Colonial Spanish Sources for Indian Linguistics at the Newberry Library

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Colonial Spanish Sources for Indian Linguistics at the Newberry Library Colonial Spanish Sources for Indian Linguistics at the Newberry Library edited by Gabriel Angulo, M.A. LIS Colonial Spanish Sources for Indian Linguistics MAYAN Cakchiquel. .3 Chol. 20 Huastec. 21 Ixil. .23 Kekchi. 25 Mam. .29 Pokomam. .31 Pokomchí. .34 Polyglot. 38 Quiché. 44 Tzeltal. .76 Tzutuhil. .82 Yucatec. .83 MIXE‐ZOQUEAN Mixe. 99 Zoque. .101 OTOMANGUEAN Chiapanec. 107 Matlatzinca. 111 Mazahua. 117 Mazatec. 118 Mixtec. .119 Otomí. .123 Zapotec. 130 UTO‐AZTECAN Cora. 138 Eudeve. .139 Nahuatl. 140 Opata. 181 Tepehuan. .183 Yaqui. 184 OTHER MESOAMERICAN LANGUAGES Coahuilteco. .187 Tarascan. .188 LANGUAGES OF SOUTH AMERICA Allentiac. .202 Aymara. 204 Cumana. .208 Cuna. .210 Guaraní . .211 Mapuche. 213 Naxi. 214 Quechua. .215 Spanish colonial sources for native languages represented in Newberry Library collections Photographic Manuscripts Imprints reproductions Totals Allentiac 1 1 Aymara 5 5 Cakchiquel 18 18 Chiapanec 5 5 Chol 1 1 Coahuilteco 1 1 Cora 1 1 Cumana 1 1 Cuna 1 1 Eudeve 1 1 2 Guarani 3 3 Huastec 1 3 4 Ixil 1 1 Kekchi 1 3 4 Mam 1 1 2 Mapuche 1 1 Matlatzinca 3 4 7 Maya polyglot 1 1 4 6 Mazahua 1 1 Mazateco 1 1 Mixe 2 2 Mixtec 1 3 4 Nahuatl 16 38 19 73 Naxi/Moxo 1 1 Opata 1 1 1 3 Otomí 7 2 2 11 Pokomam 2 2 Pokomchi 4 4 Quechua 1 6 7 Quiché 37 37 Tarascan 2 4 12 18 Tepehuan 1 1 Tzeltal 1 4 5 Tzutuhil 1 1 Yaqui 1 1 Yucatec 15 15 Zapotec 2 1 3 6 Zoque 4 4 39 72 150 261 MAYAN 2 Cakchiquel Photographic reproductions Vico, Domingo de, d. 1555 Ayer MS Theologia indorum : yndustriacion de los yndios en la fe en la qual 1511 se trata vida y milagras y passion, resurrection y asçension de Xpo. Nro. Se~nor, y todo lo que conviene guardar y obrar y creer a todo fiel xpiano ynterpretado en la lengua guatemalteca. [ca. 1545] [276] leaves Photographic reproduction of a book of sermons in Cakchikel on the life of Christ, the Gospels, and saints’ days, composed by Father Domingo de Vico, probably around 1545. The sermons, for use in instructing the Cakchikel Indians in the doctrines and worship of the Catholic faith, relate events in the life of Christ, such as the incarnation, the annunciation, the nativity, the significance of the gifts presented by the Magi, Herod’s slaughter of the innocents, and the flight of the Holy Family into Egypt. Other sermons describe the meaning and importance of Palm Sunday, Judas’ betrayal of Jesus, the Crucifixion, and the preachings of John the Baptist and his baptism of believers in the Jordan River. Also included are sermons explaining the Ten Commandments, the virtues and vices, the sacraments, the miracles performed by Christ, and prayers such as the Pater Noster, Creed, Ave Maria, and Salve Regina. The last six leaves contain a table of contents in Spanish. In Cakchikel, with table of contents in Spanish. Butler, R.L. Check list of the mss. in the Ayer Coll., 1511 Edward E. Ayer Coll. Indian lings., Cakchiquel 32 Weeks, J.M. Mesoamer. ethnohistory, 714 Photograph. [Paris, France] : Bibliothèque Nationale, [between 1912 and 1923]. 2 v. ; 20 cm. Photographic reproduction from the collection of William E. Gates. Title from table of contents on verso of leaf [271]. Added title from leaf [1]: "Theologia de los Indios ô industriacion de ellos en la feé Catholica por sermones sobre la vida de Christo, Evangelios, y fiestas de Santos en lengua Indiana." Spine title: "Theologia indorum en cakchiquel." Date from Weeks. For additional information, consult the Special Collections Info File. Forms part of the Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry 3 Colonial Spanish Sources for Indian Linguistics Library) Sermones en lengua Cakchiquel / escritos por varios padres de la Ayer Orden de San Francisco y recogidos por el M.R.M. Padre Fr. MS Baltasar de Alarcon. Procurador General de la misma orden. 1493 [ca. 1575] 168 leaves Collection of 23 sermons in Cakchikel, written by various Franciscan friars at different times, and compiled, probably around 1575, by Father Baltasar de Alarcon, procurator of the order in the Provincia del Dulce Nombre de Jesús in Guatemala. Sermons celebrate the feast days of Saints Antonio de Padua, Nicolás de Tolentino, María Magdalena, Catalina, Juan Bautista, Santiago, and others. Also included are sermons for All Saints’ Day, Lent, and Ascension Sunday. Guatemala 1575 Manuscripts. In Cakchikel, with some Latin and Spanish. Butler, R.L. Check list of the mss. in the Ayer Coll., 1493 Edward E. Ayer Coll. Indian lings., Cakchiquel 1 Pilling, J.C. Langs. of the N. Amer. Indians, 49 Weeks, J.M. Mesoamer. ethnohistory, 9 Photograph. [Paris, France] : Bibliothèque Nationale, [between 1912 and 1923]. 1 v. ; 20 cm. Photographic reproduction from the collection of William E. Gates. Title from added title leaf. Title in Pilling identifies Alarcon as "procurador general de la misma orden en la Provincia del Dulce Nombre de Jesús de Guatemala." Date from Weeks. Leaf 168: Undated letter to Father Baltasar de Alarcon from Father Marcos del Rosario in the village of San Pedro, asking Father Alarcon to store in his room for safekeeping the bundles which the Indians have brought. Includes table of contents, with list of saints for whose feast days sermons are given. In several different hands. Ms. formerly owned by Alphonse Pinart; his bookplate on inside front cover. For additional information, consult the Special Collections Info File. Forms part of the Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library) 4 Cakchiquel Solano, Félix, de. fl. 1578 Ayer MS [Vocabulario en lengua castellana y guatemalteca que se llama Cak 1548 chi quel chi] [between 1579 and 1598] [480] p. Photographic reproduction of a 16th-century copy of a Spanish-Cakchikel dictionary, probably compiled by Father Félix Solano around 1578. Preliminary sections contain terms for counting in Cakchikel, and Cakchikel names for parts of the body. The dictionary, which begins on leaf [5], lists Spanish words and phrases in alphabetical order, from "abeja grande de miel" to "zumbar el abeja," followed by their equivalents in Cakchikel. Crosses preceding some entries may indicate that the Cakchikel equivalents given are also the same in Quiché (cf. Ayer MS 1513). In Spanish and.
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