•ft Kno«m and used thoughout the world, TELCON Power Cables arc made to British Standards and customers’ speci­ fications and suitable for all voltages up to 22 KV. Further details and quota­ tions supplied on request.

THE TELEGRAPH CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE CO. LTD. founded ÎS64 Head Office: 22. OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON. E.C.2. Telephone ; LONdon Waft 3141 All enquiries io: TELCON WORKS, GREENWICH. S.E.IO. Telephon*: GREenwich 1040

25 A P R IL , 1947 SIXPENCE In this Garage as in any other, small metal pressings play an important part in assisting the smooth running and functioning of not only the cars themselves, but the business too. The Petrol Pump can emit at a moment’s notice just the quantity of petrol required, no more, no less, thanks to the intricate working of its mechanism in which stampings and pressings are important items. Battery Chargers hold many secrets behind that mysterious black switchboard, the air pump owes a great part of its efficiency to metal pressings, and the automobiles themselves, whether lorry, light- car or limousine, carry innumerable odd shapes in metal brackets and gadgets without which the vehicle as a whole would be far from complete. The automobile Industry is but one of a hundred others to which the products of W right, Bindley & Gcll, Ltd., make an important contribution. Although old customers are naturally having preference at a time like this, W.B.G. are always pleased to make new friends.

t h e electrician 25 APRIL, 1947 1041



phone:birchfields son. cp4M $:'b il5witch'.bham.

2$ APRIL ig

A The FINISHING TOUCH the ELECTRICAL INDUSTRY ★ A First Class Product R a n g e r deserves a First Class Mark ■ S ä y ° L T A GE “ Trapinex ” Paint Transfers provide the modern method of marking first class % NJ » ' T c h products in brilliant effect, truly worthy of the greatest names in industry. That why the manufacturers of electrical equipment featured here and many other leaders in all industries pin their faith to t t a w t h i u s “ Trapinex” Paint Transfers, for capi­ talising their goodwill throughout the world. “ Trapinex” Paint Transfers are printed with special paint of colours many times

brighter than printers’ ink. Any number :-'fVER' I t Ä of colours may be printed and applied to any smooth surface, in striking design or cut out effect without film or paper background to mar the distinctive dis­ ^EVERY INDUSTRY has a thousand play—Brilliant, Durable, Weatherproof, uses for “ Trapinex” Paint Transfers and so easy to apply. (additional to the more obvious uses for A D V IC E freely given, but when you write for publicity, display and packaging) in Work­ prices please state: (1) Size, (2) Quantity, shop, Factory, Office, for Nameplates, (3) Number of Colours, (4) Purpose, (5) Word­ Brand Marks, Monograms, Patent Num­ ing required, (6) A rough sketch would help. bers, Instructions, Diagrams, Wiring Lay­ WE HAVE NO STOCK LINES OR PRICE outs, Warnings ; Type, Catalogue or Serial LISTS. Numbers.

Trapinex (Regd.) Paint Transfers artfully patented and manufactured only by TRAPINEX LTD., 19, COMMERCE WORKS, HIGH ROAD (Opposite Town Hall), W pO D GREEN, N.22 'Phone-. Botoes Park 6 S I 1 'Grams'. ‘Trapinex, Wood, London' Cables-- Trapinex, London


MEM production has already gone

ahead by leaps and bounds. Take the 124K splitter, for instance. During the

last six months production has increased fivefold. With other lines, too, we are going all out to catch up with the heavy demand both for housing and for indus­ trial purposes. But demand is still greater than supply, so that MEM goods are still hard to come by. To make sure you get a fair share of available sup­ plies, it is still the best plan to keep in touch with your wholesaler.

Midland Electric Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Birmingham, 11 ■ Branches in London & Manchester

25 APRIL 1947 THE ELECTRICIAN Wires, from thickest to medium gauge, are drawn in one operation on all British high speed ma­ chines using Tungsten Carbide and Diamond dies, giving perfect finish and gauge to meet the most r h s y m o m * exacting specifications re­ quired to-day.

47, V ic t o r ia Street, Westminster, London, S.W .I Telephone : Abbey 2771 (Pee. Br. Ex.) Works ; Enfield, Middlesex

DS Cooker Control Unit compact yet efficient switch and plug unit. It includes a 30-A double-nole switch for the cooker and the famous DS Fused Plug and Socket for the kettle. Conduit Holes are provided at top and bottom for cable entry but may be provided elsewhere to special requirements.

Announcement of D.S. Plugs Ltd., Manchester, London,Clasgow. £ 1046 THE ELECTRICIAN 25 APRIL 1947 1045

Fully descriptive £ illustrated

D ala Sheet (I• starnpj f t o m


W arw ick. Telephone, W arwick 448


I i € H TW E iC H T A l f t - C O O I §

Cogent N. S04 2$ APRIL 1947 THE ELECTRICIAN 1046


S ó t ik a u ñ M - ít e S i g a i

tytudUcvltfh, M i e r n i * * 'jtlie ru L

T h e L a t h e t h a t

can even turn

a h a i r !

PULTRA MICRO LATHES Mirro Photo are specially designed for of hair actual­ ly turned on a the efficient and accurate P ultra lathe production of all small work. Accessories available for milling, grinding, etc.

W r i t e for Catalogue CPA

Photograph by courtesy of Miles-Martin Pen Co. Ltd.



The m ost popular in the country LOW- SPEED MOTOR UNITS

A complete range for any standard vo ltage

A.C. or D.C. Spur-geared | H.P. Low-speed Motor Unit with co-axial shaft for speeds down to 22 r.p.m.

Designed and built as • • a unit incorporating an electric motor and speed reducing gear. BTH products include all kinds of electric plant and equipment; S P U R OR Mazda lamps and Mazdalux W O R M G E A R S lighting equipment.



• Dimensions only 7 x t>Zi" X 4 • Power Lighting and Heating '■ under one roof.” • Saving In wiring cost and space. • Each row of fuses a separate unit. O Each fuse In Its own compartment. • Conforms to1

2 sizes— 4 way 6 way. 30 A. max. cap. Write for F.C.

Announcement of Dorman & Smith Ltd., Manchester, London, Glasgow. El F 46 THE ELECTRICIAN 2S APRIL 1947 1049

Go o d A ll R o u n d



25 APRIL 1947 THE ELECTRICIAN Barries Electrical Agencies, Ltd ...... 1053 British Cork Mills, Ltd ...... 1075 British Rototherm Co., Ltd...... 1066 Bill Switchgear, Ltd...... i 041 Birmingham Products, Ltd. !” 1062 EARTH FAULT British Industries Fair ...... 1067 British Mica Co., Ltd ...... 1106 British Thomson Houston Co., Ltd ...... 1047 Buck & Hickman, Ltd...... 1063 INDICATION Bushing Co., Ltd., The ...... 1053 Cables & Plastics, Ltd...... i062 Charlton Electric Appliances, Ltd...... 1106 Churchill, H. & D., Ltd...... 1061 Clarke, H., & Co., Ltd ! 1107 Clifford, Chas., & Son, Ltd...... 1106 Cork Manufacturing Co., Ltd ... 1071 Corncrcroft, Ltd ...... 1064 Crane, Walter, Ltd...... 1066 Cryselco, Ltd ...... 1055 Dorman & Smith, Ltd ...... 1048 D.S.Plugs, Ltd ...... 1044 Duratube & Wire, Ltd ...... 1046 Electrical & General Accessories (Leicester) L.t(*- 0— . 1108 Electricity Services, L td ...... 1066 Electrolux, Ltd ...... 1101 Enfield Cables, Ltd...... 1072 Enthoven, H. J., & Sons, Ltd ...... 1108 Ericsson Telephones, Ltd...... 1048 Everett Edgcumbc & Co., Ltd ...... 1050 Fluorescent Spares...... 1066 Frys Metal Foundries, Ltd...... 1065 General Electric Co., Ltd ...... 1 105 Gibson Todd & Co., Ltd ...... 1058 Gleco., Ltd. 1052 Hampton Works, Ltd. ... ■...... 1060 Hurlock, Wm., Jnr., Ltd ...... 1056 E v e r e tt Jones, S am uel, & C o., L td ...... 1 106 Kent, Wm., (Porcelains), Ltd. ... 1064 E«lgeii3iibe Langley London, Ltd ...... 1099 Litholite Insulators & St. Albans Mouldings, Colindale Works, L td ...... 1053 Londex, Ltd...... 1062 Lundberg, A. P., & Sons, Ltd ...... 1052 LONDON, N.W .9 Lyons, Claude, Ltd...... 1054 Metallic Seamless Tube Co., Ltd...... 1110 Telephone Col. 6045 Aiosses & Mitchell, Ltd...... 1062 Metropolitan Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd. Cover iv Midland Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd. ... 1043 Micramatic Elcc. Instrument Co., Ltd ...... 1053 Ministry of Supply ...... 1066 Norman Engineering Co., Ltd ...... 1045 Painton & Co...... 1059 Pirelli General Cables Works, Ltd...... 1057 Precision Equipment Co., Ltd ...... 1060 P u ltra , L td ...... 1046 Revill Carter & Co...... 1106 Reyrolle, A., & Co., Ltd ...... 1049 Santon, Ltd...... 1103 Scemco, Ltd...... 1056 Scholes, Geo. H., & Co., L td ...... 1054 Siemens Elec. Lamps & Supplies, Ltd ...... 1051 Stainless Steel Wire Co., L td ...... 1062 Symonds, R. H., Ltd ...... 1044 Telegraph Construction & Maintenance Co., Ltd...... Cover i Thorn Electrical Industries, Ltd ...... 1109 Transformer & Electrical Co., Ltd...... 1056 EVERETT EDGCUMBE SUPERSCALE Trapinex, Ltd ...... 1042 LEAKAGE INDICATORS AND RECORDERS Universal T ools, Ltd ...... 1056 are available for three-phase earthed systems— V ent A xia, L td ...... 1106 where the neutral point is accessible or inaccessible Walker Crosswellcr & Co., Ltd ... 1060 W atliff & C o., L td ...... 1112 —tw o-phase—single-phase—and all D.C. system s. West Insulating Co., Ltd. ... 1062 An outstanding feature is the low range which Westinghouse Brake & Signal Co., Ltd. ... Cover iii facilitates the detection and removal of faults in Whiteley, B. S. & W., Ltd...... 1111 Wilcox, Edward, & Co., Ltd...... 1058 the early stage of development. W right Bindley, & Gell, Ltd...... C over ii Zenith Electric Co., Ltd.', The ...... 1058





AW . of SIEMENS ELECTRIC LAMPS AND SUPPLIES LIMITED, 38/39 Upper Thame. Street, London, E.C.4 Branches al-Bellast, Birmtajham, Bristol. CardiB, Dublin, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, Handiesler, Htvuille-on.lrne, NoHingham, Sheffield


Admittedly, he’d have an easier job counting the different designs in the L u n d b e r g range. They may not be as numerous as the stars, but there are nearly a thousand types to choose from, satisfying every kind of switch require­ ment from the Tumbler to the Triple-pole switch. Every one bears the traditional mark o f L u n d b e r g skill and craftsmanship

See Lundbergs’ accessories ‘ BIF’ BIRMINGHAM STAND C S07 Simplex Electric Company LUNDBERG

An attractive fitting for translucent indirect lighting. Pressel switch at base for foot operation. Other models with varied details in construction and finish, available. Send for illustrated catalogue GLECO LTD. Phone : CLERKENWEU. 7744-5 99 Gt. Eastern St., London, E.C.2

A P LUNDBERG & SONS LTD. (Established 1882) 491-493 Liverpool Road London N7 THE ELECTRICIAN A P R IL 1947 RARLECT& CABLES AN© FLEXIBLES

1/044 to 19/064 Single - Double T riple.

14/0076 to 162/0076 One, Two, Three and Four core.

W rite for LIST No. 7646/E. MADE IN ENGLAND.

Competitive Prices.

TEXOLEX TUBES IN LAMINATED BARRIES ImSsLJ FABRIC OR PAPER BASE ELECTRICAL AGENCIES LTD., THE BUSHING CO. LTD. King Street, Brighton 1, Sussex. HEBBURN-ON-TYNE .. T e le p h o n e : B rig h to n 8 3 6 6 f'7 lin e s ) P . B - X .


MEICO'S up-to-date facilities include the most modem coil producing machinery available—vacuum impregnating equip­ ment for wax and varnish—completely automatic production test apparatus. MEICO Chokes are precisely wound— meticulously assemble d—tho roughly LITHOLITE INSULATORS & impregnated and carefully finished. Continuous inspection and quality con­ ST. ALBANS MOULDINGS LTD. trol ensure maximum uniformity and silence in operation. AVAILABLE FOR PROMPT DELIVERY WATFORD MICRAMATIC ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENT (0. LTD. P H O N E : W A T F O R D 4494 MEICO WORKS : DONGLETON : CHESHIRE TELEPHONE; CONGLETON 607

2S APRIL 1947 THE ELECTRICIAN The Type 60 B Variac, Handling 7 kVA at 230 V In. represents a valuable addition to tte Variac range, and will find many applications in industry.

50 B 7 k V A Input 230 V (tap at 115 V), output 0-230 or 0-270V. Rated current 20 amps. Max. 31 amps.

Excellent deliveries can be arranged. Most E types ore in stock. Other Variac types range from 165 watts to 7 kW . Write for bulletin PRODUCTS 424 E and circular 146 E for complete fo r STR6NGTH b/y/ex must be y ood' GEORGE H. SCHOLES and Co. Ltd. Wylex Works, Wythenshawe 180 Tottenham Court Road, London, W . I MANCHESTER a n d 7 6 , Oldhall Street, Liverpool, L ancs.

THE ELECTRICIAN 25 APRIL 1947 These ramparts of chalk rising to 37S feet are the first glimpses of England obtained by travellers from the Continent




POWER TRANSFORMERS VERY USEFUL EX-GOVT. STEEL AMMUNITION BOXES ...... of q u a l i t y S iz e 2 1 I" long, 9i* wide, deeo* up to 10 kVA Splendid for Tcols, Packing, Stores, e re . (As supplied to H.M. 7 /6 each Government) " lle i. B.167” by TheT ransformer Samples by post plus is ./2 d .e a c h ;in qu an ­ & Electrical Co. Ltd. tities the rate.by rail is reasonable. T e rm s Eastern Works, Eastern N ett cash with order, Road, Walthamstow, E.17 carriage extra. M any Tel.: Keystone 5031-2 ' thousands available from stock. Immediate delivery. We have a large stock of steel boxes, various sizes, send for lists WM. HURLOCK, JNR., LTD., Available Capacity — Irrmediate Delivery High Street, - Thames Ditton, - Surrey.




Advt. of Pirelli-General Cable W orks Ltd., Southampton.

25 APRIL 1947 THE ELECTRICIAN 9 1058 lus ing f a c i l i t i e s

«¡ m u í

covered bars washers «.rings m K I II Z machined parts H A t , tubes round & square flexible «/moulding W r a s p P $ « g ^ r a COMBUSTION sheet ta p e s etc., f l f c ^ T T shapes. CONTROL MANUFACTURED & The Fuseholder of the HiSZHiï« GUARANTEED By N e w S L Y D L O K g ( K 3 j | ! FUSE Is virtually a Ü K '* 1 lii G! BSON.TODD t CO. LTD self - contained ALBERT MlLLS-HOLLINWOOD LANCASHIRE re-wlrable Cartridge. j » TEL: FAILSWORTH 1 5 2 0 i The harmful products U s S l Spa t of tinned-copper or rr’"f ilïsP I alloy fuse-wire com- .i'i . j bustlon are confined to the generous top and bottom expansion I chambers, aided by ji H I REGISTEREDTRADE-MARK the cooling effect of i**7BH vertical ventilation, w p ; y » ;1 j | self-evident from the -SaJ half-sectional illustra­ TRANSFORMERS tion herewith. Hence, INDUCTANCES AND CHOKE COILS contacts and base ter- m S m w m m AIR-COOLED AND OIL-IMMERSED minais are immune Let us quote for your requirements— small or large from blackening or pitting, temperature rise is negligible and 16,500 amps can be cleared with ease. Exclusive to the New 5 to 100 amp.

Vibration-Proof Fuses


SHARSTON ROAD • WYTHENSHAWE The ZENITH ELECTRIC CO. Ltd. MANCHESTER Sol« Maker* of th« well-known "Zen ith" Electrical - Produ«t* Zenith W orks, Villiers Road, Willesden Green, London, N.W. 2 dm E.W.l I Phon* : W lU w d e n <087-8-9 Grtmt: Voluohm. Phone. London

THE ELECTRICIAN 25 APRIL 1947 This range of plugs and sockets pro­ vide a means for the rapid connection of a number of contacts, which is Invaluable for linking the different units of an equipment. Units equipped with these plugs can also be connected to test sockets, both on the factory bench and In service test equipments:

The contacts are made of beryllium copper, the properties of which ensure that the resilience of the springs in their sockets is permanent, and that the electrical contact resist­ ance remains very low. This enables the socket to be relied upon, even in transmission circuits where any appreciable amount of contact resistance might be serious. The low resistance also enables the contacts to carry up to 5 amperes without excessive heating.

We shall be happy to supply the fullest^information.






At each pressure on the door push the Melo-chyme emits a deep resonant note of two harmonious tones and is a delightful con­ trast to the irritating shrill of' the normal door bell.

Exceptional!/ simple

fitting. Operates from BIRMINGHAM {NGtNtiRtNG AND batter/ or mains. HARDWARI MOTION $-16 M A Y

Transformers for use with the Melo-chyme door Call -


25 APRIL 1947 THE ELECTRICIAN D LONDEX ^ RELAYS VULCANIZED FIBRE EBONITE, BAKELITE Sheets, Rods, Tubes and Machined Shapes including time delay Relays, high sensitive Relays, synchronous LEATHEROID Sheets, Rolls, etc, process timers and complete control plants. 11 CLIFfËX ” Insulating Tapes. Insulating Staples, Jointing, Presspahn. Ask for leaflets RE; E






• SIZES 20 TO 47 S.W.G. cables O R T O B & S G A U G E S

Contractors 9 EVEN SPOOLING POLYTHENE INSULATED ADMIRALTY • GOOD DELIVERIES and sheathed with P.V.C. WAR OFFICE G IV E N Let us send you details of the wide AIR MINISTRY range available. STAINLESS STEEL W IRE Co. Ltd. The Barracks . Langsett Road CABLES & PLASTICS Sheffield, 6 — ------—;----- LIMITED. Telephone: 4424I-2 Telegrams: Fynewlre, Sheffield 9, NEW TON RD., LEEDS, 7. THE ELECTRICIAN 25 APRIL i947 1063

A wide variety of types and sizes for Drilling, Sawing, Grinding, Screwdrivering, etc. Also Electric Soldering Irons, Solder and Wax Pots; Engravers, etc.

A wide range of Tools by the best known Manufacturers. Pliers, plain and insulated, Screwdrivers, Hammers, Floor Chisels, Saws, etc.

ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT All types of Electrical Equipment such as Industrial Stoves, Ovens, Motors, Starters, Transformers and all forms of Electrical Transmission Switchgear.

H e a d . O f fic e : WHITECHAPEL ROAD L O N D O N E= . I BISHOP5CATE 7676


y'Hot/em , //cuiti^itl and '/m etical

At a touch the “Wanda- iite ” Adjustable Table Lamp takes up any posi­ tion you require, yet because of the unique balanced mechanism it always “stays put ”— fight exactly where you require

COR1NERCROFT subsidiary o f Corner croft Ltd.

W. I2L

_ For sixty years we have maintained our repu­ tation for accuracy and efficiency, and in this, our Diamond Jubilee Year, weare proud to offer to the trade, refractories of the highest quality at strictly competitive prices. If you require insulators of guaranteed reliability and efficiency, let us quote you. W ILLIAM KENT (PORCELAINS) LTD. Wellington Street, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent Telephone Stoke-on-Trent 84237/8 THE ELECTRICIAN 25 APRIL 1947 1065

The article was a Copper Heat Exchanger

T h e J o b was to sweat on the fins using a minimum of solder and man hours and without employing skilled labour.

T h e M e t h o d was by using Fryolux Solder Paint. This was trickled on to the tubes between the fins. The whole unit was then placed in an oven and heated and the job was done. For quantity production a special container was made having the requisite number of spaced holes from which Fryolux Solder Paint flowed on to the tubes between the fins FRYOLUX Solder Paint FOR TINNING AND SWEAT SOLDERING

Apply by brushing, spraying or dipping— heat by any convenient means— and the job's done.





REPLACEMENT M O R E T H A N FLUORESCENT 1,500 DIFFERENT TYPES STARTER SWITCHES (THERMAL TYPE) For use with B.T-H., Revo and Metrovick Lighting Units m a c h in e Early Delivery FLUORESCENT SPARES tools Dept. E/A, 53, C00DGE STREET, LONDON, W.1

For accurate oven temperature, measurement and control

THE BRITISH ROTOTHERM Co., Ltd M ERTO N ABBEY, S.W.I?. Liberty 3406. and at 87, St. Vincent St, Glasgow, C.2.

