POD@RCIS ISSN 1567-3871 volume 10, issue 1 Publication date 10 March, 2019 Copyright ©2019 Podarcis Foundation COLOPHON Chief Editor Herman in den Bosch, The Netherlands, [email protected] Editors Sergé Bogaerts, John Boonman, Jan Boonstra, Tjaldo Brandenburg, Henrik Bringsøe, Hellie Klaasse. Expert advice is sollicited on a regular basis. External advice Job Stumpel, Van Wallach Editorial staff Mindy Thuna Treasurer Hellie Klaasse, [email protected], bank account: IBAN: NL72 INGB 0008 4904 92, BIC: INGBNL2A, NL-2012 ZA Haarlem, The Netherlands. Credit cards accepted: MasterCard. Secretary John Boonman, Tormentil 17, NL-2631 DD Nootdorp, The Netherlands, [email protected] Webmaster Marten van den Berg, [email protected] Layout John Boonman Imaging Herman in den Bosch Publisher Podarcis Foundation, Zwijndrecht

POD@RCIS POD@RCIS is a Dutch periodical published in English devoted to terrarium keeping and herpetology. This publication appears only as webzine (http://www.podarcis.nl). Authors receive the pdf-file of their contribution. They are at liberty to distribute these on a non- profit basis among interested individuals. Reproduction of articles, or parts thereof, published in POD@RCIS is otherwise only allowed with the written consent of the chief editor. Articles considered for publication concern , amphibians and terrarium techniques. There is a preference for articles on reproduction, behaviour and ecology. We also welcome student reports on herpetological subjects. New names and nomenclatural acts within this publication are intended to serve as a permanent, public scientific record as laid out in the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Identical copies on cd/dvd have been deposited in the libraries of the National library of the Netherlands, Naturalis (Netherlands), Natural History Museum (Great Britain), Zoologisches Museum und Forschungsinstitut A. Koenig (Germany), Museum national d'histoire naturelle - Laboratoire Reptiles et Amphibiens (France), Zoological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences St. Petersburg (Russia), National Museum of Natural History (USA), Peabody Museum of Natural History (USA), Royal Ontario Museum (Canada), Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel), Razi University Kermanshah (Iran), Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research (Singapore), Bayworld (), and Museu de Zoologie São Paulo (). POD@RCIS is published by the foundation 'Podarcis', dedicated to the publication and distribution of herpetological information (Chamber of Commerce Rotterdam registration 24303166). POD@RCIS is indexed in Zoological Record.

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WE'RE BACK ...after a long and unintended absence of several years, therefore a short explanation.

As an editorial group, most of us started with the Dutch terrarium periodical ´Lacerta´ after having been asked to help rejuvenate that journal. Our motivation was to provide amateurs and professionals alike with reliable information concerning husbandry of reptiles and amphibians. Over the years we encouraged a shift in submissions from anecdotal to more scientific material. Since most of us had biological training at university level, it was only natural that we encouraged a more professional attitude in terrarium keeping. At the same time, we intended to keep the papers accessible to the layperson. To further substantiate our ambition internationally, we founded the herpetological e-zine Pod@rcis in 2000. The emphasis is on reproduction in terraria, terrarium keeping techniques, and field observations. We also publish book reviews, travel accounts, news briefs and lighter material. At the start Pod@rcis was the first webzine devoted to amphibian and husbandry. During the first five years the webzine appeared in a bi-lingual format: Dutch and English. We aim for a world-wide audience, with reader and contributor in the unique position of no longer being restricted by political or linguistic barriers. From volume 6 onwards, the publication switched to English only, but certainly still offers the option of summaries in other languages. Rarely writers may present the text additionally in other modern languages. Manuscripts are edited in consultation with the author(s), often with the help of external expertise. The language, flow and grammar are checked by native speakers. This ensures that our readers and authors alike receive verified information.

And then life intervened: as most of us were, and are, in more or less the same age group, we encountered similar problems – e.g., job changes, health issues and the care of (elderly) relatives. The choice between loved ones and the webzine was unavoidable but time has passed and now we are back with unbridled enthusiasm. Nevertheless, we still experience an unfortunate lack of younger enthusiasts. If you are interested in helping to address this uneven age distribution in our technical or editorial board, or as an author, please do contact us. To avoid confusion in the numbering sequence, this volume (and the later ones) will be named Pod@rcis n.s. [new series] 10, logically following the previous volume 9 from several years ago. When applicable, each year will continue to be separated into issues 1, 2, 3… We do not charge for the webzine. However, a small monetary contribution from any of our readers or authors would be highly appreciated to help cover the costs of running the webzine.

Back in 2000 we deposited the webzine in PDF format in various major libraries throughout the world. A recent search indicated that in some of these libraries, we seem to have disappeared. Any assistance from our readers and authors to help in depositing the journal in your institutional library, where it can be freely available to all at no costs, would be very much appreciated.

To conclude, we intend to propagate fine and thorough papers and aim to function as an appropriate medium for everyone who wishes to share fascinating information on herpetology and terrarium keeping. Do get in touch!

Herman in den Bosch [email protected]

Contents Axial bifurcation and duplication in . Part VII. Axial bifurcation with 3 pseudoquadritomy in capensis Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854 Van Wallach & Herman A. J. in den Bosch

Forty years of Box Turtle husbandry 7 John Boonman

Book Reviews The natural history and management of the Gopher Tortoise – Gopherus 17 polyphemus (ASHTON & ASHTON)) Henk Zwartepoorte †

Dictionary of herpetology (LILLYWHITE) 19 Herman A. J. in den Bosch

Click on a title to go directly to an individual article

Frontispiece: Female Terrapene carolina triunguis Photo: John Boonman

2 ●2019● POD@RCIS n.s. 10(1) www.podarcis.nl Axial bifurcation and duplication in snakes. Part VII. Axial bifurcation with pseudoquadritomy in Boaedon capensis Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854

Van Wallach 4 Potter Park Cambridge, MA 02138 USA [email protected]

