A rc h iv e d City Council tackles pollution

by Randall Fry and Ann Jones Inadequacy of city authorities in times blatant violations go un­ with the public, and that private that the council would set aside enforcing anti-pollution laws. punished. citizens should be made aware of money to buy more segments of It seems that taking action The Council members, on the the problems facing the en­ the creek, while Spring asked against ths problems of pollution "It's time to take the Issue off other hand, was quick to point out vironment. He pointed out that that the money be spent to can be a very involved process. the back burner and honor your sevsral programs they have the Council had just approved the educate the creek owners. At least this appeared to be the pledge,” said Krejsa. Others in initiated with have done much to city’s entering into a contract The only counter to the ad­ case during the Monday night the audience Joined his plea. The alleviate some of the problems. with an advertising firm for the vertising program cams when a meeting of the San Luis Obispo council was asked to set up a city They pointed out that they were promotion of San Luis Obispo in member of the audience City Council. ordinance against stream responsible for the beginning of the coming year, and that this questioned the use of city funds Dr. Richard Krejsa, a Bio. Sci. pollution and to set a stiff fine of mandatory trash pick-up, as wsll contract provided for the for ths promotion of the city to instructor, confronted ths 91,000 for violators. Skip Carr, as the program involving the City promotion of San Luis Obispo to outside people if no funds for new Council at this meeting with what vice-pres. of the student Ecology Engineers’ offics and their its citizens and would certainly anti-pollution programs oould be he felt was a lack of progress on Action on this campus, asked that program of clearing local creeks deal with the problems of the found to make sure that Ian Luis ths part of ths city towards any some of the 934,000 funded for of litter and obstructions. environment. Obispo remains a desirable place stfactive control of pollution tn advertising the city be vent to Mayer Kenneth Schwarts By a vote of three to two, with In which to live. the community. Krejsa made inform the people of the city stated tl at the council, tied as it Arthur F. Spring and Donald Q. City attorney, Harold Johnson, several accusations, specifically about pollution. Claims wore is to a sti .ct budget, is and should Miller voting against, the Council cams under attack after ex­ citing several instances of oil made that city agendas are bs doing all it can to protect the ruled to spend the allocated plaining the procedure for being dumped into San Luis ineffective even in enforcing the environment. He added that the 934,000 to advertise the beauties prosecuting pollution violators, Obispo creek and of the prooont pollution laws, that many major deterrent to pollution lies of the city. Miller said hs hoped (Continued on page 9)


V rtu M XXXIII No. 04 L aT -tttt r n r/f\ * s ^ m San Francisco slick under giant mop-up

SAN FRANCISCO UPI-Part of At Pacifica, 76 dead seabirds a huge oil slick in San Francisco washed up on the beach, but Bay moved out of the tide rescue workers were able to Tuesday and spread for 00 miles retrieve 36 others still allvs and up and down the Pacific Coast. clean their feathes of the gooey black oil. Thick black fuel oil from the "More are floating in,” said ruptured Standard Oil of city Jim Swayne. California tanker Oregon Meanwhile, hundreds of persons, Standard was reported coming including Standard Oil hardhats ashore at locations from Point and long-haired hippie volunteers Reyes, 36 miles north of San working shoulder to shoulder, Francisco, to Pacifica, 18 miles worked to save the Bay Itself south. from the huge oil slick. At the Point Reyes National “It's the freaks who are out Seashore, rangers reported globs here," said Nancy Shelby, 34, of of oil "three Inches thick and pie- Berkeley, as she helped shove plate size" on the beach every straw on San Francisco s Ocean few feet "coming in a little more Beach. "All the so-called all- quickly" as the tide came in. Americans don't give a damn."