WALTER CRANE Government Surplus machine tools available NOW at attractive prices. REPAIRS AND REWINDS YOUR opportunity to get better W e specialise in the re-winding of equipment and increase production. all types of electrical equipment including portable tools, vacuum DISPOSAL CENTRES, where records cleaners, etc. of all machines available may be inspected, are open to the public for Trade List on application. enquiries from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. W ALTER CRANE, Greencoat Works, Monday to Friday inclusive :— W akefield . BIRMINGHAM C.M.L. Buildings, Great Charles Street. BRISTOL 8/9 Elmdalc Road. Bristol 8. INVISAFLEX CARDIFF INDUSTRIAL LOCAL A Imperial Buildings, Mount Stuart Square. LIGHTING UNITS Æ GLASGOW 21 Glassford Street. - k*LE EN C¿0j*rt W LEEDS 10 Bank Street, off Boar Lane. LONDON Room 0088, Ground Floor, Thames House North, Millbank, S.W.I. \y \ B e n c A . u K t M I MANCHESTER ^ o r w u o w s a i Britannia House, Fountain Street. I'H r o u c h O ^ condou£6


v v h i * * 4 0


The 1947 Fair, open from 5-16 the buyer, after a lapse of seven May, offers both Home and years, to establish direct contact Overseas Buyers an unequalled with his suppliers and to discuss opportunity of comparing the his marketing problems in per­ exhibits of a large number of son with the actual manufacturer. competing firms. The immense Catalogues will be available range of products displayed at on 30th April (Price 2/6) on the Fair will be carefully grouped application to Export Promotion to facilitate the quick and easy Department, Board of Trade, 35 comparison of prices and Old Queen St., London, S.W.l, quality. or the Birmingham Chamber of Once again the world-famous Commerce (Inc.) 95 New Street, British Industries Fair will enable Birmingham, 2.

BIF BIF LONDON BIRMINGHAM (Olym pia & Earls Court) (Castle Bromwich) Trade Buyers 9.30 a.m.-7,30 p.m. |i Trade Buyers 10 a.m .-6 p.m. B u yers’ Badge 2/6 B u yers’ Badge 2/6

THE PUBLIC — Hours of admission Fri. 4.30 p .m .— 7.30 p.m . Sat. 9.30 to the Public at Olympia and Earls a.m.—7.30 p.m. Birmingham Sec­ Court are limited for the convenience of tion open to the Public 10 a.m . — 6 p.m. Home and Overseas Buyers:—Monday to daily. Admission 2/6.

ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT and ACCESSORIES will bB shown in Birmingham


EDUCATIONAL MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL. FACULTY OF ENGINEERING. TENDERS Dean: Professor It. G. Batson. M.Eng., STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF M .I.C.E., WSLMec h ii. VICTORIA, jpROSPECTUS and full particulars may be 22-32, WILLIAM STREET, MELBOURNE, obtained, on application to the Registrar, AUSTRALIA. of Courses designed for Students desiring to rTENBERS are invited for Porcelain Disc qualify as Mechanical, Electrical, Civil or insulators for 220 kV Transmission Lines, Marine Engineers, as Naval Architects or as in accordance with specification No. 4M7/159. Metallurgists and Metallurgical Engineers. Full particulars available from Agent- FO R SALE General for Victoria. Victoria House. Mel­ TBEERKONES, Ex-Admiralty for Skips, bourne Place, The Strand, London, w.0.2. .Mines, Factories. Handsets, Jacks and Tenders accompanied by preliminary deposit of £25, and endorsed " Specification i>,V £!w n4i£ator and Jacks. 25 000 No. 46-47/159,” are returnable at the Com­ RELAYS (20 types), 150 000 yds. Sleeving, mission’s office. 22-32, William Street, Mel­ Switch Keys. Five tons Ebonite and Fibre bourne, by 11 a.m. on Wednesday, 4tli June, rod. sheet and tube. 5 line Switchboards. 1947. ' 10 line Portable metal switchboards. Accu­ The Commission does not bind itself to mulator Capacity Testing sets. 5 bank Indi­ accept the lowest or any tender. cators and Jacks. 4 way flat and concentric Jacks aud Plugs. Resistance wires. Nichronie, W. 0. PRICE, Cupro Nickel, Eureka and Constanton. S ecretary . Laminations, Interleaving Paper. Call and SITUATIONS VACANT inspect.—Jack Davis, 30, Percy Street, London, COUNTY BOROUGH OF PRESTON. W.l. Museum 7960. I IG-11T ALLOY SHEETS -available in large ELECTRICITY UNDERTAKING. " quantities for immediate delivery ex-stock Switchboard Attendant. in all gauges from 6 ft. by 2 ft. to 8 ft by A I’PLICATIONS are invited for the appoint* . i f 4 - fL0Ill fid. to 2 s . per lb.; also Light TAment of a D.C. AUXILIARY SWITCH­ Alloy Tubes, Bars, Strip, Coils, Angles, etc. BOARD ATTENDANT -for shift duties at —Box L.E-N., “ THE ELECTRICIAN,” 154, F leet Ribble Generating Station No. 1, Pcn- S treet, L ondon. E.C.4. wortham, Preston. ONE E.C.C. Electric TRANSFORMER. 150 Applicants should preferably have had ex­ _ kVA, volts 6 300/400. One ''Phillips” Weld­ perience in the operation of switchgear, and ing TRANSFORMER, A.C., 18 kVA. Primary it is desirable that technical education shall volts 200/250 o r 400/450. S econdary am ps. have reached at least Ordinary National 50-350. Two ” Phillips ” Welding TRANS­ Certificate standard. FORMER. A.C., 10 kVA. Prim ary volts 200/250 The appointment is a permanent one and o r 400/450. am ps. 15/200. One " P h illip s ” will be subject to the provisions of the welding TRANSFORMER, volts 190/440, amps. Local Government Superannuation Act, 20/175.—Offers Henry Hawkins, Ltd., Cannock, 1937. Conditions of service will be in accor­ Staffs. dance with those of the National Joint 1 — 85 h.p. L.tD. M. 3 Bearing Slip Ring Motor Industrial Council for the Electricity Supply 400 volts 3 phase 50 cycles, with “Control Industry, the present rate of pay being 31d. Gear.—Oldfield Engineering Company Limited, p er h o u r. 96, East Ordsall Lane, Salford, 5. Applications stating aso, qualifications and giving full particulars of training and ex­ perience, accompanied by not more' than two SECTIONAL TIMBER BUILDINGS. recent testimonials, and endorsed “ SWITCH­ BOARD ATTENDANT," should he forwarded QOMPLETELY reconditioned and equal to so as to reach the undersigned not later than new. Sizes: 6 ft. by 6 ft.. 16 ft. by 8 ft., !0th May, 1947. G. A. ROBERTSON. 24 ft. by 12 ft., 48 ft. by 16 ft., 60 ft. by 16 ft., M.Sc.Tech., M.I.E.E., M.LMech.E., 8 ft. by 8 ft.. 20 ft. by 12 ft., 36 ft. by 16 ft., Borough Electrical Engineer. 40 and 41, Lune Street, PRESTON. 54 ft. by 16 ft., 72 ft. by 16 ft. No purchase 17th April, 1947. licence required. Offered subject to being UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW. unsold.—D. McMaster and Co.. 21c, Mount APPLICATIONS are invited for appoint- Bures Works, Bures, near Colchester, Essex. -£iment to an Assistantship in Electrical E n g in e erin g . S a la ry £300 to £450 acco rd in g to T elephone: B ures 351/3. qualifications and experience. Applications (three, copies) should ho sub­ mitted to the Secretary of the University 7 50 0 EX GOVERNMENT ' SURPLUS Court. The University, Glasgow, W.2, not later v,v,v'Receiving and Transmitting Units. than 31st May. 1947. Ex Government stocks of WIRELESS ROBT. T. HUTCHESON, RECEIVERS and components, all new. To be Secretary of the University Court. a fraction of original cost. I ROTARY CONVERTORS including voltage T ECTURER in Electrical Engineering and : control regulator and meter fuses and spares. -‘-'Allied Subjects up to B.Sc. standard Enclosed in ironclad cabinets. Input 24 wanted. Commencing salary £400-£500 accord­ ; volts D.C. Output 230 volts 75 -watts. ing to qualifications.—Apply Principal, Fara­ OSCILLATOR UNITS for short wave recep- day House College, Southampton Row, W.C.l. [ tion. RECEIVING AND TRANSMITTING 'C'XPBRIBNCED Male Winders for power : UNITS all complete with 10 to 15 valves. 24 -‘-'transformer heavy winding. Write or call, and 12 volt MOTORS model de luxe slow giving full particulars to—1The Personnel motion dials, etc., etc. Many other lines for Officer, The British Electric Transformer Co. the wireless trade. Callers only.—Alec Davis, Ltd., Clayton Road, llayes. : 8, Percy Street. W.l. p OXTILVCTS Draughtsman required, ex- 'J —PRACTICALLY new, " Reyrolle ’’ Type '“‘perienced in layout and design of L.T. 10 CIIF Variable Speed, enclosed ventilated distribution equipment and switchfuse gear. : Commutator Motors, Shunt characteristics. Apply stating age, salary, experience, to— 5/1.67 H .P., 1440/480 r.p.m . 400 volts 3 p h ase Manager, Cantie Switches, Northgate Works, i 50 cycles.—Oldfield Engineering Company C hester. | Ltd., 96, East Ordsall Lane. Salford, 5. THE ELECTRICIAN 25 APRIL 1947 1069

F O R S A L E F O R S A L E F LUORESOHNT FITTINGS. — Trough or * Flush. type fitted “ Constead" or Hi-Crafit 17 lUTLSJl Electric Co. (Beco) Ltd., can supply Ballast control gear, complete with tubes. most types of A.C. and D.C. Motors from Delivery 7/14 days. ApplyScemco Ltd., stock.—British Electric Co. (Beco) Ltd., Scemco House, 6/7. Soho Street, London, W.l. 0 H ouse, 25/29, Low er Road, R o th erh ith e, T el.: GER. 1461/2/3. S.E.16. B erm ondsey 3449, Portable Dynamometer Standard FLUORESCENT FITTINGS. - Electrically '“'W att Meter for D.C. and A.C. voltage wise from Scemco buys. For details of ran g e 250; tw o c u r re n t ran g es, 2.5/5 am p . Fittings, Control Gear and accessories, send Standardised on the 9th December, 1946, with for 12 page pamphlet. Apply:—Scemco qualified engineer’s signature. Price £31. Ltd.. Scemco House, 6/7, Soho Street, London, Inspection.—Bate Electrical Co. Ltd., 12, W .l. T e l: GER. 1491/2/3. Brooks Mews, W.l. 1/ LUORESCENT LIGHT.ING.—-We g u a ra n te e ,Pur Control Gear. All types including D 1; fu-xe m odel door chim es, P ro teo tafll Constead," Hi-Craft Ballast, Transtar, etc. snook absorbers, radio transformers and Immediate replacement free of charge if rewinds, chokes, starter switches, 2 and 3 kW defective in any way. Apply:—Scemco Ltd., immersion heaters. Send for list—J. E Wild* Scemco House. 6/7, Soho Street, London, W.l. ‘JSri(* 2?tnM,a.liborollffl1 Street, Oldham, LancB. T el.: GER. 1461/2/3. O n , 1 ® Motor Generator by General FLUORESCENT LIGHTING.—OHOKES, extra '-'Electric Co., input 440 v„ 3-ph., 50 cycles, * quality, elongated, 4 ft.. 40 W, tapped 200/250 output 220 v. D.C.: also one 70 kW Slotor \ , silent working, each unit guaranteed, Generator, input 440 v„ 3-ph., 50 cycles, Fuller measurements 13 In. by lg in. by 8i in. Price Mfg. Co., output 460 v. B.C., B T.H. Can be £1 Ss. ea.ch net. C a rriag e e x tra .—W rite seen running at—(Manganese Bronze and Scemco Ltd., Scemco House, 6/7, Soho Street, Up- Ltd., Dock Road, Birkenhead. London. W .l. T el.: GER. 1461/2/3. 6 0 0 SLOT METERS.—Watt-Hour Is. prepay- FLUORESCENT LIGHTING. — 30 watt u u u ment 21 amp. 200/250 V., S/P 50 period, fitting complete with self-contained control as new.—Price on application to the Con­ gear and 36 in. tube, £6 12s. 6d. Immediate tractors Plant Register Ltd., 26. Waterloo delivery with guaranteed component and Road. Epsom, Surrey. Tele.: 1712. —230 volts 1 phase 50 cycles brand1 new tube replacement service.—Apply Scemco Ltd., „ Motor Driven Forge Blowers, complete with Scemco House, 6/7, Soho Street, London, W.l. Sta.i-ters. mlet in., oxrtlet 2i in., 10 in. w.g„ T el,: GER. 1461/2/3. 90 .GEM.—Oldfield Engineering Company. FLUORESCENT LIGHTING. - Write for Ordsall Lane. Salford. 5. details of our amazing OUTDOOR UNIT. 1 -BANNING Motor Generator set, 400 volts Guaranteed weatherproof with rubber insu­ 3 phase 50 cycles, output 6 volts, 3 000 lated unbreakable glass covering with 1, 2 or amperes.—Oldfield Engineering Company, 3 tubes. Ideal for garages, sports stadiums, Limited, 96. East Ordsall Lane, Salford, 5. wharfs, etc.—Apply, Scemco Ltd.. Scemco ALTERNATOR Sets, Coventrv Climax, four- House, 6/7. Soho Street, London, W.l. Tel: M '■cylinder en g in e d riv in g 23 kVA. 130/3/50 GER. 1461/2/3. alternator. Completely self contained. Imme­ F LEltMNT Products Ltd., 136, Fenchurch ! diate delivery, price £85 each, or alternators Street, London, E.C.3. Job lines available rew ound for 230/1/50, £125. Two m o n th s' for Immediate delivery: Rubber Tubing, delivery. Mathew Brothers, Sandy lane Sleevmgs, including Systoilex and Telcothene, North, Wallington. 'Phone: Wallington 4050. Tenatube, Tufnol and Bakelite Strips and T PHASE Oil Cooled Welding Transformers, Tubes, Ebonite and Paxoline Sheets, Plastic ■ 70 kVA, 415 V input, tapped star output. Rods. Also Fine Wire and Cables and 192; 155. 110 V. 90 kVA, 400/173 V. W ith 30 Textile-covered Wires, Empire Cloth, etc. kVAh condenser for P.F, correction.—John C HEETS.—Aluminium Alloy Sheets (Hard) Hiekton and Co. Ltd., Halesowen. in Alclad and Dural, in gauges up to 24’s, FLUORBSOENT Lamp Control Units (80 W).~ in perfect condition, good sizes. Substantial "• High power factor. Ohoke, P.F. condenser, quantities available for prompt delivery. R.I. suppressor and thermal type starter Details available from—N.M.T. Co. Ltd., switch are embodied in a neat, elongated, Chronicle Buildings, Corporation Street, compound filled unit, providing silent opera­ M anchester. 4. 'P h o n e: B la c k fria rs 3741/2/3. tion.— Zodiao Electrical Products, Spring­ F UR SALE.—Two Morrison 50 cwt. Electric field Road. Guiseley. Leeds. Vehicles, 1939 Models, complete with F LUORESCENT Lighting Fittings.—Complete Westinghouse Metal Rectifiers. All good with 5 ft. 80 W daylight or warm white condition.—Brickwood and Co. Ltd., The lamp and all control gear, can be supplied Brewery, Portsmouth. from stock.—Zodiac Electrical Products, ARC Welding set F.W.C. 250, Comp., 6 kVA Springfield Road, Guiseley. Leeds. -“ ■Condenser. 100 and 60 amp. D.B. Pole YROVAC All-volt Immersion Heaters, with Switch fuse, new. 2 Volspray paint, outfits.— P the finest heating elements in the world. Hawkins (Byfleet) Ltd., Surrey. Byfleet 2613. Large stocks, immediate delivery.—Cestrian F URNAGE.—Max. Temp. 1000 degs. C. Electrical Co., Northgate, Chester. 'Phone Pyrometer. Temp. Control. Internal 455. dimensions 12 in. by ia in. by 61 in. high, T AMP SHADE FRAMES: Superior quality— 3 phase, 415 volts, complete as new.—W. Pod- •*-' brass. Suitable retail sale for Handi­ more and Sons Ltd., Caledonian Mills, crafts. For sample range and list send 13s. Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent. to Beauti-Line Art Products. 32. Silverwood T AMPSHADES. Modern designs, beautifully Road, Peterborough. executed at attractive prices. Generous T ADDERS, Trestles and Handcarts, from trade terms. Agents wanted!—1Thanet Indus­ Ramsay and Song (Forfar), Ltd., Forfar. tries (Kent), Clarence Road, Ramsgate. 17011 SALE.—Taylor Meter—as new—Model D Y N A M O & MOTOR REPAIRS LTD., x 90, 1 000 ohms per volt. A.C./D.C. £12 or Wembley Park, Middlesex. offer.—Deith, 14. Queen Victoria Street, Telephone: Wembley 3121 (4 lines). London, E.C.4. OEN. 0039. Also at Phoenix Works, Belgrave Terrace, VWHY not assemble your own Fluorescent Soho Road, Handsworth, Birmingham. Tr Fittings? We can supply 5 ft. Troughs, Telephone: Northern 0898. Chokes. Power-Factors, Suppressors. Starters, REBUILT MOTORS AND GENERATORS. Lamp Holders, etc., at a special all-in price, Long deliveries can often be avoided by pur­ or separately. 5 ft. and 4 ft. Fittings com­ chasing rebuilt secondhand plant. We can plete with tubes at a keen price—Write, call redesign or replace surplus plant of any size. or 'phone L. Goodman (Radio) Ltd., 9. Percy SEND US YOUR ENQUIRIES, Street, Tottenham Court Road, W.l. MUSeum OVER 1000 RATINGS ACTUALLY IN STOCK 0216, HERB. 25 APRIL 1947 THE ELECTRICIAN 1070 FO R SALE WANTED P)UPLICATE books, billheads, memos, etc.; VU ANTED.—TRANSFORM ER, 200 kVA, 11000/ estimates by return; prompt delivery.— ” 3 300. State maker, price and location for Central Press, Fence, Burnley, 5. inspection.—Glebe Mines, Ltd., Eyam, near SWITCH BLOCKS, HARDWOOD, POLISHED Sheffield. AND GUARANTEED. 9 —400 volts 3 phase 50 cycles Slip Ring 3 in. by 3 in. by 1 in., 6s. doz.; 3 in. by 3 in. M otors, 100 an d 150 h.>p., speeds 500 a n d 750 by 3 in., 6s. 9d. doz.; 31 in. b y 31 in . by r.p.m—Box L.E.O., " THE ELECTRICIAN,” 1 in., 6s. 9d. doz.; 3J in. by 31 in. by 3 in., 154, F leet S treet, L ondon, E.C.4. 7s. 6d. doz.; 6 in. by 3 In. by 1 in.. 8s. 9d. APPROXIMATELY 12 Admiralty pattern doz.; 6 in. by 3 in. by 3 in., 9s. 6d. doz.; “ ■500 watt, 12 or 24 volt, L.D. and C. D.C. 61 in. by 31 in. by 1 in., 9s. 6d. doz.; 61 in. Generators.—Oldfield Engineering Company, by 31 in. by 3 in., 10s. 9d. doz. Carriage paid. Ltd., 96, East Ordsall Lane, Salford, 6. Crossed olieque with order.—S.T.C. Manufac­ WANTED urgently in first class condition, turing Co., 33. Grange Road, Ramsgate. ” 2 100 amip. 3 P. and N. Switch Fuses.— F LUORESOENT LIGHTING UNITS, 4-ft. and Langley Ijondon Ltd., 161, Borough High 5-ft., PROM STOCK, with Warm White or Street, London, S-E.l. Phone: HOP 2946 (7 Daylight tubes. Send for new illustrated lines). Trade List.—Moss Bros., 53, Goodge Street, A HI?, (or larger) motor and starter wanted, W.l. MUS. 5385. ^ 480-volt, single-phase. — G. F. Baker, T> UBBER STAMPS can assist in many ways.. Stillington, York. ■‘■'■Are yours satisfactory and in good con­ dition? W. L. Boughton, maker of all (■'¡APAOITY available in perspex department kinds, 53, Kenley Road, Merton, London, VJfor further orders of a mass production S.W.19. type.—T. W. Cawood and Son, Shopfltters, ¿SUPERIOR Type Builders’ Ladders now in D oncaster. ‘-'production; also Steps, Trestles and Exten­ FLUORESCENT Lighting Tubes, worn out sion Ladders.—Phone: ShafteBbury Ladders, a and useless, 5 ft. and 4 ft. wanted, any Ltd., 453, Katherine Road. E.7. Grangewood quantities, 2s. 6d, each, plus carriage. 3363/4. Letters only to S. H. Brown, 37, Tavistock 0 A.CK3 and Bags in excellent condition for Square, W.C.l. ° a ll com m odities, as low a s 41d. each. W rite; A .C. -MOTORS, 1-100 h.p., 500-1 500 rip.m . A ny John Braydon Ltd., 230, Tottenham Court make fitted with ball and roller type bear­ Road, W.l. Tel. No.: Museum 6972. ings. Must be good machines, such as you T EATHER FINGER STALLS.—Made of yourselves would buy. Alternatively motors ‘-'Chrome Hide. Very strong and bard for rewinding will be considered.—Oldfield wearing. Length 3 in. Price 4s. per doz. Engineering Co., Ltd., 96, East Ordsall Lane, Prompt delivery. Sample on application.— Salford, 5. Willson Brothers, Industrial Clothing Manu­ J AMINATIONS.—Large types required In facturers, Epsom, Surrey. ‘-'any reasonable quantities. T’s and U’e. A TLAS lamps from stock, delivery In London, Also 75’a and 4A’s.—Par Metal Company. ■“•Surrey, Sussex and Kent; other lines In­ Wallworth Bank, Congleton. clude docks, toasters, fires, Irons, kettles, J7 LECTBIOAL steel sheet or laminations of fans, fittings, chargers, speakers, eto.—Drubel ‘-'reputable make, .014 In. to .020 in. thick will Radio Distributors, Ltd., 39a, Stafford Road, be purchased for cash in any quantity by Croydon. Croydon 1107. Davenset Eleotrlcal Works, Leicester. Tp LECTRIO MOTORS, A.C. and D.C. We A N unlimited number of modem A.O. motors -‘-'supply all types and sizes of Eleotrlcal urgently required for essential work. Maohlnery—Slow Speed Rednotion Gearis can Highest cash prices paid for suitable units. be supplied to customers’ requirements with We also want all types of motors for con­ short deliveries. Send your enquiries to version and rewinding. Send details to Sales The Electro Power Co. Ltd. (formerly Be- Dept., A. P. Watson, 104, Upper Brook Street, Be, Eng.), 3, Retreat Close, Kenton, Middlesex. Manchester, 13. Tel.: WORdsworth 4928. REPAIRS JUNCTION Electrio Irons, superior design “ and quality, supplied with suitable stand. R UNBAKEN ELEOTRICAL REPAIRS.—Re- Also Junction Niokel plated Torch Cases. xvwinding to trade. Fractional h.p. motors 8upplled for home trade and export. Also a speciality, a.c. and d.o. Prompt service. large selection of household electrical Guaranteed work.—45, Oxford Road, Man­ appliances, Fires, Radiators, other eleotric chester. Tel.: ARD. 2607 (3 lines). Irons, Toasters, Table Lamps, Torch cases. Y^OOKERS.—We can give good deliveries of Dry batteries, eto. Please write for full list. Sheet Metal Vitreous Enamelled Electrio —Brooks & Bohm, Ltd.. 90, Victoria Street, Cooker parts.—JOHN KING & SON (ENAMEL- London, S.W.l. Tele.: Vic. 9550/1441. LBRS), LTD., PYRO WORKS, OHESTERFIELD. TMME SHEETS—Our stock-printed Time P h o n e: 5305. 1 Sheets are remarkably cheap compared JTOTPOINT, Hoover, Hoover Dustette, Electro- with specially printed ones. On decent •r l lux, Armatures, Re-wound, 2 days service, quality 8 in. by 10 in. _paper:—100, 3s. 6d.; fully guaranteed, 35s. Trade enquiries 500, 15s.; 1 000. £1 7s. 6d. Post Free. Send for invited. — Bateson-Turner Ltd., Gibraltar B a m p le .—F. H. Brown Ltd., P.O. Box 26, Works, Parkinson Lane. Halifax. Burnley, Lancs. inned steel arm ature binding BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES T WIRE.—All even numbered sizes from 16 OEMCO LTD.. Fluorescent Lighting «.w.g.-28 s.w.g. supplied from stock on 7 lb., S Specialists, wish to contact manufacturers 14 lb. or 28 lb. reels. of electrical equipment and accessories, in­ FREDERICK SMITH & CO. W IRE cluding Domestic and Industrial Lighting MANUFACTURERS LTD., CALEDONIA Switches, all " Novelty ” and " Improved WORKS. HALIFAX. eleotrlcal appliances. Fluorescent Tubes, PATENT. Fittings and Components, both Domestio and 'TH E Proprietor of British Patent No. 554848 Industrial, of particular interest. Where -•■for " ELECTROTHERAPY,” desires.to enter possible complete output will be taken and into negotiations with a Firm or Firms for fnU co-operation given in exchange for sole the sale of the patent, or' for the grant of distribution rights. Replies wiU be treated licences thereunder. Further particularsijnay with strictest confidence. — Managing be obtained from MARKS AND CLERK, 57 Direotor, Scemco, Ltd., Scemco House. 6/7. and 58, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, W.C.2. Soho Street, London. WL THE ELECTRICIAN 25 APRIL 1947 1071 SALES BY AUCTION WORK WANTED PRESSED METAL PRODUCTS (LELOESTER), Middleton Street, Aylestone, Leicester, have capacity for light press work and would be pleased to receive your enquiries, By Order o£ the Minister of Suppiy. for which a quoted price will be given to IMPORTANT ONE-DAY SALE, BY PUBLIC your drawing and specification. AUCTION (without Reserve) of P LEOTRICAL Machinery overhauled, re- GOVERNMENT SURPLUS STORES, x 'wound, etc., any h.p., A.C. and D.C. co m p risin g :— Enquiries specially invited from colliery ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, and GENERAL organisations.—Groom’s (G.B.) Ltd., Queens ENGINEERING SUPPLIES, SURPLUS A.R.P. Road East, Beeston, Nottingam. Tel.: EQUIPMENT of OILSKIN COATS and N ott'm . 54529. JACKETS, GLOVES (Leather and Oilskin), A .C. and D.C. Rewinds and Conversions up Wrens’ Coats and liats, ROPE and 1 vto 50 h.p., immediate capacity available. CORDAGE, HOSE PIPE, WAXED and First-class workmanship, materials and GREASE-PROOF PAPER, Electric Ovens, service.—Armature Service Co. Ltd., Had­ Electric Furnaces, Winches, Pumps, Fans, dington Street Works, Hove (Tel. 6465). Tools, and Surface Tables, Emery and Glass Oloth, Weighing- Machines, Petrol /-¡APAOITY available Radio or Light Elcc- Pumps, Tanks, Lubricating Tanks, etc. A-Hrical Assembly or wiring. Experimental Also SPECIAL EQUIPMENT, comprising work undertaken. — Mail—Clifford and Eight Mobile Water Distillation Plants, Richards, Electrical Engineers and Con­ mounted on four-wheeled Trailer Chassis, tractors, 58, Coronation Drive, Elm Park, complete with Pneumatic Tyres, ready lor Essex (or ’phone Hornchurch 4522, Romford towing. Each set comprises Two 2881). Evaporator Vessels, One Distilling Con­ rvQIL winding capacity available.—Modern denser, One Raw Feed Heater, One Hori­ VJ Armature and Coil Winding Co. Ltd., Lip- zontal Direct-acting Tandem Steam Pump, hook, Hants together -with all necessary Piping Con­ A/TBTAL Polishing Capacity available.— nections, Mountings, Fittings and Spares, Price’s, 95, Lower Richmond Road, Putney, etc., etc. London, S.W.15. ’Phone: Putney 0179. To he held! within P OR REWINDING ELECTRIC MOTORS. THE CENTRAL HALLS, 25, BATH STREET, *• Fractional, up to 100 h.p. Transformers, GLASGOW, 0 3. (opp. Municipal Transport Chokes, etc.. contact Electrical Engineering Offices), Construction Company, Ltd., Seymour Wharf, On THURSDAY, 1st MAY, 1947, Totnes, Devon. 'Phone 3282. at 10.30 a.m. Prompt. VACUUM CLEANER REWINDING SERVICE, ADMISSION BY CATALOGUE ONLY. ’ commutators and Bearings. Prompt The Equipment is lying at present at M.O.S. delivery and full guarantee.—Thomas Ander­ Transit Depot, No. 77, Dundonald Aerodrome, son, 117. Bowes Street, Blyth. Northumber­ adjacent to Drybridge L.M.S. Station, Ayr­ land. 'Phone: Blyth 405. sh ire. POR Fractional H.P. Motor Rewinds and View Days.—-Monday 28th, Tuesday 29th, and x Repairs you cannot do better than send Wednesday, 30th April, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. them to " Autofraction.’’ We have a lifetime each day. of concentrated experience in this field. Our Admission to View will he by Catalogue only work is high class and gives confidence to our (Price Sixpence), each Catalogue admitting customers. Why not send us your enquiries?— Two Persons to View and One only to Sale. The Catalogue may be had from the The Autofraction Motor and Eng. Co., 106, Auctioneer, and will be the only means of Beaconsfleld Road, Southall, Middlesex admission to Depot, Dundonald, or to (Phone: Sou. 3598). Saleroom, Glasgow. AGENCIES Light Refreshments will be provided on XXT® LL-K NO WN and influential importing S ale Day. TT house having very good connections and & Further particulars from the Auctioneer. vast field of clientele desires sole representa­ S. LIPSEY, Auctioneer and Valuer, tion of all electrical goods. Please contact 50, Wellington Street, Glasgow, CH. Vyas Brothers, Post Box 2036, 33, Nanabhai Telephone: OBNtral 7930. Lane, Churchgate Street, BOMBAY. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS FOR SALE UUE are exhibiting a wide range of novelties *r in electrical appliances at Stand No. 18, P O R SALE, Modern Works in Warrington " Britain’s Best ” Exhibition, Royal Horti­ A area. Immediate Possession. Freehold and cultural Hall, Westminster, from May 12th- free from fief; single storey, containing 26 000 23rd, 1947. Ail home trade customers and over­ square feet approx., with ample land for seas visitors are invited.—Brooks & Bohin, extension, making an overall area of 2 acre* Ltd.. 90, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. approx. Adequate electric power and utility V\7 E have the pleasure to inform onr friends services, centra] heated, perfect natural T' and customers that our Head Office is now light. Artesian well with water storage tank at 523, Commercial Road, London, E.l (Tele­ on roof with large cubic capacity, ensuring phone: Stepney 4055).—S. Cohen and Sons, adequate hydraulic water supply. For Scrap Metal and Electrical Plant Merchants. further particulars and application to view— Leon Burton Ltd., 83, Princess Street. Man­ AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS chester. Phone: OEN. 0778. RICHARDS & PARTNERS, Auctioneers and Valuers of BRITISH CORK MILLS LTD., PLANT AND MACHINERY AND 167, V ictoria S treet, INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, London, S.W .I, Granville House, Arundel Street, London, W.C.2 Phone : Victoria 1414/6,7913 Telephone: TEMple Bar 7471.


