IWG&'t.15T, �;\\y Ch'::>c.o�rS 51lJf

Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU - Friday's Report errors Immediately at 581·281 2. A correct ad wlll appear In the next edition. UnlHs notified, we cannot be responsible for an Incorrect ad atter Its first Insertion. Deadline 2 p.m. previous day. · Classified ads U?F12Aor RentApril 24, 1987U? For Rent U?For Sale [B'For Sale Announcements Announcements

2 summer subleasers Like new, cheap dorm Summer or Fall very nice, 1978 KAWASAKI 200, U?Tonight TKE Afterbars! Don't E!?LISA HASLER: needed for 2 bedroom fur· refrigerator. Call after 5:00 pm. furnish d 2 bedroom, 1 Y2 6000 mi. $400. 1973 Chevy Miss It. Congratulations on being nished apt. Very nice, includes e 581 ·2276. baths apt with dishwasher. 4 Caprice, 454 eng. good 4/24 elected treasurer for the air and laundry facilities. Call 4/27 people $1 20/mo each on year shape, loaded. 348·7 787. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZETA Honorary Order of Omega. 345·4686 . '75 Ford Mustang. Refuses lease or 9 month lease John. ALPHA CHAPTER OF ALPHA Way to go! Love your ALPHA ------�4/28 to die. Very faithful. $200 or available. 1017 Woodlawn. -.,.------4/24 PHI!!! 11 YEARS AT E.1.U!! GAM SISTERS. Available May .1 5, Fur· best. Call 3332. ______Phone 348-7 7 46 $ 1 00 for '7 5 Buick century 4/24 ______4/24 nished, efficiency, two ______------...,---...,4/30 00 rebuilt engine. New muffler. LORI LEINHART: Help kick off national sex bedroom apts. , and 4 bedroom Hide·a·bed good condition, For Fall 4 bedroom furnished Need to fix brakes. '82 Congratulations on being week tonight! You know where house. Female only, no pets. brown, $12 5 or best offer. house, 1 female, private room, SUZUKI 250SX. Bring me an laviliered to Brooks. We are so the party is!! 345·2206. Call 348-7608. less than one block from Lantz. offer, will give BEST price. Call happy for you! Love, your ______4/24 ______4/29 --4/24 581 -6007 or 345-9708 . SUNG 581 -5749-leave =------ALPHA GAM SISTERS. Lambda Chi serenaders: FEMALE SUBLEASOR �------� - - - 4/28 message. 4/24 Sorry I missed you! Love, Mufi needed $70/mo. for summer. -..,..., --,-- --:- .,------: Lost/Found Neat house for 4 students, ______5/1 What do Miller and Page One Queen. Park Place Apts.(very close to 1 /2 block to stadium. A good school car. 1979 have in common? They're ------,,---4/24 campus and has 1 air con· LOST: 2 keys on a turtle REFERENCES required. $600 Horizon. $1000. Call 348- fl? throwing an all-you-can-drink, LAMBDA CHI'S: You guys ditioning) Call Natalie 345· shaped key ring, if found call month, 1 O months. Jim or 7976. Pre-finals Party on April 30 and are GREAT!! Thanks for the 2895. 345-5319. Donna Wood 345-4488. ______4/24 they want you to BE THERE! serenade. Love, The Tri Sigs. ______4/27 ------=-=� 00 --=-=-=--�- -4/23 Tickets available at Coach ______4/24 ...... ,-----: FOR SALE: Fisher Speakers ��c-= Subleaser for this summer 2 PEGGY KAPOL NEK please 1 & 2 Bed. Apts. for '87-'88 ST-832 $220 or best offer. Eddy's and Page One. SIGMA KAPPA and DATES. males, Brittany Ridge. Call pick up your l.D. at the Eastern ______term. $80 & up. Also 2 Bed. JVC 350V Receiver, 55 4/27 Get ready to CRUISE on the 581 ·2609. News. House. All recently remodeled, watts/channel $150. Call 348· GIORGIO: Big Kiss! XXX LOVE BOAT tonight. Don't ______5/4 ______4/23 clean & nice. 345-4494. 8525. Laura. forget your life preservers! One female needed for next ______,...... 4/28 ______4/24 Lost set of keys on campus 4/24 ...... ,,.,,,..,.,,�----:-=-:��:---4/24 year. Brittany Ridge, close to 4-1 7. If found, please return to 2 Female roommates for '87- Unique lofts, Six piece pit SIG KAPS: Get psyched for CRISTIN POLING-Congratu­ campus, own bedroom. Call Eastern News. '88 term. Nice 3 bedroom group, and Carpet. Must see to the great pledge dance tonight. lations on being chosen TKE 581 ·2609. ----...,-- 4/23 house close to E.l.U. 348- appriciate. Call 581 -2387. --- It is going to be a blast. Sweetheart. Your Sig Kap ______5/4 Lost a Lorus gold watch in ______8286, 345-4494, 345-9605. Ask for Ken. 4/24 sisters are very proud. One room apt 1202 ______4/28 ______4/27 Regency field. if found Today TKE 4 O'Clock Club! ------,-:-:-.,,...-:,----4/24 Jackson. Quiet tenant. No PLEASE call 348-8245. It is Sleep CHEAP for the 1979 Kawaski 400 LTD The Tradition continues. JULIE CIELINSKl·Congratu­ parties, no pets. Lease, important. ______summer. 1532 4th street Great Condition $500. Call 4/24 lations on making Pink Pan­ Security deposit, ______4/27 RIGHT on CAMPUS. ALL Ken 348-5337. ALPHA GAM SENIOR thers first round cuts. Love, reference. $160·345·4 7 42. Lost: Two car keys on clip. utilities paid and FREE Cable ------�4/24 SOULS: How about that Your Sig Kap Sisters. ______oo Claim in Rm 119 of Science with SHOWTIME. Best RENT Must Sell: 1 984 .Honda 700 journey. We didn't haze you ______4/24 MALE SUMMER Building. .,...... on campus. Call 345-6380. Magna-low milage. Call Mike too bad. Just a little pigs blood TKE Afterbars TONIGHT. SUBLEASOR for one bedroom ______4/24 348-5270. 4/27 form your sisters from hell, but You won't be disappointed. Apartment Utilities included. COLEMAN-SEITSINGER A· ______4/24 Found in Booth Library luckily prince charming was ------,--,.....,,--4124 Call 345·2576. 1 (SMC) a jacket. Claim at SMC PTS. 1611 9th st . blk. easst FOR SALE: Air conditioner there to save you . Great Wills! TRACY F AKLES-Congra!U­ . ______4/24 desk in library . of Old Main. Completely $1 50: Honda moped $200; We love you, THE MORTALS . ations on making the 1987·88 Privately owned Brittany ----...,..----- 4/2 7 ______furnished. Heat and garbage 19" B&W tv $50; Beer Lights - 4/24 Pink Panther Squad. Your Sig Ridge townt)ouses still Found bracelet outside of pickup furnished. Fall and $1 5-$25; Blue Angle Bowling RICH-I'm so glad you came Kap Sisters are very proud of available for 5 persons McAfee Gym. Must describe. spring vacancy. 2 girls needed Ball $35-Call 348-0973-Ask over for the dance. We're you! (Roommates needed too) . Pick up at the News. to complete two bedroom Apt. for Greg. going to have a great time ______4/24 21 /2 baths. Some furnished. ______4/27 Call 345-7 136. �------�4/27 tonight. I Love You-J ulie. p.s. AST Xi's: Thanks for the Microwave, dishwasher, ______4/24 FOR SALE: Wall-to-Wall blue Only 11/2 weeks left! birthday serenade! You guys washer & dryer. 348-7877· House, 7 rooms, 2 baths, sculpture carpet. Fits South Announcements -----,.....,--.,...... -4/24 are the best! Love, Sheryl. Denise. close, 4 students, furnished, Quad rooms. Excellent To All PHI SIGS, Have a ______4/24 ______4/24 $135 each lease. 348-1 614. condition. Desperatly need to QUICK CASH!! Highest great weekend! LORI LOCKMAN : We are so $50 per month summer sub ______fl? ______4/28 sell. Call 3937. prices paid for class rings, gold 4/24 proud of you (once again) for - 1 91 5 9th. Just across from ______House for rent. Available .4/23 jewelry , diamonds, gold and AST PLEDGES: Have your being elected secretary in Buzzard. 345-1 240. August. Furnished , 3 1 985 Honda Nighthawk. silver coins, sterling silver etc. bags packed and be ready to Honarary Order of Omega. ______4/29 bedrooms, washer and dryer. Low miles, runs like new. Best Quick and easy and con­ go. The Actives can't wait to Love your ALPHA GAM Apt for Fall, 9 months, 4 Close to EIU. 345-7286. offer, must sell. 345·9053 fidential . We Buy-Sell-Trade see you tonight. SISTERS. people. Large, Spacious, 345· ______5/1 Mark. thousands of Baseball Cards­ 4/24 ------.,.--4/24 9334. ______For Fall: Furnished 3 bedrm .4/24 Pawn Shop 51 2 6th St. 3 bedroom apartment for 3 His name is MANORAMA. ______4/27 house for 3 or 4, furnished 1 Electric Typewriter. Brother Downtown on the Square. Call girls. $1 65 per person. 3 He wants to take off his TOGA Girl subleasor needed for bedroom house for 1 or 2. Academy Brand. Perfect 348-1 01 1. bedroom house for 3. $130 and dance and party with you. summer '87 in a house near Deposit required. 345-4010. per person. Call 345-6621 Condition. Case included. ______5/4 FREAKY FRIDAY' S Presenll campus; Call Julie, 345·2936. 00 ..,.....___�--=-��-�--,. 345-1389 Debbie. $80 or IRRESISTIBLE OFFER If you after 4p.m. LIVE fro CHIP 'N DALES the ______4/27 ------� m YOU CAN'T BEAT THE best offer. are 1 7 -35 years old the 4100 MANORAMA DANCE FOR LEASE: Large, three PRICE! CHECK IT OUT! TWO ------�·4127 National Guard would like to PIKE AUCTION: The social SPECTACU LAR from 8:00 to bedroom, nice house, com· BEDROOM FURNISHED PENTAX K-1 000. 35mm offer you 100% college tuition, extravaganza of the year! 9:00 at ROG'S. GIRLS ONLY pletely redone across from APARTMENTS FOR 3 camera, case and extras. Used at least $1200 part time pay Come out and buy your favorite before 9: 00. $3. 00 all you can campus. Available summer, fall PEOPLE $140 EACH; only few months. Like new. per year, and the new G.I. Bill Pike this Saturday 1 :00 in the drink. Wear your TOGA! and spring. 348·8218. WATER, GARBAGE, AND South Quad. $100 or best offer. 345-1389 for college expenses. An ______4/24 ______4/29 ______CABLE TV INCLUDED IN Debbie. Irresistible offer from the 4/24 FREAKY FRIDAY'S once Now leasing 4 blocks from RENT. 345·4508. ______4/27 Irresistible force. Cal� 258- TGl'S FREAKY FRIDAY. again brings you RAF· campus 1803 12th, partly -�...,....,...----:---:::---4/24 MOVING SALE: Saturday 6381 . Male dancer from 8:00 to FLEMANIA. All prizes will go. furnished 7 bedroom, 3 bath 2 Subleasors for Summer. April 25, 8:0 0 - ? No. 102 ______4/30 9:00-GIRLS ONLY. Every· sex $500.00 worth of prizes: 10 house with garage, eff street Close to campus. Rent University Apartments (2 story TO WHOM IT MAY CON­ invited after 9:00. Wear your Beer Lights, Banners, T-shirl8, parking. Seven students at negotiable. Call 58 1 -3337 or married housing). Clothing, CERN: The only thing you have toga! Entire inventory of prizes Morrors, hats, etc. $3.00 Al $1 25 each-345-4714. 345-6310. :lishes, humidifier, bicycle, to lose, is everything you can must go at RAFFLEMANIA. you can drink until 12:00. 18 ______5/4 ______4/24 bass boat. 581 -5547. gain. Best of luck with finals. HOT LEGs Contest with oz. BEERS after 12:00. It's a 325 madison, partly fur­ ______3 Bedroom New Apartment 4/24 Anon. prizes. $3 all u can drink at TOGA PARTY. nished 6 bedroom, 3 bathroom for 3 girls, low utilities, AND 3 ROG'S until midnight. 16 oz. 1983 Honda Night Hawk ------:------:=-::4/24 ______4/24 house with 4 seat jacuzzi, off bedroom house for 3 BOTH 1 450. Excellent cond. Ph. 348- Get ready for FREAKY beers aftermidnight. AST SENIORS: Have a greel street parking. 6 students at block from campus. Call 345- ______5185. FRIDAY at ROG'S. $3.00 all u 4/24 weekend! We're really going lo $1 35 each-345-4 714. 6621 after 4:00. ______4/24 can drink 'till midnight. It's a DELTS : I was so happy to miss you! 00 --�___�=--������-:-::-: Red Honda Spree Scooter-In TOGA PARTY. celebrate my "last" function -----...,-----.,--4/24 Apt. for sublease, Summer F E M A L E s u B L E A SOR great condition $375. Call ------=--= 4/24 with you guys! You're the Planning that last night

