DISTRICT OF SOOKE Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 2225 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on January 6, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Bev Berger Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Kevin Pearson Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Rick Kasper (arrived at 6:04 pm) Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Kerrie Reay Tara Johnson, Planner II Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant

ABSENT: Councillor Maja Tait, Councillor Herb Haldane

CALL TO ORDER Mayor Milne called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOVED and seconded to approve the agenda with the addition of the following items as New Business/Supplemental Information: • Item UB-1 Notice on Title for Bylaw Violations — 6929 West Coast Road o Email dated January 3, 2014 from District of Sooke Building Official Re: Prestige Hotel Building Permit • Item PI-1 Mayor to Require Council reconsideration of a matter under section 131 of the Community Charter: Development Variance Permit for 2680 Otter Point Road o Schedule B Section WA — Standards for Water Service and Fire Protection — District of Sooke Bylaw No. 65, Subdivision and Development Standards Bylaw, 2003 • Item PI-1 Mayor to Require Council reconsideration of a matter under section 131 of the Community Charter: Development Variance Permit for 2680 Otter Point Road o Public Submissions received on or before January 6, 2014: o Submission received December 5, 2013 from Ben Brooks o Submission received December 9, 2013 from John Svoboda o Submission received January 6, 2014 from Justin and Jessy Martin-Wood o Submission received January 6, 2014 from R Low AND TO move Agenda Item PI-1 to immediately following Agenda Item B-1. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


UB-1 Notice on Title for Bylaw Violations — 6929 West Coast Road Gord Howie provided an update as to the Notice on Title for Bylaw Violations at 6929 West Coast Road reporting that the Building Inspectors have reviewed the building permit and have signed the Occupancy Permit such that they are satisfied that all the schedules provided by the representative of the Prestige Hotel. Mr. Howie confirmed that this issue has now been resolved and that the District has ensured that it can rely on

Meeting Date: January 6, 2014 1 District of Sooke Adopted on: January 13, 2014 Special Council Meeting Minutes the schedules provided by the professionals certifying that the construction of their design meets the requirements of the Building Code.

MOVED and seconded to accept the Chief Administrative Officer's verbal report on the Notice on Title for Bylaw Violations at 6929 West Coast Road. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


B-1 Mayor to require reconsideration of a matter under section 131 of the Community Charter:

Bylaw No. 583, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-9) — Text Amendments MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 583, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-9) be introduced and read a first time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 583, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-9) be read a second time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED and seconded to direct staff to schedule a Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 583, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-9) in accordance with the Local Government Act and Community Charter notice requirements. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

PI-1 Mayor to require Council reconsideration of a matter under section 131 of the Community Charter:

Development Variance Permit for 2680 Otter Point Road Mayor Milne advised that this matter has been brought back for Council reconsideration as the proponent for the applicant was not previously notified.

Mayor Milne excused himself from the meeting declaring a possible conflict of interest with this agenda item as his brother in-law is involved in potentially installing the septic system on this property and left the meeting at 6:08 pm. Councillor Kasper acted as Chair of the meeting.

Tara Johnson provided a PowerPoint presentation and summary of the staff report on the Development Variance Permit for 2680 Otter Point Road.

Public Input:

Randy Clarkston, West Coast Design and Development, representing the applicant addressed Council as to the existing house and the two existing wells on the property. Mr. Clarkston advised that the existing house is already using the well in question and that there is a deep well on the other property that will not be any further strain on properties downstream than what is already there today. Mr. Clarkston understands everyone's concerns as to the water issue but feels that CRD water services does not have to be brought in on the back of this development. Mr. Clarkston advised that there are four existing septic fields on the property and that the wells are outside of the required 100 foot radius from these fields.

Meeting Date: January 6, 2014 2 District of Sooke Adopted on: January 13, 2014 Special Council Meeting Minutes Mr. Clarkston confirmed that there will be a second dwelling added to the proposed subdivided new lot and that the existing house will remain on the remainder lot. Mr. Clarkston explained that there will be no added usage of water on the water table of surface well. Mr. Clarkston addressed Council as to surface wells and drilled wells.

Council inquired as to whether the applicant would be willing to drill a new well on the property. Mr. Clarkston advised that there is already an existing drilled well on the property.

Ron Low, Sooke resident, expressed his opposition to the Development Variance Application and addressed Council as to concerns of the affect that the use of the deep well will have on the one aquifer in the area and the neighbouring properties as the well has not yet been used. Mr. Low also advised of concerns that the required setbacks from the well to the drain field would not be met and concerns that the drain field would cause contamination to Maple Brook and to the existing wells in the area. Mr. Low indicated that the same concerns from residents remain from the previous Council meeting advising that Otter Point Road residents pay for water on their property taxes but also pay to have water trucked to their properties due to low water supply over the dry season. Mr. Low would like to see the District of Sooke and the CRD provide water to the residences on Otter Point Road when wells go dry or to subsidize them for the water.

Randy Clarkston explained that the septic approval has already been done by Island Health Authority (VIHA) and that they are aware of the setback requirements from the well. Mr. Clarkston advised that the issue is not about the well, it is about whether or not the CRD will service this area of Sooke with water. Mr. Clarkston agrees that this area should be serviced with water.

Staff advised that the District's Official Community Plan includes various action items such as working with the CRD to provide municipal water throughout the District of Sooke and that this is a long term goal.

Doug French, Sooke resident, expressed his opposition to the Development Variance Application and addressed Council as to concerns of the use of the deep well on the property. Mr. French advised that all the neighbouring properties have deep wells and the concern is having an additional home on the property drawing water from the well. Mr. French advised that there is no water in this aquifer and residents have been trucking water in for years and that when dry summers occur, there is no water in the area. Mr. French further spoke to the issue of increased costs to residents for trucking water to their residences due to the CRD requiring trucking companies to pick water up at a metered filling station in Langford.

ACTION ITEM: Council asked that staff look into the concerns raised by Mr. French as to the CRD water filling station issue.

John Svoboda, Sooke resident expressed his opposition to the Development Variance Application. Mr. Svoboda advised that he has been living on his property for 30 years and addressed Council as to the many changes that have been made to the property at 2680 Otter Point Road. Mr. Svoboda advised that his well drops to less than a foot of

Meeting Date: January 6, 2014 3 District of Sooke Adopted on: January 13, 2014 Special Council Meeting Minutes water during the summer and that he feels the changes made to the property in question, including the back filling of Maple Brook has caused the water table to drop considerably. Mr. Svoboda also spoke to concerns as to the placement of a new drain field and how it will affect the neighbouring well water and the outflow into Maple Brook.

Randy Clarkston clarified that part of the subdivision application is to have testing done on the well which would happen after the Preliminary Layout Assessment has been received. The next step in the subdivision application would be to prove sufficient water. If there is an issue with the water, there would not be approval of the subdivision.

Chair Kasper explained that this is a unique situation due to the Development Variance Permit application which comes under the purview of Council. Chair Kasper requested that if there are any well logs available on this particular well, that this information be brought forward to Council.

MOVED and seconded to postpone a decision on the Development Variance Permit for 2680 Otter Point Road until further information is provided; AND TO direct staff to enter into discussions with the CRD Water Department staff to ensure that prior to further development occurring, there is no hardship to the neighbouring properties as to water; AND FURTHER TO direct staff to provide Council with any further information on the existing deep well to confirm the well meets the required standards. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Mayor Milne returned to the meeting at 6:37 pm


MOVED and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 6:38 p.m. CARRIED

Certified Correct:

AtAtLealie Wendal Milne Bon Sprinkling Mayor Corporate Officer

Meeting Date: January 6, 2014 4 District of Sooke Adopted on: January 13, 2014 Special Council Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 2225 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on January 13, 2014 at 7:00 p.m

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT (Open Portion) Mayor Wendal Milne Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Bev Berger Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Herb Haldane Gerard LeBlanc, Municipal Planner Councillor Rick Kasper Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Kerrie Reay Steve Sorensen, Fire Chief Councillor Maja Tait Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant

ABSENT: Councillor Kevin Pearson

CALL TO ORDER Mayor Milne called the meeting to order at 7:21 p.m.


MOVED and seconded to remove the following Agenda Items from the January 13, 2014 Regular Council Agenda: • Agenda Item PI-2 Development Permit Amendment — Public Boat Launch and Development Variance Permit — Public Boat Launch and Prestige Hotel • Agenda Item PI-3 Shared Easement — Parcels A and B West Coast Road Prestige Sooke Holdings and District of Sooke CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to approve the agenda with the following item as supplemental information: • Item PI-1 Development Permit Amendment — Public Boat Launch o Legal Description Schedule — District Lots 236 and 237, Sooke District CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on December 9, 2013 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on December 9, 2013 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Special Council meeting held on January 6, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

1 Meeting Date: January 13, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: January 27, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes MINUTES FOR INFORMATION

MOVED and seconded that the following minutes be received for information: December 5, 2013 Climate Change Action Committee January 6, 2014 Finance and Administration Committee CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


Margarita Dominguez, Sooke resident, addressed Council as to concerns of the December 9th, 2013 Regular Council meeting minutes clarifying that SAFARS was asking the District to "lend" or "lease" a piece of land to them, not "donate" a piece of land. Ms. Dominguez also inquired as to funding in the 2014-2018 Five Year Financial Plan to maintain land owned by the District and asked why some of this land could not be leased to some of the community groups who are asking for land.

Mayor Milne explained that the lands that are maintained are mainly parks, cul de sacs and roadways, and advised that he is not aware of any land in the District that would be suitable for SAFARS purposes.

Ellen Lewers, Sooke resident addressed Council as to the Climate Action Community Energy and Emissions Plan (CEEP) advising that it would be difficult to reduce GHG emissions for heavy duty vehicle trucks since most things are trucked to Sooke. Ms. Lewers also spoke to Urban Containment Area Boundary and to Demand Side Management (DSM) to reduce energy consumption indicating that this is supported by BC Hydro's Smart Meter Program.

Michael Nyikes, Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce read a submission as to upcoming changes to the Federal Medical Marihuana Regulations indicating that many communities throughout British Columbia already have appropriate zoning in place to accommodate medical marihuana production facilities. Mr. Nyikes reported that since medical marihuana production facilities are regulated federally, many municipalities are confident in the level of professionalism involved in this type of commercial enterprise. Mr. Nyikes advised that the District of Sooke should be motivated to remain competitive, and should recognize the positive economic development potential that this opportunity could provide. Mr. Nyikes reported that the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce has recently met with investors looking at Sooke to establish medical marihuana facilities. With appropriate zoning in place, the District could attract this sector of horticulture, creating more local job opportunities and an increase to the District's tax base. Mr. Nyikes advised that the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce supports an amendment to the District of Sooke Zoning bylaw to regulate medical marihuana production facilities in the District of Sooke and that the facilities be permitted in both industrial and intensive agricultural zones.

Judith Gail Harris, applicant addressed Council as to her Proposed Strata Title Conversion for 1810-1820 Connie Road advising that her lawyer has been waiting for word back about her well water report and inquired as to who her lawyer should forward her subdivision approval documents to for signature.

2 Meeting Date: January 13, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: January 27, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes PUBLIC INPUT MEETINGS AND RELATED REPORTS

PI-1 Development Variance Permit — Construction Project Sign

Councillor Kasper declared a conflict of interest with this agenda item and left the meeting at 7:32 p.m.

Gerard LeBlanc provided a PowerPoint Presentation and summary of the staff report.

Public Input: There was no input from members of the public.

MOVED and seconded to approve the issuance of Development Variance Permit PLN01071 to allow the Royal Bank of to place a 3 m2 constructionsign on 6569 Sooke Road. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Councillor Kasper returned to the meeting at 7:41 p.m.


RA-1 Application Processing Report for 1810-1820 Connie Road — Proposed Strata Title Conversion Application

MOVED and seconded to receive the Application Processing Report for 1810-1820 Connie Road — Proposed Strata Title Conversion Application for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-2 Climate Change Action Committee recommendations from December 5, 2013 meeting:

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to schedule input meetings with stakeholders, local businesses and the public for the Community Energy and Emissions Plan. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-3 Revised Medical Marihuana Regulations

Gerard LeBlanc provided a PowerPoint Presentation and summary of the staff report.

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to prepare a report to Council for a Zoning Bylaw Amendment to regulate medical marihuana production facilities under the intensive agricultural and industrial zones in the District of Sooke; MOVED and seconded to amend the motion by deleting the words "under the intensive agricultural and industrial zones" and inserting "under applicable zones": CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to prepare a report to Council for a Zoning Bylaw Amendment to regulate medical marihuana production facilities under applicable zones in the District of Sooke; 3 Meeting Date: January 13, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: January 27, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY RA-4 Regional Library

MOVED and seconded to direct the Chief Administrative Officer to write a letter to Vancouver Island Regional Library indicating that the District would like them to pursue the Request for Proposal approach to obtaining a site for the library and express interest from the District related to additional space for a Senior's/Youth Centre; AND TO authorize the Mayor to bring forward a request to the Capital Regional District Board when required for the necessary borrowing model for a new library in the District of Sooke. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

ACTION ITEM: Staff to send a formal letter to the Capital Regional District requesting that that the CRD bring forward a borrowing bylaw to allow the Vancouver Island Regional Library to borrow the funds to build the Sooke library facility.

RA-5 Employee Service Awards Policy, 2014

MOVED and seconded to amend Policy No. 7.16, Employee Service Awards Policy, 2014 to include a gift value up to $150 at 25 years of service. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that Policy No. 7.16, Employee Service Awards Policy, 2014 be adopted as amended. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-6 2014 Committee Appointments — Land Use and Environment Committee and Mayor's Promote Sooke Task Force

MOVED and seconded to receive for information the Mayor's standing committee member appointments as follows: • Councillor Bev Berger — Land Use and Environment Committee • Councillor Herb Haldane — Finance and Administration Committee • Councillor Rick Kasper — Mayor's Promote Sooke Task Force AND TO direct staff to advertise for a public volunteer member for the Land Use and Environment Committee. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


RI-1 Ambulance and First Responder Coverage

MOVED and seconded to receive the report on Ambulance and First Responder Coverage for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

ACTION ITEM: That a representative from the BC Emergency Health Services Commission be invited to a future Council meeting to provide Council with further information as to the changes with BC Ambulance and First Responder Coverage. 4 Meeting Date: January 13, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: January 27, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes NOTICES OF MOTION

NM-1 Mayor to acknowledge Notice of Motion by Councillor Herb Haldane for consideration by Council at the January 27, 2014 Regular Council meeting (section 41 of the Council Procedure Bylaw).

Mayor Milne acknowledged Notice of Motion received from Councillor Haldane: NOTICE OF MOTION: To review the quality management system materials stated on page 5 of 22 of Schedule B in the Contract dated October 14, 2010 with Heavy Metal Marine Ltd.


MOVED and seconded to close the meeting to the public at 8:26 p.m. under section 90 of the Community Charter to discuss: 90(1)(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality; 90(1)(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; 90(1)(g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY



MOVED and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Certified Correct:

1269end 1ine Bo Sprinkling Mayor Corporate Officer

5 Meeting Date: January 13, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: January 27, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE Committee of the Whole Minutes Meeting held January 13, 2014 at 6:00 pm Council Chamber, 2225 Otter Point Road

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Wendal Milne Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Bev Berger Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Herb Haldane Gerard LeBlanc, Municipal Planner Councillor Rick Kasper Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Kerrie Reay Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant Councillor Maja Tait

Absent: Councillor Kevin Pearson

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m.

2. Approval of Agenda MOVED to approve the agenda with the following item as Supplementary Information: • Agenda Item 3 Church Road Multi-Use Trail and Grant Road Connector — Church Road to Otter Point Road o Submission received January 10, 2014 from Ed Monteith o Submission received January 13, 2014 from Sooke Family Resource Society CARRIED

3. Church Road Multi-Use Trail and Grant Road Connector — Church Road to Otter Point Road — Consultant Presentation, McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd.

Mayor Milne addressed Council and members of the public as to the Church Road Multi- Use Trail and Grant Road Connector Road project. Mayor Milne advised that the Transportation Master Plan identifies the lack of east-west connectivity on both the north and south side of Sooke Road and consequently Council is proceeding with network improvements that include the creation of a new road between Church Road and Otter Point Road to be completed by August 2014.

Mayor Milne further advised that the Connector Road project will ease congestion through the downtown core and will include a 3 metre paved multi-use trail for pedestrians and cyclists. The multi-use trail on Church Road from the Connector Road to Throup Road has already been completed and will be paved in early 2014. Mayor Milne reported that tree clearing for the Connector Road right of way is in progress. Mayor Milne stated that the Transportation Master Plan also proposes intersection improvements for Sooke Road at Evergreen Mall exit to what has been called Waterview in the form of a roundabout. 1

Meeting Date: January 13, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: January 27, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes Mayor Milne Further advised this is an information meeting to outline the Connector Road Project and answer questions from the public. Mayor Milne introduced Nathan Dunlop, Project Manager and Peter Ferguson, Division Manager, McElhanney Consulting Services.

Peter Ferguson provided a PowerPoint presentation and overview of the project status for the Church Road Multi-Use Trail and Grant Road Connector — Church Road to Otter Point Road.

Mr. Ferguson overviewed the Project Design approach used for the design of the Connector Road advising that the consultants have taken design parameters from the 2009 Transportation Master Plan, 2009 Parks and Trails Master Plan, District of Sooke and Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure.

Mr. Ferguson reported that the design presented this evening is for Stage 1 of the total project which shows a multi-use trail on one side of the Connector at this time. Mr. Ferguson overviewed Design Priority, advising that Pedestrians were given first priority, Cyclists second priority and Vehicles third priority. Mr. Ferguson overviewed how each of the three priorities was considered within the Design Parameters of the multi-use trail and Connector Road.

Mr. Ferguson explained the details of the design elements for each of the intersections at Anna Marie Road, Townsend Road, Church Road, and Otter Point Road. Mr. Ferguson noted that sidewalks will be constructed on the south side of the Connector and also the north side in order to connect to the entrance at CASA.

Mr. Ferguson spoke to environmental issues and how they were dealt with in the project design explaining that there were two areas that had a habitat for amphibians that will be enhanced with additional vegetation, tree planting and signage. In addition, there has been design for surface run off including bio-swales to detain some of the water run-off and increase water quality as it discharges.

Mr. Ferguson overviewed the timeline for the Connector project advising that it is currently in the design stage. There will be an open tender call out that will go out in February 2014 and the tender will be awarded in March 2014. The tender process will be in accordance with District of Sooke policies. The construction of the project should be complete in September 2014.

Committee discussion: • Clarification as to the preparation of the tender documents and whether it would be possible to receive information from the successful bidder on how they can reduce their carbon footprint . Consideration to the written submission from Sooke Family Resource Society requesting that the multi-use trail planned for the south side of the road, be developed on the north side of the Connector Road to have a direct connection to the Church Road multi-use trail • There have been discussions at great length with respect to sidewalk locations and it was felt the south side would be the best location


Meeting Date: January 13, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: January 27, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes • Once the Wadams property comes up for development, there will be an opportunity for sidewalks on the north side of the Connector • Clarification as to the terms "full movement" and "indicators" • Clarification as to bike lanes and road cross section • Importance of having sidewalks on the south side as there are students from three schools who utilize the crosswalk • Clarification as to the costs associated with including a pedestrian signal light at Townsend Road and the Connector intersection • Concerns as to accessibility for the elderly and looking at including a sidewalk • The Wadams property will be eventually redeveloped and the developer will be responsible for road improvements and sidewalks at that time • The intent of the design for the Connector is to come up with a road that is practical with crosswalks added at a later date

Public Input:

Linda Slater, Sooke resident expressed concerns as to safety when vehicles are travelling along Townsend Road towards the Connector Road as there is a location near the mailboxes where drivers would have difficulties seeing over the hill and asked that this be taken into consideration with the design of the Connector Road.

Allan Eastgaard, Sooke resident commented as to the future extension of the Grant Road Connector asking that consideration be given to placing a cul-de- sac at the end of Grant Road where it intersects Otter Point Road to increase safety at the intersection.

Elaine Cooper, Chair Sooke Family Resource Society, took the opportunity to thank Council for referring to the Society's recommendations on the Connector Road and for taking them into consideration. Ms. Cooper also expressed concern as to the debris from tree clearing on the CASA property and asked that consideration be given to the children playing outside in their playground.

Rick Gates, Sooke resident advised that he is pleased with the idea of the Connector Road. Mr. Gates expressed concerns as to safety at the proposed intersection of Church Road and the Connector Road as at certain times of the day, the sun can be blinding for drivers when travelling both east and west. Mr. Gates hopes that this will be considered with the design of the Connector Road. Mr. Gates also inquired as to the future re-alignment of Otter Point Road and whether Connector Road design takes the Nott Brook development into consideration.

Mark Poppe, Sooke resident expressed concerns as to pedestrian safety and the importance of extending the sidewalk on the north side of Townsend Road particularly in the construction phase of improving Sooke Road. Mr. Poppe advised that this section of Townsend Road is not pedestrian friendly and it is important to make this portion of the road as safe as possible for pedestrians.

Doug Bexson, Sooke resident addressed the Committee as to concerns of connecting Anna Marie Road to the Connector Road. Mr. Bexson advised that he has lived and operated his business on Anna Marie Road for 33 years; the road is a quiet dead end road Mr. Bexson further expressed concern as to the connection to Anna Marie Road 3

Meeting Date: January 13, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: January 27, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes causing increased traffic and suggested that consideration be given to not connecting the roads until the Connector Road, Waterview Street and Sooke Road works have been completed. Mr. Bexson further advised of concerns of loosing access from Sooke Road and how it will affect residents and businesses in that location. Mr. Bexson requested that consideration be given to not connecting Anna Marie Road to the Connector Road at this time.

Sylvia Hallgren, Sooke resident asked for clarification as to the overall plan for the Connector Road and whether the intent of the Connector Road was to take traffic including logging trucks from the downtown core. Ms. Hallgren expressed concern as to the number of logging trucks passing through the town centre each day and asked whether it was the intent for logging trucks to use the Connector Road.

Blake Barton, Sooke resident addressed the Committee as to concerns of pedestrian safety with the Connector Road being used to alleviate traffic in the town centre. Mr. Barton believes that by increasing traffic on roads such as Townsend Road there will be increased risk to pedestrians.

Jane Turnbull, Sooke resident inquired as to the feasibility of logging trucks going through the roundabout in the town centre as she is concerned that the trucks would have difficulties manoeuvring through the roundabout.

Ted Barclay, Sooke resident advised that he did not support opening up Anna Marie Road. Mr. Barclay expressed concerns that everyone from the north end of Sooke will use Anna Marie to get to the Library and the Hardware store including large trucks. Mr. Barclay asked that Anna Marie Road remain closed.

Committee further discussed: • Concerns as to multi-use trail being located on the south side of the Connector road; giving consideration to locating the multi-use trail on the north side of the road • Whether there has been discussions on the pros and cons of opening up Anna Marie Road now or in the future • Connector Road allows for the movement of traffic around Sooke • Anna Marie Road provides an alternate route out of the town centre through the Connector, this plan alleviates some of the traffic issues

MOVED and seconded to receive the report on the Church Road Multi Use Trail and Grant Road Connector — Church Road to Otter Point Road for information; AND TO direct staff and the District's consultant to proceed with the final design of the Grant Road Connector. CARRIED Councillor Kasper opposed the motion

Committee further discussed: • Clarification as to the provincial grant funding for the multi-use trail and whether the District would have to request an amendment with the province if the location of the trail is changed


Meeting Date: January 13, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: January 27, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes

• Clarification as to whether the cost of the multi-use trail exceeds the provincial grant funding • Concerns as to removing a section of the multi-use trail between Townsend Road and Otter Point Road without receiving further information • Concerns as to cyclists and pedestrians not having safe access if changing the design of the multi-use trails between Townsend Road and Otter Point Road; look further at both the pros and cons of changing this design • There is funding set aside for sidewalks in the 2014 budget that could be used to complete the segment of sidewalk between Townsend Road and Otter Point Road • Moving forward with the final design and to come back with cost estimate on completing the Townsend Road piece of the multi-use trail

MOVED and seconded to recommend that Council direct staff to remove the portion of the multi-use trail between Townsend Road and Otter Point Road; AND THAT the funds for the removed multi-use trail be applied to a trail sidewalk on the north side of Townsend Road. MOTION WITHDRAWN

4. Current Issues

No further public input.

5. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

Certified Correct:

Wendal Milne Bon41 Sprinkling Mayor Co • rate Officer


Meeting Date: January 13, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: January 27, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE Committee of the Whole Minutes Meeting held January 27, 2014 (immediately following the Regular Council Meeting) at 7:00 pm Council Chamber, 2225 Otter Point Road

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Office Councillor Bev Berger Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Herb Haldane Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Rick Kasper Gerard LeBlanc, Municipal Planner Councillor Kerrie Reay Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Maja Tait Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant

ABSENT: Councillor Kevin Pearson

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9:51 p.m.

2. Approval of Agenda

MOVED to approve the agenda as circulated. CARRIED

3. Amalgamation within the CRD

Committee discussion: • Concerns as to services going into Victoria . Concerns as to larger municipalities having weighted votes . Concerns as to false expectations with amalgamation . Concerns as to Sooke losing its position in the greater scheme • What does it mean having weighted votes as a Sooke perspective • Including the question on the ballot provides an opportunity for public to say how they feel about amalgamation • Importance to have dialogue and discussion • Important issues such as fire services and police services should be considered • Importance of having meaningful questions on ballots

MOVED and seconded to receive the correspondence from the City of Victoria regarding Amalgamation within the CRD for information. CARRIED


Meeting Date: January 27, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: February 11, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes 4. Current Issues

Public Input:

Ellen Lewers, Sooke resident addressed the Committee as to the Sun River Estates Proposed Playing Fields advising that consideration will need to be given to parking, a concession and washroom facilities for the playing fields. Ms. Lewers asked for clarification around the funding that will be provided by the developer for the finishing (sod or seed) of the fields advising that this will need to be made clear.

5. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 10:02 p.m.

Certified Correct:

1.41nadii Wendal M. ne Bonni prink ng Mayor Corpo e Officer


Meeting Date: January 27, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: February 11, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 2225 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on January 27, 2014 6:00 p.m., Closed Portion, Meeting Room 7:00 p.m., Open Portion, Council Chamber

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT (Open Portion) Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Bev Berger Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Herb Haldane Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Rick Kasper Gerard LeBlanc, Municipal Planner Councillor Kerrie Reay Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Maja Tait Rick McLeod, Deputy Fire Chief Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant

ABSENT: Councillor Kevin Pearson

CALL TO ORDER Mayor Milne called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

MOTION TO CLOSE THE MEETING TO THE PUBLIC MOVED to close the meeting to the public under section 90(1) of the Community Charter to discuss: CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

CALL TO ORDER - OPEN PORTION Mayor Milne called the open portion of the Regular Council meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. in the Council Chambers.

APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA MOVED and seconded to approve the agenda with the following items as new business/supplemental information: • Item RA-1 Sun River Estates — Proposed Playing Field Costs o School Site Agreement dated June 3, 2004 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on January 13, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on January 13, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

1 Meeting Date: January 27, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: February 11, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes PUBLIC QUESTION AND COMMENT PERIOD

Ellen Lewers, Sooke resident, addressed Council as to the amendments to the Fire Protection Services Bylaw and asked if a written warning ticket for open air fires could be included in the bylaw, as many residents are not familiar with the contents of the Fire Protection bylaw.

ACTION ITEM: Staff to make a note of Ms. Lewers request as to "written warning tickets" for consideration as to the Fire Protection Services Bylaw.


PH-1 Report of Public Hearings • Bylaw No. 583, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-9) — Administrative Amendments

Mayor Milne called the Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 583 to order at 7:06 p.m.

Mayor Milne advised that any person who believes that their interest in property is affected by the proposed bylaw would be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions at the public hearing.

Gerard LeBlanc gave a powerpoint presentation and summary of the proposed Administrative Amendments for Bylaw No. 583.

Public Submissions: There was no input from members of the public.

Mayor Milne called three times for submissions to the Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 583. Hearing none, he closed the public hearing at 7:16 pm.

Council consider amendment and third reading of Bylaw No. 583. MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 583, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-9) be amended and read a third time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


PI-1 Development Variance Permit for 2680 Otter Point Road

Mayor Milne declared a conflict of interest with this agenda item as his brother-in-law may be doing the septic field work at 2680 Otter Point Road and left the meeting at 7:16 p.m. Councillor Kasper acted as Chair of the meeting.

Gerard LeBlanc provided a powerpoint presentation and overview of the Development Variance Permit for 2680 Otter Point Road.

Public Input:

Doug French, Sooke resident, expressed his opposition to the Development Variance Permit and addressed Council as to the existing aquifer which is shared among the

2 Meeting Date: January 27, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: February 11, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes neighbouring properties. Mr. French explained that resident's wells draw from the same aquifer even though they may be at different depths and that with each addition of a well the water table is drawn down, leaving less water for existing wells. Mr. French further explained that the residents use their drilled wells for potable water and their surface wells for lawn watering, gardens and water for animals but all the water does comes from the same aquifer.

Ron Low, Sooke resident, expressed his opposition to the Development Variance Permit and addressed Council as to currently low snow, rainfall and reservoir levels for Sooke. Mr. Low indicated that there will be CRD water restrictions and water shortages in 2014. Mr. Low advised of concerns that the information on the well report for 2680 Otter Point Road indicates that the well was drilled in 2007 which was 6 years prior to residents in the area beginning to experience water shortages. Mr. Low believes that the well on the property should be re-tested for "recovery rate" during the months of September to November and that a decision on the Development Variance Permit be made on current well logs. Mr. Low spoke to concerns of residents having to purchase water, with water and hydro rates increasing. Mr. Low advised that the solution to this issue is for the CRD water line to be extended.

Shelly Sorensen, Sooke resident, expressed her opposition to the Development Variance Permit and addressed Council as to the Subdivision and Development Standards Bylaw advising that it was adopted in 2003 and the well at 2680 Otter Point Road was drilled in 2007. Ms. Sorensen advised that the cost to approving the variance is borne by the neighbours as they will be the ones affected by the water issue. Ms. Sorensen spoke to concerns as to the location of a drain field on the property and how if will affect Maple Brook and potentially the quality of water in her surface well.

Ellen Lewers, Sooke resident, inquired as to whether the proposed subdivision at 2680 Otter Point Road could potentially affect the use of land with the neighbouring properties advising that Council should be cognisant that other properties in this area wanting to subdivide in the future may not be able to.

Mr. Low referenced section WA.2 (d) Individual Wells for Service Level 1 in Subdivision and Development Standards Bylaw, advising that he would like to ensure that well testing occurs in September or October at the lowest seasonal static groundwater level.

MOVED and seconded to approve the issuance of Development Variance Permit PLN01068 to vary the subdivision servicing standards for the subdivision application for 2680 Otter Point Road. CARRIED Councillor Kasper and Councillor Tait opposed the motion

ACTION ITEM: Public submissions and information for the Development Variance Permit at 2680 Otter Point Road be forwarded to the Approving Officer for consideration at the time of subdivision.

Mayor Milne returned to the meeting at 8:10 p.m.

3 Meeting Date: January 27, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: February 11, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes BYLAWS

B-1 Bylaw No. 575, Fire Protection Services Amendment Bylaw (292-5)

Councillor Berger declared a perception of bias with this agenda item and agenda item RA-1 as her husband is a volunteer firefighter with Sooke Fire Rescue Department and is also a contractor for Citta Construction of Sun River and left the meeting at 8:11 p.m.

Bonnie Sprinkling provided a summary of the staff report and Deputy Chief Rick McLeod provided information as to the departmental procedure for warning tickets.

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 575, Fire Protection Services Amendment Bylaw (292-5) be amended and read a third time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


RA-1 Sun River Estates — Proposed Playing Field Costs Gerard LeBlanc provided a powerpoint presentation and summary of the staff report.

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to proceed with the community engagement process involving Sooke sports organizations and clubs, Sun River residents and the community to present, review and receive comments regarding the proposed playing fields and related costs; AND TO report back to Council on the results of the discussions. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

ACTION ITEM: Council requested that the public engagement process be scheduled at the Sooke Community Hall in order to accommodate members of the public.

Councillor Berger returned to the meeting at 9:18 p.m.

RA-2 Trails and Walkways Maintenance Services Contract Public Washroom Maintenance Services Contract Ornamental Areas Maintenance Services Contract - 2011-2014 Contract Extension Michael Dillabaugh provided a summary of the staff report.

MOVED and seconded to authorize the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer to sign the renewal agreements with Arterra Landscaping for the Ornamental Area Maintenance Services Contract for a one year term; AND FURTHER TO authorize the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer to sign the renewal agreement with Angela Sinclair for the Trails and Walkways Maintenance Services Contract for a one year term; AND FURTHER THAT the Maintenance Service Contracts be open to tender or request for proposal at the end of the one year contracts. CARRIED Councillor Rick Kasper opposed the motion

4 Meeting Date: January 27, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: February 11, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes RA-3 Appointment of Election Officials MOVED and seconded to appoint Thomas F. Moore as Chief Election Officer with power to appoint other election officials as required, for the administration and conduct of the 2014 general local election; AND TO appoint Bonnie Sprinkling as Deputy Chief Election Officer for the 2014 general local election. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-4 Sun Life Financial Zoomer Show MOVED and seconded to authorize Councillor Rick Kasper to attend the Sun Life Financial Zoomer Show February 22nd and 23rd, 2014; AND THAT expenses be reimbursed in accordance with Policy 1.5, Council Expense Policy, 2008. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


RI-1 Community Grant Program Michael Dillabaugh provided a summary of the staff report. MOVED and seconded to receive the report on the Community Grant Program for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ACTION ITEM: that Policy No. 5.1, Community Grant Program Policy, 2013 be referred to the Finance and Administration Committee for further review of the following: • Severing Category C Fee for Service Agreements • Applying a dollar limit for funding of individual grants • Review of reporting deadlines

RI-2 Sooke Food CHI Land Improvement - Sunriver Community Garden Food Safe Facility

MOVED and seconded to receive the report on the Sooke Food CHI Land Improvement — Sunriver Community Garden Food Safe Facility for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RI-3 CRD Bulk Water Station

MOVED and seconded to receive the report on the CRD Bulk Water Station for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RI-4 Mayor and Council Reports

Mayor Milne reported that he, Mr. Howie and Fire Chief Sorensen have had additional talks with Fire Underwriters regarding the issue of changes to fire rating in Saseenos/ North Sooke and that he, Councillor Kasper and Councillor Reay have met with staff to

5 Meeting Date: January 27, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: February 11, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes have discussions on issues such as how to get more volunteer firefighters and increase response times. Mayor Milne further reported that he is Chairing a Primary Health Care Services working group to work on the issues of attracting local physicians and keeping Sooke physicians rural status, the addition of getting extra services that have been lost and additional beds for Ayre Manor. Mayor Milne reported on a Working Group which has met to discuss a hospitality incentive and will be bringing information forward to the Promote Sooke Task Force in March.

Councillor Reay reported on attending an executive meeting for the Victoria Youth Justice and Family Court Committee which also held their AGM last week. Councilor Reay advised that she has stepped aside in terms of the Vice-Chair position. The Committee is preparing information on social issues which she will be bringing forward to Council in the near future. Councillor Reay also attended the Vancouver Island Regional Library Board meeting advising that the proposed tax increase for the VIRL this year is 6.94 per cent.

Councillor Tait reported on the upcoming Sooke Region Tourism Association AGM on February 26th and the SEAPARC Bike Committee meeting on January 30th. Councillor Tait advised that there will not be a Promote Sooke Task Force meeting in February; the meeting will be held in March. Councillor Tait reported on the Hope Centre project being regarded in Victoria as a model for strength in community partnerships.


NM-1 Notice of Motion by Councillor Herb Haldane from January 13, 2014 Regular Council meeting for consideration by Council (section 41 of the Council Procedure Bylaw).

MOVED and seconded to review the quality management system materials stated on page 5 of 22 of Schedule B in the Contract dated October 14, 2010 with Heavy Metal Marine Ltd. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


MOVED and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:51 p.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Certified Correct:

Bon Sprinkling Wen al Milne Mayor Corporate Officer

6 Meeting Date: January 27, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: February 11,2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes

DISTRICT OF SOOKE Committee of the Whole Minutes Meeting held February 3, 2014 at 6:00 pm Council Chamber, 2225 Otter Point Road

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Office Councillor Bev Berger Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Herb Haldane Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Rick Kasper Steve Sorensen, Fire Chief Councillor Kerrie Reay Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant Councillor Maja Tait

Absent: Councillor Kevin Pearson

1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m.

2. Approval of Agenda MOVED to approve the agenda as circulated. CARRIED

3. District of Sooke Emergency Plan Presentation Deborah Exelby, Triangle Mountain Solutions

Fire Chief Sorenson introduced Deborah Exelby, Emergency Management Consultant for Triangle Mountain Solutions.

Deborah Exelby provided a powerpoint presentation and overview of the District of Sooke Emergency Response and Business Continuity Plan and Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) Manual.

Committee discussion: • Clarification as to deficiencies with Mutual Aid Agreements • Clarification as to Mutual Aid Agreements with external agencies • Clarification as to which portions of the Plan would be available to the public • Clarification as to how the Emergency Operations Centre Manual will be made accessible to staff in the event of an emergency or disaster • Clarification as to how to educate members of the public on what to do in the event of an emergency • Clarification as to Council's roles and responsibilities if an event were to occur


Meeting Date: February 3, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: February 11, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes Public Input:

There was no input from members of the public.

Mayor Milne took the opportunity to thank Ms. Exelby for contributing her time and expertise with the Emergency Plan.

5. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 6:32 p.m.

Certified Correct:

Wendal Mil e Bonn Wprinkli g Mayor Corporate Offic r


Meeting Date: February 3, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: February 11,2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE

Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 2225 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on TUESDAY, February 4, 2014 at 7:30 p.m.

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT (Open Meeting) Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Bev Berger Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Herb Haldane Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Kevin Pearson Gerard LeBlanc, Municipal Planner Councillor Rick Kasper Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Kerrie Reay Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant

ABSENT: Councillor Maja Tait

CALL TO ORDER Mayor Milne called the meeting to order in the municipal meeting room at 6:00 p.m.

MOTION TO CLOSE THE MEETING TO THE PUBLIC MOVED to close the meeting to the public under section 90(1) of the Community Charter to discuss: 90(1)(i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

CALL TO ORDER - OPEN PORTION Mayor Milne called the open portion of the Regular Council meeting to order at 7:48 p.m. in the Council Chambers.


MOVED and seconded to approve the agenda with the following items as New Business/Supplemental Information: • Release of In-Camera resolutions from February 4, 2014 Special Council meeting • Item PI-1 Supplementary Information — Development Permit — Public Boat Launch and Development Variance Permit — Public Boat Launch and Prestige Hotel o Revised Schedule B of Development Permit Amendment PLN01080 o Legal Description Schedule — District Lots 236 and 237, Sooke District CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


PI-1 Development Permit Amendment — Public Boat Launch and Development Variance Permit — Public Boat Launch and Prestige Hotel

Gerard LeBlanc provided a powerpoint presentation and summary of the staff report.