Eupagurus bernhardus—the Hermit Crab—has the posterior part of its body quite defenceless though the forepart has a carapace of mail. Fearing attack, it seeks an empty shell wherein to insert the un­ protected half of its body. Even this sanctuary does not entirely lull its sense of insecurity and it goes in search of its friend the Anemone, which mounts th e shell and by its sting keeps enemies at bay. W hen the crab outgrows its shell it finds another,'to which it transfers its friend and together they move on.

but it s easier to say ENFIELD for all Cables up to 132 kV PAPER • RUBBER ■ P .V . C .

' . Ä i P tio ^ RAW M A T m l t o ENFIELD CABLES LIMITED. BRIMSDOWN, MIDDLESEX W o rk s: Telephone : HOW ard 2661 London Offices: Telephone? H OLborn 0591 THE ELECTRICIAN 25 APRIL 1947 1

Bouverie House - 154 Fleet Street - London EC 4

Telegrams : “ b e n b r o t k i c f l e e t L o n d o n ” Telephone : centrai. 3 2 1 2 (12 lines)

E dito r: S t a n l e y G. R a t t e e , A.M.I.E.E. Publisher-and Manager: John Vestey

Number 3593 25 A PR IL 1947 Vol C X X X V I1I No. 15

CONTENTS Views on Current Affairs ...... 1074 WO reports made available this week The B.E.A.M.A. Report ...... 1076 T concern the grid on the one hand The Grid in 1946 ...... 1077 and the manufacturing industry on tho Wireless Jubilee Dinner ...... 1079 other, and in view of the supply condi­ tions obtaining both warrant serious British Mine Locators ...... 1080 attention. It is true that the reports, The Faraday Lecture ...... 1081 namely that of tho Central Board and Electrical Personalities ...... 1084 that of the B.E.A.M.A., deal with the Presentation to Mr. V. Watlington ,. 1085 circumstances of 1946, but the findings published therein are a useful guide to The Spur of Security? ...... 10S7 what may be expected in tlio generation, B.E.A.M.A. Annual Meeting ...... 10S8 plant replacement and extension field in Military Generating Plant ...... 1089 the current year. Irish Electricity Supply System ...... 1091 The Central Board report stresses the Industrial Information ...... 1093 importance of tho highest possible priority being given to tho construction Bankside Site Approved ...... 1094 of generating stations, and points out Electricity Supply ...... 1095 that the uncertainties associated with Coming Events ...... 1096 the reconversion of industry to peace­ Electricity Bill in Committee ...... 1097 time production make it difficult to form a reliable estimate of the time which will Contracts Open ...... 1098 be required to re-establish the normal Company News ...... 1100 balance between generating capacity and Commercial Information ...... 1102 demand. Experience in the eighteen months since the war ended, however, makes it apparent that several years MIDLANDS OFFICE: must elapse before the position can be Daimler House, Paradise Street, Birmingham rectified, even if measures are taken to Telephone : Midlands 0784—5 ensure that no obstacles are placed in SCOTTISH OFFICE: the way of obtaining consent to tho 116, Hope Street, Glasgow, C.2 construction and extension of power Telephone: Central 3970 stations, and plant manufacturers are given the fullest facilities for carrying The offices of T h e E l e c t r i c i a n are closed on Saturdays in accordance with the "Five-day Week” plan adopted out the work. by Benn Brothers, Ltd. An indication of how the balance of generating plant and demand is worsen­ S IN G L E C O PY (TODAY) - - - 6d. (BY POST) - 8d. ing was. given, last m onth. when despite ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION the maintenance of domestic power cuts, HOME AND OVERSEAS 30s the amount of current generated showed 1074

•an increase of 4.3 per cent, on the figures of energy has inspired investigations in for March, 1946. Other indications are several directions. The development of that the February output, which was atomic energy for application to the affected by the industrial shut-down, generation of electricity holds great was 6.3 per cent, above the February, promise for the future, but, in the mean­ 1946, level, while the increase in January, time, following the successful production when there was considerable load of jet engines for aircraft propulsion shedding, was 42.8 per cent. Among the and their experimental application to factors which brought about these railway locomotion, manufacturers have increases, which were ibut an extension turned their attention to the design of of those already recorded in the latter gas turbines for use in generating part of 1946, was tho shortage of stations. The progress that has been for domestic and commercial consump­ made is reflected in an interesting tion, and since the prospects of any reference to the subject in the annual appreciable improvement in this con­ report of tho Central Electricity Board. nection are far from favourable, it is “ These developments,” states the reasonable to suppose that the gap report, “ hold promise of an important between demand and plant capacity to contribution to the problem of providing meet it will widen. efficient, economical and flexible plant Generating Capacity to deal with the short-period peak loads which occur on public electricity supply AT the end of 1946 the number of systems. The Board hope in the near selected stations associated with the grid future to be able to arrange for the remained at the 1945 figure, namely 142, installation of one or more machines of and their aggregate installed capacity this type of 15 000 kW capacity.” In a was 11 588 306 kW, a net addition of rapidly changing world there are already 272 275 kW having been made during indications that “ King Coal’s ” smoky the year. Arrangements have been made sway over the destinies of this land is for the construction of eighteen new being challenged from more than one stations by the winter of 1950, when an direction, and in (the not too distant aggregate of 5 892 700 kW of now plant fu tu re 11411 have to give way to cleaner is due for completion, but the delays in and more powerful forces. obtaining consents to develop new sites for the stations have so far been a serious B.E.A.M.A. Report setback to the programme. Some hope THE plant position referred to earlier, is has been expressed by the Board of a commented upon in the B.E.A.M.A. speed-up in tho departmental planning report, and with the same emphasis dis­ procedure, but, as pointed out in T h e played by the Central Board, the former Electrician of April 4, there is as yet naming as the major requisites essential little evidence of realisation. . A large to prosperity, the production of plant measure of progress has been achieved in for the supply industry, the provision the standardisation of generating plant of industrial electrical equipment for re­ —both in steam conditions and sizes and conversion, and the manufacture in due designs of turbo-alternators and boilers— season of greatly increased quantities of and, given the requisite materials and goods and machinery for export. Em­ skilled labour, much of the time lost in phasising that the electrical industry is the last eighteen months as a result of the nodal point in national recovery, the the slowness o f officialdom to reach report states that though public notice decisions, could, (by such standardisation, has recently been directed to tho shor­ be made good—if only it was -possible to tage of generating plant, tho fundamental get manufacturing started in earnest. shortage is of new stations, the exten­ sion, siting and construction of which Gas Turbines in Power Stations must precede the increased production THE old saw, “ Necessity is the mother planned for plant and equipment of invention,” was exemplified over and generally. The manufacture of these oyer again during the war, and now that electrical products is a long-term process coal, on which the electricity supply in­ and the present shortage is a direct con­ dustry of this country is almost entirely sequence of official delays in settling sites dependent, has become scarce and ex­ and in the placing of orders. Another pensive, the need for alternative sources point of national importance mentioned THE ELECTRICIAN 25 APRIL 1947 1075 in the report is in reference to the fact therefore, assist in tho solution of tho that though the President of the Board present fuel crisis. It should be remem­ of Trade lias frequently stressed the im­ bered, however, that those countries portance of increasing exports to tho early in the field with a commercially hard currency countries, no recognition practicable atomic pile, both from a has been given of 'the difficulty in respect viewpoint of cheap power for home of electrical products as those countries manufacture and as a valuable piece have in general well-organised manu­ of equipment for the export market, facturing industries of (their own which will be rewarded. British prestigo are protected by substantial import in the manufacture of conventional tariffs. power plant is still deservedly high. If the generating stations of the future Defeating Its Own Object ? are to bo uranium-fired, it will be no THE possibility that the reimposition easy task to overhaul the American of tho full purchase tax on electric lead. But we have in this country cookers, wash-boilers and water heaters all tho scientific and engineering skill re­ may, instead of achieving the fuel quired, and the decision—whether dic­ economy aimed at, have tho contrary tated primarily by the need for an result, is pointed out by tho E.D.A. atomic bomb or a station Council, who have also drawn the atten­ will make no substantial difference to tion of the Chancellor of tho Exchequer tho result—to stake critically needed to the fact that tho Budget proposals materials on a technological gamble will discriminate unfoirly between varying bo watched, on tho whole, with anxious methods of cooking and heating in that ap p ro v al. they do not apply to those using solid fuel. The greatly enhanced price of Marconi Commemorated those appliances, because of tho high IN tho same year that M a r c o n i gave purchase tax, declare the Council, will the first decisive demonstration of his lead to increased capital costs of house wireless signalling apparatus in this- building, which will be rcflectod in the co u n try , P r o f . J . J . T h o m s o n , in th e rents of tho houses, and, in consequence, course of a Royal Institution lecture on housing authorities may be tempted not cathode rays, delivered what is generally to instal such equipment. Every house accepted as being the first satisfactory built or restored must have some means proof of the existence of the electron- whereby the occupiors can cook, wash The fiftieth anniversary of the former* clothes and heat water, and if thoso event has been suitably celebrated this functions cannot be performed by elec­ week, first by a Government dinner, at tricity or gas, solid fuel will have to be the Guildhall, and by the opening, in used, causing a greater demand on the ¡London, of a M a r c o n i exhibition, at nation’s limited coal supplies. which much of the inventor’s original equipment may bo seen. The jubilee of Steel and Nuclear Physics tho olectron will bo the subject of cere­ THE inclusion of atomic energy plants monies later in tho year. The work of in tho list of steel priorities, as already both pioneers was eventually brought announced, may well have occasioned together, mainly by the introduction of surprise. In some quarters there will the thermionic valve into radio engineer­ be criticism that at a time of acute ing, but it is interesting to reflect that shortage of metals, a special pref­ (Marconi, even if ho heard of P r o f . erence should be given to a con­ T h o m s o n ’s momentous paper, would sumer whoso first dividends may per­ possibly have attached little importance haps lie in the distant future. Those to it. It has often been said that, had most intimately connected with the M a r c o n i listened to the mathematical British atomic onergy projects have physicists, his successful broadcast to estimated the first practical contribu­ Newfoundland would never have been tion of nuclear physics to national made. It is equally possible that, had power production to lie somewhere be­ ho paid too much attention to the tween the next five and 25 years. Tho newly-found electron, the development steel allocations to the Government re­ of wireless communication might have search establishments to-day, cannot, been slower. 25 APRIL 1947 THE ELECTRICIAN 1076 The B.E.A.M.A. Report Realistic Plan of Power Plant Production

N impressive record of the achieve­ pared with £23 millions, which was the A ments of the electrical industry, in highest figure in pre-war years. Electrical spito of sustained handicaps, and of the goods and apparatus at £37.39 millions manifold activities of the association and not only formed the bulk of our exports the work of its committees and technical (74 per cent.), but showed the greater rise sections during th e y ear 1946-47 is given (178 per cent, by value) when compared in the annual report of the Council of the with pre-war trade; electrical machinery British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers’ exports, including steam generating plant Association. Extracts are given below : — and condensers, were by weight slightly Tho year was for the electrical, as well below the 1938 record. More than half as other industries, one of sustained handi­ (55 per cent.) of U.K. electrical exports caps. Shortages of materials and incon­ went to Empire countries, and 4.3 per cent, sistencies in their supply, shortage of to “ hard-currency ” countries. It is labour, and other bottlenecks for increased particularly difficult to increase exports of production, were difficult to overcome. electrical products to the latter, as those Nevertheless electrical manufacture made countries have, in general, well organised progress during the year. The numbers electrical manufacturing industries of their employed increased by 61 per cent., with own which are protected by substantial an increment in the number of men, but a import tariffs. decrease in the number of women workers. Commenting on the fact that in the The industry now employs 480 000 Electricity Bill, the Minister of Fuel and workers, of which 160 000 are on electrical Power is seeking powers to manufacture engineering, 265 000 on cables, apparatus electrical plant and fittings, and recording and lamps, and 55 000 op wiring, contrac­ the several statements of the Minister on ting and erection. that matter during the debates in Parlia­ ment, tho Council states: “ . . . . the THE FUNDAMENTAL SHORTAGE electrical manufacturing industry does not fear any fair competition from the Central Referring to the urgent need for power Authority, because our industry is efficient, plant, the Council points out that the progressive, and capable of meeting over­ fundamental shortage is that of generating seas as well as home demands, and can stations, the extension, siting and con­ struction of which must precede the in­ offer economic terms and experienced creased production planned for the plant, service that, should discourage the Central Authority (as it has the electric supply and equipment. The manufacture of undertakings) from embarking on manu­ these products is a long-term .process and facture.” the present shortage is a direct consequence of delays in settling the sites TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES and programmes and in the placing of orders. In th e y ear 1946 the generating The standardisation and technical activi­ plant makers produced the total" of ties of the association, states the report, 810 MW, of which 540 MW were supplied have increased and during the year over to power stations in this country, tho 30 technical committees and sub-com­ balance being to meet long-dated export mittees have been at work. The number orders from Empire and foreign territories. of B.S. specifications for equipment and But for shortages in skilled labour and materials used in the electrical industry essential materials, the output for the year grows steadily, reflecting new developments could have been virtually doubled with and the need for equipment designed for tho facilities then available. Extensions particular applications. The Council’s to the works of heavy plant manufacturers Standardisation Committee which reviews are in hand and the electrical industry has and, where necessary, co-ordinates the a realistic plan of production to meet (as work of the technical committees, met it has done successfully for years) the regularly during the year and dealt with a demand for power plant 'and equipment at variety of subjects. These are described homo and abroad. With adequate supplies in the report. of labour and materials, the Council is The Publicity Committee is engaged on confident that all demands can be met. the examination of plans for a compre­ Despite delays in production caused by hensive catalogue for the electrical trade. abnormal conditions, electrical exports in During the year 15 new members joined 1946 exceeded in value £50 millions, com- the association, making a total of 335. THE ELECTRICIAN 2$ APRIL 1947 1077 The Grid in 1946 NINETEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CENTRAL BOARD

