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Copyrighted Material exploring, 197–198 Bimini, 178–179 Index fishing, 57–58 Eleuthera, 235, 240, 243, getting around, 190 254–255 See also Accommodations and layout of, 189–190 the Exumas, 267–268 Restaurant indexes, below. medical care, 190 Grand Bahama, 160–161 nightlife, 198 New Providence, 94–96 post office, 190 Paradise Island, 133 restaurants, 195 San Salvador, 284–285 General Index traveling to, 186, 188–189 Beauty Spot (Nassau), 114 A visitor information, 190 Benjamin's Blue Hole Animale (Port Lucaya), 168 (Andros), 196 Abaco Divers, 225 GENERAL INDEX Aquaventure (Paradise The Berry Islands, 25, 172, 181–184 Abaco National Park (Bahamas Island), 122 Betsy Bay (Mayaguana National Trust Sanctuary), 208 Arawak cave (Cat Island), 281 Island), 295 The Abacos, 26–27, 199–228. See Architecture, 20–22 Big Darby, 272 also specific cays and towns Ardastra Gardens, Zoo & Big Major Cay (Staniel Cay), 272 beaches and outdoor Conservation Center (Nassau), Biking, 59, 96, 161–162 activities 99–100 Bimini, 25, 172–198 Elbow Cay, 212–213 Arthur's Town (Cat Island), 278 accommodations, 176–178 Green Turtle Cay, 225–226 Atlantic Undersea Test and ATMs, 175 Marsh Harbour, 205, 208 Evaluation Center (AUTEC), beaches, 178–179 Treasure Cay, 219 196, 197 customs and immigration, 176 getting around, 200, 202 Atlantis, lost continent of, 180 drugs, 176 shopping, 208, 213, 215 Atlantis Casino (Paradise Island), emergencies, 176 traveling to, 200 122, 137 fishing, 57 Abacos Train Wreck (dive Atlantis Paradise Island, 135, 137 getting around, 174–175 site), 206 ATMs, 46 getting there, 174 Abraham's Bay (Mayaguana Aura (Paradise Island), 137 medical care, 176 Island), 295 myths of, 180 Accommodations. See also restaurants, 178 Accommodations Index B visitor information, 175 best, 9–12 Bacardi Billfish Tournament Bimini Bay Beach, 179 eco-friendly, 55 (Freeport), 38 Bimini Bay Rod & Gun Club, 181 tips on, 63–66 Bahama Dawn (Abacos), 208 Bimini Big Game Fishing Club All Ace Tennis Center (Lucaya), 165 Baha Mar Resorts, 79 Wahoo Tournament, 39 Acklins Island, 292–294 Bahamasair, 42 Bimini Museum, 180 Active vacations, 57–60 Bahamas Billfish Bimini Reef Club Beach, 179 Adderley's Plantation (Long Championship, 38 Bimini Road (Paradise Island), 292 Bahamas Divers, 99, 134 Island), 138 Adirondack (wreck), 206 Bahamas Family Island Regatta Bimini Sands Beach, 179 African-American travelers, 53 (the Exumas), 38 Bimini Straw Market, 180 Afternoon tea, 89 Bahamas National Trust, 23 Bimini Undersea, 179–180 Air Canada, 42 Bahamas National Trust Bird Rock Lighthouse (Crooked Airport security, 41 Sanctuary (Abaco National Island Passage Light), 292 Air travel, 41–43 Park), 208 Birds and bird-watching, 23 Albert Lowe Museum (New Bahamas Outdoors, 111 Andros, 173, 197 Plymouth), 227 Bahamas Out Island Adventures Nassau, 99–100 Albury's Sail Shop (Man-O-War (Eleuthera), 243–244 pink flamingos, 99–100, Cay), 215 Bahamas Summer Boating 296, 297 Alice Town (North Bimini), Fling/Flotilla, 38 Blackbeard's Tower (Nassau), 102 173, 180 Bahamas White Marlin Open Blue holes (Andros), 196 All Abaco Sailing Regatta, 39 (the Abacos), 38 Blue Rooster (Harbour All-inclusive resorts, 65 Bahamian iguana, 273 Island), 256 Alvernia, Mount (Cat Island), 282 Balcony House (Nassau), 102 Boat cruises. See also Boating American Airlines, 42 