Meeting Date: February 4, 2014 1 District of Sooke Adopted on: February 11,2014 Special Council Meeting Minutes Public Input:

John Brohman, Otter Point resident and adjacent property owner to Prestige Hotel addressed Council as to concerns that the height of the Hotel has obstructed views to the harbour from his property. Mr. Brohman spoke to the issue of parking at the Hotel and boat launch and suggested that the District limit the number of rooms the Hotel can operate according to the current parking spaces and that if the Hotel acquires additional parking to meet the parking requirements in the future, then they could be permitted to operate the full number of rooms.

MOVED and seconded to authorize the issuance of Development Variance Permit PLN01076 to vary the height of the Prestige Hotel located at 6929 West Coast Road (Lot B, Section 4, Sooke District, Plan VI P87914) from 26 metres to 29 metres. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to work with the Prestige Hotel to resolve the issue of the shortfall of parking at the Prestige Hotel. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to authorize the issuance of Development Permit Amendment PLN01080 as shown on the REVISED Schedule B for the purpose of amending the design of the District of Sooke Boat Launch located at 6933 West Coast Road (Lot A, Section 4, Sooke District, Plan VI P87914). CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

PI-2 Shared Easement — Parcels A and B West Coast Road Prestige Sooke Holdings and District of Sooke

Bonnie Sprinkling provided a summary of the staff report.

Public Input:

Cam Maclntyre, Sooke resident addressed Council as to concerns of the parking at the boat launch for emergency personnel advising that fuel tanks have been buried underneath the designated parking area.

Al Jones Sooke resident addressed Council advised that he has conducted some research as to the use of the boat launch indicating that approximately 60 percent of users are from outside of the District of Sooke. Mr. Jones feels that seniors have invested in the community and pay taxes and should be able to use the boat launch for free. Mr. Jones suggested that fees for the boat launch would be easier to control if users were able to purchase an annual permit. Mr. Jones asked Council to take this into consideration when making a decision on the boat launch fees.

John Broham, Otter Point resident addressed Council as to concerns of the Notice of Proposed Property Disposition stating "operation and maintenance of gas." Mr. Brohman indicated that he feels the fuel tanks may be partially buried on District property and that they should not have been placed so close to the water.

Meeting Date: February 4, 2014 2 District of Sooke Adopted on: February 11, 2014 Special Council Meeting Minutes MOVED and seconded to approve the Shared Easement over Lot A, Section 4, Sooke District, Plan VIP87914 (known as the District of Sooke Public Boat Launch property) in favour of Lot B, Section 4, Sooke District, Plan VIP87914 ("Lot B") owned by Prestige Sooke Holdings Ltd. ("Prestige") for the shared use of the boat launch property for utility purposes; AND FURTHER THAT the shared easement shall not grant any parking rights to the Prestige Hotel; AND TO authorize the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer to execute all documents as necessary to register the Easement in the Victoria Land Title Office. CARRIED Councillor Haldane opposed the motion


MOVED and seconded to direct staff to draft a new harassment and complaint policy that is in compliance with the new WorkSafe BC regulations. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


MOVED and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:53 p.m. CARRIED

Certified Correct:

6,2sAi Wendal M Bo 4- Spri kling Mayor Cor • • rate fficer

Meeting Date: February 4, 2014 3 District of Sooke Adopted on: February 11,2014 Special Council Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 2225 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on Tuesday, February 11, 2014 7:00 p.m., Open Portion, Council Chamber

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT (Open Portion) Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Bev Berger Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Herb Haldane Gerard LeBlanc, Municipal Planner Councillor Kevin Pearson Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Rick Kasper Steve Sorensen, Fire Chief Councillor Maja Tait Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant

ABSENT: Councillor Kerrie Reay

CALL TO ORDER Mayor Milne called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.

APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA MOVED and seconded to add the following items to the agenda as new business/supplementary information: • Item RA-1 Sunriver Community Gardens o 2013 Annual Report o 2012 Annual Report • Item RI-5 Connector Road Design Drawings o Key Plan — Connector Road CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to move Agenda Item RI-1 Mayor's Advisory Panel Reports, Agenda Item RI-2 Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce Monthly Report and Agenda Item RI-5 Connector Road Design Drawings to immediately following Public Question and Comment Period. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on January 27, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on January 27, 2014 be adopted as circulated.

1 Meeting Date: February 11, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: February 24, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on February 3, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Special Council meeting held on February 4, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


MOVED and seconded that the following minutes be received for information: January 28, 2014 Emergency Planning Committee February 3, 2014 Finance and Administration Committee CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


D-1 John Muir Elementary School 2013 Category B Community Grant Application — Teresa Vally, Principal

Teresa Vally addressed Council as to the John Muir Elementary School 2013 Category B Community Grant and changing the purpose of the grant from an embankment slide project to an outdoor climbing wall project. Ms. Vally advised that the costs for construction of the embankment slide was going to be excessive of the $3,000 grant and that they are asking that Council consider approving the use of the funds to go towards the construction of an outdoor climbing wall.

MOVED and seconded to approve the change of purpose of the 2013 Category B Community Grant for John Muir Elementary School from an embankment slide project to an outdoor climbing wall project; AND THAT the funding deadline for the new project be extended for three months. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


RI-1 Mayor's Advisory Panel Reports Arts and Beautification — Brenda Parkinson

Brenda Parkinson and Sandy Jarvis provided an overview of proposed projects for the Mayor's Advisory Panel on Arts and Beautification. Ms. Parkinson advised that members of the public who have attended the Advisory Panel meetings would like the noted projects presented to Council so that they can be supported and approved.

Ms. Parkinson summarized the Communities in Bloom Main Street Project for an eco structure (all plants) in the form of a lighthouse located at the tourism kiosk in the town

2 Meeting Date: February 11, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: February 24, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes centre. Ms. Parkinson also summarized the project at Ed Mcgregor Park to hand paint two electrical/storage boxes and would entail a call out to local artists. The theme would be in keeping with the location.

Marion DesRochers, Arts and Beautification Panel addressed Council as to the Panel's Hand Painted Banner Kits project. Ms. DesRochers advised that the banner kits consist of material specific to the banners, paint and steel or fibreglass mounting hardware. The banners would be painted by local artists and would be mounted on Sooke Road in the town centre.

Sandy Jarvis spoke to the Panel's Boardwalk Project to install signage representing native plants, foliage and trees on the boardwalk. Ms. Jarvis advised that the Panel would like to do a call out to artists for the artwork on this project.

Brenda Parkinson overviewed the Market project to hold an Arts/Crafts/Music/Food Market on Thursday evenings during the summertime. A location for the Market is yet to be determined.

Ellen Lewers, Arts and Beautification Panel submitted drawings of the Signage Project which is proposed to be located on Sooke Road at Connie Road. Ms. Lewers advised that the sign will set the theme for Sooke "Wild by Nature" and would include a carved sign holder and digital sign that would display community events, road closures, fire hazards etc. There would be scenic photos in between ads, the sign would minimize the amount of signage around the community, minimize volunteer time and would catch everyone from East Sooke to Port Renfrew including visitors to the area. Ms. Lewers read comments from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) on the digital sign.

MOVED and seconded to support the Mayor's Advisory Panel on Arts and Beautification Sign Project so that the Panel can continue dialogue on the location, operation/maintenance and costs for the sign. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Phoebe Dunbar and Frederique Philip provided an overview of the Maritime Installation Project advising that they are looking for Council approval in principle to plan, design and create maritime installations in the town centre fitting to a "West Coast" theme and could tie into some of the upcoming projects such as the roundabout. Ms. Dunbar advised that they would develop a plan, and determine the costs associated with the installation of the project and then come back to Council with additional information.

Mayor Milne advised that he and Mr. Howie met with the management team for Evergreen Mall advising that they would have to be involved in discussions of what will be happening in that particular location since the kiosk sits on their property and the property will be affected by the roundabout.

MOVED and seconded to approve in principal the Maritime Installation Project so that further dialogue can occur on the plan, design and costs associated with the project. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

3 Meeting Date: February 11, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: February 24, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Brenda Parkinson provided an update as to the upcoming grand opening for the new Village Laundromat in March 2014. Ms. Parkinson reported that an art show will be held inside the Laundromat showcasing local artist's work throughout the year. Ms. Parkinson further reported that the art work for the District's bus shelter at the 17 Mile House will be installed shortly. Ms. Parkinson asked for Council approval for the Ed McGregor Park project and the Market project.

MOVED and seconded to approve the Mayor's Advisory Panel on Arts and Beautification Ed Macgregor Park Project for the painted electrical/storage boxes. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Ms. Parkinson advised that the Panel will bring further information as to the costs associated with the Communities in Bloom Eco-Structure Project and Hand Painted Banner Kits Project.

MOVED and seconded to approve in principle the Mayor's Advisory Panel on Arts and Beautification Market Project at John Phillips Memorial Park; AND THAT options for other suitable locations for the Market be provided to Council. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RI-2 Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce Monthly Report — Michael Nyikes, President

Michael Nyikes provided a powerpoint presentation and overview of the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce Monthly Report for December 2013 and January 2014. Mr. Nyikes summarized the Chamber's Strategic Plan Portfolio which includes an Economic Development Plan, Conference and Convention Marketing Plan, Resident Relocation Plan, Newcomers' Club, Shop Local Campaign, Business Member Spotlight, Business Education Series and Website, Social Media and Internet Marketing of the Sooke region. Mr. Nyikes reported on current Chamber initiates that include the review of the Sooke Town Centre Design Guidelines, working with the Promote Sooke Steering Committee on a proposal for the implementation of a guest services fee and securing the Meeting Planners International Conference at the Prestige Hotel in June. Mr. Nyikes further reported that the Chamber is working on creating information packages on the Sooke region for the conference. Mr. Nyikes spoke to the Chamber's recommendation to the District of Sooke for funding assistance in the amount of $1,200 to go towards information packages transportation/fees for guided tours to help facilitate the Meeting Planners International Conference

MOVED and seconded to allocate $1,200 from the Conference Hosting Budget to the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce to assist with facilitating the Meeting Planners International Conference in June 2014. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to receive the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce Monthly Report dated February 11, 2014 for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

4 Meeting Date: February 11, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: February 24, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes PUBLIC QUESTION AND COMMENT PERIOD

Brenda Parkinson, Sooke resident spoke to hosting conferences in Sooke advising that last year the Conference Hosting Committee worked with the Prestige Hotel and the Chamber to have events at the hotel. Ms. Parkinson advised that she is unsure of who is now responsible for bringing conferences to Sooke and whether the Conference Hosting Committee still exist. Ms. Parkinson inquired as to who would be writing requests for proposals and looking after the portfolio to bring conferences to Sooke.

Mayor Milne advised that eventually this would be something that the Chamber will be focussing on in their portfolio.

Ben Temple, representing Sooke Fire Fighter's Association addressed Council as to the recruitment and retention issues that have recently been the subject of discussion. Mr. Temple spoke to the recommendation for the Volunteer Firefighter Stipend advising that the Association has reviewed and does not endorse the recommendation. Mr. Temple advised that the Association feels the format of the recommendation will not effectively achieve the goal of improving recruitment and retention over the long term. The Association is requesting that discussions continue with Council for a better solution to recruitment and retention. Mr. Temple spoke to recognizing volunteer firefighters and recruitment and retention indicating that it was important to identify that they are two different things. Mr. Temple asked that Council keep this in mind during their discussions.

Phoebe Dunbar, Sooke Region Food CHI took the opportunity to thank Council for providing a community grant to Food CHI and presented Council with a plaque in recognition of the District's support. Ms. Dunbar advised that Food CHI have now submitted their Annual Reports and that the plaque will be displayed at the Sunriver Community Gardens.

RI-5 Connector Road Design Drawings

Nathan Dunlop, Project Manager McElhanney Consulting Services addressed Council as to the final design drawings for the Connector Road. Mr. Dunlop reported that the entrance to the CASA building has changed to the east side of the property line and that there will be a water main along the Connector Road that will be owned and operated by the CRD. Mr. Dunlop reported on the timeline for the tender process.

MOVED and seconded to approve the final design drawings for the Connector Road; AND TO direct the consultant to move forward with the tender process for the construction of the Connector Road. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


B-1 Bylaw No. 575, Fire Protection Services Amendment Bylaw (292-5)

5 Meeting Date: February 11, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: February 24, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Councillor Berger declared a conflict of interest with this agenda item as her husband is a volunteer firefighter with Sooke Fire Rescue Service and left the meeting at 8:14 pm

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 575, Fire Protection Services Amendment Bylaw (292-5) be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Councillor Berger returned to the meeting at 8:14 p.m.

B-2 Bylaw No. 582, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-8) — Medical Marijuana Production Facilities

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 582, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-8) be introduced and read a first time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 582, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-8) be read a second time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to schedule a Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 582, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-8) in accordance with the notice requirements in the Local Government Act and Community Charter. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

B-3 Bylaw No. 583, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-9) — Text Amendment

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 583, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-9) be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


RA-1 Sunriver Community Gardens

MOVED and seconded to approve the 2014 Licence of Occupation Agreement with the Sooke Region Food CHI Society (S-54168) at the Sunriver Community Gardens; AND TO authorize the Mayor and the Chief Administrative Officer to execute the Licence of Occupation Agreement. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-2 Finance and Administration Committee recommendations from February 3, 2014 meeting:

6 Meeting Date: February 11, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: February 24, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Proposed 2014-2018 Five Year Financial Plan

MOVED and seconded to give preliminary approval of the 2014-2018 Five Year Financial Plan subject to any changes arising from the review of the 2013 Budget to Actual Report. CARRIED Councillor Haldane and Councillor Tait opposed the motion

Fire Department Capital Replacement Plan

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to obtain quotes for an independent study and review of the long term capital replacement plan for the Fire Department; AND FURTHER TO direct staff to confirm the options available to extend the life of a fire department vehicle for active use. CARRIED Councillor Tait opposed the motion

RA-3 Volunteer Firefighter Stipend

Councillor Berger declared a conflict of interest with this agenda item as her husband is a volunteer firefighter with Sooke Fire Rescue Service and left the meeting at 8:42 p.m.

MOVED and seconded to approve the inclusion of $25,000 for volunteer firefighter stipends in the 2014-2018 Five Year Financial Plan provided that; 1. Each volunteer who meets the minimum training standard of 68% of the approximate 100 annual training hours will receive $500; 2. The remaining $500 will be paid to each volunteer based on the number of fire related calls attended up to a maximum of $500; 3. That a volunteer firefighter may opt for the tax credit or the stipend; and 4. Council will review the stipend process with the Sooke Volunteer Firefighters Association after one year including the inclusion of the support services personnel for a stipend or not. CARRIED Councillor Tait opposed the motion

Councillor Berger returned to the meeting at 9:00 p.m.

RA-4 Referral Response: Juan de Fuca Electoral Area, Otter Point OCP

June Klassen, Manager of Local Area Planning, Juan de Fuca Electoral Area addressed Council as to the public consultation and referral process for the Juan de Fuca Electoral Area Otter Point Official Community Plan (OCP).

Gerard LeBlanc expressed concern that the District of Sooke may be affected by some of the proposed Policies in the Juan de Fuca Electoral Area Otter Point OCP and the introduction of urban sprawl. Some of these proposed Policies could impact development within the District and the District could experience losses such as a potential decrease in tax revenue, development activity and delivery of services. Mr. LeBlanc would like to see 7 Meeting Date: February 11, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: February 24, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes

Council express concern to the Juan de Fuca Electoral Area regarding the Otter Point OCP for these reasons.

MOVED and seconded to support the Draft Juan de Fuca Electoral Area, Otter Point Official Community Plan. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


RI-3 Sooke Fire Department — Monthly Staffing Report

MOVED and seconded to receive the Sooke Fire Department Monthly Staffing report for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RI-4 Heavy Metal Marine Ltd. Contract

MOVED and seconded to receive the Heavy Metal Marine Ltd. Contract report for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


MOVED and seconded to close the meeting to the public at 9:27 p.m. under section 90 of the Community Charter to discuss: • 90(1)(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality; . 90(1)(b) personal information about an identifiable individual who is being considered for a municipal award or honour, or who has offered to provide a gift to the municipality on condition of anonymity; • 90(1)(c) labour relations or other employee relations; . 90(1)(d) the security of the property of the municipality; . 90(1)(1) discussions with municipal officers and employees respecting municipal objectives, measures and progress reports for the purposes of preparing an annual report under section 98 [annual municipal report]. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

ADJOURNMENT MOVED and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 10:50 p.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Certified Correct:

Wendal Milne Bon prinkling Mayor Corp ate Officer 8 Meeting Date: February 11, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: February 24, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes

DISTRICT OF SOOKE Committee of the Whole Minutes Meeting held TUESDAY, February 11, 2014 at 6:00 pm in Council Chamber 2225 Otter Point Road

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Office Councillor Bev Berger Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Herb Haldane Gerard LeBlanc, Municipal Planner Councillor Kevin Pearson Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Rick Kasper Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant Councillor Maja Tait (arrived at 6:05 pm)

ABSENT: Councillor Kerrie Reay

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:04 p.m.

2. Approval of Agenda

MOVED to approve the agenda as circulated. CARRIED

3. Community Amenity Contribution Policy

Gerard LeBlanc provided a powerpoint presentation and summary of the Community Amenity Contribution Policy Review.

Mayor Milne addressed the Committee as to the Community Amenity Contribution Policy advising that the key to any additional amenity contributions over the core density in the zoning bylaw should be done by mutual agreement.

Committee discussion: • District of Sooke collects fees for new development infrastructure upgrades through Development Cost Charges (DCC's) • Density bonusing is a direct connection to an Amenities Policy • Previous Council's goals for adopting an Amenities Policy in 2010 • other municipalities do not have Amenity Policies and negotiate "amenities" on a case by case basis • Concerns that Council has not achieved what was wanted through the current Amenities Policy • Consideration to rescinding the District of Sooke Amenities Policy and negotiating amenities on a case by case basis • Consideration to the use of existing zoning that is in place and negotiate amenities when applicants wish an uplift in zoning 1

Meeting Date: February 11, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: February 24, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes • Concern as to the perception that developers are wanting amenity fees waived • Importance that the Amenities Policy remains in place as there is no one to determine amenities on a case by case basis • Clarification as to the public perception that roads and sidewalks come from amenities but the Amenities Policy is about "soft amenities" such as parks • The District of Sooke Amenity Policy was brought in when the economy was at its peak • Consideration to establishing the base density as per the current zoning in the Zoning Bylaw and amenity provisions would be in effect with a 10 percent lift in density • Most properties have a s. 219 Covenant that list the obligations required by the developer when applying for subdivision or building permit • District could grant a 10 percent lift to a developer without rezoning the property and the developer would provide amenities • Development Cost Charges, park dedication and frontage improvements all apply through District bylaws • The reference put in place that referred to the Official Community Plan (OCP) was well meaning but may have created a base that was not determined on the current zoning • If the District is going to have an amended Policy it should be in accordance with what the legislation says • Provisions are in the District's OCP (wish list), Zoning Bylaw and Amenity Policy which are the guiding documents when it comes to density bonusing • The economic downturn has also played a role in losing development • For Amenity density bonus the zoning bylaw would define the base and the amenity density bonus provision would allow a 10 percent lift and then once agreed by both parties the requirement of the density provision would be in effect • Clarification as to amending the Zoning Bylaw for different zones where density bonusing is permitted of what is expected from developers • There are provisions in Section 904 of the Local Government Act to establish amenity bonusing in the Zoning Bylaw • Developers are willing to do things for the community if they are going to receive additional density • Consideration to amending the Amenity Policy to see what implications there are with relation to the Zoning Bylaw • Look at keeping things simple and have the Policy mirror what the legislation states • The purpose of the motion does not change the amenities identified in the current Policy • Consideration to renaming the Policy to reflect the changes that have occurred • Amenity Policy must meets the legislative requirements of the Local Government Act

Public Input: There was no input from members of the public.


Meeting Date: February 11, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: February 24, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes MOVED and seconded to direct staff to amend Policy No. 13.3, Community Amenity Contribution Policy, 2010 to reflect base density established as per Bylaw No. 600, Sooke Zoning Bylaw provisions on any property. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

4. Current Issues

There was no further input from members of the public.

5. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 6:56 p.m.

Certified Correct:

,14111411_1 Wen al Milne Bonnie kling Mayor Corpora Officer


Meeting Date: February 11, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: February 24, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE Committee of the Whole Minutes Meeting held February 24, 2014 (immediately following the Regular Council Meeting) at 7:00 pm Council Chamber, 2225 Otter Point Road

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Acting Mayor Kasper Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Office Councillor Bev Berger Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Herb Haldane Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Kevin Pearson Gerard LeBlanc, Municipal Planner Councillor Kerrie Reay Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Maja Tait Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant

ABSENT: Mayor Wendal Milne

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9:09 p.m.

2. Approval of Agenda

MOVED to approve the agenda as circulated. CARRIED

3. Current Issues

Terrance Martin, Sooke resident addressed the Committee as to the December 9th, 2013 Council direction to move forward with the OCP provisions regarding public access through Harbourview Road and the lands beyond. Mr. Martin asked if staff could provide an update as to discussions with the CRD.

Gerard LeBlanc reported that he has met with the Manager and the Senior Planner with Regional Parks. Mr. LeBlanc reported that the CRD has confirmed that there is no motorized vehicle access through that area and that this has been included in the Regional Parks Strategic Plan. Mr. LeBlanc reported on the process for approaching the CRD Board and Regional Parks Committee.

Mr. Martin inquired as to Council's consideration to a Parks and Trails Advisory Committee that could engage various authorities over Harbourview Road. Mr. Martin addressed the Committee as to access to the lands beyond, materials he has collected as to the nature of Harbourview Road and pursuing the matter through an arbitration process. Mr. Martin would like to see staff engage the province and for the District to take a position on this issue in order to have it settled.


Meeting Date: February 24, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: March 10, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes Mary Brooke, Editor Sooke Voice News invited Council members to visit the local businesses in the area of the Townsend Road and Sooke Road intersection. Ms. Brooke reported that in follow up to her presentation to Council in 2013, she has found that businesses and residents on Townsend Road still have concerns. Ms. Brooke advised there are still safety concerns due to the right hand turn into the crosswalk and that the no left hand turn has impacted businesses. Ms. Brooke indicated that MoTI have suggested waiting until the roundabout is constructed before any changes are made to the intersection. Ms. Brooke advised that she will be providing a report to Council at an upcoming Council meeting.

Councillor Haldane provided an update as to discussions that he, the Mayor and GAO have had with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) to try to address some of these issues at some point in the future.

4. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 9:19 p.m.

Certified Correct:

Aida, Rick Kasper B•far- Spr. kling Acting Mayor Corporate I fficer


Meeting Date: February 24, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: March 10, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 2225 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on February 24, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Acting Mayor Rick Kasper Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Bev Berger (arrived at 7:04 pm) Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Herb Haldane Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Kevin Pearson Gerard LeBlanc, Municipal Planner Councillor Kerrie Reay Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Maja Tait Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant Staff Sgt. Steve Wright (left at 7:15 pm) ABSENT: Mayor Wendal Milne

CALL TO ORDER Acting Mayor Kasper called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA MOVED and seconded to approve the agenda with the following items as new business/supplemental information: • Item RI-2 Supplemental Information — Solid Waste Transfer Station / Refuse Removal Area Zoning o Excerpt from Bylaw No. 600, Sooke Zoning Bylaw, 2013 — Part 3, Section 3.18 (e) (f) Screening and Landscaping Requirements • Item RI-3 Supplemental Information o Blythwood Road Water Main Upgrade and Lannon Creek Culvert Replacement CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to move Agenda Item RI-1 RCMP Monthly Mayor Reports immediately before the Agenda Item D-1. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on February 11, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on February 11, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MINUTES FOR INFORMATION MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Land Use and Environment Committee meeting held on February 17, 2104 be received for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

1 Meeting Date: February 24, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: March 10, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes RI-1 RCMP Monthly Mayor Reports — November/December 2013 and January 2014 (see Motion to move to prior to Public Question and Comment Period.)

Staff Sgt. Steve Wright addressed Council advising that this will most likely be his final presentation regarding Policing to Council prior to starting a new position at the Westshore RCMP Detachment. Staff Sergeant Wright reported that Staff Sgt. Jeff MacArthur, will be starting his position in Sooke on March 17th, 2014.

Staff Sgt. Wright provided an overview of policing services in Sooke for the past 11 months reporting that the Detachment has seen a negative impact in the areas of property offences, calls for service and violent crimes. Staff Sgt. Wright advised that property offences and violent crimes are related to the drug trade. Staff Sgt. Wright further reported that there has been a decrease in the areas of domestic violence, sexual assaults and disturbance calls.

Staff Sgt. Wright advised that he would like to meet with Council to discuss Council's policing priorities for the upcoming year so that he is able to present these priorities to the new Staff Sgt. MacArthur.

Acting Mayor Kasper took the opportunity on behalf of the Mayor and Council to thank Staff Sgt. Wright for his excellent work in the community and with the Sooke RCMP Detachment.

MOVED and seconded to receive the RCMP Monthly Mayor Reports for November/ December 2013 and January 2014 for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


D-1 2013 Age-Friendly Community Planning & Project Grant — Final Report Sooke Region Community Health Initiative, Marlene Barry

Marlene Barry provided an overview of the 2013 Age-Friendly Community Planning and Project Grant Final Report.

Ms. Barry reported that the Sooke Region CHI has been successfully supporting projects that create a healthier community in the Sooke region for over ten years and that CHI provides support to all age groups. Ms. Barry outlined the key highlights under the 2013 Age-friendly grant and reported that several objectives were met in 2013, including the establishment of the Sooke Region Volunteer Centre office, a comprehensive list of senior services and discounts and the start of the Primary Health Care Initiative. Ms. Barry indicated that a permanent home for the seniors drop in centre remains both a challenge and a priority. Ms. Barry advised that the designation of CHI as the Age-friendly Committee is a progressive step in continuing to make the community an even friendlier place to live.

Acting Mayor Kasper took the opportunity to thank Ms. Barry for the Sooke Region CHI 2013 Age-Friendly Community Planning and Project Grants Final Report.

2 Meeting Date: February 24, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: March 10, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes MOVED and seconded to receive the 2013 Age Friendly Community Planning and Project Grant Final Report for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


Terrance Martin, Sooke resident, addressed Council as to the Operation of the Public Boat Launch and concerns as to the implementation of a municipality run operation plan for the boat launch. Mr. Martin reported that many residents do not support a fee at the boat launch as they believe they are already paying for the boat launch through property taxes. Mr. Martin expressed concern that if a multi-use pay station were installed at the boat launch there could be repercussions such as vandalism. Mr. Martin feels there should be further analysis and discussion on the operation of the boat launch and that Council should take more time to consider the issues.

Michael Nyikes, Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce, addressed Council as to the Community Grant Program advising that the Chamber supports the recommended changes to the Community Grant Program Policy and believes that the Finance and Administration Committee is the appropriate body to receive and review the Category C Fee for Service Agreements. Mr. Nyikes requested that Category C applicants be provided with the same procedure and level of documentation that Category A and B applicants are provided in order to assist Category C applicants with knowing exactly what information the District requires for reporting.

Mary Brooke, Editor Sooke Voice News, addressed Council as to the Arts and Beautification Panel Sign Project that was presented at the February 11, 2014 Council meeting. Ms. Brooke queried whether reducing signage in the town is a good thing and whether the proposed location for the sign is too far removed from the community that it is meant to serve.


B-1 Bylaw No. 586, Delegation Amendment Bylaw (474-5) Council to consider Land Use and Environment Committee recommendations from February 17,2014 meeting:

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 586, Delegation Amendment Bylaw (474-5) be introduced and read a first time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 586, Delegation Amendment Bylaw (474-5) be read a second time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 586, Delegation Amendment Bylaw (474-5) be read a third time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

B-2 Bylaw No. 587, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-10) — 6695 Rhodonite Drive Council to consider Land Use and Environment Committee recommendations from February 17,2014 meeting:

3 Meeting Date: February 24, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: March 10, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 587, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-10) be introduced and read a first time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 587, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-10) be read a second time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED and seconded to direct staff to schedule a Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 587, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-10) in accordance with the Local Government Act and Community Charter notice requirements. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

B-3 Bylaw No. 588, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-11) — 2346/2350 Sooke River Road Council to consider Land Use and Environment Committee recommendations from February 17, 2014 meeting:

Councillor Haldane declared a conflict of interest with this agenda item as he is related to the applicant and left the meeting at 7:53 p.m.

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 588, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-11) be introduced and read a first time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 588, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-11) be read a second time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED and seconded to direct staff to schedule a Public Hearting for Bylaw No. 588, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-11) ) in accordance with the Local Government Act and Community Charter notice requirements. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Councillor Haldane returned to the meeting at 7:49 p.m.

B-4 Bylaw No. 589, Revenue Anticipation Borrowing Bylaw, 2014

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 589, Revenue Anticipation Borrowing Bylaw, 2014 be introduced and read a first time CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 589, Revenue Anticipation Borrowing Bylaw, 2014 be read a second time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 589, Revenue Anticipation Borrowing Bylaw, 2014 be read a third time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


RA-1 Operation of Public Boat Launch MOVED and seconded to direct staff to bring the Operation of the Public Boat Launch at 6933 West Coast Road to an upcoming Committee of the Whole meeting for further discussion. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4 Meeting Date: February 24, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: March 10, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes RA-2 Community Grant Program

MOVED and seconded to approve the amendments to Policy No. 5.1, Community Grant Program Policy, 2013. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to authorize the Finance and Administration Committee to receive and review the Fee for Service Agreements (former Category C grants) and make recommendations to Council as to Fee for Service Agreements. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


RI-2 Solid Waste Transfer Station/Refuse Removal Area Zoning

MOVED and seconded to receive the report on zoning for solid waste transfer facilities in the District of Sooke for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to bring forward a report to Council on proposed amendments to Bylaw No. 600, Sooke Zoning Bylaw, 2013 to add the definition of "solid waste transfer station" and to allow solid waste transfer stations as a principal permitted use in General Industrial (M2) and Heavy Industrial (M3) Zones. CARRIED Councillor Tait opposed the motion

RI-3 Blythwood Road Water Main Upgrade and Lannon Creek Culvert Replacement

MOVED and seconded to receive the report on the Blythwood Road Water Main Upgrade for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

ACTION ITEM: Council requested staff to continue investigation of the costs for the replacement of the culvert on Blythwood Road in conjunction with the Capital Regional District Water Services (CRDWS) water main upgrade on Blythwood Road from Parklands Road to Woodlands Road.

RI-4 Mayor and Council Reports

Councillor Tait provided a reminder of the Sooke Region Tourism Association (SRTA) AGM scheduled for February 26th at the Sooke Harbour House. Councillor Tait reported that there will be an article on Sooke in the March publication of the Business Examiner. Councillor Tait reported on the Bike Skills Park meeting at SEAPARC advising that the Sooke Community Association Lands are not available and will not be a part of the discussion on the bike skills park. Councillor Tait also attended the Museum strategic planning session and advised of the Leechtown 150 Year Anniversary this summer. Councillor Tait further reported that the extreme weather shelter has been activated as needed and has been used by members of the community throughout the season. Youth

5 Meeting Date: February 24, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: March 10, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes are not able to use the Extreme Weather Shelter in Sooke and are instead transported into Victoria if they are in need of this service.

Councillor Reay reported on attending the Victoria Family Court and Youth Justice Committee meeting advising that they had a lawyer attend to speak to access to justice for family. Councillor Reay reported on attending the CREST meeting and provided an update to Council as to the CREST financial plan. Councillor Reay advised that she will be providing Council with information as to the organization that make up the CREST Board.

Councillor Pearson reported that Juan de Fuca Electoral Area is holding their grand opening for their new office building on Saturday at noon.

Councillor Berger advised that the new manager for SEAPARC will be rescheduling the bike skills park meetings in order to accommodate Council liaison to the committee. Councillor Berger further reported that the SEAPARC Commission are interested in a bike skills park but are looking for compromise with the sub-committee.

Acting Mayor Kasper reported that he has been attending a number of CRD Board meeting on behalf of the Mayor. Acting Mayor Kasper further reported that he sent letters of congratulations to the newly elected officials of the T'Sou-ke Nation and sent a letter on behalf of Council to the Juan de Fuca Electoral Area Planner in regards to support for their Official Community Plan. Copies of the letters will be provided to Council.

NOTICES OF MOTION NM-1 Mayor acknowledged Notice of Motion by Councillor Maja Tait for consideration by Council at the March 10, 2014 Regular Council meeting (section 41 of the Council Procedure Bylaw). NOTICE OF MOTION: "That staff provide a written update as to the status of the proposed horse shoe court and dog park"

NM-2 Mayor acknowledged Notice of Motion by Councillor Herb Haldane for consideration by Council at the March 10, 2014 Regular Council meeting (section 41 of the Council Procedure Bylaw). NOTICE OF MOTION: "Could a copy of the building permit, development permit, and the stormwater management plan for the Royal Lepage/Halgren and Faulkner property please be supplied to establish responsibility for drainage issues on our road right of way on Atherly Close".

ADJOURNMENT MOVED and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:07 p.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Certifi Correct: _dr

Rick Kasper Bo Spri ling Acting Mayor Cor • • rate Officer

6 Meeting Date: February 24, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: March 10, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes

DISTRICT OF SOOKE Committee of the Whole Minutes Meeting held March 10, 2014 at 6:00 pm Council Chamber, 2225 Otter Point Road

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Acting Mayor Kerrie Reay Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Kevin Pearson Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Herb Haldane Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Maja Tait (arrived at 6:20) Gerard LeBlanc, Municipal Planner Councillor Rick Kasper (arrived at 6:05) Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Steve Sorensen, Fire Chief Staff Sergeant Steve Wright Sarah Temple, Finance and Administration Assistant, recorder

ABSENT: Mayor Wendal Milne, Councillor Bev Berger

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:07 p.m.

2. Approval of Agenda

MOVED to approve the agenda as circulated. CARRIED

3. Policing Priorities

Staff Sergeant Steve Wright addressed Council to seek input on the Policing Priorities for 2014. Council's direction will be shared with the incoming Staff Sergeant and will form the annual performance plan for the upcoming year.

Committee Discussion: • Thank you to the Sooke RCMP for their successes in significantly reducing incidents of property crime in 2013. Council has heard from the public that the violation of personal property has a substantial effect on people and reducing this should be a priority. • Council has heard from businesses that a downtown police presence is needed. . Many property crimes happen when people do not lock their vehicles and homes. Council discussed getting the word out to the community that "target hardening" can protect them from being victims of property crime. Potential for messaging through the Sooke Lion's phonebook. • Juan de Fuca Regional Park Watch Society and Citizens on Patrol assist as they are able. Auxiliary Constables also do walkabouts with seniors and advise on how to make their homes safer. 1

Meeting Date: March 10, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: March 24, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes • Council discussed correlations between the economy, disenfranchised and unemployed people and crime. Staff Sergeant Wright could not speak to a direct correlation but could report that in Sooke, a large percentage of property crimes are related to drugs. • Staff Sergeant Wright advised that Sooke faces special challenges when apprehensions come under the Mental Health Act. Requirements under this Act take local resources out of the community, often for extended amounts of time. At the request of Council, these types of calls will now be reported in the Monthly Mayor's Report. • Council discussed current RCMP staffing levels. Staff Sergeant Wright advised that additional staff members would help to reduce property crimes. • Traffic infractions are another policing priority identified by Council. Particularly speeding in playground zones. • Discussion of RCMP attendance at Motor Vehicle Incidents. RCMP are required to attend if an accident is reported in order to ensure the driver is not prohibited or under the influence of drugs or alcohol. • Staff Sergeant Wright advised that a Sooke officer is now a drug recognition expert and they have had a lot of success at roadblocks in identifying impaired drivers. • Council discussed potential changes to how possession of marihuana in small amounts is handled. The Government of Canada is considering a change to a ticketing system, rather than a criminal charge.

Acting Mayor Reay presented Staff Sergeant Steve Wright with a card and a small gift as he is moving to the Westshore RCMP detachment next month. Staff Sergeant Wright thanked Council for their support over his years in Sooke.

4. Current Issues

There was no input from members of the public.

5. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 6:43 p.m.

Certified Correct:

Kerni Reay Bonny prinkling Acting May Corporate Officer


Meeting Date: March 10, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: March 24, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 2225 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on March 10, 2014 7:00 p.m., Open Portion, Council Chamber

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT (Open Portion) Acting Mayor Kerrie Reay Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Maja Tait Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Herb Haldane Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Kevin Pearson Gerard LeBlanc, Municipal Planner Councillor Rick Kasper Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Steve Sorensen, Fire Chief Sarah Temple, Finance and Administration Assistant, recorder

ABSENT: Mayor Wendal Milne, Councillor Bev Berger

CALL TO ORDER Acting Mayor Reay called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.

APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA MOVED and seconded to approve the agenda with the following as new business/supplemental information: • Item B-1 Supplementary Information - Bylaw No. 582, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600- 8) — Medical Marihuana Production Facilities o Referral Agency Comments • Item RA-1 Supplementary Information — Healthy Communities Grant Application o Completed Grant Application CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on February 24, 2014 be adopted with an amendment to item RI-4 to note that youth are not able to use the Extreme Weather Shelter in Sooke and are instead transported into Victoria if they are in need of this service. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on February 24, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

1 Meeting Date: March 10, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: March 24, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes MINUTES FOR INFORMATION MOVED and seconded that the following minutes be received for information: February 28, 2014 Emergency Planning Committee March 3, 2014 Finance and Administration Committee CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


Derek Lewers, Sooke resident, addressed Council as to the use of an M2 zoned property as a Solid Waste Transfer station. Mr. Lewers stated that this type of use is not permitted in an M2 zone currently, but that Council recently suggested amending the zoning bylaw to allow for this type of use. Mr. Lewers spoke to concerns as to missed revenue opportunities and notification of neighbours. Mr. Lewers stated that a piece of M2 zoned property has recently posted a sign stating they will operate a Solid Waste Transfer station and asked Councillors if they were aware of this intended use.

Mr. Lewers also addressed Council as to the Emergency Planning Committee minutes from February 25, 2014 which state that the restoration of the Communications Vehicle is proving to be a bigger job than originally anticipated. Mr. Lewers spoke to concerns about the safety of the vehicle and the potential for unforeseen expenses.

John Morphet, Victoria resident, requested clarification on proposed amendments to Bylaw No. 582, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-8) — Medical Marihuana Production Facilities, specifically as to whether these facilities would be permitted in Rural Zones, or only in Rural Zones within the Agricultural Land Reserve.


