The Official Journal of the Fraternal Order of Police Winter 2016

Year in 2015 Review

Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 1 Kentucky State Lodge 6204 Price Ln. Louisville, KY 40229 1-800-44KYFOP Knight Beat Committee Editor’s Note Bruce Farmer [email protected] 2016 is here and we are assessing our achievements and our shortcomings 270-869-7250 from 2015. We are making wishes for what we hope will happen in the next 12 months and we are making resolutions to achieve new goals or Crystal Keller ones we have not yet accomplished. 270-499-1249 But one thing is certain, we can expect the unexpected. Our lives Patsy Meyer will change and some will be welcome and others regretted. Recently a [email protected] dear friend shared with me that he has been diagnosed with cancer. We 502-473-0388 all know someone in the various stages of this dreadful disease that has taken so many lives and suddenly changed the lives of so many others. Steve White Photographer Our prayers and support will be solicited and will be invaluable. [email protected] We will incur debt, or payoff mortgages, but it is unknown what financial The Knight Beat is the Official issues will be on the horizon. Your children will grow older, graduate from Journal of the Kentucky Fraternal high school and colleges, get married and give you grandchildren. Some Order of Police. It is an online issue of us will retire or will start new careers. only, and is available twice a year in Whatever happens we will make adjustments, and we will adapt. I the Winter and Summer on hope we will continue to appreciate our careers, our lives, our loved ones and utilize the opportunities we have to refresh our lives and enrich On the cover others. We should remember those who have influenced our lives and livelihood in the past, and realize that we will continue to have a daily Top: State Board Officers elected impact on many others. at Fall Conference from left: Special Thanks should go to Steve Wolnitzek, State Legal Advisor Chaplain Tim Davis, Secretary for contributing this issue’s Looking Back article. With some assistance Denis Spalding, Immediate Past President Spike Jones,newly from Smokey Hatfield, a former Kentucky FOP Legislative Committee elected Treasurer Brian Bogard, member he has provided us a thorough and interesting summary of the VP Mike Sweeney, Second VP development of the KLEFPF Supplemental Pay and the Police Officers’ Robert Bringhurst, President Berl Bill of Rights. Please contact the Knight beat if you have a suggestion for Perdue, Chairman of Trustees a Looking Back article. Scott Hildebrand, National Have a Safe and Happy 2016. Trustee Dave Mutchler, Legal Advisor Steve Wolnitzek, and Sgt. Patsy Meyer At Arms Shawn Helbig Editor, Knight Beat Bottom: Funeral of Officer [email protected] Daniel Ellis, Richmond Police 502-473-0388 Department Table of Contents Officers reports ...... 3 Looking Back/Legal Advisor ...... 11 Lodge Activities...... 14 Auxiliary Lodge...... 57 Fall Conference...... 61 National Conference Photos...... 3,5,8, 9, 10, 52 Kentucky Lodge Directory...... APPENDIX A

Page 2 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 President’s Report

Berl Perdue, Jr., President

Brothers and Sisters, I hope each and every one of you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Now that the holidays are over we have to get back to work on our FOP issues as never before. We are in the midst of trying times as you all know. For the last few years our profession has been under attack by the liberal mainstream news media and our pensions and benefits are constantly being scrutinized by government to find ways to erode and take away what we have earned. On that note, let me assure you that your KY State Lodge, your executive board and your legislative team stand firm and vigilant in defending our members both in Frankfort and Washington. Our legislative committee has worked all summer and now in the session to promote and pass our KLEFPF bill to give a long overdue increase in our training stipend. It has been 15 years since our last increase and we deserve this increase. We train more than ever, we protect Berl Purdue, Jr. more than ever and we do it with less than ever. We are also working to pass a Kentucky State FOP few other bills that will better the law enforcement community across our state President and some individual departments alone. Our legislative committee also pours (859) 808-2020 (859)744-4390 over the hundreds of bills that have been filed to make sure there is nothing else [email protected] being proposed to bring further detriment to our members and profession. We will stand tall and do everything in our power to stop those bills from becoming law. We will again be asking our members at various times to contact your local state representatives and senators asking for them to support our bills and positions. Your local officials do not want to hear from me, they want to hear from you, the person and family that lives in their district and can vote for and support them. Please make the calls when asked and called upon. As always, if you personally or as a lodge need assistance please do not hesitate to call. If I don’t have the answer I will find it or put the person who does have it in contact with you. Many of your problems can be taken care of by your local lodge leaders. If that doesn’t work out please again, call me. But please don’t take your frustrations out on the people trying to assist you. In closing, always remember, “If it’s not good for the Order… Then it’s not good!”

Berl Perdue, Jr. National Conference

Kentucky delegation assembled in the Convention Hall Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 3 Vice President’s Report Mike Sweeney, Vice President

Brothers and Sisters, I hope this letter finds everyone well. First, I would like to congratulate my fellow EBoard members for two more years at the helm of the Ky State FOP and I would also like to welcome our new State Treasurer, Bryan Bogart, to the board. I am sure that Bryan will do an excellent job as Don’s replacement. I also want to recognize and thank Don, again, for over 3 decades of service to the State FOP as our treasurer. Don is not going away, by any means. He will continue on as our survivor benefits coordinator. Thanks again, Don, for your many years of service. Over the last couple of years I have heard some concerns from several members of our FOP that they have not heard about this or were not aware of that. Many feel that they are in the dark about what is happening in the FOP, both on the state and local levels. We have at our fingertips one of the easiest ways to stay informed about state FOP matters as they happen. For several years now and at each conference, we have encouraged all of our members to join Mike Sweeney Kentucky State FOP in and sign up for Constant Contact. This is a simple and easy way to be kept Vice President informed. Simply log into our state website at and submit your [email protected] email address at the right of the page. You will receive all important information that needs to be disseminated and you will be kept up to date. Our webmaster, Christie Jones, does an excellent job keeping this updated and keeping members informed. But, it is also incumbent on the local lodge president and secretaries to keep their members updated on local and state events. We all have websites on the local level now and every local lodge should have the capability of delivering important messages to your members in minutes via your website or email. But it is just as important to keep the information on your local website up to date. Stale and old outdated information is just as bad as no information at all. Every local lodge should also have the capability of sending out mass emails to your members as well. If you don’t have email set up for your local lodges it is very easy to do. Encourage all of your members to join your email network as well as the state FOP to keep abreast of important information. In this age of Facebook, Twitter, and other social media most everyone is attached. But do not discount the many older members (such as myself) that may not be attached to social media. Do not rely simply on the social media pages. Make it a point to send out reminders each month about your local lodge meetings a week in advance, and remind them again a day or two before. Sometimes it is even beneficial to assign one board member or another member to maintain and update your website each week or two to assure that stale information is removed and replaced with updated information. Encourage members to use this site for information and for updates. But, by all means, keep your members informed. Your lodge meetings are only once a month, but your lodge is also an ongoing business, particularly in some of our larger lodges. And as in any business, communication and information is paramount and key to good leadership. And in the words of the great communicator himself, Ronald Reagan, from over 30 years ago “..Information is the oxygen of the modern age..”. And it still is today. As always, if I can be of any assistance to you or your lodge, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Fraterally, Mike Sweeney

Page 4 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 State Secretary’s Report Denis Spalding, State Secretary

Well, I certainly hope that everyone’s 2016 is going well so far and I would like to think that any of the difficult experiences of 2015 are being viewed as times of growth and learning. Too many tragedies and losses left many of us shaking our heads and wondering why. Most likely we will never know how some of our dearest friends and brothers got to the point that allowed them to do the things that they did. I hope we can learn from these actions and pay closer attention to our brothers and sisters and not be afraid to offer them assistance or direct them somewhere to get assistance. Many Local Lodges have new leadership since last fall and with new leadership comes new ideas and plans for the future. I would encourage these new leaders to seek out advice from other Lodge leaders. In some cases the other Lodge may have already tried the same or very similar ideas and their experiences could prove to be beneficial. There is no real reason to reinvent the wheel however modifications can make a wheel even better. With new Denis Spalding Kentucky State FOP leadership comes new questions as well. It is difficult to take over a position State Secretary within a Lodge and find that your predecessor just doesn’t have the time or [email protected] in some cases the desire to offer assistance or guidance until you are able to get on your feet in your new position. Please keep this in mind when your day comes to turn over the reigns to someone else. The Grand Lodge continues to grow and now has total membership in excess of 330,000. Your State Lodge continues growing as well and I am confident that we will reach the 10,000 member total by the end of this year with your help. I would like to thank everyone for allowing me to serve as your State Lodge Secretary for another term. I have made so many cherished friends within this organization. I sincerely hope that I serve and represent everyone well. If at any time you or any of your members have questions or concerns please contact me by any means possible. If you would like for me to meet with your membership at one of your meetings or to simply come by and see how your Lodge does things I would consider it and honor and if there is any way possible I will be there. Please look after one another, the way things are changing in our society it is of extreme importance now more than any other time in our careers. National Conference

