MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. Alderman Cleary moved that the Committee on Railroads be dlischarged (ruin the further con- sideration of the following : Resolved, That Tuesday, the 22d day of September, 1885, at eleven o'clock A.M., in the chamber of the Board of Aldermen, be and is hereby designated as the time and place when and where the application of the Ifarlem Bridge, Morrisania and Fordham Railway Company to the Common Council of the City of New York, for its consent for the construction, maintenance and operation of the street surface railroad proposed to be constructed and maintained by said company as mentioned in their petition for such consent, will be first considered ; and that public notice be given by the Clerk of this Board, by hublis}ting the same for fourteen days, excluding Sundays, in two daily newspapers of and published in this city, to be designated therefor by his Ilonorthe Mayor, accord- ing to the provisions ofchapter 252 of the Laws of 1884, such advertising to be at the expense of the petitioner. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which was decided in the affirmative. Alderman Cleary moved to amend the resolution by striking out the words and figure, '' Tues- day, the 22tl clay of September, 1885, at eleven," before the word "o'clock," and inserting in lieu thereof the worsts and figures, '' 1Vecluesday, the 3oth day of September, 1885, at twelve." The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said motion. Which was ''.ecicled in the affirmative. The President then put the question whether ti:c L'oaal v:uulol .sgrce with sa:d resolution as amende 1. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. Which was decided in the affirmative. By Alderman Hall — Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he i. 1,i:rcl v authonzei an, l lirecte'i S l'A1'F.l) SESSION. to lay water-mains in Thirty-first street, between .roil E.t,t river, uur;nant to section 356 cf the Consolidation Act. 3Ci1t:. t)r .\L.DERMRN. Which was referred to the Committee on Public Works. By Alderman O'Dwyer- I UESDAY, September 8, 1885, t Resoh'etl, That p_rmission be and the same is hereby given to Fro crick krucdclbach to plat, I o'clock P. M. I and keep a post nine feet high, with sign two feet wide by two and a half feet long, on the sidewalk; blot I'>oii,l inrt in their chamber, An. t6 ('fly Ball. near the curb, in fruit of No. 740 , provided such post and sign shall not be an of struction to the free use of the street by the public ; such permission to continue only rI.uing the L'R1;SLNT :, pleasire of the Common Council. The l're,ident put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. lion. Adolph L. Sanger, President Which was decided in the affirmative. ALl,ERMEN By Alderman Brown— (icurdc B. Brown, Bartholomew F. Kenney, Edward F. O'Dwyer, Resolved, That Croton water-mains be laid in One Hundred and Twenty-third -utet. Irun: Thomas Cleary, Patrick Ii. Kerwin, John (luinn, Eighth avenue to New avenue, as provided in chapter 381, I.a cs : 1579. James A. Cowie, Peter L. %lasterson, Charles I-I. Reilly, \Wrich was referred to the Committee on Public W'Vorks. Robert L. De Lacy, Owen McGinnis, Thomas Rothman, By Alderman Cleary— Frederick Flock, Michael McKenna, James T. Van Rensselaer, Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Lorenzo haraventa to place and Robert 1-gall, Arthur J. McQuade, Thomas 1'. Walsh. keep a stand for the sale of fruit, etc., on the sidewalk, near the curl,, in lrut of No. 88 , The minutes of meetings of August 17 and 21 were read and approved. provided such stand shall not be an obstruction to the free use of the street by the public, nor exceed five feet long by two and one-half feet wide ; such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Common Council. PETITIONS. L'v Alderman Masterson— The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which was decided in the affirmative. Petition of seventy thousand citizens of the City of New York, asking the Common Council to give their consent to the construction of the system of railways of the New York Cable Railway By the same— Company, which, by its charter, is required to carry passengers on all its routes for a single five- Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Oscar Reumrt to place a trian- cent fare—transfer tickets free. gular sign on the curb-line in front of premises No. 231 , said sign to be remuve.l lions in Which was referred to the Committee on Railroads. front of said premises each night ; such permission to continue only during the plc.tsi.tre of the Common Council. By Alderman Cleary— The President put the question whether the hoard tisould agree with said resolution. Two petitions of the Houston, West Street and Pavonia Ferry Railroad Company, for permis- Which was decided in the affirmative. sion to extend its route as follows : By the same— NEW YORK, September 8, 1885. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Gcur.dc lavt., to retain an awn- Ye the C•onrmon Council of the City of tl rw York tirg in front of his premises No. 454 , the work dune at his own expense, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; such permission to continue only during the The petition of the °' Houston, West Street and Pavonia Ferry Railroad Company," respect- pleasure of the Common Council. fully shows : The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. 'That they are a corporation heretofore organized for the purpose of building and operating a Which was decided in the affirmative, street surface railroad, and have built and operated such railroad. That, in pursuance of chapter 252 of the Laws of 1884, entitled 10 An act to provide for the By the same— construction, extension, maintenance and operation of street surface railroads and branches thereof Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to William Von Glahn to place and in cities, towns and villages," passed May 6, 1884, the said company has decided to construct, retain a wire sign on awning in front of premises No. 322 Washington street, corner of Jay street maintain and operate a branch of their road now in operati in as hereinafter described. such permission to continue only (luring the pleasure of the Common Council. Beginning at the intersection of Stanton and Pitt streets (from which point their track now in The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. operation leaves Manton street an.i runs northerly through Pitt street and ), through and Which was decided in the affirmative. along by a single track to 1\fangin street ; thence through and along Margin street by a single track from Stanton street to ; also through and along Goerck street by a By the same— single track from Stanton street to East Third street ; thence through and along East Third street Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to John Contrell to place and keep by a single track from Goerck street to Avenue C ; also through and along East Houston street a stand for the sale of merchandise on the sidewalk, near the curb, in front of No. 89 Cortlandt with a double track easterly from Goerck street to the Houston Street Ferry, with the necessary street, provided such stand shall not be an obstruction to the 'free use of the street by the public; such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Common Council. switches, sidings, turn-outs and turn-tables. Wherefore your petitioners pray that your Honorable Body will, in pursuance of the provisions The president put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. of the act above mentioned, consent on behalf of the said City of New York to the construction and Which was decided in the affirmative. operation of such branch railroad as aforesaid, and your petitioners will ever pray. By the same— R. KELLY, President. Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and and lie is hereby requested to cause D. B. II ASBROUCK, S_cretary. the crosswalk in front of No. 15 West street to be repaired. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which was decided in the affirmative. New YORK, September 8, 1885. Alderman McKenna moved that the Committee on Police and Health Departments be discharged To the Common Council of the City of

P, the same— By Alderman Reilly— Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Ferdinand Crome to retain a Resolved, That Croton water-pipes be laid in , from Eighty-seventh to .ir'. -r-pole on the sidewalk, near the curb, in front of No. 2[9 , provided such pole Eighty-ninth street, where not already laid, as provided in chapter 38t, Laws of x879. -h:al not be an obstruc:iun to the free use of the street by the public ; such permission to continue Which was referred to the Committee on Public \\'orks. iy during the pleasure of the Common Council. By the same— The President put the question Nvhether the Board would agree with said resolution. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Joseph B. Murphy to place and Which was decided in the affirmative. keep a storm-door in front of his premises, No. 1470 Second avenue, under the direction of the Coni- Alderman De Lacy— ntissioner of Public Works ; such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Common Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to John Flagler to retain a coal- Council. n the sidewalk, near the curb, in front of \o. 274.'Third street, provided such coal-box shall The President put the question whaIer the Board m uhf spree with said resolution. •0 an obstruction to the free use of the street by the public ; such permission to continue only Which was decided in the affirmative. q the pleasure of the Common Council. By Alderman Van Rensselaer- he President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Rcsolved, That permission he and the same hereby i; Etrnnted to George Merkel to place and 1iich was decided in the affirmative. retain, at his own expense. it barber's sign on the ornamental lamp-poet belonging to the proprietor i , : .-' Lerman Finck- of the '' Hotel St. Marc " and standing near the curb in front of said hotel at No. 434 , Resolved. That permission be and the same is hereby given to Richard W. Block to erect and provided the consent of the owner of said lamp-post be first obtained, and provided further that said etain a storm-door in front of No. 66 : such permission to continue only during the sign shall be neat and elegant in appearance and not to exceed eighteen inches in length I twelve easure of the Common Council. • inches in width, and shall not be an obstruction to the free use of the street by the public ; such The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. permission to continue only (luring the pleasure of the Common Council. Which was decided in the attirmative. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which was decided in the afirmative. -,c Alderman Hartman-- Resolved, "f hat gas-mauls be laid, lamp-posts erected and street-lamps lighted in Jerome By Alderman Walsh— n,ie, from Kingsbridge road to the Southern Boulevard, under the direction of the Commissioner Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Messrs. harper & Bros. to construct i .iblic Works. a covered bridge, four feet wide, from No 83 to No. 84 Cliff street, at a distance of about thirty-two ',Which was referred to the Committee on Lamps and Gas. feet above the sidewalk, to serve as a tire-escape from the buildings in case of fire, the work t be ttie same— done at their own expense, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; such permis- Resolved, That gas-mains be laid, lamp-posts erected and street-lamps lighted in One Hun- sion to continue only during the pleasure of the Common Council. .rc.l and Fifty-eighth street. from Mott to Gerard avenue, and in Gerard avenue to One Hundred The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. .i S.xtc-first street, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public \Works. \\7iich was decided in the ai irtnative. Which was referred to the Committee on Lamps and Gas. By Alderman Quinn— the same— Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Louis Lowenstein to exhibit Res .lved, That %rater-mains be laid in the Southern Boulevard, from One Hundred and Forty. goods on the sidewalk. near the curb, in front of No. 683 Eighth avenue, provided such goods shall it to One Hundred and Forty-ninth street, pursuant to section 356 of the New York City Consoli- not be an obstruction to the free use of the street by the public ; such permission to continue nnly .:tiot: Act. during the pleasure of the Common Council. \\'hicl: was :.ferred to the Committee on Public \\brks. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resoluNcm. Which was decided in the affirmative. : c a1:'.crman Quinn- I:e>. iced, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Charles Fraas to place and keep By the same— estal sign on the sidewalk near the curb, in front , +f No. 452 \\e,t Forty-fifth street, provided Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Charles \Valdman to exhibit -I: stand shall not be an obstruction to the free use of the street by the public ; such permission to goods on the sidewalk, near the curb, in front of No. 617 Tenth avenue, provided such goods shall cnnue only during the pleasure of the Common Council. not be an obstruction to the free use of the street by the public ; such permission to continue only The President Put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. during the pleasure of the Common Council. Which was decided in the affirmative. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. _-Alderman Hartman— Which was decided in the affirmative. Revived, That Ba:hgate tformerly Madison) avenue, from One Hundred and Seventy-third to I lundred and Seventy .seventh street, be regulated and graded, the curb and cutter stones be By the same— and the sidewalks flagged a space four feet wide, through the centre thereof, where not already Resolved. That permission be and the same is hereby given to John 'McGuiness to kcep a :e. under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; and that the accompanying pedestal sign on the sidewalk, near the curb, in front of No. 429 \Vest Forty-second street, provided ce there£r be adopted. such sign shall not be an obstruction to the free use of the street by the public ; such permission to Which was referred to the Committee on Public \Works. continue only during the pleasure of the Conunon Council. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. the same— Which was decided in the affirmative. Resolve', That an additional lamp-post be erected, and a lamp placed thereon and lighted, at innd on ll,ghbridge street, east of Claremont avenue, under the direction of the Commissioner of By the same— .;tic Works. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby to Michael Lenahan to retain a coal-box Which was referred to the Committee on Lamps and Gas. Ott the sidewalk, near the curb, in front of No. 530 West Forty-fourth street ; such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Common Council. Alderman Kenney- The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Res,hued, That permission be and the same is hereby given to John Robinson to place and keep \Which was decided to the affirmative. '.,.artier-pole on the sidewalk, near the curb, in front of No. 298 West Houston street, provided By the same— caber-pole shall not be an obstruction to the free use of the street by the public ; such per- Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Thomas Crow to place and keep continue only du ing the Pleasure of the Common Council. a coal-b -x on the sidewalk, near the curb, in front of No. 434 West Forty-sixth street, provided e President put the qu_stion whether the Biard would agree with said resolution. such box shall not be an obstruction to the free use of the street by the public, nor exceed six feet ich was dec:ded in the affirmative. long by three feet wide ; such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Conun,nt ern an McKenna- Council. 1ved, "Phat permission be and the same is hereby given to John Reynolds to place and keep The President put the question whether the (tour I u-,,uld agree kith said resolution. ,;u iii the si.lewa.k, near the curb. in front of Nos. 440 and 442 Eleventh avenue, provided such Which was decided in the affirmative. shall nit '1. e an obstruction to the free use of the street by the public ; such permission to con- By the satnc- 0.te .anti- during the pleasure of the Common Council. Resolved, That permission be and the same i; heretic given to Tim omas bonnets to retain a The Prcnid -cat put the q;:estion whether the Board would agree with said resolution. post surmounted by a small sign in front of Nu. 410 \\rest Forty-fifth street ; such permission to Which %% as decided in the affirmative. continue only during the pleasure of the Common Council. P. Alderman .'•4a'- tcrson- 'Pile President put time question -,v nether the ]hoard would agree with s lid resolutirn, _ Resolved, That the resolution which became adopted December 30, t8S4, permitting Conrad \\ hich was decided in the affirmative- _in to lay a six inch iron pipe in Fifty-sixth street about 350 feet west of •Tenth avenue, for the By the same— .: i_ se of con•,-eyi:i, salt water only. from the North river to his preinises No. 5t5 West Fiity-sixth Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to George Schweder to retain the :. be and t'x sates is hereby amended by >triking out the figures '. 56th " before the word awning now in front of No. 836 Eighth avenue ; such permission to continue only during the pleasure t wherever the-c occur, and inserting in lieu thereof the figures '' :d the Common Council. \\°:,ich wag referr_Hl to the Committee on Pullic \Works. "I'I e President pat the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. _Alderman Brown— Which was decided in the affirmative. Mr Ilorra. l • tie Boar 1 of Aldermen of Me City of _\ lm' York: By the same— GE:: TLE>ME^:—We, time undersigned property- «ners, do hereby humbly petition your Honorable Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Thomas O'Brien to cxhih.t - vv- enact an or,;inau:ceprovtdit.gLrthe extensi..n of the Crot-n water-main ;-n the westerly side goods on the sidewalk, near the curb, in front of No. 570 Tenth avenue, provided such goods shall e So th avenue, from the point where it new ends at Itne Hundred and Twenty-fourth sweet to a not be an obstruction to the free use of the street by the public ; such permission to continue only irty 13C feet north of the northerly tuildlme line of One Hundred and Twenty- econd during the pleasure of the Common Council. r :he}.err u-se of supplying Cro:can water to the buildings now in course of construction on the The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. rl , -lie f the S x:h av-nue. Which was decided in the affirmative. By the same— i:' ,r

