Cheshire East Local Plan

Site Selection Final Report: Alderley Park

July 2016 Contents

1 Introduction 1 2 Sustainability Appraisal 2 3 Neighbourhood Plan 2 4 Sites Assessed and Recommendation 2 Site PSS1200 2 5 Overall Conclusion (Stage 9) 6

Appendices Appendix 1: Site Map 7 Appendix 2: Traffic Light Form 9 Appendix 3: Vision and Strategic Priorities Form 16 Appendix 4: Summary of Infrastructure Providers and Statutory Consultee Comments 20 East Local Plan Strategy: Final Site Selection Report Alderley Park

1. Introduction

1.1 The ‘Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy: Site Selection Report – Alderley Park was published as background evidence to the Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy Proposed Changes Version (LPS) consultation, which took place from 4 March to 19 April 2016. The Report documented the implementation of the Site Selection Methodology (SSM) for Alderley Park.

1.2 This Report considers:

(i) any additional information that has been submitted, in relation to the site and whether such information means that the conclusion and recommendation, using the SSM should change, in relation to the site; (ii) the responses, relating to the site, submitted to the public consultation in March/April 2016. 1.3 This Report supersedes the March 2016 Report; it makes it clear where circumstances have changed in relation to the site and makes recommendations accordingly, some of which may be different to those made in the March 2016 Report.

1.4 This Report should be read alongside the SSM report (and its associated evidential documents, including the Urban Potential Assessment (UPA) [PS E039b], and Edge of Settlement Assessment (ESA) [PS E039b]), the Sustainability Appraisal (SA)/Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA), and the Cheshire East Council Proposed Changes to the Local Plan Strategy (Consultation Draft) February 2016.

1.5 This Report represents Stage 9 of the SSM, as it takes into account the responses received to the public consultation element of Stage 8 of the SSM. Accordingly, where consultation responses have been received in relation to the site a consultation proforma has been completed; the reference number to which can be found in the ‘Consultation Reponses’ section of the ‘Site Selection Findings’ summary box and the ‘Analysis and Conclusions’ section has been amended accordingly.

1.6 The Alderley Park site is an existing employment site located to the south east of , part occupied by the global pharmaceutical company Astra . When Astra Zeneca announced plans to scale down its facility at Alderley Park there was a need to reconsider the future of this strategic employment site.

1 2. Sustainability Appraisal

2.1 The Alderley Park Opportunity Site has been subject to a Sustainability Appraisal; the results of which can be found in the Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy: Sustainability (Integrated) Appraisal Addendum, and the detailed matrices contained in the SA of Alderley Park Site Options. Information on accessibility can be found in the Accessibility Assessments.

3. Neighbourhood Plan

3.1 At the time of writing, Nether Alderley and Over Alderley Parish Council’s have not indicated that they would like to produce Neighbourhood Plans.

4. Site Assessed and Recommendation

Site PSS1200: Alderley Park Opportunity Site (CS 29)


4.1 This site is included in the Local Plan Strategy (LPS) as a life science park and there is an opportunity to provide 200 to 300 dwellings. The Site Selection findings are summarised below in Table Alderley Park 1 (Stage 5 – Site Characteristics).

Site Selection Summary of Key Points: Site PSS1200: Alderley Park Findings Opportunity Site

‘Traffic Light’ criteria

 The site is being actively promoted in the LPS.  An Alderley Park Development Framework (APDF) for Availability the site has been produced.  Part of the site has outline planning permission (15/5401M) for a mixed use development, including up to 275 dwellings.

 Draft Core Strategy and CIL Viability Assessment says the site is in a part of the Borough considered to be Achievable – Market broadly viable for residential development, however attractiveness/economic most categories of commercial development are not viability viable in current market circumstances, except food supermarket retail and general retail. The Matters Statement [M14.13.001] addresses viability and

2 Site Selection Summary of Key Points: Site PSS1200: Alderley Park Findings Opportunity Site

mentions a commitment of £20m by Central Government to co-invest in a Life Science Investment Fund.  The Government is providing £4 million to establish an Anti-Microbial Resistance Centre of Excellence in Research and Development at Alderley Park, subject to a business case.

