Anti-Satellite Weapon Hits Space Target

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Anti-Satellite Weapon Hits Space Target ? M - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. Sept. 13, 1985 SPORTS WEATHER KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE " by Larry Wright MANCHESTER EOCUS HOMES FOR SALE SALE If MRWIN'S'l'neoEY of Salvation Army She lived in sewer Blue Jays spoil Mostly sunny today; BUSINESS & SERVICi ilRECTORY ^VbuyfloN (jOAS CoREECTj CAT5 clear, chilly tonight "Price Reduced • Owner Ansaldl Built 3 bedroom iaMM (jJoOtD ABte -fo opeiZATfe A welcomes Russell to survive Holocaust Niekro’s night, 3-2 Wants Action" — on ex­ Colonial In one of Man­ CAN OpeNfR B/MOU). ceptional 3 bedroom chester's most desirable m itm ... page 1i ... page 15 ... p a g e 2 cape, fireplace, family neighborhoods. Over­ M E m B T H ii ... p a g e 3 room, basement, mainte­ sized garage. In-ground ^ 1 Fwtfstd Remodeling — nance tree vinyl and pool, 2 fireplaces. Odd tens. TrwclUn0v> wilt Cleon yeur tKwse/ Nome your own price — much, much more to $159,900. Principals only. dparttnont or attic*. Father ond son.' Fast, 4MMflett, roofing, gut­ Home repoirs. You nome ters, room additions, otter! $80's. Century 21 646-2561. It, we do It. Pf«o wrtt- Weekly, l*w*ekty or m dopendobio service. Lindsey Real Estate, 649- motet. insured. 443>03(M. you wish," Hoy* INiMHng, Fcmerhonglng docks, oil types of romo- 4000. "New Listing" — CHFA experience. Excett^TM ^ «i Removal. Coil 444-5741. dellng and repoirs. FREE qualified, clean 6 room estimates. Fully Insured. Lawnmowers ntpolred * erencet. Someone you "Retreat With Luxury" — Tdwnhouse, iVa baths, con trust. ONI offer S p m > jntwter Ppintlpg I, Wol- Telephone 443-6017, after Very nice custom Ranch aluminum sided, full base­ Free pick up and delivery , tpopeitng — Coll even­ 4pm, 4474S09. on 5Va private acres with ment and gas heat! $70's. to percent senior dls« ings, Gory McHugh, Fi-ouii numerous amenities, count, Ekpert sw'vlce. .443Mpit.- ; y ^ - " Leon CleszynskI Builder Century 21 Lindsey Real Free estimates. Economy Licensed Day Care Mom pond, XMas trees and lust Estate, 649-4000. In Monidwster Im s 2 im -^ — New homes, <|ddltlons, what the busy executive Lawn Mower, M7-36<0. mediate full tiimt ostn- Folntfng and Foperhong- remodeling,________ rec. rooms,_____ lEanrbfitrr Irralh needs. $170,000. Century 21 East Hartford — $123,900. inps. Infant/TofkHer. 44F>. tw —- E x ^ o r and kfite- garages, kitchens remo Howkes Tree Service •— -'rlw, celling* repolr^. oeiga, ceilings, bath tile, .......... ____ F QatiirHflv/Saturday, ftontSept. 14, 1985 — Single copy: 25$ Lindsey Real Estate, 649- New Listing! Charm 8, Bucket Truck t> Chipper. Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 4000. Beauty are yours In this ' teRNnsnott, tufty t ^ r ^ . (lorrners, roofing. Resl- Stump Removal. Free Es* Experienced Another ot 3 Qimtlty work- Moiiin gontlol or commercial. very special 8 plus room tlmotes. Special consider­ "Bring Brush & Save Colonial with 4 bedrooms, will care for on# or twp AAottsson, evening*. 44F 4MF4271. ation for Elderly <md Horn chidron In my South .v" ■ ..... i:,,,.,,,----- -------------------- ------ Thousands" — on 6 plus 2Va baths, fireplaced fam­ dlcapped.