Continuous Auditing of SSH Servers to Mitigate Brute-Force Attacks Phuong M

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Continuous Auditing of SSH Servers to Mitigate Brute-Force Attacks Phuong M CAUDIT: Continuous Auditing of SSH Servers To Mitigate Brute-Force Attacks Phuong M. Cao, Yuming Wu, and Subho S. Banerjee, UIUC; Justin Azoff and Alex Withers, NCSA; Zbigniew T. Kalbarczyk and Ravishankar K. Iyer, UIUC This paper is included in the Proceedings of the 16th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI ’19). February 26–28, 2019 • Boston, MA, USA ISBN 978-1-931971-49-2 Open access to the Proceedings of the 16th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI ’19) is sponsored by CAUDIT: Continuous Auditing of SSH Servers to Mitigate Brute-Force Attacks Phuong M. Cao1, Yuming Wu1, Subho S. Banerjee1, Justin Azoff2;3, Alexander Withers3, Zbigniew T. Kalbarczyk1, Ravishankar K. Iyer1 1University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2Corelight, 3National Center for Supercomputing Applications Abstract While only a small fraction of such attempts succeed, they This paper describes CAUDIT1, an operational system have led to major misuses in 51% of 1,800 surveyed organi- deployed at the National Center for Supercomputing Applica- zations, with a financial impact of up to $500,000 per organi- tions (NCSA) at the University of Illinois. CAUDIT is a fully zation [7]. automated system that enables the identification and exclusion This paper describes the production deployment of of hosts that are vulnerable to SSH brute-force attacks. Its CAUDIT at the National Center for Supercomputing Ap- key features include: 1) a honeypot for attracting SSH-based plications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois over a period attacks over a /16 IP address range and extracting key meta- of 463 days. CAUDIT is a fully automated system to identify data (e.g., source IP, password, SSH-client version, or key and exclude hosts that are vulnerable to SSH brute-force at- fingerprint) from these attacks; 2) executing audits on the live tacks. The system is composed of existing techniques with production network by replaying of attack attempts recorded custom-built components, and its novelty is to execute at a by the honeypot; 3) using the IP addresses recorded by the scale that has not been validated earlier (with thousands of honeypot to block SSH attack attempts at the network border nodes and tens of millions of attack attempts per day). The by using a Black Hole Router (BHR) while significantly re- key components of the proposed system are as follows. ducing the load on NCSA’s security monitoring system; and 4) • An SSH-based honeypot deployed on an entire /16 class- the ability to inform peer sites of attack attempts in real-time less inter-domain routing (CIDR) network2 that mimics to ensure containment of coordinated attacks. The system is a realistic server farm of 65,536 machines. In contrast composed of existing techniques with custom-built compo- with other honeypots [8–12], ours is non-interactive, nents, and its novelty is its ability to execute at a scale that has i.e., it only records and immediately rejects any attack not been validated earlier (with thousands of nodes and tens attempts; thus, it has a small memory footprint that re- of millions of attack attempts per day). Experience over 463 duces the operational risk of exploiting the honeypot to days shows that CAUDIT successfully blocks an average of get into the internal network. 57 million attack attempts on a daily basis using the proposed BHR. This represents a 66× reduction in the number of SSH • A continuous SSH auditing tool (driven by attack at- attempts compared to the daily average and has reduced the tempts recorded using the honeypot) that automatically traffic to the NCSA’s internal network-security-monitoring replays the attempted attacks against an internal network infrastructure by 78%. in order to uncover vulnerable hosts. This approach 1 Introduction extends the notion of fire drills in production systems for reliability testing [13–15]. CAUDIT minimizes the Security auditing of large-scale networks is challenging auditing tool’s disruption of the production network, e.g., due to the constantly evolving configurations of networked de- by subscribing to SSH protocol activities by using the vices [1,2]. Critical devices often expose their remote access deep packet inspection capabilities of existing network interfaces to the Internet via the Secure Socket Shell (SSH) security monitors such as the Bro IDS [16]. protocol [3], often using default usernames/passwords [4]. The availability of stolen credentials [5] has added a new • An enhanced black hole router (BHR) deployed at the dimension to the problem: attackers can now remotely mas- production system’s borders to support automated re- querade as legitimate users and penetrate internal networks to sponse to malicious IP addresses identified by the audit- misuse computational resources and leak sensitive data [6]. 