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TELEX: 44813 • • ...in the classrooms with more than 500 Sp anish students 345-9393 716 Jackson 345-9141 Dally Eastern News . t 3A Tonite! aton heads to Dra ke nationals. f "It's the toughest outside of the A men's track team will NCAA (nationals)," Moore said. ���i-:J Eastern's "If 'n winding down the outdoor we're going to place, it will take a 3-7 oz. Bud or son as four competitors will head personal season best. We are going B�d-Llght. the Drake Relays in Des Moines, to have to run in the 3:14 to 3:10 $ t .25 all night! a while the rest of the squad will range to place." vel to the Parkland Invitational in On Saturday, the Panthers will 2 for 1 M iA-ed Drinks til 9 paign. compete in what Moore calls a The Panthers will send junior All­ "leftover" meet at Parkland College erican Jim Maton to compete in in Champaign. invitational section of the 800- Those who aren't competing at , ADD ter run in which he is still trying Drake will travel to Parkland. A -r UCH OF CLASS TO YOUR qualify for the NCAA national ''The Parkland meet will help me Jobs. TraveSUling.MM Sports.ER The BeaD�ch. VSThese are eet in Baton Rouge, La. make. the final decision on- who is all part Maton's best time in the 800-meter going to the conference meet," of summer life for college students. It's a wonderful life this year was 1:48.35. The Moore said. and to enhance it all, why not consider taking a class to CAA qualifying time is 1:48.1. The AMCU-8 outdoor conference help along your degree. Aurora University has special will also send senior Scot Moore track championships will be held 2,3,6,8,9 and 11-week sessions this � ummer. son to compete in the 400- May 1-2 at Western Illinois Undergraduate courses in business, computers, social intermediate hurdles and run University in Macomb. ter work, nursing, natural science and a variety of liberal arts leg on the 1,600-meter relay along The Panther injury list increased will be offered at sites conveniently located to the Maton, sophomore Ian Isaacs again Thursday as senior Dan Matas' 'th western suburbs. Call now for more information on junior Darnell Thompson. name was added. how you can put a class in your life this summer. Moore said that the 1,600-meter Matas injured his back in a y competition at Drake is as domestic accident in his apartment ' (31 2) 896-1975 h as that at the NCAA Wednesday. 49���.I.1Y .


22, 23, Zif ()_ft


- t4A

. LIQUORS [as(PACKAG• T 6aI t6W 11From Aa Keg� To A ConSide''

CALVERT EXTRA 1 .75 Liter 99 11 FRl./SAT. NITE 7:1 5 and 9:1 5 REBATE 300 SAT./SUBURGIN. MATINEE 2:1AR5 PM FINAL SUN. to THURS. NITE 7:1 5 COST 899 "�"'5sPLUS ®STUDENTS $225 EVENINGS


FRl./SAT.POLICE NITE ACADEMY 5:10•7:15•11:10 FRl./SAT. NITE 5:00•8:45•8:30 SAT./SUN. MATINEE 2:10 Pll SAT./SUN. MATINEE 2:15 PM SUN.cmZENS to THURS. NITE ON PATROL 5:10•7:15� SUN.�� to THURS. NITE 5:00•8:45 MEL GIB!iDN DANNY GLOVER LEl11AL


750 ML


' MICHAEL J. FOX SUCCESS � FRl./SAT. NITE 4:45•7:00•9:20 SAT./SUN. MATINEE 2:00 PM '"'-·· SUNDAY to THURSDAY NITE 4:45 and 7:00 l\l I I! K 1\10J,'l'1� J�X'l'll1�1VI1� l�lll�,JIJJJil�J�

ANDRE CHAMPAGNES Extra Dry, Pink Cold Duck 750 ML 9 22

' \


BARTINELLI MONTEREY ZINFANDEL WH750 ITEml Six soldiers. Officially AS750 MlTI heroes. Officially dead. SPUMANTE An army operating outside the law. 99 Up against a stone age cowboy with just 2 a rifle and a tin badge. The odds are even.