HE rapid increase in the national re­ with proposals for the erection or exten­ T quirements for electricity in the latter sion of generating stations, but also to part of 1946 and the inability on certain a clearer appreciation of the place which occasions to meet the demand at times of electricity must take in any effective peak load were characteristics that were system of planning, its requirements in not unforeseen, but both were affected order to fill that place and tho conse­ by abnormal factors, state the Central quences which must follow if those require­ Electricity Board in their nineteenth ments are not met. annual report published this week. The The situation in regard to coal supplies principal factor contributing to the increase caused tho Board even greater anxiety in consumption was the stimulus given than in provious years. E arly in 1946, to the use of electricity for domestic and the Ministry of Fuel and Power decided commercial heating by the shortago of that the stock level at the beginning of coal. The installation by the Board of the following winter must be cut to four gas turbines in the near future is indicated. weeks’ consumption. The Board had no The increase in the demand for elec­ doubt that such a margin would prove tricity exceeded the capacity of the new insufficient and warned the Ministry that generating plant brought into service and widespread interference with supplies of on 54 occasions during th e year, 51 of electricity was likely to occur. By the them in the latter half, it was necessary middle of May, stocks had fallen to a to shed load in order to avoid wide­ minimum level of 1 046 000 tons, repre­ spread interruptions of supply. The senting on average of two weeks’ con­ amount of load shod reached a maximum sumption in tho previous winter. The of 930 000 kW on December 16, when rate at which stocks were replenished was some supplies had to bo curtailed for as much slower than in previous years and, much as five hours. Load shedding on a greater scale and over longer periods will 40,000 be unavoidable during the next two or three years, with a consequential dislocation of industrial1 production, unless means are adopted to spread the demand more evenly over the 24 hours. The diagram reproduced on this page shows that the major part of the advance recorded in 1946 was due to the continued expansion in the estimated sales to domestio and farm con­ sumers. Sales to industrial consumers are estimated to have increased by only 1J per cent, in the year. ' Arrangements have been made for the construction of 18 new stations by the winter of 1950, by which date an aggregate of 5 892 700 kW of new plan t Diagram showing the development of public electricity is due for completion. A supply in Great Britain large measure of progress has been achieved in the standardisa­ despite some reallocation of available sup­ tion of generating plant and will be plies, the maximum stock reached at the extended. The Board express the earnest beginning of the winter was only hope that alterations which they under­ 2 140 000 tons, as com pared w ith 3 200 000 stand have been made in the departmental tons in 1945 and 3 555 000 tons in 1944. planning procedure will lead, not only As a result of the flat rate increases to a reduction of the time taken for dealing per ton, together with the increased costs. 2$ APRIL 1947 THE ELECTRICIAN 1078 of transport and handling charges, the lino designed for operation at voltages average cost of fuel consumed at all the up to 400 000 V. steam generating stations had risen from Tho successful development of gas 20s. 3d. per to n in 1938 to 38s. 7d. in turbines now taking place in this country, 1944, 43s. 4d. in 1945 and 45s. 3d. in state tho Board, holds promise of an im­ 1946. A further deterioration in tho portant contribution to the problem of quality of fuel prevented, the improvement providing efficient, economical and flexible in thermal efficiency being reflected in a plant to deal with the short-period peak roduction in fuel consumption, tho aver- loads which occur on public electricity ago for 1946 being 1.506 lbs. per unit sent supply systems. They hope in the near out as com pared w ith the 1938 figure of future to bo able to arrange for the 1.430 lbs. per unit. The combined effect installation of one or more 15 000 kW of the increase in tho cost of fuel and the machines of this type. The Board aro increase in consumption per unit sent out also keeping in close touch with the resulted in the average cost per unit sent development of atomic energy for out in 1946 being 137 per cent, above application to the generation of electricity. that in 1938. The pithead price per unit The accounts show that the gross of heat supplied to tho .generating stations receipts from the sale of energy during rose with the increasing ash content of the year amounted to over £95 000 000, and the coal, and the freight and handling that the credit balance of the general charges in respect of this inert material, purposes revenue account for the year was together with the ash handling charges, £6 408 080, which was less th an in 1945 result in an annual financial burden on by £537 803. The overall cost to the the supply industry and their consumers electricity undertakers who received their of over £2 000 000. The loss of output supplies at the new grid tariff introduced capacity arising from the use of inferior a t th e beginning of 1946 was some 3 i per and unsuitable coal on occasions exceeded cent, lower than would have resulted from 380 000 kW . tho retention of the previous tariffs, re­ presenting a reduction in the price charged STATISTICS AND DEVELOPMENTS for those supplies amounting m the aggre­ At the end of tho year, the number of gate to approximately £585 000. After selected stations associated with the grid meeting all outgoings, the credit balance of remained at 142. Their aggregate the Net Revenue and Appropriation installed capacity was 11 588 306 kW, a Account carried forward iwas raised net addition of 272 275 kW having been by £2 331 397 to £11 173 128. made during the year. The grid itself comprised 5 161 miles of transmission lines, of which 3 675 miles iwere operated a t 132 000 V an d 1 486 miles a t 66 000 or E.D.A. Sales Conference lower voltages, and 348 switching and transforming stations having a.n aggregate HUS year’s Sales Management Confer­ transformer capacity of 13 920 200 kVA. T ence, arranged by the British Elec­ The total quanity of electricity generated trical Development Association, for the at public supply stations was freo discussion of practical problems 41 240 000 000 units, or 10.6 per cent, amongst representatives of electricity more than in 1945. During the year, 99.3 supply undertakings from all parts of tho per cent, of the electricity supplied by country, will be held in the Balmoral Room the authorised undertakers in the country of tho Connaught Rooms, London, on (excluding North Scotland) was produced M a y 7, 8 a n d 9. The chairman will be at stations, including 46 non-seleeted M r. V. W . Dale, general managor and stations, which were generating for the secretary. The programme is as follows: Board. Tho load factor on the grid First dav: 9.30 a.m., registration; 10 a.m., official opening; 10.15 a.m., "This Essential system, based on the maximum demand Industry, an introductory talk by the actually met, rose from 45.1 per cent, in General Manager opening a discussion on 1945 to 46.6 per cent, in 1946. public relations and consumer services in the electricity supply industry; 2 p.m., “ Trends A new 132 000 V line, from Neepsend in Technical Service,” by Mr. J. I. Bernard; to the proposed new generating station 7.15 p.m., E.D.A. films at the Gaumont British at Staythorpe, to reinforce the connection (Large) Theatre, Film House, 142, Wardour Street, W.l. Second day; 10 a.m., " Staff between the Mid-East and Central Training—.(a) E.D.A. Facilities,” Mr. J. A. England areas, is to be constructed so as Stedman; “ (b) Within the Electricity Supply to be suitable for later operation at Industry,” Mr. C. F. Wells; 2 pun ” Elec­ 264 000 V. For the purpose of providing tricity in Schools, Mr. S. H. Loweth; 3.30 p.m., Electric Vehicles. Third day; data for the design of this line and 10 a.m., Showroom Design and Lay-out,” possible higher voltage development, a Mr. C. Warrenne; 11.30 a.m., "Dairy Farm­ three-phase bank of testing transformers ing and Electricity,” Mr. E. G. Quested; 1230 p.m., conference luncheon, Connaukht has been ordered and will be. used . to Rooms; 2 p.m„ " Photography,” Mr. w. test an experimental length of overhead White; 3 p.m., general discussion. THE ELECTRICIAN 25 APRIL 1947 1079 Wireless Jubilee Dinner TRIBUTES TO MARCONI AND W. H. PREECE H E. fiftieth anniversary of the first at Newcastle-on-Tyne in 1885, and in the T demonstration of wireless telegraphy following year on the banks of the Severn. was commemorated by a dinner at the After more experiments the Engineering Guildhall, London, on Monday night. D epartm ent of the Post Office set up a Lord Listowel, the retiring Postmaster- permanent installation in 1899 which gave General, who presided, proposed the toast telephonic communication between Angle­ of “ The memory of Signor Marconi and sey and the Skerries lighthouse, a distance Sir William Preece ” (engineer-in-chief of of three miles. the British Post Office, 1892-99). He The first commercial wireless induction referred to the inestimable value of wire­ circuit was established in March, 1895, less as a means of bringing the peoples of when the cable connecting the Island of the world to a better understanding. Mull with the mainland near Oban was Dealing with the diseoveiy and develop­ damaged and, pending the arrival of a ment of wireless communication, Lord cable ship. Post Office engineers set up Listowel recalled a number of early wire­ wireless telegraph communications, using less experiences by Post Office engineers. an existing overhead wire along the coast In 1882 W . H. Preece (later Sir William of the island for one circuit and a gutta Preece), when the cable linking the Isle of percha insulated wire laid on the ground Wight with the mainland broke, success­ of the mainland. Many telegrams were fully used the sea to maintain telegraphic thus transmitted before the cable was communications. In 1884, in examination repaired. of faulty telephone circuits in Gray’s Inn Replying to the toast of “ The Radio Road, London, it was found that messages Scientists,” Sir Edward Appleton, F.R.S., transmitted along gutta percha insulated Secretary of the Department of Scientific telegraph wires, carried in iron tubes be­ and Industrial Research, said it was clear neath the road, were being read on tele­ that the starting point of much of the phone circuits carried on roof poles more great achievements of British radio scien­ than 80 ft. above the ground. To discover tists was the work of Marconi himself. Sir to what distance circuits could be William Preece had played an important separated from each other before those in­ official part in those early days in provid­ ductive influences ceased, Preece made a ing Marconi with the necessary facilities series of experiments on the Town Moor and encouragement. The Marconi Exhibition OMMEMORATING both the Jubilee in receiver design alone within recent C of wireless telegraphy and the found­ memory. The historical section of the ex­ ing, 50 years ago, of the Marconi company hibition ends with a reference to the in this country, an exhibition of consider­ pioneer work carried out by Marconi and able historical interest is now being held Franklin on the short-wave beam system. at Queen’s House, Kingsway, London, In the remainder of the exhibition, the the head office of the En#sh Electric story is brought up-to-date with a display Co., Ltd. The opening ceremony was of the company’s post-war products, performed on Tuesday by Sir George many of which may be seen in operation. Nelson, and the exhibition will remain A short-wave high-speed telephone and open to the public until May 2. telegraph transmitter, made for the Royal By means either of the original equip­ Tour, and several communication receivers ment or of replicas and photographs, the and transmitter-receivers illustrate the development of wireless communication latest trends in the direct line of succession during the past 50 years is outlined, and from the 1897 equipment. the earliest exhibit is of the apparatus The less closely related and newer used by Marconi during the famous Bristol branches of telecommunications are repre­ ohannel trial of 1897, the success of which sented by direction finders, one of which, led to the adoption of wireless signalling a large apparatus for use on aerodromes by the Services and the Post Office. and short stations, gives visual indication In the field of broadcasting, a series of bearings on a cathode-ray tube, depth of photographs depict the early trans­ sounders, measuring instruments _ and a mitters erected at Chelmsford, Writtle diathermy unit designed for cranial sur­ and Savoy Hill, while a two-valve domestic gery. There is also a demonstration of receiver o‘f the early 1920’s is an impressive the company’s newest P.P.I. radar, reminder of the astonishing progress made intended for the Merchant Navy.

25 A P R IL 1947 THE ELECTRICIAN 1080 British Mine Locators Methods of Detecting Buried Objects 1 WAS recently reported that British cabinet housing the measuring bridge and 1engineers with mine detectors were its auxiliary equipment. locating, with considerable success, sunken Equipments of this type locate only anchor buoys and small vessels in the magnetic objects, but it was also neces- silted up estuary of the River Seine. A highly sensitive beach-mine locator was being used, performing, within a week, a task which by ordinary methods with a diver might have taken several months. At the recent exhibition of tlio Physical Society, this instrument was among several for locating buried objects to be shown by the Eloctncal Research Association, who wore responsible for their development during the war. The problem of detecting ferrous-type objects arose in connection mainly with unoxploded bombs and the clearance of beach mines in the early days of the war, and the E.R.A. began investigations in August, 1940. At the same time, parallel investigations began in other laboratories. The principle upon which the location of magnetic objects depends is that these will cause a change in the earth’s mag­ netic field. Theoretical investigations showed that a practical instrument would have to measure a distortion of less than 1 x 10—' gauss per cm. in a reliable A magnetic locator being used to search for manner and in addition be robust and sunken buoys and shipping in the River Seine portable. This theoretical requirement, in fact, was never satisfied, but when the sary during the war to develop a method results of all the investigations were re­ of locating buried non-magnetic objects, viewed, it was agreed that the mu-metal and one method employed was to use magneto-moter developed by the E.R.A. an oscillator, feeding a. search coil, and an was the type most suitable for further amplifier, with its input connected to a development. The instrument was capable further search coil. The disposition of the of locating 250 kg. bombs at a depth coils is such that there is little or no of 20 ft. and was used extensively for the mutual inductance in the absence of any location of beach mines throughout the nearby metal object. The proximity of a war. The locator used on the Seine, and conductor increases the coil coupling, illustrated on this page, was of this and this gives a signal to the operator. pattern. Yet another form of location developed In these magnetic locators, the field by the E.R.A., which may have peace­ sensitive element is a length of mu-metal time applications in the location of under­ wire, the a.c. resistance of which varies ground cables and geophysical prospecting with the field along the axis of the wire, of shallow formations, relies on a remote this variation being associated with a field source, an alternating field being set change in skin effect of the wire with up over the area of the . earth to be magnetic saturation. Variation of this searched by moans of a large loop of cable resistance is detected by a suitable bridge laid on the grounds in the vicinity. circuit operating from a 1 kc/s oscillator. Tho detecting equipment consists of a Each locator has two field sensitive ele­ suitably balanced coil system and amplifier. ments, one vertically above the other, the The locator is quite insensitive to uni­ field gradient between them being mea­ formly distributed magnetic bodies, such sured to give an indication of the presence as the soil itself, but detects any discrete of ferro-magnetie _ material, the earth’s metallic objects, magnetic or conducting. field being sufficiently uniform in the On account of the elimination of ground absence of any distorting influence. effect, it has a greater range than those Tiro locator is compact, consisting only instruments already described and will, for of a search unit, or probe, which contains example, detect a Teller mine at a depth the mu-metal elements, and a small of five feet.

THE ELECTRICIAN 25 APRIL 1947 1081 The Faraday Lecture ELECTRICITY GENERATION AND WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTION HE Faraday Lecture o£ the Institution a much more serious crisis, entirely due T of Electrical Engineers was given before to shortage of coal. a large audience at the Central Hall, West­ Since 1920 there had been a very great minster, on Monday, April 21, by Mr. J. increase in the amount of coal used for Hacking, chief engineer of the Central tho supply of electricity. Taking tho Electricity Board. figuro of coal used for the generation of Mr. Hacking pointed out, in his open­ electricity sold by public supply under­ ing remarks, that the necessary suspen­ takings in 1920 as 100, the figure for 1946 sion of the building of generating plant was 940, or 9.4 times as much. In the during the war meant that the shortage case of gas, over the same period the of such plant was likely to continue for growth had been slow, being 1.6 times in several years, and said that some months 1945 th a t used in 1920, while in 1945 th e ago the Central Electricity Board tried to raw coal supplied to non-industrial con­ foresee the Dosition for tho next few sumers had fallen to 65 per cent, of the winters, realising that to meet a given 1920 value. peak load it was necessary to have a GREATER INDUSTRIAL DEMAND generating capacity 4J per cent, above the demand. They foresaw a deficit of In 1938, of tho total output .of elec­ some 1 000 000 kW during the winter tricity about 50 per cent, was used for which had just passed. That did not re­ industry and 26.5 per cent, for domestic present the load which it was expected to purposes, while by 1942 tho percentage be necessary to shed, because when plant used by industry and risen to 63.5, and that for domestic purposes had fallen to became overloaded its speed tended to fall, which automatically caused a reduc­ 22.5. This proved that electricity was tion in the demand; but that could not far from being a luxury, and was in fact a vital factor in tho national be allowed to proceed too far, because economy. Betw een 1938 and 1945 the it also affected tho motors driving the industrial use of electricity went up by auxiliaries in the generating station, so that more might be lost in generation than 50 per cent. was gained in loss of load. It was there­ The Central Electricity Board had to fore, necessary to limit the fall of speed estimate the probablo future requirements to about 4 per cent. It was anticipated of generating plant, and their estimate provided for almost doubling tho load in that the load to be shed would be pf the 1960—70 000 million units, as against order of 500 000 kW, and that the shedding 35 000 million in 1945. In the six years would take place between 8 a.m. and noon before the war the actual output of the and for IJ hours in the afternoon. The country doubled, so that this doubling actual conditions were very much worse; in fifteen years was likely to prove a very instead of tho 10 million kW anticipated, conservative estimate. the demand was nearly 11 million kW. Electricity demand varied widely from PROSPECTS NEXT WINTER hour to hour, from day to day "and from season to season, as well as from year to It had been expected that it would be year. January 30 of this year was the necessary to shed load on many occasions day of maximum demand. The difference during the past winter, and to shed even between cold weather load and normal more load for longer periods in the winters weather load (which was called the “ cold of 1947-48 and 1948-49, and that there weather hazard ”) represented some would bo somo improvement, though the 1 S00 000 kW, which was 18 per cent, of position would not be entirely satisfactory, tho normal weather load. That compared in 1949-50. That would depend on getting with a figuro for 1938 of only 5.5 per cent. into commission a very large capacity of The cold weather hazard had grown enor­ generating plant which was pn order, and, mously, largely due to the growth of the in spite of the difficulties, now that the heating load. Government • had decided to give the In addition to having the plant avail­ highest priority to generating plant that able to meet the demand, it was necessary' hope might be realised. to havo additional capacity to deal with Load-shedding during the last winter break-downs, maintenance and so on. In had been on a serious scale. From Janu­ the days before the grid, the amount ary 1 to February 7, load was shed on of spare plant above the maximum de­ 41 occasions on 25 different dates, all due mand was 60 per cent., but with the to shortage of generating plant, not of pooling possible as a result of the grid coal, whiie after February 7 there was it had been possible to reduce that figure 2S APRIL 194? THE ELECTRICIAN 1082 to 20 per cent. If .under independent annum, involving tho payment of £4£ operation it had been possible tp reduce million per annum for the fuel imported, the spare plant to 40 per cent., that would and saving 1£ million tons of coal per still have represented 20 per cent, more annum. Provided it was available, there­ than was at present required, and by fore, coal was clearly the fuel to bo used. 1950 th a t would have represented addi­ It might be suggested that, if the sta­ tional plant equivalent to 13 addi­ tions were to burn coal, they should be tional stations, each of 200 000 kW. Par­ located on the coalfields, That would be ticularly in view of the problem of provid­ the correct place for them if it were always ing sites for new generating plant, that cheaper to transmit electricity from a coal­ meant that tho grid had made a very field to a load centre than to transport great contribution to the problem of the coal. In this country our coalfields generating plant, besides enabling econo­ were widely spread, and many were in mies tp be made by concentrating genera­ close proximity tp the coast. It was very tion on tho more economic stations and much cheaper to transport the coal by enabling bulk supplies to be given at sea from such coalfields to generating points, remote from generating station stations on estuaries than it was to trans­ sites. In tho early days of the war there mit tho electricity. When comparing elec­ had been a very considerable shift pf tricity transmission with transport by rail opulation and production . from the tho position was materially altered, but outh-East and East to the South-West. for the distances involved in this country It would not have been possible to con­ it was still true in general that it was struct new generating plant, but by means cheaper to transport tho coal than to of the grid it had been possible to transfer transmit the electricity. large blocks of power. A more fundamental requirement for Tp provide the new plant necessary to the siting of generating stations was tho meet the expected demand, and to replace quantity of water required. For every plant becoming obsolescent, between now 100 000 lcW of generating p lant, it was and 1960 it would be necessary to pro­ necessary to circulate through the conden­ vide 17 million kW of new plant, or sers 5£ million 'gals, of water per hour. If as much again as existed at the pre­ Sites with this large quantity of water sent time. How was this to be done! available were rare. The best sites were on Wator-power and could not help substan­ tially. The water­ power resources of this country were very small, and if fully developed wpuld not supply more than 5 to 10 per cent, of the total requirements in 1960. It was clearly in the national inter­ est that water and tidal power should be developed when it became conve­ nient to do so, but they wpuld not solve tho problem. Thermal generat­ ing stations must, therefore, bo pro­ vided, and tho natural fuel for thermal generating sta­ large rivers and estuaries. Where such tions was coal. There was no reason to sites were npt available it was necessary expect better efficiency with thermal sta­ to have cooling towers, but a cooling tions burning oil. Taking as a basis the tower station of 100 000 kW still required efficiency of the new coal-burning plant 1} million gal. of water per day. now being installed, and the present prices Within a radius of 12 miles from Charing of coal and oil, to supply 5 per cent, pf Cross there was situated 20 per cent, of the total units estimated to be required the total demand of the country. By in 1950 from stations burning oil would re­ 1960, assuming that all the sites likely present an extra cost of £1} millipn per to be available had .been used, the load for THE ELECTRICIAN 2$ APRIL 1947 1083 tho London area was estimated to be ing scheme it was necessary to put an 4 379 000 kW and the total generation installation in for a definite ratio between available 3 815 000 kW , leaving a short­ those two types of output; if the actual age of 564 000 kW which must be met ratio varied materially from the designed from outside, probably from stations fur­ ratio, there would be relative inefficiency. ther down the Thames Estuary. At present there was little information GAS TURBINES AT 60 MW available as to the extent to which dis­ trict heating would catch on with the The development of gas turbines fpr public, but tho probable demands for elec­ aviation purposes had focused attention tricity were well known. There was a on tho possibilty of their use in future for serious risk of inefficiency if district heat­ the generation of electricity. In Switzer­ ing was adopted on a large scale, but the land a plant of 10 000 kW was in opera­ scheme had possibilities, and it was desir­ tion, and another of 27 000 kW was fully able that trial, plants should be installed, developed. As at present being developod, being put in primarily for district heating, the gas turbine used air as the working the electricity generated when meeting tho fluid, pumped up by an air compressor heat demand being supplied to the system. and heated by burning fuel in the air A committee of the Department of Scien­ stream, tho heated air being expanded tific and Industrial Research had been through turbines. A clean fuel such as considering tho matter. oil or gas was necessary; tho development There remained tho question of the use of this gas cycle for coal did not seom of nuclear power for electricity generation. to be an immediate possibility, though For this purpose it was necessary to rely trials were proceedings Tho only cooling on tho fission of the isotopes of uranium water required was to cool the air at and thorium, though there was a possi­ different stages in the compression, and bility that in due course energy might be the total water requirements were not liberated, not by breaking down the ele­ more than half those of the most efficient ments, but by tho building up of light steam stations, A capacity of 15 000 kW atoms into heavier atoms, as by combin­ was immediately practicable, and it might ing hydrogen atoms to form helium atoms, bo possible to go up to 60 000 kW or which was believed to be the mam source more. of the energy radiated by the sun. To bo At temperatures bolow 1 100° F. the gas of any value, the nuclear action must bo turbine would not be as efficiont as the self-propagating, so that it was reasonable steam turbine, but there was a pro­ to refer to elements which had this pro­ bability of substantial improvement when perty as nuclear fuels. Information from it was possible to go to higher tempera­ American reports seemed to indicate that tures, and there had been developments if uranium 238 and thorium could be fully during the' war of materials able to with­ used, there should bo no difficulty in meet­ stand these high tomperatures. When ing the power requirements of the world making a comparison with tho aeroplane, for several hundred years, but in this however, it must not be forgotten that country we might have to rely on imported an aeroplane engine ran for relatively few fuel if nuclear power became a possibility. hours between overhauls, but for elec­ Substantial developments wero unlikely in tricity generation a turbine must give this country for another five years, and it efficient service over a period of 12 might be ten years before largo commer­ months. The gas turbine should be a cial installations wero available for pro­ cheaper installation than the steam tur­ ducing nuclear power. bine, and might have a use for generating stations not required to operate at a very ECONOMICS OF ATOMIC POWER high load factor. It was estimated that the capital cost The object of an electricity generating of a nuclear power station would be 2 b station was to convert as much of the heat times tho cost of a steam station, and in the fuel to electricity as possible, and from American estimates it would appear the heat was rejected in the cooling water that there would be an equality of price at a temperature of not more than 15 with coal if coal of 13 500 B.Th.U. cost above tho inlet temperature, which was 10 dollars a ton, which would represent insufficient to enable it to serve, except in 47s. 8d. to 54s. 7d., according to the rate a few instances, any useful purpose. With of exchange adopted, as compared with a view to improving efficiency, however, the present average price of 45 s. The only the possibility of district heating systems conclusion was that it might in due course had been considered. It was possible to be possible to construct such generating design a turbine installation to pass out stations, but that they were not likely heat at any desired temperature, but as materially to reduce the cost of generating one varied the temperature, so one varied electricity. It should be remembered also the ratio bebwen the electricity generated that generating costs were only about 45 and heat supplied, and for a district heat­ per cent, of the total cost.

