th Week Beginning 8 February Hi Girls, I hope that you are all keeping well. I have scheduled a zoom meeting for this th Wednesday the 16 February at 9:35am . Please note the zoom session will be on Tuesday this week ONLY. The details of this meeting are below. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT OUR ZOOM TIMES HAVE CHANGED TO ACCOMMODATE LONGER SESSIONS AND CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED BY ENTERING THE MEETING ID INTO THE ZOOM APP. THIS IS DUE TO INCREASED SECURITY MEASURES. THE PASSWORD WHICH IS ALWAYS THE SAME WILL BE SENT TO YOUR FAMILY EMAIL/PHONE. Many thanks, Ms.Dillon
[email protected] Zoom Meeting: th Date:Tuesday 16 February @ 9:35am Topic: 4th Class Literacy Group Meeting ID: 981 9398 6472 th Suggested Literacy activities for 4 Class Group ● Grammar: Plurals - We use the plural form when we find more than one of a certain thing. To write most words in the plural form, add ‘s’. - For words ending in s,x,z,ch and sh add es. - Example: church=churches A. Change these words to plurals by adding the endings s or es. cap ____________ adult __________________ bus______________ lane ___________________ fox _______________ buzz ___________________ brush ________________ member __________________ B. Rewrite each of these sentences in your copy, changing the bold words to plurals. 1. The parent and toddler have swimming class on Wednesday and Friday. 2. There are three lane open for adult only on weeknight from 8:15. 3. All swimmer must wear swimming cap. 4. Member can swim on Saturday and Sunday. 5. The friend attend swimming lesson together at 5pm on Wednesday.