DEP to set hearings on waste site cleanups GREATER RED BANK EATONTOWN N.Y. blues Enter and win LONG BRANCH Cowboys topple Giants; 1984 Ford Tempo Jets fall to Patriots -- r'« Forecast: in auto giveaway Mostly sunny, high near 80 Page B3 Complttt WM thor on A2 The Daily VOL.106 NO. 66 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER . . . SINCE 1878 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19,1983. 25 CENTS Druse insurgents assault key town BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - The He said there were no injuries were taken to Lebanese military Lebanese army called in air strikes among the Marines, who are serving hospitals. today and said it repulsed a two- with the multinational peace- The continued fighting on the pronged armored assault by Druse keeping force. 16th day of civil warfare indicated Insurgents trying to capture a key A Lebanese Defense Ministry Druse opposition leader Walid mountaintop town overlooking spokesman said Druse militiamen, Jumblatt was unwilling to accept Beirut. backed by Palestinian guerrillas, at- President Amin Gemayel's offer to As the Syrian-backed Druse tacked Souk el-Gharb from the meet and discuss a political settle- militiamen attacked Souk el-Gharb, northeast and the southwest, using ment. Druse gunners bombarded army tanks and armored cars. Yesterday, according to police, positions near the U.S. Marine base The three operational Hawker artillery fire from Syrian-held north at Beirut's international airport Hunter jets that make up Lebanon's Lebanon struck Christian targets in with rockets during the night, send- air force countered withy repeated the port of Byblos, 23 miles north of ing the 1,200 American peace- rocket and strafing attacks, setting Beirut, for the first time in the civil keepers ducking into bunkers, the tanks and artillery positions afire, war The police said the barrage

Marine command said. an army communique said. killed at least 16 civilians and woun- AltKlaM Prtli ptMtl Two rockets slammed into the An army spokesman said the ding 42. MILITARY POWER — U.S. Marines from Kilo keeps prepared In case it becomes necessary to Marine compound and others roared US -trained 8th Brigade that is de- Also yesterday, two members of Co. of the 31st Marine Amphibious Unit do push- reinforce a fellow unit serving with the peace- overhead into nearby Lebanese fending Souk el-Gharb stopped the a British television news crew were ups at dawn yesterday aboard the USS Tarawa, keeping force in Beirut. army positions, Marine spokesman attack at midmorning and captured reported wounded, apparently by stationed off the coast of Lebanon. The 31st MAU Warrant Officer Charles Rowe said. several Palestinian guerrillas who rebel shrapnel. Kean stalls insurance vote NEWARK, N.J. (AP) - A month ago, Gov. Thomas H. Kean and leg- '/ think the governor should waters islative leaders emerged all smiles get hii back up against the frojp a private conference to an- insurance companies. The By JO ASTRID GLAD1NG nounce a compromise on the thomy insurance companies run ASBURY PARK - The cross issue of automobile insurance re- sailed, end over end, into the form. this state.' ocean. Twelve boys, dressed in But now the governor says the —Alan Karcher swim trunks, were off with the plan to lower the insurance pre- whistle — crashing through the miums charged resi- surf with their legs thrashing, dents is in "deep trouble." fractures suffered in a car acci- arms flying, and more than In an effort to resolve the dif- dents, no matter how minor 10.000 Greek-Americans cheer- ferences, Kean sailed a meeting to- day in his office here with Assembly Kean said, however, he did not ing. object to all of the Senate's changes Before any of the older, larger Speaker Alan J Karcher, D-Mid- dlesex. Senate President Carmen A. Karcher, in a telephone in- boys knew what had happened, terview yesterday, said it was im- 13-year-old John Mamaligas, the Orechio, D-Essex, and other admin- istration and legislative officials. portant for the legislators to meet last to make it into the water, face-to-face with Kean to clear up was waving the cross, smiling The governor said Friday he would veto changes in insurance re- their differences. broadly and rushing towards "I think the governor should get shore. forms that differ from the com- promise proposal reached Aug. 16. his back up against the insurance "I was going in and the waves companies The insurance com- brought it back to me. When I The state Senate approved a panies run this state, " he said lookfd down, them it was, right heavily amended insurance over- On Friday, K«an-said, "All they.. By my side," said John. By-re>. DASH oung men from att-oveMhe Mamalisa^ (insets of Saint Demetrios Churchy haul bill 370 at the end of the 17- h d do ;,, ,n8bi H ,„, trieving the cross, he had state take off to retrieve the holy cross from Perth Ambov, proudly holds up the coveted hour legislativlegislative session that originall„..„:„„„„y ,I „„..„„/,agreed „to an annd , ,i t„,„„ woul«d h b.e brought honor to his home par- Asburv Park waters yesterday during the find. John later traded the symbolic cross for a wrapped up at 3 a.m. Friday. The acceptable to me and it would have ish, St. Demetrios iri Perth Am- current reform proposals differ been signed by me " Greek Orthodox Casting of the Cross, but only gold one, presented by Metropolitan Ezekial, of from a version passed by the As- boy, was blessed by Metropolitan one emerges victorious. Thirteen-year-old John Kos, Greece. Kean particularly objected to an Ezekial and decorated with a sembly 68-5 on Sept. 6. amendment by Sen John Russo. D- gold cross. The Senate bill was sent back to Ocean, that would guarantee a $150- '.'You did all right, ace," said After the blessing the Holy Cross of Constantine, found the original its founding in 1947 by the late the Assembly, which has decided to a-year reduction in policy prices in Father Tom Pappalas of St. De- is cast into the Atlantic Ocean cross outside Jerusalem in 325 Archbishop Athenagoras. postpone action until after today's New Jersey, where annual pre- metrios, giving the still-dripping outside Convention Hall, and a AD." the Rev. John Psillas ex- Thousands of Greek-Ameri- meeting miums averaging $666 are the boy a hug after the excitement representative from every parish plained. I'sillas, of the St. cans packed into the grandiose One of the controversial amend- highest in the nation ments the Senate made to the As- had died down. in the state races to retrieve it. George Greek Orthodox Church, Convention Hall for a service de- A Republican amendment would John's feat concluded the 36th organized yesterday's Holy livered bv Metropolitan Ezekial, sembly bill calls for a mandated "This commemorates the make the standard policy one bar- annual Blessing of the Waters. day when St. Helena, the mother Cross Day. an annual event since See Greeks, Page A2 $150 rateVeduction. The other change woulto How people to sue for See Kean. Page XI Prodigal teens Rabbi says 4nyet' return unharmed to Russian vodka The two Bayshore teen-agers picked up the two girls and their RUMSON - Rabbi Jack M. who ran away in the company of two sailor escorts during a routine traf- Rosoff has issued a firm "nyet" to AWOL sailors are back with their fic check about 17 miles from the members of B'nai Israel by decree- families after a seven-day jaunt Utah border. The sailors, Petty Of- ing Russian vodka unkosher and that ended in Wyoming, both moth- ficer Paul Todd Brown and Seaman banning it from synagogue parties ers reported yesterday. Robert Carl Nelson, were being held and kosher households. 'They are back and they are in the county jail in Evanston while "It isn't a question of foreign safe," said Victoria Mullen, the the two teen-aged girls were held in policy. It's a very basic moral and stepmother of Irene Mullen, IS, of 89 the Lincoln County jail in Kem- ethical question," Rosoff main- First Ave., Atlantic Highlands. merer, according to police reports. tained yesterday. "The question is, Irene and her 14-year-old friend, Mullen said she and the Markies 'how do people respond to evil and Michelle Markie, of 42 Johnson then arranged for the plane fare coldblooded murder?' Admittedly, Lane, Keansburg, have been miss- home for their daughters, who ar- the ways individuals can respond is ing since last Saturday. rived shortly after midnight yester- very limited, but we cannot let it go "She hasn't been harmed, she's day. The location of the the two by without a response." OK, she's healthy, and she's glad to AWOL sailors, who were stationed Rosoff made the declaration dur- be home," Mullen said. on the USS Suribachi at US Naval ing Yom Kippur services Saturday RABBI JACK M. ROSOFF Wyoming state police reportedly See Prodigal, Page A2 in protest of the downing of the Korean Airlines jet 007 nearly three Rosh Hashanah service last week, weeks ago. Rosoff effectively joined "but the more I thought about it, Monday what is becoming a national anti- the more I realized we just had to do Russian movement that includes the something in a concrete way. It's boycott of Russian vodkas by sever- not enough to just express outrage.'' imtoi al state governments and the dump- See Rabbi, Page A2 ing of Stolichnaya bottles by bar Advice A9 Movies A10 Arts A10 People A2 owners across the country. Epl-Curloui-811 River Rd.-F.H. Business A5 Obituaries A7 KttlittrMwUbvClrlForlno Rosoff said he had addressed the 40% off everything. Food not in- Classified B6 Opinion A6 BEARING DOWN — Determination creases the face of cyclists the downing of the jet during his cluded. Comics B5 Sports B2 yesterday during the Tour of Red Bank bicycle race. An Indiana Monday Night Football Happy Hoar Monday Nile Football at The Lifestyle A8 Television A10 pedaler rode off with number one honors in the fourth annual event, Make a Date A7 Your Town B1 Prices-Snacks. Bootlegger-High- Gangway Special Pitcher Beer & which found nearly 160 entrants spinning their wheels in a 50-mile lands. steamers $5 Maryland crib circular tour around the borough. For more, turn to pages B1, B3. steamed. A2 The Daily Register MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19,19B3 PEOPLE Japan reports Russian subs scouring sea

WAKKANAI, Japan (AP) - Two 1 shot down the airliner. - dives. would not speculate whether ibe inject •mall Soviet submarines were spotted However, the editor, Victor Agency officials said the Rebun, an could have been the jumbo jet* "black early today joining In the secretive Afanasyev, Interviewed by the British agency patrol boat, saw the Georgi box" flight recorder. ; search for wreckage of the South Korean Broadcasting Corp., insisted tbe attack Kozumin pull the mini-sub out of the sea On the northeastern coast of Hok- jumbo Jet shot down by the Soviets. was justified, and thai the Soviet Union UU last night. It sent the sub back down kaido and In the Pacific Ocean east of Japan's Maritime Safety Agency SalcT •puloglic nr in>mt—nti '""• midnight anH rahirnnd It tn fte the Japanese island. 17 other J«p«n«< it was the first time It* patrol boats had the victims "Any apology or compensa- ship's hold several hours later. vessels continued searching for debris seen two Soviet mini-subs searching the tion would amount to an admission of About a half-mile to the east, the 700- and bodies being carried by eastward waters north of Moneron Island where guilt on our part, and we do not regard ton coastal surveyor Gldronavt sent a currents. So far the remains of at least Flight 007 was believed, to have gone ourselves as guilty,'' he said. submarine down Monday morning, five of the crash victims have been re- down, with 268 people aboard, on Sept. 1. In the Sea of Japan, the 15,000-ton Japanese maritime officials said. It also covered. Neither the Soviet Union nor the Georgi Kozumin opened a hatch near the put a red buoy in the water. On Saturday, a U.S. Navy helicopter , which also has vessels in bow and lowered the sub into the waters, The search zone is dominated by at crashed in the Sea of Japan while hunt- the area, have said whether their said Rear Adm Masayusho Kato of the least 23 Soviet vessels, including the ing fqr evidence of the crash, but all four searches have found any significant Japanese Maritime Safety Agency. 8,200-ton guided missile cruiser crewmen were rescued. parts of the plane. Three men boarded the underwater craft Petropavlovsk. The Rebun and two other Pravda editor Afanasyev, In Scotland Yesterday, a Soviet search vessel before it submerged, he said. Japanese patrol boats are moving in the for private talks with foreign affairs and David Leuerman Jamei Mlcheaer lowered a small yellow submarine into The Georgi Koiumin signaled by flag area, sometimes coming within 500 military experts, was asked by the BBC 9 the waters and warned a Japanese patrol to the Japanese-vassal Jlebun to "move, yards of the Soviet ships, said officials. why it took Soviet leaders six days to 'David Letterman boat to stay away from the area, the north" away from the Soviet search At least four U.S. ships and four acknowledge it shot down the airliner. Japanese navy said. zone, 25 miles north of the tiny Soviet South Korean trawlers also were seen In He said "I think In this respect our In Edinburgh, Scotland, the editor-in- island of Moneron, off Sakhalin's the area yesterday, Kato said. military people are guilty. faces ultimate test chief of the Soviet Communist Party southwest coast, Kato said. newspaper Pravda criticized his nation's A day earlier, a Soviet oil driller The Soviets on Saturday canceled a BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) - "Late Night with military for the six-day Soviet delay in He said the submarine was different winched up an unidentifiable object from trip by Foreign Minister Andrei A. David Letterman" flunked the ratings test in Baton acknowledging that one of its fighter jets from one used in two previous Soviet another Soviet vessel. Kato has said he Gromyko to the United Nations, Rouge and got booted off the air, but the show could get a second chance if all 3,500 college students who asked for its return end the semester with a "C" average. Greeks cast cross in waters -rue WORLD That's the condition set by Cyril Vetter, owner of (continued) WRBT-TV, who replaced the Letterman show with (continued) meaningc of thee cross in modermnricrn lifelifp. beneath a growth of basil plants, I saSM %sr I • issB mm who had traveled from Kos, Greece, reruns of "All in the Family." He then led a procession around the explaining why most of those pres- for the ceremony. block while elderly Greek women ent yesterday carried or wore tufts Vetter said his decision to remove the show last The aging clergyman, with a dressed in black walked with young of ban I. St. Helena found three week was based on Nielsen ratings and polls by the Begin successor under study flowing grey beard and dressed in children garbed in their Sunday crosses close together, Psillas said, Arbitron Rating Service in Chicago. richly embroidered vestments of best and she tested them with a blind JERUSALEM — Israel's president is expected to However, Louisiana State University students gold, silver and orange silk, de- man's touch. It was upon touching decide by Wednesday whether Foreign Minister Yitzhak presented the petition to Vetter on Thursday and Psillas said St. Helena is be- livered a sermon in Greek on the the cross that had lay beneath the Shamir or opposition Labor Party leader Shimon Peres filmed the event for possible broadcast on the Let- lieved to have found the Holy Cross basil that the blind man could once gets first crack at forming a new government following terman show. again see. "And so she knew that Prime Minister Menachem Begin's resignation. The C-average ultimatum was one of several Prodigal teens return was the right cross," Psillas con- President Chalm Herzog has said he will pick the tongue-in-cheek "demands" Vetter has set. First, cluded. he said he would only run the program if he could (continued) man "who enjoys the support of the (parliamentary) daughter did indicate, however, that While there are several similiar majority," as he is required to do under the constitu- appear as a drummer in its band. Then he said he ceremonies thorughout the world, also wanted his brother's dogs to perform their Weapons Station Earle, Mid- she left with the sailors because she tion. dletown, was not available yester- was "confused — confused about Psillas said Asbury Park's is unique He met yesterday with members of Shamir's Likud "attack the Weed Eater trick" on the program's pet in that it incorporates all of the 22 segment. day. everything." bloc and with Labor representatives, although neither When asked what happened to The sailors will not be the only parishes throughout the state. candidate attended the talks. Today and Tuesday, Michener honored with 'space' the girls during their seven-day jnes to pay the price for going "Usually, we get one bishop Herzog meets with smaller parties whose support will journey, both mothers declined ex- AWOL, however. "There will be a from , but this year — determine which politician has the better chance of WOODVILLE, Texas (AP) - Best-selling author tensive comment. title discipline," Mullen admitted. assembling a governing coalition. James Michener, who is working on a novel about the two!" he said, shaking his head in "She doesn't really want to talk "She's glad to be home, and Labor hopes to win over members of the current Lone Star state, has been immortalized in a Texas disbelief. "And then, two metropol- about it," Mullens said. The sailors that's all I have to say," said itans as well!" Likud coalition . oilfield. are still in the Wyoming jail, Mullen Kathleen Marki7, "This whole Michener, creator of "Hawaii," "Space" and said, and the parents of both girls thing was blown out of proportion. It After the ceremony, the crowd UN session opens tomorrow "Poland," recently visited the site, about 90 miles intend to file charges. *as on the radio and everything and broke up — with families shouting UNITED NATIONS - President Reagan and U northeast of Houston, as part of his research for the Her daughtfr was not taken 10 one even told me it was going to goodbyes in Greek to one another. other national leaders are scheduled to attend the U.N. Texas book against her will, said Mullen, adding x on ... at this point I have no The beach was returned to the' General Assembly's 38th annual regular session that Initial reports indicated that the Junes A. that Irene spent the better part of jomment." beachgoers, and the clergy and opens today, but the Soviet Union's customary repre- Michener field will produce a significant amount of yesterday holding out in her "We're glad she's home, and church brass retired to the aging sentative won't be there. natural gas bedroom. Cm happy," Mullen said. Irene will Howard Johnson's across the way — Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko, who "She's not talking, so we have no oe back in school tomorrow, she settling in for an afternoon of Greek has appeared at all of the three-month sessions since information," Mullen said. Her added. table wine. 1957, will be absent this year because of diplomatic fallout from the South Korean airliner Incident. THE WEATHER Rabbi says 'nyet' to Russian vodka. (USPS-14S-440) The Forecast For 8 p.m. EOT PubllshadI dalldally bbv ThThae RaRed BankBan s Monday, September 19 {continued) every month. said. Established In 1171 bv John N. Cook and Hanrv Clay • High Temperatures ShowersI After consulting with four B'Nai Israel . Congregation President Gloria Landy That ban is still in effect, the rabbi Main Office members who own liquor stores, and read- also endorsed the rabbi's action. "I'm in added. Or* Raglflar Pim Shrewsbury Njlini ' ing of other actions being taken across the complete agreement," she said. "This is a As to whether the congregation is will- Branch Offices country, "it struck me as way to make a very little thing, but there's not much more ing to part with their fine Russian vodkas, • 76 Rl 35. Mlddktlown, N J 0>7« Monmouth County Courthouse. very powerful statement." we can do." Rosoff said he has no doubt. "I would Fraanold. N.J 077JI The four liquor store owners told Rosoff assume, knowing that the congregation as Mambtrk of tha Associated Press Tha At- that Stolichnaya is "a very big seller, and The vodka ban is not the first time a whole is incensed over what happened, sociatad Prtss 11 entitled exclusively to the uie of all tha local news printed In tha newspaper as a lot of people buy it. If we all united, it Rosoff has taken a stand on an interna- that they would support a boycott. There is (wall at all AP news dispatches will really hurt the Russians in their tional issue and boycotted a nation's prime a sense of very deep anger among them.'' Mambar of tha American Newspaper Pub pocketbook." The package store owners export product. Several years ago, he said, "My framework is not a political Ushers Association, tha Audit Buraau of Clrcula agreed to take Stolichnaya off their shelves "we declared French wines not kosher." framework, it really is a moral issue — Hon. the New Jersey Prass Association and refuse to sell it, Rosoff said. Second Class postage paid at Red Ban*. N.J. That decree was made "when the how decent people can respond when some- 07701 and at additional poll offices Published "This is more or less in retaliation," French government released Abu Daoud, thing evil happens," Rosoff repeated. He Daily aicapt Saturday^ Sunday. Mall subscrip- tions pavabla In advance Fronls CoW Occluded 1 Stationary • commented Irv Richmond, one of the the PLO terrorist who planned the Munich said he assumes that the "community as a whole, Jewish and non-Jewish, will also Total owners of Heritage Liquors in Red Bank massacre," Rosoff said. "He was picked Malt Ratal: Dally i The Weather Elsewhere and one of the cooperating package store up by French police, and they released him respond. They (the Russians) simply can- Term Dally Sunday Sunday Nasnviila idv 112 weeks 1 70/ we«k 75/ week 7 ii week HI La »rc Otlt 11 U merchants. "The rabbi made a statement, with no charges, trial, or detention — and not be allowed to get away with something 13 SI weeks 155/ week .70/week 1 Ml week Amarillo « U clr Naw York 71 U Oklahoma City is n tdy and we'll stand by whatever the rabbi like this scott free." I year MS/ waak »S/ week 7 10. week Ashevlllt u 51 clr they knew who he was. We were so out- Mall ratal for college students and military Auitln 15 72 50 cdv Orlando n n Philadelphia 11 54 said." He could not estimate how many raged that I just refused to have French As for any future diplomatic action, personnel — '/] of above ratal. Home da- Baltimore • 7 a clr livery bv Carrier — Dally and Sunday IMS a Boston 76 » 14 clr Reno •0 43 bottles of Stolichnaya cross his counter wine in the synagogue any longer," Rosoff Rosoff iaid he will be "guided by the Richmond II M wreak, Sunday only 35cents, Dally only I 00 „ SI Louis Single copy at Counter — Dally 25 cents. I! 71 President and the government" and plans Sunday 40 cants. DilHi-FI Worth 0—Un .: to adhere to any suggestions they might POSTMASTER: Sand addrass chjnoes 10 San Dlaoo -Ue Oailv Rwtster, - a>t>. Bo. s», Red Bank. D*t Molrttt San Francisco JTTS clr have as to an appropriate lespoiiae." N.J. 01 Wit. • ——i — Htlina Shreveport tt 73 .71 rn l&eanstatts Honolulu Spokane 47 4* .20 clr Houston 87 71 X rn Topaka M 74 .04 cdv Juntau M 33 rn 7! 40 clr Kansas City n IS cdv Las vtgas 71 ' Prc—PraclDltatlon for 24 noun Llttlt Rock ti 70 oa rn anting • p.m. EOT Sunday, Karcher puts on pressure MIlwaukM 12 41 .02 cdv Otlk—Skv conditions outlook for MPII Si Paul 47 SS .12 cdv Mondav. Jersey shore I continued I out to get auto insurance reforms mov- ring lawsuits until a person ran up ing called for the $1,500 threshold as the $1,500 in medical bills and give motorists standard policy, but no one noticed the the option to buy more expensive cov- Assembly bill differed before it was ap- Mostly sunny today. High near 80. Wind southwest 10 erage allowing lawsuits for any amount proved in Jhe lower house. Running to 15 rnph Tonight fair. Low mid to upper 60s. of injuries. Tomorrow partly sunny. High upper 70s. However, Karrher said the insurance Precipitation probability near percent zero through The Assembly version of the bill reform bill, sponsored by Assemblyman tonight. would have made the standard policy Michael Adubato, LVEssex, reflects for Ocean water temperatures are around 70 degrees. one with no threshold for lawsuits and what Kean and his representatives Marine Forecast granted lower prices to motorists who agreed to. choose the $1,500 threshold. Office? Watch Hill, R.I.. to Manasquan, N.J "I hope the governor will refresh his Light southerly winds today and tonight. Increasing Kean said the compromise worked recollection," the speaker said. to near 10 knots this afternoon Waves 1 to 2 feet. Fair weather with good visibility through tonight. Political Candidates Tides DIET WELLNESS and Incumbents Sandy Hook "I lost 93 lbs. a year ago, you are invited All times Eastern Daylight TODAY: High: 6:47 a.m. and 7:04 p.m. and low: and it was easy! to participate > 12:50 a.m. and xxxxx p.m. FREE Lifetime maintenance «• , TOMORROW: High: 727 a.m. and 7:43 p.m. and in the Register's low: 1.20 a.m. and 1:35 p.m. keeps it off!" Annual Political Forum For Red Bank and Rumson bridge add two hours; Sea Bright, deduct 10 minutes; Long Branch, deduct 15 Thursday, September 22 minutes: Highlands bridge, add 40 minutes. LAST WEEK! 7:30 to 9:30 P.M. Sun, Moon at All limes Eastern Daylight ALL THE WEIGHT TODAY: Sunrise6:40a.m.; sunset 6:59p.m. TOMORROW: Sunrise6:41 a.m.; sunset6:57p.m. YOU WANT TO LOSE Last quarter Sept. 29; full moon, Sept. 22; New The Register moon, Oct. 6; First quarter, Oct. 13. •> Rt. 35, Shrewsbury JERSEY DISCOUNT This informative seminar for candidates OIL CO. Lose 3-7 lbs. seeking office is designed to show you how a week to win elections. Medically 97* gal. Supervised GUEST SPEAKER NEILUPMEYER C«rtHI»dM»l»r«dO»l.»«rf«« IS©On.. Mm. EAST BRUNSWICK MIDDLETOWN 281 Summerhill Rd 549RI.35 MATAWAR President of his own consulting firm and former 238-6903 842-4488 Rl 34 Director of the Election Division, N.J. Dept. of State rtaii lo lipararam t 583-7830 1979-1982 49; Other locations in Huntinaton, L.I. & Staten Island, N Y

4 _^__ MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19,1983 The Daily RtsisteT A3 Force: Soviets keep rein on pilots THE NATION

WASHINGTON (AH) - TBe conduct America?! piiuU air given iiiuch inuic To eiutie, radar detection, older U.S. calls of the Soviet and Korean pilots and of Soviet pilots In destroying • South discretion about intercepting and engag- B-SZ bombers now in service would fly as their reported positions' indicated that Hearings on bridge to open Korean airliner has reinforced feelings ing targets, relying on ground con- low as 250 feat above ground level in a the interceptors were too far behind and HARTFORD, Conn. - Federal hearings begin today that Soviet air defenses are inflexible trollers primarily for radar coverage penetration mission, he said. The Air out of range of the airliner when the on a bridge collapse that killed three people and and may be easier to penetrate than had wider than that covered by the screens Force is developing new B-l. and shots were fired fur (rarer bullets to l prompted concern about 2,000 similarity designed spun ' h»Hi m|nwrt «o Air Pni». fp aboard their planes, "Bjiallh" hnTfiKSrif that havft a mild hui;u ** across the country Mid yesterday. Nicholson also noted" that the Boeing smaller radar signature than the B-Sts. Whilakct also nuicu that uie nurean "We're not looking tor liability here, we re looking : Lt. Col. Robert Nicholson, a public 747 jumbo Jet had flown In and out of Besides the freedom to act, U.S. mili- crew reported nothing unusual in a radio for facts," said Robert F. Buckhorn, spokesman for the • affairs officer, also said the Soviets, who Soviet airspace, including over highly tary pilots also perform interception tac- call three minutes after the warning National Transportation Safety Board. tracked Krrean Air Lines Flight 007 by sensitive military installations on the tics far different than those of their shots allegedly were fired. A 100-foot section of the Interstate 95 bridge over the radar for more than two hours before Kamchatka Peninsula and Sakhalin Is- Soviet counterparts, Nicholson said. Nicholson said that in the nighttime Mianus River collapsed in Greenwich on June 28, killing destroying it with an air-launched mis- land, before it and its 269 passengers and While Soviet officials have said their sky, such as that in which the airliner three people and injuring three others. The 25-year-old sile, appeared slow to act and then used crew were shot down, crashing into the pilots fired bursts of cannon fire with was traveling, the interceptors could span, held up by a pin and hanger assembly, is similar in tactics sharply different from those of Sea of Japan. tracer rounds that glow in the dark, have attracted attention by flying well design to about 60 other bridges in Connecticut and 2,000 American-trained pilots. The Air Force chief of staff, Gen. Nicholson said such a procedure "is just ahead of the 737 and turning on the across the United States. Charles Gabriel, told The New York "The Inflexibility of the Soviets is too dangerous" for U.S. airmen. afterburners of their jet engines, shoot- The four days of hearings will help the NTSB Times last week that the Soviet handling something we've known about," Nich- He said it is difficult to see out of the. ing out a 15-foot flame. ,_ determine the probable cause of the collapse so it can of the airliner intrusion "gives us a olson said in a telephone interview. He side of the cockpit of 747s and the pilots And he said that if an intruding air- issue recommendations for improving bridge design, . little more confidence." in the ability of 1 _i—said Intercepted radio calls, from Soviet would be looking forward (or other ;ur- plane did npt respond to standard pro-, -maintenance andinspectiorr 1 ; piloti in which they took detailed com- American bombers to penetrate Soviet craft. cedures, American interceptors would Testimony will come from survivors, witnesses, mands from ground commanders serve airspace without challenge. In addition, Nicholson and another climb just above and ahead of the air- people living near the bridge and officials of the Con- to reinforce that. Nicholson said this is the consensus Air Force spokesman, Capt. John craft and force it to descend for a land- necticut Department of Transportation and the Federal By comparison, the officer said, of others in the service as well. Whitaker, said an analysis of the radio ing or risk a collision. Highway Administration Fuulty rotor Senate Democrats cited in crash unite over war act WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate Dem- of the War Powers Act. ocrats are united as never before in their At issue is the Vietnam-era War three years of minority status on one Powers Act, which requires the presi- of Life-Flight issue — a demand the president give dent to notify Congress when American PITTSBURGH (AP) - A defective tail rotor may Congress a role under 1973 law in decid- troops overseas are in combat and to have caused an ambulance helicopter to crash land on a ing how long the Marines will remain in bring them home within 60 days unless downtown soccer field as it was carrying a patient to a Lebanon. the House and Senate specifically allow hospital, authorities said. While aware of public uneasiness them to remain The four people aboard the aircraft escaped serious over the presence of American troops on Twenty-nine of the Senate's 45 Demo- injury. But about 11 hours later the patient, who had foreign soil, few in Congress are arguing crats met last week and unanimously been in critical condition with heart and lung problems, that the 1,300 troops now in Beirut should approved a resolution which would de- died at Mercy Hospital. come home. clare that hostilities in Lebanon have But the White House remains uncer- "He was none the worse for wear as a result of the triggered provisions of the War Powers tain how much power to surrender to the incident," said Mercy spokesman Regis Bobonis. Act House and Senate on the issue of the . The Life-Flight aircraft circled to land on the Du- troops, and the usually contentious Sen- quesne University field Saturday morning', but then Democratic leaders say they believe AtMCllttS Prill phOtO ate Democrats — a minority since Re- headed straight toward the ground and bounced several they would have nearly unanimous sup- agan won election in 1980 — have taken times, witnesses said. ORDEAL ENDS — A victim of Ewing's Sarcoma, a form of cancer, 12- port among their own for that resolution the lead in seeking to invoke provisions Two nurses on the helicopter were treated for minor year-old Pamela Hamilton painfully waits to testify in juvenile court trial on the Senate floor. injuries at Allegheny General Hospital. that placed her In state custody Saturday. Tennessee.officials had .' Pilot Steve Rouse, who refused treatment, de- charged Pamela's father, Larry Hamilton, with medical neglect for not allowing her to get treatment. CURRENT MONEY MARKET RATES scribed his landing as "controlled." COLLEGE "It was just a mechanical failure," he said. FOR THE WEEKSTARTING SEPTEMBER 13 Fred Peterson, manager of the hospital's Life- BOARDS Flight program, said the accident apparently was LIMITED CAPITAL PLUS caused by a malfunctioning tail rotor, which helps Reagan gets 'C for effort S.A.T. REVIEW RATE 8.30% TO YIELD 8.62% control the aircraft's direction. Jrs. & Srs. the Carnegie Foundation cellence In Education had UNLIMITED CAPITAL PLUS Rouse, a former civilian air instructor for the U.S. WASHINGTON (AP) - For The Advancement Of called its recent report on 26 Succtulul Ynri RATE: 7.10% TO YIELD 7.33% Army in Alabama, had been with Life-Flight for about President Reagan de- Teaching. the schools, "A Nation At Shtrilon Girdioi. FrHhold two months. serves a grade of less than "C" for his performance Boyer, who was U.S. Risk." Hilton Inn. Tinlon fills Capt. Joseph Somma of the Fire Prevention Bureau, Slmilon Inn. Hizlil commissioner of education "It didn't say, A State who oversees enforcement of the city ordinance govern- in trying to lead a revival For Into and Free , CENTRAL JERSEY BANK during the Carter adminis- At Risk,' or A Local ing helicopter landing sites, said the downtown field is in American schools, the Diagnostic TeU author of the Carnegie tration, noted that the Na- School At Risk,' it said A 222-8704 the only vacant lot in Pittsburgh where helicopters are 1 1 tional Commission On. Ex- Nation At Bisk,".' he aiioweO luiainJ, mil oniytn emergencies. Foundation' ! study on high The hospital had been using the field for the past five schools said yesterday. years and no previous accidents had been reported, Ernest L. Boyer, ap- Life-Flight officials said. pearing on NBC TV's Patient James Flowers, 24, of Donora, who died at "Meet The Press," also 9:45 p.m. Saturday, was being flown from Mon Valley said it was time for Hospital in Monessen to Mercy's Cardiovascular In- educators to "blow the tensive Care Unit. He had been In critical condition whistle" on schools that when he left Mon Valley Hospital, but that hospital had are rushing to buy com- made no diagnosis, said Mercy nursing supervisor puters . Monica Hrovath. Boyer is president of