By the same- IJoseph Weill, Interpreter ...... $1,200 00 Resolved, That Frederick J. Lancaster be and he is hereby appointed a Commissioner of Deeds Joseph D. Costa, Court Attendant ...... 1,200 00 in and for the City and County of New York. John McKeever, Court Attendant ...... 1,200 00 Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. Daniel Mooney, Janitor ...... goo 00 By Vice-President Jachne- Resolved, That Edward Swager be and he is hereby appointed a Commissioner of Deeds in ! Total ...... ..8,5oo 00 and for the Cit and Count of New York Which wasy referred to Ythe Committee on Salaries and Offices. GEORGE W. PARKER, Justice. Which was referred to the Committee on Finance. By Alderman Morgan- Resolved, That William C. Carpenter he and he is hereby reappointed a Commissioner of The President laid l efore the Board the following communication from the Public A,Iminis- Deeds in and for the City and County of New York, whose term of office expires September 12, trator 1885 LAW DEPAR•rsrl•:NT, Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. BUREAU OF THE PCI3Ltc AI 1INISTRA r e. By Alderman Murray--- NEW YORK, September I, 1885, Resolved, That Bernard O'Reilly be and he is hereby reappointed a Commissioner of Deeds To the Konorable the Board of Aldermen in and for the City and County of New York, in place of Bernard O'Reilly, whose term expires Pursuant to chapter 4, article III., section 24 of the Ordinances of the Mayor, Aldermen and September 5, 1885. 1 Commonalty of the City of New York, of January I, i88r, the undersigned hereby reports a tran- Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. script of such of his accounts as have been closed or finally settled, and of those on which any money has been received by him as part of the proceeds of any estate on which he has administered since By Alderman Oakley- Resolved, That Leonard B. Sutro be and he is hereby appointed a Commissioner of Deeds in the date of his last report. Respectfully, and for the City and County of New York. Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. ALGERNON S. SULLIVAN, Public Administrat .r. By the same- A transcript of such of his accounts as have been closed or finally settled since the dale ,j in Resolved, That Hugo Cohn be and he is hereby appointed a Commissioner of Deeds in last report. and for the City and County of New York. Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. -i Total Amount paid for FuneralF 10.- Commissions ~l Amount ,lmount hai ci By Alderman Reilly- N",ta of LateL of Total PEnses, I•:rpen,e, of paid inco paid to into Ciry- Resolved, That JJ ohn T. ReillyY be and he is herebyY reappointedPP a Commissioner of Deeds in and U Final Amount Administration, the Gty Legatees or Treasury f, r [nr the City and County of \ew York, whose term of office has expired. llecree. Received. and Claire, of Treasury. I next of Kin. unknown Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. ! Creditors. I of K. By the same- - Resolved, l'hat Samuel J • Landow be and he is hereby reappointed a Commissioner of Deeds in Johann F. Ritterbus h ... July t8, 1885 $7,566 59 ' 5545 c8 525' 56 36,6'9 95 .. . and for the City and County of New Yorl., whose term of office expires 8eptemb_r 12, 1885. Henry Knopf... .. 24, " 334 50 x30 96 t1 72 :: . Philip Dietrich...... .. 24, 482 73 too 74 24 14 3X7 Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Onices. Claude Dunn ...... Aug. 7, " 2,,34 79 155 19 to6 74 x,872 86 ••• Margaret Massey...... July 24, I,o5o 96 245 54 52 55 •••••• T= '7 be the same - . Resolved, That Charles A. Farley, Peter F. Morris, Patrick Connolly, Francis G. Caldwell -- - - and Charles L. White be and they arc hereby respectively appointed Commissioners of Deeds in and I for the City and County of New York. A statement of the title of any estate on which one nronet has been received since the date oI '<'c Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Oftices, last rcbort. By Alderman Reilly- G. W. McNulty he and lie is hereby reappointed a City Surveyor, he having TOT.1i. Res•alved, 'That NAM E or 1)r•.ctcasrn. II A~toc~r I' NAME IF DECEASED. Astr~c., ! ten recently appointed to that office, but having inadvertently failed to qualify as such Surveyor RECEIVED. ii RecEnvr_ tt-iIbin the time required by lac✓. The Pre.,ident put the question tvhether the Board would agree with said resolution. \\ hich was decided in the affirmative, as follows : Lotus Hans^_n...... ...... Daniel Larno...... 'So '- :lturmative-Che-- President, Aldermen Brown, Cleary, Cowie, De Lacy, Finck, Kenney, Kerwin, (•torfic Hurley ...... i; J~;hn 5c.,eGely...... 't t oig I,utten ...... Ann Davis ...... \lasterson, McGinnis, McKenna, McQuade, Quinn, Reilly, l othman, and Walsh-16. Rr It (' • Tohn 7',II John I,'. Nilsen ...... 1 :iin F. Sulfi:ai ...... Lila,a 1-. R,nerbcisch . `4,92' t3 Ann Cann n4ham ...... (G. O. j9...) t.laudc l uno ...... 0,957 5 I:ichard Hs-lam ...... By ad. rn)an ]lasterson- Conrad F. G. Rluerborcli ...... 4,413 3` Wilhain C'tr!ey ...... Resolved, That gas-mains be laid and lamp-posts erected and street-]amps placed thereon and ' In the following entitled estates the money Martha :Uosande...... road and the Tenth :Igio S.renders ...... iigrhted in one Hundred and Seventy-hftlt street, between the Kingabridge «;,s received and paid into the City Ge2r.,e Fr.,itcis ...... 5Ve•n~ui5, un l••r ilic direction of the Commissioner of Public Aforks. 'treasury J:,mes Kin: ...... I i1I,icn 11.1, laid over. John Hoag ...... ...... 39 'Thomas Plunkett ...... I .Martin Belmet ...... qo A nthony Ralger ...... Theodore Albrigl;t ...... , Jill 7 mith ...... I t -, J~IB[UV[G1TI0\S FROD[ L1F. P:1 R"L'3I l'.:V'CS atiD COR PORATIOti OF'F[CERS. Vitio Lubia ...... 1 x ~o Ue:nis Ije~n,,nd ...... 1 Carlo Sperando ...... 90 .Joni,..ever-...... The I'res.cleut laid before the Board the following communication from the Comptroller : H. J. Eon...... I c5 Lena atternnmL ...... ILoury C. Smut...... 2 7z \Vm. .llclutyre ...... '~ CITY OF NEW YORK-FIN:INCE DEPARTiIartin, ...... ';eshard 5tutlel... 50 III James 1lonnelly ...... CO\iP'fROLLI'.R'S OFFICE, Jame; Carter ...... ••'••••"••'••'•••'•'• 5 70 Ludiv gt'.och ...... r 4 SepPtember 5, 188.5 Henry Nel=on ...... 4 Martin J. Kin...... To the Ilouora(?e Board of Aldermen : Gorge Hoffman...... 1 7 Kat:vina Kali t ...... ~.. 6 o7 \'Vicekly statement, showing the appropriations made under the authority contained in section Fred.nck Weyer ...... JoIn.\ndcrsen ...... John J)onnchy ...... 2 4t iIl 'L homas \%'i1Lc,. hhy ...... I 189, New Perk City Consolidation Act of 1882, for carrying on the Common Council, from January ! J„ha„ S:h mdt ...... 5 39 fEary 7I;lNolii1L ...... ' I to Kecember 31, 1885, boils (lays inclusive, and of the payments matte up to and including the date ! Salvatore C,5tillau ...... z 4' Peter Crowley ...... Faiabe,li Wa mer ...... 5 45 Ioh;i Ftaa:uu...... hereof, for and on account of each appropriation, and the amount of unexpended balances. Ihn C. Ru.s ...... R1n. Boyle ...... Amount of Amount of John Olsen ...... I in Jail,,.', Kcn: itt...... ...... Titles of Appropriations. Appropriations. Payments. Unexpended Balancos. Clrarlus 1-using ...... 88 Joseph tcarilaw ...... '. .... . $I,000 00 1 Charl,s Meyer...... I 65 John \Moore ...... City Contingencies ...... G354 22 $645 78 Peer L.5y,an,...... a ...... 5 co (:,tin 3IcCae ...... lit Y Contin,encies6 -Ex Penses of a Public i Adolph 1,. Aspland ....• ...... 3 67 J ane 71cGinn ...... Reception of the Bartholdi Statue...... 5,000 00 1,866 02 3,133 98 Mary Diu„n ...... I So HugI, \IcConville ...... Contingencies-Clerk of the Common Council.. 250 00 48 61 201 39 M. Greedy ...... 26 Patrick Brady ...... 71,000 00 47,182 35 23,817 65 cleer,a ...... 2 01 Mary Sullivan ...... Salaries-Coumnton Council. ... I Maria ...... 20 Leo. Vallc ...... EDWARD V. LOEW, Comptroller. William Gager ...... z '3 James (:ribbon ...... Ala: y ,steno ...... 83 S.u-ah Uouglass ...... Which was ordered on file. M. A. Bu,.kley ...... 56 Caroline Gardiner ...... \Iar.taret Flu d ...... 83 Ellen C. Lesry ...... The President laid before the Board the following communication from County Clerk : Gym I)ini ...... 36 Patrick Larkin ...... titers: u-et Niattlie%s ...... 'i 43 J uhn W. Smith ...... William J. l arrett ... ...... 3 rt J:mus Kennedy...... COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE, NEW COUNTY COURT-HOUSE, 1 Ellen Handley ...... ... ... 77 Mary Clark...... NEW ORK, September I , 188.5 Mary Agnew ...... ...... I...... 59 'Thomas Sherry...... Christopher Reilc...... n...... It Claude Clair ...... 7;, Flon, ADOLPH L. SANGER, President fof the Board off Aldermen : I Henry Heiserman ...... 1 37 Thomas Pucker...... ;7 SiR-Ilerewith please find list ofnames of Commissioners of Deeds whose terms of office expire James Smith...... Charles Leap...... t 003 Wm. A. llerckett ...... :: during the month of September, 1885. Jane \IcKenna .::::::.:::::...... 2s Geo.eo. Werthe or \I ertke ...... 4 00 \ery respectfully, Agues McDonald ...... 1 20 Mary Lenmrendinger ...... to PATRICK KEENAN, Clerk. Herman Schott ...... I 33 William Watt ...... is' Nagle...... Os Timothy Allman ...... Term Expires. John Bean...... 2 to Henry Hart ...... 4 :i George A. Burtis ...... ...... September 12, 1885 RandolphRoberts...... an o erts 1 70 Mark Deer ...... 3; .. t Patrick Murray ...... r5 B. F. Michelhatten ...... xr Charles A. Clark ...... I2, Oscar Smith...... 3 40 Josephine Lerade ...... William C. Carpenter ...... " 12, " Agnei Laufovinciler...... 79 .lohana F. Hartman ...... William Vernon Chaney ...... ', 12, '< Fanny Kinney...... 2 07 Michael McGuire...... 'i 12, a Lizzie Cook...... 05 Bernard Lenz ...... Frank W. Ely ...... ..... Jean Garvanni. ...... I 04 Peter McGinn...... Frank Etzel ...... tt 12 t I 39 tt 12 Samuel Secreton ...... 77 Christian Flemeyer ...... 30 James M. Gilmore ...... ..... " KateO'Ilrien...... 58 Robert McLingheim ...... la JacobC. Goebel ...... t t 12 to Emma Brown...... o6 Margaret Miller...... 50 83 Frank Carroll ...... 25 Louis Ph. Geyer ...... tt 12, .~ Edward Crowley...... ~c ~t Lizzie Kelly...... 10 Owen McQuade...... 09 Joseph M. Hill ...... 5t Henrychade...... 90 Thomas Barron...... 55 Bernard Jaussen ...... " 5, " Ann erts....Rob ...... 2 54 William Harris...... 20 SamuelJ. Landon ...... 1t 12, " Margaret A. Boyd...... I 52 John Percy...... 3 m a 12: a Maggie McDonald...... I 74 W m. F. Robertson...... I 76 Johsparkar...... M Jacob Cole...... Catharine Murphy...... 5 °' Benard O'Reill ...... • 5, Madden...... mpse o6 James Monshare ...... 5S J. J. Frederick yPfluger...... ~ 12, ~ Willlam e y...... •... 75 Alex. Kelly...... 25 AndrewProse ...... I. t~ Augustav Spencer ...... a 04 Patrick Sullivan...... a 32 .. 12, 1. Eliza Conway...... 16o Chas. Seufer ...... 25 Robert L. Stanton ...... ...... John O'Neil...... 75 William Meyer...... 2 03 Henry Silberstein ...... "I 2t " Kate McLaughlin...... to Chas. Helmuth ...... r 66 Edward C. Sheehy ...... " 12, ce Maria Murphy ...... 35 Daniel Crowvley ...... 'S tt , tt ...... Leonard Jones ...... 22 Samuel Turk ...... 12, Charlie Zettle.... 25 Isabella McNally...... I 00 Thomas Cleveland...... I 04 HenTempler r...... ...... ...... .. 12 tY , J cc 12, Catharine Koosa...... 35 John Whalen...... I 75 John T. Toal ... ...... " Hannah Berry...... 15 Louis Johan ...... 50 Uriah W. Tompkins ...... 1t 12, " -Connors...... 75 Christopher Hennessey...... 07 Oliver F. Washburn...... , . " I2, " Amelia Kreedeniah ...... r4 Charles H. Kaiehin ...... •... 28 Elizabeth Hubell ...... 10 00 Louis Kranse ...... 36 Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. Catharine Ryan ...... I 00 Augusta Wtltz ...... 47 Mary A. Carr ...... 45 Thomas C. Gunnell ...... 17 The President laid before the Board the following communication from the Justice of the Third Mary Jane Allen ...... 07 Louis Shenfeld ...... 04 James Moore ...... 48 John Seyers ...... to District Civil Court : Edward Slussin ...... 30 Frank Dow ...... oI Simon Lalor ...... Co James M. Shine...... 03 Dspartmntal Estimate of the Third District (Civil) Court for Year 1886. Bridget Gray...... 79 Ernest Welsh ...... 57 Louis \Virkenhause ...... 1 39 Arscinio T. Polito ...... 8o SALARIES. Hannah Sweeney ...... 06 Harriet J. Crowley...... a 43 Per annum. James Carney ...... 27 Patrick Dugan...... II Richard Blume...... 50 Ellen Martin...... 24 George 1VW. Par k er, usceti ...... $6,000 00 g J William Cotter ...... 4 oa Fred. Lilienthal ...... 3 25 George B. Deane, Jr., Clerk .. .. ...... 3t000 00 Francis Petite...... 2 00 Valentine Listmann ...... 136 Whitfield Van Cott, Assistant Clerk ...... 3,000 00 Hugh O'Neill...... 35 MosesBretner ...... t 13 Michael J. Kelly, Stenographer...... 2,000 00