B-1 Bylaw No. 582, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-8) — Medical Marihuana Production Facilities Gerard LeBlanc gave a PowerPoint presentation outlining amendments to Bylaw No. 582, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-8) — Medical Marihuana Production Facilities and summarized referral comments received.

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 582, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-8) be amended; AND TO to direct staff to schedule a Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 582, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-8) as amended in accordance with the Local Government Act and Community Charter notice requirements. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

B-2 Bylaw No. 586, Delegation Amendment Bylaw (474-5)

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 586, Delegation Amendment Bylaw (474-5) be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

2 Meeting Date: March 10, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: March 24, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes B-3 Bylaw No. 589, Revenue Anticipation Borrowing Bylaw, 2014

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 589, Revenue Anticipation Borrowing Bylaw, 2014 be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


RA-1 Healthy Communities Grant Application

MOVED and seconded to endorse the grant application for $20,000 under the Healthy Communities Capacity Building Grant Program; AND TO authorize the District of Sooke as the eligible applicant; AND TO designate the Sooke Region Community Health Initiative (CHI) as the official partner organization for the District of Sooke regarding this application. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-2 Finance and Administration Committee recommendations from March 3, 2014 meeting: Sooke Canada Society — Sooke Lions Club MOVED and seconded to approve allocating the existing $4,000 Category A Community Grant Program funding from the Sooke Canada Day Society to the Sooke Lions for purposes of organizing the Sooke Canada Day celebrations. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-3 Juan de Fuca Electoral Area Referrals — Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendments

ACTION ITEM: Council requested that staff bring forward information at the Public Hearing on what other municipalities are doing in regards to inclusion of Medical Marihuana Production Facilities in Industrial and Rural/ALR lands.

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to respond to the zoning bylaw amendment referrals by noting that the District of Sooke interests are unaffected by the proposed amendments. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-4 Distribution Among Property Classes of 2014 Tax Impact

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to equalize the tax impact across all the property classes. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


RI-1 2013 Budget to Actual Analysis

MOVED and seconded to receive the 2013 Budget to Actual Analysis report for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

3 Meeting Date: March 10, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: March 24, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes NOTICES OF MOTION

NM-1 Notice of Motion by Councillor Maja Tait from February 24, 2014 Regular Council meeting for consideration by Council (section 41 of the Council Procedure Bylaw)

MOVED and seconded that staff provide a written update as to the status of the proposed horse shoe court and dog park. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

NM-2 Notice of Motion by Councillor Herb Haldane from February 24, 2014 Regular Council meeting for consideration by Council (section 41 of the Council Procedure Bylaw)

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to provide a copy of the building permit, development permit, and the stormwater management plan for the Royal Lepage/Hallgren and Faulkner property please be supplied to establish responsibility for drainage issues on our road right of way on Atherly Close. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


MOVED and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:19 p.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Certified Correct:

Kerni Reay Bonn xprinkling Acting Mayor Corpo e Officer

4 Meeting Date: March 10, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: March 24, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 2225 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on March 24, 2014 6:00 p.m., Closed Portion, Meeting Room 7:00 p.m., Open Portion, Council Chamber

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT (Open Portion) Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Bev Berger Brent Blackhall, Deputy Director of Finance Councillor Herb Haldane Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Kevin Pearson Gerard LeBlanc, Municipal Planner Councillor Rick Kasper Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Kerrie Reay Steve Sorensen, Fire Chief Councillor Maja Tait Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant

CALL TO ORDER Mayor Milne called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

MOTION TO CLOSE THE MEETING TO THE PUBLIC MOVED to close the meeting to the public under section 90(1) of the Community Charter to discuss: 90(1)(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality; 90(1)(c) labour relations or other employee relations; 90(1)(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; 90(1)(i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; and, 90(1)(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

CALL TO ORDER - OPEN PORTION Mayor Milne called the open portion of the Regular Council meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. in the Council Chambers.


MOVED and seconded to approve the agenda with the following items as new business/supplemental information:

1 Meeting Date: March 24, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: April 14, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes • Item PI-1 Supplementary Information — Development Variance Permit —6215 Marilyn Road o Correspondence received March 21, 2014 from Marilyn Andreychuk o Correspondence received March 21, 2014 from Rob and Debbie Turner • Item RA-6 Supplementary Information o Correspondence received March 23, 2014 from Derek Lewers CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on March 10, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on March 10, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

PUBLIC QUESTION AND COMMENT PERIOD There were no questions or comments from members of the public.


PH-1 Report of Public Hearing — 6695 Rhodonite Drive • Bylaw No. 587, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-10) Gerard LeBlanc gave a powerpoint presentation and summary of the rezoning application for 6695 Rhodonite Drive.

Mayor Milne called the Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 587 to order at 7:09 p.m.

Mayor Milne advised that any person who believes that their interest in property is affected by the proposed bylaw would be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions at the public hearings.

Public Submissions: There were no public submissions. Mayor Milne called three times for submissions to the Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 587 Hearing none; he closed the public hearing at 7:11 pm.

• Council consider third reading of Bylaw No. 587, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-10) MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 587, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-10) be read a third time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

PH-2 Report of Public Hearing — 2346 and 2350 Sooke River Road Councillor Haldane declared a conflict of interest with this agenda item as he is related to the applicant and left the meeting at 7:11 p.m.

2 Meeting Date: March 24, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: April 14, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes • Bylaw No. 588, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-11) Gerard LeBlanc gave a powerpoint presentation and summary of the rezoning application for 2346 and 2350 Sooke River Road.

Mayor Milne called the Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 588 to order at 7:21 p.m.

Mayor Milne advised that any person who believes that their interest in property is affected by the proposed bylaw would be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions at the public hearings.

Public Submissions: Ron Dumont, Sooke resident expressed concerns as to the existing ditch on the property and concerns that if the ditch becomes blocked off, it may cause flooding in the adjacent trailer park. Mr. Dumont advised that the drainage should be looked into further as there is a concern that the water runoff in this area may become blocked off from all directions.

Bruce Cumming, Applicant, 2346 Sooke River Road explained that the existing building at the back of the property is a moveable building and not a permanent structure. Mr. Cumming indicated that drainage would not be an issue as there is a culvert from the front to the back of the property.

Mayor Milne called three times for submissions to the Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 588 Hearing none; he closed the public hearing at 7:23 pm

• Council consider third reading of Bylaw No. 588, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-11) MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 588, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-11) be read a third time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


PI-1 Development Variance Permit — 6215 Marilyn Road Councillor Haldane remained out of the meeting due to a conflict of interest with this agenda item as he is related to the neighbours of the applicant at 6215 Marilyn Road.

Gerard LeBlanc provided a powerpoint presentation and summary of the Development Variance Permit for 6215 Marilyn Road.

Public Input: Doug Lewis, property owner, 6215 Marilyn Road advised that he recently measured what the setback would be if they were to move two of the structures. Mr. Lewis reported that there could be a 10 meter setback at the front and a 17 meter setback at the back if two structures were moved. Mr. Lewis inquired as to whether the Development Variance Permit process would have to start over if they agreed to move two of the buildings.

Mr. Lewis further addressed Council as to concerns that setback requirements have changed since they purchased the property in 1998 and that these requirements have made it so that a portion of his property cannot be used. Mr. Lewis indicated that they are

3 Meeting Date: March 24, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: April 14, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes paying light industrial property taxes on the property. Mr. Lewis also advised that there are two shipping containers on the property that are being used for storage and that they would like to leave the containers in their current location.

Bruce Cumming, adjacent property owner, stated that he was previously opposed to the 0.9 meter variance the first time it came to Council. Mr. Cumming indicated that the applicants have been good neighbours and feels that the 10 meter setback is a good compromise. Mr. Cumming further advised that he does not have an issue with the shipping containers on the property as they are not permanent structures.

Mr. Lewis inquired as to the penalties that would incur if they refused to move them. Mr. Lewis clarified for Council how he would have to move the buildings.

MOVED and seconded to refer Development Variance Permit PLN00947 back to staff to draft an amended Development Variance Permit to vary the 15 meter setback required in section 503.7 of the Local Government Act to 10 meters for 6215 Marilyn Road; legally described as Lot 2, Section 45, Sooke District, Plan VIP65834 (PID 023-982-438) subject to a covenant; AND THAT the information be brought back to Council at a new Public Input Meeting. CARRIED Councillors Berger and Pearson opposed the motion

Councillor Haldane returned to the meeting at 7:51 p.m.


RA-1 Award of Construction Contract for Grant Road Connector — Church Road to Otter Point Road Peter Ferguson, McElhanney Consulting Services, addressed Council as to the Award of Construction Contract for the Grant Road Connector — Church Road to Otter Point Road. Mr. Ferguson reported that ten bids were received on the contract and that the low bid was submitted by Sooke Backhoe Services Ltd. Mr. Ferguson noted that there was a correction to the Sooke Backhoe Services Ltd. submission in the amount of $5,000 and that the correct amount is $1,791,641.72. Mr. Ferguson advised that this is still the lowest bid and they are recommending that Sooke Backhoe Services Ltd be awarded this project.

MOVED and seconded to approve Sooke Backhoe Services Ltd. as the successful proponent under the tender for the Grant Road Connector — Church Road to Otter Point Road construction project; AND TO authorize staff to award the contract for construction of sidewalks on Townsend Road; AND TO authorize the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer to sign the contract with Sooke Backhoe Services Ltd. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-2 Blythwood Road Water Main Upgrade and Lannon Creek Culvert Replacement

MOVED and seconded to allow the Capital Regional District Water Service (CRDWS) to complete the paving work along their trench on Blythwood Road and not repave the rest of Blythwood Road;

4 Meeting Date: March 24, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: April 14, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes AND to direct staff to work with the CRDWS to fix any of the broken sections of Blythwood Road near the CRDWS works that may require repair at this time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-3 Finance and Administration Committee recommendations from March 3, 2014 meeting:

Councillor Berger declared a conflict of interest with this agenda item as her husband is a volunteer firefighter and left the meeting at 8:17 p.m.

Fire Protection Services Policies

MOVED and seconded to approve Policy No. 14.5, Sooke Fire Rescue Department Standard Operating Guidelines Policy, 2014; AND approve Policy No. 14.6, Sooke Fire Rescue Department Standards of Conduct, 2014; AND approve Policy No. 14.7, Sooke Fire Rescue Department Volunteer Member Grievance Policy, 2014; AND repeal Policy No. 14.1, Fire Inspection Policy. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Councillor Berger returned to the meeting at 8:20 p.m.

RA-4 Accumulated Operating Fund Surplus

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to continue the practice of not using accumulated surplus to fund one-time property tax reductions. CARRIED Councillors Haldane, Kasper and Pearson opposed the motion

RA-5 CRD Requisition — Stormwater Quality Management and Animal Care Services

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to amend the 2014-2018 Financial Plan to distribute the over-collection of the 2011-2013 Capital Regional District requisition or stormwater quality management and animal care services by: • reducing the planned tax increase for 2014 by the 2013 over-collection amount of $106,035; • reducing the planned tax increases for 2015 and 2016 in equal amounts by the remaining over-collection amount of $205,874. CARRIED Mayor Milne, Councillors Reay and Tait opposed the motion

RA-6 Review of Sooke Fire Department Apparatus Replacement Plan

MOVED and seconded to award the contract for the review of the Sooke Fire Department Apparatus Replacement Plan to the preferred proponent, FireWise Consulting Ltd., in the amount of $9,528.75; AND TO authorize the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer to execute the contract with FireWise Consulting Ltd. DEFEATED Councillors Berger, Haldane, Reay, and Tait opposed the motion

5 Meeting Date: March 24, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: April 14, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes MOVED and seconded to direct staff to consult with other municipalities as to fleet replacement for the development of the Sooke Fire Apparatus Replacement Plan; AND THAT staff provide a report on the Sooke Fire Department Apparatus Replacement Plan to Council by the end of May 2014. CARRIED Councillor Tait opposed the motion

MOVED and seconded that the correspondence received from Derek Lewers be forwarded to the Fire Chief. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-7 New Building Canada Fund Grant Applications

MOVED and seconded to endorse the grant applications under the New Building Canada Fund to offset the construction costs of the Waterview Street/Highway 14 Roundabout Project and the Grant Road Connector Project (Phillips to Charters portion). CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-8 Amendments to the CRD Clean Air Bylaw

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to advise the Capital Regional District that Council supports the proposed amendments to Capital Regional District Clean Air Bylaw No. 2401; AND THAT once adopted, Council request that the amended Capital Regional District Clean Air Bylaw No. 2401 to prohibit smoking on municipal parks and trails be applied to all parks within the District of Sooke. DEFEATED Councillors Berger, Haldane, Reay and Tait opposed the motion

RA-9 Consent for CRD Bylaw No. 3942, Sooke Region Historical Society Service Establishment Bylaw No. 1, 2011 Amendment Bylaw No. Z 2014

MOVED and seconded to give consent to the adoption of CRD Bylaw No. 3942, Sooke Region Historical Society Service Establishment Bylaw No. 1, 2011 Amendment Bylaw No. 2, 2014 in accordance with section 801.4 of the Local Government Act. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-10 Sponsorships

MOVED and seconded to approve the annual sponsorships for 2014 for the following local non-profit organizations or events: Sooke Lions Club Sooke Fall Fair Society Sooke Fine Arts Society Edward Milne Community School Anti-Bullying Campaign Fire Safety Campaign Sooke Community Choir Sooke Food CHI - Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

6 Meeting Date: March 24, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: April 14, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes REPORTS FOR INFORMATION

RI-1 West Island Consulting Inc. — Agreement Renewal MOVED and seconded to receive the West Island Consulting Inc. — Agreement Renewal report for information as to the automatic renewal of the West Island Consulting Inc. agreement for a one year term. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RI-2 Off-Leash Dog Park and Horseshoe Pitch Update Council received and discussed the staff report on the status of ongoing park projects: the off-leash dog park at Ponds Park Corridor and the horseshoe pitch at John Phillips Memorial Park.

ACTION ITEM: Staff to provide a report to Council which includes the following information: • An update as to a park plan for John Phillips Memorial Park including establishing a half acre for the Horseshoe Pitch • How funds will be allocated from the Parks Enhancement Program and what projects are deemed to be a priority for 2014 • Whether the parking lot at Sooke River Road Park is a permitted use on ALR land • Whether the Sooke River Road Park would still be a suitable location for the Horseshoe Pitch • What the dog park will look like including the type of materials (fencing, materials on the ground) that will be used to build the dog park

Ron Dumont, representing the Horseshoe Club, reported that the Club is asking for a piece of park property for the horseshoe pitch but otherwise they will be self-sufficient. Mr. Dumont advised that there would not be any costs to the District; the Club would be maintaining the lawns, maintenance etc.

MOVED and seconded to NOT include the Sooke River Road Park as an option for the Horseshoe Pitch. CARRIED Councillors Pearson, Reay and Tait opposed the motion

RI-3 Stormwater Management Plan — Atherly Close ACTION ITEM: Staff to contact the property owners of 6739 Atherly Close, look into the "blue culvert" installed under the road and determine a possible solution to the drainage issues on Atherley Close.

MOVED and seconded to receive the Stormwater Management Plan report for information as to Atherley Close drainage. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RI-4 BC Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program (CARIP)

MOVED and seconded to receive the 2013 BC Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program (CARIP) report for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

7 Meeting Date: March 24, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: April 14, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes RI-5 Sooke Fire Rescue Service — Monthly Staffing Report

MOVED and seconded to receive the Sooke Fire Rescue Service Monthly Staffing Report as of February 28, 2014 for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RI-6 CAO Report — Update on status of 2013-2014 Corporate Strategic Priorities Gord Howie provided an update as to the 2013-2014 Corporate Strategic priorities.

MOVED and seconded to receive the CAO Report — Update on status of 2013-2014 Corporate Strategic Priorities for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RI-7 Mayor and Council Reports

Councillor Berger reported that the new manager at SEAPARC has settled in and is currently working on some new initiatives. Councillor Berger also reported on the Sooke Youth Council membership and advised that movie night with the Youth Council has now started.

Councillor Pearson reported on attending the District of Sooke/Sunriver Open House on the proposed Sunriver Playing Fields.

Councillor Reay reported that she has circulated the CREST Board tax increase information which reports a two percent increase per year for seven years.

Councillor Kasper reported that he will be attending the CRD Board Budget and Land Use meetings this week on behalf of the Mayor.

Councillor Tait reported that the Seaparc bike skills park sub-committee met last week and a report will be coming forward to the Commission the first week of April.

Mayor Milne reported that he will be attending an upcoming Sooke Rotary meeting on March 25th.

REPORT OF IN CAMERA RESOLUTIONS Regular Council In Camera meeting of March 24, 2014: • Motion to Release In Camera Items To release the In Camera Information Package "Public Boat Launch — 6933 West Coast Road" to the public subject to consent from Request for Proposal proponents: o In Camera Council minutes dated July 22, 2013 o Proponent Responses to RFP o In Camera Council minutes and resolution dated July 22, 2013 o In Camera Staff Report "Operation of Public Boat Launch" to Council July 22, 2013 o In Camera Council minutes and resolution September 9, 2013 o In Camera Staff Report "Boat Launch Work Remaining" to Council September 9, 2013 8 Meeting Date: March 24, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: April 14, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes • Legal Opinion — Phasing of Sunriver Estates under Land Development Agreement To receive the report for information as to legal opinion received relating to the phasing of Sunriver Estates under the Land Development Agreement; AND TO release portions of the report for information to the public as appropriate.


MOVED and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 10:02 p.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Certified Correct:

Wendal ilne Bonm rinklin Mayor Corporate Officer

9 Meeting Date: March 24, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: April 14, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE Committee of the Whole Minutes Meeting held March 24, 2014 (immediately following the Regular Council Meeting) at 7:00 pm Council Chamber, 2225 Otter Point Road

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Office Councillor Bev Berger Brent Blackhall, Deputy Director of Finance Councillor Herb Haldane Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Kevin Pearson Gerard LeBlanc, Municipal Planner Councillor Rick Kasper Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Kerrie Reay Steve Sorensen, Fire Chief Councillor Maja Tait Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 10:02 p.m.

2. Approval of Agenda

MOVED to approve the agenda as circulated. CARRIED

3. Current Issues

Derek Lewers, Sooke resident addressed the Committee as to the Fire Department Capital Replacement Plan and concerns that the District has not set aside sufficient funds in the Capital Reserve Account for the purchase of trucks. Mr. Lewers indicated that Council should err on the side of caution and ensure that appropriate funds are placed into the Capital Reserve Account so that funds are not depleted next year.

Mary Brooke, Sooke Voice News addressed the Committee as to the Town Centre Design Guidelines and suggested that the no left turn at Townsend/Sooke Roads become a part of the town centre design. Ms. Brooke also spoke to the issue of smoking in parks reporting that most of the fires that start in parks and trails are from discarded cigarettes.

Mayor Milne clarified that the purpose of the Town Centre Guidelines is to provide guidelines for the design, esthetics and appearance of buildings and that streets are set out in the District's Transportation Master Plan.

Ms. Brooke responded that the Townsend/Sooke Road no left turn has affected businesses, tourists, residents, the Church and Sooke Family Resource Centre and that it remains an issue for the whole town.


Meeting Date: March 24, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: April 14, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes In response to Mr. Lewer's comments, Councillor Kasper reported that there is $93,000 in the Fire Department Capital Reserve Fund but that the direction from the Finance and Administration Committee was to hold off on a number of expenditures pending the Fire Department Apparatus Replacement Plan had been dealt with.

5. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 10:07 p.m.

Certified Correct:

B Sprinkl ng Mayor Co te Officer


Meeting Date: March 24, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: April 14, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE

Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held in the Municipal Meeting Room at 2205 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on April 7, 2014 at 5:30 p.m.

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Herb Haldane Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Kevin Pearson Councillor Kerrie Reay

ABSENT: Councillors Berger, Kasper, and Tait


Mayor Milne called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.


MOVED and seconded to approve the agenda as circulated. CARRIED


MOVED and seconded to close the meeting to the public under section 90(1) of the Community Charter to discuss the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.


MOVED and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 6:30 p.m. CARRIED

Certified Correct:

ItAier/:( end Milne Bonn Sprinkli)ng Mayor Corporate Offieer

1 Meeting Date: April 7, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: April 14, 2014 Special Council Meeting Minutes

DISTRICT OF SOOKE Committee of the Whole Minutes Meeting held April 7, 2014 at 6:30 pm Council Chamber, 2225 Otter Point Road

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Office Councillor Bev Berger Brent Blackhall, Deputy Director of Finance Councillor Herb Haldane Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Kevin Pearson Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant Councillor Rick Kasper Councillor Kerrie Reay Councillor Maja Tait

ABSENT: Councillors Berger, Kasper and Tait

1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m.

2. Approval of Agenda MOVED to approve the agenda as circulated. CARRIED

4. Public Boat Launch Management Plan Gord Howie provided a summary of the staff report for the Public Boat Launch Management Plan. Mr. Howie advised that the purpose of this Committee of the Whole meeting was to review options for the operation of the public boat launch. Mr. Howie reviewed the proposed boat launch fees which would be established and available for users of the facility and parking fees. Mr. Howie noted that periodic inspections would be carried out by District staff.

Mr. Howie summarized results of a recent survey conducted at the March 25th, 2014 Community Open House on the management of the Public Boat Launch.

Committee discussion: • Prestige Hotel guests pay for the use of the boat launch parking and be reimbursed by the hotel • Council has previously not supported the installation of a pay machine or having municipal employees operate the public boat launch • Seniors are the predominant users of the public boat launch and should pay the full annual fee for the boat launch • Concerns as to establishing fees for the public boat launch as residents have already paid for the boat launch through property taxes • The proposed boat launch business case did not include consideration for the need of additional parking; important to note that at the time the business case was given to the federal government they felt there was sufficient parking 1

Meeting Date: April 7, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: April 14, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes • The Boat Launch Construction Contribution Agreement notes that in the first ten fiscal years, generated revenues do not exceed operating costs; there is not to be any profit made on the boat launch • Consideration to a trial of renting the multi-use pay station vs a lease over the long term as Council previously did not support a multi-use pay station • Important to look at having some type of operation in place for the upcoming fishing season • The installation of a multi-use pay station would make things easy to enforce • Importance of having a system to allow the District to manage the boat launch • There was a good indication of the public's perspective on the operation of the boat launch at the Community Open House • The neighbouring property owners who are currently collecting the boat launch fees currently offer the use of their facilities to users of the boat launch • Concerns that the neighbours have been imposed on by the boat launch and by collecting the boat launch fees; the boat launch fees that are currently collected by the neighbours are going to local charity organizations and whether the neighbours still have an interest in continuing to collect the boat launch fees • Whether there had been an estimate on what the costs would be to build a fish washing facility at the public boat launch • Concerns as to the ongoing clean-up and maintenance that would be required if a fish washing facility was constructed • Clarification as to whether the fish washing station is part of the foreshore lease • Clarification as to whether there was a contractual agreement to complete the fish washing station

Public Input: Terrance Martin, representing the RFP proponent, advised that some of the concerns raised by the Committee during discussion have already been addressed in their submission. Mr. Martin indicated that he believes residents do not want the boat launch operated by District staff. Mr. Martin stated their submission will cost the District nothing, add value to the facility and include an incentive to increase launch numbers. Mr. Martin urged Council to direct staff to move forward with the RFP negotiations and award of the contract. Mr. Martin reported that they did a large consultation process of people who use these types of facilities.

Mayor Milne inquired as to how Mr. Martin's proposal would deal with parking.

Mr. Martin indicated that there could be an opportunity to deal with parking through an arrangement with an adjacent property to the boat launch. The property would have to be rezoned in order to be used for parking. Mr. Martin advised that their proposal would not cost the District of Sooke anything.

Council further discussed: . Clarification as to section 16 of the Boat Launch Contribution Agreement • Concerns as to a third party providing a service that will be commercial in nature • Clarification as to permitted uses in the CD Zone in Bylaw 600 • Benefits to having a third party at the boat launch to assist with flushing boats etc.


Meeting Date: April 7, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: April 14, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes Derek Lewers, Sooke resident, spoke to the public boat launch and concerns as to having to pay twice for the boat launch through property taxes. Mr. Lewers addressed the Committee as to a proposal to enter into partnership agreements with the other boat launch facilities within the District of Sooke that would encourage local business and provide value to users as an alternative for Council to consider.

John Brohman, Otter Point resident, advised that he believes that the annual pass for the residents of Sooke is a good idea and that people from out of town should pay the full boat launch fees. Mr. Brohman suggested that Council consider an "Expression for Interest" for a "wharfinger" to ensure services are provided and fees are collected. Mr. Brohman also reported that there will be record fish runs coming this summer and urged Council to make a decision on the operation of the boat launch within the next month. Mr. Brohman advised that he has concerns as to the costs associated with the construction of a fish washing facility. Council could also look at the option of operating the boat launch through bylaw enforcement such as Nanaimo is currently doing.

Committee further discussed: • Look at having the proponent come up with a solution to the parking issues • There is a need to have someone collect and look after the funds that have been collected • There should be certain times of the day when the boat launch parking should not be used by the patrons of Prestige Hotel • The Committee is in favour of the annual passes

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to enter into discussion with the RFP proponent, 881301 BC Ltd., on an agreement for the operation of the Public Boat Launch; AND THAT a report be brought forward to Council on the proposed agreement and a new Boat Launch Management Plan which includes options for parking. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to support the proposed boat launch fees in the proposed Bylaw No. 491, Fees Amendment Bylaw (488-3) with the exception of removing the Seniors fee and amending the Resident fee to $60.00. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

5. Current Issues

There was no further input from members of the public.

6. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 7:32 p.m.

Certified orrect:

/ A_ , SVIAdhitti Wenda Milne Bonnie inkling Mayor Corporate Officer 3 Meeting Date: April 7, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: April 14, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes

DISTRICT OF SOOKE Committee of the Whole Minutes Meeting held April 14, 2014 (immediately following the Regular Council Meeting) at 7:00 pm Council Chamber, 2225 Otter Point Road

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Office Councillor Bev Berger Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Herb Haldane Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Kevin Pearson Gerard LeBlanc, Municipal Planner Councillor Rick Kasper Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Kerrie Reay Steve Sorensen, Fire Chief Councillor Maja Tait Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant

ABSENT: Councillor Kevin Pearson

1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 9:56 p.m.

2. Approval of Agenda MOVED to approve the agenda as circulated. CARRIED

3. Current Issues Terrance Martin, Sooke resident inquired as to whether there would be clarification as to his emails he submitted to Council. Mr. Martin addressed the Committee as to concerns that Councillor Haldane's Notice of Motion from 2010 to work with CRD Parks staff on motorized vehicle access to Harbourview Road has not been acted upon. Mr. Martin suggested that staff engage the Province regarding Harbourview Road and the public right of way. Mr. Martin would like Council to endorse the letter he has sent to the Province.

Mayor Milne asked Mr. Martin to provide him with a copy of the letter that he submitted to the Province.

Dave McClimon, Sooke resident asked for clarification as to Class A burning permits in the Fire Protection Services Bylaw.

4. Adjournment The meeting w_95 adjourned at 10:02 p.m.

Certified orrect: Atil/ Wen•al Milne Bonni rinklin Mayor Corporate Officer 1

Meeting Date: April 14, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: April 28, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 2225 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on April 14, 2014 6:00 p.m., Closed Portion, Meeting Room 7:00 p.m., Open Portion, Council Chamber

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Wendel Milne Gord Howie, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Bev Berger Brent Blackhall, Deputy Director of Finance Councillor Herb Haldane Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Rick Kasper Gerard LeBlanc, Municipal Planner Councillor Kerrie Reay Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Maja Tait Steve Sorensen, Fire Chief Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant ABSENT: Councillor Kevin Pearson

CALL TO ORDER Mayor Milne called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA MOVED and seconded to approve the agenda with the following items as new business/supplemental information: • Item D-2 Supplementary Information — Townsend Road/Sooke Road Intersection Delegation, Mary Brooke, Sooke Voice News: o Presentation Handout submitted by Mary Brooke o Correspondence received April 14, 2014 from Judith M. Lindsay • Item PI-1 Supplementary Information — Development Variance Permit —6215 Marilyn Place o Correspondence received April 10, 2014 from Rob and Debbie Turner o Correspondence received April 11, 2014 from Marilyn Adreychuk • NB-1 New Business o Correspondence received from Rod Sluggett, Publisher, Sooke News Mirror Re: District of Sooke Support of Multi-Material British Columbia (MMBC) o MMBC Fact Sheet CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on March 24, 2014 be adopted as amended on page 8. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

1 Meeting Date: April 14, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: April 28, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on March 24, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Special Council meeting held on April 7, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on April 7, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


MOVED and seconded that the following minutes be received for information: March 25, 2014 Emergency Planning Committee April 7, 20144 Finance and Administration Committee CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


D-1 EMCS Society Awareness Film Night — 2013 Community Grant — Change in Grant Expenditure, Anne Bell

Anne Bell and Joe Phillips addressed Council as to the 2013 Community Grant awarded to EMCS Society Awareness Film Night. The Society received $2,200 in funding from the District of Sooke to assist with the purchase of a projector for the EMCS Society Theatre which was estimated at $4,000. Ms. Bell advised that they received a deal on the projector and paid just over $1,400 leaving them with $616.57 in excess funds. The Theatre group is requesting that Council consider approving the purchase of soundboards with the excess funds for the Theatre.

MOVED and seconded to approve the use of excess funds from the 2013 Category B Community Grant awarded to the EMCS Society — Awareness Film Night project be used by the organization to purchase related soundboards. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

0-2 Townsend Road/Sooke Road Intersection, Mary Brooke, Sooke Voice News

Mary Brooke, Sooke Voice News addressed Council and provided an overview of her report on the Townsend Road/Highway Intersection as submitted. Ms. Brooke advised a petition has also been submitted to Council with a total of 405 signatures collected to date Ms. Brooke spoke to concerns and issues that occur at the intersection including traffic flow, safety concerns and illegal turning and the negative effect it has on residents and local business. Ms. Brooke advised that the community's concern indicates that changes are needed with the intersection. Ms Brooke summarized several options that could be done to improve the intersection including the installation of signalized lights, a left hand turn for traffic heading east, or the installation of left hand turn signage during designated

2 Meeting Date: April 14, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: April 28, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes hours. Ms. Brooke asked for Council's support and dialogue with Moll and ICBC to make the necessary changes to the Townsend Road/Highway Intersection

Mr. Howie reported that the Engineer for ICBC visited the site on April 7th with District staff. Mr. Howie advised that staff is waiting to receive correspondence from ICBC related to either a left hand turn or suggestions to signage at the Townsend Road/ Highway 14. Mr. Howie further reported that staff met with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) on March 14th to see if there has been any change in their position as to a left hand turn or other changes. Mr. Howie advised that ICBC and MoTI will be getting together to take a joint look at the intersection.

Mayor Milne advised that Council is hoping to hold a strategic planning session on April 28th to discuss the Highway 14 corridor and land issues along the corridor. This is a situation that Council does not have control over but will still keep working on.

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to investigate the installation of left hand turn signage during designated hours at the Townsend Road/Highway 14 intersection. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to direct the Mayor to send a letter to the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) to request that action be taken as to a resolution to the Townsend Road/Highway intersection. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


Terrance Martin, Sooke resident inquired as to whether the emails he submitted to Council would be addressed.

Michael Nyikes, Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce, read a submission from the Chamber as to the Rezoning of Lands for Waste Transfer Stations. Mr. Nyikes advised that the Chamber has been contacted by several residents who have expressed concern as to the rezoning of existing M2 designated properties. Mr. Nyikes indicated that this is in contravention of the District's OCP and expressed concern as to the negative impact the rezoning would have on adjacent residential properties. Mr. Nyikes stated that the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce is not in favour of the rezoning of M2 lands to allow for waste transfer stations and recommends that the District of Sooke require that any perspective proponents follow a formal rezoning application process. Mr. Nyikes further addressed Council as to concerns of an existing M2 zoned property in Sooke that is openly advertising and operating as a waste transfer station.

Derek Lewers, Sooke resident spoke to the information flyer on burning regulations and suggested that individual staff emails not be included on the flyer in the event there is a change in staff/positions, the flyer would not have to be reprinted.

3 Meeting Date: April 14, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: April 28, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes PUBLIC HEARINGS AND RELATED BYLAWS

PH-1 Report of Public Hearing — Medical Marihuana Production Facilities • Bylaw No. 582, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-8)

Gerard LeBlanc provided a powerpoint presentation and summary of the rezoning application for Bylaw No. 582.

Mayor Milne called the Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 582 to order at 8:14 p.m.

Mayor Milne advised that any person who believes that their interest in property is affected by the proposed bylaw would be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions at the public hearing.

Public Submissions:

Michael Nyikes, Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce reported that in October/November 2013 one of the recommendations that came forward in the monthly Chamber report was for Council to pursue the proposed bylaw amendment for Medical Marijuana production facilities. Ms. Nyikes reported that the Chamber had previously met with investors looking to invest millions of dollars into Sooke in establishing these types of facilities. Mr. Nyikes advised that the Chamber sees this as an economic development opportunity for the community.

Mayor Milne called three times for submissions to the Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 582. Hearing none, he closed the public hearing at 8:18 p.m.

Council consider third reading of Bylaw No. 582

MOVED and seconded to allow Medical Marihuana Production Facilities in properties zoned as Agricultural Land. DEFEATED

MOVED and seconded to postpone consideration of Bylaw No. 582, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-8) until a decision has been made by the Federal Government as to authorized users and producers under the new Federal Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


PI-1 Development Variance Permit — 6215 Marilyn Place

Councillor Haldane declared a conflict of interest with this agenda item and agenda item B-2 Bylaw No. 588, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-11) as he is related to the property owners of 2346 and 2350 Sooke River Road and left the meeting at 8:30 p.m.

Gerard LeBlanc provided a powerpoint presentation and overview of the Development Variance Permit for 6215 Marilyn Place.

4 Meeting Date: April 14, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: April 28, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Public Input:

Keith Brooks, adjacent property owner, advised that they have agreed to the 10 meter setback and covenant but would like to have the buildings surveyed once moved to confirm the setback is 10 meters from the rear lot line.

Ted Lewis, applicant, reported that their property was surveyed a year ago but they are willing to have the survey done again.

MOVED and seconded to authorize approval of Development Variance Permit PLN00947 at 6215 Marilyn Place, legally described as Lot 2, Section 45, Sooke District, Plan VIP65834 (PI D 023-982-438) to reduce the minimum setback of 15 meters from a rear lot line adjacent to a residential zone in section 503.7 to 10 meters, that is limited to an area of 20 meters from the easterly side lot line as per the subject property map; AND TO authorize issuance of Development Variance Permit PLN00947 subject to the owner registering on title a Covenant under section 219 of the Land Title Act to restrict the use of the building to recycling depot for Styrofoam, plastic and other commodities, and subject to the property owner providing a survey which confirms the 10 meter setback from the rear lot line. CARRIED Councillor Berger and Councillor Reay opposed the motion


B-2 Bylaw No. 588, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-11)

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 588, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-11) be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Councillor Haldane returned to the meeting at 8:45 p.m.

B-1 Bylaw No. 587, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-10)

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 587, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-10) be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

B-3 Bylaw No. 592, Fire Protection Services Amendment Bylaw (292-6)

MOVED and seconded the Bylaw No. 592, Fire Protection Services Amendment Bylaw (292-6) be introduced and read a first time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded the Bylaw No. 592, Fire Protection Services Amendment Bylaw (292-6) be read a second time as amended to remove section 33.(a). CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

5 Meeting Date: April 14, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: April 28, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes B-4 Bylaw No. 593, Property Tax Exemption for Church Halls and Church Land Amendment Bylaw (337-2)— Knox Presbyterian Church

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 593, Property Tax Exemption for Church Halls and Church Land Amendment Bylaw (337-2) be introduced and read a first time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 593, Property Tax Exemption for Church Halls and Church Land Amendment Bylaw (337-2) be read a second time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 593, Property Tax Exemption for Church Halls and Church Land Amendment Bylaw (337-2) be read a third time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to publish notice as to Bylaw No. 593 in accordance with section 227 of the Community Charter. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


RA-1 Site Specific Floodplain Exemption — 2896 Sooke River Road

MOVED and seconded to postpone a decision on the Site Specific Floodplain Exemption for 2896 Sooke River Road until the applicant has completed a Riparian Area Regulation Assessment has been completed. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-2 Rezoning of Lands for Waste Transfer Stations

MOVED and seconded to postpone a decision on agenda item RA-2 Rezoning of Lands for Waste Transfer Stations. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

ACTION ITEM: Staff to look into the Industrial designation areas of the Official Community Plan and the addition of a definition for waste transfer stations in the Sooke Zoning Bylaw.

RA-3 Finance and Administration Committee recommendations from April 7, 2014 meeting:

Sooke Region Community Health Initiative (CHI) Fee for Service Agreement

MOVED and seconded to approve the Community Service Agreement with the Sooke Region Community Health Initiative for 2014 to 2016 with an Annual Fee of $17,500; AND TO authorize the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer to execute the final agreement on behalf of the District of Sooke. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

6 Meeting Date: April 14, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: April 28, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes RA-4 2014-2018 Five Year Financial Plan

Councillor Berger declared a conflict of interest with this agenda item as the 2014-2018 Five Year Financial Plan has funds allocated to the Volunteer Fire Department and her husband is a volunteer firefighter and left the meeting at 9:28 p.m.

Mayor Milne reported he previously had a conflict of interest with this agenda item as his wife was a member of the Board of Directors member for the Sooke Region Museum but she has resigned to allow him to participate in the process of the 2014-2018 Five Year Financial Plan; he no longer has a conflict of interest.

Councillor Reay declared a conflict of interest with this agenda item as she sits on the CREST Board and left the meeting at 9:28 p.m.

MOVED and seconded to approve the Proposed 2014-2018 Five Year Financial Plan and direct staff to generate the 2014-2018 Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw and the 2014 Tax Rate Bylaw. DEFEATED

Councillor Berger and Councillor Reay returned to the meeting at 9:43 p.m.


RI-1 Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce Monthly Report — April 2014

MOVED and seconded to receive the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce Monthly Report for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RI-2 Sooke Fire Rescue Service — Monthly Report as at March 31, 2014

MOVED and seconded to receive the Sooke Fire Rescue Service — Monthly Report as at March 31, 2014 report for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RI-3 2013 Year End Reports

MOVED and seconded to receive the 2013 Year End Reports for information as amended on Page 56. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


NB-1 Correspondence received from Rod Sluggett, Publisher, Sooke News Mirror Re: District of Sooke Support - Multi-Material British Columbia (MMBC)

Councillor Kasper declared a conflict of interest with this agenda item as his mother-in-law works for the Sooke News Mirror; he left the meeting at 9:51 p.m.

