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The Summer BG News July 19, 1979

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The Summer BG News July 19, 1979" (1979). BG News (Student Newspaper). 3638. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/3638

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,Bowlinq 'Green Stole University Musical Arts Center's performance hall

I named after Kobacker hy Diane Must based chain of retail shoe cording to Kim Kreiger, stores. director of music events and The 850-seat concert hall Moore said the Kobacker promotions at the Univer- and theater in the new family gift to the University sity. Musical Arts Center was was the largest donation to Other featuresof the Center named the Lenore and the Center. A $7.5 million are its 88 practice rooms, 68 Marvin Kobacker Hall state appropriation and a studios and offices, two Thursday, July 12. private fund-raising cam- rehearsal rooms, and an * 1 University President Dr. paign is being used to electronic music recording Hollis A. Moore Jr. made the finance the $9 million studio and classroom. announcement at a luncheon building. Architects for the Center which was attended by the are Bauer, Stark and Lash- Kobacker family, University Kobacker is a past brook of Toledo. trustees and other officials. president of both the Toledo The College of Musical ML 1 Arts plans to move into the Kobacker Hall will be the Symphony Orchestra and the major performance hall in Toledo Museum of Art and new center fall quarter. JMM^ "" 1 the Center. It features a still serves on the Board of huge stage area with an Trustees of both groups. *2ftv orchestra pit that can be Also a member of the Ohio 7-19-79 raised or lowered by a Arts Council, be is active *' ■i^S| hydraulic lift. Seating in- with the Ohio Citizens for the cludes a main floor and a Arts, the Ohio Foundation inside unique arrangement of two for the Arts and the Arts Guest Column and Art Buch- suspended balconies. Commission of Greater. wald Page 2 The naming of the per- Toledo. Ihk ] formance hall is in Campus and local briefs Pages 3 & 4 recognition of a major MRS. KOBACKER la a contribution to the new former pianist and music Features: University Center by the Kobacker graduate of Rockford graduate Rick Kramer, family, and of their active College, Illinois. owner of the Electric T-Shirt support of music and arts in The Center also contains a Factory, began what is today northwest Ohio, according to 250-seat recital hall which a successful business on an photo by Kyle Danacean Moore. will be named later, ac- impulse in 1972. Kramer's success story is on Page 8. Although the Student Recreation Center's seed spitting contest was canceled, KOBACKER, A TOLEDO resident, is vice chairman of some die-hard watermelon enthusiasts created a contest of their own. Visiting Energy day It is not often that a college professor John Wright, of Dover, England, (above) attempts to spit a watermelon the board of Kobacker newspaper has access to an seed out of sight Stores, Inc., a Columbus- set for Sunday exclusive interview with a "Develop Energy famous film director. The News had the good fortune to Mosquitos 'bug' Bowling Green Independence" is the theme talk with , the of Energy Information Day, self-reknowned "kind of the The City of Bowling Green dicate that the heaviest a "request and complaint respiratory aliments and which will be held in City allergies, however. Hoffman nudies," however. Mike and the Wood County Health concentrations of adult basis." Park on Sunday, July 22. The suggested that residents go Gueulette talked with Meyer Department began mosquitoes are located in the The insecticide malathion event is sponsored by the indoors and close windows last week in Toledo, and yesterday a joint spraying third and fourth wards. The is being used in the spraying Bowling Green Citizens for Mike's account can be found and doors while the in- program designed to reduce areas around Sand Ridge program. Malathion will Safe Energy. on Pages! A 7. the adult mosquito Road in the southwest part of disrupt any virus carried by secticide is being dispersed. the city and near City Park mosquitoes. Of particular Home solar energy devices The Susan B. Anthony population and the chances Use of the insecticide have the heaviest con- concern is the encephalitis provided by area businesses dollar has met with mixed of the transmission of sparked debate at Monday's centrations, according to virus which is carried by will be on display and emotions since it debuted mosquito-borne diseases. City Council meeting. last week. C. Frederick Sch- Tom Metz, city applicator. mosquitoes and for which literature concerning a The spraying program was wan, a captain in the there is no licensed vaccine, Hoffman admitted that the variety of energy topics will necessitated by last week's spraying "may be un- military'science department YESTERDAY'S Municipal Administrator be available. heavy rains, which produced desirable from an en- at the University and an SPRAYING was limited to Wesley K. Hoffman said. unusual amounts of standing vironmental point of view," The Citizens for Safe expert on U.S. currency, the Sand Ridge Road area Malathion is bio- water in parts of the city. but said mat conditions Energy hopes to educate the offered his conjectures as to Wherever untreated water and the Westgate area in the degradable and is approved community about energy how the dollar will fart on offered "no other choice." the market in the future. See stands undisturbed, adult third ward, Mots said. by the Environmental issues, and has recently Page*. mosquitoes wul develop Today's spraying is ten- Protection Agency. The begun publication of a within a weak or ten days, tatively scheduled for the insecticide it non-toxic to newsletter. Tom Wilson, mosquito Belleville Acres area west of mammals, including "WE HAVE to weigh the Classifieds and doonesbury Page! control coordmator for the City Park. Metz and Wilson humans, and it does not options," Hoffman said. Sunday's program is County Health Department, mat last night to plan today's enter the food chain. "The danger of encephalitis scheduled from 2-6 pjn. and said Tuesday. spraying. Meti said is nodi greater man the more information may be Weekend Page IS Light traps set by Health yesterday afternoon that the MALATHION MIGHT danger of harmful effects obtained by calling either Sports officials in- i may be sprayed only on irratate people with from the spraying. 36*4772 or 35M792. Page 11 opinion, guest column Student Weed Center disgrace to University

