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GIULIANOVA Lido (Te) GIULIANOVA Lido (Te) Its territory covers 27 square kilometers, including the natural boundaries formed by the Salinello River, to the north, and the Tordino, to the south. To the west it borders with the town of Mosciano Sant'Angelo, to the south with Roseto degli Abruzzi, to the north with Tortoreto and to the east by the Adriatic Sea. The town is divided into two main areas welded together in recent decades: Giulianova properly speaking, also known as Giulianova Paese or Giulianova Alta, and Giulianova Lido or Giulianova Spiaggia (beach). The first includes the historic center and stretches up a hill of modest height (68 m. above sea level) about one kilometer from the coastline, while the Lido is made up of the most modern and touristic area, which developed during the twentieth century on the shores of the Adriatic. Giulianova can also show off, in addition to its monumental Promenade, a traditional fishing port and tourist center, one of the four in Abruzzo, and in its oldest part, Giulianova Paese, some monuments of a certain historical and cultural significance such as the Renaissance Duomo San Flaviano, which with its huge dome dominates the city, the cinquentesca Church of St. Anthony and that of Sant'Anna, the family chapel of the Bartolomei and the tower keep known as "the White", last remnant of the wall built in Middle Ages to defend the town. Also in the immediate vicinity it offers the opportunity to enjoy the hilly landscape, amidst the warm colors of welcoming olive groves and vineyards, visiting medieval towns and villages, and discovering the art and folklore of this piece of Abruzzo. Finally, in just over an hour to be at the foot of the Gran Sasso of Italy, in the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park, and in the six nature reserves, in a territory rich in ecosystems. "How to reach Giulianova" The town of Giulianova is located in a central position on the Adriatic Sea, but only just over two hours from Rome and therefore easily accessible from all parts of the world. By car: From S.S. state roads 16 Adriatica and S.S. 80 of the Gran Sasso of Italy, and from the A14 motorway Bologna-Taranto, exit Teramo-Giulianova-Mosciano and A24 motorway in the direction of L'Aquila, exit Teramo. By train: From the railway line Adriatica Trenitalia - Ferrovie dello Stato. The railway network allows you to reach Giulianova from all Italian cities. The Giulianova railway station is located near the city center. By plane: From the Airport of Pescara in Areoporto d'Abruzzo that is 50 km away and is served by several domestic and international flights; From the airport of Ancona-Falconara, Areoporto delle Marche, which is about 150 km and is connected by national flights to Rome and Milan and international flights. From these airports you can easily reach Giulianova by local trains, buses, taxis or rental cars; From the airports of Rome, Fiumicino and Ciampino, which are only two and half hours and accessible by direct bus line “airports of Rome-Giulianova”: Gaspari Bus Fiumicino+Campino .
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