An Introduction to Amateur Radioteletype

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An Introduction to Amateur Radioteletype an introduction to amateur radioteletype Irwin M. Hoff, W6FFC NOTE Mr. Hoff is an active radio amateur and a recognized authority in the field of amateur radioteletype. Articles by Mr. Hoff have ap- peared in leading publications for several years providing major contributions to the technical advancement. and ever. increasing popularity of RTTY. As a service to the ama- teur* Frederick Electronics Corporation has persuaded Mr. Hof to prepare the material in this booklet, thus making available a refer- ence of considerable value to the novice and experienced radioteletype enthusiast frederick electronics corporation frederick, maryland An Introduction to AMATEUR RADIOTELETYPE Irvin M. Hoff, W6FFC Amateur radioteletype is one of the most FORMS OF AMATEUR RADIO fascinating hobbies available today. Watch- There are nearly as many different as- ing a machine print a message automatically pects of amateur radio as there are amateurs from some remote point thrills the average with imagination. Some individuals like to person immensely, whether young or old. handle traffic from the servicemen overseas; This is true whether the message is coming some are interested in Civil Defense work; from the next room or from around the some see how many foreign countries they world. Most people have visited at one time can contact; some like to use Morse code or other a newspaper office or radio station while others prefer voice communication; where the Teletype machines were clacking some like to buy all their equipment and a away with incoming news from various few build everything; some fellows are pri- "wire services" such as Associated Press and marily interested in technical subjects while United Press to mention a couple. Persons others prefer talking about the weather; who normally have little or no interest in some branch off into associated fields such other forms of commercial or amateur com- as moon bounce, v.h.f. research, amateur munications will stare at such a machine for television and of course our present discus- extended periods of time, captivated by the sion – amateur radioteletype. knowledge it is constantly printing informa- tion of interest. Even if a machine is con- This list is far from complete but shows stantly repeating test information such as the versatility that is available to the enthu- "THE QUICK BROWN FOX (etc.)", indi- siast interested in radio communic ation. viduals will watch the printer indefinitely. Eventually such a person will necessarily develop an interest in one of the aspects of As is true with any hobby, amateur radio- amateur radio perhaps more than the others, teletype will probably appeal to only a lim- particularly if that aspect offers at the same ited number of individuals who will wish to time an opportunity for personal pleasure as obtain the equipment and use it on amateur well as advancement of skills and knowl- frequencies to "talk with" other equally- edge. interested individuals. Just picking up this publication shows 1 don't know what type of individual this some interest in the field of radioteletype by person may be. but this booklet is being the reader, so perhaps it is now time to men- written for him-to give an overall picture of tion a few things that can be done with ra- what is being done with amateur radiotele- dioteletype, type today as well as background informa- tion which will enable this person to assem- THINGS THAT CAN BE DONE WITH ble, connect and operate the necessary RADIOTELETYPE equipment to not only print incoming radio- 1. Amateur Two-way Communication. teletype signals but to transmit as well, as- While it is always interesting to watch a suming he is already a licensed radio ama- Teletype machine printing general in teur. formation such as newscasts, it is much Perhaps we should point out that it takes more interesting to have it print a per- no license to merely copy signals from the sonal message intended for you alone. air, as it is possible same readers may wish Amateur two-way radioteletype is little only to receive and not transmit – several of different from normal voice or Morse my friends are not radio amateurs at all, but code contacts, other than it is an entirely are still capable of printing conversations different form of communication. Many from amateurs. little "tricks" can be accomplished that 2 cannot be done with voice or Morse same time which puts the incoming sig- code and these will be mentioned nal on tape for later replay. It is also shortly. possible to "retransmit" the in. coming information directly on another fre- 2. Unattended Reception Via Automatic quency, thus relaying the signal instan- Means. Out of the most fascinating taneously to a second station. We might things a machine can be fixed to do is say at this time that the field of traffic - operate even though a person is not pre- handling has the greatest potential yet to sent. On voice or Morse reception this be developed in amateur radioteletype, would not be possible and the transmis- since it offers many advantages that nei- sion would be "lost forever" if the re- ther voice nor Morse. code can make cipient were not present and listening available. carefully. However, a Teletype machine prints on regardless. Associated with 6. Foreign Countries. Although a major- this is an additional advantage that al- ity of radioteletype operators are in the lows the operator to leave the equipment United States, a surprising number of running indefinitely on a specific fre- foreign amateurs are already on radio. quency and his friends can leave a mes- teletype with more doing so all the time, sage anytime during the day or night- particularly in Europe. The DX- thus offering the advantages of sched- enthusiast will find ample opportunity to uled operation without presenting the contact many countries, and WAC restrictions of both operators being pre- (Worked all Continents) is easily, possi- sent at the same time, or even. any spe- ble-in fact one of the more active DX- cial time.". enthusiasts has worked over 53 coun- tries on two-way radioteletype. 3. QSL Cards. Many amateurs in their spare time type up tapes which can then 7. MARS Transmission. Military Affili- be played at automatic speed later. ated Radio Stations are turning more These tapes often contain "QSL Cards" and more to the use of radioteletype for which have their call letters and a quick general message and traffic -handling as run-down of the station equipment as more affiliated amateur stations are ob- well as a typed-in verification of the taining the equipment. Certainly there contact and date. It is always interesting will he some readers who have picked to watch these being transmitted, and of- up this public ation in order to assemble ten if there are visitors present. the op- a station for MARS use. erator will request if you have any such 8. Technlcal. The individual in. terested in tapes to send for their interest and en- the technical side will find ample oppor- joyment. tunity to develop new circuits for his' 4. "Pictures" of Famous Persons. Some station; to program his equipment to of the more talented operators make print only those messages directed to' "picture portraits" on tape for later hire; to improve reception through transmission. Ralph Larsson of the Tele- methods not yet developed; to incorpo- type Corporation has perfected this abil- rate advanced' ideas which may not ap- ity to a high degree and many of his pic- peal to the average enthusiast, and in tures have been made available to vari- general to advance the fate of the art. ous operators who them pass them along 9. Civil Defense. Many counties are turn- vita radioteletype to interested parties. ing more to radioteltype for primary de- Again, when visitors are pres. cut, the fense systems, since more reliable operator often asks if you would please communic ations are possible while at send any such pictures for them to see. the same time some privacy is offered 5. Traffic Handling. Teletype certainly on the frequency. Again, radioteletype offers an ideal means of quickly and offers an ideal means of traffic - accurately handling traffic, as not only handling. does the machine print at 60 w.p-m. but 10. Record Copy. After the conversation also gives a copy of what is being has been terminated, the operator may transmitted. Clever operators can have a either discard or retain the- printed "typing-reperf", machine running at the copy. This offers many advantages, par- 3 ticularly with respect to handling traffic. 2. Tape reader, often called a "TD" to play However, even on general con- versa- the tape back automatically. tions, information may have been re- Such additional equipment also allows the ceived which the operator may want to operator to call 'CQ' automatically. keep in his files for law reference. Also the newcomer may frequently monitor CONNECTING THE EQUIPMENT conversations by individuals much more Many amateurs add all sorts of things to expert than he, that he wants to study their normal voice or Morse station such as over later. rotary beams for better reception; oscillo- These are but a few of the many things that scopes to show the proper modulation; may he accomplished on radioteletype – phone patches 'for public service work; others being equally possible. Hardly a week Morse monitors to hear their keyed signal; goes by but what some enterprising individ- s.w.r. bridges or wattmeters to observe the ual thinks up a new use to which the ma- condition of the antenna and to assure opti- chines, can be put.
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