Road Aloha to success Gymfest SJSU student takes weight lifting to competition Gymnastics team invited to compete in Oahu


Volume 86, NO. 58 Serving The San Jose State University Community Since 1934 Monday. April 28. 1986 University takes in $955,837 from lottery By Craig Quintana received the second largest allocation with Each school was asked to produce lists of each school's total inventory, adjusted for the Daily staff writer $568,820. specific equipment allocations, and the items current replacement costs. The adjustments The Schools of Engineering and Science THE After the CSU Board of Trustees released were ranked. From these lists, Robinson said are needed to keep the inventories' value at came out the big winners in the university's CALIFORNIA the lottery funds to the campuses, SJSU Pres- the distribution decisions were made. reasonable replacement values, the report version of the California Lottery. ident Gail Fullerton instructed John Gruber. In his report, Robinson said SJSU's large states. Of the $955,837 in lottery funds ear- LOTTERY academic vice president, to oversee the dis- inventory of older equipment entitled the uni- He notes in the report that this part of the marked for SJSU, the two schools took in al- tribution of funds on campus. versity to a larger take of the lottery funds. distribution plan provides the most benefit to most 60 percent of the kitty. But based on the The lottery has raised about $18 million in Gruber asked the school deans to submit Because the funds are distributed by the engineering and science because the schools formulas used to calculate the distribution. unds for education. The California State Uni- prioritized lists of equipment uses. Maynard system on a formula based on depreciation have the largest equipment inventories. The their just "share" should have been much versity system's total take was $7 million. All Robinson, associate academic vice president the portion of the university's equipment that schools also make the most extensive use of more. ottery funds are specified for the purchase of and Gruber's budget specialist, prepared a is at or approaching life expectancy more equipment for laboratory needs, he said. Engineering received the single largest nstructional equipment. repGrt on the distribution process explaining money went to SJSU. But he also notes that an alternative to amount $288,034. Science ran a close sec- SJSU, the fourth largest school in the how the allocations were made. In the report. Robinson said the on-cam- the regular distribution guidelines was ond with $237,329. The remaining $390,474 was CSU system by enrollment, received the larg- Gruber told the Academic Senate last pus distribution was made using the same de- needed to give the other schools a piece of the split between the six other schools on cam- est allocation of any school in the 19-campus month that the total requests amounted to preciation-inventory model. Three-quarters lottery pie. pus. system. The largest school, CSU San Diego. five times the funds on hand. of the lottery funds were distributed based on continued iiui pages A.S. wants

Left, broken glass to control remains after a robbery suspect and his pursuer End of the line crashed into the window of a vacant store at 43 S. more space First St. Below, SJPD officers watch closely as Lease term negotiations Robbery suspect arrested paramedics tend to the I7-year-old suspect's go on with Student Union injuries near Morris after chase winds up at SJSU Dailey Auditorium. By Suzanne Espinosa Michael K Chow Daily staff photographer Daily staff writer A two-hour tug for Student Union space, between As- By Craig Quintana sociated Students representatives and union officials, and ('an l Scarbrough ended Thursday in the Montalvo Room when a student Daily staff writers asked them to leave because the room was reserved. The frantic three-block flight of a Union officials and A.S. representatives were wrap- robbery suspect ended Friday when ping up their meeting that dealt with the increasing de- the youth collapsed on the lawn near mand for space in the union and their new lease, which ex- Morris Dailey Auditorium. pired three months ago and is yet to be settled. San Jose Police arrested a 17- The main problem is that the A.S. wants more control year-old black youth, who they al- over its space and also wants to pay less money, but union leged stole a necklace from the Kim directors aren't budging. Tien jewelry store at 34 S. Second St. "There are all sorts of constraints on the A.S. budget, Police would not release the and that fee has not been increased in more than 30 name of the suspect because he is a years." said A.S. Executive Assistant Paul Sonneman juvenile. To lessen the A.S. budget squeeze. Sonneman asked The suspect was charged with union officials Tuesday to raise the $57-per-semester one count of robbery for Friday's in- union fee by $2 to benefit both A.S. and the union. cident, and two others for similar at- In addition, Sonneman is requesting that the union tacks last week, said Sgt. Sherman pay for the A.S. Business Office's $7,000 custodial and util- Boone of SJPD. ity fees charges. Police sdid the suspect may be "The A.S. Business Office is squeezed every year to responsible for a rash of similar rob- pay for the staff that we have there now, and I would say beries in the downtown Vietnamese the Student Union is better able to absorb that cost with a community. far larger budget than the A.S.," Sonneman said. The store owner, Vu Busby The total amount of money available in the A.S. 1986- Thieu, said the youth grabbed the 87 budget is $517,800. Its reserve account holds about necklace from his neck. Thieu was $9,000. The Student Union has a 1986-87 budget of $1,399,- not seriously hurt. His necklace, val- 400 and reserves of three or four hundred thousand dol- ued at $450 by SJPD Officer Robert lars. Barrett said. Balesano, was later recovered. Sonneman and Stafford Hebert, A.S. Program Board During the chase that followed, continued on page N the suspect was injured after strug- gling with Pacific Bell employee Bill Harris. They both crashed into a plate glass window at a vacant build- SUBOD budget ing at 43S. First St., Balesano said. The suspect was treated at Val- ley Medical Center for lacerations on needs approval the forehead before being taken to ju- By Suzanne Espinosa venile hall. Daily staff writer treated for lacera- Harris was Student fees make up 73 percent of the Student forearm and released. tions on his Union's income in its 1986-87 budget, which may be ap- Balesano said. proved by the Student Union Board of Directors tomor- Before taking the necklace, row. Thieu said the youth asked to see a The balanced budget shows a 9.5 percent increase in number of expensive pieces in dis- revenues and expenses. play cases. Thieu said he declined to Union director Ron Barrett, who distributed the bud- show the youth the merchandise be- get Tuesday, wants a rate increase in the games area. cause of the boy's age. The suspect Expenses are expected to increase due to salary left the store momentarily, then re- raises and higher operating costs turned asking to see less-expensive Salaries and wages are increasing by $48,900. Some pieces. staff positions have been readjusted. Thieu said that as he bent for- Barrett said the salary and wage increases includes ward, the youth grabbed his neck- five percent cost of living adjustment, which accounts for lace. $22,700 of the $48,900. Balesano said the suspect ripped Raises include a 17,100 salary increase for Barrett the necklace from Thieu's neck and and a $2,700 raise for Pat Wiley, associate union director. knocked the man to the floor, before Barrett currently earns $50,900 Wiley earns $38.2(5) running out of the store. Readjustments include deleting a $17,900 part-time Thieu said he chased the youth up position and adding part-time position at $11,000. Second Street and called out for as- Also, one full-time position of $21,300 was deleted, anc sistance. As the chase continued a full-time position of $32,700 was added. continued on page Operating costs are expected to rise because of the Kathy Kinser Daily staff photographer planned $18,000 computerization of the scheduling office and a rise in utility costs of 820.500

By Carl Scarbrough The six RAFI programs are: the Art Gal- The letter being circulated among the in support of full funding to the RAFI pro- Daily staff writer leries, radio station KSJS, the Music Depart- RAFI programs states that students need to grams. The board spent 1 1/2 hours listening In an attempt to unite and conquer. SJSU ment, the Radio and Television News Center, be at the A.S. board meeting Wednesday to to the students state their cases. students are banding together today to seek the Theatre Arts Department and the Spar- show how strongly they support RAF! "We did what we had to do," Ponticelli funding from the Associated Students tan Daily. "If RAFI is to be repealed, it should be said "We have to do it again next week." Students face Ken Ponticelli of the Spartan Marching With the enrollment projected for next the decision of the voting population of San The A.S. Board of Directors spent over Band and Vernon Miyata from the symphonic year, the initiative would provide $87,115 to Jose State University and not a handful of two hours last week debating RAFI funding. board about band are circulating a letter calling for a sup- be divided between the RAFI programs. elected officials," the letter states. They were unable to reach a conclusion or ap- port group They are asking students in pro- However, one proposal being considered The RAFt students are scheduled to prove a final budget grams supported by the Revised Automatic by the A.S. Board of Directors would provide gather today in the Music Building, Room The meeting ended when two board RAFI funding Funding Initiative to help form that group only $53,800 a 40 percent cut of what the ini- 150. to discuss strategies for Wednesday's members left the room, leaving only seven RAF1, approved by a student vote in 1982 tiative states should be provided board meeting and to explore the possibility members present. The board requires eight is a formula that provides funding to six pro- Since the approval of the initiative in of forming a RAFI committee to support the voting members to conduct business. grams, based on enrollment. The initiative 1962. the RAFI programs have been fully programs in next year's A S budget Ponticelli said all students interested in states this money is to come from the A.S. funded in only two of the last four A.S. bud- Although they were not united, about 20 being a part of the RAFI support group are budget. gets. students filed into the board room last week invited to attend today's meeting at 1:30 p.m. Page 2 12CanaGirDs Monday, April 28, 1986/Spartan Daily

Shannon Rasmussen, Editor 3:EALTAN Herb blukterien, iv Editor Tyrone van Hooytionk. News Editor Patricia J. Pine, Forum Editor DAILY Rob Gibbany, Sports Editor

Franklin Ebb, Advertising Director Published for the Umversitv Greg Sege, Retail Sales and the University Community Wee Stevens. National Advertising Director y the Department of Journalism Brent McHenry, National Sales Manager drUt Muss COMMUflu .1110,15 Kraig Khmer, Special Sections Manager Since 1934 Beth Mended, Production Manager U1611110ShOrt, Marketing Manager Tony Mwi, Co op Advertising Manager

Should the U.S. continue to fund Issue: the space program? Pro Redirect funds to Earth