National Secretary Pat Yoes addresses Kentucky delegates at a Caucus with State President Berl Perdue and National Trustee Dave Mutchler Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 5 Treasurer’s Report Bryan Bogard, State Treasurer

It has been an exciting new year with a lot of changes. I want to thank everyone for the support and confidence that you have given to me this past fall. I will work hard to make sure that I do the best job that I can do to support all of you. I have been working with Brother Brashear to make the first transition of the Treasurer’s position in 35 years. I have sat down with Brother Brashear and tried to soak up as much knowledge as I can. I want to thank him for the excellent job that he has done during his tenure as Treasurer and also for the help that he has given me during this transition. It would not have been as smooth without his impeccable books. I have almost completed the conversion of the books into the QuickBooks format. Hopefully, everything will be completed by the Spring Board Conference in March. I hope to have reports for the Trustees, so it will be easier to make decisions as we move forward. I hope everyone can bear with me as I try to make this transition into the new format. Bryan Bogard If you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to contact me Kentucky State FOP [email protected] State Treasurer anytime at or you can call me. [email protected] As always, please be safe and support each other during these difficult times for our chosen profession. We will come out of this stronger on the other side. Member of the Year Award

The Kentucky State Lodge, FOP Member of the Year Award is presented at the Annual State Conference. The following guidelines are to be followed to nominate a member for this distinguished award. All nominations must be submitted in legible, typewritten form(four copies) giving all pertinent information as to why the member should be considered for the award. All applications must be signed by the president, vice president, secretary and/or treasurer of the subordinate lodge in good standing. No member shall submit his/her own name for this award. Applicants will be considered on the basis of their career in law enforcement, their involvement in the FOP, and services they have rendered to the community. Only active FOP members currently working in the law enforcement profession, or honorably retired will be considered for this award. All nominations will be sent to the committee chairman who will disseminate copies to each committee member. To allow the committee ample time to consider each nomination; they must be received no later than two weeks before the Conference. After each committee member has reviewed all nominations, they will advise the committee chairman of their choice to receive the award. The committee chairman, after receiving each committee member’s selection in writing, will advise the committee as a whole as to the nominee who received the most number of votes, and will declare that nominee the winner of the award. The committee chairman will then advise the state president of the committee’s selection, and will follow the president’s direction as to preparation of a member of the year plaque. The committee chairman will present the award at the annual State Conference. Send all nominations to Brother Don Brashear, Chairman: Member of the Year Committee; 101 Cornett Hill Drive, Hazard, KY 41701

Page 6 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 Chaplain’s Report Tim Davis, Chaplain

Let me start by saying “Happy New Year” to all of my Brothers and Sisters of the Fraternal Order of Police. I feel like I blinked and 2015 had come and gone. Maybe this occurs more as I age so gracefully. I discovered during 2015 how precious our time is together and how important each of you are in my life. I have grown to feel that the FOP is truly a family and we often hurt and morn together. Once again, in 2015, we mourned the passing of many brothers and sisters. This year brought us many heroes who fell in the line-of-duty protecting the rights of the citizens of the commonwealth and other states throughout our country. Let us never forget their sacrifice and continue to support the survivors. As 2016 begins, we are once again faced with a legislative agenda which is vital to our brothers and sisters in the Fraternal Order of Police. Peace Officers throughout the Commonwealth constantly face danger and too often choose to serve without the support of our communities and commonwealth. The Fraternal Order of Police must continue to be the voice for the officers. As members of Tim Davis the Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police, I encourage each one of you to contact Kentucky State FOP Chaplain your local representatives and show support of our legislative agenda. If you [email protected] have questions, contact a board member and we will give you our legislative agenda. Remaining silent is not an option if we want to further our agenda. We must be vigilant in our goals and move our agenda forward. The Kentucky State Fraternal Order of Police Peace Officers Memorial is approaching quickly. The mailings for the FOP Memorial Service should be arriving at your lodges and the requests for Specialty Units as well. Our State Service is scheduled for Monday, May 9, 2016 at the Kentucky History Center at 12:00 noon. All lodges should be submitting names for this years’ service and this information will be arriving at the lodges as well. If you need assistance with any of the arrangements for the service, please see me at the Spring Board Meeting and we will discuss your needs. In closing, I want to wish each of you a Very Blessed and Happy New Year in 2016. In a time when it appears we are less appreciated than ever before, I still find comfort from the occasional acquaintance who thanks me for the service I did in the past. We never feel appreciated until we hear those precious words, “Thank you for What You Do.” Now that I am retired, and serve in a different capacity, I want to say, “Thank You for what you do. No one understands the sacrifice better than one who has walked the walk before.” If you need to talk with me or have me visit your lodge, call me at 270-836-9131. I look forward to hearing from you. God Bless each of you, God Bless America, and God Bless the Fraternal Order of Police.

Constant Contact

For immediate notification and updated news from the Kentucky State Lodge sign up for Constant Contact.

• Simply go to the Kentucky State Lodge Web Site Home Page: • Look for the blue headings on the left and click on the one that reads: Sign Up Constant Contact. • Submit the requested information and you will begin receiving all State FOP notices.

Any member can sign up, but Lodge Board Members are encouraged to sign up so you can keep your brothers and sisters informed.

Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 7 Seargent-at-Arms’ Report Shawn Helbig, Seargent-at-Arms

Hello Brothers and Sisters, Happy New Year Brothers and Sisters, I hope everyone had a great holiday season. It’s that time of year again. The Legislature has started and it’s time to get to work. The one common theme that is being repeated by republicans and democrats alike is we have no idea how this session will go. With a new Governor it is unclear what the agenda will be. That being said means we will need to work even harder to have our voices heard. We as the FOP need to work together as one voice to get the needs of our members heard. I will ask that you stay in touch with your officers and E-Board members to make sure we are doing all we can to further our issues. Be prepared to contact your elected officials at a moment’s notice to ask them for help. We have had several new groups approach the state lodge about creating new local lodges during the last year and that is great. With these difficult times in policing there is no time like the present to grow our organization. We all Shawn Helbig Kentucky State FOP attend different trainings with officers from all across the state. Take some time Seargent-at-Arms during your breaks or lunch and tell them how the FOP fights for all officers. The [email protected] bigger the voice the more we can be heard. As we move into this New Year I feel it is important to bring a thought to your attention. In the first few days of 2016 we have already seen several attacks/ambushes of officers across the country. I know it’s not a topic any of us like to think about but we are not helping our family by not planning. There are many different organizations that will step up and help if the worst happens. Some of these groups do not get along well as we talked about in Northern KY last year. I ask that you sit down with your families and line out what YOU want. This will make things clear as the arrangements are made. Sorry to end on a down note but it is important. I want to thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve you as the State SGT AT ARMS and as always I am here for you and the order anytime. 270-779-1549 [email protected]

Shawn Helbig, Sgt at Arms National Conference

View from the Kentucky Delegation Page 8 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 Chairman Board of Trustee’s Report Scott Hildebrand, Chairman Board of Trustees

Brothers and Sisters as we look back to the past year I can only smile. Not that the past was all happy, we lost many good friends and this saddens me. However when I think of them, I remember the good times, and the love that I have for all of them and all of you. We are a family and that means that we fight and laugh together. At the end of the day we all want what is best for this wonderful Fraternal Organization. As we look forward to the New Year, we must remain steadfast in our fight for the rights of our brothers and sisters. We in law enforcement are under attack, from citizens who question our tactics, the media who are quick to throw blame on us for the situations that occur, and our government leaders trying to “help” us by changing laws. With this in mind, our organization cannot stop fighting this very important fight. We as your executive board is working hard for you and your rights. On a personal note, I would like to thank you for voting me as your Chairman Scott Hildebrand Kentucky State FOP of the Trustees, I am very proud and honored to continue to serve you. I look Chairman Board of Trustees forward to seeing all of you in Louisville in the spring. I also look forward to [email protected] making new friends. I hope that you all reach your goals and that God blesses each and every one of our brothers and sisters. May he protect and keep us safe in these trying times.

Sincerely, Scott Hildebrand

National Conference

Christie and Spike Jones Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 9 Immediate Past President’s Report

Spike Jones, Immediate Past President

Brothers and Sisters, As time moves forward we are reminded on a weekly, if not daily basis, of the dangers that exist in our chosen profession. Even as I write this article I was made aware of a police officer that was murdered in Danville, . Officer Thomas Cottrell of the Danville, OH police department was targeted simply because he was a police officer. We in Kentucky are familiar with this type of targeting in law enforcement as we have seen our own officers brutally murdered in 2015. Sadly, this phenomenon is increasing in our society. It is important for all of us to remember that the vast majority of Americans support professional law enforcement officers and value our contribution to maintaining a free and lawful society. With this in mind, we must also acknowledge the threat that lies in wait for us, should we become complacent in our daily existence. I implore all of Spike Jones you, my brothers and sisters to remain vigilant and watch not only your own Kentucky State FOP back, but your co-workers as well. Our great nation and our profession will not Immediate Past President [email protected] perish from an enemy’s attack on our people or values. I remind you to be ever watchful as you are truly America’s vanguard. Please be safe my brothers and sisters, life is fragile and your job is dangerous. My thoughts and prayers are always with you. May God bless you and may God bless our Fraternal Order of Police!