I have visited the Student area involved is technically ministrative areas of the Recreation Center several non-University property campus have continuously times this summer. The until the landscaping been maintained with golf- facility is obviously a very company under contract course regularity. good one. Unfortunately, the does its job. appearance of the building is Subsequently, I discussed The situation is even more terrible. Due to the lack of the landscaping problem unfortunate in light of the proper landscaping, the Rec with University president fact that thousands of people Center looks more like an Dr. Hollis A Moore Jr. He will be visiting the campus abstract barn in a weedpatch confirmed what McGuire for the first time this sum- than a recreational facility. had said and added that legal mer as a part of the pre- Instead of grass, the center steps were being taken since registration program. is surrounded by foot-tall the date for the scheduled Hopefully the University weeds. completion of the land- will attempt to avoid further According to Rec Center scaping has expired. embarrassment by taking Director Dr. Raymond corrective measures to phot* by Kyle Danaceau (Ben) McGuire, "The area is Instead, the University eliminate the unsightly Ike appearance of the Student Recreation Center hat been marred by foot-tall not yet accepted as the allowed the appearance of problem which now exists. weeds (above) which have surrounded the facility since spring commencement responsibility of the the Rec Center to decline to a This problem has begun to arouse concern among University students and faculty. University maintenance disgraceful level despite the Thomas Carver is a student China's The People's Daily' staff." He also said that the fact that various ad- at the University. A £~.^_ooo news paper respond BEIJING-"The People's Daily" of China, with a cir- But they did receive me at the "People's Daily," and The News welcomes reader response to editorial culation of 6,180,343, not including free subscriptions to the showed me a new satirical four-page paper they were comment as well as opinions on topics of student Politboro, differs from newspapers in one major putting out consisting of cartoons. It had been started in interest, in the form of letters to the editor and guest respect: It refuses to print bad news about the country. It April after two years of great thought columns. is in fact the ultimate "good news" paper. Iron and steel Mr. Wang, a deputy editor, told me the paper was a big All correspondence should be typewritten and production are going up, agriculture is leaping forward, success though it is still in the experimental stage. The triple-spaced. Only those letters and columns economic indicators, under the new leaders, have never Chinese people like to laugh but because it is so new, no signed and listing the author's address and phone been better, the Chinese army is kicking the daylights out one is still certain mat what is funny to residents of number-for verification will be accepted. of the Vietnamese, and the class struggle to weed out Nanjing will be funny to the Communist leaders in Letters to the editor may not exceed 300 words (30 capitalist readers, political degenerates and depraved Beijing. typed lines). Columns are not to be more than 60 followers of the Gang of Four continues with unabated typed lines. success. BECAUSE OF THE violent twists and turns in Chinese The News reserves the right to reject letters or Murders, air crashes, inflation, strikes and even the politics during the last 15 years, an editor's life on the portions of letters that are deemed in bad taste, troubles of Lee Marvin are not fit to print in the "People's "People's Daily" is not a secure one. During the Cultural malicious or libelous. Daily." You can read it from cover to cover without Revolution, when the Gang of Four under Mao's widow Correspondence may be sent to Editorial Editor, seeing one mention of Margaret Trudeau, Jackie Onassis, were riding Ugh, the entire editorial staff was shipped off The BG.News, 106 University Hall. Bert Lance or Mick and Bianca Jagger. Better still, there to labor camps to clean toilets and be "re-educated " for are no political columnists to tell you what the govern- anywhere from three to eight years. ment is doing wrong. When you have a thriving, While many Americans would advocate this type of the summer- treatment for our editors, I got the impression from Mr. Wang, who had been sent to one, that if he had the choice he would rather have gotten severance pay and gone into 3TS Slews ■ In1aa« Art public relations instead. Page * Vol. M, N«. m Tanrsday,7-li-7i The editor responsible for the shakeup at the "People's Baiter Staff Reporter! Daily" under the Gang of Four, Mr. Lu Yin, is no longer PaulO'DonneU Betsy Dawson Buchwald mere. When that regime was overthrown he was sent to a Pam Roberts labor camp so he could be re-educated and dig ditches for Copy Editor MikeGneulette Marc Hugunin new latrines. Mr. Wang said Lu Yin is still there, but the Advertising Salesper present staff didn't seem to be too unhappy about it. Photo EdUor Sue Baker dedicated. Socialist leadership following the principles of Kyle Danaceau Margie Grim Chairman Hua and Vice-Premier Deng, there is no need "HOW LONG WILL he stay?" I asked. The BG News is published daily Tuesday through Friday for the Chinese equivalent of Evans and Novak to throw during the regular school year and weekly during summer gloom and doom on a five-year plan. "It depends on his attitude, which at the moment is still sessions by students Of Bowling Green State University under very bad," Mr. Wang said. "If he sees the error of his the authority of the University Publications Committee. ways he can come back to the 'People's Daily,' not as an Opinions expressed by columnists do not necessarily reflect As for international events, once again the "People's the opinions of the BG News Editorial Board. Daily" only gives its readers good news. Any bad news editor but possibly to clean the men's room here." The BG News and Bowling Green State University are equal that happens in the Soviet Union is good news to the I came away from my meeting with Mr. Wang con- opportunity employers and do not discriminate in hiring Chinese. So columns are devoted to Kremlin disasters. A vinced mat the Chinese path to journalism was the only practices. drought in Siberia, a Soviet mine disaster, a typhoon in the correct one, and our editors could learn a lot from the way The News will not accept advertising that is deemed the People's Republic puts out a paper. discriminatory degrading or insulting on the basis of race, sex Black Sea and a train wreck in Kharkov make for joyous or national origin. reading in the People's Republic. The "Daily" can't get All rights to material published in the BG News are enough bad news from the Soviet Union to satiate the If American editors knew they would be sent away to reserved. appetite of its readers. join Lu Yin scrubbing out washbowls, they would think twice before printing bad news about the United States Editorial udBulmi Off ices ONE OF MY requests when I arrived in China was to which no one wants to read. IN University Hall meet my counterpart, someone who deals in the lighter Bowllng Green State University Bowling Green, Okie 4MSS side of politics. They had one, they told me, but un- Paeae<411)»7M««J fortunately he died in 4936. (e) 1171. Lss Angeles Times Syndicate J«lyll,H7»TfceS«n«erBGNewir»ie! Center aids in placing campus, needed volunteers by Betty Dawson year is "to reach rural communities and Student expand into places such as North Baltimore Musical group Bringing together people who want to help and Cygnet" loans in community projects and agencies and Local recruitment committees would help All students with National organizations mat need volunteers is the assess needs for volunteers in their area, Defense-Direct Student main function of the Voluntary Action publicize the volunteer opportunities finishes first Loans, Nursing Student Center of Wood County, 500 Lehman Ave. available to citizens in their locale, and give The Black Swamp Trio, an Shaughnessy, Bowling Loans, or Student The center helps community agencies in feedback to the center's Wood County office ensemble comprised of Green, a Junior violincellist; Development Guarantee assessing the nature and extent of voluntary concerning their community's needs for University music students, clarinetist Terry Hancox, Loans who are graduating or service needs. The center also strives to volunteerism. won first place in the Bowling Green, a graduate leaving the University promote the achievements of volunteers and "There's no set way to go about recruiting Collegiate Chamber Music student; and pianist summer quarter should their opportunities for service, and to focus volunteers," Weinberger said, adding that Competition held recently in Kathleen Brown, Hilton contact the Student Loan public attention on the values of citizen the recruitment process is different for Columbus. Thirty chamber N.Y., a graduate student Collection Office at 3724)112 participation. every community. music groups from performed "Trio in B flat to make an appointment for "IF I BAD to set a priority, it would be throughout Ohio competed in Major, Op. U" by Beethoven an exit interview. VOLUNTEERS INCLUDE experienced assessing needs," Weinberger said. the collegiate chamber and "Fantasy Trio, Op. 26" and inexperienced teenagers, singles, She noted that many of the current music competition, which (1969) by Robert Muczynski. Summer couples, parents and senior citizens, volunteers in the community have many was sponsored by the Ohio Pianist Frances Burnett, a Margaret Weinberger, outreach technician, energies and talents. In order to make the Music Teachers Association. member of the performance workshop said. Every two weeks she recruits volun- best use of the volunteers' talent or to studies faculty in the College "Communication Skills in teers and tries to place them in appropriate develop skills in new areas while serving the At the contest, trio of Musical Arts, coached the Relationships," a two-day programs. There are about 52 agenices that public, the center has developed a wide members Michael trio prior to the competition. workshop which will use volunteers from the center. range of opportunities. examine effective one-to-one A current project is a "board bank" where A few of the opportunities Weinberger communication, will be volunteers are recruited to serve as board noted were historical tour guides, providing Rec Center offered July 25-26 by the members. "We are trying to set up advisory transportation, transcribing books into University's Office of boards consisting of groups of people who braille, office help and working with the Continuing Education. would have a lot of input," Weinberger said. mentally or physically handicapped. summer outings The workshop will be held Other services provided by the center Deadline for sign-up is July from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. July 25-26 include implementing new volunteer WORKING WITH children and the The Student Recreation elderly, counseling-social work, educational Center is sponsoring two 25. at the Bowling Green programs, supervision of demonstration programs, outreach-planning and ad- more summer outings. A cycling trip to Clear- Holiday Inn, 1550 E. Wooster projects, and advising agencies with water Quarry is planned for St. Fee to attend, which questions on volunteerism. ministration, and medical work are also available activities. A 17-mile backpacking trip August 18. There is no cost includes a buffet luncheon The center has recently increased its to Pinckney State Park, for the trip except ad- and instructional materials, IN AN EFFORT to involve a greater services to the residents of Wood County by Michigan, is scheduled for mittance to the quarry. is $55. For more information number of Wood County residents in moving to a new location and increasing its July 27-29. Persons attending For more information or to register to attend, call volunteerism, the center plans to form local hours of operation. Monday through Friday should provide their own contact the Rec Center of- the Office of Continuing recruitment committees around the county. from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. food and equipment. fice. Education at 372-0183. Weinberger said that her main goal for the WELCOME THE SOURCE VISITING STUDENTS LOWEST & PARENTS PRICES we have something to MOST ALBUMS satisfy any type $ 49 of appetite! ONLY 5. CUT-OUTS $1.99-M."