TOTAL. TOTAL To keep three chickens at No. 438 West Thirty-seventh street. NAME OF DECEASED. AMC IJNT NAME OF DECEASED. AMOUNT To keep three chickens at No. 464 West Sixty-fourth street. RECEIVED. RECEWWEO. To keep a goat at No. 54 Oak street. Permit Revoked. $o 04 ibas. Robins ...... to to Michael N. Dow...... 37 D. \v. Gemmill ...... 500 Geo. Kulis ...... To keep six cows at No. 449 East Fifty-fourth street. Icon ...... 18 .J os. Smith ...... z3 M. Do 03 Resolutioru. August Richert...... I 00 Philip Granry ...... Anthony Ierin ...... 1 75 Fred Miller...... 4 01 Resolved, That a copy of the application of Edward J. Carroll, a clerk in the Sixth Division of Wm. I)ubois ...... r o3 Unknown men ...... 130 n unkn, on ...... rs Hugh Delvin ...... r s6 Ma this Department, for promotion, and of the certificate of his immediate superior officer as to his Patrick \furlhy ...... ! Mary A. Barry...... 34 efficiency and conduct (luring his past service, he forwarded to the Municipal Service Boards, with 33 Unknown man...... of Rolinsen ...... ~ 3 I 28 the request that said Carroll be examined for promotion from the First Grade to Third Grade, Class I.a%rence Power...... 8 6 Mich ml Honey...... Ihr Lyuch ...... 2 40 Jas.lfrady ...... I 50 I, Sub.division I. (Salary SI,200 per annum). F,t Lubecke ...... Bald, in Zimmerman ...... 50 Resolved, That John hi. I-laight, Fireman at Riverside Hospital, be and is hereby transferred Ennui il.'Chorne ...... I 84 Margaret Farne} ...... I 1 25 to the '° Franklin Edson,” as Deckhand, with wages at the rate of $25 per month. amen Fitzpatrick ...... I 55 \1rc 1 ov ...... ...... 190 c; Resolved, That William D. Smith be and is hereby employed as Fireman at Riverside Hos- \:.thong McD.nough ...... 1 30 Unknown ...... . I Irlm Levy...... rs L ukn o,rn m:m ...... I 94 pital, with wages at the rate of $20 per month. Pons ...... I 15 L>av'itl h,lliiger ...... 35 Resolved, That Lizzie Nolan be and is hereby employed as Helper at Riverside Hospital, with /' \\'illiam Dais...... 66 Arthur Bayne ...... : 97 2 14 wages at the rate of S per month. I. I1. I3~nnett ...... 15 j Guisepin Hleritiiiini ...... Carolina• R-hiteham ...... 1 34 Resolved, That leaves of absence be and are hereby granted, as follows l osrphinc \-„uugs ...... t6 1 u::J 1'heehan ...... 197 Unknown ...... 73 Dr. John T. Nagle, one week, September 3 to 10. H. )lctuade ...... ~ 12 i0 Man .. ...... 75 Dr. Moreau Morris, one week, September I to 8. 767 •'h.... ~mi h ...... 47 Charles Slorr.snn ...... 1 \lar C. Riley...... 138 Jemmimael Bly ...... 5C Resolved, That is copy of the report of Chief Inspector Edson upon the seizure of unripe fruit at 167 Janie, 1.eo- aril ...... 15 the corner of Thirtieth street and Eighth avenue be forwarded to Mr. ILammond. 1 00 Samuel Clark...... 41 i'. I1.•.rke ...... o5 . Williams ...... 1 04 3largarct Hcmnitcn ...... Resolved, That the folloving orders be and are hereby sus endrll, as follows .: English ...... II J oseph P:mdo1T ...... 62 s9 No. tBgt;g, premises No. 2S0 Fir t avenue, to October I, 1885. .r North...... so 1nknowi, foal, ...... \\-illiam Mennen ...... 30 No. 17959, I,remises No. 166 Madkon otreet, to October t, iSSS. ,•.and \lakney ...... ~5 08 Itrannie.m ...... I '0 Edward keen.,h1= ...... No. iSS-)S, premises No. 252 Division street, to October I, t8S5. ,. R„bins: n ...... . c6 L nk,,own man ...... 04 No. 176cS, premises No. t i t East Sevens}'-seventh street, to N .-miter I. iSR5. v iIc.-\%IloTe...... 14O 1.0 know u elan ...... 05 te>nber 2 o S Co rn eiius RatlLrty ...... \o. 7030, premises . os. 129 and 131 Elizabeth street, to S p Ib~~. `..o Sp:cer ...... ,o No, t6.I47, promises No. 415 East Houston street, to September 20, t8S5. ry Fisher...... 4 6t l otn ilium, ...... 14 ;S lo',, ltn wn ...... I 00 `o. i6St4, premises Nos. 305 and 307 East Eleventh street, to October t, 1885. ::1'.unn ...... ' L-nkn ,%n ...... To No. iSSi7, premises Nos 3S2 an,l 3S.. Tenth avenue, to September 20, 1885. Frost ...... I 104 Samuel _\.Jones ...... 2 21 '.'...'.row 02 No. 17259. premises No. 633 First avenue, to October I, 1885. I>:nohae ...... ~ rs n0w n man...... l;entlentan ...... Julius A. Thibout ...... 05 No. 17290, No. 6J5 First avenue, to October 1, i885. Loki mn man ...... 24 V - ,;_r Soots ...... r 33 Resolved, That the following apjilicaliu;is for reiicf from order; be and are hereby Lined i_en chat' ...... 1 83 Jos.\Valch ...... ...... 34 ['r 04 ~1i `:eel \ferrity ...... t'9 Josephine J.-'hnso ::...... No. 14523, premises No. 283 Slott street. N-,.am Frederick_...... 09 _lhbrc Snnth ...... 3 o6 No. 15957, premises N. 1569 Fourth avenue. 05 R_`ard hibbous ...... 41 N 'ra (;il:iCan ...... No. 1;516, premises No. 316 Tenth avenue. L.. nzia M. Granger...... IJ R-m. H unda,o ...... 34 87 No. 7194, prcmi,es No. 1336 Second avenue. it Ula;er ...... 1'4 Unknown ...... 1. ...... 30 Stale...... II No. 1.,822, premises No. 987 First avenue. l -:..n,,n man...... i5 lolm Goulding ...... 300 Robert %I, F.ath ...... ' 8 Sz No. 18230, premises Nos. 326 and 328 West Fifty-ninth street. ow,, man ...... ...... I IJ No. 18079, premises No. co6 East Seventeenth stroet. :'a:n.k Curran ...... 3 s3 Henry C. 1)'Brmn ...... 2 9) ".:...: Farrell ...... ~5 Margaret Leary_ ...... OT No. 15515, Premises No. 314 Tenth avenue. No. 15545, premises N. 125 \Vest forty.ninth street. No. 17098, premises No. 173 Madison street. ALGERNON S. SULLIVAN, Public Administrator. No. 17538, Premises No. 343 East Houston street. ~\"inch was ordered on file. No. 17717, premises No. 345 East Houston street. i'NFINISHED BUSINESS. Resolved, That the time on order i882t, premises No. 450 West Thirty-second street, for putting in a school sink be extended until October 1st, provided the remainder of order is complied The President called up G. 0. 384, bein', a resolution and ordinance, as follows Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed with. Resolved, That order No. 14033, on premises Nos. 165 and 168 Division street, be extended to ,: V ,,.iter-mains in Eighth avenue, between Ninetieth and Ninety-second streets, pursuant to April 1, 1886, provided the owner stipulates to keep the vault in a good sanitary condition until that or ;_;o of the New York City Consolidation Act. r President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. time. Resolved, That the action of the Board extending the time on Order No. 16363, premises No. \', :ich was decided in the negative by the following vote .\" rmative—The President, Aldermen Brown, Cleary', Cowie, De Lacy, Finck, Kenney, Ker- J52 East Thirty-third street, be and is hereby recalled, and the Sanitary Superintendent directed to enforce said order. :r., '.'asterson, McGinnis. McKenna, McQuade, O'Dwyer, tnuinn, Reilly, Rothman, Van Rensse- Resolved, That Order No. 15376, on premises No. 133 East Seventy-ninth street, except so Walsh—t8. much as refers to the rear area, be and is hereby rescinded. OI sequently, on motion of .iderroatt De Lacy, the above vote «'as reconsidered and the paper Resolved, That Order No. 16237, on premi-es No. 311 East Eighty-fourth street, be and is aid over. MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS RESUMED. hereby rescinded. Resolved, That copies of the reports of Sanitary Inspectors upon the condition of certain street Lerman De Lacy moved that the Board do now adjourn. pavements, etc., be forwarded to the Department of Public Works for the necesoary action. 1:c President put the question whether the Board would agree with said notion, Street pavement at No. 190 Second street. hieh was decided in the affirmative. Street pavement at Nos. 224 to 230 First avenue. k,_.i the President announce: that the Board stowcl udjolutnoil until Tuesday, the 15th instant, Street pavement at Bleecker and \Vest Fourth streets. On. .:clock I'. >t. Street pavement at Barrow strict, between Bleecker and West Fourth streets. , Clerk. 1'RANCIS J. T\\OMMEF Street pavement at One Hut;dred and Twenty-tir5t strect, l,ets'eon Second and Third avenues. Street pavement at No. 142 East Seventy-lourth street. Street pavement at No. 322 Nlonroe street. HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Street pavement at No. 1147 First avenue. Street pavement at Tenth street and . Street pavement at corner Ninety-fifth street and Third avenue. Street pavement at comer Goerck_and Delancey streets. HEALTH DEPARTMENT OF TILE CITY OF - Ew YORK, Street pavement at No. 2 Duane street. NEW YORK, September r, 1885. Street pavement at corner Forty-seventh street and Second avenue. ,e Board met this clay. Street pavement at comer Cherry and Clinton streets. Reports. Street pavement at No. i. } \Caverley Place. Street pavement at No. io6 Canal street. Fr ' it the Sanitary Superintendent—On operations of the First Division ; on operations of Street pavement at corner Forty-fifth street and Tenth aysnue. :.: 'e, nd Division ; on operations of the Third Division ; on -,perations of the Fourth Division : on ,era:ions of the Fifth Division ; on operations of the Sixth Division : on operations of the Seventh Resolved. That a copy of the report of Sanitary Inspector Comfort upon the condition of ::,.ion ; weekly letter ; weekly mortuary statement ; weekly a'ustract of births ; weekly abstract Courtland avenue, between One Hundred and Fifty-fourth and One Hundred and Sixty-second .:arriages ; weekly abstract of still-births ; weekly abstract of deaths from contagious diseases ; streets be forwarled to the Department of Public Parks f,r the necessary action. :cly report on attendance of clerks ; on applications for permits ; on condition of certain street Resolved, That a copy of the report of Impector Whalen in respect to the condition of side. _ments, etc. ; on applications for relief from certain orders ; on manure dumping ; on con- walk and Croton-pipe at Tompkins Market be forwarded to the Comptroller for the necessary Lti of slaughter-houses ; on privy vaults ; on house-to-house inspections ; on delayed birth and action. eI.Triage returns ; on changes of help at Riverside Hospital ; on applications for leave of absence Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment be and are hereby respectfully rk of the Summer Corps ; in respect to the opening of Willard Parker Hospital : on seizure of requested to transfer from the appropriation to the Department of Street Cleaning, entitled ' Extra .'1 ' and fish ; on complaint of \V. K. Hammond in respect to the seizure of unripe fruit ; on condi- Street Cleaning in the tenement house districts and other densely populated portions of the city, f Courtland avenue, between One Hundred an1 Fifty-fourth and One Hundred and Si'.ty- etc., 1885,” the sum of S ,000, to an appr„priation entitled "Health Department for salaries for 1 -:reefs ; on condition of Tompkins Market. payment of Sanitary- Engineers, 1885," to be appointed pursuant to the provisions of chapter 5o8, Laws of t885. i roc:; the Attorney and Counsel—Weekly report. A petition from citizens, residents of , in respect to the condition of the mouth of sewer Co7umuflucuttansjram other Depaotineats. at the foot of East One Iiundred and Tenth street, and the mooring of scows of the Street Cleaning Department in its front, was received and referred to the Sanitary Superintendent. Fr; o.:h:o Department of Finance—Comptroller's weekly statement. A notice from the Board of Estimate and Apportionment requesting the Departmental Estimate for the year 1886, was received and referred to the Secretary to prepare the required estimate. Miscellaneous Conmmui,tications. Resolved, That the plans and specifications for new pavilions on North Brother Island, pre- It 'I,. I. D. Grant—Acknowledging the receipt of resolutions of condolence on the death of pared by Architect Dunn be and are hereby approved, and the Secretary is directed to advertise in the CITY RECORD for proposals, as required by law. I r 'n: I . H. Ravin nd. of Br>,klyn—Requesting statistics in reference to the danger of com- u:uni'_alir:; cDr.,,.i .:- ,s-.t e throng'.: the medium of rags, both domestic and foreign. Action of the Board on Plans for the Light and Ventilation of aVew Tenement-house:. I L'Is Audited. Resolved, That the following plans for the light and ventilation of new tenement-houses be and are hereby approved, upon the conditions described in the permits issued, and the said plans H. 1. \Vdlt.::.0 ,u C ...... >to5 50 John H. Janson...... $5 (t0 and specifications are hereby modified in accordance therewith : .c,rhto to (: ) . John E. Kaughran & Co...... 4 88 Baker, ...... 12 30 Plan No. 25612, for one tenement-house, southwest comer of Third avenue and One Hun- C. C. Haight ...... 40 00 C. C. Haight...... 48 2 dred and First street. 781 SS McKesson o Robbins ...... 49 67 Gridley & Co ...... ...... Plan No. 25632, for one tenement-house, northwest corner Third avenue and One Hundredth Hoipershausen Bros ...... 38 6g Thos. Hogan...... 407 57 street. 8g 25 Chas. S. Young ...... 70 66 I Charles B. "Trimble...... Plan No. 25642, for one tenement-house, south side of One Hundred and First street, ninety- 8o5 00 lnhn J. Ifayes ...... to 7 5 6 \\"m. Smith...... eight feet west of Third avenue, conditionally. 223 87 \Ic uop0litai Telephone and Tale- Chas. Lederer ...... Plan No. 25652 for One tenement-house, north side of One Hundredth street, ninety-eight feet 6 }rapt Cu ...... 124 45 J. B. Purroy...... 166 6 [vest of Third avenue, conditionally. 47 2 Atttbruse E. Barnes & Bro...... 645 50 I Chas. L. Hadley ...... 5 Ilan No. 25662, for six tenement-houses, west side of Third avenue, twenty-five feet north of Permits Granted. One Hundredth street. Plan No.33522, for one tenement-house, No. 417 Cherry street. To keep a smoking-house at No. Iolg Third avenue. Plan No. 35642, for one tenement-house, south side of Fifteenth street, fifty-nine feet six inches To keep seven cows at Two Hundred and Sixth street (Inwoodl, Kingsbridge. east of Avenue A. '1`o keep eight cows at One Hundred and Twenty-seventh street and Western Boulevard. Plan No. 3584, for one tenement-house, northwest comer of Ninth avenue and Ninety-sixth To keep three cows at south side of One Hundred and Twenty-first street and Western Boule street. _u 1. Plan No. 3587, for four tenement-houses, east side of St. Nicholas avenue, one hundred and To keep ten chickens at No. 127 East Sixty-second street. fifty-two feet ,oath of One Hundred and Thirty-third street, To keep twelve chickens and Five geese at Eighty-ninth street and Fifth avenue. Plan No. 3588, for one tenement-house at No. 131 Clinton street. Tv keep seven chickens at No. 316 East One Hundred and Twelfth street. Plan No. 3589, for one tenement-house at No. 4 East Eighty-fifth street. Permits Denied. Plan No. J590, for two tenement-houses, Nos. 1708 and 1710 First avenue. Plan No. 3592, for two tenement-houses west side of Tenth avenue, seventy-six feet north of To clean and scald calves' heads and fat at No. 411 East Forty-sixth street. One Hundred and Fourth street. To keep two horses and one goat at No. 1295 North Third avenue. Plan No. 3593, for one tenement-house, east side of Broadway, fifty-one feet south of Fortieth To keep three chickens at No. 123 . street.


