University of Central Florida STARS Text Materials of Central Florida Central Florida Memory 1-1-1930 Hatter D. W. Fields Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-texts University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Yearbook is brought to you for free and open access by the Central Florida Memory at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Text Materials of Central Florida by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Fields, D. W., "Hatter" (1930). Text Materials of Central Florida. 420. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-texts/420 J,-IJ,«^wshg^ l>if 'W This book must not be taken from I the Library building. ^i COPY tL » C H T I9SO IV.FIELDS EDITOR^ Bi;0 BR^tJCE THt IIE»l€ATION i •S-iJ-Q 03 FOE^E tVOED ThcEi present of the H tlic lit)_ •t« ftit t c •• d tlic f rc p •• o q 1*1 mj 11 i %^ c UNIVERSITY JJLwL t%-. ii \ H lllS llB.il Li S fvm f ^^^^^SgfSfS0£- / A Letter From President Lincoln HuUey To His Stetson Students My dear Students: Three things will yield big dividends in your life: attention to details, enthusiasm, and industry. Many littles make a lot. Every little helps. In the making of a life nothing is too small to receive due attention. If trifles are neglected the larger issues suffer and one's character and business fall short of their highest possibility. Enthusiasm is a divine gift. It means God in us. When a man is on fire for what he believes and says and does others will listen and be impressed, and the man's influence will be widened. Everyone ought to be enthused about something. If one has nothing in his program worth dying for, it is likely there is nothing in his life worth living for, and it is time to die and leave this world. Industry is a pearl of great price. It is under the will. The man with five talents hustled and made five more. So did the man with two. The man with one went idle. The work of the world is done by the men with one talent who back it with industry. LINCOLN HULLEY. -^ ^"S- -g- gr- S^ Page 16 ill DR. LINCOLN HULLEY President of Stetson University Page 17 LINCOLN HULLEY President ii CHARLES S. FARRISS Vice-President G. PRENTICE CARSON Dean OLGA RUTH BOWEN Registrar CLIFFORD ROSA Bursar Page 18 Makers of men,—leaders of society,—shapers of more ethical lives,—and lovers of that wliich is right. Some of the members of our faculty are nationally famous, most of them enjoy state-wide recognition, and all are loved and honored by their students. y^^^^^^ ^^^^5 ^S^SS ]^^^^ Page 19 The Faculty LINCOLN HULLEY. Ph.D.. Litt.D.. LL.D.. HERBERT R. MCQU:LLAN, B.S., Professor of Law Director of Physical Training and Athletics CHARLES S. FARRISS. A.B.. D.D., LL.D., JOHN THOMAS JENNER, A.B., Profes'or of Latin and Greek Instructor in Philosophy G. PRENTICE CARSON, A.M.. LL.D., MARY TRIBBLE LOWRY, .\.M., Professor of History and Economics Instructor in English WARREN S. CORDIS, AM.. Ph.D., STELLA ^L STEVENS, Professor of English Librarian CLIFFORD B. ROSA, MARIE PEDIGO, A.B., Professor of Accounts Instructor in E.xpression IRVING C. STOVER. ^LO., A.\L. Litt.D., MABEL M. COURSON, A.B.. Professor of Public Speaking Instructor in Domestic Science and Art JOHN FERGUSSON CONN, ^LS., Ph.D.. MARION L. COUTTS. .\.B., Professor of Chemistry Instructor in the Secretarial Course ORA P. SEWARD. LL.B., A.^L, Ph.D., HARRY DAVIS FLI HART. Professor of French and Spanish In tructor in Art HARRY C. GARWOOD, A.B., Th.M., BERTHA WEEKS FLUHART, Profe:sor of Christian Apologetics and Biblical Literature Instructor in Art THOMAS O. >L^BRY. Ph.B., A.M., M.S., GEORGE E. GAMERE, Professor of Biology and Geology Instructor in the Plastic Arts BoYCE F. EzEi.L, A.B.. A.M., RAYMOND O. DENHAM Professor of Pedagogy and Secondary Assistant in Commercial Law Education JOHNNIE MARY WAR NOCK. ANNIE NADINE HOLDEN, A.M., Professor of Latin and German Office Secretary LEWIS HERNDON TRIBBLE, A.B., LL.M., Professor of LQW CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC JENNIS W. FUTCH, B.A., LL.B., Pianoforte Professor of Law WILLIAM EDWARD DUCKWITZ, JACOB A. CARPENTER, .A.M., LL.B., ROSA LEE GAUT, MUS. B., Professor of Law ETHEL M. FISHER, And Assistant Teachers JAMES A. ROBERTSON, L.H.D., Research Professor in American History Voice CURTIS M. LOWRY, B.S. in M.E., PAUL R. GEDDES, Professor of Mathematics and Mechanical FRANCES MAHONEY, MUS. 15. Engineering Violin ROBERT L ALLEN, M.S., MELTON WHITE Professor of Physics and Electrical Engineering Organ and Harmony EVA BAKER WELCH, MUS. B, JESSE ROBERT CRANDALL, A.M., Professor of Business Administration Public School Music HARRY S. WINTERS, A.M., FRANCES MAHONEY, MUS. B. Assistant Professor of Mathematics and English Choral, Glee Club RUTH HIBBAHD DONALD FAULKNER, A.B., Assistant Professor Mathematics and Orchestra and Band Civil Engineering DONALD FAULKNER • P /Sr^. ' E^ ' Page 20 CLASSES i JOSEPH E. HENDRIX President Student Body Page 23 ^•Hi Class Presidents JOSEPH E. HENDRLX Senior Class D. WALLACE FIELDS Junior Class CHARLES V. SPRADLEY Sophomore Class HARRY DEAN Freshman Class I Page 24 Seniors The Post-Graduates JAMES JVL ANDERSON, B.R.E. G. CHESTER FREEMAN. B.S. HORACE B. GR.