GREAT SELECTION of paraphernalia, FogliQi's s posters, tapestries, silk screens, burlaps & T-shirts EAST 440 E. Court, 352-1596 across from the Ad Building Hours: Mon-Sat 11 am-2 am UlCLlMi Sunday 4 pm-Midnight Records-Tapes & Paraphernalia 518 East Wooster across from Founders FREE DELIVERY HOURS: 10-M Mon - Sat. Page 4 The Samoier BG Newi Jaly It, 1171 local, Council debates land purchase City Council passed six scheduled, the city in- ment of a storm sewer over $20,000 in additional ordinances Monday and vestigated the possibilities system in Bowling Green. He money for current dty ex- heard Mayor Alvin L. generated by the potential suggested that the land penses. Appropriations of Perkins lobby for the purchase. acquisition could eventually $5,961 in engineering and acquisition of the railroad The railroad land, Perkins save die city money. architectural appraisal and right of way extending from said, could be used to build a consulting fees for the Brim- the Route 6 bypass north to storm sewer through the dty PERKINS REMINDED Van Camp Water Line Mitchell Street. and help alleviate flooding council that the problems Improvement Fund and In Us official report, the problems. Conceding that he with flooding last week point $12,668 for the Brim-Van mayor proposed that the was "no engineer," die to the need for an adequate Camp Sanitary Sewer Line land be acquired, and rather mayor said die railroad storm sewer system. Improvement Fund were than implementing the 1970 property would appear to Council approved an or- included in the ordinance. storm sewer plan as him to facilitate develop- dinance which provides for Bowling Green will be displaying new holiday decorations this year, as Wood County Museum council approved an or- dinance which allows the municipal administrator to hosts arts & crafts show advertise for bids and subsequently enter into a Local artisans will show and lapidary arts. The show County history. The contract for the purchase of and sell their crafts on the is free and open. Museum is located on County $15,000 in decorations. Wood County Museum The Wood County Home Road, off Route 6 at I- grounds Sunday from 10:00 Museum, housed in the Old 75 south of Bowling Green. MUNICIPAL AD- a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Among the County Home, contains MINISTRATOR Wesley K. crafts will be wood and collections of agricultural A rain date of Sunday, July Hoffman was also authorized fabric crafts, stenciling, equipment, domestic arts, 29th, has been set for the to purchase a pickup truck china and tinware painting, and other artifacts of Wood Craft Show. for the city, and Hoffman told council mat the dty was planning to purchase a truck photo by Beth Blaitro that will run on diesel fuel. Most people know that Skylab fell harmlessly into the An ordinance that amends Pacific Ocean, and University student Kevin Latoaky REC CENTER/ OUTDOORS!! the Job classifications for (above) used the incident to create tins humorous certain municipal employes message. Latosky, who resides at 123 Manville Ave., Room still available for the following: passed unanimously. said he created toe sign "for toe fun of h\" Dock Pock the Pinckey Trail in Michigan Monday is SPECIAL NIGHT at July 27th-29th Shoot the Rapids White Water Rafting Kentidq, fried £kicktn New River, W. Va. Aug. 4th and 5th 3 piece regular combination dinner: Cycle to Clearwafer Quarry Aug. 18th regularly 2.45 each now 1.90 each more information available at Student Rec Center Office (with this coupon) Bowling Green only