Plan No 3594, for one tenement-house, southeast corner of Sixty-eighth street and Ninth avenue. The certificates of 578 births, 50 still-births, 127 marriages and 642 deaths, reported to have Plan No. 3595, for one tenement-house, northwest corner of Hudson and Beach stre ets. taken place in this city, were received by this Bureau during the week ending Saturday, August Plan No. 3596, for two tenement-houses, Nos. 552 and 554 Vest Seventeenth street. 29, 5885. This shows a tlecrea~e of 24 births, 16 still-births and 123 marriages, and an increase of Plan No. 3597, for four tenement-houses, Nos. 130, 132, 134, 136 and 138 Suffolk street. 19 deaths, when compared with the number received during the preceding week ; but when cont- Plan No. 3598, for four tenement-houses, southwest corner of One Hundred and Twenty-fourth pared with the currt•spomling week of the year 5884, there was a decrease of soft births, 6o mar- street and Fourth avenue, conditionally. riages and 5 deaths, and an increase of 9 stilll,irths. Compared with the mortality reported during Plan No. 3599, for one tenement-house at No. 34 Lewis street. the preceding \week, the deaths from cry.,ipelas decreased r ; cerebro-spinal fever, i ; malarial fevers, 4 ; diarncceal diseases, t6 ; inanition, b ; cancer, 2 ; aneurism, I ; ntarasmus, tabes mescnterlca and Disap!roved. scrofula, 3 ; convulsions, 4 ; direct effect of solar heat, t ; apoplexy, 5 ; gastritis, enteritis and Resolved, That plan No. 3591, for the light and ventilation of two tenement-houses at north peritonitis, 6 ; cyanosis and atelecta5is, 2 ; while the deaths from measles increased 4 ; scarlatina, 3 ; side of Eighty-first street, one hundred and six feet six inches west of Avenue A, be and is hereby diphtheria, 4 ; croup, t ; schonpinn cough, 6 ; typhoid fever, 2 ; puerperal diseases, i ; alcoholism, disapproved. 2 ; rheumatism and gout, i ; ph thisis pulmoualis, 21 ; bronchitis, r ; pneumonia, 9 ; heart diseases, Resolved,'1'hat the application of Gustave Harlem for modification of permit heretofore granted 3 ; hydrocephalus and tubercular meningitis, 2 ; meningitis and encephalitis, 2 ; cirrhosis and hepa- upon plan for light and ventilation No. , for two tenement-houses, Nos. 593 and 575 Eighth titis, 4 ; Bright's disease and nephritis, 9 ; surgical operations, t ; and suicide, 2. The number of avenue, be and is hereby denied. deaths from all diseases of the brain and nervous system, and premature and preternatural births was the same in the two successive weeks. Action of the Board on Plans. for the Plun)binc and Drainage of New Houses. Deaths from the principal Ztnuotic Diseases, I'htlrisis Fulmoralis, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, and Resolved, That plans for the plumbing and drainage of the following new houses be and are hereby Children tender five years of a;e, reported during the week and compared with the three approved upon the conditions contained in the statement of the action of the Board attached in each . preceding weeks. case to the specifications submitted with the plans, and the said plans and specifications are hereby modified in accordance therewith : - ----- - I" O DEATHS OF Plan No. 3349, for one tenement-house, northeast corner One Hundred and Fifth street and 0 6 CHILDREN. Second avenue, as amended. .,J c• Plan No. 3351, for one tenement-house, east side of Second avenue, seventy-five feet north of s. > 3 r 7 s Y One Hundred and Fifth street, as amended. _ Plan No. 4040, for one store building, Nos. 1 394, 1396, 1398 and 5400 Broadway. WEEK ENDING- J j v .° ... n O a E ^, > ~.c .._ ter. 392, 1 o 0 Plan No. 4042, for one tenement-house, east side of Boulevard, eighty-four feet south of One m I lundred and Fourth street, as amended. Plan No. 4049 for two tenement-houses, east side of Courtland avenue, corner of One Hundred and Fifty-ninth street. to Plan No. 4065, for one tenement-house, east side of Broadway, thirty feet south of Forty-first ------Street. Aug. 8, 7885...... 3 3 15 9 .6 5 a 7 r59 96' 28 r4 70 36 232 289 339 Plan No. 4081, for one tenenieut-house, No. 430 Clinton avenue, as amended. Plan No. 4099, for one dwelling, south side of Eighty-second street, two hundred and twenty- r5. " ... 6 4 r8 16 26 6 3 it it, 102 32 17 62 40 276 342 392 five feet east of Avenue A, conditionally. •• 22, •• 2 2 !3 6 to 6 3 13 t43I 76 25 14 51 31 209 248 z,8 Plan No. 4100, for two dwellings, north side of One Hundred and Twenty-second street, ninety feet nine inches east of Seventh avenue. 29, " ... 6 5 r7 7 16 I 8 z zq '1 7~ 97 34 =5 51 41 ISi 246 ::p4 Plan No. 4101, for one tenement-house, northwest corner One Hundred and Fifty-sixth street and Third avenue. Plan No. 4506, for one tenement-house, No. 131 Clinton street, conditionally. Totals...... - - I7 r4 63 338 68 1 255 10 5o 6,o 37r 1 rr9 60 234 r4 8 8999.9 I--1125 1373 Plan No. 4109, for one tenement-house, south side Eighty-fifth street, one hundred and twenty- five feet cast of Fifth avenue. The ages of 182 of the persons who died during the week were reported to be under one year; Plan No. 41 Ii, for eight dwellings, north side Sixtieth street, one hundred and fifty-feet east of 246 under two years, 284 under five years, and 35 seventy years and over, which shows that the Ninth avenue. number of deaths of children under five years of age was 14 less than the number reported during Plan No. 4t 12, for one dwelling, east side Sedgwick avenue, northeast 'Morris Dock Station. the preceding week, and represent 44.24 per cent. of the total weekly mortality. Plan No. 4113, for one tenement-house at No. 332 East One IIundred and Twelfth street, con- ditionally. Deaths reported from Small pox, .7leasles, Scarlatina. Diphtheria, 0fen0vano:es Croup, lVhoopir:i Plan No. 4117, for three dwellings, north side of Sixtieth street, two hundred and ninety-five Cough, Typhus, T'fioid, Cerebra-Spinal, and dlrlarial I-z'er-s, in Institutions, Tenement feet east of Ninth avenue. and other Dwellings, with Average Age, Floor, and Itrrrd where the Death occurred, and the Plan No. 4118, for six dwellings, north side of One Hundred and Twenty-second street, three Hour of Death, for the week ending August 29, 1885• hundred and seventy-five feet west of Sixth avenue, conditionally. Plan No. 41:19, for one office-building, Nos. 7 and 9 Wall street. flan No. 4120, for two tenement-houses, west side of Tenth avenue, seventy-six feet north of FLOOR. I AVERAGE Au,.. One Hundred and Fourth street, conditionally. Plan No. 4121, for one packing-house at No. 390 North Third avenue. Plan No. 4122, for one tenement-house, southeast side of Fifth avenue, one hundred feet south D,se.ssE. - y of Eighty-first street, conditionally. O Plan No. 4123, for one storehouse, east side of Fourth avenue, seventy feet south of One Hun- dred and Eighth street. m o s.= y ''• 's o x o o v Plan No. 4124, for one skating-rink, south side of One Hundred and Thirty-fifth street, one %) 5 s r a n F 7 hundred feet west of Eighth avenue. Plan No. 4(25, for one chvelling, south side of Popham street, three hundred feet west of Morris Small-pox ...... avenue. Resolved, That the following plans for the plumbing and drainage of new houses be and are Measles ...... 6 2 2 2 r 8 hereby tabled for amendment. Scarlatina ...... 5 I zI 1 1 2 5 Plan No. 41o8, for one dwelling, east side of Washington avenue, two hundred and eighteen feet south of One Hundred and Sixty-eighth street. Diphtheria ...... 2 13 .. .. 2 .. 5 4 2 3 r ...... 3 8 2, Plan No. 4150, for one tenement-house, northwest corner of One Hundred and Twenty-sixth t,I embranous Croup...... 2 5 ...... 1 2 2 2 ...... 2 2 street and Lexington avenue. Plan No. 4114, for two teneulent-houses, north side of Eighty-first street, one hundred and six Whooping Cough ...... 3 t3 r 5 6 3 1 II feet six inches west of Avenue A. Typhus Fever ...... , ...... ...... 34 Plan No. 4115, for one tenement-house, west side of Tenth avenue, northwest corner of Forty- seventh street. Typhoid Fever ...... 4 2 .. z 1 4 1 23 Co ' Resolved, That violations of law in the plumbing and drainage of the following houses be and 2 I .. . . 1 38 are hereby referred to the attorney : Cerebro-Spinal Fever..... 9' Violation No. 2780, for one house, No. 509 West Sixtieth street. Malarial Fevers...... 1 7 .. .. 1 .. 3 2 1 I ...... I 47 I Violation No. 2787, for one house, No. 1760 Third avenue. 'r Violation No. 2806, for one house, south side of One Hundred and Forty-third street, one hun- dred and seventy-five feet east of Eighth avenue. WARDS. Violation No. 281o, for four houses on and adjoining southwest corner of Eighth avenue and One Hundred and Sixteenth street. Violation No. 2817, for one house, southeast corner of Seventy-eighth street and First avenue. Violation No. 2820, for three houses, south side of Seventieth street, one hundred and seventy- DISEASE. five feet east of Eleventh avenue. Resolved, That violations of law in the light and ventilation of tenement-houses be and are hereby referred to the attorney : w y ii) v°.` +1 z in . e F. Violation No. 2o6, for one extension to No. 528 East Eleventh street. ------I------, ---i - ---, Violation No. 208, for two houses, Nos. 292 and 294 . Small-pox...... •• ...... ...... .. . ...... .. •- Sanitary Bureau. Measles ...... .. ...... ...... .. 1 .. 2 1 . r The following is a record of the work performed in the Sanitary Bureau for the week ending ..2 .. z ...... .. . August 29, 1885 : Scarlatina...... .... : .. .. The total number of inspections made by the Sanitary Inspectors was 6,826. Diphtheria...... ...... I I x .... 1 1 ...... 5 1 3 r 1 27 The number of complaints returned by the Sanitary Inspectors was 703. .. ( ..I.. .. [ 1 . I . . r ... I 7 During the past week 360 complaints were received from citizens and referred to the Sanitary Memirranous Croup. Inspectors for investigation and report. WhoopingCough ...... ...... ..2 . .. 1 .•I 6 1 2 . There were issued to the consignees of vessels to discharge cargoes on vouchers from the . Health Officer of the Port, 8o permits. Typhus Fever...... There were issued to consignees to discharge rags (in bulk, under bonds), i i permits. Typhoid Fever...... I .. .. 1 r .. z 1 8 There were issued, under the Sanitary Code, so miscellaneous permits. There were issued to scavengers to empty, clean, and disinfect privy-sinks, 148 permits. Cerebro-SpinalFever .II •• •• •• a At premises where contagious diseases were reported 54 visits were made, and 6 disinfections lalarmlFevers...... ! I .. ..1 r 1 .. .. .. 2 i...... I .. I q and 6 fumigations were performed. The number of cases of contagious diseases removed to Riverside Hospital was 4. The number of vaccinations performed was 15, of which 5 were primary, and so revaccina- Hours at which Deaths Occurred. tions. There were seized and condemned I0,820 pounds of meat, and i,800 pounds offish The number of specimens of milk examined was 82 ; the number of quarts of adulterated A. M. P. M. milk destroyed was 15. The Special Disinfecting Corps have disinfected 16,795 privy-vaults ; 11,752 yards ; 5o,827 DiSe:1SE. .I,x~~i1 '0 cellars ; 13,185 garbage boxes and 126 miles of street gutters. 0 0 ^o, 2 o o o o •o o o u ° y U u u U u U U U U, V U Uo 3)o U V V ° ,r Fruit Inspections. O O O 0 0 C aOa ~U 0 O O O I O O0 U ,O o 0 0 s oO J O p I m a .n O F. ao O 0 1 Cl ti m a u+ v n J 00 0• o '

ARTICLES SBIZED. BARRELS. BUSHELS. BASKETS. CRATES. No OF. BUNCHES. LOADS. I Small-pox ...... kpples ...... 41% 52 39 9 .. .. Measles ...... 6 Samnas ...... goo lz Scarlatina ...... ocoanuts ...... 375 .. .. Diphtheria...... I 1 z I : 3 .. 1 III .. s 17

4fuskmelons ...... 34 ...... 85 .. .. Membranous Croup. r ....1 2 .. 1 ...... I .. .. .. 7

?ears ...... 6 .. 6 ...... Whooping Cough.... I ! r 16 1 leaches ...... 36 75% Typhus Fever...... I • Sundries ...... 3 ...... 2% Typhoid Fever..... 1 z 1 1 C z 1 8 Comatoes ...... 35 Cerebro-Spinal F'evet I I I ^ Watermelons ...... ,,r61 .. Malarial Fevers..... II I r 1 •Z I• • •1 9


REPORTED MORTALITY for the week ending August 29, 1885, together with the ACTUAL MORTALITY for the week ending August 22, 1885, \V, 11e F. D.av, M. I)., SaHitttrr srtrtin'intmJ,-;r! and h'cgistcr: SIR-There were 642 deaths reported to have occurred in this city during the tuck ending, Saturday, August 29, 18S5, which is an increase of iq, as compared with the number reported he preceding neck, and 50 less than were reported during the corresponding }seek of the year ffSS4. The actual mortality for the week ending August 22, 1585, was 666, which is it.o below the average for the corresponding %%eel, for the past five years, and represents an annual death-rate of 24.65 per 1,000 persons living, the population estimated at 1,403,330.

/dbl. showing the R,jortea JIoylaa/i for the - week errtiing -4rrgust 29, iSS5, au.t tirc Actn1t'.' _1 umber of 1) -e rs each dat', from the Principal Causes, with the Ages of Decede,rts, for the week -in/in,- Arigrrst 22, tSSS.

Week Week DIerEOxoL.oc}-. ending ending ' ------~ --- Aug.zg_ ACTUAL NUB6M cF v cu 3' AGE G}' YEARS. ~EX. ~lcan Le ntperatltre Fair. for the H - - k was. 65.6 73.3 DEATHS F.>CLf D\\ I. nl\G J U .. 0, •' readi o' X31 b.11Omi'[r_`l' 28.863 29.955 _ THE 0 FFI. F SDIs , :. y t ' •' hLLllIidlt\' for the H't`t'k N ;t-... ...... 6,) 75 SATC'RD.i }', At--sr ICJ' J 1 _ - - Ov Somber of miles tr deity the wind aas.. 187 895 - _ ? - I al rain-fall. in inthcs. for the a c•-k...... o. 55 0.25 5 = -


^ 7 0 w N N M M Y Y O1 r J C1 . N M y N . U L - _ - - C O C O ct O S O O O S n 4 O _ .L !'l ~[ :l • O 2 2 5r2 E 2 4 O O p O N ^ d J [ G C G G C C N G J w N M V F vt N N M f,1

