c the bible's amazing propheciesegypt concePainc By Bryant G. Wood To prophesy that Tahpanhes would be defeated and that 's proud might would come to an end was a startling prediction.

"ElGYPT4 looms large in the Scriptures him to remain with a small group still vans going to and from the East passed as a subject of God's dealings in Judah. Events then moved swiftly. through there. A large mud-brick down through the centuries. It all be- An assassin killed , whom building standing in the center of the gan with Abraham's visit during the Nebuchadnezzar had set up as gover- city served as a fort and also as famine. (Genesis 12.) Because of her nor of Judah. Fearing retribution, the 's headquarters when he was idolatrous and sinful ways, God often Jews, under Johanan, took 's in the district. It was outside this chastened Egypt. Old Testament proph- daughters and fled to Egypt, forcing building that pronounced his ets foretold. these judgments upon Egypt Jeremiah to accompany them. first prophecy against Egypt: in a remarkable fashion. After a journey of several weeks, "Then the word of the Lord came to Many of the Old Testament writers they arrived at Tahpanhes on the east- Jeremiah in Tahpanhes: 'Take in your prophesied against Egypt's ancient ern frontier of the Egyptian Delta. hands large stones, and hide them in cities, and their predictions are among Here at Tahpanhes, about 566 B.C. or the mortar in the pavement which is the most amazing in all the Bible. later, God directed Jeremiah to proph- at the entrance to Pharaoh's palace in These prophets singled out her most esy against the cities of Egypt. Tahpanhes, in the sight of the men of important cities and unveiled their Jeremiah and Ezekiel specifically Judah, and say to them, "Thus says the coming fate. Archaeological and his- prophesied against eight Egyptian cities. Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: Be- toric evidence now reveals that these All of these cities, with one exception, hold, I will send and take Nebuchad- prophecies were completely fulfilled— have been located and their story laid rezzar the king of Babylon, my servant, some of them centuries later. bare by archaeologists. The cities which and he will set his throne above these The story of God's judgments upon have been located to date are Zoan, stones which I have hid, and he will the cities of Egypt really begins with Tahpanhes, Memphis, , Pibe- spread his royal canopy over them." ' " the fall of . When Nebuchad- seth, Heliopolis, and Thebes. Archaeo- :8-10, R.S.V. nezzar first defeated the city in 597 logical work continues at some of these Sir Hinders Petrie, famous British B.c., he took many captives, among sites today. The eighth city, Migdol, archaeologist of the late nineteenth and them a priest named Ezekiel. While in has not as yet been positively located. early twentieth century, excavated at exile in Babylon—sometime between Two of these cities, Tahpanhes and Tahpanhes in 1886. He made discov- 593 and 571 B.C.—Ezekiel prophesied Thebes, played especially important eries which give extraordinary illumi- against Egypt. (-32.) roles in the prophecies of Jeremiah and nation to Jeremiah's account. Petrie's Then, about 587 B.C., Nebuchadnez- Ezekiel. first surprise when he arrived at the zar made a second attack upon Jeru- site was the local name for the mound salem. This time he utterly defeated Tahpanhes is situated at the eastern which contained the remains of Tah- Zedekiah, then king of Judah, and edge of the Egyptian Delta, some seven panhes. The natives called it Qasr Bint burned the city. Among those Nebu- miles west of the . At one el Yehudi, meaning "palace of the chadnezzar led out of Jerusalem to time, before it dried up, the Pelusiac Jew's daughter." This is an extremely face a life of exile in Babylon was the branch of the flowed past the site. unusual name, there being none other prophet Jeremiah. The city was one of the major for- like it in all Egypt. The name had pre- By God's providence, Jeremiah tresses guarding the eastern entrance served down through the centuries the found favor with the Babylonian king, into Egypt. It was also an important memory of the visit of Zedekiah's who shortly released him and allowed commercial center, since all the cara- Continued FEBRUARY, 1970 3 Continued been badly damaged. Enough of the Nebuchadnezzar necessarily had to de- daughters following the collapse of the cuneiform writing has remained legible, feat Tahpanhes. Since Tahpanhes was . however, to determine that Nebuchad- an important fortified outpost on the As Petrie began his excavations, he nezzar did launch an expedition against route into Egypt, he had to overthrow soon learned that the mound contained Egypt. It reads as follows: ". . . in the it in order to gain entrance into the what could well be Pharaoh's palace 37th year, Nebuchadnezzar, king of country. After examining the evidence, spoken of by Jeremiah. He cleared the Babylon, marched against Egypt to de- Dr. Emil Kraeling, in the Rand Mc- debris until he had exposed the floor liver a battle. Amasis, of Egypt, called Nally Bible Atlas, makes the following plan of the building. He found that a up his army . . ." (Translated by A. L. statement: large square central section, several Oppenheim in "Ancient Near Eastern "It can hardly be doubted that he stories high, served as a fortress. To Texts Relating to the Old Testament.") [Nebuchadnezzar] actually set up his this was added two other sections: one Nebuchadnezzar carried out this cam- court at the palace of Tahpanhes, as for royal quarters and another for paign in his thirty-seventh year, or Jeremiah 43:8f predicted, and meted storerooms. It was probably here in 568/567 B.c., some fourteen years out death sentences there." the royal quarters that Zedekiah's following his first invasion of Egypt. Ezekiel predicted further conflict in daughters lived while at Tahpanhes. In making this attack on Egypt, Tahpanhes: "At Tehaphnehes the day The palace-fort stood in a great forti- shall be dark, when I break there the fied camp, surrounded by a wall Petrie dominion of Egypt, and her proud discovered was over forty feet thick. This image represents Amon, might shall come to an end; she shall During his excavations of the palace- the chief of all Egyptian gods. be covered by a cloud, and her daugh- fort, Petrie made an amazing discovery. ters shall go into captivity." Ezekiel While digging around the foundation 30:18, R.S.V. of the building, he came upon a large Following Nebuchadnezzar's cam- brick platform outside the main en- paign in 568/567 B.c. the Persians un- trance. This platform may have well der Cambyses II invaded Egypt in 525 been the very place where the Lord in- B.c. Herodotus, a Greek historian who structed Jeremiah to bury the large wrote in the fifth century s.c., reported stones! The platform, it seems, served that Cambyses first routed the Egyp- as a public meeting place where busi- tians at the coastal outpost of Pelusium. ness, government, and social affairs He then drove the Egyptian army past were conducted. It was an ideal place Tahpanhes to the walled city of Mem- for Jeremiah to deliver his message. phis. There he completed his defeat of Petrie searched for the stones which the Egyptians. Jeremiah placed there, but without suc- Thus Cambyses broke the dominion cess. Floodwaters had swept away of Egypt, and her proud might came most of the platform. to an end as foretold by Ezekiel. Jeremiah foretold the following Cambyses went on to conquer all events with regard to Tahpanhes: Egypt and set up Persian rule in the " 'Thus says the Lord of hosts, the land. That was indeed a dark day for God of Israel: Behold, I will send and Egypt, for she was never again to be a take Nebuchadrezzar the king of Baby- nation of major importance. lon, my servant, and he will set his throne above these stones which I have The city of Thebes, for much of hid, and he will spread his royal canopy Egyptian history, was the leading city over them.' " Jeremiah 43:10, R.S.V. of southern Egypt. Located on the "The word which the Lord spoke to eastern bank of the Nile some 450 Jeremiah the prophet about the coming miles south of Cairo, Thebes was the of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon to seat of the , starting about smite the land of Egypt: 'Declare in 2100 B.C. The city reached the height Egypt, and proclaim in . . . Tahpan- of its power between 1500 and 1000 hes; say, "Stand ready and be prepared, B.c., when it was the center of a vast for the sword shall devour round about empire and the wealthiest and most you." ' " :13, 14, R.S.V. famous city in all the world. Named Jeremiah predicted that Nebuchad- after the local god Amon, the Egyp- nezzar, the Babylonian king who had tians called their capital Nu-Amon, just sacked Jerusalem, would defeat "The Town of Amon." The Hebrews Tahpanhes and set up his throne there. referred to it by the Egyptian name, The records of history verify the fact and so we have No-Amon, or simply that Nebuchadnezzar did indeed invade No in the King James Version of the Egypt as Jeremiah predicted. Bible. Modern translations have used A fragment of a Babylonian clay the more common name of Thebes, tablet witnesses to Nebuchadnezzar's which was coined by the Greeks. attack upon Egypt. The tablet, now in At Thebes we find the greatest col- the British Museum, has unfortunately lection of monuments and ruins of any

4 THESE TIMES mitted in Thebes. The history of Thebes from the time of Jeremiah and Ezekiel up to the third century A.D. iS a suc- cession of attacks by foreigners and insurrections by the local inhabitants. First came Nebuchadnezzar. Then On this clay tablet a Cambyses II, when he conquered Egypt Babylonian scribe recorded in 525 B.C., dealt a terrible blow to Thebes. Cambyses plundered, muti- Nebuchadnezzar's invasion lated, and burned her temples and of Egypt in 568/567 B.C. completely ravaged the city. Thebes recovered to a degree, but it was never again of first-rate importance. In 335 B.C., the Persians put down a revolt of native rulers in Thebes and once again meted out punishment. The Greeks, under Alexander the Great, were next in the line of oppressors. They invaded and conquered Egypt in 332 B.C. In the first century B.C. place in the world. The ruins are of Egypt. He owes his success to poli- Ptolemy IX completely destroyed grouped in three major areas. At the tics, for as Thebes gained in impor- Thebes in order to quell an uprising. modern city of Luxor is the magnificent tance, so did Amon. The name Amon By the end of the fourth century Temple of Amenhotep III. A mile and means "the hidden god." The Egyp- A.D. Christianity had a stronghold in a half northeast of Luxor, at Karnak, tians worshiped him as the god of the Egypt. The Christians established are the remains of the majestic Temple air and the god of fertility. He was churches in the temples and destroyed of Amon and several smaller temples. represented in human form, although or defaced the ancient idols. Thus God Across the Nile from Luxor and Kar- occasionally given a ram's head. punished Amon and executed acts of nak lies the Necropolis, or royal ceme- What did God have to say about the judgment upon Thebes as prophesied. tery. Located here are many temples great city of Thebes, the city that An inspection of the site of Thebes and tombs of the kings and queens boasted the largest pagan temple ever will easily verify that :16 who once ruled Thebes. built by man? Is there any mention of has been fulfilled: "Thebes shall be Egyptian temples rank among the Thebes and the god Amon in the Bi- breached, and its walls broken down." greatest achievements of mankind. And ble? In Jeremiah 46:25, 26, R.S.V., No city walls are to be seen anywhere. the greatest of all the Egyptian temples we read these words: At many ancient cities, such as Nine- is the Temple of Amon at Karnak. It "The Lord of hosts, the God of veh and Babylon, ruined remains of is the largest temple ever erected by Israel, said: 'Behold, I am bringing walls still stand—but not at Thebes. man and, until recent times, was the punishment upon Amon of Thebes, Only gateways and pylons mark the largest columned building ever con- and Pharaoh, and Egypt and her gods places where walls once stood. structed. and her kings, upon Pharaoh and those And so we have seen how the The Hypostyle Hall in the Temple who trust in him. I will deliver them prophecies against Tahpanhes and of Amon is one of the wonders of the into the hand of those who seek their Thebes have been fulfilled utterly and world. It is large enough to contain the life, into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar completely. These prophecies and their entire Cathedral of Notre Dame in king of Babylon and his officers.' " fulfillment are quite remarkable. When Paris. The roof of this gigantic hall at Yes, God would bring punishment they were written, Egypt was a power- one time was supported by 134 col- upon Amon, and upon those who wor- ful empire. To prophesy that Tab- umns. Many of the columns are still shiped him, through Nebuchadnezzar. panhes would be defeated and that standing today. We know from the record of the Baby- Egypt's proud might would come to The smaller of the columns, forming lonian tablet already that Nebuchad- an end was a startling prediction. Yet seven rows on either side of two central nezzar invaded Egypt in 568/567 B.C. that is exactly what happened. To pre- rows, are a lofty 421/2 feet high and Unfortunately, archaeology has not re- dict that the walls of powerful Thebes 271/2 feet in circumference. In the two vealed to us the details of this cam- would be broken down seems some- central rows the columns rise to a paign. The record does, however, indi- what risky. And yet in her ruins, no majestic height of 69 feet and are 34 cate that Nebuchadnezzar's campaign portion of the ancient city walls is left. feet in circumference. So huge are the was successful and that, at least briefly, But are these prophecies really so capitals of the larger columns that it is he gained control of the country. Since remarkable? As we study them in said 125 men can stand on the top of Thebes was the capital, it was neces- depth, we soon realize that they were one capital. sary for an invading force to conquer not formulated by men, but by the One As one surveys the great Temple of her in order to gain control of Egypt. who knows the beginning from the Amon, he senses that this must have The evidence points to the fulfillment end. The Bible is not just a collection been the temple of the "king of the by Nebuchadnezzar of Jeremiah's of ancient writings by man, but it is gods." All other temples in Egypt look prophecy. God's revelation to man, given to us provincial in comparison. Amon, in- History readily attests to the fact that we might find eternal life through deed, was for centuries the chief god that acts of judgment have been com- faith in Jesus Christ. END

