Muelleria : an Australian Journal of Botany
Muelleria Volume 5 Number 1 March, 1982 NATIONAL HERBARIUM OF VICTORIA DEPARTMENT OF CROWN LANDS AND SURVEY Muelleria Volume 5, Number 1 March, 1982 CONTENTS Page A revision of the genus Templelonia R.Br. (Papilionaceae) — J. H. Ross 1 The nomenclature of some Australian lichens described as Lecanora and Placodium by Miiller-Argoviensis — R. W. Rogers 31 New Australian species of Nymphoides Seguier (Menyanthaceae) — Helen 1. Aston 35 Vegetation of East Gippsland — S. J. Forbes, N. G. Walsh and P. K. Gullan 53 A new Australian lichen: Cladonia sulcata — A. W. Archer 115 Editor: Helen 1. Aston Published by the National Herbarium of Victoria (MEL). Royal Botanic Gardens, South Yarra, Victoria 3141, Australia. D. M. Churchill, Director and Government Botanist. 43346/81 The date of publication of Volume 4, number 4, was 20 May 1981. A REVISION OF THE GENUS TEMPLETONIA R.Br. (PAPILIONACEAE) by J. H. Ross* ABSTRACT The endemic Australian genus Templetonia is revised. Eleven species are recognized and the uncertainty concerning the application of the name T. sulcata (Meissn.) Benth. is discussed. This discussion includes the selection ol a lectotype for Bossiaea rossii F. Muell., a possible synonym. Descriptions, a key to the identification of species, illustrations, and distribution maps are provided, together with notes on ecology and relationships. Two previous papers describing T. incana (.Muelleria 4: 247-249 (1980)) and T. negketa (loc. cit. 390-393 (1981)) should be used in conjunction with the present revision. INTRODUCTION Templetonia, a small genus of 1 1 species described by R. Brown in Ait. f Hort. , Kew. ed. 2, 4: 269 (1812), was named in honour of the Irish botanist John Templeton (1776-1825) ot Orange Grove, Belfast.
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