� RN w HAR BU71 fWSHANS mm� W ITrn H ; M, MlllUS ma , I UllOU1�.�E�A�!U 17 llfOUlllUACCD•,UTl•C TRI IISW �!;! � � . RI NSElECTEDTHEATRES R PUUT CitADUlT liUAll!l!.t" .. COORS & ©JllJ fn.Sll Plw.11.Al lifn'-i.� �:,\ , � DD COORS LIGHT FRl./SAT. NITE 5:00•7:10•9:25 SAT./SUN. MATINEE 2:10PM N ATURAL SUNDAY to THURSDAY NITE 5:00 and ' 12 PACK 7:1 0 LIGHT CANS 6PACK 39 339 2 SS PLUS STUDENTS $225 C& EVENINGS e Dally Eastern News Friday, April 24, t 987 15A Cards drop Cubs 5-2 Netters off to SWMS ST. LOUIS (AP)-Rookie Jim The victory pulled St. Louis into a By DINO TIBERI the conference," Hansel said. Stallwriter Southwest Missouri looks to be Lindeman and Jack Clark drove in first-place tie with the idle New Eastern's men's tennis team the favorite this year, as they two runs apiece and Danny Cox York Mets in the National League opes for a finish in the top four have five of last year's six singles pitched his first complete game of East. Chicago had won the first two this weekend, as they travel to champions returning. The Bears the season as the St. Louis Cardinals games of the three-game series. Southwest Missouri to compete in have won the last three titles in a defeated the Chicago Cubs 5-2 Cox, 3-0, scattered 11 hits with no the AMCU-8 conference tour­ row, after Eastern won the first Thursday at Busch Stadium. and no walks. nament. AMCU-8 championship in 1983. Despite a 9-0 whitewashing at Northern Iowa has been the 1111 COOD 7 DAYS A WEEK- 1111 the hands of Indiana State on runner-up to Southwest Missouri - - Tuesday, the Panthers are con­ the past two seasons, while fident thatthey'll do well. Eastern has finished in the fourth - CARRY-OUT SPECIAL - would be very disappointed if spot the past two years. = II "I COOD AT CHARLESTON STORE ONLY we didn't finish in the top four Bennett said that this will be a teams," said coach John Bennett. chance for . his team to fmally "Hopefully the seeds will be good, meet some teams that are close to A Large (16") some wins in the first round his talent-wise. i --�i will be good for our confidence," ''We've been at a disadvantage Sausage Piz� Bennett added. to this point because we have i i Keith Hansel, playing at No. 5 played many teams that are able singles, also is looking to a upper to give out scholarships, but now division finish. "I'm looking the majority of teams will be at forward to the 'second season. I'd our level," Bennett said. like to finish in the top four in I $595 i - Av -= ailable with 2-Liter of Pepsi $6.SO = - - a plit squad to two meets Offer expi res May 10, 1987 148-7, while Lynch set a school = = - record two weeks ago in the 800- Eastern's women's track team will meter dash with a time of 2:09.06. - At _ - - Stretch It lit up this weekend, sending Although the meet at Drake is a � -.. � ��- presentatives to both the Drake big one, Craft does not want to � ( ��-::;;�:::;:--�- �� ----- lays in Des Moines, Iowa and the downplay the Ball State competition. State Relays in Muncie, Ind. "The competition will be there," he . ...------.� ------______Coach John Craft will travel to said. ''It will give people who haven't ·"�(� e with this yearj; three outdoor done well this year a chance to put douts, Valeta Strickland, Kristi some good numbers up." - um and Lauren Lynch, while Craft said that the team is pretty - istant Coach Lisa Einheuser will much coasting at this point in the - - d the rest of the team at Ball season. ''We're just having fun right te. now, trying to get ready for the - o -his tri this weekend. "All conference meet." - are ready to break loose and do Senior Janine Jarris, who has been ething fantastic," he said. ill of late, not compete for a few II will •• Baum established a school record weeks, Craft said. FREE DELIVERY the javelin last week with a throw 1111 PRESENT .THIS COUPON WMBI PICKING UP ORDER

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By BARRY BOTTINO Sports editor

Eastern'sfootball team willshowcase its tentati 1987 squad Friday night in the annual Blue-G game at 7:30 p.m. at Charleston High Schoo Trojan Hill (15th and Harrison). Tickets at the gate are $1. All seats are gen admission. Head coach Bob Spoo, who replaced Al Molde January, will feature his squad in a "contro scrimmage".

"There will be about 50 snaps for each team" · the split squad contest, said offensive coor · Kit Cartwright. "It will be a full-scale hitting scrimmage," C wright said. Due to the large number of injuries suffe during spring practice, the Panthers are not heal enough to pit two full teams against each other. On offense, Panther returnee running ba James Marable and DuWayne Pitts are suffe · from ankle and lower leg problems, respectively. While the Panther defense has suffered · to honorable mention All-American John Jurko (defensive lineman), Jeff Mills, Bill Cochraninje SUE ORATOR I Staff photographer George Boykin (linebackers) and defensive Handoff! fieldpersonnel Rod Reynolds, Scott Johnson,K Freshman Pam Kinkelaar hands off to junior & Co. Invitational at O'Brien Stadium. Kinkelaar Hunter, Daryl Holcombe and Eugene Humphrey. Tracy Olawumi during last weekend's victortous and Olawumi will compete at the Ball State "This is going to be a good film to grade off," 1,600-meter relay at the Pepsi/Converse/Black Invitational this weekend. Cartwright, who plans to use this game for tinued evaluation of the Panther troops.

Eastern can clinch AMCU tourney spot Lady netter By MIKE FITZGERALD stay alive and await the outcome of From the looks of it, the series Staff writer the Southwest-Western Illinois series should be an offensive show. go for seco At least one spot in the AMCU-8 on May 2-3. The Panthers can only Eastern continues to rip the ball, post season baseball tournament guarantee a tourney entry with a batting .323 as a team. Shortstop could be decided this weekend when four-game sweep of Eastern. Tim Bogar leads the team with a win of seas Eastern hooks up with Northern Eastern coach Tom McDevitt is not .408 average and has hit 11 home Iowa for four games at Monier Field. taking the four-game series lightly. runs while driving in 31. By MIKE MURPHY �. - Staff writer _ - Saturday;s double---.:-header- will "Northel'IL 1o:Wa considerably__ __ Outfielder. Shannon__ Coppell - _:_:_ � is_ is . women's tennis begin at 1 p.m. while Sunday's better than they have been in the ming off a three hit performance The 1-14 /? will try to remain on the twinbill starts at 12 noon. past," McDevitt said. "They've got at Illinois which included a solo ning track Friday as it Eastern is coming off a 15-12 loss good footspeed, and they split with . He also leads the team in h DePauw University on to Illinois, and were rained out of Western Illinois earlier this year." runs batted in with 35. Weller courtsat 3 p.m. action against Southern Illinois on Northern · Iowa is the top hitting The Panthers have also been getting ''We're a lot better Wednesday. team in the conference with a .371 strong performances from AMCU team our record shows," The Panthers, 20-17-1 overall, are team batting average. It also boasts Player of the Week Mike Rooney, who said Grant Alexander. tied for first place with Southwest the top two hitters in the AMCU-8 is hitting .331 with 10 home runs and Alexander is hopeful Missouri in the Gray Division with in shortstop Eric Snider (.431) and 33 RBI's. sophomore Maureen Mc 5-3 records. Eastern needs only two second baseman Dave Smith (.422). Eastern will be in action again on will feel strong enough victories in the four-game series to Both teams are near the bottom of Tuesday when it hosts St. Louis in a to p singles as well as doubles wrap up a tournament spot. the league in team ERA with 1 p.m. double header at Monier Friday. Alexander said Northern Iowa, at 3-5 in the Eastern at 6.87 and Northern Iowa Field. weather could be a key fact.or conference, must win three games to at 6. 76 on the season. how well her injured knee up. Softballers head to Northern Illinois Tournament He added that McKeon'� felt good throughout Tuesda By MIKE FITZGERALD Indiana team earlier in the season .300 or better. Denise Diaz leads the practice in warm wea Staff writer which stole 11 bases in a double team with a .397 average and is However, the knee bothered This weekend will be a very busy header. riding a 19-game . during the indoor match one for Eastern's softball team as it St. Louis enters the tournament Cindy Sands is hitting .349 and Wednesday. travels to Northern Illinois to play in with a 23-16 record and has posted leads the conference in RBI's with, "I hope they keep the a five-team round-robin tournament. the most victories out of the tour­ 33 and triples with eight. attitude going into The first annual tournament will nament's participants. Eastern, while only hitting .238 as match," Alexander begin at a.m. Friday at West Top hitter, Missy Keim, is hitting a team, has started to bring its bats 9 ''DePauw is a team that if Campus Diamond in Dekalb with the .373 and has stolen 13-13 bases. back to life. The Panthers collected play well, we can beat,• Panthers going against St. Louis Dawn Elser is hitting .340 with 20 10 hits in the second game against added. University. Eastern will also play at RBI's and 18-18 stolen bases. Evansville and must continue to hit Alexander is looking 10:30 a.m. against Wisconsin-Green The Billikens' pitching staff isn't well if they expect to win some strong playdeeper in the lin Bay. overpowering with only 59 games this weekend. ''We have to win the bo The Panthers, who are 17-14-1 for strikeouts to their credit. Eastern hit the tournament's final game In three or four singles positions the year, tackle Ball State in a 2 well against an Evansville staff against Northern Illinois, Ea'ltern will win; that's where we're p.m. contest on Saturday, and the which did not overpower it. will face possibly one of the . tougnest Alexander said. host Huskies at 4 p.m. The Panthers will more than likely hitters in the country. The No. 3 doubles team Eastern is currently riding a four­ face the tournaments' other con­ Outfielder Jill Justin is having an freshman Gretchen Fagen game winning streak, although the tenders on Saturday. impressive year for the not so im­ sophomore· Beth Stuckey Panthers were rained out of their Ball State, a team Eastern will pressive Huskies. She is hitting at a to continue their winning home finale Wednesday against face on April 28 at Muncie, Ind., is .536 clip while leading every of­ Friday. A win would give Miami of Ohio and will not make up tearing up the Mid-America Con­ fensive category on the team. an impressive overall sp the double-header. ference offensively. Justin has also hit 15 doubles and record of 10-6. The opener against the Billikens The Cardinals, 20-17 on the five triples for Northern, which is Friday's will be no easy ma should prove interesting because St. season, lead the conference with a 15-15 on the season going into a for the lady netters. "We Louis has stolen a remarkable 67 .300. team average, and have held double header with DePaul on play average and win we ha� bases in attempts this season, and opponents to .207 on the season. Thursday. 70 --- play Alexander ., . '. good," said. 24, 1987 Friday, April