2 5 APRIL 1947 THE ELECTRICIAN 1084 Electrical Personalities

We are always ¡/lad to receive from readers sales manager. Others present were news of their social and business Mr. W. M. Tribute, advertising and pub­ activities for publication in this page. licity manager, Mr. R. L. Webster, per­ Paragraphs should be as brief as possible. sonnel manager, and Mr. B. H. Dyson, works manager. During a tour of the factory, Miss Lockwood showed gx-eat MB, ERIC E. JONES has been interest in the mechanics of electric appointed manager of the communications vacuum cleaner making. division of the Mul- MR. L. H. J. PHILLIPS, sales manager laid Wireless Service of the radio department of the Metro- Co., Ltd., through politan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., who is which will be mar­ one of the official delegation, led by Sir keted the products Robert Watson-Watt, representing the developed and manu­ British radio industry at the forthcoming factured by Elec­ Second International Conference on Radio tronic Transmission Aids to Marine Navigation, was among Equipment, Ltd., a the passengers on the Queen Elizabeth on new company formed her return voyago to New York. During by the Mullard the war, Mr. Phillips was superintendent Wireless Service Co., of the radio department of the Royal Air­ Ltd. The board of craft Establishment, South Famborough, directors of E.T.E., and later Deputy Director of Communica­ Ltd., comprises Air- tions Development at the Ministry of Commodore A. V. Aircraft Production. Harvey, Messrs. MR. C. M. BECKETT has been T. E. Goldup, N. appointed chief sales engineer of the recti­ Gunn and H. B. R. Boosman. Mr. Gunn fier section of the sales department at the will be the secretax-y of the nev,’ company. head office in Edinburgh of Bruce Peebles MR. R. P. BURSTON, of Greenock, has and Co., L td. O ther chief sales engineex-s been 'appointed chief assistant electrical appointed in the respective sections of the engineer with the Stockton - on - Tees Coi-poration. MR, H. MOORHOUSE, as chairman, and Mr. G. Downham, as vice-chairman, have been nominated by the Committee of the I.E.E., North Midland Students’ Section, for election for the 1947-48 session. MR. C. .T. BRITON (Harvey and MacNaughton, Ltd.), has been elected president, and Mr. A. O. Bruty (A. G. Bruty, Ltd.), vice-president, of the Society of Irish Electrical Traders. MR. BERTRAM KELLY, engineer and Chief sales engineers of Bruce Peebles and manager of the Douglas electricity depart­ Co.—Left to right: Messrs. c. m. beckett, ment, is retiring on superannuation, and A. W. BOLLER, N. L. JONES, W. M. CLARK and the Council has placed on record its appre­ F. S. LANGHAM ciation of the services reixdered by him over a quarter of a century from the in­ department as the result of reorganisation ception of the undertaking. Previously, are: Rotating plant section, Mr. A. W. Mr. Kelly served as chief assistant engi­ Boiler (contracts), Mr. N. L. Jones (quota­ neer with the Manx Electric Railway, and tions); transformer section, Mr. W. M. had had experience with Lowdon Bros., of Clark (contracts), Mr. F. ~S. Langham Dundee; Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., at (quotations). Chelmsford; the L.C.C., at Horton central The Ministry of Supply have announced station; the Hornsey electricity depart­ that the reconstituted Heavy Electrical ment : and the Midland Railway. Plant Committee, under the chairmanship MSS MARGARET LOCKWOOD of Mr. John Wilmot, Minister of Supply, received a warm welcome at Perivale which is to serve as a medium for advice recently when she inaugurated a six and co-ordination of the Ministries con­ weeks’ production drive by Hoover, Ltd. cerned, the two Electricity Boards and in­ She was entertained at lunch by Mr. J. A. dustry, and to act as a steering body for Wykes, deputy managing director, and increasing and accelerating the output of Mr. P. H. Bunn, director and general heavy electric plant "for home generating

THE ELECTRICIAN 25 APRIL 1947 1085 stations, consists of the following mem­ of Boiler Makers; Mr. F. Foulkes, Elec­ bers :—Mr. W. Leonard, M.P., Mr. A. trical Trades Union; Sir John Kennedy, Woodburn, M.P., Joint Parliamentary Electricity Commission; Mr. J. Hacking, Secretaries, Ministry of Supply; Sir George Central Electricity Board; and Mr. A. Bailey, .the Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Fulton, North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Co., Ltd.; Mr. John Beiliss, Beiliss and Board. The Ministries of Fuel and Power Morcom, Ltd.; Sir Claude Gibb, C. A. and Labour, the Board of Trade, the Scot­ Parsons and Co., Ltd.; Sir George Nelson, tish Homo Department and the Admiralty the English Electric Co., Ltd.; Sir Harry are also represented. Railing^ the General Electric Co., Ltd.; MR. JAMES FORD, chief clerk of the Dr. H. Warren, the British Thomson- electricity department of the Stalybridge, Houston Co., Ltd. ; Mr. A. P. Good, the Hyde, Mossley and Dukinfield Transport Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd. ; and Electricity Board, who died intestate, Sir Summers Hunter, Richardsons West- left £2 068 (net £1 616). garth and Co., Ltd.; Mr. C. A. Atchley, Harland Engineering Co., Ltd.; Mr. B. H. Obituary Lceson, British Electrical and Allied Manu­ COUN. ROBERT HENRY SCOTT, facturers’ Association; Mr. C. K. F. chairman of the Transport and Electricity Hague, Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd. ; Mr. Committee, of Newcastle-on-Tyne City G. H. Hopewell, Foster Wheeler, Ltd. ; Council since November, 1945. Mr. E. W. Thompson, John Thompson MR. FRANK KILLEEN, shift charge Water Tube Boilers, Ltd. ; Sir George engineer at the Chamber Hall power Usher, International Combustion, Ltd. ; Station, Bury, Lancs, where he had been Mr. F. G. Mitchell, Mitchell Engineering, employed for over 30 years, aged 56 Ltd. ; Mr. A. W. Bennis, Bennis Com­ years. Ho served his apprenticeship at bustion, Ltd. ; Mr. W. A. Woodeson, the Rochdale power station, and went to Clarke Chapman, Ltd. ; Mr. K. J. Bury at the beginning of the 1914-18 war. McKillop, Water Tube Boiler Makers’ Mr. Killeen was a keen member of the Association ; Mr. T. Kirkham, Boving and Manchester branch of the Electric Power Co., Ltd. ; Mr. R. B. Potter, Simon-Carves, Engineers’ Association from its inception, Ltd. ; Sir Mark Hodgson, United Society and was .a past chairman. Presentation to Mr. V. Watlington T the conclusion of the business at many others. All those bodies had greatly A the amiual meeting of the British benefited by his efforts. He also did Electrical and Allied much to assist in the development of over­ Manufacturers’ Asso­ seas trade, and was one of the best known ciation, on April 17, figures in the electrical world. During the the retiring chair­ war the organisation of B.E.A.M.A. was m an, Mr. E. C. Hol- used extensively by Government depart­ royde, made a ments, and much of the extra work fell presentation to Mr. upon Mr. Watlington, whose personal ser­ V. Watlington, the vices were also called upon in an advisory late director, and Mrs. capacity. At the same time he served on Watlington. The gift many Government committees. By his took the form of a tactful handling of many delicate situa­ cheque subscribed to tions he had brought about co-operation by the members in when it seemed impossible, and at all times token of their appre­ his leadership and encouragement had ciation of Mr. Wat- been an inspiration to them all. They lington’s valued ser­ were very glad that he was now ono of vices. MR. V. WATLINGTONT their vice-presidents, and that they would The chairman said be able to call on his services and assis­ Mr. Watlington had retired from the direc­ tance when required. His success in life torship of the association after having had been greatly helped by Mrs. Watling­ been connected with it for over 35 years, ton, and they were very pleased indeed during fourteen of which he served as to have her with them that day. director. Prior to that he was chairman Mr. Watlington, in acknowledgment, and a member of the Council. They all said he had had a very interesting time know something of the very fine work with the B.E.A.M.A. It was the kind of lie had done for the association and the work ho liked and he had enjoyed it. He industry. His activities had extended in thanked the members for the cheque, and many directions. He had taken much in­ said Mrs. Watlington and ho had decided terest in the work of the I.E.E., the to go for a month’s holiday in Switzerland. British Standards Institution, the E.R.A., Mrs. Watlington also expressed her F.B.I., F.T.C., and the E.I.B.A., and thanks for a bouquet. 25 APRIL 1947 THE ELECTRICIAN 1086 Book Reviews Calculating Machines. (By Prof. D. K. part of a d.c. machine. Chapter 4 con­ H a u t r e e , F.R.S. (Cambridge: The tains some very clear definitions of the University Press.) Pp. 40, with two various parts of armature and rotor wind­ plates. Price 2s. net. ings, and all the chapters on windings are It is agreed that the impact upon com­ very useful. On the subject of power plex mathematical problems of such calcu­ house cleanliness (page 125), the authors lating devices as the ENIAC, in which a must have been fortunate if they have combination of mechanism with the almost always found them clean. The writer’s instantaneous response of the thermionic experience has generally been that they valvo permits simple multiplications to be are ideal places for the collection of a. carried out at the rate of one million per particularly . abrasive type of grit, hour, and more difficult operations pro especially if powdered fuel is used. It is a rata, will be considerable. Prof. Hartree, pity that some of the illustrations were who has used the ENIAC in the U.S.A., is not presented in half-tones, as a few of one of the foremost authorities on such these would have enhanced the devices, and this booklet is a transcript of appearance of the book. No doubt this his inaugural lecture, as Plummer Professor reign of austerity, not the publisher, is of Mathematical Physics, at Cambridge last responsible. All the diagrams and draw­ year. Ho describes the American machine, ings are well reproduced, and the reader outlining its scope and limitations, and soon becomes accustomed to meeting this discusses, shortly the requirements of type of illustration on almost every page. future electronic calculators, of which .two are now being built in this country. Finally, ho speculates on possible changes, P. T. on Essential Appliances brought about by these machines, in our approach to physical problems. The par­ HE Council of the British Electrical ticular suitability of the calculators to T Development Association, at their handle integral equations may, he thinks, April meeting, unanimously agreed to ask wean physicists from their present tendency the Chancellor of the Exchequer-to remove to regard a differential equation as the the purchase tax from electric cookers, basic way of formulating problems and, wash-boilers and water heaters. In his instead to look at the phenomenon as a letter to Mr. Dalton, Mr. V. W. Dale, whole. general manager and secretary of the association, pointed out that the Budget Electric Motors and Generators. (L o n d o n : proposals discriminate unfairly between Odhams Press, Ltd.) Pp. 384. varying methods of cooking and heating P rice 9s. 6d. inasmuch as they do not apply to solid It is the lot of most electrical engineers fuel appliances. The E.D.A. Council are to enter some branch of their business or of the opinion that the greatly increased profession fairly early in life, and to purchase tax will have a harmful effect on remain in that section for good. Whilst the national housing programme. Because they acquire much knowledge of their own of their inclusion in the Government’s tem­ line, they invariably forget almost all they porary houses, cookers, wash-boilers and learnt about the other branches of applied water heaters are now regarded as stan­ science. Those who have not kept fresh dard equipment for a modem home, and their knowledge of electrical machinery the increased price of those appliances due cannot do better than acquire this book. to the high purchase tax would lead to in­ It is the work of several experts, not of creased house-building capital costs which a single author, and is very suitable for would be reflected in higher rents charge­ all who wish to “ ib rush up ” their know­ able to the tenants. If housing authorities ledge. It contains just the right amount were tempted not to instal the appliances, of mathematics for those Who do not the tenants, the majority of whom were in aspire to be designers and presents it in the low wage-earning group, would be a simple way. In dealing with specific forced to buy the apparatus at prices well points it may be appropriate to surest beyond their capacity to pay. The pur­ that it would have been better to have chase tax on those essential articles would omitted the classical use of the term not achieve fuel economy, for houses built “ armature,” in applying it to the stator or restored must have some means whereby of an a.c. generator^—see page 43. Old the occupiers could cook, wash clothes and students will no doubt remember this heat water, and if this could not bo done classical definition, but it is never used by electricity or gas, then solid fuels would in the practical world, where a stator is h^ve to be used, causing a still greater known only as the fixed part of an a.c. demand on the nation’s limited coal machine, and an armature as the rotating supplies. THE ELECTRICIAN 25 APRIL 1947 1087 The Spur of Security ? By Sir Ernest Benn N a period of war. there is no unemploy­ all those industries that arc short of coal I ment and yet people put their best legs and other essentials. That it is wrong, forward and production on the highest that it puts up prices and speeds inflation level is, in fact, achieved. From that is not denied; but habits arc stubborn unquestioned experience it is argued that things and provide, for the moment, tho a similar freedom from the risk of unem­ complete answer to the argument that tho ployment should induce in time of peace, service of the public can be a satisfactory a similar willingness to work; the theory substitute for private gain and will supply is that the desire to serve is no less sincere the stimulus to effort hitherto provided in peace than in war and can be en­ by the fear of poverty and want. couraged, fostered and cultivated without These special and, as we hope, passing the help of such penalties for failure as difficulties are absent from at least two have hitherto been thought to be essential. clearly defined branches of work and need Necessity is no longer regarded as the where no obstacle bars tho path to tho mother of invention, well paid organised perfection of the socialist ideal. Tho research is recommended as giving a better nation is in desperate straits for coal and assurance of progress and improvement; houses. Coal mining has been purged of the fear of want as a spur to effort is everything to which the miners* union has looked back upon as perhaps the worst of ever objected. Royalties, profits, private the evils of the bad old days. Now, ownership, capitalistic management, one such fear having been removed—on paper after the other, have been sacrificed on —Parliament is busy eliminating other tho altar of “ production for use and not minor objections to the old system such for profit,” and each concession made to as private ownership and personal profit. the fetish has simply whetted the appetite for more, until the nation is reduced to PRODUCTION HALVED acceptance of the pledge of a Communist No social reformer, however enthusias­ that the present inadequate production tic, will argue that these arrangements will be maintained by adopting the five- have enhanced the effectiveness of labour day week. No less disappointing is the or that, in consequence of them, the rate final proof that building labour cares or quality of production has improved. nothing for the homeless and is willing to On the contrary social reformers, of all grind the faces of the poor more shades of opinion, are now constrained to thoroughly than any of tho old fashioned admit that, whatever good may have come ty ran ts. from their endeavour to relievo tho worker of the natural risks of his position, it is TRADE UNION ALARM the fact that the product of the man-hour Other trade unionists are beginning _ to has been for these and other reasons, re­ show alarm. Tho President of the Clerical duced by half. All parties are at one in and Administrative Workers’ Union, Mr. proclaiming the need for production and R. E. Scouller, at the conference at all are alarmed at the obstinate strength Bridlington declared: “ Tho really impor­ of the tendency in the opposite direction. tant factor is tire lower output of tho men Trade union restrictions, designed to omployed, who appear to think they are spread tho work over more men and getting their revenge on profiteering em­ longer periods, have always ignored the ployers for generations of ill-treatment. fact that production is the only source of Removal of the fear of unemployment purchasing power. In order to safeguard meant that some other incentive must bo the immediate position of the individual found to induce men to give of their best worker they have deliberately encouraged and it has not yet been found. An the inflationary evil of less work for more enormous increase in output is easily money and sacrificed the community to possible and is completely necessary if the supposed interests of a single class. we are to get back even to the pre-war On the outbreak of war this attitude was rate of house building.” abandoned in favour of national service, So, through much travail, we must come but has now been resumed and intensified. to the conclusion that there is no spur Some justification is to be found in indus­ in security. Of course some measure of tries where, from lack of materials, full security is obtainable by sections at the production is impossible ; with less than cost of all the rest, but when, as now, all half the paper on which to print, the seek security there is “ no rest” on whom printer would bo more than human if he to.put the cost, and all alike are brought over-strained himself, and this applies to to poverty, hunger and bankruptcy. 25 APRIL 1947 THE ELECTRICIAN 1088 The B.E.A.M.A. Annual Meeting ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF COUNCIL HE thirty-sixth annual meeting of tile that of the sections and their technical T British Electrical and Allied Manufac­ committees. turers’ Association was held at the Con­ The Chairman announced the names of naught Rooms, London, on Thursday, the newly elected members of the Council April 17, Mr. E. C. Holroyde, chairman for the session 1947-48 as follows :—W. H. of the Council, presiding. Allen, Sons and Co., Ltd.; the British The Chairman referred to the retirement Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd.; Brookhirst last year of Mr. V. Watlington from the Switchgear, L td.; Elliott Bros. (London), position of director of the association. Mr. L td.; Ferranti, L td.; the General Electric Watlington, ho said, had been associated Co., Ltd.; Hick, Hargreaves and Co., with that body for over 35 years L td.; and Micanite and Insulators Co., Ltd. and became a member of the B.E.A.M.A. At the subsequent meeting of the Council in 1925. In 1929 he was elected to Council, Sir George Nelson, chairman and the chair, and held that office for three managing director of the English Electric years when he was appointed director. He Co., Ltd., and Mr. E. C. Holroyde, vice- brought to the association a fund of know­ chairm an of. Crompton Parkinson, L td., ledge and experience, and did splendid wero unanimously elected chairman and work for that and allied associations. His vice-chairman respectively. advice and assistance would be available to the association for, he hoped, many THE NEW CHAIRMAN years to come. In recognition of his out­ Sir George Nelson is a vice-president of standing services to the association and the association and has been a member of to the electrical industry, Mr. Watlington the Council since 1932. Ho was knighted had been elected a vice-president of the in 1943 in recognition of liis public ser­ association. vices. Amongst those 'activities, he has Mr. B. H. Leeson, the new director, was been a member of the Government’s Com­ well equipped for the position, and they mittee on Higher Education, a member of all wished him a most successful, pleasant the Advisory Council of the Board of and lengthy period of office, and assured Trade, and a member of the Heavy him of their wholehearted support. Bomber Group Committee of the Air Since the last annual meeting, industry Ministry from 1939 onwards. He was had had a very difficult time and they are chairman of the United Kingdom Tank still beset by many problems. The Council Mission to America and Canada in 1942; had seized every opportunity of making in 1943 ho bocamo a mem ber of th e Recon­ representations to the Government on struction Joint Advisory Council and he matters adversely affecting their industry, was Chairman of the Government’s Census and they felt that some good had resulted. of Production Committee in 1945. In the The recent crisis was a serious setback same year he assisted in the deliberations and a great effort was necessary to recover of the Government Committee on Future the position. Scientific Policy. He was President of the WORK OR EXPORT DEPARTMENT Federation of British Industries in 1943-45. Sir George, whose own academic career Referring to the setting up of an export was exceptional, has been a member of promotion department of B.E.A.M.A., the I.E.E. from the earliest possible age, under Mr. Buist’s direction, to assist in the and later of the I.Mech.E., on whose development of the export trade in con­ Council he has sat since 1943. He has been nection with the industry, the Chairman a member of the governing body of Queen said that it was intended that, with the Mary’s College of the University of London approval of the Board of Trade, the de­ since 1945 an d also of th e General and partment should take over the functions Executive Boards of the National Physical of the electrical industry export groups. Laboratory. He is president of the Union He also referred to the work that had of Educational Institutions for 1946-47, been done during the year in connection and has been a member of the City and with the Control Commission for Germany, Guilds of London Institute, assisting its some 16 teams having been sent out Council in the Executive and Technological through the association to investigate Committees. In 1946 he was th e first factories in Germany; to the work which British industrialist to. visit Russia after had been done by the association in con­ the war to re-open normal trade channels. nection with trade negotiations with vari­ Sir George is also chairman of Marconi’s ous countries; and to the work of the Wireless Telegraph Co.. of D. Napier and Contract Conditions Committee, which had Son, Ltd., and of the Power and Traction been most valuable to members; and to Finance Company,