»##—»*»————————————»—»—#—»——»»—»»»»»»#»»«»»#«» SUMMER SALES 11/ts- now in progress

lin-nr—rr^ki^tjl * • \ ROMPERS 1 I /MrS^^*T"**\ IIH' s lv**-\ I ill' * 1 m *— \ In soft summer Terry Asst. styles-cotors-S.M.L II Reg. price $13.00-$16.00 DIP INTO D.O." 1 ^^&*m ^ \" $8.99 434 E. Wooster Dainj 1 l^JBipv*.*-- ■*. » Sun. 11:30-11:30 Queen ►^%k The Powder Puff ^^ 525 Ridge St. Mon .-Sat. 10:30-Midnight >»»»»*»»»*»*»»»»»—»»*»—»*—»*»»»»*——————————————*»—», J«ly IS, lt7f The 8nm«er BG Newi Page I Electric T-Shirt Factory Kramer's screen printing is financial success

by Holly BericcMa "Almost Anything Goes." They wanted 500 product as imprinted t-shirts, but rather as to be done better, men develops a solution. trshirts delivered in four days. The total an outdoor advertising medium. Reflecting on the past eight years Kramer Most college students dread the hours order was for 17,000 shirts, which he printed "It's important as an outdoor medium said, "I don't think 111 ever have greater spent at the library. A trip to the library in his house and a friend's garage. He was because it lives in the community longer success or greater failures. When I started, changed the whole life of one student, back in business. than billboards or newspapers. It's a utility I set goals for myself and I thought if I made however. item," the Cincinnati native explained. those- getting my own phone, office and "Back when I was a college freshman, it "SINCE I DIDN'T have any money, I He went on to say mat his "real love" is having five employees-I'd have made the was tough to buy an Adidas t-shirt. They just didn't want to say 'no.' I thought at least I now product development. Kramer views big time. But after you meet these goals, weren't around like they are today," Rick should try," Kramer said. "I wanted to get himself as a problem solver rather man a there are more in front of you. I hope I never Kramer, owner of the Electric T-shirt back in the business, I hist didn't think it salesman. He looks for something mat needs lose the enthusiasm to continue." Factory .said. would be that soon," he added. So he went to the library and checked out He returned to school, taking seventy- some books on silkscreen printing. He began three hours in three quarters to finish his printing for himself and friends in his dorm degree in Visual Communications room, and soon was getting orders from Technology. Meanwhile he was running the dormitories and organizations. business and teaching a screenprinting class. "IT WAS LIKE a barter system then," During this time the business grew more Kramer said. He printed shirts in exchange rapidly than he realized. When Kramer for books, food coupons and anything he finally recognized all he had done on his needed for college. own, it gave him confidence in his own His first "real" order came from the ability. "It was like riding a bicycle with National Archery Association for the training wheels and someone takes them Olympic trials in 1972. After this, orders off," he observed. "And suddenly you came in rapidly. The business was growing. realize you're doing it all on your own. I Kramer quit school during his sophomore never really considered anything I had done year and continued printing in Bowling up to then a business. It was just a hobby Green. and a way to make money." . He later moved to Weston, Ohio, where he decided to leave the business for a while. TODAY, the 25-year-old Kramer has six About two months later, he received a call full-time employees and a wholesale store at from representatives of the TV show 131 M> S. Main St. He no longer sees his Red Cross MINI WORKSHOPS is counting Water babies Windsurfing on you. photo by Linim NUitey Goldfish Raquetball + Rick Kramer (above), owner of the Electric T-Shirt Factory, deans off a Dolphins 2 sections silkscreen before preparing to print another ever-popular t-shirt. Swim lessons 12-18 yrs. old 7-12 yrs. of age 18 & over SUMMER All sign ups July 23-27 Cory Optical NOW OPEN SALE Soft Lenses ere like wearing nothing at all! CONTINUES TOTAL IAIR DESIGN Satin) is Believing walk in with glosses, prescription, or hard lenses; walk out the some day with soft lenses! charms 50% off includes lenses, pierced earrings Only $99 kits & solutions. 20-50% off Lenses: $ 99.00 SAVE ON Fitting Fee: 20.00 pendants Tax 4.46 We Do Women's Fashion Perming Total $123.46 bracelets necklaces and Men's Permanent Styling SOFT LENSES ARE EASY 10 TAKE CARE OF SPECULI2HB IN PRECISION CUTTING AND - THEY 00 NOT NEEP TO BE BOILED MUSJ CLEAR FOft HAIRSTYIIN6 FOR WHEN & UN -Money refunded if not satisfied- NEW FALL MERCHANDISES THE ARRANGEMENT CORY OPTICAL 123 E. COURT 190 S. Main, SUMMER HOURS: Suite H., Upstairs in the Mini Mall, MON.-THURS. MON.-THURS. 8:00am-8:00pm 10-5:30 FRI. 8:00am-4:00pm Downtown B.G. FRI. 10-7:30 \ SAT. 10-1:00 , No appointment necessary, just walk in, but appointment We use and recommend suggested for prompt service. Everybody OrfNMON.-TNUH. I* A.M. tfa .; &REDKEN* produe* Mi. »A.»M.«I.;WT. It A.M.- 1P.M. 354-1044 reads the News! ——

