HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-Friday, July 20, 1973

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HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-Friday, July 20, 1973 25166 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE July 20, 1973 NOMINATIONS C ol. R oger Irvin M artin, Jr., S S N xxx-xx-x... MEDICAL CORPS xxx-... , O rdnance C orps. To be brigadier general Executive nominations received by the C oL Joseph H enry R itzen.hein, .S S N xxx-xx-x... Brig. G en. R obert Bernstein, xxx-xx-xxxx , Senate July 20, 1973: xxx-... , Infantry. C ol. Jam es R ead S tallings, S S N A rm y of the U nited S tates (colonel, M edical DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE xxx-xx-xx... C orps, U .S . A rmy). J. William M iddendorf II, of C onnecticut, xxx-... , M ilitary P olice C orps. M aj. G en . R ich ard R ay T ay lo r, xxx-xx-xxxx to be U nder S ecretary of the N avy, vice F rank T h e A rm y N atio n al G u ard o f th e U n ited S ta te s o ffic e rs n a m e d h e re in fo r pro m o tio n xxx... , A rm y o f th e U n ite d S ta te s (c o lo n e l, P . S an d ers, resign ed . as R eserve C om m issioned officers of the A rmy M edical C orps, U .S . A rmy) . DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY under the provisions of title 1 0, U nited S tates 1 . The following-named officer to be placed William L . G ifford, of N ew Y ork, to be a C ode, section 5 93(a ) and 3392 : o n th e retired list in grad e in d icated u n d er D epu ty U n d er S ecretary o f th e T reasu ry , v ice To be major general th e pro v isio n s o f title 10, U nited S tates C ode, Jam es E. S m ith . S ection 396 2 : C ol. T hom as S am s Bishop, S S N xxx-xx-xx... SECURIrir.S AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION To be lieutenant general xxx-x... , Infantry. T he following-nam ed persons to be m em - To be brigadier general L t. G en. H al Bruce Jennings, Jr., xxx-xx-x... b ers o f th e S ecu rities an d E x ch an ge C o m - xxx-... , A rm y of the U nited S tates (m ajor gen- C ol. 'C alvin H ubert L anning, S S N m ission for the terms indicated: xxx-xx-x... eral, U .S . A rmy). xxx-... , A rmor. F o r th e re m a in d e r o f th e te rm e x pirin g 2. M aj. G en. R ichard R ay T aylor, xxx-xx-x... - C ol. R ichard A ustin M iller, S S N June 5 , 1 976 : A . A . S ommer, Jr., of O hio, vice xxx-xx-x... xxx-x... , A rm y o f th e U n ited S tates (co lo n el, , Infantry. A . S ydney H erlong, Jr., resigned. xxx-x... U .S . A rm y) for appointm ent as the S urgeon F o r th e re m a in d e r o f th e te rm e x pirin g C ol. A lbert R oss M orris, Jr., S S N xxx-xx-x... - G eneral, 'U .S . A rm y, with the grade of lieu- , A rmor. June 5 , /977: R ay G arrett, Jr., of Illinois, vice xxx-... tenant general, under the provisions of title G . Bradford C ook, resigned. C ol. 'T homas M artin P hillips, S S N xxx-xx-x... 1 0, U nited S tates C ode, section 3036 . xxx-... , F ield A rtillery. IN THE NAVY C ol. C harles S um ner R eed, Jr., S S N xxx-... CONFIRMATIONS xxx-xx-xx... , C orps of E ngineers. C om dr. P aul J. Weitz, Jr., U .S . N avy, for C ol. C lyde C hester Wright, S S N xxx-xx-xx... perm anent prom otion to the grade of captain E xecutive nominations confirmed by xxx-... , Field A rtillery. in th e N a v y in a c c o rd a n c e with a rtic le I t, the Senate July 20, 1973: 1 . The