THE ELECTRICIAN 25 A P R IL ¡947 1089 Military Generating Plant Meeting Special Requirements of Services HE war-time design and production of entirely mechanical; the electrical side small generating sots for the Services was very adequate. In tho future, not Twas dealt with in a paper on “ Generat­ more than five to ten per cent, of any ing Plant for Military Equipment,” de­ unit could be employed on maintenance, livered before the Installations Section of so that as more and more equipment was the I.E.E., on April 17, by Mr. K. H. provided the same maintenance effort had Tuson. to bo spread over a wider field. The only The military engineer, Mr. Tuson began, way out was to provide equipment having could offer no accounts of mammoth power a longer life, and in future it might be stations or super high-voltage transmission necessary to ask for a life of, say, 5 000 lines, and in the field of armaments, few hours before major overhaul. Tho general individual pieces of equipment required opinion at the moment was that military more than 20 kW. There were, however, plant ought with' very little adaptation to many points of interest in the small power be able to work at temperatures, ranging plants that had been evolved, and much from -50° F. to 160° F. work was dono to co-ordinate varying requirements so that the same type of MR. H. NlMMO (Electricity Com­ set could be used for different purposes mission) agreed with the author that it by various arms of the Service. was necessary to co-ordinate varying re­ Betw een 1939 and 1945, a total of quirements so that tho same generating 122 000 generating sets, with a. combined set could be used for different purposes by o u tp u t of 1 196 630 h.p., was made in many arms of the Service, but said that this country. The essential requirements from the paper it would appear that very of most of those were robustness, com­ little progress had been made in that direc­ pactness and light weight, intorchange- tion. In November, 1939, ho (Mr. ability of parts and simplicity of operation. Nimmo) went to France to advise on the They had, in addition, to be capable provision of power for R.E. and other of running continuously at tho full rated workshops, etc., and recommended that loads—because that might at any time be to ensure supplies mobile Diesel-dnven necessary under service conditions—and, generating sets should bo employed. Eight if possible, at temperatures from —40° F. 300 kW 400/230 V 50 cycles sots built on to 130° F. railway trucks were ordered at once, und Mr. Tuson .then described tho individual some forty oventually were supplied to the requirements of sets for battery charging, War Office. Each was fitted with a trans­ searchlights, radar, and other kinds of former, so that if a supply was wanted fire control equipment, and tho power a few miles from where the generating set controlling of batteries of heavy A.A. guns, happened to be it was possible to step as well as tho necessity for careful screen­ up from 400 V to 11 000 V and run a line ing. Some interesting details were given to where it was required. He was told of the power systems employed on the that those sets had been a great success, estuary anti-aircraft forts, and various de­ at home and abroad. sign difficulties were mentioned. Early BRIG. F. H. MACLENNAN (C.I.E.M.E.) experiences with American mobile genera­ pointed out that one difficulty which faced tors, Mr. Tuson said, were not good, but the Ministry of Supply in trying to pro­ towards tho end of the war American sets vide engines with an assured life was that of high quality were being supplied. of fuel. In tho middle of the war they Thoro had been two major errors of were suddenly confronted with the neces­ policy, the author thought, in tho war­ sity to use leaded petrol, which led to time production of military generators. valve and other troubles. Tho oil engine One was tho absence, in 1939, of reason­ technical section in his inspectorate had able specifications for generating plant, for some time, however, been carrying which gave heed to the necessities of out tests on an engine which had a de­ large-scale and rapid production. The signed backlash in the valve gear and other was the failure to find or create new certain special parts in the valve mechan­ production capacity, or to develop new ism which caused the valve to rotate each types of engines for stationary purposes time it was lifted. Surprisingly good re­ until several years had passed. sults were being obtained, and if ■ leaded petrol continued to be used, that might COLONEL W. G. F R Y E R (W ar Office), do something to ensure longer life. who opened tho discussion, said that the difficulties experienced with generating MR. I. O. HOCKMEYER (Ministry of plant of the type in question were almost Supply), speaking as one who at the 25 APRIL 1947 THE ELECTRICIAN 1090 M .A.P. during th e -war had som ething weight than to the rugged characteristics to do with the design and development o£ of so much military equipment of the past. a very similar rango of sots used by the Reference was made in tho paper to the R.A.F., eaid he did not think that tho need for very steady voltage and fre­ method of screening to deal with radio quency conditions for predictor equipment, interference laid down in B.S. 833 would and ho suggested that constant voltage be adequate for R. A.F. use; they had com­ transformers might find a ready applica­ pletely to screen any part which con­ tion there. He was not in sympathy tained a source of interference, and then with standardisation of 230 V supply, be­ provide filters between the completely- cause he believed that the evidence screened part and the outgoing circuits. He possessed by the Homo Office Factory In­ did not agree that voltage regulators were spectorate showed that a 400 V supply was particularly susceptible to temperature hardly any more dangerous, and it would change; they could be temperature-com­ seem wiser to standardise on the higher pensated, and the R.A.F. had had no voltage to save copper. Concluding on a difficulty in that connection. Latterly human note, he said that in spite of all the they had specified the carbon-pile type of fine machinery available, it was the man regulator, which was simpler from tho who could produce volts and amperes out point, of view of radio interference sup­ of a hat at a critical moment who often pression, the vibrating contact type having made the most valuable contribution, and to bo totally enclosed and provided with on such occasions as this one realised that filters. tho tradesman-soldicr was the salt of the MR. A. N. D. KERR, who had had first­ lArmy. hand experience during the war with somo MR. COLLINS, from first-hand experience, of the plant in question, said that only suggested that many of the troubles ex­ those who had actually seen equipment perienced were due to lack of time for handled in war could realise the astonish­ proper development. That tho need for ing ill-use which it suflored, which mado co-ordinating development and standardis­ robustness even more important than light ing design was now well recognised, ho weight. The difficulties on the mechanical said, was indicated by the number of inter- side had been far greater than on the elec­ Servico committees now at work on the trical. He hoped that if equipment was general question. Personally, he felt that needed in future for similar duties, moro the setting up of a single central authority attention would bo paid in design to tho to develop generating sets of tho type in actual requirements of users. question would be an advantage. MR. G. A. MAUNSELL (Consulting Civil MR. G. H. MANN, speaking as a manu­ Engineer) gave a little of the inside history facturer, emphasised that when war broke of the forts provided in the Thames out tho sudden and very large demand for estuary. In 1940, the military authori­ small alternators and generators of all ties felt it desirable to have some forts kinds was something new for the manu­ across the mouth of the estuary, but came facturers, and it was a very big task to to the conclusion that they would be too provide sets with all tho virtues demanded costly and take too long to construct. At of them in the difficult conditions which about that time, however, his proposal prevailed. It was essential not to be caught camo before them for ready-made forts, napping again, and experience showed built in harbour and taken out completo that prototypes were needed which could to the last detail, and this was adopted. be properly tested under all conditions be­ As soon as the decision was reached, all fore bulk production was required. the Service experts began to spread them­ Replying to tho discussion, Mr. K. H. selves, one asking for one kind of radar Tuson referred to the enormous tempera­ and one for another, and so on. The effect ture range for which Col. Fryer had asked, was to double the capacity of the forts, and said it had been and would continue and the electrical side was particularly to be a subject of controversy whether to complicated, with different voltages and produce ono article which could be used different frequencies. everywhere or save in production capacity MR. T. G. MARTIN said that the balance and design difficulties by facing the extra to be struck between the robustness re­ complication of having two sets, ono of quired for active service conditions and which would be used only in temperate the compactness necessary for weight climates. He agreed that co-ordination eaving had always been a major problem between the Services had been inade­ to designers, but he thought that in quate during the war. Whether greater future military requirements air-bome standardisation could be expected in future service would be more prominent than would largely depend on whether tho hitherto, and that more attention would suggestion made by Mr. Collins for a single have to be paid to compactness and saving central authority was adopted. THE ELECTRICIAN 25 APRIL 1947 1091 Irish Electricity Supply System Interesting Features and Operation Discussed OINTS of contrast between tho Irish He did not like tho side-groove pin-insu- P and British practice were discussed at lator binding used on their 10-kV lines in a meeting of the I.E.E. Transmission Ireland. The stirrup-type binding in Section on April 16, when a paper cntitlod B.S. 1320 was, ho thought, very much “ Record of Experience on the Irish Elec­ better, and if ever tho authors used steel- tricity Supply System,” by Messrs. A. cored aluminium conductors they would Burke, R. 0. Cuñe and W. O’Neill, was be well advised not to use tho side-groove read. binding, or they would have vibration The Irish Electricity Supply Board, troubles. One area which his corporation operating since 1929, generates power in took over was completely equipped with hydro and fuel stations and delivers it to steel-cored aluminium with side binding, the consumers’ terminals. Tho paper and they had had to re-equip the whole dealt with the more important or interest­ area with stirrup-typo binding with ing features of the system and of its opera­ aluminium stirrups, which overcame the tion, having particular regard to possible trouble completely. Ho sympathised with differences in practice compared with the the authors in having 28 000 spring-ring system in Great Britain. Sufficient par­ insulators still left on their system. There ticulars of the plant wore given to enable might not have been much trouble with the subsequent information on operation, them so far, but they had now been in for performance and maintenance to be ap­ ten years, .which was about the time when preciated. Arc-suppression plant has been trouble started. extensively used and experience has been MR. C. W. MARSHALL (C.E.B.), deal­ obtained of a wide variety of types of ing with points of contrast between the transformer and of switch and control gear. Irish and British systems, said the most Overhead lines and underground cables striking concerned the neutral earthing. were dealt with and some fault statistics At the time of the design of tho grid, the were given. ■ choice of solid earthing was dictated MR. H. VVILLOT-TAYLOR (Edmund- primarily by cost; it would havo cost sons) said that many of tho practices about £1 000 000 more to have Petersen adopted in Ireland conformed very closely coil earthing, and the authorities preferred with those used by the companies with to stick to the £1 000 000. With tho scanty whom he was connected. Ho was pleased experience then available of high voltage to find that Petersen coils were being systems, had Petersen coil earthing been used satisfactorily and increasingly in Ire­ adopted there might have been some real land, even up to 110 kV. H is own com­ fun when the grid began. Even with panies had now upwards of 40 in use, at direct earthing of the neutral, the neutrals up to 66 kV. He was also glad to find on th e 132 kV system flashed over with that- in Ireland the coil was utilised to the great violence and frequency in industrial full; i.e., they did not instal short-circuit­ areas and in the Thames estuary, and ing switches. Some of those concerned with Petersen coil earthing he felt sure had rocently discussed with tho Commis­ there would have been the additional sioners and the Post Office authorities here complication of tipping up the voltage and whether the present wording of the Com­ flashing over everywhere. He thought, missioners’ consent could not bo altered therefore, that there must bo some upper somewhat to make it clear that they did limit for the use of Petersen coils. Another not insist, as some people supposed, on a point of difference ivas that Ireland had short-circuiting switch being installed. As transformers coming from a large number a result, they felt that utilising the coil of countries. It would be of great interest to the full extent was justifiable, and it if the weight of transformers of similar was nice to find that in Ireland this had capacity per kVA could be tabled, to see been done for 17 years without an accident. whether there was any big difference be­ With regard to cables, on a system em­ tween the designs of different countries ploying Petersen coils some people felt from that point of view, particularly in that unearthed type cable should be in­ the case of Swedish transformers, in view stalled, but it was their own experience of tho alleged great superiority of Swedish that cable designed to withstand the nor­ transformer steel. mal surges with an adequate factor of MR. P. K. DAVIS (Northmet) said that safety on an earthed system could stand the Irish Electricity Supply Board seemed the 70 per cent, extra voltage which it to be less circumscribed than we were in got occasionally without any deterioration. this country by regulations governing the

25 A P R IL 1947 THE ELECTRICIAN 1092 design of overhead lines, and if so they breaker trippings on faults over a period were fortunate, provided their standards of six years, said that the percentage of of reliability and safety were similar to correct trippings (88.8 for 10 kV, and 93- those in this country. It would appear 94 for higher voltages) corresponded closely from the paper that higher tensions and to the figures for the grid, which was a corresponding lower factors of safety than little surprising; it was usual for supply 2.5 had been adopted in Ireland, on the authorities to claim percentages in tho assumption that a similar basis of loading region of 99.9. Tho authors referred to was adopted in both cases. The fact that the question of current transformer ac­ special cradles at Post Office crossings curacy for impedance protection. In were unnecessary in viow of the reduction B.S. 81 (1936) the over-current factor re­ in conductor tension by one half meant lated only to the thermal rating of tho that the cost of such crossings would be current transformer, and it had been considerably reduced, and they should realised for some time that something more be more sightly. It was interesting to was necessary for accuracy at heavy cur­ hear that tho unearthed form of con­ rent ratings. A new specification was at struction had been adopted in Ireland for present almost drafted, so that that posi­ all wood poles other than those on which tion would shortly bo rectified. switches or transformers were mounted. Mr. DAVIDSON (C.E.B.) pointed out This was in accordance with the practice that although previous speakers had wel­ now standardised for light 11 kV lines in comed the idea of crossing Post Office this country by B.S. 1320. The result of wires by reducing tho tension, on high- tho systematic examination of wood poles voltage steel-tower lines it would be a very in Ireland lent emphasis to the need for oxpensivo method of making such a cross­ creosoting the poles adequately. The in­ ing. It would bo necessary to put a ter­ jection of sodium fluoride and sodium dini- minal tower on each side, and that would trophenol required a certain admixture of mean considerable additional cost, and faith as well, since some time must elapse might be rather worse than what had to before tho complete usefulness of such treatment became apparent. be faced at present. MR. P. B. FROST (Post Office), refer­ MR. E. T. NORRIS (Ferranti) said that ring to the damage (mentioned in the tho special feature of the transformers used paper) caused to underground P.O. cables in Ireland, as compared with practice in by double earth faults on overhead power this country, was the very large tap range. lines, said that the authors’ remedy of The authors mentioned a range of +25 per interposing a transformer in tho telephone cent, in 23 steps. This brought the tap- line, while it protected the lino and tho changing gear from being an incidental plant in tho exchanges from damage, in­ feature of the design to being almost a creased the difficulty of operation con­ controlling feature, and was probably due siderably, becauso it was not easy to got to the relatively long distances, for the signals through the transformer without powers transmitted, in Ireland. If that considerable loss, and it added greatly to was so it was somewhat fortunate, because tho problem of insulation tests on the line. if such large ranges of tap-cliange gear The method .adopted by the British Post were required under conditions of very Office when telephone lines had to be taken large power concentrations, as on somo into largo power, or transformer, stations, parts of the grid, it would bo a very where the voltage was high enough and the different proposition. power great enough to cause big local rises MR. J. ANDREW LEE (chairman of of earth potential, was to use a lead- the Section) said that the C.E.B.’s experi­ sheathed cable covered by a special insu­ ence of spring-ring insulators was akin lating compound, a rubber-wax mixture to that of Mr. Willot-Taylor. They had which gave a big breakdown value botween nearly completed the elimination of all the ground and the lead sheath. That had the original spring-ring type insulators, been used for about twenty years without and he thought that the rest would go in trouble. Tho Post Office realised that the due course. inevitable neglect during the war years MR. R. C. CUFFE, replying to the dis­ had led to the piling up of a great deal cussion, described the method used to of trouble in tho form of poles requiring inject the wood poles with anti-fungus renewal. They were facing that by a solution. As to the comparative weights special series of very careful inspections by per kVA of transformers from different trained people over all routes likely to be countries, there were considerable varia­ affected. The cost of replacing poles tions between the products of different would bo considerable, and at present they makers in the snmo country, but thoro were difficult to obtain. was no doubt that the figures obtained MR. F. J. LANE (C.E.B.), commenting from America in recent years were far in on figures given in the paper for circuit- advance of almost anything else.

THE ELECTRICIAN 25 A P R IL 1947 1093 Industrial Information

Contract Price Adjustment Formulae in 190b. Both bodies enjoy Royal Charters The B.E.A.M.A. announce that for pur­ and their members are entitled respectively poses of calculating variations in (a) to the descriptions of chartered mechanical “ Rates of Pay ”—the rate of pay for engineer and chartered automobile engi­ a d u lt m ale labour a t April 12, 1947, shall neer. The Institution of Mechanical Engi­ bo deemed to be 110s.; (b) “ Costs of neers has created an automobile division Material ”—the index figure for Inter­ and, by special permission of tho Privy mediate Products last published by the Council, members of the automobile divi­ Board of Trade on April 12 in 213.0 and sion will be entitled to use the style of is the figure for the month of March, chartered automobile engineer. 1947. Electric Vehicles for L.N.E.R. Lighting a Chemical Laboratory Among new road vehicles being put into The chief problem for the lighting service by the L.N .E.R. for express de­ department of the British Thomson- livery of parcels forwarded by passenger Houston Co., Ltd., when engaged in train, are six special type 20 cwt, “ Morri- planning the installation for the chemical laboratory ex­ tension of the University College, Southampton, was to provide a reasonably shadow free illumination on the laboratory benches with particular regard to the illu­ mination of apparatus having graduations on vertical sur­ faces. It was decided that fluorescent lamps would pro­ vide, most efficiently, the kind of lighting required and forty-three Mazdalux fittings have been installed in the laboratory and adjacent lecture rooms. A feature of this installation is the mount­ ing of the light sources over the gangways between the View of chemical laboratory extension, University College, benches rather than over the Southampton, lighted with M azda fluorescent lamps benches. This gives more effective illumination, The installation work was carried out by P. W. son-Electrioar ” battery vehicles manu­ Cook and Co. (Southampton), Ltd. factured by Crompton Parkinson Ltd. The vehicles are standard “ Morrison-Electri- E.A.W. N.E. Branches cars ” with modifications and additional More than 200 members from the North- features specified by the L.N.E.R. for Eastern branches of the E.A.W. and the class of serve involved. The driving friends, attended a luncheon at the motor is a 9 h .p . one-hour rated, traction Maison-de-Danse, Stockton, arranged by type, directly coupled to a Hardy Spicer the Stockton branch, and addressed by propeller shaft with a universal joint at the director, Miss Haslett. The Mayors each end. Driving energy is provided by and Mayoresses of Stockton and Thornaby a tfoung traction type batteiy of 36 cells, were guests, and the Mayor of Thornaby, giving a 243 A-h capacity at the five-hour Alderman Shepherd, moved a vote of rate of discharge. Two of the six vehicles thanks to Miss Haslett. Mrs. Claxton are now operating in the Hull district, Hudson presided. each covering a daily distance of about 30 Engineering Bodies Amalgamate miles involving some 70 calls. The Privy Council has approved the Lighting Service amalgamation of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and the Institution Under the above heading, in our issue of Automobile Engineers. The former was of April 11, it was stated th a t th e 8 000 founded in 1847 and is celebrating its cen­ fluorescent lamps which are to be used tenary in June, and the latter was founded in the London section of the British

2$ A P R IL 1947 THE ELECTRICIAN 1094 Industries Fair would, after the Fair, be upward and downward stroke of 2\ in. redistributed through normal trade and two speeds—280 and 500 per minute. channels. It has since been pointed out The throat capacity of the bow is 7j in. that these lamps are, in fact, being pur­ All moving parts aro completely enclosed. chased outright by the Government, who Change of Address will subsequently employ them elsewhere to complete other Government installa­ The headquarters of the sales depart­ tions. ment and the publicity department of the Lancashire Electric Power Co., have Industrial Electrical Trucks removed from Walkden to National Build­ In connection with a practical demon­ ings, St. Mary’s Parsonage, Manchester, 3. stration, arranged by Armand Dutry and (Telephone, Blackfriars 3317-8-9.) Co. (Adeco), Ltd., at the Waldorf Hotel, Removal London, on. April 17, of the “ Waltool ” The Donovan Electrical Co., Ltd., an­ miniature workshop, of Bakelite construc­ nounce that their supply department at tion, comprising a drilling machine, a Flexley Road, Stechford, Birmingham, 9, grinding machine and a circular saw moved on April 18 to 62/80, Granville driven by a 1/75 H .p . motor, designed for Street, Birmingham, 1, from which the use of model and instrument makers, address their head office and warehouse will operate. The address of the works at Northcoto Road, Stechford, will remain unaltered. Southend Exhibition On Saturday, April 12, the Mayor of Southend opened a one-week “ South­ end and District Can Make It ” exhibition in the Municipal College. It was arranged by the industrial section of the Chamber of Trade to_ bring to the notice of the public the industries carried on in the locality and the opportunity for employ­ ment offered by the 80 member firms. E. K. Cole, Ltd., as the district’s biggest industry, made an impressive display of examples of all their products—radio and television sets, thermovent heating appliances, EkcojEnsign electric lamps and fittings and plastics. The electric “ Omnitruc ” for use in works, warehouses and so on Bankside Site Approved jewellers and others, two new electric UBJECT" to the conditions that the trucks produced by Tomlinson (Electric boilers are oil-fired and that the build­ Vehicles), Ltd., 135, Gray’s Inn Road, Sing is set back from the Thames to allow London, were introduced. One, the a road and promenade along the river “ Universal ” works truck, with differen­ front, the proposal to erect a power station tial gearing, is powered by a J h .p . m otor at Bankside, Southwark, is to be allowed. supplied by 24 V batteries, and the con­ Announcing this Government decision, sumption is from one to 2 kW per day. the Minister of Town and Country Plan­ It has a platform area of 5 ft. by 3 ft., ning (Mr. Silkin) said that, in the circum­ carries a load up to one ton, and has a stances, the site must be regarded as range of 8-14 miles and a speed of 3-3| settled, but the Royal Fine Arts Commis­ rn.p.h. The other, the “ Omnitruc ” has sion would be consulted on the design of a 1} h .p . motor, 36 V batteries, and con­ the building. The Government was satis­ sumes 1-2 kW per day. It has a speed fied, he added, that with the safeguards of 6 m .p .h . and a range of 10-15 miles. proposed the future of the south bank The platform area is 6 ft. by 4 ft., with would not be prejudiced by the power a loading height of 19 in., and it will station, nor, having regard to the distance carry up to a ton of goods. There is a across the river, c.ould they accept .the seat for the driver. Another British view that the historical dominance of St. engineering product, which was demon­ Paul’s would be threatened. strated, was the “ jigsaw ” sawing and The site at Rotherhithe, which had been filing machine for sawing and filing metals, offered by the L.C.C., had been rejected, plastics and wood to any irregular shape Mr. Silkin said, because it would take at or pattern. It is powered by a f h .p . least two winters longer than the other motor, 230 V single-phase, providing an before electricity could be provided.