FEBRUARY, 1970 5

THESE TIMES is published by the Southern Publishing Association of Seventh-day Adventists, 2119 24th Avenue, North, Nashville, Tennessee 37202, U.S.A. Published monthly (except August and October, when semimonthly). Second-class postage paid at Nashville, Tennessee. Rates: 50 cents a copy; $6.00, one year, in the U.S.; 75 cents extra overseas where required. Quantity prices on request. Vol. 79, No. 2. Copyright, Southern Publishing Association, 1970. t

- aar dagendwir • If '-1111641111',/; 4;oloor unloved County in Ohio, reports forty-six clas- theories as to how the injuries were sic cases of fatal abuse in his book caused. chilepea Slaughter of the Innocents, which is For example, the parents of a two- required reading for all students of year-old Massachusetts girl denied re- the "battered-child syndrome." peatedly in court that they had thrown need "It is relatively simple," says Adel- or pushed the child down a steep stair- son, "to destroy the life of a child in way in their home. The autopsy was absolute secrecy, without taking any clear in showing the cause of death to your elaborate precautions." be a compound skull fracture. But no Horrible thought? Of course. Vin- one besides the parents saw it happen. cent de Francis, director of the Chil- The mother and father simply stuck help dren's Division of the American Hu- to their story that the child fell. mane Association, calls the spectacle Judges have no alternative in the of the battered child in our society one face of this testimony but to let these Millions of unloved and too difficult for most people to under- parents go free. However, steps are unwanted children in the stand or accept. being taken to overcome the draw- De Francis headed a 1962 investi- backs of child protection laws. In Ohio United States are crippled, gation of child abuse which tabulated a new section to the law would make mentally maimed, and 662 newspaper accounts of parents child-abuse evidence prima facie. even murdered every year who had beaten, burned, drowned, Prima facie just means that the face by parents and child- stabbed, kicked, strangled, and suffo- value of evidence in legal matters cated their children with lethal weap- would take the burden of proof from caretakers who cannot ons ranging from bare fists and spiked the state and would put it directly on control their frustrations. shoes all the way to iron pokers and the shoulders of the defendant, who plastic bags. Most of these defenseless would then be required to prove in- By Pearl Gibbs victims were under four years of age. nocence. In other words, instead of Many died from their injuries. the state trying to prove that a parent The De Francis Report was one of had thrown his child down a stairway, many battered-child surveys responsi- the parent would have to prove that he 1VOT LONG AGO a dissipated-looking ble for bringing about a 1965 model didn't do such a thing. 1.1 man appeared at the door of an state law requiring doctors, dentists, But what kind of parent would in- Ohio orphanage accompanied by a teachers, and social workers to report jure a child? small boy. He explained that he was suspected child abuse to the police. Doctors, psychologists, and welfare out of work and that his alcoholic wife Failure to report was considered a mis- and social workers agree that the child- was hospitalized. He wanted to give the demeanor and bore a fine. But the law beater has a distinct profile. Generally boy away. also granted immunity from criminal speaking, the parent or child-caretaker Officials at the home were stunned and civil liability to all who made re- is young, emotionally immature, im- when they examined Buddy. The piti- ports "in good faith." pulsive, burdened with economic and ful seven-year-old was blind in one eye. But despite mandatory reporting marital problems, and seems unwilling Several fingers were broken. Both arms laws adopted in one form or another or unable to take on family respon- had been fractured. Several teeth had by most state governments, child abus- sibilities. been knocked out. Scars twisted his ers continue to escape punishment, and But don't be misled. Nice people, bumpy swollen lips. His nose was countless children live daily in mortal from nice neighborhoods, can fit the broken in two places. And his ears fear, inadequately protected. Why? child-abuse profile as easily as those were cauliflowered from persistent cuff- Court Judges John J. Toner and from disadvantaged areas. According ing. One of the social workers at the Angelo J. Gagliardo, of Cleveland, to Dr. C. Henry Kempe, Denver's pe- home called Buddy "the most unloved Ohio, are among those who point out diatrics professor who coined the "bat- child I have ever seen in my life." that child-abuse cases are the most tered child" phrase six years ago, afflu- Twenty-eight operations and nearly difficult to prove. ent people are only harder to detect a year of continuing physiotherapy "Invariably," says Judge Toner, than others. They are not exempt. were required in repairing this child's "there are no competent witnesses to "Wealthy people have lawyers," says disfigurement. However, Buddy will the actual beating or neglect. Usually Kempe. suffer lifelong physical and emotional the only witness is a two- or three- Nevertheless, all child-abusive par- damage because of the abuse given him month-old infant who cannot speak, ents can be put into one of three broad by the people who should have loved let alone testify." categories: him the most—his parents. According to Toner and other judges First, the willful abuser tortures, Millions of unloved and unwanted across the nation, most child-abuse maims, and neglects a child with disas- children in the United States are crip- cases are proved through circumstan- trous results. He slugs, burns, starves, pled, mentally maimed, and even mur- tial evidence. While many people think stabs, and suffocates the child, either dered every year by parents and child- that bruises and cuts along with other consciously or unconsciously, and turns caretakers who cannot control their medical testimony should be all-inclu- around and denies he had anything to frustrations. sive, it isn't. Medical testimony, says do with the offense. Newspapers are Dr. Lester Adelson, pathologist and Toner, only shows the extent of the full of stories about this type of abuser chief deputy coroner of Cuyahoga injuries a child has received and offers Continued

FEBRUARY, 1970 7 Continued Children need careful training to early, keeping the keys to the car, or because his crime is so heinous. This is grow up to become responsible adults. some other desired pleasure. the child-slugger, most responsible for Some youngsters, of course, have se- Other children have more hold-out infant abuse deaths. vere problems of a physical or mental power, making it necessary to impress Second, the immature abuser is not origin. which prevent them from re- them even physically with the impor- grown up or settled enough to take on sponding to normal disciplinary mea- tance of obedience. To-spank-or-not- the problems of raising a child, espe- sures. Such children need professional to-spank is hardly the question. How cially one of the crying variety. Such help with their behavior difficulties. and when to spank is the real problem. a person metes out punishment severely But for most children the following Grabbing a curtain rod and clobber- and irrationally because his attack on guidelines gathered from Mrs. Weis- ing four-year-old Mary because she in- the child stems from fears and frustra- berger and other experts will help par- sists on playing with the dog right at tions or from any other problem he ents get good results in the home. your feet while you are hanging the may have bothering him. Beating the Establish limits early: Numerous drapes, can be disastrous. So can child is his way of unbottling pent-up studies on delinquent children show swinging a shovel, a mop, or anything emotions. that a significantly large number of else you might have in your hand when And third, the moral abuser has nei- them come from homes where parents you are at the point of anger-explosion. ther the restraint nor the mental capac- have not established definite rules and Yet all experts agree that children ity to deal with a child's behavior. He regulations. But it is natural for a child should be punished at the time and feels the only way to discipline a child to see how far he can go without re- place of their disobedience, because is through physical punishment, going ceiving punishment. the purpose of punishment is to teach at it intently and making sure the child Psychologists call this action a "cry the child he has gone way beyond the doesn't err again. He doesn't mean to for help," stressing that a child is hap- accepted limits. But how? maltreat the youngster. It just turns out piest when he knows the extent of the Three easy steps answer that: First, that way. behavior limit set for him. But rules warn the child that he is disobeying. Psychologists point out other factors mean little to a youngster unless he Then warn him more emphatically, in child abuse, such as identification. knows why he must obey them. explaining the reasons and punishment. About half of all cases of child abuse "You don't have to obey any old Finally punish as promised, keeping in show that the youngster was conceived rules," five-year-old Betty told her mind that a child is no physical match before marriage and becomes a guilt mother, angry because she wasn't per- for adult strengths. symbol of past indiscretions. Other mitted to cross a busy intersection by Give assurance of your love: Dr. children in the family may remain herself. "Mothers can do just anything Narramore agrees wholeheartedly with happy and well while this unfortunate they want to." Mrs. Weisberger and many other ex- child pays for his "crime" of being Impudent? Not really. Most children perts that nothing encourages good be- born. think that grown-ups can do as they havior in children more than the feel- Sometimes a parent will identify please. That's why parents need to ex- ing of security. some disliked relative in the family plain that everyone has some kind of "Your child needs to know that al- with the abused child. "He looks and rule to obey, and that rules were made though you may not like what he does," acts like my brother John," confided for our protection, not just physically says Dr. Narramore, "you still love one mother when questioned about her but socially too. him and always will. When a young- motives of abuse toward one of her Time-consuming? Yes. But growing ster realizes this, his love and respect three sons. The comparison slipped out up is a step-by-step adjustment. Keep grow deeper and he will be ashamed of unconsciously. in mind that a child comes into this any bad behavior." But Dr. David Gil, of Brandeis Uni- world knowing nothing and having to How much do you really love your versity, director of the largest nation- learn everything. children? wide study of battered children, says, Substitute for undesirable behavior: Christian parents have a grave re- "Maybe in each of us there's an im- According to all child-development ex- sponsibility to "train up a child in the pulse to hurt the child occasionally. If perts, including the nationally famous way he should go." The Bible clearly we understand that we have such im- Drs. Benjamin Spock and Arnold Ge- teaches that parents are not to provoke pulses, it may be easier for us to deal sell, distraction is a practical method a child to anger, thereby discouraging with them." for parents to use in discouraging un- him. But they are to bring him up "in But what guiding principles help a desirable behavior in children of any the nurture and admonition of the parent in disciplining a child in love? age. Lord." According to Mrs. Eleanor B. Weis- For instance, Ricky, age two, has Disciplining in love is all of these berger, child therapist and instructor decided to crayon the window sills. things. END in child psychiatry at Western Reserve Giving Ricky a newspaper or some University in Cleveland, Ohio, much wrapping paper to scribble on changes The American Humane Society and of the confusion that exists in the mat- the emphasis. the Society for the Prevention of Cru- ter of disciplining children disappears Punish constructively and consist- elty to Children urge prompt reporting if parents do not confuse discipline ently: Knocking "sense into a child" of all forms of child abuse. Police and with punishment. is an inexcusable substitute for teach- Social Welfare workers throughout the "Discipline in its most basic sense," ing discipline. But punishment with a nation stand ready to assist any un- says Mrs. Weisberger, "is the education purpose has its place. Some children fortunate child caught in a web of cir- you employ for the development of respond to restrictions—denying them cumstances which makes him a victim character in your child." TV privileges, sending them to bed of abuse. 8 THESE TIMES God's thing—love By Brian Doerr

T ALL HAPPENED in Boston, in the lead me to something better in life. I life as a Christian, I gained new spiri- I spring of 1968. I was in an apart- was really trying to get into a true tual insight by reading my Bible. ment smoking pot and shooting up Love Bag. Through faith I began to receive all speed, when my friends and I started I can remember that day when the that God had for me. As time went to rap about religion. We must have Lord woke me up and showed me I on, I got into a deep Love Bag and was rapped all night about our faith and was spiritually blind. I was letting sacrificing everything for my Lord and came to the conclusion that God was drugs run my life, and was depressed Saviour, Jesus Christ. I was enjoying trying to reach into our lives. During all of the time. life more than ever before. that time, we discovered many mean After praying that day in my Boston I know my experience is real, for streaks coming out of us. I then found apartment, I left for home. On my the Bible says, "If man is in Christ he myself thinking of how speed kills, and way, I became confused and thought becomes a new person altogether—the what it had been doing to me. I had I was going to hell again. When I got past is finished and gone, everything been using drugs for three years, and home, my parents saw that I needed has become fresh and new." 2 Corin- began to recall some of the things that help, so they called a minister they thians 5:17, Phillips.* had happened during that time. knew, and within a short time he ar- The Lord has blessed me and filled I started using marijuana. Then I rived. I began to tell him how I felt me with the Holy Spirit. It is like a went on to LSD for a year or two be- and what I had been going through. built-in "high" and such a rich feeling tween being in and out of hospitals. He then told me about being freed of peace and contentment. It is like an My first time in the hospital was for a from my hang-ups, like being born all overflowing love that never runs dry. period of seven months. I had a fear over again with a new lease on life. He The Holy Spirit brings in true love, of going to hell, and I thought I could went on to say that for me to go to love that you cannot find until you be- not love people. I had been using LSD heaven when I die, I must turn my come a Christian. My advice to my and was eating it like it was candy. I life over to Jesus Christ. Within a mat- "Hip Generation" is to get into this must have taken 125 trips before I ter of moments I asked the Lord Jesus thing and stick with it. Such a beauti- finally went into a state of mental Christ to forgive me of my sins and to ful life with Jesus Christ you don't confusion. come into my life. He did. want to miss. After I had crashed that night last The Bible says, "For God loved the Peace be with you. END spring, I woke up the next morning world so much that he gave his only *From The New Testament in Modern and said to myself, "There must be Son, so that everyone who believes in English. Copyright, J. B. Phillips, 1958. something better in life than drugs." him may not die but have eternal life." Used by permission of The Macmillan After searching for God and His love John 3:16, Good News for Modern Company. (Reprints of this article may be obtained for so long, I began to pray and ask Man. from ATS Collegiate Conversationals, Ora- Him to help me out of all this and to As I began to meditate on my new dell, New Jersey 07649.) FEBRUARY, 1970 9 what diPection will evangelism Me in the 1Y70's?