\Y. A.B. ROBERT AI. HOLMES. A.B. JOHN T. JENNER, A.B. MURIEL MAHONEY. A.B. KATHRYN A. MOORE. A.B. MARION MCFETRIDGE, A.B. ROBERTA R. PARKE, A.B. LESLIE H. PURCELL, A.B. /^ -B- -B- I 1 '^^ Page 26 JOSEPH E. HENDRIX RAIFORD, FLORIDA Candidate for A.B. Degree Pi Kappa Phi President Junior Class. '28, '29; Business Man­ ager HATTER, '28, '29; Track Manager, '28, '29; President Senior Class. '29, '30; President Stu­ dent Body, '29, '30; Track Manager, '29, '30. "Stetson will lose a good man at the end of this year when Joe receives his sheepskin. As a leader, he was forceful, magnetic, and usually did what he attempted. As a man, he was pleasant, likeahle, and a friend to all. As a politician he is a genius. Look for .loe in "Who's Who" fifty years from now." VIRGINIA MARGARET CHENEY DELAND, FLORIDA Candidate for A.B. Degree Sigma Alpha Phi Phi Beta; Pi Kappa Sigma; Torch and Scroll: Assistant Editor of Annual. '28, Editor-in-Chief of HATTER. '29; Secretary of Class, '29, '30; Glee Cluh. *29, '30; University Chimer, '30; President Pi Kappa Sigma. '30; Secretary Phi Beta, '29. 30; Chancellor of Torch and Scroll. '30; Class Night Committee. "What will Stetson be without Virginia. She is loved by everyone that knows her. Her scho­ lastic career has been very enviable and she has taken part in many extra-curricular activities. We will all miss you Virginia." CATHERINE ADELLA MARTIN AKRON, OHIO Candidate for A.B. Degree Pi Beta Phi Feature Editor HATTER, '29. ^'Catherine is quiet and reserved but who doesn't like a girl with those assets." .^ :mL Page Z7 MAE MAXINE PURCELL DELAND, FLORIDA Candidate for A.B. Degree Southern College. "26, '27. "28; Mu Tau Beta; Stetson, '28, '29, *30. '"When the students needed help, they always went to Maxine. She is without doubt one of the hp<t students that Stetson has ever had." RUTH FOARD DELAND, FLORIDA Candidate for A.B. Degree Pi Beta Phi Krucible Club, '26, '27; Annual Staff, '28. "Ruth has been an old standby since she en­ tered school four years ago. She has been a dear friend to us all and we only hope that her brother mak e as good a recorrl a*- Ruth. PEARLE COMBS MOORE BOWLING GREEN, KENTUCKY A.B. Degree Delta Delta Delta "What will the school do without good little i-'at She is so kind and good-natured that every- one loves her." /^ -B- -ST i 1 ^^ Page 28 SUE WELLONS ROGERS MIAMI, FLORIDA Candidate for B.S. in Ed. Glee Club, '29, '30; Vice-President, '30; Y. W. C. A., '29, '30; Cabinet, '29; Alpha Xi Delta Treasurer. '30; Vice-President of Senior Class "30; Shorter College, '27. '28; Received L. L De­ gree, '29. "Sue's most important interest seems to be in a member of the Delta Sigma Phi fraternity, and her second interest in the Glee Club." MARGARET ELIZABETH MOTT JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA Candidate for A.B. Degree Alpha Xi Delta; Torch and Scroll President Alpha Xi Delta. '30; Class Secretary. '27, "28; Y. W. C. A., '27-'30; Cabinet. '28; Presi­ dent Freshman Commission of Student Govern­ ment, '28; Pan-Hellenic. "28; Student Govern­ ment, '27, '28; Basket-Bali. '27. - "Always friendly and willing to give a helping hand." LEILA ANNA SOAR LITTLE RIVER, FLORIDA Candidate for A.B. Degree Y. W. A., '26. '27. Secretary, '27, '28. Treasurer, '28, '29; Christian Forum, '26, '27, '28; Y. W. C. A., '27, '28; Play Production, '28, '29. "A quiet miss, so quiet in fact that we hard'y know much about her." I—II—1 >i:^c=2>. p^^ Page 29 WILLIAM 0. BUTLER JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA Candidate for A.B. Degree "Bill will leave Stetson with a record that very few have been able to make. He is popular and well liked bv all his associates.'" JA.MES M. ANDERSON, B.R.E, MALONE, FLORIDA Candidate for M.A. Degree Band. "27-"30. "When in need of a true friend, call on Pop.
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