It is too late to argue whether we should spend our tax dollars in the space exploration and research pro- grams of NASA. We are so heavily committed and in- vested in the program that pulling out would be a cata- strophically wasteful venture. But it is not too late to Jamie pare funds and redirect the space budget's allocations. NASA has undertaken useful projects that will bene- Rackley fit millions of people in the future. But some of the money for these same research ventures could be better used preventing the problem here on Earth rather than alleviating the end result, up in space. For example, some extremely beneficial and costly up, and now NASA is planning an $8 billion space station medicines can be synthesized in space much more effec- needed to repair the defective satellites. At $100 million tively due to the zero gravity environment. One of these each, communication satellites are a costly investment drugs, urokinase, is used to dissolve blood clots in heart to lose. attack victims. Urokinase is needed for 500,000 doses Another example: NASA is planning to build astron- per year, costing $500 million Urokinase cultured in omy observatories at a cost of more than $1 billion). Mother Nature space may be reduced in cost by a factor of 10. which must be maintained. Hence the need for the space In Bold Face The technology has not been perfected, but if, as one station to keep the expensive observatory in service. company predicts, one month's production in space The new space observatories will be used to try and humbles man could yield as much as 30 years on the ground, an amaz- discover "the edge of the universe and back to the begin- ing advance in the production of costly and rare medi- ning of time," said Robert Jastrow, a director in NASA. Despite trips to the moon, use of lasers as surgical David cines will be achievable in the future. Big deal. tools and other modern miracles, man should remain Yet when we look at the primary causes of heart at- The origins of the universe have no bearing on a humble. Leland tack, we come up with cigarette smoking, dietary im- mentally retarded child whose mother didn't have the The geological processes of Mother Earth demon- balances, lack of exercise and a stressful lifestyle, all money or resources to give him proper nutrition as a strates that there are a few things bigger than man: preventable activities in the chain of heart disease. baby, or to a man dying of emphysema because he lived rocks, mud and snow. all his life in a smoggy area. Engineers are trying to dig tunnels to run 1,000 feet Somehow, lifting raw materials and manufacturing Nor does the information garnered from billions of beneath the Cumberland Gap, the only natural pass in a equipment into orbit at $5,000 a pound, seems a ludi- mountain range that runs from Maine to Georgia. crous alternative to throwing away the Marlboro's, cut- dollars expended clean the air or water, ( which affects Will the real truth stand up? every human being), prevent cancer or move us one iota However, 300,000 cubic yards of rock stand in the way ting back on fats and buying some running shoes. of engineers' attempts to dig tunnels that would eliminate Aside from the initial moral dilemma of asking our- closer to world peace. Some argue for space exploration Ilearned something about a month ago while because one day earth will be uninhabitable due to nu- U.S. 23, a road that runs for three steep, twisting miles reading the newspaper, I just can't quite figure selves why we are spending billions of dollars doing over the Gap between Middlesboro, Ky., and Cumberland original research on why astronauts vomit, when Amer- clear war, pollution or lack of resources. out what it is. So, ostensibly, we'll send a space ship of our best off Gap, Tenn. I think it has to do with honesty, or lack thereof, ican citizens are going hungry and homeless, we must U.S. 23's rate of deaths, injuries and property dam- decide what's best for the majority. We live in a democ- to colonize Mars and repopulate the world, a world, any and why much of the world regards the United world. But as easy as it is to look for new alternatives, ages in accidents is six times the national average. The States and its president, Ronald Reagan, with a racy where the will of the majority dictates policy and Middlesboro Daily News calls the route "Massacre Moun- the needs of the majority should concern research. we need to concentrate on what we have before us. shade of suspicion. It's too late to cut off funding for space, but it's not tain." At any rate. 1 figured it might be time to re-eval- Some major beneficial experiments are being un- too late to concentrate money in more efficient areas. The geology of the region is potentially dangerous be- uate my upbringing as far as telling the truth. I was dertaken, but the research begins to be self-serving and Communication satellites are vital to our defense cause of the possibility that the mountain may shift. taught that one should always tell the truth. taxpayers find themselves sucked into the whirlpool of and economy as we move towards being an information "If you make a hole, is it going to stay there or is it To refresh your memory, or if you missed read- engineer. spiraling events. society. But spending billions of dollars on astronomy, going to move?" said Bob Campbell, project ing the newspaper or watching the news that week- For example, satellites for communication, naviga- universal origin research or rare medicines for prevent- The rock is under 150,000 pounds of pressure from the end, I will enlighten you to a few facts. tion, weather forecasting and global survey were sent able diseases does not serve the majority's needs. mountain above, he said. It appears that Reagan held a picture-taking Underground water session at the White House and, when he was tired of seams in sources and coal answering the press people's questions, he at- mountain require that the tempted to end the session. Con use equipment ap- Program workers When the unruly reporters did not follow the benefits mankind proved for mining, to mini- president's request, Reagan leaned over to the per- explo- The development of our space program has always mize the danger of son sitting next to him and remarked, "Sons of been a focus of criticism from those who believe it's a sion. bitches." waste of our resources. There is fear that coal Now this was picked up on White House micro- "That money should be spent on solving problems and water may combine to phones in front of Reagan and was clearly audible to here," they say form explosive methane. the reporters within the session. Such critics fail to give adequate consideration to Man may know what When asked whom he had in mind when he made two things Thomas Gary routes are ideal in conve- the remark, Reagan replied, "I thought it was one of First, the advance of space technology will benefit nience, but Mother Earth's you saying it about us." mankind in the realm of medical research and technol- Morlan considerable bulk may not I like that. The microphone is in front of Reagan ogy cooperate. and he says that, in fact, it was a reporter sitting in Second, man's urge to explore, and his desire to Our state also has another part of the room who was heard. seek knowledge, is limitless and should not be bounded. problems with roads. High- This was the first thing 1 learned that weekend: Only a strong space program will enable us to to those who cannot afford it at present. way 1, the coastal byway Maria J. first test the other person's intelligence when you stretch the boundaries of the human mind, perhaps giv- The manufacture of another type of medicine in which runs along Califor- are going to lie. A simple denial saves you from a ing us a chance to find out more about ourselves in the space has the potential to cure diabetes. A technology nia's rocky rim, is blocked Gunter more creative story. process. developed in space will allow scientists to separate beta again. After all, time is money when you are president Why do critics single out the space program as cells from others in the pancreas. Tests with animals Excessive rains in of one of the most powerful countries in the world. wasteful? show that if these these cells are transplanted loan indi- mid-March saturated the Next, after the reporters shouted, "No!" Rea- road block- Because the space program is a convenient target. vidual, they begin to produce a continuous supply of in- hills above the gan smiled and said, "It wasn't me." To say that we should solve our problems here on earth sulin. ing the highway between Here we see the president tiring of the whole af- 300 feet of rocks and before spending money in space sets up a nice juxtaposi- The result is a permanent cure for diabetes, and a Big Sur and San Simeon with about fair and deciding to hand it over to his commander- tion but that's all it is sharp reduction in the occurrence of the complications mud. in-chief of storytelling. Larry Speakes, deputy press have no idea how Instead of attacking the development and explora- blindness, heart failure, kidney failure that go with Geologists and highway engineers secretary. tion of space, why not attack things on earth that are it. long it will be until the road opens again. Even as the sci- definitely a waste, or misuse, of resources? Such applications merely hint at the possibilities for entists look at the slide, more rocks are tumbling down. T his is another thing I learned: when I get rich Why not take money from the Defense Department, the advance of medical science, using space technology. In 1983, a rock slide closed the highway for more than I will be able to hire my own teller of fables. which insists on spending billions on bombs we never But the development of medicines is not the only a year, and the rubble from the most recent slide involves I would love to actually have someone hope to use? benefit that results from the space program. even steeper terrain. like Mark Twain or even Hunter S. Thompson in res- Why not take money from those who hoard it? Why The exploration of space is an urge inherent in the Though man may have reached the stars, he remains idence. What fun. not make the rich pay their fair share? human soul. Ever since man first gazed at the stars in blocked by boulders. Anyway. Speakes said that Reagan had actually Missiles and greed do not benefit humanity. The wonder, he has sought to explore things seemingly be- It is awe-inspriring to know that mere rocks, let loose said, "It's sunny and you're rich." space program, on the other hand, has the potential to yond his reach. by heavy rains, can stop progress. But then again, snow When asked who the president was referring to, advance many noble causes. History is full of nay-sayers who tried to discourage and floods isolate and sometimes kill. Speakes said, "They know who they are." Experiments done on the space shuttle have shown those who wished to discover more about our world. Snowfall closed Interstate 80, the modern route from Here is where I began to wonder just what I was that medicines can be made in space that are five times Delving into the mysteries of space will not only Sacramento to Reno 29 times this winter. learning over the weekend. Even I, with my elemen- purer than those made on the earth's surface help us learn more about our universe, it will also help In a world that transmits photos and words from one tary courses in psychology, did not understand this The production of urokinase, a medicine used to dis- us find out more about ourselves. By tracing paths corner of the globe to the another within minutes using a "word salad." solve blood clots, which often lead to heart attacks, is through the stars, we will gain a better comprehension satellite man is not daunted by divisions of continent or Does this mean I could say to a professor after best manufactured in space. Technological advances in of the forces that shaped the world in which we live. sea. Yet, those fluffy, white flakes stop us in our tracks receiving a low grade on a quiz, "Huck Finn, too?" this process could reduce the cost of the medicine by a The exploration of limitless vistas is indeed a noble every time. Yes, now I get it. I can say anything I choose to. factor of 10, compared to its production costs on earth. cause, and one which should not be thwarted. Though beautiful, a fresh blanket of snow can also be I can do anything I want. While it is possible to reduce the risk of blood clots Whether the critics like it our not, the space pro- fatal. An avalanche in the Northern Sierra buried two If I get caught I just say "I didn't do it," or "I by controlling factors such as smoking and diet, that gram will go on. It will go on because of its promise to skiers this winter. don't remember saying that. It must be the person does not guarantee a person won't suffer from embo- both alleviate human suffering and expand our under- Snow, the earth's sugar-spun icing, is not only an invi- sitting next tome, or perhaps you said it and don't lisms. Space technology will make urokinase affordable standing of man's relation to the universe. tation to frolic and build snowmen. It has two deadly com- want to admit it. In fact, I always knew you were a panions slick roads and freezing cold. liar." An arctic cold wave swept the Eastern United States, While this might seem like a trivial slip of the taking more than 40 lives last January. tongue, what comes to my mind is: how do we know Letter to the Editor A chill wind blows no good and sometimes snowy when to believe what the president says? gusts carry fatal consequences. Earth plays hardball lam not condoning or disputing his recent chewing tobacco enjoyed his first cup of coffee, beer or cigarette? And yet, with the best of them. bombing of Libya. I'm just wondering if we, the pub- Ban at games how many people still continue these habits'? Mother Nature holds the trump card, and those who lic, got all the facts, or was this another situation Editor, Perhaps Moul should visit one of the 18- or 20-year- underestimate her power will find themselves outbluffed. where Reagan said what he had to in order to get his As a physician. I'd like to take exception to Dale olds ins hospital with oral cancer who has just undergone way. Moul's opinion of April n, regarding Commissioner Peter radical resection of the mouth and neck and is now having It reminds me of the story of the boy who cried Ueberroth's desire to ban the use of chewing tobacco by radiation therapy, and explain that it's all in the great tra- Letter Policy wolf: one never knew when he was telling the truth. I the players during baseball games. dition of baseball. The Spartan Daily encourages readers suppose time will tell the Libyan story. Moul states that chewing tobacco is part of the tradi- I feel that the sports figures who are looked up to in to write letters to the editor. I wonder if George Washington was telling the tion of baseball, and therefore should be kept, and that be- our society do have a moral obligation to present an Bring them to the Spartan Daily office, truth when he said, "I never told a lie." swallows the juice, sides "once a kid he'll turn green and image that is worth emulating, at least in the public por- Dwight Bentel Hall, Room 208, or the Stu- stop the habit." tion of their lives, and I applaud Ueberroth's decision to dent Union Information Desk. David Leland is an associate editor. In Bold Fact, is Unfortunately, junior high and high school students push for it. an open forum for editors that appears Mondays and Fri- All letters must bear the writer's name, are more susceptible to peer pressure and emulation of T.A. Hennlgan, M.D. days. their idols than Moul seems to think. After all, who really San Jose major, class standing and phone number. lly Spartan Daily/Monday, April 28, 1986 1)tIEZ Page 3