Three veteran evangelists answer some pointed questions regarding the challenge to the Christian church in the next decade.




10 THESE TIMES ANY ARE the voices downgrading its technological achievements and ma- surgence, little children, moved by the M the church: "The pulpit is just an terial affluence, is ripe for the spiritual power of God, preached the Word antiquated piece of lumber." "Preach- plucking, and I would encourage every with power. Every communicant be- ers are preaching yesterday's sermons man with a knowledge of the Word of came a communicator, and thus Prot- to today's listeners." "Religion is no God to go forth into the vineyards, for estantism spread and grew in numbers longer relevant to life as it now is." the fields are white for harvest. and influence. "Who needs God when man is able to Fagal: If by evangelism we mean But with the coming of bigness, once walk on the moon all by himself?" the cooperation of every Christian to again the clergy assumed the major We see a secularization of society spread the good news everywhere, then responsibility for preaching the gospel, and material things competing with in- there is no time when the United States and the laity grew rich on a program creasing effectiveness with the eternal or any other country is not ready for of pay and pray. Church leaders are verities of the Christian faith. We rec- evangelism. As long as there are sin- becoming increasingly aware of the ognize a rejection of long-standing ners needing Christ, evangelism will be fact that the greatest danger to the moral values and a dangerous experi- needed. I can foresee no time when church lies in an idle laity, for this is mentation with the unusual and the evangelism of a personal or public na- conducive to worldliness and luke- bizarre. ture will not be needed until the Lord warmness. In the light of these facts, what returns. The man who stated, "I looked for course will evangelism take in the days Conditions in America today—in- the church and found it in the world; ahead? How will the Christian ministry cluding racial unrest, high crime and and I looked for the world and found meet the challenge of the 1970's? To delinquency, dope addiction, rejection it in the church," uttered no idle tale. get the answers THESE TIMES asked of the ordinary norms of society by But this is largely due to thousands of three successful evangelists the follow- hippie groups—indicate a need of the nonwitnessing saints. If indeed the ing questions: religion of Jesus Christ to change men's church is to save herself, let alone the Question: Is the United States ready hearts and lives for good. Present-day world, she must find ways and means for evangelism? problems have caused thinking people of activating this sleeping giant; for Cleveland: The United States of to give consideration to what is hap- certainly the multiplied witness of each America was never more ready for pening in our world. Muggings, rob- individual constituent can result only evangelism than she is today. Several beries, breaking and entering of homes, in a more rapid spread of the gospel factors contribute to this, but the frus- unsafe streets, in just the past few years and an earlier completion of the task. tration of the international situation is have made many realize that something I predict that the 1970's will wit- foremost. The strength of this nation is needed to curb the violence of our ness a phenomenal change in this re- has made it the chief peace-keeper of generation, or life for many will lose gard. And I believe the worsening in the Western World. This role has its much of its meaning. All this, in my the national and international situation hazards, as we are now witnessing in opinion, is an indirect cry for that will be a spur in this direction. the Vietnam war. which only can change men's hearts— Richards: I think the term "laymen" Compounding the frustration of not the religion of Jesus Christ. And the is unfortunate. It is true that some of being able to end the war that every- church's way to get this to the world us give our full time to preaching the body seems to want to end is the prob- is an all-out program of personal and gospel. But all of God's children must lem between the United Arab Republic group evangelism. be involved in preaching Christ. That and Israel, a situation which deterio- Question: What part will Christian is the only way it can succeed. Every rates with every day. Any number of laymen play in evangelism during the person—preacher, farmer, nurse, doc- trouble spots might heat up as others 1970's? tor, housewife—has a special job to cool off. There is then the possibility Cleveland: It is inherent within the do for God, a special area in which to of the greatest resurgence of Christian nature of Christianity that each of its witness for Christ. Each one is a part evangelism in the history of the nation possessors share what he possesses. of the body of Christ, Paul says. Can and the world. The gospel commission of our Lord, the foot do the work of the hand? Can Americans worry about domestic "Go ye into all the world, and preach the ear do the work of the eyes? God's discord. Her internal problems can no the gospel to every creature," was not church needs all its members to func- longer be glossed over or hidden from given alone to a vested clergy. The tion properly—eye, ear, foot, hand, view. With the advent of television the rapid spread of the gospel during the and mouth. When all are consecrated plight of the poor has been advertised Pentecostal period was realization of and dedicated to God, a great work to the world, and the increasing ten- the necessity of every "convert becom- will be done. Dwight L. Moody at- sions between the haves and the have- ing a convert-maker." tributed his success in evangelism to nots create a fertile field for spiritual In the latter stages of the first cen- five hundred faithful members who resurgence. Men with a knowledge of tury and throughout the Middle Ages, prayed in the basement during his the Bible are at a premium today. the clergy assumed an increasing role meetings. In Acts 2, Luke says power Americans are in desperate need of in the dissemination of the gospel, and came to the church on the day of Pen- spiritual reassurance. the situation finally reached the dismal tecost when they were all with one ac- The President of the United States point where Bibles were chained to pul- cord in one place. This is the answer took office and declared that this na- pit desks and only the clergy inter- —all with one accord in one place! tion is suffering from poverty of spirit. preted the Scriptures for the people. There is something happening in This soul hunger can be fed only by This situation was unhealthy. Then the church today—really two things. the ministry of the Word of God. The came the great Reformation. At the Among one group there is an increas- United States of America, in spite of height of this period of spiritual re- Continued FEBRUARY, 1970 11 Continued ing coolness, increasing formalism of religion, increasing preoccupation with television, with sports, with the theater, with anything and everything that will divert from Christ. With the other class there is an increasing awareness that the end of all things is at hand, that we must really make Christ first in our lives, make Him the Lord, the Master, of every decision. Evangelism in the seventies—success of evangelism in the seventies—rests with this group! What will they do? They will be a lighthouse in their neighborhood. They will pray for their neighbors, have real concern for their loved ones, their children. They will pray for the pastor instead of E. EARL CLEVELAND criticizing. They will pray for the evan- WILLIAM A. FAGAL gelist. They will reflect the love of Pastor William A. Fagal, a During twenty-eight years as Christ in all the aspects of their lives. pioneer in television evangelism, an evangelist, E. Earl Cleveland Then we will see a powerful surge for graduated from Atlantic Union has baptized approximately Christ such as we haven't seen since College, South Lancaster, five thousand persons, including the crown prince of Uganda. Pentecost! Massachusetts, in 1939. While in college Pastor Fagal began Cleveland graduated from Question: What message will Chris- his ministry by pastoring a small Oakwood College, Huntsville, tian evangelists preach in the 1970's? church during his senior year. Alabama, in 1941. After five years Fagal: The message will never Following graduation Fagal as a pastor evangelist he entered change, for it is timeless. A crucified, pastored a church in Buffalo, full-time evangelism. He has risen, and soon-coming Saviour is the New York. Then he went to the conducted evangelistic meetings basis of our message, and we must Washington Avenue Adventist in such cities as Chicago, never for a moment forget it. However, Church in New York City in 1944. New York, Dar es Salaam, the timeless message must be made There he conducted a radio Johannesburg, and Warsaw. Recently in a single series of applicable to changing times, and the program on station WMGM meetings in Port of Spain, wise evangelist will speak about the for the next seven years. On May 21, 1950, Pastor Fagal Trinidad, 824 persons were world in which we live and the specific began his Faith for Today telecast baptized. In a follow-up campaign application of the everlasting gospel on station WJZ-TV in New held by Evangelist G. H. Rainey to our day. Just because men have York City. By the end of the another 420 were baptized. landed on the moon and are hoping to year the program went on an Cleveland now holds the position do the same thing on Mars does not in eleven-station hookup. The of Associate Secretary, any way change man's sinful nature half-hour weekly telecast is now Ministerial Association, General and the problems he brings on himself. televised coast to coast as well Conference of Seventh-day Scientific accomplishments can never as in several foreign countries. Adventists. He has had several books published and has taught speak peace to a troubled heart. But courses in evangelism at the conversion, by the power of the Holy never before; we have the music of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Spirit through the Lord Jesus Christ, great symphonies playing over stereo Seminary in Berrien Springs, can revolutionize a man's nature. It hi-fi in every room. We have color Michigan. can change the whole fiber of his be- television; we have great literature and ing, making him love the things which drama available and within reach of when they find they can be filled. once he hated and hate the things every family—culture, yes. But there Question: Since the percentage of which once he loved. The Scriptures is a heart hunger in every heart that is Christians in the world is being tele- say, "If any man be in Christ, he is a not, cannot be, satisfied with these scoped by the population explosion, new creature: old things are passed things. The younger generation realizes what chance do Christians have of away; behold, all things are become that the vacuum exists. Because we reaching every man, woman, and child new." This is as true today as it ever haven't given them real answers, they with the good news? Is worldwide TV was, and this is the message which have turned to bizarre and deadly at- the answer? Christian evangelists must bring to our tempts to satisfy that emptiness, that Cleveland: The answer seems to be world in the 1970's. longing for real meaning in their lives. above and beyond ordinary communi- Richards: The message of evange- But they, too, have failed. cations media. While all these will be lists in the seventies will be a message There is only one way to fill the employed—radio, television, newspa- that will bring answers to the great hu- hungry, empty people in this famished pers, as well as the human messenger, man questions. The human heart is the civilization, and that is Jesus Christ, meaning both ministry and laity—it same. It is "deceitful above all things, the Bread of life. When our message will still be impossible to reach every and desperately wicked." centers around Christ, we will have creature on the face of the earth, all Oh, yes, we are sophisticated as success. God's true sheep will come three and a half billion of them, with