Respectfully Spike Jones Spike Jones Immediate Past President Kentucky State Lodge

National Conference

Shannon and Robert Bringhurst, Gary Fischer, Steve Schweitzer, in back Jami Benner and Nick Angelini Page 10 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 Looking Back…

Steve Wolnitzek, Legal Advisor KLEFPF AND KRS 15.520 JOINED TOGETHER BUT NOT INVIOLABLE RIGHTS Back before many current Kentucky FOP members were born, 1968 to be exact, some 47 years ago, the State FOP wanted to increase pay for its members and wanted the State legislature to be the responsible party to pay for the increase as then, like today, local governments were not flush with cash for pay increases. Not only were they not flush with cash, what cash they had they did not want to give to law enforcement. At that time, State President Robert Holt of Owensboro Lodge 16 along with Legislative Committee Members, Clyde Bishop of Newport Lodge 2, Smokey Hatfield of Covington Lodge 1 and Al Seifert of Campbell County Lodge 10 met with Governor Louis Nunn and were promised that if the Legislature passed an incentive bill, Governor Nunn would sign it and allow it to become law. Governor Nunn also told the FOP that they needed to find a new funding source if they wanted this Steve Wolnitzek incentive pay. Kentucky State FOP The FOP proposed a fee to be assessed on driver’s licenses, car registration Legal Advisor [email protected] renewals and water bills. From this, City and County police officers, and only them, were to receive $100 per month in incentive pay. The FOP was successful in guiding this legislation through the general assembly and were successful in getting this legislation passed, but Governor Nunn took and kept the money generated and no officer received an incentive increase. The FOP learned a valuable lesson on that occasion. Fast forward a few years to the administration of Governor Wendell Ford, perhaps the best friend that the Kentucky FOP has ever had in the Governor’s Mansion. The same FOP representatives, Holt. Bishop, Hatfield and Seifert met with Governor Ford and he told them the same as Governor Nunn but added “I will help you pass the bill”. He did as he promised and it passed. The initial funding to pay for this incentive of 15% of the Officer’s base salary came from the Federal Safe Streets funds which each state received from the Federal Government. For the first year 100% of the funding to pay the incentive came from the Federal Government; the second year 75% came from the Federal Government with the State paying 25% from the general fund; the next year it was a 50/50 split between the Federal Government and the State and in the fourth year the State paid 75% and the Federal Funds paid 25%. Thereafter, the State was to pay 100% of the costs of this program. Things were looking good and then Governor Ford became Senator Ford. Enter Governor Julian Carroll in 1973 who met with the leadership of the FOP and told them that this incentive pay was a white elephant and a new source of funding was needed if the program was to continue. At that time, Clyde Bishop and Smokey Hatfield along with Jefferson County 14 FOP members Vernon Johnson (later State President) and Dave Strunk and Louisville 6 President Tom Kenton went to work. They met with speaker Don Blanford and two Northern Kentucky legislators who were influential in their caucuses, Bill Donnermeyer, a Democrat and Art Schmidt, a Republican. They decided to propose a tax on insurance policies, the funds from which would be dedicated to providing the funds needed to pay for this incentive pay and for that purpose only. The tax passed and the hope initially was that an endowment would eventually be created and ultimately the fund would have sufficient monies in it to be self-sustaining and the tax could be rescinded. While that was the hope, future Governors saw that the excess funds generated by this insurance tax were an easy pot of money for their pet projects and began to take these excess monies for non-police related programs that the Governor(s) wanted to fund. Thus, the fund has never grown as expected and the tax still exists. There remains an excess of monies in this fund even after additional law enforcement agencies and DOCJT had been added as beneficiaries of this fund. The FOP took the political hit for taxing the citizens of Kentucky and while the membership of the FOP has certainly benefited, so have numerous governors who had nothing to do with generating the revenue, but certainly had no problem spending it. Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 11 Looking Back…

I need to regress at this point and talk about the training aspect of this fund and the amount of the incentive. Then, in 1972, the need for basic training and annual training began. The amount to be paid to each qualified City and County police officer (the fund was restricted to them) was, as mentioned above, 15% of their base salary. Thus a patrolman earning $10,000 a year (yes many were only paid this much) received $1,500 in incentive paid while a higher ranking officer in the larger cities earning $50,000 a year received $7,500 in incentive pay. In effect, the officers who needed the increase the most got the least while those who needed the increase the least got the most. The unfairness of this was certainly recognized and work was done to change the system. Ultimately through further negotiations the FOP, in 1982, was able to convince the legislature to set the stipend at $2,500 per officer with the proviso, at that time, that the hours of training to qualify for it would be increased which has, and continues to occur. In 1998 then Governor Paul Patton proposed legislation to tie the KLEFPF funds directly to training. The fund began to pay grants for training rather than as supplemental pay. The idea was to increase the annual payment from $2,500 per year to $5,000 per year by 2003. The payment did increase to $3,000 and then, since 2001 at $3,100 where it has remained. Work is underway to increase this sum to $4,000 or $4,500. Obviously, by giving a sum certain to each officer, no matter what their rank or pay, the program insured the lowest paid officers benefited to the same extent as the highest paid officers. Along the way, when it became clear that the endowment hope was a dream that would never be realized, the City and County police officers who came up with and passed this legislation initially for their own benefit, worked to expand the coverage of the stipend to more and more law enforcement agencies. While in the beginning the City and County officers were jealous of their entitlement to the money, that they, and they alone, worked to enact into law, they certainly preferred their fellow law enforcement officers to be the beneficiary of these funds rather than have Governors annually or bi-annually raid the fund and use these monies for non law enforcement programs. Then, in 1978 the FOP wanted to secure the rights of police officers in their employment and pursued a State mandated Bill of Rights. For years, officers in the smaller departments could easily be terminated without any due process at all and even in the larger cities the amount of due process was frequently limited. The FOP went to the legislature with the argument that the State was now paying a portion of each City and County police officer’s salary through the KLEFPF fund. The State was spending millions in addition to the KLEFPF monies on training these officers both initially in basic training and later in annual updated training and the argument was that the State had a great interest in seeing that these officers should not lose their positions because a friend of the mayor, or of a commissioner, or council member or other influential person was arrested. The State had too much invested in these officers to allow them to be let go for what frequently amounted to a pretext. The legislators were also persuaded that in many situations in which law enforcement is involved, the person

Page 12 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 Looking Back…

on the other side is unhappy and will frequently say, or do, anything to extricate themselves from the trouble they are facing and the first person to attack is the person who cited or arrested them. Further, a law enforcement officer makes many more enemies than friends in doing their job properly and they require safeguards to ensure that their employment is not ended over a specious claim after the state has invested so much in each officer in training and incentive pay. The legislature was persuaded by these arguments. Thus, KRS 15.520 came into being. It was and continues to this day to be limited to those who receive KLEFPF funds since those are the officers in whom the State has a great deal invested. Fortunately, with the expansion of those covered by the KLEFPF funds, those covered by the Bill of Rights have also increased. I hope this trip down memory lane has been of benefit not only to those who are new to the FOP but also to those who lived through the beginnings of these programs. We must all remember that these laws were passed by the hard work of our predecessors and our friends both in the Governor’s Mansion and General Assembly. But they are not guaranteed. They are frequently being attacked or undermined and it is important for those of us today to strive as mightily as those before to ensure that these well fought benefits endure for future generations. I would be greatly remiss if I did not thank my good friend Smokey Hatfield of Covington Lodge 1 for much of the history recounted herein. Smokey has been a great friend to those in the FOP and did great work while serving as a member of the legislative committee.

Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 13 Covington Lodge #1

Covington Lodge 1 President: Bryan Bogard 516 E. 18th Street Secretary: Greg Rogers Covington, KY 41014 State Lodge Trustee: Justin Wietholter

2016–2017 Executive Board Covington Lodge 1 would like to welcome it’s 2016-2017 Executive Board: President Bryan Bogard Vice President Scott Dames Second Vice President John Mairose Secretary Greg Rogers Tresurer Robert Rose Chaplain Michael Petri Sgt at Arms Mark Richardson State Lodge Trustee Justin Wietholter Board Of Trustees: Tony Jansen, Josh Bornhorn, and Steve Sweeney

Annual Sleigh Bells And Sirens Charity Drive Members of Covington Lodge 1 and Kenton Co Lodge 20 took 30 local children shopping before Christmas for their annual Sleigh Bells and Sirens charity drive. Children were taken to a local Walmart and given the oppertunity to purchase Christmas gifts for themselves and family members. After the shopping the kids were treated to a lunch. The kids were assisted in wrapping the gifts they bought for their family. Santa Claus was brought in so the kids got an oopertunity to sit on Santa’s lap and tell him what they wanted for Christmas.