Making headlines Obituary Robert Fritz, glassblowing pioneer A memorial service is scheduled recognized for his pioneering work in Treasure of California'. in 1985 and for 7 p.m. on May 13, in Spartan Me- the this field, and his work has been honored by an exhibition and catalog morial Chapel for Robert Fritz, SJSU shown in international, national and at the Crocker Art Museum in Sacra- professor of art, who died Saturday local exhibitions mento, he said. evening of a heart attack His students have become estab- Fritz will be remembered by his lished artists and teachers through- Fritz, 65, had the heart attack colleagues and students for the out the country, French said. during the closing ceremonies of the strength of his friendship and his National Conference of the Glass Art He won several awards and his quiet dedication to teaching and art. Society in Los Angeles, said Stephen work can be found in major He is survived by his wife Fern, French, acting SJSU collec- Art Department tions at son James, two nephews, David Hu- chairman. museums such as the Smith- sonian Institute in Washington, D.C.; gunin and Robert Lathrop, and two Fritz had taught both ceraniics grandchildren. Robert and Laura and Kunst Museum in Dusseldorf, West glassblowing at SJSU since 1960 Rose Lathrop. and became a full professor in 1969. Germany; Kunsthandwork in Frank- French said. furt, West Germany ; Contemporary The family has expressed their Fritz established one of the first Crafts Museum in New York, and the desire for remembrances to be made glassblowing programs in the nation Oakland Museum in California, in the form of contributions to a Rob- at SJSU in 1966, French said. French said. ert Fritz Memorial Scholarship Professor Fritz was nationally He was designated a "lacing Fund All the Help You Need to Get through College or into Graduate School

Kurt Leptich Daily staff photographs

X'ertnell Smith, a hair stylist for the Hair Student Union Amphitheatre. This event .111,11111, .1 , 1. Cutter in Cupertino, gives freshman Mar- was part of Delta Upsilon's "Cut Loose" tha Padilla a new look for only $3 in the fund-raiser last Thursday and Friday. -"7;,===

IIIRWPREItaaadiu Spartaguide Spartan 'daily Serving the San Jose State Circle K Leadership and Service today and tomorrow in the Adminis- Club will hold a meeting at 3:30 p.m. Building, Room 222. For more University Community tration HBJ COLLEGE HBJ TEST tomorrow in the Student Union Pa- information, contact Muriel Andrews Since 1934 checo Room. For more information, at 279-4575. OUTLINE SERIES PREPARATION GU I DES (UCPS 509-480) contact Kelly at 268-4705. The Asian American Christian The Most Efficient Way to Study: The Key to Success: for will hold a general meet- Second class postage paid al The Community Committee Fellowship complete course in outline form full-length practice exams California Member of Califon,, u International Students will hold a ing at 7 p.m. tomorrow in the Student paper Publishers Association and the As conversational English tutoring class Union Costanoan Room. For more in- key concepts clearly explained detailed explanations of answers smated Press Published daily by San for international students from 10 formation, contact Don Chin at 937- extensive drill and problem-solving practice step-by-step test-taking strategies Jose Slate University, during the rollegr a.m, to noon and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. 7808. full-length practice exams with answers scoring charts sear The opinions expressed in the Prith-F are not 4t4litaidrIty'those 'Of Ati betsi textbook correlation table ment of Journalism and Mass Conui. roratiiiiii. the University Administrato.o faculty organization HBJ College Outlines Now Study Guides or any student or Nixon predicts even split Mad subscriptions accepted on a remain der of semester basis Pull academic Available For: Available For: year. $15 Each semester. E7 50 df-cam Analytic Geometry GRE pus price per cops. 15 cents On -campus in 1986 Senate elections delivery paid for through Associated Stu- Applied Fourier Analysis GMAT dents at 50 per participating enrolled WASHINGTON AP -- Imagine Citizens was quick to issue a Applied Vector Analysis MCAT student Phone Editorial 27711111 Ad, letting Sen. Bob Dole play a major statement saying the nation's elderly Arithmetic MAT serbsing 2771171 Printed by Fricke - role in setting Vice President George had been "double-crossed" by the Business Communications LSAT Parks Press Bush's travel schedule next year, Senate and the administration. Postmaster Please send all address ,or - when both are likely to be cam- sensitive issue of Business Law CLEP State The politically rectums to Spartan flatly. San Jose Dem- Business Statistics NTE university, line Washington Square. San paigning for the 1988 Republican Social Security is one on which Jose. CA 95192 presidential nomination. ocrats and Bush's GOP rivals want to Calculus TOEFL That is a real possibility if Rich- see him forced to break ties. There College Chemistry NCLEX-PN ard Nixon turns out to be a good certainly are many others. NCLEX-RN STAFF prophet. Nixon is predicting that the The budget battle, in which many Intermediate Accounting Editor Shannon Rasmussen 1986 elections will leave the Republi- Republicans are at odds with the ad- Intermediate Microeconomics Advertisony Director Franklin Ekes City Editor Herb Muktarian cans and Democrats in a 50-50 tie in ministration, is likely to produce Introduction to BASIC Assistant City Editor David Wanstrom the Senate. close votes on whether to go along Introduction to Fortran News Editor Tyrone van Hooydonk That would be the outcome if in with the president's plans to shut Principles of Economics: Microeconomics Assittant News Editor Gretchen Heber November the Democrats picked up down government programs. Forum Editor Patricia J Pane Trigonometry Aesistant Forum Editor Jack Tordinan three Senate seats held by Republi- Might it happen that next spring. Foca. Finn. Michelle Kong cans. when Bush would like to be cam- Aso ttttt Feature Finn. Julie Torso, Offering his forecast last week in paigning in Iowa. he would be forced Sports Editor Rob Gibber, a speech in San Francisco. Nixon to take time out to cast a vote in sup- Assonant Sports Edon. Scott Van Camp Available from Printers to Inc. Bookstore Entertainer Editor Anne Gethaus noted that in the event of such a dead- port of the president's opposition Spacial Assignment Editor lock, the Republicans would retain extending emergency credit to farm- 301 Castro Street Antoinette Fleshman control of the Senate by virtue of the ers'? Assistant Special Assignment Editor vice president's tie-breaking vote. The Senate might become one of Mountain View Eugene Castillo in Associate Editor David Leland But Bush would pay a heavy po- the most interesting battlegrounds Photo Editor V Richard Hero litical price for his service to his the 1988 campaign Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Assistant Photo Editor Moe Schneider © party. ChielPhologrepher Ron Cockerille "The vice president is going to be Retail Advertising Manager Greg Sage National Adverneing Director Leisa Stevens tied down a great deal in that critical National Advertising Manager two-year campaigning period," said Went McHenry the former Republican president. Special Sections Manager Kraig Kliewer Dole would be no less so. Production Manager Beth Allandorl Assistant Production Mainagfa "Every day would be an adven- Alma data Rosa Riker, spokesman JOB ture," said Walt UNFAIR Jacob Tom for the majority leader. "It's tough Marketing Manager I Hanna Short enough with the majority we have." Co Op Advertising Minima Tony Martin /Lama, Co Op Managers Dove Belwr The Republicans currently con- Mary Jane Tarnony trol the Senate by a 53-47 margin. ADVANTAGE: Reporter. As majority leader, the Kansas Vega Andersoft Robert ri Como. Susanne senator has the strongest voice in de- DECORATE YOUR Eeponose. Say Finegan. Roger Gilbert. Maria termining what issues will be de- Apartment, Dorm Rooms, or Home Bars J Gunter Andrew F Hamm. C J Hansa. bated and when they will reach the Una Hill Stew Hint, Ken Johnston. Lyon Great Graduation Gifts 1.00,0 John Intern Jr Michal McCarthy. floor. Bush has no say in the sched- A KINKO'S Thorns. Gary Malan. Dale Moot. Shah" ule. O'Day. Craig Quintana. Jamie Rackiey. Ssde Having far more power than Santnpietro Carl Scarbrough Linda Smith, Bush in determining the Senate Joni Uyeda Rohen Walsh Lisa Vollmer schedule in 1987 and 1988 would be the Photographers RESUME. Michael Chow Jay Dunlap. Ins Fong. (rot Democratic leader, his influence en- Canon, Abraham Haile. Kathy Kin., Ken hanced by the increase in the party's You'll stand apart from the crowd with a sharp- Lan. Kurt Leptich Julie Lugar Steve Say numbers. agi Sen. Robert C. Byrd, D-W.Va., is looking professional resume from Kinko's. A/1111. now the minority leader, but he is al- Choose from a variety of paper stock and let Mar. Andersnn. Katherine Brogan,. Nancy most certain to be challenged for the Chan Pamela Croad. nand Garfield Jeannie our friendly staff you in creating an Geier Dan Cita, toe Krisloch Angelo Lope; leadership post if the Democrats Annette benne emerge with 50 or more seats. attention -getting statement about yourself. Retell Recount EsSicirthals Whether the Democratic leader Mike Mowry Elaine Annie. Jerry Burke is Byrd or someone else, he could Joanne Cestagoom, Jul Catlett. Julie Chap hardly resist the temptation to help rah, Marie Chvyre Marie (Mine intonate, Fate, Diana Fong Jonathon Dealer Linda force Bush onto the record with tie - G111/111, Margaret Haim Coins Hurley. breaking votes on a range of contro- Lisa Whom. Agnes Juni Rob low Cando versial issues. kinkois Mr.., Philip Morton Inn Orbon CA0,1, A scenario that played itself out Rambeuel Jerome Riordan Stephen Ro Open &lay open late. open weekends gamey. Maureen Schiernan last May would no doubt be repeated The Senate was locked in debate PletIonal Recount I emoting Ann on the budget resolution and with the John Cate Rita Connors. Marie ()wag. 93 Paseo De San O'Brien Nary Witheral vote 49-49, Bush broke the tie and as- Antonio Marketing Coneuftente sured that the measure calling for /I 481 San Carlos 2954336 CALL I( on Corkon Lii DallsVay Danny Polio,. freeze on cost-of-living increases for TODAY (408) 296-0483 Nallie Rochon 2955511 Social Security recipients would (After 4:30 pin) (Daring day leave message) Mon-Fri 7:30arnipm pass. Open 24 Hours Sat 10arnipm The National Council of Senior Page 4 Monday, April 28, 1986/Spartan Daily