& South Africa, born on 10 April 2009 after a two Herman A.J. in den Bosch month incubation period. Another specimen The Netherlands was captive bred in Liverpool, U.K. by a breeder known as Slangman (African House INTRODUCTION website, 21 April 2009). A third record, captive bred by Niki Chinn, occurred in 2011 The first synoptic review of axial bifurcation in in Liverpool, U.K. This prodichotomous spec- snakes (CUNNINGHAM, 2007) listed 225 cases imen pipped the egg but was unable to representing 48 species. More recently WAL- emerge and drowned in the egg. Lastly, in LACH (2007) surveyed 950 cases comprising 2013 Steven Ray of “From Cute to Creepy”, 169 species in 93 genera. Currently there are Swords Creek, Virginia captive bred a 150 1850 authentic cases of axial bifurcation in- mm prodichotomous dicephalic from a pair of volving 254 species and subspecies in 111 captive bred heterozygous albino parents. genera and 13 families, culled from more than 3500 publications, citations and internet post- The most common type of axial bifurcation is ings (WALLACH, 2018). This total includes prodichotomy, which is the complete separa- progeny from four hybrid crossings (Boaedon tion and development of two heads (SMITH & fuliginosus x B. lineatus, Lystrophis pulcher x PÉREZ-HIGAREDA, 1987). Prodichotomy oc- L. mattogrossensis, Lampropeltis alterna x L. curs in 62% of the present sample. If the two mexicana, and L.mexicana x L. ruthveni). An heads are not entirely separated, a condition indication of newly recorded cases can be known as craniodichotomy, the resulting seen by a comparison of current statistics vs. snake normally has two snouts and may have those summarized by WALLACH (2007): type either three or four eyes, depending upon the 1 – voucher specimens (327 vs. 306), type 2 separation of the heads. This condition oc- – physical evidence (589 vs. 374), type 3 – curs in 28% of the current sample. The other reliable reports (849 vs. 216), and type 4 – 10% of axial abnormalities include proarcho- anecdotal reports (48 vs. 54). Note that the dichotomy (two heads with extremely long number of anecdotal cases has been reduced necks), amphidichotomy (two heads and two as additional information allowed some cases tails), opisthodichotomy (one head with two to be upgraded in their reliability. bodies and two tails), and urodichotomy (two tails). Occasionally one of the two heads may There are four previous records of dicepha- be incompletely developed: it may be smaller lism in Boaedon capensis, the South African than the other head, have abnormal ossifica- brown house snake. Boaedon capensis was tion of bones, or lack internal soft tissues. previously a synonym of fuligi- This is called a parasitic head and it is usually nosus or L. lineatus but is currently recog- non-functional. nized as a distinct species (WALLACH et al., Initial external observation suggests that the 2014). MAPHUMULO (2009) reported a captive present specimen has two heads, the left one bred prodichotomous specimen by Max Har- incomplete or parasitic, and that each head ris of “Northlands Pets”, Springfield Park, has a bifurcated snout.

●2019● POD@RCIS n.s. 10(1) 3 www.podarcis.nl MATERIALS AND METHODS This report deals with the fifth known captive bred specimen of Boaedon capensis, the brown house snake of South Africa. It was bred by Scott Powley of “Powley Exotic Rep- tiles”, Laguna Niguel, California. The speci- men was subsequently donated to the first author by Christopher Marley of “Pheromone Design”, Salem, Oregon, who preserved it on alcohol. Digital radiographs were taken with a Thermo Kevex X-ray machine (model PXS10) using a PaxScan 4030R system with ViVA software.

Fig 1. Photograph of ventral view of body. RESULTS Photo: Christopher Marley. Catalogued as VWABC 20 (Figs. 1–3) in the axial bifurcation collection of the first author, is a 123 mm specimen (SVL 103 mm, tail 20 mm) with relative tail length 16.2%, 25 mid- body and 19 precloacal scale rows, 168 ven- trals, 61 subcaudals, entire cloacal shield, 8 supralabials with 4th and 5th in the orbit, 1 pre- ocular, 2 postoculars, and 1 + 2 temporals. The dorsal coloration consists of orange stripes formed by linear rows of small spots over a pale yellow background, ventrolateral scale rows mostly devoid of pigment and sil- Fig 2. Photograph of anterior view of both craniodi- very-white, venter uniformly light silver. The chotomous head and pseudohead. head exhibits a broad white chevron, bor- Photo: Joe Martinez. dered above and below in orange, extending from the snout through the eyes and across the temporal region onto the side of the neck, supralabials are light.

The classification of VWABC 20 is problem- atic. It appears to be craniodichotomous with a well-developed right head (Figs. 4–5), and an apparent incompletely developed ectopic left head with supralabials and infralabials (Fig. 6). However, the right head has subse- quently bifurcated into a craniodichotomous condition (see fig. 8), the left one did not al- Fig 3. Photograph of ventral view of both craniodi- though it has two knobs, each one showing chotomous head and pseudohead. infra- and supralabials. Consequently, one cannot use the term quadritomy and therefore Photo: Joe Martinez. we use the more appropriate pseudo- quadritomy. Such a condition has not been Even though the scalation of the developing observed, to our knowledge, not only in any knobs on the left externally resembles the la- snake, but also among any vertebrates. bials of two developing ectopic heads, radio- Quadrifurcation is known to occur in soft tis- graphs reveal, however, that the apparent left sues such as blood vessels (aorta; coronary, ectopic head is actually a pseudohead carotid, renal, celiac and internal iliac arteries; formed from an extreme-shaped kinking of portal veins) and the trachea but has not been the spinal column. A search for cranial reported in osseous tissue.

4 ●2019● POD@RCIS n.s. 10(1) www.podarcis.nl captive bred specimens) appears to be the resulting loss of genetic fitness due to in- breeding depression. Captive breeders rou- tinely mate snakes to their siblings and pa- rents (and occasionally to other species) in order to produce desired or anticipated colors and patterns. This inbreeding, crossbreeding, and back-breeding has resulted in a dramatic increase, nearly 12 times, in the mutation rate of captive born progeny (1/60–1/25,000, x̅ = Fig 4. Photograph of left craniodichotomous head. 1/3,530, n = 43) when compared with wild Photo: Joe Martinez. population estimates (1/1,500–1/116,667, x̅ = 1/41,330, n = 22).

Segmentation of the axial skeleton from the somatic mesoderm occurs prior to any ossifi- cation. There are probably multiple processes occurring here. The primary heads on the right appear to be classic dicephalism but the posterior snouts then are ectodermal only. So

Fig 5. Photograph of right craniodichotomous head. Photo: Joe Martinez.

Fig 7. Radiograph of ventral surface. Photo: Joe Martinez.