 A mixture of mainly green and amber traffic lights. Those assessed as amber are considered to be matters that can be dealt with using appropriate mitigation measures. These are: o Landscape impact o Impact on strategic road network o Heritage assets o Ecology o Tree Preservation Orders Suitable  There are two red traffic lights, which are: o Impact on the character of the settlement and urban form, as the site is located in open countryside. However, there is already development on site, and there is potential to provide a high quality development in line with the APDF.1 o Accessibility - potential opportunities to mitigate this through the provision of services and facilities on site.

 Meets 3 out of 5 of the ‘Promoting Economic prosperity’ criteria; the site will provide employment, and is located close to Manchester Airport. ‘Vision and Strategic Priorities’ criteria  Meets 2 out of 4 of the ‘Creating Sustainable Communities’ criteria; the site is not located in nor adjoins a Principal Town or Key Service Centre. However, the APDF suggests a crèche/nursery, or medical clinic to serve the needs of the site could be appropriate.

1 corridor.aspx

3 Site Selection Summary of Key Points: Site PSS1200: Alderley Park Findings Opportunity Site

 Meets 6 out of 9 of the ‘Protecting and Enhancing Environmental Quality’ criteria; however, 2 of the criteria are not applicable (maintaining/enhancing the separate identity of the settlement, and Green Belt boundary). There is potential for new green links through the site and the preservation and enhancement of heritage and landscape assets.

 Meets 2 out of 4 of the travel and transport criteria; development having significant transport implications should be accompanied by a Transport Assessment and Travel Plan. Although there are issues with accessibility, there is potential for mitigation with the provision of services and facilities on site.

 CEC Education - Contributions – equates to 2 primary education classrooms, and 1.5 secondary education classroom. Infrastructure  Sport England - A proposal needs to be put forward Providers/Statutory and agreed with Sport England that replaces the Consultees playing fields to an equivalent or better quantity and Consultation quality in a suitable location. Responses2 (Stage 7)  CEC Flood Risk Management - Main River watercourses within site boundaries. A number of important ordinary watercourses and /or culverts within boundary. Localised surface water risks within boundary.

 The site did not form part of a Town Strategy consultation. Consultation  Consultation responses received to the LPS proposed Responses changes are addressed separately in the consultation report responses proforma 130 (CS 29 Alderley Park Opportunity Site).

Table Alderley Park 1: Site Selection Findings: Site PSS1200: Alderley Park Opportunity Site

2 Further detail can be found in the summary Table Alderley Park 2 in Appendix 4 to this Report.

4 Site PSS1200: Alderley Park Analysis and Conclusions

4.2 The ‘Traffic Light’ assessment of the site shows that it performs fairly well in relation to most of the criteria; the site is considered to be available, achievable, and viable.

4.3 The ‘Vision and Strategic Priorities’ assessment of this site shows that it performs fairly well in terms of delivering the vision and priorities of the LPS. In particular, it would continue to provide employment land, and is close to Manchester Airport.

4.4 The Alderley Park Opportunity Site is an existing, developed, site identified as a ‘Major Developed Site in the Green Belt’ in the Borough Local Plan; it is not proposed to remove this site from the Green Belt.

4.5 According to the Alderley Park Development Framework3 (APDF) any new buildings outside of the areas of previously developed land (PDL) will be considered inappropriate, unless it falls within one of the limited cases where development on greenfield sites may be considered appropriate4.

4.6 The APDF goes on to say that even within the boundaries of the PDL, there are areas that, because of their open nature, could not accommodate substantial new buildings, without harm to the openness or purposes of the Green Belt. Consequently, planning policy stipulates that new buildings in such areas must be considered ‘inappropriate’, only to be approved if “very special circumstances” are demonstrated sufficient to clearly outweigh the harm caused by the development.

4.7 The HRA does not identify any issues of relevance to this site.

4.8 The SA Accessibility Assessment shows that the site fails to meet the minimum standard for a number of the services and facilities in the Assessment. There are however, potential opportunities to mitigate this through the provision of services and facilities on site.

4.9 Overall, this site performs fairly well in the Site Selection Methodology (SSM); it is not a sustainably located site, but this could be mitigated. It is also available, deliverable, and achievable. It could deliver a development of a life science park and 200 to 300 dwellings, which would continue its established role as an important strategic employment site in the Borough.