Graduate student Lisa Richardson, works out with crossover cables at the Santa ('ruz Health Club. She does three sets of 10 repetitions each as part of her upper body workout. Live wire Student lifts way to fitness

FIVE-FuOT-FIVE, Lisa training with good nutrition as well. ATRichardson first began weight Unlike a lot of body builders who eat training in her sophomore year at mostly proteins, Richardson sticks to a Chico State because she was "fat and balanced diet. chubby." She said a lot of female competitors Richardson became inspired to start compromise their health by taking in only lifting weights by her best friend in high 500 calories per day, while a normal school, Judy Gong, who began losing woman should take in 2,000 calories. weight through lifting. "I refuse to do that." she said. "I try "When I saw Judy had lost weight and to use my knowledge from being a dieti- looked really good, I decided to give it a tian. !won't ruin my health to do the try," Richardson said. After six months. sport," Once a week, Richardson runs up and down the 10th Street Richardson noticed that her unwanted fat Drugs such as steroids also can play a Garage stairs 10 times as part of a cardiovascular exercise. was being replaced by muscle. major role in the life of many body build- Later, with Gong's encouragement, ers, Richardson said, but she is strongly Richardson decided to try competition. against them. Now - - five years later she's not "I just don't think it's right," she said. only in shape, the 25-year-old SJSU grad- After she obtains her master's degree uate student has been competing in com- at SJSU. Richardson would like to work petitive body building for a year and al- professionally with athletes as an exercise ready has a title under her belt. consultant to improve their performance Richardson, now working on her mas- health club, sometimes spending up to and diet, as well as teach at the collegiate ter's in human performance with an em- nine hours a day there Between the hours level and promote fitness to children at the phasis in exercise physiology, was spent on the job, training and school work, grade school level. crowned Miss Middle Weight Central Cali- Richardson has very little time for a social "The general population is more fornia in 1955 life aware of fitness now," she said. "But it is Her road to success was paved with "The gym is my social life because still not the case in elementary schools." many hours of hard work at the Santa I'm there so much," Richardson said. Children are not properly exposed to the Cruz Health Club. She still works out there Before coming to SJS1.1. Richardson importance of exercise, she added. as well as at SJSU, and attends classes received her bachelor's degree in dietetics "The idea of fitness should start two days per week at the university. from the California State University at younger," Richardson said. "It is not She also works as a trainer at the Chico. So, she is able to supplement her just for the yuppie crowd."

Photos and text by Ken Lam

Richardson does arm curls on the preacher's bench at the Spartan Complex Richardson takes an exercise physiology class at SJSU Spartan Daily/Monday, April 28, 1986 a CDF-CM, Pages on* Children One From the Gibber receive gift Thrill of victory of baseball 1111111' Rob Gibbany from broker Sports Editor BEVERLY HILLS AP) A Beverly Hills broker spent about $70,- 000 to buy season tickets to teams nationwide so 4166 underprivileged youngsters will get a chance to love the game as much as he does. A new beginning Jay Goldinger, a 32-year-old fan, WIND HAS STOPPED blowing. Hot dog said he believes in giving to the less T11F, fortunate. wrappers no longer waft over second base, and swirling dirt no longer causes players to Last July, he took 600 kids from scurry for the nearest foxhole. 14 Bay Area youth organizations to a All of a sudden, Candlestick Park is a fun place -Chicago Cubs game. to be, a place where parents want to bring the kids and teenagers help old across the street. "I didn't win the lottery," Gold- ladies What about the cold weather'? What about the inger said. "I've had to work for what I've got. drunken and crazed Ma nson-look-a likes who used to hang around in the beer bot- "I just believe in giving to people parking lot and break tles over peoples' heads? who are less fortunate," he said. These memories are "I take a lot of money that I don't long forgotten in the fever and fervor of a winning baseball team. necessarily need for living expenses As has happened to so many pop flies over the and try to give it to worthwhile char- ities." years, the bad news of the past has gotten lost in the fog that perpetually shrouds the Candlestick base- Goldinger, a Los Angeles native, ball shrine. said he dreamed of becoming a Goodbye, Manny Trillo and Rennie Stennet. See. major league player when he was a ya later, Jack Clark and Bill Madlock. kid, but the baseballs would not coop- A new breed now seems to be roaming the Can- erate. dlestick turf a breed who cares about winning and "The ground balls went through is willing to work for it. my legs, and the fly balls went over Hello, Will Clark and Rob Thompson. Hello, my head," he said. Roger Craig. Instead, he began saving his And it's not just the green newcomers who are summer job earnings, and at age 11 making the rest of the league see red. Veterans like he started playing the stock market. Jeffrey Leonard and Dan Gladden are playing with He's now a major league bond enthusiasm and desire. Last year, the seagulls broker in the Beverly Hills office of showed more enthusiasm than the Giants. Cantor, Fitzgerald and Co. The Giants are winning they are 10-5 going into last weekend's series against San Diego. They Before the season started. Gold- are hittingas of Friday, Leonard led the league in inger set out to buy four season tick- hits and Gladden was second. As a team, they are ets for every major league team in batting .260. the country. ABOVE AND BEYOND these very im- He said he contacted each team BUT and asked the club to select a local pressive numbers, the team finally seems to youth organization to which he could care. Win or lose, that's something worthy of donate the tickets. fan support and recognition. A case in point was last week, when the Dodgers But perhaps more importantly. weaved into town and were knocked flat on their col- Goldinger said, was the fact that lective faces in the first two games of the series, los- many baseball teams have waiting ing to the Giants, 5-1 and 1(1-3. lists for season tickets. Wednesday afternoon, Fernando Valenzuela As a result, he had to make spe- waddled out to the mound to try and avoid the cial arrangements for the needy chil- sweep, and avoid it he did, as the blue-blooded Dodg- dren. ers won, 6-4. Goldinger said all 26 major Sirs.'Udell Special to the Daily But not before the Giants battled and clawed league teams made the necessary ar- Dawn Hilgenberg (left) and Kelli Moulden celebrate team (21-12. 5-3) hopes to have a similar celebration their way back from a 5-1 deficit. They lost the rangements for him, except for the after winning a recent game. The Spartan softball after playing first-place Fresno State Saturday. game, but may have won the battle in the fans' 1984 champions, the . hearts. This team never quits. The fans of the Bay Area have agonized for so many years over Giant bobbling and bungling that Spartan gymnastics squad hopes to say aloha they don't expect, or even dream about. a pennant whipping in the breeze on a Candle- By Linda Smith program, said Jackie Walker, SJSU sorti, In the past, the meet was held before Most of the team has never been to stick Park flagpole. Daily staff writer en's gymnastics . the beginning of the year. making it diffi- Hawaii and is excited about going. That'd be nice, but what's most important right Next season, the SJSU women's gym- "The money has to support the whole cult for college teams to attend. "I've been waiting for so long logo to now is that San Francisco continue battling with nastics team may be going to Hawaii with program first," Walker said, indicating The NCAA requires that competitions Hawaii, even if it is for a meet," Liza Bet- heads held high. more than just sun and fun on their minds. that the trip is secondary to the program he held after the beginning of the year in tencourt said. Losing streaks will come land hopefully go), but For the first time, the team has been as a whole. order for the scores to count. Sheila Hughes went to the meet when if the team has pride in itself, it will be much easier invited to the Aloha Gymfest, an annual Money raised last season handing out Next year's meet will be held the first she was with the Santa Cruz Gymnastics for the fans to have pride in the team. event held at the Kokokahi Gym Club on promotional items at San Francisco 49ers weekend of January: the exact date is yet Club, Walker said. Last year was an embarrassment for everyone the island of Oahu. football games and putting on an exhibi- lobe determined. In addition to two days of competition. involved with the organization from the caring, Travel costs to and from the event and tion at Laneview Elementary School Last year, teams from the University the team will be able to spend a few days but uncertain Bob Lurie to the clueless Tom Haller expenses on the island are being paid by netted the team $2,000 toward the $3,000 of Washington and Arizona State attended. in the sun. to the even more clueless Jim Davenport. funds raised last season by the team. needed for travel and expenses for the Ha- Arizona, ranked No. 2 in the nation after In order to take advantage of lower The Rodney Dangerfields of major league base- However, if upcoming fund raising ef- waii trip. the NCAA championships April 18-19, won mid-week air fares and allow team mem- ball didn't deserve any respect last year, and they forts for the rest of the program aren't No money will be provided by the the meet. bers to relax before the meet, SJSU will didn't get any. successful, the money earned for the trip women's athletic department. Walker At this early date, Walker is unsure arrive a few days before the meet and sta What a difference a year makes. will have to be redistributed back to the said. what other teams might be competing. a few days afterward

