Differential Studies of Ovarian Endometriosis Cells from Endometrium Or Oviduct
European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2016; 20: 2769-2772 Differential studies of ovarian endometriosis cells from endometrium or oviduct W. LIU1,2, H.-Y. WANG3 1Reproductive Center, the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, Hefei, Anhui, China 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Medical University of Anhui, Hefei, Anhui, China 3Department of Gynecologic Oncology, Anhui Provincial Cancer Hospital, the West Branch of Anhui Provincial Hospital, Hefei, Anhui, China Abstract. – OBJECTIVE: To study the promi- In most cases, EMT affects ovary and peritone- nent differences between endometriosis (EMT) um, and as a result a plump shape cyst forms in cells derived from ovary, oviduct and endometri- the ovary. The cyst is called ovarian endometrio- um, and to provided new ideas about the patho- sis cyst (aka ovarian chocolate cyst) which usually genesis of endometriosis. PATIENTS AND METHODS: contains old blood and is covered by endometrioid From June 2010 1 to June 2015, 210 patients diagnosed with en- epithelium. In 1860, Karl von Rokitansky studied dometriosis were enrolled in our study. Patients the disease and observed retrograde menstruation were treated by laparoscopy or conventional in nearly 90% of child-bearing women, and later surgeries in our hospital. Ovarian chocolate proposed “retrograde menstruation implantation cyst and paired normal ovarian tissues, fimbri- theory”. However, this theory explained endo- ated extremity of fallopian and uterine cavity en- metriosis in the abdominopelvic cavity does not domembrane tissues were collected, prepared 2 and observed by microscope. PCR was used for explain endometriosis outside of enterocelia . Lat- 3 4 amplification of target genes (FMO3 and HOXA9) er on, Iwanoff and Meyer proposed “coelomic and Western blot was used to evaluate FMO3 metaplasia theory” which stipulated that endome- and HOXA9 expression levels.
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