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531 Prospect Ave. 842-5150 27 offices serving Hudson, Bergen, Middlesex, Union and Monmouth Counties. OPEN J-^*^ MEMBER FDIC A4 The Daily Register MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19.1963 Cocaine users become addicted, survey finds NKWAKK (Ar-I - A national iraoamai cocaine users before using survey- •mong coctlne users has rt of that* on It Intrantf nil, Gold said found cocaine Is addicting and "1 think that's alarming," ha almost one out of four people who free-bate itated tfyey pre- said. uie the drug admit they steal to ferred free-baMHO food, to Gold said the average free-base support their dependency, a health their family, to their job cocaine user in the survey m 25 official said yesterday. years old, college-educated, had an "For the first time we can put and even to lex.' average annual Income in excess of into perspective and confirm the 115,000 and spent $820 a week to addicting qualities of cocaine in Free-base users mix the drug purchase cocaine. The average In- man. We know it does happen," said with ether and a petroleum dis- tranasal user was 29, college- Dr. Mark S. Gold, medical director tillate to make a paste, then let the educated, had an Income of about for a national telephone hotline for paste dry before they smoke It in a $25,000 and spent $4M on cocaine, he cocaine-related problems and direc- Pipe- uid tor of researcE at Fair Oaks Hospi- When iw) tree-base users were "A vast majority (of cocaine tal in Summit, where the hotline is asked if they thought they were ad- users) use all of their saving* and located. dicted, 72 responded yes and 83 of almost one out of four states be was The survey was conducted with 103 claimed they could not resist forced to steal from work for 500 cocaine users from 42 states cocaine if it was available to them, drugs," Gold said. selected at random from among the Gold said. The first 50,000 callers to the first 50,000 people who called 800- "Three-quarters (of those) on hotline, which began in May and COCAINE, a hotline for cocaine free-base stated they preferred fields about 1,000 queries a day from users out of Fair Oaks Hospital in free-base to food, to their family, to cocaine users, physicians and rela- Summit. their job and even to sex," said tives of users, were asked to answer PAGEANT FIRST — , left, lea Pageant In Atlantic City early yesterday. "These are people who are Gold, adding that more than 75 several questions that involved any and first runner-up Suzette Charles, Miss New This Is the first time that black women have working professionals, driven and percent of the free-base users re- illegal activities associated with Jersey, are shown backstage at the Miss Amer- finished first and second In the contest. goal-directed and drug naive. sponded they "definitely" would their cocaine use. They've developed classic aspects experience withdrawal symptoms if Of the 50,000 people questioned, of physical and psychological addic- they tried to quit the drug. one out of three said they were tion," Gold said. He noted the survey supported selling drugs to support their habit Black winner downplay ed "I think it's very important to data from tests done with monkeys and one in three admitted they did realize users refer to themselves as several years ago, which revealed something "illicit," Gold said. addicted," he added. "They said, 'I "if given the choice between a "When we asked them what was ATLANTIC CITY (AP) - Of- Pageant officials said they forever to rest the allegation that think I'm addicted. I know I am. I banana and cocaine, the monkey the major factor in limiting their ficials of the pag- have no official records on the the Miss America pageant wa» can't stop using the drug.' That's would take the cocaine ... They use — cost, discipline, religion, self- eant, their new queen a black for topic, but it is believed that less racist." important to understand." would take it to the exclusion of control or other — 77 percent of the the first time ever, reacted mild- than a dozen black women com- Adrian W. Phillips, now 85 The survey revealed that while everything else." freebasers said cost and 55 percent ly yesterday to the significance peted in the event before 1980. and a member of the pageant's most cocaine users admitted an ad- The survey also found that 72 of the intranasal users said cost," of the event. The first to enter Was Cheryl board of directors, joined the diction, free-base users of the drug percent of the intravenous cocaine Gold added. "So as the supply and Vanessa Williams, Miss New Browne, who was Miss Iowa in pageant committee in 1922, the found it more addicting than in- users also took heroin, with 75 cost goes down, the number of ad- York, was presented with the 1970. second year of competition. He tranasal users. Gold said percent saying they began as in- dicts will increase dramatically." rhinestone-studded crown short- Black leaders from across the said yesterday that there was no ly after midnight yesterday country hailed Williams' crown- reason why a black Miss Ameri- morning to begin her year-long ing. The Rev. Joseph Lowery, da had not been named sooner. reign. president of the Southern Chris- Senatorial courtesy stirs debate Before the 20-year-old from tian Leadership Conference, said "II could have happened at Millwood, N.Y., was crowned, Williams had "ripped down a anytime," he said. NEWARK (AP) - But Wilentz, who with lawmaker, Sen. Gerald said he firmly believes the the closest a black woman had curtain" that had previously ex- The chairwoman of the pag- State Senate President Gov. Thomas H. Kean Cardinale, D-Bergen, Is ex- unwritten, 139-year-old come to the title was fifth place, cluded black women. eant's hostess committee, Ellen Carmen A. Orechio proba- thrust the Legislature into ercising the custom of sen- practice "really has no taken by Miss Arkansas, Lencola But pageant officials disputed Plum, said she had "no idea" bly will refuse to grant an a rare confrontation with atorial courtesy by oppos- place in today's process." Sullivan, in 1980. that. why a black had not been unprecedented request by the courts and the gov- ing the reappointment of But many pageant executives "It's hard for any one person crowned sooner. Chief Justice Robert N. ernor's office, may get a Sylvia Pressler to the Ap- Senatorial courtesy, he claimed Williams' victory dis- to win," Lois Geraci Ernst, a "We've had excellent contes- Wilentz to address the Leg- chance to make his point to pellate Division of Superi- maintained, should be re- pelled a perception that was New York City advertising ex- tants," she said. islature's upper house in a the senators in some fash- or Court. placed by a stronger sys- wrong in the first place: that the ecutive who was one of the pag- The day before Williams was special session and plead ion, said the aide, Paul The unwritten practice, tem of review for nomi- competition was "racist" and eant's eight judges. "This year named, another judge said that his case (or an embattled Anzano. begun in the 19th century, nations and a strengthen- recognized only the beauty and there are four (black contes- color played no role in selections. judge, Orechio's aide said Wilentz and Kean say allows a senator from a ing of the judiciary com- talent of white women. tants), and this gives you more of But the judge, Marian yesterday. they are furious that one nominee's home county • to mittee. Courtesy, he "The last thing we look for in a chance at bat," she said before pointed out, does not allow McKnight Conway, who was block a nomination sub- a Miss America is her color," the finals. Miss America 1957, said, "I mitted by the governor "that person his day in said Albert A. Marks Jr., ex- court, because the com- The four blacks were the most think the country is definitely without even offering a ecutive director of the pageant to ever compete in a single Miss ready for it (a black winner), f aimildir h_i COO mittee never takes up the since 1967 and a member of its nomination Tfti America competition. Said whateverthayneans. 1 think.tbe. TH E STATE ~(ende5d Pressler is fre- TUlimiillee sijiee WW-^tt^-ao^- -Maffcar-Tiii pleased fflal (Be country would love a black Miss is invoked." quently rude and has made germane." barrier was broken and will lay America." harmful decisions. Prayed over decomposed body Orechio has said he sup- ports the reappointment of WOODBURY - A Gloucester County couple who Pressler but will abide by prayed over their daughter's decomposing body for two Cardinale's decision to ex- months in hopes she would be resurrected were ordered ercise senatorial courtesy. to appear in court today to discuss the disposal of the Other lawmakers were remains not as understanding. As- Superior Court Judge Samuel G. DeSimone ordered semblyman Richard Van Michael and Ann Marie Aliano to appear after they Wagner, D-Monmouth and refused to inter the body of their 10-year-old daughter, Middlesex, who is running officials said. against Republican John The child, Faith Ann, died July 2 of complications Gallagher for his senate from diabetes at her parents' Franklin Township home, seat, last night lashed out said county Medical Examiner Claus Speth. Her body at what he called little was discovered last week wrapped in a light blue more than the power to blanket and lying on a thick carpet in a building in "black ball" nominations. Clayton that the family used for prayer meetings and "If I get the opportuni- for Aliano's contracting company, Speth said. ty to end it, I'll end it, and "There is no question but that the hope of the I'll work to end it," Van parents defies all human experience and expectation Wagner said. While he ac- and is, of course, medically impossible," Speth said in knowledged that his posi- court papery ' tion is an unpopular one, he •i i inland Tues. to Sat. RED BANK 10 to 5:00 ONLY BOOTS the finest imported italian leather By $ "Golo" 00 "Van Ell" 49 "Andrew Geller" v.m. to ues.oo Special!! ETIENNE ALGNER BOOTS $5900

LADIES SHOES Bus" Oirt" MARINE VIEW Nickils" Newton Elkln" S 00 "Girollnl" 19 -Phyllis SAVINGS ft mm MIDDLETOWN • ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS • LINCROFT • EATONTOWN PHONE NUMBER FOR ALL OFFICES (71-1400 8 WALLACE ST., RED BANK -842-6610 . Mtmbtf ttL\CJ MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19,1983 Business The Daily Register AS White-collar workers operate at half-speed Instpari nf lUlmHtatlof irvmt the waste not only endangers an em- white-collar employee must work "benchmark" against which to work "invuion" of competitive products ployer s prom margins, but also un- more consistently and emciently, measure progress. (It's quite a task Olson's approach is bawd on' from foreign lands, should we not be dermines a worker's job security, not harder or faster." in itself) "cross-training" to boost prod1 worrying about the "Invasion" of career path, decent benefits. A 100 percent efficiency rate is How can you improve prod- uctivity. A revolutionary concept is non-competitive employees and em- You can't wipe out white-collar for machines, not human beings. uctivity? Don't wait until 5 o'clock "early out" if you, an employee, ployers in the U.S. marketplace? Is SYLVIA waste by pressing a button. You But Olson feels 75 percent is both Friday afternoon and ask, "So how run out of work as a result of i the American white-collar employ- can't peek inside the "knowledge attainable and humane. That did we do this week?" Organize supervisor's planning. What this ee working "smart enough"? Is the PORTER worker's" brain to check whether it doesn't mean you, an employee, each day, plan it, control it and thus means is that you, an employee, can American manager of white-collar is ticking on an employer's project take a 15-minute break every hour, make every day in the week count. go home with pay when you have workers controlling backlog, rather or daydreaming. but it does mean you put in 45 The supervisor is the key. Super- finished work for the day. This' than letting toe backlog control With 50 million white-collar minutes of concentrated effort in visors must be encouraged to under- "early out" is not a reward for the him? Or is this so-called manager ~ workers collecting wage*, the con- every 60 minutes instead of the 30 stand and analyze work objectives. efficient employee, Rather it is an merely designing fancy flow charts sequences of a 50 percent efficiency minutes you're giving your job now. They must know the capabilities of acknowledgment of the supervisor's •nd-retying on supervisors who Jtar- •err—and most uf them are working - leveHtre staggenng-.-"The-faiill-t» — H»w do you, a bain, know-where -their-subordinate* in order-ttrset .. competent planning for productivity— don't know how the work flows? at no more than half speed. In a with management, not labor," says you are? Assume that your depart- priorities and assign work — not and scheduling If your work can be Implicit in these questions are typical white-collar organisation, Olson. A successful manager must ment's white-collar productivity is merely hand out the work. And the used — temporarily — in another indictments that we simply must workers are most likely working at give supervisors a system they can below standard because it probably work, Olson says, should occupy the unit (cross-training), fine, you stay face if we are to beat the foreign work with to enhance productivity is, based on available evidence. A employee for at least one hour and a SO percent efficiency level, ac- company must thoroughly analyze and work If not. the "early out" competition, for this goes far cording to Val Olson in "White Col- before the competition — foreign for not more than four Then the day comes into effect. and domestic - beats them to it. every basic activity in the white- can be planned on the basis of beyond the quantity and quality lar Waste: Gain the Productivity collar area, determine how much It's a provocative technique and among blue-collar workers. Edge" (Prentice-Hall, 1983, J12.95) It's a myth that improvement in what's left to do from yesterday! in offices with which I am familiar, time it should take to complete each what's arrived in today's mail and Fully half of the American work Olson's indictment goes very deep, productivity causes people to work one — and then use this as a I think it would send productivity force consists of white-collar work- for now he declares white-collar faster, Olson maintains. "The which employees are on hand to zooming "Early out ..." nice. Don't turn your nose up at fixed-rate investments By ANDREW LECKEY ing solid competition for the counter) and Con- National Medical En- most undervalued major- percent and decreasing Goods (around $62, what defensively that "we Don't turn up your nose stocks this fall. Investors vergent Technology terprises (around $25, valuation stocks around." equities from 50 percent to NYSE), Celanese (around remain interested in pick- - at fixed-rate investments have taken advantage of 12 (around 126, over the coun- NYSE). Portfolio strategists 40 percent of the mix, has $74, NYSE), INCO (around ing individual stocks when this fall. percent yield on seven- ter) among smaller firms. "And we're still at- everywhere are paring shifted out of technology $16, NYSE), Mead Corp. we find them attractive on And keep a little cash on year U.S. Treasury notes tracted to consumer down their lists of recom- and cut back its emphasis (around $32, NYSE) and a fundamental and price In hospital management, it mended stocks. the side. and yields as high as 13 likes American Medical In- cyclicals and the world's upon forest products, Northern Telecom (around basis " This cautious advice percent, on corporate ternational (around $29, most boring stock, General Smith Barney Harris homebuilders, banks and $40, NYSE). It is stressing, as is all from Wall Street is based bonds. Rates may move Motors (around $71, Upham & Co., increasing cosmetics. Its choices Smith Barney's policy of Wall Street, that now is NYSE), Lifemark Corp. NYSE)," Stiles laughs. on conviction that the days moderately higher, ex- (around »28, NYSE) and Us percentage of cash among individual stocks in- committee in a recent for- the time for investors to be of making "easy money" perts believe, yet they'll "It remains one of the from 5 percent to 15 clude Associated Dry mal statement noted some- picky. in the stock market ended probably stay within a along with summer's broad trading range of 10.5 breezes. percent to 13 percent. So Key- portfolio they're unlikely to harbor strategists are urging in- any of the truly eye-pop- vestors to raise the per-ping surprises that some investors crave. BICYCLL; IDERS centage of both bonds and A£ES... Take Part ANDREW in Your LECKEY ieart Association

cash held in portfolios. "Certainly there will While still recommending be rallies in the bond mar- stock purchases, they've ket, but bonds should be Good Fun And Exercise become far more selective viewed by investors as a about the issues to which coupon game rather than a And A Great Chance To Win Prizes Too! they're willing to make a capital gains vehicle such commitment. as stocks," counsels Leon SUNDAY; SEPTEMBER 25,1983 9.00 A.M.-3.00 P.M. "In the stock market G. Cooperman, research run-up of last year and chief for Goldman, Sachs. (RAIN DATE — SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2ND) earlier this year, virtually Alan J. Blake, portfolio everything did well using a strategist for Prudential- GRAND PRIZES * Bache Securities, is confi- scatter-gun approach," • 1,000.00 Savings Bond on. «iB»T F H put*Muon.> says Stan D. Salvigsen,. dent about bonds, but D t chief investment strategist thinks early October will • *500.00 Gift Certificate At Bn.ll.Fu,n,luraDor.alade>B.lMI«rurnilu>. for Merrill Lynch, Pierce, be the best timing for en- Othai Prizas Include A 10 SpaaO Bicycle Donated By Frank's Bicycrt Shop In Atlantic Highland! Fenner & Smith. "This tering that market. He an- time around, more careful ticipates both an October aim with a rifle will be and a spring bond rally. THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION needed." Somewhat higher interest WE'RE FIGHTING FOB YOUR LIFE rates and those rallies will WHAT II THI AMMCAMHIMI AIIOCIATKMI After recommending Doti IT m\,r iSn ^^ earlier this year that continue to steal wind from WOH MMMC " stocks make up 70 percent the sails of the stock mar- of a portfolio, Merrill ket. Lynch has scaled back to "A shift is taking place 50 percent. Bonds have in our model mix of invest- been-boosled to 40 percent ments,— though of course of the mix, cash to 10 we're not getting out of the percent. stock market altogether," LUNCH TO ALL I • tl'oo said Merrill Lynch's "The earnings and PARTICIPANTS ! momentum of individual Salvigsen, whose firm fa- Othmr Prli0$ Doiiatajd By: Ml Dulnbglori vors utilities and telephone Long Branch companies will be the most thote S«**f•«• Cwnp«fty Potnl rtMaanl Dulribulor* important factors, since It companies because both OcMn WaN seems unlikely there'll be are likely to benefit from ConlamtV Ciwpo

C.O.D. 711 Hwy #35 Service SHREWSBURY SHREWSBURY AEROBIC DANCINQ ELLEN HAZELTON Available MCCUE REALTY REALTY & INSURANCE RUMSON REALTY STATE BANK 747-4000 31 Church Street 1 W. River Road Little Silver 124 E River Road 13 W River Road Red Bank. Little Silver Marchon Home Fuel Immediate 842-5451 Rumson Rumson Rumson . Shrewsbury 842-1894 842-7700 583 6678 coverage 842-3200 The Daily Register Warnings on deficit ignored prospects of lasting economic expansion." Established in 187B - Puhli«h«1 by The R«t Rank Regis WASHINGTON - Tue danger lights are For an administration that has expended A Capital Cities Communications Inc. Newspaper flashing in the White House and on Capitol to much rhetoric on sound fiacal policy, HiU. The economic recovery could fizzle Keagan ft Co. should be more alarmed JAMES E.McKEARNEY.JR like a misfired rocket, or it could explode about the horrendous public debt The para- President and Publisher into years of prosperity muuui need U that svers!! leadership be The choice is up to the politicians, but JACK assumed — leadership that la mor* con- Arthur Z. Kamin, Editor; Herbert H Thorpe. Jr , AuifUnt Editor; OurUt C Triblehorn, Sunday unhappily tney are making tat: wrung cerned about the nation's future than the Editor: Russell P. Rjuch. Auiitant Sunday Editor; Jane Foderaro, City Editor; Doris Kulman. choice. They are ignoring urgent warnings ANDERSON next election. Though Congress cannot es- Editorial Page Editor. that the economic recovery will abort un- cape blame, the one leader having a hand on less the federal deficit is reduced. all the reins and bearing supreme responsi- Thomas C Donahue, Director of Marketing; Daniel J. Gallagher, Controller; Kevin J. McCourt, Either they must cut federal spending or bility for the economic security of the na- Circulation Director; Frank J.'Allocca, Production Manager. raise more revenue. Failure to act will cost tion Is the president. the American people dearly in the form of A6 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1983 CASTRO'S CARBON COPY: Maurice another severe recession or disastrous in- Bishop, the 39-year-old Marxist who has run flation. This is not what the economic experts have been advising the administration. the Caribbean island nation of Grenada for For most Americans, it would be less Their confidential warnings, in fact, have the last four-and-a-half yean, Is a friend painful to pay a little more in taxes or give been more urgent than their public and admiring protege of Cuban President '...and you're gonna use this to shoot dowi up a few government services. But every statements. Here are a few typical excerpts Fidel Castro. He has tried to emulate his .tax increase andfederal cutback produces a ——JSoviet interceptors?' from classified papers I have studied: mentor in ways large and sma)l howl from voters who see only their im- Personal security ii uppermost In mediate losses. Rather than offend the vot- - The failure to reduce the federal deficit is forcing the Federal Reserve Bishop's mind. After several thwarted plots ers, Republicans and Democrats alike have to overthrow him and one attempted as- rejected the remedies that most economists Board to make economic policy. Faced with V •a clear risk that inflation would be re- sassination, be takes no chance*. Like insist are essential for our national healtC Castro, Bishop reportedly sleeps In a dif- Paul Volcker, the intimidating Federal kindled," the Fed "might at some point feel forced to put on the brakes suddenly, an ( ferent location every night; only • handful Reserve Board chairman, has made re of Grenadians have any idea where be lives. pea ted trips to the White House to plead for action which would almost certainly choke off the recovery.' Bishop's bodyguards are sent to Cuba action to reduce the deficits. His warnings for training. They are easily recognisable: have been echoed inside the White House by - The International Monetary Fund concluded after a confidential study of the tough-looking young men in short shirts and Martin Feldstein, chairman of the Council big tennis shoes. of Economic Advisers. U.S. econorny: "There is little doubt that They have spoken bluntly to President existing deficits, or the prospect of continu- One of the prime minister's most un- Reagan, who has always seemed to agree. ing large deficits, are the main obstacles to popular decrees to date is a strange precau- Not long ago, he described deficit spending a satisfactory economy performance In the tion: Only Bishop and bis top ministers are as "one of the most alarming dangers to United States." allowed to have cars with smoked-glass the Republic." But he has not backed up his - The President's Council of Economic windows. This has caused Indignation words with action. The debt crisis has been Advisers fears that "the adverse effects of among trendy car buffs who'd like their swept under the White House rug. large budget deficits would not be limited to own prestigious privacy as they drive around the Island. On Capitol Hill, the Congressional the distant future; rather, the expectation Budget Office has issued similar warnings. of large deficits for years to come would like many Unborn dictators, Bishop la The economic recovery appears "pre- keep real long-term interest rates higher afraid of anything that might reflect on hit carious," declares the CBO, because of the than they would otherwise be .... These popularity. He has taken the unprecedented staggering deficits. This has evoked ex- influences would make for an unbalanced step of moving Carnival — the biggest cele- pressions of grave concern from con recovery and would likely give rise to Infla- bration of the year in Grenada ai in the rest gressional leaders who, nevertheless, ' of the Caribbean - from the ore-Lenten week in February to mid-August. Reason: te^tary Donald The coup that brought Bishop to power occurred in March, and he doesn't want the . reduce celebration of that momentous event to look like a tail on the kite of Carnival. E,=s that deficits don't push up I, Farm subsidies hurt farmers

WASHINGTON - In recent years we relation to other currencies, our farm ex- have heard a vast deal about the govern- ports have become more expensive; over ment's "entitlement programs." The talk the past three years, the price of our corn to has to do with food stamps, student loans, the average foreign customer has gone up subsidized housing, hot school lunches, by 80 percent. Who benefits from that? Medicaid and the retirement of federal em- The 1981 farm act mandates progressive ployees. The talk is generally to this effect JAMES increases in target prices in 1984 and 1985; — that the programs have grown uncon- wheat, for example, would go from $430 nt ttft mrtf "i KILPATRICK tfeU_ye«r to HU In 1985. "At the very But it is a curious thing. We hear almost least," the president told me, "we must nothing at all about other entitlement pro- have a freezing at the present levels of grams that have grown more rapidly than those price supports." The trouble is that all the rest. These are the programs in- the administration's efforts to freeze target tended to support income down on the farm. dreams. "I kept seeing the figures for how prices have run Into adamant opposition In the 1970s, farm subsidies cost the tax- much it was costing us to accumulate all from such senators as Zorinsky of Nebraska payers $3 billion or 14 billion a year. These that surplus and then store it," the presi- and McClure of Idaho. They think they are costs swelled to $6 billion in 1981, and dent told me last week. "So I said, If we've looking after their constituents. v doubled again to $12 billion in 1982 got to pay out all these payments for The latest estimate is that these costs farmers, like for taking land out of prod- If Hardin is right — and he makes sense will exceed $21 billion for the fiscal year uction, soil erosion, so forth, 1 said: Why to me — all these target prices, support that ends on Sept. 30. Talk about programs give them the cash? Why don't we give prices, deficiency payments and other de- out of control! And the most lamentable them the crop that they didn't have and let vices are only superficially attractive. In Uneasy riders part of the situation, as Clifford M. Hardin them sell that crop on the market?" the end, they can result only in restoration recently has observed, is that, greatly as So the PIK program materialized. An of the absurd surplus stocks that PIK was By order of Chief Raymond Mass, sure sense of drama. Predictably, his the programs may benefit farmers in the estimated 1.4 million farmers are partici- intended to diminish. Worse still, efforts to Shrewsbury police are driving their pa- "drive slowly" order grabbed a lot of short haul, over the long run the programs pating in it. They have taken 82 million raise commodity prices by limiting prod- trol cars in the slow lane. media attention. Network television are bound to be harmful. acres out of production — 36 percent of all uction provide "an open Invitation to Mass, asserting that the cars are so crews descended on the borough, and Hardin served as President Nixon's first crop land. The government has given the farmers in other countries to expand their production." badly in need of repair that they are the police department's budgetary secretary of agriculture (1969-71). He is participants $12 billion worth of surplus now a scholar in residence at the Center for commodities they presumably would other- unsafe to drive at higher speed, has problems made newspaper headlines from New Jersey to Germany. the Study of American Business at Wash- wise have produced. Meanwhile the govern- ' Hardin urges a "major overhaul" in our ordered his officers not to drive faster ington University in St. Louis. In a paper ment has saved $9 billion in price supports farm policies: "Fifty years of history and than 40 miles per hour. Shrewsbury is a small town, true, released by the center last month, Hardin and storage costs. From the Treasury's tradition must be put aside." It is folly he A local repair shop estimated the but it's not small-town. The borough directs his criticism especially at President viewpoint, PIK makes remarkably good says, for the United States unilaterally to lust ofiepaiiing the five vehicles at encompasge'•fsc a heavtly-traffieltcdiilgh- Beogan'o Paymant in Kind (PIK) program -sense: — attempt to bold down production. World markets do not work that way. American $1,800 Councilman Raymond Tierney, way and it has become a bustling retail but he comments cogently on the whole idea Hardin's point is that our farm policies of trying to solve the farmers' acknowl- totally, including PIK, make no economic farmers are the most efficient farmers in and office center in this section of the who is police commissioner, said that edged problems by undertaking to limit sense at all. Our on-agaln, off-agaln grain the world. The 1977 and 1981 farm acts also most of the items in need of repair county. The police department must be their production. embargoes have resulted in the expansion have served, at prodigious cost to the tax- don't involve safety. But the repairs all equipped to respond to a variety of PIK was Reagan's own idea. The plan of food production in Argentina, Canada and payers, to make them among the most are necessary, Tierney said, and he possible emergencies with whatever has succeeded beyond the administration's Australia. As the dollar has risen in value in pampered farmers anywhere. isn't going to countermand the chief's speed the situation demands. As Mass order has emphasized dramatically, the The problem mostly is money. borough council must give priority to Mass says he is already $900 over his getting and keeping the patrol cars in FROM OUR READERS maintenance budget, not including the top shape, and to purchasing new vehi- $250 spent to have the cars inspected cles as necessary. and $650 to keep them running. The But, barring high speed chases — able places with appropriate ceremonies borough council says there isn't any which are of questionable necessity and Loud silence and activities money in the budget for repairs. Sure- value in a day of sophisticated police Matawan In the Preamble of the Constitution of ly, the council didn't establish the po- communications systems — we don't To the Editor: the United States, our founding fathers know how frequently it is necessary for Civilized nations around the globe are lice department's budget arbitrarily, wrote their purpose "to secure the bless- justifiably outraged by the wanton destruc- but considered' the chief's recommen- police to drive at high speeds. We would ings of liberty to themselves and their post- tion of a South Korean commercial aircraft dations. Like all governing bodies, it is suspect that such occasions- are com- erity." In 1983, Justice Johnson of the Unit- by a Soviet military aircraft. This wasn't ed States Supreme Court wrote that the caught in a squeeze between the budg- paratively few compared to the amount the case of an undisciplined, trigger happy Constitution was, "The most wonderful in- etary needs of all departments and the of miles police officers drive. Safety- pilot acting on his own to murder 269 inno- strument ever drawn by the hand of man." related items in need of repair obvious- cent people, 61 of them Americans. The restraints of the state-mandated cap. It'll the oldest constitution still in active Soviets had tracked it for over two hours The purchase of police cars isn't one of ly must get prompt attention. But if use in the world today and is the basic and knew it was a civilian flight before the permissible items for bond issues. most of the items that need repair document of the United States Government. ground controllers gave the pilot orders to aren't safety-related, as Tiemey has The problem also is partly theat- shoot it down. Our Constitution was written to protect reported, there isn't any reason rics Over the years, Mass has demon- 1 While protests of this evil, immoral act every American from the abuse of power by strated that he is no slouch when it Shrewsbury's patrol cars can't respond 'You shot a double have taken place around the world, to the political parties as much as from the abuse comes to directing public attention to with the speed individual situations best of my knowledge we here in the U.S. of kings'. Without the determination to re- haven't heard an "official" word of protest police department issues, and he has a merit. strain the tempting excesses of political TODAY IN HISTORY from all our "peace" organizations which power, our republic will perish. We must be are so quick to condemn and demonstrate vigilant to protect the freedoms of religion, against our own country's military policies. press, and speech and the rights of petition Today is Monday. Sept. 19, the 262nd day Rest assured that if the U.S. had committed and assembly: for once lost to us, they can of 1983. There are 103 days left in the year. Ettlinger — a job well done such an atrocity, orchestrated' demonstra- never be regained. Today's highlight in history: tions by these "peace" organizations would The resignation of Roy S. Ettlinger mission for the Accreditation of Hospi- On Sept. 19, 1881, James A. Garfield, the take place instantaneously. And I'm sure This year is the 196th anniversary of the as executive director of Marlboro Psy- tals, a non-profit rating organization in 20th president of the United States, died of we would have heard from the American signing of the Constitution. In 1987 we will wounds inflicted by an assassin in Balti- mark the 200th! Lets study our Constitu- chiatric Hospital last Friday came as a Chicago, credited Ettlinger with im- Catholic Bishops just as quickly. more 11 weeks earlier. The silence is deafening but tells us a tion. Let's preserve and defend it against all surprise to members of the hospital proving conditions and helping the hos- On this date: enemies — foreign and domestic. pital to regain its accreditation. In 1980, great deal about a thing called "double board of trustees and to the community In 1777, American soldiers in the Revolu- standards." Interesting, isn't it? at large. Marlboro was the only state psychiatric tionary War won the first battle of Saratoga Alfreds. Purcell Anne Stommel hospital in New Jersey to be-ac- against the British. Chairman The 39-year—old director, who was credited In 1934, Bruno Hauptmann was arrested Constitution Week Commute in New York and charged with kidnapping appointed to head the state institution Ettlinger will leave Marlboro at Basic document Shrewsbury Towne Chapter the Lindbergh baby. Daughters of the in Marlboro seven years ago, has ac- the end of October, and we wish him Rumaon In 1955. President Juan Peron of Argen- American Revolution cepted the top post at a private psy- well in his new position in Boston. At tina was ousted after a revolt by the army To the Editor: Sept. 17-23 is Constitution Week cele- chiatric hospital in Boston. the same time, we urge George and navy. And in 1974. former President Richard brating the signing of the Constitution of the When Ettlinger arrived in Albanese, commissioner of the N. J. De- Letters to the editor must be signed and Nixon.was subpoenaed by1 special prose- United States of America on Sept. 17, 1987. have ike writer's complete address and Marlboro, he faced a number of partment of Human Services, to seek a cutor Leon Jaworski to appear at the Wa- The president of the United States Issues a telephone number. They mmt not exceed challenges, not the least of which was successor who will be able to match tergate coverup trial proclamation each year inviting the people 300 words. Not acceptable are poetry, en- the hospital's loss of accreditation. Just Ettlinger's outstanding record of ser- Ten years ago. Willie Mays, then 42. of this country to observe Constitution dorsements of candidates for office or en- Week in schools, churches and other suit- one year later, in 1977, the Joint Com- vice. announced his retirement from baseball. dorsements of commercial product*. Rudolf R. Naimoli MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 19.1963 The Daily Register A7 Carmelo N. Pizzi OBITUARIES ATLANTIC HIGH- Sortvtof are bis wife LANDS - Rudolf R. the former Martina MAT AW AN - Carmelo Catholic Church, Keyport. Hazlet; (our daughter!, 242 Shrtwiburv Naimoll, SI, died Saturday N. Plni, at, died yesterday His wife, the late Mary Mrs. Victoria Scalio of Borough •t Rlvenrlew Hospital, Louise E. Berry at Perth Amboy HoeplUl. Pizzi, died in 1980 Danla, Fla., Mn. NOTICI: Red Bank Born In Italy, he resided Philomena Gural of Perth PLEASE TAKE NOTICE FAIR HAVEN - Lou- Naimoll Thnmaa surviving are sU sons, Trull mn *poJir•llan h*i h***. Arthur L. Berry Sr., died lo in Cllffwood Beach before made to the Board ot Adjustment ise E. Berry, W, of M Ma- Joseph Pizzi of Fort AmDoy, Mn. Carmella moving here SO years ago. of the BO ROU CH OF ple Ave,, died Saturday at Pierce, Fla., Frank Pizzi Civagnaro of Cliffwood SHREWSBURY, under Section Surviving ire three NV Before his retirement Beach and Mill Ruth No. Ch U II A (31 of the Zoning Rlvervlew Hoipiui Red Mill, George L. Berry, of Cliffwood Beach, Ordinance by Steven M. Klein on Bank, 21 years ago, Mr. Pint was Piixi, here; a brother, behalf of himself for a variance *rtti»r L. Berry sad Jofca (fewiiV*^>J« NtltaoU, both .t home;s maistessisce worker *e» from the requirements of the Born In Tlntoo P»U», twe Eag«B9 Piss, here, Albert Eagwio Pint o» Italy: a lutiifrW OtOiil«iH.», Hllio nwt L. Berry, ill here: Mveo the New York Stock Et- Brothers, David the township for 10 years. Pizzi of Toms River, Vin- •liter, Mn Lauretta Roda mil the construction of a on* car we rewiM atrt tor M grandchildren and a great- •arag* 11LJ ui.u i. unui« >iu< . years. cnuajM, Na^iomil of HiftUaUkotai **n1 He was a communicant cent Pizzi of Cliffwood of Italy, 26 grandchildren frame, to be located adjacent te frindaon. He was a communicant Robert Naimoll of Far the eailtlnfl earaae. on the pre- She was a meber of the of St. Joseph's Roman Beach and Fred Pizzi of and 23 great-granchildren. mises ' Buttonwood Drive. Block Worden Funeral Home, of St. Agnes Roman Catho- Rockaway, N.Y.; and a Day Funeral Home, No. 47. Lot No 3 and thts notice li Fiik Chapel AME, here. Red Bank, U In charge of lent to vou at owner of property , Her husband, the late Uc Church and a member •Mer, Eleanor Indelicate Hazel L. Klinsky Keyport, li in charge of affected by the application irrangementi. of the Knights of Colum- of Brooklyn, N.Y. arrangement!. This has been let on the UNION BEACH - Ha- Board's calendar, which will be bus, St*t*n Islaod, and the The Condon Funeral Ladies Auxiliary of Fire called on October V 1W et • 00 Woodrow B. Bowne zel Lassen Klinsky, 80, iiOOUfr Public Notice. p.m Sharp. «t the BOROUGH Sportsmen's" Club of the Home U in charge of ar- Company No. 1, all here. HALL, BROAD ST t died Saturday at Arnold LICAL NOTICI SYCAMORE AVENUE, and. MIDDLBTOWN - He was an antique Surviving are a son, when the calendar It called, vou Empire Sute. rangemenU. Walter Nursing Home, Notko It harabv ervon thai Woodrow B. Bowne, 68, dealer and a real estate Foster Lassen of may appear either In person, or Hazlet. Broaftdal* Communllv Coll*o« bv your attorney, and present died yesterday at developer. Mrs. Carmel N. Foggia Matawan; a daughter, •III rtcalvo taalad bku al Iht any objection, which you may MUMpequ (N.Y.) Gener- Born in Bloomfield, she Purchatlna Oaparlmanl. -74S have lo the granting of this vari- Surviving U a lUter, OCEANPORT — Surviving are her hus- Mrs. Jane Bender of Ste- Ntwman Sprlnst Road. Llrxrofl. ation al Hospital lived here for 40 years. Ntw Jtnav on OctoMr Itin Steven M Klein Mr». AugusU Wlneburgh Carmel N, Foggia, 61, died band, James Foggia; two She worked at Komar's phensburg; eight grand- 100 o-m. orovalllno llmt. al 7 Buttonwood Or Born in Wantaugh, children and 11 great- which lima and placa, told bids ~-"~ 'Wrewibury. u j N.Y.. he resided In New ofBellmoTe,N.Y. s She was a former mem- grandchildren. York City before moving Claire S. Bartbolemew 1. MICO M04 WORD PROC here 30 years ago. and Son Funeral Home, PiOlli ber of the Daughters of Day Funeral Home, ESSIHO SYSTEM OR *P WUliamson of FROVCO EQUAL 234 Marlboro Bellmore, Is in charge of *' America, the Veterans of Keyport, is in charge of 2. WORK STATIONS tn D—th Notice yetntn Wanamassa; a brother, Foreign Wars, and the arrangements. (FURNITURE) NOTICE arrangement*. Mrs.Foggiawuaconv £•»> Apicelll of Contract documantt may Do PLEASE TAKE NOTICE PIZZI -CrniakUillWHia. •aamlnod and coplil oMolnad at The undersigned hit appealed lo Ml Death NoticT municant of Holy Trinity W«namaMa; a sister, Mrs. tho Purchatlno Oapartmant ol the Zoning Board ol Adjustment N JOnl^J, I*. 1«l Lovlnt IMtar munieant of Holy Trinity »anai™oa,asuwr,i«n, «r - IDC Brookdal« Community Colltga at of Marlboro Township for a vat i y JWA hMt, IMMK, AIMrt R Chl Chh 7tl Ntwman Spring* Road, Lin ance from Section SO*.A 7. to •VMCMI M PrM mill. .nO Mrr BERRY — Louital..« Roman CathoUc Church, Mary Napolltano of FSurSeS TOCe JMlO DTOOe croft. Ntw Jaruv on or altar build a sun porch 10' • tl on Victoria Scant, Mn. Ptiltwmn. Long Branch. Sapt It, INI premises M Suffolk Wav. Bloch ouril. Mn. Urmalia CWIWI •"*••*: i/iSh i Wanamaaaa: and four J ' BIO tacurltlat In tha form ol eO4, Lot 43 Which Is within TWO •nd Mm Rum Mm. Dur inum * L.. and jaM L.. OraMmodwr of She was a member of grandchildren, NEWARK (AP) - An Internal Revenue Service t bid bond with adtouatt tecur- HUNDRED (TOO) feet of proper E«W* mm ar* L.ur.n. *O said the IRS is "expanding the project to look at others which li dttmtd molt favoratola. appeal or evidence relating all-4andM».m. Btlovtd wlto ol JOOOMI. Balmd LANDS - Marie A. of Middletown; two daugh- Prlcai quotad muit includa all thereto, rrwuvH ol Mayor LMlt P. IMm< in this profession." frtlght or dtllvarv charott. Tha This notice Is served upon CICALA— Caaraa. *> oi siwai Smock, 61, died yesterday ter., Mn. Dorothy Mine- Monmouth loach, and Sandra I. IRS officials said the private duty nurses — retained ownar alio rasarvtt tha right lo vou by the Apolkant bv direction Harvor Caurt Port Monmoulh, N.J., Frankl of Morrli; MtovM mtar of at Monmouth Medical Cen- bin- of Long Branch and rtlact any bid If. In 111 opinion, of the Zoning Board of Adjust on Ja* 17.1W1. Balovad nuikand oi Ltwrtnct. Jottpn Sr.. and Rocct by individual patients for private care and not employed Iht blddtr It not consldtrad ft- ment pursuant to statute •— Mallna ConnlB. dtyMM lathar of Molucca, all of Now Provldanct. ter, Long Branch. Mn. Gall Carlitrom, here; ntncltllv or tachnlcallv ablt to Reva LeUowiti Margin! Mbanlute Punaral Tuat- Mrt. Mary Macalulo ol HallywoM, by hospitals — are able to use their "self-employed" carry out tht contract at In Aaron Leffcowiti dav, *:13 a.m. from trta John p. Flo.. Mn. Froncot Alolao al Wator- Born in Newark, Mn. two listen, Mn. Dorothy Itndtd or for any raaton In tha Pflaeor Funaral Homt. US Tlndall status to avoid paying withholding taxes and taxes on U Suffolk Wav burv. Conn., Mn. Maraartt Kite ol ownar't Judoamant. It ll not In Mar I bore load. Now MMnmauth. Man of Slarllno. N.J. Alls Mrvlvad bv IM Smock resided here for 30 Farrell of Belford and Iht btit Inttrtftt of Brookdalt CnrWIan Burial "III baotfaradal SI fees paid for their work. ALL PURPOSED EX. orandchlldran. Ralailvat and years. Mn. Charlotte Carey of Community Collage HIBITS ARE ON FILE WITH Cattarlna'l R.C. Church of Can Irlandi ara Invltad lo attand KM h> A preliminary probe of nurses employed for private Kaantoura at If a.m. Informant SI. Blddan ara rtoulrad to com- THE ZONING CLERK AND naral on Tuauay, I 10 a.m.. Iron) Surviving are her hus- Long Branch; and eight ARE AVAILABLE FOR IN Oabrltl'l Camatary. Marlboro. Vli- Ida Madlun Manorial Homo, II* duty work at Overlook Hospital in Summit revealed that oly with tht rroulrtmtntiof P.L. nine Sun. aM Mon. !-l p.m. and M band, James W. Smock grandchildren 1*75, C. 117 and P.L. 1977, C. U. SPECTION. Mam St., Madlun. Tha matt will Da 55 of 85 nurses am veyed did not report all their income Sept t* ftii ft p.m. Mamarlal donatlom art rt- olfarod at » » a.m. at It. Vlncanft Jr.; three sons, Jack Col- Stpt II til.71 QWMMd forttw Por t Mon mouth Flnt Church, Madlion. IMarmont tl. vln Posten's Funeral Home AM Squad, wnton Ava. Port Mon- ctnrt Canttary. Vlilllng noun Mon lins of Eatontown, Michael is in charge of arrange- dtv, 1-4and 7-«p.m Collins of San Rafael, ments.