NFL goes international PULL AHEAD OF LONDON (API The National mote itself outside North America. Football League is embarking on a "The league's long-range plan- THE COMPETITION! series of games around the world, ning committee and the clubs both THE MAUI RAFFLE with the first stop a return visit to approved the concept of staging a se- London this summer. ries of games over the next several WAS A SUCCESS For the time being, at least, the years here, in Europe, in Japan," games will involve the league's tradi- Rhein said. 277-31 7 1 tionally U.S.-based teams. "What the exact chronology of But NFL officials would not rule those games will be, we don't know 1-7(''' r...... s out the long-term possibility of fran- But the idea is to try to go into as The Marketing Club would like chises in Europe and Japan. many different areas as we can." to thank the following sponsors: At a news conference to promote The game between the defending the preseason game between the Chi- Super Bowl-champion Bears and the cago Bears and the Dallas Cowboys Cowboys, nicknamed "America's in Wembley Stadium Aug. 3, Joe Team" for their success over the last Rhein, the NFL's director of adminis- decade, "is our first step," Rhein IlkAll' Ell' ' tration, said the league wants to pro- said. ligeemft. _ ROBERTA ENTERPRISES M-_---. TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVICES The Associated Students are CAREER PLACEMENT CENTER accepting applications for these m i x q to i 1,.' WORD PROCESSING Program Board positions: khalduration Financial Clencal Deb Proceming Technical Secretarial Wad Preeessing Food Service Maarketing Aceountleg Light Industrial Sales Director Kinko's Artist -In -Residence NO FEE Classical Arts SANTA CLARA PALO ALTO SAN MATED Blimple's 775 Swoop ity 95050 485 Rowing Si. 94301 1 Wotan Put 1k. 94403 Concerts 1408) 1441948 14151 3265400 1419 572 1108 Tropical Rent a Car Dance The Royal Kaluna Publicity Films , Free Pregnancy Suntrips of California Forms rAg Testing & Counseling Completely Confidential Pregnancy Termination We would also like to thank the members 1st & Mid Trimester of AMA for helping with the Maui Raffle. Deadline for Applications is (Your Choice Sleep/or Awake) Family Planning AMERICAN Tuesday, May 6, 1986 San lose (408) 255-2773 MARKETING Applicants will be contacted by Pres 5150 Graves Ave., Suite B C com. iv t .en ASSOCIATION phone and in writing for interviews I rernont Critspani cum. 14151 790.3334 Page 6 Celnanono 1986/Spartan Daily Monday, April 28,

Achievers Transit tips Business students honored at banquet By Linda Smith Daily staff writer Member Am ard: Cheryl Billings :old International Management Coun- The School of Business honored Lisa Zaccheo cil Scholarship: Tony Dollar. students, faculty and professionals Financial Management Associa- liii iii,, n Resource Ad ntinistra Don Thursday night at the 28th Annual tion Outstanding Member Award: Club outstanding Member Award: Achievement Awards Banquet at the Lisa Stanton I.inda Lyricheski Sainte Claire Hilton in downtown San National Association of Santa Clara Valley Personnel As- Jose. Black Ac- countants sociation Scholarship Award: Four hundred people attended Outstanding Member Shan- Award: lynn Skinner and Pat Wood. the event to recognize students from Shannon Wright the School of Business as the business National Association of lilack Ac- AT&T/MBA Association Mem- clubs presented outstanding member countants Most Inspired New Mem- ber of the Tear Award: Dan Gon- awards. Awards ranged from ber Award: Clifford Baugh and zales. plaques and certificates to monetary Sherri Walker. , MBA Exceptional Merit Award: awards and scholarships from $200 to Richard Main. $10,000. Financial Executives Institute Outstanding MBA Faculty Mem- This year's Distinguished Alum- Award: David Newlin and Gregg ber Award: Stephen Achtenhagen. nus Award was given to Bruce Pohle, Rose. Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship a 1966 SJSU graduate and president Outstanding Finance senior Key: Robert Cantrell and of Southern Lumber Company Award: David Newlin. Calvin Martinez. Delta Thomas Hayes, California auditor Sigma Pi Collegiate of the In marketing and quantitative Year: Kerry Bartlett. general and 1985 recipient of the studies, awards included: award, presented the award. Executive Council of Business Putting the city "on hold," American Marketing Association Students Exceptional Merit Award: Erick Swenson Mayor Tom McEnery presented a Award: Vincent Batista, and Christine Perez. special commendation from the City Goldeen's Retailing Award: Mi- Executive Council of Business chael Carter. of San Jose to Pohle for his extensive Students Service Award: Kim Van community work. Pacifica Publishing Corporation Tran. Achievement Pohle is on the board of directors Award: Annette Linds- Hispanic Business Association trom. for the Crippled Children's Society of Outstanding Member Award: Eliza- Santa Clara County and Happy Hol- In organization and manage- beth Ponce low Children's Zoo and Park. He's ment, awards included: Hispanic Business Association Daily staff photographer also vice president of administration A1ESEC Outstanding Member Scholarship .Award: Elizabeth of San Jose Chamber of Commerce, Award: Edith Gong. Ponce. president of the San Jose Historical AIESEC Wall Street Journal Phi Chi Theta Outstanding Mem- Becky Hill, a senior, visits the rapid transit the Student t 'Mon. Evans said "people are Museum Association and is active in Award: Teri Feichter. ber Award: Christine Perez. booth attended by Mark Evans outside of anxious for transit improvement." other philanthropic endeavors. Calvin Martinez and Ingela Doughty were the recipients of the Alpha Al Sirat Award, given to the outstanding male and female grad- uating seniors. Nominees were judged on scholastic and leadership ability through participation in on - and off-campus activities. Marshall Burak, dean of the School of Business, awarded the Dean's Service Award for the first time to a staff member. Joy Cicisly. an SJSU employee since 1968 and cur- rently Burak's secretary, received the award and a standing ovation The award recognized "service and outstanding contributions in further- ing the School of Business." Nancie Finbel, associate profes- sor of business, received the Dean's Faculty Excellence Award because she "willingly and generously shared her skills, knowledge, enthusiasm, time and energy to the benefit of the School of litiainess sa it. Kee.the ceremony an enjoya- ble event, the master of ceremonies, Edward Laurie, an SJSU professor of business since 1956, gave many enliv- ened descriptions of his colleagues. Seven accounting students each received $10,000 for The Bing Crosby Youth Fund Scholarship Award. "This award is to help those stu- dents who would otherwise not be able to continue their studies," said Robert Walker, professor of account- ing and finance. Rebecca Banks, Wayne Corini. Avis Doctor, Brian Evans, Anne Mc- Kereghan, James McKinlay and Michele Van Fleet received these awards. Other School of Business awards included: Outstanding Instructor Award: Wanda Blockhus and Lee Jerre!! In accounting and finance, awards included: Beta Alpha Psi Activity Award: Jeanne Kleis Beta Alpha Psi Outstanding Pretrial set for former instructor By 1.ynn Louie Daily staff writer A former SJSC instructor ac- cused of assaulting a student last fall is scheduled to appear for a pretrial conference today in San Jose Munici- pal Court. Jerry Duane Green, a former Continuing Education instructor, is charged with assaulting a graduate student Oct 24 because of a "traffic altercation" earlier that day ati He did not appear at two previous pretrial conferences, but he was rep- "’"4Xits."60404400.14. resented by his lawyer, Patrick Va- lencia. Green pleaded not guilty on Nov 25 to two counts of misdemeanor as- sault, but his plea may change today, Valencia said "The case may be resolved at this point," he said. Each count carries a maximum penalty of six months in Santa Clara County Jail and a $2,000 fine. Graduate student Susan Lynn Power was assaulted near the Cen- tral Classroom Building at about 8:30 p.m. In her witness statement, Power said she was struck across the chest, her hair was grabbed, and she was "lhe prat beers of the world go by one name: Iiiv,enbritu. Brewed in Ntunich. thrown to the ground. Green later turned himself in to the campus po- liremi in England, Sweden, Canada, Japan luid here in America for a distinctive world class taste. lice. Power suffered soreness in the neck, lower back and left leg from the &S WORD CALLS FOR LiiIVENINall assault, according to court records. Green resigned from his univer- sity position Nov. 25. 01986 Miller Brewing Co Milwaukee, W1 Spartan Daily/Monday, April 28, 1986 M=2tti Page 7