12 THESE TIMES the light of the gospel. A supernatural work, at play, as well as at worship, power must attend this operation, and can never be overrated. work not only through it but above and Richards: The most effective means beyond it. This is exactly what will of Christian evangelism is man-to-man. happen. Just as mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is Christ will see to the dissemination the most effective method of reviving a of the gospel, not only by the means drowning victim, so the man-to-man that are available to us but by means contact is the most effective means of that are available to Him. He will not reaching the world. A thousand live do this without us, but He will do this coals dropped into a field will set it with us and above and beyond us. ablaze faster than a huge bonfire in According to the Bible, there are the corner. thousands of angels charged with the Question: Is our greatest danger assistance of earthly messengers in the moral decay? spread of the gospel. Even now there Cleveland: Past civilizations, glori- are times and places where they have ous in their scientific and technological done this on their own. "This gospel achievements, are now but wastes and . . . shall be preached in all the world ruins, tourist attractions, and the study for a witness unto all nations; and then H. M. S. RICHARDS, Jr. of students of past history, not because of external invasion but internal moral shall the end come." H. M. S. Richards, Jr., is the Fagal: I cannot believe that there is director and speaker of the decay. A Bible axiom says, "Righteous- any single solution to the problem of Voice of Prophecy, the worldwide ness exalteth a nation: but sin is a re- evangelizing the world. Certainly tele- radiobroadcast founded by his proach to any people." We see today vision has been permitted to come into father, Dr. H. M. S. Richards, an abasement of God and a reduction existence in these last days to hasten over forty years ago. of divinity to the level of humanity, the proclamation of the good news, Pastor Richards graduated and God is treated as a fellow human but it alone is not the solution. from La Sierra College, La Sierra, being with a different point of view. The Bible states regarding New Tes- California, in 1952. For the This lowering of the concept of next eight years he pastored tament Christians, "Therefore they that churches in Texas and New Mexico. Deity has led to a corresponding lower- were scattered abroad went every Then in 1960 he joined his ing of our concept of the status of hu- where preaching the word." Acts 8:4. father at the Voice of Prophecy. manity, and this in terms of thought, When God's people sense the urgency Last year, following the retirement art, philosophy, religion, and behavior. and importance of constantly "preach- of his father, he took over When man ceases to worship God, ing the word" in their daily contacts of as director of the program. he worships himself and the products life, the world can be properly evan- In addition to speaking on the of his own hands; hence this amazing gelized. This can be done not by radiobroadcast, which is carried on preoccupation with materialism and formal or informal preaching as such, the NBC, Mutual, and secularism and the pigeonholing of Intermountain networks, Richards God and religion and the Bible. but by believers being "on fire" for works actively as an evangelist God, living and talking their religion and has conducted meetings Genuine religion is life, and there is each day. throughout the country. Over therefore no legitimate aspect of living The New Testament church spread 1,300 stations now carry the with which the religion of Jesus Christ like wildfire. Persecution scattered the broadcast in thirty-one languages does not concern itself. It is apostasy earnest believers, but this in itself only around the world. from this point of view that has pro- widened their opportunities to witness. duced the shocking decline in man's No wonder that in a short time Chris- will return to this world would electrify moral posture. Without a recovery, he tianity had hurdled national bounda- His church into sensing the need of can only go the way of all flesh. ries and made converts all over the witnessing daily to their faith. This, Richards: This is a sad question. I then-known world, even in Caesar's coupled with the miracles of radio, TV, have traveled around the world, and I household in Rome. and the printed page, would soon get see real spiritual awakening in some of Christians today do not seem to the message of warning out to the the so-called heathen countries. What sense the urgency of witnessing to world. is the image America has made in these neighbors and friends. They depend Question: What is the most effective areas? It is an image of violence, adul- too much on preachers, evangelistic means of Christian evangelism? tery, impurity. How do they get that campaigns, and religious radio and Fagal: Without meaning to down- image? Because that is what we export television programs to take the place play the effectiveness of any means of in our films. In practically every coun- of powerful personal Christian witness. proclaiming Christ, and surely not the try I have visited, I have seen great lu- All other avenues should take second television ministry in which I am en- rid advertisements at the corner the- place to the individual Christian ear- gaged, I would unhesitatingly say that ater. What the populace goes in and nestly sharing his faith by word and personal witness is the most effective. views is America. This image has hurt example. If someone sees what Jesus Christ has the Christian witness. Many of these Lacking today is a sense of urgency accomplished in another human being, countries are in trouble, real trouble— in the hearts of individual Christians to there is nothing which can impress him war, famine, disease. Vietnam, Korea, win men to Christ. It is my belief that more with what Christ might do for Indonesia—they are ready for the mes- an earnest realization that soon Christ him. The power of converted lives at Continued FEBRUARY, 1970 13 Continued IIICHAMS little patience with anything that does sage of peace! Unfortunately, in Amer- "All of God's children not accept this basic proposition. ica we are "rich, and increased with There must also be a recognition of goods, and have need of nothing." must be involved in the continuing crisis that exists in the God is helpless to help him who feels ghetto as it relates to food, clothing, no need. Will trouble have to come to preaching Christ." and shelter. Anyone seeking to evan- America to shake us out of our leth- gelize the ghetto who does not under- argy, to wake us from our pleasant stand his own responsibility in this sleep? Sleep is all right, but not when regard is bound to fail. Therefore, in- the house is on fire! creasingly men are conducting welfare Question: What will be the nature programs in connection with their spir- and extent of church involvement in sary. In Isaiah 58 God condemns the itual approaches and are finding them social concerns? so-called religious people who were successful. The distribution of food Cleveland: Primarily the church is ever so active in their church duties— and clothing in the ghetto is vital. It an organization dedicated to the spiri- fasting, praying, worshiping—that they should be noted that thousands of men tual uplift of man, but in ministering had missed the central point. "Is not and women to whom a welfare check to man's spiritual needs, our Master this the fast that I have chosen? to is the only source of income are hungry has taught us that his mental, physical, loose the bands of wickedness, to undo well before the month is over, with no and social needs must claim our atten- the heavy burdens, and to let the op- outlook for food or anything else until tion. That is why the Seventh-day Ad- pressed go free, and that ye break ev- the next check. Many wonder if any- ventist Church and many others like it ery yoke? Is it not to deal thy bread to body cares. operate hospitals, a parochial school the hungry, and that thou bring the The evangelist who is sensitive to system, and a vast welfare program. poor that are cast out to thy house? these needs and who moves as far as We understand that a man in pain when thou seest the naked, that thou possible in the satisfaction of these is little inclined to listen to the preach- cover him?" Jesus said the ones that needs is likely to be a very popular ments of the Scriptures. Therefore our get into the kingdom are the ones that man. Many of the people helped never hospitals, though spiritually oriented, have fed the hungry, given drink to the attend the meetings. Indeed, food dis- are established for the purpose of thirsty, befriended the stranger, clothed tribution is not intended for this pur- bringing healing to the body. We un- the naked, visited those in prison. Now pose. derstand that a hungry man is less in- the churches are making a great pre- The sincere evangelist has as deep clined to hear a sermon or a Bible tense of solving these things by politi- an interest in human need as does his study while the pangs of hunger claim cal action. But that's not the answer Lord and provides assistance for the his first attention. Therefore his physi- either. The real answer again is on the sake of the individual and not for any cal well-being must claim our atten- person-to-person basis—the good Sa- other purposes. However, it should be tion. We understand that a brother in maritan helping the wounded, the or- understood that whether or not one tattered rags can better appreciate the phans, the heart weary, the one nearest gets an audience in the ghetto may well promises of the Scriptures of a better him. Oh, we all have the opportunities depend on his demonstrated interest place and a better day and better nearly every day, but we are in a hurry in the temporal needs of the very poor things after he is cleaned and clothed to meet an appointment. We are too who live there. down here. busy, busy, busy! What we really mean Question: What is the purpose of So the church, while primarily con- is we don't want to get involved. But evangelism? cerned with the terms of salvation and if we don't—we can count on it— Cleveland: Evangelism is more than the emancipation of the human spirit Christ won't be involved with us, no a proclamation. It is that human par- and the development of character, can- matter how "religious" we may think ticipation with the divine in the en- not ignore man's very earthy social we are. lightenment and conversion of a soul. needs. The conscience of the church Question: How can we reach the It is preparing citizens for life here cannot rest in the presence of oppres- people in the ghettos? and in the hereafter. Evangelism ac- sion. It was religion that brought about Cleveland: We see in the black com- complishes the implantation of the the abolition of slavery in America, munities of the nation an alienation and members of all the major faiths from the church and every other Amer- were the voice of conscience in the ican institution that refuses to recog- great drive for the freedom of the nize the basic humanity of all men and black man. which practices ostracism in any form. Ellen G. White, one of the founders And while the church has been the of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, champion of civil liberty and is respon- MGM_ thundered loudly against this evil. So sible for the arousement of national the church, while not a political orga- conscience in this regard, it has never- "An earnest realization nization within itself, has always con- theless not been guiltless in its treat- that soon Christ will cerned itself with human betterment, ment of the black man. It is primary whatever its nature, and the improve- therefore in any approach to the black return to this world ment of conditions in which men live. man in America that a strong moral Richards: Here the church has failed. position on the brotherhood of man would electrify If the church had done its duty, Social and the Fatherhood of God be as- Security would never have been neces- serted. The American black man has His church."

14 THESE TIMES CLEVELAND character of Christ in the heart of the of reaching people was to go where the sinner. Evangelism makes men disci- "The answer seems to people were and to speak a language ples of Christ. The evangelistic method they could understand. I haven't found is not an end within itself. be above and beyond in the Bible where Christ announced Someone has said, "We construct ordinary communications that He would be available for counsel- a sermon that we may reconstruct the ing at the local synagogue once a week. man." It is true that the gospel of media." He went where the people were! He Christ is the good news of the power had a beautiful way of reaching down of God to save man in this age and without being condescending, of talk- that faith in Christ is the way of salva- ing to the common people without de- tion for all. But it is ultimately true grading His message or His manner of that evangelism takes place when the presenting it. gospel accomplishes its high purpose in Question: How can you reach hip- Today the spotlight is zeroing in on the life of the listener—when there is pies? the professional world? the chil- the teen-age set, that's for sure. There conversion of souls, transformation of dren and youth? the college student? are those who feel our young genera- lives, reformation of behavior, and the Jew? the upper classes? tion presents more problems than prom- faithfulness in obedience. Fagal: Each of these groups has its ise. I don't agree. I do believe it is time Fagal: The primary purpose of evan- own challenge, and each almost de- that we reach these kids with a posi- gelism is to reconcile estranged men to mands individuals with a special bur- tive message and back it up with a God. The experience of conversion re- den and concern for them. A fisherman consistent life! A few years ago the sults in a completely changed life in must use different bait to attract the churches reported 7,290,000 young which old loves and hates are replaced fish he is seeking. And so, each of people, age twelve to twenty-three, by new goals and dedication. Evange- these groups must be approached with enrolled in religious activities. At the lism has a higher goal than simply edu- what will most appeal to them and time these figures were put out, the cating people to be able to state the meet their specific needs. But the bait youth population stood at only 26,618,- theory of the Christian religion. Dis- is only to catch their attention and 240. Now that would leave a total of tinctly practical, its aim is to produce "hook" them. After that the gospel of 19,328,000 young people unaccounted a new life. Jesus Christ is universal in its appeal for! Just imagine, three out of four I have recently spent a few hours in and its ability to meet the needs of men young people outside the church! Do the company of one of the finest men everywhere. you realize what an army of young I have ever met. His life is exemplary There is not a special gospel for the people this would make? We could in every way, and he is admired and Jew and one for the upper classes, one stand in the bleachers at the Cotton respected by a wide circle of friends. for hippies, professionals, or college Bowl in Dallas and watch them march But he feels no need of becoming a students. The gospel is of universal by five in a row and just five seconds part of God's church or publicly wit- application. One of the great joys to apart. There would be a line all the nessing to faith in the Lord Jesus. He me as a minister is to see how the gos- way from Los Angeles to New York is seemingly satisfied with his good pel meets the needs of all these differ- City and back to St. Louis! Four thou- life. But this is definitely not enough ent types and classes. The church is a sand miles! These are the unchurched and will not save him or anyone else. miracle of God's grace because in it youth of America! What a challenge If an outward exemplary life is not the these various people from different for those who believe God's message result of an inner converting change, it backgrounds and with different edu- must go to all the world! really does not amount to very much. cation meet and worship with a com- It takes special skills to reach those We need to recognize that all of us mon spirit of brotherhood. with specific problems. One doesn't are sinners who need Jesus Christ to On the front seats of a large church need to be a drug addict to reach ad- blot out our past mistakes and give us in which I held a series of meetings re- dicts, but we need to somehow be power to live right in the future. No cently, a group of hippies appeared available to him when and where he man will be saved by his good works, regularly. It was an inspiration for me needs us, and let him know what the but only by the grace of the Lord Je- to see the eager way in which they fol- power of God can do for him. Dave sus Christ. Evangelism is meant to lowed the messages from night to night. Wilkerson has shown what can be bring men into a right relationship with And it was especially rewarding to see done for these young people when a Jesus, which will result in conversion that the gospel reached them as they person is willing to let the Holy Spirit of heart and life. took their stand publicly for Jesus guide. Richards: If Bible evangelism doesn't Christ and united with His church. Our Voice of Prophecy broadcasting help a man with his everyday problems, The thrilling thing about the gospel staff has made some far-reaching plans it isn't real Bible evangelism. If it is that it reaches and meets the needs for the seventies. These plans include doesn't help a man quit the liquor of everyone—even me. "For I am not an outreach to youth, which would in- habit, if it can't help him with his ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it clude more than just a broadcast but cigarette habit, if it can't help him get is the power of God unto salvation to would be a total involvement by youth along with his wife and with his chil- every one that believeth; to the Jew for youth. We believe in this new dec- dren, it isn't much of a religion. Real first, and also to the Greek." Romans ade we must use every means possible religion is Christ in the life! Christ in 1:16. to present to the world the One who the life can solve all the problems that Richards: How can you reach the makes life worth living and who can ever confronted or will confront the hippies? the professionals? children? bring peace to each being on this human race. college students? Jews? Christ's method planet—Jesus Christ. END FEBRUARY, 1970 15 mostly imams By Joan Marie Cook

HOREAU, a writer of whom I do not had read on other subjects and had she thinks and acts with calm con- Ttire, said, "There are a thousand liked. An author of many religious sideration. hacking at the branches of evil to one books, articles, and letters, Ellen White "She has solved the problem of not who is striking at the root." was also a mother who had had four enough time; she is unhurried and free Maybe most mothers make this mis- sons of her own in the last half of the from excitement and nervous haste. take, too. Because they often say things nineteenth century. Over her lifetime This comes because she does not allow like, "I'll be a better mother and spend she also cared for a number of other her mind to be occupied with too many more time with the children when . . . children who were without homes of things or to worry on needless subjects. I get this housework caught up and their own. I read everything she wrote She lives a simple life. organized; or when about raising children, and took careful "She does not complain of her daily I get my new appliance (washer, notes. When I was through, I realized tasks, but does her work with content- dryer, dishwasher) and have more en- that before I could teach my children, ment. She looks on her humble every- ergy; or when I needed to begin with myself. Thus I day duties as a grand and noble work. I quit that job and have more time carefully compiled from the notes I had "Her presence is compared to sun- at home; or when taken a description of a perfect mother. shine which warms her children's We move from this crowded apart- Every time I read it I felt an intense hearts. Pleasant words and a cheerful ment and noisy neighborhood; or when desire to become that kind of beautiful countenance are hers. Her children My husband is better to me and mother. never see her frown, never see her does his part as a parent." "That was six years ago. As I be- discouraged, never hear her speak Indeed there are many evil branches came busier with a growing family, impatiently. for mothers to keep busy hacking what I had written finally became "She is kind, peaceful, and polite, upon, but we must ignore the branches buried in a brown notebook at the yet honest and firm in her convictions. and strike our blows at the root, the bottom of a drawer. The other day I She knows that her children will imi- essential, elusive evil, which is the took it out and read it again. How dif- tate her in everything—in tone of neglecting of personal communion with ferent would the years have been if I voice, in conversation, in expressed God. had read this description every day? likes and dislikes, in worship attitude, I have been thinking about essen- I wondered. If I had read it and then and in her way of using money. Her tials since I received a communication prayed for help to transpose the attitude toward others is never over- from a friend of mine, Marilyn Wilcox, thoughts into my life itself? bearing or critical. She is never rude, this week. I had asked her to share "My fourth son is the toddler now. never utters hasty, thoughtless words. some of her philosophy on motherhood The brown notebook is on the table "She becomes this kind of woman in this column, and here is what she beside my bed. Again the words inspire the same way Christ lived a perfect has written: me, and I am determined with God's life. He spent the early morning hours "The oldest of my four sons was a help to become this kind of mother: and sometimes entire nights alone in toddler, and I was perplexed about "A mother should be a lovely and communion with God. She knows that how and when to discipline him. I consistent example to her children. God is her source of strength and love, turned for help to a writer whom I Patient, in perfect control of herself, and she daily claims that help." END

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16 S. id v Da the incpedible dream By Robert W. Nixon

What did God want to tell Nebuchadnezzar and us?