Sli I6 677.0 1 cal Delths from all Causes ...... (4 i:; 7d 79 '05 99 n z bob 6go 24.6E zo8 56 33 36 7 320 35 17 r4 zi 28 35 z6 34 zz 25 24 zz 21 4a 345 321 to 1 t l Zynl tic Diseases ...... zt` IS 29 34 29 42 ,o 33 42 z;9 230 z63.o 8.S6 314 36 3g Io 2 38, 8 6 4 I x I r 5 3 6 4 3 1 7 5 6 133 o6 r I...... ; 17 3S IS :y 21 :8 6 z r 1 at Con ,t1tutional Oi ....•. 346 [z5 23 334 375 350.4 4.97 -3 .. 1 30 4 4 7 ''~ 17 35 tz 9 1 9 8 5 ! z 5 4 60 74 3 L dal Loot Dreis.. ...... zz8 237 25 22 24 35 38 43 39 zzq 221 203.0 8.30 4S 14 9 5 3 79 4 4 2 to 1 7 r2 33 36 ' 9 9 14 It 10 z6 ,,o I p F 9 35 2 2 5 6 6 9 3 33 38 34.8 I,^z zzL .. .. .. .. zz .. r .. r I r .. r r 5 I .. ~IC: tlh~,b\ ~m nctc... ~.. 1~ . ...... 27 6 lO 3 3 1 4 5 5 36 26 .5.8 1 3. 3 3 6 a 3 33 3 2 m:2 5 4 r .. I 29 zo . I 1.0 .: 7 hall- o~ ...... ?. ' .. ._ 4 I .. .. I .. .. .. I .. .. ', .. ...... t .. \lea;le :.... ...... ...... 6 z ...... 2 .. _ 4 xz .3 .t, z r .. .. 4 ...... taun❑ ...... - 2 .. .. 3 .. .. 2 2 .. I 'rtherla..;...... 56 .? q I 3 3 3 2 .. .. .. ...... .; I :: .. .. 8 \I r: branou Cr op ..... .. r7 r55 2x 23 .. .1 .[ 3 4 3' LO 22.a 3 2 3 ...... 5 .... 3 5 \1 h opms Coo h ...... ...... lb to 3 3 .. t t 3 12 15 12.2 .44 2 6 3 .. [ In[ ...... .. ...... .. ,. .. .. ...... 1 1 1. 3 I: c.ipela...... ...... 1 2 x 2 - ..07 .. .. .. .. t .. .. .. ...... -- ...... •• . h as t .. I ...... I ...... 3•3 r I 3 2 3 ...... ~, 3 .. .. 3 3 ....3 6 9 1 '.4 . k Fecer...... p `...... 98 1 ,6 .. .I .. .. t I ,hid.e ,e .33 .. ..z ...... I ...... t .. .. 4 .. .. 1 _ lirtent IntcrnuuulL 1~v'h~ AIzlual, sneandSim kt_oII t11u lever-. 33 3 3 r 1 Iz 12. a .qq .. 2 .. I .. 3 .. 4 r .. .. 2 .. 3 I ...... .. r lr r 3 .. I `r F ral Lh e'1 c ; ...... ... 47 433 3 .9 .. .. z 2 5 b 6.t 19 .. I ...... y 'r ~5 .. 1. rrhoral DIseL :...... ...... lz 3 38 zt 3 ^ z3 ly z2 1$5 1~5 [5;.ti 5.5_. .. 37 7 3 .. lzo 4 5 . 9 I 1 .1'.:I till. \Vant of Iireist Milk. etc...... 4 to I r 2 I .. 2 .. 0.2 ._.... 6 L „ . .. .. \ 'lolism r .. .. .. .. .~ il 3 3.6 ..7 .. ...... 3 I - 1 .. .4 .3 .. i.~... ,_4mn /ism and (jam ...... I 3 .. .. .. .. .. ...... ..3 I ., .6 14 .. L r ...... ...... ...... t6 - 18 '. z 4 4 2 1 3 4 O 1 34 1 3 4 .;q .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. 2 .. 5 4 3 1 ~lsis PoImHnalds ...... 97 70 8 to 33 it r6 rr 14 Sr rl 97 3. 2 4 7 353 r 5 t4 9 4 4 2 I3 3 4 2 3 15 34 -2 I 36 45 ochitis ...... 35 14 3 1 3 z 3 15 56 4 .. •i ..•• 8 i .. .. .. .. .. ., .. I 43 '~ It .. I -.e~monia ...... ...... 34 25 2 5 43 6 7 5 32 40 23.8 mm U 4 4 .. .. .. 3 t6 3e IL-1. -t Diseases ...... 3r z8 3 2 2 3 6 6 5 27 9 20.6 I.00 .. .. r 3 3I .. 3 3 3 1 3 3 2 2 4! x 4 3 r4 33 ' urism ...... 2 3 .. I .. .. .. I .. .. I .. 1.2 -14 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I .. .. .. .. .. I . . I ! .. .. t,ra, nus-I'abes\Iesentericaand scrrfula ig az 5 3 2 4 4 4 3 z3 30 23.4 .85 38 4 3 .. .. 23 .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... xI liv clrocephalus and Tuberc;1armlenin itis. is 3 r z z z .. ., r 8 lq 3L.z .3o 4 2 .. .. 3 7 r .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 t .. \I-aingitls and Encepha.itis ...... 18 12 .. 2 .. 3 5 3 4 lg 31 16.6 .70 7 5 3 3 3 17 z .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... Iz i 7 .. (_ :.c ulions ...... 6 .. to3 3 .. .. 5 x 2 1 to 7 9. 7 8 1 3 .. .. to : .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 .. IPire t Effect of Solar Heat ...... z .. r ...... 3 2 2.6 .u4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I .. .. .. .. .. .. ! .. .. .\;_ lexv ...... 6 I1 z .. .. 3 z 3 .. 6 : 6 7.8 .z6 .. .. ...... .. .. 3 .. 3 .. •3 2 I 3 3 1. llL eanesrfthe brain anc N ervru,5vsteu. 51 51 6 3 13 in 1z 9 °6_ 70 54.0 2.08 38 6 4 2 1 • 31 •3 .. 3 1 1 1 2 I 2 3 1 3 1 6 I 29 127 .. l rtuLS of Liver and Hepatin ..... 8 4 .. 3 [ r 3 3 2 7 6 r.z .26 .. .. .. .. .. -. .. .. 3 t .. .. .. r I 2 r 4 S Ontis, Gastro-Enteritis, Peritonitis. ar.o I.;.astr,ts ...... 4 4 17 3 .. .. .. 20 1 2 I t .. .. .. .. t z a i x x a 14 I9 r 24.2 I'_ight's DLSeasa and \c•phriti...... ~379 38 43 45 : 4 4 : 4 9 3z32 3z 1 3 .2z9 .. .. [ .... t .. r .. t , I 4 1 8 z •2 I •3 6 r7 15 1 U Ieosis and Atelectesis...... 3 z 3 .5 .. 3 1 6 3.6 .11 3 •• •• •. •• 3 .. .. .. .. 2 t .. I rvmature and Preternatural Firths ...... 12 12 .. 1 C 2 2 1 3 2 13 17 34.8 .45 13 .. .. .. ., 33 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , 6 ...... .: i .. .. .. .. .. .. I f 9 .~ .. Deathslty Seicide ...... 2 ...... I 3 3 I 6 i z 3.2• .2a ...... .. .. .. 1 2 t .. 1 ,. .. •3 .. •• Qraths by Drutcniug ...... 45 5 z 4 1 .. I , 4., .3; 9 5i .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 2 2 r .. r .. ...... ((( L nder r ear... ztz zo.) zq z3 24 36 36 35 27 sob 247 ,zlo 8 7.77 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ., .i .. I!Ha[hs_ in Children...... { • 2 ears., 246 z}8 34 z8 29 47 4t 48 37 264 32[ 274.8 9.78 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. ...... • ( 5 }years.. 284 298 41 40 36 56 47 Sz 45 320 371 325.5 13.86 ...... .. ..

" Refers to the number of death certificates received.


a'.EJ f' }- 05RK.-DEATHS 0(054 Ssi:1 L1.-PC,\, MEASLES, SC:\RLA- - C TISA, IIIPHTHERIA, C sul'P, WHOOPING COUGH, Tvi'HoID FEVER, T•1"YHC':i FEvi R, 7IALAI,IAL FEVERS, PL-ERFER:SI. 7. FEVER, DIARsHLEAL Ms LADIES, CEREBRO-SPIRAL FF.I'ER, AND C V1HER !.1}IoTIc DISEA 'Es. J - actual Si'rtalityduring the Week ending.-irrgust as, r88 f. AREA p v _ REMARKS. vl .t 1. -.>. . ACRES.ACRES. G V~ U IL

> > _ - . I O 8 U G - - C c1 Ii i F,

First...... ', r;4 .. .. .. .. z .. .. z 7 7 17.939 Castle Garden and Emigrant Depot, -; U. S. Marine Hospital (Bedloe's Island), - ; First Precinct Station, - .. Second...... 51 1,608 ...... ...... ...... •...... •. .. Third ...... 95 .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 z 3,582 T 'vs rtx-seventh Precinct Station, - ; House of Relief, 16o Chambers street, 2; Newsboys' Lodgings, -...... Fourth ...... 1, 83 .. .. .. .. 3 .. .. 3 13 20,99•, birth Precinct Station, -; Mission Home, -; St. James' Home, -; Sailor Home, - ...... 13 .. Fifth ...... s68 . .. .. .. 1 .. r a . 15,845 I-0th Precinct Station, -; Trinity Infirmary, 5o , - ...... S.xth ...... 86 .. .. r .. z 2 ., 5 !i 13 13 2o, 1y6 City Pris'.n, -; Home of Industry, -; Centre Street Dispensary, - : Sixth Precinct Station, - ...... Seventh ...... g8t .. .. .. .. 11 .. .. 12 32 32 5o,066 Sc\ enth PrxcHv[ Station, -; Deborah Day N ursery, -; Nursery and Child's Protectory, East Broadway, -, . .. Eighth ...... 183 •. I 3 •• •• 5 16 16 35.879 EighthPrecinct Station,- ...... Ninth ...... 322 .. x 2 .. 1 .. [ 6 23 r9 54,-96 St. Vincent', Ho'pit:d, 4; Jetierson Market Prison, -; Home for Old Men and Aged Couples, -...... 4 Tenth ...... no .. x .. 3 .. .. 5 23 23 47,554 Prison, -; Tenth Precinct Station, - ; Ludlow Street Jail,- ...... Eleventh...... x86 .. 3 2.. 9 .. .. 13 34 31 68,778 St. Francis' Hospital, 3; Eleventh Precinct Station ...... ..... ...... ...... .. ... ... 3 Reception Hospital, 99tht, 3;stree Infants' Hospital, - ; Soldiers' Retreat, - ; N. Y. City Asylum for the sane, 5; Colored Orphan Asylum, I; Ward's Island, a; Randall's Island, 7: Bloomingdale Lunatic Asylum, I; St. Joseph's Asylum, -; House of Refuge, -; House of Mercy, -; Idiot Asylum, Randall's Tw elfth ...... 5, 504 I x I .. 2 3 „ II • . 2 21 S i,8 co 32 77 45 Island, -; Union Home and School, -; House of Good Shepherd, 1; N. Y. Juvenile .lsylum, I 3 St. Luke's Home, -' Hommupathic Hospital, 8; Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews, -; Sheltering Arms, -; St. Joseph's Hospital,4; Twelfth Precinct Station, -; Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society, -... J Thirteenth ..... x07 .. 3 i ! .. 8.. .. II it r8 37.797 Thirteenth Precinct Station, -; Fifth District Court,- ...... ...... ...... ...... •. Fourteenth.....i 96 ,. - r 3 z .. .. .. .. .. 4 .. .. 8 zz I 22 R. C. Orphan Asylum, -; Lying-in-Asylum, -; Fourteenth Precinct Station, -; House of Mercy, -...... Fifteenth ...... I98 r .. .. 2 sx,E8z 1.Y Juvenile Asylum, -; Mission of Immaculate Virgin, -; Protestant Half-Orphan Asylum, - ...... Sixteenth...... 348.77 a .. a .. 5 .. 3 to 22 '2 c,398 St. Joseph's Home for the Aged, -; French Hospital, -; Babys' Shelter, -; Sixteenth Precinct Station, -...... I .. Seventeenth ...., 331 q i i .. .. .. 13 I 1 21 48 48 204,133 Home of the Holy Trinity, -; German Dispensary, -; Home for Aged and Infirm Deaf Mutes, - ...... Eighteenth ..... 449.89 I 2 I I I .. , „ II .. .. 16 18 an 66,633 Houle for Respectable Aged and Indigent Females, -; New York Hospital, 6; St. Stephen's Home, -; ( 8 Reception Hospital, r; Old Ladies' Home, -; Post Graduate Hospital, I; N. Y. Ophthalmic Hosp., . Presbyterian Ho-p., 3; German Hospital, 3; Mt. Sinai Hospital, a; Foundling Hospital, 7; Women's Hospital and College, -; City Lunatic Asymm, 2; Almshouse, 5; Penitentiary, -; Small-pox Hospital, • Charity Hospital, g; Epileptic and Paralytic Hospital, -; Colored Home Hospital, 3; Nursery and Child's Hospital, -; St. Luke's Hospital, 4; Workhouse, a; Baptist Home, -; Roman Catholic Nineteenth ...... I,480.6o 5 x 4 6 45 2o6 64 158,x81 42 11L7 Orphan Asylum, -; Hospital for Ruptured and Crippled, -; Home for the Aged (Little Sisters of the Poor;, -; Chapin Hotnefor the Aged, - ; Hahnemann's Hospital, -; Hebrew Orphan Asylum,-; .it. Joseph's Infirmary, -; Baptist Home, -; Dominican Convent, -; Nineteenth Precinct Station, -' Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital, 3 ; Montefiore Home, t; St. Joseph's Industrial Home, -...... Twentieth...... 444 I 3 . 1 . . .. 15 .. I .. 19 44 43 86,035 St. Elizabeth's hospital. -; St. Mary's Hospital, I; Trinity Howe, -; Institution for the Blind, -...... r uellewe Ho,pital. lg; in Ambulances, -; Ophthalmic Hospital, -; Skin and Cancer Hospital, -; Twenty-first.... 411 .. 4 2 9 41 22 66,536 Home of the Friendless, -; Emergency Hospital, -; St. Luke's Home, -; St. Stephen's Home, - ...... f r9 Rooses elt Hospital, 2; Old Ladies' Home,I; New York Infant Asylum, -; Twenty-second Precinct Station,-; •twenty-second . x,529.42 14 x 3 2 5o 3It,6o6 I 53 I N. 1'. Orphan Asylum, -; N. Y. 1-Imp. and Med. College for Women and Children, -; Barrett Home, -., } 3 Twenty-third .. 4,267.023 .. I 3 3 I3 [I 28,338 Christian Home, -; Old Gentlemen Unsectarian Home• -; St. Vincent de Paul's Nursery, - ...... •• Twenty-fourth .. 8,o50•323 I 1 2 I 13,288 House of Rest for Consumptives, a; Home for Incurables, 3; Thirty-fourth Precinct Station, - ; Thirty. :H:::: I1 6 fifth Precinct Station, -; Peabody Home, -; St. Stephen's Home,-; St. Joseph's Iost. for Deaf Mutes, -,

Totals ...... 24, 89 3.156 4 4 jl 15 I 9 22 1 9 12 x i 150 4 i8 239 666 547 1,206,299 Total mortality in Public Institutions ...... gig

Very respectfully submitted, JOHN T. NAGLE, M. D., Deputy Register of Records.


Births ` reported during the week ending August 29, 1885. Of the total number of deaths reported for the week, 127 were in institutions, 375 in tenement- houses, 127 in houses containing three families or less, 5 in hotels and boarding-houses, 8 in rivers, NAME streets, boats, etc. ; 7 were on the basement floor, 131 on the first, 159 on the second, 820 on the COLOR. SEX. NATIVITY OF PARENTS. OF CHILD. third, 66 on the fourth, 24 on the fifth, o on the sixth ; 642 were stated to be residents of New York City and o non-resident, 51 were stated to be single, 155 marned, 67 widowed, and the condition of NATIVITY OF NATIVITY OF 369 was not stated, these were children who had not attained a marriageable age. FATHER MOTHER p O STATED ONLY STATED ONLY The total number of burial permits issued during the week are as follows, viz. : City deaths, L y . 642 ; still-births, 50 ; bodies in transitu, 2t ; of the total burial permits issued for city deaths and still- 0 births 67 were upon certificates received from the Coroners ; 578 births, 127 marriages, 50 still- v I v v births, 642 deaths, 21 applications for transit permits were recorded, indexed and tabulated ; 117 searches of the registers of births, marriages and deaths were made, and 7 transcripts of the birth vi O O QI L L .~. y y n p, record, 8 of marriage and 63 of death were issued during the week. The mean temperature for the week ending August 29, 1885, was 65.6 degrees Fahrenheit, the mean reading of the barometer was 29.863 ; the mean humidity was 69, saturation being too ; the number of miles traveled by the wind was 987, and the total amount of rain-fall was o.56 inch 573 5 307 271 .. 322 76 30 .. 4 2 578 144 493 85 depth of water, as reported by I). Draper, I'h. D., Director of the New York Meteorological Observatory, , The disposition of S92 deaths and still-births, or 86.8o per cent, of the total number reported, was in the f llowing 14 cemeteries : L'ayside ( Jewish), 24 ; Calvary (Roman Catholic), 251 ; City pauper burial-ground (undenonlinational), 72 ; Greenwood (undenominational), 30 ; Lutheran (undenominational), 94; Cypress Hills (unclenominational), 18 ; Evergreen (undenominational), 30 ; V oodlawn (undeuominational), 16 ; St. Michael's (Protestant Episcopal), 21 ; Union (Meth- odist Protestant ), 2 ; Holy Cross (Roman Catholic), 7 ; Maclipelah, L. I. ( Jewish), 6 ; St. Ray- mond's (koman (atholic), I I ; Vs'ashington (uudenominational), to. ilarriaces " reported during the week cwiing August 29, 1885. The distribution of deaths (actual mortality) for the week ending August 22, 1885, was in the following wards, viz.: First, 7 ; Second, o ; Third, 4 ; Fourth, 13 ; Fifth, 6; Sixth, 13 ; Scvcnih, 32 ; Eidhth, 16 ; Ninth, 23 ; 'Tenth, 23 ; L• leventh, J4 ; Twelfth, 77 ; Thirteenth, 18 ; Fourteenth, ---'-- COLOR. NATIVITY. Co'DrrtoN. ------22 ; Fifteenth, 4 ; Sixteenth, 22 ; Seveuteearth, 48 ; Eighteenth, 38 ; -Nineteenth, Io6 ; Twentieth, 44 ; 'ilven1y-first, 41 ; 'T1eeniy-second, 53 ; 'i-wenty-thlyd, I I ; Twenty-fourth, I I. The actual mortality for the week ending August 22, 1885, was 666 ; this is 24 less than the tL ~ ~ w w number that occurred Tiuriug the corr,sponding week of the year 1884, and ti less than the average of the corresponding weeks of the past five years, and represents an annual death rate of 24.68 per i,000 persons living, the population estimated at 5,403,330• TOTAL. The annual death-rate per t,coo persons livm„ of the estimated or enumerated popu1a1isn, O O < O O O x according to the most recent weekly returns of Philadelphia was 23.87 ; Brooklyn, 23.36 ; lialti- more, 20.07 ; New Orleans, 19.55 ; Cleveland, 31.72 ; kichmond, 59.41 ; Galveston, 15.60 ; N. n- ark, 23.45 ; Pittsburgh, 28.60 ; Erie, 28, I I. Foreign cities-weekly returns--London, IS.8 ;