A..£?.'id d'.r«:tory »' c°">in» event* lor non-profit organizations Rate*. M.75 for three lines (or 1 day ill.00 each ?2?« .."ifi' K °? for *r<* "ne8 for twoia y ('' M each additional line), 16 50 for three lines for three davs m 00 each additional line I. |7 50 for three lines for four or five days (C 25 each additional llnel. 19 00 for three lines .V. !lf, 'Lghl days 'CM each additional line). $10 50 for three lines for nine lo ten days (13.00 each additional line I »1J 50 for three lines for eleven days Each additional day II 00. each additional line U 00 Deadline ll AM two davs before publication Call The Dally Register. 542-4000. ask for The Date Secretary

SEPTEMBER If - MONDAY 35th Anniversary of the East Panel Discussion sponsored by Keansburg PTA. Balloon Launch 1 OCTOBER 111 - FRIDAY "Greater H81 Ban*' ATMTLWgiW oi - p-Itr W3-S0 p.m. Doffltloifii WMII"- Bojtipg. ^rlicjdletpwri_P£lice Athletic Women Voters on "Detection & Pre- date Oct. 1st. On school grounds. For League presents New Jersey vention of Child Abuse in Monmouth more Info call 787-6221 Stars V.S England Fri. 7 30 pm County", in Shadow Lawn Savings Mater Del High School. Admission Bank. Rt 71. West Long Branch. 7 30 SEPTEMBER Z4 * U $10. Call Middletown Detective pm Speaker!: Alexander Lehrer. SATURDAY * SUNDAY Division 671-4700 days Middletown Ei-Monmouth County Prosecutor: Keansburg Department of Recrea- Gym 967 9494 nights Mary Jo Alburtus. Supervisory Social tion sponsors Flea Market at the JFK Worker. Division of Youth 4 Family Community Center. Hours are 10 OCTOBER I - SATURDAY Service: Investigator Barbara Col- a.m. to S p m Additional information Auction 13. goods and services. eman. Sex Crimes Unit. Monmouth at reservation please call 787-0215 Sat evening'Oct. 8th. preview time 8 County Prosecutor's Office. Re- Interested participant* must pay 17 to 8:30 p m begins 8 45 p.m. sharp freshments Public cordially invited per space It provide their own table $4 50 at the door. $3 50 in advance to attend & ask questions. SEPTEMBER U - SUNDAY Call for tickets 536-7692. or 566-6879 6th Annual Art in the Park Festi- Sponsored by Temple Shalom. 5 Ary- SEPTEMBER M- TUESDAY val " (Arts and Crafts Show/Sale) mont Lane. Aberdeen This beautiful 4-door sedan is mid- I Chinese Auction sponsored by Mon- Veterans Memorial Park. Union night blue metallic with tinted glass mouth Legal Secretaries Assoc . Ave.. Hazlet. Noon to4 p.m. Over 150 OCTOBER I - SUNDAY Buck Smith's, East Keansburg. 7 artists and'Crafters. Exhibitors (8. RED BANK HISTORICAL SOCIE plus front wheel drive and it could be p.m 12. free refreshments Seniors $4. Students S2 Public in- TY Victorian Celebration. Cape May vited Free admission and entertain- yours. It is equipped with steel-belted Parents Without Partners. bus trip. Sun.. Oct. 9. 8:30 am from ment. Refreshments and picnicking MidLantic Bank parking lot. Broad & radials, power steering and brakes, Bayshore Chapter 644. Cocktail Party available Call Hazlet Recreation and Dance. Don Quixotes. Hwy. J4, 7394653.1 Rain date October 2.) Reckless 115. 114 students & Senior radio and heater, rack and pinion Matawan 8:30. orientation, mem- citizens Reservations. Mary Kirby. bers 13. prospective members t5. Bus trip to Playboy Casino, spon- P.O Box 712. Red Bank Deadline. steering, electric digital clock, dual Oct. 3. Information. 741-1019. sored by the Highlands First Aid remote mirrors and deluxe wheel SEPTEMBER tl - WEDNESDAY Squad 115 per ticket, receive 110 Women's Guild of St. Mary's Arme- cash and Prime Rib dinner For res' OCTOBER 11 -TUESDAY covers. nian Church. RI>P"m ervalions. call 291-5968 . • —-_ US.S . Navv/jMarlheNavv/jMa s VS Luncheon It Fashion Show. Barclay. England-Earl Navall WeWeapona s Sta- Belmar. N J Fashion* by Sea Air Garden State Cultural Center Fund tion. Colts Neck Tickets Must be All you need is Shop. Spring Lake Heights Donation advises you can be In Scotland for a paid In advance Admission $10 Con- 112 For reservations call 775-5146 or day From 10 a.m.: Scottish foods, tact Middletown Detective Division. a key to win! people in Tartan*, tossing of the 671-5763. 671-4700 days Middletown Gym Some participant, with Ihe lucky key. will open caber and other Highlands games 957-9494 eves Red Bank Christian Women's Club Scottish sheepdogs, pipe* in pro- Ihe treasure chest containing Ihe keys lo a new Luncheon. Lakeside Manor. Rt. 36. fusion. Highlands and Country danc- Foid Tempo. And it could be you! Hailet. 12 to 2 p.m. 1725. Dress ing. 2 p.m performance onstage. Top . OCTOBER 13 - THURSDAY designer Debra Fulmer. soprano stars from Scotland: The Alexander Bus trip to St John Newmann. Carla Major, and speaker Pam Abell Brothers. Ron Dale and John Cun- Phila Sponsored by St Catherine's How to got your key! Call 264-9375 or 747-1409. ningham Garden State Arts Center, Altar It Rosary Society. East seats available Call 442-1600. Ext Keansburg Cost will be $*. for Starling Sunday. September 11; 1983. The Monmouth County Park System. 222 weekdays 9-4. further information call Mrs Betty t Redding Pa shopping spree. Wed.. Emerson. 787-8163 Register will publish an entry torm daily. It will Sept. 21.7 a.m. departure. Thompson Dynamics of Prayer Workshop be numbered 1 through 6 every week. Just (ill in Park. Lincroft. $14.50. 342-4000 for presented by Campus Crusade tor OCTOBER 14. It liU all 6 consecutive entry forms as this qualities FRIDAY, SATURDAY A SUNDAY information & registration. Christ Enhance your individual It you lo a key upon presentation corporate prayer life 5 to 8 p.m. Monmouth Museum sponsors trip SEPTEMBER U - FRIDAY First Baptist Chruch. Rt. 35. Red to Boston. Salem. Sturbridge. leaving Middletown Ramblers square Bank. 747-0671. the museum 645 am. Friday. Oct Where to got dance club, annual open house barn 14. returning Sunday evening Oct. 16 dance 8 p.m. East Keansburg school. Doll Show Sun.. Sept 25th at Visit Essex Institute. Peabody. Quin- your key! Ocean 4 Alberta off Rt 36 k Thomp- Madison High School in Old Bridge. cy Market. New England Aquarium. son Ave.. Admission & refreshments Rt 516 and Junction of Hwy. 9. 9:30 Museum of Fine Arts. 4 Gardener free. p.m. till 3:30. Sponsored by Young at Museum Museum member single. Take all 6 consecutive entry torms ot that week Heart Doll Club. Information call $130. Non-member single. $240 lo Hyer Ford. 700 Shrewsbury Ave. Red Bank. The Monmouth County Assoc. for 513-1413. Museum member double per person. and a courteous salesperson will exchange your Children with Learning Disabilities $180. Non-member double per person. entry forms lor a key. Simply try y,our key in the and the Atlantic County ACID are SEPTEMBER 3* - FRIDAY $190. Call 747-2266 for further details co-sponsoring a Conference on Learn- Bayshore Community Hospital lock ol a treasure chest and if it unlocks the ing Disabilities In Atlantic City on Foundation. First Annual OCTOBER IS - SATURDAY Ford Tempo is yours Frl.. Sept. 23. 1H3 from 8 a.m. to 5 Golf/Tennis Tournament & Dinner- Saint Agnes PTA Family Spaghetti p.m. at the International Motel on Dance. Hollywood Golf Club. Deal. Dinner. School cafeteria. South Ave . ••••• •• IntryForm mm Chelsea Ave. Many distinguished Ladies invited. Golf, shotgun start All Highlands, i to 8:30 p.m. For Iff your key doesn't fit. WEEK OF SEPT. 18-23 speakers will cover such topic* on LD 1:00 pm.. Dinner-Dance. 7:00 p.m ticket* call 291-5022 or 291-1513. $4 as: Thinking by problem solving. In- Proceeds for Hospital/Building adults. $2 SO children under 12. Reser- you could still win! (UU« KAMI Fund. Call Lucy AtUrlan. 264-7500. vation deadline 10/14. structional Approaches to Teaching wiwtss Writing. A very FRANK Discussion Ext 568. We will give away Ihe 1984 Ford Tempo, which is on display on Sexual Function It Dysfunction. OCTOBER 31, SUNDAY al Hyer. by Friday, November 25. 1983. In the event that the 'OWN OCTOBER 1 - SATURDAY WOMEN'S AMERICAN ORT - The Role of Parents 4 Teachers in lock lo Ihe treasure chssl has not been opened by noon this Helping the L D Youngster to Under- ASCOTS will appear from 9 p.m. to bus trip to Tropicana Hotel. Atlantic •land Their Disabilities and 1 a.m. at the Highlands Fire House City. Cost $10 50 per person Phone dale, the winner will be chosen by a random drawing at 5:00 iti Strength! as well as the Ingredients Hot & cold buffet, beer. soda. BYOB. 291-2123. p.m. Irom among all entry lorms submitted. So be sure you For Success. Plui many more Impor- It prizes. Dance admission is $10 per person advance sales. $11 at door DECEMBER II-FRIDAY deposit your entry forms in the participant container, il your tant subject!. Don't miss this In- Mid-Atlantic Trip. "Nutcracker " key doesn't open the lock. It's your second chance lo win1 fl»m»mber! 6 conieculin tilled in entry formative Conference. For further Call 291-5465 or 291-5807 for tickets It form* »n necessary fo qualify for a key. info Lincoln Center, exc. seats. Deposit information It reservations, please will hold seat. 787-4921 & 566-3112. call the Monmouth Cty. A.C.L.D. of- Thorn Junior High School, flea fice at 544-1224 from » a m to 4 p m market King of Kings Church park- NOVEMBER II - SATURDAY ing lot. Harmony Rd. i Cherry Tree Thompson Jr. High. Middletown Follow thoM uty contest rulosl • SEPTEMBER « * 14 - FR1. t SAT. Farm Rd.. Middletown. 9:30 to 3:30 presents our third annual "Granny's 1 Conlesl Begins Sunday. Sept 11. 1983. 4 You may enter The Register's Auto Give A 6. You must be al leasl 18 years ol age lo The Martha it Mary Guild of St. pm Single space $5. double $10 Attic . a quality antique/art/craft and ends when a participant opens the Way each week with 6 consecutive new Mary's Catholic Church. Hwy. 34. venders welcome. For Information show 4 sale, on Sat. November 19. treasure Chest lock or a rarfoom drSwing "entryiorrns: meeting me requiiements Colts Neck annual ATTIC SALE. call Carrol 671-4323. Phlllis. 671-3585 from 10 a m -5 pm Exc. indoor loca- is held on Friday. November ?5 1983. staled each lime The more you enter, the 7 All laies and motoi vehicle ipes must lie Detier chance you have of winning From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Something for or send checks to Thorn Junior High tion. At the corner of Dwlght Hd - ! paid by the winner everyone! School. 70 Murphy Rd.. Port Mon- Middletown Llncroft Rd. Great op- 2. Numbered entry lorms will be pub >shed mouth. N.J. 07758. Rain date 10/1. portunity for early holiday shopping in The Daily and Sunday Register every 5 Photocopies or other similar leproduc 8 The winning key has been identified l)v SEPTEMBER 14 - SATURDAY and to enjoy homemade treats and day When you have tilled in 6 con- lions are nol acceptable Facsimile the Shrewsbury Chief ol Police Bus trip to the Lenox china factory OCTOBER t- SUNDAY seculive entry lorms. lake them to Hyer coupons may be hand drawn, sample this key will be accepted as Ihe wmnmq other refreshments. Dealers reserve Ford and exchange them for a key available corresponding day at The Reg- outlet in Trenton. Bus leaving 11 a.m. VFW Post 2179 Flea Market. 9 a.m. early as last year's "Granny's Attic" key Acme. Fair Haven, parking lot. Price ister in the Circulation Depi during regular to 4 p.m. at Post Building. Hwy 36 was a huge success! For reservations 3. II your key doesn't unlock the treasure business hours No purchase is required, Is HIM per person, includes box 9 Employees ol The Register and Hye' Ford I East I. Port Monmouth. I next to A It and further details, call. 671-4788 chest lock, deposit your entry lorms in the one facsimile per person per d«V Sunday then contractors, agencies dea'prs cai lunch. For reservations call Maria participant container facsimiles will be available on the subse- Mullevey 747-924S. P). Reservations $1 per table Call 841-56(7. 671-7151. or 842-5071 No lat- ners. and their immediate lamiites are not 241-3925 er than Nov. I. quent business day only eligible to participate — A8 The Daily Register Lifestyle MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 19, 1983 Retirees gain much when they invest in friendships teresting to both of you as time By JACK H. SMITH These are the dearest friends, or uer

VERDANT AWARD — Lasting depression studied Mrs. Robert C. Stanley Jr. of Mlddletown, left, By LESTER L. COLEMAN, M.D. nia, poor appetite and loss of president of Monmouth weight. Far too often, a physician Conservation Founda- It seemi as If I fall into a deep other than a psychiatrist may con- tion, presents a Verdant well of depreision every year at the centrate on these physical symp- Award to Mrs. Paul Ur- end of the summer. This lime It YOUR toms which bypass obtaining a real banla of Rumson, right, came on me a little earlier than grasp of the underlying cause of the accepting on behalf of usual and la lasting a lot longer. depression. the Junior League of When I gel up In the morning I can HEALTH Since this period of depression Monmouth County, at barely move. As the day goes on I has lasted as long as it has, 1 would the organization's an- seem lo feel belter and become urgently suggest that you discuss nual dinner-dance. Left more active. I am happily married this problem with your doctor and to right In rear are Mrs. and have two children In high get his reaction to a consultation Raymond Carey Jr. and school. I can't think of any reason with a psychiatrist, preferably one Mrs. George Flinn, Mid why these fits of depression come who is particularly interested and dletown, party chairmen, and Edgar L. on. many people feel that the depres- knowledgeable about the use of anti- My doctor says this will past depressant drugs Rachlin, who was host IWnIS~al an end. Because of this for the party at Hop away as the others did. But I am The chances are great that with cyclic behavior, many people fail to Brook Farm, Holmdel. more anxious now because It has these drugs you may also relieve the seek the technical help and guidance The Junior League was lasted so long. - Mrs. N.R., Wise. recurrent episodes and certainly that is so necessary to track down honored for Its efforts In Dear Mrs. R.: diminish the intensity of the depres- the initial cause of the depression. publicizing, by means of There is nothing more devitaliz- sion. We are in an era of drug therapy a slide/lecture pro- 'jig or debilitating than periods of SPEAKING OF YOUR HEALTH that is quite remarkable There was gram, the foundation's depression such as you describe. ... The handicapped are never a a time not so long ago when doctors efforts to conserve open Many people without any ostensible "handicap" or a burden to em- were tremendously handicapped by space. reason may become severely de- their inability to extricate patients ployers who are wise enough to give pressed Sometimes these periods from the depths of depression. To- them their deserved opportunity to disappear quickly At other times day mild and even severe cases can work. they persist for a long time. This be helped by one of the many re- All those employers who have occurs far more commonly than one markable antidepressant drugs. extended themselves for the handi- suspects. Hair spray, alcohol oust ink These drugs, prescribed mostly capped constantly emphasize that In the rest of your letter you did by psychiatrists, are used singly or these courageous people are depen- not state whether or not you had dable and fulfill all of their work DEAR HELOISE: Box 32000, San Antonio, TX in combination to reduce the length I need your advice on sought the advice of a psychiatrist of time that depression lasts. obligations. niii for these bouts of depression. how lo remove ball point Unfortunately, depression may Dr. Coleman welcomes questions Ink from while vinyl kllch WARRANTY NOTEBOOK HINTS When the veil lifts after the in- jlsu he r^nomibla lac iftylfitfj frum jeudets. 1'ltuse mUp lo him tin .hairs My son has a Dear Helolse: Many tense depression ol the morning symptoms such as fatigue, insom- in care of this newspaper." habil of putting h'ifbair times you need to get In- point pens In his back formation quickly. Knni- pocket. Naturally, they ple: The washer goes out break and leak when he and you panic, wondering HELOISE Truthful labels sits on them. how long you've had it, and I have tried vinegar, if the warranty Is still paint remover, etc. but good, ANN I've found It helpful to Carol Pitlman candlestick sets I received nothing seems lo work. — Planning is a great as wedding presents. give consumers Nina Niedivleckl keep a small notebook with this information In it. I idea. So often we need to I don't know how to get Since there are so many write down any item that find directions, order parts the dripped wax off the kinds of ball point inks LANDERS has a warranty, date or find important info. stems without damaging now, you may have to ex- purchased and serial num- The police department them. basis for choice periment a bit to find what bers, if any. recommends keeping seri- Can you help me? — works best to remove the al numbers, in case of Dear Ann Landers: 1 read recently that a Senate It's been very helpful Amy stain. (Remember, always theft. So be sure to add < ommittce voted 15-1 to strengthen the language on all when our sons wanted to test in a hidden place them to your little book. — Help is on its way. Try cigarette packages. Sen. Thomas Eagleton of Missouri know when their stereos, first.) Heloise putting them in the freezer proposed the wording be changed to the following: am living in another century, but —" and then went ' motorcycles or cars were Try spraying the spot bought. for a couple of hours. The ".WAKNING: CIGARETTE SMOKING CAUSES on to say it was not proper to aik people lo bring food with a little hair spray, I bought a 9- by 6-Inch WAX IN CANDLESTICKS wax will be frozen and you CANCER, EMPHYSEMA AND HEART DISEASE, lo a party unless they were family or very close then rub with a soft cloth. memo, notebook, made Dear Helolse: Please can remove it easily. Buff MAY COMPLICATE PREGNANCY AND IS ADDIC- friends. Sometimes plain old rub-tabs on each page and help! I used the brass, with a soft cloth to remove TIVE." Never mind the century. Dear Ann — you are bing alcohol will remove alphabetized the pages. — crystal and silver any residue. - Heloise I believe the language Is much too scary. Also, obviously living in a different Income group. A lot of ball point ink. doesn't this interfere with human rights? Sounds like people are out of work and .hard up They still like to Good luck, and I hope MI are getting to be a dictatorship. Sign me — Worried have frieuda in. Pullnck lupptn are a greal way lo do— these suggestions-get-yew- -OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO- a. PUai« r«caatid«r . Jactioa, Mitt. t ;,,r, HU ul Hi- doghouse. Dear N.C.: The language may be scary, but it's Dear Jack Read my answer one more time, Heloise o accurate. As for human rights, truth in labeling helps please I said it was OK for close friends If you still Have a hint for Heloise? people make an educated choice. In this case they still believe I'm wrong, write again and I'll rethink it Send it lo: Helolse, P.O. Lean line's new lugti have the right to behave in a suicidal manner if they wish to do so. It's up to Sen. Howard Baker, the majority leader, to decide whether this bill' will be brought to the Senate floor for a vote. My personal hunch is that he "Other Thanksgivings I was never lost before. has the integrity to schedule it. There are some . powerful interests that wish this bill would get lost. a 1741b. turkey. Dear Ann Landers: I am 20 and went to work In my ooi IOOOOOOOOOOOO uncle's construction business right out of high school. At Lean Line, you don't have to give up Ten months ago the business failed and I haven't been Not any morel' J "• ••'' the good Me |ust to look good Our brand able lo find a job. I've read the ads every day and f' •6,new, nutritionally balanced, supervised high fiber followed up every lead. Nothing doing. and complex carbohydrate weight loss program —Phyllis Merenus, New Jersey's Lifetime lets you eat Ihe taboo foods you like and enjoy I hate lo live off my widowed mother like this. She Achiever, lost 30 lbs. and has kept It off for 12 works in a factory and there are four younger kids at So il you tnink sacrificing foods like ice years. cream, cake, spaghetti and potatoes is the home. I want to join the U.S. Army but am worried "In the past the turkey wasn't the only that they might not accent me. I'm gay. Please advise. only way to lose weight, think again The secret gobbler at Thanksgiving dinner I was is Lean Line's all inclusive program. Experts recommend - Wailing To Hear I, • i 174 lbs Then Weight Walchers Dear Waiting: h bnitjeii of the armed services showed me how to think like a thin • high liber • behavior modification will accept a person who admits that he (or she) is person lo lake action to make • nutritionally balanced & basic ID gay . choices The group support was • personal counseling • private weigh in tremendous Off came 30 lbs - It is interesting, however, that thousands of gays You'll end up lull but not (at and Its still oft! luive served their country during war time (many Call Lean Line today for a class near you were decorated for valor) and their sexual preference You can lose up to 20 lbs by this Thanksgiving went undetected. What better proof that millions of Ihe proven Weight homosexuals do not fit the stereotyped notion of limp- Watchers way" rFREE'REGlSTRATlON"! wristed, pink-cheeked, prancing, effeminate Pay meeting ft* ol only 15.00 creatures, with this ad. VINNIE Reliable researchers tell us that approximately 10 PENEVOLPE Pre-pald coupon books available. percent of the population is homosexual, which means LOST 126 LBS Onlyi3.90wttkly. the vast majority give no outward clue. Bxplm October (5, T983 Dear Ann Landers: When you replied to "Tired of Feeding Other People's Guests," you said, "Maybe I For classes In .your town calt Monmouth Co. 721-2766 *O >d* Ocean Co. 349-7996 e Mr. and Mrs. Williams New Jersey 201-757-7677 Th« Innovators

mark 40th anniversary J0M Wt M0 T S » "l Trademark Cumm F-reCn Weil P»rk 4 WayirOe Ave Tue at 7 15pm MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 19,1983 The Daily Register A9 WEDDINGS Movelle-Ernst LITTLE SILVER - Deborah Gibby Boyer was best man. Ann Ernst, daughter of Frederick Ushers were brothers of the bride Campanella-Struve H Ernst, 340 Kumson Hoad, and and bridegroom, Dr: Freddie Ernst, Ethel M. Wheeler of Daphne, Ala., Bobby Moveile, Richard Moveile RUMSON - The marriage of Peter and Paul Campanula, the was married Aug. 21 in St. John's and Danny Moveile. Donna Lynn Stmve and Perry An- bridegrooms brother!, were the Episcopal Church to John Paul th Oll lll Moveile, can of Dr. and Mrs. John The bride is an art teacher for Aug. IT during a nuptial Mass cele- Mrs. Campaaella Is an alumna of B Moveile, 457 River Road, Fair Manchester Township Public brated in Holy Cross Roman Catho- Red Bank Catholic High School. She Haven. Schools. Mr. MoveUe Is the pro- lic Church by the Rev.,Thomas Rit- attended Franklin and Marshall Col- The Rev. Ronald Jaynes, rector, prietor of the Inn by the Sea, Sea tenhouse. There was a reception In lege and was graduated from Ore- officiated at the ceremony, which Bright, where he and his bride re- Molly Pitcher Inn/Red Bank. gon State University. She Is a gradu- was followed by a tent reception at side. The couple went on a two-week The bride Is the daughter of Mrs. ate also of Pace University, Gradu- the home of the bride's father. cruise from San Francisco to Alas- Helen B. Struve, 53 OaUawn Road, ate Division of Nursing, and It a Holly Ernst attended her sister. ka. DEBORAH MOVELLE Fair Haven, and the Ute Donald L. family nurse practloner with The Struve. HMO of Delaware, Newark, Del. Mr. and Mrs. Perry R. Cam- Mr. Campanella was graduated panella, 75 Avenue of Two Rivers, from Rumson-Falr Haven Regional O'Brien-Matthews here, are the bridegroom's parents. High School and Brookdale Com- BELMAR - Mary Anne Mat- Neptune High School and Monmouth The bride was given in marriage munity College, Uncroft, and is at- thews and Donald Kevin O'Brien College, West Long Branch, and Is a —by her brother,- David Struve. -Her tending Glassboro State College, He were married Aug 12 in St. Rose computer programmer for Pruden- sister, Karen K. Struve, was maid is a U.S. Marine Corps veteran - Roman Catholic Church. The Rev. tial Property' and Casualty Insur- of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Campanella reside Alfred D. Smith celebrated the nup- ance Co., Hoimdel DONNA CAMPANELLA Best man was Peter Badecker. in Carneys Point. . Ual Mass, which was followed by a Mr. O'Brien was graduated from reception in Christie's, Wanamassa. East Brunswick High School and Parents of the couple are Mr. Monmouth College and is attending and Mrs. Guy H. Matthews, Nep- Rutgers Graduate School of Busi- Richardelli-Gross tune, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. ness. He is a tax accountant for MIDDLETOWN - Jodl Ann lasuonno was flower girl and Ste- Smith, Emerson. Triangle Industries, New Bruns- wick. Gross and James M. RichardelU phen Gross was ring bearer. Susan M. Malliken was maid of honor. were married Aug. 6 In St. Mary's Best man was Thomas Rich- The couple went to Nantucket MR. AND MRS. Sean D. O'Brien was best man. Island, Mass, on their honeymoon Roman Catholic Church, New Mon- ardelli. Ushers were Thomas Gross, DONALD O'BRIEN Mrs. O'Brien is an alumna of and resid« in Neptune City. mouth. Monslgnor Robert T. Wayne Richardelli, Dennis Rich- Bulman celebrated the nuptial ardelli, Kevin Halek, Sean Me- Mass, which was followed by a re- Cauley, Ward Miller and Artie ception in Molly Pitcher Inn, Red Fair-Kibler Schreppel. Bank. HOLMDEL - Barbara Lynn Pa., and the late Velma Grace counselor in gerontology at Senior The bride was graduated from Kibler and Daryl Russell Fair were Parents of the couple are Mr. Fishel Fair. Resource Center, Princeton, and a Mater Dei High School, New Mon- married in Lutheran Church of the and Mrs. Thomas Gross, 5 Michele Sandra E. Burrus was the maid dance educator at Trenton State mouth, and is general manager of Good Shepherd on Aug. 27. The Rev. of honor. Michael R. Fair served as College Drive, and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony George Frank officiated at the cere- Richardelli, 15 Heather Court, both McDonald's, Freehold.Mr. Rich- the best man, and the ushers were Her husband earned a bachelor ardelU is an alumnus of Middletown mony, and a reception followed in Lynden L. Kibler and David M. of science degree from Millesrville couples of Middletown. Beacon Hill Country Club, Atlantic High School North. He Is an elevator Kibler. (Pa.) State College, and master's Attending the bride were Christ- Highlands. ine Gross, maid of honor, Jennifer constructor with Otis Elevators and Mrs. Fair is a graduate of Mid- and doctoral degrees at University The bride is the daughter of Mr. Gross, Julie Ann Miller, Lorraine a member of Local 1, New York. dletown Township High School, and of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia. He Richardelli, Cathy Ann Brady, After a wedding trip to the and Mrs. Lynden Underwood earned a bachelor of science degree is a professor of political science at MR. AND MRS. Mary Kelleher, Mary Anne Gunther Poconos, Mr. and Mrs. Richardelli Kibler, 68 Normandy Court, Mid- from New York University. She Trenton State College. JAMES RICHARDELLI and Linda Corrigan. Maria Co- make their home in Aberdeen. dletown. The bridegroom is the son holds a master of education degree The couple make their home in of Russell G. Fair of Glen Rock, from Trenton State College. She is a Yardley, Pa. ENGAGEMENTS