Page I Tfce Sumer BG Newt Jaly II, M7f Russ Meyer: 'King of the NUM

Editor's note: Last week News reporter Mike Gueulette capable of playing the guitar. They had to be able to dance, room. I built the radio station inside, the shit-kicker cabin- caught a preview of the new Russ Meyer film "Beneath the which is no big deal. They certainly knew how to dance. That meaning the living room, the kitchen, the bedroom-and the Valley of the Ultravixens," came back smiling and said It was essentially it. My number one thing was still trying to dental parlor. was "entertaining." Meyer was in Toledo recently to find that kind of proportion. It was just a matter of promote the film and talked with Gueulette about the new availability. Erica Gavin (star of "Vixen") was in it, and she Q: Was the exterior of the radio station on the property? movie, his career in soft-porn movie making and the film had slimmed way down. It was desperation time. She very A: Oh no, I went out into the desert and found one. I went Industry. much wanted to be in the film. I made it a prerequisite that out and photographed it, and hung a sign on it. I won't tell you " The responses are taken verbatim from a taped interview, she put on some weight, and she went away to Palm Springs where it is. I'd just as soon they not know where it was. I and although Meyer uses language considered offensive by where she put on a little. She still had a good figure, but it wanted something with a huge tower and a little tiny station. some, the exact wording is used to preserve the intent of the showed; she didn't have "zaftig neumatic" quality. So I hung a sign on the outside, nailed it to the phone pole. speaker and to provide the reader with a foundation for Sometimes it's best to do it that way, without asking a lot of understanding Meyer and his work. Q: In your 20-year career as a director, have you en- questions. It's called low budget filmmaking. countered much opposition in the form of censorship? I have a background in documentary filming that's been by Mike Gueulette A: The ratings system is a form of censorship. They have helpful. I don't mink there's an opportunity anymore for these terrible ratings called "X" that are a deterrent to my filmmakers to learn as I learned. Two men would go out and In 1959 an innovative film producer-director made his films' success because it connotes that it's a hard-core pic- work for a year on a film-light a roundhouse, or light a debut with "The Immoral Mr. Teas." The film was a low- ture. That's not my playing field. I play in the mainline; I supermarket by ourselves. We'd struggle for five days with budget, independent production, and the film-maker's for- don't play in the scumbag house. lighting. We'd do the editing, record the sounds, and develop mula was simple: plenty of skin, but no explicit sex. "Mr. equipment. The equipment wasn't all that exotic at the time. Teas" coat only 124,000 to make and to date has grossed more Q: Do you still use a small crew of about five people when I believe in the principle. Nobody knows how to cut a than $1 million. The f Urn is considered a minor classic among you make a movie? Russ Meyer film. I would never turn it over to anybody. screen buffs and has a place in the archives of the New York A: I had four people on mis one "(Beneath the Valley of the When I was at Fox, I had two film editors. Everday I would Museum of Modern Art. Ultravixens''). This picture was scaled for working mat way. take everything apart thattheydid and I would work at night and put it together the way I wanted it I let them have a shot at it, but it's got to be me. It's my visualization. It's my "When I was at Fox, I had two film editors. conception. It's my horniness, my fantasy. Q: What is 's involvement in your films? Everyday I would take everything apart that they A: Roger is R. Hyde. He wrote "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls." He contributed to "" and "Up." He's a did and I would work at night and put it together the friend of mine and he's into tits like I could never be into tits. We're like a cruddy Rogers and Hammerstein: one guy I way I wanted it It's my horniness, my fan- writes the words the other guy writes the music. He has his tasy." Pulitzer Prize and does all this lofty stuff, but then he enjoys my company and I enjoy his. He has some certain requirements when be writes: he never gets up before7:30 in j The producer-director, Russ Meyer, went on to produce a I wanted to do once again the kind of operation I had with the morning. He has to have a big lunch-he's a big chowhog. string of box office bits during the following two decades, "Vixen" where I was the cameraman for the film. I have a He quits at seven and I have to have a different woman for j among them such softcore pornography titles as "Vixen," lot of reslly fine equipment. It's very portable so I can him every night, and she has to have big tits. "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls," "Supervixens," and "Up." manhandle the camera. It's not so heavy that three guys He gets the screenplays done in about five days. He has tol Meyer was in Toledo recently to promote his latest film, have to pick it up. deal with being the critic for Us magazine. He makes $55,000 j "Beneath the Valley of the Ultravixens," a 93 minute satire a year as the critic for the Chicago Sun Times. He's on PBS j on sex in Small Town, U.S.A. Press releases call the film Q: Why have you decided to keep the production on a small every other week, and he tours constantly. an all out assault on today's sexual mores and more-an scale? end around attack against women's lib-blasting through the A: I just make it for a price. The films, first of all are Q: What has been the general reaction of the film elite male machisimo syndrome-kicking the crap out of con- scaled mat way. When Roger Ebert (Meyer's screenwriter towards your work? victions, hang-ups, obsessions-the whole bag-sexually aggressive females, willing klutzy men, petroleum jelly, gingham and gossamer, tax-sheltered religion, black socks, bedroom prowess, bunko artists, big breast fixation, rear window red necks, ther aputic cuckolding, the 60 mile an hour zinger, born again immersion, unfaithful girlfriends, limp- wristed dentistry, and virile garbage men."

DR. JACK NACHBAR, Director of the Film Studies Program at the University, offered this insight after reading a transcript of the following interview: "I think it's somewhat of a put-on," he said, referring to the language used during the interview. "He's got an image to protect." "My ultimate casting would "He's not lying," Nachbar reassured, although he in- dicated that figures quoted by Meyer concerning bis work on and Jonathon Wii] "Beyond the Valley of The Dolls" seemed lower than what he ters.. .The idea of Jonathon had heard from other sources, and that there are critics who love his work. working on her-those looks he Q: The mystique of a Russ Meyer film seems to be that it IS comes up with. God, he'd be seij a Russ Meyer film and not on any particular actress. Why hasn't a Russ Meyer film ever produced a star of the caliber sational!" of a Linda Lovelace? A: My films are successful because of big tits, and the real stars of my movies are the big tits. It's my hang-up, my fantasy, and my fetish. Everything I do is an extension of my Photo by Kyi own personal fantasy.

Q: In "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls" you went with and star of PBS' "Sneak Preview") and I write them, there's A: Who are the elite? small-busted actresses. Was that because you were working always three people. There's no mass scenes of extras, cars for a major studio (Twentieth Century Fox) rather than going off bridges. I'm more comfortable in that whole shit- Q: The traditional Hollywood Producers.... independently? kicker idea. It's a comic strip. ("Little Abner") A: They don't care for what I do. They mink it's shit. A: No, I just couldn't find any girls that fit the part that had broughtitin. big tits...it's tough to find broads with big tits. There's just Q: What about the critics? not many of mem around of the proportions I like to have in a Q: Where was the new movie filmed? A: I receive few accolades. I'm not accustomed to getting film. We had to get girls that could sing a bit-at least mouth A: ft was shot in a house. I bought a house. It had 28 foot good reviews. I get a lot of asses on the seats. But I've got tr words. The singing voices were dubbed. They bad to be ceilings. I built all the sets in the front room-ruined the front say in this instance this film has gotten a lot of amazing.... i Jmlj it, »7tThe SumerBG Newt Page 7 'discusses filmmaking

That I call a good review is what Vincent Canny said. Preminger told me once that all actors are pricks. I'm not Solemnly) "Uncle Russ is back in town with his fabric referring to Erica. But I've found that to be able to retain tretching females who breasts are so large and swollen that interest on the part of non-professionals... they just don't ley appear to be sore. The photography is squeaky clean, hang in there. he sound effects are great and there are a lot of great In the case with Erica, it was about 104 degrees and I was mghs." That's a great review. laying on my belly, and the old Ariflex did not have a (view) finder that made it easy. I had run out of all superlatives. Q: Is the money any better when you work with the major "You're great," "You did a great job"...and she stuck her udios? tongue out at me. I saw it in the reflex. She didn't think I saw A: When I went to Fox my first contract was for $80,000 for it. She lost something there: she lost her tension, her desire, Beyond the Valley Of the Dolls" and it covered a period of and everything else. From then on I went to Preminger and [bout five months and I had a nice office. he told me how in the hell to handle people that stuck their And the next contract was for "The Seven Minutes." I got tongue out at you. "Turn into a prick," he said, "Be tough, 150,000, George Stevens' office, a Murphy bed and a casting be unavailable. Never compliment." ouch, and they gave me two Corvettes, three parking I could have lost the film right there. It happens all the paces, complete access to Richard Zanuck's personal steam time. They're not Journeymen actors and actresses. At first jom, swimming pool, the bar, all the liquor I wanted, the it seems like a great idea, and then it all goes to hell. Then ommissary, all the food I want to eat, together with the you have to calculate and scheme just how in the hell are you restige. I'd even buy a tuxedo and appear at previews. going to finish that picture-afraid they might get on the next Greyhound bus when your back is turned. That was my Q: Do you think your experience with the majors has concern with Erica. I realized she was losing steam and I elpedyou? had to shift gears and it worked. A: Yes. It's great because I never have to go back. I will avedoneit. They ask me to come back. Q.: Have you ever received any awards for your work?

