Shetland Amenity Trust

Trees and Shrubs for Wholesale 2012

Shetland Amenity Trust

Trees and Shrubs for Wholesale 2012


Species Common name Provenance/origin Type* Size Max. Cost Qty rqd(multiples of 5 or 10 Abies procera Noble fir Kergord CG 10-20 100 0.60 Acer pseudoplatanus Sycamore Kergord CG 30-50 300 0.70 Alnus glutionosa Common alder Shetland/Sutherland CG 20-40 1500 0.70 Alnus incana Grey alder Shetland, Voxter CG 30-50 200 0.70 Alnus sinuata Sitka alder Sullom/SE Alaska CG 30-50 1100 0.90 Alnus sinuata CG 15-30 2000 0.60 Betula pubescens Downy birch Clickimin/Iceland PG 20-40 200 1.50 Betula pubescens CG 30-50 1000 0.90 Betula pubescens CG 20-30 700 0.70 Betula pubescens CG 10-20 200 0.40 Cotoneaster bullatus Cotoneaster Voe CG 10-20 300 0.50 Fraxinus excelsior Ash Lerwick CG 30-40 200 1.00 Laburnum anagyroides Laburnum Kergord PG 30-60 100 1.50 Lonicera involucrata Shrubby Kergord CG 20-40 300 1.20 Lonicera periclymenum Climbing honeysuckle Lerwick CG 30-50 300 0.80 Larix leptolepis Japanese larch Kergord CG 15-30 500 0.60 Olearia macrodonta "New Zealand holly" Lerwick CG 10-20 300 0.60 Picea sitchensis Sitka spruce W Norway/Alaska CG 15-30 500 0.60 Pinus contorta Shore pine Voxter/Alaska CG 20-30 1000 0.60 Populus trichocarpa Black cottonwood Kergord/SE Alaska CG 20-40 150 1.00 Salix Shetland native Kergord/Shetland CG 20-40 200 1.00 Salix species Alaskan & Japanese willow Kergord CG 30-50 300 1.00 Sorbus aucuparia Rowan Brae/Scotland CG 15-20 100 0.60 Ulmus glabra Wych elm Kergord CG 20-30 250 1.00

Costs are ex VAT, which will be charged at 20% *CG = cell grown, PG = pot grown We offer 5% discount on orders totalling over £500 net. Please indicate delivery or collection (from SAT Horticultural Unit, North Staney Hill)

Name & Address: Contact no./ e-mail: Delivery/Collection. Date & times convenient:

Delivery address:

Please return completed order form, with contact details to: James Mackenzie Shetland Amenity Trust Garthspool, Lerwick, Shetland ZE1 0NY Tel: 01595 694688 Fax: 01595 693956 E-mail: [email protected]

We will endeavour to have your ready in the following week.

Notes on the plants.

Generally, 10-20 (cm) sizes are for growing on. Larger sizes can be 1, 2 or 3 years old, and can be planted, or potted on/lined out. “Max” means the approximate total quantity we have available.

Alnus glutinosa. Origin a natural stand at Crossburn, Skerray, Sutherland, very near to the north coast. Well adapted to Shetland’s climate. Alnus incana. Fast growing, requiring damp ground and more shelter than the other alders listed. Alnus sinuata: collected at Sullom plantation, origin Mitkof Island in SE Alaska. Sitka alder is undoubtedly an excellent shelter tree, and can tolerate damp poor soils. Betula pubescens (ssp. tortuosa): seed collected from Clickimin; origin south Iceland, where the best natural stand of birch is, at Baejarstađarskogur. Cotoneaster bullatus. collected from a small stand by the roadside at Voe. Fairly wind resistant, berries attractive to birds. Fraxinus excelsior. Seed collected from Western coastal Norway. A good alternative to sycamore. Laburnum anagyroides. From seed of an old tree near Kergord House, now felled due to extensive decay. Larix leptolepis. From Lindsay Lea, Kergord. Picea sitchensis. From a seed orchard on Taraldsøy, an island in Haugesund, west Norway. Original seed collected in several coastal Alaska locations and sown and planted in Iceland plantations; selected “mother” trees were harvested and the resulting seed sown on Taraldsøy. Therefore of excellent provenance for Shetland. Pinus contorta. Seed collected from trees of Alaskan origin. This conifer is the best for wet ground in Shetland. Populus trichocarpa. From cuttings sent from Iceland, where this is widely grown in shelterbelts and has reached 20m. in height One of the fastest growing species available. Buds and opening leaves smell strongly of balsam. Salix species. This year we have a selection of Shetland native species available, as well as some Salix alaxensis (Alaskan felt leaf willow), and some Salix S. S. udensis ‘Sekka’. There are also limited numbers of the Iceland willow, Salix ‘Brekkuviður’.

We have limited supplies of other plants available. Please contact for information. Cell and pot grown plants may have been chemically treated with Vinil against Weevil. Please handle with gloves and wash hands after handling.

News regarding forestry grants for Shetland

The new “Woodland Creation for the Northern and Western Isles – Native Woodlands” grant has been launched by the Forestry Commission. The basic grant is £4160 per hectare, plus £300/ha/yr for five years. In Shetland the minimum eligible area is 0.25 ha and the maximum 1.00 ha. For those contemplating shelterbelts, the minimum width is 15m. A grant for fencing (stock and rabbits) and gates is also available. 20% of the trees can be mixed broadleaves – that is, they do not need to be native to the UK – in order to create shelter. A minimum stocking density of 3000 trees/ha is required, and 25% of the area can be managed open ground. There is a presumption against planting on peat of greater than 50cm depth, and conifers and shrubs are excluded. Applicants must register their land under IACS, and have a Business Registration Number (BRN) and Land Parcel Identifier number(s) (LPID). The application process is done on-line as for all SRDP grants, but in this case the “ongoing approval process” means that applications are dealt with directly by the Forestry Commission.

We recommend the following for native trees, where possible from Shetland, Orkney or North and North West Scotland provenance or origin (seed zones 101 - Shetland, 102 - Orkney, Caithness and Sutherland, 103 – Western Isles, 104 – Inner Hebrides, 105 – West Highland, 201 – Highland, 202 - Grampian ): Alnus glutinosa Betula pubescens ssp. tortuosa Corylus avellana Crataegus monogyna Fraxinus excelsior Populus tremula Salix aurita S. cinerea S. pentandra Sorbus aucuparia Ulmus glabra

For mixed (exotic) broadleaves, e.g., for shelter: Acer pseudoplatanus Alnus sinuata Populus trichocarpa Salix alaxensis S. ‘Brekkuviður’ S. hookeriana S. udensis ‘Sekka’ Sorbus intermedia