United States Patent Office Patented May 6, 1958 1 2 Ions Would Be in the Order of the Positive Charge

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United States Patent Office Patented May 6, 1958 1 2 Ions Would Be in the Order of the Positive Charge 2,833,612 United States Patent Office Patented May 6, 1958 1 2 ions would be in the order of the positive charge. In other words, the positive ions of an alkaline earth com pound, which carry two positive charges, would be more 2,833,612 effective than the alkali metal halide used in the prior RESTORATION OF FADED NK WRITINGS 5 practice. However, according to my experience the addi Lloyd H. Almy, Pittsburgh, Pa., assignor to tion of mono-, di- and tri-valent metallic chlorides to solu Carl E. Hultman, Pittsburgh, Pa. tions made in accordance with the foregoing patent gives no evidence that increased basicity of the cations gives No Drawing. Application July 22, 1957 increased protection against edge blurring. Furthermore, Serial No. 673,135 O in past practice under the said patent NaCl has been used in such amount that it is present in the ratio of 300 10 Claims. (CI. 8-7) or more parts to one part of FeCls, where HCl is used as the acid, yet edge blurring occurs. That concentra tion of sodium ions should be sufficient to precipitate the This invention relates to a method of restoring faded Prussian blue but it does not so that neutralization of the Writing made with iron inks, and this application is a charge is not alone enough to avoid edge blurring. continuation-in-part of my copending application Serial Although not confining myself to any particular theory No. 424,249, filed April 19, 1954. - as to the action of the soluble alkaline earth salt, I now it is well known that writings made with iron inks such, believe that it acts to suppress edge blurring by forming for example, as iron-tannin inks, fade with the passage 20 a modified Prussian blue in which a portion of the iron of time due presumably, to oxidation of the iron of the is replaced by alkaline earth metal. For instance, it is ink to ferric oxide (Fe2O3). Patent No. 2,182,672 de known that there is a potassium calcium ferrocyanide scribes and claims a method of restoring such faded IKCaFe(CN)6] which is sparingly soluble (Thorpe's Writings in accordance with which the paper bearing the Dictionary of Applied Chemistry, 4th ed., vol. III, p. Writing is treated with an acidified aqueous solution of an 2 5 468 ff.). Whether or not the alkaline earth cation present alkali metal halide, e. g., sodium chloride (NaCl), and in the treating baths of this invention replaces a portion potassium ferrocyanide (KFe(CN)6) after which the of the alkali metal of normal sodium or potassium ferro paper is washed and then subjected to the action of a cyanide, which in turn reacts with the iron of the ink used solution of a compound, such as zinc chloride (ZnCl2), in the writing to form a less soluble "Prussian blue' con to precipitate residual potassium ferrocyanide as an in 30 taining combined alkaline earth in the molecule tests that soluble and stable substance of color contrasting to that I have conducted have shown that when Prussian blue is of the revived ink characters, after which the paper is precipitated from solutions used in practicing the method again Washed and then dried. of the foregoing patent to which there has been added a The method of that patent has been used extensively soluble calcium or a soluble barium salt, the precipitate over the years, but although it does act to restore the after thorough washing shows a fixation of the alkaline ink characters successfully, experience has shown that at earth metal. times the restored characters show edge blurring, where In the practice of this invention there is used, as in fore the appearance is impaired. Although the exact rea the past, an aqueous solution of an alkali metal ferro son for such blurring is not known definitely, it may be cyanide, such, for example, as sodium or potassium ferro due to migration of the Prussian blue formed by the treat 40 cyanide, although the potassium compound is preferred ment with alkali metal ferrocyanide, or it may be due to for most purposes. The exact concentration is not critical, the formation of a slightly soluble modification of Prus and as little as 0.1 percent by weight may be used. sian blue, or to other factors. There is no practical upper limit so that higher concen it is among the objects of this invention to provide an trations may be used, if desired, although in general that improved method of restoring faded iron ink writings is economically undesirable since low concentrations suf with an acidic aqueous solution of a soluble alkali metal fice. For many purposes it is preferred to use about 0.3 ferrocyanide and an alkali metal halide that satisfactorily percent. restores the brilliance and legibility of the ink characters The solution