4.10 Stage 7 of the SSM involved input from infrastructure providers and statutory consultees. Taking the above into account and balancing the range of factors

3 corridor.aspx 4 The National Planning Policy Framework would allow buildings on the greenfield part of this site for agriculture and forestry, or to provide facilities for outdoor sport, outdoor recreation and cemeteries, where they preserve the openness of the Green Belt and do not conflict with the purposes of the Green Belt.

5 considered in the SSM, summarised above, it was considered that this site should be shortlisted for further consultation with infrastructure providers and statutory consultees, in relation to its potential allocation in the LPS. The consultation responses are summarised above, with a list also provided at the end of this report. In relation to those responses received contributions would be required for primary and secondary school classrooms, and that any playing fields lost would need to be replaced, in agreement with Sport England.

4.11 Stage 8 of the SSM recommended that this site remains as an allocated site within the LPS.

4.12 As a further element of Stage 8 of the SSM, it is not considered that the representations received during the consultation have raised any fundamental issues that need to be addressed. The overall findings of the SSM in relation to this site therefore remain unchanged.

Stage 9: Recommendation re Site PSS1200: Alderley Park Opportunity Site Taking into account and balancing the range of factors considered in the SSM and summarised above, it is recommended that this site remains as an allocated site within the LPS.

5. Overall Conclusion (Stage 9)

5.1 In conclusion, the Alderley Park Opportunity Site (PSS1200) is recommended to remain as an allocated site in the Local Plan Strategy.

6 Appendix 1: Site Map

7 Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy Final Site Selection Report: Sites Considered Alderley Park July 2016


0 0.2 0.4 This map should viewed alongside the Site Selection Report km to which the site reference numbers relate. ¯ It shows the sites that have been considered for inclusion in © Crown copyright and database rights 2016. Ordnance Survey 100049045 the Local Plan Strategy. It does not indicate that areas of land 8 will be identified for development. Appendix 2: Traffic Light Form

9 Site Address and Ref No Alderley Park Opportunity Site Life science park and 200 to PSS1200 (CS 29) 300 dwellings GREEN BELT SITE

Overall Criteria Sub criteria Traffic Light Commentary Choice 1. Is the site G This site is being actively promoted Available? and considered available. Part of the site has planning permission (15/5401M). 2. Is the site 2.1 Market G The site is in an attractive location Achievable? attractiveness- and the Cheshire East Council Draft economic viability Core Strategy and CIL Viability Assessment says that the site is located in a part of the Borough that is considered to be broadly viable for residential development based on strategic level testing[BE 042] (¶1.11, p4).

The Draft Core Strategy and CIL Viability Assessment illustrated that most categories of commercial development are not viable in current market circumstance in either high or low value zones in Cheshire East, which is evident by the lack of activity in these sectors (¶1.15, p5). The exceptions were food supermarket retail and general retail (¶1.16, p5). The Assessment goes on to say that it is reasonable to assume that the viability of commercial development will improve over the Plan period (¶1.22, p6). However, Matter Statement [14.13.001] addresses viability and mentions a commitment of £20m by Central Government to co-invest in a Life Science Investment Fund to encourage new start-ups and spinouts resulting from Astra Zeneca’s departure (¶1.24, p6).

The Chancellor’s Spending Review and Autumn Statement 2015 states that to back science-based and innovative companies in the North the Government is providing an initial investment of £4 million to establish an Anti-Microbial Resistance Centre of Excellence in Research and Development at Alderley Park, subject to a business

10 Site Address and Ref No Alderley Park Opportunity Site Life science park and 200 to PSS1200 (CS 29) 300 dwellings GREEN BELT SITE

Overall Criteria Sub criteria Traffic Light Commentary Choice case (¶1.255, p62).1 A full planning application (15/5401M,) has been approved (13/06/16) for the demolition of a number of specified buildings; and outline planning permission with all matters reserved (approved 13/06/16) for a mixed-use development comprising the following: Up to 38,000 sq. m of laboratory, offices and light manufacturing floorspace (B1); Up to 1,500 sq. m of retail, café, restaurant, public house and/or crèche floorspace (A1, A3, A4 and D1); Up to 275 dwellings, where up to 60 units could be for retirement/care (C2 and C3); Up to a 100 bed hotel (C1); Sport and recreational facilities including an indoor sports centre of up to a 2,000 sq. m (D2); Up to 14,000 sq. m of multi-storey car parking providing up to 534 spaces (sui generis); A waste transfer station of up to 900 sq. m of (sui generis); Public realm and landscaping; Other associated infrastructure.