y . cf gyp•, r bc1.j I Ci 0 ti i6 j r y r ~j , i rj r Liverpool, 23.0 ; Birmingham, 23.7 ; Manchester, 30.5 ; Glasgow, 25.6 ; Edinburgh, 18.9 ; Dundee, v v u . . 15,3 ; Dublin, 22.9 ; Belfast, 26.9 ; Cork, 19.5 ; Brussels, 21.3 ; Ant" erp, 38.4 ; Ghent, 29.9 ~ W A D. A ~` .0 v F W . .0 Paris, 20.59 ; Rome, 24.5 ; Venice, 29.2 ; Berlin, 31.3 ; Dlunich, 38.6 ; Breslau, 28.56 ; Vienna, 24.4 ; Stockholm, 21.0 • Christiania, 21.94 ; Amsterdam, 59.9 ; Rotterdam, 18.7 ; The Hague, 22.8 ; Iion,bay, 23.83 ; Madras, 41.7 ; Geneva with suburbs, 18.2: Base], 21.2 ; Bern, 20.7 ; St. 127 j 227 raj .. .. 81 77 46 50 ' !~ .. .. Its 124 10 13 2 Petersburgh, 26.7 ; 1Varsaw, 34.25 ; Havre, 39.31 ; Salford, 27.4 ; Liege, 15.6 ; Prague and suburbs, 37.7. Monthly returns-Marseilles, 43.5 ; Bayonne, 16.o. Semi-monthly return-Saint Y_tienne, 21.7. Return for ten days-Palma, 25.7. By order of the Board. EMMONS CLARK, Secretary.


V'atrzrtr of thos5' ;u1to ru.v.- Ifirri ,f, 70.1 t%re P,irents of the Births and Still-BirNu, for the week DEI'SR Chi NI I i`. l;:1 `hs rR, .siding August 29, 1885, and those who Died (actual mortality), week en /lug Arrcwst 22, 1885. CoAl tISSIoNEtc'S I II Ih I, J. A.i, 31 C11:1S11lLRS Si RELI, NEw TORN, September 4, 1885.

DEATHS, BIRTHS. MAIRIAGFS. STILL-BIRTHS. In accordance with the provisions of section 53 of chapter 410 of the Laws of 1882, the I

•sR I ment of Public 'i','orks makes the following report of its transactions for the week ending August 22, 1885 : COUNTRY. 0 O, 0, S O SE'S o~ Public Moncpr Recei 'ed and Deposited in the City Treasray. For Croton water rents ...... $19,989 6o For penalties...... ...... 3II 05 For tapping Croton pipes ...... 248 50 7 Austria ...... 24 22 6 28 '. 5 ~ 8 3 3 For sewer permits ... ...... ... ...... 6St to British America ...... i z 2 „ 3 t „ . For restoring ,'nil rel,aving-Speciai Fund ...... 68I co I England ...... 15 z4 . 19 26 2 7 .. 2 France...... 3 t 6 4 I .. I I For redemption of obstructions seized ...... ...... 48 92 83 Germany ...... 173 161 191 269 1 37 35 7 6 For vault permits ...... I,755 61 94 Ireland ...... 292 183 88 66 5 , 6 i 12 :o 5 Italy...... 24 23 rz ro .. 3 4 .. Poland ...... 7 5 I 16 14 i .. 2 2 Total...... -23,645 78 6 Scotland ...... 8 7 2 3 t I x ! 2 I Switzerland ...... 3 z 1 I t .. .• 444 United States ...... z 4 o 27a r 74 az 4 46 So I 9 14 1 s•rmil3 h; lrs ,i. S Unknown or not stated...... 59 59 6 .. 4 a 52 permit to tap Croton pipes. I West Indies ...... ,.. a 2 ...... 84 permits to open streets, Othercountries ...... r4 14 33 33 a5 z8 7 6 34 permits to make sewer connect <. 23 permits to rel)a!r

32 planks from Nu. 71; filch street. 4 bluestone window sills from No. j 8 West One Hundred and Twsnty-seventh sue I bale of paper stock from No. 17 . S/i/l-Pirths reported during the week ens/ink August 29, 1885. Book-stand from No. rg Ann street. Hand-cart from Ann street and . Large double-truck from No. 176 East One Hundred and Tenth street, SEX. COLOR. NATIVITY OF PERIOD OF UrLRo-GESTATION. Large booth on wheels from southwest corner South Fifth avenue and Bleecker ! t -ett. I boiler, i tin pan, t pail, from No. 1446 First avenue. FATHER. MOTHER. MONTH. •p I box, t box clothes-pins, 3 flower-pots, from No. 1446 First avenue. Broken-down wagon from south side Twenty-seventh street, near First avenue. TOTAL. Coal-cart from east side "Tenth avenue, between Nineteenth and Twentieth streets. Large log from Franklin street and . v m t z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 3 3 barrel, from Christopher and IIudson streets. E Broken-down wagon from \o. 438 Wrest Twenty-ninth street. k ~5 ~p O ycJ p~ O G wy zO 3 Ov I z w z z w z ~p Broken-down wagon from No. 44o Rest Twenty-ninth street.

Repairing and Cleaning Scwcrs, 50 3O 2O 50 •• 9 137 4 14 3z 2 H . s z 6 5 x3 92 .. z 65 receiving-basins and culverts cleaned. 85o lineal feet of sewer cleanest. 502 lineal feet of sewer rebuilt. IS lineal feet of spur-pipe laid. 4 lineal feet of new curb -et. 2 lineal feet of sewer repaired. 3 receiving basins repaired. 2 manholes repaired. I new basin-head and cover put on. I manhole-head and cover put on. Deaths reported during the week ending 414, aNst 29, 1885. 2 manhole covers put on, I manhole-head reset, 277 cubic yards earth excavated and refilled, PLACE OF DEATH. RESIDENCE. CONDITION. 127 square yards pavement rclaiii. 20 square feet flagging relaid. 2 cat-loads earth filling. u u FLOORS. STATED. ' 186 cart-loads dirt removed. • c 535 C N l• 55 ~_ ~ x0 Assessment Lists 1lfade and Transmitted. TOTAL. 5 ,, ~- It O ~ 0 0 9 n~ J Regulating and grading One hundred and Fourth street, from Boulevard to Riverside a cv v C c v w r-+te y ti m Drive...... ... .. ... ...... ...... $9,552 65 ° E E y " ° .u S s h Regulating and grading One Hundred and First street, from Third to Fourth avenue. 27,899 59 o° w. v a m Regulating and grading Eighty-fifth street, from Ninth to Tenth avenue ...... 2,318 13 O 0 O ,p ~^ V L O v O d 7 O C N O F x x . z cC i:r rn F w w in n Z Z O Z in 7 Z Public Lanrns. 2 lamp-posts removed. 120 66 24 ` I642 51 6 642 127 375 227 5 8 7 131 159 155 7 369 $ lamp-posts reset. 38 lamp-posts straightened. t Principally children and deaths in Institutions. 16 columns releaded.


Report of Fhotommetrieai Examinations of Illuminating Gas, for the week ending August 22, Contracts 1Made and Transmitted. iS85, made at thr I1mtametrical Rooms of the Department of Public I Corks.


DATE. TIME. y GAS COMPANY. Aug. 17 Resurfacing with broken trapa-ock, lime rock 1 f Theo. F. Tone, screenings and gravel the roadway of Wes } George F. Doak, 245 \V. 126th street. Boulevard, from circle at Fitty-nmth street to , Broadway & 129th st. j Ransom Parker, Jr. Seventy-vinth street ...... J I 221 \V. Izth street.

IN. CU. FT !IppoinlUlenr's. A;a. 17 4 P.M. 8u. 30.24 Manhattan .... .S7 5.00 :17.0 18.94 18.46 William P. CldRwll, Inspector of Repaving. .85 5.00 115.8 1g.26 .. Ii Io.30A.M. So. ! 30.08 „ .... 18.49 Joseph Carey, Inspector of Repavin1 . 5 P.M. 84. 29.80 .85 5.70 118.2 IS 98 18.69 D. J. Lertora, Inspector of Repaving.

., 3 P.M. S0. 33.04 •, .... .85 5.00 118.8 19.04 18.85 .Stre:4 Par' wtcnls A' paird. _I 5 P.M. 8z. 30.15 •. ,... .86 5.00 120.0 29.62 19.62 The street pavement in 13o different streets was repaired during tite week. .0 12 11. 83. 30.05 . < .... .86 5.00 116.2 19.46 19.17 Aver,gc. 18.88 .Requisitions on Ore Comptrol.'cr. The total amount of requisitions drawn on the Comptroller during the Wreck is $35,445.50• _ _,o:'N. ao. 3:.04 New York.,.,. Bray's Sl ;t Union, 7 •94 1 5.00 :21.6 25.62 25.07 D. LO\VRER SM] TH, Deputy Commissioner of Public \Corks. .. . I7.30 r.M. Si. 37.0S " ...... 95 5.00 126.0 26.12 27.40