Photo courtesy of Celebration Committee

tion continues to attract more people to Eastern's campus each year. In this balloon sculpture. About 40 craft booths and numerous activities are planned students and visitors alike turned up to participate in or watch the making of for this weeker:id'sev ent.

Ann ual arts festival brings variety to cam pus

On Saturda and Sunda a total of area, while others come from as far booths providing a variety of tastes for Y IO REPUTO y y te. Local merchants, frater­ HEUE MUEUER 39 craft booths will be set up around the away as West Virginia and Montana. any appeti library quad. These booths will be op�n People hoping occupy a booth at the nities and not-for-profit organizations from a. m. to 5 p.m. each da of festival must send an application fee of will serve as vendors. bration always offers a wide 10 y Celebration. $35 along with three picture slides of Janike estimated there will be about of things to see and do, and this food booths. s Celebration weekend promises to Also, 17 different craft booths will their work. The work must be original. 13 better than ever, said Vaughn have items for display and for sale. No kits, mold-made items, t-shirts or The list of foods to be served in­ onion ring, soft e, dean of the College of Fine These include: watercolors, clay, commercial products are allowed. Each cludes: french fries, jewelry, etching, wooden toys, leather artist must furnish his own booth fur­ pretzles, Pennslyvania Dutch pastries, goods, drawings, la ered hardwood, niture and displa equipment. hot dogs, tacos. barbequed ribs, brat­ think we're going to have larger y y The application is then selected or re­ wursts, barbequed pork tenderloins, s this year, and will be able to ac­ knives, embroidery , weaving, odate them, " Jaenike said. photographs, painting, lamps and glass jected by the Art Fair Selection Commit­ turkey legs, Won Tons, egg rolls and a said the number of programs this goods. tee after careful review, Jaenike said. children's booth will serve snow cones . If enjo ing the wide assortment of and corn dogs. may be slightly fewer in number The people who make and sell these y displays and other entertainment makes The food booths will be open from last year, but added "the quality of crafts come from many different loca­ 11 - tions. Some are the you there will be of a.m. to 5p.m. each day. ams we have is higher than in re from Charleston hungry, a number University Baptist Church Time Services will be held at 9:30 a.m. "The Secret of My Success." __. at 1505 Seventh St. Showtimes: L;-:45, 7 and 9:20 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 2 p.m. matinee lchChaurchrlestones Bible Center , Wesley United Methodist Church Saturday and Sunday, and 4:4 Services will be held at 10:30 a.m. 5 and Services will be held at 9 and 11 and 6 p.m. at 2605 University Drive. 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday at a.m. at 2206 S. Fourth St. Time Theatre, 1416 Broadway, Mat­ STAFF Christian Campus Fellowship toon . Rated PG-13. Verge editor...... Mic helle Mueller "Extreme Prejudice." Showtimes: Services will be held at 10: 30 a. m. Movies Verge r-hoto editor ...... Steve Beamer at 2231 S. Fourth St. I 5, 7:10 and 9:25 p.m. Friday and Artdi rector ...... Jill Mathwig ;;tlj Staff writers ...... Mary Jo Repetto Will Rogers Saturday, 2: 10 p.m. matinee Satur­ Dane Church of Christ day and Sunday, and 5 and 7:10 Diana Winson, Jeff Britt, John Pletz, "Hoosiers." Showtimes: 7 and Buczkowski, Dan Verdun Services will be held at 10: 30 a. m. 9:20 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 2 p.m. Monday through Thursday. at 917 Woodlawn Drive. p.m. matinee S?lturday and Sunday, Rated R. and 7 p.m. Sunday through First Baptist Church Thursday at the Will Rogers Theatre , ••••••••••••••••• Services will be held at 9:30 a.m. •••• 705 Monroe. Rated PG. at 2800 University Drive. • "Burglar." Showtimes: 7:15 and 9:15 p.m. Friday and Saturday, • First Christian Church 2:15 p.m. matinee Saturday and Services will be held at 9 a.m. at • Sunday, and 7:15 p.m. Monday 411 Jackson St. · • through Thursday. Rated R. • Campus Dog First Presbyterian Church • Grand Opening Services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Cinema at 311 Seventh St. "The Aristocats." Showtimes: 5, • 6:45 and 8:30 p.m. Friday and • soon to be annou nced Immanuel Lutheran Church Saturday, 2: 15 p.m. matinee Satur­ • Services will be held at 8: 15 and day and Sunday, and and 6:45 . 3 Will the waiting ever end? 10:45 a. m.at 902 Cleveland p.m. Monday through Thursday at • Twin City Cinema, 1421 Broadway, • Newman Catholic Community Mattoon. Rated G. -watch Services will be held at 5 p.m. • for details- "Police Academy 4." Showtimes: Saturday, 8 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. • 5:10, 7:15 and 9:10 p.m. Friday Sunday at St. Charles, 921 Madison, and Saturday, 2: 10 p. m. matinee • •••••••••••••••••••• and at 6:30 p.m. Saturday and 11 · Saturday and Sunday, and 5: 10 and a.m. Sunday in Buzzard Auditorium. 7: 15 p.m. Monday through Praise Assembly of God Thursday. Rated PG. Services will be held at 10:30 a.m. "Lethal Weapon." Showtimes: Complete and 6:30 p.m., and Sunday school 4:45, 7 and 9:20 p.m. Friday and Mexican Menu will be held at 9:30 a.m. Sunday at Saturday, 2 p.m. matinee Saturday the Newman Center on Ninth and and Sunday, and 4:45 and 7 p.m. PLUS M_o�day th�9ugh Thursday. Rated R. Lincoln. Italian Food 1/2 gal. spaghetti

Fine Mexican & I talian Food Chicago- Style- to go $2.99 . Pizza Saturday & Coupon worth 1140 Lincoln Ave. Sunday $2.00 off on Fast FREE Charleston, IL 61920 345-1521 Thursdays Delivery Delivery Tacos 49¢ Sunday Service Delivery Beginsat Saturday & Available 12 Noon

�t?wrnct11 f)ic11ic/ �cl§ at Fox Ridge (possum Holler) Sunday, April26 th • lp.m. til? • Mass at 2p.m. • I (mass is being celebrated for Sunday) BBQ at 5p.m. • Fo od & Drink Provided • Bring : blankets , frisbees, etc.