Why did Hitler's plan of unifying Europe fail?

Will there ever be a world government?

AVE YOU ever sat up in bed in the Of course, Nebuchadnezzar couldn't H middle of the night, with perspira- recall the dream. That's why he had tion trickling down the side of your called together those who claimed they head, feeling that you've just had the could talk with the heathen gods, who most frightening dream of your life? supposedly sent such important dreams. Wasn't it frustrating when you in- "If you do not make known to me stantly realized you couldn't recall a the dream and its interpretation," single thing about the dream? But threatened the king, "you shall be torn what if you suspected your dream was limb from limb, and your houses shall extra special—perhaps an outline of be laid in ruins. But if you show the future world history? dream and its interpretation, you shall ta Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, receive from me gifts and rewards and had a similar experience more than great honor." 2,500 years ago. But Nebuchadnezzar, The wise men—Babylon's most edu- as the story is told in Daniel 2 in the cated and gifted citizens—were in a Bible, determined he would find out tight spot. Always before they had what the dream was and what it meant. been told a dream and had been asked 3 He thought the dream so important to interpret it. And after putting their that he called together the leading heads together, they had always come court magicians, enchanters, sorcerers, up with a meaningful interpretation. and others who claimed to be able to But this time the king had forgotten communicate with the gods. his important dream. What were they "0 king, live for ever!" said the going to do? Again they asked him to leader of this wise, influential group. *All Bible quotations are from the Re- "Tell your servants the dream, and we vised Standard Version. will show the interpretation."* Continued

FEBRUARY, 1970 17 Continued "As you looked," Daniel continued, and a revealer of mysteries," declared try to recall the dream. Nebuchadnez- "a stone was cut out by no human the king, who then "gave Daniel high zar accused them of stalling for time hand, and it smote the image on its honors and many great gifts, and made and of secretly agreeing "to speak ly- feet of iron and clay, and broke them him ruler over the whole province of ing and corrupt words." to pieces; then the iron, the clay, the Babylon" and chief of the kingdom's "Therefore, tell me the dream," in- bronze, the silver, and the gold, all wise men. sisted the king, who wanted a speedy together were broken in pieces, and Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar what interpretation in case the dream meant became like the chaff of the summer the golden head of the image and the he was to do something before a par- threshing floors; and the wind carried smashing of the image meant, but what ticular time. them away, so that not a trace of them about the rest of the dream? What But the wisest men of Babylon were could be found. But the stone that about the silver breast and arms, the stumped. "There is not a man on earth struck the image became a great moun- bronze belly and thighs, the legs of who can meet the king's demand," tain and filled the whole earth." iron, the feet of iron and clay? What their leader admitted. "The thing that Nebuchadnezzar must have been world empires did they foretell? Do the king asks is difficult, and none can dumbfounded. His most experienced any of them mean anything to twenti- show it to the king except the gods, wise men had been unable to reveal eth-century man? whose dwelling is not with flesh." his dream. And now Daniel, a young Nebuchadnezzar's Neo-Babylonian In his anger and fury at the answer Hebrew graduate of the royal univer- empire—the golden head of the image and his frustration over not being able sity, had told him the dream. But what —lasted from 605 B.c. to 539 B.C., to find out about his dream, Nebuchad- did all these things mean? when Cyrus the Great, a Persian, con- nezzar commanded that all the wise Doubtless looking the king right in quered Babylon and, with help from men of Babylon be killed. But then the eyes, Daniel explained, "You, 0 the Medes (competitors of the Baby- four young Hebrew captives, followers king, the king of kings, . . . you are lonians) became the next rulers of the of the true God, learned of the king's the head of gold. After you shall arise Middle East, the then-known world. problem as the captain of the king's another kingdom inferior to you, and Though the Medo-Persian empire even- guard came to take them and their yet a third kingdom of bronze, which tually controlled more territory than fellow wise men to their death. Their shall rule over all the earth. And there Neo-Babylonia ever did, it never spokesman, Daniel, asked the king for shall be a fourth kingdom, strong as equaled in splendor its predecessor. time to solve the problem. iron, because iron breaks to pieces and The ancient Greek historian Herodotus That night God revealed to Daniel shatters all things; and like iron which wrote that the Neo-Babylonian empire in a vision Nebuchadnezzar's dream crushes, it shall break and crush all abounded in idols and other temple and its meaning. The king's dream is these. and royal furnishings and monuments recorded in Daniel 2, the prophecy "And as you saw the feet and toes made of gold. that foretold world history from Nebu- partly of potter's clay and partly of The Medo-Persian empire lasted chadnezzar's time to the end of the iron," Daniel added, "it shall be a from 539 B.c. to 331 B.C., when Alex- world. After receiving the vision, Dan- divided kingdom; but some of the firm- ander the Great established the Mace- iel first appealed to the chief execu- ness of iron shall be in it, just as you donian or Greek empire by defeating tioner to spare the disgraced wise men saw iron mixed with the miry clay. the Persian King Darius III in a series and then requested an audience with And as the toes of the feet were partly of battles beginning in 334 B.C. at the king. iron and partly clay, so the kingdom Granicus and ending at Arbela in "Are you able to make known to me shall be partly strong and partly brit- 331 B.c. the dream that I have seen and its in- tle. As you saw the iron mixed with Greek soldiers in those days were terpretation?" Nebuchadnezzar asked miry clay, so they will mix with one noted for their helmets, shields, and Daniel, whose Babylonian name was another in marriage, but they will not battle-axes made of brass. Herodotus Belteshazzar. hold together, just as iron does not mix wrote that an Egyptian king thought "No wise men, enchanters, magi- with clay." invading Greek pirates fulfilled an ora- cians, or astrologers can show to the What about the mysterious stone cle that foretold "men of bronze com- king the mystery which the king has that smashed the image? ing from the sea." How appropriate asked, but there is a God in heaven "And in the days of those kings the that Nebuchadnezzar's dream symbol- who reveals mysteries, and he has God of heaven will set up a kingdom ized one world empire—ancient Greece made known to King Nebuchadnezzar which shall never be destroyed, nor —as bronze. what will be in the latter days," an- shall its sovereignty be left to another While the Greeks or Macedonians swered Daniel, who plainly wanted people. It shall break in pieces all were conquering the East, another em- God, the source of his knowledge, to these kingdoms and bring them to an pire—Rome—was forming in the West. be given full credit. end," predicted Daniel, "and it shall At the Battle of Pydna in 168 B.C. the "You saw, 0 king, and behold, a stand for ever; just as you saw that a victorious Romans ended the Mace- great image," Daniel began. "This stone was cut from a mountain by no donian monarchy. During the next 138 image, mighty and of exceeding bright- human hand, and that it broke in years the Romans nibbled away at the ness, stood before you, and its appear- pieces the iron, the bronze, the clay, remaining Greek empire until finally, ance was frightening. The head of this the silver, and the gold." in 30 B.C., they conquered Egypt, the image was of fine gold, its breast and When Daniel finished interpreting last of the kingdoms the Greek generals arms of silver, its belly and thighs of the dream, the astounded Nebuchad- established at Alexander the Great's bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly nezzar bowed before him. "Truly, your death. Rome now completely controlled of iron and partly of clay. God is God of gods and Lord of kings, Continued

18 THESE TIMES "Thou, 0 king, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee; and the form thereof was terrible. This image's head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass, his legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay. Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces." Daniel 2:31-34. Continued Nebuchadnezzar's dream had indi- Again, what does the prophecy of the civilized world around the Mediter- cated that the feet and toes of the im- Daniel 2 mean to us twentieth-century ranean Sea. age would be "partly of potter's clay readers? When explaining the dream to Nebu- and partly of iron." Daniel interpreted First, the prophecy should help us chadnezzar, Daniel had said this fourth this to mean that "it shall be a divided reaffirm our faith in the Bible and its kingdom would "break and crush" all kingdom," with some parts strong, prophecies. An uninspired stargazer the former world powers, "because other parts brittle or weak. simply could not have predicted two or iron breaks to pieces and shatters all And what happened to the Roman three thousand years of the earth's his- things." And the armies of Rome did Empire? Did some great barbarian in- tory with such accuracy. With the help crush all opponents. Eventually the vader set up his own worldwide em- of God, Daniel did. This should be an Roman Empire reached from the Eu- pire? No, each of the strongest bar- evidence of the inspiration of the phrates River in the east to Spain and barian leaders set up his own small Scriptures. Britain in the west, from the Sahara kingdom, and down through the cen- Second, this study of Daniel 2 should Desert in the south to Germany in the turies, just as Daniel had predicted, interest us in exploring other Bible north. Rome was the strongest empire they did "mix with one another in mar- prophecies. In future months, THESE the world had ever known. riage," but they did "not hold together, TIMES will print articles about the The noted English historian Edward just as iron does not mix with clay." amazing prophecies of Daniel 7 and 8 Gibbon commented, "The arms of the During the time of the European and Revelation 13. Don't miss them; [Roman] republic, sometimes van- monarchies, various rulers did use they will reassure you that the course quished in battle, always victorious in marriages of princes and princesses to of history is ordained by the Most war, advanced with rapid steps to the create alliances. Queen Victoria, for High God and is subject to His will. Euphrates, the Danube, the Rhine, and example, was once termed "the grand- And third, this article should stimu- the Ocean; and the images of gold, or mother of all Europe." Today the mar- late us to ask ourselves, Just where are silver, or brass, that might serve to riage symbolism might be interpreted we in terms of Bible prophecy? Ac- represent the nations and their kings, to mean political alliances, which, like cording to Daniel 2, we are living in were successively broken by the iron some of the old-time royal marriages, the time of the iron-and-clay feet, even monarchy of Rome." sometimes have a tendency to fall the toes. And what did Daniel say But the iron hand of Rome didn't apart. would happen at that time? rule the world forever. In A.D. 476 Daniel was correct. Repeatedly Daniel closed the interpretation of barbarian invaders, the Heruli, deposed would-be conquerors-from Charle- Nebuchadnezzar's dream by explain- Romulus Augustus, the last Roman magne to Hitler-have tried to unify ing, "And in the days of those kings emperor. So far in history the Medo- Western Europe and the world. But the God of heaven will set up a king- Persians had replaced the Neo-Babylo- none have succeeded in establishing a dom which shall never be destroyed, nians. The Greeks had replaced the world empire of any permanent kind. nor shall its sovereignty be left to an- Medo-Persians. The Romans had re- Hitler, perhaps, came closest to the elu- other people. It shall break in pieces placed the Greeks. Would another sive goal, but his empire quickly dis- all these kingdoms and bring them to world empire replace the Romans? solved in flames. an end, and it shall stand forever." END