7 Meeting Date: April 14, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: April 28, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes MOVED and seconded to direct the Mayor to send a letter to the Premier requesting the postponement of the implementation of the Multi-Material British Columbia (MMBC) Agreement until meaningful discussions between all levels of government and the business community can be held on the issue. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Councillor Kasper returned to the meeting at 9:52 p.m.

REPORT OF IN CAMERA RESOLUTIONS Regular Council In Camera meeting of April 14, 2014: • Fire Self-Inspection Program — Fire Protection Services Bylaw THAT COUNCIL not implement a fire self-inspection program as the as the Fire Services Act does not authorize a municipality to implement a system of owner or occupier fire inspection; AND TO release this resolution to the public.


MOVED and seconded to adjourn the open portion of the Regular Council meeting at 9:52


Certified Correct: ei W•al Milne Bon Spri ling Mayor Corp rate Officer

8 Meeting Date: April 14, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: April 28, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 2225 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on April 28, 2014, 2014 6:00 p.m., Closed Portion, Meeting Room 7:00 p.m., Open Portion, Council Chamber

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT (Open Portion) Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Bev Berger Brent Blackhall, Deputy Director of Finance Councillor Herb Haldane Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Kevin Pearson Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Rick Kasper Steve Sorensen, Fire Chief Councillor Kerrie Reay Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant Councillor Maja Tait Staff Sgt. Jeff McArthur (left at 7:12 p.m.)

CALL TO ORDER Mayor Milne called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.

MOTION TO CLOSE THE MEETING TO THE PUBLIC MOVED to close the meeting to the public under section 90(1) of the Community Charter to discuss: • 90(1)(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; and • 90(1)(1) discussions with municipal officers and employees respecting municipal objectives, measures and progress reports for the purposes of preparing an annual report under section 98 [annual municipal report] CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

CALL TO ORDER - OPEN PORTION Mayor Milne called the open portion of the Regular Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. .

APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA MOVED and seconded to approve the agenda, with Agenda Item RI-I RCMP Monthly Mayor Report moved to immediately following Public Question and Comment Period. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to add the following items to the agenda as new business/supplemental information: Item RA-2 — Supplementary Information — Land Use and Environment Committee recommendations from April 22, 2014 meeting: • Development Permit Application — 6639 Sooke Road o Revised drawing for Sooke Road building elevation 1 Meeting Date: April 28, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: May 12, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Item RA-4 — Supplementary Information — Purchasing Policy and Use of Lists • Amendment to Appendix 3 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on April 14, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on April 14, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


MOVED and seconded that the following minutes be received for information: April 22, 2014 Emergency Planning Committee April 22, 2014 Land Use and Environment Committee CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


Terrance Martin, representing South Island Recreation Association, addressed Council as to agenda item RA-6 Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue Fish Cleaning Station. Mr. Martin advised that he will be meeting with staff regarding his proposal for the operation of the Public Boat Launch which will include a fish cleaning station. Mr. Martin asked Council to postpone a decision on this agenda item until his proposal has been submitted. Mr. Martin further spoke to engaging the Province on access to lands beyond Harbourview Road.

Ellen Lewers, Sooke resident, advised that she supports Councillor Haldane's Notice of Motion regarding access through Harbourview Road and would like to see Council pursue this further. Ms. Lewers also spoke to concerns as to the outside appearance of the RBC building advising that she would like to see more stone and wood on the facade of the building.


RI-1 RCMP Monthly Mayor Report — March 2014 (see Motion to move to immediately following Public Question and Comment Period)

Mayor Milne introduced Staff Sergeant Jeff McArthur to Council and members of the public.

Staff Sergeant McArthur provided an overview of the RCMP Monthly Mayor Report for March 2014 reporting that there has been a significant increase in thefts from vehicles. The Sooke Detachment will be working with the Regional Crime Unit on a strategy in 2 Meeting Date: April 28, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: May 12, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes dealing with the thefts. Staff Sergeant McArthur further reported on two new staff members that will be joining the Sooke Detachment over the next several weeks.


PI-1 Bylaw No. 594, Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw, 2014 and Bylaw No. 595, Property Tax Rate Bylaw, 2014

Councillor Reay declared a conflict of interest with this agenda item as she sits on the CREST Board and stated that as a result of the BC Court of Appeal decision last year she will not be able to participate in discussions or decisions on the Financial Plan. Councillor Reay left the meeting at 7:12 p.m.

Councillor Berger declared a conflict of interest with this agenda item due to BC Court of Appeal decision last year and also legal advice from the District attorney. Councillor Berger advised that her husband is a volunteer firefighter and funds are allocated to the Volunteer Fire Department from the budget. Councillor Berger left the meeting at 7:12 p.m.

Mayor Milne clarified that due to the Court ruling last year; Councillor's Berger and Reay may be perceived as being in pecuniary conflict of interest with the Financial Plan. Mayor Milne further advised that this court decision has affected many municipalities throughout the province and Councils have asked through UBCM that the province initiate legislation to rectify the issue.

Public Input:

Derek Lewers, Sooke resident, addressed Council as to concerns that there may have been a lack of communication and lack of clear direction from the Finance and Administration Committee to staff on changes to the Financial Plan during the budget discussions.

Ellen Lewes, Sooke resident, asked for clarification as to why Councillor Reay is not able to participate in discussions or decision on the Financial Plan. Ms. Lewers also spoke to concerns as to the EPCOR Sewer Contract advising that both the EPCOR and policing contracts need to be looked at carefully.

Derek Lewers, Sooke resident, inquired as to the conflict of interest issue and Councillors Reay and Berger participating with the budget deliberations with the Finance and Administration Committee, and whether it would be reasonable to vote on the budget department by department. Mr. Lewers expressed concerns that two elected officials are unable to vote on the Financial Plan.

3 Meeting Date: April 28, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: May 12, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Bylaw No. 594, Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw, 2014

MOVED and seconded to approve the Proposed 2014 — 2018 Five Year Financial Plan as amended in the "Executive Summary" — EPCOR Contract and Development Cost Charges and in the Financial Plan with the amendment in the years 2015-2018 reflecting an adjustment in Engineering Services — Operations. CARRIED Councillors' Haldane and Tait opposed the motion

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 594, Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw, 2014 be introduced and read a first time with the amendment in the years 2015-2018 reflecting an adjustment in Engineering Services — Operations. CARRIED Councillors' Haldane and Tait opposed the motion

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 594, Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw, 2014 be read a second time. CARRIED Councillors' Haldane and Tait opposed the motion

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 594, Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw, 2014 be read a third time. CARRIED Councillors' Haldane and Tait opposed the motion

Bylaw No. 595, Property Tax Rate Bylaw, 2014

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 595, Property Tax Rate Bylaw, 2014 be introduced and read a first time. CARRIED Councillors' Haldane and Tait opposed the motion

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 595, Property Tax Rate Bylaw, 2014 be read a first time. CARRIED Councillors' Haldane and Tait opposed the motion

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 595, Property Tax Rate Bylaw, 2014 be read a third time. CARRIED Councillors' Haldane and Tait opposed the motion

Councillor Berger and Councillor Reay returned to the meeting at 8:02 p.m.


RA-1 Emergency Planning Committee recommendations from April 22, 2014 meeting:

Tsunami Signage MOVED and seconded to postpone a decision on the Tsunami signage until further public input has been received; AND the proposed locations of Tsunami signage in the District of Sooke have been identified. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

4 Meeting Date: April 28, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: May 12, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes RA-2 Land Use and Environment Committee recommendations from April 22, 2014 meeting:

Development Permit Application - 6639 Sooke Road

Councillor Kasper declared a direct pecuniary conflict of interest with this agenda and left meeting at 8:08 p.m.

MOVED and seconded to accept the revised Sooke Road elevation drawing titled "13184 RBC SOOKE- North Rendered Elevation 20140425" as part of Development Permit PLN01082; AND TO issue Development Permit PLN01082 for the purposes of constructing a commercial building located on Lot A, Section 10, Sooke District, Plan VIP64715 with the following conditions: a) As per the Town Centre Plan, the sidewalk will be brick pavers to the satisfaction of the Municipal Engineer b) Changes to any off-site improvements/designs that affect the Site Plan in Schedule A, or affect the landscaping plans in Schedule E are accepted as part of this Permit as long as the changes are directed from Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure and/or the Municipal Engineer c) Landscaping for the site shall be completed generally in accordance with the Landscape Plan in Schedule E and any changes are accepted as a result of DP conditions 4 (b) and/or (c). CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Councillor Kasper returned to the meeting at 8:14 p.m.

RA-3 Connector Road Naming

MOVED and seconded to name the new Connector Road "Wadams Way." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-4 Purchasing Policy and Use of Lists

MOVED and seconded to approve the amendments to Policy No. 5.6, Purchasing and Disposal of Assets Policy, 2012; AND TO further amend Policy No. 5.6, Purchasing and Disposal of Assets Policy, 2012 to include wording for "in aggregate and on an annual basis" in section 5. AND TO receive supplier listings (attachments 2 and 3) for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY RA-5 Green Spaces Maintenance Service Contracts

MOVED and seconded to award the Greenspace Maintenance contracts to Drew Porter and Steve's Portable Sawmill & Tree Service; AND TO authorize the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer to sign the contracts. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

5 Meeting Date: April 28, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: May 12, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes RA-6 Royal Canadian Marine Search & Rescue — Fish Cleaning Station

MOVED and seconded to postpone a decision on the Royal Canadian Marine Search & Rescue — Fish Cleaning Station until the proposal from Mr. Terrance Martin has been received and considered. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


NM-1 Mayor to acknowledge Notice of Motion by Councillor Herb Haldane for consideration by Council at the May 12, 2014 Regular Council meeting (section 41 of the Council Procedure Bylaw).

The Mayor acknowledged the following:

NOTICE OF MOTION: THAT the Mayor write a letter to the Minister of Forests and that it directly addresses the intent of the Official Community Plan provision to open the access to authorized permit access by the public at Harbourview, and that the relevant Ministers be engaged in pursuit of that objective.


Release of In Camera Resolutions of April 28th, 2014 Regular Council Meeting RA-2 Corporate Strategic Planning 2014-2015 for Annual Report MOVED and seconded to approve in principle the Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2015 with amendments as to the Roundabout and Sooke Road projects; AND TO release this resolution to the public. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


MOVED and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:37 p.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Certified Correct:

Bo Sprin ling Corporate Officer

6 Meeting Date: April 28, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: May 12, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE Committee of the Whole Minutes Meeting held May 12, 2014 (immediately following the Regular Council Meeting) at 7:00 pm Council Chamber, 2225 Otter Point Road

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Office Councillor Bev Berger Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Herb Haldane Gerard LeBlanc, Municipal Planner Councillor Kevin Pearson Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Rick Kasper Brent Blackhall, Deputy Director of Finance Councillor Kerrie Reay Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant Councillor Maja Tait

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 8:50 p.m.

2. Approval of Agenda

MOVED to approve the agenda as circulated. CARRIED

3. Current Issues

Rosemary Jorna, Otter Point resident addressed the Committee as to access to Harbourview Road and the definition of "public roads" advising that there are thousands of miles of forestry roads in the area that are now closed to the public or have been decommissioned Ms. Jorna suggested that motorized recreation look at the other side of Sooke River Road. Ms. Jorna also spoke to comments that referenced the CRD taking lands away from Sooke.

Sid Jorna, Otter Point resident addressed the Committee as to Harbourview Road commenting that there would not be opposition to someone taking a family car to the parking lot and venturing out from there but the reality is the road is in hopeless condition and would cost millions of dollars to get the road to a point where vehicles could travel on it. Mr. Jorna expressed concern that opening the road is a way to get off road vehicles in the part and that once this is done, it would be impossible to regulate.

Terrance Martin, Sooke resident addressed the Committee as to the zoning of the park which permits ATV access. Mr. Martin spoke to concerns raised as to the condition of Harbourview Road. Mr. Martin congratulated Council in getting the Province involved and working on getting the issue settled.


Meeting Date: May 12, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: May 26, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes Michelle James, Sooke resident addressed the Committee as to concerns of noise from the use of motorized recreation vehicles in the park. Ms. James would like to see the park remain as park.

Rosemary Jorna, Otter Point resident commented that Sooke prides itself on being "wild by nature" and "where the rainforest meets the sea." Ms. Jorna further commented that there has not been any expression of gratitude for the purchase of green space by the CRD and that Sooke has not had a better return on its money. Ms. Jorna advised that there needs to be clarity on the road but also needs to be clarity on the park and that these issues need to be determined separately. Ms. Jorna stated that there needs to be a place for people to go and a place that offers refuge to wildlife.

4. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Certified Correct:

Wendal il Bon Sprinkling Mayor Corp rate Officer


Meeting Date: May 12, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: May 26, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 2225 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on May 12, 2014 6:00 p.m., Closed Portion, Meeting Room 7:00 p.m., Open Portion, Council Chamber

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT (Open Portion) Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Bev Berger Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Herb Haldane Gerard LeBlanc, Municipal Planner Councillor Kevin Pearson Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Rick Kasper Brent Blackhall, Deputy Director of Finance Councillor Kerrie Reay Steve Sorensen, Fire Chief Councillor Maja Tait Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant Staff Sgt. Jeff McArthur (left at 7:24 p.m.)

CALL TO ORDER Mayor Milne called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.

MOTION TO CLOSE THE MEETING TO THE PUBLIC MOVED to close the meeting to the public under section 90(1) of the Community Charter to discuss: • 90(1)(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; • 90(1)(1) discussions with municipal officers and employees respecting municipal objectives, measures and progress reports for the purposes of preparing an annual report under section 98 [annual municipal report]; • 90(1)(j) information that is prohibited, or information that if it were presented in a document would be prohibited, from disclosure under section 21 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; and 90 (1)(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

CALL TO ORDER - OPEN PORTION Mayor Milne called the open portion of the Regular Council meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. in the Council Chambers.

1 Meeting Date: May 12, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: May 26, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA MOVED and seconded to approve the agenda with the following items as new business/supplemental information: • Item D-1 Supplementary Information — KPMG — District of Sooke 2013 Financial Statements: 1. DRAFT Audited Financial Statements 2. DRAFT School Tax Audit Report 3. DRAFT Provincial Home Owner Grant Audit Report • Item C-1 Supplementary Information — Earthquake Preparedness Consultation 2014 — Community Meetings: o Correspondence received from Suzanne Anton QC, Attorney General — May 2, 2014 o Correspondence received from Patrick B. Quealey, Assistant Deputy Minister — May 7, 2014 • Item D-1 Supplementary Information — KPMG — District of Sooke 2013 Financial Statements: o REVISED DRAFT Audited Financial Statements • Item D-2 Delegation: Ellen Lewers — Eustace Road Parking o Photographs of Eustace Road parking submitted by Ellen Lewers May 12, 2014 • Item NM — 1 Supplementary Information — Notice of Motion by Councillor Herb Haldane from April 28th, 2014 Regular Council meeting for consideration by Council: o Public Submissions received on or before May 12, 2014: • Heather Phillips • Anthony Vaughn • Sue Martin • Dr. Parvez Kumar • Rosemary Jorna • Sid J. Jorna, President, Juan de Fuca Community Trails Society • Patricia! M. Brown • Patricia Handy • Charles Simpson • Terrance Martin • Judith Hale and Terry Cristall CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on April 28, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

2 Meeting Date: May 12, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: May 26, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes DELEGATIONS

D-1 Presentation: KPMG — District of Sooke 2013 Financial Statements

Randy Decksheimer addressed Council as to the Draft District of Sooke 2013 Audited Financial Statements. Mr. Decksheimer reported that the audit opinion in the statement package is a clean audit report. Mr. Decksheimer further reported that there is one area where there is a need for adjustments and this is in the area of recording contributed assets from developers. Mr. Decksheimer indicated their support for the future implementation of software to ensure accurate accounting of contributed assets for the District. Mr. Decksheimer advised that there has been a reduced number of adjustments in the current year than in previous years which is a good improvement in the overall financial picture of the organization; KPMG is pleased that there has been this level of improvement.

MOVED and seconded to accept the 2013 Audited Financial Statements, the School Tax Audit Report and Provincial Home Owner Grant Audit Report. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

D-2 Delegation: Ellen Lewers — Eustace Road Parking

Ellen Lewers addressed Council as to concerns that Eustace Road is being used as a park and ride or for parking during the day by people working in Sooke. Ms. Lewers advised that this has caused limited parking space for users of the Sooke Community Hall and in particular for the seniors. Ms. Lewers requested that Council direct staff to look at installing 2 hour parking signage on the north side of Eustace Road. Ms. Lewers also spoke to looking at asking BC Transit to install a park and ride to the west of the Hope Centre at the end of Gatewood Road. Ms. Lewers read and submitted a letter from Karl LineII, President of the Sooke Community Association regarding parking concerns on Eustace Road.

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to look at parking options for Eustace Road. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

D-3 Presentation: RCMP Annual Performance Plan 2014-2015 — Staff Sgt. Jeff McArthur

Staff Sgt. McArthur addressed Council reporting that he is seeking input for this year's annual performance planning process. Staff Sgt. McArthur overviewed the performance plan priority issues from last year's plan which included a reduction of crashes, enhancing relations with First Nations communities, decreasing calls for service involving youth and a reduction in property offenses. Staff Sgt. McArthur reported success in all of these areas with the exception of crashes. The Staff Sgt. advised that he would like to bring forward some small changes with respect to the way the detachment is doing business. Some of

3 Meeting Date: May 12, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: May 26, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes these changes include strengthening relationships and information sharing with other agencies and instituting a program for prolific offender management. Staff Sgt. McArthur responded to questions from Council members regarding an RCMP survey, public awareness of crash sights and the prolific offender management strategy.


Diane Bernard, former Regional Director for Sooke Electoral Area, and Sooke resident expressed her opposition to Agenda Item NM-1; Notice of Motion by Councillor Haldane. Ms. Bernard provided background information and addressed Council as to the extensive public consultation process for the conservation of the Sea to Sea Park and the closure of Harbourview Road at the time that she was Regional Director. Ms. Bernard advised that the intent was to preserve the wilderness and was not meant for access by motorized vehicles. Ms. Bernard further spoke to concerns of public safety and urged Council to not support the Notice of Motion.

Terrance Martin, Sooke resident clarified that this is not about "off roading" in parks, in particular CRD parks but is for "authorized permit access" on the road in the provincial park. Mr. Martin advised that the interest is not in the CRD park and spoke to three high elevation destinations that they are interested in accessing through Harbourview Road. Mr. Martin indicated that Harbourveiw Road is a Forest Act road in which public funds were spent on. Mr. Martin advised that this is a provincial issue and urged Council to support Councillor Haldane's motion.

David Anderson, Oak Bay resident advised that he is a frequent user of the Sea to Sea greenbelt and expressed his opposition to the Notice of Motion. Mr. Anderson provided historical information as to the development of the Sea to Sea greenbelt concept for a wilderness park close to urban centres. Mr. Anderson reported on the substantial amount of money raised by the public and that he believes this concept should be honoured by subsequent Councils and CRD decisions. Mr. Anderson advised that at the time, he was the Federal Minister responsible for British Columbia and that he had arranged for federal dollars to be contributed to the funds necessary for the purchase of the lands in question. Mr. Anderson further advised that the funds came from the Habitat Acquisition Fund with the understanding the park would be maintained as wilderness. Mr. Anderson suggested that Council look carefully at this and attempt to protect the integrity of the Sea to Sea greenbelt system by not supporting the motion.

Sid Jorna, President Juan de Fuca Community Trails Society stated that the Society is supportive of the CRD's aim to keep this area as a wilderness preserve for the animals, plants and light recreation and that the Society is opposed to allowing motorized access to the area. Mr. Jorna urged Council to not support the motion. Mr. Jorna also indicated that these are private lands owned by the CRD and that there is no jurisdiction to impose restrictions on the use of the land.

John Brohman, Otter Point resident expressed his support for the motion advising that it is important for Council to look into the history of public access through Harbourview Road. Mr. Brohman indicated that when public funds are used for forestry roads they must remain open to the public under the Forest Act. Mr. Brohman believes that it would be an

4 Meeting Date: May 12, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: May 26, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes asset to tourism to have vehicular access to the area. Mr. Brohman addressed Council as to concerns that the CRD is closing areas to the public.

Rosemary Jorna, Otter Point resident, expressed her opposition to the motion advising that since 1997 her and her husband had been contributing towards the purchase of the Sea to Sea greenbelt. Ms. Jorna addressed Council as to the extensive CRD public consultation process for the park with the 13 municipalities which included Sooke. Ms. Jorna spoke to the District's OCP and provisions that promote parks, trails and the value of wildlife. Ms. Jorna stated that the park is a refuge for wildlife and that it needs to be kept intact and that motorized vehicles should look at access to the other side of Sooke River Road. Ms. Jorna asked Council to defeat the motion.

MOVED and seconded to extend Public Question and Comment Period in accordance with section 19(1) of the Council Procedure Bylaw. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Ellen Lewers, Sooke resident expressed her support for the motion and addressed Council as to the importance of the public having access to the lakes beyond Harbourview. Ms. Lewers also expressed concerns as to the CRD public consultation process with regard to letters submitted from residents opposed to the closure of the park.

Derek Lewers, Sooke resident also expressed support for the motion and spoke to the past generations of families that were able to use the park for day trips, fishing and hunting. Mr. Lewers indicated that there was never a problem when there was access to the park and that there needs to be access again.

Tessa Dillon, Sooke resident advised that she has hiked the West Coast her whole life and that she has hikes and rides her horse in Harbourview Park; it is pristine, quiet and peaceful, is not impacted by motorized vehicles and it feels safe. Ms. Dillon also represents the Back Country Horseman of BC reporting that the park was made accessible for equestrians. Ms. Dillon advised that they welcome sharing trails where appropriate, but not in this particular park as motorized vehicles can be a hazard to horses and can cause damage to trails.

Michelle James, Sooke resident member of Back Country Horseman of BC and Sooke Saddle Club. Ms. James feels that Sooke should have a place for everyone to enjoy but does not believe Harbourview Park is the place.


PI-1 Bylaw No. 593, Property Tax Exemption for Church Halls and Church Land Amendment Bylaw (337-2)— Knox Presbyterian Church

Public Input: There was no input from members of the public.

5 Meeting Date: May 12, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: May 26, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 593, Property Tax Exemption for Church Halls and Church Land Amendment Bylaw (337-2) be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


B-1 Bylaw No. 592, Fire Protection Services Amendment Bylaw (292-6) MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 592, Fire Protection Services Amendment Bylaw (292-6) be read a third time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that staff be given clear direction to enforce the Fire Protection Services Bylaw where there are clear infractions; AND THAT staffs look at any issues in the Bylaw that are making it difficult to enforce. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

B-2 Bylaw No. 594, Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw, 2014 and Bylaw No. 595, Property Tax Rate Bylaw, 2014

Councillor Reay declared a conflict of interest with this agenda item as she sits on the CREST Board and left the meeting at 7:57 p.m.

Councillor Berger declared a conflict of interest with this agenda item as her husband is a volunteer firefighter and there are funds allocated in the budget for the Volunteer Fire Department and left the meeting at 7:57 p.m.

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 594, Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw, 2014 be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 595, Property Tax Rate Bylaw, 2014 be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Councillor's Berger and Reay returned to the meeting at 7:59 p.m.


RA-1 Infrastructure Planning Grant— Ministry of Community and Rural Development — Asset Management Strategy

MOVED and seconded to endorse the District of Sooke Infrastructure Planning Grant application under the Ministry of Community and Rural Development's Infrastructure Planning Grant Program. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

6 Meeting Date: May 12, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: May 26, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes RA-2 Amendment Covenant — 6669 Horne Road

MOVED and seconded to schedule a Public Hearing in accordance with the Local Government Act and Community Charter notice requirements to consider approval of a Modification Agreement to amend Covenant CA3384029 registered on the property 6669 Home Road, legally described as Lot 4, Section 10, Sooke District, Plan 6694. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-3 Proposed Horseshoe Pitch — John Phillips Memorial Park

MOVED and seconded to postpone Agenda Item RA-3 Proposed Horseshoe Pitch — John Phillips Memorial Park to an upcoming Council meeting. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-4 Capital Region Emergency Services Telecommunications (CREST) — 2014 Annual General Meeting

MOVED and seconded to receive the Notice of CREST 2014 Annual General Meeting, including, attachments; AND TO authorize Councillor Kerrie Reay to vote on the resolutions, along with any other business that may come before the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


C-1 Earthquake Preparedness Consultation 2014— Community Meetings

MOVED and seconded to send two Council members and the Chief Administrative Officer to the Earthquake Preparedness Consultation Community Meeting on July 11, 2014. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


1-1 Correspondence received April 30, 2014 Re: Speed Limits

MOVED and seconded to file the correspondence received April 30, 2014 regarding Speed Limits. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

NOTICES OF MOTION NM-1 Notice of Motion by Councillor Herb Haldane from April 28th, 2014 Regular Council meeting for consideration by Council.

MOVED and seconded to direct the Mayor to write a letter to the Minister of Forests and that it directly addresses the intent of the Official Community Plan provision to open the

7 Meeting Date: May 12, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: May 26, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes

access to authorized permit access by the public at Harbourview, and that the relevant Ministers be engaged in pursuit of that objective. CARRIED Mayor Milne and Councillor Tait opposed the motion

NM-2 Notice of Motion by Councillor Maja Tait for acknowledgement by the Mayor and consideration by Council at the May 26, 2014 Council Meeting

NOTICE OF MOTION re: Proposed Closure of the Victoria Youth Custody Services Centre WHEREAS, citing cost-savings and under-utilization as the rationale, the Provincial Government has recently announced the proposed closure of the Victoria Youth Custody Services centre, located in the Town of View Royal. AND WHEREAS this is the only provincial youth custody facility on Vancouver Island, closure will result in all young offenders remanded or sentenced from Vancouver Island Courts, being removed from their family and community supports, to custody facilities on the Lower Mainland or elsewhere in the Province; AND WHEREAS there are no custody facilities for women on Vancouver Island, resulting in all female offenders who are remanded or sentenced from Vancouver Island Courts, may be temporarily held in local police cells and subsequently removed from their family and community supports, to custody facilities on the Lower Mainland or elsewhere in the Province; AND WHEREAS the Capital Regional District appoints representatives to sit at the Youth and Family Justice Committee, many of whom represent municipalities, to consider and address current issues impacting youth and families involved in the Youth and Family Court system; AND WHEREAS reasonable access family and community supports is integral to rehabilitation planning for Vancouver Island youth and women in custody; THEREFORE be it resolved that that Council direct staff to write a letter to the Minister of Children and Family Development, requesting that the Victoria Youth Custody Services Centre remain open and, further, that the Provincial Government consider re-purposing a part of this facility to include female offenders remanded in custody from Vancouver Island Courts.


MOVED and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:44 p.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Certified Correct:

filLarte Wendal Mi ne Bo fir- Sprin ling Mayor Corporate Officer 8 Meeting Date: May 12, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: May 26, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE Committee of the Whole Minutes Meeting held TUESDAY May 20, 2014 at 6:30 pm Council Chamber, 2225 Otter Point Road

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Office Councillor Bev Berger Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Herb Haldane Gerard LeBlanc, Municipal Planner (left Councillor Kevin Pearson (Chair) at 7:15 p.m.) Councillor Kerrie Reay Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Rob Howat, Approving Officer Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant Absent: Councillor Rick Kasper Councillor Maja Tait

1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:34 p.m.

2. Approval of Agenda MOVED to approve the agenda as circulated. CARRIED

3. Delegation: Jared Sklepowich — 6519 Steeple Chase — fencing on front yard

Jared Sklepowich, property owner, addressed the Committee as to the fence that he constructed on a portion of the municipal boulevard at 6519 Steeple Chase. Mr. Sklepowich reported that his residence is the gathering place for children in the neighbourhood and that the fence acts as a barrier to keep the children away from the street. Mr. Sklepowich indicated that the fence does not restrict any sight-line views for drivers turning onto Steeple Chase and that it is not a permanent structure. Mr. Sklepowich's expressed concerns as to the speed that vehicles travel in the area and that he would like to work with the District of Sooke on the issue of the fence in order to ensure the safety and security of his family.

Committee discussion: • Whether there are any neighbours that have concerns with the location of the fence • Whether the placement of the fence is an issue that should be dealt with through the Board of Variance • Look at a solution that will please the property owner and the District of Sooke • Concerns as to setting a precedence with other bylaw contraventions if Council approves the location of the fence on municipal property and whether the District would be liable for any sight-line issues • Whether he fence is a temporary solution while the property owner's children are young 1

Meeting Date: May 20, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: May 26, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes • Requires a current survey on the property • Consideration to a Licence to Occupy for the fence on District property

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to work with the property owner at 6519 Steeple Chase on a Licence to Occupy for the existing fence; AND THAT the Licence to Occupy include an appropriate term agreeable to the property owner and the District of Sooke. CARRIED Mayor Milne opposed the motion

4. Sooke Town Centre Revitalization Amendment Bylaw Gerard LeBlanc provided a powerpoint presentation a summary of the staff report for the Committee.

MOVED and seconded to recommend THAT COUNCIL introduce and give first, second and third reading to Bylaw No. 590, Sooke Town Centre Revitalization Amendment Bylaw (480-3). CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

5. Bylaw No. 404, Subdivision and Development Standards Bylaw, 2014— Preliminary Draft

Gord Howie provided a summary of the staff report for the Committee.

Committee discussion: • Providing further clarity by incorporating the delegation of authority for the Approving Officer in Bylaw No. 404 • Importance of having the application process more streamlined • Importance of having applicants treated equally and the importance of following the same standards with everyone when using discretionary powers • Clarification as to section 7.1 and the context of the word "official" • Clarification at to section 7.3 and the reference to "building permits"

The Committee asked staff to look at the following suggested changes to Bylaw No. 404, Subdivision and Development Standards Bylaw, 2014:

• removing the words "providing the minimum frontage is not reduced by more than 10% of the amount stated in this Bylaw." from section 7.5 — Approving Officer — Administration • removing the words "Where possible existing trees and vegetation must be preserved within the right-of-way. Any disturbed area must be re-vegetated to the satisfaction of the Municipal Engineer." from Schedule 4 - section 19 • changing the road dedication for the Connector Road (SDD-R11) from 25 meters to 20 meters • including a component that allows for the use of pavement in section 8.12 of Schedule 8 (Sidewalks and Trails — Sidewalk Standards) in order to reduce costs for the construction of sidewalks and increase mobility around the town • using concrete curbs and asphalt as a suitable option in the Suburban Areas (in a trail-like circumstance)


Meeting Date: May 20, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: May 26, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes • changes to wording in section 8.12 (b) of Schedule 8 (Sidewalks and Trails — Sidewalk Standards) to include asphalt as a suitable option in the Suburban Area • including a section in Bylaw No. 404 for commercial and industrial properties to go through a Development Variance Permit and not go to the Board of Variance • including additional tree species in Table 9.1 (Street Trees) in order to provide property owners with further varieties of trees to choose from • clarification as to MMCD drawings

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to incorporate the changes to Bylaw No. 404, Subdivision and Development Standards Bylaw, 2014 as discussed; AND TO provide a revised draft of the Bylaw with additional schedules to an upcoming Committee of the Whole meeting. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

6. Current Issues There was no input from members of the public.

7. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 7:44 p.m.

Certified Correct:

/ ipp Mra Wendal Mil Bonn 1.1.rinkling Mayor Corporate Officer


Meeting Date: May 20, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: May 26, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes

DISTRICT OF SOOKE Committee of the Whole Minutes Meeting held May 26, 2014 (immediately following the Regular Council Meeting) at 7:00 pm Council Chamber, 2225 Otter Point Road

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Wendal Milne Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Bev Berger Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Herb Haldane Gerard LeBlanc, Municipal Planner Councillor Kevin Pearson Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Kerrie Reay Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant Councillor Maja Tait

ABSENT: Councillor Rick Kasper

1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 9:36 p.m.

2. Approval of Agenda MOVED to approve the agenda as circulated. CARRIED

3. Belvista Road and Whiffin Spit

The Committee discussed works carried out at Belvista Road and Whiffin Spit and the source of approval for completion of the works.

Michael Dillabaugh advised that Policy 5.6, Purchasing and Disposal of Assets Policy, 2012 was amended two months ago. Prior to the amendments, any project with a budget less than $5,000 was permitted to be direct awarded. Mr. Dillabaugh explained that in this particular case, the works fell within the Policy but that there were unexpected additional works which brought the budget over $5,000. Mr. Dillabaugh advised that with the recent amendments to the Purchasing Policy, the District is no longer able to direct award contracts even under $5,000. Mr. Dillabaugh reported that earlier this year, staff issued a Request for Qualifications for a number of services in order to put together a local contractor preferred list that will be gone through on a rotational basis. Mr. Dillabaugh advised that in the case of Belvista and Whiffin Spit, the Purchasing Policy was followed.

Committee discussion: • Concerns that some contactors are being given preferential treatment when it comes to the provision of works from the District • Clarification as to the Five Year Financial Plan and where in the plan authorization is given to staff to award District work • That clarification be given to Council during the budget process as to staff's spending authority 1

Meeting Date: May 26, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: June 9,2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes • Concerns as to how far items in the budget should be broken down; Council leaves this up to staff within their authority • Concerns as to the public perception that the process is not being followed when giving preference to one particular contractor • Staff has worked on establishing a list of preferred local contractors and will follow the Policies that are in place • Collecting names of local contractors from the local phone book as concerns that a small ad is not sufficient in producing a list of preferred local contractors . Ensuring fairness and openness with District Policies . It is not the District's responsibility to solicit names of contractors to include on the preferred local contractors list, it is the responsibility of the business

4. Current Issues

Derek Lewers, Sooke resident asked for clarification as to the budget process and staff's spending authority. Mr. Lewers also addressed the Committee as to the Townsend Road intersection advising that he had concerns as to the reports from ICBC and Ministry of Transportation indicating a reduction of accidents and severity. Mr. Lewers provided information to the Committee as to statistics on accidents at the various intersections at Highway 14 (Sooke Road). Mr. Lewers will forward this information on to the Mayor.

Mary Brooke, Sooke Voice News addressed the Committee as to the Townsend Road intersection. Ms. Brook advised that both ICBC and MoTI agree that the intersection should have greater enforcement and asked whether staff will be speaking with the RCMP to see whether they are willing to do this. Ms. Brooke also inquired as to whether recommendations from the reports from ICBC and MoTI will be followed through (removal of the planter and additional yield signage). The ICBC report advised that they are looking for further statistics on how many people are turning left at the intersection. Ms. Brooke encouraged the Committee to get these stats to ICBC prior to the next meeting. Ms. Brooke advised that safety is important but that traffic flow in the town centre and the importance of businesses has not been addressed.

The Committee asked Ms. Brooke to assist with providing Mayor Milne with the statistics on left hand turns at the Townsend Road intersection prior to his meeting with the Minister of Transportation.

Brenda Parkinson, Sooke resident reported that she met with Regional Director Mike Hicks regarding the Harbourview Road and suggested that Council invite Mr. Hicks to a Council meeting to receive information from Mr. Mike Hicks regarding Harbourview Road. Ms. Parkinson also suggested that Council provide more concise motions for staff to that they are able to follow through on what they are asking staff to do. Ms. Parkinson further spoke to the issue of the District receiving "quotes" for works and services noting that often quotes can be unexpectedly higher then estimated. Ms. Parkinson also addressed the Committee as to the $7,000 community grant to the school.


Meeting Date: May 26, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: June 9, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes Ellen Lewers, Sooke resident addressed the Committee as to the community grant for Camp Barnard suggesting that Camp Barnard's website be linked to the District of Sooke and the Sooke Region Tourism Association websites. Ms. Lewers also expressed concerns that Conservation Officer advised that Sooke has the largest population of black bears in B.C. and that there has been incidents in the area where bears have killed domestic animals.

5. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 10:07 p.m.

Certified Correct:

en al Milne Bon Sprinkling Mayor Corp rate Officer


Meeting Date: May 26, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: June 9,2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 2225 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on May 26, 2014 6:00 p.m., Closed Portion, Meeting Room 7:00 p.m., Open Portion, Council Chamber

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT (Open Portion) Mayor Wendal Milne Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Bev Berger Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Herb Haldane Gerard LeBlanc, Municipal Planner Councillor Kevin Pearson Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Kerrie Reay Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant Councillor Maja Tait

ABSENT: Councillor Rick Kasper

CALL TO ORDER Mayor Milne called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.

MOTION TO CLOSE THE MEETING TO THE PUBLIC MOVED and seconded to close the meeting to the public under section 90(1) of the Community Charter to discuss: • 90(1)(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; • 90(1)(i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. • 90(1)(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

CALL TO ORDER - OPEN PORTION Mayor Milne called the open portion of the Regular Council meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. in the Council Chambers.


MOVED and seconded to approve the agenda with the following items as new business/supplemental information: • Item RA-2 Community Grant Review Committee recommendations from May 14, 2014 meeting: o Correspondence received May 22, 2014 from Grace Seabrook — Chair, Camp Barnard Committee 1 Meeting Date: May 26, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: June 9, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes o Correspondence received May 26, 2014 from Grace Seabrook — Chair, Camp Barnard Committee o Correspondence received May 24, 2014 from Debbie Read — Coordinator, Wild Safe BC, CRD Region • NB-1 New Business — Lannon Creek Culvert Replacement — Award of Construction Contract CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on May 12, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on May 12, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on May 20, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


MOVED and seconded that the following minutes be received for information: May 14, 2014 Community Grant Review Committee CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


D-1 Sooke River Bluegrass Festival Society — Request for Funding, Al Planiden

Al Planiden, Director, Sooke River Bluegrass Festival Society addressed Council as to the upcoming Bluegrass Festival at the Sooke River campground and flats. Mr. Planiden explained that the Society is a small group that relies heavily on volunteers. They have a budget this year of approximately $18,500. The Society is hoping to increase attendance this year and make the event more than a Festival; they would like to make it a signature event for Sooke. Mr. Planiden advised that the Society is looking for financial support from the District for this year's Festival.

MOVED and seconded to support the Sooke River Blue Grass Festival Society in the amount of $1,600 to cover the costs for the rental of the facility. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

2 Meeting Date: May 26, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: June 9, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes PUBLIC QUESTION AND COMMENT PERIOD

Derek Lewers, Sooke resident, inquired as to Agenda Item RI-3 Sooke Fire Rescue Service Monthly Staffing Report suggesting that the report include statistic comparisons from the previous months' reports.

Diane Bernard, Sooke resident, addressed Council as to Agenda Item 1-1 Correspondence dated May 12, 2014 from Susan Brice, Chair, Regional Parks Committee. Ms. Bernard quoted sections of the letter which indicated that the CRD does not support public motorized access through the Sea to Sea Regional Park Reserve via Harbourview Road. Ms. Bernard expressed concerns as to the money that these motions cost to the municipality and believes that these funds would be better directed to non-profit organizations that provide a service to the community.


PH-1 Report of Public Hearing; Amendment to Covenant — 6669 Horne Road

Mayor Milne called the Public Hearing for the Modification Agreement for 6669 Home Road to order at 7:25 p.m.