Middleton-Sueiro HAZLET - Mr. and a budget assistant at Fort Mrs. Joseph A. Suelro, 34 Monmouth. Cresci Blvd., announce the Her fiance, who was Buy these phones engagement of their graduated from Wall High daughter, Joanne Sueiro, School, and Monmouth Col- to David Mlddleton, the lege, West Long Branch, is son of Mr. and Mrs. David employed by Seacoast Middleton of AUenwood Products, Port Monmouth. Miss Suelro, an alumna An JunJune weddinwcuuuig iisp _ plannedinned. and_ save on monthly of Raritan High School, is 'Ftafiey-'Brennan HAZLET - Mr. and graduated in January from Mrs. James E. Brennan, 2 the Monmout_h .Count .y rental charges. Dublin Lane, announce the Practica• Monmoutl Nursinh .Countg Proy- engagement of their gram. daughter, Kathleen Ann Her fiance was gradu- Standard BUY: Brennan, to James John ated from Middletown Desk. In-place $29 95 Flatley, son of Mrs. Mary High School South and The Under New Jersey Bell's sales option, approved by the New Rotary From inventory $34 95 Flatley, 97 Hillyer Circle, Pennsylvania State Uni- Dial RENT: Middletown, and the late versity at University Park. Jersey Board of Public Utilities, residence and single-line business lyr. $ 12% James P. FlaUey. He is an associate planner customers have the opportunity to purchase the phones they're 2yrs.$ 25.92 3yrs J 38.88 Miss Brennan, an alum- in marketing at IBM Corp., now renting. And customers desiring additional equipment can na of St. John Vianney Re- Princeton. choose to either buy or rent phones as available from our Standard BUY: gional High School, An August wedding is inventory. Desk. In-place $41 95 Hoimdel, expects to beplanned. Touch-Tone From inventory $54.95 This offer applies to Standard, Princess®, and Trimline® RENT: phones - wall or desk models, with rotary or Touch-Tone® lyr. $ 19 44 dialing. 2yrs.$' 38 88 Walsh-Funck Ifyoubuy your phone, you'll eliminate the monthly rental • 3yrs $ 58 32 ABERDEEN - An- ated from St. John Vianney charge (see chart). With a Touch-Tone phone, you'll still continue Standard BUY: nouncement Is made by High School, Hoimdel; to pay the Touch-Tone line charge. Also, extension line charges, if Wall, lnplace$29 95 Mr and Mrs. Robert Marywood College, Scran- any, will still apply. Rotary From inventory $34.95 Funck; »Intltgo lane,:vt -ton, P«:, and Fashion In- -Shd BENT: the engagement of their stitute of Technology, New ThThe purchasejmcesJistedLforjn:fjilace_phpnes (those already . lyr $ U.% di Mary Allce- ~Yort"She trwnployed by in service) wflTEe in effect through December 3l, 1983. The rental 2yrs.$ 25.92 3yrs.$ 38.88 Funck, to Allen James Van Heusen Co., New charges listed are the charges customers are now paying. York. Walsh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Comparing the rental charges with the purchase prices may help Standard BUY: Mr. Walsh, an alumnus James Walsh, 5 Fairview you decide whether to buy or to continue renting your phone. Wall, In-place $41.95 Lane, Hazlet. A July wed- of Raritan High School, Touch-Tone From inventory $54.95 ding Is planned. Hazlet, Is employed by Equipment for sale also includes functional products RENT: Miss Funck was gradu- American Bell, Hoimdel. (automatic dialers, speakerphones, etc.) and special handsets lyr $ 19 44 used by handicapped persons. 2yrs $ 38 88 Repairs will be available without additional charge for 90 3yrs.$ 58.32 Mesmer-Dagostino days under a limited warranty. But, you must bring the phone (or Trimline BUY have it delivered at your expense) to a New Jersey Bell Service Desk, In-place $41.95 HOLMDEL - Dr. and High School and Cornell Center. After the warranty expires, you will be charged for Rotary From inventory $59.95 Mrs. Frank Dagostino, 61 University, Ithaca, NY. Dial RENT: repairs. I yr i 28.68 She is employed by Ameri- Telegraph Hill Road, an- If the phonejou purchase is permanently connected and you 2yrs.$ 57.36 nounce the engagement of ca Press, New York. 3'yrs.S 86 04 their daughter, Roselle Her fiance is an alum- want to move it, have it repaired, or exchange it, you must first call Dagostino, to Mark nus of Vestal High School your representative. You may also arrange to exchange your Trimline BUY: Mesmer, the son of Mr.and Cornell University. He permanently connected phone for a modular, movable phone. Desk. in-place $51 95 and Mrs. Anthony Mesmer is employed by Columbia And, of course, once you buy your in-place phones you Touch-Tone VV From inventory $69.95 of Vestal, NY. University New York. RENT: Miss Dagostino was An August wedding Is cannot return them. All sales are final. lyr. $ 36 24 graduated from Hoimdel planned. This offer does not apply to telephones behind key, private 2yrs $ 72.48 branch exchange (PBX), or centrex equipment. Also excluded are 3yrs. $108.72 telephones with special keys, buttons, amplified handsets and Tnmline BUY: other features that accommodate the termination of more than one Wall. In-place $41 95 Rolary From inventory $59.95 line. Dial RENT: Ip. % 28.68 HOW TO ORDER 2yrs.$ 57.36 If you're a residence customer and want to buy your phone, 3yrs.$ 86.04 FIBERGLASS WINDOW SHADE please call the Residence Service Center listed on page 4 of the Trimline BUY: • HEAVY DUTY Customer Guide in your local phone directory. If you're a Wall. In-placcSSl 95 single-line business customer, please call the "to place an order'' Touch-Tone From inventory $69 95 • ROOM DARKENING telephone number that appears on your phone bill. RENT: WILL KEEP OUT HOT SUN lyr. S 36.24 When we receive your order, we will cease to charge a rental 2yrs.$ 72.48 AND COLD AIR TOO fee for the phone(s) you have purchased. We will charge your 3yrs.$108 72 WONT TEAR HANGS STRAIGHT regular phone bill for your purchase in one lump sum. Residence Princess BUY: • WA8HABLE customers may also opt to pay in four equal monthly installments Desk. In-place $37 95 (with no interest charges). An ownership sticker and warranty will Rotary From inventory $49.95 be mailed to you. Dial RENT: $099 lyr. $ 22.08 vtftuTrmt. If you don't want to purchase the phones you're currently 2yrs.$ 44.16 •^oetotdera ready In 1 hour renting, do nothing. And we'll continue to maintain and repair. ._ 3yrs,$ 66-24 • w. have a large selection ol (hide* them without additional charge. up to 7J" wide In stock BUY: , • we earn shades priced •• low i« 12.99 In-place $47.95 From inventory $64 95

OMH DAILY t-l:M '.«• RENT: M.HU Ml. lyr $ 29 64 2yrs.$ 59 28 New Jersey Bell 3yrs.$ 88.92 741-7500 J Prices ind renul rates miy be subject to change A10 The Daily Register The Arts MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 19. 1963

1.08 SPOT MOVIE * • * Warren Beany. Qsldie lineup ol guaals mcludn>0 11 i» © ALL M THE f AMIY 'Reds' (1981. Drama) Mm. Ann Marcjret. Johnny Car- SHOW MOVIE *H Warren Baalty. Diane Kea son, tha Rev BWy Graham. "HO.TSI" (1979. Com* • (MAT mrHMMAMC- ton TELEVISION TODAY E8 "Brkleehead Revieiled Bob Mope and Kenny Hofl dy) Susan Kiger, Llaa Lon- 130ONNBB C NEWS OVERMOHT The dying Lord Marchmain era salutes Iha ador-coma- CMCO AND THE MAN QU) dian aa ha baami the ninth 11:30 m HART TO HART The lot EVENMO horn Europe with his mis decade ol Ma career. Hans folkM th* trail of a I swwiHomr NET tress lo spend hla last • (MEAT FWOMIANC- missing bridegroom from WOUX root IOBNEW9 MONDAY PRIME TIME EVENING years al tha family horn*. £8 "A Ring For Television " New York to Calilorma (R) USA COUNTDOWN TO 'S4: (THREE'E'S COMPANY (Part 11) (inn Tha making ot tha eight part O THE BEST OF CARSON SARAJEVO AND LOS U SWAT 7:00 7:30 8:00 1 8:30 0:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 • MOVK 4/** Duffy" presentahon ol Richard Host' Johnny Caraon ANQELES HHJtaVgMa and previews Ol worldwide ore S • BARNEY MILLER CttNeas U'A'I'H M'A'I'H llsslieii (IMS. Comedy) James Wagner's operatic cycle. Guests Suzanne Pleahetle B OYE WILLIE The Coburn. James Mason "Tha Ring 01 Tha Dr Robert Altman (R) Olympic competition! pro • Mas ot Olympic partici- Stranger ' A menial MBNH remit fsyt toe Hops sauss KAs> Osiraslm • MOVK 0* "Secrets Nrbalunga, " is documented • • THCKE OF THE pants, and world record walks off the hoipitti a (1977, Drama) Suaan (R) MOHT aTA'S'H HI •MMaa, | daman MenOMkl Maes ground! ol Wards Island Blakety, Roy Trunnee lOOOONtWS OTHESAMT 2:000* CBS NEWS and wanders into El Barrio AKNees EntTonajM Thari MradUel •n r a nininiiin ijeiiiramii USA MOVK *** "Break • • MOEPCNOENT NET- 8 THE HONEYMOONERS (Spanish Harlem) (R)r-i • ino Th* Sound Barrier" WORK NEWS 8) STARSKY AND HUTCH NWHTWATCH S) HAPPY DAYS AOAM veasl MMiT Nsee (1*82. Drama) Ralph Rich • ROWAN t MARTM'S SPOT MOVK **W "Sci BMOOAY USA CARTOONS a ardson. Ann Todd LAUOHHN Fin*" (1981. Comedy) Ryan O JOE FRANKLM Neea •sestet Ns.1MVsrtMilfcMenlMta TMC MOVsS • W Bod, And MNNtes Nm TMC MOVIE * * * USA TONY BENNETT O'Neal. Jack Warden O EMERGENCY a USA . GYMNASTICS Soul" (1981. Drama) Leon IMa*/letter OVMNrtorrnansss (WrerkrnvMss IUSM "Yanks" (1I7«. Romance) SMOS WITH THE LONDON 11.36 IT) THE CATUN8 Isaac Kennedy. Jayna Ken a Richard Gere, William PHLHUMAOMK Tony Ban- 12 00ONEW8 USAK3C Woman* Cham Corapeny Company . akWscTMiy" LauaVti MOW Devane nett performs some ol his • SATURDAY MOHT pionship Semifinals" (R) a aTPOT-MOVIE *•"•* own tavonlea witn ma" Lon TMCMOVK *** "iinrui TMC MOVIC •-•*•> C. Knelt OoodNm Moms: -nlnaaatiuur Mas "Time Bandlla" (19S1. don PhiMwmamc from Roy- Story" (1981. Horror) Fred Gimme Sheller" (1970. 8:08 57) LITTLE HOUSE ON THE IB Musical) Rolling Stones, PRAIRIE M'A^S'H Tax •»*« "teow Mimas MTMeere Comedy) Craig Warnock, al Albert Hall Astaire. John Houseman. a David Warner SPOT MOVK ** "Part 12:06 99 MOVK **v, "Too Jeflerson Airplane. THeHAKCallaiM Arionttlng SHOW FAERK TALE THE- ners" (1982. Comedy) Ryan Much. Too Soon" (1959. 2:30 O MORE REAL PEOPLE 830 O TAXI ATRE "Jack And Tha Bean- O'Neal. John Hurt Biography) Dorothy Malon*. SHOW MOVK ** Making Move) FrsBBk Mo** -TangDoclonii Lovs" none (D ALICE wo stalk" Dannie Christopher 10:10 57) NEWS Errol Flynn Love ' (1981. Drama) Kale IB NEWS UM Spots Loot Mo»l«"^»a>i||T»e»<)uriiiaerTlar- TonyWMI plays Jack and Katharine 10-30 0 NEWHART Dick aoon 12:30 0 LATE NIGHT WITH Jackson. Michael Ontkean 0wM FaantTaarhtan l*r* -Young Ooaon ei Low" onaxT. againal a giant and giantess 8 EDOUARD MANET: 8) MOVIE ***b "Th* 3:00 O MARY TYLER MOORE (Elliott Gould. Jean Staple PAINTER OF MODERN ART House On 92nd Strati" O MOVK *•* "Parmia 7:00Q CBS NEWS ton) lo win back hia family's An examination ol Iha lite (1945, Drama) Lloyd Nolan, sion To Kill" (1975. Drama) Dirk Bogarde, Ava Gardner O NBC NEWS O FAMILY FEUD 4077th preparing to say Bob HopiJ SllBll To riches and worn ol Edouard Manet Sign* Haaso OfflM-A'S-H goodbye to one another and 8 061171 MOVK **• "Rousla- la presanted. 12:40 0 COLUMBO Columbo ID MOVK * * "Fear In The NASA: 25 Yuri ol Night" (1973, Horror) P*(«r O ABC NEWS n O ALL IN THE FAMILY return home as the Korean bout" (1964. Musical) Elvia rVKRP M CINCINNATI matches wits with a brilliant O VEQAt War draws to a close (0) Btichlng lor Stirsl Presley. Barbara Stanwyck S MARY TYLER MOORE psychologist (Nicol William- Cusfiing. Joan Collins. ID NEWS fl ENTERTAINMENT O BOB HOPE SALUTES AIK 8:30 a CAROL BURNETT AND TMC MOVIE •*>> "Fast son) who used mind control IB DELAWARE VALLEY (D MACNEIL > LEHRER TONK3HT A look at stara NASA: 25 YEARS OF FRENDS Timea At Ridgemont High" lo kill his assistant. (R) FORUM NEWSHOUR who are reluming to the TV REACHING FOR THE jog with weights. Ronald 9:00 B MERV QRIFFIN Guests (1982. Comedy) Sean Penn. 12:46 SHOW MOVK *•* "The 3:20 0 OFF THE SET IB THREE'S COMPANY screen STARS The space agency's Reagan's personal photo- Linda Evans. John Miller- Jennifer Jaaon Laigh Road Warrior" (1981. 3:30 O BOB NEWHART USA RADIO 1900 first quarter-century is grapher man. Paul La Chance, Dr. 10:36 SHOW BEST OF BIZARRE - Adventure) Mel Gibson. TMC MOVK •*.*', "The (D BASEBALL New York saluted by the veteran O THAT'S MCREMM.EI Thelma Moas. Pern Tlflis 1100SONEW8 Bruce Spence Man Who Would Be King" Yankees at Boston Red Son S NFL FOOTBALL Miami (1976. Adventure) Sean 7 05 m CAROL BUBNETT AND entertainer end guests (Season Premiere) "Lot- • H'A'1-H 1:00 O HOQAN'S HEROES leryt" stars Ben Murphy and Dolphins at Los Angeles Connery. Michael Ceine FRIENDS ID THREE'S COMPANY including John Denver, Mar' OH SEARCH OF O MOVK ** The Lasl le Osmond and astronauts Marshall Colt with a New Raiders Q B) OOD COUPLE Angry Man" (1974, Drama) 4 00 O HERE'S LUCY •HAM Sally Ride. Guy Bluford and Jersey couple who won SHOW MOVIE * * 'v 0) AUSTIN CITY LIMITS Pat Hmgl*. Lynn Carlin USA WRESTLING 7 MO SALUTE TO M-A'S'H USA SPORTS LOOK Neil Armstrong, him clips SB 8 million, a miracle drug "Young Doctors In Love ' "Johnny Rodriguez / Ala- OUTER LIMITS 4:26 SPOT MOVK * * h "Mad ' 35 at) GOOD NEWS Special guests Alan Aide. feature Olivia Newton-John. lor acne, a strongman who (1982, Comedy) Michael bama" TWILIGHT ZONE Max (1980, Drama) Mel Lorelta Swit. Jamie Farr Perry Como and Prince drives a nail through a plank McKean. Sean Young IB VIDEO ROCK 8 MOVE * S 'Final Chap Gibson. Joanne Samuel and Henry Morgan salute SOOQ M'A'S'H An encore ol Charles with the palm of hia hand, 8:300 OEORQE BURNS CELE S) BENNY HaU l*r - Walking Tall" (1977. 4:30 O NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT this popular, long running the program's final episode O P M MAGAZINE A new O MOVIE *** $ (Dol- MATES 80 YEARS IN USA COLLEGE FOOTBALL Drama) Bo Svenson. For SHOW BEST OF BIZARRE series finds the members ol the exercise fad where people lars)" (197 1, Suspense) SHOW BUSINESS A large Miami (Fla) vs. Purdue rest Tucker 4:50 KTl MCE PEOPLE SOAP OPERAS

By LYNDA HIRSCH Donna I.ars and Olga's re- lor her book. Larry cau- daughter. Fran tells Myrna out over their feelings for other half, which he hasspend time with Lily, but times. Dee decides to take ALL MY CHILDREN: latiomhlp as sister and tions Sandy that he may be about Amy's impending Chris. Sky returns and isplaced on microdot. Billy is ordering the entire Frank to court over Unable to bear Donna's brother is revealed Jenny in danger during his in-blindness and her decision furious with Raven for her GUIDING LIGHT: team out of town for acustody of Little John — carrying around stunned when Tony an- vestigation cf Jeremiah that if Amy's father is investigation and her ex- Quint goes to Ross and week for practice. Rita not only because she wants of a rag dull I thinking nounces that he and Jenny Denby Henrietta's crush found, he must assist in travagant clothes-buying says he wants protection Mae hurt when she asks the child, but she fears it's the baby. I'hoebe are engaged Olga tells on Leo continues. paying for any help Amy spree Sky tells Raven Isis for Henry Warren sitting Billy to dance and he turns being deserted by the forces her to go to tin1 cem- Jenny to go along with the might need During storm, is owned by a woman he on investigation of who dis- her down, but accepts Ryans if Frank gets etery There Donna sees publicity. AS THE WORLD Brenda takes refuge at the used to know Didi con- connected Henry's respira- same invitation from custodv. TURNS: John ecstatic McCandlesses' and con- tinues to think everyone is tor. ' Annabelle going to waitress. Johnnys grave and hyster- SEARCH FOR ANOTHKR WORLD: when he gets lab to do re- tinues to taunt Wally about out to get her An order to psychiatrist to see why she ically realizes her baby is ONE LIFE TO LIVE: TOMORROW: Stunned by Stacy has dizzy spells search on Burkes heart her older boyfriend. "neutralize" Cliff is putis having blackouts. Ed dead Chuck believes Don- Vicki tells Clint she will news of Jo's "death," the Felicia warns Julia about condition Dustin. learning out. Raven blackmails tells Bert he wants to have na should In; institu- DAYS OF OUR LIVES: stand by him if he must town plans to hold memori- tionalized, hut I'hoebe in- C'ass Julia thrilled over Ariel and Burke married, microsurgery on his hand plans to run away, but Bo beats Pete, thinking stand trial in Echo's al service. Suzi goes to sists she can take care "I whirlwind publicity tour that he is a threat to GENERAL HOSPI- for the sake of his baby and "death, " but privately part of river where car Ai it"! cunyjnci'.s the bov she TAL: Prof Jerrold dies af- his career. Trish. put off really does love him Marlena Abe ami Roman doesn't know where their was found and throws are investigating Renee's ter Gregory shoots him. by Alan's continual buying marriage is headed Ed herself in Karen decides to keep pup- death Julie retracts con- Gregory then takes gun, of gifts and coming on tofeels he's going to have to py John gave her and call YOUNG AND THE fession of Renee's murder shoots professor again, her at work, decides to charge Clint because him Dixie, after John's RESTLESS: Carl stunned when David returns to moves body and places gun work on Ross's political Dorian says she saw Clint last name. James is when he realizes gun was Salem and has a solid alibi. in the professor's hand to campaign After Alan tells push Echo off bridge furious and wants the dog registered to Patti. Carl Coroner reports Renee make it look like suicide. Philip Mindy knew Justin Becky has baby boy named out Overhearing Miranda confronts Jack and thanks died from poison contained Grant nearly hysterical was his real father, Philip Drew. Learning that the talk to Antoine. Bob says him for not turning Patti in on tip of knife blade. Alex with grief over,Prof. Jer- confronts Mindy and tells letter saying Bo is the he feels they should sepa- to police When Carl learns and Peter are police's rold's death. Jackie her they are through. baby's real father is miss- rate Betsy lyingly tells why Patti shot Jack, he is chief suspects in Renee's Templeton doubts story ing, Becky goes into renal* Craig her doctor wants her that professor's death was LOVING: Jack realizes failure and is placed on infuriated and promises to death. Trista and Eugene destroy Jack Ashley de- to go on cruise: suicide, and even Robert the unhealthy relationship dialysis. head for Haiti to team cides to run Jabot with an more of Bradford curse In believes Grant may have Garth and Lily have been CAPITOL: Learning been involved. The DBX is RYAN'S HOPE: Roger iron hand and not let Jack Haiti. Trista and Eugene having. He talks to Dr. change everything. Andy that Amy's father used decide on secret wedding stunned when they realize Turner, a psychiatrist at comes on to Maggie, who they only have half of the and Diane grow closer Af- alias "Scott Pierson," Sandy Horton physically the university, who tries to spills entire story of her microfilm and are un- ter Cindy dies in his arms, Mvrna stunned — it's the attacked Kelly dies in give Jack insight on how tomother's near-poverty aware that Robert has the a heartsick Paul doesn't same alias Sam used when same way as Renee help Lily. Jack wants to level Beth, realizing Mag- he was her lover Myrna gie is in New York, not Los know whether he can go on. vows revenge, but after a EDGE OF NIGHT: Angeles, gets deed to her talk with Trey-d«ides not Chris and Miles make love. trailer and sells it three to tell Sam Ihat Amy is his Miles and Derek have it AT THE MOVIES

_, 5B3 4141 Information lor me mow lime RED BANK table It provided bv theater opera RED BANK MOVIES I- Strathmore Twin tort. Since movies ere subject lo Strange Invaders (PGI 7 30.9 30 HIGHWAY 34 ABfRDEEN change, it i* recommended that RED BANK MOVIES II — „ Ekatne Powers itaoeri tall the theater lo umlirm .. Niant of the Snooting K ALL SEATS *2.OO lorred limes 730. 9 30 - __ M0NM0UTH COUNTY SHREWSBURY JOHN TRAVOLTA ABERDEEN TOWNSHIP SHREWSBURY PLAZA CINEMA I STftATHMORC CINEMA I — Mr Mom (PGI ' 45, 9.45 STflVinC RLIUE Slaving Alive IPCJ J 10.9 ID SHREWSBURY PLAZACINEMA II STRATMMOHE CINEMA II Flashdance (Rl 10.00. 48 Hrs (fl) Cuio (Rl 7 30. 9 30 8.00 Sat. t Sun Mellnee at 3:00 A5B.URY PARK SHREWSBURY PLAZA CINEMA FALL SHAPE UP NEW 4TH AV. THEATER — III — Scoundrels IXXXI 7 30, 10.00. Lasl American Virgin (Rl 9 30, Fsnlase>ixxx>6 MIDDLET0WN "on m/m-mmm Elaine Powers UAMIDDLETOWNI — MR. MOM is Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence 0WTHUM I M. 1 M I Jt The First Woman (Rl 1 00. 7 15. 9 30 TMUHl-t H.) Ml Jt UAMIDDLETOWNII — EASY MONEY Mr Mom IPGI I 30. 7 30. 9 X IN of Fitness. IUA MIDDLETOWN III — •oa.-mirf-iii.iif i -The ten 0B51 fitnws-svslaw Rlskv Business (Rl 1 15. 7 IS. i IS • RUED MOVIE toi women in the world UAMIDDLETOWNIV — Easy Money (Rl 1 IS. 8 00, 10 00 J.THE LAST AMERICAN VIROI? UAMIDDLETOWNV — ' MOM - THURS -F 31 Smokev I the Bandit Part III IPG) I 30, 7.00,8:40. 10 20 REVENGE OFTHE NINJA 1.1 UAMIDDLETOWNVI- SNOKEY (Jjg BANblf Kentuckv Fried Movie IRI 1 30. WKHI-TmjKl-l JS. HS.IM All current and (orm»r mimben ask about our r*>tlgn special! 9.30. Lasl American Virgin (R) 7:30 UA MIDDLETOWN VII — RETURN OF THE JEDI Call now and ask about our new P*werclse program. Return ot the Jed) (PG) 7.00, Revenge of the Nlma IR) 9:15 •eon IHURS : 11 ; OCEAN TOWNSHIP 544-1773 739-4774 tIAVIIW SQUARE CINEMA I — 41 MS |l| 1:00 HAZIET, SILVER DREAM RACER Return of the Jedi IPG) 7.15. 9 40 UnHssn HI tooo "•> imin iitni SHREWSBURY AVE. & HWY. 35 K-MART PLAZA, ROUTE 35 SEAVKW SOUARE CINEMA II — RII mm Rlskv Business (Rt 7 45.9 45 KIT Fries'Merit" (I) ?:» STAYING ALIVE MIDDLEBROOKI— SHREWSBURY, N.J. HAZLET, N.J. Slaving Alive [PGI 7 30, 9 30 LMl km W«s |«| tio •»• muni MIIH MIDDLEIKOOKII — Good at all participating salons. ClasslRir 20,9 20 The Daily Register COMICS 5 MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 19, 1983 HOROSCOPE 5 Your Town CLASSIFIED 6 GREATER RED BANK LONG BRANCH EATONTOWN DEP sets waste cleanup hearings By JO ASTRID GLADING The Monmouth County sites that Storer Dump in Marlboro by the end remedial action at hazardous waste Seaview Square Mall are all some- at new sites are added to the Super- are included both in the Man- of the third quarter of 1883 and the sites, to coordinate cleanup and en- what lower on the state's priority fund List, the Management Plan The itate Department of En- agement Plan and the federal En- drums will be removed by the end of forcement actions and to identify list. jmatment and removal of haz- states. vironmental Protection bat sched- vironmental Protection Agency's the year. Small surface drum dump future funding needs and sources," ardous wastes at imperial Oil will "The DEP will continue its pro- uled a leriet of public bearings for National Priorities Lilt (Superfund) cleanup already has been completed Hughey said begin by the first quarter of 1987. gram of identification and ranking early October to address the recent- are: Bog Creek Farm in Howell, at the El Cid Contracting Corp., The Superfund sites where re- The state will begin work on the of hazardous waste sites in New ly-completed Management Plan for Burnt Fly Bog and Imperial Oil- Howell. medial action had previously been Arky property by the third quarter Jersey. The Hazardous Site Master Hazardous Waste Site Cleanups for Champion Chemical, both in The hearings are conducted to projected were scheduled for of 1987 and at Seaview Square Mall List developed by the Department -New Jersey{ram 1983-88: Marlboro, the Friedman Property, inform the public and provide an cleanup first under .the Management by the first quarter of 1988. now consists of over 900 sites known Eight Monmouth County sites Upper Freehold, Lone Pine Land- opportunity for comments "on a Plan or suspected to contain hazardous are Included In the $232 million plan fill, Freehold Township, and the The Management Plan warns program of great importance to all substances," the Management Plan to clean up 106 sites in the state. An Seaview Square Mall above the Under the Management Plan, that while cleanup dates are sched- residents of the State," DEP Com- states. Oct. 3 bearing will be held in the M&T Delisa Landfill. Ocean. missioner Robert E. Hughey said in cleanup will commence at Burnt uled, the actual process could take Labor Education Center at the Cook Fly Bog by the first quarter of 1885, as long as seven years at some sites. "Most of these sites are still to The Storer Dump, a drum dump a letter announcing the hearing College Campus, Rutgers Univer- dates. The Management Plan, first at Lone Pine Landfill and the Fried- Sites not on the Superfund list be evaluated Although the task in site, and the Arky Property, both In man Property by the second quarter sity, in New Brunswick at 7-8 p.m. announced by Gov. Thomas H. Kean will be cleaned up with funds from enormous, the state is committed to Marlboro, also are included in the of 1985. and at Bog Creek Farm by Other hearings are scheduled at last February, and was approved by New Jersey's Spill Compensation a vigorous program of cleanup oper- DEP Management Plan. the end of the third quarter Trenton State College for Oct. 4 and the EPA in April. Fund and Hazardous Discharge ations at hazardous waste sites in at Woodbury High School, Under the Management Plan, "The purpose of the plan is to Imperial Oil-Champion Fund, as were those sites already order to protect the public health Gloucester County, for Oct. 5. sampling will be completed at the develop a systematic approach to Chemical, the Arky Property and addressed. The list will be altered and the environment." Cops hunt for forbids criminal actions against him 5 years'ago while he is vice president. Survey reveals that Red Bank 20 years ago senior citizens would be interested armed bandits in moving to some type of adult Keansburg Borough Council con- housing. siders establishing hydrofoil service HAZLET - Police are searching who may have been a woman, found Ceasars World in Atlantic City to New York City. for a masked gunman and his ac- his wallet containing 1225 and nu- breaks ground for a t30-million merous credit cards and relieved Churst Church Methodist, Fair complice who robbed a guest at the casino and hotel. Snively of his watch. Haven, offically opens. Sheraton Inn on Route 35, tied him New Jersey state Senate ap- up with bedsheets and threatened to "On their way out he thought he Red Bank Catholic High School's proves a high school minimum stan- kill him. heard the girl say, Should we kill veterans force Red Bank High dards bill requiring students to him?' and the other guy said 'No, School Buc errors for 37-0 shutout. Shortly before 8 p.m., George prove they can read, write and do Snively, 57, of Portland, Ore., an- let him go," Mullins said. Joseph Valachi takes the Con- math competently in order to gradu- swered a knock at his hotel door, Snively, who is in town on busi- gressional witness stand against his ate. according to Patrolman John ness for Bell Laboratories, then un- former bosses in a nationwide crime Mullins. tied himself and went to the front New York City health officials syndicate. say the Legionnaires disease out- He was greeted with a bandana- desk to report the armed robbery Britons cheer the news that break, which killed two garment covered face and the nose of a large Police recovered the credit cards Queen Elizabeth II is expecting her district workers, may be subsiding. revolver and was told, "Don't move and empty wallet several blocks fourth child. Longtime partnership of Edgar or we'll kill you," according to away in the backyard of a Miller Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Mullins. Snively then fell to the floor Avenue home, Mullins said. The comes to an end, with Bergen easing 50 years ago as instructed, where a second sus- bandana was recovered on Route 35 into retirement and McCarthy pect bound him with sheets from his and the Marlboro canine unit was headed for a new home in the Smith- Highlands bridge opens by Gov. bed, Mullins said brought in to assist in tracking sonian Institution. Harry A. Moore cutting the ribbon A suspect then held the gun to The Hazlet Police Department is at celebration. Snively, while the second suspect, continuing its investigation 10 years ago Opening a seam on the way from Newark to Shark River, a 16-foot Monmouth County Chapter of the catboat, manned by two Newark National Organization for. Women youths, wash up on Sandy Hook. joins In the fight of Barbara Van S y c aTm'oTJ—Tell n is Record turnout Pelt to become a member of Red Shrewsbury, holds annual autumn Rtfllittr photoi bv Larrv Ptrn* . Bank's First Aid Squad. dance at the Molly Pitcher Hotel. CATCH IT IF YOU CAN — Yesterday's beauteous weather was , Government decides the drug Red Bank nears the 100 percent enjoyed bv the ruff and ready. Take for example, this scene in I DES to be unsafe for repeated use mark for membership in the Na- Holmdel Park. Hester Rowe, of Highlands, thought it a good attends bike race as a contraceptive. tional Recovery Act campaign.The time to play fetch with her golden retriever, Casey. More I National Aeronautic and Space postmaster at Red Bank reports summertime actlvltes can be enjoyed today. Sunny skies and , By JIM HINTELMANN Administration begins studies that 458 business have applied tor the mercury in the 80s are forecast. RED BANK - "This was the aimed at putting women into space. the NRA insignia. biggest field yet," said Doug Stetina comes from Tennis champion Billy Jean King Ada Byron Nafew, one of the Mitchell, the race promoter of the makes Bobby Riggs eat his words oldest postmasters in the United fourth annual Tour of Red Bank behind to win, B3 about women's tennis with a humbl- States, finishes her 44th year of ser- Bicycle Race that closed out anoth- ing 6-4, 6-3, 6-3 victory in thier Bat- vice in Eatontown. er successful series of races yester- tle of the Sexes square-off at the day. minor ' "I like it here," said Betsy Houston Astrodome. The five-event card attracted ap- 1OO years ago Davis of Lavallete. the winner of Willie Mays announces his retire- proximately 500 riders from all over ment from baseball. John W. Stout's new canning fac- the country with one six-rider from the Women's Division for the fourth Doctors are pleased with the tory in Red Bank is canning Santo Domingo, and Mitchell was straight year "It is very com- physical condition of the Skylab 2 tomatoes at the rate of 6,000 gallon extremely happy with the way it petitive and it's the best local race astonauts after their record 59'/* cans a day, with a staff of 80. went off. there is." days in space. Monmouth Wheelmen, a bicy- "It gets bigger and bigger every Wayne Stetina of Crown Point, Spiro T. Agnew asks the House of cling club choses purple and cherry year," Mitchell said "We had a Ind . the winner of the feature Pro- Representatives to hear his case as the club's colors. new course this year and it was very Senior race, also enjoyed his trip against allegations of political cor- Telephone company builds poles smoother than last year. The riders east. ruption, contending the Constitution as far as Colts Neck. like this." "This is my third year here and le-uht coarse wfcnt from Stein- :tttlre this area a lot, ' Stetina sai4^~ in Red Bank north to Mon- j ••Jhe course was very smnnth " : mouth Street, the*n to Maple Ave- "Everyone was pleased that was YDC escapee cauj nue, and south to Leroy Place and connected with the race," Mitchell then east to Broad Street and back said. "The Tour of Red Bank will to Steinbachs. FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - A three hours of looking, the search keep growing as long as the town The course, however, created in- likes bike racing." 16-year-old escaped from the Mon- was disbanded, Davis said. conveniences to churchgoers at St. mouth County Youth Detention Cen- A short while later the youth, The race ended after 6 p.m., James Catholic Church, and the which was longer than usual. ter yesterday afternoon, but was who was being held on charges ol race committee switched the course arrested several hours later by possession of stolen property, was "I apologize to the residents for this year to Leroy and Broad From the length of the race," Mitchell township police. spotted by Officer Harold Rausch. there it went went noth to Reckless said "But that was because of the When the Long Branch youth was while on patrol on Route 43. Rausch Palce, West to Maple Ave., south to large number of competitors " ' reported missing from the" YDC, the arrested the youth and he was re- Irving Place and then to Broad Awards following the races were Marlboro Police Department turned to the YDC. Street and back to Leroy. The brought in bloodhounds and police , A spokesman for the Dutch Lane course covered seven-tenths of a presented by Red Bank Mayor from Freehold and Colts Neck ar- facility would not comment on how mile. Michael J. Arnone rived to assist, according to Sgt. The interest in bicycle racing the youth escaped, but said no one "Everyone liked the new Kingsley Davis with the township was injured. The youth will be was evident by the hundreds of spec- police department. charged with escape tomorrow, he course," Mitchell said. "We had tators that watched along the But by 6:30 p.m., after nearly said. only a few spills and those were course. •