THE ANNOUNCEMENTS \-·:A-: r-;; �� �� Saturday night 9pm- Friends & Co. �,�G;--� · ,

FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 19 ovie combines mystery, violence and voodoo Angel later treks to New Orleans, together toward the end of the movie, bonus. However, Rourke seems a little where he finds Favorite's former lover but not all of them are explained or put too much like Bruce Willis, even though l Heart," a movie mixing Margaret Krusemark (Charlotte Rampl­ into context. For example, one of his Rourke has by far superior credits to his ts of mystery, violence and ing) . He also encounters Toots Sweet very first non-sequitur memories is of name. Also, the Don Johnson stubble , is an intense drama focusing (Brownie McGhee) , one of Favorite's two nuns sitting close together. Why he and suit that won't wrinkle-in spite of detective's attempts at tracking­ old band members. had that flashback is never really ex­ street fights and dog bites-just have to a missing pre-World War II ·When attempting to locate plained, along with several others. go. Evangeline Proudfoot, another of Rampling and McGhee are good in Intensity and drama are this movie's movie, starring Mickey Rourke Favorite's former loves, Angel meets their limited roles as the modern-day mainstays, and they do provide for a ·ve Harry Angel, is set in 1955 Proudfoot's daughter, Epiphany, she-witch and the jazz musician. Bonet's few breath-sucking moments. Also, ork where Angel is hired by a played not-so-convincingly by Lisa addition to the cast is rather dubious, director Alan Parker threw in a touch of hat mysterious Louis Cyphre Bonet, of "The Cosby Show" fame. though one can't help thinking it was appropriate humor, giving the audience by Robert DeNiro) to find out The plot of "Angel Heart" has many only prompted to stir up controversy a chance to relax once in a while. ppened to Johnny Favorite . twists and turns, eventually leaving over one of "Cosby's" kids appearing in All in all, the movie won't be taking e plays a scruffy, tough-talking many questions unanswered. First of the buff. (She does manage to do some any Academy Award nominations, and ite who takes to the · task all, the voodoo element of the movie kinky things with that chicken, though.) probably won't have many repeat hat reluctantly. He heads off to makes for a few bizarre moments, but its DeNiro, as always, is good in his por­ viewers, but for one hour and 50 down Favorite, but quickly en­ involvement with the overall plot trayal of the spooky Cyphre. minutes worth of dramatic strangeness, snag- his first lead doesn't quite gell. Rourke is undeniably the star of the it's worth seeing once. Next, Angel's flashbacks are brought show, and for Mickey's fans this is a big

e fam ily that eats together fights together unscathed. They didn't know, or want more verbal fisticuffs about bulging the living room wall sleeping in a to know, who I was. Like all good waistlines, the family decided to attack highchair with a chicken bone dangling ver understood why my brother children, they were seen and not heard. the young. Out came the movie screen from your mouth. so hard to get lost in the crowd My brothers and sisters weren't. and slide projector-I was humiliated in At that moment I realized something the rest of the family flocked to I understand that my brother, David, living color. very important-my brother wasn't just use for holiday dinners. and sister, Linda, are about to be in­ It's hard to maintain a sense of dignity hiding anymore- he had never even ortunately , the most recent holi­ ducted into the illustrious 40 club and when you suddenly appear life-size on come to dinner. ered me an opportunity to figure are facing the dreaded mid-life crisis, y brother's grand scheme. He's but their behavior was not pretty. Ac­ tisocial, but he's also not stupid. tually, there were five people between seen ut two months ago, my father in­ the ages of 30 and 40 who had not me that my sister would be each other in a long time. g from Maryland for Easter. At All was civil and fairly quiet until din­ The Roses of was kind of excited, as I had not ner time. By 5:30 p.m. my brother and my sister and her family in almost brother-in-law had renewed their friend­ years. ship as old drinking buddies and sister s·igma Tau Gamma ever, where there's smoke, Linda was gargling with champagne. I 's fire . As long as we had three ex­ never thought of my brothers and sisters uths to feed, my father invited the as cruel people, but I hadn't witnessed a would like clan since I was in of the family and decided to feed gathering of the I was worried to congratulate r dozen people. It sounded like a seventh grade when enough idea. I could tolerate the about eating instead of listening. gang for a few hours. My brother David is nothing like his ot to take into account that the two shy, quiet sons. After four or five would not be limited only to beers, I found that David has a real ugly siblings. I had forgotten about the side. Linda was first on the hit-list. I never Tina young children they had produc- So knew just how sensitive women are on becoming a their hair or inquiries 1 children make me nervous, about the color of what dye they use to fight the I had to eat dinner · with seven of about , not one of whom had seen his gray. Pink Panther birthday. It's funny how a quiet family dinner at it turned out, I had nothing to fear home can turn into a feud more bitter and McCoys. we're proud of you ! the children. I was able to walk than the Hatfields from the dinner table virtually After the middle-aged traded a few

CONGRATULATE that Special Graduate with a personal message Through The Daily Eastern News

GraduationName Perso: nals Your congratulatory note is only $2.00 Address: for 10 words, with each additional word costing $.20. All ads will appear on Mon­ Phone: day, May in the Finals Edition. Message: DEADLINE for entries is Thursday, April 4

30. Check Box: Black White art ($1 extra) Circle Art Choice: D Blue Art& ($2 extra) a) b) � c) D c� OF THE WEEKEND 38 FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1987 ON THE VERGE Early music ,days make for happy memories

By DANE BUCZKOWSKI question. Another time in the ban- We were marching at a home Staff writer droom I brought a dead sparrow and when my eagerness became too m Some words about the author: stuffed it in a bass clarinet. When Julie I was in such a hurry to get off ,. the After covering music and other forms ��L).,) fit ��! the bass clarinetist dumped the bird after the pre-game show that some of art at Eastern for the semester, �tfj). because no sound came, a riotous situa- my legs did a jig on each yard line. several people asked to see som�thing tion emerged. The dean got in on the discipline about my old music days. A familiar thing happened after the time with another three days i rntrt1m11n�rru! · n the Music and the arts have always been l1Jct�Lll1U1��1 LJCJ.OlJulM1� bird extraction. For some reason, My only sanctuary in !SS was thi a major part of my life , whether it be Co. Well, this cabby would also go on to fingers were pointing at me. However, I about the new band director's face playing the trumpet in the band or say that he has a lady in the car whoI will felt a bit harmonious because there was strutted on the yard line. doodling on notebooks. But it's the finer have her baby at any moment. He no way to nail this one on me. So as the years passed by, detail within this front that makes it all would also wait until the director is These were events of the inside band things changed. I haven't done any interesting. . ready to go out the door to the hospital rehearsals. There were also devious acts jor pranks in a while to torture It was only an April fool's joke, but before announcing that it was a joke. on the football field. directors. Why, these days I'm not somehow it turned into a catastrophe. Boy, did that backfire. The members of the marching band in the concert band-but there is This was the case my junior year in high I ended up with three days in the may relate to this one because of the fire burning in me to play as much school when the band director's wife dreaded "in school suspension"; other­ need to let out pangs of frustration from as possible. was expecting-at any moment. wise known as !SS. After serving a total marching. Let's hope the band directors ci During the days of slightly immature of 21 hours in the same room within Deviant behavior seems to never rowdier days have forgiven me by ignorance, I thought th1ngs would be three days, I realized that these kinds of happen at the proper time. Of course Perhaps some day I will visit my funny when actually they were harmful. April fool's jokes were for the birds. any time can be proper, but con- mater and I would like it to be a safe Hopefully he can laugh about the inci­ But bird jokes were not out of the sequences have to be served. pleasant visit. dent today. • • • • • 1D111�...:a1111a11-.:1 ... :-.m .. We were all waiting in the hall for band rehearsal to start when I got the OFFICIAL "LITTLE PEOPLE'S WEEKEND" idea for the April fool's joke. I would call the director from the pay phone claim­ ing to be "Jack" from the Checker Cab 1.D. CARDS

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Ad deadline is Tuesday, April 28 Don 1t Miss Out!


J 48 ON THE VERGE OF THE WEEKEND FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1 ummer job seekers may find few openings

study. }.]EXT suMMfR :r't\ :JDB t\uNi EA�J\t:R "There are a few students who want they haven't already found employ­ to get in summer jobs related with their !, students staying in Charleston majors. We help them to identify target y have a hard time finding jobs this employers," Knott said. mer, officials say. He said the search for summer allowing a trend. from the past few employment should begin in early spr­ rs. summer jobs are scarce again this ing. "You have to go to the employer in , said Ken Reveal, client services person to make your interests known," rvisor at Job Service in Mattoon. he said . "You have to make dozens of "I project a tight summer job market contacts with prospective employers" in for summer employment," Reveal and "follow up." . "It's been that way for the last two He stresses students should seek jobs, three summers." as opposed to waiting for jobs to seek He said summer jobs are primarily in them. food restaurants and retail stores, Knott has information on a summer in those places they are "very job in financial planning. The job is ited." He said manufacturing and open to college juniors. He said he isn't · ultural work, such as corn detassl­ as familiar with the students as their in­ ' are unavailable through Job Ser­ structors, "so I'm publicizing this to the this summer. faculty people because I don't know the He said Job Service has "periodic juniors." nings" for summer jobs as well as Students in the past have held such -time jobs throughout the year for common jobs as clerical, restaurant and ge students. retail sale work . "There really is quite a The Mattoon Job Service encom­ variety. In most of the jobs they train s five counties: Coles, Edgar, you in a few hours or a few days," he , Cumberland and Shelby. said. On campus, the Placement Center is Another source is the job board in the ther alternative for finding summer financial aid office. "If a department has part-time employment. problems finding students to fill their Jay Knott, director of placement, said jobs, they will ask us to fill the vacan­ finding students ." He added "during the come in to get information from the job center, which has no reported list of cies," said John Flynn, director of finan­ course of the year, approximately board..·,,., there's no way to determine the ailable jobs, aids students in finding cal aid. 3,200 students will work on campus." number of students that are helped mer employment in their fields of "Normally they don't have problems He said because the students just through the office.