Supporting information submitted by the site promoter says that the Council has appointed Cushman and Wakefield as independent advisors to assess the viability of the proposed scheme. The residential element will help to fill the funding gap along with additional sources e.g. Government grants. The Supporting Planning Statement submitted with the planning application (15/5401M) suggests that development of the site is viable.

A full planning application (15/4472M) has been approved


11 Site Address and Ref No Alderley Park Opportunity Site Life science park and 200 to PSS1200 (CS 29) 300 dwellings GREEN BELT SITE

Overall Criteria Sub criteria Traffic Light Commentary Choice (16/12/15) for the CTL Building (Block 15) for the refurbishment and partial redevelopment of Block 15 with laboratory, office and manufacturing (assembly) spaces for research and development and associated uses (B1). 2.2 Is the site G Detailed studies prepared to support achievable? the planning application 15/5401M include: Site Wide Flood Risk Assessment, Heritage Statement, Archaeological Desk Based Assessment, Residential Travel Plan, Phase I Geo-environmental Assessment, Phase II Environmental Assessment, Ecological Assessment, Sustainability Statement, Landscape and visual impact assessment, Sports Needs Assessment, Design and Access Statement.

Detailed studies prepared to support the planning application 15/4472M include: Ecological Assessment, Transport Statement, Design and Access Statement, Tree Quality Survey, Arboricultural Implications Assessment & Method Statement, Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, Flood Risk Assessment & Drainage Statement, and a Phase I geo-Environmental Site Assessment.

The supporting information submitted by the site promoters says that Alderley Park Ltd is the sole landowner, however AstraZeneca have leasehold interest in a number of buildings on site; they are gradually releasing these assets back to Alderley Park Ltd.

Bruntwood (commercial developers) have a controlling share in Alderley Park Ltd along with Manchester Science Partnerships. Informal discussions have occurred with house builders and their agents. It is

12 Site Address and Ref No Alderley Park Opportunity Site Life science park and 200 to PSS1200 (CS 29) 300 dwellings GREEN BELT SITE

Overall Criteria Sub criteria Traffic Light Commentary Choice likely that the development as a whole will be phased. The Supporting Planning Statement submitted with the planning application (15/5401M) suggests that housing will be delivered on the site within five years.

The Alderley Park Development Framework2 contains an Indicative Masterplan. Matter Statement [M14.13.001] (¶1.22, p6) states that the owners of the site intend ‘to build a flagship for a vibrant life sciences industry in the North of England’. 3. Is the site 3.1 Landscape impact A There is a bridleway along Hocker suitable Lane (north east boundary), and a public footpath skims the southern- most point of the site. The site is well screened by mature trees. A small part of the site (cricket pitch) is visible from the road. Any development proposal would need to ensure that it conserves and enhances the landscape character, in line with Policy SE 4 of the LPS. 3.2 Impact on the R The site is in open countryside and character of the does not adjoin any built up areas. settlement and urban However, there is already form development on site, and there is potential to provide a high quality development, in line with the Alderley Park Development Framework.3 3.3 Impact on Green N/A Gap (N.B. Criteria only used for the settlements of Crewe and Nantwich) 3.4 Neighbouring uses G Existing B1 employment site, with potential for some residential use on site; these uses are compatible.

2 3

13 Site Address and Ref No Alderley Park Opportunity Site Life science park and 200 to PSS1200 (CS 29) 300 dwellings GREEN BELT SITE

Overall Criteria Sub criteria Traffic Light Commentary Choice 3.5 Highways access G The existing site access is of sufficient standard to provide access to the development of the site. 3.6 Local Highways G Impact on local roads is unlikely.