RED BANK - Singled Out, a versity Hospital, New Brunswick. tic City The bus will leave parking board room. duct a workshop to make pressed TODAY group for widows, divorcees and sin- Dr. Robert Skaf, assistant professor lot 5 at the college at 4:30 p.m. and HIGHLANDS - A bike trip at flower covers for the yearbook RED BANK — The Kiwanis Club gles sponsored by Riverview Hospi- of obstetrics and gynecology at return by midnight Sandy Hook for seniors will leave will meet at 7 p.m. at the Olde tal's Hospice Department, will Rutgers Medical School will speak Reservations should be made Thompson Park at 10 a.m. The rain OCEANPORT - The Lions CLub Union House. meet at 7:30 p.m. at the First Pres- about ovulation disorders. with Kathleen Fitzpdtrick in the Re- date is Sept. 21. The fee includes will meet at 7:30 p.m at Sinanni's EATONTOWN — A review and byterian Church. The program will LONG BRANCH - The Long search and Development Depart- transportation and instruction. Friendly Cafe. Lone Branch discussion of the Eatontown School be "Money Management for Wom- Branch Public Library will feature ment at the college For information, contact pro- District's health/family life educa- en." stories about cars and trains for All proceeds will be used to bene- gram reservations at the park in RED BANK - The Rotary Club tion curriculum will be held at 7 RED BANK *• The Greater Red preschool children at 1:15 p.m. fit disabled members of the com- Lincroft. will meet at 12 15 p.m at the Molly p.m. in the all-purpose room of the Bank NAACP will hold its general MIDDLETOWN - Career munity, both students amd non-stu- Pitcher Inn Memorial School, Grant Avenue. membership meeting at 8 p.m. at Education for the Handicapped at dents. WEDNESDA Y The public Is invited. Bates Lodge on Shrewsbury Ave.. Brookdale Community College is HOLMDEL - The Ostomy Club RED BANK — Riverview Hospi- LONG BRANCH - The Long ALLENWOOD — The Shore Sw- New members are welcome. sponsoring a bus trip to Caesars of Bayshore Community Hospital tal's new Stroke Support Group for Branch Public Library will feature ingers Square Dance Club will have Boardwalk Regency Casino, Atlan- will meet at 8 p in in the hospital families of stroke patients will meet the movies "Leopold the See- dances from 8 to 10:30 p.m. today at 10 a.m. in the Nurses' Conference Through Crumbpicker" and "Alex- and Oct. 3 in the Allenwood School. TOMORROW Room on the first floor. ander and the Car With the Missing Glenn Cooke, Sea Girt, will call RED BANK - "Miss Nelson is LONG BRANCH - The Long Headlight ' for pre-school children square dances and Dale Bissey, Missing" and "Soup for President" Branch Public Library will sponsor at 10:30a m Point Pleasant Beach, will cue the will be shown at 3:30 p.m. in the ON THE AGENDA a craft program for school-age chil- Children's Room of the public li- FAIR HAVEN - The weekly • Tound dancing » — : dren at 3:30 p.m. AU club level dancers are in- brary. Admission fee and pre-regis LONG BRANCH - The Women's fheeTingof Tuuph bove will-be held vited. tration are not required. Guild of St. Mary's Armenian at 8 p.m at the New Yorke Coffee WEST LONG BRANCH - The RED BANK - The Lions Dub Today Tomorrow Church, Elberon. will sponsor a Shop. will meet at 6:30 p.m. at the Molly Greater Red Bank Area League of COLTS NECK - Planning MONMOUTH REGIONAL - fashion show and luncheon at noon Pitcher Inn. A speaker from Fideli- RED BANK - Families Women Voters wlU hold its first fall Board, 8 p.m. Board of Education, 8 p.m. at the Barclay, Belmar ty Union Bank will present a pro- Anonymous, a self-support group for meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Shadow OCEAN-Council, 8p.m. gram on money management. LITTLE SILVER - Planning parents of children who use drugs or Lawn Savings Bank. LONG BRANCH - Planning THURSDA Y OLD BRIDGE - Resolve of Cen- Board, 8 p.m. alcohol or who have related behav- A panel discussion on "The De- Board, 8 p.m. OCEANPORT - The Garden tral New Jersey (a support group WEST LONG BRANCH - Board ioral problems, will meet at-7:30 tection and Prevention of Child SEA BRIGHT - Council, 8 p.m. of Ecucation, 8 p.m. Club will hold its fall meeting at 11 p.m. in the fifth floor solarium of Abuse in Monmouth County" will be for people with Infertility problems) a.m. at the Community Center. The announces its opening meeting at MONMOUTH BEACH - Plan- OCEAN - Board of Education, 8 the East Wing of Riverview Hospi- followed by refreshments. The pub- ning Board, 8 p.m. p.m. meeting theme is "Getting it To- tal. lic is invited. 7:30 p.m. at Middlesex General Uni- gether" and Linda Dennis will con- B2 The Daily Register MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 19.1963


NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE BASEBALL PLAYOFF GLANCE CtMtftftMt ; Olaffi • altlmece II' 7—n » Kimi t I tl t-« 111* e-ii MM • uffele I 7 Mt- a iree. Bav It 7 t lt-17 Cartns I 14 • it—at i L I Pti PF PA Plnl Parted Pint Period AMIRICAN LIAOUI I Miami 2 0 0 '000 U 14 BALT-FGAilegreM. l 10 GB—FGStenerudM. 3:M NY—FG Hall.Shaikh 11.10:21 • AIT DIVISION Nil* YORK ("""cTlVILAND (101 Buffalo 2 10 44' V 41 BALT-FG Allegro4T 14:14 GB— Kerv 1 run (Sienerud kick). 14 4S K L "W. »• • rue e»r«K I Baltimore 12 0 113 43 W 14 COM pant* Dal—Cosble 4 past fro.., White (leptlen Balllmera tl 14 lie — Moreno cl .I I 1 0 ABamtr rl S I 1 I New England 12 0 133 7Q 7* BUF—Crlbbs I pass from Ferguson GB—Jefferson 23 oats from Dkktr klckl.iltOJ Detroit IS 44 JTs) 7 Griffey tb 9 0 0 0 HerrahSU 9 0 11 N Y jets 12 0 W M H IDanaloklck). 10:01 (Stenerud kick), 5:4* Del—Cosble 1 pass from White (Seplien Naw Tort tl U Set IVt Wlnfleld It 9 14 1 Thorntn Ib 4 3 11 Curtrtl BALT—FG Allegro 49. 14:IT LA—FG NelsonJl 12:17 kick), 14:43 KIMAININO O1MII Netllei Ib 1111 Hargrv Ib 0 0 0 0 I Cltvtland 2 t 0 4*7 4* 40 TMrd Ported TWrd Per ted TWrd Period •ALTIMORE (II) — Home III: Sam Baylor dh 10 0 0 GThomt cl 1 I 1 1 Pittsburgh 2 10 447 75 « BUF—Crlbbs I run iDanelo nick), 3 l». LA—Grant 23 pass from Ferragamo NY—Woolfolk I run (Mail Sheikh kick). l< wiMautee. 17. H, » Detroit, m (I), Wvnegar c 1 0 1 1 Ttbler If 1111 Cincinnati 0 3 0 000 2) 47 BALT-Dlckev 7] Nss from Pagel (Al- (Nelson kick). 14* ]« Oct. 1,1 Ne» Vor«. Away 171: Set* 10 ID. Etplno c 10 0 0 Vukvch rf 10 0 0 Houston 0 3 0 .000 72 101 legro kick). «:0t LA—DicMrson ] run (Nelson kick), . NY-FG HeJI-SheIkh 11.11:25 21, M Detroit; 13.14, IS Milwaukee. Balbonl ph 1 0 0 0 McBrhd dh 10 10 3:40 Paw* Ported Cerono c 0 0 0 0 Franco tt 4 111 L A 2 0 0 1000 40 1* PeartX Period DETROIT (13) — Home 110): Sepl JO Hatter c 4 111 BUF—Lewis 27 pass from Ferguson LA—Farmer I pats from Ftrragamo Dal-Cllnkscale U Intercepflon return 111. II, 11 Baltimore II. 14,19 Beaton; 10. Matnglv rl 4 0 1 0 Denver 2 10 tt' II 11 (Nelson kick), 4:0* (Sepllen kick), 1:41 Smaller tl 4 1 I t FlKhlln Ib 1 I I 0 2 10 M' M Si iDaneloklck), I 47 Oct. 1, 1 Milwaukee. Awar II): Saw 17. BALT-Dlckev 33 run lAllagra kick). FMrtk F*rtta1 Dal—Downs 10 fumble return (Septlen II 1< Baltimore Mllbrne Ib 1 0 1 0 •tinm C.t» 12 0 J3J 43 57 klck),l:SS Gamble ph 0 1 0 0 4 40 GB— I very 4 run (Stenerud kick), 3 JO NEW YORK (141 - Home (7): Sect 11. I Sao O«eu 1 2 0 333 77 M GB—FG Stenerud 34.14:51 A-42,341 Teuli mm NatltMUl BUF—Crlwn 1 pass from Ferguson U, 19. M Cleveland, 17, It, » Bouon: IDanaloklck). 10:04 • A-M.O37 Now Yart •Ml Away (7): Sen! II, ». 11 Soften; K (1), Cleveland A—41.H7 NY DM Oct. 1,1 Baltimore Delia) 3 0 0 1 000 fl 40 LA at FIril downi 11 II E-Grlttey LOB—New York 1, Cleve- i 1 10 447 41 M •in Flrtt dowm 11 Ruinet-vardt 11-131 Jl-at Washington 1 1 0 4*7 W M Ball n NATIONAL LIAOUi land S. IB—Wvnagar. McBrlde. Fltchlln, 17 17 Ruthet-vordi lo-tl Palling vardt 103 N Y Oianls 1 2 0 113 JS 57 Flrit downi a-no no • AST DIVItlOM Haitav. ABannliter IB— Tabler. HR— 31-147 11-141 Palling vardi 39t IN Return vardi M 117 Haitay 19). Smaller lit), Wlnfleld lit). SI LOUIS 0 3 0 OOO 61 104 Rulhovvordl w L r 11 New York; a, 14, 19 Philadelphia. It. 3-41, Hunttr 4-47, Bnmmir 3-37, Butltr Bav, Jttftrtoo 4-ti, Coffmtn &-44. Ellis Cosblt 3-13, Duprta 1-20, Jonnwn 1-9, Hill 17. N Montreal; ». Oct. I, 1 Chicago; Baylor dh 9 111 Pagel dh 10 10 New England 23, New York Jet* 11 5-44, Lofton 3-M, Ivtrv2-1t, EPPSMO. 12, Dof satt Im,nut4. Balbonl Ib 1111 GThomt cf 1111 Washington 27. Kansas Cllv 12 2-11, Lriki 2-1*, Crlbtoi J-14, Moor. 1-3. Away (I): Sept. If (1), 10 Montreal MISSED FIELD GOALS — Buffalo, MISSED FlELOGOALS— Lot Angtltl. MI5SF FlELOGOALS—Nont. WIST DIVISION Mtngly Ib 1000 Porcont Ib 10 0 0 Atlanta 30. Detroit 14 Davett If 9 114 McBrldph 10 0 0 Buffalo 21, Baltimore 23 Dantlo (50). Ntlton27 Lo. Anoelei II 14 570 — UN FranciK* 7 14 tl 4—41 Atlanta II U S47 tv,Cerono c 9 110 Tabler If 10 11 Philadelphia 13. Denver 10 • Mllbrne II 10 00 Ptrklnt ph 10 0 0 Seattle 34. San Diego 11 Un Ot«t. f 3 t I-1-M St. LMIIB 7 I II 7—17 Houiton 71 70 .117 i". Dallas a. Nt* York Giants 13 ftMttt* 14 3 W '—M ttlanu I 11 I 4—M Fkil Pf M MMAimNO OAMII Mechm u 4 0 11 Franco tl 1 0*1 1 Minnesota 19, Tampa Bav 14, OT Oetren • 7 7 0-14 S.F— Solomon 49 pan from Montana Moreno cf 4 0 10 Vukvch ph 10 0 0 LOS ANOELES (111 -Home (tl. Seat. CCattlll rf 1110 Tatar's Oamt Sta — Doornlnk 1 run (N. Jotinion flrit PorM (Wtricrtlngklckl.l'M It. 10, It Houiton; 10, Oct. 1, ISan Pranclt Miami at Los Angelei Raiders, to.rrt. All STL—Til lav I pass from Lomai Elllan c 1100 hlch),tO7 co; Away (7): Sepl 11, 14, IS Atlanta; It. Bandoc 1111 Sunday, l*»t IS SO — Joiner 25 pan from Fouti iKIl (O'Donoflhut kick), 13.00 17 Cincinnati; n. nsan Dleoo Ntw Orleans at Dallas. 1 p.m. StcwM tHrM Flichlln Ib 10 0 0 (BtnlrKhktklck),l:31 All—Jackton 54 patt from Bartkowtkl ATLANTA (14) — Home (I): Sepl 10. 41 11 1 Tetali mill Dttrolt at Minnesota, 1 pm. , (Lucknuntklck), :S2 SF—Solomon It patt from Montana 11.13 Cincinnati; 11,14. IS Lot Anoolei, II. &•• — Lcrgtnt 5 past from Zorn (N, (Wtrschlngklck),l:47 New York M4 Ml IM—11 St Louli at Philadelphia, ip m Jotintonklck) 1322 Atl—Young 11 patl from BarUtowtft.1 17 San FranclKo; Away II): Sepl a ID. Cleveland Mousion it Buffalo. I p.m (Luckhurtt kick),4:17 SF—Hicks 40 Inltrctptlon rtturn It Houiton. 30. Oct. 1. ISanOlego (Warschlnaklck),9:47 E—Tabler 2, Perconte l" OP—New Kansas City al Miami, 1 p.m Sta-PC N JotmwrtU. 13:00 Dat—Jontti run (Murray kick), 1O;M HOUSTON (14) — Home (11): Sept 13, York 1. Cleveland 1. LO6W-Now York t. Cincinnati at Tampa Bev 1 p.m. • All—Jackton 34 patt from Bartkowik. STL—FGO'Oono«hu«41,11:14 14, 1) San Prancllco; II 17 San Diego, n SO - FG Btnlrtchkt .*, U:M Third Fwto* Cleveland 7 IB—Harrah. Balbonl. Bavlor. New England at Pittsburgh, 1 o m Third PtrM ILuckhurtlklck), 14:04 (1), 1* Atlanta; 10, Oct. 1. 1 Cincinnati; Cerone IB-Oavett. CCattlllo. HR-Wln- Chicago at Baltimore. 2 P.m Saa-FGN Johnun4],4:N Thlra PtrM SF—Francis tl pass from Montana Away II): Sepl It, N, 11 Lot Anaelei llold l»). Balbonl 14). SB—Tablar II), Cleveland al San Dleeo. 4 o m Saa — Movtr 11 pan inltrCatplion rift, onhim 4 JMU from Dartltlton (Wtrtchlng kick), LSI Meechem (1). Moreno (9). S— Fltchlln. Washington at Seattle. 4pm (Murray kick), 14:44 * STL—twrru i run (o'DonooHua *ICII Atlanta at San Francisco, 4 p.m (N Johnton kick), 5:04 cMicA«rnj mw-Tomt-ni ••> Los Ange'ts Raiders at Denver, 4 o m FMrtfi Ptrtoi Atl—FG Luckhurit *1.1 » ItrIM ee r • 01 SO — Sltvtrs 2* HII from Fputl SF Coiiltr 12 Intarcapllon return Boilev II I I 1 0 Wilton cl 9 111 Los Arvgtits Rams at Naw York Jets 4 Atl-FG Luckhurit 43.14:31 (War schlngklck),1:04 Bucknr Ib 110 1 Brookl 3b 1111 IBtnlricnkf kick). 1 13 A—34,421 FontenolW.12 I 19 9 11 Meodav Sat*. » S«a — Larotnt 41 MM from lorn (N. STL—FG O'Oonoghua 41,11:42 MHall cl 10 0 0 Strwsry rl lilt JHowell 1 11110 Grten Bav at Ntw York Giants, I P.m. Johnson kick), 1:00 SF—Tvrtr 15 run (Wtrschlrts kick) Woodl cl 10 11 Foiter II 9 0 11 Frailer 1 0 0 0 0 0 SO — Duckworth 44 pan from Foutl Atl DM Cey 3b 4 110 Hoop 1b 9 110 First downs 24 II Cleveland NY Jets f 11 • •—il (Btnlncrikt kick),7:11 Morolnd rl 1 0 0 I Bradley pr 0 0 0 0 Barnel 0 4 1110 New England II 1 7 t—21 SO — Sltvtri 17 pan from Foutl Ruin* i-yards 43-115 IMS STL—Lowa 12 past from Lomai JOaviic 3 1 to Hurdle Ib 30 11 Patting vardt 350 235 Behenna L.0-1 1 14 4 11 First Period (Btnlrichkt kick), 10:44 (O'Oonoghu* kick).3 44 DOwon II 0 0 0 0 GHei Ib 10 0 0 Brennan 11-14 1 3 1 1 ' NE—Collins 3*run (J. Smith kick). 4:33 Rtturn yardl 54 13 A-M.1M Ronn Ib 10 11 SUub oh 0 0 0 0 PlIMI 14-35-0 J4-41-1 Splllner 11-19 1 1 0 I NE—Collini 7run (kick felled), 12:33 • rutitar s 0 0 0 0 Oguend pr 0 0 0 0 Elchloorgr 1 1110 1 letMt-rVM ID StcVi bv 1-19 4-14 IP ST JonnMn rl 10 0 0 Bailor II 3 110 14 Punts . 2-40 5-44 Flrtt dt Bewa II 10 0 0 KHrncU Ml 1 0 0 0 ITLOUII III PHILA 111 NYJ—Crutchfleld 1 run (Leahy kick), 23 14 n ae r • ol aa r h M 3:12 Ruin«s vardi 22-99 9t-»» Fumbltt-lost 1-0 2-1 Ruintt- yards n-191 M-211 JeMrll ph 10 0 0 Hotfoet C 10 10 NE—FG J Smith 43.12 01 Panlng yirdl 333 It] Ptnaltlat-vardt 1047 1-S Passing yards 134 171 Campbel p 0 0 0 0 Terrell p 3 0 0 0 LoSmlin If 4 13 0 Morgan 111 4 0 0 0 NYJ—Walker 13 pass from Todd (kick Rtturn vards . 0 97 TImt of Posstsslon 40:1* 19:41 Rtturn yards 13 19 LeSmlth p 0 0 0 0 CDlai p 0 0 0 0 vanSlvk If 10 0 0 Oornlor cl 0 0 0 0 failed). 14 40 Paswj 11-41-1 19-14-1 Pastas 20-12-1 14-15-3 Rutnven p 1 0 0 0 Silk p 10 10 OSmllh tt lilt Metllk Ib 1310 Sackt bv INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Sacks Bv McGee cf 4 0 11 Schmdt 3b 3 1 I 1 Third Perled 1-11 14 3-22 IS LeHerti p 0 0 0 0 Hndrck Ib 4 0 3 0 Lelebvr rf 4 1 I I NE—Collins 23 run (J Smith kick), Punts 4-X 1-19 RUSHING—Atlanta, Andraws 33-150, Punts 440 5-45 SndDrg Ib 1110 Calna 9-34, Mllitr 1-2, Bartkowtkl 1-1-1) Fum bias-tost Green rf 4 0 0 1 Matthwt If 4 0 l I 14:15 Fumblat-lott 14 3-3 3-1 2-0 Teult II I 7 I Teun It I 11 < Porter c 2 0 10, Garcia » 0000 A—43.182 Ptnaltltt-vardt 10-71 749 Dttrolt, Jontt4-34, Hlpplt IS. Sims 2-4 Panaltlas-vards 11- 71 S-13 Chlcete m Ml in— I PASSING —Atlanta, Bartkowskl TImt of Potstitlon Ravfrd 3b 3 0 10 GGroti cf 3 13 0 Tlrrvt of Possession 30:90 It 04 27:5u 33:05 Naw Yarn Ml 110 aaa— i Adducl ph 10 0 0 BDlai c 10 0 0 Vlt Horn 24-34-0-344. Andrtws 0-1-0-0. Dttrolt Hip- Game-Winning RBI — Woodl (1). pie 12 19-0-115, Oanltlson 13-22-1-1)9. INDIVIDUAL STATISTIC! Ramiv 3b 0 0 0 0 DeJeiui It 2 0 0 1 First downs If 23 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS E—Bucknor, Ruthyen DP—Chicago I, Lvont 2b 3 0 0 0 Carlton p 10 0 0' RuiMt-vardl JT M 473n RUSHING—San Ditso. Munclt 13-44, RECEIVING—Atlanta. Jackton 5-113, RUSHING—San Francisco, Tvltr New York 1. LOB—Chicago I, Naw York B.Johnson 4-42, Jtnklnt 4-45. Andrtwt 4-34, 11-101, Ring 5-40, Montana 2-13, Craig 2-4, Broun ph 10 0 0 VHevei ph I 0 0 0 Pasting vardt IN IS Brooks t-34, Fouts 1-1. Saattlt, Warnar 11. IB-Ronn. Hoep 1. Strawberry, Botlev. Andular o 10 0 0 Rood p 0 0 0 0 Return vardt 4 10 22-10*. Hughts 20-90, Ooornlnk 4-11, T. Young 2 23, Cain 2 13, J.Mllitr 2-tl, Ballay Monrot 4 4. St. Louis, Mltchall 4-121, Lovt Woodl SB—Wilton (41), Ollet (It). S— 1-51. Dttrolt. Jonts 5-51. King 4-30. Sims 11-JB, Morrli 7-30. Lom., MO, Arttftrson Oberkfl ph I 0 1 0 Holland p 0 0 0 0 Pauet 17-34-0 t-11-0 Brown 1-5, Lent 2 minus 1, Zorn 4-mlnus Buckner. SF—Moroiand. Teuli II I II I Total! n I 7 I 10. 4 25. Chadwlck 1-13, Rublck 3 11, Thomp- 410. Sack! Bv 2-15 2-11 son 2-44, Scott 2-40, McCall 14 IP H K IK It SO ItLeKli m lit no— 1 Punts S-41 3-40 PASSING —San Oltgo, Foutt PASSING—San Francltco, Montana MISSED FIELD GOALS-Attantt, 20-32-1-341. St. Louis, Lomai 14-35-3-194. Chicago Phlladelehla IM m Mi— 9 Fumblts-lott 0-0 1-0 21 41-3-33*. Stadia. Zorn IS-24-1-173 Luckhurst32. Ruthyen 413 I i 4 1 Penalties yards 4 35 1043 RECEIVING—San Olaoo, Slavars RECEIVING—San Francisco.Clark Ltflerti 1 10 0 1 Game-Winning RBI — Dojeiul IS) Time of PoiMSiion 33:12 34:41 6 US. Wlntlow 3 57. jolrvtr 3-34, Brooks 4-34, Solomon 3-131. Nahemlah 3-43, Fran- Brutttar 1110 0 0 0 E—Ravford DP— Philadelphia I. LOB 3-19, Duckworih 2 54, Munclt 2 13. Scalts cis 3-43, Tvltr 3-34, Cooper 3-40, Wilson 1-3, Campbell w.t-a 1 10 0 0 — StLoult I, Philadelphia 3. IB—GGroti. INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS 1 14. Chandlar l 10 Svattlt. Largtnt 4-114. Ring 1-0. St. Louis, Groan 1-133, Tllllt 3-30, LeSmlth s.l) 1 10 0 1 Matultak. 3B—Malunek HR—Schmidt RUSHING—Ntw York, CrutcMltld Young Ml. Warntr 2-24, Doornlnk 1-11, Plttibureh I I 14 14—40 Morrli 2-12, Manh 1-12, Lovt 1-12, Mitchell Now Tori 117), Lofobvre 171 SB—Schmidt It). LoS- Lan* 1-2. Noutton 7 I I 11-M 1-7, Anderson 1-mlnut I. mlth (40) S—BDIat, OoJatut. 10-40. McNtll 12-33, Todd M0, J Jonts 1-9, Flrit Ported Terrell t 1-3 S 4 4-4 Hichtor 2-mlnui 3. Ntw England, Collins MISSED FIELD GOALS—San Oltgo. COIal 110 0 0 1 IP H • t« 11 so Pitt—FG Anderton 4t, t:41 Chlcatw 7 3 7 14 4—11 HUaJt 23-212, Tatupu 4-41, R Waathtri 10-39, van Banlnchtta 44, Saattlt. N. Johnson 39 Hou—Roachet t7 klckotf return Silk L.I < 1111 1 1 I Eegheni-M Maw Orleans 7 3 14 7 2—44 T -3 II A-t.llt. Andular L4-19 I 7 9 9 17 PASSING—Ntw YorK.Todd 17 J5-O-1I4 IKempfklckl.7.00 First Perk* EdG9V*f5 Pitt-FG Anaerion IJ.IljM—.^. CHI—Gault I pass from McMahon Carllon W.14-19 7 kiiii RECEIVING—New York, Walker 4-41, iTKom«ifckk)i.4J McNeil 4-lt, Cru1chflelo3-37. J. JoneiJH Wn Pitt— FGAndtrton 20,13:15 NO—GeJar,Jrun(ArK»ertenklck|9 S5 Hechter 3-33. Barkum 1-17. Gallnev 1-17. KC—FG Lowerv 91, 9:44. Pitt—FG Andtrton 22,14:59 Second Ported Ne«v England. Morgan i-59. R. rVealheri Socond Period Third Ptrlod NO— FGAnde*tn2W:14 214. Dawton 1-7. Colllm IS KC-FG Lowerv 11.1:90. Pitt—Harris 4 run (Andorton kick), CHI-FG Thomas 1M0: II MISSED FlELOGOALS- None KC—FGLoworvll. 13:Jt. 7:31 Third Ported LAS VEGAS GOLF RESULTS KC—FG Lowtrv 12. 14 23 Pitt—Abarcromblt 30 oast from Stoudt NO—Brenner 15 Pass from Stabler (An- (Andarton kick), 13:43 ila 7 0 1 4—11 Third Period dersen kick) S:00 VVASM-FGMotelev39,t:1l. Fourth Ptrlod NO— Duckett IS pass from Stabler (An- LAS VEGAS, Nav. IAP) — Final tcorei Otnvtr • 0 1 7—10 WASH-Rlgglm 1 run IMoulev kick). Pitt—Hlnkla 14 Inttrctptlon raturn (An- Tim Slmpton, 111,407 tt-47-tt-73-71—341 First Ptrlod dtrsen kick) 4:49 and monav-wlnnlngi yetterdav In the Hale Irwln, ill,417 et-71-tt-et-79— 341 Pm-Outeh 3t pats from Jawortkl t 13 dtrton kick), S:0» CHI—Peyton 49 run (Thomas kick) 11.090,000 11790,000 official) Lai Vegat WASH—Warren 13 pall from David Grahm, U3.M7 U-71-M-W-74—341 (Frankllnklck), 10:42. Hou—Morlartv 1 run (Ktmpf kick), IIM Pro-Celebrity Clank (final round on the Scott Slmpion, 119.117 4O4»4t 34t Third Ptrlod Theltmann (Moielev kick). 13:94 4:34 Fourth Per led 7.077 yard, par 71 Lai Vegai Country Club Fourth Period Richard Zokol, 115,117 atVU-73-41.71—34t D«r.—FGKarilsli.3 59 Hou—Campbell 1 run (Kampf kick) CHI—Gault 54 pass from Pavton courier Terry Dlehl, |l 1,117 47-71-«-4* 74—34t Faurih Far lad WASH—Dldler 3t pail from Tnelimann 10:39 (Thomas kick) I: II Fuuy Zoellr, 1139.000 I*70-7IM4-7J—U0 Mac O'Grady, 119,117 4I44U7 71 74 Ml IMotelev kick). 9.40. Pitt—Abarcromblt SO run (Anderson ph|_FG Franklin 20. 1 52 NO—Poe 11 interception return (An Re« Caldwall, til.000 71 tt-tt-70-71—U4 Nick Price. 111,190 71 70-44 -74-47—350 Dan—Parros 33 oat! from Eiwav WASH-FGMotelev 34,10:40. kick),11:31 dertenklck) IMS Ed Florl, 191,000 17 47 71-M-7O—349 Jim Colbert, 111.190 71 73 tt-M 71-350 iKarlltklck),11:04 A-S9.04S Hou—Walls 31 Pass from Manning CHI—Gault 21 past from Pavton Scoti Hoch. 133,1700 M-71-tt4t-70—147 Victor Regald. 111,190 73.7O-t7-4*-71—ISO Phl-FGFranklln43, 14:03 (Kampf kick), 14:45 (Thomas kick) 11:20 l.C. Sneao. 111,000 47 47-44 71-71—347 Gary McCord, 111,190 44-7l-4»-M 74—3S0 A—74.203 .KC Wn A—31447 Overtime Tern Walton. U1.M7 71-7I-U-7O-W—Mt Jack Renner. 111,190 71-09-71-M.71—190 Flrit doom 17 17 NO—FG Anderson 4110:37 Gil Morgan, I»,U7 IMa-70-73-70—14t Peter Ootterhi. lt.101 47-71-71 7444—3SI Ruiheivardl 1731 M-1M PH Moil A—44493 Pater Jacobin, U1.U7 4t-77-tt-tl-70—141 Jay Haat, la.101 71-70-70-71 4»—151 First downs IV 14 Pamno vardi Tt? 191 Flrit downi 19 17 Ru*hti-vardt 43 113 31-49 Return vardl It 110 Ruthet-verdt 4t-179 11-37 cm N.O. Passing yards 274 174 Paitet TO-tt-7 11-lt-l Palling vardl 113 154 Flrtt downs 31 31 Rtturn vardt 47 47 Sacki bv 4-13 Return vardi 114 »! Rushes-yards Punti It-19-4 34-119 2444 Pattts 11- 280 1ft-33-1 7-43 7-40 Pallet it-27-1 Passing yards 304 241 Sackt Bv 3-17 1-10 Fumblet-loit" 7-1 0-0 Sacki Bv t-4t 1-11 Raturn yards 29 13 LPGA SCORES Punts 4-47 7-47 Penaltlei-vardt 4-49 Punti 441 9-44 Passes 30-33-3 34-40-3 Ml 42 Fumblts-lott 4-2 1-1 Time of Potteiilon 15:47 34:13 Fumblet-lott 11 Sacks bv 4-33 1-71 Panaitltt-vards 11 103 4-41 Ponaltlot-verdl 9-19 3-14 Punts 4-40 4-45 INDIVIDUAUALL STATISTICS: Time of Potieitlon 3* 41 31:11 Fum bios-lost KENT, Waih. (AP) — Final round Jan Stevtnton. S4.71S 71-4171 74-M7 Time,of Potttstiofl 34 11 25 47 3-3 1-1 Kortl yeiterday In the 1179,000 LPGA RUSHING — Kansas Cltv. B. Jackton Ptntltlts-vtrdi 11111 4-50 Lauren Howe. 14,739 73-4t-te-77—W 7-13, J Thomas 7.20, Hodnot 2-0. Kennev INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Time of Possession Safeco Clenlc at the 1,014-vard. oar-71 Jane Craftar, 14.739 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS 11:37 32:30 Meridian valley Country Club: 7047-7t-71— M7 RUSHING—Philadelphia, Oliver 11-54, 1-0. Washington, fllgglns 31-44. J, Washing- RUSHING—PltUbursh, Harris 24-115, C INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS LeAnn Canadav, 93,t7S 79-70- 71-71— IN ton 13-44, T.tvelsmenn 2-1], Brown 1-11, Abercromble S-S4, Stoudt 7-43, Pollard Jull Inkltar. Ut.190 lt-71-71-71—Ml Rota Jonei, 93.475 Haddli 19-49. Montgomery 10 30. Jaworskl RUSHING - Chicago, Pavton 24-141, Kalhv Whltworth, 911,717 tS-70-71-77—»4 73-71-70-74 -IM 2-o: Pisarclk 1-0: Denvar, Elwav 4-29, Wonsltv 1-4. 7-40, T. Harris 3 IS, Hewthorwn 1-3, Odom Gantry MO, Event 2-11, McMahon 1-9. Robin Walton, 13,171 7O7I-7O-7!_1M PASSING- Kansas City, Ktnnay 20-44- 1-4. Houston, Campbell 11-40, MOrlariv Jo Ann Watham, 111.717 7i-44-tt-70— 7U Parrov 4-32, UPChurch 1-9, Poolt 2-3, Naw Orleans, W.Wilton 31-73, Galan 7-12. Cindy Lincoln, 111,717 Winder 10-4 330 Wathlngton. Thtltmann 12-27-2-1S3, 4-15, Manning 1-2. PASSING — Chicago, McMahon PASSING —Pittsburgh. Sloudl Debbie Auttln, U.Stl PASSING—Philadelphia. Jaworskl Rlogins 0-1-0 11.17-1-172, Evans 7-14-2-1M, Pavton Patty Sheehen. |t,SU IB 240 144 Denver. Elwev 11-33-2 193 RECEIVING - Kansas Cltv, Carson 14-37-1-204. Houston, Manning 14-35-4-300. 2 2-0-77 New Orleans, Stabler 25-39-1-279, Judy Clark, I! wo RECEIVING—Pniladttphla, Quick 6-109. Hancock 5-94. Scott 2-20. B. Jackton RECEIVING — Pittsburgh, Cun- Eralebtn! 1-0-24. 4-152. Oliver 4-48. Haddlx 3-25, Monigom- 2-15, Hadnoi 1-16. Marthall 1-52, J. Thom- nlnaham 3-33, Hawthorne 3-53, Stallworth RECEIVING — Chicago, Oault 4-101, trv 2-1. Hoovtr 1-24, Carmlchatl i 14. Ev- at, 1-4, K. Thomas, Ml, Backman 331, Swaanev 3-11, Abtrcromble 1-30. Moorehead 4-42, Saldl 4-37, Margerum trett in Denver, Wright 5-40, Parrot >7 Wathlngton, Rlofllns Ml. Brown 2-31, Houston,T Smith 4-11, Casper 4 50, Wallt 244, Pavton 2-27, Suhev 2-4, Bashchnegtl 4 44. winder 441. Upchurch 3-57. Watson J. Washington 3-U, Gtrrttt 2-tl, Walker 3-94, Hoiston 2 24, Campbell 1-14, Bryant 1-11, McKlnnon 1-20. New Orlaani, Groth 117, Poolei-14. 7 30 Warrtn 112. Oldltr 1-39. 1-15. 7-74, Brenner 4-105, Ducketi S-Sl, Scott MISSED FIELD GOALS- Philadel- MISSED FIELD GOALS - Kansas MISSED FIELDGOALS— None. 4 40, W.Wilton 2-14, Goodlow 2-17 phia. Franklin 44 Cllv, Lowtry47 Camel Lights

9 mg. "tar", 0.8 mg. nicc-nna av. per cigarette by FTC method.

Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 19, 1983 Sport! The Daily Register B3 Slow-starting Cowboys clip Giants

IRVING, Texas (AP) -The Dal- ceiver Drew Pearson, who had six or eacTT~other In the final six Ui Cowboys used the same script catches for 80 yards. "But as long minutes. Hill had a sprained foot, but with a new-twist ending to remain as we can pull it out in the end — it Dextor Clinkscale intercepted a Dorsett's injury was to undergo ex- one of three unbeaten teams in Hie is a plus and the bottom line is, we Scott Brunner pass and dashed 68- amination today Dr. Marvin Knight National Football League. do win." yards for a touchdown. of the Cowboys said that Dorsett The victim of Dallas' "Rip Van Pearson added, "I'd rather fin- Safety Michael Downs then had a strain of a ligamint in the Winkle" this time was the New ish fast and start slow, than start picked up a fumbled kick off on the right knee. York Giants, who seized the lead slow and finish slow." ensuing play and trotted 10 yards Dorsett said, "It's either like previous Dallas victims — After the Giants' rookie into the end zone for the game- bruised or stretched. I think it is Washington and .St. Louis. — before placekicker Ali Hagi-Sheikh had clincher. more of a stretch than a bruise, succumbing. <* kicked a 31-yard field goal for a 34 We just made too many mis- because as I left the' field it started -__Xh£_dpzing Cowboys_awakened_ lead in the first quarter, Dallas takes to win and we gave them 14 to grab We'll just have to wait and from their slumber late in the sec- struck for two Touchdowns "In "thr'-point* and you can't give them 14 ond quarter yesterday to fashion a final two minutes on short passes points," said New York running White wasn't overly pleased with ,20-13 victory thanks mainly to an from quarterback Danny White to back Rob Carpenter, who was held the offense alert, big-play defense. The Na- tight end Dough Cosbie. under 100 yards for the first time "We keep making mistakes that tional Conference Eastern Division The Giants narrowed the 14-3 this season as the Giants dropped to keep good teams from becoming leading Cowboys, who have lost the halftime deficit to 14-13 in the third 1-2. great teams," he said. "Our de- first quarter in each game, trailed period on Butch Woolfolk's 1-yard He added, "We had them on the fense played very well and saved the Giants 34 but struck for two run and another short field goal by ropes, but we just didn't have a the game for us." touchdowns late in both the second Hagi-Sheikh. knock-out punch." and fourth quarters. The Cowboys, stumbling of- The victory could have been a Dallas Coach Tom Landry "We're not trying to wait until fensively, secured their third vic- costly one for the Cowboys, who saw agreed, saying, "It was out best the last minute on purpose and be •p Without a loss on two big de- running back Tony Dorsett and wide defensive game and a very hard- Superman," said Dallas wide n> fensive plays within twelve seconds receiver Tony Hill leave with In- hitting one." Collins carves Jets u FOXBORO, Mass. (A/) - As Grogan. game more than we did." a young, developing football team. sharply as Tony Collins cut from So they turned to the running The 328 yard ground assault, waves of would-be tacklers to yards game that ranked second in the NFL The Patriots scored the first two third best in Patriots' history, times they got the ball, on runs of 39 of open field, so has the New Eng- last season and raced away with a enabled their offense to keep their land Patriots' season turned sudden- 2313 victory behind Collins' three and 7 yards by Collins, to lead 13-0 defense off the field and the Jets off after one quarter The Jets closed ly from darkness to a rush to day- touchdowns and club record of 212 the immobile Grogan, who was light. rushing yards. the gap to 16-13 at halftime on P13- sacked 12 times in his first two yard scoring strike from Ricnard "I'll go with the game plan, The outcome left both teams games. The Jets sacked him just Todd to Wesley Walker 20 secondS-t. whatever it says," said Collins. with 1-2 records, the Patriots with twice. before intermission. "We will run whatever works best renewed hope and the Jets with a "We had momentum, a good for us." need to "reorganize," said New surge from the offensive line, good Dwayne Crutchfield's 1-yard New England had little to choose York Coach Joe Walton. blocking and no turnovers," said charge had made the score 13-7, but from going into yesterday's game "We expected their running New England Coach Ron Meyer. John Smith gave New England a AIHCIIM rrnt MM with the favored New York Jets game. We also expected them to "You can't turn the ball over and 16-7 edge with a 43-yard field goal. GIANT STOPPER — Giant running back Rob Carpenter (right) is The Patriots' defense has been play hard, with a lot of enthusiasm win. I think we cleared a big hurdle Collins finished the scoring with a stopped after a short gain by Dallas Cowbov safety Michael Downs porous and their offensive line hard- and they did," Walton said. "The today, a major accomplishment for 23-yard burst with 45 seconds left in during the first quarter of yesterday's football game. ly protective of quarterback Steve New England team wanted the the third period. Stetina Australians earn bicycles 1st Cup victory NEWPORT, R.I. (AP) - to title Challenger Australia II got her wind By JIM HINTELMANN • awtitJ.S.-tiefenBerLlberty ieatned a lesson yesterday as the Australian RED BANK - Wayne Stetina scored their first victory in the 1983 of Crown Point, Ind., went into America's Cup final. yesterday's fourth annual Tour of The Aussies, just enough wind Red Bank bicycle race mired in a with them and equipment troubles slump. behind them, showed what their revolutionary winged keel can do and gave the Americans their worst Results, B4 beating since 1871 in competition for sailing's most prized trophy. But Stetina broke out of it in The victory left the Aussies be- impressive style by winning the hind 2-1 in the best-of-seven series, featured 90-mile Pro-Senior (1,2) but the 3-nunute, 14-second margin race in an unofficial time of an was so imposing that the Americans hour and 52 minutes. called for a lay day rather than race Stetina, a 29-year old graduate in light wind again today. of the University of Indiana and a "There might be more wind on three-time member of the United Tuesday, " said Liberty skipper States Olympic cycling team, *Ml«tr »l>ot> bvCarlD.Forlno Dennis Conner, who had predicted battled a talented field most of FEEL OF THE WHEEL — Cyclists round the nue yesterday during the-fourth annual Tour of he would sweep the series in four the race before finally pulling second turn at Reckless Place and Maple Ave- Red Bank Bicycle Race. straight races. away in the last 300 yards to win And how much wind does he it. champion and has been compet- Finishing third yesterday was was in the Junior Men division want? "I've had a bad season sn • ing in bike races for the past 18 John Lovell of New York City, where John Gerken of Hanover, "About 40 knots." fur " «aiij Stetina. who competes years. He ii married and the followed by Shawn Storm of San- Pa just nipped Pete Vollers of The Australians, who were given in about 80 races a year. "This' lather of a four-year-old daugh- ta BarbararCaltr. aiW'Mar Canoir ' a raucous" welcome by about 500 was only my third win of the ter. of Allermaxle, N C and-an-half. people jamming Newport's docks, JOHN BERTRAND year." "I have another one coming in A familiar rider — Betsy Bobby Phillips of Baltimore were happy to be back in the racing The 69-lap race had 85 com- January," Stetina said. Davis of Lavallette — made it won the Veterans Division while but weren't making any brash pre- petitors, but it finally came down At the. University of Indiana, four for four in the Tour of Red Dean Rosenzweig of Jacoby, Pa. dictions. there's anything we could do. we to a dual between Stetina and Bill Stetina won the "Little 500 Bi- Bank with an easy win in the took first in the Senior Men's (3, Fireworks exploded, dozens of would do it." Watkins of the Century Bike Club cycle Race" in 1973 and 1974. women's division. She has been 4). boats tooted their horns and several Even God, he said, "couldn't of Dekafield, Wis. That race was made famous by the only women's winner in the One notable absentee from the Aussie fans shouted, "One down, cope with Australia II today." "Watkins was the only person the movie "Breaking Away" in four-year history of the race. race was former Olympic skating three to go" as their boat arrived. And he was impressed enough I had to beat out," Stetina said. 1979. "I took the lead for good with champion Eric Heiden, who did "We're all very pleased tonight with the keel, which he had been "My teammates, Ian Jackson Stetina was a member of the six laps to go," said the 24-year- compete last year. to finally see the frustration of the skeptical of before, to say: "I be- and my brother Joe, led me the U.S. Olympic team in 1972, 1976 old Davis, who was the United "Eric elected to compete in last couple of days come to an end," lieve in improvements and develop- last few laps. and 1980, but he's not sure wheth- States Point Race champion in Europe this time," said race pro- said skipper John Bertrand. "We ment. I believe there might be room "I tried to sneak away from er he'll make the team for the 1976. "My teammates, Peg Maas moter Doug Mitchell. feel very strongly about the future." for it in the 12-meter class. I have no Bill (Watkins) a couple of times, 1984 Olympic Games in Los An- and Rebecca Twigg, blocked the The race was held over a new Conner, who had steadfastly re- problem with the winged keel other but he came back," Stetina noted. geles. field for me and made sure that and shorter course this year. It fused earlier to concede the Aus- than it will outdate existing 12- "I finally got the lead for good "I'm thinking about it," the other riders wouldn't go very started at Leroy and Broad Street sies' superiority in light wind, could meters." coining around the last turn." Stetina said. "But it gets harder fast." and covered seven-tenths of a only accept it yesterday. If it didn't outdate Liberty yes- Stetina is a former national all the time." The closest race of the day mile. 'There's not a whole lot left to terday, it at least outraced her do at .this point," he said. "If needing 3:50 24 to run the course UMMER ELLDOWN ON ALL NEW 84 BRONCO II'S,* STOCK APR FINANCING AND ALL 83 TRUCKS Also 13 *% APR FINANCINQON SELECTED'83 « 84 MODELS.

2C0 HIGHWAY 35 KfYPORT 2GM600 .•* The Dtaily Re«isteT MONDAV. SEPTEMBER 19,1983 Mazzacco lifts Haven RUMSON - Jamie Manacco Tomasello passed 47 yards to Greg •cored three touchdown! to lead Stillwell for the other touchdown u Fair Haven (M) to a J4-« rout of POP WARNER Keyport won its opener In the North Keansburg in the North Division of Division. "it- Jeney Shore Pop Warner Foot- Chris Dnminguez raced us yard* on runs of 1 and 18 yards. •. with an intercepted pass for the lone Maizaeco scored on runs of 12 - Keansburg took the peewee con- Atlantic Highlands touchdown. and 25 yards and caught a 15-yard test, 6-0. Rumsoa II, Holmdel 12 touchdown pass from Dave Birm- Keyport 27, Atlantic Highlaudi I HOLMDEL - Mike Verdon ingham Mazzacco also ran for two KEYPORT - Chris Ayala raced 55 and 20 yards for two touch- extra point! Greg Lewit and Keith scored three touchdowns on runs of downs and Terry McMahon ran 45 Ryan scored the other touchdowns 45. 26 and 29 yards while Lou yards for the third TD as Rumson downed Holmdel for its first win of the season. Hawk booters lose to Drew Lee Brady scored both Holmdel WEST LONG_ BRANCH m Jim Monmouth (2-1) travels to touchdowns on a pair of 45-yard Divero scored a pair of unassisted Rutgers Wednesday and then is runs .. go"l?,and Roccojossa.Jiattbe ojher tuck dome Saturday against LIU Holmdel took the peewee game, as Drew University (1-3) upset Mon- Hrookdalf 3, Wtitcheitertc. 1 mouth College, 3-0, in soccer yester- HARTSTOWN, NY. - Glenn Tlnton Falls It, Marlboro I day Gargen, Jeff Algor and Bobby TINTON FALLS - Dave Jones Boyce scored the goals as Brookdale scored both Tinton Falls touch- Drew outshot Monmouth, 16-3, Community College (2-1) trimmed downs on a 45-yard run and a 43-yard with goalie Jerry Ideck stopping Westchester yesterday. return with an intercepted pass. The three shots Monmouth netkeeper BCC had a 24-12 shot advantage winners are 2-0 in the East Division. Rusty Aaronson also had three with goalie Dennis Smith stopping Marlboro won the peewee game, saves. five'shots. 22 12.

»*»tt«fcv KWHMt k P. irty SMOOTH SAILING — A pair of Rhodes 19s sail Rats' Chowder Bowl Regatta this weekend. Dave FREEHOLD TODAY down the Navesink during the Fair Haven River Muir of Rumson was the winner in this class.

POITTIMI1PM 2 HoMSIr bnarn 1R BeacrtV) 3 1 lit: Pece.H.fn, Clmt *S«vlllaHartov«r(KArmer) . 71 Luard a Chowder Pot winner t Avinturtui (H Ktliv) I Semi Motoring (WPopflnner) 11 tEltllrlS fiy.nj cChoic Slorem ( (M0.rihm.nM Scolarol l 1S-10-1I ISuptr Don livan „ 1 Roman Prince I" PiKlutO) . By DAN PATCH Holmdel (Handicap), Art Deacon of Secetwi Raca 1 Child (R OlQdo) •' m: p.<.. urn SAILING >. Daacon. 2. Jot Sullivan, 3. Paul Lucvk (Miity A (H Ktlly) " ' 8 ArmbroAliault IV Puma) 4-1 1 — Avrntureui, Sweet antonette, Middletown (Sunfish) and Dave Third Rica 2M: Plte, Htn, Clmt , W 000 IH s Splllvt Plllv (OHaro> 3 1 I Daacon, 2. J. Sullivan, 3 Waekt I Spunky Bearcat (J Manning) 3 Triwui EKOrHD Kitiriiln I J2 Skyscraper Muir of Rumson (Rhodes 191 all v^on HaMIca* • ••}•> < Morning Dov. IJ Ingraitlai *i met iSvmOolN (PConsol) ri 2 — Nardina Star, Mae B Alert, three races apiece in the Fair Fir 11 RaC* I Truanna Manovar [Hlr fllionl 4-1 1, John Martin, t, Shaw, 3 Ktmm I The Sillier (M Fagliarorvei 1 t. Sue Lawser, 2. Terry Spencer. 3. Amy I Eric Cray (J Liparl) > IFInalDamandlND) 10-1 Spunky Bearcat Haven River Rats' annual Chowder Da* Sallert Lawter and Cynthia Boyd f Nardlrt* Star (JCulOtta) .1-1 i Eift.rllne (J Rlchardtoft) 12-1 First Race Second Raca ' Blli> Haven (JMarthall) *•' ' Simon. (0 Polll.nol 20-1 3 - H H Style, WafMeboard, Noble Bowl over the weekend 1 Ed Perhint. 2. Barbara Voing, I. Rob KUna t. Sue Lewitr, 2. Amy Lawsar and Cynthia I Joe Chuck (J RaulKhl) •til P.c.M.W.CIm. HI.OOO 117.100 SM R* Jan Byron Hicks of Green Park won 1. Samt order Boyd,3 Spencer > Mat BAIart (A Ret/noldi) 20-1 3Riron Flash (J Moliavav) 1-1 Third Race 20-1 7 DabraSiar IJ Ingrailla) 41 4 — Viking Spirit, Flowing Gold, two races in the Force 5 while Samatorllft* Ir4 Pact, M4m , IM10 Pint Hat* t. Sue Lewier, 2. Amy Lawser and Cytnhla • H H Style (BStiHorfl) « Clarancal BomDar (DTurcoti.l «-2 Boyd, 3. Soencer 21 1 FarvoHanov.r IH.r f Illonl 3-1 Kiilarney Gal Chuck Perna of Scotch Plains had I Don Martin, 2. Tony Taylor, j Jim Wlddli i R*oai image (WLaikvt ....H a-l («

RED BANK - Bob Sul- for your convenience livan defeated Steye Hriv- nak, 7-5, 6-2, yesterday to win the men's singles title AreYou Sure You're Changing at the second annual Matlack's Tennis Tour- nament at Marine Park. Oil And Filter Chen Enough? Dave Lomicky took the boys singles by defeating Todd Peyton, 6-1, 7-«. Rob- BE SURE yn Cummings downed In- grid Rehwinkle, 64, 6-1, for the women's singles ti- tle. AT GOODYEAR Sullivan and Jim Novo- tny won the men's doubles with a 6-3, 6-2 victory over George Gill and Mike Pr- ingle. Jill Guenther and Jane Wallace won the women's doubles with a 6-2, 6-S triumph over Ingrid raW£^sfir!e •Rehwinkle. ~~ LUBE, Nolan scores COLTS NECK - Dr. & FILTER Harold Nolan of Navesink ran away with the fifth an- Get your next lube, oil change, and fil- nual Colts Neck 10-Kilo- r ter at Goodyear. meter race yesterday by We II lubricate your winning in 31:06. car ^chassis, drain your crankcase, Nolan beat out runnerup add up to five quarts of major Dave McGuigan of Colts brand motor oil, and we II install Neck, who was timed in w a new oil filter And if youd like, 33:34. Bill Huntley, also of we'll even call you when it's time Colts Neck, took third in to have it checked again! Other Raflatar photo bv Kannth P. Irbv 33:38. parts and services extra if needed. Diesel oil capacity and filter type WINNING FOREHAND — Bob Sullivan blasts a of Matlack's second annual tennis tournament at Lil Riley Trimboii of may result in extra charges forehand back to Steve Hrivnak during the finals Red Bank's Marine Park. Sullivan won, 7-5, 6-2. Colts Neck won the wom- ts en's division in40:21.

BICYCLE RESULTS Guaranteed Guaranteed Guaranteed Radiator 12-Month Tune-Up Transmission Wamefii Electronic Ignition Syitoms l Belly Davis. Lavalette; 2 Peflgy Maa*. Orange. Conn . J Barbara Protection Maintenance Bradley. Hjlltdaie. NJ.I Pern Proust, Philadelphia, S. Ellen Braun. Chariollesvllle. va , t Rebecca Twlgg, Colorado, J Maria W.isen. Alien,own, Pa . 8. Nancy Neelv. Macungle, Pa , 9. Bridget Chadwick, flosemont. Pa . 10 L vnn Quellch, Rochester, NY •34 38 '42 Pra-Sanlaf 12 4 cyl 6-cyl 8-cyl i Wayne Sletlna. Crown Point, Ind , 2 Bill Watkins. De.efiHd Wu . 3 John Lowell, New VorV City, 4 Shawn Siorm, Santa Barbara. Calif , 5 • Includes 3 free engine anal- Mac Canon. Ailermexi*. N C , 6 Hugh Walton, Boulder. Colo ; 7 Ron yses, adjustments and part re- Hlnson, Raleigh. N.C . S Oave LeDuc. Raleigh, N.C , 9 Joe Sletlna. Leather basketball shoes branded with PUMA- quality placements within one year 28 Crown Potnt. Ind , 10 Allan Hunter, Allentown, Pa 15 Junlori Supple leather breathable and durable.. cushioned • Check charging, starting and • Replace fluid, pan gasket 1 John Garkln, Hanover. Pa ; ? Pete Voders, Tlnton Falls, N J , 3 Includes up to two gallons engine systems • Install new and tiller on vehicles so Jeremy Hooftlns. Philadelphia, 4 Fred Reiner. Nutlev, N.J , S Matt insidetor extr a comfort White with white trim, 7-12M coolant anti-lreeze equipped Koihara. German Sports Club spark plugs • S«t timing • Adjust Now thru Saturday Warramad 6 month! or WarranKd 90 dayi or v alar an i 6,000 mild, whlchcvar carburetor, where applicable 1 Bobby Phillips, Baltimore. 2 Bob Perlee. Vernon, N J , 3 Jim (Extra charge if removal is 4,000 mllei, wh.chevai Montgomery, Herndon, va . 4 Earl Page. Bethlehem. Pa 5 jotSallng. comet first conn* tint Bndgtwatar, N J necessary) Senior Man t Dean Rotemwelg, Jacob). Pa . I Rick Anderson, Rarltarv N J Zoller captures 'Las Vegas"* Cvaranietd I LAS VEGAS, Nev (AP) - Fuzzy Zoeller nursed Aufo home a diminishing lead with, a final round 73 and I Servtte I scored a 4-^troke victory yesterday in a new PGA Tour All GoodycH' Service Is Guaranteed Nationwide event that was billed as the richest golf tournament in In Wntmg the world C.B.S. SUPERMARKET 36 MAIN ST. KEANSBURG GOOD/YEAR Italian $.119 AUTO SERVICE CENTERS Sausage • lb< Tjlir your good Utle to JERSEY NUMBER GAME SHOE-TOWN 1030 Hwy. 35 671-2415 Pick any three numbers — you con play SAVP on'limous bund short. Mon.-Frl. 7 a.m.-6 p.m. from 7 A.M. to 10 P.M., 7 days a week Mf WHITE PAGES Of *HONi DWCICWY »O« tXAC! ADDMUfS Middletown Goodyear Sat. 7 a.m.-5 p.m. WE ARE A CLAIM CENTER Moif«C iWconvvnwnllocohoni SlKw-towniopanSurxtayi PEANUTS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19,1983 The Daily Register B5 NO, MAAM, WE'VE NEVER WELL.I WESSl'MHttE BEEN TO A "SLEEP BECAUSE I FAIL ASLEEP IN DENNIS THE MENACE PlSOHPttS CENTER" KWRE SCHOOL ALL THE TIME CROSSWORD

47Ob»tou. 13 Annoyanc* 4»0mam.ntal IS Enanara button a Pled f so 24 Dlaangao*a 51 T..III. BEETLE BAILEY 54 W.rW. 27 Switchboard 55 Sockly atcllon THE 6KRET OF WHO PO I SAWA MOVIE gki, lot 26 Took allacl A SOOP LIFE YOU •hod 2» Thalant LAST HI6UT. I THEN 56 Batlart attar a »TC> CHOOSE ACWURE? 6HAHPI VAS / EMULATE chotw homtr A SOOP ROLE A GREAT MAW A HIM 60 Lyric pown 30 Out ol corv MOPEL •2 Notion dlllon 63 Spirit 31 Olaoi — 84 Mark-down and Johnaon 66 Aaria 32 Plagu* 23 CMclara 66 Pro- 35 Pkll ptrala 44 Day! 01 67 Young yaara 37 Fla.hllood Unity yora 39 Drink ol 24 Hal mat* 45 Motha» ol DOWN thagoda till duality 1 tnlluanoa 10 Poplar Ira. 2 Admit 46 Nlmrod ._ trjnkly _ . » SH«ar> 3 Qamawlnrwr haraldry 4 Curva 49 Sumrnor 4111.111 [IIJMIIH 1111 III 5 Stona •rmlna .11.11111 , II.IHHII Ml irlll.l plllara 50 Italian UUll LJUHJJ illliliLHIU 6 Balanca commun* IT'S A /vVDNTHLV IT Keep« tllll.ll.ll I IJI'lllUU 51 Skinny tTER IJMWlllilll 1111 III Ul.lli •hMl Ham FOLKS UIIJMLII'IU UHiill Mil'. 7 Hlv.r In 52 Ad|utant FAN©/ A0OOT ^OUK 'CANT MM) SfT STILL, 'YEAH . BUT THE T&SCHER TOCD I.1OH UIJUUIJ JL I Oafmany 53 Hwya. MOVIES CONCEJfTfi UU UUUU LJUUL [ 6 Macaw 54 Card gam. USTOOOOtf? SQOIRVUMS ll.ll.l 1 UUliH IILJUUIII 9 Powoar 55 Ba ovartond oraoda 58 Dallghtlul .. _AT.HCWE/ 10 Plckad plac. THE FAMILY CIRCUS 11 Sound 57 Cota 59 According 12 Sandy • to barta 61 "Ravan" man

[1 \t 13 U | V 1 0 Iti |1! ji3 1


(1 1 1 '

1 1 j (VW BOSS INSISTS THAT X "WILD Wl WINE -AND- DINE 'THE USED UH- "When will I be old enough to stay up till CAR KING'TO KEEP •AND TO MAKE prime time?" rrr i 1 HIM HAPPY, ,^~*^f WHY IS WOK6E I H EVE HAS M«6 WORTHI\r-lf?*W. TOLD MY H MARY WHAT I HA HER TO DO! •DATE' f WITH ONE YOUR HOROSCOPE OF THE STATIONS CLIENTS. By STELLA WILDER Melissa Sue Anderton, actreti. AQUARIUS (J«n. 20-Feb. 18) - At- MONDAY, SEPT. It To see what is in store for you tention to detail is a two-edged sword Bom today, you have an extremely tomorrow, find your birthday and It endangers a personal relationship good head for business, although you read the corresponding paragraph and gains you one goal may appear to have nothing in your Let your birthday star be your daily PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) - Turn - —THE W'{ZARB"9F« head but a concern for looks and a guide. your attention to the needs of family yeWrflilg" iBTtim. ~¥mr-sre- a-h«r»d- members outside the home. Much de- working, ambitious individual who " peridsTipo'n your'selisitivlty" prefers to keep goals, along with ways TUESDAY, SEPT. M ARIES (March 21-April 19) - Your and means of achieving them, to VIRGO (AUK. JJ-Sept. It) - Sur- fascination with the mysterious may himself. You are wary of the competi- round yourself with art. fine words, lead you down dangerous alleys of tion to such a degree tint to wme you beauty ol all kinds. This is a day for adventure. Have a care.' may seem somewhat paranoid'about self-indulgence. TAURUS (April 20-May 10) — being overtaken, surpassed and LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) - Keep Achieve a single goal late in the day beaten to objectives you consider mentally, emotionally and physically and you will know the kind of joy yours alone. A lighter by nature, you ready for a new start. This morning you've been anticipating for a long never give up. brings a fair chance. time. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) - Your GEMINI (May 21-Junr 201 - Dif- You enjoy all the luxury money can sensitivity may lead you to discover ficulties in learning a new skill fade buy, although you can do without them some things you would rather not with ease early in the day. if you when you must. Part of your ambition know Swallow your pride. refuse to panic or tire. DO/T 'thC ABOUT. IT'S FUNNY OrV SAGITTARIUS (Nov. Z2-Dec. 21) - CANCER (June 21-July 22) - Your lOUKNOWOW WHO CAN SEE RIGHT is to be able to cease searching for THUOuOH yOU DOESN'T ways to gain the best and most for the Take care that what you really mean interest in product rather than profit NOTICEA least. Setbacks may be many, but, is not taken today as pretense. Ac- gains you the admiration and respect ultimately, you will come into your knowledge error at eve. of friends and strangers. THATNEEbS^ CuWrV/V'/i own. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) - LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) - Rid your- New directions are called for at this self of responsibilities recently as- Also born on this date are: Twiggy time. You can make a coup at midday sumed There are others who could (Leslie Harnby), model, actren; when opportunity arises. shoulder them easier now BRIDGE ADVICE 1UJ WHEN THAT —- SUAA9TBAO.' VOU LATH TO VYOBK GOOO-POH- r^OTl-IINO SHOULD've MEN COMES IN, I'LL. , SKIN HIM AL-IVE .' ) MERE AT NINE BY ALFRED SHEINWOLD Now West had to lead a club, for No. 10 envelope lo Backgammon, in ~—I O'CLOCK.' lack of anything else, and Freeman care of this newspaper, P.O. Rox 1000, Hundreds of kibitzers admired a discarded dummy's other low heart Los Angeles, CA 90053.) generous play of Atlanta expert Rich- while ruffing in his own hand. Free- NORTH ard A. rreeman during the Grand man thus made his contract, losing National Team Championship in New two spades and two diamonds but no AK102 Orleans recently hearts. AK86 Freeman took the king of hearts . DAILY QUESTION . J 10 6 2 and let dummy's jack of diamonds Youhold: * A J6890 A9*Q7 *A2 ride around to the ace. He won the 6 5 4 Partner bids one heart, you WEST EAST club return, ruffed a club, led a spade respond two clubs, and he then bids AAJ63 A87 to win a finesse with the ten, got back two spades. The opponents pass What 9 QJ75 with the king of diamonds and led do you say? : A9 •; Q83 another spade. West ducked again, ANSWER: Bid four spades No AQ87654 AKJ10 9 and dummy's king won. Now declarer matter how weak partner s opening 'P LIKE TO OP&W SOUTH ID) JOIWT ACCOUNT. gave up a spade to the jack bid may be, you want to reach game If partner has extra strength, he will COULD RUFF SPADE extend a slam invitation of some kind: 10432 When West continued with the ace and you will accept with enthusiasm K754 of spades, Freeman could ruff in dum- However, your hand is not quite A3 my Dut would lose a spad*-, two hearts strong enough to make the first move South West North East and two trumps. Instead, Freeman toward slam. discarded a heart from dummy, gen- (Would you like to have Alfred Pass 1* Dbl 1 erously giving West a second spade Sheinwold teach you how to play l* 2* Pass Pass trick. (Actually, Freeman was merely backgammon? A 12-lefion booklet 2 : Pass Pass 3* giving West a spade instead of giving will be on the way to you when you Pass Pass 3 All Pass East a heart.) send $1 plus a stamped, self-addressed Opening lead— ; 9 HI AND LOIS HAGAR PID YOU X IT'S THIS CL0SB] MAT'S EVEP NOTICE IT SEBrJ YEAM, IT'S SELL. THAT 1 TO BEING 5OLP THE HAPPEMS A | HOW I A Oc HOUSE? PROBLEM TO SAY TO PEOPLE PAIM IN WHO'VE... ThlE y J


