Summary of Baseline Position
APPENDIX 3 Summary of Baseline Position Indicator Quantified data Comparators & targets Trend (HBC) Issues identified 1. Quality housing available to everyone % of housing stock judged unfit to live 2006 National – 4.2% 2000 No issues identified in 4.3% Private sector dwellings deemed Yorkshire & Humber – 4.8% Total unfit 5.5% unfit. Private sector unfit 6.1% Average energy efficiency of housing Average SAP rating for local authority Harrogate targets 2002/03 53.7 Trends show that the target in (max 100) owned dwellings 2003/04 56.2 2003/04 56.5 previous years has always been 2007/08 70 2004/05 58.1 2004/05 57.2 surpassed. Actual figure in 2007/08 2005/06 60 2005/06 64 met the target. 2006/07 63 2006/07 67 2007/08 70 House price/earnings affordability Average house price Average house price Average house price (Harrogate) Average house price higher than the ratio Jan‐Dec 2010 £274,166 Jan‐Dec 2010 Jan‐Dec 02 £159,943 Regional and National average, Yorks & The Humber £161,466 Jan‐Dec 03 £193, 298 although gross weekly earnings are England £240,033 Jan‐Dec 04 £221,138 lower than National average, therefore Jan‐Dec 05 £233,259 housing affordability is a significant Average Gross weekly earnings 2011 Average Gross weekly earnings 2011 Jan‐Dec 06 £249,122 issue for many in the District. (Residence based) (residence based) Jan‐Dec 07 £273,167 £488.9 Yorks & Humber £465.7 Jan‐Dec 08 £272,559 Great Britain £503.1 Jan‐Dec 09 £255,483 Housing completions (Gross) 2011/2012 152 HDCS (adopted Feb 2009) Policy SG1 2004/05 420 Housing completions have held up well makes provision for 390 (net) during 2005/06 432 until the last couple of years when as a the period 2004 – 2023.
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