Page 14 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 Covington Lodge #1

Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 15 Ashland Lodge #3

ASHLAND LODGE #3 Second Vice President: Carol Dillow P.O. BOX 27, ASHLAND, KY 41105-0027 Secretary: Gavin Patrick PH:(606) 325-8494 Treasurer: Tim Renfroe Chaplain: Joe Burchett [email protected] Sgt. At Arms: Jeremy Noble State Trustee: George Coleman President: Rick Riffe Local Trustees: Richard Bohanon, Joawan Ellis, Immediate Past President: Steve Moore Jay Church Vice President: Scott Menefee Ashland Lodge #3 Christmas “Shop With a Cop” On Saturday December 12, Ashland Lodge #3 hosted it’s Christmas “Shop With a Cop”. Our Brothers and Sisters, along with several Community volunteers assisted families from the Boyd County, Ashland and Fairview School Districts in making the Holiday brighter for our young people. The Ashland Walmart Super Center provided snacks and drinks for our Shoppers and Salon Envie and Spa provided free hair styles and cuts. The Shoppers also received meal vouchers from Kentucky Fried Chicken. Santa Clause made an early appearance and the day was filled with kindness and good cheer as we Celebrated the Birth of the Greatest Gift ever given. We want to thank the Boyd County Community for being so supportive of our cause. As this new year dawns, we want to remember those we have lost and wish each of our Brothers and Sisters across the Commonwealth a safe and wonderful New Year. Hope to see you all in Louisville.

Lodge #3 Shop With a Cop

Page 16 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 Ashland Lodge #3

Brother Tim Wechsler Hitting the Shopping Trail

Above: Brother Tim Renfroe manning the Registration Table

Below: Brother George Coleman with a Happy Shopper

Above: Brother Mark McDowell and a family of excited Shoppers

Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 17 Bluegrass Lodge #4

Bluegrass Lodge 4 President: Jason Rothermund 1097 Duval Street Secretary: Jeremiah Davis Lexington, KY 40575 State Trustee: J.J. Lombardi

Shop With a Cop

Page 18 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 Bluegrass Lodge #4

Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 19 Bowling Green Lodge #13

Bowling Green Lodge 13 President: Shawn Helbig P.O. Box 1922 Secretary: David Herrman Bowling Green, KY 42102 State Lodge Trustee: Russell McElvoy

BG is for Bluegrass Most Thursday nights at BG FOP Lodge you can listen to Blue Grass Music. For over a year they use our lodge for family, pot luck, and Blue Grass artist travel from near and far to play Blue Grass Music. Open to all. No charge just donations

Page 20 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 Bowling Green Lodge #13

Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 21 Bowling Green Lodge #13 2015 Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Baskets This is part of the process of helping 150 families for Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Baskets. Each family receives three boxes. We pick up donated pallets of boxes from Kapstone Box Company, close to 1000 boxes that we store and then tape up. SUN Products donated over 16 pallets of detergents and other cleaning products. With the help of our members and two inmate road crews we picked and stored the pallets at our Lodge. Through the Bowling Green Housing Authority W.R.O.T.E program we store many pallets of food items from Feeding America starting in September. We spent several thousand and more with Meijers all brought to the Lodge. Many volunteers help assemble our boxes, Bowling Green High School R.O.T.C. program, students/ cheerleaders/women’s golf team from W.K.U., youth groups from our Masonic Lodge Rainbow for young ladies and DeMoley for young men, many persons associated with our Lodge, our Auxillary and members. All get it ready for delivery on the next day. Every year we see a greater need for help in our community. Bowling Green Housing Authority receives a large portion and our members help pick out the rest.

Page 22 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 Bowling Green Lodge #13

Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 23 Owensboro Lodge #16

Town Branch FOP Lodge 83, Inc. President: Steve Parker P. O. Box 8280 Secretary: Matt Schmitt Lexington, KY 40533-8082 State Lodge Trustee: Kevin Johnson

Newly retired Owensboro Police Dare officer Sean Schlachter poses for a picture Owensboro Police Officer Art Maglinger carries a member of his family with two youth during the annual shop with a cop event on his shoulders during the annual shop with a cop event

Owensboro Police Officer Sal Castro cares for an infant during the annual shop Daviess county deputy constable Kris Crawford talks to kids during the with a cop event annual shop with a cop event. Also in the picture is Daviess county sheriffs deputies Brad Youngman and Jared Ramsey (2nd VP)

Page 24 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 Owensboro Lodge #16

First picture is an overall shot of the pizza party that occurs before the officers and families went shopping

Community Events FOP Auxiliary #16 organized and participated in multiple community events in 2015. During the spring, we participated in Police Awareness Day, March of Dimes, and Police Memorial. Summer events involved a chicken cook fundraiser and First Responders Gala. Fall and winter were comprised of Family Fun and Movie Night, Trunk or Treat, Auxiliary Christmas Party, and Breakfast with Santa. Police Awareness Day was sponsored by the Owensboro Police Department; both officers and the public were encouraged to attend. Officers taught bike safety while serving free hot dogs, hamburgers, and chips. Lodge #16 Auxiliary made a donation to the 5K annual “Run from the Cops” which was held prior to the day’s happenings and three of the members were judges in the costume contest portion of the race. Auxiliary members popped and served popcorn during the five and half hour event. Because Police Awareness Day and March of Dimes were held on the same day, the auxiliary was unable to participate in the walk for babies, but a donation was sent for the event. In June, the lodge and local firefighters helped cook chickens to raise money for an FOP Lodge #16 member who is fighting brain cancer and his family. Auxiliary members packaged and handed out the boxes. They also took donations and managed the finances during the event. 2015 was also the first year for the First Responders Gala; it was a formal dinner and dance forany member of the Police/Sheriff Department, Dispatch, Fire Department, Daviess County Detention Center, and EMS. The FOP Auxiliary #16 president was on the committee and the auxiliary made a donation to this event. Many members enjoyed the evening alongside their first responder! By far, the largest events sponsored by the auxiliary were the fall and winter festivities. This was the second year for our Family Fun and Movie Night. Children were able to decorate their own Halloween bags and food and drinks were served for all the families. Unfortunately, the wind did not cooperate for the outdoor Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 25 Owensboro Lodge #16

Trunk or Treat Top Left: Auxiliary Treasurer Lisa Ballard hands out safety kits Bottom Left: Auxiliary member Sarah Saffran & John wells distribute candy Right: DCDC officer Wyatt with trick-or-treater movie on the inflatable movies screen, so it was moved inside on the large screen TV. The local movie theater donated popcorn for the event, and the auxiliary provided additional snack candy during the movie. Each child received a ticket for coming and then another ticket for each canned good they brought, which were donated to the local food pantry. We had two drawings for gift cards and after the movie we drew another ticket to give away the DVD of the movie we watched. On Halloween, we hosted our First annual trunk or treat event. This event was open to the public and over 250 kids and adults came by our lodge. KSP brought a cruiser, the Owensboro Police Department had a Dare car, Daviess County Sheriff’s office brought an SUV, the Daviess County Detention Center had a car, and the Lodge had their tank. Candy was handed out from the trunks of the cars and tank by a representative for each facility. The auxiliary also handed out candy and Child Safe kits. Instead of a formal December meeting, Auxiliary members met for a Dirty Santa gift exchange along with a catered meal. Gifts ranged from a 5lb bag of chocolates to a 3ft. tall snowman! Our last event of the year was a very popular event for members and families. Breakfast with Santa raised nearly 100 nonperishable items for charity. Each item brought entered the family into a drawing for one of two gift cards or trip to see the Rudolph play at the local theater. Children and parents enjoyed pancakes, donuts, sausage, with milk and orange juice. Santa met with each child (and a few officers) to give them gifts and candy canes.

Page 26 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 Owensboro Lodge #16

Breakfast with Santa: Left: OPD officer Sal Castro lets Santa know he’s been a good boy this year! Right: Santa with lodge member’s children

Aux Party: Left: back row - Beth Wyatt, Valarie Dant Lisa Ballard, Penny Matthews Sarah Saffran; front row: Andrea Hardy, Kim Osborne, Denise Williams Right: Kim Osborne & Denise Williams hold up their gifts from dirty santa

Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 27 Pat Collins Lodge # 19 Pat Collins Lodge #19 Annual Shop With a Cop On Saturday December 12, Pat Collins Lodge #19 held its annual Shop With a Cop at Walmart in Madisonville, KY. This year, we assisted 136 children with shopping followed by a visit with Santa and a private screening of the movie “The Good Dinosaur” at Capital 8 Theatre. We are looking forward to growing our Lodge and serving our community in 2016, with our next event being the annual Easter Egg Hunt in March. We meet at 1900 on the first Thursday of each month and invite any member to drop by for a meeting.

Page 28 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 Kenton County Lodge #20

Kenton County FOP #20 State Lodge Trustee: Hal Spaw P.O. Box 17725, Fort Mitchell KY 41017 Secretary: Ed Reckers Treasurer: Charles Bell Sgt. at Arms: Matt Reed President: James M.D. Reed Chaplain: Tim Chesser Vice President: Christie Feldman Local Trustee: Howard Goodrich Immediate Past President: Fred Roberts, Jr. Local Trustee: Norb Medley Second Vice President: Dwayne White Local Trustee: Gary Halberstadt

Brother Hal Spaw winning a gift certificate at the FOP National Convention in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania from the National Police Credit Union.

