United States History Chapter 2: 1605-1734 Section 4: 1620-1659 Colonization

By Dallin F. Hardy

 New England

 Founded on

 Religion  Church of England

 State Church

 Separatists

 Religious Oppression


 Pilgrims

 Pilgrims’ Progress  1620

 Pilgrims

 Left for

 America

 Desperate Crossing

 Arrival in America

 1620  Mayflower Compact

 1620

 Signed by

 Pilgrims

 Plymouth Rock

Plymouth Colony

 1620  First Winter

 1620-1621

 William Bradford

 1621-1657

 Governor of Plymouth  Squanto  First Thanksgiving

 1621

 Communal Experiment

 1621-1623

 “For this community was found to breed much confusion and discontent, and retard much employment that would have been to their benefit and comfort. For young men that were most able and fit for labor and service did repine that they should spend their time and strength to work for other men’s wives and children without any recompense…that was thought injustice.”  William Bradford  Competitive Experiment

 1623-1624

 “This had very good success, for it made all hands industrious, so as much more corn was planted than otherwise would have been.”

 William Bradford

English Rulers

 Charles I

 1625-1649

 1629-1649

 Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony

 Winthrop Fleet  1630  Massachusetts Bay Colony

 1630  A Religious Community  A Puritan Theocracy

 Great Migration

 1629-1642  New England Towns  Puritan Society


 Thomas Hooker

 Connecticut  1636

 Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

 1639

Rhode Island

 Roger Williams

 1636

 Rhode Island  1636  Anne Hutchinson

Indian Wars

 Pequot War

 1636-1638 Maryland

 Maryland  1634  Maryland Act of Toleration  1649  “[No person] professing to believe in Jesus Christ shall from henceforth be in any ways troubled, molested or discountenanced [turned away], for or in respect of his or her Religion, nor in the free Exercise thereof within this Province….”  Maryland Act of Toleration New Sweden

 New Sweden

 1638  Delaware

 1638

English History

 English Civil War

 1642-1646

 Execution of Charles I

 1649  Interregnum

 1649-1660 English Rulers

 Oliver Cromwell

 Ruled 1653-1658


 Mercantilism

 Navigation Acts

 1651  First Anglo-Dutch War

 1652-1654