Fig 6. Photograph of anterior view of pseudohead. Photo: Joe Martinez. musculature or brain tissue in that region to demonstrate an incipient head development via CT Scan, was inconclusive.

DISCUSSION As previously pointed out (WALLACH, 2007) there are numerous probable causes of mu- tations that lead to axial bifurcation in snakes. Fig 8. Radiograph of dorsal surface. However, the most common cause (at least in Photo: Joe Martinez.

●2019● POD@RCIS n.s. 10(1) 5 www.podarcis.nl there must have been a second zone of ec- SUMMARY topic head induction that occurred. Considering the usual embryonic pathway in We report on the fifth known case of somato- forming the oral region, where entodermal tis- dichotomy in Boaedon capensis. However, sue touching the ectoderm (membrana buc- this most unusual captive bred specimen is a copharhyngea) starts the development of the superficially double dichotomous individual (entodermal) mouth and the (ectodermal) lips and therefore represents the first record of and labials – one could hypothesize that the axial pseudoquadritomy in Vertebrata. The ´pseudohead´ resulted from a process gone apparent left ectopic head is actually a awry in a region where normally no mouth is pseudohead formed from an extreme-shaped formed (the region of the later oesophagus) kinking of the spinal column. as a consequence of a kinked neural tube and inductional effects from underlying ento- dermal tissue on the ectoderm, analogous to embryonic developmental patterns. SAMENVATTING Het vijfde bekend geworden geval van soma- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS todichotomie bij Boaedon capensis wordt ge- meld. Dit nakweekdier is echter een bijzonder For the procurement of this unusual speci- geval want in elke kop blijkt (eenmaal bij de men we thank the breeder Scott Powley and echte kop) dan wel lijkt (bij de pseudokop), the donor Chris Marley. For assistance with nóg een splitsing zichtbaar. De pseudokop the radiographs and photographs We thank blijkt evenwel een complexe dubbele kronkel Jose Rosado and Joe Martinez. Zachary van de wervelkolom te zijn; in de andere kop Lewis and Elizabeth Sefton performed a CT zijn twee schedelvormingen zichtbaar. Scan of the specimen.

Fig 9. Adult of a normally developed Boaedon capensis. Photos: Courtney Hundermark


CUNNINGHAM, B., 2007. Axial bifurcation in serpents; an historical survey of serpent monsters having part of the axial skeleton duplicated. Duke University Press, Durham. 91 pp., 12 pls. MAPHUMULO, B., 2009. Two headed snake born in Durban. East Coast Radio Newswatch, 15 April 2009. SMITH, H.M., & G. PÉREZ-HIGAREDA, 1987. The literature on somatodichotomy in snakes. Bull. Maryland herpetol. Soc. 23: 139–153. WALLACH, V., 2007. Axial bifurcation and duplication in snakes. Part I. A synopsis of authentic and anecdotal cases. Bull. Maryland herpetol. Soc. 43: 57–95. WALLACH, V., 2018. Axial bifurcation and duplication in snakes. Part VI. A 10-year update on authentic cases. Bull. Chicago herpetol. Soc. 53: 1–20. WALLACH, V., K.L. WILLIAMS & J. BOUNDY, 2014. Snakes of the world: a catalogue of living and extinct species. CRC Press, Boca Raton. 1209 pp.

6 ●2019● POD@RCIS n.s. 10(1) www.podarcis.nl Forty years of Box Turtle husbandry John Boonman Tormentil 17 2631 DD Nootdorp The Netherlands [email protected] All photographs by the author

on the basis of external criteria. In recent years it became clear that modern genetics do not elevate the complexity to INTRODUCTION subspecies level in all cases (see e.g., Retiring from work is the obvious moment to MARTIN et al., 2013 as well as the response make all kinds of plans for the future. At the of FRITZ & HAVAŠ, 2014). In light of the large same time, it can also be the occasion to distribution area of the species and its reconsider pieces of the past. Reaching that subspecies (see below) regional variations turning point in my life I came to the idea of are to be expected. On top of that numerous describing my forty years of experience hybrid forms are reported (cf. LUTTERSCHMIDT keeping Box Turtles, especially that et al., 2007). Taken all together it is have been in my possession for a remarkable that systematics is hardly considerable period of time, some for their disputed in the literature, or perhaps we entire life span to date. This paper is a simply don’t know enough? description of my experiences with species of The is easily recognized by a) their the genus Terrapene rather than a manual or relatively domed shells and well-developed prescription on how to keep these animals. As plastral hinges, which enable the animals to this is my personal experience, certain close themselves off completely from the aspects are dealt with in a fashion that is no outside world, b) their terrestrial habitat, and longer acceptable but was considered normal c) that their feet are neither webbed nor in the seventies. Call it a progressing insight. elephantine. Males are easily distinguished by their plastral concavity. They often have bright red eyes and are usually slightly larger THE NORTH AMERICAN BOX than females. TURTLES OF THE GENUS TERRAPENE THE SUBSPECIES ACCORDING TO Remarkably enough, in the literature an THE HANDBOOKS almost complete consensus prevails as to the systematics of the North American species, Terrapene carolina carolina Terrapene. Our usual trusted bibles (like The nominate form, the Eastern Box Turtle, is PRITCHARD, 1979 and ERNST & BARBOUR, found in the US states from Massachusetts to 1989), as well as more recent sources, (like Illinois and Georgia (see map in figure 1). The ZUPPA, 2003) mention two species for the US: species inhabits pastures, marshy meadows Terrapene carolina and T. ornata, both with a as well as open woodlands and shores of number of subspecies, occasionally called rivers and lakes. Adult animals have high- races. The distribution area of two other domed brown or black carapaces with a species (T. coahuila and T. nelsoni) is variable pattern of yellowish stripes and restricted to some parts of Mexico. Restricting blotches. Maximal carapace length is ca. 16 ourselves to the subjects of this paper, T. cm. The hind legs contain four toes. carolina, six subspecies are usually accepted: T. carolina carolina, T. c. major, T. Terrapene carolina major c. bauri, T. c. triunguis, T. c. mexicana and T. The Gulf Coast Box Turtle inhabits the humid c. yucatana. In vivarium practice, as will be areas at the coasts of western Florida and shown in this article, it is often difficult to South Carolina. The purest form lives in attach a subspecies name to an individual Florida. Animals in Louisiana are often

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Distribution of Terrapene carolina in the USA. On- Terrapene carolina triunguis line: https://wikispaces.psu.edu/display/Herps/East- ern++Box+turtle (last seen: 26-02-2019) The Three-toed Box Turtle is found from the valley of the Mississippi river to Texas and up to Florida in the South. This subspecies prefers clearly drier areas compared to the hybrids with any of the other subspecies. others. It grows to a maximum length of 16 These are the largest T. carolina subspecies cm and shows light markings on a tan to reaching 20 cm in length. Apart from its brown background. Males often develop red, length, the strongly flaring rear margins are orange or yellow markings on the head and characteristic for the subspecies. Colours are front legs. In order to enhance confusion not really discriminative although white head Three-toed Box Turtles sometimes have four- markings occur frequently in adult males as toed hind legs. Together with T. c. bauri it is do red colours on the front legs. statistically the smallest Box Turtle.