President James M.D. Reed being sworn in by Past Kentucky State Lodge President Spike Jones.

Kenton County Commonwealth’s Attorney Office Golf Outing Sponsorship Signage Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 29 Kenton County Lodge #20 Kevin Price Scholarship Congratulations to Abby Hassert, granddaughter of member Robert Reusch, the 2015 recipient of the Kevin Price Memorial Scholarship. Abby attended Holy Cross High School and is a member of their Kentucky State Championship Women’s Basketball team where she hit the game winning shot. Abby is going to attend Eastern Kentucky University. With Abby is Lodge Vice President Christie Feldman-Jones.

Northern Kentucky Police Memorial 2015

Police Honor Guards At Northern Kentucky Police Memorial Service

Page 30 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 Kenton County Lodge #20 Cops & Kids 2015 Kenton County Lodge #20’s Annual Cops & Kids Christmas Shopping Extravaganza was held on Wednesday, December 16, 2015 at the Walmart in Fort Wright, Kentucky. Children from Kenton and Grant County along with children from the Children’s Home of Northern Kentucky participated in the event. Breakfast was supplied by the Fort Wright Walmart. The children had their items wrapped by the Taylor Mill Seniors and the children were taken to The Edgewood Senior Center for lunch and it was provided by Snappy Tomato Pizza in Fort Wright, Kentucky. Each child got to spend approximately $158.00. Agencies participating were: Lakeside Park/Crestview Hills Police, Taylor Mill Police, Ludlow Police, Fort Wright Police, Fort Mitchell Police, Grant County Jail, Kenton County Communications Center, and the Kenton County Coroner’s Office. Also members of #20’s FOPA, several retired members, Hebron Fire Department and Theta Phi Alpha sorority from Northern Kentucky University helped feed and shop with the kids.

Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 31 Kenton County Lodge #20

Kenton County Communications Dispatcher Melissa Maschinot Ludlow Police Department Chief Scott Smith (L)

Above: Associates John Shirley (L) and R.C. Cooper (R)

Left: Roy Taylor – Fort Mitchell Police Department (Retired)

Page 32 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 Kenton County Lodge #20

Taylor Mill Seniors wrapping the children’s presents. Lakeside Park/Crestview Hills Police Department Officer Brett Mullins

Kenton County Communications Dispatcher Julie White, Ludlow Police Department Taylor Mill Police Department Officer Danny Potts Officer Greg Eastham, Hebron Fire Department Intern Tyler White, Jessica Eastham

Taylor Mill Police Department Officer James Mills and Fort Mitchell Police Taylor Mill Police Department Sergeant Pat Reiss Department Officer Tim Pangallo Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 33 Kenton County Lodge #20 Easter Baskets Kenton County Lodge #20 donated and distributed $ 996.59 worth of food to 17 needy families in Kenton, Grant, Gallatin, Boone and Campbell Counties in April.

Elections Nominations for the 2015-2016 Executive Board were taken at the August 2015 lodge meeting and the officers were sworn in at the September meeting: President: James M.D. Reed Vice-President: Christie Feldman Second Vice-President: Dwayne White Secretary: Ed Reckers Treasurer: Charlie Bell State Lodge Trustee: Hal Spaw Sgt. At Arms: Matthew Reed Chaplain: Tim Chesser Trustees: Norb Medley, Howard Goodrich, Gary Halberstadt


We honor all Fraternal Order of Police active and retired members who have passed away, and all law enforcement line-of-duty deaths.

Lodges will receive information packets during February requesting the names of the members and officers to be honored at this year’s service. We encourage lodges to reach out to the families of those being honored and to provide escorts for the families at the service and to attend the service to support the families and pay tribute to those being honored. Invitations will be mailed in April.

Every department is encouraged to send their Honor Guard and Color Guard to participate in the service. Contacts for this year’s service: Glenda Lehmann, President Tim Davis, Chaplain Casey Tillman, Chaplain Kentucky State Auxiliary Kentucky State Lodge Kentucky State Auxiliary 502-594-3747 270-836-9131 502-821-5388 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Page 34 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 Metropolitan Lodge #32

Metropolitan (Jefferson County) Lodge 32 President: John Stuart P.O. Box 33174 Secretary: Lindsey Jaggers Louisville, KY 40232 State Lodge Trustee: William Holten halloween party

DJ Andrew Ward

Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 35 Metropolitan Lodge #32

Ryan Straw and spouse

Carleen and Jim Graft.

Brian and Abby Johnston

Page 36 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 Metropolitan Lodge #32

From left to right: Crystal Keller , Erin Dunagan, Ginny Woolridge and Adrienne Renner

John Stuart and Lindsey Jaggers Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 37 Metropolitan Lodge #32

Billy Hundley and spouse

Ginny and Brad Woolridge

Page 38 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 Winchester/Clark County Lodge #34

Winchester/Clark Co. Lodge 34 President: Bobby Lee Murray P.O. Box 921 Secretary: Kevin Winebrenner Winchester, KY 40392-0921 State Lodge Trustee: Shane Southwood

Capt. Brian Caudill and his new friend

Our brotherhood Preparing to check out Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 39 Winchester/Clark County Lodge #34

Lodge 34 President Lee Murray and VP Keith Mullikin

Lodge 34 VP Keith Mullikin checking his list

Capt. Shannon Stone helps with a bike

Deputy Karl Rifenbark and his family Page 40 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 Winchester/Clark County Lodge #34

Deputy Christeen Matthews with her family

Above: Lodge #34 Sgt at Arms Lt. Johnny Graves helps his kids

Officer Jon Larette with his family of kids Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 41 Winchester/Clark County Lodge #34

Officer David Aldridge with his new friend

Santa making his rounds

Santa helping with a toy

Page 42 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 Winchester/Clark County Lodge #34

Reserve Deputy Paul Christy and his first family

Right: Deputy Burl Ashcraft, Jr. pushes a buggy full of toys

Below: Deputy Burl Ashcraft, Jr. and Jailer Frank Doyle with a family

Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 43 Winchester/Clark County Lodge #34

State Lodge President Berl Perdue Jr. helps his family shop

This is why we do it to make smiles like these

Preparing to check out

Page 44 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 Boone County Lodge #46

Boone County Lodge 46 President: Tim Jones P. O. Box 812 State Lodge Trustee: John Doubrava Florence, KY 41042 Secretary: Fancy Stritthott

Boone County Lodge #46 Cops and Kids

Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 45 Boone County Lodge #46

Page 46 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 Erlanger/Elsmere Lodge #55

Erlanger/Elsmere Lodge #55 President: Dennis McCarthy P.O. Box18066 State Lodge Trustee: Todd Brendal Erlanger KY 41018 Secretary: Chad Girdlert

Santa posing with all of the participants of our annual Cops and Kids program Dec 21 2015

LT Shawn Sims and past lodge president Dennis McCarthy “Guarding the Goods”

Newly elected lodge vice-president Off. Chad Girdler and president Sgt. TJ Selby at our annual can food drive.

Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 47 Erlanger/Elsmere Lodge #55

Kids being paired up with officers from Erlanger and Elsmere. Enough funds were raised this year to allow each child $300 to spend on gifts for their families

Lunch is served after a morning of shopping

Page 48 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 Louisville Corrections Lodge #77

Louisville Corrections Lodge #77 President: Tracy Dotson 3556 Taylor Blvd. State Lodge Trustee: Ricky Moore Louisville, KY 40215 Secretary: Mike Redmon

Louisville Corrections Lodge #77 Coat-A-Kid

Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 49 Louisville Corrections Lodge #77

Page 50 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 Louisville Corrections Lodge #77

Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 51 Town Branch Lodge #83

Town Branch FOP Lodge 83, Inc. President: Steve Parker P. O. Box 8280 Secretary: Matt Schmitt Lexington, KY 40533-8082 State Lodge Trustee: Kevin Johnson

Swearing In of the Board of Town Branch Lodge #83

National Conference

Tim Davis addresses the delegates during the business session Page 52 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 River City Lodge #614

River City Lodge 614 President: Dave Mutchler 6204 Price Lane Secretary: Anne Hogan Louisville, KY 40229 State Lodge Trustee: Jon Pugh

Retirees’ Reunion photos by Patsy Meyer

How many can you name?

These retired officers began their career on LPD or JCPD in the 1950s

These retired officers began their career on LPD or JCPD in the 1960s

Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 53 River City Lodge #614

These retired officers began their career on LPD or JCPD from 1970 to 1974

These retired officers began their career on LPD or JCPD from 1975 to 1979

Page 54 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 River City Lodge #614

These retired officers began their career on LPD or JCPD from 1980 to 1984

These retired officers began their career on LPD or JCPD from 1985 to 1989

Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 55 River City Lodge #614

These retired officers began their career on LPD or JCPD in the 1990s

In Memory Of… Jon Pugh 1972 – 2015

Larry Priddy, Kim Burbrink and Jon Pugh at the National Conference. Page 56 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 River City Lodge #614 Auxiliary 2015 NATIONAL SUBORDINATE AUXILIARY OF THE YEAR WINNER


What you have done for your members Scrapbook Club – weekend retreats We send birthday cards to each of our members on their special day, congrats cards on births or adoptions. We keep a pictorial history of all our events in a scrapbook. We maintain communication of all Auxiliary and lodge events through Constant Contact emails and website.