3.7 Impact on A Development proposals will need to Strategic Road be supported by a Transport Network Assessment. Principal concern is the impact at the Monks Heath crossroads where there are lengthy traffic queues; it is likely that mitigation measures will be required at the signal junction. 3.8 Heritage Assets A There are Listed Buildings on site and adjacent and the site is adjacent to a Conservation Area. There is scope for some improvements to setting by the removal of buildings that currently detract from the significance of the heritage assets. Any specific site Policy would require appropriate Policy wording to ensure that any development conserves and enhances the heritage assets, such as that included in Policy CS23 of the LPS. 3.9 Flooding/drainage G The site is located in Flood Zone 1 and there are no known drainage issues. 3.10 Ecology A Although the site contains Local Wildlife Sites (SBI Grades A and B), waterbodies (Radnor Mere, Great Crested Newt Ponds), Ancient Woodland (Beech Wood) the policy would seek to restrict development to previously developed land, therefore significant impacts on ecology are not anticipated through redevelopment [Matter 14.13.001] (¶1.38, p9). Any development proposal would need to ensure that it protects and enhances biodiversity, in line with Policy SE 3 of the LPS. 3.11 Tree A There are protected trees to the Preservation Orders north west corner, bordering the site. Any site specific Policy would

14 Site Address and Ref No Alderley Park Opportunity Site Life science park and 200 to PSS1200 (CS 29) 300 dwellings GREEN BELT SITE

Overall Criteria Sub criteria Traffic Light Commentary Choice require appropriate Policy wording to ensure that such trees would be incorporated into any development. 3.12 Air Quality G The site is not located within an Air Quality Management Area. 3.13 Minerals A The site is partially located within the 250m buffer zone for sand and gravel as outlined in the CgMs Minerals Sites and Assessment (2015). 3.14 SA Accessibility R The site significantly fails to meet Assessment Scoring the minimum standards for access to a number of services and facilities identified in the Accessibility Assessment. There are, however, potential opportunities to mitigate this through the provision of services and facilities on site. A list of potential land uses is provided in the Alderley Park Development Framework.4 3.15 Outcome of HRA G The development of this site is (stage 4 of unlikely to result in any significant methodology) adverse impacts on European sites due to their distance from this site and a lack of hydrological connectivity with any watercourses that could be affected by development. The nearest site is the Midland Meres & Mosses Phase 1 Ramsar (Tatton Mere SSSI) which is located more than 9km to the north- west of the site (p17). 3.16 A The site is a mixture of brownfield Brownfield/Greenfield and greenfield land; however the site is predominantly brownfield, with the existing brownfield areas being proposed to be redeveloped. 3.17 Agricultural Land A The agricultural land quality of the Quality site is Grade 3. It is unknown if this is Subgrade 3a or 3b.5

4 5 Geographical Information Systems – Agricultural Land Classification, Natural England dataset (accessed 26/11/15)

15 Appendix 3: Vision and Strategic Priorities Form


PS1200 Alderley Park Opportunity Site (CS 29)

Promoting Economic Prosperity

 Would improve the range of employment land/premises available that Yes would be attractive to businesses to start up or grow

 Would enhance the vitality, viability and accessibility of a town centre No

 Supports a major regeneration scheme in Crewe or Macclesfield town No centre

 Would directly benefit rural businesses Yes

 Capitalises on the accessibility of the Borough particularly in relation to Yes the Manchester City Region, Manchester Airport or HS2

Comments: According to the Alderley Park Development Framework1 potential employment uses for the site are B1, B2 or B8. Other uses could include a farm shop and residential, with the potential to benefit rural businesses. The Park lies just off the A34 allowing access by road to Manchester International Airport in around 20 minutes. The policy would support development on the site to create a life science park.

Creating Sustainable Communities

 Located within or adjoining a Principal Town or Key Service Centre No

 Would provide a Sustainable Village No

 Scope to provide or enhance conveniently located community services Yes

 Opportunities to link with nearby neighbourhoods through sustainable Yes transport modes

Comments: According to the Alderley Park Development Framework2:  residential and non-residential institutions including crèche/nursery, or medical clinic to serve the needs of site occupiers are potential land uses for the site.  any development of a scale likely to have significant transport implications will need to be accompanied by a Transport Assessment and Travel Plan. The Travel Plan should incentivise the use of sustainable transport modes and discourage the use of private vehicles for

1 2

17 employment use.  There is potential for future occupants on the site to maintain their own bus service to surrounding Railway Stations and towns to minimise reliance on the private motor vehicle.

