6th May 2021

Dear Parents/ Carers

Re: Process for admission to secondary school in September 2022

As schools are closed to parents for face to face meetings due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will not be able to hold a meeting about secondary school applications for children entering Year 7 in September 2022 (currently in Year 5). This letter and attached information contains the main details of what you need to know, in particular if you intend to enter your child to sit the 11+ tests in September 2021.

Selection process for entry to grammar schools

This letter is to remind you of the 11+ testing arrangements for current Year 5 children who will be transferring to secondary school in September 2022. There have been some significant changes over the past few years so it is important to read this carefully.

All children in now take the test in the grammar schools and not at their primary schools. As our school is so close to Burnham Grammar School, many of our pupils enter tests for both Slough and Buckinghamshire grammar schools so we always outline the process for both authorities. Pupils who wish to be considered for a grammar school must register and take the appropriate test.

Buckinghamshire Parents can enter their children for Buckinghamshire tests if they wish and will be given a venue and date to sit the tests at a school in Buckinghamshire. Registration for this test is open and the closing date for submission of the forms is Thursday 24th June 2021 @ 3:00 p.m.

To find out more about the Bucks arrangements please visit: www.buckscc.gov.uk/schooladmissions

Berkshire Grammar schools in Slough will be administering 11+ tests themselves. Parents must enter their children for the Slough Consortium tests and will be given a venue and date for children to sit the tests. Registration for this test is open, and the closing date for submission of the forms is Sunday 13th June 2021 @ 12 midnight. The test date has not yet been disclosed – keep an eye on the consortium website.

The registration form is online and can be accessed from the link on any of the Consortium grammar school websites – , , St. Bernard’s Catholic Grammar School and Upton Court Grammar School (formerly Slough Grammar School).

To find out more about the Slough Consortium arrangements please visit the individual school websites linked at the bottom of: http://www.sloughconsortium.org.uk/

If you are considering entering your child for these tests please take a look at the school’s websites and access the link for registering.

Yours sincerely,

Nicky Willis Headteacher