Ways you bring in new members We speak to family members on Recruit Family Day, display scrapbooks, and have give-a-way items. Police Officers Care coloring and activity books given to the kids. This draws in the parents and grandparents. We typically gain 2-3 members at each event. We meet with the recruits twice during their training to explain our programs and benefits. We talk to family members attending lodge and Auxiliary functions by setting up a table with information about us! We distribute our tri-fold information brochure with application – Why Are We Different. Our members recruit their family and friends through their social circles. Set up a table at the FOP annual picnic. Hand out Auxiliary information to family and friends at each event including our Annual Breakfast with Santa.

Community Projects Each year we adopt a non-police family for the holidays. We collected and donated gently used clothes and school supplies for the Home of the Innocence (a home for abused children). In December 2013, we assisted one of our divisions with collecting and donating gently used items for a local Nursing Home. We organized a team for the local Relay for Life where monies were raised to bring awareness/funds to save lives from cancer. We raised over $2,500 each year (2014/2015).

Lodge Assistance (ways you have assisted your parent lodge). Relief Fund – lending financial assist to officers/families following a line of duty incident injury or placed on administrative leave. During this leave officers are not permitted to work off duty or go to court. Families face financial hardship and the fund helps. We also assist when an officer has an immediate family member with a life threatening illness. Through pay-roll deductions (from our active officers) and other fundraisers we have awarded over $41,000 since the National Conference in 2013. This does not include monies for community donations/fundraisers. Our Auxiliary provides cakes/refreshments at each Recruit graduation for the families attending the graduation (usually 2-3 per year). The Auxiliary serves pizza and assists with the lodge’s annual Ginny Woolridge, River City Auxiliary in National Conference Memorial Service. Christmas delivery at the local Children’s Hospital. Approximately Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 57 River City Lodge #614 Auxiliary

175 kids receive a bag full of toys. At each monthly board meeting, our past-president cooks for 40+ delegates and E-Board members. We baked and gathered donated baked goods to deliver to each division and specialty units in thanks for their services.

Social Events – alone or with your parent lodge. Lodge’s Annual picnic Assist with planning, set up and implementation

Lodge’s Christmas Party Assist with planning, set up and implementation Party for families of Officers working long hours during an international sporting event (Derby). All officers are required to work 12 – 16 hours leaving their families to Kentucky State Auxiliary President Glenda Lehmann at the National Conference. fend for themselves. We rent inflatable’s, a sno-cone machine, provided a mountain of crafts (hat contest, letters to troops, windsocks, jewelry making, coloring pages, etc.), we have stick horse races, a piñata, pony rides and tons of fun and a local fire department brought a fire truck for the children to explore. We cook out all day and the families bring a side dish or dessert to share.

Halloween Bash We provide a safe haven for our families of our officers. Free Trick or Treating’, costume contest and a carnival style party where the kids can win tickets and exchange them for prizes.

Breakfast with Santa Our Breakfast with Santa has grown to be our most popular event with nearly 500 attending. We provide a full breakfast with pancakes, sausage, bacon, scramble eggs, biscuits and gravy and much more. Santa arrives to deliver gifts for each child. This is a year long preparation since we begin purchasing clearance toys right after the event.

Ways and Means projects

Monthly raffle at General Meeting We raffle an item (booze, coolers, car care kits, etc.) at each meeting. All these funds are place in savings and used for National Conference.

Scrapbook Crop Fundraiser – charge $35 per person for 4’ of table space, breakfast, lunch and dinner and lots of door prizes. This has grown to be the BEST scrapbook crop in our city. Our attendance has grown to 80 gals/guys making for a fun filled day! We had several raffles during the day to increase monies.

Held a yard sale at the Lodge for the Relief Fund.

Police Activities Week Several members attend Police Week in DC and assist in registration/merchandise sales. We donate many items to COPS for the Survivor bags given out during Police Week.

State Memorial We have three members on the state committee. One of our Auxiliary members performs the songs at the memorial. Page 58 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 River City Lodge #614 Auxiliary

Easter Seals Activities We donated $50 to Cardinal Hill Rehab, a facility for adults with disabilities.

Any other activities of interest your Auxiliary participates in. In September of 2014 we assisted with a fund raiser for one of our Auxiliary members who was undergoing treatment for cancer. We assisted with auction items, childcare and a craft room. Community Crisis Response Team. We have 5 members of our Auxiliary that are members of our state’s team.

State FOP Auxiliary We have 4 members that hold positions on the state board, assisting with state memorial and conferences. Members assisted with our state’s Concerns of Police Survivors’ Annual Motorcycle ride. We send an appropriate greeting card to each member of the lodge celebrating a birth/adoption of a child, recouping from an illness or mourning the death of a loved one. One of our officers had a child with a potential terminal disease. We assisted in putting on a fund raiser for the family and sent personalized thank you cards to each donor. The fundraiser raised $114,000.k One of the states FOP board members passed away and we gathered and prepared food for the funeral service, and assisted with the post-funeral gathering at the local FOP lodge. One of our Auxiliary members passed away in 2015 and we gathered and prepared food for the funeral service. One of our officers passed away in 2015 and we gathered and prepared food for the funeral service.

Our Auxiliary membership is 50. We take so much pride in this and are so committed to our Motto “Never Let Them Walk Alone”. Our accomplishments would not be possible without our member’s dedication and the incredible support that we receive from our parent lodge.

M. Michele Letz Member of the Year Award Glenda Lehman exceeds the challenging requirements and expectations for the M. Michele Letz Member of the Year Award. Her ambition, intelligence and accomplishments complement precisely the stellar community of past recipients and make her highly deserving of the honor. Many local heroes go unnoticed. One thing that does not go unnoticed to the Auxiliary is her efforts and how those efforts can truly make a difference to this Organization. Glenda has been a member of the Auxiliary since 1993. She has held many positions on her Subordinate, State and National boards to include, but not limited to: Subordinate Auxiliary President Subordinate Auxiliary 2nd Vice President Subordinate Auxiliary Sgt-at-Arms State President State Trustee National Chair of Trustees

Glenda has a true passion for the FOP Auxiliary overall. Not only has she held many positions on the board, but she is also a very valued member of the local Auxiliary. She is always courteous and helpful to other members. She is highly respected by other members of not only the Auxiliary but also the Parent lodge. An asset to the Auxiliary for over 22 years Glenda has been an essential leader and mentor for the organization. She is and has been a leader of those of us in the Auxiliary and a leader to the Organization itself. She is always willing to be out in front, not only in the way she has led meetings, fund raisers and Memorial Services, but also publicly for the rest of us in the Auxiliary. She has been dedicated to the more widespread growth of the Auxiliary in the local and State organizations. Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 59 River City Lodge #614 Auxiliary

Awards presented to Kentucky Auxiliary: Ginny Woolridge, Anita Simkins, Glenda Lehmann, Casey Tillman, and Grand Lodge Auxiliary(Ohio) Linda Hennie Glenda received Member of the Year and River City 614 received Auxiliary Award Glenda generously gives her time to mentor newer/current members and also to meet with FOP members who are interested in forming an Auxiliary. She has personally visited many parent lodges to discuss the purpose and to promote the Auxiliary. She attends all local/Subordinate, State and National meetings and is attentive during those meetings, bringing forward good ideas for the organization. She is knowledgeable of the Constitutions, By-Laws and Standing rules. She also helps to mentors all members of those regulations that are in place. When Glenda took over as the President of the local Auxiliary there were only 5 members, but currently there over 50 members. She is passionately involved in both the State and National Memorial Services annually and has worked tirelessly to improve on both services each year. She was instrumental in starting the Relief fund for the local Auxiliary and Lodge and has laid the groundwork for a Relief Fund on the State level that will bloom and grow annually. Glenda Lehman, Kentucky State Auxiliary President is patient and understanding and takes the time to not only lead the local and State Auxiliaries, but also has formed lasting friendships with each of the members. She is humble and always gives credit to persons involved taking very little credit for herself. She was a charter member of the local Law Enforcement and Families Response Team and completed all training / continuing education to assist the Community Crisis Response Board, as well as responded with several teams across the State whenever asked. She assists in logistics for delivering FOP Memorial boxes to families of fallen officers and often attends the FOP service or at least the visitation when her schedule allows. The combination of her high ethical standards and vast experience enable her to be an excellent mentor to other Auxiliary members. She is highly respected by those with whom she comes in contact and is an exemplary role model to others in the Auxiliary. She represents the Auxiliary well as she strives for excellence within the organization. This is an abridged version of the nomination document submitted by Ginny Woolridge, Kentucky State Lodge

Page 60 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 Fall Conference Fall Conference — Unique and Involved by Patsy Meyer, Editor, Knight Beat

Erlanger Police Department Honor Guard presented colors for the opening of the conference.