"I receive few accolades. I'm not accustomed to getting good reviews. I get a lot of asses on the seats."

Q: Do you think it's unproved your filmmaking in any A.: I think the biggest award is having four films in the top Stay? 100 grossers of all time with no names (stars), in 1971 having A: Oh, to the extent I made the very same kind of film but four films that grossed $50 million. )nly on a little grander scale. I just had a 55 man crew. It's lot any better a film. When you're in the union you have to lave the big overhead and the toilet paper, the policemen and Q: A writer in Forbes said in discussing your work some dlthat. years ago, "Pornographic films exist to serve men in a state It was just a nice experience having done it. I don't miss it, of permanent or temporary loneliness." Would you agree photo courtesy of Hits Meyer Production don't gravitate towards it. I really like very much to do with this? Franceses "Kitten" Natfvldad, the volumptuoos star of what I do, to be the guy mat calls the shots. A: has a $300 million empire so there must be the new Ross Meyer film "Beneath the Valley of the a lot of lonely men out there and a tot of moments of Ultra vixens," searches for a tost key during a bteak in the loneliness. Let's face it. There's not enough women like mat shooting. The film opens tomorrow at the Colony Theatre to go around. You want to fantasize for a momemt. A guy at 2122 West Central A ve. in Toledo. wants to whack it off—whatever does the job. It's an interesting point you bring up. They're always Q: Could you characterize what a "typical" porn actress is groping for a reason why. If that waitress bent over we'd all like? look at her ass and have a fantasy. A: You have to be aware mat you're dealing with people My ultimate casting would be Dolly Parton and Jonathon that are catered to, that are ass-kissed by so many guys, and Winters. They're the only name people I would really want to more important than anything else, they're very insecure. use. The idea of Jonathon working on her—those looks he Most of these women with the big tits are supporting some comes up with. God, he'd be sensational! yokel. They like someone they can pussy whip, but they also like the same guy to go down and buy them a box of Kleenex. Q: Your early films tended to be moralistic, but now the When they don't have that they're a little bit lost focus seems to be on the entertainment value. A: In the early days you never knew how the law would Q: How would you characterize the actors? handle something about people running, funning and sinning A: Actors are really solid people by and targe. and not really paying for their sin. A picture like "Lorna:" Occasionally you'll run into some prima donna. the girl had a great time sinning but she had to pay the piper. comes to mind. He's become a success Today that's bullshit. Why have to pay the piper? Have a because of a picture called "Supervixens". He's done a lot of good time. It's like chucking in socially redeeming films of late. He just finished one with Redford and Fonda. significance. If a film's in focus and it's well photographed He's a good actor. He broke his ass. If anyone really helped it's socially redeeming. me make "Supervixens" it was he. He had enormous stamina. Dedicated. Determined. He was down at the Q: Have you entertained the idea of doing "dean" films? lowest rung. He'd done a lot of lesser soft-core films and A: I did two: "The Seven Minutes" and "Blacksnake," nothing had happened. I'd used him in "Beyond the Valley of and both of them were failures. "Blacksnake" was a film I the Dolls". I like him. He's my kind of guy. made in Barbados with a British cast, and it was a period And it happened. He gave it his last and his best shot and film. I did a lot of things wrong. I used a leading lady with he got a good agent, the guy that handles Lee Marvin and two backs. It was a well-made film. Cinemascope It finally John Travolta. Q: How do you cast a movie? got bailed out in England. No straight films for me. A: Tape measure...by tits. I get the biggest tits I can find. Q: Have you had any problems with actors and actresses J»ersonally. Everything is personal. Q: Do you watch what your competition produces? not getting along? A: No. There's no one else really left any more that makes A: Everyday when I get through while making a film, I- Q: I was reading an interview with Erica Gavin and she anything. Radley (Metzger) made things like "Camille bless God. I say "Thank you very much." Who knows what Lid you were easy to get along when you began filming 2000." He always did it with the aristocracy, I always did it tomorrow may bring. I've had it in mis film. Somehowyou •Vixen", but by the end of the shooting you were difficult to with the shit-kickers. My people lived in shitty cottages and have to really subject yourself to a lot of things you normally writ with. they drove beat up trucks. His people always lived in a castle wouldn't simply because you realise that the film and the A: I was following the ( Otto ) Preminger technique. somewhere on me Rhine and drove a Mercedes. film itself is the most important thing. Pag* » The Swnmer BG New* Jaly It, lt7t

classifieds doonesbury: by Garry Trudtau Keyboard. 2 yrs old. 66 note StUVIWOFyiMO keyboard. Also 2 Channel Ofte&AteV J ALREADY PK> JERRY KNOtUHtM LAUE$ AND GENTLEMEN, BET-ORE Expert typing. Reasonable rate. Amplifier. Both In good con- WHENHEWASPVNNN6 '6REASY THS SETS OUT OF CONTROL, MAY OUAI€,OOK *2%™ 352-7305. ' dition. Must sell) $1500 or best JBtK/SOUnH B0KUKKMJ MHVKEy&ernwr THUMP IJUSTREMUD W THAT ACRE *>SOFTU*£. Pregnancy Aid & Under- offer. Contact Keith Tolan at SKNEYKDRSHAK? EACH OTHER.' 9JZIK. ALCAPONE* 6UUKT WJM6ABOUTvesommtaF Apiece? standing. EMPA 352-2143 and (419) W»4t32. s OLD ACCOUNTANT? / THE STATE OF CAUFORMA! \^-s!l 352-000 after 4. House to settle an estate. 2 PERSONALS bedrm. home with large For SUBS and BEER call SUB- backyard. Immediate UE QUICK'S Delivery hotline possession. Great house tor 352 GOOD. 5pm to 12pm 7 days a starters or retirees. 75 4 door Impala Chevrolet. Excellent condition. Low mileage. Merle Norman cosmetics at Kay Ann's Beauty Shop, 124 W. 71 Camaro ex. cond. low miles. Wooster Street. S1000 352-2433 ask for Rick. EMBALMING Hour at SUB ME FOR RENT QUICK irM Every Friday Night 1 bedrm. apt. fum. $225-mo. plus 143 E. Wooster. elec. 2 bedrm. small hse., unfurn. WANTED OUANE.SCNEYKORSHAKHAS ANDY^T JERRY BROUN EMI JERRYS FATHER, HIS MA&C EMERGES. $250-mo. plus util. Both near F. Rmmte. needed for Sept.- BimoiAMcjmaamte PARTIES UMTH HIM, AND PAT BROUN, LUNCHES HE VBUS THE STATUTE TLL campus & 12 mo. leases. Ph. 352- April in the Toledo area. Call 352- JUSTICE DEPARTMENT AS HWE MOMMA LKEMCA'S MtTH HIM REGULARLY. OF LIMITATIONS AS BET. 7365. LEW UASEERMAHATV PAR- WANE, COULD YOb'EXPLAIN 6464. ON£ OF THE MOST P0*£R- A PROCESS. For Fall. 2 Ig. bdrms. apt. turn. FVLUWmmPFWUKES AMOUNTS HOBERTEUQNS SVNEYKORSHAKSMA&C? 1 M Rmte. needed immed. till 336'/j S. Main. $170-mo. plus util. N THE COUNTRY. Sept. 15th S70 mo. 352-2433 Call 352 5163. , 3' FOR SALE Must leave soon. Own room with Men's ADDIDAS finalists $14.00 double bed. Welcome to male or plus a free Rec Center Frlsbee. female. Very cheap rent. Visit Good, used, RMI Electronic 314 E. Evers! '

