Fireworks Stands
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f'". ^ r " i|‘ " ' . T ^ ^ ' . ■* ' ■' ^ • t=l Rtoiifftrater BirraQ) W r bMlght. flntwe NO HERALD Show Pictures 6 f6 Sunday; aUghtly warantir q p p M ^ | R O W Mr. arid Mrs. tWmiam Thomp- »», 1,1 Of Navy Life „ t «* IM .Wtrt aon of 46 -F lo iw ce |i!trtet '..wUl t lm Udlnfi w ill IM clOMd spend the holiday week-end at Nii iasiid T li Herald win (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CKNTt r. aa wffl aO plajrgrounaaK Crystal Lake. be paUtahed tomorrow, rraae* (sdependaae* Over 100 Are Present to ot Independence Day. WlUlaJ^l!. Barrett of 176H See Moyieo at the Le* Spruce streelvwlll spend the holi Latlicir LMCua of tiM day week-end at Spafford Lake, . gion Home Here. I lAitlMran church wUI New Hampshire, on a Ashing trip. ' Mr. and 1 ^ . Stanley W. Cltf- iU annual SiiartM Hike to* state Deputy. William J. Shea low and infimt aon. of ^ u th Bend, Four, reala of excellent motion _ , » i r B M m ^ . Jcaytac the i . B. Burrtdge of tlda town. Is Indiana are vlstirig Mr. CluloWs pictures depicting Navy Ufa, today announced the appointment ■Mtk end termlmie a t . 6:15 mother, Mrs- John O.' Clulow of ashore and ailoait, wars showm to of his fourteen district deputies. V ^ t r Breakfaat wUl be eerved registered as a guest at the Holly, wood - ■ RoosCvelt . Hotel, Holly 220 Center street an appraciatlve audience o f .100 There are now 83 councils in the a t ,'Ouata.Te BenftaoR’a farm on paraona last night a t the Lagion'a wood, Calif. ■ state and in naming th,e deputiea Qa^diier atreet. .. > ' ■ . The regular’ meeting rif the Sub-- “ N avy Night” at the Legion Home. he has'nlalled to each the councils Members of the Talcottville Fife Alpina Society will be held this The exhibition was in charge of Durin* JU^ and Aufuat the Chief Petty OAlcer John T. Sex over which they wrlU have juris and Drum Corps are In need of Evening at the Norman street ■ M***T Cheney and Whlton Memor* ton of this town, in charge o f the new uniforms and to raise money Club House. diction.. lal Ubrariea will close -all day on Hartford Navy Recruiting ofllce. for the purpose they have erected For District No. 1 hs has named The pictures were sound equipped. two large fireworks stands. All the 'The son bom to Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Malone of 275 Dlxwell profits will go toward* the uniform- Kimberly Cheney of West Hart The program began with the ac The family of Dr.. David ‘M. avenue. New Haven; - District No. fund. One stand is located In ford pt the Manchester Memorial ceptance for duty of the iecrult Caldwell is at their cottage at hoipitkl- has hedn named Peter. and showed hie Initial entry into 2, Daniel Marcantonlo,' 59 North Coventry lake for th* summer. \ Dobsonvllle and the other on the Rockville roait-Just above the Tal The boy ill'the gripidson of Howell the training camp life, hla progreaa atreet, Meriden; District No. S, cottville tra^ c circle. Officers, of Cheney. in training for t h i^ months until Robeirt F. Donohue, Prospect Hill Htiss Orace Noren of. Washing,- he wae adjudged fit for regular road, Cromwell; District No. 4, ton^atreet, not "Gertrude" as given the corps *Te Harold Smith, W il GOD BLESS AMERICA Bomb Kills Detectives at World’s Fair service and. assigned to a ship of Lawrence A. Fagan, 142 AUen to The Herald, will assist wjth the bur Smith, Jr., -WlUlam Rice and Edward Gill of Buffalo. N. Y. lanent Peace ^ the fleeti- Prisa winning picture picked place, Hartford; District No. 5, Red Cross solicitation this evening John Talcc^t, Jr. Manchester peo visited his mother, Mrs. Nellie D. for tbiB-«in’#ek In Kemp's Camera John M. Carr, 165 Spring atreet, from 6 to 9 at Hale'e store. ple who reciui that the Talcott- GUI of 191 Main street as he was Fleet la Action vlUe corps has donated Its services In Hartford on business. contest. Windsor Locks'; District No. 6 Succeeding reels showed the fleet Richard T. Lambert, 231 Central Mrs. Harold M. Reed and child tri Manchester '.on several , occa in action, at target practice, espec Jaly 4th jectives Listed sions are patronizing the fireworks Timothy Doyle, of Chicago, Is Her sister-in-law, .Miss -Viola street, Forestville; District -Jlo. 7, ren are occupying the Weaver cot- ially the air arm of tho'Navy and Arthur DcMicbael, Torrln^on; tag* at Beach Park,. CTinton. stands in order to help the mem visiting his sisters and brothers the various evolutions of the batr Thoren, became vice chairman.' ^INDEPENDENCE DAY bers get their uniforms. who