Terrapene carolina bauri The two other subspecies T. c. mexicana and The Florida Box Turtle, as the name already T. c. yucatana live in Mexico, in the north- indicates, is predominantly found in Florida. eastern part of the country and Yucatan This subspecies lives in humid areas as well. respectively. The former form has three-toed The dark carapace has a bright pattern of hind legs, the latter has four toes. Both are light radiating lines resembling Terrapene often light brown to yellow in colour with the ornata. However, the carapace of T. c. bauri size comparable to T. c. carolina, but much is much higher domed and its head is more bigger animals, resembling T. c. major, can clearly marked. In addition, T. ornata has a occur. dark marking on the plastron often covering it completely. The plastron of T. c. bauri is The complete species listing can be found on usually uniformly yellow. The Florida Box the IUCN Red List. All are classified as Turtle reaches 15 cm maximally and the hind “vulnerable” (IUCN Red list, 2011) on the legs have three toes. CITES appendix II.

8 ●2019● POD@RCIS n.s. 10 (1) www.podarcis.nl THE ANIMALS In 1975 his carapace was 14 cm long and he weighed 640 grams. As the animal was The four animals featuring in this story are still already at least a couple of years old at the in my possession. Over the years several time I bought him, after almost 44 years the other specimens were kept, but for various creature may easily be 50 years old. This is reasons they disappeared. Some of them are not an exceptional age for Box Turtles. also briefly mentioned here. Terrapene Reports mention ages of more than 100 years carolina experienced a pulse surge of (BELZER, 2013), but accurate recordings are exploitation for the international pet trade in mostly missing. Ages of more than 60 years the late 1980s and early 1990s, when the are certainly not exceptional (MILLER, 2001). species was in demand after mass This specimen is a uniformly tan-coloured Mediterranean tortoise trade was curtailed by animal with hardly any markings, neither on CITES; the genus Terrapene was itself the carapace nor on head and legs. The hind included in CITES in 1994 after which exports legs have four toes. It looks like the nominate ceased. The animals discussed here are from form, T. c. carolina, albeit a fairly big one, the “license free” period and are almost measuring almost 18 cm over many years certain wild caught. and weighing between 750 and 800 grams.

Animal 1 Animal 2 In May 1975 I bought a couple of Box Turtles In August 1988 I received three small Box from an, at that time, well-known pet shop. Turtles in very poor condition measuring Without any doubt they were a male and a about 7 cm in length. Despite serious female. The female passed away after a attempts to cure the animals, two of them couple of years from an infection of the died. The third one is still alive and is respiratory tract, most probably caused by therefore more than 30 years old. It is a inadequate housing (draught). The male female, 12.5 cm in carapace length, weighs survived and is presently in perfect condition. 450 grams, is brown in colour with some

Head of male T. c. carolina (animal 1).

●2019● POD@RCIS n.s. 10 (1) 9 www.podarcis.nl HOUSING In the early years my Box Turtles were floor dwelling companions to large lizards like Iguanas. Although fairly spacious, these types of vivaria with animals having very distinct requirements (and intestinal microflora) are not recommended. The T. c. carolina male (animal 1) survived these sometimes harsh conditions, with draught and fluctuating temperatures. Since 1995 housing is as it is today: the animals spend the summer in the garden and live indoors during the winter. The four animals obviously feel good under these conditions, not having had any significant health problems so far. The approx. 3 m2 outdoor enclosure is situated in a fairly sheltered back yard. An area of 3 m2 is much less than what is available in nature. STICKEL (1989) reported a 3-acres (1.2 ha) home range for T. c. carolina in Maryland Male T. c. major. in the period from 1944 to 1981. The north-west side is protected by a yellow and orange blotches on the head and wooden fence, the other three sides are neck. With three toes on the hind legs, it is made of break-proof glass shields from likely to be a Three-toed Box Turtle (T. c. scrapped railway coaches. This orientation triunguis). ensures that the rising sun enters the enclosure rather early. Because of the Animal 3 and 4 surrounding houses, enough sunlight In June 1990 I bought two magnificent big reaches the vivarium to warm the animals Box Turtles, in another pet shop, a male and sufficiently only in the period from the a female. At that time they were already huge, beginning of May through to the end of weighing close to 900 grams and measuring September. The precise moment of moving more than 17 cm in length. In the course of the animals to or from the outdoor housing is time they did not grow substantially (latest determined by the weather and therefore measurement: 17.1 cm for the female and changes from year to year. The chance of 18.2 cm for the male). That means that the frost is the determining factor in spring. Lack animals are at least 35 years old, probably of sunshine and increasing humidity are the more. The male is dark brown in colour with key factors in autumn. some vague stripings and intense red eyes. The female is beautifully coloured: brown with Apart from some macho behaviour between multiple yellow markings and blotches. Since the two males (see below), this limited area they have strongly flaring rear margins it is never caused serious problems; no real likely to classify them as T. c. major. On top of confrontations nor any neurotic behaviour that the male is developing white streaks on alongside the glass fences. The enclosure is its head in recent years. The hind legs have maximally overgrown with wild plants, mostly four toes. carried by wind supplemented with seeded sown ones. Four active tortoises crush the vegetation but cooler days often limit activity

