ZEYNEP KAMİL TIP BÜLTENİ 2015;46:4;98-101 CİLT: 46 YIL: 2015 SAYI: 4 ZKTB ORIGINAL RESEARCH Clinicopathological Evaluations of Cervical Polyps Serviks Poliplerinin Klinikopatolojik Değerlendirmesi Mehmet Baki ŞENTÜRK 1 , Mehmet Şükrü BUDAK 2, Ömer Birol DURUKAN 3 Yusuf ÇAKMAK 4, Ayhan YILDIRIM 5, Mesut POLAT 3 1. Bakırköy Dr Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital, Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic, Istanbul, Turkiye 2. Diyarbakır Maternity Hospital, Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic, Turkiye 3. Zeynep Kamil Maternity and Child Disease Training Hospital, Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic, Turkiye 4. Batman State Hospital, Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic, Turkiye 5. Diyarbakır Women and Children Hospital, Pathology Unit, Turkiye

ABSTRACT ÖZET Objective: Management of uterine cervical polyps Amaç: Klinik pratikte servikal poliplerin nasıl yö- is a common debate in clinical practice. Ethical netileceği yaygın bir tartışma konusudur. Rando- concerns complicate decision making as well as mize kontrollü prospektif çalışmalar etik olarak designing randomized or prospective studies. Thus, doğru bulunmadığından bu konudaki çalışmalar clinical evidence can be gathered from retrospecti- retrospektif olmaktadır. Malin transformasyon po- ve studies. Possibility of malignant transformation tansiyeli pre ve postmenapozal hastalarda endişe is also a concern in assessment and management oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, servikal polip gö- of pre- and post-menopausal patients. In this study rülen hastalarda, semptom ve menopoz durumuna we aimed to identify if a difference exist in between göre polipektomi piyeslerinin patoloji sonuçlarının these groups, and discuss our results with the previ- karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. ously reported. Gereç ve Yöntem: Servikal polip tanısı konulan Material and Method: We evaluated results of 245 245 hasta retrospektif olarak incelendi. Total ola- patients retrospectively. Totally 270 polyps were de- rak 270 polip incelendi. Patoloji sonuçları menopoz tected. Pathological results of polyps were compa- durumu ve semptomlara göre Fisher’s Exact Test ve red according to menopausal status and symptoms. Fisher-Freeman-Halton Test ile karşılaştırıldı. İsta- Fisher’s Exact Test and Fisher-Freeman-Halton tistiksel anlamlılık p<0.05 ve p<0.01 olarak kabul Test were used in statistical analysis. Statistical sig- edildi. nificance is considered where p<0.05 and p<0.01. Bulgular: Olgularda invazif hastalık görülmedi. Results: There was no invasive disease. Cervical Sadece postmenapozal bir hastada servikal int- intraepithelial neoplasia type 1 was seen in one raepitelyal neoplazi (CIN 1) görüldü. Poliplerin postmenopausal patient. Polyps were asymptomatic %39,6’sı (n=97) asemptomatik hastalarda, %53,9’u in 39.6% (n=97) of the cases and coincide with ab- (n=132) anormal uterin kanaması olan hastalarda normal uterine bleeding (AUB) in 53.9% (n=132), ve % 6,5’i (n=16) missed abortus ile başvuran has- and missed abortus in 6.5% (n=16). Patients with talarda görüldü. Anormal uterin kanaması olan ol- polyps significantly tend to have complaint of ab- gularda servikal polip belirgin olarak fazla idi. normal uterine bleeding compared to other symp- toms. Sonuç: Rutin servikal polipektomi gereksizdir. Kolposkopi kullanımı ve sitoloji klinik ve menopo- Conclusion: Routine cervical polypectomy is not zal durumun değerlendirilmesiyle beraber polipek- necessary. Cytology and utilization of colposcopy tomiden önce dikkate alınmalıdır. should be considered prior to polypectomy, as well as assessment of clinical and menopausal status. Anahtar Kelimeler: Uterin serviks; Menopoz; Po- lip Keywords: ; Uterine ;

Contact: Corresponding Author: Mehmet Baki ŞENTÜRK Address: Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital Obst. and Gynecology Clinic, Bakırköy, İstanbul, Türkiye E-mail: [email protected] Submitted: 15.11.2014 Accepted: 09.06.2015 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16948/zktb.68746 - 98 - ZEYNEP KAMİL TIP BÜLTENİ 2015;46:4;98-101 CİLT: 46 YIL: 2015 SAYI: 4

INTRODUCTION Table 1. Pathological results of polyp.

