Transatlantica, 2 | 2015 Exploiting Exploitation Cinema: an Introduction 2
Transatlantica Revue d’études américaines. American Studies Journal 2 | 2015 The Poetics and Politics of Antiquity in the Long Nineteenth-Century / Exploiting Exploitation Cinema Exploiting Exploitation Cinema: an Introduction David Roche Electronic version URL: DOI: 10.4000/transatlantica.7846 ISSN: 1765-2766 Publisher AFEA Electronic reference David Roche, “Exploiting Exploitation Cinema: an Introduction”, Transatlantica [Online], 2 | 2015, Online since 14 July 2016, connection on 29 April 2021. URL: 7846 ; DOI: This text was automatically generated on 29 April 2021. Transatlantica – Revue d'études américaines est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification 4.0 International. Exploiting Exploitation Cinema: an Introduction 1 Exploiting Exploitation Cinema: an Introduction David Roche 1 What is exploitation cinema? Exploitation cinema is not a genre; it is an industry with a specific mode of production. Exploitation films are made cheap for easy profit. “Easy” because they are almost always genre films relying on time-tried formulas (horror, thillers, biker movies, surfer movies, women-in-prison films, martial arts, subgenres like gore, rape-revenge, slashers, nazisploitation, etc.). “Easy” because they offer audiences what they can’t get elsewhere: sex, violence and taboo topics. “Easy” because they have long targetted what has since become the largest demographic group of moviegoers: the 15-25 age group (Thompson and Bordwell, 310, 666). The exploitation film is not a genre, and yet it is often described as such.1 This is, no doubt, because these movies do, as a group, share common semantic, syntactic and pragmatic elements that, for Rick Altman, make up the “complex situation” that is a film genre (Altman, 84).
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