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The small female T. c. triunguis in her outdoor enclosure. and give plants time to recover. Additional FOOD seeding often is the final touch. Logs and stones create elevated areas for warming up. Box Turtles are said to be omnivorous. In a A large tunnel-like area made of stones strict sense my animals are indeed. However, covers the complete width of the enclosure. It that does not mean that every individual takes shelters the animals for cold and wind but any food item all the time. The animals also for heat. The top of that construction change food preference continuously and do appears a highly appreciated place to get so independently of each other. Amateurs warm. Finally, a shallow bowl is available tend to search for regularity in the pattern. containing clean water. After all these years I have not succeeded, and, in fact, I gave up looking. As a In winter the animals are housed in open consequence, I try to include as much plastic containers (50x70 cm, ground area) variation to their menu as possible. All containing a thick layer of sawdust, hay and animals turn out to be easy consumers straw. Years of experimenting have indicated although they don’t eat everything all the that these animals immediately switch to time. hibernation/aestivation mode as soon they are indoors. They don’t show up for months The menu consists of: and they don’t drink or eat. Apparently, the Snails. Until recently only the Common containers are large enough. The animals are garden snail (Cornu aspersum), the large housed two by two, the two T. c. major-type brown ones, sometimes called the small vine animals together. Fresh water is constantly snail, was on the menu. When eaten, it is with available. Temperature never drops below such an enthusiasm that it almost became 10°C but usually is somewhat higher, which extinct from my 80 m2 back yard. In an earlier has never caused any substantial activity. version of this paper, I stated that Grove The animals' behaviour will be discussed snails (Cepaea spec.), the yellow or rose below.

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T. c. carolina consuming an earthworm. T. c. triunguis eating a strawberry.

variants alike, were not eaten. However, In line with my observations in nature, Box recently animal 1 (T. c. carolina) did consume Turtles are omnivorous and highly a couple of those creatures. You never know opportunistic in their feeding behaviour with Box Turtles. The shells are cracked and (FARRELL et al., 2006). There is no evidence the content is eaten. I have never seen a slug of major shifts between the diets of juveniles being eaten. However, it might be possible and adults. The list of foods that Box Turtles that this happens while they are out of my have been observed taking is vast, but sight. includes vertebrates and invertebrates Earthworms. Although this food item is (especially snails), fungi, and a variety of something you always can rely on, it looks plant parts, including fruits, roots, stems, and like the animals easily lose their skills to catch seeds. Carrion is also be taken on occasion. them especially after hibernation. However, after stimulation by roommates (seeing is doing), ultimately the worms (especially the BEHAVIOUR wriggly ones) will be eaten by every In the summer season, when the animals are individual. outdoors, life seems quite simple. Being Mealworms. Not exactly their favourite food lovers of the morning coolness, they are but sometimes useful. active early, especially in the fresh dew. Meat. I used to serve chopped beef heart Remarkably some 12˚C is enough to once in a while. Interest was always rather stimulate activity even for the two major limited. The real fall-back option nowadays is animals who most likely are not used to such canned cat or dog food. Notably the “paté” temperatures in the southern states of the types are available in multiple tastes and US. Eating is not on the agenda yet, only blends. In principal I prefer complete simple strolling around. Bathing is often part organisms to feed, nevertheless it is always of the routine. When temperature rises, comfortable to have some alternatives activity increases. Some sunshine is available. appreciated at that time although it can easily Fruit. Another fall-back option is bananas. It is become too hot for them, the animals quickly often eaten by all animals albeit in limited disappear in their shelters then or burrow quantities. Occasionally some animals are underneath the humid grass. On warm attracted to other fruits too, preferably the summer nights, when the sun has left the ruddy coloured ones. Strawberries, tomatoes enclosure, they reappear, certainly when a but also plums, apricots or peaches are the nice shower comes down. The animals prefer choices. Apples or pears are not eaten. I have eating in the morning. never seen any animal eating any vegetable or wild plant from the enclosure.

12 ●2019● POD@RCIS n.s. 10 (1) www.podarcis.nl someone is sitting on her back or not. The male snorts and sighs without any violence whatsoever. The male T. c. major can be treated more aggressively. In some periods biting and bumping can be slightly too emphatic. Intervention might then be necessary. Peace will usually return soon. In all the years no serious accident has occurred. In practice the impressing attitude of the animal is the most annoying. When he approaches, like a bulldozer, to the food offered, the other animals have to withdraw. The message here – keeper, take care that every individual gets his part of the cake.

The mating activity of the T. c. carolina male with the T. c. major female never resulted in eggs. Only the small three-toed animal (T. c. triunguis) produced eggs twice. That will be discussed in the next chapter.

Then summer comes to an end and the amount of sunshine and heat that reaches the enclosure decreases.

Their active season is over, especially Weathered head of male T. c. major. when nights are getting cold, usually at the end of September/beginning of On a standard grey Dutch summer day October. The animals tend to dig in, often at activity will be much lower and is often limited a considerable depth (some 30 cm). I never to some looking around. When it is autumn- dared to leave them outside. The literature like weather the animals are often out of sight indicates that Box Turtles are well able to for a substantial period of time. Eating is not cope with such conditions (see for instance obvious under these conditions. Feeding CONGDON et al. 1989). However, in my frequency is limited to twice a week in order opinion the winters in the Netherlands are to prevent them from becoming overweight. much too precarious, with strongly fluctuating Water is often supplied, especially during hot temperatures. On top of that the period of dry seasons. If it will become too dry animals changeable weather in the Netherlands is will dig deep (occasionally up to 30 cm) holes, much longer than that as described for South and disappear. Carolina (October - April vs November - March). The four animals usually behave fairly decently. However, animal 1, the large T. c. Animals then go into hibernation, or at least carolina male, can be rather pushy or even winter rest, indoors. After a cool bath for aggressive. Notably directly after hibernation cleaning and defecation, they are put in their the old male can be a real testosterone bomb. plastic open container, two by two as His activity is usually directed towards the T. described earlier. It is very remarkable that c. major female. One might worry about that they will dig in immediately, even when the but I refrain from interfering because the temperature is not very low (some 18˚C). female does not care at all. She moves, eats, Within a few moments they are out of sight, baths whenever she likes, no matter if not to reappear before March. The T. c. major

●2019● POD@RCIS n.s. 10 (1) 13 www.podarcis.nl male never digs in. He simply sits on top of cope with the difficult conditions in their the substrate for months, hardly moving. habitat by combining a five-month hibernation Occasionally he will drink some water but with a three-month aestivation period. Only never eats. The water bowls will stay clean after the monsoon do they emerge from their over the whole period so there would be shelters, although they have ended their evidence if any animal was secretly moving. hibernation some months earlier. An inactive subterranean period of eight months is the In the literature (e.g., PLUMMER, 2004) result. Box Turtles are said to be highly hibernation, including their hibernacula, for successful in dealing with long lasting harsh Box Turtles is extensively reviewed. conditions of various kinds. The reported low Immediate stimulus to enter hibernation is metabolic rates of Box Turtles allow them to rely on resource peaks for their energy, allowing them to “coast” through periods of less productive forage using stored energy. Box Turtles live at a slower pace than some other ectotherms and as such have evolved a strategy allowing them to survive in an uncertain resource environment by minimizing costs and risks (PENICK et al., 2002).