urvivor's newest leaves a feeling of deja vu the exact-same pattern on When lyrics are back also. Lines such as "I've their product. Seconds Count that it had on Vital seen those mean streets, blind So next time you're walking on cam­ 'vor Signs. alleys/Where the currency of love pus and hear what you think is Vital en Seconds Count The {;Urrent album is filled with songs changes hands," creep up everywhere. Signs straining from a residence hall Is it only me or does every Survivor of lost loves and hardships ("Man Still, there's no doubt in my mind this win d ow, think again -it's probably um sound the same? Against the World" and "Can't Let You album has and will continue to sell well. When Seconds Count. Just a few keyboard strains into "ls Go") and the group's attempts at hard­ The members of this group aren't Then again, maybe it's not. is Love," the opening song on the driving rock and roll ("Rebel Son") . stupid. They know there is a market for Then again, does it really matter? d's When Seconds Count LP one And, oh yes, those typical Survivor ds himself thinking he's heard this We Deliver Free We Deliver Free We Deliver Free We Deliver Free $3 ne before. f

______:�·,· �t��-G���1n +-;�;�:�:�:> )! al/i.'/�o::o:now =:: ·�:!:f:,;:��:p,· �� 348-f855 i ...... FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1987 UN THE VERGE OF THE WEEKEND 58 l.iiiiiiiiii. 1111111111!1���1!1!�!1!'������� - Friday (1968) Frank Sinatra has the Movies. ACROSS 61 Orbital period 9Jumble 38 Devastation title role in a hard-hitting 38-News 64 Roll-call cry 10 Stone pillar 39 Comet, e.g. 1 Swedish rock adaptation of Roderick 5:05 p.m. 65 --nest 11 Worsted yarn 40 "0 come - Noon band Thorp's best seller about a 5-Wrestling (hoax) 12 Zealous Bethlehem" 2,3,9,1 0-News 5 Shatter 5:30 p.m. 66 Seneca's i:m pil 13 Mickey or 41 O.E. letters homosexual murder case. 10 Wound's 1 5-Days of Our Lives 67 Gang endfog Andy 44 Hindu princes 1 2-Washington Week In 3,10,17-News aftermath 17,38-All My Children 68 L. Carroll 21 Atlas abbr. 45 Wading bird Review 9-0ne Big Family 14 Maize 12:05 p.m. creature 22 African 46 French 17, 38-Charmings 1 2-Sneak Previews 15 Knights 5-Movie: "The Virginia Hill 69 Kind of tube or witchcraft carriage 7:05 p.m. 38-lt's a Living Hospitalers' Story" ( 1 9 7 4) The woman photograph 23 Internal 48 Charge 5-Between Games Show 6:00 p.m. land who rose from childhood Security Act 50 Derisive look 7:30 p.m. 2,3, 10, 1 5-News 16 Elephant's ear DOWN poverty to become the moll of sponsor: Abbr. 51 Bow or Barton 2, 1 5-Amazing Stories 9-What A Country! 17 Cobra feature gangster Bugsy Siegel. 1 Heine's sigh 24 Earthen pot In back of 3, 10-Popcorn Kid 12-Avengers 18 Fourth- !i2 12:30 p.m. 2 Catcall's kin 28 Foulard's 53 Certain 1 2-Wall Street Week 1 7-Gimme A Break! century 2-Days of Our Lives 3 Bully place newsstand 38-Solid Gold Christian 1 7 ,38-Webster 4 'The Egg 29 Incline 56 Directs toward 3, 10-Bold and The Beautiful 6:30 p.m. heretic 5-NBA Playoff -," 1947 film 30 Beaux -- 57 Sky : Comb. 9-Baseball: Chicago Cubs at 19 Edible corm 8:00 p.m. 2, 15-Wheel of Fortune 5 Petty 33 That : Fr. form Montreal . 20 Co-star of 2, 15-Miami Vice 3-Country Crossroads 6 Singer 34 Eris's twin 58 Bobcat 1:00 p.m. "Dear Ruth" 3, 1 0-Movie: "Do You 9-At the Movies Muldaur 35 "- and 62 Bird or tree 3, 10-As the World Turns 23 Play - with Remember Love" The story of 1 0-Wild Kingdom 7 An anonym Bill," 1930 film 63 Banjoist Clark 1 5-Another World (make trouble a brave struggle with the 7:00 p.m. 8 Grapeju ice 36 Yeats subject 17,3 8-0ne Life To Live - for) terrors of Alzheimer's disease. 2, 1 5-Facts Of Life 1:30 p.m. 25 Forlorn cry 5 6 8 11 12 13 but also the story of a happy 3, 1 0-0utlaws 2-Another World 26 Legs, to marriage. 9-National Geographic 14 1:35 p.m. Ludwig 1 2-Great Performances 12-Wonderworks 5-Woman Watch 27 Full of : Suffix 1 7 ,38-Starman 17 2:00 p.m. 1 7 ,38-MacGyver 29 - Han 9:00 p. . 7:05 p.m. 3, 10-Guiding Light in (Korea) 2, 1 5-Stingray 5-Movie: "Zulu" (1964) 1 5-Santa Barbara 31 Pen 9-News Stanley Baker. 17,3 8-General Hospita 32 Wings on seeds i 1 2.- ln A Brilliant Light: Van 7:30 p.m. 2:05 p.m. 33 Of a judge's Gogh in Aries 2, 1 5-Sweet Surrender private office 5-Tom and J-;;;y 17,38 -ABC News Closeup . 8:00 p.m. 37"The-" . 2:30 p.m. The Bomb Factories 2, 15-Golden Girls novel abo t20 2-Santa Barbara 9:30 p.m. 3, 10-Movie: "Follow Your Across and 55 1 2-Sesame Street Dreams, aka Independence Across, in part 3:00 p.m. 9-News � 10:00 p.m. Day" ( 1 983) an episodic 42 Nones' kin 3-0prah Winfrey 2,3, 10, 15, 1 7-News study of small-town life 43 Act 10-$ 1 ,000,000 Chance of 9-Honeymooners revolving around an as iring 44 British mil. a Lifetime 1 2-Doctor Who photographer torn between branch 1 5-Dennis The Menace 47 Anatomical 38-Too Close For Comfort her career and romance.p 1 7-Divorce Court duct 5-NBA Playoff 9-National Geographic 49 38-Silverhawks 48 Kind of healer 10:30 p.m. 1 2-Movie: "The Lady Eve" 3:05 p.m. 49 Dispatch boat 55 2, 1 5-Tonight ( 1941 ) Farce about a female 5-Scooby Doo 51 Soap unit 3, 10-M * A *S*H cardsharp who tangles with a 3:30 p.m. 54 Uh-uh and nix 59 9-Magnum P. I millionaire aboard ship. 2-Dallas 55 Co-star of 1 1 7,38-0hara 2-Movie: "The Big Sky" "Dear Ruth" 1 0-Smurfs' Adventures 8:30 p.m. 64 ( 1952) Version of the A.B. 59 Approval: 1 2-Mister Rogers' Neigh· 2, 15-Me & Mrs. C. Guthrie novel about an Abbr. 67 borhood 9:00 p.m. eventful keelboat expedition 60 Ab - (from 1 5-She-Ra: Princess of 2, 1 5-Hunter up the Missouri River in the an angry man) Power 1'830's. 9-News See page 11Afor answe� 1 7 -Superior Court 38-Nightline 17, 38-Spenser: For Hire 38-Thundercats 10:35 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 3:35 p.m. 1 7-Dating Game 9-INN News 5-Flinstones 8:00 p.m7 11:00 p.m. 1 2-Moviemakers WEIU-TV . 4:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 2, 15-Movie: "Hostage 3-Star Trek 3-Magnum P. I. 2,3, 10, 15, 1 7-News Flight" (1985) Americans on 1 0-Keep On Cruisin' Frida Yourself · Part I" 9-G.I. Joe 9-'Allo 'Allo a domestic flight bound for y 1 38-Telephone Auction 6:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 0-WKRP In Cincinnati 12-To the Manor Born Detroit take action when their 11:05 p.m. Important Information Inside - Roughing It · "Canoeing" 12-Square One Television 38-Entertainment This Week plane is hijacked by in­ 1 7-Nightline "John F. Peto and the Idea of 1:30 p.m. 1 5-Diff'rent Strokes 10:05 p.m. ternational terrorists, who 11:30 p.m. Still Life Painting" The Search for Solutions · 1 7-Love Connection 5-Night Tracks Chartbusters demand the release of an 2, 1 5-Friday Night Videos 6:30 a.m. "Modeling" 38-Wonderful World Of 10:20 p.m. imprisoned leader. 9-Movie: "Captain Blood" Computers at Work • "Com­ 2:00 p.m. Disney 17-ABC News 3, 10-Movie: "Pack of Lies" (1 935) Errol Flynn in version . puter Crime and Security" The Independents: 4:05 p.m. 10:30 p.m. They trusted each other of Rafael Sabatini's novel of 7:00 a.m. Declarations of Independents 5-Rocky Road 2, 15-Saturday NiQht Live completely, until someone the Caribbean pirate days. Health Action 3:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 3-Movie: "The Great Waldo tore them apart... with the 38-PTL Club 7:30 a.m. Market Wrap 2-Jeopardy! Pepper" (1975) Robert truth. 11:35 p.m. The lngependents: 3:30 p.m. 9-Transformers Redford portrays a daredevil 9-Love Boat 1 7-Ask Dr. Ruth Declarations of lndependents1 Money Talk 1 0-Facts of Life barnstorming pilot of the 1 2-Masterpiece Theatre Midnight 8:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 12-Sesame Street 1920's who links up with a 1 7 ,38-Movie: "American 3-Hawaii Five-0 Ask Washington Wall Street Final 1 5-Facts of Life small air-circus. Gigolo" (1980) Melodrama 1 0-McGarrett 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 1 7-Entertainment Tonight 9-Movie: "Merrill's about a male prostitute. 12:05 a.m. The Wonderful World of News Scan 51 4:35 p.m. Marauders." (1962) Story of 5-National Geographic 17-News Acrylics 5:30 p.m. 5-Baseball: San Francisco at trek into the Burmese jungle Explorer 12:15 a.m; 9:30 a.m. Earth, Sea and Sky · "LUlllr Atlanta. led by Brig. Gen. Frank 9:00 p.m. 5-Night Tracks Power Play All About TV Geology" 5:00 p.m. · Merrill during WWII. 9-News 12:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 2, 1 ?-People's Court 1 0-Star Search 1 2-0ne By One 38-NOAA Weather Report A Better Way Earth, Sea and Sky · "National 3-News 10:35 p.m. 9:50 p.m. 1:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Parks II" 9-Facts of Life 1 ?-Wrestling 1 2-Prairie Pathways 2,3-News Teaching For Thinking: 6:30 p.m. 10-M *A*S*H 11:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 1 5-Nightlife Creativity in the Classroom • EIU Connection '87'' with 1 5-Jeopardy! 