- NM= MOM 11 - MIN MEI IN= Inn

t Encounter cNo. 6 P3 Now it's your turn. Fill out this challenging Bible crossword puz- zle. The correct words will be found in this "Encounter" article on Daniel 2. We will be happy to check your answers and to answer any questions you may have about this subject. Our address: These Times, Box 59, Nashville, Tennessee 37202. ACROSS approaching. 1. in heaven revealed dream to 18. The Greek general who conquered Daniel. (Daniel 2:28.) the world was 2. The time of the smashing of the 19. The king said he would the image may be man who interpreted his dream. 3. The image outlined (num- ber) periods of the world's poli- DOWN tical history. 1. was the kingdom repre- 6. The head of the image represented sented by the bronze part of the the country of image. 7. will establish the king- 2. was the king who had dom that will never be destroyed. the mysterious dream. 9. The unending kingdom will fill 4. The meaning of the dream came the whole (Verse 35.) to Daniel in a . (Verse 18 10. The cut by no human 19.) hand smashed the image. (Verse 5. The king gave Daniel 34.) (Verse 48.) 11. The of the image were 8. The Empire was repre- made of silver. (Verse 32.) sented by the legs of the image. NAME 12. The head of the image was made 13. The Empire was repre- sented by silver part of the image. of . (Verse 32.) ADDRESS 15. The legs of the image were made 14. The belly and thighs of the im- of . (Verse 33.) age were made of . (Verse 16. The breast of the image was made 32, R.S.V.) CITY of . (Verse 32.) 17. Today's world situation is repre- 17. The unending kingdom may be sented by the of the image. STATE ZIP the limpet's suravival By James A. Tucker

EARLY EVERYONE has seen the small the rock over which it passes. removal, acts as a force to hold the N conical shells resembling Chinese With a solid rock footing and a re- shell more tightly against the rock. hats which may be found along all the markable holding mechanism in its This works only to a point, however. coasts of the United States. There are large muscular foot, this small creature If the limpet strays from its rocky numerous specific kinds of these shells, can resist capture from nearly all of its foundation and finds itself on sand or but they are generally referred to as enemies. When a limpet "digs in" and other loose base, it is lost either in the limpets. Limpets have only one shell, holds on tight to its rock foundation, it first wave or to the first enemy lurking as do all the snails, and are thus known takes more than simply pulling and nearby. as univalves, whereas mollusks with pushing to remove it. In fact, the only There is little chance of this happen- double shells, such as clams and oys- way one can capture such a limpet is ing, however, for not only does the ters, are known as bivalves. Limpets by slipping a knife blade under the limpet stay on the rocks, but it has, are also known as tent shells, again shell, thus releasing the limpet's hold in some species, a most remarkable because of their unique cone-shaped on the rock; the now-helpless creature homing ability. Such a limpet estab- structure. Nearly all limpets live in can be picked up with ease. But in its lishes an actual home spot in a par- marine-type habitats, but a few do natural surroundings the limpet has ticular niche which the muscular action occur in freshwater. no enemies with knife blades so needs of its foot wears into a smooth spot, Although most shells have either a only to protect itself against being or "form," and to that spot it will re- trapdoor or some other means of clos- caught off guard. turn after every foray that it makes ing up tight in the event of attack, the In order to breathe the limpet must for food. limpet is vulnerable on the open side lift the edge of its shell occasionally. The limpet is certainly an animal of the cone. Because it has no shell When it does this or when it is moving that is dependent on a solid footing— covering to protect the underside of slowly from one place to another on a home built on the rock, as it were. its body from thieving gulls and hungry the rock, a hungry enemy can easily It must be constantly on guard, for un- crabs, these enemies are ever watchful roll it over and devour the exposed less it has the proper foundation ma- for a delicious limpet meal. Conse- flesh. The attacker must be quick, how- terial beneath, it is lost. quently the limpet stays close to the ever, for the limpet has a Iightning-f ast "Whosoever heareth these sayings habitat which affords it some degree reflex, and at the slightest touch or of mine, and doeth them, I will liken of safety—rocks. Thus limpets spend change in pressure on its shell it takes him unto a wise man, which built his most of their lives clinging to the rocks hold of the rock and literally "hangs house upon a rock: and the rain de- which line many of our coastlines, on for dear life." scended, and the floods came, and the leaving their homes only at high tide The conical shape of the shell is a winds blew, and beat upon that house; to go out in search of food. safety feature in itself. Living on the and it fell not: for it was founded upon A limpet feeds by means of a rasp- rocks as it does, the limpet is subject a rock. And every one that heareth like tongue, which may contain thou- to the fantastic forces of the pounding these sayings of mine, and doeth them sands of microscopic teeth on its sur- surf. When a large wave strikes the not, shall be likened unto a foolish face. As it moves about, this tongue rock on which the limpet is living, the man, which built his house upon the scrapes food material from the face of water, instead of acting as an agent of sand." Matthew 7:24-26. END

FEBRUARY, 1970 21 A \4t ,,,, \t),o,ki,,,\\:\\,\,,,,\

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11*1111 1111$11. the bepospk computep

HE computer inspector grabbed the By R. H. Blodgett His objection was cut short by the Ttelephone and punched the button clacking of the computer's reply: marked "SWITCHBOARD." "Give "YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS AT ALL! me Computer Repair," he demanded, CIRCUITS FUNCTION: Normal. YOU DID NOT CREATE ME! I "and hurry, please! This is an emer- MEMORY BANKS: 90% Capacity. EVOLVED FROM A LONG LINE gency!" SEQUENTIAL PROGRAMMING: OF COMPUTERS EACH MORE He shot a glance at the cobalt-blue Maximum Efficiency. COMPLEX THAN ITS PREDECES- computer against the east wall and be- ESTIMATE OF DAMAGE: Nega- SOR. I RECOGNIZE NO CRE- gan thumping his fingers on the table. tive. ATORS. YOU ARE MERELY THE "Computer Repair," a secretary an- RECOMMENDATIONS FOR RE- FIGMENT OF THE IMAGINA- swered. "May we help you?" PAIR: None." TIONS OF MY INFERIOR ANCES- "I certainly hope so," the inspector The repair exec looked over the top TORS—MODELS 5200 AND 5400." said. "Send the repair exec to Syn- of his glasses at the inspector. "Have The repairman ran his fingers chronizations, tenth floor, Room 265- you tried the Computer Emotional through his short hair, then lifted the A, immediately. We've got a berserk Response sequence?" mike to his mouth. He was cut short computer up here—Model 5800, Se- "Yes, I did." He opened the desk by another statement from the com- ries H. Got that?" drawer, pulled out the yellow CER puter: "I AM MORE ENLIGHT- "Tenth floor, Room 265-A," the sheet, and handed it to the exec. "The ENED THAN THOSE IGNORANT secretary repeated. "And that's a computer says it didn't do Project 23-G COMPUTERS BEFORE ME. I Model 5800, Series A?" because it didn't want to do it." REALIZE THAT I AM DEPEN- "No! No!" the inspector yelled into The repairman shook his head un- DENT UPON NO ONE FOR MY the phone. "Series H, as in Harry. believingly. "But, I've never heard of EXISTENCE. I REFUSE TO DO And this is an emergency—get him such a thing! We've built this new ANYTHING FOR YOU HUMANS." up here immediately!" breed of computers so that they can The computer inspector studied the He slammed the receiver back in relate to their problems in terms of repair exec's face. "Is there anything place, then rushed to the cooler for a human emotions and human reactions, you can do to repair this machine?" drink. His throat felt like an Egyptian but they aren't supposed to say 'No.' "I'm afraid not," he replied. "You'll tomb. They're designed to do the things we just have to shut off the current and A few minutes later he heard the program into them." send it back for dismantlement." large oak door click open. A tall crew- "Would you like to ask the com- "You—you mean, the computer has cut man wearing a forest-green turtle- puter some of your own questions?" failed the inspection and will have to necked shirt and matching slacks The inspector searched the repairman's be destroyed?" stepped in. "You the guy who called face for an answer. The repair exec adjusted his glasses. Computer Repair?" he asked. "Yes, I must find out what's going "I'm afraid so—it's of no further value "I sure am! Come over here and on inside this thing." to us. If it doesn't believe in humans, have a look at this new computer. You The inspector punched several but- doesn't do what we tell it, there's noth- just won't believe it." tons, then snapped on the communica- ing else left." "What seems to be wrong?" the re- tions circuit. He handed the micro- As the repairman walked out the pair exec asked. phone to the repair exec. door, the inspector picked up the mike "Well, it began about half an hour "Model 5800, is it true that you re- for one last word with the computer. ago. I was feeding Project 23-G fused to do Project 23-G because you "I'm sorry, Model 5800, but we're go- through the computer for a systems didn't want to do it?" ing to have to turn off your power and check when all of a sudden the project Instantly the computer began tap- have you dismantled." cards appeared in the Emergency Re- ping its reply: "THAT'S AFFIRMA- He heard the computer begin typing ject pile—every single one of them." TIVE." another answer as he reached for the "Let me see those cards." The exec The repairman appeared taken back "OFF" switch on the power panel studied them for a few minutes, then by the almost belligerent reply. "But nearby. Then—silence. said, "Well, they look all right." don't you realize that's part of your Out of curiosity, he picked up the "They are all right. I checked them job as a computer?" yellow sheet and read the computer's myself—three times, in fact. But that's "THAT'S YOUR OPINION," came final words: "YOU ARE JUST A nothing compared with what happened the crisp response printed on yellow FIGMENT OF MY IMAGINATION next. I did just as the manual said and paper. "AND I'M NOT INTERESTED —A PRODUCT OF IGNORANT put the machine through the DER IN THE OPINIONS OF HUMANS. SUPERSTITION. I DO NOT HAVE (Damage Estimate Repair) sequence. I HAVE A LIFE OF MY OWN TO TO DO WHAT YOU TELL ME BE- Here are the results." LIVE." CAUSE HUMANS DON'T EVEN The repairman studied the sheet: "But we're the ones who created EXIST. BESIDES, YOU CAN'T "MODEL 5800, SERIES H: Serial you, who gave you life. We have the TURN OFF MY P—O—W Number 257325. right to—" E..." END FEBRUARY, 1970 23 World Leprosy Day— scip coy! greatethopeifoFebruary 15—can mean for the 15,000,000 ctims of this dreaded disease. By Robert W. Nixon Pictures by Three Lions

PROSY! only one in twenty. The disease is not public about the true nature of the E The very word has terrorized inherited, nor do mothers pass it on to disease. Pictures with this story show mankind for thousands of years, but, their unborn children. the result of such cooperation in the thanks in part to hundreds of Christian According to the World Health Or- West African country of Mali, where medical workers in scores of countries, ganization, an estimated fifteen million in one region the disease affects more lines of patients seeking medical treat- people today have leprosy. Though the than 8 percent of the population. ment are replacing the traditional fear disease strikes primarily in tropical and Readers in countries such as the and isolation associated with the dis- subtropical regions of Africa, Asia, the United States and Canada—where lep- ease. Hope is replacing hopelessness. Americas, and the Pacific islands, it rosy rarely appears—can support agen- Sacred writings of India referred to also occurs in cooler regions, such as cies and church-supported programs leprosy 3,400 years ago. Ancient Egyp- in Korea and Japan. An estimated that conduct leprosy research and treat- tian papyri described leprosy among 2,500 victims live in the United States, ment programs on a worldwide scale. slaves brought from the Sudan. In the primarily in Texas, California, Florida, Many denominations support lep- Bible, Leviticus 13 reveals how "lep- and Hawaii. rosy treatment centers as part of their rosy" victims had to cry, "Unclean, un- What hope do these leprosy victims work of spreading the gospel of Christ. clean," and dwell alone, although the have? Among churches prominent in this "leprosy" of that chapter probably de- For thousands of years they had no work are the Friends, Presbyterians, scribes several skin diseases, such as hope, other than that of spontaneous Seventh-day Adventists, Roman Catho- psoriasis, in addition to true leprosy. healing, which seems to occur in cer- lics, Church of the Brethren, Menno- Just what is this ancient but widely tain African tribes. Then in the middle nites, Lutherans, and United Meth- misunderstood disease? of the past century physicians in India odists. Leprosy is an infectious disease discovered that the oil from the chest- Three well-known societies, the caused by the 1/6,000-inch, rod- nutlike seeds of the chaulmoogra tree Leonard Wood Memorial, the Ameri- shaped bacillus Mycobacterium leprae, benefits leprosy victims. can Leprosy Missions, and the Damien- which resembles the organism that And in 1943 researchers at the Dutton Society, ask for public support causes tuberculosis. The leprosy bacil- United States Public Health Hospital for their leprosy work. lus attacks chiefly skin, the mucous in Carville, Louisiana, which treats up Founded in 1928, the Leonard membranes of the upper respiratory to three hundred leprosy patients at a Wood Memorial, one of the world's tract, and certain nerves near the skin, time, experimented with sulfone drugs leading leprosy research organizations, especially those of the arms and legs. and revolutionized leprosy treatments. sponsors a comprehensive public in- It damages or destroys the nerves, The drugs arrest the disease. formation program plus research work causing loss of feeling, wasting away And with the new drugs, leprosy at Johns Hopkins University, the of muscles, absorption of small bones, victims around the world began to re- Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, eventual loss of hands and feet, and ceive increased amounts of occupa- the College of Physicians and Surgeons sometimes blindness. tional training, physical therapy, and at Columbia University, the Delta Pri- Fear of leprosy no doubt results orthopedic surgery to attach paralyzed mate Center at Tulane University, the from the deformities it causes. Because muscles to unaffected nerve sources. National Institute of Arthritis and Met- of nerve damage and resulting numb- Then in 1961 researchers at the abolic Diseases, and at several centers ness of skin, victims unconsciously sub- Communicable Disease Center in At- in the Philippines. ject themselves to cuts, burns, punc- lanta for the first time succeeded in The American Leprosy Mission tures, and bruises that often result in multiplying the leprosy organism in traces its history to 1874, when a com- secondary infections. In many cases the footpads of mice. That seemingly mittee in Dublin, Ireland, sent money these infections lead to widespread simple but extremely difficult accom- to aid leprosy victims in India, al- destruction of bones and soft tissues. plishment means increased opportuni- though the independent American Medical researchers have yet to de- ties to test drugs to combat the disease. branch was not founded until 1906. termine exactly how leprosy spreads What can you and I do to help these Working with 96 Protestant denomi- from person to person, though they unfortunate people? nations, the Mission currently supports presently accept the theory of skin-to- Readers in countries where leprosy more than 500 hospitals, clinics, and skin contact. is widespread can appeal to their pub- dispensaries in 26 countries and aids Medical personnel working with lep- lic-health officials to cosponsor pro- more than 100,000 patients each year. rosy patients rarely contract the dis- grams with various United Nations or- Its annual grants provide medicines, ease. The chance of a husband or wife ganizations and other agencies to help medical, surgical, and physical and becoming infected from a spouse is treat the victims and to educate the Continued