Bloom County Berke Breathed Yesterdaily Campus YOU CANT COW ( t 80. OR. Students may be Fs'ftZXY voting on an $8 fee increase this 14 0 PENNON& GO FIN1Y. WU Ail merge spring if a circulating petition calling for a special Asso- tAt ROU.A5 Mg emir POWER* *Nit 10U MR NCI Xt ciated Students election collects enough signatures. 1-; YCV 04,4 eff Kea The increase per student, per semester would allow 54/116ERY at. at least 30 percent of the expected revenue to go to the In- ZECIAIRY structionally Related Activities 11 groups. Room - t The Revised Automatic Funding Initiative which 110 8 wuream-- funds six groups, would also be repealed if the initiative were to pass. A $2 Student Union fee increase that would generate about $100,000 annually was opposed by the Student Union finance committee Tuesday. '0 .51 Paul Sonneman, Associated Students executive assis- tant, proposed the increase to raise money for the A.S. Isaac Newt Sheila Neal Program Board and a proposed operating-loss account - an account that could be established to provide money to cover any deficits that may result from insufficient reve- SOMErimES I Ti0Ntc I DO 11-4INGS nues when the Student Union Recreation and Events Cen- I CAN CO 7HIN&S WITHOUT THINK IN6 I CAN'T ter opens. WITNOUT A REASON THERE IS A REASON REASON -17) 'THINK A THERE IS A THINK Sports geAsoN FOR TF-IINK INS, SJSU head football coach Claude Gilbert is going to have to make some tough decisions before this year's spring workouts are finished. The most competitive position has been at quar- terback, with four people vying for the spot: returners (flip Doug Allen and Mike Perez, and newcomers Tony Locy, "Don't complain - you're the one who from Cerritos College, and Ken Lutz, from Moorpark Col- lege. ordered 'very rare!" z r 55i c:I "r,"" Allen was the starting quarterback throughout most of last season. Classified Erk and Wendall Eric Kieninger FREE HAIR CUTS/MODELS for ad ACADEM1CiADMISSION5 advisor for beurun 8 30 am.4 pm & 7 pm ANNOUNCEMENTS slanted classes Metro Halt. 279 the new San Jose campus of Na 8 30 pm Phyllis 923 2309/Pam OH, No I LEI ME No WAY, ERK I I'LL651- You DO YOU WANT CAREER & 9694 EMPLOYMENT DECISIONS tional University Salesinektg abl ela 923 7810 10 min. from cam Help is COMES TEN BUce-S available identify your ity ropier. Salary tuition Con GAY CONTACT CLUB for mon and pus HERE NANDIt ALtuAys C4SI-1 ,OR SHALL strengths. Inc 00000 your self confi too Gale Joni. at 291 5400 worn. age 18 Low ref Se. en ACADEMIC APA TYPIST! Resume*, ONE OF TkosE 114/5 Rio UP BUYINC, TAAT u E.E. tURITFA cmcce duce. resolve confusion. prem. MEM/ dots. & Reused Confident. U term papers theses, cos for muccessful interviews match For info send SASE to NOGG PO CRUISESHIPS HIRING' $16-130.000 sotto ....lotion 10 yrs ...elf Dcoa-V-f)cce L SCAETNING Ai3LEW TuRN your inuresrs with the job market Boo 28781 San Jose. Ca Corribean, Hawaii World' Call for once w/SJSU sludinle & faculty Uctonood &Iodine/Family Coun 96169 F7?_OM Them 14114 DoWN, CAS1-1 Guide. Caosetto, Nswsseroicai 10 irdn from camp. 11 30 am . sgestiai . seior with Placemont and Rocruil 19161 9444444 X CSU SANGO HEY DIA 011 The awesome 02 I'm.. 5:30 pm Mon Sun 251-5942. / you Ing asps Martha Stoodloy ST CRUISE psychod as can bolor SIGMA NU 10% discount wied LMFCC 448 0123 PD not buauu it's the aunt of GOT IT.' PART TIME job. be your own boa. ACADEMIC REPORTS, DISSERTA CHILD ABUSE TREATMENT PRO the century Ind emu. you're my Earn is little or as much as you TIONS Theses our specialty GRAM! Enhance personal end pro dote. NATURALLY LOUIE want Cell Glen et 292 7812 Seven page minimum Key In word fessional growth as Volunteor In H1LLEL JEWISH STUDENT ASSOC1A. processing Ask for Joy. at 264 EULIPIA RESTAURANT need. boasters Nt tern in world renowned local TION, Shabbet dinners, 1029 host cocktail wailer ass program Counseling support Sunday brunches. lectures Tue. Work with other SJSU students' ACADEMIC WORD PROCESSING services. winin date processing dey lunch with Rabbis. Israeli Apply mornings in person at 374 specialty Chrystol offers proles puteNc hind raising dencIng. wornen’ study grOup. S tat Sr. 2606161 Worth!. letter quality 19.0011.00 etc IN & mono lingual All majors holiday celebrations For informs product with 20% studsot des grad & undrgred Etp.c.nce horn FEDERAL OVERSEAS. NATIONWIDE lion cell Halal office at 294 8311 count Theses end group project. clerical to post grad, intro to is Jobs! $17.101 161.104" Suit Life on Earth Anderson MARK FOUR YEARS of knowing you welcome Southrd trnd micro Dr. dower, WE NEED YOU Nur cam mar I Call Gs...rectory. deserves celebration, How about denuription SAM8 PM Smiles nowsur pee ICEF PO Box 952 S J applications. listings. dinner Wore 180' Luv, Claudia from SJSU in Nonh SJ Chrystel to dosdu in simown yoy t 951013. 280 5055 vice' 19161 944 4444 ext. oNE fag.umgto tahe tlw aroA 05f by appointment I 923.8481 EveNikiN \JIII.E(.0o11144DitititVi G 5 20 MEET SINGLES! Personalized introduc p=or nicig St. Nunso HAVE YOU FILED your tax return Vat,' In Out of NOESEMI3311! Scutt has left WHAT'5 'IOW\ NAME1 tions et CHOICES Free trial mem ALMADENICURTNER WORD PRO FEMALE DANCERS NEEDED for took vothout houst.fElthsT, a Istt lt0uSl4f HELL If not, tali preparation by 971 barships ovoids.. Call CESSING and editing Term pa 8.3 otoie thee computer swvices are eyeil ...ant company Bacholor per- jy golf& get to a the 7408 pots. mums. manuscripts Both Where's 13EN .. able nowl 1040E1 $10 We also du & baloon a grams Coll Funta NOW Laitininc5eaf 16f.N VA, and i YOUNG FEMALE desired I em 22 gen students and faculty welcome 5eun do 1040A end 1040/W1SCHA clear 370 2646 erous, and financielly secure Elec Form., English major will usist tvve lost my marble', CM 292-8461 or 2822367 GARDENER. HANDYMAN $5/hr tncal engineer Want to mew you with grammar and sentence stn. Pf") Work 3 hrs every Sunday free $10.8360 Wukly1 Mae. Commis tuns Dependoblo and sperienced oure for the purpose of matrimony Call fruit Won Mailing Homo.Operatedl Sin morn, cutting grass. trimming tr. Peul at 270 5481 Willow Glen are. CaN Marsha dodges. etc Study cored Intorestod rush self ad thb 298 RAM RPM at 266 9448 WORSHIP AT CAMPUS CM.. Cen dressed ...lope Headqueneth 4900 ter Sunday Lutheran 10.45 am ? & 8 OFFICE SERVICES Word pro CEO.P0 BOX 1072.0 I Lake, GOVT JOBS' 116 040 $59.230/yr Catholic 4-00 end 800 pm ceasing, reports, manatees, re 6.60014. Now hiring Call 18051687 6000 Please call Campus Ministry at own. nthillng lists Located on W hems us 0992910, current Uderal list "fht'S 298 0204 lor worship counseling 1167 5 Sawn. Sunnyvale Rd. AUTOMOTIVE MC DONALD'. NOW HIRING/1 Pre wnefeS programa and study opportunitths San Jou Student Discounts IS TT TRUE you can buy theps lot $44 miurn pay hours flexible wound -Mat. Roy Notall. Shoes Fr Bob Lager 14081973 8670 through the U S government, Gat school schodule 2 5 cley. 10 35 Sr Joan Panella Rev Nod, Firn BECK SECRETARIAL SERVICES for the foots todui Cell 1 312 742 hours par week Intorviews Mon h eber your sludont needs. Word pro 1142. aid 8115 Fri 3 4 pm Contact Md. or Nib at castling. theses. resumes. M... JAPANESE ENGINES & TRANSMIS 356 3095 r5475 Los Get. SERVICES Willow Glen area Ask for Ilse et 510051 Honda. Dotson. Toyota, Blvd The Real World Manuel Ruiz BARE IT ALL" Stop shaving. waxing. 267 8234 Masada. Sub.. Isuzu. Mnsubi NOW HIRING', FOOD Service employ re !wowing Let me permanently CALL LINDA FOR prof...U.1 typing otc Low mileage tested. .55 -FT & PT Grill cooks, entree hi move your unwonted hair (chin, 'word processing 11 50/page clamed, guaraneeed high quolity, persons, meat core cooks. wait kin, tummy moustache, buk. !double ...di Foperiancod no core Special discount and free ban.... pantry Will train ers. shoulders. etc 1 15% dthcounts to Fro, disk storage C 44444 le don delivery tor studonts with! 0 Call Elam.2pm. UP 395 2943. students end faculty Cell bellor. uriptoon suitable Near Almaden /Undo at 279 3535 PART TIME SALES Earn good money June 1 1986 & gat your Ist spat Expwy & Branham Ln Guar JAPANESE ENGINES & TRANNIES No and gain valuable wtworlence that et 1,2 price Unwantod hair deems anteod quick 44444 n on all path. core chariot/6 mos worronty Free will impross your future employ pear with my care Gwen C 05.1 - Phone 284-4504 delivery Student Discount Sim 12 15 hour./week High cow grin . SE 559 3500, 1645 S ars CONANT'S WORD PROCESSING Sue ten Diotributors 385 7007 bonuses. $10000 to Bascom Ave OC HOU Today mission and ice for term paws. thous lind 110 BUICK REGAL LTD VC it u 00iwukly and up Boy Ares Go. Tomorrow $250 OPAL resume.. 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Call 0570 find SO DODGE COLT. 60,000 miles to build but con't Nth ports or Dobbie at 378 9845, 7am 8pm 'great conditIon. must sell ASAP REC FACILITATOR 26thrsiwIt. 