Pathology Pre- Post- Total Uterine cervical polyps (UCP) are seen menopausal menopausal about 2-5% of all women. They are more frequ- ent over 20 years of age, in parous women, and Polyp (96.0%) (95.8%) 235 (96.0%) mostly (60-70%) asymptomatic (1-6). It is rea- sonable to remove UCP, because the procedure Leiomyoma 3 (1.7%) 3 (1.2%) is simple and they very rarely disappear. Ad- ditionally it is unknown whether a malignant Endocervical transformation would occur (3). Some resear- cyst 1(0.6%) 1 (0.4%) chers also think that regardless of menopausal Ulcerated status or symptoms, UCP’s should be removed granulation 1(0.6%) 1 (1.4%) 2 (0.8%) and pathological examination is necessary (7). tissue We conducted this retrospective research in or- Pyogenic 1(0.6%) 1 (1.4%) 2 (0.8%) der to assess clinical presentation of patients, granuloma UCP types, and whether pathology results dif- Trichoepithe- fer between pre- and post-menopausal patients. lioma 1(0.6%) 1 (0.4%)

MATERIAL AND METHOD CIN 1 1 (1.4%) 1 (0.4%)

Between 2010 and 2014, in Diyarbakır Total 100% 100% 100% Maternity Hospital, 245 patients with UCP being either asymptomatic or coinciding with Table 2. Comparison of pathological results according to menopausal various symptoms were evaluated. More than status. one year of cessation of periods were defined as Menopaus (-) Menopaus (n=173) (+) (n=72) menopause. Age, menopausal status, presenting p symptoms, number and size of UCP(s), and pat- hological examination results were evaluated. n (%) n (%) Mean and standard deviations (SD) were given. CIN 1 0 (%0) 1 (%1.4) 0.294 In statistical analysis, Fisher’s Exact Test was used to compare pathologic results between pa- Endocervical 1 (%0.6) 0 (%0) 1.000 tients with pre- and post-menopause, and Fis- cyst her-Freeman-Halton Test was used to compare pathologic results between different indications Myoma 3 (%1.7) 0 (%0) 0.558 of polypectomy. Local ethics committee appro- Pyogenic 1 (%0.6) 1 (%1.4) 1.000 val was not considered because of the retrospe- granuloma ctive design. Polyp 166 (%96) 69 (%95.8) 1.000 RESULTS

Evaluated patients were between 23 and Trichoepithelioma 1 (%0.6) 0 (%0) 1.000 86 years of age with a mean ± SD of 46.29 ± Ulcerated 1 (%0.6) 1 (%1.4) 0.502 9.88. There were single UCP in 89.8% (n=220), granulation tissue and two UCPs in 10.2% (n=25) of the cases. Fisher’s Exact Test. CIN 1: Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia The size of the total 270 UCPs detected in 245 cases ranged from 0.1-7cm with a mean ± SD Patients with UCP significantly tend to of 1.14 ± 0.87. UCPs were asymptomatic in have complaint of abnormal uterine bleeding 39.6% (n=97), coincide with abnormal uterine compared to other clinical presentation or bleeding (AUB) in 53.9% (n=132), and missed complaints (p<0.01, Table 3). abortus in 6.5% (n=16) of the cases. Pre- and post-menopausal patients were classified accor- DISCUSSION ding to pathological examination results (Table 1). Results were mostly benign UCPs with no To summarize our results, no malignancy case of malignancy. Sole cervical intraepitheli- was reported in the examined 245 cases. Only al neoplasia type 1 (CIN-1) diagnosis was made critical lesion was a CIN-1 in a post-menopausal in a post-menopausal patient. The frequency of patient. According to menopausal status, no dif- pathology reports defining UCP types in two ferences in frequency of pathological diagnoses patient groups were the same. In other words, were encountered between pre- and post-me- a statistical significance regarding pathology nopausal patients. Regarding the clinical pre- results was not present between pre- and post- sentation of patients with UCP, abnormal ute- menopausal patients (Table 2). rine bleeding is significantly the most frequent.