UPl Taltpftoto Volunteers, most of thorn toonogoro and ecological threat yet to San Francisco young poopla from all ovor tha Bay Bay resulted when a least a half Area, ahoval and raka oil-eoaded straw million gallons of fuel oil spilled Into at baach just off Bt. Francis Yacht the Bay following yesterday's collision Harbor. Tha straw is balng laid down of two oil tankers under the Oolden to trap oil along baachas. What many Gate Bridge. paopla aro claiming to ba tha biggest BSU president Renters seek solutions Doyle McGhee, an Ar­ The Tenant’s Union of San Luis case any disagreements should chitecture student, was elected Obispo met Monday night in the arise, President of the Black Students’ hopes of solving some of the The Tenant’s Union is here to Union (BSU) earlier this week. problems facing any prospec* help you in finding fair lodging McGhee, a senior from Boley, tative renter in their search for and any solutions you might have Oklahoma, became the first housing. will be considered, says Peter BSU President to/take office Evans, Tenant's Union official. since the organlzatlotKbci’ame a The main problems brought up were the ever increasing rental The next meeting will be held compus sponsored club last fees, the poor conditions of on Feb. 3,1971 on Branch St. right week, housing, and a few of the off Broad St. "Our purpose," .said McGhee, problems having to do with "Is to promote brotherhood and reimbursements on cleaning Style show set to alleviate the struggles of Black People in this school, community, deposits. The International Council has The presentations of some "tate, and nation." announced plans for an In* answers Involved forming a ternattonal Fashion Show, to.be Other BSU officers elected committee that will be ac­ presented during International UPI Talpphoto were: John Brown, vice companied by the manager of a Week. Senator George 8. McGovern announced hie candidacy president, a Junior In Ar­ possible apartment or house and The date is Wednesday, Jan. 20 for the democratic presidential nomination. MoGovern chitecture, Sue Fuller, secretary, going over it with a check list to at 3 p.m. in the Staff Dining Hall. claims Nixon violated the "spirit and letter" of a a second year Child Development include any damage already The public is invited and there is congressional ban on military intervention in m*Jor, and Manuel Early, made, and take photographs in no charge for admission. Cambodia. treaurer. Pag*} Muatang Dally, Wtdntiday, January 10, t»71 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Sex and the Tweedledee—tweedle White Rabbit alnce she followed Alice at the sight that greeted her Single “ I” Editor: When today is over, another Chuck Jostad, campus staffer Could that be? No, It wa* only him down the dark hole where he tender eyes. There stood two Day will begin tonight in the for CCC, reports on Day, "He's « the eudden movement of a bush had gone. That seemed ages ago, men as strange as strange could Environmental -Engineering man who Is really concerned for little Alice had not aeen the and so much had happened! be. They were like most men Auditorium—Dick Day-on the about people and where their Alice had never before been to an from the neck down, but their topic, "Sex and the Single T ." heads are really at. He Is sn Loan* On Anything un-birthday party; and that heads were ever so queer. They Once a business executive, Day aggressive, dynamic young guy 01 Value Queen of Hearta—how mean! But had very large mouths that Is now the regional traveling who spends his time sharing with little did Alice know what a almost went from ear to ear. And representative for Campus college students his experiences Buy-Sell-Trade- strange adventure lay around the when Alice looked at their ears, Vu i«( li‘

Raaeenabla prices


Good M lfdien oi iiass j yomr old somv y Coppi'i yyi" 1 rosium* .md olRm 8% Discount on all items $ with A tl Card. Open 10 to S daily except Monday. O'Conner’s Odds-n-Ends . 1326 2nd. St. 528-1135 Baywood Park 985 FOOTHILL BLVD. OPEN 11-5:30,7-10 UNI T#i*pnoio Gov. Ronald Reagan pauaaa bafora anawarlng a reporters question eoneernlng the San Francisco ■ay oil aplll during hla weekly newa oonfaranoa. McDonald’s Other Sandwich . . . Raagan aald the aplll waa a "tragic aeoldant" but ha declined to tndorae the poaalble need for naw rootricllons on ships, _ Campus Crusade for Christ FILETOFISH pr Montt COLLEGE LIFE (the fish that catches people) DICK DAY . . . "Sox and Iho Sin«lo Byo" WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20 — 8 V. M. Environmental Engineering Auditorium (All CONDITIONING AUOuOtlUM)


• Mild North Atjontlc whlto flih, frlod crl* on tho out*Ido, tondor 11 »■ tlruifihti'H imi \iun innhU'iiit" and |ulcy on tho Ipiido • IVSUILWCI WORK • Me Donald’ • own social iouco • lim iu.l \SS WORK

• Sorvod on o froah ttoamy bun • u i s i o m i'.u m i m : * • HILL LS I IM VI I S •Tho floh *or»dwlch for pooplo who • 1 { ' i think thoy don’t Ilk* flih Special Ratei to Cal Poly Studanti •ondwlchoi ■ l . ’ .

