Tzedakah as the Defining Social Marker of Jewish Identity A. The Test of a True Jew: Check the Pocketbook B. Maimonides: Appealing to Jewish Genes – The Perfect “Pitch” “[God] has told you, human being, what is good and what Adonai requires of you: Nothing but to do justice (mishpat), to love kindness (hesed), and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8) הִ גִיד לְָך ָאדָ ם מַ ה-ּטוֹב ּומָ ה-יְהוָה ּדוֹרֵ ׁש מִמְ ָך כִ י אִ ם- עֲׂשוֹתמִׁשְ טפָ וְַאהֲבַת חֶסֶ ד וְהַצְ נֵעַ לֶכֶת עִ ם- אֱֹלהֶ יָך. Noam Zion, Hartman Institute,
[email protected] – excerpted form from Jewish Giving in Comparative Perspectives: History and Story, Law and Theology, Anthropology and Psychology. Book One: From Each According to One’s Ability: Duties to Poor People from the Bible to the Welfare State and Tikkun Olam Previous Books: A DIFFERENT NIGHT: The Family Participation Haggadah By Noam Zion and David Dishon LEADER'S GUIDE to "A DIFFERENT NIGHT" By Noam Zion and David Dishon A DIFFERENT LIGHT: Hanukkah Seder and Anthology including Profiles in Contemporary Jewish Courage By Noam Zion A Day Apart: Shabbat at Home By Noam Zion and Shawn Fields-Meyer A Night to Remember: Haggadah of Contemporary Voices Mishael and Noam Zion 1 Our teachers have said: "If all troubles were assembled on one side and poverty on the other, poverty would outweigh them all." - Midrash Shemot Rabbah 31:14 "The sea of a mighty population, held in galling fetters, heaves uneasily in the tenements.... The gap between the classes in which it surges, unseen, unsuspected by the thoughtless, is widening day by day.