Rapsxu.S. Plans Er Rwiew
,r ■ • < . I ArMra^e D«Uy Net Prew Ran The Wmther For th« Week Ended September 32, 1962 Foreon^ of U. S. Weather Soreou 13,628 Variable oloudlneea toniifht. L>ow .V) to M. Oenerally fair, pleaaaat- Member of the Audit Tueoday. Hl|rh In the 6Aii. Burenn of Olrcnlntion Monchenter— A City e / Village Charm / rOL. LXXXII, NO. T (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER CONN., MONDAY, OCTTOBER 8, 1962 (Oaaelfled AdrertiainK on Pa|;e It) PRICE FIVE CENTS Giants Leading State N ew s Roundup- RapSxU.S. Plans 2-0 After Five 11 Firemen Hurt In Theater Blaze By JAibK HAND ^Skowron thenJiit a 440-foot triple Aeeooiated PreM Sporta Writer over Mays’ head in center field WA^ERBURY (AP) — NEW YORK (A P)—The but he wak stranded when Clete Eleven firemen were injured San Francisco Giants led the Boyer filed out to Harvey Kuenn. yesterday when a fire caused er RWiew Nev({ York Yankees 2-0 at the NE3W YORK (AP)—World ser an estimated $25,000 to $30,- end of five innings of the ies play by play; 000 damage to a movie thea fou r^ game of the 1962 GIANTS FIRST (0) . ter, the Lido, 236 South Main World Series today by virtue Hall of Famer Bob Feller threw St. I Bible Reading of Tom Haller’s two-run hom out the first ball. Kuenn filed to About 78 movie patrons, most Tresh. Hiller lined to Kubek. Boy of them children, were escorted Sees War er in the second. er threw out Mays. safely to the street when the tire Haller’s smash into the lower No runs, no hits, no Rirors, none In the basement of the building In Class / Also right field stands off the ace Yan was discovered.
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