A ry .-' LI S' b a iVm i .m u Your Kind of Place TILIFHONE 141*2929 563 HIGUERA STREET 790 Foothill Blvd SAN LUIS OSISFO, CALIFORNIA Wtdnttday. Jsnusry 20,1*71, Mu»t«ng Dally Pigal Local pollution issue F.F.A. honors Four returning agriculture (Continued from page 1) Dean Gerard on KCPR response by the City Council to student teachers were special Executive Dean Douglas college, and will note plans for According to the law, accidental Councilman Donald Miller’s guest speakers at the recent Gerard will be the featured guest the new dining hall and the new pollution is not a crime. The proposal that the city consider a Collegiate FFA meeting held on KCPR's "Study Break" "twin sister dorm" for Yosemite court muat be able to prove the resolution urging that one Jan. 18. pollution was intentional. Krejaa tonight at 8 p.m. working day a month be set aside Highlighting the first meeting Hall. , stated that 34 complaints against Gerard will be on hand to ex­ Calls will be taken at 546-2289 to give the air a rest by asking of the 1071 year, the speakers plain the campus parking pollution violators were filed, people, where practical, to leave from 8 to 9 p.m. discussed their Individual ex­ situation, the master plan for the while only two of those were their car at home and walk to and periences as rookies of their prosectuted by the district at* from work. Passed over the teaching profession. FISH A CHIPS 1.05 torney. Kresja concluded by objections of Councilmen Arthur Special guests were: Barbra with cols slaw 1.25 saying,"Wexame with no malice, Spring and Emmons Blake as Ness, student teaching at Exeter C a ll Y o u r O rd e r In also but rather as a public conscience. being Impractical, the resolution High School; Howard Ramsden 544-5444 SHRIMP. OYSTERS. The people here need to be made was reffered to the City Attorney at Santa Ynes High School; Lee SCALLOPS OR CLAM aware." todraw up a draft of the Zeller at Morro Bay High School; ORDER WITH CHIPS Positive action, and a bright resolution for consideration by and Ellis Bassette at Hanford 1.55 EA. spot of the meeting, was taken In the Council. High School. TARTAR, CATSUP Presiding over the meeting was A LEMON ON ALL Harold Terry, president. Ad­ ORDERS LETTERS TO THE EDITOR visors were Larry Rathbun, JTiscli & Cljips OPEN 7 Days (Continued from page 2) "And when we paint the H. H. Burllngham, and 0. S. 295 Santa Rosa St. 11 AM to 9 PM building all painted in colors like flowers at the base of the wall, Gilbertson. All are Agriculture red, orange, and yellow, and It’ll be twice as good" added the Education faculty members. purple, and green; the place had first. the class of pinball machine. THOUGHT FOR THE DAYl "I see," said Alice, "why the Income tax is the fairest tax of "It’s all right," she suggested, sise of your grin. All the taste that all. It gives everyone an equal "for this nursery school." you have Is twlxt your nose and chance at poverty. your chin." . . . .. "This Is not for toddlers but for Brad Lothers Mission Stationery scholars!" the second one cried. OH Dorm Xerox Parts Center CAMPUS CAMERA Copy Service th e co m plete lin e 770 Hlguera 544-5350 PHOTO STORE Botwoon the thro# "osports," wo have 41 years of photo You don t have to be a detective osporlonoo to help you. BOBS 771 HIQUIRA — DOWNTOWN S.L.O. to find what you want for your imported car. (Acroaa Prom ttoroo Woat) CAR WASH We specialize in parts for alt imported cars. Washing FRED'S AUTO ELECTRIC and 10% Discount to students with ASI card Specialbted Motor Tune-up Polishing 1134 Monterey Street Dyna-Vision Analysis 1023 Marsh 543-6943 Phone 543-7871 IGNITION OENEIATOtS CARBU1AT10N UGULATOU ALTERNATORS STAITEBS WIBDfO BATTBMU EONA ROAD STORE SOUTHWOOO o s f s o u t h eaoAO SOUT MW OOO DM VS AT JOHNSON A VS. Montoroy A Californio Blvd. Phono 543-3B21 O N N OAU.V * * oetN aAa.v s-r SUNDAYS 1ST auwoAvais t

OfJtn Station*"

YOUR NIARIIT OFF-CAMPUS Bffeetlvo thurs. Jan 21 STATIONIRY STORI thru Wad. Jan. 27 IN COUMI MU AM ONTII l.urgent Selection O f Contemporary And Hi-C-46 os. oan Truditional Greeting Curd* In The Arcu w EXTRA LARGE GRADE AA ^ Puzzle* — Book* — Gume* — Stationery FRUIT O Q p Print* — Gift* — School Supplie* OTOAAA roonwt■— aorrCm avivLula wQh||M iip v DRINK C*ll«f« H u m *44-1101 EGGSWITH COUPON OQ/% Open ‘til A p.m. Dolly S 9 p.m. on Thursday OLORIETTA-46 OS. W ITHOUT COUPON .47e W W W coupon good tor 1 dos. D0Z TOMATO t 1 per person a JUICE A O C Young'o Plant Food S u p S U O S f L FOREMOST-GRADE ”AA’ JUM BO SIZE BODY SHOP BUTTER 4 9 c i b , TOWELS FOREMOST-* GAL. FAMILY PAK