Bandolera (Port Lucaya), 168 and sailing; Fishing American Eagle, 43 COPYRIGHTEDBarbary Beach (Grand MATERIALthe Exumas, 269 American Express, 47, 299, 301 Bahama), 161 Grand Bahama, 162 American Express Travelers Barefoot Sailing Cruises New Providence, 96–97 Cheque Card, 48 (Nassau), 110 Boating and sailing (charters Andros Conservancy and Barefoot Sailing Cruises (New and rentals), 44–45, 58. See Trust, 195 Providence), 96 also Kayaking; Watersports Androsia Batik (Andros), 198 Beaches. See also specific the Abacos, 206, 213, 214, 216, Andros Island, 25, 173, 185–198 beaches 220, 226 accommodations, 191–195 the Abacos, 205, 208, 212–213, best, 8 ATMs, 190 219, 225–226 Eleuthera, 255 beaches and outdoor Andros, 195 the Exumas, 268–269 activities, 58, 195–197 best, 1– 4 regattas, 37–39 emergencies, 190 304 116_614372-bindex.indd6_614372-bindex.indd 304304 77/19/10/19/10 88:20:20 PMPM Boiling Hole (Eleuthera), 244 Clarence Town (Long Island), 291 Dive Exuma, 268, 269 Bond's Cay, 182 Climate, 35–36 Dixon Hill Lighthouse (San Books, recommended, 28–29 The Cloister (Paradise Island), Salvador), 282, 286 GENERAL INDEX Born Free Charters (New sightseeing, 135–136 Dolphin Experience, Port Lucaya, Providence), 97 Club Amnesia (Grand 162–163 Brass & Leather Shops Bahama), 170 Dolphins, swimming with, Grand (Nassau), 112 Club Fluid (Nassau), 115 Bahama, 162–163 Brendal's Dive Center (Green Club Med Columbus Isle (San Donnie's Boat Rentals (Green Turtle Cay), 225, 226 Salvador), 282 Turtle Cay), 226 British Airways, 42 Club Peace & Plenty (George Doongalik Studios (Paradise British Colonial Hilton Town), 272 Island), 136–137 (Nassau), 109 Cockburn Town (San Drinking laws, 299 Buccaneer Public Beaches Salvador), 285 Drug laws, 299 (Eleuthera), 240 Coco Bay (Green Turtle Cay), 225 Dry Heads (Cat Island), 282 Bullock's Harbour (Great Cole's of Nassau, 113 Dundas Centre for the Harbour Cay), 182 Colombian Emeralds, 113, 136, 168 Performing Arts (Nassau), 115 Business hours, 303 Columbus, Christopher, 16–17, Dune Bar (Paradise Island), 138 Bus route no. 10 (Nassau), 100 282 Dunmore's Caves (Long monuments (San Salvador), Island), 291 286–287 Dunmore's Plantation C Conception Island, 287 (Deadman's Cay), 291 Cabbage Beach (West Beach; Conch, 32 Dunmore Town (Harbour Paradise Island), 1, 26, 133 Congo Town (Andros), 189 Island), 255 Cable Beach Golf Club, 98 Continental Airlines, 42 Cable Beach (New Providence Coral reefs, 22–23 Island), 1, 24. See also Cotton Bay Villas, 234 E Nassau/Cable Beach Count Basie Square (Port East Beach (San Salvador), accommodations, 79 Lucaya), 169–170 284, 286 beaches, 94–95 Crafts, 22 Eating and drinking, 31–34 restaurants, 90–94 Credit cards, 47 Ebb Tide Gift Shop (Elbow Calendar of events, 37–39 Crime, 50–51 Cay), 213 Camp Lucaya, 153 Crooked Island, 292–296 Ecotourism, 54–56 Capt. Z Fishing and Dive Crooked Island Passage Light Ecotourism Association of Grand Charters (Eleuthera), 243 (Bird Rock Lighthouse), 292 Bahama, 23 Cargill Creek (Andros), 196 Crossing Rocks (the Educulture Museum (Nassau), 82 Car rentals, 43–44 Abacos), 208 Eight Mile Rock (Grand Casinos, 115, 122 Cruise ships and lines, 68, 70 Bahama), 171 Castle Island, 294 Crystal Court Shops (Paradise Elbow Cay (Hope Town), Casuarina Point (the Abacos), Island), 136 208–214 205, 207–208 Currency, 46 Electricity, 299 Cat Cay, 174 Current Cut Dive (Harbour Eleuthera, 