live at 234 Tolland Turnpike. District No. .8, Walter T. Dolan, 72 tie planes arid bombers from the Other officers Installed W^re: Main street, Ridgefield; District Mr. and Mrs. Chester L. Robin shore stat.ions, the aircraft carriers William Carlson, chaplain; John J. W. HALE CORP. Local police will arrest anyone No. 9, Louis Driscoll, 184 West In Roosevelt Talk son and their son are vacationing Mr. snd Mrs. DavM R. Cole, of and the protective units of des Miller, master of ceremonies; Ivar found discharging fireworks With Church street, Seymour; District at Pleasant Point, Maine. ^ 99 Norman street, have as their troyers and smaller craft operat Johnson, assistant; Richard N in town limits during the holiday No. 10, James C. Shannon, 945 guests over the holiday- week-end ing with the fleet. Swanson, -inner guard; Herbert celebration. Setting off explo Ijjain street, Bridgeport; District First of Five Is Free> Miss Leonora S. Hanna of Char- Mr. -and Mrs. Charles . Moscovltz Another interesting reel describ Benson, outer gliard; Miss Frlede- No. 11, James J. O'Reilly, Nauga Acrobat Loses His Thumb tar Oak street is spending two and children of Dalton, Maas. sives here is against local ordin borg Thoren,.pianl^t. Refreshments In Flying Trapeze Act ance. ed the various training schools of tuck; District No. 12, John Oon- dom from ^ear; In waeka'with Miss Edith Root In the Navy, machinist, 6160^^1, were served after th^ meeting. way, Baltic; District No. 13. Eu i^iMWield, Mass. Osceola Mills, Pa., July 5.— Mrs. Matthew Merz of T^orth M rs..«^ tta "Trallow , and her radio, firemen’s and several tech gene W. Bellavance, Mooaup; Dis cluding Disarmameiit^ Main street is on a 10 day auto nical divisions of the NAvy. trict No. 14,'Timothy. J. Sullivan, (^5—Not always does he fly Walter H. Runde and his -sis daiighteni Phyllia and Faith, of Dogs Kill as Many Deer Britain Still Not Offi* mobile trip accompaning her No recruits were signed up 109 Blackball street,'New'London. NO WINES . , NO LIQUORS . JUST Question Raised as' to through the air with the great- I ter, o f 118'W alnut street will 179 Main street are viaiting in Few Lbcijil Autos France Severs | brother-in-law and rister-in-Iaw, immediately as a result of the eat of eaae. f i ; As Bay State Hunters spend the holiday at Naven’s Inn New York City and at the World's Whether ‘Freedoms’^ to , cially Notified; Royal Navy Night exhibition. ^ Acrobat Frank Torrence lost' at Narragrmsett P ier,- Rhode Is Mr. and Mra John Wilson of East 'Fair. Hartford. They are spending a few Are Being Tested Be Sought or Not.. a thumb while swinging on the . Boston, July Dogs Air Force Naval Units land. SAFE and SANE MEALS ,. ■ I flying trapeac of a carmval cir- ' Her Relations probably are killing as many . days In Kentucky after a trip Miss Edna G. Barrowclough. « - . • c,-. SEA VIEW MANOR cua yesterday. The thumb deCr as hunters in Massachu And Border Garrisons Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Parnwell and that took them to Wilkes-Barre, teaching principal of thb Robert-1|V I t C n e i l o l l O W C r Crescent Beach, Conn. / AT THEyTEA ROOM I^ d e Park, N. Y., July 5.— ' Pa., where .they spent a few days M-anchester automobile owners caught In a swivel of the tra-. setts, according to a statement Mr. and Mrs. 6. E. Unbehaun. of son school, has enrolled as a stu- ‘ are not' taking advantage of the Clean rooms, innerspring mat (A P )— Five objectives which ; With Britain issued today by James E. ; In Africa Gintinue In with relatives. dent at the summer school of HAVE DINNER WITH US ON THE F'OURTHl peze faatening and was yanked 117 West Center street, are In testing lane on Leonard street a.s tresses. Hot and cold water In plust be realized . before per- off as Torrence swung by bis Agnew, stat,e director of fish decisive Struggle in New York visiting the W’brld's Bates College. Lewiston. Me. A For Bride-Elect The Board of Administration of was expected. O n ly 458 cars went legs 90 feet above the cheering eries and game, as he appealed ' Fair and are guests at the Kew graduate of the Dingley Normal rooms. Home cooking. Oi>en All Day As Usual /'miinent world peace wduld be * the, Emanuel Lutherap church will thrmigh yesterday and of these ' crowd. (x«rinan Government to owners to prevent their dogs W ar Against Italy; 11 Training Schoci; of Lewiston, Miss 320 „were passe#. This morning MRS. C. Oi JOHNSON assured were listed by Presi-f Gardens Hotel. hold Ita regular monthly meeting To cry out from the pain from destroying wild life.