THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. VOL. XIII. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1885. N r,1nER 3, 39. MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. Alderman Cleary moved that the Committee on Railroads be dlischarged (ruin the further con- sideration of the following : Resolved, That Tuesday, the 22d day of September, 1885, at eleven o'clock A.M., in the chamber of the Board of Aldermen, be and is hereby designated as the time and place when and where the application of the Ifarlem Bridge, Morrisania and Fordham Railway Company to the Common Council of the City of New York, for its consent for the construction, maintenance and operation of the street surface railroad proposed to be constructed and maintained by said company as mentioned in their petition for such consent, will be first considered ; and that public notice be given by the Clerk of this Board, by hublis}ting the same for fourteen days, excluding Sundays, in two daily newspapers of and published in this city, to be designated therefor by his Ilonorthe Mayor, accord- ing to the provisions ofchapter 252 of the Laws of 1884, such advertising to be at the expense of the petitioner. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which was decided in the affirmative. Alderman Cleary moved to amend the resolution by striking out the words and figure, '' Tues- day, the 22tl clay of September, 1885, at eleven," before the word "o'clock," and inserting in lieu thereof the worsts and figures, '' 1Vecluesday, the 3oth day of September, 1885, at twelve." The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said motion. Which was ''.ecicled in the affirmative. The President then put the question whether ti:c L'oaal v:uulol .sgrce with sa:d resolution as amende 1. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. Which was decided in the affirmative. By Alderman Hall — Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he i. 1,i:rcl v authonzei an, l lirecte'i S l'A1'F.l) SESSION. to lay water-mains in Thirty-first street, between First avenue .roil E.t,t river, uur;nant to section 356 cf the New York City Consolidation Act. 3Ci1t:. t)r .\L.DERMRN. Which was referred to the Committee on Public Works. By Alderman O'Dwyer- I UESDAY, September 8, 1885, t Resoh'etl, That p_rmission be and the same is hereby given to Fro crick krucdclbach to plat, I o'clock P. M. I and keep a post nine feet high, with sign two feet wide by two and a half feet long, on the sidewalk; blot I'>oii,l inrt in their chamber, An. t6 ('fly Ball. near the curb, in fruit of No. 740 Sixth avenue, provided such post and sign shall not be an of struction to the free use of the street by the public ; such permission to continue only rI.uing the L'R1;SLNT :, pleasire of the Common Council. The l're,ident put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. lion. Adolph L. Sanger, President Which was decided in the affirmative. ALl,ERMEN By Alderman Brown— (icurdc B. Brown, Bartholomew F. Kenney, Edward F. O'Dwyer, Resolved, That Croton water-mains be laid in One Hundred and Twenty-third -utet. Irun: Thomas Cleary, Patrick Ii. Kerwin, John (luinn, Eighth avenue to New avenue, as provided in chapter 381, I.a cs : 1579. James A. Cowie, Peter L. %lasterson, Charles I-I. Reilly, \Wrich was referred to the Committee on Public W'Vorks. Robert L. De Lacy, Owen McGinnis, Thomas Rothman, By Alderman Cleary— Frederick Flock, Michael McKenna, James T. Van Rensselaer, Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Lorenzo haraventa to place and Robert 1-gall, Arthur J. McQuade, Thomas 1'. Walsh. keep a stand for the sale of fruit, etc., on the sidewalk, near the curl,, in lrut of No. 88 Wall street, The minutes of meetings of August 17 and 21 were read and approved. provided such stand shall not be an obstruction to the free use of the street by the public, nor exceed five feet long by two and one-half feet wide ; such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Common Council. PETITIONS. L'v Alderman Masterson— The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which was decided in the affirmative. Petition of seventy thousand citizens of the City of New York, asking the Common Council to give their consent to the construction of the system of railways of the New York Cable Railway By the same— Company, which, by its charter, is required to carry passengers on all its routes for a single five- Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Oscar Reumrt to place a trian- cent fare—transfer tickets free. gular sign on the curb-line in front of premises No. 231 Broadway, said sign to be remuve.l lions in Which was referred to the Committee on Railroads. front of said premises each night ; such permission to continue only during the plc.tsi.tre of the Common Council. By Alderman Cleary— The President put the question whether the hoard tisould agree with said resolution. Two petitions of the Houston, West Street and Pavonia Ferry Railroad Company, for permis- Which was decided in the affirmative. sion to extend its route as follows : By the same— NEW YORK, September 8, 1885. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Gcur.dc lavt., to retain an awn- Ye the C•onrmon Council of the City of tl rw York tirg in front of his premises No. 454 Canal street, the work dune at his own expense, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; such permission to continue only during the The petition of the °' Houston, West Street and Pavonia Ferry Railroad Company," respect- pleasure of the Common Council. fully shows : The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. 'That they are a corporation heretofore organized for the purpose of building and operating a Which was decided in the affirmative, street surface railroad, and have built and operated such railroad. That, in pursuance of chapter 252 of the Laws of 1884, entitled 10 An act to provide for the By the same— construction, extension, maintenance and operation of street surface railroads and branches thereof Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to William Von Glahn to place and in cities, towns and villages," passed May 6, 1884, the said company has decided to construct, retain a wire sign on awning in front of premises No. 322 Washington street, corner of Jay street maintain and operate a branch of their road now in operati in as hereinafter described. such permission to continue only (luring the pleasure of the Common Council. Beginning at the intersection of Stanton and Pitt streets (from which point their track now in The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. operation leaves Manton street an.i runs northerly through Pitt street and Avenue C), through and Which was decided in the affirmative. along Stanton street by a single track to 1\fangin street ; thence through and along Margin street by a single track from Stanton street to Houston street ; also through and along Goerck street by a By the same— single track from Stanton street to East Third street ; thence through and along East Third street Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to John Contrell to place and keep by a single track from Goerck street to Avenue C ; also through and along East Houston street a stand for the sale of merchandise on the sidewalk, near the curb, in front of No. 89 Cortlandt with a double track easterly from Goerck street to the Houston Street Ferry, with the necessary street, provided such stand shall not be an obstruction to the 'free use of the street by the public; such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Common Council. switches, sidings, turn-outs and turn-tables. Wherefore your petitioners pray that your Honorable Body will, in pursuance of the provisions The president put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. of the act above mentioned, consent on behalf of the said City of New York to the construction and Which was decided in the affirmative. operation of such branch railroad as aforesaid, and your petitioners will ever pray. By the same— R. KELLY, President. Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and and lie is hereby requested to cause D. B. II ASBROUCK, S_cretary. the crosswalk in front of No. 15 West street to be repaired. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which was decided in the affirmative. New YORK, September 8, 1885. Alderman McKenna moved that the Committee on Police and Health Departments be discharged To the Common Council of the City of <te.0 York.' rom the further consideration of the following : The petition of the "Houston, West Street and Pavonia Ferry Railroad Company " respect- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHARITIES AND CORRECTION, fully shows : That they are a corporation heretofore organized for the purpose of building and operating a COMSlISSIONERS' OFFICE, No. 66 THIRD AVENUE, (I` street surface railroad and have built and operated such railroad. NEW YORK, August 4, 1885. That, in pursuance of chapter 252 of the Laws of 1884, entitled "An act to provide for the Hon. A. L. SANGER, President of Board of Aldermen : construction, extension, maintenance and operation of street surface railroads and branches thereof SIR—At a meeting of the Board of Public Charities and Correction held this day, it was in cities, towns and villages," passed May 6, 1884, the said company has decided to construct, main- •esolved that in accordance with section 64, Laws of 1882, the consent of your Honorable Board be tain and operate a branch of their road now in operation as hereinafter describe,! •equested for the letting of the work of constructing new sewer and connections, including new Beginning at the intersection of Houston and \Vest streets ; thence upon and along West street )lumbing and necessary repairs to the present system] in Insane Asylum Building on \'l'ard's Island, to a point one hundred feet north of the northerly curb-line of Morton street ; thence to the Hoboken or which an appropriation has been made, without advertising the same for public competition.
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