27–28, 229–257. Cat Cay Yacht Club, 174 Island), 254 See also Harbour Island Cat Island Dive Center, 282 The Current (Eleuthera), accommodations Cat Island Regatta, 39, 279 244–245 The Current, 245 Cat Island (Southern Bahamas), Customs regulations, 40–41 Governor's Harbour, 238 4, 278–282 Gregory Town, 241 The Cave (Eleuthera), 243 Hatchet Bay, 240–241 Caves Beach (New D Palmetto Point, 235–236 Providence), 95 Darby Islands, 272 Rock Sound, 233 Cellphones, 60–61 Da Tambrin Tree (Nassau), 115 Spanish Wells, 257 Central Andros National Park, 195 Deadman's Cay Cave (Long beaches and outdoor Central Bank of The Bahamas Island), 291 activities, 235, 240, 243, (Nassau), 102–103 Deadman's Cay (Long 254–255 Charlie's on the Beach/Cocktails & Island), 291 getting around, 232 Dreams (Nassau), 115–116 Debit cards, 47 nightlife, Governor's Chat 'n' Chill (George Town), 268 Delaporte Beach (New Harbour, 240 Cherokee Sound, 207 Providence), 95 restaurants Chicago Herald Monument (San Delta, 42 Governor's Harbour, 239 Salvador), 286 Dentists, 49 Gregory Town, 242 Chickcharnies, 188 Deveaux Mansion (Cat Island), Palmetto Point, 236–237 Chip and PIN credit and debit 281–282 Rock Sound, 233–234 cards, 47 Disabilities, travelers with, 52 Spanish Wells, 257 Christ Church Cathedral Discover Atlantis (Paradise traveling to, 230 (Nassau), 109 Island), 122 Eleuthera Pineapple Festival, 38 Chub Cay, 57, 184–185 Discovery Cruise Line, 142 Elizabeth Harbour (George Chub Cay Resort & Marina, 185 Discovery Day, 39 Town), 270 Cigars, Nassau, 112 Dive Abaco (the Abacos), 206 305 116_614372-bindex.indd6_614372-bindex.indd 305305 77/19/10/19/10 88:20:20 PMPM Elizabeth Harbour (the Fort Montagu (Nassau), 103 layout of, 142–143 Exumas), 258 Fortune Hills Golf & Country newspapers and magazines, Elvina's (Gregory Town), 244 Club (Lucaya), 163 144–145 Emancipation Day, 39 Fortune Island, 296 nightlife, 169–170 Embassies and consulates, 299 Fountain of Youth, 180 pharmacies, 145 Emergencies, 299 Frascate, SS (wreck), 285 police, 145 End of the World Bar (Bimini), 181 Frazer's Hog Cay, 182 post office, 145 Entry requirements, 40 Freeport/Lucaya. See Grand restaurants, 154–160 Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park, Bahama Island shopping, 167–169 23, 28, 260, 268, 273 French Leave Beach sights and attractions, Exuma Docking Services (Eleuthera), 240 166–167 GENERAL INDEX (George Town), 268 Froggies Out Island Adventures taxes, 145 Exuma National Land and Sea (Elbow Cay), 213 visitor information, 142 Park, 268 Fruits, tropical, 33 weather, 145 The Exumas, 28, 258–275 Grand Bahama Nature Tours, 164 accommodations Grand Bahama Nature Tours George Town, 263–266 G (Kayak Nature Tours), 161 Sampson Cay, 274–275 Garbanzo Beach (Elbow Cay), 212 Grand Bahamas Health Services Staniel Cay, 272 Garden of the Groves (Grand (Freeport), 49 beaches, 267–268 Bahama), 166 Graycliff Cigar Company getting around, 261 Gasoline, 300 (Nassau), 112 restaurants, 270 Gays and lesbians, 51 Graycliff (Nassau), 108–109 George Town, 266–267 Geography, 22–23 Gray's Plantation (Long traveling to, 260–261 George Town (the Exumas), Island), 292 Exuma Straw Market, 270 258, 262–272 Great Bahamas Seafood and accommodations, 263 Heritage Festival (Arawak beaches and outdoor Cay), 39 F activities, 267–270 Great Exuma Island, 28, 258–271.
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