In early spring activity suddenly commences. Changing length of daylight seems not to be a significant factor as their artificial light (LED- light nowadays) is on for 12 hours per day every day. The temperature is, within certain limits, also constant so it is not clear what triggers the activation. Looking at the complexity of arousal from hibernation as described before, a The beautifully coloured female T. c. major. combination of factors is likely a combination of temperature and likely to be relevant. Usually it starts at some photoperiod. Burrows may be rather deep (30 moment in March, first there is some cm or more) or very superficial, depending on movement, quickly followed by bathing and the temperatures of the area. Separate drinking. A (limited) interest in food comes factors may be responsible for arousal from later. Banana and cat food are the first hibernation, including warming of the soil preference, followed by earthworms. The temperature profile, precipitation, and ground female T. c. major is always the last. Usually moisture. The complexity of winter rest stimuli it is too early to transfer the animals to their is demonstrated by Terrapene ornata outdoor housing because of the weather inhabiting drier areas. Animals are able to outside and some period has to be tided over.

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Three-toad Box Turtle (T. c. triunguis) laying eggs.

The plastic boxes are too small to give the FINALLY animals sufficient room to move, but because of the limited period of time they spend in With my knowledge of today, I would keep them, it is acceptable to complete the Box Turtles in a completely different way than seasonal cycle. I did before, and even than I do currently. I would give them more space and pay much more attention to the formation of suitable BREEDING groups or couples. In any case I would never In my opinion husbandry should be aimed at use them as scavengers for leftovers of other breeding the animals. However, the way I animals living in the same enclosure. Longer keep the Box Turtles does not allow periods of outdoor housing looks possible in successful breeding. The group is too diverse the Netherlands. Prolonged hibernation or and is living in too limited an area. Probably I winter rest turns out to not be detrimental for would have had to split the group and provide at least the four animals discussed here, even them with separate and larger accom- when different subspecies are concerned. modations. The two Terrapene carolina major In any case Box Turtles turned out to be might be a suitable couple but they are animals that can easily survive in Dutch disturbed too much by the large T. c. carolina outdoor conditions during the warmer male. The latter frequently courted the female seasons. However, it is essential to pay T. c. major, but this never resulted in eggs. attention to the individual requirements of the Mating with the small three-toed female (T. c. animals. These needs can change without triunguis) was never observed. Because of any obvious reason. Satisfactory husbandry the substantial difference in size between the for over 40 years is then possible. animals it would be rather complicated. Nevertheless, this small female produced SAMENVATTING eggs twice, in two early consecutive years. Each time four eggs were laid and burrowed In dit artikel schets ik mijn ervaringen van according to the handbooks. Red discs meer dan 40 jaar met het houden van indicated that the eggs were fertilized but Amerikaanse Doosschildpadden van het standard incubation methods (in incubators in geslacht Terrapene. De drie ondersoorten die humid environments at various temperatures ik beschrijf, blijken geschikt te zijn om with vermiculite as a substrate or in a bain- gedurende de Nederlandse zomerperiode in marie container) did not result in hatchlings. It een buitenverblijf gehouden te worden. Ook might be possible that an earlier mating had maandenlange periodes van winterrust zijn taken place, probably with one of the other steeds zonder problemen verlopen. De zeer animals with which she lived together for individuele en in verloop van tijd variërende some period of time before she came into my wensen van de verschillende dieren, evenals possession. It is known that female Box hun gedrag, worden besproken. Een Turtles have special organs that store sperm vergelijking met literatuurgegevens wordt ook for up to four years (GIST & FISCHER, 1993). gemaakt. Om tot succesvolle voortplanting te kunnen komen, moet extra aandacht besteed worden aan de vorming van geschikte paren en moet men afzien van storende invloeden van andere dieren.

●2019● POD@RCIS n.s. 10 (1) 15 www.podarcis.nl LITERATURE BELZER, W., 2013. Field observations of North America’s eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) on-line: http://herpetology.com/belzer/Boxturtle.htm (Last checked: 26-02-2019). CONGDON, J.D., R.E. GATTEN JR. & S.J. MORREALE, 1989. Overwintering activity of Box Turtles (Terrapene carolina) in South Carolina. J. Herpetol. 23 (2): 179-181. ERNST, C.H. & R.W. BARBOUR, 1989. Turtles of the world: 193-198. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington. FARRELL, T.M., C.K. DODD, JR. & P.G. MAY, 2006. Terrapene carolina – Eastern Box Turtle In: P.A. Meylan (ed.). Turtle biology and conservation of Florida turtles. Chelonian Res. Mon. 3: 225-248. FRITZ, U. & P. HAVAŠ, 2014. On the reclassification of Box Turtles (Terrapene): A response to Martin et al. Zootaxa 3835 (2): 295-298. GIST, D.H. & E.N. FISCHER, 1993. Fine structure of the sperm storage tubules in the Box Turtle oviduct. J. Reprod. Fertil. 97: 463-468. IUCN Red list of threatened species (2011). on-line: http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IU- CN.UK.2011-1.RLTS.T21641A9303747.en (last checked: 26-02-2019). LUTTERSCHMIDT. W.I., S.A. ESCOBAR & E.D. WILSON, 2007. Multivariate analyses of shell morphology of putative hybrid Box Turtles Southeast. Nat., 6 (4): 571-576. MARTIN, B.T., N.P. BERNSTEIN, R.D. BIRKHEAD, J.F. KOUKL, S.M. MUSSMANN & J.S. PLACYK, 2013. Sequence-based molecular phylogenetics and phylogeography of the American Box Turtles (Terrapene spp.) with support from DNA barcoding. Phyl. Evol. 68: 119-134. MILLER, J.K., 2001. Escaping senescence: demographic data from three-toed Box turtle (Terrapene carolina triunguis). Exp. Gerontol., 36 (4-6): 829-832. PENICK, D.N., J. CONGDON, J.R. SPOTILA, & J.B. WILLIAMS, 2002. Microclimates and energetics of free-living Box Turtles, Terrapene carolina, in South Carolina. Phys. Biochem. Zool. 75 (1): 57-65. PLUMMER, M.V., 2004. Seasonal inactivity of the Desert Box Turtle, Terrapene ornata luteola, at the species’ southwestern range limit in Arizona. J. Herpetol. 38 (4): 589-593. PRITCHARD, P.C.H., 1979. Encyclopedia of turtles: 163-172. T.F.H. Publications, New York. STICKEL, L.F., 1989. Home range behavior among Box Turtles (Terrapene c. carolina) of a bottomland forest in Maryland. J. Herpetol. 23 (1): 40-44. ZUPPA, S., 2003. North American Box Turtles (Terrapene) on-line: http://www.chelo- nia.org/articles/TerrapenecareSZ.htm (last checked 26-02-2019).