3 P.M. S3. " -94 5.00 :20.0 26.46 26.46 29. 82 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Buren-u for the Collccti,m ,f City Rcr'enue and rf ,Va rkets. _. 5 P.M. Si. 30.04 " ...... 93 5.00 . 120.6 27.24 27.37 I'\II~\ I (ti' 31111 HOURS DURING WHICH Nov. I and 3 Stewart Building, Chambers street and ,•. 4.37r.M. Sz. 30.15 ., ...... 93 5.00 124.8 .5.84 26.87 all Itle I-'ublic (t8ices in the City are open for business, Broadway, 9 A. St. to 4 P. \t. and at svliich each Court reOul:triy opens and adjourns, as JAMES J. KEL`,o, Collector of the City RcI cuur .,m! •93 5.00 120.0 27.14 27.24 o-cil as of the places where -uch offices are kept and such Superintendent of Markets. Courts are held ; together with the heads of Departments Average. 26.S7 and Courts. Bureaufor the Collection of Ta.rrs. First floor, P.rou-n-stone Building, City I I; II 1'_.x5:. Gnotzce \V. McLE.--N, Receiver of Tae - 1 -\I r._:... Resolved, That, in consideration of the extreme heat _ - .04 N. 1". Mutual. •99 5.00 118.2 25,00 27.58 ' of the tceather• and the fact that very little, if any busi. VREDeNUPRG, Deputy Receiver of T:Ixes. ness is tr.:nsacted in the public offices after 12 o'clock M. •98 3.2.2. 124.2 29.12 30.14 on Saturdays, during the summer season. the various Bureau of the City Chamberlain. Nos. 25, 27 Stewart Building, Chamber, s toe t am'. public offices of the city. except those specially by law 4Y.M. 73. 29.52 •99 220.0 30.92 30.92 required to be kept npen, 1.c• closed at noon every Satur. Brnddwvay, 9 .5. a. 10 4 P. 01. day (luring the months of lunc, July and Austust, 1685. 'ti i. M. I' INi, City Chamberlain. -- 4 r.:.r. Si. 30.04 •• .08 5.00 122.4 28.76 29.33 Adopted by the hoard of Aldermen. April 20, 1885. (jjrce of tine City Paymaster. ,. Received from his Honor the Mayor, April 3o, 1585, • = P. •.1, 52. 30.25 •99 5.00 121.8 29.44 29.58 ,ut his approval or objections thereto there. 1o. 33 Reade street, Stewart Pui6: . - 55nh•, \l oR FALts, City Paymaster. lore, is prep id^.'. in section 75, chapter 41o, Laws of ,. 120.0 30.20 50.20 P.M. 8_. 30.05 •99 5.00 I59z the same -canto adopted. [Average. 29.67 1RANCISJ. TWOMEY, LA\V DEPARTMENT. Clerk Common Council. (?,Wce of the Couns,'t to the C'or, , atz ',z. P.M. So. • 30.24 Municipal..... •94 3.00 120.0 29.12 29.12 Staats Zeitung Building, third floor, ,~ A. .1. t s_ .'e. Saturdays, 9 A. M. to I'. St. ENECCTIVE DEPARTMENT. 4 .95 5.00 121.2 23.92 33.22 ,n -. I2 at. Si. 3o.oSS " .... .tJly'or's (/ Sc,' E. HENRY Lsco>tce, Counsel to the ANDREW 1. C.sotet;ELL, Chief Clerk. S. 2o.f_ '• .... 5.00 I CO.G 30.c0 30.00 No 6 City Hall, 20 -5. M. to 3 P. M. .94 WILLIAM R. GRACE, Mayor; RICH.IRD J. ,NIORRis- C?/lice ,f the Pu/eic Adnz:nistratrr. No. 49 Beckman street, o A. M. to 4 , . ' I. 4.301.1.1. 'I. 30.04 .93 5,00 i20.0 29.98 29.98 SON, Secretary; \VILLLSOt L. Tunontz, Chief Clerk. ALGERNON S. SULLIVAN, Puhllc Administrst '.. „ DLzyor's .'lfzro.Sal's ()//ice. .. .. 89. 30.15 .... -93 5.00 120.0 30,30 30.30 (fce of the Co,>Soration .dt/otoo:. No. I City Hall, q A.'.. to 4 P. M. No. 49 Ileekman street, 9 A. M. to 4 r. 84. 30.03 ., .... -93 5.00 117.0 31.44 30.65 TttostnS W. llveoe-., lost \Iar-hal. GEORGE W. L'ROU- N, jr., Second Marshal. \\ ILLIAM A. B vD, Corporation Attorncs -Average. 30.01 Permit Lr it, ue (tea. 1o. 13 City I{all, 9 A. ML to 4 P. at. POLICE DEPARTMENT. HENRY WOOD, Registrar. - - ..1. 78, 30.24 Equitable...... 92 5.00 I2I.8 31.22 31.69 Cenirai (ice. ,< 9 No. ;eo Mulberry street, q .t. '0. ' . IIA.'.i. So. 30.08 ...... 90 5.m 115 2 33.68 3 .33 COMMISSIONERS OF ACCOUNTS. SrFPHEN B. FRENCH, Prezident; R'u.u.%',:if.lil Rooms 114 and 115 Stewart Building, 9 A. M. to 4 F. H. Chief Clerk ; JOHN J. O'BRteo, Chief Bureau of Eleoi si . .89 5.00 £17.0 31.95 31.16 Ra. Ptrr,IAN, J. 1;. ADavcox. 3.3.0 P.ti. Si. 30.04 .. ..... „ .67 5.00 123.0 29.2'7 23.99 DEPARTMENT OF CHARITIES AND CORRFC AQUEDUCT COMMISSIONERS. - - P`.1 52. 30.15 .. ,.... ,. 88 I 5.00 123.0 23.90 30.69 TION. Room 209, Stewart Building, 5th floor, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. 'lue \l.evot, President ; JAMES W. ]ICCCLLOH, Sec- Central Ojfr:e. 82. .05 ., ...... „ SS 5.00 120.6 32.84 32.07 retary- ; BENJA-1IN S. CHt RCt, Chief Engineer. No.66 Third avenue, corner l5!sNsath street, 8.s .s. c!. Average. 31.32 to 5.30 1'. Si. THOMAS S. BReox.w, President : 5 11:.7 -I-E 1-'. liII!TT -N. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. Secretary. Ojfrce of Clerk j Common Council. P. M, 80. 3 0.21 Metropolitan... ~ Bray's Slit Unior„ ! .70 5.00 120.0 22.75 21.70 No. 3 City Hall, ro A. 1..t. to 4 P. N. FIRE DEl'AIN I Ml-NI. 1S 78. 30.10 •69~ 5.00 120.0 21.18 2I.I3 ADOLPH L. SANGER, President Board of Aldermen. FRANCIS J. T\s'IMrt, Clerk Compton Council. Office hours for all except wciisre other v ise n-,zedhnt i 29.86 .70 5.00 117.0 21.96 91.4; 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Saturdays, to 2 t•. at. 6.30 P.+L 84. City Library. Headquarters. _ 6 P.ot. 83. 30.06 .70 5.00 I 18.2 21.82 21.4; No. 22 City Hall, to A. 21. to 4 P. M. Nos. x55 and 157 Mercer _treat. I0.30A.1t. Si. 30.22 .70 5.00 :17.0 22.54 21.97 HENRY D. Pt.-RROV, President; C.-sRi. J0sss0, Sec- DEPARTMEN... OF PUBLIC \VORKS, retary. I;, A.M. 53. 30.06 .70 ' 5.00 (20.0 21.76 21.7( Commissioner's Ofce. Bureau of C/ of of Departm,' t7. No. 31 Chambers street, 9 .5. M. to 4 P. M. CHARLES O. SHAY, Chief of Department. Average. 21.52 ROLLIN Ai. J,;tIRE, Commissioner; DAVID Lo«eER SMITH, Deputy Commissioner. Bureau of Clue)' Engineer. HEALTH DEPARTMENT. A .: '- _ 10 F.M. 79. 30.21 Knickerbocker. .So 5.00 124.8 21.74 22.61 No. 31 Chambers street, 9.4. M. to 4 P. M. No. 301 , 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. •c I z. 10 A.M. So. 30.10 .79 5.07 120.0 33.52 33.52 GEORGE W. BIRDSALL, Chief Engineer. ALEXANDER SHALER, President ; Eststoss CLARK, Bureau of 8891/cr Register. Secretary. 6 P.,L 83. 'i 29.86 .79 5.00 120.6 22.42 22.5_ No. 31 Chambers street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. 5.30 P.>L 84. 30.o6 •79 5.00 120.0 22.16 22.r< Joxv H. CHAMBERS, Register. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PARKS. No. 36 Union Square, 9 A. M. tO 4 P. M. •76 5.00 118.8 22.12 21.95 Bureau of Street Inoror'e,nents. _r Io A.M. 80. 30.32 JOHN D. CRI MM INS, President ; CHARLES DE F. BURNS, No. 31 Chambers street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. .78 ~, 5.00 121.2 22.08 22.3) GEORGE A. JEREMIAH, Superintendent. Secretary. . :. 30 A.~t. 82. ! 30.c6 Civil and Topograjlliical Office. Average. 32.5< Engineer-in- Charge of Sewers. Arsenal, Sixty-fourth street and Fifth avenue, 9 A. M. No. 31 Chambers street, 9 A. I•l. to 4 P. M to 5 P. M. STEVENSON TusvLE, Engineer-m-Charge. Office of Superintendent of 23d and 24th Wards. Bureau of Repairs and Sufpkis. One Hundred and Forty-sixth street and Third ave- E. G. LOVE, PH, D., Gas Examiner No. 31 Chambers street, 9 A. M. to 4 F. M. nue, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. 'THOMAS H. McAvoy, Superintendent. Bureau of Water Purveyor. DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS. No. 31 Chambers street, 9 A. N. to 4 P. N. Nos. x17 and trg Duane street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. ALSTON CULVER, Water Purveyor JOSEPH KocH, President; JOHN T. CUMING, Secretary. Stttereem o i sapoxio F.'rce En:plo}'ed in the Department of 'Public Works during the !1'00,1 Office hours from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. daily, except Satur. ending August 29, i885. Bureau of Lamj's and Gas. days; on Saturdays as follows; from September 15 to No. 31 Chambers street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. June 15, from 9 A.M. to 3 P. M. ; from June 15 to Septem. STEPHEN MCCORMICK, Superintendent. her 15, from 9 A, M. to I2 M Bu, eau of Streets. DEPARTMENT OF TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS 3,ATO Rh: OF WORK. ALECHAulci. I,ABORERS. TEAMS. CART, No. 31 Chambers street, g A. AL tO 4 P. M. Geo. E. BABCOCK, Superintendent. Staats Zeitung Building, Tryon Row, 9 A. M. to 4 P.M. Saturdays, 3 P.M. Aqueduct-Repairs, maintenance and strengthening...... 79 Ig8 9 7 Bureau of Incumbrances. MICHAEL COLEMAN, President: FLOVD T. SMITH, No. 32 Chambers street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Secretary. Supplying water to shipptng ...... 6 j I .. JOSEPH BLUMENTHAL, Superintendent. Office Bureau Collection of Arrears of Personal Taxes. Brown-stone Building, City Hall Park, Q~ A. M. tO 4 P. M. Laying Croton-pipes ...... 4 18 .. ~, s Keeyfer at Buildings in City I-4I1l Park. MARTIN I. KEESE, City Hall. CHARLES S. BEARDSLEV, Attorney; WILLIAM COM- ERFORD, Clerk. Bronx River Works-Maintenance and repairing...... 2 I tI .. I FINANCE DEPARTMENT. Repairs and renewal of pipes, stop-cocks, etc...... 44 152 .. I 10 DEPARTMENT OF STREET CLEANING. Comptrolier's Office. Repairing and cleaning sewers...... 32 ., 16 Nos. 31 and 32 , " World " Building, Rooms 4 No. is Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broad. 8 and 9,A. M. to 4 P. M. Repairs and renewal of pavements and regrading...... - 1 way, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. JAMES S. COLEMAN, Commissioner; JACOB SEABOLD, 34 409 •• 93 EDWARD V. LOESS', Comptroller ; RICHARD A. STORES Deputy Commissioner; M. J. MoRRISSON, Chief Clerk. Deputy Comptroller. Boulevards, roads, etc.-Maintenance of ...... 6 35 15 3 Auditing Bureau...... 50 3 2 CIVIL SERVICE SUPERVISORY AND EXAMIN. Roads, streets and avenues, unpaved Nos. Ig, 21, 23 Stewart Building, Chambers street and ING BOARDS. Broadway, p A. M. tO 4 P. M. Room No. ii, City Hall. WM. J. LvoN, Auditor of Accounts. EvERare P. WHEELER, Chairman of the Advisory 'Iota.;...... 279 ! 905 27 134 DAVID E. AUSTEN, Deputy Auditor. Board; CHARLES H. WOODMAN, Secretary and Executive Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears Officer, of Taxes and At2essmeri2 and of Water Rents. Increase over previous week ...... 2 .. •• .• Nos. 31, 33, 35, 37. 39 Stewart Building, Chambers BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT. street and Broadway. 9 A. M. to 4 P. N. ecrease from previous week ...... •• •• Office of Clerk, Staats Zeitung Building, Room 5. D I ARTEMAS S. CADY, Collector of Assessments and Clerk of Arrears. The MAYOR, Chairman ; CHARLES V. ADea, Clerk. SEPTEMBER 9, 1885, THE CITY RECORD. 1969

BOARD OF ASSESSORS. No estimate will be received or considered unless accom. POLICE DEPARTMENT—CITY OF NEW YORK, makin-, the estimate, that theseveral mattersstated there- Olice, City Hall, Room No. Irr2, 9 A.M. to 4 P, M. p anied byy either a certified check upon n 0ne of the OFFICE or THE PROPERTY CLERK (ROU11 No. 9), in are in all respects true. Where more than one person National Banks of the City of New York, drawn to the El ma!:u Gu.oN, Chairman ; WM. H. JASPER, Secretary. NO. 300 MULBERRY STICEET, is interested, it is requisite that the verification be made order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of five NEW YORK,t88 5 . and subscribed by all the parties interested. per centum of thu amount of the security required for the Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied b WNERS WANTED BY THE PROPERTY y the con- BOARD OF EXCISE, faithful perf,rrm.rnce of the contract. Such check or sent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders in the money must NOT be enclosed in the sealed envelope O Clerk of the Police Department of the City of New City of New York, with their respective places of busi- Corner and , 9 A. At. to 4 P.M. containing the estimate, but must be handed to the officer York, No. 300 Mulberry street, Room No. 9, for the following property, now in ]us custody, without claim- ness or residence, to the effect that if the contract be NICHOLAS HAUGHTON, President; JouN K. PERIEV or clerk of the Department who has charge of the Esti- awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, on Secretary and Chief Clerk. mate-box, and no estimate can be depo,ited in said box ants : Boats, rope, iron, lead, male and female clothing, its being so awarded, become bound as his sureties for its hoots, shoes, wine, blankets, diamonds, canned goods, until such check or money has been examined by said f,ithful performance; and that if he shall omit or re- officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, liquors, etc., also small amount money taken from fuse to execute the same, they shall SHERIFF'S OFFICE. prisoners and found by patrolmen of this Department Pay to the Coy p.,rc- except that of the successful bidder, will be returned tion any difference betwcet the sum to which he would Nos. 3 and 4 New County Court-house, 9 A. nt. to 4 P. M. to the persons nuking the same, within three days after be emitted on its compl Lion, and that which the Cor- the contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall JOHN F. HARRIOT, ALEXANDER V. DAVIDSON, Sheriff; AEON ARons, Property Clerk. poration may be obliged to pay to the person or per- Under Sheriff; DAVin MCGONIOAI , Order Arrest Clerk refuse or neglect, within five days after notice that sons to whom the contract may be awarded at any subse- the contract his been awarded to him, to execute the queut letting; the amount in each case to lie calculated same, the amount of the deposit made by him shall be upon the esti mated amount of the work by which the bids DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PARKS forfeited to and be retained by the City of New York, as THE CITY RECORD. are tested. 'lire consent shove mentioned shall lie accnm- liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal ; bait if p:mied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each oft he he shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid, CITY OF New YORK, OPIES OF THE CITY RECORD CAN BE I personssi,gutng the same that he is a householder or free- the amount of his deposit will be returned to him ' holder in the City of New York, and is worth the amount DEPARTMENT t1P PUOLIC Panics, Blank forms for estimates may be obtained by appli- C obtained at No. 2 City Hall 'northwest corner 36 UNtoN So ARE, of the security required for the completion of this contr.,,,t, cation to the undersigned, at his office in the Central basement;. Price three cents each. September 9, 1885. J over and above all his dehtsofevery nature, and over at~rl Department. above his liabilities as bail, surety, or otherwise ; and t Lot ROPERTY-OWNERS INTERESTED IN THE By order of the Board. I he has offered hinrselfas a surety in good f,rith and 1% i th 1), c P proposed adoption, by the Department of Public WILLIAM H. KIPP, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHAR- intention to execute the bond required by section rz of Parks, of the streets and places heretofore laid out on Chief Clerk. ITIES AND CORRECTION. chapter 7 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of New the so-called "Jumel property" north of One Hundred NEW Yottie, September 5, 1885. I York, if the contract shall be awarded to the person or and Fifty-ninth street in the Twelfth Ward by the owners persons for whom he consents to become surety. The of said property are requested to call at the office of the Pr SLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF NEW YOIite, Dc1'antroir:\T OF PUCLIC Cmi..s111I7F.5 AND CORRECTION,) adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered to be Department, 36 Union Square, within ten days from date 300 MULnpRRY STREET. No. 66 '1'11 HtD AVENUE, I approved by the Comptroller of the City of New York. and examine the map showing such streets and places No bid or estimate wi!1 be considered unless accom- and state, in writing, any objection they may have to its panied by either it certified check upon one of the adoption. TO CONTRACTORS. National hanks of the City of New York, drawn to the By order of the Department of Public Parks. TO CONTRACTORS. order of the Comptroller, or money, to the amount of Ii C e CHARLES DE F. BURNS, per ceutum of the amount of the security required fur the Secretary. PROPOSALS FOR ESTIMATES. I faithful performance of the contract. Such chc, r PROPOSALS FOR GROCERIES, DRY money must NOT be inclosed in the sealed envelope co u. GOODS, HARDWARE, LUMBER, ETC. taming tItrr estimate, but must be h:mJed to the oliiccr u,r CITY OF NEW YORK, 1 EALED ESTIMATES FOR SUPPLYING THE clerk of the Department who hascbarge oftire Esti ill .a' - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC P,se:Ks, S Police Department with Stationery and Printing for box, and no estimate can be deposited i u said bo.' I ''' i i 36 UNION SZU-ARE:, election purposes will be received at the Central Office EALED BIDS OR Es IIMA'I'ES FOR FURNISH- such check or money has been examined by said „uu , September 9, x885. I of the IJepartment of Police in the City of New York, S ing or clerk and found to be correct. All such de 7,o until ro o'clock a. At. of Friday, the i 8th clay of September, GROCERIES. except that of the successful bidder, will be return ROPERTY-OWNERS IN I'h:RESTED IN THE the persons milking the same within three days af.•r urn: opening of East One Hundred rod Eighty-fourth x885. P The person or persons making an estimate shall furnish 6,000 pounds Dairy Butter ; sample on exhibition contract is awarded. If the succe'sful bidder shall rata- , treet, from Webster avenue to Jerome avenue, in the Thttrsday, September Io, 1885. or neglect, within live days after notice that the coati-, Twenty-fourth Ward, are requested to call at the office the same in a scaled envelope, indorsed " Estimate for , Furnishing Stationery and Printing," and with his or e,000 pounds Dried Apples. has been awarded to him, to execute the same, :'c of the Department of Public Parks, Nn. 36 Union Square, a,wo pounds 1larar:aibo Coffee, roasted, amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeit' ,' t„ within ten days from date, and examine the grade and their name or names, : of the date of presentation to the head of said Department at the said office, on or before 1,000 pounds Cheese. and retained by the City of New York as liqui, m.mumeut map, plan, and profile, showing said street as x,000 pounds Pepper 'whole). damages for such neglect or refusal ; but, if he shall us-. - proposed to b,.c laid out and ectaldtslred by said Dei,art- the day and hour above named, at which time and place the estimates received will be publicly opened by the Imo pounds Pure Ground Pepper, 32-lb. papers. cute the contract Within the time aforesaid, the auto ni; nient, and make known any objections they may have 4,coo pounds Prunes. of It us deposit will be returned to him. thereto before final onion is taken in the matter. head of said Department, and read, an el the award of the 500 barrels good sound Irish Potatoes, to weigh 168 Should the perso r or persons to whom the contract m.+v 1 I;y order of the Department of Public Parks. contract trade to the lowest bidder with adequate security e as soa,n thereafter as practicable. pounc!s net per barrel. awarded non lector refuseto accept the contract within 'Ili CHARLES DE F. BURNS, For particulars as to the quantity and kind of stationery too bags Bran !go pounds each). days alter written notice that the same hits been aw..r..03 Secretary. and printing required, reference most be made to the :oo bags Fine Meal (to' pounds each;. to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or they accept, I ut specifications, blank forms of which may be obtained at 420 quintals priors quality Grand Bank Codfish, to do not execute the contract and give the proper sectiro ~,, the office of the Chief Clerk in the Central Department. be perfect] well cured, and to average not lie or they shall lie considered as having abandon,,! t, Biiders will state a price for the work and material less than five pounds each ; to be delivered and as in defru!t to the Corporation ; and the conlmcu POLICE DEPARTMENT. ftirnished in accordance with the specifications. The as required in boxes of four quintals each. will be readvertised and relet as provided by law. price must be written in the bid, and stated in Scums. 6 dozen ('iherkins, pints 'IS, Ri C.). 7%re quality ojt ke articles, srrj5Sl/es, g oorts, w,e,-,'o, „ ;. so dozen Caroled Salmon. merchandise Burst cwt/arm in r ✓ .RTMENT ',F THE CITY of New YORK, Permission will not be given for the withdrawal of any e,y reryect to the r.r ,i, - 2,900 dozen Fresh Eggs, all to be candled. jSles of tine same, res secti'vely, at Die office of Eli' r e, 301 %It7LTiEt0,V STrEET. bid or estimate, and the right is expressly reserved by the head of said Department to reject any or all bids DeoarUUent. Bidders are caxta'ued to exanein, r.. which may be deemed prejudicial to the public interests. DRY GOODS. specr/icatrorts for particrrlcrs of the articles, etc., rr- II) CONTRACTORS. No estimates will he accepted from, or a contract greired, bgfore matrix EAeir estimates. awanled to, any person who is in arrears to the Corpora- ion pieces Crinoline. Bidders will state the prices for each article, by which PROPOSALS FOR ESTIMATES. tion upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as 6o dozen Handkerchiefs. the bids will be tested. surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corpo. to boxes Green Picture Cord, No. 5. Bidders will write out the amount of their estimate in ration. 200 dozen Women's Stuekiugs. addition to inserting the same in figures. S1 :1 ,11 , ESTI\IAI'ES Fr)R SUPPLYING The entire quantity of stationery and printing is to be 2,000 yards Furniture Check. Payment will be made by a requisition on the Co rip. I ice Department with two thousand tot, of put up in boxes and delivered at such times and places Soo yards White Flcuuel. troller, i-sued on the completion of the contract, or from be.,t ytud'uv of Lehi It Coal, will Ire received at the and in such quantities in each place, as shall be directed 500 yards Blue Flannel. time to time, as the Commissioners may determine. Central Office of the Department of Police, in the City by the Chief of the Bureau of Elections, 1,000 yards Linen Diaper. Bidders are informed that no deviation front the speci- of New York, until 'en o'clock a. II., of Friday, the The person or persons to whom the contract may be 30,000 yards Brown Muslin. fications will be allowed, unless under the written instruc- Oils day of Septeml er, x885. awarded will be required to give security for the per- 30,000 yards Bandage Muslin. tion of the Commissioners of Public Charities and re person r per,.,u; making an estimate shall furnish forntance of the contract in the manner prescribed by 4,000yards Awning Stripes. Correction. the same in a coaled envelope, indorsed ' Estimate for law, in the stun of FIVE 'THOUSAND DOLLARS. 4,000 yards Hickory Stripes. No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract Furni.hing Coal, " and with his o: their name or names, Each estimate shall contact and state the name 8,coo yards Ticking. awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor- and the date of presentation, to the heal of said Dcpart- and place of residence of each of time persotts making the poration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as mcnt, at the said office, on or before the day and (tour sure ; the names of all persons interested with him or HARDWARE, LE.ITII ER, ETC. surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corpora- above named, at which time and place the estimates re- them therein ; ancl if no other person be so interested, it tioI1. C,. trod will be publicly opened by the Ties .1, 1 said Depart- shall distinctly state that fact ; also that it is made without r2 dozen Cast Butts, 3 doz. each, z-in., 2;z -in., 3-in. the form of the agreement, including specifications, ment and rea -1, and the .,vvard of th, contract made to any connection with any other person making an estimate 25 quires Emery Cloth, assorted. and showing the manner of payment, can be obtained at t'.e lowest bidder with adcgaate security as soon there- for the sane purpose, and is in all respects fair and without 'Co Pick Handles. the office of the Department. roe Sledge Hammer Handles. after as practicable. collusion or fraud ; and that no member of the Common Dated New York, August 31, 1385. For partinul..x+ as to the quality, kind and size of coal Council, Head ofa Department, Chief of a Bureau,Deputy Run Striking Hammer Handles. 20 kegs Cut Nails, half each 6d and rod, required, reference must Lc :rado to the specificatir.ns, thereof or Clerk therein, or other officer of the Corpora- THOMAS S. BRENNAN, blank Corms of which may' be obt, fined at the office of the tion, is directly or indirectly interested therein, or in the 20 gross Table Spoons. 2 casks best quality Zinc, No, g. HENRY H. PORICR. Chief Clerk iu ifw Central Deparunent. supplies or work to which it relates, or in any portion of CHARLES E. SIMIMONs, Kidder. v:ill state rr I.rice per tm of two thou=.and the profits thereof. The estimate must be verified by 6 dozen Paint Brushes, 6-. to dozen Sash Took, half each Nos, 6 and S. Commissioners ofthe Deparuncnt of t~nunds for the coal to be deli' eyed 'see eighth paragraph the oath, in writing, of the party or parties making the Public Charities and Correction of the specifications . 'I he price must be written in the estimate, that the several matters stated therein are in all 51r0 side, good damaged Sole Leather, to average IS bid, and st:.tcd in 1i ures. Permission va!1 not he given re.pectstrue. Where more than one pers,n isinterested, to 20 pounds. fc r the withdra.val of any bid or estim:m_, rind the right it is requisite that the v.ritication be made and subscribed DEPARTMENT uF PUBLIC CHARITIES AND CORRriCTiON, is .-xpres


