Agreed or imposed? A study of employers’ responses to statutory recognition applications. Robert Poole WARWICK PAPERS IN INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS NUMBER 71 April 2003 Industrial Relations Research Unit University of Warwick Coventry CV4 7AL UK e-mail:
[email protected] Editor’s forward The Warwick Papers in Industrial Relations series publishes the work of members of the Industrial Relations Research Unit and people associated with it. The papers may be of topical interest or require presentation outside the normal conventions of a journal article. A formal editorial process ensures that standards of quality and objectivity are maintained. This paper is based on research undertaken for a dissertation submitted in part fulfilment of the requirements of the MA in Industrial Relations and Personnel Management at Warwick Business School. The author plans to undertake further analysis and interpretation of the data collected but it was felt that early publication of some key findings in this area of academic and policy interest would be valuable. Jim Arrowsmith Acknowledgements The author would like to thank Professor Linda Dickens, Industrial Relations Research Unit, The University of Warwick Business School as well as John Thorpe and Simon Gouldstone of the CAC for their help and support with the research presented here. Appreciation also goes to all the employers and trade union officials who gave their time to complete questionnaires and particular thanks to those who gave even more of their time to participate in research interviews. Special thanks go to Jim Arrowsmith for his considerable time, effort and advice in editing this paper. The normal disclaimer applies.