Mayor Milne advised that any person who believes their interest in property is affected by Covenant CA3384029 would be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions at the public hearings.

Gerard LeBlanc gave a powerpoint presentation and summary of the Modification Agreement for 6669 Home Road.

Public Submissions: Ron Dumont, Sooke resident stated that the reason the beach area at 6669 Horne Road is so wide is that, when a portion of Whiffin Spit was lost, the silt in this area was lost. If this ever happens again, there may be a need for a wall in this location.

Mayor Milne called three times for submissions to the Public Hearings for 6669 Home Road Hearing none, he closed the public hearing at 7:32 pm.

Council to consider approval of Modification Agreement to amend Covenant CA3384029

MOVED and seconded to approve the Modification Agreement to amend Covenant CA3384029 registered on the property 6669 Home Road, legally described as Lot 4, Section 10, Sooke District, Plan 6694; AND authorize the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer to sign the Modification Agreement.

3 Meeting Date: May 26, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: June 9, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


B-1 Bylaw No. 590, Sooke Town Centre Revitalization Amendment Bylaw (408-3)

Council to consider Committee of the Whole recommendations from May 20, 2014 meeting:

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 590, Sooke Town Centre Revitalization Amendment Bylaw (408-3) be introduced and read a first time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 590, Sooke Town Centre Revitalization Amendment Bylaw (408-3) be read a second time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to publish notice of Bylaw No. 590, Sooke Town Centre Revitalization Amendment Bylaw (408-3) in accordance with Section 227 of the Community Charter. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

B-2 Bylaw No. 592, Fire Protection Services Amendment Bylaw (292-6)

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 592, Fire Protection Services Amendment Bylaw (292-6) be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


RA-1 Proposed Horseshoe Pitch for John Phillips Memorial Park

Gerard LeBlanc provided a powerpoint presentation and summary of the staff report.

ACTION ITEM: Staff to look into whether there had been a Qualified Environmental Professional Assessment completed for John Phillips Memorial Park at the time the park trails were constructed.

Ron Dumont, representing the Sooke Horseshoe Club, addressed Council advising that the reason for the proposed fencing around the courts is strictly for safety purposes. Mr. Dumont indicated that the proposed location is higher in elevation and that there should not be any environmental concerns. Mr. Dumont further advised that the Club is not in a financial position to be paying for professionals to look into environmental issues. They have received an estimate that the cost of the fencing would be approximately $9,200. Mr. Dumont reported that there is an interest among the youth to play horseshoes.

4 Meeting Date: May 26, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: June 9, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Tom Bligh, representing the Sooke Horseshoe Club, expressed concerns as to a recent publication in the media on the costs associated with the Horseshoe Club and the development of the horseshoe pitch. Mr. Bligh asked Mayor Milne to provide something to the media clarifying this. Mr. Bligh advised that the park is public property and that a private club cannot be located on public property. Mr. Bligh clarified that the proposed clubhouse will be built in the future and that they will begin with an eight pitch court at this time.

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to continue working with the Horseshoe Club and the public to determine an appropriate location for an 8-court horseshoe pitch at John Phillips Memorial Park; AND THAT a business plan for the Horseshoe Pitch proposal be submitted to Council by the Sooke Horseshoe Club. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-2 Community Grant Review Committee recommendations from May 14, 2014 meeting:

Category A grant applications — requests for changes to existing grants: Sooke Food Bank Society MOVED and seconded to fund the Sooke Food Bank Society request for $2,370 in full. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Sooke Lion's Club — Canada Day Society MOVED and seconded to fund the Sooke Lion's Club request for an additional $2,000 for one year only. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Sooke Region Food CHI Society Phoebe Dunbar, representing Sooke Region Food CHI Society, clarified that the allotment garden is self-sustaining and the fees generated cover the garden costs. The Grow a Row program is what requires funding and will likely never be sustainable as it is seen as a community service. The $7,000 in Category A grant pays for some of the expenses related to grow food for six agencies in Sooke and for a part time coordinator for a portion of the year. Ms. Dunbar reported that the other funding request is to help with the costs for a refit of their harvest shed to store food as they must comply with food safe regulations. MOVED and seconded to fund the Sooke Region Food CHI Society the amount of $9,160 from the Category A grants for one year only; AND TO fund the Sooke Region Food CHI Society an additional $1,140 from the Category B grants. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY EMCS Society MOVED and seconded to fund the EMCS Society request for $7,000 in full. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

5 Meeting Date: May 26, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: June 9, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Category A grant applications — new applications: Greater Victoria Bike to Work Society MOVED and seconded to fund the Greater Victoria Bike to Work Week Society request for $500 in full. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Category B grant applications: EMCS Mural Project MOVED and seconded to fund the request from the Edward Milne Community School for the Mural Project in the amount of $7,000. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY EMCS Student Arts Bus Shelter Project MOVED and seconded to fund the request from the Edward Milne Community School for the Student Art Bus Shelter Project in the amount of $1,891. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Navy League of Canada — Sooke Branch MOVED and seconded to fund the Navy League of Canada — Sooke Branch the amount of $6,560; for the purpose of painting, lighting and improvements to the stage area of the Legion building at 6726 Eustace Rd, subject to staff confirming that there are no implications under the Community Grant Program Policy, 2014 to providing additional benefits to an organization that receives a Permissive Property Tax Exemption. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Synergy Sustainability Institute MOVED and seconded to not support the request for funding from the Synergy Sustainability Institute. CARRIED Councillor Tait opposed the motion ACTION ITEM: Staff to look into whether the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce is participating in the Synergy Sustainable Institute program and bring this information back to Council. Category A grant applications — new applications for Council consideration:

BC Conservation Foundation MOVED and seconded to fund the BC Conservation Foundation in the amount of $7,000. DEFEATED Mayor Milne, Councillor Berger, Councillor, Councillor Haldane, Pearson and Councillor Reay opposed the motion

6 Meeting Date: May 26, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: June 9, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes April 30, 2014 Category B grant applications for Council consideration:

Metchosin Preschool Co-op Society MOVED and seconded to not support the funding request from the Metchosin Preschool Co-op Society. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Scouts Canada — Camp Barnard Grace Seabrook, Chair, Scouts Canada Committee, addressed Council as to the Scouts Canada — Camp Barnard grant application and on alternative opportunities the organization has to fundraise. Ms. Seabrook also spoke to the amount of business the camp does with Sooke businesses as well as spoke to the positive impact the camp programs have on the local economy. Ms. Seabrook summarized the upgrades to their facilities in the past years and stated that they are grateful for the funding the District has provided to them in the past. Ron Bilinsky, Scouts Canada — Camp Barnard, addressed Council as to the number of families that will be traveling through Sooke during the Jamboree and the economic benefits to Sooke due to having Camp Barnard in the area. Mr. Belinsky reported that they are concentrating on making the Camp Barnard a potential Reception Centre. MOVED and seconded to fund the request from Scouts Canada — Camp Barnard in the amount of $ 7,000. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


RI-1 Highway Maintenance Contract Start Up Package — Grant Road Upgrades

MOVED and seconded to receive the report Highway Maintenance Contract Start Up Package — Grant Road Upgrades for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RI-2 Townsend Road Right In/Right Out — ICBC and Ministry of Transportation Response

MOVED and seconded to receive the report Townsend Road Right In/Right Out — ICBC and Ministry of Transportation Response for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RI-3 Sooke Fire Rescue — Monthly Staffing Report

MOVED and seconded to receive the report Sooke Fire Rescue — Monthly Staffing Report for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

7 Meeting Date: May 26, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: June 9, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes RI-4 CAO Report — Update of status of 2013-2014 Corporate Strategic Priorities

Michael Dillabaugh provided an update as to the 2013-2014 Corporate Strategic Priorities including the Five Year Financial Plan, Church Road multi-use trail, Connector Road and the CRD water main installation. Mr. Dillabaugh reported that further information will be coming forward as to the sidewalks in the Town Centre and the Waterview/Roundabout project. Mr. Dillabaugh also reported that the District of Sooke has a new website and that the 2014 tax notices will be going out this week. The District is also moving towards paperless agendas.

RI-5 Mayor and Council Reports

Mayor Milne reported on attending a CHI Community Input meeting at the Sooke Community Hall for input on the Community Centre building. Mayor Milne advised that he would like to gather this information and put together a borrowing question on the election ballots for the community facility that could be built in conjunction with the Vancouver Island Regional Library.

Councillor Reay reported on attending the Family Court and Youth Justice Committee meeting in which the dominant discussion was the closure of the Victoria Youth Custody Centre. Councillor Reay further reported on attending the CREST AGM reminding Council that CREST has moved from a five year to a seven year financial plan to help keep the increases to approximately 2 per cent. CREST will also be moving towards new devices and a new VHF Channel.

Councillor Berger provided an update as to the Sooke Youth Council upcoming movie nights, community barbeque and community cleanup. Councillor Berger reported on attending the SEAPARC ice allocation meeting advising that the ice is booked most of the day at all times.

Councillor Tait reported that the Sooke Bike Park was successful on a $75,000 which will be used to improve access to the park. ALPINE has been engaged for the design of the first phase of the park. Councillor Tait further reported that the Literacy Now Program is running again due to receiving funding through the EMCS Society. Councillor Tait also reported on the upcoming Leechtown event and night market.


NB-1 Lannon Creek Culvert Replacement — Award of Construction Contract

MOVED and seconded to authorize staff to not issue a tender for the Lannon Creek Culvert Replacement project, as required by the Purchasing Policy, due to the timeline constraints of the fisheries window and the Request for Quotes process that has been followed; AND award the contract for construction of the replacement of the Lannon Creek culvert at Blythwood Road, east of Parkland Road to the lowest quote;

8 Meeting Date: May 26, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: June 9, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes AND authorize the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer to sign the contract with the lowest bidder. DEFEATED Mayor Milne, Councillor Berger, Councillor Haldane, Councillor Pearson and Councillor Reay opposed the motion

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to issue a tender for the Lannon Creek Culvert Replacement works in accordance with Policy No. 5.6, Purchasing and Disposal of Assets Policy, 2013, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


1-1 Correspondence dated May 12, 2014 from Susan Brice, Chair, Regional Parks Committee, Capital Regional District (CRD)

MOVED and seconded to file the correspondence from Susan Brice, Chair, Regional Parks Committee, Capital Regional District (CRD). CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


NM-1 Notice of Motion by Councillor Maja Tait from May 12, 2014 Regular Council meeting for consideration by Council.

Councillor Reay declared a conflict of interest with this agenda item as her employer is the Ministry of Justice Corrections Branch which has a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Children and Family and left the meeting at 9:30 p.m.

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to write a letter to the Minister of Children and Family Development, requesting that the Victoria Youth Custody Services Centre remain open and, further, that the Provincial Government consider re-purposing a part of this facility to include female offenders remanded in custody from Vancouver Island Courts. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Councillor Reay returned to the meeting at 9:32 p.m.


Release of Motions from Regular Council In Camera meeting of May 26th, 2014: RA-3 Bylaw Enforcement — Idlemore Recycling/Garbage MOVED and seconded to direct staff to implement bylaw compliance action as to the waste transfer station operating contrary to current bylaws at 2049 Idlemore Road and legally described as Lot 7, Block 3, Plan VI P2434; AND THAT COUNCIL release to the public the resolution regarding the initiation of bylaw compliance action for 2049 Idlemore Road. CARRIED 9 Meeting Date: May 26, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: June 9, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes RA-4 Corporate Priorities 2014 MOVED and seconded to amend the resolution of May 12, 2014 to include the following sections of Sooke Road for design and construction under the proposed Town Centre sidewalk project: • the north side from Church Road to Evergreen Centre just short of the Sooke Road roundabout; • the south side from Murray Road to the Sooke Road roundabout; and • the south side from Church Road to Sooke Road roundabout. AND TO release this resolution as to the Town Centre sidewalk project to the public. CARRIED


MOVED and seconded to adjourn the open portion of the Regular Council meeting at 9:32 p.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

The meeting adjourned at 10:53 p.m.

Cert ied Correct:

Wend Milne Bo Spr kling Mayor Cor ate Officer

10 Meeting Date: May 26, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: June 9, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 2225 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on June 9, 2014 6:00 p.m., Closed Portion, Meeting Room 7:00 p.m., Open Portion, Council Chamber

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT (Open Portion) Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Bev Berger Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Herb Haldane Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Kevin Pearson Gerard LeBlanc, Municipal Planner Councillor Rick Kasper Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant Councillor Kerrie Reay Staff Sgt. Jeff McArthur (left at 7:20 p.m.) Councillor Maja Tait


Mayor Milne called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

MOTION TO CLOSE THE MEETING TO THE PUBLIC MOVED to close the meeting to the public under section 90(1) of the Community Charter to discuss: • 90(1)(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality; • 90(1)(c) labour relations or other employee relations; • 90(1)(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; • 90(1)(f) law enforcement, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the conduct of an investigation under or enforcement of an enactment; 90(1)(1) discussions with municipal officers and employees respecting municipal objectives, measures and progress reports for the purposes of preparing an annual report under section 98 [annual municipal report]. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

CALL TO ORDER - OPEN PORTION Mayor Milne called the open portion of the Regular Council meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. in the Council Chambers.

1 Meeting Date: June 9, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: June 23, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA MOVED and seconded to approve the agenda with the following as new business/supplemental information: • Item D-1 Mayor's Public Advisory Panel for Arts and Beautification — Brenda Parkinson, Chair o Proposed Projects and Update — June 9, 2014 • NB-1 RCMP Monthly Mayor Report — April 2014 • NB-2 Community Works Fund Agreement 2014 — 2024 Gas Tax Program Service AND TO move Item NB-1 to immediately after the Public Question and Comment period. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on May 26, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on May 26, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MINUTES FOR INFORMATION MOVED and seconded that the following minutes be received for information: May 27, 2014 Emergency Planning Committee CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


D-1 Mayor's Public Advisory Panel for Arts and Beautification — Brenda Parkinson, Chair

Brenda Parkinson provided an update as to current projects for the Advisory Panel for Arts and Beautification. Ms. Parkinson reported that Michel DesRochers has been selected to paint one of the boxes at Ed McGregor Park and a second box will be painted by a mother and daughter team. Ms. Parkinson advised that the Panel would like to request $750.00 in funding to have a student from EMCS paint a third smaller box in Ed McGregor Park.

MOVED and seconded to fund the Mayor's Advisory Panel for Arts and Beautification $750 from the SPA Reserve Account for the Ed McGregor Park Project. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Loretta Boerkamp provided an update as to Communities in Bloom advising that the Panel would like to purchase five barrel planters as a number of businesses are interested in sponsoring the planters. The Panel is hoping that everyone will pitch in to assist with the clean-up of Sooke to make the community look beautiful when the Communities in Bloom judges arrive. Ms. Boerkamp reported that the Communities in Bloom lunch will be held at the Sunriver Community Gardens, the Awards will be held at the Sooke Harbour House and that the Prestige Hotel will be providing accommodations for the judges. Mr. 2 Meeting Date: June 9, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: June 23, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Boerkamp expressed her gratitude to Council for the excellent job the Parks Maintenance contractor is doing with the maintenance of the District parks.

Sharon Grove reported on the Sooke Communities in Bloom facebook page and encouraged everyone to send in photographs of their gardens to have posted on the webpage. Ms. Grove advised that the Panel would like to bring awareness as to what Communities in Bloom is about.

Brenda Parkinson reported that the first Thursday evening market was held at the Museum on Thursday, June 5th which was a success. There were 14 vendors and music at the market was performed by Janet McTavish. The next evening market will be held on Thursday, June 12th, 2014. Ms. Parkinson also provided an update as the District Bus Shelter Project.

Brenda Parkinson and Ellen Lewers provided an update as to the Arts and Beautification Panel's Signage Projects. Ms. Parkinson reported that the Panel has decided to look at the Digital Sign Project next year and is looking at carved designs for a Memorial Sign at Whiffin Spit, which will include a "Call Out" to artists. The Panel would also like to look at signs at each entrance to John Phillips Memorial Park and for the SEAPARC Bike Skills Park which will also include a "Call Out" to artists. Ms. Parkinson advised that the Panel would also like to look at signage for the District of Sooke Municipal Hall.

MOVED and seconded to receive the Mayor's Advisory Panel for Arts and Beautification report for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

NB-1 RCMP Monthly Mayor Report — April 2014 Staff Sgt. Jeff McArthur provided an overview of the RCMP Monthly Mayor Report for April 2014 reporting on upcoming personnel changes at the Sooke Detachment. The Detachment continues to work on their prolific offender strategy which has had some success; three of the significant prolific offenders have been arrested and are in custody resulting in bit of a reprieve in property offenses at this time. Staff Sgt McArthur provided information to Council as to the Regional Crime Unit. Staff Sgt. McArthur took the opportunity to acknowledge the strong show of support from the community for the RCMP members who lost their lives in Moncton, New Brunswick.

MOVED and seconded to receive the RCMP Monthly Mayor Report — April 2014 for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

UNFINISHED BUSINESS U-1 Mayor to require Council reconsideration of a matter under section 131 of the Community Charter:

Lannon Creek Culvert Replacement — Award of Construction Contract MOVED and seconded to remove Agenda Item U-1 Lannon Creek Culvert Replacement — Award of Construction Contract from the Agenda. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

3 Meeting Date: June 9, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: June 23, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes PUBLIC QUESTION AND COMMENT PERIOD

Robert Rowe, representing the Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue Society addressed Council as to concerns the Society has with the Public Boat Launch. Mr. Rowe reported that the Society currently resides at the Boat Launch and when they first were invited to move there, they expressed concerns related to parking and to the shallow depth of the water. Mr. Rowe indicated that at the time the Society was advised that there would be allocated parking and that dredging would be done. Mr. Rowe advised that to date, neither has been done and that he does not see in these issues included within the proposal for the operation of the Boat Launch. Mr. Rowe asked Council to take these issues into consideration before having a private company take over the operation of the Public Boat Launch.

Terrance Martin, proponent expressed concerns as to having Mr. Rowe communicate directly with the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources. Mr. Martin advised that it is written in the Boat Launch Service Agreement that inquiries go directly through staff. Mr. Martin advised that these are operational issues. Mr. Martin also indicated that there are two underwater obstructions at the Boat Launch site that need to be considered with dredging.

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to write a letter to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources authorizing Mr. Rowe to inquire on the feasibility of dredging on behalf of the District of Sooke; AND THAT staff provide a report for Council consideration on a DRAFT Lease Agreement with the Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue Society at the Public Boat Launch facility. DEFEATED Councillors Berger, Haldane, Kasper, Pearson and Reay opposed the motion

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to work with Mr. Rowe in contacting the Department of Fisheries and Oceans; AND THAT staff provide a report to Council on accommodating the needs of the Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue Society, including a DRAFT Lease Agreement and options for parking and dredging. MOTION RESCINDED

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to review the entire Boat Launch facility for the District of Sooke to facilitate the use of the facility for all users and their requirements for dredging, parking and leasing at the Public Boat Launch. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


B-1 Bylaw No. 590, Sooke Town Centre Revitalization Amendment Bylaw (408-3)

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 590, Sooke Town Centre Revitalization Amendment Bylaw (408-3) be read a third time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

4 Meeting Date: June 9, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: June 23, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes REPORTS REQUIRING ACTION

RA-1 Operation of Public Boat Launch

MOVED and seconded to approve the Community Service Agreement with 881301 BC Ltd. for the operation of the Public Boat Launch; AND authorize the Mayor and CAO to sign the Agreement on behalf of the District of Sooke; AND TO authorize staff to proceed with the acquisition of the related assets necessary to implement the Community Service Agreement with 881301 BC Ltd. for the operation of the Public Boat Launch. AND TO authorize staff to continue to explore solutions for parking for users of the Public Boat Launch. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 591, Fees Amendment Bylaw (488-3) be introduced and read a first time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 591, Fees Amendment Bylaw (488-3) be read a second time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 591, Fees Amendment Bylaw (488-3) be read a third time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-2 2013 Statement of Financial Information Report MOVED and seconded to approve the 2013 Statement of Financial Information and authorize staff to forward it to the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development along with the 2013 Audited Financial Statements. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-3 2013 Development Cost Charges Report MOVED and seconded to accept the 2013 Development Cost Charges Report and authorize staff to make the report available to the public. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-4 2014 Annual Municipal Meeting MOVED and seconded to make the 2014 Annual Municipal Report available for public inspection under section 97 of the Community Charter; AND TO have the Report available for public inspection at the Annual Municipal Meeting scheduled for June 23, 2014. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

REPORTS FOR INFORMATION RI-1 Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce Monthly Report — June 9, 2014 MOVED and seconded to receive the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce Monthly Report — June 9, 2014 for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

5 Meeting Date: June 9, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: June 23, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes NEW BUSINESS

NB-2 Community Works Fund Agreement 2014 — 2024 Gas Tax Program Services MOVED and seconded to approve the Community Works Fund Agreement 2014 — 2024 Gas Tax Program Services; AND TO authorize the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer to sign the agreement on behalf of the District of Sooke. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Gord Howie provided a verbal report on sidewalk improvements in the Town Centre. Mr. Howie explained that the sidewalks improvements would be developed in three phases; from Otter Point to Church Road on both sides of Sooke Road (Phase 1), Church Road to Evergreen Centre on the north side of Sooke Road (Phase 2) and from the Roundabout to Otter Point Road (Phase 3). Mr. Howie reported that staff has been in contact with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure and the plan is to complete survey work first, move towards the final design of the sidewalks for MoTI approval and then proceed with construction later this year.


Release of Motions from Regular Council In Camera meeting of June 9th, 2014:

Bylaw Enforcement Issues — Idlemore Recycling/Garbage and Sooke Disposal MOVED and seconded to accept the update as to Bylaw Enforcement Issues as to ldlemore Recycling/Garbage and Sooke Disposal; AND TO direct staff to proceed with draft amendments to the Official Community Plan and Sooke Zoning Bylaw to allow waste transfer stations in all properties zoned General Industrial (M2); AND TO release to this resolution to the public. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Sooke Firefighters Association MOVED and seconded to file the letter from Sooke Firefighters Association; AND TO authorize the Mayor to respond to the letter. AND TO release this resolution to the public.

ADJOURNMENT MOVED and seconded to adjourn the open portion of the Regular Council meeting at 8:01 p.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m. CARRIED U ANIMOUSLY Certified Correct: ,e

Wendal line Bo'We Sprink ing Mayor Corporate Officer

6 Meeting Date: June 9, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: June 23, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes

DISTRICT OF SOOKE Committee of the Whole Minutes Meeting held June 9, 2014 (immediately following the Regular Council Meeting) at 7:00 pm Council Chamber, 2225 Otter Point Road

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Office Councillor Bev Berger Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Herb Haldane Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Kevin Pearson Gerard LeBlanc, Municipal Planner Councillor Rick Kasper Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant Councillor Kerrie Reay Councillor Maja Tait

1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 8:01 p.m.

2. Approval of Agenda MOVED to approve the agenda as circulated. CARRIED

3. Current Issues Terrance Martin, Sooke resident, advised that he had a meeting today with the Sherwin Group and inquired as to whether the District had received a reply from the recent letter sent to the Ministry of Forests as to the Harbourview issue.

Ellen Lewers, Sooke resident, inquired as to whether there will be a rise and report by the Council members who attended the FCM Convention in Niagara Falls. Council members will provide verbal reports during the Mayor and Council Reports at the last Regular Council meeting of the month.

4. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:07 p.m.

Certified Correct:

ir Wendal Milne Bonni-Fprinkling Mayor Corporate Officer


Meeting Date: June 9, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: June 23, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes

DISTRICT OF SOOKE Committee of the Whole Minutes Meeting held June 16, 2014 at 6:30 pm Council Chamber, 2225 Otter Point Road

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Office Councillor Bev Berger (arrived at 6:58 pm) Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Kevin Pearson Rob Howat, Approving Officer Councillor Rick Kasper Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant Councillor Kerrie Reay

Absent: Councillor Herb Haldane Councillor Maja Tait

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:34 p.m.

2. Approval of Agenda

MOVED to approve the agenda as circulated. CARRIED

3. Wadams Way Connector Road Project

Peter Ferguson, McElhanney Consulting Services provided an update as to the Wadams Way Connector Project. Mr. Ferguson reported on the current progress and items achieved to date with the Project including clearing, grubbing, excavation, subgrade, sanitary sewer, watermain, retaining walls and contaminated site area clean-up. Mr. Ferguson further reported that road and multi-use trail sub base, grading, road shaping and drainage are currently underway. Mr. Ferguson advised that the Project is on schedule and that there are no concerns with being able to achieve the completion date of August 31, 2014. Mr. Ferguson further advised that the actual cut and fill volumes will be confirmed at the end of June as they are the unknown items in the contract. To date, it appears the Project is on budget and that approximately 30 percent of the contract value has been paid as of the end of May.

Committee discussion: • Clarification as to the contingency amount of $255,000 and how much of this was dealing with additional materials brought in; Council will need to clearly demonstrate all changes to the contract award • Clarification as to the submitted bid of $1,706,000


Meeting Date: June 16, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on June 23, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes Public Input: There was no input from members of the public.

Mayor Milne took the opportunity to thank Mr. Ferguson for his presentation.

Mayor Milne asked Councillor Pearson to take over as Chair of the meeting.

4. Bylaw No. 404, Subdivision and Development Standards Bylaw, 2014— Preliminary Draft

Gord Howie provided a summary of the staff report. Mr. Howie reported that the draft sections of the Subdivision Bylaw for Committee review this evening are Schedule 3 — Rainwater Management and Schedule 6 — Electrical, Telephone and Street Lighting. Mr. Howie further advised that the remaining Sections of the Bylaw will be provided for review at upcoming Committee of the Whole meetings.

Committee discussion: • Including the Committee's comments as to 2m sidewalk width being wide enough to accommodate mobility scooters in the downtown • Reference to "net increase of lots" under Definitions in the Bylaw and whether it should be included in order to trigger park dedication and cash in lieu for amenities • Clarification as to "additional" and "net" lots meaning "3 additional lots" • Clarification as to section 1.1 in Schedule 5 Sanitary Sewage System and whether lots created by subdivision are connected to the municipal sewer system as part of the subdivision approval • Concerns as to the provision of water and use of the term "potable source of water" and concerns as to leaving it up to the proponent or Island Health to certify what the source of water is outside of the service area; look to include a mechanism that gives the Approving Officer comfort that water supply meets the statutory requirements from a health perspective • Whether it is possible to subdivide a lot with no potable water on site • Public concern that flow testing for potable water wells is being done at the time of year when the water levels are high and not at the time of year when the water level is low and whether this will be looked at in the bylaw • Wording in the current Subdivision bylaw around "lot line adjustments:" If there is no net increase in density there should not be a requirement to have to do improvements or provide amenities • Timeline as to when staff expect to have the Bylaw ready for Council consideration as it is important to have it complete by the end of September prior to the election

Public Input: There was no input from members of the public.


Meeting Date: June 16, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on June 23, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes

5. Current Issues

There was no input from members of the public.

6. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 7:02 p.m.

Certified Correct:

Wenda Milne Bon prinkling Mayor Corporate Officer


Meeting Date: June 16, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on June 23, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE Committee of the Whole Minutes Meeting held June 23, 2014 at 6:00 pm Council Chamber, 2225 Otter Point Road

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Office Councillor Bev Berger Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Herb Haldane Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Kevin Pearson Gerard LeBlanc, Municipal Planner Councillor Rick Kasper Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Kerrie Reay Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant Councillor Maja Tait

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:04 p.m.

2. Approval of Agenda

MOVED to approve the agenda as circulated. CARRIED

3. Town Centre Design Guidelines

Gerard LeBlanc provided a powerpoint presentation and summary of the staff report.

Committee discussion: • Consider creating tax incentives for business and property owners in order to encourage improvements in the Town Centre for new and existing buildings under the Design Guidelines • Concerns as to a voluntary program for the Guidelines • Whether wayfinding signage will be installed by the District of Sooke or whether they are to be installed by the business owners • Importance of including a variety of building materials such as metals to make building and improvements more cost effective for developers and builders • Importance of providing more flexibility for developers around street tree varieties • Staff to look at including language in the Town Centre Illustrative Design Handbook for safe bike lock-up within the town centre

Public Input:

Michael Nyikes, President, Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce, addressed the Committee as to the recommendations provided by the Chamber on the Town Centre Design Guidelines. Mr. Nyikes reported that people have been asking for a West Coast 1

Meeting Date: June 23, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: July 14, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes architectural theme that provides options for developers. Mr. Nyikes indicated that the Guidelines should not be strictly voluntary but should be mandatory whenever possible. Mr. Nyikes reported that the Design Guidelines are a step in the right direction.

Ellen Lewes, Sooke resident, expressed support for the Design Guidelines advising that she would like to see an option for metal cladding, including coloured metals that would blend in nicely with rock. Ms. Lewers also spoke to building LEEDS, wayfinding signs, landscaping and including a well for downtown irrigation.

Frederique Philip, Sooke resident, addressed Council as to the importance of doing things properly and encouraging quality construction in order to save money over the long term. Ms. Philip used the Sooke Harbour House as an example.

MOVED and seconded to recommend that Council approve Town Centre Illustrative Design Handbook and consider the Handbook in conjunction with the consideration of introducing and giving first and second reading to Bylaw No. 598, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-6); AND to direct staff to look into a Town Centre Improvement incentive program for developers and property owners; AND THAT COUNCIL direct staff to schedule a Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 598, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-6) in accordance with the requirements of the Community Charter and Local Government Act. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

4. Current Issues

Ellen Lewers, Sooke resident, inquired as to the financial impact of the Sooke Town Centre Revitalization Bylaw and the reduction of development cost charges. Ms. Lewers also expressed concern as to the rezoning of lands for waste transfer stations, the proposed location for the Horseshoe Pitch in John Phillips Memorial Park, the long term borrowing bylaw for a Community Centre, the Site Specific Floodplain Exemption for 2896 Sooke River Road and Climate Change Action Committee recommendations on Corporate Carbon Neutrality.

Brenda Parkinson, Sooke resident, provided her apologies to the Committee for the spelling errors in the last report on the Mayor's Advisory Panel for Arts and Beautification.

Ken Stratford, Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce, addressed the Committee as to the importance of the Town Centre Design Guidelines and the positive affect the Guidelines will have on the town centre, economic development, increasing tax base and bringing people to the community. Mr. Stratford congratulated Council on moving forward with the Guidelines advising that he hopes to see changes to the facades of buildings in the town centre.

Loretta Boerkamp, Sooke resident, addressed the Committee as to how the residents of Kimberley, BC pulled together to make the town the Alpine Village it is today that people enjoy visiting. Ms. Boerkamp suggested that this is what needs to be done in Sooke.


Meeting Date: June 23, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: July 14, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes 5. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 6:47 p.m.

Certified Correct:

- Weridal line Bon 110 prinkl g Mayor Corporate 0 cer


Meeting Date: June 23, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: July 14, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 2225 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on June 23, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT (Open Portion) Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Bev Berger Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Herb Haldane Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Kevin Pearson Gerard LeBlanc, Municipal Planner Councillor Rick Kasper Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Kerrie Reay Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant Councillor Maja Tait


Mayor Milne called the Regular Council meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. in the Council Chambers.


MOVED and seconded to approve the agenda with the following items as new business/supplementary information: • Supplementary Information: Rezoning of Lands for Waste Transfer Stations o Bylaw No. 596, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-5) o Bylaw No. 597, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-12) • New Business: Temporary Appointment of Council Member to attend CRD Board Meeting June 25th , 2014 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on June 9, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on June 9, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on June 16, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

1 Meeting Date: June 23, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: July 14, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes MINUTES FOR INFORMATION

MOVED and seconded that the following minutes be received for information: June 5, 2014 Climate Change Action Committee CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


Terrance Martin, Sooke resident, addressed Council as to Agenda Item B-2 Bylaw No. 591, Fees Amendment Bylaw (488-3) for the Boat Launch Fees and expressed his concerns as to the fee structure in the bylaw. Mr. Martin advised that he would like Council to consider rescinding third reading and amending the Bylaw to separate parking fees from boat launch fees.

Michael Nyikes, President, Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce, addressed Council as to Agenda Item B-3 Rezoning of Lands for Waste Transfer Stations. Mr. Nyikes reported that the Chamber has received strong opposition from the business community and property owners over this issue. Mr. Nyikes spoke to concerns of odour, increase in traffic, and the negative impact the rezoning would have on property values. Mr. Nyikes indicated that individual property owners should be going through the application process if they wish to apply for zoning that permits waste transfer stations.


PI-1 Development Permit and Development Variance Permit — 6669 Horne Road

Gerard LeBlanc provided a powerpoint presentation and summary of the staff report.

Public Input: There was no input from members of the public.

MOVED and seconded to issue Development Variance Permit PLN01097 to vary section 4.6(a)(b) to allow fine gravel surfacing for 23 of the proposed parking spaces to be located on 6669 Home Road as part of Development Permit PLN01096; AND TO issue Development Permit PLN01096 for the purposes of constructing 32 multi- family dwelling units located on Lot 4, Section 10, Sooke District, Plan 6694. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

PI-2 2014 Annual Municipal Meeting Gord Howie reported that 2014 Annual Municipal Report has been made available for public inspection in accordance with the section 97 of the Community Charter. Municipal Council are to consider the 2014 Annual Municipal Report and receive submissions and questions from the public.

Public Input: There was no input from members of the public.

MOVED and seconded to receive the 2014 Annual Municipal Report. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

2 Meeting Date: June 23, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: July 14, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes BYLAWS

B-1 Bylaw No. 590, Town Centre Revitalization Amendment Bylaw (408-3)

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 590, Town Centre Revitalization Amendment Bylaw (408-3) be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

B-2 Bylaw No. 591, Fees Amendment Bylaw (488-3)— Boat Launch Fees

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 591, Fees Amendment Bylaw (488-3) be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

B-3 Bylaw No. 596, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-5) and Bylaw No. 597, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-12)— Rezoning of Lands for Waste Transfer Stations

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 596, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-5) be introduced and read a first time. CARRIED Mayor Milne, Councillors Reay and Tait opposed the motion

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 596, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-5) be read a second time. CARRIED Mayor Milne, Councillors Reay and Tait opposed the motion

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 597, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-12) be introduced and read a first time. CARRIED Mayor Milne, Councillors Reay and Tait opposed the motion

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 597, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-12) be read a second time. CARRIED Mayor Milne, Councillors Reay and Tait opposed the motion

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to schedule a Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 596 and Bylaw No 597 in accordance with the requirements of the Community Charter and Local Government Act. CARRIED Mayor Milne, Councillors Reay and Tait opposed the motion

B-4 Bylaw No. 598, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-6)— Town Centre Design Guidelines DPI — Town Centre Design Guidelines

Committee of the Whole Recommendations from June 23, 2014 Meeting: MOVED and seconded to approve the Town Centre Illustrative Design Handbook and consider the Handbook in conjunction with the consideration of introducing and giving first and second reading to Bylaw No. 598, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400- 6); AND to direct staff to look into a Town Centre Improvement incentive program for developers and property owners. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3 Meeting Date: June 23, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: July 14, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 598, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-6) be introduced and read a first time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 598, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-6) be read a second time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to schedule a Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 598, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-6) in accordance with the requirements of the Community Charter and the Local Government Act. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


RA-1 Funding Request for Sooke Region Historical Society Water Flow Line Exhibit Mayor Milne presented the funding request from the Sooke Region Historical Society for a Water Flow Line Exhibit.

MOVED and seconded to approve $1,000 in funding to the Sooke Region Historical Society for the Water Flow Line Exhibit from the Community Grants Program. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-2 Site Specific Floodplain Exemption & RAT — 2896 Sooke River Road

MOVED and seconded to approve a Site Specific Floodplain Exemption from Bylaw No. 561, Flood Regulation Bylaw, 2013 for 2896 Sooke River Road: a. to reduce the floodplain setback from 30 meters to 11.5 meters to the natural boundary of Sooke River; and b. to reduce the floodplain setback from 30 meters to 11.5 meters to the natural boundary of Charters River; AND TO require a Section 219 Covenant be registered on the property title as per Bylaw No. 561. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-3 Proposed Horseshoe Pitch for John Phillips Memorial Park Ron Dumont, representing the Sooke Horseshoe Club, addressed Council as to the proposed location for the Horseshoe Pitch, as it is the highest point in elevation in the park and to placing a container on site in order to keep the Club's supplies secure. Mr. Dumont spoke to the importance of Council making a decision on the Horseshoe Pitch as the issue has been ongoing for the past three years.

MOVED and seconded to approve the proposed location in John Phillips Memorial Park for a Horseshoe Pitch; AND TO direct staff to continue working with the Sooke Horseshoe Club on the 8 court Horseshoe Pitch subject to the location of the re-alignment of Otter Point Road. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

4 Meeting Date: June 23, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: July 14, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes ACTION ITEM: Staff to schedule a Public Information meeting for the proposed Horseshoe Pitch in John Phillips Memorial Park and to bring forward information on the costs associated with construction of the Horseshoe Pitch and the costs for placing capital infrastructure (ie. Public washrooms) in John Phillips Memorial Park.

RA-4 Long Term Borrowing for Community Centre

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to continue to work with the Sooke Region Community Health Initiative (CHI) to determine the location and preliminary design plans for a Sooke Community Centre; AND TO authorize staff to initiate the municipal loan authorization and electoral approval process for long-term capital borrowing for the proposed Sooke Community Centre. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-5 Community Parks and Public Places Donation Program — Tribute Bench Policy, 2014

MOVED and seconded to receive the Community Parks and Public Places Donation Program — Tribute Bench Policy, 2014 report for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

ACTION ITEM: Council requested that staff look into the following: • The inclusion of dedicated Pioneer Family benches to be maintained by the District of Sooke • The inclusion of memorial trees • The costs associated with the memorial/tribute area on Whiffin Spit • Renaming the Tribute Bench Policy

RA-6 Climate Change Action Committee recommendations from June 5, 2014 meeting:

Corporate Carbon Neutrality MOVED and seconded to confirm the District of Sooke's commitment under the BC Climate Action Charter and become carbon neutral in its operations annually; AND TO establish a Carbon Tax Rebate Reserve fund for the carbon tax rebates received to be used for initiatives to reduce carbon emissions in the District of Sooke. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-7 Electronic Agenda Systems and Devices

MOVED and seconded that Policy No. 1.7, Electronic Agenda Systems and Devices, 2014 be adopted; AND TO authorize staff to proceed with the purchase of a device for each Council member in accordance with Policy No. 1.7 from the Council Contingency Fund for those Council member wishing to use them starting with the new Council in November, 2014. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

5 Meeting Date: June 23, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: July 14, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes REPORTS FOR INFORMATION

RI-1 Mayor and Council Reports

Mayor Milne reported on attending the Sooke Region Historical Society Annual Barbeque, and reported on the upcoming 150th Anniversary of Leechtown and the 100th Anniversary of the Flow Line.

