Coal Strike Imminent % ^ WASHINGTON (UPI) - United Mine Urging of Government Negotiators
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You Can Still Vote: Polls Are Open Until 8 p,m. I r - ' MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1974- VOL. XCIV, No. 31 Manchester-~“A City of Village Charm TWENTY PACES PRICEi FIFTEEN CENTS f ^ l •■A'.-'/ c' Coal Strike Imminent % ^ WASHINGTON (UPI) - United Mine urging of government negotiators. That is especially true in the Southeast, A prolonged strike could add 600,000 to 1 Workers officiais today walked out on "With this contract proposal, they've where inventories are low. million workers to the jobless roles, what coal mine executives called the best declared a strike in the coal fields,” said Many major steel producers have less driving the unemployment rate, now at a contract offer "in any major industry" — Miller of the offer from the Bituminous than a 20-day supply of coal on hand and three-year high of 6 er cent, to 7 per cent, almost assuring a strike next Tuesday that Coal Operators Association. "There’s not some furnaces would be closed in the se according to the federal Office of could cripple industry and cause electric sufficient time for ratification (by Nov. cond week of a strike, according to in Emergency Preparedness. shortages this winter. 12) and the membership will not ratify dustry estimates. No further talks were set and prospects what they have given us.” were dim that a strike could be avoided. Guy Parmer, chief negotiator for the Government and banking experts agree BCOA, called the UMW walkout "in \i. 4 thru that if the union strikes when the current tores only. credible.” Local Voter Turnout contract expires, it could severely curtail "We gave them an offer that in my opi utilities and other key industries and put 1 • Hadley nion has not been exceeded in any as many as 1 million persons out of work. Id • West negotiations in any major industry in total The contract covers 120,000 miners in 25 1 • Bristol scope,” Farmer said. “I can’t conceive May Top 70 PerCent states who produce 70 per cent of the ast Haven nation’s coal. that they would say we gave them provocation for a strike.” Chester • Union president Arnold Miller led the By SOL R. COHEN Experts predict that after one month, a However, the mid-afternoon voting hours Bw Haven way out of negotiations early today after strike would force disruption for electric As of noon today, six hours after the usually are light. Heavy voting is expected jgefield • talks had resumed Monday night at the utilities which depend heavily on coal. polls opened and under less than favorable again from 5 p.m. on. Hartford conditions, a total of 8,066 Manchester voters had cast ballots in the town’s 10 voting districts—for 29.6 per cent of those 70 Per Cent eligible. The polls will close at 8 p.m. Estimates by town political figures was Shopping Center Plan The noon total averages out to 1,344 an for a 70 per cent turnout today. Our hour. If the same average were held to 8 forecast was for 75 to 80 per cent. p.m., a total of 18,816 or 77.3 per cent of In the 1970 gubernatorial election, the Opposed Before PZC the electorate would have voted. turnout in' Manchester was 86.1 per cent and 8,126 had voted by noon. In the 1972 W Presidential election the turnout was 87.4 By DOUG BEVINS Ellen Buckley of 560 E. Center St., per cent and 10,671 had voted by noon. Several parents of children attending Richard MacKenzie of 15 Plymouth Lane, In the six voting hours today (from 6 Manchester Green School told the Plan and Barbara Greene of 61 Dale Rd. Election ning and Zoning Commission (PZC) Mon Opposed in 1969 a.m. to noon), 1,198 voted in the first hour, day night that a proposed shopping center 1,305 in the second, 1,305 in the third, 1,508 Representatives of several Plymouth At A Glance in the fourth, 1,470 in the fifth, and 1,283 in Prepares for First Vote near the Green would aggravate already- Lane residents also opposed the rezoning bad traffic safety conditions. the sixth. application as they did in a 1969 case and By United Press International Both political parties were busy on the Mrs. Eddie Wilson, a naturalized Albert, machine tender. The Wilsons Comments of the parents — most of in the first hearing on the recent applica phones, getting out the vote and offering citizen from Germany, cast her first reside at 17 Falknor Dr. Polls opened them members of the Green School PTA— tion last July. At stake in today’s election; rides to the polls. vote this moring at Buckland School. came during