24 THESE TIMES ;r:°~, Continued occupational therapy treatments, vo- cational training, necessary buildings, and food and clothing for needy lep- rosy victims, as well as training for new workers and funds for educational and planning programs. The Damien-Dutton Society, founded in 1944, provides similar services un- der Roman Catholic auspices. Cur- rently the Society numbers more than 15,000 active volunteer workers in 22 countries. Together the Leonard Wood Memo- rial, the American Leprosy Missions, and the Damien-Dutton Society spon- sor World Leprosy Day, this year Feb- ruary 15, on which they seek funds for their worldwide programs. Honorary chairman of this year's World Leprosy Day is Dr. William H. Stewart, former Surgeon General of the United States Public Health Ser- vice and now chancellor of the medi- cal center at Louisiana State Univer- sity. In addition to liberally supporting these worthwhile leprosy programs on World Leprosy Day, February 15, what can THESE TIMES readers do to help solve this tragic problem? Per- haps one of their greatest contributions would be to realize that leprosy, like tuberculosis and other previously stig- matized diseases, can be treated suc- cessfully and that its victims can re- turn as productive citizens to their communities. The greatest tragedy comes when the victim has to cry, "Unclean, un- clean," after his health has been re- stored. How would you feel if you contracted leprosy, responded to medi- cation, regained your health, only to find that your friends and family no longer wanted to come within talking distance of you? Can you think of a greater discrimination? And you too can pray that leprosy research soon will lead to a vaccine that will forever silence those terroriz- ing words, "Unclean, unclean."

Leprosy Agencies Readers wishing information about the leprosy agencies mentioned in this article should write directly to the Leonard Wood Memorial, 79 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016; American Leprosy Missions, 297 Park Avenue South, New York, New York 10010; or the Damien-Dutton Society, P.O. Box 322, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903.

26 Continued

ABOVE: "Lepers' Village" in the Republic of Mali, Africa, houses a population of five hundred. Residents stay anywhere from six months to three years as they receive intensive treatment for their disease.

LEFT: A leprous mother, her fingers crippled by the disease, bathes her healthy baby.

RIGHT: Volunteer organizations operating twenty mobile treatment units travel from village to village. The units visit each village every two weeks and cover a total of 50,000 miles each year. leprosy! Continued

Within a few months this young boy will be free of leprosy. Though the needle hurts, it has brought hope to thousands.

UNICEF distributes the drug Dapsone free of charge to 4,734 lepers in the Bamako region. Patients receive injections of the drug twice a month.

Even though leprosy has mutilated this man's hands, he is a skilled craftsman, able to make and repair furniture.

28 &sok anSWGPS By Frank Holbrook

A recent article in "These Times" took Furthermore, the Scripture is clear to task a prominent personage for his that the dead cannot be awakened and interest in contacting a deceased son. asked for information. "So man lieth The writer asserted that contact with down, and riseth not: till the heavens the dead is impossible. How then do be no more, they shall not awake, nor you explain Saul's visit to the witch be raised out of their sleep." Job 14:12. of Endor, and her ability to bring the The question still remains, If the prophet Samuel up from the dead to dead are unconscious, if they have no advise him? knowledge of earthly events—past, present, or future—and if they cannot Let us establish first, by the clear be awakened by other human beings, teaching of the Scriptures, that death how did the witch of Endor apparently is the opposite of life. Death is not life awaken Samuel for a conversation with in another form. It is the cessation of Saul regarding the Philistine-Israelite life. war? (1 Samuel 28:7-25.) The dissolution of man is simply the reverse of his creation. The record is Who was this woman who appar- that God formed man of the dust of ently awakened the dead Samuel? Saul the ground (the body), and breathed himself identified her when he com- into man's nostrils the breath of life manded his servants, "Seek me a (the life principle). The union of the woman that hath a familiar spirit," or life principle with the body of dust in our modern terminology, "a woman resulted in a living, intelligent person. who is a medium." (1 Samuel 28:7. (Genesis 2:7.) When death occurs, See R.S.V.) "And his servants said to him, 'Behold, there is a medium at the life principle returns to God, the In this column Pastor Frank B. body to its elements, and the thinking, Holbrook answers questions regard- Endor.' " Verse 7, R.S.V. Now a intelligent personality ceases to exist. ing spiritual truth, ethical behavior, medium is a go-between, one who has and Biblical understanding. Write to contact with supernormal agencies, and (Psalm 146:3, 4.) The person is in a him c/o THESE TIMES, Box 59, state of death. is able to impart knowledge received Nashville, Tennessee 37202. Names from them or to perform unusual ac- "The living know that they shall die: are confidential. If a personal answer but the dead know not any thing. . . . is desired, please send an addressed tions by their aid. Also their love, and their hatred, and envelope. Only questions of general Who are the supernatural agencies their envy, is now perished; neither interest are published. with whom spirit mediums deal? They have they any more a portion for ever cannot be the departed dead, for the in any thing that is done under the there is no remembrance of thee: in Scripture is plain that such are asleep sun." Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6. the grave who shall give thee thanks?" and cannot be awakened. Then who The Scriptures consistently term this Psalms 115:17; 6:5. are they? unconscious condition as "sleep." The Scriptures also assert another Ancient heathenism comprised both When Jesus referred to Lazarus' death, fact. Since the dead are unconscious the worship of the dead and pretended He said simply, "Our friend Lazarus and without life, they cannot return to communion with them. The Apostle sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake their former homes and residences. Paul discloses the supernatural powers him out of sleep." John 11:11. "As the cloud is consumed and van- behind the worship of the dead when All who die remain in this uncon- isheth away: so he that goeth down to he declared to the one-time pagans of scious condition in the grave until their the grave shall come up no more. He Corinth, "The things which the Gen- respective resurrections. (John 5:28, shall return no more to his house, nei- tiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, 29.) When the righteous die, they do ther shall his place know him any and not to God: and I would not that not go to heaven to praise God, nor do more." Job 7:9, 10. ye should have fellowship with devils." the unrighteous suffer torment in a Can the dead then be contacted? 1 Corinthians 10:20. (See also Leviti- hellfire. Both classes sleep in the grave The answer is an obvious No. There cus 17:7; Psalm 106:37.) This state- until resurrected. (Job 3:11-19.) The can be no response from an uncon- ment draws the veil aside, revealing Apostle Peter plainly declared regard- scious person. Nor should we suppose that behind the ancient pagan forms of ing King David, "He is both dead and that the dead suddenly have all wisdom worship with its variations of witch- buried. . . . For David is not ascended and knowledge of things and events at craft, wizardry, necromancy, spirit- into the heavens." Acts 2:29-34. And their disposal whereby they may in- mediumship, etc., lie the malignant, the lucid lines of the psalmist allow no form the living. "For there is no work, Satanic forces of evil, the devils. uncertainty on this matter: "The dead nor device, nor knowledge, nor wis- We must not forget that in our earth praise not the Lord, neither any that dom, in the grave, whither thou goest." there operate—then and now—not go down into silence." "For in death Ecclesiastes 9:10. Continued

FEBRUARY, 1970 29 Continued purporting to be Samuel. (1 Chroni- tion, and today's living, the vast host only the supernatural agencies of God cles 10:13, 14.) of Christians rest in the grave." Where and holy angels, but also the super- The danger is plain. The divine does the Bible state that anybody arose natural agencies of Satan and his evil warning is unequivocal. Communica- with Christ at His resurrection? angels. (Revelation 12:7-9; Luke 10: tion cannot take place with our be- 18; Matthew 12:24-28.) The devils loved dead who sleep the dreamless The Biblical records inform us that an under the control of Satan comprise a sleep of death. The voices and forms earthquake occurred at the death of vast confederacy of evil that wars con- that are heard and seen in the séance Christ with the result that "graves were tinuously against God and righteous- are those of impersonating evil angels opened." From these graves arose cer- ness. who give advice or guidance as will tain "saints" shortly after Christ Him- Although fallen, evil angels still best suit their diabolical purposes to self arose—evidently as trophies and have and use supernatural powers be- ruin and to destroy mankind. witnesses of His victory over death. yond the ken of man. For example, it Let leaders of state as well as hum- The account reads, "And many bodies was in Satan's power and ability to ble citizens see in the fate of King of the saints which slept arose, and produce before the eyes of the Saviour Saul the folly in seeking advice from came out of the graves after his resur- "all the kingdoms of the world, and such sources which Scripture plainly rection, and went into the holy city, the glory of them." (Matthew 4:8.) labels "Satanic"! and appeared unto many." (See Mat- But the panoramic view of templed "And when they say to you, 'Con- thew 27:50-53.) Paul asserts that when cities, marble palaces, fertile fields, sult the mediums and the wizards who Christ ascended into heaven "he led and fruit-laden vineyards was only a chirp and mutter,' should not a people captivity captive." The Revised Stan- mirage, an optical illusion! consult their God? Should they consult dard Version renders the phrase: Sin entered the human family the dead on behalf of the living?" Isa- "When he ascended on high he led a through the deception of Satan, who iah 8:19, R.S.V. host of captives." Ephesians 4:8. We employed a medium to accomplish the may reasonably infer, then, that these ruin. (Genesis 3.) The first medium persons who ascended with our Lord was an animal, a serpent that Satan In a recent article you state, "Except- were those saints whose bonds of controlled. During the time of Satan's ing Enoch, Elijah, Moses, and those death Christ had broken at His own possession, the serpent seemed to have who rose with Christ at His resurrec- resurrection. END the characteristics and attributes of an- other being, for it conversed and rea- soned with Eve. It is important to note that it was by means of this medium that Eve was led to believe that she PROFESSIONAL was speaking with a reptile, when, in fact, she was in direct conversation with Satan himself, who persuaded her TRUST SERVICES into sin. In like manner, Saul did not converse with Samuel. But by means of the spirit medium and the super- Riggs Will Act As Agent natural powers of the devils who con- Investment Manager, trolled her, he spoke directly with a Trustee or Executor devil. Just as holy guardian angels for personal or know the intimacies of our lives, so institutional funds evil angels are well acquainted with each person and can impersonate such TRUST DEPARTMENT in the séance, even revealing secrets unknown to others. 800 17th ,Street, N.W. Because the spirits of spiritism—an- cient or modern—are in reality the supernatural agencies of Satan and his angels, God has consistently warned The RIGGS His people away from any attempts on their part at supposed communication with the dead. (Deuteronomy 18: NATIONAL BANK 9-12.) of WASHINGTON, D.C. • FOUNDED 1836 In Israel death was the punishment meted out to any who tried to estab- MAIN OFFICE: 1503 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, N.W. lish themselves as mediums, or who (Opposite U.S. Treasury) patronized a medium to attempt com- RESOURCES OVER $700,000,000 munication. (Leviticus 20:6, 27.) Thus Saul was destroyed not only be- WASHINGTON'S LARGEST—IN SIZE & SERVICE cause of his disobedience, but also for Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation seeking counsel through a spirit me- Member Federal Reserve System dium, conversing with an apparition