1 2-Woman of Substance - 2,3, 10, 15, 1 7-News "Metaphoric Thinking and Vaughn Jaenike 38-Entertainment Tonight Part 2, concludes here next 5-Sports Page Analogic Thought" 7:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Saturday week. 9-Tales From the Darkside 11:00 a.m. Film Classic Theatre · "Son of 2,3, 10, 15, 17,38 -News 38-Solid Gold 12-'Allo, 'Allo Mid-Day Market Report Monte Criste" starring Clayton 9-WKRP In Cincinnati 4:00 p.m. 38-Telephone Auction 12:00 p.m. Moore 1 2-Nightly Business Report 9-Music Machine 10:1 5 p.m. Louisiana Cookin' . "Shrimp 9:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 1 2-Last Chance Garage Sunda 10-C BS News y Gumbo A La Jeannine, Duck U.S.A. Tonight World and 2,3, 10, 15, 1 7-News 5-Headline News 10:20 p.m. and Turnips" National News 9-Barney Miller 4:05 p.m. 17-ABC News 12:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 1 2-MacNeil, Lehrer 5-Fishing With Roland Martin 6:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Sew What's New · "Suit News Scan 51 Newshour 4:30 p.m. 2, 15-0ur House 2-Weekend with Crook and 38-Dating Game 9-lt's a Living 3, 10-60 Minutes Chase 6:30 p.m. 1 2-Newton's Apple 9-Fame 3-Star Trek 2, 15-Wheel of Fortune 4:35 p.m. 1 2-Austin City Limits 5-Jerry Falwell 3-PM Magazine 5-Fishin' With Orlando 17,3 8-Disney Movie: "The 9-Lou Grant 9-Jeffersons Wilson Devil and Max Devlin" ( 1 981 ) 1 0-National Geographic 1 0-Hollywood Squares 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 12-lllinois Press 17,38 -Newlywed Game 2, 15-Hee Haw 2, 1 5-Rags to Riches 1 5-Movie: "The Wild Women 7:00 p.m. 9-Charles in Charge 3, 10-Murder She Wrote of Chastity Gulch" (1982) 2, 1 5-Roomies 10-Alice 9-Lifestyles of the Rich and They're fending off Union 3, 10-Nothing Is Easy 1 2-Bodydwatch Famous soldiers while their men are 9-Movie: "The Detective" 1 7 -Siske! & Ebert & The 12-Nature fighting the war. 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Proceeds from Celeb�ation ; 7 will suppor the "Make Room for Ar•' .::itudio Campmgn riday 11:00 AM April 24, 1987 11:00-5:00 pm 11:00 AM Food Booths Open Library Quad 11:00-5 pm 11:00-1 1 :55 am • Food Booths Open EIU Lab Band Library Quad • Directed by Jeff Anderson 11:55 AM Quad Stage 11:55-12:00 NOON ll:OO am BU Trumpet Fanfare H You're A Dreamer, Come On In Directed by Tom Brawner Children's Theatre Quad Stage Directed by Steve Donart 12:00 NOON Playroom-50¢ A FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS 1987 111J0.1:00 pm ll:OOam Latin Percussion Sir Dance-A-Lot Directed by Marvin Sparks Dance for all ages. Scott Saegesser Quad Stage & Show Choir members �SCHEDULE OF EVENTS- Union Station 1:00 PM 2:00 pm 8:00 PM 1 :30-3:30pm Violin-Piano Duo Greenwood School Museum 1:00-1 :30 pm 11:00 am B:OO pm Violin cello Dorothee Kim, Madeline lgnazito Dragon Dance-Shimomura Roger Shimomura Exhibit Video Tape of making instruments Union Bridge Library Quad Multi·media art presentation 2:00 PM T arble Arts Center 2:00 pm Union Grand Ballroom-$5 Adult; 2:00pm-3:30 pm C-Swing 1:30 PM 11:55 AM $4 Sr. citizen; $3 student/children Back Streets 1:30-2:30 pm Charleston H. S. Show Choir 11:55 am Steve Wunder, Tenor sax )llz Combo Alice Jayne Swickard, Director Trumpet Fanfare Quad Stage Directed by Dan Goble Dvorak Concert Hall Directed by Tom Brawner Quad Stage Sunday 2:00 pm 2:00 pm 1:30-3:30 pm 12 N N KarenSanders OO OrvalHale April 26, 1987 Greenwood SchoolMuseum 12:00-1:30 pm Faculty Recital, piano Old·time Banjo 10:00 AM Exhibit The New Golden Rule Orchestra Dvorak Concert Hall Bookstore Lounge 10:00-5:00pm U of I Jazz Band 2:30 PM 2:00 pm Crafts Booths Open 2:00 pm Quad Stage 2:30-3:00 pm H You're a Dreamer, Come On In Library Quad Sacred Harp 12:00 pm Dragon Dance-Shimomura Children's Theatre 10:00am-5:00 pm Shape-NoteSin gers Young Violin Performers Union Bridge Library Quad Directed by Steve Donart BU Graduate ArtShow Suzuki students of Vesta Rundle Playroom-50¢ Tarble Arts Center 2:00 pm 3:00 PM & Jackie Snyder perform with Sounds of Music 3:00-4:00 pm 2:00 pm 10:00am-5:00 pm students of Terry Coulton Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia presents Elvis Brothers Sounds of Music Photo Exhibit Dvorak Concert Hall a musical experience for all ages Quad Stage Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia presents by Hadley Junior High students 12:00 pm a musical experience for all ages Union Bridge Lounge Union Station PM Violincello 4:00 Union Station 10:00am-5:00 pm 2:00 pm 4:00-5:30 pm Video Tape of making instruments 2:00 pm Folk Artists Storyteller "Practical T arble Arts Center /\ Jic" • Poetry- original works Union Book Store Lounge Loralee Cooley play by Shannon Keith Kelly A 12:00 pm Michael Kuo, Bob Zordani Tarble Arts Center Fine Arts Playroom Classical Guitar 11:00 AM & Patrick Peters 2:30 PM John Elder, guitarist 11:00-5:00 pm 8:00 PM Library Lecture Room 2:30 pm Union Bridge Food Booths Open 8:00 pm Walt & ArtRa hn 2:30 PM Library Quad Mordine & Co. 12:00 pm 2:30 pm Old Family Songs Evening Performance of the. Storyteller 11:00am Walt & Art Rahn Bookstore Lounge Ch1cago·based Dance Troupe Loralee Cooley Raku for You Old Family Songs Dvorak Concert Hall Tarble Arts Center Paint your own tea bowl 3:00 PM Bookstore Lounge 12:00 pm Ernie Whitworth, Instructor 3:00 pm 2:30 pm Sounds of Music Union Station-$2.00 H You're.a Dreamer, Come On In Designer T's Saturday Phi Mu Atp!-aSi nfonia presents 11:30 AM Children's Theatre Design a T-shirt transfer a musicaLe� penence for ali ag�s Directed y _te�e_Donart . - . �11:30 am April 25., 1987 ·Becky Sawyer, Instructor � _? Union :.ration Sir Dance-A-Lot Playroom-50¢ 10:00 AM Union Station-50¢ 10:00-Spm 12:30 PM Dance for all ages 3:00 pm 2:45 PM John Snyder & Arlin Dietz Crafts Booths Open 12:30 pm Union Station 2:45 pm Fiddle & Harmonica 10:00 am-5:00pm Designer T's 11:55 AM Lake Land Singers Bookstore Lounge EIU Graduate ArtShow Design a T·shirt transfer 11:55 am Directed by Kendria Schroeder T arble Arts Center ·Becky Sawyer, Instructor Trumpet Fanfare 3:00 pm Dvorak Concert Hall Raku for You 10:00 am-5:00 pm Union Station-50¢ Directed by Tom Brawner 3:00 PM Paint your own tea bowl Photo Exhibit l:OO PM Quad Stage Ernie Whitworth, Instructor by Hadley Junior High students l:OO pm 3:00 pm 12NOON Union Station-$2.00 Union Bridge Lounge Classical Guitar Saxophone Quartet 12:00-1:30 pm · 3:00 pm 10:00am-5:00 pm Dan Goble, Director James Robertson, guitarist. EIU JazzCombo Sir Dance-A-Lot Storycorner Union Bridge Union Bridge Directed by Tom Brawner Dance for all ages. "Elephants, Children & Owls" 3:00 pm 1:00 pm Quad Stage Union Station Carol and David Stevens Pete Priest Mike Haugh L'es& John Britlin & 12:00 pm Union Station Fiddle & Banjo Tunes 3:30 PM Fiddle Tunes Sounds of Music 10:00 am-5:00 pm Bookstore Lounge 3:30 pm Bookstore Lounge Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia presents Michael O'Brien& 3:00 pm Nina Adkins & l:OO pm a musical experience for all ages Mike Thomason Make and Take It Katy & John Osborne Make It and Take It It Union Station Family Songs Street entertainers/jugglers Make-a-puppet art activity Make-a-puppet art activity 12:00 pm Boosktore Lounge library Quad Instructor, Tami Renshaw Instructor, Tami Renshaw Storyteller 3:30-4:00 pm 10:00am-5:00 pm Tarble ArtsCenter -$1 .00 Tarble Arts Center-$1.00 Loralee Cooley Dragon Dance-Shimomura Folk Artists 1:00 pm 3:30 PM T arble Arts Center Library Quad Union Book Store Lounge Old-Time Family Music 3:30 pm l:OO PM 4:00 PM 10:00-1 1 :00 am Thom & Becky Phipps EIU Collegians 1:00 pm 4:00-5:00 pm Charleston H. S. Jazz/Band and Gaye Harrison Eastern's Show Choir Pete Priest & Mike Haugh Third Generation Directed by Ginger Stanfield Union Station Bob Hills, Director Fiddle Tunes Bluegrass band Quad Stage 1:30 PM Dvorak Concert Hall Bookstore Lounge Quad Stage 10:00 am 1:30 pm 3:30 pm 1:00 pm 4:00 pm Soundsof Music EIU Collegians Naoma Williams AHred Balch EIU ConcertBand Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia presents Eastern's Show Choir Turn·of·the-Century parlor Lincoln Log Cabin storyt�ller Richard Barta, Director a musical experience for all ages Bob Hills, Director instruments & folk songs Hal Malehorn, Union Station Dvorak Concert Hall Union Station Dvorak Concert Hall Bookstore Lounge 1:00 pm 4:00 pm 10:00 am 1:30 pm 3:30 pm Raku for You Indian Creek Delta Boys Violincello John Bishop, Blues Storyteller Paint your own tea bowl Bluegrass band Video Tape of making instruments Home-madeTune s Loralee Cooley Ernie Whitworth, Instructor Bookstore Lounge by Nebraska ETV Network Bookstore Lounge T arble Arts Center Union Station-$2.00 Tarble Arts Center 1 :30-2:00pm 3:30-4:00 pm 4:30 PM Dragon Dance-Shimomura l:OO pm 10:30 AM Dragon Dance-Shimomura 4:30 pm Library Quad 10:30 am Library Quad 1:00 pm C.W. Brock Family Band Youth String Ensemble , 1 :30 pm-3:00 pm 4:00 PM H You're A Dreamer, Come On In Bluegrass band Directed by Terry Coulton Instrument Maker 4:00 pm Children's Theatre Bookstore Lounge Union Bridge David Wiebe & Sarah West Saxestencialists Directed by Steve Donart 8:00 PM Brainard Gallery, Tarble Arts Center Playroom-50¢ 10:30 am Dynamic chamber group 8:00 pm 1 :30-3:30 pm Storyteller Quad Stage 1:30 PM The Skin of Our Teeth Greenwood School Museum Loralee Cooley 4:00 pm 1:30 pm Theatre Arts Department Exhibit Tarble Arts Center EIU Flute Ensemble John Bishop, Blues Fine Arts Theatre-$4 Adult; 10:30 am 2:00 PM Timothy Lane, Director Home-madetune s $3 Sr. citizen; $2 EIU students Designer T's 2:00 pm-3:00 pm Union Bridge Bookstore Lounge Design a t-shirt transfer Rock City Rebels 4:00 pm 1 :30-2:00 pm Becky Sawyer, Instructor New sound sensation SpecialGue st Musicians Dragon Dance-Shimomura Union Station-50¢ Quad stage Bookstore Lounge Library Quad