THE ELECTRICIAN 2$ A P R IL 1947 1095 Electricity Supply

B r a d fo r d .—A new sub-station, costing show' th a t 3 983 million units were £12 530, is proposed. generated by authorised undertakers in W a lla s e y .—It is intended to spend Great (Britain during the month, as com­ £47 100 on the supply of electricity to pared with a revised figure of 3 820 million housing sites. B r isto l.—Improvements to the coal store at the Portis- head generating station will, if approved, cost £27 000. S h e ffie ld .—Mains extensions, costing £13 290, have been proposed by the Electricity Committee. N . W a le s. — The North Wales Power Co. has decided to proceed with works which will increase th e o u tp u t from the Wolgarrog and Maentwrog generating stations by approxim ately 53 000 000 units. T his will be secured by extending the present system of leets to convey additional water to the reser­ voirs and will not involve the construction of any new' This striking window display, emphasising the need for reservoirs or pipe lines. Pre­ economy in electricity&and illustrating the gap between liminary surveys are now" being maximum demand and capacity, is being put into all the made and meanwhile dis­ showroomlwindows of the\County of London\Electric Supply cussions with tho C.E.OEJ. are Co., Ltd.* and its subsidiaries in South London,Kent, Essex, now in progress. Surrey, Dorset and Hampshire H a r r o g a te .—A feature of tho undertaking’s Jubilee celebrations, on in the corresponding m onth of 1946. This A pril 15, was a handsome cake, lit by 50 figuro represents an increase of only 4.3 per small bulbs, mounted on a miniature cent. (163 million units) over the same grid pylon. Made from rations saved by month in the previous year. Before the members of the Corporation staff, the crisis, generation was running at 12 per cake wras prepared by the demonstrator cent, above 1946 levels. D uring the first at the .Electricity showrooms. three m onths of 1947, the total num ber L iv e r p o o l.—Replying to the Crosby of units generated was 12 334, compared Chamber of Trade, which asked for an with the revised figure of 11 424 million adjustment of electricity charges to offset units for the corresponding period of 1946, the cuts during the fuel crisis, Mr. J. an increase of 910 million units, o t 8 per Eccles, City Electrical Engineer, stated: cent. The total number of units sent out “ The two-part tariffs enable a consumer during March, 1947 (i.e., units generated, to obtain his electricity at a cheaper rata less units consumed in tho stations by than the' authorised flat scale of charges. auxiliary plant and for lighting, etc.), was All two-part , tariffs are on an annual basis 3 758 million, as compared wdth the revised and should not be viewed in relation to any figure of 3 608 million in the corresponding temporary reduction in use. If the fall in month of 1946, an increase of 150 million usage of any consumer is such as to make units or 4.2 .per cent, During the first any other appropriate scale in the pub­ three months of 1947 (i.e., up to the end of lished tariffs cheaper, the consumer will be March) the total number of units sent out given advice and facilities for such a from the generating stations of authorised change on application.” undertakers was 11 656 million, compared Electricity Generation.— Tlie effects of with the revised figure of 10 797 million for the statutory restrictions on electricity the corresponding period of 1946, an in­ . consumption ' are indicated in the March crease of 859 million, or 8 per cent. generation statistics, issued by the Elec­ H a r ts h e a d .—The Stalybridge, Hyde, tricity Commissioners. The Official Returns Mossley and Dukinfield Electricity. Board THE ELECTRICIAN 2S A P R IL 1947 1096 has approved the revised expenditure to be Darlington.—The Electricity Commis­ incurred on th e 1950 extensions to the sioners have sanctioned the borrowing by Hartshead generating station, now esti­ the Town Council of £1 821 for mains and mated to cost £1 023 510. Officials of the plant, and £1 735 for rectifier equipment Board will undertake the extra work in to deal with the increased traction load. connection with the extensions and will M a n sfie ld .—The town’s 11 kV systom is receive as remuneration 1J- per cent, of the to be extended ito New Mill, at a cost of capital cost. The scheme provides for one £4 537. It is also planned to erect a sub­ 30 000 kW turbo-alternator and one station costing £3 411 at Forest Tpwn, for 150 000 lb ./h r. boiler. which sanction has been obtained. E ir e .—Work is scheduled to begin next C h e ste r .—The Electricity Committee, month on the Electricity Supply Board’s which is to erect sub-stations and extend oil-burning generating plant outside Dublin. mains at a cost of £29 500, is also seeking The new station, which will have an esti­ sanction to borrow a further £75 000 for mated annual output of 40 million units, is mains and services and £15 000 for plant. expecting to be oporating within a year. W a k e fie ld .—Estimates for the year of F in c h le y .—Expenditure on the under­ £12 000, for mains and services, £5 000 for taking for the period 1948/9 is estimated sub-stations and equipm ent and £3 000 to bo £50 000, and will cover cables and for domestic apparatus, have been ap­ equipment for sub-stations, transformers, proved by the Electricity Committee. mains and services. West Hartlepool.—After considering a Douglas, (l.o.M .). —Estimates for the report by tho Borough Treasurer on the n ext 12 months for mains, services and Electricity Bill, the Corporation has de­ transformers, amounting to £23 200, have cided to grant special discounts to use up been approved by the Electricity Com­ the balances in the electricity revenue m ittee. accounts, and has asked for a report on C a r lisle.—The Commissioners have con­ the best method of putting the scheme sented to the borrowing of £207 725, this into operation. being the supplementary sanction in con­ P o p la r .—Further tenders for tho new nection with the extensions to the Willow generating station at Brunswick Wharf re­ Holme station. commended by the Electricity Committee Middlesbrough.—The Town Council has include six boiler units and ancillary plant, applied for sanction to borrow £24 500 for a t £2 881 432, by Messrs. Clarke, Chapman electricity capital works, mainly concerned and Co., Ltd., and turbo-alternator plant, with the reinforcement of the present net­ at £424 500 and £714 396, by the Metro- work. politan-Viekers Electrical Co., Ltd. Coming Events Friday, April 25 (To-day) Tuesday, April 29 I.E.E.—London. Measurement« and Trans­ I.E.E., X. WESTERN CENTRE.—Manchester. mission Sections. “ Ultra-High Speed Relays Transmission Group. " Record of Experience in the Fields of Measurement and Protection.” on the Irish Electricity Supply System.” by by W. Casson and F. II. Last. 5.30 p .m . A. Burke, R. C. Cuffe and W. O’Neill. 6 p.m . I-EiE., IRISH BRANCH.—Dublin. Con- JUNIOR INSTITUTION OP ENGINEF.ES.—London. . versazione and Presidential Visit. ■Vt the Connaught Rooms. Great Queen Street. I.E.E., S. MIDLAND CENTRE.—Birmingham. Annual Dinner. 6.15 p .m . Radio Group. " New Possibilities in Speech Transmission,” by D. Gabor. 5 p .m . Saturday, April 26 Wednesday, April 30 I.E .E .. L o n d o n S t u d e n t s ' S e c t io n .—v i s i t to I.E.E., X. MIDLAND CENTRE, SHEFFIELD SUB­ National Physical laboratory, Teddington. CENTRE.—Sheffield. " Rural Electrification. 9.30 a.m . The Use of the Singie-Phase System of I.E.E., X. Mid l a n d S t u d e n t s ' S e c t io n — Supply," by J. S. Pickles and W. II. Wills. leeds. "Mine Lighting,” by 0. Seymour. 6.15 p .m . 3.30 p .m . TELEVISION SOCIETY.—London. At the Royal Institution, Albemarle Street. Second Flem­ ing Memorial Lecture. " The Dawn of the Monday, April 28 Electron Age,” by Dr. J. A. Crowther. I.E.E.—London.—Discussion on " Domestic 5.30 p .m . W ater Heating by Electricity,” opened by R. INSTITUTE OF WELDING.—London. At the Grierson and Forbes Jackson. 5.30 p .m . Institution of Civil Engineers, Great George Street. “The Welding of Copper and the I.E.E., WESTERN C entre.—Cardiff. Installa­ Copper-Rich Alloys,” by Maurice Cook and tions Group. " Some Aspects of Site Edwin Davis. 6 p.m . Insulation Testing, with Special Reference to BjBLT. Switchgear by Schering Bridge Friday, May 2 Method,” by W. Hyland. 6 p .m . ■ I.E.E., X. EASTERN STUDENTS' SECTION.— INSTITUTION OP POST OFFICE ELECTRICAL Xewcastle-on-Tyne. At the County Hotel. ENGINEERS.—London. At Faraday Building. Annual Dinner. Annual General Meeting, “ Repeater Station Power Supplies,” by K. W, which was to have been held on Friday, H ix. 5 p.m . A p ril 25, w ill p re c ed e . ".30 p .m .

THE ELECTRICIAN 25 A P R IL 1947 1097 Electricity Bill in Committee Position of Directors — Compensation to Local Authorities

WO important Government decisions, ment’s view any loss sustained due to T announced when the sittings of the income tax set-off, superannuation, or Committee were resumed after the Easter severance would be adequately met by this recess, were that directors of companies sum. Ho rejected claims from both sides will now be allowed to act as stockholders’ of the Committee to provide compensation, representatives in connection with the pay­ for loss of electricity income, in many cases ment of compensation and that an addi­ partially used to benefit ratepayers. Later, tional sum of £5 000 000 is to be made he said that he was not pretending that available for compensating local authori­ every little claim that could be presented ties against loss of revenue resulting from by a local authority as regarded income nationalisation of their undertakings. tax set-off, superannuation and so on, Making the first concession, Mr. Shinwell would be met, but it would be reasonable said he had no bias against directors and to devote the sum of £5 000 000 in order had decided, after due reflection, that the to meet more or less substantially the words used in the Bill were a little deroga­ claims of the local authorities. Discussions tory. After he had promised to look into would be held with the authorities to de­ several other points raised by the Opposi­ cide on the basis of allocation. tion, Clause 18, which provides for the Mr. Glenvil Hall said that local authori­ appointment of stockholders’ representa­ ties and other experts had put the loss by tives, was passed without a division. severance at about £1 000 000 a year. “ A period of five years should be sufficient to When tho discussion on the compensa­ enable local authorities so to reduce their tion terms of Clause 17 was continued, overhead charges as to cause the loss to however, the Opposition offered further disappear,” he added. The loss to super­ criticism, and called upon the Financial annuation funds caused by the reduction Secretary to give adequate reasons why of interest rates as a result of the Govern­ the Government had in this ■ instance ment’s cheap money policy was not a decided to base compensation on Stock matter appropriate to that section of the Exchange prices. Bill. The Stock Exchange prices, Mr. Glenvil An amendment was defeated on a divi­ Hall asserted, broadly gave a value which sion by 21 to 11, and Clauses 20 and 21 a willing buyer and a willing seller put on were ordered to stand part of the Bill. any given security. If that was not so, he failed to see why they were ever published. Contending that the Government must Hydro-Electric Schemes stand by the compensation clauses of the Bill, Mr. Glenvil Hall said that tho terms HAT the Government do not intend of compensation for an industry taken T at present to embark on the develop­ over must necessarily vaiy and, so far as ment of hydro-electricity other than in the they could, they must do justice to the North of Scotland area was indicated, people dispossessed. They could not treat during question time, by the Minister of the stocks of the Central Electricity Board Fuel and Power. and tho J.E.A.’s in a way different from A number of questions, by Mr. Ellis other electricity undertakings, because al­ Smith and others, was asked on the possi­ though they were semi-public bodies, no bility of tidal barriers, etc., in tho Mersey, Treasury guarantee had in fact been given. Thames and Lake District, and in the Where there was a Treasury guarantee, course of his replies, Mr. Shinwell stated the Opposition case, he claimed, had been that the resources available for such met in a “ clear and generous way.” schemes were limited by man-power and In view of tho adoption of the scheme materials, and were at present .concen­ under which stocks in tho hands of holders trated on the North of Scotland district. will at the time of transfer be regarded as Regarding the Severn Barrage, the British Electricity stock at the value tho Minister said they were proceeding with stock is given on vesting day, the Govern­ the construction of a model tidal plan at m ent has now dropped Clause 19, which a cost of approximately £40 000. They deals with accrual and payment of must proceed in that direction before compensation. coming to a final decision. He was bound Announcing th a t th e sum of £5 000 000 to say, from the facts before him and the was to be made available for additional advice tendered, that he did not feel dis­ compensation payments . to : local authori­ posed at the present moment to proceed ties, Mr. Shinwell said that in the Govern­ with the scheme.

2$ A P R IL 1947 THE ELECTRICIAN 1098 Contracts Open E give below the latest information Copies of form of tender and specification W regarding contracts for which tenders from Merz and McLennan, Milburn, Esher, are invited. In the case of overseas con­ Surrey; deposit, £5 5s. tracts, particulars are to be had from the Spenborough, May 2.—Supply and de­ Board of Trade, Millbank, London, S.W.l livery of mercury discharge street lighting (corner Horseferry Road), unless otherwise stated : — equipment. Specification from Electrical Engineer and Manager, Electricity Depart- Heston and Isleworth, April 26.—Supply rhent, 24, Market Street, Cleckheaton, and delivery of one 10 cwt. electric vehicle Yorks. (enclosed van type). Particulars from S a lfo r d , May 3.—Supply of: (a) 500 Borough Electrical Engineer and Manager, MVA, 33 kV, metalelad switchgear; 11, Staines R oad. Hounslow. (b) four 15 000 kVA, 33/6.6 kV trans­ Middlesbrough, April 26.—Supply and form ers; (e) 4 300 yds. 0.3 sq. in., 33 kV, delivery of: (a) one 11 kV, three-phase three-core cable; (d) four neutral earthing oil-immersed and compound filled metal- resistors; (e) 250 MVA, 0.6 kV, metalelad clad ring main tee-off unit, comprising switchgear. _ Specifications from City Elec­ two oil-break isolators and one circuit- trical Engineer, Electricity Department, breaker; (b) one 250 kVA, 11 000/440/250 Frederick Road, Salford, 6. V three-phase oil-cooled indoor trans­ H a s tin g s , May 5.—Supply, delivery and former; (c) one meter testing set, single­ erection at Broomgrove power station of phase, 0/500 V, 0/100 A, unity/zero one 11 kV, three-phase, 500 MVA, ruptur­ power factor, complete with voltmeter, ing capacity switchboard, comprising five' ammeter and power-factor meter and suit­ units. Specification from Borough Elec­ able for use on 240 V, single-phase supply trical Engineer and Manager, York Build­ or' a three-phase four-wire 415/240 V, ings, Hastings. 50 cycles supply. Specification for items S a le , May 5.—(a) Supply, delivery and (a) _ and (b) from Borough Electrical laying of 1 700 yds. 0.2 sq. in., 6*6 kV Engineer, Corporation Electricity Depart­ cablo and the laying of 1 200 yds. ment, Snowdon Road, Middlesbrough ; 0.25 sq. in. l.t. cablo in same track; deposit, £1 Is. each. (b) supply and delivery of two 500 kVA, Newcastle-under-Lyme, April 29.— Supply three-phase standard indoor core-type and delivery of : (a) one 500 kVA rectifier, double-wound O.K. cooled transformers. with transformer; (b) sub-station switch- Specifications from Borough Electrical gear, comprising 14 panels for 11 kV and Engineer, Town Hall, Sale, Manchester. seven for 400 V, with ancillary equipment ; P ly m o u th , May 10.-—Supply, delivery (c) four 250 kVA, one 400 kVA and three and erection of one 100-ton, overhead elec­ 500 kVA sub-station transformers. Specifi­ tric travelling crane. Specification from cations from Messrs. Mackness and Ship- City Electrical Engineer, Armada Street, ney, _ Consulting Engineers, Parliament Plym outh. Mansions, Abb ev Orchard Street, London, D a r tfo r d , May 10.—Provision of addi­ S .W .l. tional light points in houses on the Council’s Blackpool, April 30.—Supply and delivery estates. Specification from Town Clerk, of p.i. lead covered underground cables for Town Clerk’s Office, Dartford, Kent. 12 months. Specification from ¡Borough Liverpool, May 14.—Supply and delivery Electrical Engineer, Electricity Offices, of: (a) twenty-four 1 000 kVA trans­ Shannon Street, Blackpool. formers, 11 000/415 V ; (b) twelve 500 kVA Cleethorpes, April 30.—Supply and de­ transformers, 11 000/415 V; (c) twelve livery of l.t. cables. Specification from 15 kVA transformers, 11 000/240 V. Speci­ Electrical Engineer and Manager, Grimsby fications from City Electrical Engineer, Road, Cleethorpes. 24, Hatton Garden, Liverpool, 3. Manchester, May 1.—Supply of six tons W illesden, May 19.—Electrical installa­ B.S. gTade “ D ” plumbing metal and tions in 44 houses and 10 flats, in four con­ two tons B.S. grade “ G ” jointing metal. tracts. Specifications from Borough Elec­ Specification from Chief Engineer and trical Engineer and Manager, Electric Manager, Electricity Department, Town House, 296. Willesden Lane, N.W.2 . Hall, Manchester. 2. . Blackpool, May 19.—Supply, deliverv Madras, May 1.—Supply, delivery, erec­ and erection of two 20 MVA and one tion and commissioning of transformers 10 MVA 33/6.6 kV transformers, with on­ having the following ratings, for the Basin load tap-changing equipment; and Bridge “ B ” power station, Madras : Two delivery, jointing and laying of various of 7 500 kVA, 11/5 kV ; two of 1 750 kVA, lengths of cable. Specifications from 11 000/415 V; one of 1 250 kVA, 11 000/ Borough Electrical Engineer, Shannon 415 V and two of 200 kVA, 415/415 V. Street, Blackpool.


e ¿T iv it e 'i/Mtt ....

to visit our STAND No. C226 in the Electrical Section of the British Industries Fair, Birmingham, 5th—16th May. Our Exhibit will feature Mica processed in all shapes, Micanite and Laminated Plastic Tubes and Bakelite Laminated Stampings, forming a display of essential components for every branch of the Electrical Industry LANGLEY LONDON LIMITED 161, BOROUGH HIGH ST., LONDON, S.E.l ENGLAND. Phone: ’Grams: HOP 2946 (7 lines) LAGLYCOL Phone LONDON