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COPT SHOP BEST SELECTION PRINTING & GREAT PRICES! TYPING SERVICES #Hock^ ^ tlock 4W F Restaurant E * And Pancake House 1 .Take advantage ofour ' THURS. EVE. 5:30dm ^ $1 TRADE-OFF! ANY OMELET 9 FOR EACH ALBUM OR TAPE YOU BRING IN FOR TRADE, • Wedding Invitations •Business Cards t WE'LL TAKE $1 OFF ANY REGULARLY PRICED ALBUM OR •Rubber Stamps T oo * TAPE IN OUR STOCK. • Resumes 2 •Research Papers ^^ 4121. WMtttr ^ EJuy one - trade one, buy 2 - trade 2,. . . etc. •Data Sheets r ——— Trade-ins must be In good condition. •Thesis • forms m Sale items and used, items excluded from offer. Mon-Fri 9:30-5:30 2T Sat 9:30-12:00 352-4068 IMN.MAMST...QSdSSL. DOWNTOWN // OPENDAYS A 7 / fiSRMSEt 117'/* E. Court ^TsareaiffiBf / WEEK Jaly It, 1171 The Simmer BO Newi Page • usan B.Anthony dollar will flop, Schwan says Despite a $700,000 campaign to promote They are still smarting over the $2 bill which [the Susan B. Anthony dollar which made its was introduced several years ago and debut last week, use of the new coin will proved to be a dud with the public. Schwan likely be a flop with the American public, thinks the same will happen with the $1 coin [according to C. Frederick Schwan, a U.S. despite its being touted by the Treasury as i currency expert and captain in the military the "dollar of the future." I science department at the University. "History has shown that anytime the "PEOPLE ARE just too comfortable with ' public has a choice between coin and paper the paper dollar. There's always been a money, they prefer the paper, because it's resistance to a coin dollar," he said. ! easier to handle and use," Schwan, a Schwan does see one way in which the 'lifelong collector and an author and Anthony dollar could become widely cir- photo by Bob Graves | publisher of books about American culated. "If production of the paper dollar is Even though it may flop, the Susan B. Anthony dollar does possess certain I currency, noted. reduced, more coins and $2 bills would be advantages. It is more economical in that it is Just a little larger than a stan- Actually, the Anthony dollar makes good forced into circulation," he said. dard quarter (above), business sense, Schwan said. The durability "Such a decision (to limit production of $1 eventually be accepted is that vending so much mystery and interest surrounding of the coin makes it more economical to bills) would be controversial and be initially machine companies have already jumped at that 1804 dollar that a book has been written produce than paper dollars. It costs about unpopular. But there's no question that it making major changes in their equipment to about it," he added. three cents to make the Anthony dollar, would result in a great amount of savings to accommodate the new coin, which is Political pressure led to the silver dollar's which has an expected life span of 15 years the country's taxpayers over the long run. smaller that a 50-cent piece and a little return in 1840. The silver-producing western compared with only 18 months for paper Such a decision would get into politics, larger than a quarter. states pushed for the dollar production as currency, which costs about two cents to though, and it's unlikely that the production one avenue for selling their silver. The produce. of paper bills would be limited." THE ANTHONY DOLLAR is the seventh government looked at it as a method of dollar coin in the history of the United stockpiling the valuable metal. The coin, STELLA B. HACKEL, director of the U.S. SCHWAN ALSO said it would be a waste of States. The country's first dollar coin was though, never was widely circulated, Sch- Mint, has said that if the public accepts the time for people to hoard the new coins, yet minted in 1794, was made of silver and wan said. Anthony dollar, an estimated $4-5 million in he expects just that to happen. "People have featured an effigy of Miss Liberty. Cam- President Lyndon Johnson authorized the production costs will be saved. A $100 hoarded first-year coinages since 1792 and plaints about Miss Liberty's flowing hair- restriking of the silver dollar in the late million addition to the Bureau of Engraving they'll probably do the same with the style led to a redesign of the coin in 1795. The 1960s but it was not minted because of a might also be necessary to keep up with Anthony dollar." redesigned silver dollar showed a draped silver strike. demand for paper dollars if the Anthony The United States Mint is issuing about bust of Miss Liberty and had a Heraldic dollar flops. $500 million of the new coins and Schwan eagle engraved on the back. Now Treasury officials are keeping their "The American people will use this coin said there was no way that a 1979 Anthony Production of the silver dollar was fingers crossed that the Susan B. Anthony 1 because they're sensible," Hackel said at a dollar would ever be worth anything more stopped in 1804 and only 15 of the coins were dollar won't suffer the same fate as previous recent Toledo news conference, part of her than a $1 to hoarders. "With that many coins actually struck. Today they are among the coin dollars. They've diagnosed one of the national tour promoting the Anthony dollar. in circulation, there will be absolutely no rarest coins in the country and problems as size and that is why the Treasury officials are clearly concerned numismatic value to the coins.'' numismatists will pay as much as $300,000 Anthony coin is scaled down to a coin a little about public acceptance of the new coin. • One positive sign that the dollar may for one, according to Schwan. "There's been larger than a quarter.