following-named A rmy M edical D e- section 2 , clause 2 of the C onstitution. partm ent officers for tem porary appointm ent IN 'THE ARMY IN THE ARMY in th e A rm y o f th e U n ite d S ta te s , to th e A rm y n o m in a tio n s b e gin n in g J a c k H . T he U nited S tates A rm y R eserve officers gra d e s in d ic a te d , u n d e r th e pro v isio n s o f n a m e d h e re in fo r pro m o tio n a s R e s e rv e L each „ to b e co lo n el, an d en d in g A lan P. title 1 0, U nited S tates C ode, sections 3442 Smith, to be first lieutenant, which nom ina- C ommissioned officers of the A rmy, under the and 3447: tio n s were receiv ed b y th e S en ate an d ap- pro v isio n s o f title 1 0, U n ited S tates 'C o d e, MEDICAL CORPS section 5 93(a) and 3384: peared in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD on July To be major general 9,1 973. To be major general Brig. G en. R obert Bernstein, xxx-xx-xxxx , A rm y n o m in a tio n s b e gin n in g E a rle L . Brig. G en. E dward Irving C reed, S S N xxx-... A rm y of the U nited S tates (colonel, M edical D enton, to be lieutenant colonel, and ending xxx-xx-x... C orps, U .S. A rmy) . John W. S agartz, to be captain, which nom i- Brig. G en . H erb ert M arsh all M artin , Jr„ Brig. G en. E dward H enry Vogel, Jr., xxx... nations were received by the S enate and 'ap- SSN xxx-xx-xxxx . xxx-xx-x... , M edical C orps, U.S. A rmy. peared in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD on July Brig. G en. R obert D arwin P artridge, S S N To be brigadier general 9,1 973. xxx-xx-xxxx A rm y n o m in atio n s b egin n in g D o n ald J. C ol. Kenneth R ay D irks, , A rmy To be brigadier general xxx-xx-xxxx .A cker, to be colonel, and ending Willard o f th e U n ite d S ta te s (lie u te n a n t c o lo n e l, Woodruff, Jr., to b e lie u te n a n t c o lo n e l. C ol. C hester L ee F inch, Jr., S S N xxx-xx-x... Medical C orps, U .S . A rmy). which nominations were received by the S en- xxx-... C ivil A ffairs. C ol. G eorge S awyer Woodard, Jr xxx-xx-x... ate and appeared in the CONGRESSIONAL REc:- C ol. James William H oerner, S S N xxx-xx-x... - , Medical C orps, U .S. A rmy. xxx-... ORD on July 9,1 973. xxx-... , Infantry. C ol. S pencer Beal R eid, xxx-xx-xxxx , M ed- C ol. Jack Jew, S S N xxx-xx-xxxx M edical ical C orps, U .S . A rmy. IN THE NAVY C orps. C ol. William A lbert Boyson, xxx-xx-xxxx , N a v y n o m in a tio n s b e gin n in g Ja m e s R . C ol. F ranklin L ane M cKean, S S N xxx-xx-x... Medical C orps, U .S . A rmy. L ash, to be lieutenant com m ander, and end- , F ield A rtillery. xxx-... MEDICAL SERVICE CORPS ing T im othy H . M eyer, to be ensign, which C al. William A llen N ewton, Jr., S S N xxx-... n o m in a tio n s we re re c e iv e d b y th e S e n a te To be brigadier general xxx-xx-x... , Medical C orps. and appeared in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD C ol. Ben L ewis R ushing, S S N xxx-xx-xxxx C ol. John E dward H aggerty, xxx-xx-xxxx , on July 9,1 973. F ield A rtillery. M edical S ervice C orps, U .S A rmy. N avy nom inations beginning T im othy K. T h e A rm y N atio n al G u ard o f th e U n ited 2. T he following- nam ed officers for ap- M urphy, to be ensign, and ending M ichael S tates officers nam ed herein for prom otion pointment in the R egular A rmy of the U nited B.
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