A “DIY” Tashlikh Ritual Guide for 2020 The PTBE Clergy invite you to use this guide, either on your own or with partners, at a living body of water, or simply at your kitchen sink, to engage in meaningful reflection and releasing of the year that has passed.

What is Tashlikh? Tashlikh in Hebrew means to"cast away," and is also related to the word for the shedding of leaves from a tree as it regrows. The ritual is traditionally done during the 10 days between and as a physical reminder of the human effort to cast away one's sins, regrets, lingering “if only I had done this betters”. Through tashlikh, we use physicality to do the work of Teshuva-returning to our essential goodness, and renewing our commitment to living well. It is our hope that the ritual of tashlich offers some liberation from the guilt, shame, and judgement associated with challenging reflection. Instead, we see this exercise as an empowering act of reclamation of what we hold most dear.

It is customary to do our ‘casting off’ before a body of living water. Water, in , and many other cultures and religions, symbolizes an ever changing, and eternally renewing source of life. We need water to renew our own physical beings, and in this ritual we also connect to water as spiritually renewing.If accessing a body of water is not available to you this season, we invite you to follow the ritual guidelines below using a bowl of water, in the safety of your home.

A Tashlich Ritual for an Outdoor Body of Water or Home Water Basin: Materials: Pen and Pencil for writing intentions **Optional**l: A dissolvable substance to dunk in the water (either breadcrumbs, water- dissolving paper*, or other biodegradable material)

**You can purchase water-dissolving paper here, or pick some up at PTBE the week between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur! https://www.amazon.com/SmartSolve-8-5-11-Dissolving- Paper/dp/B07GQ6JJBZ

Preparatory Meditation See separate link to guided meditation for download.

Journaling/Private Reflection

****Release Intention**** Take a few moments, first to gather your thoughts around what it is you want to release, or feel remorseful about, that you would like not to have to carry as a heavy burden in the new year. Imagine what it might feel like to not hold the negative emotions associated with those experiences. (3 minutes for writing)

***Renewal Intention**** On another piece of paper, please write the positive intention you have for renewal of mind/body/spirit that accompanies the release efforts you are making. When you’re able to release, what is it you will have new space to embrace.

Offer your release, either with a symbolic gesture of hands open at your sides, or with physical breadcrumbs, dissolving paper, or small stones you find at the waters edge.

A Prayer Before Tashlich, (To be Read Facing the Water): Here I am again ready to let go of my mistakes.

Help me to release myself from all the ways I've missed the mark.

Help me to stop carrying the karmic baggage of my poor choices.

As I cast into the waters lift my troubles off my shoulders.

Help me to know that last year is over, washed away like crumbs in the current.

Open my heart to blessing and gratitude. Renew my soul as the dew renews the grasses. Amen.1

1 Excerpt from Barenblatt