34 the nocessory information about West S.J ores Gwen Roston, 749 8219 Cues & occasional SAT 16 25/hr them With my library of muufac DOWNTOWN LOCATION LESS than 1 adm teen club program Deadline news dotsbooks, design ideas. 79 DODGE OMNI New tires mile frm SJSU Prof typing. word 5/286948 2470 for info tips & schiwnotics, I can help youl Hrsrs, car..., muffler cutely processing, term paps.., reports Coll for details -day 942-77313. tic cons $950 00 Cell 268 REGISTER WITH THE BEST' Whether thous & great looking rum.* HERBAL WEIGHT LOSS Lou up to 29 6670 uthiloble lot work during the Reinonabie 44444 Try me I'm lbs por month 100% mutes' back '79 HONDA ACCORD HD 5 spud wuk weekends part time. rem JUST YOUR TYPE 286 0250 porwy or only during the holidays guarantee Am seen on ABC NBC Classified regular gas Good condition EDITING/WORD PROCESSING Former CBS morning news comment.. $2100/oll et 637 1002 eve Call U. today for intormetion All English major sithcient, despond worry Ceil Mr. Ryan for fast.. it es your ernbassodor to th. core. skills & skill levels Best Ternpoury Cell 14081 268 6840, Nancy technical, sclentifk out.. corder 279 8132 '76 HONDA AUTOMATIC wagon able Will oasis, with grammar. vo cent professional rnulls guar world Every hot ph opening Svc. 984 1340 'Tony 11 75153 50/page Cell Vicki al WORD PROCESSING Lori 0/196i, Good cond AM -FM cats.tts & sent.. structure it *Mood every time 111 75 pet nu sirrilng resume IMMIGRATION ATTORNEY MN con 291 3059 13.m111. 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Co 95050 SUCCESS ENTERPRISE Prof...cense 7970 eves & sob for crocenett wide. counter sive salts cootli who went to 245 1769 lion For prompt, 7 day usponees, Cell otter 6 prn or Num mess.. al PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL for men typIng & buten... *services Rise Cathy pause. 1150 Darkroom onlorger work hied & are motivated by EXPERIENCED SECRETARY FOR your leave no for Pons. at 14081 14081246 5633 ask for Pet monu Call Mrs Green ei 971 & worn. Special radi with lac winable rote. Call 140111 259 YOUR REPORT TERM pep... or 1. dn.. Gaul & more, $300 288 peroonal, legal or busineso typing- 276.6253 TYPISTS Santa Clara/Sunnyvale Area 9733 uity or studut ID Privet. & tont! 9368 aume done with cornptherlud 6626 / word processing need. Tom pa. PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. prompt at Reareonabie We it. the best' dontlal Weeldley. sus & Satur SUNNYVALETVALLCO MARCIE word Proceeeing by profusion., ISM/XT COMPATIBLE 2561,, 2 drives pers, reports. resumes letters. curate. dependethe 12 00/640 The Postal Connection. 247 HOUSING day In Kok Beniness Park at Hwy word preCillSing, typing Prompt Student tete. ...rays tor 5.01110 keyboard. monitor. $777 1 yr monuocripts, thous, dies... sp per page Saud. area Joan 6300 FEMALE WANTED TO SHARE town 101 & N Fah Oaks Ave exit Sun .01. accurate Most in studont. & faculty Sou yew warmth. PC.COM. 404* 3rd Si don.. all format. Edit Si 741.5890 nyvole WORD FOR WORD ENTERPRISES ol those. upon an hous, huge turn room Wart bath Sunnyvalo Eloctrolyth ing. grammar/spoiling ...lot MC chef:ling APA $1 60/poge !double diekettol Cal cmr of Son Salvador. 295 1606 TYPING, word pro lest flrepic pool, Centor.14081734.3116 PROFESSIONAL Call 720 tins quality word procusing Erickson Word Processing et 140111 & sun dock gauge. Casson. transcription Guar specad pica type) MAC 128K X.drIve printer and more ceasing evory day! 10 yews .pe 12/double specs page Neer the tennis Negotiable! 274 6085 REVITALIZE!! STATE CERTIFIED mu 9635 377 5293 lowris rneeespe 24 @mud professional confidutiel to very low us.. $1450 Coll eve duce ell types of papers Close Aimed. Coll 993 9260 Ste /day STUDIO APT for 1 person nr SJSU. sage PteCtioner offering them and desundeble sonic. at afford. THE DAISY WHEEL'', Proles...I nines 266 2923 campus 11 blockl 326K WORD PROCESSING or hurnen re 1390rmo 6300 sec du No youth bodywork treetrnsints word proceueng Academic Bust TYPING SERVICE FOR YOUI foot ao- ble 11Frees Usk otorade and re PERSONAL COMPUTER TRAINING" St, 010 Coll 2800105 !source. conwthmg or sisrvice pets. pd Cell 259 7040 Stress redution. spuilk (MSC Uilbf tonal discount. Pam. 247.2681 nee* Student discount. cell 723 corm. typing avoid.le wren ilwo Privet. Instruction tailored to inch PUT YOUR WORDS In thole boot per Word processeng done et 115/hr problarns onergy bolancing, and (Santa Choral. 3043 ...It Pleb up end doh." .0- student'5 nudo on the PC Learn spuds. Esperlucesd. prole. minimum 4 his Hourly con.hing LOST b FOUND athketk injuries are nested For an TIRED OF SENDING out 101 copies of UM el SAW 0. 51 the Num.. la EXPERIENCED TYPIST.reports. term paper. re - Wordperfect. Muldmete my glamour *poi cell at. 3 pm Wonol word proceteing done at $2011. deureul manopot /Santo Ten. woe 3115-1012. HELP11 I CAN't SEE w/o weektheys. etc 11 50/double this ear. old resume' Just think of PePers. apace Speciellet In and more Introductory through 4/310 SWEENEY HALL Pink onytime wookends Janke memo., thous Gee ith ape t pe LOST pews Editing Now LIMO advanced Call Fist. a, As50 F cue 971 Thuuton CINP.140812672993 frames in & Condom CM 311-5933 evo clads. at 395 7940 and sign up 7839 STUDENT DENTAL/OPTICAL PLAN rung. Print Your Ad Here for your class now! Manuscript I $ OREWARDI1 LOST GOLD WATCH Enroll now, Save your teeth. eyee tCounr approsomatele 30 Wt.," and spaces Ion each Mel services also avellable GET THE GRADES your herd most, do and resume sod money too Ad Rates 2 diamonds on fece. new 10th Sr For information Nino. WAITE/TYPE has th right MONITOR 125 ."ACOUSTIC garage. Sentimental value. 358 and brochure see A $ office or call I Itbewee am bee so me of typo of product for you A meth wad.. 3 way speaker. Used only 140131371 I _LI_ 1 _LL_LILlILI_I 1__L-LL1111111.11_1_2I1 7050.... 6811 typed, grenuatkolly correct I 3 time. They crank, with 5 yr Each WE'RE FRIENDLY, WE'RE THOR. paper Rates by pegs. hour. or Niti I warranty Con Jim 14151 969 PERSONAL One Teta Three Pose five Ems OUGH. & we're YOU A Print CM Nerds. at 972-9430 for typ Lk _I 1 31106. ADULT 0051 CLASSIFIEDS. Frem Ow Ow Wye Dave 0,0 Der Shop, Sludut Union lower level, log sod editing I In $310 45050 811415548 14 36 54 50 $ 80 WORDSTAR HELP, Personallud umple copy! 400 local odo! Info ern 161 :. 431..1.ine: 993 INNOVATIVE COMPUTER SERVICES le 111_111 111I114 1_ L_I-1-1-1 1.111122211r1 otruction and applications asses recording. 294 6354124 hrsl 9380 $506 8520 9 95 *those the. Wow located right 55 $1 10 ten. on your PC Studut rote. C of Doha Goo fire TRAVEL I 5 Lowe 9450 R520 8555 $5 78 90 ATTN KATHLEEN convene...I! from SJSU for your 46 9580 $ 1 25 1.-1_1_1-1111111111 UM.. CO 268 9467 waiting so pwiently because SKI PASS SALE! hl000wnh, Valley $19. I61.10e5 65 20 5580 8125 56 bun We type legume, tom pope. Line Add $ 70 ere th only one tor In. You &thew $22. Kirkwood 917 EaCh Additional you 50 'visaing Nato! Cal Os at 292 8461 FOR SALE the one I worm to sae we miss Hewed 5191101. Oyler leland are for on appointment! 10% thecount Print Nene I waterbed FURNITURE FOR SALE! OPUS IVIE 9269. Mustlen 9299 Intl round you. on your first eervIcol Nissen) wenn meth.s pad, hood BACKACHE 11 Fr. examined. & tare trip. ak fore. 3 nights bolt tax bow* Ness IM Iswasel board lue mirror and chow... DI MANUSCRIPTS, TERM PAPERS RE Address Phone Is pert of a reourch pro*, If you Travel Tinto. 2307 Van Nue. 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Quick turn FREE Call Mon. ot 294.9347 ReePthe p.o. with our POI 'an S 5 I MO Omilmint 911110 CHEM MIA OWES Cloollol ENO WNW Saab 8111188 DAY The dr’ soy b UT Custom Futon. & around. available wren days Mon Net 9-Sent Or 928.1274 lewe & Inoue hoods.. away Dr k e the 7 30 IAnnouncements Help Wanted Persons!. COCAIN TO El Pas. Shop week AR 'work gueranteed 1010.10.1 Mews Mu 302 Bony. Or Duee. AWN Th Se Automotive Housing Soul( es SPARTAN DAILY CLASSIFIEDS Deadline Two dov p.l.c to PARosilIN, Sarlitou & Campbell A 9EAUTIEUL PAPER every drne lop.. OffICE AttERNATIVEllt Word pro pine UMW, Bros) dote For Unlvarldty Coneuuthr poolkotion doom Aye, San Jo... 378 6646 10% dented, prolUelenel ward pro. cueing. typing. denudation 24 Trvel Salt Lost IL Found Son Jo. Slate only FEMALE COMPANION WANTED to the illebesent in 'Wens with Nth ad cueing. Purse. thee., reeseneill. Hess NM. Student dluthunte Stereo Typing Su JONI Coellf OW. 116192 No whin& on coneollid ads whh *encore hondkapped man offIce overflow. ithillnu SWUM owillobb. 14081294- 2976 Edon ot 298,2308 HELP WANTED amount OuNerhead weft Call 0IJI7 No tithe Se 0,0 Not to 1.11111=IMINDIMPIMIDN