State Conferences are traditionally useful to hear reports of the actions of the State Board to conduct new business and approve state budgets. These were all essential elements of this 2015 Fall Conference held in Covington, Kentucky in November. However, this conference included much more than the usual and routine state business. Four Grand Lodge officers including the National President Chuck Canterbury arrived at the Marriott on Friday in addition to Past President Dick Boyd. Dick Boyd was scheduled to give a shortened presentation of a currently offered one-day seminar called “Leadership Matters”. The business session agenda was expandedto include comments from all. President Chuck Canterbury emphasized the continuing need for participation in the FOP Legal Defense Plan. He issued a reminder to remain vigilant and stick together on the issues. Newly elected Vice-President Jay McDonald from Ohio discussed the reality that 1000’s are being released from jail because elected officials do not want to pay the rising costs. More efforts to prevent or reduce police suicides are needed along with the recognition that PTSD(Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is a relevant factor. He stressed the value of Critical Incident Training and Officer Wellness. Pre-Incident Training should discuss PTSD and Police Suicide. National Secretary Pat Yoes, a Kentucky Conference visitor for the last 10 years addressed the loss of

Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 61 Fall Conference

Brother Mike Hettich and Jon Pugh. Although we may never understand, there is no shame in reaching out, the shame is the suffering that comes from doing nothing. “We are our brothers’ keepers”. He also referenced the FOP Foundation and the ease with on-line donations. The Give Back Program(5-5-5) encourages donations to the National FOP Foundation, the State FOP Foundation and the FOP Pac. Second Vice-President Les Neri reported on the recent trial and not guilty verdict of Lisa Merkel, a 14 year veteran of Hunnelstown, Pennsylvania who was the first officer tried in 2015 for an on-duty shooting. He mentioned the call to boycott Quentin Tarantino for his designation of “Police Murderers” at a New York City Rally.

Conference Highlights • Nomination and elections were held. Nick Angelini and Brian Bogard were nominated to replace retiring State Treasurer Don Brashear. Don Brashear was awarded the Martin D. Scott Lifetime Leadership Award. Brian Bogard, Covington Lodge #1 was elected by a vote of the delegates. Credentials Committee Chairman Steve Schweitzer reported 146 delegates, and alternates. 28 Lodge Trustees were present. • Pat Tucker expressed appreciation to Bluegrass Lodge #4 for their assistance after the shooting death of Richmond Officer Danny Ellis. • Steve Wolnitzek reported that the Pension System will not pay for children over 22. He is currently looking into this and whether it could be a Federal violation. • Chaplain Tim Davis announced the State Memorial Service will be held on May 9, 2016 in Frankfort. We should try to establish a relationship with Supporting Heroes and Kentucky COPS. • Revisions of the State Constitution and Bylaws will be needed to bring them in line with changes in the National Constitution and Bylaws from the National Conference in August 2015.

Page 62 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 Fall Conference

National President addresses the delegates prior to installing the newly elected Kentucky State Board • The Kentucky Pension System continues to be one of the poorest in the nation. KY FOP Pension Chairman Ed Davis is one of 6 Trustees elected by members of the Pension System. The 13 member Oversight Board however exercises political control with appointees from the governor and the State Legislature. • The Member of the Year Award was presented to Bill Burch, Deputy Sheriff’s Lodge #25 and Nick Jilek, River City 614 of the State Legislative Committee. After some constructive movement last year, they are continuing to seek the passage of a bill to increase the KLEFPF funding by $1000. With the recent election some connections and relationships may be in question. Other matters they are monitoring include Pension Spiking, and Driver Certification for undocumented drivers. The League of Cities, is sponsoring a Rehire Bill which would establish that you must be rehired each year and could also limit the hiring pool. • 2016 marks the 30th Anniversary of the Kentucky Torch Run. 42 million was raised last year, $896,000 in Kentucky. The Kentucky State Lodge has raised its annual donation from $2000 to $2500. Felipe Hernandnez LMPD River City Lodge #614 is the new Torch Run Director.

• During the Saturday afternoon conference break, the Northern Kentucky Host Lodges included a short walk to the local police memorial for a brief service followed by a Happy Hour at Mollie Malone’s. At the Hospitality Room attendees were invited to compete in a free Video Game Competition. A limousine shuttle is provided by Horseshoe Casino in and many utilized the service to try their luck.

Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 63 Fall Conference

The placing of carnations at the memorial

Bagpiper Scott Lehmann at the Police Memorial

Police Chaplain conducts brief memorial service.

Page 64 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 Fall Conference

Retiring Treasurer Don Brashear receiving the Martin D. Scott Lifetime Leadership Award from President Berl Perdue.

Past President Dick Boyd and presentation of Leadership Matters

Leadership Matters Presented by Past President Dick Boyd

2 Important Matters: Be Right and Be Constructive

Leaders are responsible for their members and the maintenance for the Order

Leaders must get out and see the members

Aspects of leadership: legal, labor, legislative, professional, educational, social and charitable

Knowledge is Power… Confidence in your knowledge is Leadership…

Politics is most important and most neglected.

Goal: To leave it better than when you found it

Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Page 65 Fall Conference

National Secretary Pat Yoes, FOP Louisianna National Vice President Jay McDonald, FOP Ohio

Second Vice President Les Neri FOP Pennsylvania

Page 66 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016 Kentucky Lodge Directory

Covington Lodge 1 Hopkinsville Lodge 12 Deputy Sheriff’s Lodge 25 Morehead Lodge 35 Pres. Bryan Bogard Pres. Henry Gould Pres. Tim Pike Pres. Jack Gorman Sec. Greg Rogers Sec. Quentin Stone Sec. Stephen P. Schweitzer Sec. Mary C. Brown State Trustee Justin Wietholter State Trustee Livy Leavell Jr. State Trustee Bill Burch State Trustee Don Stevens 516 E. 18th Street P.O. Box 372 P.O. Box 17127 P.O. Box 348 Covington, KY 41014 Hopkinsville, KY 42241-0372 Louisville, KY 40217 Clearfield, KY 40351

Newport Lodge 2 Bowling Green Lodge 13 Jeffersontown Lodge 26 Allen Co./Scottsville Lodge 36 Pres, Jeff Kohls Pres. Shawn Helbig Pres. Brendan Mills Pres. Lisa Marr Sec. Wayne Dutle Sec. David Herrman Sec. Brittney Garrett Sec. John Rose State Trustee Robert McCray State Trustee Russell McElvoy State Trustee Reggie Shafer State Trustee David Walbert P. O. Box 72071 P.O. Box 1922 P.O. Box 99826 P.O. Box 71 Newport, KY 41071 Bowling Green, KY 42102 Jeffersontown, KY 40269 Scottsville, KY 42164