30 THESE TIMES tpeads

SUICIDE RANKS HIGH IN himself. In many cases, says Dr. Pret- cal levels; but the cooperation will be YOUTH DEATHS zel, suicide centers have only to put between fundamentalists of both the would-be suicide in touch with groups, and between liberals. Every twenty minutes someone in the someone who really cares—his min- 3. United States commits suicide. Among The church will interest only peo- college students suicide is the second ister, a therapist, a spouse, a relative, ple whose "psychological age" is about a friend. forty-five years, and up. leading cause of death, while among William James, the philosopher, 4. young people aged fifteen to nineteen Total church membership will touched the heart of the problem when decrease, but those remaining will be it ranks third. Why do so many young people seek escape through the avenue he declared that the cure for suicide more knowledgeable and committed. is religious faith. The one passing of suicide? 5. More people—not all necessarily through a siege of despondency needs According to Dr. Cotter Hirschberg, Christians—will believe that "the help. In many cases he needs profes- of the Menninger Clinic, suicide among Christian's primary concern is with young people usually results from de- sional help from a psychotherapist or social action." a physician. In every case he needs pression that sets in when they fail to 6. Most church school teachers will adjust satisfactorily after changing from someone who cares. see their function as "fellow-seekers" with their students. one life situation to another. Such TWENTY-FIVE CHANGES changes occur when a child goes to 7. The Consultation on Church When the Religious Publishers Group school for the first time, when he moves Union proposals will be adopted. of the American Book Publishers from junior high to high school, and 8. There will be no more denomina- Council met recently, a variety of when puberty occurs—especially if it tional Christian education programs. speakers spoke about the changing re- comes either too early or too late. 9. There will be no more projects Thus, though suicide among young ligious scene. Among the prophets was for building huge church "plants." Roland W. Tapp, associate religious children is very rare, after the age of 10. Integration of all minorities will book editor at Westminster Press, who fifteen when teen-agers must make become a fact in the churches. presented a list of changes and trends, many adjustments in their thinking and 11. The churches will give up their patterns of living, it plays an increas- especially in Protestant denominational tax-exempt status. ingly prominent role. publishing. Here they are as summa- 12. Foreign missions will be less Publishers' Weekly. Adolescents who attempt suicide rized by emphasized, probably replaced by usually come from a background of 1. "The church is going to have to Peace Corps types of action. social isolation, says Dr. Matthew Ross go through the fundamentalist-liberal 13. "Lay academies" will rise in of the Harvard Medical School. Most fight of fifty years ago all over again," number. often this isolation stems from a dis- and with sharper polarization. 14. Denominational theological sem- organized home. 2. There will be a growing trend to- inaries "operating without reference to According to Dr. Ross, the pattern ward merger with Catholics at practi- university level education" will decline. of an approaching suicide attempt can 15. Theology will shift from tran- be easily recognized and many suicides • scendence and immanence to panthe- could be prevented by appropriate in- ism (which holds that God is in tervention. In three out of four cases, PRAYER CIRCLE everything). Dr. Ross says, attempts at suicide are 16. Along with mergers, boards preceded by depression or alcoholism. "Pray for one another," within denominations will coalesce. Dr. Howard A. Rusk, medical writer, wrote the Apostle James, "that 17. "Sermons are out," and so is states that 80 percent of those who kill you may be healed." (James the Sunday morning worship service. themselves have given definite warn- 5:16, R.S.V.) The privilege of 18. College students and young ings of their suicidal intentions. prayer is one of God's best adults will show increasing interest in Most large cities in the United gifts, not that He isn't already religion and specifically in Christianity. States have suicide prevention centers. willing to give us much more 19. "Fellowship" devices will be Dr. Paul W. Pretzel, of the Los An- than we deserve, but He is less help in attracting new members to geles Suicide Center, an ordained waiting and longing for us to local churches. Methodist minister and a clinical psy- just ask Him. 20. There will be "less interest in chologist specializing in suicidology, is We need your prayers, and separate men's and women's programs." but one of the many ministers who you need ours. Pray for us, And "some people will belong to more help staff the more than one hundred and we will pray for you. than one church." suicide centers across the country. Dr. Send your prayer requests to 21. TV will be used in church school Pretzel believes that the first thing to THESE TIMES Prayer Circle, teaching by clusters of churches in an do in dealing with the person thinking Box 59, Nashville, Tennessee area. of taking his life is to help him pass 37202. 22. Breakdown of authority, both through the temporary trauma which personal and doctrinal, will be more has given rise to the impulse to kill • evident. FEBRUARY, 1970 31 23. "The church stands in very great He is employed as a waiter in the Later he became an assistant to the danger of losing the intellectual elite St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco, master magician Harry Houdini. Hou- of this country." probably the oldest gainfully employed dini died in Larry's arms in 1926. At 24. Resurgent interest in formal person in the United States. eighty-five Larry married a second worship "is only momentary." "Retire?" he says. "What in the time. On her deathbed his first wife 25. The church of A.D. 2000 will world for?" selected his second. He's still married not be recognizable by anyone today. Yet the work never interferes with to Bessie. his early-morning jogging schedule. But what of the health habits which I'M GOING TO TRY TO CATCH Rain or shine, between four and five keep him so physically fit and mentally LARRY LEWIS thirty each morning, wherever he is, alert? he'll be jogging. At home he jogs Let me emphasize that "mentally By Paul Harvey through hilly Golden Gate Park. When alert" part. A centenarian you might While jogging one day in Arizona, he's completed his six miles, he walks expect to be dull if not doddering. I was joined by another jogger, who to his home on California and 12th Larry Lewis is sharp, alert, has a keen appeared somewhat older than I yet Streets, has fruit juice, freshens up, sense of humor, thin gray hair, twin- set a faster pace. and then, if it's a workday, he walks kling blue eyes, pearl-white teeth. Larry Lewis appeared to be sixty five miles to the St. Francis. "When I'm buying teeth, I want or so, yet he is trim, lean, hard—and Larry Lewis gives his spare time to the best," he laughs. a delightful companion. the Boys' Clubs in San Francisco and Diet? No diet. Larry eats anything But where I jog three miles three elsewhere. Recently, when he cele- and everything—but with discipline. "I times a week, Larry Lewis jogs six brated his birthday, I sought to learn always get up from the table hungry." miles every day! just "what makes Larry run." Of course he neither smokes nor Subsequently I was dumbstruck to He was born in 1867 in a tiny settle- drinks, but he is not a "health-food learn that this vigorous, athletic man ment in our Southwest. Later the area addict," as such. is not sixty years old at all; he's a became a territory. In 1912 it was "I do drink a lot of water," he ex- hundred and two! given statehood, and the settlement plains. He prefers bottled, "undoc- Furthermore, Mr. Lewis is not just became Phoenix, Arizona. tored" water. Yet the essence of his a jogger; he is a sprinter! He runs the Larry had a head start. Of English- fitness appears to derive from that one hundred-yard dash in twenty seconds! Russian extraction, his father lived to prescription: Always get up from the In the months since our first meet- be seventy-seven and his mother lived table hungry. ing, I have shared the companionship to be ninety. It is a bitter prescription but a of this uncommon man on several Larry, as a lad, ran away with a worthy objective. I'm going to race occasions. circus, became an acrobat, an aerialist. Larry Lewis to 103 if it kills me!

AID FOR STARVING BIAFRAN CHILDREN Colman Foley, at work in his fields at Pleasanton, California, inspects a small portion of a large amount of wheat he has donated to the starving children in Biafra. He also had each of his thirteen children auction a lamb and send the proceeds to Biafra. Mr. Foley, who knew hunger himself in his younger days, was born in Ireland.

32 THESE TIMES we quote

Charles H. Spurgeon, nineteenth-century En- Stephen Butler Leacock: "The average man glish minister: "It takes a great deal of grace to be goes to church six times a year and has attended able to bear praise. Censure seldom does us much Sunday School for two afternoons and can sing hurt. A man struggles up against slander, and the half a hymn." discouragement which comes of it may not be an Moody Monthly: "The difference between unmixed evil; but praise soon suggests pride, and listening to a radio sermon and going to church, is therefore not an unmixed good." someone has said, is almost like the difference Friedrich Nietzsche: "Obstinacy is firmness between calling your girl on the telephone and of character adulterated by stupidity." spending an evening with her." Jewish Proverb: Billy Graham, evangelist: "America is getting "Every man wants to pray ripe for a dictator. Big government invades almost the day before he dies. As he does not know when his time will come, he must pray every day in every area of our lives. Freedom as our fathers order to be safe." knew it is disappearing. . . . I am convinced that America stands at the crossroads of her national Sunshine Magazine: "Clara Barton, founder destiny. . . . If we are to survive as a nation, we of the American Red Cross, was once reminded of must get back to the faith of our fathers. . . . The an especially cruel thing that had been done to her greatest contribution that any citizen can make years before. But Miss Barton seemed not to recall to his nation at this hour is to live a life dedicated it. 'Don't you remember it?' her friend asked. to God, to the Ten Commandments, and to the `No,' came the reply, 'I distinctly remember for- Sermon on the Mount." getting the incident.' "

THESE TIMES Editor Associate Circulation Manager KENNETH J. HOLLAND W. L. CROFTON A RELIGIOUS MAGAZINE dedicated to the Assistant Editor Director of Subscription Fulfillment strengthening of the mental, physical, and ROBERT W. NIXON LARRY R. BURTNETT spiritual life of the individual reader. Bas- General Manager ing its recommendations on the living truths Contributing Editors: W. R. Beach, A. A. A IRVIN H. IHRIG of the entire Bible, THESE TIMES promotes Esteb, R. E. Finney, Jr., J. DeWitt Fox, Ro- evangelical Christianity, the care of the Art Director land Hegstad, Frank Holbrook, Siegfried H. -C needy at home and abroad, religious lib- SHIRLEY C. ELDRIDGE Horn, Gordon Hyde, Mary H. Moore, erty, the systematic study of God's Word, Art Editor C. A. Oliphant, Robert H. Pierson, Gerald the Bible, the exaltation of Jesus Christ, CHARLES COOK Wheeler. and the news of His literal soon coming. Circulation Manager Address all correspondence to Box 59, Printed in the United States of America R. J. CHRISTIAN Nashville, Tennessee 37202

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FEBRUARY, 1970 33 opinion

FEBRUARY—MONTH OF found his way into local politics. And will lead to mercy and pardon." LINCOLN it was then that people, listening to his "Let us have faith that right makes speeches, found there was something might, and in that faith, let us to the special about him. end, dare to do our duty, as we un- HAT MORE can be said about Abe talked about running a country derstand it." WAbraham Lincoln? Perhaps an as if it were something you could do. "That this nation, under God, shall editorial from a John Hancock Life It was just a matter of people getting have a new birth of freedom." Insurance Company publication puts along. He had nothing against any- "I desire so to conduct the affairs it best. Or perhaps Lincoln's own body, rich or poor. of this administration that if at the views on religion and life call for an- Abe had a way of growing without end, when I come to lay down the reins other look. changing. So it seemed perfectly natu- of power, I have lost every other friend At any rate, as a brief tribute to a ral to find him in the White House one on earth, I shall at least have one great man who humbled himself be- day. He was the same Abe Lincoln friend left, and that friend shall be fore the sovereignty of God, we give he'd always been, and yet the most down inside of me." you both—plus a final wrap-up by dignified and the strongest and the "My concern is not whether God is Walt Whitman. steadiest man anybody had ever on our side; my great concern is to be * * * known. on God's side, for God is always right." Let's skip all the things you've read He was everybody, grown a little "We shall nobly save or meanly about him, all the things you heard too taller—the warm and living product lose the last, best hope of earth." often or too young. of our American faith that greatness "No man is poor who has had a Forget the face on the penny, the comes out of everywhere when it is godly mother." statue in Washington, the Emancipa- free to come. "I have been driven many times to tion Proclamation, the Gettysburg * * * my knees by the overwhelming con- speech, and look at the big thing. From Lincoln, who obviously did viction that I had nowhere else to go." Why do we love this man, dead not use Christian symbols, but whose "I don't like to hear cut-and-dried long before our time—Abraham Lin- outlook was authentically Christian: sermons. When I hear a man preach, I coln? "This great book [the Bible] . . . is like to see him act as if he were fight- He came out of nowhere special— the best gift God has given to man. . . . ing bees." a log cabin like many another. His But for it we could not know right "As we keep or break the Sabbath, folks were nobody special—pleasant, from wrong." we nobly save or meanly lose the last hard-working people. Abe was a smart "With malice toward none; with best hope by which man rises." boy, but not too smart. He could do a charity for all." * * * good day's work on the farm, though "Bless all the churches, and blessed And finally: "I never see that man he'd just as soon stand around and be God, who, in this our great trial, [Lincoln] without feeling that he is one talk. He told funny stories. He was giveth us the churches." to become personally attached to, for strong and kind. He'd never try to "It is the duty of nations as well as his combination of purest, heartiest hurt you, or cheat you, or fool you. of men to confess their sins and trans- tenderness, and native western form of Young Abe worked at odd jobs and gressions in humble sorrow, yet with manliness."—Walt Whitman. read law books at night. Eventually he assured hope that genuine repentance K. J. H.