Bachelor’s Thesis Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Electrical Engineering F3 Department of Control Engineering An application programming interface for the MORSE simulator Lukáš Bertl Cybernetics and Robotics: Systems and Control
[email protected] January 2017 Supervisor: RNDr. Miroslav Kulich, Ph.D. Acknowledgement / Declaration I would like to express my gratitude to I hereby declare that I have complet- my supervisor RNDr. Miroslav Kulich, ed this thesis with the topic ”An ap- Ph.D. for a great mentorship, patience plication programming interface for the and wise comments that helped me com- MORSE simulator” independently and plete this project. that I have listed all sources of informa- I would like to thank my girlfriend tion used within it in accordance with and my parents for their unlimited men- the methodical instructions for observ- tal support throughout my whole stud- ing the ethical principles in the prepara- ies. tion of university theses. Finally, I thank my brother and Kač- In Prague, January ...., 2017 ka Janatková for the proofreading of this thesis. ........................................ Lukáš Bertl iii Abstrakt / Abstract Práce představuje CCMorse, což je Thesis presents the CCMorse, a simu- knihovna pro komunikaci se simuláto- lator communication library, that I have rem, kterou jsem vytvořil. Práce dále created. The thesis also describes the popisuje proces vývoje simulačního pro development process of a MORSE sim- simulátor MORSE. ulation environment. Teze probírá nejprve teorii robotic- The thesis