Ashland Lodge 3 Jackson Purchase Lodge 15 Glasgow Lodge 27 William R. Campbell Memorial Pres. Rick Riffe Pres. Paul Stevenson Cumberland Valley Lodge 28 Lodge 37 Sec. Gavin Patrick Sec. Cindy Neihoff Pres. Chris Edwards Pres. Steve Little State Trustee George Coleman State Trustee Don English Sec. Leann Kennedy Sec. Bill Dotson 2549 Carter Ave. P.O. Box 208 State Trustee Elijah Hollon State Trustee Darrell J. Conley Ashland KY 41101 Paducah, KY 42002-0208 503 So. Main Street 157 Hatfield Drive London, KY 40741 Prestonburg, KY 41653 Bluegrass Lodge 4 Owensboro Lodge 16 G.W. Young Lodge 29 Pres. Jason Rothermund Pres. Jeff Payne Thoroughbred Lodge 38 Sec. Jeremiah Davis Pres. Terry Thompson Sec. James Wyatt Sec. Dorothy Prater Pres. Robert Peak State Trustee J.J. Lombardi State Trustee Ken Bannett Sec. Mark Matthews 1097 Duval Street State Trustee Peter Newsom P.O. Box 401, 572 Motley Road State Trustee Gary Carey Lexington, KY 40575 Owensboro, KY 42302 Fedscreek, KY 41524 P.O. Box 271 Pasis, KY 40362-0271 Limestone Lodge 5 Shively Lodge 17 Univ. of Louisville Lodge 30 Pres. Michael Palmer Pres. Steve Becker Pres. John Mellen William R. Burns Memorial Sec. Paul Wallingford Sec.Johnny Trager Sec. Jacklyn Cohn Lodge 39 State Trustee Ron Rice State Trustee Mike Thompson State Trustee Robert R. Cox Pres. David Love P.O. box 271 1800 Park Road 2126 S. Floyd St. Sec. Karin Turner Maysville, KY 41056 Shively, KY 40216 Louisville, KY 40208) State Trustee William Hibdon 168 East Vine Street River City Lodge 614 Harlan Lodge 18 St. Matthews Lodge 31 Radcliff, KY 40160 Pres. Dave Mutchler Pres. Dan Mahaffey Sec. Anne Hogan Pat Collins Lodge 19 Sec. Michael Coyle Bruce Tabor Memorial Lodge 40 State Trustee Jon Pugh Pres. Tim Davis State Trustee Debbie Marasa Pres. Terry Cox 6204 Price Lane Sec. James Davis 400 Wallace Avenue Sec. Virgil Willoughby Louisville, KY 40229 State Trustee Joel Elliott Louisville, KY 40207 State Trustee Jon Taylor P.O. Box 365 300 South Mulberry St. Hazard Lodge 7 Madisonville, KY 42431 Metropolitan (Jefferson County) Elizabethtown, KY 42701 Pres. Don Brashear Lodge 32 Sec. Johnnie L. Brashear Kenton County Lodge 20 Pres. John Stuart Logan County Lodge 41 State Trustee Ab Johnson Pres. James Reed Sec. Lindsey Jaggers Pres. Ron Mills P. O. Box 754 Sec. Edwars Reckers State Trustee William Holten Sec. Jennifer Wood Hazard KY 41701 State Trustee Hal Spaw P.O. Box 33174 State Trustee Mary Moore P.O. Box 17725 Louisville, KY 40232 104 SW Park Square Capital City Lodge 8 Fort Mitchell KY 41017 Russellville, KY 42276 Pres. Derrick Napier Florence Lodge 33 Mayfield/Graves Lodge 21 Sec. John Fields Pres. Kevin Duncan Bullitt County Lodge 42 Pres. Joshua Truelove 104 Lakeview Court Sec. Rick Saint-Blancard Pres. Douglas Walls Frankfort, KY 40607 Sec. Paul Lacy State Trustee Chad Irwin Sec. Timothy Sharrer State Trustee Robert Lay P.O. Box 6361 Henderson Lodge 9 P.O. Box 5033 Florence, KY 41042 P.O. Box 221 Pres. Dale Powell Mayfield, KY 42066 Brooks, KY 40109-0221 Sec. Dewayne Reneer Winchester/Clark Co. Lodge 34 State Trustee Bruce Farmer Central Kentucky Lodge 22 Pres. Bobby Lee Murray Old Kentucky Home Lodge 43 P.O. Box 1416 Pres. Rick Benningfield Sec. Kevin Winebrenner Sec. Mary McLean Pres. Ramon Pineiroa Henderson KY 42420 State Trustee Shane Southwood State Trustee Mark Roney Sec. Melissa Ain-Reynolds P.O. Box 921 P.O. Box 1281 State Lodge Trustee Tom Roby Campbell County Lodge 10 Winchester, KY 40392-0921 Campbellsville, KY 42719 Pres. Lisa Hampton 202 South 4th Street P. O. Box 418 Sec. George Schreiner Murray Lodge 23 Bardstown, KY 40004 State Trustee Scott Hildebrand Pres. Donald Bowman P.O. Box 133 Sec. Angel Clere Alexandria, KY 41001 State Trustee Brant Shutt P.O. Box 992 Murray, KY 42071

Winter 2016 Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Appendix A Kentucky Lodge Directory

Kenton Co. Police Dept Lodge 44 Erlanger/Elsmere Lodge 55 Otter Creek Lodge 67 Shepherdsville Lodge 80 Pres. Darrell Caldwell Pres. Dennis McCarthy Pres. William Basham Pres. Tim Wade Sec. Aaron Schihl Sec. Chad Girdlert Sec. Edwin I. Baysinger Sec. Bryan Whittaker State Trustee David Kron State Trustee Jake Noe State Trustee Todd Brendal State Trustee Larry Wimpee P.O. Box 500 P.O. Box 1521 P. O. Box 18066 P. O. Box 1082 Independence, KY 41051 Shepherdsville, KY 40165 Erlanger, KY 41018 Brandenburg, KY 40108 Russell Lodge 45 Mt. Sterling/Montgomery County Lake Cumberland Lodge 68 Pennyrile Lodge FOP 81 Pres. James “Ned” Crisp Lodge 56 Pres. Nick Bertran Pres. James Lawrence Sec. Jeffery Hambarck Pres. Kalan Perdue Sec. W. Neil Bell Sec. David Toddicken State Trustee Bryan Tackett Sec. Jason Perry State Trustee Chasity Shirley State Trustee Brandon Sherrill 1951 SR 91N 1525 Diederich Blvd. State Trustee Mike Martin P.O. Box 2358 Marion, KY 42064 Russell, KY 41169 P.O. Box 747 Russell Springs, KY 42629 Mt. Sterling, KY 40353 Mt. Washington Lodge 82 Boone County Lodge 46 Wilderness Trace Lodge 69 Henry County Lodge 57 Pres. Dan Kelty Pres. Jonathan Courtwright Pres. Tim Jones Pres. Kevin Kemper Sec. Anthony Morris Sec. Sally Bustle Sec. John Doubrava Sec. John Flechler State Trustee Michael O’Donnell State Trustee Fancy Stritthott State Trustee John Porter State Trustee Nick York P. O. Box 773 P. O. Box 812 P. O. Box 842 P. O. Box 1771 Mt. Washington, KY 40047 Florence, KY 41042 New Castle, KY 40050 Danville, KY 40423 Town Branch FOP Lodge 83, Inc. Red River Gorge Lodge 70 Pres. Steve Parker Madison County Lodge 47 Royal Springs Lodge 59 Pres. Phillip Frazier Sec. Matt Schmitt Pres. Rodney Richardson Pres. Todd Stone Sec. Steve Stamper Sec. Michael Townsend State Trustee Kevin Johnson Sec. Gary Shaffer State Trustee Wm Dusty Carter State Trustee Brian King P. O. Box 8280 State Trustee Bryan Tucker 401 Outlet Center Drive Suite 230 P. O. Box 1446 Lexington, KY 40533-8082 P.O. Box 391 Georgetown, KY 40324 Stanton, KY 40280 Richmond, KY 40476 Fort Logan Lodge 84 Lake Barkley Lodge 60 River Counties Lodge 71 Pres. Tim Morris Fifth Judicial District Lodge 49 Pres. Larry Bland Sec. Zach Middleton Pres. John Shofner, Jr. Sec. Billie G. Raney State Trustee T. J. Hill IV Carter/Elliott Lodge 72 P.O. Box 608 Sec. James L. Goben State Trustee Larry Bland Pres. Bobby Hall Stanford, KY 40484 State Trustee Richard 66 Raney Road Sec. Shannon Blevins Eddyville, KY 42038 Hansbrough State Trustee James Frazier Kentucky Hillview Lodge #86 P.O. Box 98 P. O. Box 1564 Whitley/McCreary Lodge 61 Pres. James Barrow Sturgis, KY 42459 Olive Hill KY. 41164 Pres. Robert Owens Sec. Ken Straughn Sec. Ralph Lynch State Trustee Roy Raines Frontier Lodge 73 Letcher County Lodge 50 State Trustee Bill Wood 283 Crestwood Lane Pres. Ben Rugg Hillview, KY 40229 Pres. Sean Blair P.O. Box 312 Sec. Adam Teater Sec. Holly Boggs Williamsburg, KY 40769 State Trustee Brandon Smith Kentucky River Lodge 87 State Trustee James Pelfry P. O. Box 564 Pres. Ron Wyatt P.O. Box 713 Oldham County Lodge 62 Nicholasville, KY 40340-0564 Sec. Richard Starnes Whitesburg, KY 41858 Pres. Neil Johnson State Trustee Russell Persons Sec. Jessica Childers Independence Lodge 75 P. O. Box 1791 Shelby Metro Lodge 51 4604 South Hwy 53 Pres. Jason Hord Frankfurt, KY 40602 Pres. Patrick J. Donshoe Crestwood, KY 40014 Sec. Joseph Moffett Sec. Chris Kleymeyer State Trustee Matt Hicks If any information above is incorrect, P.O. 402 Knox County Lodge 64 5409 Madison Pike have your Local Lodge Secretary Shelbyville, KY 40065 Independence, KY 41051 send correctons to State Secretary Pres. Sherman Lawson Denis Spaulding at the Ky. FOP State Sec. Debra Hill Office. GLCC Lodge 52 Morgan Lodge 76 Pres. Brandy Higdon State Trustee Tina Brown 818 J. Goodin Branch We have been asked to include a Sec. Anthony Clark Louisville Corrections Lodge #77 phone number for each lodge in the Barbourville, KY 40906 400 Shaw Station Road Pres. Tracy Dotson Kentucky Lodge Directory. Please Leitchfield, KY 42754 Sec. Mike Redmon submit the phone number you would Green River Lodge 66 State Trustee Ricky Moore like us to use. If you prefer not to have a phone number listed then let Knights For Justice Lodge 53 Pres. Robin Atherton 3556 Taylor Blvd. Pres. Mary Hentges us know. If you would like to include a Sec. Billy W, Luttrell Louisville, KY 40215 lodge e-mail address, please send to Sec. Mary Hentges State Trustee Jeffrey Parrish [email protected] or call: State Trustee Raymond Eastridge P. O. Box 161 502-473-0388 P.O. Box 678 Hartford, KY 42347 LaGrange, KY 40031

Appendix A Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Newsletter Winter 2016