Councillor Kasper reported on attending the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Convention May 29th to June 1st. Councillor Kasper advised that he attended several events and sessions including topics on Disaster and Emergency Response, an online budget simulator program and sewer contract discussions with Council members and EPCOR. Councillor Kasper spoke to Mayor Milne's announcement that he will not be running in the 2014 Municipal election and took the opportunity to thank the Mayor for all his work and effort during this Council term.

Councillor Tait reported on the recent Victoria Gran Fondo Cycling Competition in which Sooke participated by hosting a rest station and time booth at Sooke Mountain Cycle. Councillor Tait also reported on the Chamber's Meeting Planners Executive where she hosted a historical tour/walk. Councillor Tait also provided an update as to the Bike Skills Park.

Councillor Haldane reported on attending the FCM Convention where he attended a number of workshops and was able to have dialogue with many different groups. Councillor Haldane spoke to the importance of attending the FCM and UBCM Conventions as they provide invaluable information and networking opportunities that assist Council members to become better at their jobs. Councillor Haldane also reported on attending a Housing Symposium with Councillor Kasper.

Councillor Reay reported on attending the FCM Convention where she attended sessions and had discussions around economics, policing costs, networking and homelessness. Councillor Reay reported on attending the Sooke Region Historical Society barbeque. Councillor Reay advised that with the Sooke Potholes Campground being closed, there has been a significant increase in bear and cougars moving closer to the town.

Councillor Pearson reported on attending the Sooke Region Historical Society barbeque.

Councillor Berger reported on the recent SEAPARC Open House where the Bike Skills Park Plan was presented and reported on the Sooke Youth Council movie night being cancelled due to the teacher's strike.

RI-2 Sooke Fire Rescue Service — Monthly Staffing Report — May 2014

MOVED and seconded to receive the Sooke Fire Rescue Service — Monthly Staffing Report — May 2014 report for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

ACTION ITEM: Staff to include call volume in the Sooke Fire Rescue Service Monthly Staffing Reports.

6 Meeting Date: June 23, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: July 14, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes RI-3 GAO Report: Update on status of 2014/2015 Corporate Strategic Priorities

Gord Howie provided an update as to the status of the 2014/2015 Corporate Strategic Priorities. Mr. Howie reported that the Connector Road (Wadams Way) and Multi Use Trail project is currently on budget. Mr. Howie overviewed sidewalk improvements to the town centre reporting that the survey work is in progress and should be completed shortly. The sidewalk improvements will be done in three phases and it is anticipated that construction will begin in September. Mr. Howie also provided updates as to the Roundabout and the Vancouver Island Regional Library.


NB-1 Temporary Appointment of Council Member to attend CRD Board Meeting June 25th, 2014

MOVED and seconded to appoint Councillor Haldane as a Temporary Alternate to the Capital Regional District Board so that he can attend the CRD Board meeting on June 25th, 2014. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


1-1 Letter dated June 5, 2014 from Minister Steve Thomson

MOVED and seconded to file the correspondence dated June 5, 2014 from Minister Steve Thomson. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


MOVED and seconded to close the meeting to the public under section 90 of the Community Charter to discuss: • 90(1)(c) labour relations or other employee relations; • 90(1)(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; • 90(1)(g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality; • 90(1)(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public; 90(2)(b) the consideration of information received and held in confidence relating to negotiations between the municipality and a provincial government or the federal government or both, or between a provincial government or the federal government or both and a third party. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

7 Meeting Date: June 23, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: July 14, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes REPORT OF IN CAMERA RESOLUTIONS

Release of Resolution of June 23, 2014 Regular Council In Camera Meeting

RA-2 Sooke Firefighters Association MOVED and seconded to amend the budget amount for the Sooke Firefighters Association for the stipend to $17,500 in accordance with the agreement reached with the Association as to eligibility of members to receive the stipend; AND TO release this resolution to the public. CARRIED


The open portion of the Regular Council meeting adjourned at 9:58 p.m.

MOVED and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 10:55 p.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Certified Correct:

Wendal Mi ne Bonnie M inkli Mayor Corporate Officer

8 Meeting Date: June 23, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: July 14, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE Committee of the Whole Minutes Meeting held July 7, 2014 at 7:00 pm Council Chamber, 2225 Otter Point Road

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Office Councillor Herb Haldane Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Rick Kasper Rob Howat, Approving Officer Councillor Kerrie Reay Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant Councillor Maja Tait

Absent: Councillor Bev Berger, Councillor Kevin Pearson

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m.

2. Approval of Agenda

MOVED to approve the agenda as circulated. CARRIED

3. Bylaw No. 404, Subdivision and Development Standards Bylaw, 2014— Preliminary Draft

Gord Howie provided a summary of the staff report. Mr. Howie reported that the Land Use and Environment Committee and Committee of the Whole have been reviewing the various aspects of the Subdivision and Development Standards Bylaw and that the remaining sections for review are application forms, fee structure, requirements for water service and submission standards. The next steps will be to complete the administrative schedules which deal with Municipal Ticket Information (MTI) and to forward the Bylaw to the municipal lawyer for legal review. There will be a public consultation meeting, and any refinements will be made to the bylaw prior to bringing it forward to Council.

Committee discussion: • Whether application fees in the bylaw have changed or remain the same • Lot Line Adjustment Application Fee has been included in Schedule 2 of the new bylaw • Clarification as to the timeframe for the extent of work for Lot Line Adjustments • Staff to include the Final Approval Fee of $1,500 on Schedule 2 — Application Fees • A base fee of $500 was added to the Design Drawing Assessment Fee • Clarification as to Boundary Lot Adjustments vs. Lot Line Adjustment 1

Meeting Date: July 7, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: July 14, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes Public Input: There was no input from members of the public.

Gord Howie advised that staff will ask the municipal solicitor to address the issue around delegation of authority to ensure the Subdivision Bylaw is fully within the legal parameters that it should be.

Rob Howat advised that staff will review the Subdivision Bylaw to ensure that there are no further omissions, in particular with the fee structure.

Mr. Howie reported that the new Subdivision Bylaw is easy to follow and to understand what the requirements are in particular around the graphic work that lays out the various road designs.

MOVED and seconded to receive for review the proposed Bylaw No. 404, Subdivision and Development Standards Bylaw, 2014; AND direct staff to proceed to finalize the draft Bylaw No. 404 with any amendments proposed by the Committee; AND direct staff to schedule a Public Information meeting for Bylaw No. 404 on September 8th, 2014. CARRIED

4. Current Issues

There was no input from members of the public.

5. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 7:11 p.m.

Certified Correct:

WWIIOWA/ rendal Milne Bonn Cr prinkling Mayor Corpo te Officer


Meeting Date: July 7, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: July 14, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 2225 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on July 14, 2014 6:00 p.m., Closed Portion, Meeting Room 7:00 p.m., Open Portion, Council Chamber

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT (Open Portion) Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Bev Berger Brent Blackhall, Acting Director of Finance Councillor Herb Haldane Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Kevin Pearson Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant Councillor Rick Kasper Councillor Kerrie Reay

ABSENT: Councillor Maja Tait

CALL TO ORDER Mayor Milne called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.

MOTION TO CLOSE THE MEETING TO THE PUBLIC MOVED to close the meeting to the public under section 90(1) of the Community Charter to discuss: 90(1)(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality; 90(1)(c) labour relations or other employee relations; 90(1)(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; 90(1)(1) discussions with municipal officers and employees respecting municipal objectives, measures and progress reports for the purposes of preparing an annual report under section 98 [annual municipal report]. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

CALL TO ORDER - OPEN PORTION Mayor Milne called the open portion of the Regular Council meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. in the Council Chambers.


MOVED and seconded to approve the agenda with the following items as new business/supplementary information: • PH-1 Bylaw No. 596, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-5) and Bylaw No. 597, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-12)— Waste Transfer Station

1 Meeting Date: July 14, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: September 8, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Public Submissions received July 14, 2014: 0 Kevin Wenstob — Wenstob Land Corporation Ltd. • NB-1 New Business — Award of Tender — Pineridge Park Improvements 6645 Pineridge Park Place • NB-2 New Business — Award of Tender — SEAPARC Multi-Use Trail Project — Throup Road Right of Way to SEAPARC CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on June 23, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on June 23, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on July 7, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


D-1 Mayor's Public Advisory Panel — Arts and Beautification, Brenda Parkinson, Chair

Brenda Parkinson provided an update on current projects for the Mayor's Advisory Panel for Arts and Beautification as submitted. Ms. Parkinson also provided an update as to the Communities in Bloom reporting that Committee have been working on the Business Beautification contest and that the judges will be arriving for Communities in Bloom on July 22nd. Ms. Parkinson addressed Council as to the Signage Project for John Phillips Memorial Park requesting Council's approval for a "call out" to artists/carvers for designs and estimated costs for a sign.

Ms. Parkinson also addressed Council as to an opportunity to purchase a painting by local artist Monique Bosse for $700. Ms. Bosse's painting was the inspiration for the District of Sooke logo. Ms. Parkinson advised that the Mayor's Advisory Panel would like the District to purchase the painting as it is part of the District of Sooke heritage.

MOVED and seconded to approve the Mayor's Advisory Panel on Arts and Beautification "Call Out" to artists/carvers for the design of a John Phillips Memorial Park sign. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to approve the purchase of the original artwork by Monique Bosse in the amount of $700 from the SPA Reserve Account. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

2 Meeting Date: July 14, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: September 8, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes PUBLIC QUESTION AND COMMENT PERIOD

Jeff Bateman, Sooke resident addressed Council on behalf of Transition Town Sooke Society. Mr. Bateman advised that the Society will be attending an upcoming Council meeting as a delegation to address Council on the inclusion of a referendum question on the November 14 general local election ballot asking whether Sooke should join other municipalities in renewing and reinstating its opposition to the expansion of oil tanker traffic through coastal B.C. waters.


PH-1 Report of Public Hearings — Waste Transfer Stations • Bylaw No. 596, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-5) and • Bylaw No. 597, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-12)

Mayor Milne called the Public Hearings for Bylaw No. 596 and Bylaw No. 597 to order at 7:14 p.m.

Mayor Milne advised that any person who believes that their interest in property is affected by the proposed bylaws would be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions at the public hearings.

Public Submissions:

Ellen Lewers, Sooke resident was opposed to the bylaw amendments for Waste Transfer Stations and expressed concerns as to email correspondence between Council and concerns as to conflict of interest. Ms. Lewers believes that the property owner should be applying to rezone his property and that the District of Sooke should have a Solid Waste Management Plan before allowing waste transfer stations as a permitted use. Ms. Lewers further expressed concerns as to the affect the rezoning will have on property values, property taxes, First Nation lands, environmental issues, attraction of wildlife, and effect on tourism. Ms. Lewers provided a written submission.

Gail Hall, Sooke resident expressed her opposition to the bylaw amendments and addressed Council as to concerns that the Notice for the rezoning was inadequate as it did not contain a map or mention the Butler property or Goodridge Island. Ms. Hall further noted concerns as to conflicting resolutions from Council, not following procedures, costs to the general public for the bylaw amendments, environmental concerns and concerns that the District does not have a Solid Waste Management Plan to govern transfer stations.

Sean Dyble, Sooke resident and Vice President of Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce expressed opposition to the bylaws. Mr. Dyble reported that over the past several months the Chamber has been contacted by concerned Sooke business owners and residents regarding the non-compliant operation of garbage drop off/recycling facility on ldlemore Road. Mr. Dyble stated that the Chamber has recommended over the past months that the District enforce its own bylaws and have the property owner cease operations and apply for rezoning of his property. Ms. Dyble further expressed concerns that the blanket zoning amendment will positively impact the property owner and will negatively impact 3 Meeting Date: July 14, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: September 8, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes other businesses and residents who operate and live in close proximity to the M2 zoned area.

Hugue Audet, Sooke resident and adjacent property owner expressed his opposition to the bylaw amendments. Mr. Audet advised that the issue should have been dealt with directly through a rezoning application from the property owner. Mr. Audet advised that the bylaw amendments will adversely affect him as an adjacent property owner.

Derek Lewers, Sooke resident expressed his opposition to the bylaw amendments. Mr. Lewers provided a timeline of events for Council on what has occurred to date with the waste transfer station issue. Mr. Lewers advised that he is opposed to people not having to play by the same rules and that if the property owner believes there is a need for this service, he should apply for rezoning through the application process. Mr. Lewers further expressed concerns as to the cost to taxpayers and asked Council to reject the proposal. Mr. Lewers provided his written submission.

Kevin Wenstob, Victoria resident and adjacent property owner expressed his opposition to the bylaw amendments. Mr. Wenstob addressed Council as to the amount of work that he has done in order to do get his property to the stage it is today. Mr. Wenstob advised that he just paid $50,000 for his 2014 property taxes. Mr. Wenstob expressed concerns as to having a waste transfer station next to his property. Mr. Wenstob reported on future plans of having a mixed industrial/commercial and residential component on his property that would fit within the existing neighbourhood and that the change in zoning will not allow him to carry out these plans. Mr. Wenstob believes the rezoning should be done through the proper application process and not be at the expense of the residents in this area.

Sam Beckers, Sooke resident was opposed to the bylaw amendments and expressed concerns as to having a waste transfer station in an area that incorrectly zoned and having people see a waste transfer station as you drive into the community. Mr. Beckers believes that the Idlemore Road and Goodridge Peninsula are areas that have incredible potential for development; an extension of the Sooke town centre.

Ken Winter, Sooke River Road advised that the issue of waste transfer stations would not be a discussion at this time if their family business, did not have to leave the location in which they operated. Mr. Winter expressed concerns that there is a need for a waste transfer station in Sooke and that there are only two M3 zoned properties in Sooke.

Randy Michelson, Sooke resident expressed his support for the bylaw amendments. Mr. Michelson advised that he has worked for the company for 27 years and that the property owner has employed many people in the area. Mr. Michelson addressed Council as to the need for a waste transfer station in Sooke and reported on the positive response they have received from people coming through the waste transfer station. Mr. Michelson advised that the property has been zoned industrial for a long time and that there is no residential property close by, the area is kept organized and clean and containers are covered. Mr. Michelson hopes that common sense will prevail in this matter.

Tom Myrick, Sooke resident stated that he is opposed to Bylaw No. 596 and Bylaw No. 597. Mr. Melrick addressed Council as to the Oath of Office and asked Council to take this into consideration when making a decision on the bylaws.

4 Meeting Date: July 14, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: September 8, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Ken Winter inquired as to why it has taken the District two years to look at rezoning M2 properties for waste transfer stations.

Gail Hall, Sooke resident addressed Council as to the Policy Statement in District of Sooke Policy 9.1; Land Use Activities Contrary to Current Bylaws and Resolutions.

Gord Howie reported that for the record there were nine public submissions received by the District of Sooke on Bylaw No. 596 and Bylaw No. 597; six opposed, three in favour and one telephone call from the Kaltasin Road area opposed.

Andrew Planata, Sooke resident stated that he is opposed to the zoning amendments in particular to Goodridge Island as he operates his business the area. Mr. Planata expressed concerns as to seeing a transfer station from Sooke Road. He visions the area to be planned more like Granville Island with businesses and shops. Mr. Planata is not against transfer stations, but is opposed to them in this area.

Brenda Parkinson, Sooke resident, expressed her opposition to a blanket zone of all the properties. Ms. Parkinson advised that Council has always advocated for everyone to be treated fairly and equally and to be treated the same. Ms Parkinson believes that allowing a business to operate without a business licence and without the correct zoning is wrong and this should stop before moving forward with anything else.

Ellen Lewers, Sooke resident advised that she believes that Sooke can do better and manage our own recycling facility and have the opportunity to create energy from it. The District needs to look at having a program for managing our garbage.

Mayor Milne called three times for submissions to the Public Hearings for Bylaw No. 596 and Bylaw No. 597 Hearing none; he closed the public hearing at 8:00 p.m.

Council consider third reading of Bylaw No. 596 and Bylaw No. 597

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 596, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-5) be read a third time. CARRIED Mayor Milne and Councillor Reay opposed the motion

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 597, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-12) be read a third time. CARRIED Mayor Milne and Councillor Reay opposed the motion

PH-2 Report of Public Hearings — Town Centre Design Guidelines & Illustrative Design Handbook • Bylaw No. 598, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-6)

Gord Howie provided a summary of the staff report.

Mayor Milne called the Public Hearings for Bylaw No. 598 to order at 8:24 p.m.

5 Meeting Date: July 14, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: September 8, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Mayor Milne advised that any person who believes that their interest in property is affected by the proposed bylaws would be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions at the public hearings.

Public Submissions:

There were no public submissions.

Mayor Milne called three times for submissions to the Public Hearings for Bylaw No. 598• Hearing none, he closed the public hearing at 8:25 p.m.

Council consider third reading of Bylaw No. 598

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 598, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-6) be read a third time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


B-1 Bylaw No. 601, Carbon Tax Rebate Reserve Fund Bylaw, 2014

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 601, Carbon Tax Rebate Reserve Fund Bylaw, 2014 be introduced and read a first time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 601, Carbon Tax Rebate Reserve Fund Bylaw, 2014 be read a second time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 601, Carbon Tax Rebate Reserve Fund Bylaw, 2014 be read a third time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

B-2 Bylaw No. 602, Election Procedures Bylaw, 2014

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 602, Election Procedures Bylaw, 2014 introduced and read a first time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 602, Election Procedures Bylaw, 2014 be read a second time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 602, Election Procedures Bylaw, 2014 be read a third time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

6 Meeting Date: July 14, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: September 8, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes REPORTS REQUIRING ACTION

RA-1 Rotary Club of Sooke Request for Funding

MOVED and seconded to authorize staff to award funding of $3,000 to the Rotary Club of Sooke. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-2 Island Health Funding for Sooke Region CHI

MOVED and seconded to approve the Memorandum of Agreement with the Sooke Region Community Health Initiative (CHI) and the related Memorandum of Agreement with the Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA); AND TO authorize the Mayor and CAO to sign the two Memorandum of Agreement documents on behalf of the District of Sooke. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-3 Cedar Glen Mobile Home Park Wastewater Management Options — Letter of Support

Mike Seymour, MSR Solutions Inc., representing the applicant addressed Council as to the proposed Cedar Glen Mobile Home Park satellite treatment plant. Mr. Seymour reported that they have been working through the various requirements to ensure the treatment plant for the proposed development is compliant with all current regulations. Mr. Seymour advised that the new regulations require endorsement from Council.

MOVED and seconded to authorize the Mayor to sign and issue the attached letter of support to the Ministry of Environment so that Cedar Glen Mobile Home Park may enter into discussions with the Ministry for the pre-registration of a satellite treatment plant. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-4 Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy, 2011

MOVED and seconded to postpone Agenda Item RA-4 Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy, 2011 to the August 1 1th , 2014 Regular Council meeting. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-5 2076 Otter Point Road (Tin Grotto) Enforcement Action

MOVED and seconded to postpone Agenda Item RA-5 2076 Otter Point Road (Tin Grotto) Enforcement Action to the August 1 1th , 2014 Regular Council meeting. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-6 Waterview Street Road Section Requirements

MOVED and seconded to approve Option 4 in the staff report to: "Reduce the road right of way to 20m and keep the parking/boulevard on both sides and reduce greenway by 5m"; 7 Meeting Date: July 14, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: September 8, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes AND direct staff to update the road right of way requirements and elements for Waterview Street. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-7 Waterview Street Naming

MOVED and seconded to name Waterview Street Brownsey Boulevard. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-8 Rescind Temporary CRD Appointment — Councillor Herb Haldane

MOVED and seconded to rescind resolution of June 23, 2014 as follows: "to appoint Councillor Haldane as a Temporary Alternate to the Capital Regional District Boards so that he can attend the CRD Board meeting on June 28th, 2014." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-9 Cancellation of Regular Council Meeting

MOVED and seconded to cancel the Regular Council meeting on July 28, 2014 in accordance with section 5(3) of Bylaw No. 422, Council Procedure Bylaw, 2009; AND hold a Special Council Meeting on July 21, 2014. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


RI-1 Kemp Lake Waterworks District Proposed CROWS Main Extension

MOVED and seconded to receive the Proposed CRD Water Services Main Extension to Kemp Lake Waterworks District report for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RI-2 Sooke Fire Rescue Service — Monthly Staffing Report

MOVED and seconded to receive the Sooke Fire Rescue Service — Monthly Staffing Report for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


NB-1 Award of Tender — Pineridge Park Improvements — 6645 Pineridge Park Place

Councillor Kasper declared a conflict of interest with this agenda item as one of the proponents for the Award of Tender is a family member and left the meeting at 8:57 p.m.

MOVED and seconded to approve Churchill Meadows Ltd. as the successful proponent under the tender for the Pineridge Park improvement project; AND authorize the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer to sign the contract on behalf of the District of Sooke.

8 Meeting Date: July 14, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: September 8, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes


NB-2 Award of Tender — SEAPARC Multi-Use Trail Project — Throup Road Right of Way to SEAPARC

MOVED and seconded to approve 4-M Bobcat and Trucking Ltd. as the successful proponent under the tender for the SEAPARC Multi-use Trail project; AND authorize the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer to sign the contract on behalf of the District of Sooke. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Councillor Kasper returned to the meeting at 8:59 p.m.


C-1 City of Prince George — Submission for the 2014 UBCM Conference — Resources to Support Sexually

MOVED and seconded to send a letter to the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) in support of the City of Prince George's resolution on Sexually Exploited Children and Youth. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


1-1 Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce Monthly Report — July 2014

MOVED and seconded to file the correspondence from the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY



MOVED and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Certified Correct:

Wend line Be 41 Sprink ng Mayor Co ; , rate Officer

9 Meeting Date: July 14, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: September 8, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes

DISTRICT OF SOOKE Committee of the Whole Minutes Meeting held July 14, 2014 (immediately following the Regular Council Meeting) at 7:00 pm Council Chamber, 2225 Otter Point Road

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Office Councillor Bev Berger Brent Blackhall, Deputy Director of Finance Councillor Herb Haldane Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Kevin Pearson Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant Councillor Rick Kasper Councillor Kerrie Reay

ABSENT: Councillor Maja Tait

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9:01 p.m.

2. Approval of Agenda

MOVED to approve the agenda as circulated. CARRIED

3. Current Issues

There was no input from members of the public.

4. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 9:01 p.m.

Certified Correct:

B Spnn ing Wendal Milne Mayor Co oorate Officer


Meeting Date: July 14, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: September 8, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE

Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 2225 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on July 21, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Bev Berger Brent Blackhall, Deputy Director of Finance Councillor Herb Haldane Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Kevin Pearson Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant Councillor Rick Kasper Councillor Kerrie Reay

ABSENT: Councillor Maja Tait

CALL TO ORDER Mayor Milne called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOVED and seconded to approve the agenda as amended with the following items as supplemental information: • Item D-1 Transition Town Sooke Society, Expansion of Oil Tanker Traffic through Coastal BC Waters o Correspondence received July 21, 2014 from Gail and John Armitage o Correspondence received July 21, 2014 from Mark Ziegler o Correspondence received July 21, 2014 from Sheila Wallace • Item B-1 Rezoning of Lands for Waste Transfer Stations Bylaw No. 596, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (600-12) and Bylaw No. 597, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-12) o Staff Report CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to move Agenda Item RI-2 RCMP Monthly Mayor Report to immediately following Public Question and Comment Period. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


D-1 Transition Town Sooke Society — Expansion of Oil Tanker Traffic through Coastal BC Waters, Jeff Bateman

Jeff Bateman and Joe Phillips, representing Transition Sooke Society and Awareness Film Night, addressed Council as to concerns of the expansion of oil tanker traffic through coastal BC waters due to Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain pipeline expansion. Mr. Bateman advised that the groups would like Council to consider including a referendum question on the 2014 municipal election ballot "Should Sooke join other municipalities in renewing and restating its opposition to the expansion of oil tanker traffic through coastal BC Waters."

Meeting Date: July 21, 2014 1 District of Sooke Adopted on: September 8, 2014 Special Council Meeting Minutes Ms. Phillips reported that Awareness Film Night has shown several films on the impact that non-renewable resources have on the planet, in particular, the film "Black Wave, the Legacy of the Exon Valdez" illustrates the devastation oil spills have on the environment and continues to have twenty five years following the incident.

Jeff Bateman summarized and provided statistics for local, Vancouver Island and provincial concern and opposition to increased oil tanker traffic in coastal BC waters. Mr. Bateman referenced the letter from Council dated January 6, 2012 to the Minister of Environment regarding increased oil tanker traffic. Mr. Bateman asked Council to consider making a motion to discuss the issue further and to include a referendum question on the 2014 municipal election ballot. Mr. Bateman provided an additional information package including further written submissions from members of the public.


Ellen Lewers, representing Sooke Fall Fair presented Council with farm fresh edibles. Ms. Lewers provided information as to the upcoming Sooke Fall Fair event including prizes, and a literacy event on most amusing farm stories.

Gail Hall, Sooke resident addressed Council as to waste transfer stations and expressed concerns as to governance on the issue, concerns as to the District not having guidelines to govern waste transfer stations and concerns of enforcement without having guidelines. Ms. Hall further expressed concerns of setting precedents when bylaws are not enforced and not having the property owner apply for rezoning. Ms. Hall indicated that Council has conflicting resolutions on the issue.

Diane Bernard, Sooke resident, expressed support for Transition Town Sooke Society and the request to include a referendum question on the local election ballot. Ms. Bernard spoke to concerns of how the increase in oil tanker traffic will affect the economic interest of the local constituents of Sooke. Ms. Bernard indicated that she is a small business owner and relies on the coastline for the production of her seaweed products which are shipped internationally. Ms. Bernard asked that Council work with the group to include a question on the ballot in order to allow local business and residents to best prepare to protect their livelihoods and best interests.

Ellen Lewers, Sooke resident addressed Council as to the OCP and rezoning amendments for waste transfer stations. Ms. Lewers expressed concerns as to large trucks, noise and dust. Ms. Lewers asked Council to consider how the amendments will affect the land and environment over the long term and to not overlook the potential of the areas. Ms. Lewers advised that the production of seaweed is a growing business and we need to protect our seashores.

Linda Audet, Sooke resident stated that she wished to express her opposition to the OCP and rezoning amendments for waste transfer stations.

Mayor Milne advised that procedurally Council is not able to receive further information following the Public Hearing on Bylaw No. 596, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-5) and Bylaw No. 597, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-12). An opportunity

Meeting Date: July 21, 2014 2 District of Sooke Adopted on: September 8, 2014 Special Council Meeting Minutes will be provided to anyone wishing to comment on the issue if Council makes a decision to rescind third reading and amend the Bylaws at a second Public Hearing.

Blake Barton, advised that he employed by an investment group partnered with T'Sou-ke Nation and that they are working together on aquaculture in the Sooke Basin. Mr. Barton expressed support for Sooke Transition Town and comments made by speakers on increased oil tankers. Mr. Barton further addressed Council as to the importance of "clean" resources and the large economic potential that "clean" resources have. Mr. Barton advised that it can be taken away overnight if an oil spill were to occur.

Derek Lewers, Sooke resident commented that he came to this evenings meeting to speak to the issue of waste transfer stations.

Ralph Hull, Sooke resident provided background information as to a moratorium against oil tankers 35 years ago and his past experiences working with environmental groups. Mr. Hull addressed Council as to the importance of saying "yes" to solar and "no" to oil jobs which he believes is in the past. Mr. Hull advised that it is not a case of if an oil spill will happen but is a case of when it will happen and that we need to pay attention to the issue.

RI-2 RCMP Monthly Mayor Report—June 2014 Staff Sgt. Jeff McArthur provided an overview of the RCMP Monthly Mayor Report for June 2014. Staff Sgt McArthur advised that there is nothing new to report at this time on RCMP resources for the Sooke Detachment.


B-1 Bylaw No. 596, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-5) and Bylaw No. 597, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-12)— Waste Transfer Station

MOVED and seconded to rescind third reading of Bylaw No. 596, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-5). CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 596, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-5) be amended. CARRIED Mayor Milne and Councillor Reay opposed the motion

MOVED and seconded to rescind third reading of Bylaw No. 597, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-12). CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 597, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-12) be amended. CARRIED Mayor Milne and Councillor Reay opposed the motion

MOVED and seconded to schedule a Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 596 and Bylaw No. 597 in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act and the Community Charter. CARRIED Mayor Milne and Councillor Reay opposed the motion

Meeting Date: July 21, 2014 3 District of Sooke Adopted on: September 8, 2014 Special Council Meeting Minutes B-2 Bylaw No. 598, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-6)— Town Centre Design Guidelines & Illustrative Design Handbook

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 598, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-6) be adopted; CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that Policy No. 8.9, Town Centre Illustrative Design Handbook Policy, 2014 be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

B-3 Bylaw No. 601, Carbon Tax Rebate Reserve Fund Bylaw, 2014

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 601, Carbon Tax Rebate Reserve Fund Bylaw, 2014 be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

B-4 Bylaw No. 602, Election Procedures Bylaw, 2014

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 602, Election Procedures Bylaw, 2014 be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


RI-1 2014 Property Tax Collections

MOVED and seconded to receive the 2014 Property Tax Collections Report for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


C-1 Correspondence dated July 15, 2014 from CRD RE: Capital Regional District Core Area Wastewater Treatment Facility Site Competition

MOVED and seconded to file the correspondence dated July 15, 2014 from CRD RE: CRD Core Area Wastewater Treatment Facility Site Competition. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

D-1 Transition Town Sooke Society — Expansion of Oil Tanker Traffic through Coastal BC Waters, Jeff Bateman

MOVED and seconded to refer the proposal received from the Transition Town Sooke Society as to the Expansion of Oil Tanker Traffic through Coastal BC Waters to staff to provide a report to Council on options for including a question on the 2014 General Municipal Election ballot as to increased oil tanker traffic; AND THAT staff include an option for presenting the question on a separate election ballot. Meeting Date: July 21, 2014 4 District of Sooke Adopted on: September 8, 2014 Special Council Meeting Minutes CARRIED Councillor Reay opposed the motion


MOVED and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:12 p.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to move into a Committee of the Whole meeting without notice to provide an opportunity for members of the public to speak on current issues. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Certified Correct:

Wendal ilne Bon SprinkE g Mayor Cor ate Officer

Meeting Date: July 21, 2014 5 District of Sooke Adopted on: September 8, 2014 Special Council Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE

Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 2225 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on July 24, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Kevin Pearson Brent Blackhall, Deputy Director of Finance Councillor Rick Kasper Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Kerrie Reay Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant Councillor Maja Tait

ABSENT: Councillor Bev Berger Councillor Herb Haldane

CALL TO ORDER Mayor Milne called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOVED and seconded to approve the agenda with the following as supplemental information: • Long Term Borrowing for Community Centre o Revised Staff Report o Amended Bylaw No. 603, Community Centre Facilities Loan Authorization Bylaw, 2014 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


RA-1 Long Term Borrowing for Community Centre

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 603, Community Centre Facilities Loan Authorization Bylaw, 2014 be introduced and read a first time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 603, Community Centre Facilities Loan Authorization Bylaw, 2014 be read a second time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 603, Community Centre Facilities Loan Authorization Bylaw, 2014 be read a third time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to authorize staff to forward Bylaw No. 603 for approval to the Inspector of Municipalities, Ministry of Community Sport and Cultural Development; AND FURTHER authorize the following question for voting at the November 15, 2014 General Municipal Election as to Bylaw No. 603 for which assent of the electors is required before Council may consider adoption:

Meeting Date: July 24, 2014 1 District of Sooke Adopted on: September 8, 2014 Special Council Meeting Minutes "Are you in favour of the Council of the District of Sooke adopting Bylaw No. 603, Community Centre Facilities Loan Authorization Bylaw, 2014, which authorizes the District of Sooke to construct new or renovate existing community facilities for the benefit of the community with the cost to the District of Sooke, including principal and interest on borrowing up to $1,500,000." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to authorize the Mayor to establish a Committee to develop an information campaign as to Bylaw No. 603 which authorizes the borrowing for a Community Centre. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-2 Cancellation of Regular Council Meeting August 11, 2014

MOVED and seconded to cancel the Regular Council meeting on August 11, 2014. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to hold a Special Council meeting on September 15, 2014 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Mayor's Notice under Section 131 of the Community Charter Mayor Milne advised that under section 131 of the Community Charter, he is hereby giving notice that he is requiring Council to reconsider and vote again on the matter of Bylaw No. 596, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-5) and Bylaw No. 597, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-12) (Waste Transfer Station) that was subject to a vote on July 21st, 2014 and also June 24th, 2014 in particular the motion to schedule a Public Hearing. Mayor Milne further advised that this will be coming forward at the September 8th, 2014 Regular Council meeting.


MOVED and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 6:36 p.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Certified Correct:

Wendal Milne nie Sprinkling Mayor orporate Officer

Meeting Date: July 24, 2014 2 District of Sooke Adopted on: September 8, 2014 Special Council Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE

Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 2225 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on August 19, 2014 at 6:30 p.m.

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Acting Mayor Maja Tait Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Herb Haldane Brent Blackhall, Deputy Director of Finance Councillor Kevin Pearson Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Rick Kasper Sarah Temple, Finance and Administration Councillor Kerrie Reay Assistant

ABSENT: Mayor Wendal Milne, Councillor Bev Berger

CALL TO ORDER Acting Mayor Tait called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOVED and seconded to approve the agenda with the addition of the following items as Supplemental Information: • Item B-1 Bylaw No. 603, Community Centre Facilities Loan Authorization Bylaw, 2014 o Correspondence received August 19, 2014 from Ellen Lewers o Excerpt "New Construction vs. Renovation" from DRAFT Sooke Region CHI Community Centre Report CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


B-1 Bylaw No. 603, Community Centre Facilities Loan Authorization Bylaw, 2014

MOVED and seconded to rescind third reading of Bylaw No. 603, Community Centre Facilities Loan Authorization Bylaw, 2014. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to amend Bylaw No. 603, Community Centre Facilities Loan Authorization Bylaw, 2014 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 603, Community Centre Facilities Loan Authorization Bylaw, 2014 as amended, be read a third time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Meeting Date: August 19, 2014 1 District of Sooke Adopted on: September 8, 2014 Special Council Meeting Minutes MOVED and seconded to amend the Question for 2014 Local Election Assent Voting as follows: "Are you in favour of the Council of the District of Sooke adopting Bylaw No. 603, Community Centre Facilities Loan Authorization Bylaw, 2014, which authorizes the District of Sooke to construct multi-use community centre facilities for the benefit of the community with the cost to the District of Sooke, including principal and interest on borrowing up to $1,500,000." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


RI-1 Letter to Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to write a letter to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure to inform them of the impact of the closure of Sooke Road due to the house fire on July 31, 2014 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to direct the Emergency Planning Committee to explore opportunities for collaboration with third party organizations to improve communication and cooperation during emergencies. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


MOVED and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 6:41 p.m. CARRIED

Certified Correct:

Maja Ta Bon Spri Ing Acting f or Corporate Officer

Meeting Date: August 19, 2014 2 District of Sooke Adopted on: September 8, 2014 Special Council Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 2225 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on September 8, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT (Open Portion) Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Bev Berger Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Herb Haldane Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Kevin Pearson Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Kerrie Reay Steve Sorensen, Fire Chief Councillor Maja Tait Katherine Lesyshen, Planner II (left at 9:22 p.m.) Tara Johnson, Planner II (left at 9:22 p.m.) ABSENT: Councillor Rick Kasper Staff Sgt. Jeff McArthur (left meeting at 8:34 p.m.) Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant

CALL TO ORDER Mayor Milne called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.

APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA MOVED and seconded to move Agenda Item RI-1 RCMP Monthly Mayor Report to immediately following Public Question and Comment Period. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to approve the agenda with the addition of the following items to the agenda as new business/supplemental information: Item B-1 Supplemental Information: Mayor to Require reconsideration of a matter under section 131 of the Community Charter. Council Motion July 21, 2014: Bylaw No. 596, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-5) and Bylaw No. 597, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-12)— Waste Transfer Station: • Correspondence received September 8, 2014 from Ken and Bev Hooper Item RA-1 Supplemental Information: Expansion of Oil Tanker Traffic through Coastal BC Waters • Letter dated January 9, 2012 to Ministry of Environment RE: Increased Oil Tanker Traffic • Correspondence received September 8, 2014 from Mark Ziegler CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on July 14, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

1 Meeting Date: September 8, 2014 District of Sooke Recessed to September 15, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Adopted on: October 14, 2014 MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on July 14, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Special Council meeting held on July 21, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Special Council meeting held on July 24, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Special Council meeting held on August 19, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


0-1 Marcel DeRoches — Connie Road — Slope Assessment Review Marcel DeRoches Connie Road resident addressed Council as to concerns of erosion to the road allowance at the south end of Connie Road which has negatively impacted his property. Mr. DeRoches indicated that the size of the turn-around at the end of the road has been reduced making it almost impossible for vehicles to manoeuver. Mr. DeRoches contacted staff in early 2013 about his concerns and is hoping the issue can be resolved in 2015.

MOVED and seconded to receive the report for information as to the slope assessment on the District of Sooke road right-of-way at 1600 Connie Road; AND direct that the Connie Road right-of-way remediation work to address the slope concerns brought forward by Marcel DesRoches be brought forward for consideration during the 2015 Financial Plan deliberations. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

D-2 Ray Bindig — East Sooke Road traffic and conditions Ray Bindig, East Sooke resident expressed concerns as to the deterioration of East Sooke Road due to heavy equipment traffic and construction in Silver Spray. Mr. Bindig addressed Council as to negative impact development in Silver Spray will have on the environment, in particular the Sooke Harbour. Mr. Bindig is also concerned over the start of construction prior to the installation of any sewage infrastructure. Mr. Bindig asked Council to ensure that the area is environmentally protected, that the residents of East Sooke are protected and that development in Silver Spray is done following the proper processes.

D-3 Elaine Ellinger — Request that the Sooke Animal Control Bylaw be amended to prevent feeding of feral deer and rabbits within the municipal boundaries Elaine Ellinger, Sooke resident, addressed Council as to adopting an Animal Control Bylaw in the District of Sooke similar to the bylaw in Oak Bay which restricts the feeding of wildlife. Ms. Ellinger reported on issues that she has experienced within her own

2 Meeting Date: September 8, 2014 District of Sooke Recessed to September 15, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Adopted on: October 14, 2014 neighbourhood as a result of people feeding wildlife. She has had several close encounters with bear and cougar and there is an overpopulation of rabbits in the area. Ms. Ellinger expressed concerns for the safety of residents and their children and pets. Ms. Ellinger read and submitted an article from the Conservation Officer.