Most recent observations On February 5, 2019, during my daily observation, I noticed that all four animals came out of hibernation simultaneously. The couple of T. c. major in their separate enclosure immediately started mating activities (see photo). These observations are remarkable because arousal from hibernation was earlier than in any other previous year, although conditions have not changed over the years. Most likely the complex set of conditions that promote arousal from hibernation happened to be good enough at this moment. The female T. c. major usually emerged later than the other animals. I never observed any mating activity between the two T. c. major animals before. Because the disturbing influence of the male T. c. carolina was absent (the animal is in a separate enclosure), the couple was appar- ently able to behave more naturally.

16 ●2019● POD@RCIS n.s. 10 (1) www.podarcis.nl Book review ASHTON, R.E. & P.S. ASHTON, 2008. The natural history and management of the Gopher Tortoise - Gopherus polyphemus (Daudin) 288 pages, 109 b/w photos, 1 distribution map, 13 figures, 45 tables, bound ISBN: 1-57524-162-5 Price: $66.50

Discussing a book written by authors you history and biology, habitat, nutrition, and re- know, is not easy. During several visits to the production. Furthermore, land management USA between 2001 and 2008 I had the priv- and conservation of the species is discussed ilege of meeting Ray and Pat Ashton. The and advice is given to land owners, re- first time I met them at a meeting on reloca- searchers, law enforcement officers and tion and translocation of tortoises held at the state authorities on improvement to these Ashton Biodiversity Research & Preserva- topics. tion Institute in Florida. I found them to be This book occasionally gives the impression dedicated and motivated tortoise specialists that it is written for dummies because of the with a passion for Gopher tortoises. I have amount of detail included for many of the is- followed their numerous publications on Go- sues discussed. As well, on a number of to- pher tortoises, and I consider them to be Mr. pics an overload of irrelevant information is and Mrs. Gopher tortoise. given. A few examples: “courtship and ma- ting was caught on videotape by one author A background of many years of Gopher tor- and photographed by the other author, p. toise conservation does not automatically 22”; “the videotape ran out and part of the mean that writing a book on the species is a courtship was not recorded or seen because “piece of cake”. Apart from the authors, the another tape had to be obtained, p.22”; “time editor, publisher, and printer play a role in periods of bobbing behaviour was measured the process between writing and publishing. by using a wrist watch, p. 23”; “plan your lo- Not being a Gopher tortoise specialist my- cation carefully. Have a place close by, near self, although well acquainted with turtles in restaurants, and where you can renew fuel, general during my now 31 years in the Rot- ice and drinks, p. 177”. There are many such terdam zoo, examining a book on this partic- examples found in the book, and it looks as ular species is complicated. Questions arise if the authors intended to write an extremely such as “is all this information true, are all detailed protocol for all sorts of workers on fourteen pages of cited references relevant how to carry out field research in relation to and were they actually used?” After reading protection and conservation of the Gopher this book, and to be honest this took me a Tortoise. But again, this certainly illustrates few weeks, I became a bit confused. This the immense experience, extensive book is based on many years of experience, knowledge, motivation and passion of the practical as well as theoretical, but in parti- authors. cular it shows the couple’s passion and de- With respect to the contents and text, I en- votion to the species. The book contains in- countered quite a large number of mistakes, depth detailed instructions of how to suc- outdated information and errors. On page 8 ceed in the field with respect to searching, the old names Geochelone elephantopus excavating burrows and handling the tor- (currently G. nigra) and Geochelone gigan- toises. The volume also provides very de- tea (currently G. dussumieri) are used. On tailed information on the species’ natural page 21 the information on courtship

●2019● POD@RCIS n.s. 10 (1) 17 www.podarcis.nl gathered by the authors is not in table 1.6 forages. The volume further contains 45 ta- where such data are summarized. On page bles and 13 figures. The management tech- 24 nest temperatures of 27-31°C are men- niques discussed in this book regarding a tioned without referring to the phenomenon number of issues such as translocations of of temperature dependent sex determination wild populations can certainly be used for during incubation, which is extremely im- other tortoise conservation projects else- portant to know when resorting to artificial where in the world. Captive breeding, how- hatching – resulting in males at low and fe- ever, is not discussed, so the reader will not males at high temperatures. On pages 26- find breeding recipes. Regarding behaviour, 28, a large number of predators are listed in health and veterinary issues and nutrition in the text as well as in table 1.7; a bit of overkill the wild much attention is paid. in my opinion. Numerous photos, unfortu- For those readers interested in conservation nately all in black-and-white presumably for of Gopherus polyphemus the text contains a financial reasons, are included. Many photos huge number of recommendations, tips and are of a poor quality and lack focus thus not information with respect to field research. illustrating the associated text. On pages 38 The information overload sometimes makes and 45 the same photo is printed. On page it difficult to shift the relevant from the irrele- 15 in photo 1.13 the egg tooth mentioned, vant. The large number of errors, textual du- can hardly be distinguished because the plication, typos, and flawed photos, take photo lacks focus. On page 19, photo 1.19, away from the readability of this book. For carapaces of dead tortoises are used to ex- these aspects the authors are probably not plain the gender distinction – why not use to blame. With some extra attention to edit- live specimens? On page 17 the text saying, ing, photos and layout, this book certainly “a more dome shaped carapace replaces the would have increased in value as a scientific flattened carapace of the juvenile” refers to resource. photo 1.16 in which this cannot be seen. In chapter 5 the numbering of tables and fi- The general conclusion: for those working gures is swapped, thus both item types are with the species in the field or in captivity, or incorrectly numbered. Quite a lot of text on active in protection and conservation or specific topics is also included in tables on planning to do so, this book is certainly a the same pages, causing information to be must-read. Through the in-depth discussion presented twice; in my view it would have of a large number of issues a positive im- been better to mention specific, limited infor- pression of the complexity of the status of mation in the text and give a more extended the species in the wild, and the need for overview in the tables. proper management and protection of the The book includes 368 references. An ap- species and its habitat is gained. Until now I pendix lists 1103 species (376 genera in 83 have not read a detailed book such as this families) on which the Gopher Tortoise on tortoise conservation in all its aspects.