«47.7S». ‘L S room split, Martin School ily room, formal dining Manchester horn* Be­ Carpentry and remodel­ area, child safe neighbor­ tween hours of 7:$Qam X s room, 2 porches, 2 car Odlvertna rich lo«n,— S ing services — Complete r~ z hood and owner moving garage and lovely private and 4pm. Prefer ft home repairs ond remo­ Anti-satellite creates your opportunity! yards, US plus tox. Sand, months or older. Fort grounds. Located In finest pravel, 4, stone. 443'9504. deling. Quality work. Ref- $100 plus. Century 21 Lind­ area. Call for an appoint­ time hours O j(. Referen­ kEleetrlc— Hovlng erences, licensed and In- Release In Papers of Friday, Sep. 13 ces ovalhSMe. Coll sey Real Estate, 649-4000. ment. Sentry Real Estate, Good Qualify Bockhoe " i i i e M Prebiems? Mired; Coll 6465145. CELEBRITY CIPHER 643-4060. and Excovaflnp Work. ::Ne<KfA..^...............i or d small ^ CGlGbrtty CiphGT cryptoorante er* creetBd from quotetlonB by famous East Hartford — $79,900. Bockhoe, excovotlon and ReiHiAr? W)a SgddoMxe In pGopla. pest and praeant. Each Mlar m ttia clpbar elands for Take advantage of the Live Better For Less — enow iMowInfl, No pnds- Residential W ^ . Joseph HEATINS/^ another. Today's efua; O 0quah F. weapon hits Price Reduction on this You will benefit by owner lorn. Coll Indepondenf DufiMN- FiNii^ Licensed. by CONNIE WIENER spotless & well main­ Insistence for nothing but Construction Co., 4S4- Ooy Care has full time .TYe# ,E6Nmatdi;)5i^StSl tained older 6 plus room the best. This Cope style 88AS. openings for toddlen, 2 “RD EDTYWH JPYWM CD Dutch Colonial with 3 home has It all; 2 baths, 2 Ail type* remodetliw pr bedrooms, 1'/a baths, years and older, LundMs repairs — Complete kIK throom remodeling; In- car garage, security CBKl mocks provided. U - UW UDDW8 ... UGC AW VJJ newly remodeled kitchen, alarm system, fireplace In K ? l x i t N T g S ^ , « F woter heaters. corwed and Insured; 444- gorboge disposals; foueet space target finished rec room, sun- formal dining room, mas­ dtttans, dormers porch, garage & new vinyl ter bedroom suite, porches; decks; No lob repairs. 44M539. VIsa/M JWVBR CD CVYW PC APCK Quality Childcare — ■ ot osterCord accepted. exterior. Call for details. screened pbrch, fully ap- affordoble rotes for chid- Sewtng Oohe«i~ yisdse- . too torge or smoil. Coll Sentry Real Estate, 643- pllanced kitchen, lovely rienced seamstress. Lorry; 4*F3n5.<v OVPBJH XDD8 XBVTW.” — 4060. ren from 6 weeks to S Dress making, alteraHtms landscaped lot In quiet years old. For more infor­ neighborhood. Owner mation on our concopt of «md repairs; Call 4<74W0 Robert E. Jarvis, W88PW VBTVBD. Soviets threaten f Brand New Llsltng! Ter­ says sell of $109,900. Cen- anytime. Bbtiding-Remodeting what offordoble childcare PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "Mix a little foolishness with your rific starter home in great turv 21 Jackston- con meon to you, coll us at •T...... " ......— SpectoilsL AtMlItKms; gar- FlOORiNB family neighborhood. 3 Showcase, 646-1316. ogee, roofing, Hding, kit- serious plans. It's lovely to be silly at the right moment." Grandmother's House, M M TiN B/ — H o r a c e .__________________________ ___________ to launch own test bedrooms, fireplace, Inc., fMO-SUP. aliens, bathrooms, re- — r — nicely landscaped yard. Hebron, Cope — 3 bed­ Plocement Plow sanding — Floors Economical to heat. Of­ rooms on second floor, Automoblte Slmonlzlng— • wtndows/doors. 