HOW INSENSITIVE Music by Antonia Carlos Jobim Original Words: Mnicius De Moraes/English Words: Norman Gimbel Bossa Nova Ananged by Jm Hasper
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Trumpet HOW INSENSITIVE Music by Antonia Carlos Jobim Original Words: Mnicius De Moraes/English words: Norman Gimbel Bossa Nova Ananged by Jm HasPer {c)1963,1984 by Antonio Carlos Jobim and Vinicius Oe Moraes Copyrighte Renewed and Assigned in the U$Ato Universal-Ducfress Mudc Corporation and New Thunder Music, lnc. All Righe Resarved. Usad by PermiEsion of \Ahmer Bros, Publications tr Repeat for solos Eil Cmal7 H Ehzfis Dm7 m eLzfis Dm] rfizbs rhrfls HOWINSSNSITIVE.2. HOW INSENSTTTYE.3 . Alto Sax HOW INSENSITIVE Music by Antonia Carlos Jobim Originalv'it'r,sr Words:I rv' Vinicius De Moraes/English Ygldg: Norman Gimbel Arranged by Joe Hasper Boesa Nova I (cX9€3,1964 by Antonio Carlos Jobim and Mnicius De MoraeE and New Thunder Mr.sic, lnc' Copyrights Rsnevied anO eJJrSn.d'in tra USa to Unirersal€uchsss Musb Corporation e|| nidts Reserued. usad by permisdon of \Abmer Bms Publications Alto Sax tr Repeat for solos Bm9 rfrrbt HOW INSENSITIVE- 2 . HOVII INSENSITIVE.3 . Trombone HOW INSENSITIVE Music by Antonia Carlos Jobim original \A/ords: Vinicius De Moraestrnsns[ffif.,f;;]ffT33 Bossa Nova fil3|$i. (c)196,i1.'1964 bv Arrtonio Carlos Jobim and Vinicius De Moraes Corporation and New Thunder Music, lno' Copyrighb Renerrrod elfin"i in tt" 6SR to univ-ersal-Dr.rchass Mueic Publications "noA11 Rig[ts Reserved. Used by Permission of \Abmer Bros. Trombone H Repeat for solos H Bbmajz Eil Edn7h5 oLzfs Cm7 emzhs GI obzfis Cm7 #:bg eh*jr .nDbzf,e HOW INSENSITTVE- 2 . Trombone HOIVINSENSITTVE.3 - Piano or Guitar HOW INSENSITIVE ytr''iltiffifl$ffiffi'dff3[i o ri g i na r word s : M nici us De M orae, Bossa Nova Dm7 oLzf s rmTbs H Cm7 Eil ohzfis Cm7 qnd {c}19S,1Sa by Anbnio Cados Jobim Mnicius De Moraes Music Corporation and Naw Thunder Music, lnc' Copyrights Renewed and a[ign"J in *r" USA to Uni*roFDuctress ng iigfrE n"*rved. used by permision of \Ahmer Bros. Publicatiors Piano or Guitar EI Repeat for solos H Bhmair em7h5 E nhz#e Cm7 E ohzfis Cmi Dbzfs HOWINSENSITIVE.2 - Piano or Guitar E tbs Az Dme Cm7 E Bhmaiz HOWINSENSITIVE.3 - Bass HOW INSENSITIVE Music bY Antonia Carlos Jobim OriginalVl/ords:I Vinicius De MoraesEnglish words: Norman Gimbel 'r 'vr by Joe Hasper Bossa Nova Arranged Dhzfls Cn6 Dm9 T,I Cm7 Dmg (c)19S,1$4 by Antonio Carlos Jobim and Vinicius De Moraes corporalircn and New Thunder Muoic, lnc' copyrights Reneraed nlig;J in *tr fsl to uniwreal-Duchess Music "non[ iide Reserved. Used by Permisdon of lAbmer Bros. Publications lzrl -Cmz ., Bhmaiz Repeat for solos obzfis HOWINSENSITIVE.2. Bass m Cm7 emzhs f?sl 'Cmz HO\M INSENSITIVE- 3 . Drurns HOW INSENSITIVE Music by Antonia Carlos Jobim Norman G imbel Original\''r rYrr rq! \Abrdsrv' vv' : Mniciw us De MoraedE ng lish^Yo-Ld:, ' Arranged by Jog Hasper Bossa Nova (ct1963.1964 bv Antonio Carlos Jobim and Mnicius De Moraes corporation and New Thunder Music, lnc. copyrights Renewed *o A|Ugi+'iltll rjsn6 u"i*rot-or.t"*" Music eff nigflt" Reserved. Used by Permission of \Ahrner Bros. Publications HOIVINSENSMVE.2..