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Table 3. Comparison of pathological results according to clinical presen- tation. and reactive atypical UCP in 34 (0.8%) patients were defined. B cell lymphoma diagnosis was CLINICAL PRESENTATION established via polypectomy of a patient with NO AUB MISSED atypical reactive UCP. Authors also further (n=97) (n=132) (n=16) p analyzed the dysplastic or atypical UCP for patient age, race, gravidity, parity, body mass n (%) n (%) n (%) index, menopausal status, smear results prior to polypectomy, and UCP size, and concluded that dysplastic UCP have lower mean age and CIN 1 1 (%1) 0 (%0) 0 (%0) 0.461 are related to abnormalities in the latest smear results prior to polypectomy (9). In a retrospe- Endocervi- 1 (%1) 0 (%0) 0 (%0) 0.461 ctive report of 1366 patients, routine polype- cal cyst ctomy was suggested to be unnecessary since no malignant transformations were observed. Myoma 2 (%2,1) 0 (%0) 1 (%6,3) 0.042* CIN-2 was detected in one patient with UCP and abnormal uterine bleeding, and colposcopy Pyogenic 2 (%2.1) 0 (%0) 0 (%0) 0.282 findings suggesting HPV were detected in one granuloma patient undergone polypectomy (3). 88 132 15 Polyp (%90.7) (%100) (%93.8) 0.001** In another study evaluating UCP size and clinical features in 381 cases, only %0.7 (n=3) Trichoepit- 1 (%1) 0 (%0) 0 (%0) 0.461 of the patients had malignant UCP (10). In our helioma study, although there were small number of pa- tients, CIN-1 could only be detect in %1.4 (n=1) Ulcerated granulation 2 (%2.1) 0 (%0) 0 (%0) 0.282 of the cases and is consistent with the previous tissue reports.

Fisher-Freeman-Halton Test, *p<0.05 **p<0.01 CIN 1 : Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia In a study it is advocated that post-meno- AUB : Abnormal uterine bleeding pausal period is relatively safe and dysplastic UCPs tend to be more common between the ages of 30 and 50, and risk of malignancy inc- As it is unethical to randomize a group of reases in UCPs detected in pre-menopausal pe- patients whether to be performed a polypec- riod; however, this could not be supported with tomy, it is hard to design a randomized pros- by a statistical significance (11). Additionally pective study. So, retrospective analyses main- in another study, only two (0.2%) out of 1126 ly guide for the necessity of polypectomy and investigated UCP have high grade CIN lesions, define risk factors for malignant transformation one of which belongs to a pre-menopausal pa- in patients with UCPs. Detecting malignancy tient with AUB, and the other belongs to pa- in UCP is a rare event. Fauth et al. analyzed tient with post-menopausal bleeding (12). In 4340 cervical and 62 vaginal UCPs, and re- this current study, menopausal status was not ported benign and malign UCP percentages as shown to alter frequency of pathologic diag- 95% and 1.4%, respectively. They also reported noses, and the only pre-malignant lesion was the frequencies of premalignant lesions of the in the post-menopausal group. In the present cervix (1.1%), simple study, patients with UCP admitted significantly (0.1%), endometiroid adenocarcinoma (n=4), with abnormal uterine bleeding (p<0.01). This unclassified adenocarcinoma (n=2), squamous finding may support the presence of possible re- carcinoma (n=1), adenosquamous carcinoma lationship with hormonal status. (n=1), adenocarcinoma in situ (n=1), and inva- sive carcinoma with CIN-2/3 (0.2%). In a study from Turkey, 91 cases with UCP were classified into two groups according to me- Authors concluded that malignant UCP nopausal status. Endometrial biopsy was only were more frequent in patients over 60 (8). In a performed for those having abnormal uterine study from Mayo Clinic, 4328 polyps were eva- bleeding after polypectomy and/or for patients luated in 3656 patients. Variants of benign UCP with irregular/thick . For pre-me- (squamous metaplasia, microglandular hyperp- nopausal group, findings were proliferative en- lasia, inflammatory UCP, erosive UCP, reactive dometrium in 65%, secretory endometrium in follicular UCP, leiomyoma, Arias-Stella reacti- 9% of the cases. Simple hyperplasia without on, adenomyoma, prolapsed , atypia in two cases, and complex hyperplasia and submucosal ) in 628 (14.5%) without atypia in one case were reported in both patients, dysplastic UCP in 9 (0.2%) patients, pre- and post-menopausal groups (13). - 100 - ZEYNEP KAMİL TIP BÜLTENİ 2015;46:4;98-101 CİLT: 46 YIL: 2015 SAYI: 4

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