\( WE'LL HSAH 1 BOW 'sour PirmN£ WHY OR5AM ) COtONEL^ \ pteA^e 1 ( OWSOMEQR6AM MUSK;?/ 15 NOT , i CALL Me 4 ISOOI.NOTMINe 'THeY BE liO«O»IRV/«8ClUT. V MUSIC T > HUNTIN& L (CLICK) Jr 1 m^8 > £3p Jmr 49 , 111 smaMi H tip Wanted B6 The Daily Kegister MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19.1983 144 Tlnton Falls 144 Tlnton Palls or land thall ba 0— maa~ to ba • Had to porchat, lanllnol. ENTAL ASSISTANT - Nad »nnaf aim tha Mttor Mr Ma MfconfcK, itolrwon. MMYolU, ik arta. To can for business 244 Tlnton Palis 144 tlnton Falls wrMMi a» ml. wdlaii ana IMII ii.oi. want, ovarharis. roars. tiviiv of office as wall as tt »»a rwaanaJUIrly o»ar Mat par supporting mamaors, sist in patient care. Call 13, 7 to * P.m. ID ng area In which smoking Is Hired before or after the enact or. of tha eramlMi M wbtal. tlmbart, abulmantt. lira •• prohlbrtad prov Ida* that the yeo- ment of this coot and Irrespec- Hud or auiffnad. copao. sHyi and Moot. crumMM SHWASHER — With food iiatton ratas far those eraae ve of any permits or ikansas PRIMIsil — A M. MM or or (ailing tricks, aamaa. mortar Classified ep. Reliable, evening hours. 244 Tlnton Falls shall ba in cempilenee with tha which thall have been issued far parcal at laM. inciudlna tto or ptsator. od pay Touch Of Class Cater ha use or occupant v of the ttruc- (1) ProJacimt ourtacoa: a* Phcmt M2-1700 Daily B 30 A M To 5 PM Saturday 8:30 AM To 12 30PM Incroft. I7a-O7». MCTiCE aoslkabta lute and local con- •ulMlnn. Mructurai and Mv struction codes Such "smoking _ or for th* iniUi.-ii— w tartar ~ rf~i m s f fiw An Ordln«r>ct Entitled "AN than RAFTSPERSONb — senior a. permitted" araas shall ba out- weir of equipment or facilities K uaiiSH — AllcamtotMMa Lost and Pound 1 Htip Wanted ledlate. civil engineering 1 ORDINANCE FIXING THE slda of tha moating araa. clearly lor to tha effective date of this M noncarntuatlMa wnta mat*- sharp, rausjh er prelecting sur- SALARIES AND COMPENSA- faces m tMactJ wftkh rf ' apping rtaul red for KcasslMa to invona who wlshts M ogrtsiiva engineering A TION Ok* BOROUGH EMPLOY- to smoke, but Shall not ba in a SECTION S cause tiUwnr t» a—sana hut uaaw atjiectiaw In writing la OST — Ootden tab, S-vaar-old EES OF THE ROAD AND SANt In contact therewith. he enforcement effker, am* matt, no collar, on i/ie In chitectural firm 5 years tx- ocetion which will allow smoka Prevalence of Higher Stan- ngl »aper, rag*, certem&is. Hexess, ience required. Exc. benefits TATION DEPARTMENTS OF to enter the public matting area dards. In anv case where tha wood, excelsior, nie^jjMrtjMr. (4) windows, dears, gat.: •uch parson shall ba alterdai a aveslnk. Reward. Call 172-1273. ^ ~s THE BOROUGH OF TINTON i tt HfM wftsr. g» sutitc ite * f*' i * broken alas* er windows, rattan, •afare tha governing hlMrtn heartbroken, working conditions, salary FALLS, FOR 1VU was in hiohar standard than that tat tin c»»i. maun, mkwalmamr, mining or substantially da ibrvutnnifinHii ,.-.. SW-SM? ftetwaen 2-t p.nv IIUU1K.VU U> marui *itu COWnCtt iMwaj *s In awjgraaa • It.ArsartuchB >.>T —Calico cai. drown mum- REAMi tHU^cr* THAN SECTIONS forth in any orainanca of tha Kit. crockary and ttw raaWw) strove*) wirtoow frames ana lor, small black face. Vicinity semblers ot tht Borough Of T Inter. Falls on hearing and eMctaJan by the aov OUR PAY? — Would you ilka Otttarvetlen el (making anal •trough or undar tha lews of tha ran burning oaod. coal, roka or uihet, door frames, exterior Riverside Ave. & West Front Au« ». 1f*3 and on Sept. 13, W rnlne, body at to me existence er Nan Smoking Araas. (dentI- ate of New Jersey, than the thar combtntltna malarial ant doors er other Junior exterior Temporary - r own business? It vou havt was finally adopted and ap- nonexlstence at the emergency ., Red Bank. Answtri to Scam- icatlon of "No Smoking" and tandards as tat forth herein •olid commarlcal and Induitrlal component parts of buiwints *r Reward. 142 Tilt . hours weekly to spare, I'll provMbv ma Mayor. ondtUon, tM governing body Smoking Permitted" areas nail prevail; tout H tha pro- structures. 4 days a week how vou how. Please call Dr. JEROMES. REED may continue Mich order In ef- OST — Cameo brooch on Sat. shall ba accomplished bv posting ilons of this code Impose a low- "•"** ..CTM*. (5) txtarlor walls, tiding* j»per, 142;) 100. Borough Clark fect, ar modify or withdraw It, venlng, vicinity Truffles, Fair hru November n conspicuous Places a sufficient standard than any ordinance Outlai of ownart. eMraton and roof: Exterior walls, tMlrtas. Irving Cohen sublect It tha Issuance of a tum- aven Reward. Call 741-4S4J or lumbar of "No Smoking" and the Borougjh or of tha laws of nd occupants. Oman, opart guners _. Pull Time - 7:30 AM-6 PM Mayor ~ Watton thereof If such 19450. 'Smoking Permitted" signs to ba ha Statt o. f NJew Jtrsev, then tht on and occupants thall hava all thall M keot structurally mind, art Time • J.JO AMU 30 PM DRIVERS NEEDED Sept 1» UM order Is continued .uppiled bv tha Board of Health. Qher standard contained in anv ha dutw. oWloatloni and r» In BOO«J rapalr and frte from de- OST — Black male dog with r 1 PM -4 PMor*:»PM 11 » IMMEDIATELY >ubllc announcement ef tna uch other ordinance er law thall tponilblllHat pratcrload In thlj lac ts. IICTION 11 hlte spot on chest, black collar PM NOTICE white flea collar, r tall, 40 lbs. an A bus drivers tor school RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING jmofclng restrictions by tha pre- ordlnanca. and no tych paraora {»} Exterior chimneys: Ei Violations and penalties. Anv outes part time only, good pay, sldlng Borough official will tuf- SECTION 4 or antltv thall bo rallovad of any terter chimneys shall bt main- ton or entity who shall violate y Mlddletown Swim A Ttnnls Temporary/ AGREEMENT FOR lub. 671-2071. pplv in person daily 9 to S, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Ice as notice of the smoking poli- Existing Remedies Nothing uch duty, obligation or rowontl- tained structurally sound, free any ef tht provisions of this or- Part Time lurphy Bus sarvict, 555 Rt. 35. cy only If such announcement Is this ordinance shall be deemed bllltv haroundar, nor may any (ram defects and to maintained dlnanca or any ardtr pro- WHEREAS, there ixlitt a as to capably perform at all 4 Days a week Iddletown (behind Slpersltin need for I tea I services, and ncludad In the official matting abolish or Impair existing uch Mr ion or antlty attart at • mulgated hereunder thall, after OST — Black & whitt Welsh Thru November tint storey omedlts of the municipality or ofanta agalmt an* charg. time* thtfunctlons for which they a summons Is issued under tha WHEREAS, fund! era avail minutes or tape transcript. orgi dog, vicinity of Matewan 30 AM - 12:30 PM or 1 PM ARN MONEY AFTER s officers or agencies relating mada undar thll ordlnanct mat arms hereof, bt punished as foi- PM abla lor said purposes; services, SECTION* me ret^iovet or flomoiiiion or vt. 1 Clltfwood Avt. Answers CHOOLi — BoVl/fllrl's in tha Removal or Defacing of notnar awnar. oporator or occu. C, Steps, walks, driveways o Tobby. Small with black patch nv buildings or structures 1 A. Per (ha first offense, bv a eensburg, Port Monmouth, Un No parson shall ramova, tnt or anv otnar third parton or ana parkin* lots. Sttps, walks. ver 1 ova, a. 1 Mack ear. Call It your currant schedule pre- WHEREAS, Tha Local Pub- hlch are deemed to be danger l IJMlblotorr- Int not to txcaad fifty (WO) n Beach & Belford area need lic Contracts Law (N.J.S A. deface or conceal any sign re ntltv lialsorei nlble therefor driveways, parking areas, park- M1-M02. Reward vents vou from holding a per- us, unsafe or unsanitary. Ing lots, parking spaces and simi- dollars. ppiyi Boy's/ gjri's egt 11-17 aOATlf rat MqVrawuIrn thai th» qu< r ed or erected kv ar-uAaar Uia- T1 ivi in violation thareof. manent position. tUtn. why. HCTIPMT • '" lar araas sha I bt maintained so For A second offense, bv a O9T — Ta-btJv.-wfittf under edrd €aM Mt-ftM. e.*le*Mr. rawlutlon authorlilng. award of authorltv of this chapter. SICTION9 e«th, wnite (act, pink nose, not try one of the* tern Ickson. contracts for professional ser- SECTION; Definitions. Unless other- Malntanance standard! as to afford safe pattaoe uodtr Int not to exceed two hundred Porary ones In tht cosmetic Isetxprtssly stated, the follow normal use and weather condi- UN) dollars. Grten collar with I.D.. altered. and fragrance business? It Is vices without competitive bid* Penalties. Any person vlo- A. Exterior of premises. Tht Missing Sept, 11, vicinity of Lin- must ba publicly advartlMd; atlng anv provisions of this ng terms thall. for the purpose xttrlor of all premises shall bt tions. Anv holes er ether haiards C. For a third offense or anv light and clean work. ARN EXTRA MONEY-With this ordlnanca, be defined as that mav axis! shall be filled, or subsequent offer***., bv a find oft Reward. Call 74t-3t7l. 4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ;hapler shall, upon conviction ept tree from haiards and isa Jewelry Co. TAKE hareof, be sublect to a man- Hows: ulsances which include but are ntcessarv repairs or not to exceed five hundred t|. Call 4W-O67S at. till 1. call 471-3234. Contracts Law became tha par- remain In full force and affect. INC. son hereby aPPOlntad Is a mem- SECTION* EXTERIOR OF PREMISES and Plumbing fixtures: aban- mt Officer. EWARD HELP US FIND - ber of the legal profasslon, a rat This Ordinance shall taka ef — Those Portions of a building or doned refrigerators, Dollars, hot B Coordination of enforce B Repealer. In any case Our female Huskrt, new to Iht Esmark Companies ULL/PART — 19 per., steady ognliad profession llcansed and tct immediately upon publlce- wstar heaters, television sets tnt. Inspection of prtmlsesand where a provision of this or- eighborhood neighborhood and •ork ft no layoffs. Applicants reoutrad t>v law. and It Is not lon of final passega as providtd and other similar malor ap- 1 Issuing of orders In connec dlnanct Is found to be In conflict an't find her way home. Grey Qual Opportunity Employe lust be ' dapendablt, hard- with or Incontinent with a pro- possible ID obtain competitive bv law. diolnlng or adjacent properties, plicants, sinks, bathtubs, com- on therewith under the, pro- lack & white, with red coltar M/f working 1 have good ap- vision of any other ordlnanca PUBLIC NOTICI ncludlng alt outslda surfaces modes and other plumbing fix- slons of tnit coda than bt tht se call 7*:7-0043 anytime. earance No experience needed. which establishes a lower nan OYS/GIRLS — 11 17, morning Thl foregoing Ordinance nd appurtenances thereto, and ilftf, xcluslve responsibility of the XMI13, 7-1 P.m. 'BE IT FURTHER RE dard for tha promotion and pro- twsoapcr route) art available was Introducad and passed first he open space on the premises (4) Overhanging* loose and 00a Enforcement Officer Special Notices SOLVED that a notice of this tection of tht safety, health and Red Bank, Mlddletown FULL TIME SALES POSITI'. reading at a regular meeting of utslde any building or structurt overhanging objects, whether Whereever In tht opinion of tht resolution shall be published In welfare or parts thereof are here itord, Llncrott, Atlantic High — Now available for Red Bank's he Mayor and Council of the reeled thereon. natural or man-made, and ec- tde Enforcement Officer It Is GIFTED PSYCHIC the official newspaper of tha bv dec tared to ba repea led to tha ands, Abtrdean, Cliff wool ewest lewelrv store. Call iorough of Tlnton Falls held on EXTERMINATION — The ilatlons of let and snow necessary or desirable to have Borough as required bv law axttnt that they mav ba so found MRS. SYLVIA Beach, Union Beach, Ktvport'l. 41-6263. Sept. 13,ItU and said Ordinance ontrol and elimination of In- which bv reason of location tpectlons of anv condition bv within 10 days of its passage to ba In conflict with this or READER 1 ADVISOR Hailtt. Exc. tarnlngs and GET IN ON OUR BIG CHRIST- JEROME S- REED. Borough till be further considered for sects, rodents or other pests bv above ground level constitute a ny other department, he thai llmlnatlng their harborage 'tat th tha health and safety of rrange for this to ba dona. No tanct. On All Problems of Lift hince to win prues and trips MAS SELLING SEASON - " ' Clark nai passage at a regular meet- all 800 2420850 toll tree. laces, bv removing or making people If caused to tali rdtr for corrcttlon of anv vlo- SICTION 11 542-9500 Avon and havt tht extra money Sept 19 IU.M ng of said governing body to be or Christmas) Earn UP to50%on held on Oct. II. ItU, at 1:13 P.M. Accessible materials that mav 15) Ground surface hsiards: atlon undar this code shall ba This ordinance Is In addition lOYS/GIRLS — U vrs or older NOTICI serve as their food bv poison sued without tha approval of to and supplements tht following or paper routes In Eatontown. I alts-Call 747-9ft»7 or 6/1 6144. Borough Hall, Tlnton praying, fumigating, trapping hidden or uncovered ground or HOROSCOPE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE 'alls, Ntw Jersey at which time surface haiards Hidden or un- ha Code Enforcement Officer finances: ou like money and people, ca HAIRDRESSERS THAT Ronald Scavron has ap- md place all persons desiring to bv any other approved pest covered ground or surface hsi- but It shall be the responsibility 1. Chapter 74 regulating READER & ADVISOR 42-MBo. Areas available: Stone of that official before Issuing anv Rd., Grand Ave., Lakevltw tusv salons in malls havt Im- pealtd to the Board ot Adjust- >e heard thereon will ba given llminetlon methods. ards, such as holes, sudden de- brush, grass and weeds. Specializing In Tarot Cards, and mediate positions available tor ment ot the Borough of Tlnton full opportunity. FIRE HAZARD — Anything ich order to determine lhat I 1, Chapter 77 regulating unfl il-rhythm bv Barbar. Helps on ., Taylor Rd.. Maxwell Rd pressions, excavations, sharp or as the concurrence of anv other nenced and/or highly tai- Falls for a hardship variance. JEROMES. REED anv act which Increases or lagged projections or obstruc- lldlngt. ill advise, all reading private 1 • CAREER OPPORTUNITY nted ntw cutttrs/stvlltts. The applicant dots hereby mav cause any Increase of tht apartment or official of the gov S. Chapter lot housing Stan- onfldentlal. Free parking I Borough Clerk tions. rnment concerned with any he Register is looking for peo- GOOD SALARY propose to: Get approval of the Sept 19 *si 12 aiard or mtnact of tlra to a (4) Recurring accumulations tar. Open dally, 9 9, S42 9569, ple who art wtll-organlitd an INCENTIVES COMMISSIONS following: in 1NH made a room reater degree than that custom matter Involved on the cate In 4. Chapter 117 health and ot stormwater: stagnant surface •tlon. HEALTH INSURANCE from a 1 car garage in an R1.5 NOTICI rllv recognized as normal bv or ground water accumulations nltatlon. 12 Travel- 'Itrs. You will be responslbl PAID VACATIONS Zone. There Is no enisling ga- PROF1RTY persons In tha public service of C. Inspections. Tha enforce 5. Chapter 1*4 nuisances or collections, sales and sarvl which craatt or are Hktiv to 1 Transportation MALL DTSC0UNTS rage, on premises located at: SI MAINTINANCICODI >rtventlng, suppressing or ext create mosquito or other Insect ment officer It " author lied t i. Chapter is development your arta. Somt college CONTINUOUS EDUCATION Swimming River Rd Alto known BE IT OROAINED, bv tha ngulshlng fire or which mav 00- breeding areas. nter upon anv land at anv rea oulatlont. DRIVER —To Orlando or vlclnl plus. Excellent opportunity. Sen MONMOUTH as Block 41 G. Lot 2 on Tax Map Mavor and Council of tha Iruct, dtlav or hinder or mav (7) Infestation: rodentt, vtr- sonabie time for tht purpose of Tht adoption of this or v. I'll drive your car If vou'' ttume to Mr. Jeff Hero, Horn 544-1010 Anv person or persons af- Borough of Tlnton Falls: ptcomt tht cause of an obstruc mln, oast Infestations and condi- performing his duty under thl dlnanct is not In anv way In- •atrier fly, or share driving (with delivery Mgr, One Reglste Ask far Manager fected bv this application mav SECTION 1 lon, dtlay, haitrd or hindrance tions causing tame. tended to ba repealer either ex emaie only), on or around 10/1 *laia, Shrewsbury, NJ. 07701 la. '4 vrs txp. no accidents or vlo NSURANCE AGENCY — Per- t\Mv* an opportunity to be heard Title. This ordinance thall be 0 the prevention, suppression 01 (I) Nuisances, as defined In O. Enforctmtnt procedure plkltlv or implied of any of the •qual Opportunity Employe xtlngulshmentof fire. atlons Call after 6 p.m. 741-8396 M/F. sonal Lints Assistant tor Home- at the meeting to be held Thurs- known as the "Property Main- this ordlnanca, Whenever an tnforcemtnt of aforesaid ordinances or anv oth- owner 1 Auto. 2 veers agency day evening, the 37 day of Octo- tenance Coda of tha Borough of GARBAGE — Animal and (9) Inoperable vehicles: ve- ictr determines that there Is 0 er ordinances now In existence or CARRIER NEEDED -11 yrs. oer 1963 in the Municipal Build- subsequently adopted bv tna 15 Instruction experience required Call or Tlnton Falls" and mav be egttable wastt resulting from hicles or parts thereof, Including as been a violation of anv pro- older, In Rumson arta. War vrltt: Milts insurance Agency, ing at 556 Tlnton Avenue, Tlnton ferrtd to In the short form ai tht he handling, preparation, cook boats and trailers, motorized or Won of this ordlnanca, ha aha Borough of Tlntor. Falls Avt a. Waterman St. Call Je Falls SUCTION 14 » O Box 1336, Red Bank, N.J, •Property Malnttnance Code" ng and consumption of food. not, rtgWdless of whether Iva notice of such violation t Hero, 542-4000. 7701. • SECTION! NUISANCE —Any public Oi licensed or registered, which ve- This Ordinance shall take ef GUITAR A copy of tht application has he person, parsons or entitle CARRIERS WANTED — Fo Findings It Is htrebv found irlvate condition that would con hicles or parts thereof havt been feel Immediately upon publlca GLENN PIEHLER NTERIOR DESIGN - Expend- been filed In tht office of the esponsibie therefor undar thl )t tan port, Eatontown, Mon Secretary of the BOARD OF AD- and declared that there exist In itltuta a nuisance according to dlsmattled or are In a state of section, Such notlct shall be In tlon of final passage as provided Fair Haven. 842-4429 ng business sttklng person mouth Beach area. Call Andrle aspiring to management level JUSTMENT, and may ot In- the Borough structures and va ha statutes, laws and rtgu- visible disrepair or In an aban- writing ans shall Include a con law. GUITAR & BASS LESSONS - spected bv tht Public between cant lots which ara or mav be atlons of the State of Ntw JEr- dontd condition 1st state mtnt of the reasons for 542-4000, Ext. 209. Will train. Hussev Associates, FUBLIC NOTICI Professional, exp'd teacher A 842^533^ the hours of 9 00 a m and 4:30 come In the future substandard •ay, anv of Itt agencies or this (1} Parking: (a) All operable ts Issuance. Such notice shall bt Tht foregoing Ordlnanct ular styles. Maple Avt CARRIERS WANTED — To da p.m. at the Municipal Building. with respect to structural Integn code. ANy physical condition tx vehicles parked on the prtmltes deemed to be properly and suff was introduced and passed firs Eatontown. Ron Dyer, 369-1317 Ivtr The Daily Register In tl 556 Tinton Avenue. Tlnton Falls. tv. equipment or maintenance mg In or on tht exterior of anr of one family residential homes lently served If copy therof I reading at a regular meeting of iouth Lake Drive and Nutswam and further that such conditions premises which It potentially PIANO LESSONS — B.M. in P Road areas ot River Plai KEY ENTRY Ronald Scavron shall be parked In a garage, on sent bv regular mall to tha las tht Mayor and Council of tht ano Performance. New Englan St SSwimming g Riveiver RoaRoadd Including but not limited to .true dangerous, detrimental or hai the dlrvewsv or on • prepared known address of the person 0 Borough of Tlnton Falls held on Please call Jeff Hero, 542-aflM tural deterioration, lack of main ardout to tht health or safttv of mtlty upon Which the same I Conservatory of Music. Any age Tlnton Falls, NJ 07724 parking arta which Is an ax- Sept. 13, itU and said Ordlnanct 291-O73T OPERATORS Sept 19 (12.24 tenance of exterior premises am persons on, near or passing In tension of and consonant with the sarvad, as shown bv tha mos will ba further considered for CASHIERS vacant lots, infestation, lack 0 proximity of tht premises where dlrvawav surface except for recent tax records of tht munlc final passage at a regular meet READING TUTOR - Evtnlf PART-TIME 2nd SHIFT maintenance or upkeep of essen iald condition exists. NOTICE (I) tmtrgencv vehicles while palltv, or a copy thereof handed Ing of said governing body to bt & weekends, Luncheon, dinner or wee FULL-TIME AN ORDINANCE TO PRO- tlai facilities and utilities, ex OCCUPANT — Anv occu 0 said person or persons, or held on Oct. 11, ItU. at •: 15 P.M $10 an hr., II7-MM. part-time cashiers needed isttnet of fire haiards and un responding to calls, HIBIT SMOKING IN CERTAIN pant, owner, agent, . ttnanl (II) service vehicles turn copy thereof left at tht usu at tht Borough Hall, Tlnton YAMAHA 'or busy Shorefront restaurant PART-TIME PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE sanitary conditions, constitute a lessee, caretaker or other parson Piece of abode er office of sal Falls, Ntw Jersey at which time Keyboard classes Must be experienced with com We havt immediate opening for menace to tha health, safety porarllv on tha prtmlses for the BOROUGH OF TINTON FALLS or corporation in charge ot, rt purpose of rendering a service lo persons or entitles. Notice sha and plsct all persons desiring to Once a week Puttr-style systems. Pleasa experienced keypunch operators AND TO PROVIDE PENAL welfare and reasonable comfor siding, living or sleeping In or on >t glvtn as aforesaid within bt heard thereon will be given appearance and personality n our MAT* WAN office, conve- of the citizens and Inhabitants o the prtmltes or tht occupants of For $25 a month TIES FOR VIOLATIONLNS S tht premises of or having actua the prtmlses. without the municipality. The no- full opportunity. For child and parents must. Apply In person only, niently located to all major high- BE IT ORDAINEDORDAINED, by tht the Borough. It Is further fount possession or use of a business ke shall also state that units JEROMES REED West St., Monmouth Beach, ways. Start with a good salary, and Council of the end declared that by reason 0 (b) Parking for structurts Lowest rate in N.J. •4 p.m., Mon.Fri 'uli company benefits, 37Vi hr. Mayor veiling unit or rooming unit o other than one family resldentla tha violation Is abated, removed Borough Clerk At the Conservatory S337.H CLERK-TYPIST work week and congenial work- 741-MM •flfl. ttipciilions, tall.? a.jji.jj'jTL progressive deterioration certain bv this ordinance. .jlth the site plant as approvt_ 2U properties havt Ihe further effec OPERATOR — Anv person pursuant to Chapter IS of lha service of such notice (exclusive Gpod typing skills a must. A or appomlmenl SECTION 1 of creating blighting conditions parsons or tntlly not the owner Code of tht Borough of Tlnton of tht datt of service), a sum- counts receivable and NCR m Daflnltions. The following and that by reason of timely rag who has charge, care or contro Falls. mons thall bt issued for such chine experience a plus. Cal words and terms, whtn used li ulatlons and restrictions as here of a structure or a part thereof tncia between I-30-5 00,542-4001 CMF CORP. this chapter, shall have the fol B. Structural soundness flotation. The enforcement of- 583-3660 in contained the growth of this with or 1 Every strucutre and accessory 'leer may extend lha period tor 51 Help Wanted Ext. 274 lowing meanings unless the con blight mav be prevented and the consent structure and every part thereof compliance with the require- 6 Lost and Found Equal Opportunity Employ Equal Opportunity Employer tcxl clearl"Publiy indicatec Meetings otherwise" —. neighborhood and proi owner. shall be kept structurally sound ments of this section In regard to Male or Female M/F. M/F means anvP meetini gMi conducte"d ii FREE FOUND ADS uei thereby maintained, Ihe tfe OWNER — Any person, per and In a state of goott repair u the violation stated in the notice AAA AVON — A few opening CONTROLLER — Chief Fine LABORER — Construction the Borough of Tlnton Falls bv 'ability and amenities of dwell- tons or entity who shelf havt avoid safety, heal th or fire hai tor a period In excess of tha As a service to our communif Must be 18 and have driver's anv board.' commission, commit- The Daily Register it offering left. Find out the true facts las ciasl Officer, Monmouth Coon gs and neighborhoods egal or equitable title In anv ards Including but not limited to aforesaid ten (10) days If, In his Monmouth Co. & Bavshore Publishing Company. Qualllt license 13.50 to start. Call be tee, agency or department of the enhanced and the public health, FREE 3-line FOUND ad tor 1 whatsoever to anv prt- the following: udgmtnt, Ihe abatement, re- our Lost & Foui 495^026 or 495-4101. applicant should have approx iween B and 4. 74/B12S Borough of Tlnton Falls, to which safety and welfare protected and mists or part thereof with or (1) Foundation walls: Inade- moval, prevention, cassation or classification. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIS 'ears of progresslvtly rtspo LAUNDROMAT — Part or full- trie public is invited, allowed or fostered without accompanying actual quatt or unsafe foundation walls _j of the condition violated time. Experience preferred. Call encouraged to attend. appreciates you TANT — Typing, steno, and dl tlblf financial & accounting e SECTION! possession thereof, or who shall piers and columns and other sim- cannot reasonably be effected do its part i Peritnct. CPA or MBA pr atttr_S p.m.. 530-01 jl B 'Smoking" — Includes _ pott. Tht purpose of this have charge, care or control ot laphone skills required Pita ilarly unsound, damaged or de- within the tan-day period; and In riQinal owne send resume to; Robert i ftrrtd. position reports dlrcc LAWN SERVICE WORKER — carrying or having In one's Code is to protect the publl; lot, premises, building, fective loadbeerlng components such cases, the enforcement of- Piease call us at S42:17QO, Danshin AsSOC , 90 Monmout to president of company. Subm Dependable, experience pre- possession a lighted cigar, health, safety and wtlfare bv er structure or part thereof, as which ara Incapable of support leer shall state such reasonably resume & salary history ti cigarette, Pipt or any other tabllshing minimum standard! >ner or agent of the owner, or DOG FOUND Large, Olack St , suite 200, Red Bank, N, ferred. Call 222-3350 after 6 P.m. Ing tht Imposed loads safely a required extended period of tht 07701. . L-4S7. The Daily Rtgistt lighted smoking equipment governing tht malnttnanct and as fiduciary, trustee, receiver, all points. notice, which shall than be ap- red collar, injured on Parkway I LEGAL SECRETARY — Part- Holmdel 9 a.m. 9/15 Call Asso Shrewsbury, N.J. 07701, time, experienced. Call Marlon, C "Mtetlng Area" — means condition of tht exterior of resl guardian, lessee or mortgagee In (I) Exterior porches, land plicable insttad nofthe aforesaid ASST TO GL>N. MANAGER CONDOMINIUM MANAGER" any enclosed indoor space In tht dentlal and rvonresldantlal pre- .session, regardless of how ing, balconies, stairs and fire tx ttn (10) days. In tha event the Humane Society. 609-693 1900. Small Corrugated Box Plant Adult community In Monmou 84 2^6400. Borough of Tlnton Falls used for mises; to avoid, prtvant ent usch possession was obtained capes: structurally unsound violation Is not abated, removed, FOUND — Female, yellow La Freehold, N.J. Salts Quotation County, 950 units, 160 acres, e MAINTENANCE PERSON — the purpose of holding public eliminate tht maintenance of o Anv person, group ot persons or loose, dangerous, crumbling cured, prevented or desisted Shepherd mix, training colla Production Layouts and Pi* ecutive golf course, pool, e Full-lime for nursing home meetings to which the general creation of hazards to the publli entity who Is a lessee, sublessee missing, broken, rotted or untafi_ rt or otherwise fully remedied 1983 rabies lag. Found'in W. Lon mng Pleasant working a Exc. opportunity tor an t Exp'd preferred. Ability to do public Is allowed to attend health or safely, to avoid, prt or assignee of a lessee of any ptrt exterior portions of buildings or within said ten-day period or Branch. 229-2923. * mosphere Excellent Benefit Ptrlenced administrator able carpentry, painting ft plumbing SECTION! vtnt and eliminate condltloi of all of anv building, structurt structures, Including but not Hm within such extended period at Call 462 4672. efficiently supervise entire ope a must. Apply In person, Mon.- The Borough Council of tht which, If permitted to exist o FOUND — In Hailtt, Territ . X sat forth In tht notice, pursuant type dog, female, old. Black atmn Salary negotiable So Frl., 9-3 P.m., with rets. West Borough of Tlnton Falls does continue, will depreciate or tarn to tht foregoing, a summons AUTO MECHANIC — Full tim wood Hall Hebrew Home, 211 brown L sliver. Call W 3629. all benefits. Apply in perso resume to Box L-461, The Da nerebv determine thai the smok to depreciate tht valut of •die 241 Monmouth County 24t Monmouth County shall be Issued against tha Per- Register, Shrewsbury, N. Bath Avt,, Long Branch. ing of tobacco in anv form eon- cent or surrounding properties son, parsons, entity or entitles so FOUND — Young char mm Finn Buick, 335 Broadway, Lon 07701 _. stilutts a fire hazard and toorevent the creation, continue NOTICE notified, Any extension beyond tiger cat with large ears. Call Branch. MEDICAL ASSISTANT — For nuisance in public buildings and tlon, extension or aggravation 0 MONMOUTH COUNTY JTPA sixty (40) days must ba approved V46-4B74. AUTOMOTIVE WAREHOUS COOK — Somt txP. necessai busy Mlddletown physician's of- blight; to fix certain rtsoonsl SERVICE DELIVERY AREA meeting rooms in the Borough of bv the Mavor and Council. FOUND — PUOPV, black a. tan P E RSON — Permanent oositlo Apply Middletown Pane a fice. Mon., Tuts., Thurs.. Fri., 9 bliltles and duties upon owners ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Tlnton Falls and reqt' Shepherd type with 1 blue tv Medical A retirement btnefi House, between 1 4 5 p.m, it to 6, Half dav Sat. Exptrltnct operators and occupants of prop- FISCAL YEAR 1*4 REQUEST FOR QUOTATIONS UNDER E. Emergency conditions. prohibition thereof, On Atlantic St., Keypor Apply between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m Hwy. 35, Mlddletown. preferred 7fl7-0413betwten 10 ft SECTION] erty; and to provide for admfnls TITLE II 5UBPARTSA4COF THE JOBS TRAINING PARTNER Whenever tht enforcement of- 4. | ficer finds that an emergency 264-7284. only. Norwood Distributors, 62 COOK — Part time, for reside Affected Areas. tretlon and enforctmtnt of thl SHIP ACT Broadway, Long Branch MOTEL ROOM CLEANING ordlnanct. I. PURPOSE condition In violation of tha or- LOST — Wedding ring, woman' tial care facility, apply In per snail be prohibited within anv Frank.