the second public hearing on The England property, which surrounds • The House. There are 435 seats in 50 at 6 a.m. and will remain open until 8 a request by Louise C. and W. Harry the Veterans of Foreign Wars building at states and elections will be held for all of Explaining voting machine mechanics o’clock tonight. (Herald Photo by Pin England for a Business 3 Zone on five Registration Figures is her husband, and at left is Alcid to) E. Center St. and E. Middle Tpke., is now them. The 93rd Congress had 248 Amended figures in the registrars’ of acres of land. a mixture of zones: Residence A, Democrats and 187 Republicans. The par PTA Objects fice show 27,174 voters eligible to cast Residence B, and Business 2 Zones. ty that gets 218 votes will control the ballots today—a drop of 61 from previous Mrs. Nesbie Dupuy of 124 Constance The applicants are planning a shopping House; a two-thirds majority, which can totals. The amended total results in a last Dr., president of the school’s PTA, op center with a total square footage of 48,- override a veto, would be 290. minute check of those who have moved ISatiorial Issues Dominate posed the zone change and proposed shop 750. Access would be via a proposed • The Senate. There are 100 seats and 34 from Manchester. The Democrats lead the ping center for the site, mentioning con widened Cook Dr. and at E. Middle Tpke. are at stake this year, 20 held by Republicans by 2,217. cerns of parents for safety of their opposite Woodbridge St. Democrats and 14 by Republicans. The children who must walk to Green School. Two years ago, for the Presidential elec 1974 Mid-Term Elections Taken to Court makeup now is 58 Democrats and 42 tion, Manchester had 28,700 eligible Mrs. Dupuy said a telephone poll of A similar rezoning application was Republicans. Control of the Senate goes to voters. It had 23,218 in 1970, for the guber WASHINGTON (UPI) - In normal elec The pardon of Richard Nixon and the Green School parents show^ 114 opposed, granted by the PZC in October 1969. the party with 51 votes; a two-thirds tion years, the party in power appeals to turmoil that followed is another indication N natorial election. 13 in favor, and 13 with no opinion on the Plymouth Lane area residents appealed majority is 67. Votes are being cast for governor (and voters by saying “ You never had it so that Watergate lingers. zone change. the case to the Hartford County Court of • The governorships. Thirty-five states good.” That slogan is a vague memory of One Republican professional, devoting Others speaking against the zone lieutenant governor), secretary of the Common Pleas, which upheld the PZC’s elect governors this year. There are state, attorney general, state treasurer, more placid times in 1974. himself to gubernatorial races, was asjied change, jnost of them mentioning traffic decision In 1970. currently 32 Democrats and 18 In normal mid-term elections, when the by reporters whether the pardon was hurt safety, included-tlBremy Clough of 50 The opponents then took the case to the Republicans in the nation’s state houses. (See Page Ten) presidency is not at stake, local issues ing the GOP in state races. Mountain Rd., Karl Prewo of 89 Mountain Seats at stake are currently held by 23 dominate. The man put his finger to his head as Rd., Arlene Hall of 58 Plymouth Lane, (See Page Ten) Democrats and 12 Republicans. But this year, candidates are talking though he was shooting himself. about national issues: the economy, the There are other damaging effects; Father Accused two-party system, honesty in government Donors Turned Off and the scandal of scandals, Watergate. • The repeated guilty pleas and Kissinger Offers Plan In Poison Death The order depends on whatever can sentences of campaign contributors has didate or expert is speaking. Most polls had another damaging effect for the GOP; say the economy is the No. 1 issue. The it has turned off the spigots of its cam PASADENA, Tex. (UPI) - The father polls also say the voters believe paign contributors. For toe first time in of an 8-year-old boy fatally poisoned on Democrats can handle economic problems years. Republicans have raised less To End World Halloween night by a candy straw filled better than the Republicans. money than the Democrats — $10 million Hungi with cyanide today was charged with The Watergate problem is a subtle one. compared to $22 million. V murder and held under $100,000 bond. The Republican party says it had • There may be a record low turnout of ROME (UPI) — Secretary of State hunger put him in direct conflict with U.S.