Mishpacha , Week of September 21, 2020

BOOKS: & Stories

CONCEPTS & VOCABULARY: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, traditions, creation, planning/problem solving, creative art, nature, baking, taking care of the earth, identify feelings, being respectful, what do different emotions feel like, taking care of each other, problem solving with blocks and marbles.

What would you Morning meeting We are baking a Finish up Music with Miss give the world for time (Mon.-Fri.) birthday cake for creation project. Mary a birthday Calendar, Songs, the world. (all week) MONDAY present? Job Chart Cognitive Skills: Listening & Speaking: Memory Social Communication Mathematics: Creativity: Expression Engagement & Good Morning! Wake Measurement & Data of Ideas & Feelings Cognitive Skills: Persistence: Attention Initiative: Planning, up; it’s time for Science: Science through the Arts Reasoning & Self: Sense of Action, & Reflection school. Inquiry & Application: Relationships: Problem-Solving Competence Cause & Effect Interactions with Mathematics: Number Adults Sense & Counting

Story time Monday –Friday, Let’s talk about (Mon.-Fri.) Is it alright to get Journal writing (we What is Yom feelings… mad? will begin with name Kippur?

TUESDAY writing)

Self: Awareness & Expression of Reading: Reading

Emotion Comprehension Self: Self-Regulation Social Studies: Relationships: Reading: Print Social Studies: Self: Reading: Letter & Word History: Historical Interactions with Concepts Social Identity Recognition Thinking & Skills Adults Relationships: Peer Relationships: Writing: Early Writing Social Studies: Relationships: Peer Interactions & Interactions History: Heritage Interactions & Relationships Relationships Don’t forget to Monday-Friday,

WEDNESDAY leave a Let’s make a Computer time Judaics with What is Yom note for your child! puppet…is it (we are working Rochel Kippur? We all do happy, angry, on letter kindnesses for silly, sad? recognition) others. Social Studies: Reading: Print Creativity:

History: Heritage Concepts Social Studies: Expression of Ideas Parent Homework Social Studies: Self: Cognitive Skills: History: Heritage & Feelings through Social Identity Symbolic Thought the Arts Story time What should you What does it mean Write a story, (Mon.-Fri.) do…when you hurt when you say, “I’m Tashlikh walk “How Did I Fix someone’s THURSDAY sorry”? It?” feelings?

Relationships: Reading: Reading Empathy Writing: Writing Comprehension Relationships: Social Studies: Self: Application & Self: Awareness & Reading: Print

Interactions with Social Identity Composition Expression of Concepts Adults Self: Awareness & Relationships: Peer Emotion Relationships: Peer Relationships: Peer Expression of Emotion Interactions & Interactions & Interactions & Relationships Relationships Relationships : , Thank Did you bring Select and read a Hashem for our Tzedakah today? Shabbat sing- Shabbat story blessings, Please leave Mitzvah Magic…. along, from the Shabbat prayers for the Tzedakah in your story basket. world, Shabbat

FRIDAY child’s cubby. snack with Hebrew prayers. Social Studies: Listening & Social Studies:

History: Historical Speaking: History: Heritage Thinking & Skills Expressive Motor Development: History: Heritage Relationships: Empathy Language Large Muscle, Good Parent Homework Engagement & Creativity: Innovation & Listening & Balance, & Shabbos Persistence: Invention Speaking: Social Coordination Attention Communication Listening & Speaking: Reading: Reading Social Studies: Expressive Language Comprehension History: Heritage

LEGEND: Social-Emotional Development Approaches toward Learning Physical Well-being & Motor Development Cognitive Development & General Knowledge Language & Literacy Development