4435712. «•» Spa«lolizino in (CARS/TRUCKS By Richard C. Gross I'/a baths, first floor fam­ John Oeerr — Pointing ■ - .........................................older floors, natural ond fered In the $70's. Jackson Weil simonize y wr cor In ( for SALE United Press International & Jackson Real Estate, ily room with fireplace, your driveway, complete contrachKT, ihtertor, exte­ Corpentrv and AAosonrv stolned floors. No waxing TAG SALES 647-8400 or 646-8646. cedar exterior. Built By lobwith two < ^ s o f wox. rior, Insured. Qtiatlty - Free estimate*. Coll Vertallie. Behrmann. We Guaran­ work, off season r«4e*. TOflV Saullfocote. .449- Coll 444575D. 9/14, 9am-4pm. Raindate, Datsun, 1973 610 Wagon — WASHINGTON - The United Only $25. Coll 44356S3. Very good Interior and States launched an anti-satellite A Deluxe Kitchen, Addso tee Our Houses! Blan­ can 44FXN8 otter $pm. 0>11. 9/21. New close out Items special touch to this 6 chard 8, Rossetto Real from discount store. Baby body. Needs motor work. weapon against a target in space room Ranch, hardwood Estate, 646-2482. crib and miscellaneous. 21 $450 or best otter. 647-1420. for the first time Friday and the floors, 2 fireplaces, gor­ Madison Street. non-explosive warhead destroyed geous cherry kitchen, East Hartford — Immacu­ Must Sell — 74 Mustang an aging U.S. satellite in an Ghia, 4 speed, 4 cylinder. storage shed, and alumi­ late 7 room Raised Ranch, ROOMMATES RECREATIONAL Tag Sale — Saturday, “ absolutely flawless" test, the I HOMES (APARTMENTS Best otter. 644-2137. num siding. Offered In the 3 bedrooms, large family FOR SALE (FOR RENT WANTED ITEMS 9/14, 161 Brookfield Pentagon said. $80's. Immediate occu­ room, 2 baths, built In bar, Street, 9am-3pm. Stereo Defense Secretary Caspar Wein­ carpeting, patio, excel­ console, other household 1980 Subaru Station pancy. Jackson 8, Jack- Professional Female — berger described the successful lent condition through­ 1771 Antique Cape — Manchester — Available items, clothing. Wagon — 5 speed, air, son Real Estate, 647-8400 Wanted to share spacious collision between the foot-long or 6464646. out. $120,000. U 8, R Priced under $100,000 — Immediately. One, two AM/FM, new brakes- Contemporary Condo In ASAT and the target satellite 300 Realty, 643-2692. for immediate sale! 8 and three bedroom apart­ Tog Sole - Moving — /tires. $3,500. 649-9120. ments. $410, $475, $525, Manchester. $300/monfh Court House I Member­ nautical miles above the Pacific Brand New Listing! Only 1 attractive rooms with Multi-family, antiques, heat and hot water In­ plus Vj utilities. After ship — Normally $145 year young! Attractive 4 Approximately 4 Acres — small barn and 7>h acre marlow metal bed, patch- 1970 Volvo 142S — 1977 Ocean as “ a great step forward" in cluded. J.D . Real Estate, 5pm, call 646-0801. plus, selling for $85 plus room condo, 2 bedrooms, Located In Ellington, this lot! We Guarantee Our work coverlets 8< house­ Maverick — Good condi­ developing an effective weapon to 646-1980. ^ transfer tee. 646-0349. IVa baths, fully ap- beautiful Colonial boasts Houses! Blanchard 8i Ros­ hold Items. 24 Fairfield tion, need minor work. Herald photo by Pinto counter the Soviet Union, his pllanced kitchen, eco­ 8 rooms with 4 bedrooms setto Real Estate, 646- 1 ^ HOUSEHOLD Street off Hartford Road, Best offer. 643-7713. spokesman said.
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