Charleston Kiwanis Club The City of Charleston Tickets for Festival events College of HPER (Tourism Advisory · Committee) , Illinois Arts may be purchased at the Fine Arts Ticket Office SponsoredVice-Preside innt part for Stud by: ent Affa irs Co-sponsoredCouncil, Univer sitby:y Board Special Events, Art betweenTicket Inf 1aormation:nd 5 p. m. on April 24 and 10 a.m. Department of English Board, and the College of Fine Arts and 5 p. m .. April 25 and 26. Call 581 -31 10.

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• •

A Festiml of TheArts" 19B1 • continuous performances on tfie Quad Stage allweek-end • fo od bootfis fe aturing all kinds of culinary dtfigfits • arts and crafts demonstrations • crafts bootfis • cfiildren's arts activities • cfiildren's tfieater • fo lk arts • fo lk music • young violinists • jugglers • balloons • and Junfo r Ifie entire fa mily •

This performing, recording, rocking group will add lively sounds to the open-air food/music fest on the Quad from 3 to 5 p.m. Friday, April 24. (Sponsored by University Board.)

LMordine & Co . This well-known Chicago-based troupe will hold master classes at Eastern and workshops in the Charleston school system; and will be featured in an evening performance at 8:00 p.m. on Friday, April 24, in the Dvorak Concert Hall. (Sponsored by Illinois Arts Council.)

Roae/ r Sfii111on1ura Nationally recognized painter, printmaker and performance art­ ist. recipient of the Individual National Endowment for the Arts, and Professor of Art at the University of Kansas, Roger Shimomura has returned to Eastern by popular demand. He will present an evening of multi-media with large-scale puppets and other visual delicacies at 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 25. (Sponsored by Illinois Arts Council.)

'flie Skin �f Our 'Ieeto The Theatre Arts Department at Eastern will present this won­ derfu l comedy by Thornton Wilder on Sunday, April 26 at 8:00 p.m. in:the Theatre. This "cosmic burlesque" won the Pulitzer Prize in 1943, but grows more humorous and pointed than ever in our present age of anxiety over nuclear dangers. Shattering the arguments of the prophets of doom, this play is a just cause for "Celebration !" Directed by Clarence Blanchette.

Please call 217-581-2917 or 581-2113 for a complete schedule of events. For ticket info rmation, call 217-581- April31 102� between 1 and-2 5 p.m. Mon6day through Friday. Eastern I /lino is University (:fiarlesto11 Co-sponsored by: The City of Charleston (Tourism Advisory Committee), T�e Illinois Arts Council, University Board (Special Events), Art Board and College of Fine Arts.