Debbie Read, representing Wildlife BC, reported that she has spoken to provincial Conservation representatives regarding the issue in Ms. Ellinger's neighbourhood and has seen that many people in the community feed deer. Ms. Read advised that deer can be a danger, cause damage and that feeding deer attracts pests. Ms. Read believes that a bylaw to prohibit feeding wildlife is a good idea for Sooke as it may discourage people from feeding deer and prevent issues that may be faced in the future.

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to provide a report to Council as to an amendment of the Animal Control Bylaw to prohibit the feeding of wildlife within the municipality with options for the enforcement of the bylaw; AND THAT staff include information as to an awareness and education program for members of the public. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

D-4 Brenda Parkinson and Fiona Phythian — Sooke Community Arts Council • Request for waiver of fees for two years for Art in the Park at Ed Macgregor Park • Sooke Dance Studio Request "The Nutcracker in a Nutshell" sponsorship

Brenda Parkinson and Fiona Phythian addressed Council as to the Sooke Community Arts Council's request to waive fees for two years for Art in the Park at Ed Macgregor Park. Ms. Parkinson advised that this is the Sooke Community Arts Council's 12th year for Art in the Park.

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to provide a report to Council as to the Sooke Community Arts Council's request to waive park fees for the "Art in the Park" event with the amount of fees to be waived and information as to what has been done in the past. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Ms Parkinson provided an overview of the Sooke Dance Studio "Nutcracker in a Nutshell" production and request for sponsorship in the amount of $3,000. Ms. Parkinson advised that the Sooke Dance Studio sponsorship is not eligible for grant funding under the District of Sooke Community Grant Program.

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to provide a report to Council on the Sooke Dance Studio "Nutcracker in a Nutshell" sponsorship program and that staff include a recommendation of where the $3,000 in funds would come from. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


UB-1 Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy, 2014

3 Meeting Date: September 8, 2014 District of Sooke Recessed to September 15, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Adopted on: October 14, 2014 MOVED and seconded to adopt the amendments to Policy No. 7.13, Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy, 2011;

AND FURTHER adopt the amendments to Policy No. 7.10, Code of Ethic Policy, 2011; AND FURTHER adopt the amendment to Policy No. 7.11, Respectful Workplace Policy, 2011; AND FURTHER repeal Policy No. 7.14, Complaint Resolution Policy, 2011. MOTION WITHDRAWN

MOVED and seconded to refer Agenda Item UB-1 Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy, 2014 back to staff to review the questions as to the Policy discussed by Council. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

UB-2 2076 Otter Point Road (Tin Grotto) Enforcement Action

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to proceed with the notification to the property owner to give 20 days to comply with order to remove "unsightly" conditions from 2076 Otter Point Road, known as the "Tin Grotto" or "Trading Post"; AND, if the property owner does not bring the property into compliance, to authorize the removal and disposal of all items on the perimeter of the building; AND, in the event of non-payment of costs by the property owner, to attach the costs to the property taxes. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


Derek Lewers, Sooke resident, addressed Council as to items on the agenda including the Municipal Hall Electronic Messaging Centre and Cycling Grants. Mr. Lewers does not support Council using funds from Council Contingency for the Messaging Centre and does not support applying for grant funding for a secondary crossing along Sooke River Road. Mr. Lewers commented that this is not one of Council's strategic priorities and that Council should not become distracted from their priorities.

Ellen Lewers, Sooke resident, commented as to the Municipal Hall Electronic Messaging Centre advising that the Arts and Beautification group sign project for Sooke Road would be visible to a greater number of residents. Ms. Lewers requested that Council not waste any further time on the Waste Transfer Station issue. Ms. Lewers commented on the Memorial Dedication Policy and Cycling Grants advising that she does not support a secondary crossing over Sooke River Road as it would not be feasible.

Mayor Milne took the opportunity on behalf of Council to thank Ms. Lewers and the many volunteers of the Sooke Fall Fair for their work in organizing and holding the Fair at the Sooke Community Hall this weekend.

Mark Ziegler, Sooke resident, read his submission to Council as to the expansion of oil tanker traffic through coastal BC waters. Mr. Ziegler asked Council to pass a motion of support for those municipalities opposing the expansion of oil tanker traffic through BC coastal waters. 4 District of Sooke Meeting Date: September 8, 2014 Recessed to September 15, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Adopted on: October 14, 2014 Gail Armitage, Sooke resident, expressed her support for no oil tanker traffic through BC coastal waters and support for Council joining other municipalities in passing a resolution stating the District's position on oil tanker traffic. Ms. Armitage read and provided comments as to section 2(d) of the Local Government Act with respect to Regional Districts fostering the environmental well-being of the community; which she believes should include oil tanker traffic.

Robert Gamache, President Sooke Salmon Enhancement Society, expressed concern as to oil tanker traffic in BC coastal waters on behalf of the Society and supports any efforts that the community and Council can take to protect the environment. Mr. Gamache addressed Council as to the importance of the salmon industry advising that we need to protect and enhance this valuable resource.

Jeff Bateman, Sooke resident, took the opportunity to thank Council and staff for the time spent on the Transition Town Sooke Society's request for a referendum question on the 2014 Election ballot as to oil tanker traffic. Mr. Bateman advised that the Society supports Council sending a strongly worded resolution to UBCM and also supports the staff recommendation for an online survey. Mr. Bateman thanked Regional Director Hicks and staff for bringing the Cycling Grants opportunity to Council's attention.

Amanda Johnson, Otter Point Resident, expressed her support for Council passing a resolution to stop oil tanker traffic. Ms. Johnson addressed Council as to the enjoyment she experiences exploring Sooke and the many outdoor activities it has to offer. Ms. Johnson further expressed concerns as to the impact an oil spill would have on the environment, the community, and tourism and feels that Sooke could be on its own if an oil spill were to occur.

Bruce Lemire- Elmore, Sooke resident, stated that he applauds Council on its previous letter to the BC Minister of Environment expressing opposition to the expansion of oil tanker traffic through coastal BC waters. Mr. Lemire-Elmore addressed Council as to the value of having a referendum question on the Local Election ballot as he believes a favourable outcome would have more credibility and influence as it would show credible evidence of citizen opinions. Ms. Lemire-Elmore asked Council to consider giving voters an opportunity to voice their opinion in an evident way. Mr. Lemire-Elmore provided his written submission.

Ralph Hull, Sooke resident, addressed Council as to the expansion of oil tanker traffic in coastal BC waters. Mr. Hull believes that as a West Coast community we should be leading other communities on this issue. Mr. Hull supports having a question on the 2014 Election ballot. Mr. Hull advised that solar is our future, not oil; we need to leave a clean earth for future generations.

Tula Eska, Sooke resident, supports having a second referendum question as to increased oil tanker traffic on the 2014 Election ballot. Ms Eska spoke to the importance of taking into consideration the many jobs in our economy that depend on having a clean environment.

5 Meeting Date: September 8, 2014 District of Sooke Recessed to September 15, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Adopted on: October 14, 2014 A Sooke resident advised that Sooke was once a logging and fishing based community and has now become a tourism based community. The speaker addressed Council as to the importance of having a long term strategy in order to create a sustainable economy and the importance of creating a balance between energy sources.

RI-1 RCMP Monthly Mayor Report — July 2014 Staff Sgt. Jeff McArthur provided on overview of the RCMP Monthly Mayor Report for July 2014 and provided additional information to Council regarding occurrences related to the Mental Health Act, enforcement of speed limit on Grant Road West, property crimes and RCMP service levels.

MOVED and seconded to receive the RCMP Monthly Mayor Report — July 2014 for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


PI-1 Development Variance Permit — 2061 Otter Point Road Katherine Lesyshen provided a powerpoint presentation and summary of the Development Variance Permit for 2061 Otter Point Road.

Public Input: There was not input from members of the public.

MOVED and seconded to issue Development Variance Permit PLN01103 to vary section 403.7 of Bylaw 600, Sooke Zoning Bylaw, 2013 to allow for a reduced rear lot line setback, adjacent to a residential property, from 4.5m to 1.2m at 2061 Otter Point Road. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

PI-2 Development Variance Permit — 7064 Richview Drive Tara Johnson provided a powerpoint presentation and summary of the Development Variance Permit for 7064 Richview Drive.

Public Input: Jeff Bateman, Sooke resident, advised that he lives within 100 meters of 7064 Richview Drive and that he supports the Development Variance Permit.

A Sooke resident inquired as to whether this was the usual procedure for Development Variance Permits within the District of Sooke.

MOVED and seconded to issue Development Variance Permit PLN01105 to vary section 104.7 of Bylaw 600, Sooke Zoning Bylaw, 2013 to allow for a reduced front lot line setback for an accessory building located at 7064 Richview Drive from 7.5m to 1.5m and to allow for a reduced westerly side lot line setback for an accessory building from 3m to 1.5m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

6 Meeting Date: September 8, 2014 District of Sooke Recessed to September 15, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Adopted on: October 14, 2014 BYLAWS B-1 Mayor to require Council reconsideration of a matter under section 131 of the Community Charter Council Motion July 21, 2014: Bylaw No. 596, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-5) and Bylaw No. 597, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-12)— Waste Transfer Station: "MOVED and seconded to schedule a Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 596 and Bylaw No. 597 in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act and the Community Charter. CARRIED" Council to consider rescinding motion of July 21, 2014 as to Bylaw No. 596 and Bylaw No. 597

MOVED and seconded to rescind the following motion of July 21, 2014: "MOVED and seconded to schedule a Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 596 and Bylaw No. 597 in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act and the Community Charter." DEFEATED Councillors Berger, Haldane and Pearson opposed the motion


RA-1 Expansion of Oil Tanker Traffic through Coastal BC Waters

MOVED and seconded to include the proposed question from Transition Town Sooke Society on the 2014 Local Election ballot. CARRIED Councillor Reay opposed the motion

RA-2 1923 Maple Avenue South, 1919 Maple Avenue South and 6881 Galaxie Drive — Removal and Replacement of Covenants Councillor Pearson declared a potential conflict of interest with this agenda item as he has a personal relationship with the applicant and left the meeting at 9:07 p.m.

John Brohman, applicant advised that he did not apply for what is presented to Council this evening and requested that this issue be put on hold at this time. Mr. Brohman advised that he is the applicant for 1923 Maple Avenue and that he had not requested covenant removals for the other two properties. Mr. Brohman expressed concerns as to having a new covenant on the property prior to applying for a development permit.

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to schedule a Public Hearing in accordance with the Local Government Act and Community Charter notice requirements to consider approval of: A. The removal of covenants CA726539 and CA995163 to be replaced with Attachment D of this report (new Covenant) for 1923 Maple Avenue South, legally described as Lot 1,Section 3, Sooke District, Plan 25023; AND B. The removal of covenants CA726539 and CA995163 to be replaced with Attachment C of this report (new Covenant) for 6881 Galaxie Drive, legally

7 Meeting Date: September 8, 2014 District of Sooke Recessed to September 15, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Adopted on: October 14, 2014 described as Lot 2, Section 3, Sooke District, Plan 25023, Except Parcel A (DD G40444); AND C. The removal of covenants CA726539 and CA995163 from all strata lots and common property at 1919 Maple Avenue South, legally described as Strata Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12, Section 3, Sooke District, Strata Plan EPS271 Together with an interest in the common property in proportion to the unit entitlement of the strata lot as shown on Form V. MOTION WITHDRAWN

MOVED and seconded to refer Agenda Item RA-2 1923 Maple Avenue South, 1919 Maple Avenue South and 6881 Galaxie Drive back to staff to work further with the applicant. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Councillor Pearson returned to the meeting at 9:22 p.m.

RA-3 Community Public Places Donation Program - Memorial Dedication Policy, 2014

MOVED and seconded to adopt Policy No. 12.1 Memorial Dedication Policy, 2014 for municipal parks, trails and public open spaces. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to proceed with the dedication of the street trees on Wadams Way to pioneer families of Sooke with individual plaques for each tree for a total of 16 plaques. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-4 Award — Municipal Hall Electronic Messaging Centre — 2205 Otter Point Road

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to move forward with the cedar housing structure of the Municipal Hall sign without the electronic messaging at this time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-5 November Regular Council Meetings and Inaugural Meeting

MOVED and seconded to re-schedule the Regular Council meeting of November 10, 2014 to November 3, 2014; AND cancel the Regular Council meeting scheduled for November 24, 2014 and not schedule meetings until after the Inaugural Council meeting unless Council consents otherwise on a case-by-case basis; AND schedule the Inaugural Council meeting for December 1,2014 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

REPORTS FOR INFORMATION RI-2 CAO Report: Gord Howie provided an update as to the 2014 Corporate Strategic Priorities. Mr. Howie reported that the Wadams Way project is essentially complete with final work being done 8 Meeting Date: September 8, 2014 District of Sooke Recessed to September 15, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Adopted on: October 14, 2014 on the irrigation system, landscaping and electrical system. Mr. Howie advised that a conservative completion date of September 26, 2014. Mr. Howie provided an update as to the Town Centre sidewalks project and an update as to the review of the Subdivision and Development Standards Bylaw. Mr. Howie reported that a vast majority of Council's priorities from February 2012 are at the completed or almost completed stage.

RI-3 Finance Department • 2014 Budget vs Actual Report as at July 31, 2014 • Sewer Fund — Development Cost Charges Use

ACTION ITEM: Staff to provide a copy of the most recent CRD Animal Control Report to members of Council.

MOVED and seconded to receive the 2014 vs Actual Report as at July 31, 2014 and the Sewer Fund — Development Cost Charges Use Report for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RI-4 Sooke Fire Rescue Service • Monthly Staffing Reports - July and August 2014

MOVED and seconded to receive the Sooke Fire Rescue Service Monthly Staffing Reports for July and August 2014. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

CORRESPONDENCE REQUIRING ACTION C-3 Correspondence received August 25, 2014 from Mike Hicks RE: Cycling Infrastructure Partnerships Program (CIPP) Grant

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to submit an application for funding under the Provincial Cycling Investment Program (PCIP) or the Cycling Infrastructure Partnerships Program (CIPP). MOTION WITHDRAWN

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to submit an application for funding under the Cycling Infrastructure Partnerships Program (CIPP). CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


Resolution of In Camera Regular Council Meeting September 8, 2014: MOVED and seconded to release to the public the following statement: "The District of Sooke is carrying out continuous bylaw enforcement as to 2049 Idlemore Road." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

9 Meeting Date: September 8, 2014 District of Sooke Recessed to September 15, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Adopted on: October 14, 2014

MOTION TO CLOSE THE MEETING TO THE PUBLIC MOVED to close the meeting to the public under section 90(1) of the Community Charter to discuss: • 90(1)(f) law enforcement, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the conduct of an investigation under or enforcement of an enactment. • 90(1)(i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; 90(1)(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


MOVED and seconded to recess the open portion of the Regular Council meeting at 10:10 p.m. and to reconvene the meeting on September 15, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Certified Correct:

Wendel Milne Bon Sprinkling Mayor Corporate Officer

10 Meeting Date: September 8, 2014 District of Sooke Recessed to September 15, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Adopted on: October 14, 2014

DISTRICT OF SOOKE Committee of the Whole Minutes Meeting held September 8, 2014 at 6:00 pm Council Chamber, 2225 Otter Point Road

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Office Councillor Bev Berger Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Kevin Pearson Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Kerrie Reay Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Maja Tait Rob Howat, Approving Officer Steve Sorensen, Fire Chief (arrived at 6:10 pm) Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant

ABSENT: Councillor Kasper, Councillor Haldane

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m.

2. Approval of Agenda

MOVED to approve the agenda as circulated. CARRIED

3. Public Information Meeting for Bylaw No. 404, Subdivision and Development Standards Bylaw, 2014

Gord Howie provided a powerpoint presentation and summary of the review for Bylaw 404, Subdivision and Development Standards, Bylaw, 2014. Mr. Howie advised that the Bylaw has gone through considerable review at the Land Use and Environment Committee and Committee of the Whole levels. Mr. Howie reported that Council directed staff to hold a Public Information Meeting on the Bylaw which is the purpose of this evening's meeting in order to provide an opportunity for members of the public to provide comments. Mr. Howie overviewed the changes made in the bylaw for the Committee.

Committee Discussion • Bylaw No. 404 has achieved what Council has set out to achieve; the goal was to simplify the Subdivision and Development Standards Bylaw and make it more consistent with District Plans • Clarification as to Section 3.2 a) i. "unless tying to an existing sidewalk that is narrower"


Meeting Date: September 8, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: October 14, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes

Public Input: There was no input from members of the public.

MOVED and seconded to forward Bylaw No. 404, Subdivision and Development Standards, Bylaw, 2014 with the recommendation that Council consider introduction and first, second and third reading of the Bylaw No. 404. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

4. Current Issues

There was no input from members of the public.

5. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 6:16 p.m.

Certified Correct:

Bonn prinkling Wen al Milne Mayor Corporate Officer


Meeting Date: September 8, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: October 14, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE Committee of the Whole Minutes Meeting held September 15, 2014 at 6:00 pm Council Chamber, 2225 Otter Point Road

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Office Councillor Kevin Pearson Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Rick Kasper Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Kerrie Reay Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Maja Tait Steve Sorensen, Fire Chief Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant

Absent: Councillor Bev Berger, Councillor Herb Haldane

1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m.

2. Approval of Agenda MOVED to approve the agenda with the following item as supplementary information: • Submission received September 15, 2014 from Carmen Neumann CARRIED

3. Public Information Meeting: Proposed Horseshoe Pitch in John Phillips Memorial Park

Michael Dillabaugh provided an overview of the staff report for the Committee. Mr. Dillabaugh advised that the proposal from the Sooke Horseshoe Pitching Association is to build eight horseshoe courts for a total of 16 pits. The Association has provided cost estimates for the horseshoe court project.

Rich Hobday, Sooke Horseshoe Pitching Association, provided a powerpoint presentation and overview of the Association's proposal for the construction of eight horseshoe courts in John Phillips Memorial Park. Mr. Hobday reported that the trees in the area next to the proposed horseshoe courts would not be touched, and the area next to the proposed location could eventually be developed for lawn bowling or bocce ball. Mr. Hobday pointed out locations that could be suitable for future washrooms and picnic tables and indicated that Mulligan's parking lot could be a possible parking area. Mr. Hobday advised that the landscaping around the courts and the trees would be maintained by the Association.

Council Discussion: • Whether the Sooke Horseshoe Pitching Association will be fundraising to go towards the costs of developing the horseshoe courts • There is an additional funding request from the Association for approximately $12,000 in funds from the Park Enhancement Fund 1

Meeting Date: September 15, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: October 14, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes • Whether there would be an opportunity to connect the old existing trail near Wadams Way to the John Phillips Memorial Park trail • Whether the Association has had discussions with the current owners of Mulligan's regarding parking • Whether the horseshoe courts was one of the potential uses identified in the John Phillips Memorial Park Study

Public Input:

Ron Dumont, Sooke resident, provided comments as to the existing trail, and the public submission to Council. Mr. Dumont expressed concerns that the Horseshoe Pitching Association spent close to $3,000 clearing the parking lot on Sooke River Road on the original proposal and that they are not able to get these funds back; people donated their time and their equipment to develop the area.

Carmen Neumann, Sooke resident, reported that she recently visited the horseshoe pitch in Ladysmith and feels that the park and chain link fence are an eyesore. Ms. Neumann expressed concerns as to dividing up John Phillips Memorial Park, concerns that the public meeting was advertised well in advance, concerns of being able to raise adequate funds, reliance on volunteers and concerns that the horseshoe courts are not encompassing of a large enough draw for a wider population. Ms. Neumann inquired as to whether the proposed clubhouse would be paid for by taxpayer's dollars. Ms. Neumann further expressed concerns that the proposal will be pushed through without people being aware it is occurring.

Gail Hall, Sooke resident, commented that a horseshoe pitch was not part of the original Park Plan for John Phillips Memorial Park and that there was never public input for the addition of a horseshoe pitch in 2011. Ms. Hall expressed concerns that there was not sufficient notice given for this public input meeting and that the public input meeting for the bike skills park was well advertised ahead of time. Ms. Hall believes that the John Phillips Memorial Park Committee came up with good recommendations for the use of the park and that the Plan stated very clearly that services should be put into the park before beginning uses in the park. Ms. Hall further expressed concerns as to the term "lease", that there was not a draft agreement with the staff report, concerns as to issues around Sooke River Road Park and concerns as to the Association's request for up to an additional $17,000.

Dorothy Butts, President, Sooke Horseshoe Pitching Association, reported that she has been involved in horseshoe clubs since 1982. Ms. Butts addressed the Committee s to the successes she has experienced being involved in horseshoe clubs both provincially and nationally. Ms. Butts advised that the Association is a group of dedicated people who want to provide an opportunity to others to participate in the sport.

Ellen Lewers, Sooke resident, advised that she agrees with the comments made by Ms. Hall and that we need to look at the costs for connecting water, sewer, and lighting to the park and having facilities for people to use the park prior to making decisions on the use. Ms. Lewers advised that we ned to find out what uses people want and that it would not be prudent for Council to approve the horseshoe pitch use prior to going to the public.


Meeting Date: September 15, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: October 14, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes Sifu Koshin Moonfist, Sooke resident, expressed his support for the horseshoe pitch use as he had positive experiences playing horseshoes as a child. Mr. Moonfist addressed the Committee as to having the horseshoe courts on Sooke Community Association property as they already have some facilities. Mr. Moonfist advised that he support the Sooke River Road location for a horseshoe pitch.

Ron Dumont, Sooke resident, commented as to Ms. Butts public submission advising that both Ms. Butts and her husband are certified to train in horseshoe and that the group is looking to train and get youth involved in the sport. Mr. Dumont spoke to the success the tournaments are in Ladysmith and to the draw it has on public spectators.

Committee Discussion: • John Phillips Memorial Trust Committee was set up some time ago and the community has changed since that time. Support to go back to the community for a full consultation process to see what citizens want for John Phillip's Memorial Park • Concerns as to the request for an additional $12,000 as Council needs to be careful with the incumbent on the taxpayers • Concerns as to the 4 years the Sooke Horseshoe Pitching Association has been looking for a location for the courts • Concerns as to not having the infrastructure in John Phillips Memorial Park or uses for the public • Consideration to the Sooke River Road as a more suitable location for the horseshoe courts • Concerns that this issue has gone in circles over the past three years; this proposal is an opportunity to establish something in the park as per the JPMP Plan • The horseshoe courts would not be a severe impact to the park; once there the public may support additional uses in the park

MOVED and seconded to recommend that Council enter into a Use Maintenance and Site Management Agreement with the Sooke Horseshoe Pitching Association for the approved location of the Horseshoe Pitch in John Phillips Memorial Park; AND TO provide direction to staff as to the Sooke Horseshoe Pitching Association request for up to $12,000 from the Park Enhancement Program to assist in constructing the horseshoe pitch in John Phillips Memorial Park. DEFEATED Mayor Milne, Councillor Pearson and Councillor Reay opposed the motion

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to provide a report to Council on a proposal to locate the horseshoe pitching facilities to the Sooke River Road Park; AND THAT staff include information as to parking and the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) approval for the use of the Park for the horseshoe pitching facilities. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


Meeting Date: September 15, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: October 14, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes 4. Preliminary Draft of Bylaw No. 606, Building Regulation Bylaw, 2014

Gord Howie provided an overview of the staff report for the Committee. Mr. Howie reported that staff has been working on the preliminary Draft for Bylaw No. 606, Building Regulation Bylaw, 2014 in order to bring the bylaw more in line with Municipal Insurance Association's recommendations and also in compliance with the 2012 Building Code. Staff will bring the bylaw forward to Council for review once drafting is complete.

Committee Discussion: • Timeline for coming forward to Council; prior to or following the 2014 Local Election • Concerns as to liability issues using the wording "and includes" under Section 2 Definitions "Building Official" - Staff to look at a suggested word change from "and includes" to "such as" Building Officials, Plan Checkers ...etc.

The Committee agreed by general consensus to receive the preliminary draft of Bylaw No. 606, Building Regulation Bylaw, 2014 for information.

5. Current Issues

There was no input from members of the public.

6. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 6:59 p.m.

Certified Correct:

4141 P

Wen•al ilne Bonnie •rinkling Mayor Corporate Officer


Meeting Date: September 15, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: October 14, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 2225 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on September 8, 2014 reconvened September 15, 2014 7:00 p.m., Open Portion, Council Chamber

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT (Open Portion) Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Herb Haldane Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Kevin Pearson Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Rick Kasper Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Kerrie Reay Steve Sorensen, Fire Chief Councillor Maja Tait Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant

ABSENT: Councillor Bev Berger


CALL TO ORDER Mayor Milne called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOVED and seconded to approve the agenda with the following items at New Business: • NB-1 Delegation: Michael Thornton, Development Permit #2 — Silver Spray Destination Resort • NB-2 Bylaw No. 604, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-7) and Bylaw No. 605, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-13) — Sale of Closed Kennedy Road • NB-3 Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy, 2014 • NB-4 Multi-Use Community Centre Facilities — Question • NB-5 Expansion of Oil Tanker Traffic through Coastal BC Waters — Question • NB-6 "Art in the Park" Sooke Community Arts Council Request for Waiver of Park Fees • NB-7 UBCM Ministerial Appointments • NB-8 Correspondence received September 4, 2014 RE: Amalgamation Referendum not Necessary


NB-1 Delegation: Michael Thornton, DP #2 - Silver Spray Destination Resort Michael Thornton, applicant provided a powerpoint presentation and addressed Council as to the Development Permit for Silver Spray Destination Resort. Mr. Thornton reported that having "flexibility" with the previous Development Permit for surfside cottages

1 Meeting Date: September 15, 2014 District of Sooke Reconvened from September 8, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Adopted on: October 14, 2014 provided them with the opportunity to add additional floors to the cottages in order to reduce costs and increase sales. Mr. Thornton reported that the proposed Development Permit is to move some of the surfside cottages and to create "Yacht Suites" on Lot 1; the proposed buildings meet the form and character of the Development Permit but as the applicant, they are asking for flexibility with these buildings in order to explore what can be done in conjunction with what the market is dictating. Mr. Thornton spoke to the information requirements for the Development Permit advising that the information has been provided with the exception of elevation plans by an Architect, they are requesting to submit these drawings once the Development Permit is approved and prior to submission of a building permit.

Gord Howie advised that staff have been working with the applicant in order to provide the Development Permit information to Council this evening. Mr. Howe reported that the information meets form and character for the Development Permit but what is missing is the size, shape and setbacks for the proposed buildings. Mr. Howie explained that when a Development Permit is submitted, it is based on what the structures are going to look like; by not having this information it creates uncertainty which is a concern to the District. Mr. Howie advised the other concern is that there is a requirement for the drawings to be completed by an Architect which the applicant has not provided. Mr. Howie advised that to comply with the Architects Act and for the protection of the developer and the District, an Architect should be engaged by the applicant.

Mr. Thornton advised that he has studied Development Permit requirements in other jurisdictions and has also received his own legal opinion on the issue which advises that there is no specific requirement for an Architect at the Development Permit stage. Mr. Thornton advised that they will provide Architect drawings at the building permit stage once they know what they are building. Mr. Thornton addressed Council as to elevation plans, landscaping, parking and number of buildings. Mr. Thornton advised that he will not be providing any further information for the Development Permit.

MOVED and seconded to approve in principal the general concept of the application for Development Permit #2 – Silver Spray Destination Resort from the information that has been provided; AND TO direct staff to work with the applicant to bring a report on the Development Permit application forward to the next Council meeting; AND THAT staff provide a report to Council on the issues of the requirements for an Architect for a development permit and how to provide flexibility in the development permit. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

NB-2 Bylaw No. 604, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-7) and Bylaw No. 605, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-13) — Sale of Closed Kennedy Road Councillor Haldane declared a potential conflict of interest with this agenda item as he was a previous owner of the adjacent property and left the meeting at 7:59 p.m.

Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer, advised that the adjacent property owner has submitted in writing a requested to purchase one-half of the Kennedy Closed Road.

2 Meeting Date: September 15, 2014 District of Sooke Reconvened from September 8, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Adopted on: October 14, 2014 MOVED and seconded to postpone Agenda Item NB-2 Bylaw No. 604, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-7) and Bylaw No. 605, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-13) - — Sale of Closed Kennedy Road to an upcoming Council meeting. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Councillor Haldane returned to the meeting at 8:01 p.m.

NB-3 Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy, 2014

MOVED and seconded to adopt the amendments to Policy No. 7.13, Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy, 2011; AND FURTHER adopt the amendments to Policy No. 7.10, Code of Ethic Policy, 2011; AND FURTHER adopt the amendment to Policy No. 7.11, Respectful Workplace Policy, 2011. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED and seconded to repeal Policy No. 7.14, Complaint Resolution Policy, 2011. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

NB-4 Multi-Use Community Centre Facilities — Question

MOVED and seconded to authorize the following question for voting at the November 15, 2014 General Municipal Election to obtain community opinion as to the multi-use community centre facilities for the District of Sooke: "Would you support the District of Sooke working with the community to develop multi-use community centre facilities? YES or NO" CARRIED Councillor Haldane and Councillor Pearson opposed the motion

NB-5 Expansion of Oil Tanker Traffic through Coastal BC Waters — Question

MOVED and seconded to authorize the following question for voting at the November 15, 2014 General Municipal Election to obtain community opinion as to the expansion of oil tanker traffic through Coastal BC Water: "Should the District of Sooke join other municipalities in renewing and restating its opposition to the expansion of oil tanker traffic through Coastal BC waters? YES or NO" CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

NB-6 "Art in the Park" Sooke Community Arts Council Request for Waiver of Park Fees

MOVED and seconded to waive the park use fee for the 2014 and 2015 Art in the Park event in Ed Macgregor Park. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

NB-7 UBCM Ministerial Appointments

ACTION ITEM: Staff to provide Council with an update as to the proposed Accommodation Tax for the meeting with the Cabinet Minister.

3 Meeting Date: September 15, 2014 District of Sooke Reconvened from September 8, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Adopted on: October 14, 2014 NB-8 Correspondence received September 4, 2014 RE: Amalgamation Referendum not Necessary

MOVED and seconded to receive the correspondence on Amalgamation Referendum not Necessary for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


C-1 Correspondence received August 12, 2014 RE: Expropriation of Grace Islet

MOVED and seconded to receive the Correspondence on the Expropriation of Grace Islet for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

C-2 Correspondence received August 13, 2014 RE: Kinder Morgan NEB Hearing — local intervener

MOVED and seconded to receive the correspondence on the Kinder Morgan NEB Hearing — local intervener for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

C-4 Correspondence received September 3, 2014 RE: District of Taylor Emergency Resolution — 2014 UBCM Convention

MOVED and seconded to receive the correspondence on the District of Taylor Emergency Resolution — 2014 UBCM Convention for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


1-1 Correspondence dated August 14, 2014 from Green Communities Committee

MOVED and seconded to file the correspondence dated August 14, 2014 from Green Communities Committee. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

1-2 Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce Report — September 8, 2014

MOVED and seconded to file the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce Report dated September 8, 2014. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


By consensus, Council approved the addition of a Public Question and Comment Period to the Agenda.

4 Meeting Date: September 15, 2014 District of Sooke Reconvened from September 8, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Adopted on: October 14, 2014 Derek Lewers, Sooke resident, addressed Council as to Agenda Items for the Silver Spray Development Permit and the Multi-Use Community Centre Facilities. Mr. Lewers noted that a member of the public spoke as a delegation to Council last week expressing concern as to construction in the Silver Spray Development. Mr. Lewers indicated that he does not support having a question on the 2014 Election ballot on the Multi-Use Community Centre; he hopes Council is mindful of its priorities and that at the time it is determined there is a need for a Community Centre, Council then engage the taxpayers.

Ellen Lewers, Sooke resident, commented that she has many people approaching her about fundraising to renovate the Sooke Community Hall for a Community Centre. Ms. Lewers also commented as to the Development Permit for Silver Spray expressing concerns as to giving the developer "flexibility" and asked Council to be cautious with their decisions on this Development Permit.

Mary Brooke, Sooke Voice News, addressed Council as to concerns of the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce Report dated September 8, 2014 and reference to the Chamber's recommendation to manage and administer the 2% Hotel Room Tax. Ms. Brooke further expressed concern of the District handing over the management of funds to an outside organization and cautioned Council to keep as much economic development funds in house as possible.

Jeff Bateman, Sooke resident, took the opportunity to thank Council for moving forward with the question on oil tanker traffic on the 2014 Election ballot. Mr. Bateman indicated that there is a lot passion on this issue and there is a sense that the question on the ballot will drive voters to the poles. Mr. Bateman reported that Thursday is the deadline for Council to contact Kandace Kerr, intervener in the Kinder Morgan NEB Hearings.


MOVED to close the meeting to the public under section 90(1) of the Community Charter to discuss: • 90(1)(f) law enforcement, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the conduct of an investigation under or enforcement of an enactment. • 90(1)(i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; 90(1)(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

5 Meeting Date: September 15, 2014 District of Sooke Reconvened from September 8, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Adopted on: October 14, 2014


MOVED and seconded to adjourn the open portion of the Regular Council meeting at 8:47 P.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Certified Correct:

Bon ir Sprinkling Corporate Officer

6 Meeting Date: September 15, 2014 District of Sooke Reconvened from September 8, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Adopted on: October 14, 2014 UNFINISHED BUSINESS

UB-1 Silver Spray Destination Resort — Development Permit #2

MOVED and seconded to receive the Silver Spray Destination Resort Development Permit #2 report for information; AND TO direct staff to issue Development Permit #2 for the Silver Spray Destination Resort. CARRIED


B-1 Bylaw No. 404, Subdivision and Development Standards Bylaw, 2014

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 404, Subdivision and Development Standards Bylaw, 2014 be introduced and read a first time. CARRIED

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 404, Subdivision and Development Standards Bylaw, 2014 be read a second time. CARRIED

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 404, Subdivision and Development Standards Bylaw, 2014 be read a third time. CARRIED

MOVED and seconded to repeal Policy No. 11.1 Development Works and Services Policy (2001) and Policy No. 11.3, Subdivision Works and Services Policy (2002) concurrently with the adoption of Bylaw No. 404. CARRIED

B-2 Bylaw No. 607, Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw for Public Parks and Recreation Grounds, Not for Profit Corporations and Public Authority Amendment Bylaw (338- 4)

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 607, Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw for Public Parks and Recreation Grounds, Not for Profit Corporations and Public Authority Amendment Bylaw (338-4) be introduced and read a first time. CARRIED

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 607, Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw for Public Parks and Recreation Grounds, Not for Profit Corporations and Public Authority Amendment Bylaw (338-4) be read a second time. CARRIED

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 607, Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw for Public Parks and Recreation Grounds, Not for Profit Corporations and Public Authority Amendment Bylaw (338-4) be read a third time. CARRIED

Meeting Date: October 6, 2014 2 District of Sooke Adopted on: October 14, 2014 Special Council Meeting Minutes MOVED and seconded to direct staff to publish notice for Bylaw No. 607 in accordance with section 227 of the Community Charter. CARRIED


RA-1 Development Permit Amendment — 6995 Nordin Road (Heron View Villas)

MOVED and seconded to authorize the issuance of Development Permit Amendment PLN01110 for the purpose of amending the Development Permit for 6995 Nordin Road (Phase 3) with updated elevation drawings, site plan and landscaping. CARRIED

RA-2 Sooke Dance Studio request for Sponsorship

MOVED and seconded to receive the report on sponsorship for the Sooke Dance Studio for information. CARRIED

RA-3 Policy No. 11.8, Riparian Areas Regulation Policy, 2014

MOVED and seconded to refer Policy No. 11.8, Riparian Areas Regulation Policy, 2014 back to staff. CARRIED

RA-4 Community Centre Public Information Committee

MOVED and seconded to establish a select committee named Community Centre Public Information Committee; AND TO waive the following requirements of Policy 1.4, Committee Structure and Function Policy, 2006: a. that Council appoint members of Council to Select Committees; b. that the Mayor designate a member of council to serve as Chair of the Committee; and, c. the Committee Selection Process to allow Sooke Region Community Health Initiative to select the members of the committee from local non- profit groups for Council approval CARRIED

Marlene Barry addressed Council as to the Sooke Region Community Health Initiative (CHI) Report "Getting It Built: Community Centre Project". Ms. Barry reported that clear communications will be one of the "key" issues in providing information to the public.

Mayor Milne took the opportunity on behalf of Council to thank Ms. Barry for her work on the Community Centre Project Report.

Meeting Date: October 6, 2014 3 District of Sooke Adopted on: October 14, 2014 Special Council Meeting Minutes CORRESPONDENCE REQUIRING ACTION

Sooke Community Association — Funding Request for Community Hall renovations

MOVED and seconded to provide $10,000 in funding from the Council Contingency Fund for the Sooke Community Association Community Hall renovations. CARRIED

C-2 Victoria Family Court & Youth Justice Committee — Funding Request of $500 per Municipality

MOVED and seconded to provide $500 from the Council Contingency Fund to the Victoria Family Court & Youth Justice Committee for the CRED Program. CARRIED

C-3 Correspondence from the Ministry of Agriculture — Re: Draft Minister's Bylaw Standard on Medical Marihuana Production Facilities.

MOVED and seconded to receive the Correspondence from the Ministry of Agriculture for information. CARRIED

ADJOURNMENT MOVED and seconded to adjourn the open portion of the Special Council meeting at 7:49 p.m. CARRIED

MOVED and seconded to close the meeting to the public under section 90(1) of the Community Charter to discuss: • 90(1)(g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality; • 90(1)(i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. CARRIED

MOVED and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:16 p.m. CARRIED

Certified Correct:

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4 Meeting Date: October 6, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: October 14, 2014 Special Council Meeting Minutes

DISTRICT OF SOOKE Committee of the Whole Minutes Meeting held Tuesday, October 14, 2014 6:00 pm Council Chamber, 2225 Otter Point Road

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Office Councillor Rick Kasper Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Kerrie Reay Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant

Absent: Councillor Pearson, Councillor Berger, Councillor Haldane, Councillor Tait


Certified Correct:

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Meeting Date: October 14, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: October 27, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE

Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 2225 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on October 6, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Bev Berger Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Herb Haldane Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Kerrie Reay Rob Howat, Approving Officer (left at 7:18 p.m.) Councillor Maja Tait Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant

ABSENT: Councillors Rick Kasper and Kevin Pearson

CALL TO ORDER Mayor Milne called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


MOVED and seconded to provide an opportunity for Public Input prior to Agenda Item UB-1 Silver Spray Destination Resort — Development Permit #2. CARRIED

MOVED and seconded to add the following items to the Agenda as supplementary information: • Agenda Item UB-1 — Silver Spray Destination Resort — Development Permit #2 o Correspondence received October 3' 2014 from Ellen Lewers o Correspondence received October 4, 2014 from Michael Thornton, Applicant Silver Spray Destination Resort. CARRIED

MOVED and seconded to approve the Agenda as amended. CARRIED

Public Input:

Gail Hall, Sooke resident, expressed concerns as to zoning for Area A on Possession Point; concerns as to having residential use in a commercial zone, concerns as to the use of the definition "lodge" for the cottages, concerns the development will be used as a private residence club and concerns as to the term "yacht suites" which is not a definition in the Sooke Zoning Bylaw.