f (C pi Page 8 Monday, April 28, 1986/Spartan Daily CSU lottery funds Robbery suspect arrested at SJSU continued from page 1 campus, and we cleaned him up," le along San Fernando Street, the sus- Maligne said. split among schools pect tried to escape on a bike but was Officers from the University Po- unsuccessful, Ba less no said. lice Department arrived on the scene The chase stopped at First first, immediately followed by SJPD Distribution of Lottery funds Street, where Harris struggled with officers and paramedics. Wad a ma Amman the suspect. While they were fighting, The paramedics attempted to Engineering 288,034 they crashed through the plate glass question the suspect, but he per- 237,329 window, Balesano said Science sistently asked for his brother. Applied Arts and Sciences $85,286 While fleeing the scene, the sus- Humanities and Arts 79,087 pect leveled an 80-year-old man, Ba- "Please let me see my brother:' Instructional Resources Center 63,422 lesano said. He said the man could he pleaded. Business 58,014 not be found after the incident The suspect was wearing pants Social Science 51,629 The suspect then fled toward the and shoes, but no shirt. His chest was Education 37,291 university, leaving a trail of blood spattered with blood from the wound Information Systems and Computing 15,000 from a gash above his right eye. over his right eye. Before the suspect Men's Athletics 14,050 SJSU student Marius le Maligne was treated by the paramedics, he Women's Athletics 10,867 was lying on the grass near Morris was handcuffed by police. Social Work 7,935 Dailey Auditorium when he saw the Sgt Boone said the suspect Graduate Studies 7,913 suspect staggering, covered with matched the description of a youth blood. who ripped necklaces from the necks Michael K Chow Daily staff photograph, Total $955,837 "We saw him stumbling across of two women in the area last week The bloodied suspect is taken IF root a report by Maynard Robinson away on a stretcher assocrale acadanyt VIL0 postale, I continued from page "Although the Schools of En- The gap between gineering and Science each could A.S. wants control of Student Union space easily utilize all of the lottery what the schools continued from page I et - funds designated for equipment approval from the chancellor's director, said the Student Union can purchases, it is evident that all of were entitled to increase its student fee without a stu 'So, essentially what the other schools to various de- Seven members of the Student dent vote while the A.S. which un- and its grees require a substantial and what they you're Union Board of Directors successfully tried to raise its saying is that amount of instructional equip- fee in committees attended the Thursday March cannot ment as well," the report slates. received provided increase its current the Student Union meeting. The lease negotiations will The last quarter of the lottery $10-per-semester fee unless students resume tomorrow during a union vote fund was distributed on an off-the- the discretionary in favor of a hike. should pick up the board meeting. top, discretionary basis, allowing funds. "So, essentially what you're say- The A.S. and Student Union offi- the more equipment-poor schools ing is that the Student Union should A.S.' problem.' cials agreed to plan an a two-year in- to fill some equipment needs. En- pick up the A.S.' problem," said Ron Ron Barrett, stead of five-year lease because the gineering and science did not re- Barrett, Student Union director. Student Union director latter would require approval by the ond floor, west wing. The funds SUBOD cieve off-the-top funds. member Marcus Aiu chancellor's office and a two-year are specified for equipment which said the Student Union and "In the absence of such off- the A.S. lease would require approval by will aid the transition. both get their money from the same,' it's going to go down," the-top funding, schools other than students SJSU President Gail Fullerton, r Equipment acquisitions and both are established to serve stu- Sauer said. engineering and science would which would take less time. which could support labs that ben- dents. She said she was opposed to hav- have little opportunity to acquire fit the entire university. Open "The Student Union is run very ing the Student Union pay the busi- Hebert said another blow to the significant equipment items," computer labs would qualify for well. I think ness office's 17,000 custodial and util- A.S. budget was a $23,000 charge for Robinson stated. that's a credit to Ron this category. (Barrett)," Aiu ity costs. services at the cashier's office. Off-the-top funding was made said. "But, I'm not r Equipment that depart- convinced that $7,000 is "It becomes a very dangerous "The total cost of the services possible by giving engineering going to hurt ments could share. Men's and the position to be in," Sauer said. "You currently provided to A.S. is $32,000, I and science less than the share Student Union, whereas, $7,000 in Women's Athletics and the De- the A.S. account put yourself into a position where think. I'm not sure," Sauer said. each school should receive under will help a whole lot partment of Human Performance of student organizations. The you've got so many trade-offs, and "Right now (A.S. is) paying $9,000. the inventory formula. Even money will share a machine that students comes from the nearly as big as the bubble in the A.S. somebody else is bearing the cost for So, what we are really mandated to though the two schools' combined students, and I think in each department can use for it should go back to the budget." A.S. or any other entity." seek from A.S. is for reinbursement, share was about 60 percent of the students." physical conditioning. Connie Sauer, associate exec- To worsen the lease situation, the otherwise the state general fund is total, their inventory share was Hebert said that students don't r The efforts of a department really know how utive vice president of business af- California State University Chancel- subsidizing an auxiliary which is not actually 76 percent of all campus their fees are allo- to get outside funding or matching cated. fairs, said money is just as important lor's Office issued a March 20 mem- acceptable." equipment. Robinson notes in the grants were recognized in the off- to the Student Union as it is to the orandum that required revising for- She said the differential between report. "(Students) just pay money and the-top allocations. Business and they want to see their A.S. mats of all new subleases thereafter. $32,000 and $9,000 would be charged The gap between what the services met," engineering received g:ants for "If the Student Union is serving The format previously approved by over a four-year period. schools were entitled to and what Hebert said. "In this case, the busi- computers and got $50,000 to up- ness office could the students, you can't say, 'Well, I'm union officials and A.S. members is Connie Sauer said the mandate to they received provided the discre- have better services grade the computer system. as well going to take this money away from no longer valid. increase the charge came from the tionary funds. The six other as the A.S. can better serve Robinson said the high-prior- the students, and the the Student Union and the Student Barrett said any deviations of the chancellor's office about two years schools received a mix of both for- dent in the Stu- ity equipment items identified by dent Union budget would not be Union level of service is going to stay required CSU format would require ago and A.S. has known about it mula and off-the-top funding. the schools should form the basis The report states that off-the- for the next round of requests. top fund distribution was based on After the deans have had a chance a number of different criteria: to revise the lists, he said, r Purchases which would en- amended requests should be made able the school to fill part of any for next year. long-term equipment needs were At present, he said the amount given some priority. of lottery funds allocated to the Engineering has equipment system next year is not known. As needs that could total up to $20 such, he advised the deans to million in the next five years, the make contingency requests for report states. Robinson notes that both the base level of equipment all the other schools, while per- funding and another augmented haps not so acutely, have also by lottery funds. been experiencing a tremendous Robinson estimated that SJSU growth in equipment needs. will receive 91,415,795 in equip- r Funds needed for emer- ment money next year without lot- gency uses, such as the relocation tery funds Another $I million can of Instructional Television The be added if the lottery allocation program was displaced by the clo- remains at the same level as this sure of Dwight Bente! Hall's sec- year's, the report states GOING


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