2The address space belonged to a Fortune 50 company but has been 1 transferred to NCSA. USENIX Association 16th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation 667 ing tool. The BHR is integrated with a flow-shunting • We investigated a new observation on SSH attack at- tool that discards high-volume irrelevant packets, e.g., tempts that use keys. While traditional SSH attempts virtual private network (VPN) traffic, before they get use known username and password pairs, the honey- parsed by the kernel’s networking stack. This enhances pot’s collected data on attack attempts indicate that most the BHRs ability to block brute-force SSH attacks and of the SSH keys used by attackers were not previously bypass legitimate network flows to reduce the load on known and were mutually exclusive to each source IP network security monitors. address. This finding suggests that attackers obtained the keys via direct compromise of file systems, either • A security alert-sharing network to provide timely alerts by using ransomware or through reverse-engineering of to peer sites to ensure containment of coordinated at- keys embedded in the firmware of IoT devices. tacks [17]. All attack attempts (recorded by the hon- eypot) are encrypted and shared (in real time) with ten • Companies make extensive use of SSH private keys authenticated peer sites (nine in the U.S. and one in for automated server management, but our analysis Singapore). strengthen the risk of improperly using SSH keys Placing CAUDIT in perspective. Prior work on SSH se- through discovered incidents. Our analysis has led to curity auditing has focused on preventing SSH brute-force the implementation of new security policies at NCSA. attacks [16, 18, 19] using multi-factor authentication [20], First, all known SSH hosts in the known_host file must deceiving attackers by using honeypots [9, 21, 22], Internet- be hashed to hide the actual host names in the event of a scale scanning of vulnerable hosts [23], and use of Black successful compromise, thus reducing attackers’ lateral Hole Routers to block blacklisting-based malicious IP ad- movements. Second, SSH passphrases must be enforced dresses [24]. Such approaches have helped network operators in private keys to prevent the use of the leaked keys. run ad-hoc scans and analyses of attacks after the fact. Par- While the current implementation of CAUDIT focuses on ticipants in red teams and bug bounty programs emulates brute-force SSH attacks, the proposed architecture can be malicious behavior of attackers to uncover security vulner- extended to address other types of attacks. We has open- abilities and bugs [25]. However, such processes are still sourced our implementation.3 manually driven by security experts and are therefore difficult to scale for large production networks. The above techniques 2 Background are often ineffective in practice, e.g., 1) SSH honeypots do not This section provides an overview of the daily operations attract a large amount of traffic; 2) large-scale network scan- at NCSA and the typical threats targeting its infrastructure. ning hampers the performance of production networks, and 3) 2.1 Daily operations at NCSA it is problematic to maintain and manage a large blacklist (e.g., NCSA provides integrated cyberinfrastructure that includes because of false positive filtering). In addition, coordinated computing, data, networking, and visualization resources to attacks can be thwarted using security intelligence sharing enable research of scientists and engineers at the Univer- and analysis between geo-distributed sites [26]. Most impor- sity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) and across tantly, such efforts have never been integrated as a whole and the country. NCSA hosts Blue Waters [27], a sustained validated at a large scale in production workloads. Those petaflop system that is a prime attack target, as attackers limitations have motivated us to design a scalable auditing wish to exploit its processing power and exfiltrate sensitive system. data in storage. On a daily basis, thousands of researchers During 463 days production deployment at NCSA, the hon- access NCSA’s cyber-infrastructure remotely (using SSH pro- eypot attracted attacks that originated in 76% of the registered tocols) via a wide area network (WAN) to carry out exper- IPv4 autonomous systems (ASes), with a total of 405 million iments. NCSA observes 5,970 (variance = 1;541 users) le- attack attempts from 4 million unique source IP addresses. gitimate remote logins every day. At the same time, we ob- On a daily basis, the BHR blocked an average of 57 million served an average of 875;491 credential-guessing activities SSH attack attempts. On average, 875,491 attack attempts (405;352;245 attacks=463 days), which are 147× more frequent than per day passed the BHR and were recorded at the honeypot legitimate login activities (875;491 attack SSH=5;970 legitimate SSH). to support the fire drill. Our operational experiences were as Several computing and data services at NCSA, e.g., a Ku- follows.
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