25 A P R IL 1947 THE ELECTRICIAN 1100 Company News WESSEX ELECTRICITY CO. Net prft; for 1945, £27 722 (nil) and E.P.T. estmtd. 1946 sta te d .a s £222 659 (£155 193). Fin. amt. recov. to date £150 000 (£220 000). div. on ord. 3%, tnkg. 5%. To int. £406 (£437), conting. fund WASTE HEAT AND GAS ELECTRICAL £275 000 (same), superann. contributn. g e n e r a t in g s t a t io n s , l t d .—Prft. to Janu­ £50 000 (nil), defd. reprs. nil (£30 000), ary 31, £10 981 (£8 758). To gen. xes. aeet. of future taxn. nil (£100 000), yx.’s £2‘ 138 (£2 292); ord. div. S% (same)'; ■div. on 6 % pref. £18 000, 8 % prof. fwd. £19 084 (£19 041). £40 000. Fin. ord. div. 5%, mkg. 8% RUSHDEN AND DISTRICT ELECTRIC SUPPLY (same); fwd., £281 226 (£208 315). CO., l t d . —Net prft. 1946, after ta x n ., LONDON ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO.. LTD.— £9 172 (£4 893). Final div. 5%, mkg. 9% Accts. 1946 show' b y sale of current (same), gen. res. £1 000 (same), pension £1 383 901 (£1 183 204), plus rental of fund £861 (nil); fwd., .£16 498 (£13 642). apparatus, etc., £33 241 (£27 635), fees swrrcnGE-m a n d c o w a n s , l t d . (elec. £44 (£47), discounts £247 (£205), mkg. engs.).—Prft. 1946, after depren and tax, £1 417 433 (£1211091). To purchase of £1 584 (£20 376 after £1 000 to pensions), current £1 080 451 (£974 218), distrbn. of plus transfer from w a r contings. £5 000 elec. (total) £69 564 (£58 691), rents, rates (nil). To res. nil (£2 000), div. 10% (20), and taxes £22 624 (£22 351), management bonus nil (5%); fwd., £22 252 (£22 263). exes. £33 702 (£23 955), law and Parlia­ SHROPSHIRE, WORCESTERSHIRE AND STAF­ mentary chrgs. £10 390 (£9 218), spec, FORDSHIRE ELECTRIC POWER CO.— N e t p r f t . chrgs. (incldg. skg. fnd. “ A ” and “ B ”) 1946, after taxn. £95 000 (£135 000), etc., £69 450 (£76 945), n et pit. £131 193 £172 329 (£166 515). Fin. div. 4% on (£45 714), add int. from invests., etc., “ A ” ord., mkg. 8 % and 3% on “ B ” £32 569 (£14 384). Pref. div. absorbs ord., mkg. 54% (both same); fwd. £41 952 (same), div. 6 % on Ord. (3% £130 083 (£116 504). plus 3% out of No. 2 res., mkg. 6 % ); fwd. UXBRrDGB AND DISTRICT ELECTRIC SUPPLY £70 849 (£1 487), units sold 362 612 078 C O ., LTD .— Trading p rft. 1946 £225 337 (306 919 271). (£201 098), plus int. on investmts. £8 357 DELHI ELECTRIC SUPPLY AND TRACTION (£7 729). To int. on depsts. £2 076 CO.—Stockholders have been advised that £1 854), inc.-tax £68 695 (£83 270). de- tho undertaking was transferred to the precn. £83 055 (£80 340), res. £25 300 Delhi Provincial Government on March 2. (£393). Div. on ord. 4%, free of tax A valuation is now being made by Messrs. (same), £54 000, fwd. £1 422 (£854). Merz and McLeilan, and will be completed LANCASHIRE DYNAMO AND CRYPTO, LTD.---- in the middle of the year, both parties P rft. for 1940 afte r ta x £107 446 having agreed to accept the valuation as (£103 752). T o deprecn. £12 839 the price to be paid for the undertaking. (£13 600), dirs.’ fees £2 225 (£1 S35), staff On the transfer being made, tho company pensions £3 000 (£30 000), pref. div. received from the Government a payme.it £1 815 (£1 650), final ord. div. 10% (same) on account, but that sum is subject to and bonus (same) and at three-fifths revision upwards or downwards when tho these rates on new ord. following interim actual valuation has been completed. of 5% (same) and of 3% on new ord.; CITY OF LONDON ELECTRIC LIGHTING fwd. £173 193 (£139 131). Group’s current CO., LTD.—Reporting on a general increase assets £1 719 019, current liabs. £643 025. in the company’s output of electricity TAYLOR TUNNICLIFF (FXECTRICAL INDUS­ during the trading year, Mr. John TRIES), l t d .—Consolidated bal.-sheet _ at Braithwaite (chairman) said that the public December 31 shows creditors and taxation nowadays was more electrically-minded £222 037 (£151 632), reserves and prft. than ever, and if sufficient supplies of and loss £236 677' (£191 448). Stocks generating plant and fuel were available, £52 633 (£44 302), debtors £179 678 there would now be the greatest electricity (£114 291), investments £40 066 (£50 066), boom in our history. The Electricity Bill, tax certs. £25 000 (£36 000). cash £136 513 he said, would bring about a serious dislo­ (£95 157). Trclg. prft, £143 365 (£100 029), cation within the industry, but it was not net prft. £47 378 (£31 470) and ord. div. too late for the Government to reconsider 124% (10%). Forward £229 (same). the compensation terms. Stock Exchange CLYDE VALLEY ELECTRICAL POWER CO.. prices;were wholly indefensible as a basis l t d .—Full acets. 1946 show sale of upon which to found compensation, which current, etc.. £3 OSS 297 (£2 967 927). To should instead bo along the lines indicated generation, distributn. and other exes. in the Ministry of Transport White Paper £2 579 654 (£2 469 212), Ivg. £50S 643 of 1937, which had recommended compen­ (£49S 715). Add int., divs., etc., £2] 952 sation for loss of future profits on the basis (£18 569), E.P.T. addit. amt. recovered, (continued on p. 1 102 )



An Electrolux Refrigerator may seem Private Builders too are striving to make a relatively small item in the planning of available to a l l the People the advantages a housing estate. But, seeing beyond the of Electrolux Refrigeration. blueprint, it’s an item which will silently Electrolux has no machinery, no moving safeguard perishable food from wastage, parts. This means freedom from vibra­ flies and dirt, and so protect the health tion, low maintenance cost, dependability, and the pocket of the people. and absolute Silence at all times. In recognition of this fact the Govern­ Electrolux "built-in” Refrigerators, ment has ordered 10,000 Electrolux which can be operated by Electricity, fit Silent Refrigerators in addition to the into any kitchen plan when built into 50,000 already supplied for temporary modem kitchen furniture at any height. “ Prefabs. ” Local Authorities and E l e c t r o l u x

By Appointment By Appointment Refrigerotor REFRIGERATION * £ L > Ma leers

1 by ELECTROLUX LTD • LUTOX ■ BEDS. Head Office; 153/5 ' REGENT ST. ■ W.i I \ Al»o Manufacturers of dit famous Eleclrolul Quiet Suction Qranen J

THE ELECTRICIAN 25 A P R IL 1947 1102 (.Company News, contd.from p. iio o ) The proper method of development was to of net maintainable revenue. The industry, have a combination of urban and rural lie concluded, did not ask for inflated or demand, so as to obtain a proper diversity even generous terms, but only for reason­ of load, but two-thirds of the consumption able and fair compensation. and 50 per cent, of the population were CLYDE VALLEY ELECTRICAL POWER «T., centred in the artificial south-west area. l t d .—Comments on the provisions of the Obviously, the south-east area would be Electricity Bill, as they applied to Scot­ under a very considerable handicap in fur­ land, were made at the annual meeting by ther development. Whoever was responsi­ the. Chairman (Mr. Robert Robertson). ble for tho conception of the scheme could The North of Scotland, he declared, was have little knowledge or experience of elec­ to be deprived of the alleged benefits of trical development in Scotland. Mr. Robin­ nationalisation, while Southern Scotland, son thought that if the industry had to which included practically the whole of the be nationalised, Scotland should be industrial area, would be administered from separated from England and administered the central control in London, and become, as one entity. Under the Bill as it was, os far as electricity was concerned, a part the benefit of cheap hydro-electric energy of provincial England. Again, Southern would go mainly to England, and Scotland Scotland was to be divided into two areas. was getting a raw deal.

Commercial Information

Mortgages and Charges Rugby.—March 17, deb., to Barclays N o t e . — The Companies Act of 1 9 0 8 provides that Bank. Ltd., securing all moneys due or to every mortgage or charge shall be registered within become due to the Bank; general charge. 2 1 ddys after its creation, and that every company *Nil. December 31, 1945. shall, tn its annual summary, specify the total amount o f debt due from it in respect o f mortgages or charges. T. HAMMOND AND CO. (ELECTRICAL ENGIN­ The following mortgages and charges have been EERS), ltd., Beaconsfield.—March 6 , registered. _ The total debt prior to the present creaion, £5 000 debs. ; general charge. as shown in the annual summary, is given— marked with an *—followed by the date of the summary, bur such total m ay have been reduced. KANGO ELECTRIC HAMMERS, LTD. (for­ merly MANSIONS MOTOR C O ., L T D ., AND MAN­ Metal Prices SIONS MOTOR OARAGE CO., L T D .), London, Monday, April 21 S.W.—March 15, deb., by way of sub­ Copper Price Inc. Deo. stituted security for a deb. dated Decem­ Best Selected (nom.)...per ton£135 10 0 —______Electro Wire bars ... „ £137 0 0___ __ ber 3, 1937, and collateral to a charge H.O. Wires, basis ... „ £155 0 0 — — dated December 3, 1937, securing to S h e e t...... „ £178 10 0 ~ — Westminster Bank, Ltd., all moneys due Bronze Electrical quality or to become due to the Bank; general 1% Tin— charge. *Nil. December 30, 1946. Wire (Telephone) basis per ton £177 15 0 — — Erase (60/40)— J . a n d x. WADE ( l o n d o n ), l t d ., P orts­ Rod basis ...... Is. 2y4d. mouth, dealers in electric lamps, etc.— Wire ... Is. 6 /zd. March 11, mort., by way of further Iron and Steel— security for moneys secured by four debs, Pig Iron (E. Coast He­ dated April 20 and Ju n e 9, 1938, May 28, matite No. 1) ...per ton £8 19 0 — — Galvanised Steel Wire 1945, and February, 21, 1946, to Branch (Cable Armouring) Nominees, L td .; charged on 1073 and baste 0.104 in...... £34 5 0 — __ 1075, Finchley Road, H endon, together Mild Steel Tape (Cable with plant, machinery, etc, *£3 000. Armouring) basis June 14, 1945. 0*04 In.) „ £21 15 0 — — Lead Pig— h a r r e t t . a n d W RIGHT, l t d ., London, N., English ...... £91 10 electrical engineers.—March 7, charge, to Foreign and Colonial... £90 0 Miss P. M. Yeo, Rickmans worth, and Tin— others, securing £2 100 and further ad­ Ingot (minimum of 99.9% purity) ... „ £-110 10 0 vances not ex. therewith £3 900; charged Wire, basis ... on 194 to 202 (oven), Hornsev Road, ...p erlb . 5s. 6%d. Islington. *Nil. December 31, 1945. Aluminium Ingots ...per ton £S0 0 0 — BEAULAND PROPERTIES, LTD., B righton--- Spelter ...... £70 0 0 — Marcli 14. £1 750, further charge, to Mercury (spot) . perbott. £21 0 0 Alliance Bldg. Soe.; charged on ppttx Prices of galvanised steel wire and steel tape supplied bv "Nil. December 31, 1944. Price3 8°PPUed by B.I. Callender’s Cables, Ltd. The latter prices are nominal only, and do BENN RADIO AND ELECTRICAL CO., LTD., not>include any allowances for tariff charges. THE ELECTRICIAN 25 APRIL 1947 1103 Why it pays to specify “ SANTON”:-

2, L O W W A T T D E N S I T Y

In no case does the W att Density of any SANTON element exceed 16 watts p.s.i. Low W att Density in SANTON heaters is obtained by adjusting the length of elements or increasing the number so that the largest possible heating surface is available as shown in the illustration on the right. Localised boiling and hot spots - the main causes of scaling - are thus eliminated.

W rite for a copy of the Santon Data Book to Santon Ltd., Newport 15, Mon.

Left: SANTON Automatic W ater Boiler. Provides an immediate bulk of boiling water, followed by a constantflow for tea- etc. Special "simmering" ele­ ment keeps water just on boiling but prevents liberation of oxygen.


Company Meeting Scottish Power Company The Nationalisation Proposais — Mr. William Shearer on Confiscation

The thirty-seventh ordinary general meeting tricity Bill. The country will know precisely of the Scottish Power Company, Ltd., was what value to attach to Socialist election held on April 13 in Edinburgh. pledges in the future. As recently as his Mr. William Shearer, the chairman, in the Budget speech this week, the Chancellor of course of his speech, said; The prospective the Exchequer reaffirmed that the " Labour legislation for the nationalisation of the I’arty stood, most of all, for justice,” but eleotricity supply industry concerns, tho con­ electricity stockholders will search in vain sumer, the stockholder and the employee. for this commodity in the compensation " flow will X benefit from all this up­ term s. heaval?" is a question which many con­ Stock Exchange quotations are not a true sumers must be asking themselves. The measure of the value of the assets of an answer is in the words of the Minister of undertaking and their earning potential. Fuel; ‘‘There can be no guarantee," he said, Market dealings and markings are sensitive speaking on the Committee stage of the Elec­ to many factors, such as the volume of buy­ tricity Bill on February 25 last, “ that every ing and selling; yield and extraneous in- potential consumer In the country wall be iluences—political, economic and inter­ supplied with either a cheap or an abundant national. Quotations are no guarantee of supply. To impose on the central authority possible dealings and are quite inappropriate the duty of providing a cheap and abundant as the basis of purchase of an entire under­ supply, irrespective of the circumstances, is taking as a going concern. I have no hesita­ to do far more than is desirable." Yet at tion in expressing the view that the terms the last Party Conference on June 11, 1946, of acquisition amount to confiscation. that is, before the presentation of the Bill to Parliament, and when the public mind was being prepared for it, the Minister stated Prudent Administration Penalised that “ the objective as regards the nation­ alisation of electricity is two-fold. It is to Under the method adopted prudent admini­ make electricity available to every person stration is penalised and proiligaey in in the country who desires it and 'to every financial operations rewarded. In his Budget industry which needs it, to bring it within speech, the Chancellor underlined once again the reach of the rural areas, and, over and the importance he attaches to Industries above all, to cheapen it.” ploughing back profits into the business. Yet it is precisely those companies who have carried out this policy in the electricity Glib Promises industry who will suffer most under the compensation terms of the nationalisation This remarkable volte face indicates the scheme. Could inconsistency bo more in­ facility with which glib promises can be consistent? made by certain gentlemen during an elec­ tion campaign, and the somewhat timid and I wonder whether our Government, which evasive approach when the realities of the so often claims a monopoly of political situation emerge. wisdom, lias taken fully into account the The Minister also made it clear that he will repercussions on other Governments of this look with disfavour on what he terms “ un­ un-British treatment of British stockholders. healthy " competition-between electricity and We are satisfied that our assets represent gas when both are nationalised. There can a very much greater value than the com­ be no doubt that competition between these pensation proposed under the Bill. From industries in the past has brought great whatever .standpoint the expropriation terms benefits to the consumer; but these, also, are are regarded,..their inequity is evident, par­ apparently to go by the board. ticularly when most of our undertakings The only tangible promise in the Bill, so have perpetual franchises under Statute. far as the consumer is concerned, is that there will be another swollen bureaucracy So far as can be ascertained, the take­ to be paid for by taxation. >To wonder that over prices at which our stocks will be ex­ there can be no guarantee in the Bill of propriated will be as follows; Ordinary stock cheap or abundant electricity. The price of 46s. Id. for each £1; 6 per cent, preference this experiment in nationalisation like all stock Jls. 4d. for each £1; 4 per cent, prefer­ others, must be met out of the public pocket ence stock 22s. 4d. for each £1. I f th e new except to the extent that possibly, in the electricity stock carries interest a-t 2è per initial stages of the bureaucratic control, cent., the income of stockholders will suffer substantial reserves which were built up as a percentage reduction as follows; Ordinary the result of free enterprise may be utilised stockholders by 56 per cent. ; 6 per cent, pref­ to conceal the true financial results. But erence stockholders by 34.7 per cent.; 4 per that could only be a very temporary face- cent, .preference stockholders by 30.2 per cent. saving expedient. The net results of these frenzied endeavours will be detrimental to the nation as a whole, Holdings to be Expropriated no matter how gratifying they may appear I should now like to refer to the position to the political sponsors of the scheme. of stockholders under the Bill, with par­ The truth is—and it is high time it was ticular reference to the price at which their stated frankly—that nationalisation of this holdings are to be expropriated, and their and other industries is a political ramp dividend rights. The pledge of the Labour which has little or nothing to do with the Party prior to the last Election, that there general well-being of the country. would be just and proper compensation for The report and accounts were adopted, and any industry that was nationalised, has, in a final dividend of 5 per cent., making 8 per my view, been completely discarded in the cent, for the year, with a bonus of 1 per basis of expropriation adopted in the Elec­ cent, on the ordinary stock, was declared.




J > r . J o k n > $ c m - k t u l

to um /te fU $

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25 APRIL 1947 THE ELECTRICIAN 1106 Makers of Synthetic







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Let us handle your enquiries PHOSPHOR REVILL,CARTER&Co. BRONZE TRUCK BUILDERS OTLEY ROAD, " TUBES, SHEETS, RODS & WIRE SHI PLEY, YORKS. To the latest A ir Ministry, Admiralty, W ar Office Telephone N o: 358 Shipley and B.S. Specifications.

THE ELECTRICIAN 25 A P R IL 1947 1107 MICA i; MiCAMili Manufactured in various forms, such as sheet, tube, mouldings and pressings, covering every requirement of the Electrical Industry. W rite for Catalogue No. M/44.

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Superspeed Special Cored Solder is essential to the Radio and Electrical trades b ecau se— • it can be used for rapid work at moder­ ,uper sp eed ate bit temperatures thus reducing risk of damage to delicate components. m / l i f / J / i ? S P E C , A L I • It speedily removes oxide film from copper conductors and soldering tags eliminating high resistance faults caused by dry joints. CORED SOLDER • The flux residue is hard, dry, non-con­ Sole Manufacturers ducting and absolutely non-corrosive. H. J. ENTHOVEN & SONS LTD., 230THORNTON RD., WEST CROYDON, SURREY


T h is tim e9 gentlem en^ I got an ATLAS* Atlas lamps put good lighting ‘ on the map ’ . . . can even show up tricky sales problems in a more favourable light . . . stay bright when business gets dull. More and more enterprising people are specifying Atlas lamps because they have checked up withengineers and electricians that for long life and sheer light value there is no better lamp. Every Atlas lamp is guaranteed to be made to strict B.S.l. specification and is tested at each stage of manufacture. Write for terms to-day.

A COMPLETE LIGHTING SERVICE Our lighting engineers will supply planned with common sense and you with exactly the lighting you ‘eye-appeal’. We offer you a need, exactly where you need it. W e complete, individual lighting design and supply modern fittings, service. Why not get in touch? using new materials boldly, yet There is no obligation. ATLAS LAMPS for STAYING POWER

THORN ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES LTD., 105-109 JUDD ST., LONDON, W.C.I.Tel. Euston 1183 NORTHERN BRANCH : STEVENSON SQUARE, MANCHESTER 1. TEL. CENTRAL 3185 N.E. Depot: 46 Sandhill, Newcastle-on-Tyne J. Tel. Newcastle 24068 A 138 25 APRIL 1947 THE ELECTRICIAN 1110


HOME COMFORTS are carried universally via

E T A L i I C

pioneers of the CONDUIT TUBE

Wherever there is a switch, M ETALLIC, with its consistent quality and accurate fitting, can be relied upon to “ lead in ” home comforts with maximum safety and convenience.

METALLIC SEAMLESS TUBE CO. LTD. Ludgate Hill, Birmingham. Phone: CEN. 7167. Grams: "Flask", Birmingham. Sales Depots: London:88 Goswell Rd.,E.Cl. Newcastle-on-Tyne: St. John Street. Leeds: 5 York Place. Swansea: 1 Grove Place. Glasgow: 137a St. Vincent Street


If black patches mar your fine com­ plexion . . beware! If your skin is rough in texture, too dark or reddish raw. . . if wrinkles or grooves spoil its smoothness . . then Wear and Tear are taking their toll. A specialist can give a correct diagnosis, if he is consulted in time. He knows that the perfect skin grows only on a soundly constructed commutator.

A commutator made by WatlifF is expertly produced and gives no trouble in service. Advice from commutator experts is always available to users of our products. We recommend that designers should use our standard sizes (full details on request) wherever pos­ sible, but we can always supply specials to customers’ exact requirements where needed. We have been making commutators and slip rings for over 25 years and are confident that we know our business.

We produce over one million com­ We MAKE THEM FROM THE mutators yearly and we are still SMALLEST TO THE LARCEST growing.

MANUFACTURERS OF COMMUTATORS F O R OVER 25 YEARS W f i T L I F F t e l e p h o n e : l ib e r t y i i s i - ii8 2 - ii83 t e l e g r a m s : w a w f f , p h o n e , i o n d o n CO.ITS. LOMBARD ROAD, MORDEH ROAD, SOUTH WIMBLEDON, LONDON, S.W.I9

( g . TAYLOR 276

THE ELECTRfClAK ! $ APRIL ¿/ 2 1947 The Salmon . . . . The salmon spends the greater part of its life in the sea and although it has been credited with a very long life, it rarely exceeds 8 or 9 years. Size is by no means a certain indication of age—the largest salmon being those that have spent a long time at sea, where food is more abundant, before returning to the river for spawning. There is no problem about the life of a Westinghouse Metal Rectifier. It has established itself as the most reliable rectifier and many are still in use after 20 years’ continuous service.


^ '


S/A6I5 Stand C5I0 See our stand showing two films daily R Birmingham ‘Aglimpse of Metrovick’ and a film on Radar

Printed in Grea- Britain by Stkaies BEOTHEsts Ltd., 194-200 Bishopsgate, E.C.2, and published by Bb*n BitOTnr«, Ltd., at Bi uvcri: House, 154, Fleet Stteet, London E.C.4. (Registered 3t the General To*X Office. Em ered a i Seconu vja ss at the New Y#rk, U.S.A., Post 0;Fce.) - Friday, April 25, 1947 I H BMaWljB lig g f l ¡jpg! 1 ■ " - " ' bwbhbb p ip | g i • M |B j! turn f S S f l R f l l