Zil-4-ROLL PAK TOILET 3/S1.00 CREAM 6 9 c General Body Repair TISSUE C IN T H CUT PORK Custom Painting-Striping GIANT BIZI CHOPS 9 8 c i b . Radiator, Repairs TIDE 6 9 c Frame Straightening n»ORK Free Estimates •OFT-1 lb. TUB STEAKS 5 9 c i b 544-4071 NUCOA 3 3 c U.B. NO MO lb. Student Rates I n • 1n t'ii, r p ( . • «r POTATOES 3 9 c CRISCO-24 OS. 3040 McMillan Rd. FANCY QUALITY 1 Block oH * . Broad_____ o i l 4 9 c BANANAS 10Clb. PSOM Mustang Daily, January 30, 1*71 Vaughn Hitchcock’s wres­ tling team began a week of Annual baseball banquet tonite action against Cal State Long Beach last night. The Mustangs host U.8. In­ ternational University at boasts top baseball celebrities 7:30 tomorrow night and then face the UCLA Bruins An ill atir c u t wm be on nand The Items to be auctioned will hats, while everyone in at­ tendance will receive a framable Friday night also at 7:30. for the 2nd annual Hot Stove be a football with all the .illlMIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIM League Baaeball Banquet to be autographs of the National portrait of Tom Haller and copies held at the San Lula Oblapo Elka Football Conference's Western of the 1971 California Angel wriMrtw— Qub tonight. Division Champions, the San Yearbooks which features COPY SIRVICI Veteran Ditcher Lefty Gomes Francisco Forty-Nlnera, a Fregosi and Wright on the cover. RESUMES: 14/ HUNDRED will aarva aa maatar of championship bat from the There will also be a drawing for “ NO JOB TOO SMALL*1 ceremonies, white the featured 340 HIQUIRA B.L.O. baaeball one big door prise, which la to be 543-4440 speaker will be aenior of champions, with the Cincinnati a stereo record player-tape aet. ______Op«" 10 « m • Is • t s m the National League, Chrla Reds, autographs of all the Patekuodaa. members of that 1270 team and At laat year’s caramonlaa, also an autographed baseball of Gomai kept the audience In one of the great Yankee baseball BROOKS WOODCRAFT atltchas with hla anecdotee of Ida teams. oapsrtences In the Mg leagues. Ouility Unfinished Furniture "Pelekuodas la a very The first two hundred kids that Finishing To Ordnr In tor Shops humoroua speaker," said Augie come In the door will received Garrtdo, bead baseball Jim Pregoal San Francisco Giant baaeball Wo Deliver To Ail Son Luis Obispo County Into and banquet organiaaor, “He should have aoma verry funny and Interesting stories to rslate to the audience thla year," Alio on the lilt of celebrities to be In attendance are two atari from the California Angels, 20- game winner Clyde Wright, and oloeeet Pharmacy to oampus the over-popular shortstop Jim Wa oaeh student checks, we also have complete Frogoel. prescription, photo and ooemetlo departments, as well as greeting oarde and gifts. Dodger Tom Haller, and former pitching star Don 896 FOOTHILL BLVD, LUIS OBISPO, CALIF. Across from Pacific Home Improvement Center Larsen round out the list. Ph o n e 543-5950 The $7.80 a plate affair will begin with a social-hour at 6 p.m. . Plenty of Free Parking until 7:20. The beef barbecue will be aerved Immediately at 7:20, 544-2505 with the program to start at 1:20. 610 SANTA BARBARA AVI. Included on the program, besides the featured speaker, there will also be time for a question and answer period and one of the big events of the MUSTANG CLASSIFIED evening will take place aa three highly prised Items will be W A N TED Volkswagen Chassis auctioned off by a professional Announcements any form. Call 541 4470 alto auctioneer. exorgenie. Ix e rd tt Machine. ISO Wet iul»t all »ii*t Men, ...... women. Priced to doar, Slll't 1*70 Honda 150 1525 or 1700 S top Iport Shop, Pi»mo Beach. balance 1157 or PU truck tor equity Mustang Daily At Any Party 411 Jamaica 777 *417 I'm A Great MIXER Private Malian lettont by a natlvt Malian initructor. Raaionabla '41 VW Convertible new engine rates 343 B075 clean and dependable I4M. Call f t m sal ioao 4 WK^»T«a%W««W!tp!W i r t ee w* •#'•*»•# ***s as fu w n «e « • *« Aufomotlve 45 AH Sprite Mk III Mutl tell thlt ■ .MSNMM I'M(W 't week will lake bett offer. Nuna ».t«>e>«sa *#»••#«* "W**"*1 1 m *•** wi> •*< L * •L ! • ■9 good 541 oasa Dan. w J t t x fx'*” ■m _p p a jc H i m i»p*»d t w X *."t« Aw W«ii|H'iWMlWiMI«Mimiw