Iference :N from LIBRA
ARX iFERENCE :N FROM LIBRA ORANGE COUN HISTORY (REFERENCE PAMPHLET FI '1" 1769, while.'the ~mericaniilonies Nor was Portola very opti~nisticabout There were prohnbly almul I5.0oO In- - were moving toward war with the Brit- the condition tlie 63 soldiers, muleteers dians in .what is today Orange County, ish, the crowned head .of another Euro- and two priests who .yould march to Monterey. living in villages of 500 to 1,000 popula- pean power, King Carlos 111 or Spain. tion. They had no horses, no cattle, no They were, he later wrote, "skeletons uneasily eyed the growing British milit- grain. They lived on acorns and an ,ary,migration as far west as the Missis- occasional rabbit and were thought by .sippr,,,%lley. He was well aware that it ,.. - Ail ~-,~alStories the expedition as well as the many . coul$:spreafl .-to :the ' Rockies; even the . .. , . Spaniards who later came to this area to Pzcific, .. coast.;. , i5: : B$ DAVEROSE be a generally lazy and worthless lot. .:!;With the~paniardsfirmly, entrenched . Reg[ster, statf Writer Father Crespi was more than a .litllc in: Mexico, 'King Carlos looked .upon the impressed when he came upon what hc ' PaCific ' Coast '.-:.:particularly., what, is ~ , . was to name the valley of San Juan ~110'had ben spared from scurvy. : today. the ,state of 'California ,+ as , a Capistrano (for Italian Saint John of natural extension'bf thk Spanish domain hullper and thirst." Capistrano). IG, in North .America. -' '04' july ,tl~e..espedition,left San . 'The growing westward migration Diego with 10 soldiers in the vanguard (Continued On Page 12) the British, he felt, was a tllrcal to led .by a ,scout, sergeant Spanish designs.
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