Henk Zwartepoorte Former Assistant Curator Reptiles and Amphibians Rotterdam Zoo

As this review was written a considerable time ago, nomenclatural changes occurring in the intervening years could not be taken into consideration by the author. To respect the integrity of the text, we publish the original phrasing.

In memory of Henk Zwartepoorte

In 2016, just after arriving in Australia for a herpetological trip, the author very unexpectedly died. Almost all of the Pod@rcis editors knew Henk, some of us for a considerable time, and several on occasion had the pleasure of co-authoring his papers. He was very open to all interested in herps, professionals and amateurs alike, and well-respected internationally for his extensive knowledge of especially the Testudines. We all miss him and extend our condolences to his partner Mary.

Herman in den Bosch, for the editorial team.

18 ●2019● POD@RCIS n.s. 10 (1) www.podarcis.nl Book review LILLYWHITE, H.B., 2008. Dictionary of herpetology. Krieger Publishing Company, Malabar (Fl), USA. ISBN 1-57524-023-8 384 pages, 41 b&w figures, 3 tables Price: €112.50

Any author's working day will not pass with- and gular fold. 'Pileus' in European, certainly out consulting a lexicon in some form. A her- in German, herpetology denotes the top of petologist’s life is no exception and would in- the head of especially the , com- clude dictionaries like PETERS (1964), and monly referring to its pholidosis, the constel- the more recent book of KABISCH (1990) for lation of the scales. According to Lillywhite, those who understand German. The latter in- pileus is "A black, cap-like marking on top of cludes more illustrations than the former and the head". Although the head scalation in li- a list of references, which is completely ab- zards is fairly similar to those in snakes, it sent from PETERS (1964). The work being re- would have been good to include drawings viewed here falls somewhere between these with explanatory terms as in, e.g. ARNOLD two dictionaries as there are some refer- (2002: 112-113) or KABISCH (1990: 377) (see ences in-text, as well as Peters'-like outlined figure below), which would immediately drawings. A simplistic comparison of the three dictionaries would be to count and compare the number of entries in each. Lilly- white certainly wins with over 11,000 entries, with the other two averaging 3,500 – al- though the reality is that what really matters is the kind of terms included. Peters is cer- tainly the purest as it focuses primarily on herpetological terms, while Kabisch incorpo- rates a fair number of (mainly European) genera and species names plus some terms useful to the vivarium keeper. To a lesser ex- tent, KABISCH (1990) also integrates general morphological terminology. LILLYWHITE (2008) adds even more non-herpetological Examples of ARNOLD (2002) and KABISCH (1990) re- terminology related to anatomy, physiology, spectively. systematics, evolution, and other disciplines.

Even our webzine is included with its URL clarify the placement of the occipital scale (thank you!), although the journal's name (which is not the interparietal in lizards), fron- should be spelled with an @. toparietal (which is not necessarily "Syn. In- terparietal"), and supraciliary granules (ab- I could not resist testing the Dictionary of sent in LILLYWHITE (2008) although his fig. 16 herpetology with some terms that have ei- shows "superciliaries"). ther confused me over the years, or that As I explained in an earlier paper (IN DEN seem to have different meanings to different BOSCH, 2005: 11) a 'gular fold' is not neces- people. The terms I chose to use were pileus sarily "a fold of skin running transversely

●2019● POD@RCIS n.s. 10 (1) 19 www.podarcis.nl

across the throat immediately anterior to the The format of the present work is somewhat insertion of the forelegs", the definition given surprising as it not only is a fairly large tome by Lillywhite, because in Lacertidae that is (22x28.5 cm) and thus bulky on one's desk where we find the collar. A gular fold in this – PETERS (1964) and especially KABISCH family would automatically become syntopic (1990) were more pocket book-sized – but it with the collar. More logically, the 'gular fold' exists solely as a book. The dictionaries that is the transverse fold found under the throat I use each day, range from modern lan- of many lacertids running more or less from guages to etymology, and are almost all ear opening to ear opening. KABISCH (1990) available in electronic form, even the rarer employed 'sulcus gularis'. Alternatively, the etymological ones – some of which are over term 'jugular fold' could be used in this con- a century old. My herp ones, an ethological text. lexicon, and two classical dictionaries are all well-printed and within easy reach, but used much more sparingly, I reluctantly confess, only because they are not immediately under one's fingertips. Apart from economic mo- tives (fear of illegal copying), it is incompre- hensible that Krieger did not also publish the Dictionary of herpetology in digital format in this computer age.

Should one buy the book? I am undecided. For around $30 - $40 Peters' dictionary is readily available second-hand, as is Kabisch's for half that price. If you do not also have access to anatomical or medical lexicons, or do not want to clutter your desk, LILLYWHITE (2008: 194-195). and money is not an object, you certainly should. If in future the publisher decides to include a CD or DVD, I would then recom- mend that we all order it immediately.

LITERATURE ARNOLD, E.N., 2002. A field guide to the reptiles and amphibians of Britain and Europe. HarperCollins Publishers Ltd., London. BOSCH, H.A.J. IN DEN, 2005. Psammodromus microdactylus (Boettger, 1881), a rare lizard species? Pod@rcis 6: 2-35. KABISCH, K., 1990. Wörterbuch der Herpetologie. VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena. PETERS, J.A., 1964. Dictionary of herpetology. A brief and meaningful definition of words and terms used in herpetology. Hafner Publishing Company, New York and London.

Herman A.J. in den Bosch Leiden University, Institute of Biology Section Behavioural Biology P.O. Box 9516, NL-2300 RA Leiden The Netherlands [email protected]

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