Answers for Round 5 – Utterly Random Round 5 – Utterly Random Question 1

From Charlotte, age 11

Bill Bailey won in 2020. Who was his professional partner?

A)  B) C) Question 2

From Chloe, age 13

In the Harry Potter World, who does Neville marry?

A) Luna Lovegood B) Hannah Abbott  C) Padma Patil Question 3

From Joel, age 11

How many times have Liverpool won the Premier League?

A) 5 B) 17 C) 1  Question 4

From Thomas, 14

What is the rarest block in the game Minecraft?

A) The Dragon Egg  B) Sponges C) Bone block Question 5

From Luke, age 11

From Jurassic World, what dinosaur is this?

A) Velociraptor B) Indominus Rex  C) Gallimimus Question 6

From Sam, age 17

Who is Sir Nils Olav?

A) A neurologist who ran the first sub-4 minute mile. B) A penguin in Edinburgh Zoo  C) A Polish pianist and composer Question 7

From Zen, age 11

Where does the BTS music pop group come from?

A) England B) Japan C) Korea  Question 8

From Lydia, Goole and Selby Children and Families Work Enabler

Cows (or cattle) are the most common type of large domesticated U……? Ungulates What was the total number of cattle and calves in England in June 2020?

A) 5.2 million  B) 3.4 million C) 2.1 million Question 9

From Billy, age 10

Nintendo Switch Splatoon 3 is coming out in which year?

A) 2021 B) 2022  C) 2023 Question 10

From Catherine, age 6

Which big cat is the fastest?

A) Cheetah  B) Lion C) Jaguar Question 11

From Keira, age 7

There are 4 planets in our solar system named the ‘Gas Giants’ – can you name them?

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune Question 12

From Thomas, age 14

What is the best selling video game in the world?

Minecraft Question 13

From Thomas, age 14

How many combinations does a Rubiks Cube have (to the nearest 2 significant figures?)

43,000,000,000,000,000,000 Question 14

From Lily, age 14

Who is the inventor of photography?

Daguerre Question 15

From Lily, aged 14

Which famous painter was also a sculptor, an architect and an engineer?

A) Salvador Dali B) Leonardo da Vinci  C) Vincent van Gogh Question 16

From Lily, age 14

Which famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci was used for target practise by Napoleon’s soldiers?

A) The Last Supper  B) The Mona Lisa C) The Annunciation Question 17

From Lily, age 14

What ‘H’ is the Art term for ‘colour’?

Hue Question 18

From Lily, age 14

How many times has the Mona Lisa been stolen?

A) Once  B) 3 times C) 10 times Question 19

From Lily, age 14

Which is the only piece of artwork Michelangelo ever signed?

A) The creation of Adam B) The last Judgement C) The Pieta  Question 20

From Lily, age 14

Which Artist died poor in 1890 but became incredibly famous after his death?

Vincent van Gogh /yorkchildrenyouthandfamilies