Derek Lewers, Sooke resident, provided comments as to the Permissive Tax Exemption for the Salvation Army and concerns that the tax exemption would be subsidized through the tax payers. Mr. Lewers also expressed concerns as to Council establishing a Community Centre Public Information Committee and the Committee Selection Process. Mr. Lewers believes that individuals or groups that are not on the suggested list of voting members should also be given the opportunity to provide input on the facility.

Meeting Date: October 6, 2014 1 District of Sooke Adopted on: October 14, 2014 Special Council Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 2225 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on Tuesday, October 14, 2014 7:00 p.m, Council Chamber

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT (Open Portion) Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Bev Berger Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Herb Haldane Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Rick Kasper Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant Councillor Kerrie Reay Staff Sgt. Jeff McArthur (left meeting at 7:10 p.m.) Councillor Maja Tait

ABSENT: Councillor Kevin Pearson

CALL TO ORDER Mayor Milne called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA MOVED and seconded to move Agenda Item RI-1 RCMP Monthly Mayor Report to immediately following adoption of minutes. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to add the following items to the agenda as new business/supplemental information: • Item PH-1 Bylaw No. 596, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-5) and Bylaw No. 597, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-12) o Correspondence received on or before October 14, 2014: • Hugh and Linda Audet — October 7, 2014 • Brian and Shaunna Webb — October 13, 2014 • Ken Hooper — October 13, 2014 • Cindy and Ancil Humphrey — October 13, 2014 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to approve the agenda as amended. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on September 8, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Meeting Date: October 14, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: October 27, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on September 8, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on September 15, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on September 8, 2014 reconvened on September 15, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Special Council meeting held on October 6, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MINUTES FOR INFORMATION MOVED and seconded that the following minutes be received for information: September 23, 2014 Emergency Planning Committee October 2, 2014 Climate Change Action Committee October 7, 2014 Community Grant Review Committee CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RI-1 RCMP Monthly Mayor Reports — August and September 2014 Staff Sgt. Jeff McArthur addressed Council as to the RCMP Monthly Mayor Reports for August and September 2014 reporting that the detachment has seen a decline in calls for service for this time of year. Staff Sgt. McArthur reported on current initiatives including street enforcement of drug use and traffic enforcement targeted to areas from complaints or accidents. Staff Sgt. McArthur provided additional information to Council as to discussing levels of service with members of the public and the new Administrative position at the Sooke Detachment.


D-1 Sooke Stormwater 2013 Report — Barri-Lynn Rudolph, Environmental Science Officer, CRD Integrated Watershed Management Program Bard-Lynn Rudolph provided a powerpoint presentation and overview of the Sooke Stormwater 2013 Report as submitted. Ms. Rudolph reported that 76 stormwater discharges were tested in 2013 during both the wet and dry seasons. Of the 76 discharges tested, three discharges rated a high level of public health concern, 18 rated a moderate level of public health concern and 55 rated a low level of public health concern. Ms. Rudolph also overviewed results and challenges for watercourse monitoring advising that Alderbrook Stream was the stream of most concern. Ms. Rudolph provided additional information as to cost sharing for Stormwater monitoring with the Capital Regional District (CRD) for those discharges located in the Juan de Fuca Straits.

Council approved by consensus the Sooke Stormwater 2013 Report.

2 Meeting Date: October 14, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: October 27, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes PUBLIC QUESTION AND COMMENT PERIOD

Elaine Ellinger, Sooke resident, addressed Council as to the Category A Community Grant Application from Wild Safe BC and their request for funding in the amount of $7,000. Ms. Ellinger expressed the importance of the BC Conservation Foundation, Wild Safe BC program and the importance of the education that Debbie Reid, Wild Safe BC provides to the community. Ms. Ellinger asked Council to consider providing more funding to Wild Safe BC than the recommendation of $1,225 from the Community Grant Review Committee.

Derek Lewers, Sooke resident, inquired as to when the Fire Department Capital Replacement Plan will be coming forward to Council for approval. Mr. Lewers also addressed Council as to traffic concerns at peak times (school hours) on the eastern end of Milnes Landing Road and suggested that the right turning area be enlarged.

Ellen Lewers, Sooke resident, inquired as to the Stormwater Quality Report and whether the seasonal timings for testing the discharges affects testing results.

Diane Bernard, Sooke resident, commented as to the Stormwater Quality Report and the requirement for her business to have water quality testing done. Ms. Bernard expressed how important it is to her business to have the water quality testing done in the Juan de Fuca Strait as it provides her with a clear indication of what is going on with water quality.


PH-1 Report of Public Hearings — Waste Transfer Station • Bylaw No. 596, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-5) • Bylaw No. 597, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-12)

Mayor Milne called the Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 596 and Bylaw No. 597 to order at 7:36 p.m.

Mayor Milne advised that any person who believes that their interest in property is affected by the proposed bylaws would be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions at the public hearing.

Public Submissions: Alfred Haas, Sooke resident, expressed his opposition to the proposed bylaw amendments and commented on the permitted uses in the M2 and M3 zones. Ms. Haas indicated that A & P Disposal is zoned M3 which allows for waste management and disposal. Mr. Haas expressed concerns as to the business on Idlemore operating in contravention of the zoning bylaw.

Derek Lewers, Sooke resident, expressed his opposition to the proposed bylaw amendments for waste transfer stations and read a submission to Council which indicated concerns of comments made by Council as to Waste Transfer Stations, concerns of conflict of interest, concerns of assistance to business, concerns of costs to taxpayers for legal fees, staff time and advertising. Mr. Lewers asked Council to reject the proposed

3 Meeting Date: October 14, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: October 27, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes bylaw amendments and have the property owner make an application for rezoning at their own expense not the taxpayers.

Bev Hooper, Sooke resident and adjacent property owner, expressed her opposition to the proposed bylaw amendments. Ms. Hooper addressed Council as to concerns that the Kaltasin Road area has many residential properties and a neighbouring school. Ms. Hooper believes that the rezoning is providing assistance to business. Ms. Hooper further expressed concerns as to the negative impact the rezoning will have on property values, the environment and concerns that a waste transfer station will attract vermin. Ms. Hooper asked Council to not allow waste transfer stations as a permitted use within the neighbourhood.

Jeremy, Sooke resident, advised that he is employed by A & P Disposal and does not support the rezoning of these properties to the M3 zone. The speaker indicated concerns of not having the opportunity for a level playing field between businesses.

Ellen Lewers, Sooke resident, expressed her opposition to the proposed bylaw amendments advising that during the OCP process, residents living in the Kaltasin area wanted the area to remain residential and to have the industrial use phased out. Ms. Lewers believes that the property owner should be applying for rezoning of his property. Ms. Lewers asked Council to reconsider the issue and consider how it will affect the residents in the area.

Ken Winters, Sooke resident, addressed Council as to concerns that there were no complaints when the A & P Disposal property was rezoned and the issues that he has had trying to rezone his Sooke River Road property. Mr. Winters asked Council as to where in the District they would allow a waste transfer station.

Rob Peters, Sooke resident, advised that he believes that waste transfer stations are a necessity for the District of Sooke as people are dumping their garbage on the roadside.

Cindy Humphrey, Sooke resident and adjacent property owner, expressed her opposition to the proposed bylaw amendments advising that she wished she was aware of the potential for a waste transfer station in her neighbourhood prior to purchasing her home. Ms. Humphrey would like to see enforcement of the zoning bylaw and asked Council to use care, caution and due diligence with this issue.

Mayor Milne called three times for submissions to the Public Hearings for Bylaw No. 596 and Bylaw No. 597 Hearing none; he closed the public hearing at 8:03 pm.

Council considers third reading of Bylaw No. 596 and Bylaw No. 597 MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 596, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-5) not be approved. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 597, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-12) not be approved. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

4 Meeting Date: October 14, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: October 27, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes BYLAWS

B-1 Bylaw No. 404, Subdivision and Development Standards Bylaw, 2014

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 404, Subdivision and Development Standards Bylaw, 2014 be adopted. AND THAT Policy No. 11.1, Development Works and Services Policy (2001) and Policy No. 11.3, Subdivision Works and Services Policy (2002) be repealed. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

B-2 Sun River Development — Exchange of Lands for School Site • Bylaw No. 534, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-2) and • Bylaw No. 535, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-14)

Councillor Berger left the meeting at 8:18 p.m. declaring a potential conflict of interest with this agenda item as her husband is a sub-contractor for Citta Construction who is the primary contractor for Sunriver Estates.

MOVED and seconded to approve the Land Development Amendment Agreement between the District of Sooke and Sun River Estates Ltd. (the "Agreement") that will result in a modification of Section 219 Covenant ET136519 pursuant to the Agreement (the "Modified Covenant") and two Section 219 Covenants granted by the District of Sooke to the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission for Sooke River Trail and Lot 2 (the "ALR Covenants"); AND DIRECT upon execution of the Agreement, the Modified Covenant and the ALR Covenants by the parties to those agreements, and prior to the adoption of Bylaw No. 534 and 535, the Modified Covenant and the ALR Covenants and supporting survey plans and land transfers be registered in the Victoria Land Titles Office. CARRIED

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 534, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-2) be introduced and read a first time. CARRIED

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 534, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-2) be read a second time. CARRIED

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 535, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-14) be introduced and read a first time. CARRIED

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 535, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-14) be read a second time. CARRIED

5 Meeting Date: October 14, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: October 27, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes MOVED and seconded to direct staff to schedule a Public Hearing for Bylaws No. 534 and Bylaw No. 535 and the Land Development Amendment Agreement in accordance with the requirements of the Community Charter and the Local Government Act. CARRIED

Councillor Berger returned to the meeting at 8:32 p.m.


RA-1 Climate Change Action Committee recommendations from October 2, 2014 meeting:

Corporate Energy and Emissions Planning (CEEP) — Stakeholder Feedback

MOVED and seconded to endorse the Corporate Energy and Emissions Plan (CEEP); AND TO direct staff to implement the top priority objectives of the CEEP, as follows: 1. Promote home retrofits and demand side management (DSM) programs to reduce energy consumption 2. Improve walking infrastructure (sidewalks connecting central schools) 3. Organics diversion from Harland Landfill. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Corporate Carbon Neutrality — Waste Management Strategy

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to implement a "zero-waste" corporate waste management strategy; AND FURTHER TO direct staff to obtain quotes for corporate waste management as per the Purchasing Policy. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-2 Community Grant Review Committee recommendations from October 7, 2014 meeting:

Category A grant applications — requests for changes to existing grants:

Greater Victoria Bike to Work Week Society (requested amount $300) MOVED and seconded to approve the Greater Victoria Bike to Work Week Society Category A grant request for $300, contingent upon new Council's approval of the 2015- 2019 Five Year Financial Plan. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Sooke Family Resource Society (requested amount $5,000) MOVED and seconded to approve the Sooke Family Resource Society Category A grant request for $5,000, contingent upon new Council's approval of the 2015-2019 Five Year Financial Plan. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

6 Meeting Date: October 14, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: October 27, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Sooke Lions Club — Canada Day Society (requested amount $5,000) MOVED and seconded to approve the Sooke Lions Club — Canada Day Society Category A grant request for $5,000, contingent upon new Council's approval of the 2015-2019 Five Year Financial Plan. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Category A grant applications — new applications:

BC Conservation Foundation — WildSafe BC program (requested amount $7,000) MOVED and seconded to approve a Category A grant to BC Conservation Foundation's — WildSafe BC program in the amount of $1,225 to be used towards the purchase of materials and supplies including toolkits, contingent upon new Council's approval of the 2015-2019 Five Year Financial Plan. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Bipolar Disorder Society of BC (requested amount $10,000) MOVED and seconded to not approve the Bipolar Disorder Society of BC request for a Category A grant. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Communica Dialogue and Resolution Services Society (requested amount $4,000) MOVED and seconded to not approve the Communica Dialogue and Resolution Services Society request for a Category A grant. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

September 30, 2014 Category B grant applications:

BC Conservation Foundation — Jr. Ranger program (requested amount $1,300) MOVED and seconded to approve the BC Conservation Foundation's — Jr. Ranger program Category B grant request for $1,300. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Sooke Academy of Music (requested amount $7,000) MOVED and seconded to approve the Sooke Academy of Music Category B grant request in the amount of $1,000. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Sooke Sailing Association (requested amount $7,000) MOVED and seconded to not approve the Sooke Sailing Association Category B grant request for $7,000. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Steps to the Future Childcare Society (requested amount $3,000) MOVED and seconded to approve Category B grant funding in the amount of $3,000 to the Steps to the Future Childcare Society to purchase a fridge and stove. DEFEATED

7 Meeting Date: October 14, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: October 27, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes MOVED and seconded to approve Category B grant funding in the amount of $1,106.39 to the Steps to the Future Childcare Society to purchase a fridge and stove. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-3 Gas Operating Agreements — New Operating Fees

MOVED and seconded to endorse the AVICC recommended "Model Form Operating Agreement" with FortisBC Energy (Vancouver Island) Inc. for BC local governments. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


RI-2 Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce Report — October 8, 2014

Council asked that the Chamber provide information as to the status of membership and whether businesses are leaving and reasons for leaving i.e. moving out of town, folding, etc.

MOVED and seconded to receive the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce Report dated October 8, 2014 for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

ADJOURNMENT MOVED and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Certified Correct:

Wen al Milne Bo Sprin ng Mayor Corporate 0 icer

8 Meeting Date: October 14, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: October 27, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 2225 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on October 27, 2014 7:00 p.m., Open Portion, Council Chamber

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT (Open Portion) Mayor Wendal Milne Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Bev Berger Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Herb Haldane Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Kevin Pearson Steve Sorensen, Fire Chief Councillor Rick Kasper Katherine Lesyshen, Planner ll (left at 7:51 p.m.) Councillor Kerrie Reay Tara Johnson, Planner II (left at 8:06 p.m.) Councillor Maja Tait Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant

CALL TO ORDER Mayor Milne called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.

APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA MOVED and seconded to approve the agenda with the following items as new business/supplemental information: Item PH-1 Supplemental Information — Bylaw No. 534, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-2) and Bylaw No. 535, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-14) — Sun River Development — Exchange of Lands for School Site: • Council resolution dated October 14, 2014 as to Bylaw No. 534 and Bylaw No. 535 • Staff Report to Council dated October 14, 2014 Item PI-1 Supplemental Information — Development Permit and Development Variance Permit— 1931 Goodridge Road • Correspondence received October 23, 2014 from Bryan Mooney, E-Fish-Ent Fish Company Ltd. NB-1 2015 Age-Friendly Community Planning & Project Grant Application CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on October 14, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on October 14, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


D-1 Sooke Food Bank Society Request for Funding of $7,000 for Christmas Bureau Hampers — Kim Metzger, Secretary, Sooke Food Bank Society Kim Metzger, Sooke Food Bank Society addressed Council as to the Sooke Food Bank Society's request for $7,000 to assist with this year's Sooke Christmas Bureau Christmas 1 Meeting Date: October 27, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: November 3, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes hampers. Ms. Metzger reported that the Sooke Food Bank received $8,000 in funding for the Christmas hampers through the Community Grant Program in 2013.

MOVED and seconded to fund $7,000 from the 2014 Community Grant Program budget for the Sooke Food Bank Society/Christmas Bureau hampers. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

D-2 Mayor's Public Advisory Panel on Arts and Beautification Phoebe Dunbar and Sandy Jarvis addressed Council as to the 2014 Communities in Bloom Committee Wrap up Report as submitted. Ms. Dunbar took the opportunity to thank Council for their support of the 2014 Communities in Bloom. Ms. Dunbar reviewed the highlights of this year's event which included the adoption of flower barrels by local business, a "best garden" selection program, and the Thursday Night Market hosted by the Museum. Ms. Dunbar and Ms. Jarvis presented Council with the 2014 Communities in Bloom Five Bloom Status Banner and asked for Council's support with the 2015 Communities in Bloom program.

Mayor Milne took the opportunity to thank Brenda Parkinson, Chair of the Mayor's Advisory Panel for Arts and Beautification and the Communities in Bloom Committee for their work with the 2014 Communities in Bloom Program.

MOVED and seconded to support in principal the 2015 Communities in Bloom initiative contingent on the new Council forming. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Ms. Jarvis provided an update as to the Mayor's Advisory Panel on Arts and Beautification proposed projects as submitted. Ms. Jarvis reported on the Signage Project for John Phillips Memorial Park and asked for Council's consideration for a "Call out to Carver" in the amount of $10,000.

MOVED and seconded to table consideration of the John Phillips Memorial Park Signage Project "Call out to Carver" to later in the meeting following discussions on Agenda Item RA-3 Proposed Horseshoe Pitch — 2250 Sooke River Road (Sooke River Road Park). CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Ms. Jarvis provided an overview of the Festival of Trees project to display decorated Christmas trees in the SEAPARC lobby. Ms. Jarvis advised that funds raised during this event will go to the BC Children's Hospital. The Committee is requesting that Council consider sponsorship in the amount of $250 for the Festival of Trees.

MOVED and seconded to provide funding in the amount of $250 for the sponsorship of the SEAPARC Festival of Trees. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Ms. Jarvis provided an update as to the Christmas Light-up project for the Christmas tree light-up in the town centre. Ms. Jarvis reported that this year, the Committee would like to include an additional tree in front of the Sooke Legion. The Committee is requesting that Council consider funding $4,000 towards the purchase of Christmas tree lights for the new tree, bows for Christmas swags and two honorariums for the installation of the decorations, lights and required electrical.

2 Meeting Date: October 27, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: November 3, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes MOVED and seconded to fund the Christmas Light Up project in the amount of $2,900 from the SPA Reserve Account. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

PUBLIC QUESTION AND COMMENT PERIOD Gail Hall, Sooke resident addressed Council as to Agenda item RA-3 Proposed Horseshoe Pitch — 2250 Sooke River Road (Sooke River Road Park) and concerns that the property is in the Agricultural Land Reserve and is not designated as "park". Ms. Hall spoke to concerns of using park funds towards the start-up of the horseshoe pitch with the small membership of the Sooke Horseshoe Pitch Association.

Brenda Parkinson, Sooke resident clarified the Mayor's Advisory Panel on Arts and Beautification Christmas Light Up project explaining that the funding request was for the purchase of bulbs and decorations for a third tree and for the provision of on-site electrical.


PH-1 Report of Public Hearings — Sun River Development — Exchange of Lands for School Site • Bylaw No. 534, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-2) • Bylaw No. 535, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-14) Councillor Berger declared a potential conflict of interest with this Agenda item as her husband is a sub-contractor for Citta Construction who is a contractor for Sun River Estates and left the meeting at 7:33 p.m.

Mayor Milne called the Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 534 and Bylaw No. 535 to order at 7:33 p.m.

Mayor Milne advised that any person who believes that their interest in property is affected by the proposed bylaws would be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions at the public hearing.

Public Input: Scott McMahan, Sooke resident, advised that he moved to Sunriver because of the proposed school site within the Sunriver Development and he hopes the School District is able to move forward with a school in this location. Mr. McMahan advised that he supports the zoning amendment.

Ellen Lewers, Sooke resident, inquired as to the requirement for the District of Sooke to provide fencing and a 5 meter buffer along the trail of the agricultural land. Ms. Lewers feels that the District should know what these costs for the buffer will be prior to moving forward with the Sunriver Land Development Amendment Agreement.

Darcy Abell, Sooke resident, advised that he is happy to see the issue of the Sun River Development Agreement moving forward. Mr. Abell expressed concerns as to Agenda Item RA-4 Cash Contribution from Sun River Estates and the potential for these funds to go towards a variety of purposes or lands. Mr. Abell believes that these funds should be used for what they were originally intended; improvements to Lots 2 and 4. Mr. Abell noted that it does not have to be specifically for sports fields but could be for a mix of naturalized areas, open fields and trails. Mr. Abell advised that it is important that the funds go towards what was originally intended, something for the residents of Sunriver. 3 Meeting Date: October 27, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: November 3, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Gail Hall, Sooke resident, expressed her opposition to the bylaw amendments and addressed Council as to concerns of the Sunriver Land Development Agreement. Ms. Hall believes that the land will not be useful for community gardens or municipal use and would have to be extensively remediated due to the materials that were dumped there. Ms. Hall also expressed concerns to the fencing and buffer along the Agricultural Land and the costs to the District. Ms. Hall indicated that the District would have to have permission from the ALC in order to establish the land as "park."

Rob Barry, Sooke resident, advised that he agrees that the Sunriver Land Development Amendment Agreement is not a good deal for the tax payers of Sooke. Ms. Barry addressed Council as to concerns that the lands are of no value to the community.

Bob Campbell, Sooke resident, expressed concerns as to the $400,000 cash contribution from Sunriver Estates. Mr. Campbell supports the location of the original school site and believes that parking and access would be better in this location rather than the Phillips Road location. Mr. Campbell also expressed concerns as to moving forwards with the Agreement prior to knowing costs associated with infrastructure on the land.

Phil Buchanan, representing Sunriver Estates, clarified that the proposal will provide the District of Sooke with $400,000 to use as they wish. The property that will be provided to School District is 2 hectares and the District of Sooke will receive a 4 hectare site to use at their discretion as well as 0.2 hectares for a future fire hall site.

Ellen Lewers, Sooke resident, asked for clarification as to the Land Development Amendment Agreement and whether it has already been approved by Council. Ms. Lewers expressed concerns as to the costs for remediation of the lands and the costs for the fencing and buffer requirement.

Mayor Milne called three times for submissions to the Public Hearings for Bylaw No. 534 and Bylaw No. 535 Hearing none; he closed the public hearing at 7:51 p.m.

Council consider third reading of Bylaw No. 534 and Bylaw No. 535 MOVED and seconded that 534, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-2) be read a third time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 535, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-14) be read a third time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Councillor Berger returned to the meeting at 7:56 p.m.


PI-1 Development Permit and Development Variance Permit — 1931 Goodridge Road Tara Johnson provided a powerpoint presentation and overview of the Development Permit and Development Variance Permit for 1931 Goodridge Road.

Joe Kadar, representing the applicant clarified that the property to the east of 1931 Goodridge Road is owned by the applicant.

4 Meeting Date: October 27, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: November 3, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Public Input: Ron Dumont, Sooke resident inquired as to whether the District of Sooke has considered the issue of raising seawater levels on the property and whether there is concern the area may be a potential tsunami zone.

MOVED and seconded to issue Development Variance Permit PLN01116 to vary the following sections of Bylaw No. 600, Sooke Zoning Bylaw, 2013: 1. Section 4.6(m) to allow for a reduced setback from the south and east property lines for parking stalls from 1.5m to Om; 2. Section 4.8 to allow for a reduction in the number of parking stall requirements for a warehouse/office from nine stalls to seven stalls; and 3. Section 502.7 to allow for a reduced rear lot line setback for a warehouse/office from 15 meters to 10 meters AND TO issue Development Permit PLN01112 for the purposes of constructing a warehouse/office located on Lot B, Section 65, Sooke District, Plan VIP69160 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

BYLAWS B-1 Bylaw No. 607, Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw for Public Parks and Recreation Grounds, Not for Profit Corporations and Public Authority Amendment Bylaw(338-4)

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 607, Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw for Public Parks and Recreation Grounds, Not for Profit Corporations and Public Authority Amendment Bylaw (338-4) be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


RA-1 Sooke Harbour Players — Community Grant Application

MOVED and seconded to award the Sooke Harbour Players Society $5,865 in funding from the 2014 Category B Community Grant Program budget. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY RA-2 Site Specific Floodplain Exemption — 2287 Phillips Road

MOVED and seconded to accept the report submitted by Brimmell Engineering Ltd and consider a Site Specific Floodplain Exemption from Bylaw No. 561, Flood Regulation Bylaw, 2013 to reduce the floodplain setback from 30 meters from the natural boundary of Demamiel Creek for a farm building at 2287 Phillips Road to 15 meters with the condition that a Section 219 Covenant is registered on the property title as per Bylaw No. 561. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

5 Meeting Date: October 27, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: November 3, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes RA-3 Proposed Horseshoe Pitch - 2250 Sooke River Road (Sooke River Road Park)

MOVED and seconded to approve the use of municipal lands located at 2250 Sooke River Road by the Sooke Horseshoe Association for 8 horseshoe courts, plus parking within the Sooke River Road right of way; AND TO direct staff to draft an agreement with the Sooke Horseshoe Association for the approved location of the Horseshoe Pitch at 2250 Sooke River Road for Council approval and notice to the adjacent property owners. CARRIED Councillor Berger opposed the motion RA-4 Cash Contribution from Sun River Estates

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to draft a Reserve Fund Bylaw for Council consideration for the $400,000 cash contribution received from Sun River Estates to be used for the specified purpose of playing fields; AND to direct staff look at the feasibility of including in the reserve bylaw the proceeds from the potential sale of the property received from Sun River Estates under the Land Development Amendment Agreement. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


RI-1 2014 Budget vs Actual Report as at September 30, 2014 MOVED and seconded to receive the 2014 Budget vs Actual Report as at September 30, 2014 for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RI-2 Sooke Fire Rescue Service Monthly Staffing Report — September 2014 MOVED and seconded to receive the Sooke Fire Rescue Service Monthly Staffing Report for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

NEW BUSINESS By general consensus, Council agreed to take from the table the request by the Mayor's Advisory Panel on Arts and Beautification for funding for the John Phillips Memorial Park Signage Project "Call out to Carver."

MOVED and seconded to direct staff to issue a tender for the John Phillips Memorial Park Sign project; AND to bring back a report to Council as to the costs and design of the park sign for funding allocation and approval. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

NB-1 2015 Age-Friendly Community Planning & Project Grant Application

MOVED and seconded to endorse the grant application for $8,400 under the UBCM 2015 Age-Friendly Community Planning & Project Grants Program for an Age Friendly Action Plan; AND TO authorize the District of Sooke as the financial manager of the Grant. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

6 Meeting Date: October 27, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: November 3, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes MOTION TO CLOSE THE MEETING TO THE PUBLIC MOVED and seconded to close the meeting to the public under section 90(1) and 90(2) of the Community Charter to discuss: 90(1) (e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; 90(1)(i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; (90)(1)(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public; 90(2)(b) the consideration of information received and held in confidence relating to negotiations between the municipality and a provincial government or the federal government or both, or between a provincial government or the federal government or both and a third party. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

ADJOURNMENT MOVED and seconded to adjourn the open portion of the Regular Council meeting at 8:51 p.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:37 p.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Certified Correct:

Wend -I Milne Bon prink ing Mayor Corporate Officer

7 Meeting Date: October 27, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: November 3, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 2225 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on November 3, 2014 7:00 p.m. in Council Chamber

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Bev Berger Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Herb Haldane Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Kevin Pearson Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Rick Kasper Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant Councillor Kerrie Reay Councillor Maja Tait

CALL TO ORDER Mayor Milne called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA MOVED and seconded to approve the agenda with the following items as supplemental information: • Item B-2 — Supplementary Info — Bylaw No. 608, Playing Field Reserve Fund Bylaw, 2014— Playing Field Reserve Account o Correspondence dated October 28, 2014 from Darcy Abell CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on October 27, 2014 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


Gail Hall, Sooke resident, addressed Council as to Bylaw No. 608, Playing Field Reserve Fund Bylaw, 2014 and concerns of Council's intent to sell the land as the land is zoned P2 which does not permit housing. Ms. Hall advised that when the application went to the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC), the application was for a school site and playing fields. Ms. Hall spoke to concerns that the ALC would not have approved the application if they were aware of the potential for housing.

Derek Lewers, Sooke resident, took the opportunity to thank Council for their work during the term.

1 Meeting Date: November 3, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: January 12, 2015 Regular Council Meeting Minutes BYLAWS

B-1 Bylaw No. 534, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-2) and Bylaw No. 535, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-14)— Sun River Development — Exchange of Lands for School Site Councillor Berger declared a potential conflict of interest with this Agenda item as her husband is a sub-contractor for Citta Construction who is a contractor for Sun River Estates and left the meeting at 7:08 pm.

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 534, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (400-2) be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 535, Zoning Amendment Bylaw (600-14) be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Councillor Berger returned to the meeting at 7:09 p.m.

B-2 Bylaw No. 608, Playing Field Reserve Fund Bylaw, 2014— Playing Field Reserve Account MOVED and seconded to include in Bylaw No. 608, Playing Field Reserve Fund Bylaw that funds received from the sale of lands under the Land Development Amendment Agreement be placed to the credit of the Playing Field Reserve Fund. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 608, Playing Field Reserve Fund Bylaw, 2014 be introduced and read a first time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 608, Playing Field Reserve Fund Bylaw, 2014 be read a second time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 608, Playing Field Reserve Fund Bylaw, 2014 be read a third time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded to hold a Special Council meeting on Thursday, October 6.2014 at 6:30 p.m. to consider the adoption of Bylaw No. 608, Playing Field Reserve Fund Bylaw, 2014. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

2 Meeting Date: November 3, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: January 12, 2015 Regular Council Meeting Minutes REPORTS REQUIRING ACTION

RA-1 Wadams Way Boulevard Trees — Memorial Dedication Elida Peers, Sooke Historian took the opportunity to thank Council for asking her to work on the Pioneer Family names for the Memorial Dedication trees on Wadams Way Boulevard. Ms. Peers provided an overview of the proposed Heritage Tree names and asked that Council consider providing additional information with the plaques on the individual pioneer families. Ms. Peers additionally thanked Council on behalf of the Juan de Fuca Salmon Restoration Society for their support over the Council term.

MOVED and seconded to approve the names of pioneer families for memorial dedication of the 15 trees on Wadams Way as suggested by the Sooke Historian. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

RA-2 Award of Construction Contract for Town Centre Sidewalks — Phase 1

MOVED and seconded to approve Allterra Construction Ltd. as the successful proponent under the tender for the Town Centre Sidewalks — Phase 1 construction project; AND TO authorize the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer to sign the contract with Allterra Construction Ltd. once the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure approves the design. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


MOVED and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:34 p.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Certified Correct:

Milne Bon Sprinkling Mayor Corporate Officer

3 Meeting Date: November 3, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: sTar)L-Larsy 1 1 3-0 (5 Regular Council Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE

Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 2225 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on November 6, 2014 at 6:30 p.m.

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Wendal Milne Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Bev Berger Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Herb Haldane Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant Councillor Kevin Pearson Councillor Rick Kasper Councillor Maja Tait

ABSENT: Councillor Kerrie Reay

CALL TO ORDER Mayor Milne called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOVED and seconded to approve the agenda as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


B-1 Bylaw No. 608, Playing Field Reserve Fund Bylaw, 2014 — Playing Field Reserve Fund Account

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 608, Playing Field Reserve Fund Bylaw, 2014 be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

ADJOURNMENT MOVED and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 6:33 p.m. CARRIED

Certified Correct:

endal Milne Bon le Sprinkling Mayor Corporate Officer

Meeting Date: November 6, 2014 1 District of Sooke Adopted on: ,Tivwx,rj Special Council Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE

Minutes of the Inaugural Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 2225 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on December 1, 2014 7:00 p.m., Open Portion, Council Chamber

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT (Open Portion) Mayor Maja Tait Gordon Howie, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Bev Berger Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Rick Kasper Brent Blackhall, Deputy Director of Finance Councillor Ebony Logins Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Brenda Parkinson Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Kevin Pearson Steve Sorensen, Fire Chief Councillor Kerrie Reay Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant

CALL TO ORDER Mr. Howie called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

PROCLAMATION OF RESULTS OF 2014 GENERAL ELECTION Ms. Sprinkling read the Proclamation of Results of the 2014 General Election declared by Thomas F. Moore, Chief Election Officer.


Shawna Farmer, Notary Public, administered the Oaths of Allegiance to the new Councillors.

Ms. Farmer administered the Oath of Office to Councillor Kerrie Reay; Councillor Reay took her seat at the Council table.

Ms. Farmer administered the Oath of Office to Councillor Brenda Parkinson; Councillor Parkinson took her seat at the Council table.

Ms. Farmer administered the Oath of Office to Councillor Kevin Pearson; Councillor Pearson took his seat at the Council table.

Ms. Farmer administered the Oath of Office to Councillor Rick Kasper; Councillor Kasper took his seat at the Council table.

Ms. Farmer administered the Oath of Office to Councillor Ebony Logins; Councillor Logins took her seat at the Council table.

Ms. Farmer administered the Oath of Office to Councillor Bev Berger; Councillor Berger took her seat at the Council table.

1 Meeting Date: December 1, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: January 12, 2015 Inaugural Council Meeting Minutes TAKING OF MAYOR'S OATHS OF OFFICE AND OATHS OF ALLEGIANCE

Ms. Farmer administered the Oath of Allegiance and the Oath of Office to the new Mayor.


Past Mayor Wendal Milne presented the Chain of Office to Mayor Maja Tait.


Mayor Tait made her Inaugural address.


MOVED and seconded to appoint the following members of Council as Acting Mayor in the event of the Mayor's absence for the period specified in the year 2015: Period Appointment January-February Councillor Kerrie Reay March-April Councillor Rick Kasper May - June: Councillor Bev Berger July - August: Councillor Ebony Logins September - October: Councillor Brenda Parkinson November - December: Councillor Kevin Pearson CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


MOVED and seconded to endorse the following District of Sooke appointments to Boards and Commissions:

• Appointment of District of Sooke Mayor Maja Tait as Director and Councillor Rick Kasper as Alternate Director to the Capital Regional District Board until December 1 in the year of the next general local election;

• Appointment of District of Sooke Mayor Maja Tait as Director and Councillor Rick Kasper as Alternate Director to the Capital Regional District Hospital Board until December 1 in the year of the next general local election;

• Appointment of Councillor Kerrie Reay as District of Sooke Representative to the Capital Regional Emergency Services Telecommunication Board until December 1 in the year of the next general local election;

• Appointment of Councillor Brenda Parkinson as District of Sooke Representative to the Capital Regional District - Regional Housing Trust Fund Committee for the year 2015;

• Appointment of District of Sooke Rick Kasper as District of Sooke Representative and Councillor Brenda Parkinson as Alternate to the Capital Regional Water Supply

2 Meeting Date: December 1, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: January 12, 2015 Inaugural Council Meeting Minutes

Commission until the first Monday following December 1 in the year of the next general local election;

. Appointment of Councillor Kevin Pearson as District of Sooke Representative and Councillor Bev Berger as Alternate to the Juan de Fuca Water Distribution Commission until the first Monday following December 1 in the year of the next general local election;

• Appointment of District of Sooke Councillor Bev Berger as Council Member to the Sooke and Electoral Area Parks and Recreation Commission for the year 2015;

• Appointment of District of Sooke Councillor Kerrie Reay as Representative and Councillor Ebony Logins as Alternate Representative to the Vancouver Island Regional Library Board for the year 2015;

• Appointment of District of Sooke Councillor Ebony Logins as Member and Councillor Brenda Parkinson as Alternate Member of the Capital Regional District Climate Action Steering Committee until December 1 in the year of the next general local election. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


MOVED and seconded to approve the 2015 Regular Council meeting schedule as follows: January 12, 2015 July 13, 2015 February 10, 2015 (Tuesday) September 14, 2015 February 23, 2015 September 28, 2015 March 9, 2015 October 13, 2015 (Tuesday) March 23, 2015 October 26, 2015 April 13, 2015 November 9, 2015 April 27, 2015 November 23, 2015 May 11,2015 December 14, 2015 May 25, 2015 June 22, 2015 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

ADJOURNMENT MOVED and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:36 p.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Certified Correct:

B Spr kling Co rate sificer 3 Meeting Date: December 1, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: January 12, 2015 Inaugural Council Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE

Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held in the Municipal Meeting Room at 2205 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on December 8, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Maja Tait Gord Howie, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Bev Berger Bonnie Sprinkling, Corporate Officer Councillor Ebony Logins Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Rick Kasper Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Brenda Parkinson Steve Sorensen, Fire Chief Councillor Kevin Pearson Staff Sgt. Jeff McArthur Councillor Kerrie Reay

CALL TO ORDER Mayor Tait called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.


MOVED, seconded to close the meeting to the public under section 90 of the Community Charter to discuss: • S. 90(1)(e) - the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; and • S. 90(1)(1) - discussions with municipal officers and employees respecting municipal objectives, measures and progress reports for the purposes of preparing an annual report under section 98 [annual municipal report]; CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


MOVED, seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:27 p.m. CARRIED UANIMOUSLY

Certified Correct:

Maja Tait Bo n e Sprinkling Mayor Co rate Officer

Meeting Date: December 8, 2014 District of Sooke Adopted on: January 12, 2015 Special Council Meeting Minutes DISTRICT OF SOOKE

Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 2225 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC on December 29, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.

COUNCIL PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Mayor Maja Tait Michael Dillabaugh, Director of Finance Councillor Bev Berger Elisabeth Nelson, Municipal Engineer Councillor Rick Kasper Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant Councillor Ebony Logins Councillor Brenda Parkinson Councillor Kevin Pearson Councillor Kerrie Reay

CALL TO ORDER Mayor Tait called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

INTRODUCTION OF SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION MOVED and seconded to add the following items to the agenda as supplemental information: • Agenda Item PI-1 Development Variance Permit for 2259 Phillips Road — Sooke Community Association (Campground) o Submission received December 29, 2014 from Shawna Yule and Robert Irwin

APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOVED and seconded to approve the agenda as amended. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


PI-1 Development Variance Permit for 2259 Phillips Road — Sooke Community Association (Campground)

Elisabeth Nelson provided a summary of the staff report for the Development Variance Permit at 2259 Phillips Road.

Public Input: There was no input from members of the public.

MOVED and seconded to issue Development Variance Permit PLN01118 to vary section 601.7 of Bylaw No. 600. Sooke Zoning Bylaw, 2013 to allow for a reduced front lot line setback for an accessory dwelling unit located at 2259 Phillips Road from 7.5m to 4.0m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Meeting Date: December 29, 2014 1 District of Sooke Adopted on: January 12, 2015 Special Council Meeting Minutes


B-1 Bylaw No. 609, Sooke Core Sewer Specified Area Amendment Bylaw (147-22)

Sooke Community Association — Proposed Removal of Lot from Sewer Specified Area

Elisabeth Nelson provided a summary of the staff report for Bylaw No. 609, Sooke Core Sewer Specified Area Amendment Bylaw (147-22).

Public Input: There was no input from members of the public.

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 609, Sooke Core Sewer Specified Area Amendment Bylaw (147-22) be introduced and read a first time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 609, Sooke Core Sewer Specified Area Amendment Bylaw (147-22) be read a second time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED and seconded that Bylaw No. 609, Sooke Core Sewer Specified Area Amendment Bylaw (147-22) be read a third time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

ADJOURNMENT MOVED and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 6:05 p.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

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Meeting Date: December 29, 2014 2 District of Sooke Adopted on: January 12, 2015 Special Council Meeting Minutes