• , Part-time, morning hrs. includ- Monmouth County JTPA Administrative Entity Is requesting dlnanct exists, which condition Ihir . Monmouth Mail Ablo Villa, 144 Beechw meeting area during tht follow ing weekends Housework exp. a SECTION* Quotations from potential Otferors to provide employment «nc tqulrts Immediate attention In ward. 671-2669. BAKER'S HELPER & DIS Keansburg. between 10 and Applicability, (a) All vac* WASHER - Full-time. p.m. plus. Must have own car. For training activities to JTPA eligible participants during Fiscal Year irder to protect thapubllc health LOST — Red diaper bag. Co ' A During the hour lots shall comply with trie pre- rmii m.iwa fnlervlaw: •421137. f«4 [October 1. tWl-June 30, 1W> Thiss Requesq t for Quotations or safttv, he may Issue an order tains Ctinsfening outfit, earner CRUISE SHIP JOBS - Travel mediately preceding the schtd- visions ot this code, (b) ever WOfOR" ROUTES — Part-lime , frtvtrt the.groKltioU m a _.. ?f• soj filnln j KUUUJ .. Mrvlqeof notice as set forth I candle & medal Lost between I Bahamas, Bermuda. Carnbe "UTWOTDI IC fflf itrnu residential and nonresldentla U j fll BEAUTICIANS WANTED - f ftfajy fTWtfftlfttJ •I'ahl.aHf* *aoMa*f. the following Title and Subparts Subsection D above, reciting tna Keartsburg arid" BeTfoTcT CaTT •rvd t*rrt moneruM -€ett— refw B During tht time that the structure used for resldentla part tune A. 1 full-time fDr WOP TITLE IISubPartsAlC ittnce of such an emergency W 3979 or 7S7-M9&. Reward. dable 312-W-1347 exl C-IOM paper routes are available to public meeting is In progress commercial, business or Ir It Is the purpose of Title 11, SubPtrts A A C to provide emplovmtn condition and requiring that such West Long Branch, reliable people with cars In C During the hour dustrlal occupant v. Including vi and training activities tor adults and vouth including older Individ action be taken bv the violator as LOST GLASSES — And one CO preferred. Call 222-4505 days DELI/COUNTER HELP Keansburg, Manaiapan. English- mediately following the close oi cant structures, and tht pn uals (55 and over) of the County of Monmouth. As a means foi soon at Is reasonably necessary tact lens,- in black case, on NY eves. Mon.-Frl., 10 to 3. Good pa town, Marlboro, Colts Neck, i mists on which It It sltuatt In th accomplishing this goal Monmouth County Service Delivery Arta to matt the tmrrgtncv. Notwith- Kean&burg bus.. 6 p.m. Rtwa BOOKKEEPER — Must B Touch Ot Class Catering. L Howtll, Red Bank, Long Branch. Borough shall comply with tht (SDA) Is soliciting quotation proposals lo operate employment ant standing anv other provision of s.30. Call after a p.m. 49S-0623. Exp'd. with some secrttari Croft. 8720755. West Long Branch, Little Silver. Non Affected Areas. Smok provisions of this coot whetht training programs, activities, and services for classroom training this ordinance to the conti LOST — Dark black woman skills. Exc. salary & benefit DENTAL ASSISTANT — Oi Atlantic Highlands, Mlddletown, mo. snail be allowed In deslg or not such structure shall hav assessment, counseling services and employabllltv develoemm such order shall be effect! purse, lost m the vicinity of Bi pleasant working atmosphe office, school-trained or exp'd. Belford and Oceanport. Exc been constructed, altered or re nated areas outside of any meat Plans (EDPt.andOn The Job Training JOJT) program mediately person to whom lee's, near Keyport, & Broad St Freehold area, call 462-467} 7 ray license preferred. E earnings that will help supple- such an order Is dlrtcttd shall KevPOrt. Call 2M-W9Sor 739 672 a.m. to 6 p.m. After 6. c salary + benefits. 747 9100 ment your present income. Call II. ELIGIBILITY BOO 242 0850 toll-free. 244 Tinton Fails 244 Tlnton Falls This request for proposal Is open to all public, private and prlvati complv there* R 747-4096, interview. nonprofit orgtnliatlons and agencies who have tha capability to AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE FIXING TH provide the employment and training activities and services speel SALARIES AND COMPENSATION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS AN fled In this document. Preference In tht selection of the program EMPLOYEES OF THE BOROUGH OF TINTON FALLS FOR TH operators will be given to those agencies who have demonstrate' YEARItJ] ' the ability ("demonstreted effectiveness") In providing manpowei SECTION 1 and/or manpower related services and activities and communlt* SCHEDULE "A" Classified and unclassified positions, othi based organizations ICBO's) of demonstrated effectiveness employees Salaries oer annum III. PROGRAMAREAS .Quotations submitted for funding under Tltlt 11, Subpart AIC mut Building Inspector Construction Official/Technical 11,000.1 conform to ona or mort of tht program areas listed below Business SECTION 2 This Ordinance thall take effect upon Itt Passat A. Assessment & Testing 20000 w/option UP to »00 and publication according lo law, effective September X, itM. B. Counseling Services & EDP M0 w/optlon up to 1300 PUBLIC NOTICI C Classroom Training 1 Institutional Skill Training A DAILY GUIDE OF BUSIN! RV1C The foregoing Ordinance was introduced and passed first rea a, Lite Skills soo 1 ng at t Regular rneetlng ot the nAevor and r_ouncll of the Borougn 25w/optlonuptoSO T mton Fails held on Seot 13. 19S3 and said Ordinance will be furthe b. III. 10Ow/uptlOfiupto2O0 c Remedial Education 200 Maul mum •dv tob« held onSept 21, 19*3, at I IS P.M. at the Borough Ha d. GED 444 Bathroom S65 Fireplaces & 625 Landscaping * 6S0 Painting* ' iton Fans New Jersey at which time and Place all person • e.ClerlcalOtfkeSystems #f, Customer Contact {Service ft Sales) Remodeling* Woodstoves Lawn Care 650 Masonry Service Papornanglng #g. Computer Related Occupation JEROMES REED.BoroughCler FIREPL/tCES-WOOD STOVES ALS L •RICK WORK — Steps, patios, Seot 19 . iU. • n AlliedHtaithFleids Ceramic Til* • l.MechanlcalRepalr/Malntenenct Chlmnavi, brick haarthi I walls. SERVICE — Oardont rototllMd. stone work, fireplaces, drive- OIAMOND DECORS - Interior PARTIAL TO COMPLETE — Brick, stona, block, concratt Complata lawn and landscapo ways, Belgium block and small painting 4 paparhamlni. Ex- • I Electronic Related Occupations I00w/optlonupt0 4 loos. Call after 1,141IW perienced, conscientious. Free 228 Holmdel 221 Holmdel D.OJT And caramlc Ilia, naw & rapaln. Rapaln. J. Black, «mO37. sarvka. Rofi. avillaoW. «H-tH0. 741 -*»J or 2HHB17 estimates. Call S71-1M4 eves. • Offtrors mav submit applications to service a minimum of M LAWN BARON LAWN SER- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING with an option to service up to 120 participants. Offtrors mav also 447 Carpentry VICE - Fall ranovatloni 4 lawn 655 Massage Holmdel Township Zoning ioar* submit applications to service anv number of participants In a Ms uenerai caro at Mwasl prlcasl m-mo MORGAN P. COLIO JR. ef Adiuitment classroom size of 20 or more from the above clusters. Contracting HOLISTIC COLOR MAtSAOE Wallpapering, Painting 4 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE IV. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE CARPENTRY I MASONRY _ A. ZEEK CONTRACTING INC. New ago process for the over- Plaster Rets, provided. 747-aTH.. On September 2a. 1913. at 6:00 P.M. at Holmdel Township Ha The period of performance for contracts or subgrants arising Work wantod. Call Jarrv at MASONRY - Carpantrv, - Lawns, eradod I soodod. 1. «•! 4 M, MI-7S1I. OUALITY PAINTING — In- or al such other time and place as the Board may edlourn from thll solicitation will be from November 1,19*3 to Juna » viyun or Ihoatrock, sldawalks, painting, shrubMrv. R R tla walks, walls I terlor/exterlor, excellent local thereafter, the Holmdel Township Zoning Board of Adjustment w I9t4, unless approved for a different period of time, at tha patloi, docks, roofing, ate. Froa SUM drlvos. Underground load- 660 Miscellaneous references, free estimates. Call consider an application bv Sharon Arentsen, trading es Ralph Administrative Entity's discretion, 450 Carpet Cleaning MI HHM or in-un .r drain. Inalallad. 747-OU3. l Tavern, for preliminary and final site plan approval In connection FIREWOOD Rich. T47S431, / PROPOSAL FORMAT Yards, garages, cellars 4 attics, *ith property located at 171 Slate Highway 34, corner of Route 14 an Proposals mutt be submitted In compliance with tht forma A-l EXPERT Carpal Cltanlng — 595 Horn* CMESIK'S LAWN SERVICE - 710 Rocking OJ's Schanck Road, in ihe Township ot Holmdel and shown as Block I established In this Notlct and related documents. Tht propose upholitarv claanlng. Raaionabla Cutting, odglng, trimming, (all cleaned. Call Larry. >71-4tn. Lot 1 on the Township Tax Map, located In an R-40A Rtsldentl ratal Morrll HoHman. 747-OJOf. Improvements Call 717-1171. must bt submitted is one (1) original document and three (3 665 Moving * Storage ROCKIN' D.J.'S — Music tor all Zone. The property is prtstntlv used as a tavern, alcohol copies. It must be typed and double spaced. Conciseness, clarlt 455 Carptt MAJESTIC LANDSCAPE DE- occasslons beverages store and it a ore-existing non-conforming use and completeness art tssentlal. Unnecessarily elaborate o ADDA-LEVEL — Oormars 1 SIGN — All ohasas of land- 541-J7H or m-tm. The proposed use is a continuation of the present use wit wordy present at I on should be avoided, and mav ba construed . Installation complata ramodallng sarvlcat. scaping. Landscape: daslgn NICK'S MOVERS — Low rates, development of a parking araa and approval for a small storage an an indication of the applicant's Inability to design end/or opera C maintenance A renoveteiny. senior rales, free estimates. 715 Rooting 4V Siding on the southerly portion of tht building and approval for a vastlbu programs of this nature. Cll Storage We travel. Call any- BOB ERICKSON'S — Rainbow addition on tht existing portion of the building VI. LIMITATIONS AND CONDITIONS JIM'S CARPET INSTALLA l""" " " 170-1171. time, Soo-am. License No. Me. AI the timt of the hearing on her application, tha applicant w The Administrative Entity reserves the right to accept or relec TION — Salai. claanlng, ro-lavl ADDITIONS - Major homo Irr,- sldlng-rooflng, vinyl siding, ra- provimanti 4 naw homos. Ra- TOPSOIL — Ctaan, loamy, or- TEACHERS MOVINO INC. - roofing, repairs, 11 yrs. Ij the request several waivers from design standards contained In the anv or all proposals, or to award In whole or In part It deemed In ra Hratchai t rapaln. ltU177 ganlC'Wlll deliver. Holmdel Ble or small. Licensed end In- Township's Development Regulations^* follows: tht best Interest of the County to do so. Tht Administrative olacsmont windows.' Call business, windows, doorz* doocs, 4M Decorating A Craatlva fulldari, Wl-aitl. Farms, m-atn or H-HtU sured. Free estimates. Fair gutters, I can save vou money. V Waiver from the requirements of Section 71-38 which appea Entity requires selected applicants to participate In con Haven, no-tm. to require a buffer of 80 feet Irom the proposed parking lot to the tract/subgrant negotiations and to submit cost, technical. 0 Design M0 Legal Services northerly property line A buffer of UU feet Is Proposed. other revisions to the proposal as a result of the negotiations. 670 Musk Instruction SLIPCOVERS — Sofa. US, ALUMINUM - Stool t vinyl sld- C ASJOCIATI S No 740 Tree Services 2. Walvtr from the requirements of Sections Tft-40 and rt-S3 VII. SIGNATURES es. U» which require the us* of Belgian Block curbing. The appika The quotation must be signed by tht official legally authorlied chair, S4S; tovaiaat, S75. RE Ing. Raplacamant windows. fault/uncoirt-..teste.d dlvor. •AND SAW TREE SERVICE - proposes 6" * 8" x H" concrete curbing. to bind the proposal applicant. The quotation shall also provide UPHOLSTERING • Sofa, UM, Complata ramodallng sarvka. Includes court foes. S»»S4t. Drums Set * Total Percuttk-n Trimming, removal. M clearing 3. Waiver from the requirement of Section 71-SJA which require lha following information: name, title, address and telephone chair, 1175; lovasaat, U7S. Sack Call Wi-aiW. Rock, Funk, Jan, Latin. Or- and firewood. 635 Light Mauling chestral. Call John Gronert, that the entrance drive on H'ghwav 14 be 100 feet In length prior number of tha official with tha authority to negotiate and cuihloni not Includad. You supp- JOHN ROESINO ItMMa ly tha faorlc, wa'll do tho ratt 741-H45. Graduate In per- intersecting the first drive aisle. The applicant proposes a distanc contractually bind tht applicant, who mav ba contracted d< Intarlor/oxtorlor homo raoolrt I. HOUSES - Oareoes. yard » Hl-C TREE SERVICE — All of SO feet. the period of the proposal evaluation Call Franco Oraiil at >71MM. •utters cleaned out 4 hauled formance, Manhattan School of Cartlflcala of Occupancy work Mu»k, N.Y.C. phases, 41' lltt truck. Lot clear- 4 Waiver from requirement of the Holmdel Development DtslL IX. AWARD Froa asllmatat .... Mmidetnomlon* 74H1H. ing, hauling, dumping. Proa est. Manual so as to permit the gravel drive shown on the plans in tl The Administrative Entity mav award a contract or tubgran No loo too small BEN'S INDUSTRIAL — Resi- 600 Painting * RellaMa. Insured. Hl-atlO. front of tht structure. based upon proposals received without discussion of such pro- 52S Driveway 4W-M0S dential 4 Business clean-out oar 5 An interpretation Is requested as to whether a variance posals with the applicant. Each proposal mutt then be submitted Construction vies. Quick. datsndaHt service P si p# rh ai n Q I no WOODY'S TREE SERVICE — design waiver Is required to permit the existing gesollne pumps In the most favorable terms, from a cost and technical stand- 598 Horse Boiler 4 furjateremoval. Free Tree 4 shrub trimming 4 re- remain within the 25 feet set-back requirement contained In Sect point, Howtvtr, the Administrative Entity reserves tht right to ALL-AJIOUNO PAINTINO movol. Fully Insured. Free estl- Transportation Int.-ax t*tpachM na-patch.n metes. la»Utt~ '8 59 The applicant submits that having obtained a number request additional data before an award Is made. All award IPAVE I SAVEI - Oat drlvo- variances pertaining to this site prior to adoption of this requlr will be made sublect to the availability of tha State funds undo CLEANINO YARDS — Cellars, wav raturfacad, rapalrad HORSE TRANSPORTATION — attics 4 eareoet Pros estimates. ment, the new requirement cannot bt imposed upon the applicant it each Title or Subpart of the Act. Notification of an award will be Saalcoatlno. Work guarantaad 4h l 744 Truck UWerim adopted within two years of prior approvals. Furthermore, theie will made in writing and will be subject to satisfactory completion of Charm tlanlay Jr. 7.I-4MJ. Call """ ALL WORK GUARANTEED — be no location change of these pumps and therefore. It it submitted contract or subgrant negotiations. CLEAN YAROS Interior 4 exterior painting, wall •42-90*3 that no variance or walvtr Is required if, howtvtr, the Board REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 5M Electrical Cellars, attics 4 garages papering, paneling 4 carpentry. EXPERT WORKMANSHIP determined that either a variance or welvtr Is required, tht seme is Offerors are required to adhere to tht reporting requirements of House Cleaning Free estlmsles can Times. REASONABLE PRICES requested). the Participant Information System. Copies of these package Services 74I114T will be distributed to tht applicant prior to the awarding of tha MAIDMASTER - A wooklv COMPLETE PAINTINO 4 766 Window Washing The documents relating to this application mav be viewed at the contracts. At a nlmlmum lubrtctpisnts must maintain flsca SO. IIST ELECTRICAL CON claanlng sarvlco tallormada tor COLLEOa STUDENT — With WALLPAPERING — Cai Office of the Holmdel Township Clerk weekdays, from li.m to 3 M records for three (3) years for Fatfaral audit requirements. TRACTOR — Lie. U7). PM your homa. All maids fully In- rack body tnick, hauling away of repeln. Pros estimateslas.. YAL. . E P fn , except holidays, and at other times by appointment XI RFQSUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS dooandabla tarvlca. flaaaonoMa lurid and bondod. Sorvlca- branches 4 debris. Moving, odd •AINTINO-llnce IMt. After S Notice is glvtn to that vou may appear and be heard In the ratal. »71-0111. Marltr, >41H11 or Ml 7«a p.m.. nxatl. The program specifications for activities under JTPA may be low. Proa estimates, m-ene GIL DOUGLAS MESSINA, P C Picked up at tha JTPA administrative offices. Hall of Records Attorney for Applicant Room 207, Freehold, Naw Jersey, commencing September if, 90 Monmouth Street 19U Completed quotations mutt bt rectlved bv the County of Red Bank. Nj 07701 Monmouth JTPA Administrative Entity bv 4 p.m. on Tuetdav. (2ODI43-4IM October 11, 1tu Quotations mutt ba returned to Karl V. Fox, BY GILD MESSINA. ESO Director, at tht above address 19.20 ' |7J.eC SI HtlpWanUd 51 H tip Wanted 1 Htlp Wanted 1 HtlpWanttd Situations Wanttd Merchandise MEN WOMEN PULL O* PAUT MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19,1983 The Daily Register B7 PART-TIME CASHIER — R*- EAL ESTATE BROKER - To TIME — SarvlcaMatter needs ceotlonlri Hrs. 3:aV7. ReUaWe INGING PIANO PLAYER - Female for Salt take cfcar«a of active No. Mew- or fttite-atong eM time music tn responsible persons. TMt it I and neat eepwrenca Call Red mouth County office Mutl have ABYSITTING - In my home, Merchandise 71 Merchandise 77 Pet j and urnr opportunity. No skills re- Bank Volvo. 74!-)•*, noslalejtc ft popular seashore res- unches provided, fenced yard, FT COLEMAN CANOE - quired. We will train vou lo our emplete exp. In all phates of •want. For information call PART-TIME business. Salary a** ever rid, Matewan/Keypori area Call th alec, motor ft complete ac* for Salt lor Salt Livestock standards of. house cleemne us bonus CoAMdential in 871 -1141 ____ 2645318 rstorias. Like new cond Cost carpetclaenin*-furniture clean- EVES WEEKEND MMERCIAL SLICER — Mix- MATTRESSES — New $29.99 ft 2 BOA CONSTRICTORS - Male ilrlas, t«nd return* to Box ARING — Capable woman 10 , sell for $500 747 1293 r. female • Witn 6' display ing etc. Training leadina to su- Several positions art now avail- UPERVSION OF MEDICA Star mixing machine ft micro- UP Sets $79 99ft UP K.D Sharp's 4M, The Dally Register, vailable any day of week to care •GAL AQUARIUM — With ve oven, $1000 ell three, or cabinet $350 complete $42 M85 pervisory positions. For appoint able in our Shrewsbury office •hrewsbury, N.J. Q7W11. ION — Elderly, and light clean- n , 275 Hwv 36, w Keens menl Call 543-7444. "•iMni often* manner and ng. Also some cooking Sleep in or elderly or provide home ood stand, Maxt Flo power ,t ofler Call 787-0633 or $42 2174. positive attitude will make the matter services for after hospital e, ell accessories, many ex- Daily 1-8, Sat 15 495-0075 days a wee*. English speak ma MATTRESS-.— Box spring ft NEEDLECRAFTERS-EernS* difference, we'll train vou on the ECEPTIONIST — Red Bank —larnjd Hf-808* lav or In emergencies. 671-0527 es, must be seen. $100 or besl MPOUNDBOW- Browning. Advanced And Be to %w an nr teaching menary, ob. Bate pay Plus Incentive. Cell aw oil ice * ERTTFIED MASSEUSE - In* (Vattfll bejMti sinners .. fleiible hours, training provMed. Frank, 543-MM. Equal Op- Call Joan 841-8*00. URVEY PERSONNEL -Tran th leu lifts ft pulleys, no it Call 747-it34 or 45»-24M it person with experience in aeklng to develop client follow DOG TRAINING oortunity Employer M/F ECEPTlONlST t OFFICE AT- and surveys ft construction -- in women's beauty salon or eight sat with accessories. $75 MAYTAG GAS DRYER - Hlyilioit Dug Club 741 8046 p*it offer Call 8r2_-9426 White, runs well, $75. Call NURSES-RN'S & LPN'5 ENDANT - At. HIahLanOS Of- ieveut. Will train experienced -»-»" ciub. Write L£N,c/o Mac NTENTSOF HOUSESALE- I r CERTIFIED PART-TIME ce. Good appearance, in- od person. Holmdel area. Fel Phee. 8 Maple Ave. Red Ban*. 00 ROUND Ptiia dough pans liture, tools, kitchen ware. ellltant 4 wlUInf to leai " • 07701 1. stainless steel salad bar Car age content also 6712638. Spayed, female, very gentle, 1 NURSE'S AIDES Motor Route Carrier lows, Head ft Assoc , 671-8SM MELNOR TRAVELING year old. $100 Can 671 i?4i CHi 30 a.m. S p.m., 787-9611 Tong L HOMEMAKERS Tlnton Falls-Colts Neck area ESTAURANT MANAGER WITCHBOARD OPERATOR - LD CARE - Exp'd mother SPRINKLERS —3 USeach,call AKC BLACK LABRADOR >U~P Excellent eernlngs and profit IMMEDIATE OPfcNINU nt uvw imaer roving rere in OUHTftV DIKETTE SET MOU5EKFFPER5 I. LIVE INS to !! shift, full or pan-time. oloni«l, $350, Colonist loveseat, 747-2S73. — J moninsoids , ntaufifui Over 18. Girl, ,.«,,,...voi «riar- xc. opportunity for food service tonpterm. 741-4700. home in Miudie-luwn CAN fcl MAN ALLEN END TABLES lAVFI noon. Call Jeff Hero, 542-MM 87 1 50. 2 end tables. 1200 2 Colonial ODc IIu had an shots. $3K Full or part-time, needed for rofeisionai to take charge of 1 cocktail table, nutmeg finish, Couch, 2 arm chairs. 1300 Call Equal Opportunity Employer uaHty shore front restaurant. EACHER SUBSTITUTES — 5 each, dining room table, mi •ckers, $30 each Antique chair 49M260 North Monmouth area. High pay. CHILD CARE - Any age. rm. after 6, 842-6590 BUNNIES. RABBITS No fee. Call for interview at Peo- Must have experience In super Grades K*. (35 per day, Grades .eonardo home, weekly, daily. e finish, seats 17 with leaves. 4 ornament. $35 747-6906 l*lng kitchen as well at service -8. MS Per day. Certified teach airs ft pads. $350. formica chi RlB&MATTRESS —$40 High- MOPED — Honda 1979, 500 mi , Multi-color ple Care, 3*4 Broad It , Red PART-TIME DISTRICT MAN- " Iv rates. Fenced yard. like new, asking $2so Can Can 73S02J3 Bank, 530 1IM, or 1 River Rd , AGERS — Are needed to super- personnel, plus ability to control rs only. Call Rumson Schoo .unch, snacks, exc refs closet, $50, Sears Kenmor l.r.llO Playpen, 120 Walker, Brielle. S2M433 vise a small group of newspaper nventorv. This Is a career op- (strict, 842-4747 for application 291-1640. wing machine with carrvin Strat o-lm mandolin, $40 We- 787-3>49. CANARIES NURSES RN'S - And/or LPN'l portunity with an independently •quaI opportunity employer. enie's creeoer. $y Colonial Singers, Breeders. Red Factors carriers in Hailet, Union Beach, DAYCARE - My chicks haL, se ft cabinet, $150. while MOVING — House full of (M/F). 3-11:30 shift & Mri-tlme wned group of tine restaurants. asset! 5 drawer dresser, $25, ass-top cocktail table. $50 furniture, reinsertion, desks. Can 71H JM.6 Red Bank. Rumson, Sea Bright NSURANCE — Telemarketing eft ihe nest! Can this qualified 7-3:30 mift. Eac. benefits. Em- or Monmoulh Beach. These are Reply in writing with back- 1 5078. Super 8 camera, typewriters, bedroom set, dining ales, part-lime or full-lime mommy tend yours? Reason- DOG TRAINING CLASSES - try Minor Nursing Home. Hwv excellent positions for reliable round ft references to: 1 Wesley oiector, screen, table 1 light, room set and many others Write: insurance, P.O. Box M7 able Hatlet area Call 764-9232 PIECE SECTIONAL — $35. The Owner Handler Assoc is 34. Mate wan. 566-6400. people with good cars. Call t., Monmouth Beach, N.J. 07750, 25 Seamstress sewing mi 260261 Red Bank, N.J. 07701. DAYCARE - My chicks have ving room, $20 Table offering obedience classes start NURSE'S AIDES M/F — 7-3:30 •00-142-08X1 toll free. mp, $8. elecmmElectric hair ine head, $25 291 0837. MOVING, MUST SELL —Dining ng Sept 26 in Shrewsbury Twp ELECTRICIANS/FULL-TIME "emporary eft the nest! Can this qualified •cipal Building. For further ft 3-11:30 shifts Application* mommy tend yours? Reason' tiers, }ft. Crocheted afgant, RYSTAL CHANDELIER - area Colonial chandelier, patio being accepted. Eic. benefits. — 1 to 5 yrs. experience. Call 50. Lady's shoes, iiernke new, drapes ft traverse rod Assorted call Helen Wall/, 291 2}H Emery Manor Nursing Horn*, PART-TIME He-tie*. Assemblers able. Hatlet area Call 264 9232 ENGLISH SPRINGFh DEPENDABLE WOMAN — Call 787-0658. large i small wail pictures Hope Hwy. 34, Mete wan. Newspaper Paste-Up RN or LPN (M/F) — Part-time chest, cedar-lined. Portable sew- SPANIEL - PUPS, AKC Cham Wishes house cleaning jobs, ref PIECE SECTIONAL — 135 EATH IN FAMILY - Must Field Trial-bred E»c hunt NURSE'S AIDt (MrfF) -It to;, The Register it seeking part- or 2 days per week. Please call Temporary 'ing room chairs, $20. Table ll Technics iniero.r»oed amp, ing machine, clothing. 7' Christ- time paste up people for our erences. and own transportation mas tree ft other misc items. r»g projpetts. 264-3434 All Wots Frl. and Sal. nloht. Exp'd. Cell Call anytime 717 2550 ip. $8. Electric hair sellers U 7300, 45 wads per channel, 3 Mr*. Wheien. 142 3404 Composing Room at night. ut-um 4 Days a week Crocheted etgans, $50 Lady'; LH 102 speakers. Fisher PE Vou will be making up ads OR LPN PART-TIME - loes, like new. $5 Call 787-0658 utometic turntable, Pioneer NURSE'S AIDE (MM, all and editorial page* tar our Thru November DO YOU HAVE - A namji in position. Must have nurslnfl M/r -14-MJ8; P-leeee ae*ly In newspapers. Some graphic person: We it wood Hall Hebrew : capped child who needs help for othes 79 A Ocean Terrace, home exp. Do not phone Apply In arts experience preferred. ull-Tlme-7.30 a.m.-6 p.m. i tew hours a day? i am an SWIVEL ARMCHAIRS— EKC Please call person, Mon Frl. only, 1-4 At Home, 281 Bath Ave., Long •art-Time 7 30 a.m.-12:30 P.m. txpertenced girl with reference! nd , 1350 ong Branch but not necessary. We will inch. 767 4S4] Untie Highland* Nursing Home. train you if you have some r I p.m.-6 p.m. or 6:31 who will take care of your child Call 530-4657 ECORATORS HOME SALE — FREE RIDING PRIVILEGES- • Middletown Ave.. Atlantic creative and/or artistic tai RN — M/F. 11 to 7:30, 40 hours > m -11 30 p.m. any day ol the week, late after- SEPARATE DOG RUNS - nental rugs, *t\\ igues. ;hange tor chores on small H.lghlanoY ent .and. like working with >eekly. Please call or apply to noons, for 15 per hr. Any needs itn gates. 12 gauge, io x20«f ture, old copper, iron horse far, 741 West wood Hall Hebrew Home, rour child has, let me know anc naitejfXXali _9j «u NURSE RN/LPM — m/t, full your hanOi Mum aw and' Mill try lo help Call 495.-4J2J H Mil separate CaM|7jZ-lfl24 GERMAN SHORT HAIRED speed are Important. You "1 Bam--kn:. Long Branch. ESKS, FILES - Tables, time, part time. Correctional In- 22-5277. Order Pickers fler )n~ !Xf UL'BWER — 3'i h.p., liki POINTER - 7 months, excellent stitution and medical hornet. Im- should like working under m, originally $350, asking SI 75 hairs, storage cabinets, com MOVING-MUST SELL — Sofa children, free lo iovng deadline conditions. Call RN M/F — Busv Internlstofflce, luter tablet., office equip , etc al bed, olive green, + chair, brown mediate opening* lor nuriei with • EXPERIENCED MOTHER - all 291 3345 _____ bargain prices. New, or uu-ii current and valid restoration Frank Allocca, (701) Middleiown. 2 days and some Temporary Will babysit m her Eas ft green plaid. Cell 787-1199 or BOVEGROUND POOL "- AC DESK OUTLET, 1709 Rt GE RViAN SHFPHf U[) PUPP'r* from the stale ol New Jersey 542 4000. Ell. 273. aturdavs. Reply to Box L-4S9, Part-Time Keansburg home. 495-3740 49S4S73 Liberal fringe benefit* Send re ~he Daily Register, Shrewsbury, 2x16 oblong with deck Includi . Oakhurii 531 3990 — 6-mo -male, private breeder EXPERIENCED TEACHER~~— over, line & • i-h p. Hayward MUST SELL — Mediterranean Exc temperament 1 pedigree iume to Monmoulh County Per PART-TIME — Care of I.J. 07701. 4 Days a week Will lake care of child in home DIESEL FUEL TANK ig room set-tabie, 6 chaims, tonal Office Hall of Records, erflex filler svslem. Must be Can 747 6905 plants in beautiful offices in Red RN M/F —3-11 shift. 2 or 3 days Thru November " -1097. ble to disassemble pool. 1650 250 gals , $200 a closet, chandelier only Main St. Freehold •er week. Alternate weekends •695, Also ice cream parlor KITTENS Tiger, tortcst-shell Bank. We will train. 1 afternoon FAIR HAVEN MOTHER-With W-2063 747-7153 and tyack, litier-trained 6 or morning per week. Call Re- iharoe duties, full fringes. Cat 7:30-12:30 p.m. INING ROOM - hutch, buffet ichen set-table. 4 chairs and NURSE RN M/F Mrs Smith at 671-0164 4-yr.-old, would love to babysit in DULT TRICYCLE - Schwln m liMturt Only HVi 4S>"> 07M eeks Free delivery Call becca, 322-SSS2 or 800-277 1149 my home. Terrific refs. avail table. Also, dining kitchen 741- 8508 Mon. thru Frl., 9 to 4. ROOFER — Mult be exp'd, with or 1 p.m.-6 p.m. nh basket, used once, ex cond ble, 4 chairs, oak After 5. able! 842-8507. bkingSI/i 741 2279 after 6 P.m KITTENS (5) PHONE PE RSONNE L insurance, tools. Year-round f your current schedule pre 39-5214. ODYSSEY II COMPUTER - 7 to 3 *hitt, full-time, new talei. work, top wages. Start im HOUSECLEANING — 1 or 2 IR CONDITIONER — 11,00 For sale, $150 Features game Free to good home guide, excellent benefits WANTED — Part-time nights vents vou from holding a per davs per week. Experienced NING ROOM SET — 29VM26 1 Apply in person Luifll's Famous mediately. Call 4S8-9222. TU'i, 110V. 1250. with keyboard Call Joe. 787-0088. geriatric experience preferred manent position, then why with refs. Please call 229 9044 a ___ 671 1344 urlwood table wilh 6 cane back Plua, 477 Middle Rd., Hajlet. ROOFERS WANTED - Steady v one of these temporary one rs, contemporary, exc ONE VE AR NEW — O.|. KITTENS - Free io a good Apply In person between 9-4 774-303 7_ asher, $150. ft Kenmore dryer, home Ready to go Sept 20 3 p.m., Mon -Frl , Holmdel Con PIZZA DRIVERS WANTED — n the cosmetic 4 fragrance bus , $800 Chrome ft glass eoe Eves. Must have own car. Apply 4*5 1247 or 747-397* ness? It is light and clean work HOUSEKEEPER - Will clean AIWA AUTO REVERSE STER hancfelier Call 495 2943 V>V P 7 2tV bUck, 2 tiger stripe, cute, valescent Center, 1M Hwy. 34 home, office or apt. Experitncer. 0 - Radio cassette recorder all 739 2tV thy. Call afler i pm, Holmdel 946-4200 in person: Red Bank Pine, l! RUMSON — Enterprising young & reliable Can 775 2236 NING ROOM - Living room & PANASONIC CINETMA VISION North Bridge Ave., Red Bank Applications are being accept* IS JO2 box. retails $150 - Pfoiection television, 3 mos NURSES M/F — 7-3:30, sters wanted. You will be run Ifclqg $ttO lirm 544 1558 edroom t t l Ail 8422431. . nine your own business white Monday through Thursday from new, under warranty, cost $4000, l_ABORAt)OR Rf J U\\ v-1 H mediate, lull ft part-time .. 9 am-3 p.m. at 60 Slulls Rd INTERESTING - A LOW BUDGET? sell $2.500 671 5031. Yellow male PUPS, exc home & openings at cnfttide Health Cars PLUMBER MECHANIC — Mln earning prizes, trips end cash. office position, 4 davs per week The only requirements are tha Dayton, N.J. hop the Used Furniture Cente DtRT-STONETOPSOIL PIANOS - ORGANS field companions Call ,'47 5088 Ctr. (I.C.F.t. Competitive bene- imum J years exp. in service 21 vrs. exp by ambitious. A of Red Bank fits. Come work in a ralaxed work plumbing ft heating you are at least 11 years old and typist • admin , light book nvewavs ?91 1477 Lot Clearing All Musical Supplies and Se PUPPIES — Free lo a good atmosphere Call 5664422 foi . 4711819. are reedy to work. ORLANE, INC. keeping, filing, general office Shrewsbury Ave 842-1449 R6SSMAKER SEWING MA vices horn* Mined breed To sign up, call 542-4000, Ext 218 ANDERSEN WINDOWS ft. appt or stop by 200 Center St. PREP PERSON — 18 or older and management. E»c ref Cal HiNE - Console. Z