likewise contains an alkali metal halide, while Suppressing edge blurring, that dispenses with the suitably potassium or sodium chloride (KCl or NaCl). precipitating step of the aforesaid patented method, and 50 The halide, serves chiefly for its mass action effect in that is rapid and easily performed. forcing the revivifying reaction in the desired direction so A further object is to restore without edge blurring that provided enough is present for that action its con faded iron ink writings by means of aqueous acidic cal centration is not critical. In the case of sodium chloride, cium or bariuin ferrocyanide, in which the use of alkali about 5 percent by weight suffices. metal halide is not needed. The solution contains an acid also, which is believed Other objects will be recognized from the following to function to neutralize any alkalinity of the water used specification. - and to solubilize the iron of the writing for reaction to The invention is predicated in part upon my discovery form Prussian blue with the ferrocyanide. The common that in the use of solutions containing an alkali metal mineral acids such as hydrochloric (HCl), sulfuric ferrocyanide, an acid, and an alkali metal halide for ink 60 (HSO), nitric (HNO3), and phosphoric (H3PO), and restoring, edge blurring of the characters is suppressed others may be used. Organic acids may be used likewise, satisfactorily by including in the solution a soluble alkaline exampies of the latter class being formic (HCOOH), ace earth salt. Not only is edge blurring thus no longer a tic (CH3COOH), chloracetic (CHCICOOH), succinic problem, but also, as has been found by experience, it is (COOH. (CH2)2COOH), and others. The amount of no longer necessary after washing the treated paper to acid present will, obviously, depend upon the particular use the precipitation agent of the aforesaid patent. acid used, but enough is to be present to neutralize any The reason why edge blurring is suppressed in this way alkalinity of the water used in preparing the solution and by the inclusion of a soluble alkaline earth salt in the to effect solubilization of the iron in the faded written revivifying solution is not known with certainty. It might characters. The acid used must, of course, be one that be thought that since Prussian blue is a negative lyophobic 70 is compatible with other ions present, e. g. it should not sol its charge will be neutralized by ions supplying posi form a precipitate with such other ions, and in the case of tive charges, and that the effectiveness of such positive organic acids they should not develop a pH such that 2,838,612 3 s 4. the irons will not be solubilized. The concentration is, of case the presence of an alkali metal salt and of a sub course, insufficient" to injure the paper. As an example, sequent precipitation step are unnecessary. in the case of hydrochloric acid of customary laboratory According to the provisions of the patent statutes, I strength, the addition of about 0.2 percent by weight of have explained the principle of my invention and have the acid suffices for most purposes. described what I now consider to represent its best em The major feature of the invention is that there is added bodiment. However I desire to have it understood that, to such a solution at least one soluble salt of calcium within the scope of the appended claims, the invention or barium. It is preferred to use the chlorides (CaCl; may be practiced otherwise than as specifically described. BaCl) although other halides such as the bromides I claim: (CaBr; BaBr) or iodides (Ca, Bal) may be used. 10 1. In a method of restoring faded writings made from Other soluble salts of these alkaline earth metals may iron ink susceptible to oxidation with consequent color be used likewise for example, such as the nitrates fading in which the writing is treated with an aqueous (Ca(NOs); Ba(NO3)2), the thiocyanates. (Ca(SCN); solution of an alkali metal ferrocyanide of the group Ba(SCN),), the chlorates. (Ca(CO3); Ba(CIO)). consisting of NaFe(CN) and KFe(CN)6 containing Here again the exact concentration is not critical although 15 acid and an alkali metal halide, the improvement consist for most purposes from about 0.5 percent to as much as ing in adding in said solution an ionizable soluble alka 20 percent by weight may be used. Of course, for econ line earth salt. omy the lowest effective amount will be used. 2. In a method of restoring faded writings made from Although the calcium and barium salts, are preferred, iron ink-susceptible to oxidation with consequent color soluble salts of strontium (Sr) and magnesium (Mg) 20 fading in which the writing is treated with an aqueous may be used although, according to my experience, they solution of an alkali metal ferrocyanide of the group con are less satisfactory, in general than the Ca and Ba salts.
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