FINANCE DEPARTMENT. I EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE the several houses and lots of ground, vacant lots, pieces P owner or owtters, occupant or occupants of all and parcels of land situated on— NEW YORK, September z, 1885. houses and lots. improved or unimproved lands affected No. I. Both sides of Forty-second street, from Second CORPORATION SALE OF THE IRON thereby, that the following assessment has been com- avenue to the East river. BELL-TOWER, No. 253 SPRING pleted and is lodged in the office of the Board of Asses- No. z. Both sidesof Forty-second street, from First STREET. TO CONTRACTORS AND BIDDERS ON sors, for examination by all persons interested, viz. : avenue to the East river, and to the extent of half the FIFTH AVENUE REPAVING \\'ORK. List x816, No. I. Sewer in Ninth avenue, between One block at the intersection of First avenue. HE COMPTROLLER OF THE CITY OF NEW Hundred and Fifty-second and One Hundred and Fifty- No. 3. Both sides of Forty-second street, from Fifth T York will sell at Public Auction on Monday, Sep- fifth streets, and in One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street, avenue to the East river ; both sides of Forty-first street between Ninth avenue and Avenue St. Nicholas. and Forty-third street, front Second avenue to the East tember z8, 1885, at Iz o'clock noon, a the Comptrollers PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, THAT A MEETING river, and both sides of First and Second avenues, from uTice, Stewart building, corner Broalway and Chambers of the Board appointed under chapter 371, Laws of The lints embraced by such assessment include all the several houses and lots of ground, vacant lots, pieces Fortieth to Forty-fourth street. street, th• . iS 5, to consider such proposals, plans and specifications No. 4. Both sides of Forty-second street, from Fifth IRON BELL-TOWER, which Ina}- be before them for and parcels of land situated on— No. I. Both sides of Ninth avenue, from One Hun- avenue to the East river ; both sides of Forty-first and l Dewed in rear of the quarters of Engine Company No. Forty-third streets, from Second avenue to the East o, at No. 253 Spring street, consisting of REPAVING FIF'L'H AVENUE, FROM NINTH dred and Fifty-first to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth 5I'REEr TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF street ; both sides of One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street, river, and both sides of First and Second avenues, from 66 cast-iron Column., it feet 7 inches high, g inches 1 Fortieth to Forty-fourth streets. NINFI'1ETH STREI' I', EXCEF'1 '1HE FIVE from Ninth avenue to Avenue St. Nicholas t and west diameter. No. 5. Both sides of Lexington avenue, from One ro ost-iron Steps. IiLt)CKd FROM THE KIJI:'I H SIDE OF side of Public Drive, from one Hundred and Fifty-fifth 1'HIRT'Y-SECOND STREET F0 'THE SUUFH to One Hundred and Fifty-seventh street. Hundred and Second street to Harlem river, and to the sets c:ut-iron Girders. extent of half the block at the intersecting streets, - ti: pounds about o Wrought Iron, Anchor Rods, etc. SIDE OF THIRTY-SEVEN I'H SFREEF, All persons whose interests are affected by the above- cubic yards about Stone Foundation. named assessment, and who are opposed to the same, or No. 6. Both sides of One Hundred and tenth street, —will sleet at the flavor's office, on'1'hursday, Septem- either of them, are requested to present their objections from First avenue to the Riverside Drive, and to the her Io, aco , at , ,o'clock 1. Ni. in writing to the Chairman of the Board of Assessor, extent of half the block at the intersecting avenues. TERMS o' SALE. By advice of the Counsel to the Corporation, the Board No. 7. cloth sides of , from Ninety- A.1 the material of the Bell-Tosser will be sold in one at their office, No. ii~~ City Hall, within thirty days 1_t for cash, to be paid at the time and place of sale. The will decline to c,msider the proposal of any bidder who from the date of this notice. ninth to One Hundred and Fifth street, and to the extent }.Ircilaser mutt remove the whole. including the f unda- has withdrawn his deposit of twenty-five thousand The above-described list will be transmitted, as pro- of half the block at the intersecting streets. ti.'n, within ten days from the date of the sale, and leave dollars. vided by law, to the Board of Revision and Correction of No. 8. Both sides of Fifth aveuuo, from Fifty-fourth to) Fifty rh.e premises free from all the materi..l, and the ground By order of the Board. Assessments for confirmation, on the nod day of Septem- -ninth street, and blocks bounded by Fifth and -n which the tower stands to be leveled and graded, sub. JOHN S. ROUT'H, Secretary. ber, ensuing. Sixth avenues, Fifty-fourth and Fifty-ninth streets. .., the approval of the Engineer of the Finance EDWARD I:ILON, Chairman, No. q. Both sides of Lexington avenue, front One Hun. PATRICK M. HAVi.RTY, dred and Fourth to One Hundred and '17tirty-first I{4 lrtment. I \f aY 'R's OFFICE street, and to the extent of half the block at the inter- EDWARD V. LOEW, NEW YORRK, May 13, 1885. j CHAS. E. WEND'1', Comptroller VAN BRUGH LIVINGSTON, secting streets. Board of Assessors. No. to. Both sides of Forty-third street, from Second 1'IT) .,F New Y C'RK—FINANCE DEPARTMENT, T N PURSUANCE OF 'TIE ORDINANCE to Third avenue, and to the extent of half the block at C. al' 1 OC. LES'S ! )FFICE. September 8, r885. : appr,,v,d April 30, 1877, and amended June r, 1877, OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF ASSESSORS, the intersecting avenues. untitled " An c rdinance to prevent the danger of hydro- No. x15'2 CIeY HALL, 1( No. ti, Both sides of Fourth avenue, from One Hun. C1:', , I' Now 1s,oK. ph:. ,ia to any of the inhabiumtsof the City of New York;' NEW YORL-, August no, 1885. Bred and 'Twenty-fourth to One Hundred and Thirty- not;ee is hereby ;_icon that all dos tound at large in the third street, and to the extent of half the block at the Cite of New York , n and after June I, iSSS, contrary to UL'LIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO 1'HE intersecting streets. .Iptlst :I. I: `5. such ordinance, will be seized and disposed of as provided P owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all No. tz Both sides of Fourth avenue, from One Hun. there n. houses and lots, improved or unimproved lands affected dyed and Sixteenth to One Hundred and 'Twenty-fourth The Dog Pound at the foot of Sixteenth street, East thereby, that the following assessment has been com- street, and to the extent of half the block at the inter- NOTICE l u PRUPERTV-O\\NERS. river, is hereby designated as the place where dog- so pleted ands lodged in the office of the Board of Asses- secting streets. ca1-t'.Ired mast In .,ehverccl to the keeper thereof. The sors, for examination by all persons interested, viz. No. r;. Both sides of Eighth avenue, from One Hu:,- be open from eight o'clock a. ti., untl five peel w ill List 1726, No. I. Sewer in Ninth accuue, east side, dred sod "Twenty-fifth to One I hundred and Forty-titti \ PURSUANCrI OF SECTION 00 7 OF THE o'clock t'. al.. daily, Sundays excepted, on and actor the I •' New Y,.rk Ci.y Cons l,d.aio.; Act ~rt x33_," the between One Hundred and Forty-eighth, and One Hun- street, and to the extent of half the block at the inter. first day of June next. dre.l and Fifty-second streets, connecting with present scoringstreets. Lomptroher c t.: C,ttt of - ,. t Ie', of pu , .e "\' R. ('RACE, Afoyer. ..pace to ail person.;, ;corers of proper[\., lh~ct j be the ' sewer in Avenue St. Nicholas. --111 persons whose interests are affected by the above- assessment list for the OI' ilinz ef— -- - - - The limits embraced by such assessment include all named assessments, and who are opposed to the same, 's Onc Hundred and Fortieth streer, between Sevent!: the several houses :utd lots of ground, vacant lots, pieces either of them, are requested to present their objection- and parcels of land situated— in writing to the Cha,rntan of the Board of Assess. 'r-. andE);bcIawomsav,whichwasco:hnedb\theeu:nom_ CORPORATION NOTICE. Court. August I t, ISS;, and entur,cl ,.n the 24th dAv _ No. t. East side r f Ninth avenue. from One Hundred at their office, No. in City flall, [within thirty clay August, I::5. in the Accord of Title- cf Assess:„erts. - - - --- ~– - and Forty-eighth to One Hun,lred and Fifty-second from the (late of this nonce. ;;ept in the "Burvall for the Collection of Assessmects [loll' .oJfl'l In llFIEBY GIVEN '1'0 THE street, also property bounded be One Hundred and The above-described lists will be transmitted, a': ­d Arrears of 'moos a;d Assessments and of Water P o -r , to noes, -- __ttpant or occupants of all Fiftieth and t)ne Hundred and Fifty-second streets, vided by law, to the Uo;trd of Revision and Correoi, n Rens.'' that unle~ the amount ass cod for benefit on sass houses Ott: Its, isip ro se'.1 o: uui:nprnved lands affected Avenue St. Nicholas and Ninth avenue. Assessments for con tirmation, on the tutu day of . croon or properrt- shall be ,'aid within sixty doss after thereby, that the following assessment has beLn cot. All persons whose interests are affected by the above- tentber ensuing. c date cf eai-.1 entry of the assessment, interest will bu p'.oted amt is I, dged in the othce of the Board, of Asses- named assessment, and who arc opposed to the same, or EDWARL) GILON, Chairman, r.--Iltcted thereonas provided in section oyS ofsaid ”\ew L so:, fur exa,nutation by all ;'1ersous teem:sd, viz. : either of then, are requested to present their objections PATRICK M. IIAVER'fV, York City Ccnsoliriation Act of ISCz." List I90q, No. I. Regulating. grading, setting curb and in writing to the Chairman c.f the Board of Assessors, at CHAS. E. WENDT, Section aqo of the said act provides that, '' If any such gutter stones an 3 fl sgging S:xty-second street, from their otiice, No. I Ij City Hall, within thirty days from VAN BRUGH LIVINGSTON. .a