April, 1905 No.3
Fraternit}! Directory FOUNDERS OF FRATERNITY Maggie Campbell .................... " ............. ". Monmouth, III. Libbie Brooks-Gaddis ................. ..................... Avon, III Ada Bruen-Grier ........................•..••........... Belleview, PL Clara Brownlee-Hutchinson ....... ...................... Monmouth, Ill. Emma Brownlee-Kilgore .... ..•.......... - .. , ...• . .. , _. Monmouth, III Fannie Whitenack Libby .... .. ...... , .. ..... .. .. .. Red Wing, Mon. Rosa Moore ........................... 207 W. 55th SL, New YorK City. Jennie Nicol (deceased) Ina Smith Soule ....... .. ......... ....... .............. Monmouth, Ill. Jennie Horne-Turnbull .... .. ........... 2546 N. 32 St., Philadelphia, PL Fannie Thompson (deceased). Nancy Black-Wallace .. ..... ... .. .. ... .. ...... Glenosborne, Pa. GRAND COUNCIL PnsIDENT-Elitabeth Gamble, 49 Alexandrine Ave., West. Detroit, Mich. VICE PRESIDENT-Mrs. Mav C. Reynolds, Fostoria, O. SECRETARy-Mary Bartol-Theiss (Mrs. Lewis E. Theiss), 64 W. Iogtb St., New York City. TREAsuRER-Martha N. Kimball, Box V, Leadville, Colo. EDITOR-Florence Porter Robinson, 543 Marshaft St, Milwaukee, Wis, HISTORIAN Susan W. Lewis, s60s Madison Ave.. Chicago, Ill. CATALOGUER Mary Bartol-Theiss, 64 W. Iogth St., New York City. CORRE8PONOING SECRETARIE8 ALPHA.. PROVJ.Jl'CR PR.ESlDENT-Anna Morris Jackson, 215 E. 15th St., New York City. VERMONT ALPHA-Middlebury Coll .!ge, Bertha C. Duncan, Middlebury, Vt. VUMONT BETA-University of Vermont, Emma Bean, 411 Main St., Burlington, VI. CoLUWBIA ALPHA-George Washington University, Adele R Taylor, 2705 P. St., Washington, D. C. P~NN SYLV ANIA ALPHA-Swarthmore College, Elizabeth E. Johnson, Swarthmore. Pa. PENN SYLVANIA BETA-Bucknell University, Florence L. Bacon, Lewis- burg. Pa. PENNSYLVANIA GAMMA-Dickinson College, Gertrude H eller, Carlisle, Pa. OHIO ALPHA-Ohio University, Mary Treudley, Athens, Ohio. OUIO BETA-Ohio State University, Katherine Bancroft, 58t Franklin Ave., Columbus, Ohio. NEW YORK ALPHA-Syracuse University, Lillian May Neff, 112 Waverly Ave., Syracuse, N.
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