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MONDAY - SATURDAY No appointment necessary, just walk in, but appointment ABORTION suggested for prompt service. TOLL FREE MIXED DRINKS 2 FOR 1 OMNMON.-THUB. It A-M..4P.M.: 9 a.m.-lO p.m. "■.!•».•».-• P.M.:1AT. It A.M.-1 P.M. S 354-1044 SI 11-800-438-8039 fflSktoSL-£o^qmn,Ow-3Si-8735\ 1 raff* M Tke H—frBG Newt Mty II, 1 t7t sports, weekend Ehrenfried named with Marc Hugunin coach at Denison Michael J. Ehrenfried, Demson's basketball coach assistant basketball coach for 21 seasons. since 1975 and an instructor Tills summer's gasoline shortage, whether real or simply referred to as the Whitehouse Quarry. It is located Ehrenfried, a 1971 at the intersection of Stiles and Schadel Roads adjacent to of health and physical imagined, and the resulting high cost of that liquid gold education at the University, graduate of the University, seem to have affected many vacation plans. Reports Whitehouse, and offers ample space for swimmers to stretch out, both in the water and on a blanket. has been named head inherits a.basketball team indicate that attendance at such tourist havens as basketball and golf coach at which finished 0-21 last Yellowstone National Park and Rocky Mountain National Closer to home are the Portage and Luckey Quarries. season and a golf team that The former is just a mile south of Bowling Green on State Denison University. The 30- Park is well below that of recent years, for example. placed second in the Ohio Highway 25, while Luckey Quarry is in the village of year-old Tiffin native At the same time, attendance at parks in and around replaces Dick Scott, who was Athletic Conference. many major cities is booming. Americans apparently are Luckey, 15 miles northeast of town on State Highway 582. spending their leisure hours closer to home. Each of these swimming holes charges admission. Where does mis leave the Wood County resident? CLOSER YET IS Bowling Green's City Park on Con- Intramural Note THOUGH NORTHWEST Ohio is not exactly known as a neaut Avenue. It s swimming pool is generally overrun vacationland, several attractive sites for picnicking, with children, which discourages most college students Entries for men's and coed second session softball swimming, fishing and boating can be found within 20 or from venturing near. City Park does offer ample space for leagues are now available at the Intramural Office, 201 25 miles of Bowling Green. an informal picnic or just lolling about, however. The Memorial Hall. Deadline for entries is July 26, and play Easily the most visually appealing of these parks is the baseball-softball diamond is usually occupied by city- begins July 30. Oak Openings Metropark near Whitehouse. An impressive sponsored events but basketball courts are available and stand of oak and white pine trees, Swan Creek and a there's plenty of room for frisbee and other informal beautifully landscaped main picnic area are the primary games. Support our attractions. The 3500-acre park also boasts self-guiding These are just a few of many parks located within a half nature brails and an informative educational display that hour's drive of Bowling Green. If picnicking, swimming, might be of particular interest to families with sub-teen or boating or fishing are your summer thing... well, what are advertisers young teenage children. Several paths lead to large open you waiting for? areas suitable for Softball, frisbee or other active games. Oak Openings Metropark is located on State Highway 296 (Berkey Southern Road), 20 miles northwest of Bowling Green. About ten miles south of Oak Openings, near Grand Rapids, is Mary Jane Thurston State Park. One beautiful reason LOCATED ON A GENTLE rapids of the Maumee River, Thurston Park offers a safe swimming site as well as to buy a platter and rewarding fishing from the riverbank. A ride on an old- fashioned steamboat can also be had at the park, while nearby Grand Rapids offers rides on a restored 19th- alargesizeCocaCblaCat century steam-powered railroad. The murky waters of the Maumee, as well as of its tributary Swan Creek, might discourage some would-be swimmers at Oak Openings and Thurston Parks however. But several northwest Ohio quarries offer a handy alternative. The most attractive of these, because no admission is charged, is located at the Lucas Country Metropark system's Nona France Park, sometimes -3TA0IVM

&! Class„ Flair glass. When you buy any platter and a large size Coca-Cola*, well give you a Flair glass- free! If s beautifully decorated with an authentic turn-of-the-century design. You'll want to collect an entire set. So start now with a platter and a large size Coke* at Roy Rogers. Or buy a large size Coke® for 79C and get a Flair glass. But hurry! Supplies are limited. Only at Roy Rogers. E. Wooster & -Coc*CoU-«nd"C(*«-«r Summit liadcrrwk* which dtitfy tht umt product Bowling Green of thi Cot* Cab Company And you thought you couklnt get food this good this quick.

u Jnly II, 1»7» The Sauer BG Newi Page 11

sports < Cochrane picked for soccer exchange Softball Mickey Cochrane, an "BRAZIL IS probably the report which will be printed the games. Soccer has an associate professor of health home of the best soccer and disseminated to coaches international 'language' of Standings and physical education at the players in the world," throughout the United its own." University and former Cochrane observed. "Soccer States. Cochrane, who coached LEAGUE I Team Won Lost soccer coach, is one of four is their national pastime.'' "I have been studying soccer teams for 26 years, 4th Highs 0 men selected to participate Although Cochrane has Portuguese words and joined the Bowling Green Nads 1 in a United States soccer never gone abroad before, he phrases in preparation for faculty in 1964 and was head Pikes 1 coaches' training trip to noted mat U.S teachers and the trip," Cochrane said. coach of the University's Travelers 1 Brazil in August. coaches of soccer learn the "But I expect ye will be able soccer and lacrosse teams No Names 1 Those selected to make the sport from English, Dutch, to do a great deal of visual until 1978, when he retired Schmigmas 2 trip include a high school Polish, French and South interpretation as we watch from coaching. He remains Chem.Dept. 3 soccer coach, a college American players and on the faculty, however, and Team Won soccer coach, an amateur coaches. conducts numerous youth LEAGUE II Lost Bus. Sch. 3 0 team coach selected by the "Each country seems to programs and soccer Comics 2 U.S. Soccer Federation, and have a different style when it workshops, in addition to Raiders 2 Cochrane, who was selected comes to soccer," he ex- teaching college courses. Scullers 2 by the executive committee plained. "But there is no true COCHRANE WAS Geol. Dept. 2 of the National Soccer American style in the sport. president of the National Physics Dept. 1 Coaches Association of We have a mixture of all Soccer Coaches Association Softballers 0 America. these other styles, and that in 1969, and last year was the D. Matter 0 makes America a melting recipient of its prestigious The four will stay two pot for soccer." COED Team WM Lost Honor Award. In addition, he W. Crew weeks in Rio de Janeiro, 5 0 was named the Ohio College Mob-Ash 5 where they will observe local WHILE IN Brazil, he 0 Soccer Association's Coach H. Homers S 0 soccer teams and be in- expects to keep a daily log of of the Year in 1969 and again Thies 3 structed in training, his experiences. Cochrane in 1972. He was also named No. Names 2 coaching, and teaching and the other exchange Coach of the Year by the U.S. Carneys 2 techniques. coaches will men compile a Lacrosse Coaches' OSICS 2 Association in 1970. M. Blasters 0 COUPON Mickey Cochrane will leave for ULC 0 Cochrane Brazil Aug. 1. Sky Highs 0

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