Protecting and Enhancing Environmental Quality

 Capable of respecting the character and distinctiveness of the immediate Yes locality

 Capable of maintaining and enhancing the character and separate N/A identity of the settlement(s)

 Avoids land at risk from flooding Yes

 Would result in the remediation of contaminated land Yes

 The site lies outside a notified area of high pollution Yes

 Capable of conserving and enhancing the natural and historic Yes environment

 Specific opportunities to create/maintain high quality and accessible Yes green infrastructure that is part of a network of greenspace

 Would avoid the use of Green Belt land No

 Would help establish a clearly defined new Green Belt boundary that is N/A likely to endure

Comments: Scope for some improvements to setting by removal of buildings that currently detract from the significance of the heritage asset. The site is in open countryside and does not adjoin any built up areas. The site is not classed as a settlement, but it is a freestanding development that has been there for a considerable length of time. The policy would require that development shall preserve or enhance the significance of Listed Buildings and other heritage and landscape assets on and around the site. There is potential for new green links through some of the more developed areas of the site. The site is identified as a ‘Major Developed Site in the Green Belt’ in the Macclesfield Borough Local Plan. It is not proposed to remove the site from the Green Belt. The policy would require that development would not have a greater impact on the openness and visual amenity of the Green Belt and the purposes of including land within it than existing development. The supporting information submitted by the site promoter says that some contamination and asbestos is present, associated with the site’s historical use for research and development; this is not considered to affect delivery of the site over the Plan period.

18 Reducing the Need to Travel, Promoting Sustainable Modes of Transport, Improving the Road Network

 Would provide homes that would be close, or easily accessible, to where No people work, shop, access services and enjoy recreational facilities

 Located conveniently close to existing sustainable modes of transport Yes

 Could reasonably be expected to contribute to extending/enhancing Yes sustainable transport services and/or facilities

 Could reasonably be expected to contribute to providing additional road No transport infrastructure that would improve connectivity

Comments: The site significantly fails to meet the minimum standards for access to a number of services and facilities identified in the Sustainability Appraisal Accessibility Assessment; however there is potential for mitigation with the provision of services and facilities on site. The site meets most of the minimum standards for transport facilities. Residential could be provided as part of a mixed use site, providing the opportunity for people to reduce the need to travel to work. The site is served by buses en route between Macclesfield and . There are also services by way of Monks Heath to Chelford. Any development of a scale likely to have significant transport implications will need to be accompanied by a Transport Assessment and Travel Plan. The Travel Plan should incentivise the use of sustainable transport modes and discourage the use of private vehicles for employment use. A principal concern is the impact at Monks Heath crossroads where there are lengthy traffic queues; it is likely that mitigation measures will be required at the signal junction, therefore the policy would require contributions towards this.

19 Appendix 4: Summary of Infrastructure Providers and Statutory Consultee Comments

20 Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy: Site Selection

Table Alderley Park 2: Summary of Consultation Responses from Infrastructure Providers and Statutory Consultees: Alderley Park

Consultee Site PSS1200: Alderley Park CEC Education Contributions – equates to 2 primary education classrooms, and 1.5 secondary education classrooms. CEC Flood Risk For any planning application for sites greater than 1 hectare Management (ha), a site-specific flood risk assessment will be required. This should assess the risk of flooding from all sources (including fluvial, pluvial, groundwater, sewer, canal, reservoirs etc.) and propose suitable mitigation measures where appropriate.

The incorporation of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) in new developments is now a material planning consideration for the Local Planning Authority. Cheshire East Council as Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) encourages all new development and redevelopment to use SuDS.

Main River watercourses within site boundaries. A number of important ordinary watercourses and /or culverts within boundary. Localised surface water risks within boundary. It will be essential that appropriate Flood Risk Assessment and drainage strategy is agreed for any developments at this location and site allocation. Flow balancing and restricted discharges will be required. Certain works may be subject to formal Land Drainage consents under the Land Drainage Act 1991. United Utilities United Utilities recommends that surface water associated with any new development should be managed in accordance with the Surface Water Hierarchy. Surface water should be discharged in the following order of priority: 1. An adequate soakaway or some other form of infiltration system. 2. An attenuated discharge to watercourse. 3. An attenuated discharge to public surface water sewer. 4. An attenuated discharge to public combined sewer. Sport England A proposal needs to be put forward and agreed with Sport England that replaces the playing fields to an equivalent or better quantity and quality in a suitable location.