Wichita County for Explanation of Listing See Page A
Avenue E & 4th St. (78205). CApitol 5 -7411. TEXARKANA (214) Bowie county TWX 512.571 -0951. Licensee: Express Communi- TEXAS-UTAH KTAL -TV (Licensed to Texarkana, Tex.- Shreve - cations Inc. Own: See Harte -Hanks Nwspr Stns, port, La. See Shreveport, La.). also Nwspr. Net, slides, live, film, tape. Net: CBS -TV. Rep: Peters, Griffin, Woodward. TYLER (214) Smith county Paul F. Harron, chmn; William E. Hobbs, pres, Rate: $850. Color: Net, slides, live, film. KLTV ch 7. Oct. 15, 1954. 316 kw vis, 50 kw gen mgr & film buyer; Jay Harmon, prog dir; Wayne Kearl, pres & gen mgr; Bill Lydle, asst aur; ant 520t/495g. Mrs. Mary Norwood, prom mgr; Paul McShane, mgr; Kent Moore, opns B. R. news dir; T. dir; McMillan, chief Box 957. (75701). LYric 2 -3873. TWX 214- Herbert Wiley, chief engr. Wash engr. Wash atty: Arnold atty: Hogan & Porter. 592 -3898. Licensee: Ch Seven Inc. Own: Mrs. & Hartson. °KLRN ch 9. Sept. 10, 1962. 298 kw vis, Lucille Ross Buford, 49 %; Marshall H. Pengra, On 14 CATV's. Trans: 8. 58.9 kw aur; ant 1,110t/1,019g. 20 %; Robert P. Buford, Gerald Barber Buford, KFDX -TV ch 3. April 12, 1953. 100 kw vis, Box 7158. Austin (78712). 471 -1631. TWX Geoffrey Ross Buford, each 10% & others. See 20 kw aur; ant 1,000t/1,045g. 512-476-7229. Licensee: Southwest Tex. Educl TV Lucille Ross Buford Stns. Box 2040. (76307). 692 -4530. TWX 817 -692- Council. Net: ABC -TV, NBC -TV, CBS -TV. Rep: Avery- 4881. Licensee: Wichitex Radio & TV Co. Own: Net: NET.
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