FEBRUARY 1970 1 c the bible's amazing propheciesegypt concePainc By Bryant G. Wood To prophesy that Tahpanhes would be defeated and that Egypt's proud might would come to an end was a startling prediction. "ElGYPT4 looms large in the Scriptures him to remain with a small group still vans going to and from the East passed as a subject of God's dealings in Judah. Events then moved swiftly. through there. A large mud-brick down through the centuries. It all be- An assassin killed Gedaliah, whom building standing in the center of the gan with Abraham's visit during the Nebuchadnezzar had set up as gover- city served as a fort and also as famine. (Genesis 12.) Because of her nor of Judah. Fearing retribution, the Pharaoh's headquarters when he was idolatrous and sinful ways, God often Jews, under Johanan, took Zedekiah's in the district. It was outside this chastened Egypt. Old Testament proph- daughters and fled to Egypt, forcing building that Jeremiah pronounced his ets foretold. these judgments upon Egypt Jeremiah to accompany them. first prophecy against Egypt: in a remarkable fashion. After a journey of several weeks, "Then the word of the Lord came to Many of the Old Testament writers they arrived at Tahpanhes on the east- Jeremiah in Tahpanhes: 'Take in your prophesied against Egypt's ancient ern frontier of the Egyptian Delta. hands large stones, and hide them in cities, and their predictions are among Here at Tahpanhes, about 566 B.C. or the mortar in the pavement which is the most amazing in all the Bible. later, God directed Jeremiah to proph- at the entrance to Pharaoh's palace in These prophets singled out her most esy against the cities of Egypt. Tahpanhes, in the sight of the men of important cities and unveiled their Jeremiah and Ezekiel specifically Judah, and say to them, "Thus says the coming fate. Archaeological and his- prophesied against eight Egyptian cities. Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: Be- toric evidence now reveals that these All of these cities, with one exception, hold, I will send and take Nebuchad- prophecies were completely fulfilled— have been located and their story laid rezzar the king of Babylon, my servant, some of them centuries later. bare by archaeologists. The cities which and he will set his throne above these The story of God's judgments upon have been located to date are Zoan, stones which I have hid, and he will the cities of Egypt really begins with Tahpanhes, Memphis, Pelusium, Pibe- spread his royal canopy over them." ' " the fall of Jerusalem. When Nebuchad- seth, Heliopolis, and Thebes. Archaeo- Jeremiah 43:8-10, R.S.V. nezzar first defeated the city in 597 logical work continues at some of these Sir Hinders Petrie, famous British B.c., he took many captives, among sites today. The eighth city, Migdol, archaeologist of the late nineteenth and them a priest named Ezekiel. While in has not as yet been positively located. early twentieth century, excavated at exile in Babylon—sometime between Two of these cities, Tahpanhes and Tahpanhes in 1886. He made discov- 593 and 571 B.C.—Ezekiel prophesied Thebes, played especially important eries which give extraordinary illumi- against Egypt. (Ezekiel 29-32.) roles in the prophecies of Jeremiah and nation to Jeremiah's account. Petrie's Then, about 587 B.C., Nebuchadnez- Ezekiel. first surprise when he arrived at the zar made a second attack upon Jeru- site was the local name for the mound salem. This time he utterly defeated Tahpanhes is situated at the eastern which contained the remains of Tah- Zedekiah, then king of Judah, and edge of the Egyptian Delta, some seven panhes. The natives called it Qasr Bint burned the city. Among those Nebu- miles west of the Suez Canal. At one el Yehudi, meaning "palace of the chadnezzar led out of Jerusalem to time, before it dried up, the Pelusiac Jew's daughter." This is an extremely face a life of exile in Babylon was the branch of the Nile flowed past the site. unusual name, there being none other prophet Jeremiah. The city was one of the major for- like it in all Egypt. The name had pre- By God's providence, Jeremiah tresses guarding the eastern entrance served down through the centuries the found favor with the Babylonian king, into Egypt. It was also an important memory of the visit of Zedekiah's who shortly released him and allowed commercial center, since all the cara- Continued FEBRUARY, 1970 3 Continued been badly damaged. Enough of the Nebuchadnezzar necessarily had to de- daughters following the collapse of the cuneiform writing has remained legible, feat Tahpanhes. Since Tahpanhes was kingdom of Judah. however, to determine that Nebuchad- an important fortified outpost on the As Petrie began his excavations, he nezzar did launch an expedition against route into Egypt, he had to overthrow soon learned that the mound contained Egypt. It reads as follows: ". in the it in order to gain entrance into the what could well be Pharaoh's palace 37th year, Nebuchadnezzar, king of country. After examining the evidence, spoken of by Jeremiah. He cleared the Babylon, marched against Egypt to de- Dr. Emil Kraeling, in the Rand Mc- debris until he had exposed the floor liver a battle. Amasis, of Egypt, called Nally Bible Atlas, makes the following plan of the building. He found that a up his army . ." (Translated by A. L. statement: large square central section, several Oppenheim in "Ancient Near Eastern "It can hardly be doubted that he stories high, served as a fortress. To Texts Relating to the Old Testament.") [Nebuchadnezzar] actually set up his this was added two other sections: one Nebuchadnezzar carried out this cam- court at the palace of Tahpanhes, as for royal quarters and another for paign in his thirty-seventh year, or Jeremiah 43:8f predicted, and meted storerooms. It was probably here in 568/567 B.c., some fourteen years out death sentences there." the royal quarters that Zedekiah's following his first invasion of Egypt. Ezekiel predicted further conflict in daughters lived while at Tahpanhes. In making this attack on Egypt, Tahpanhes: "At Tehaphnehes the day The palace-fort stood in a great forti- shall be dark, when I break there the fied camp, surrounded by a wall Petrie dominion of Egypt, and her proud discovered was over forty feet thick. This image represents Amon, might shall come to an end; she shall During his excavations of the palace- the chief of all Egyptian gods. be covered by a cloud, and her daugh- fort, Petrie made an amazing discovery. ters shall go into captivity." Ezekiel While digging around the foundation 30:18, R.S.V. of the building, he came upon a large Following Nebuchadnezzar's cam- brick platform outside the main en- paign in 568/567 B.c. the Persians un- trance. This platform may have well der Cambyses II invaded Egypt in 525 been the very place where the Lord in- B.c. Herodotus, a Greek historian who structed Jeremiah to bury the large wrote in the fifth century s.c., reported stones! The platform, it seems, served that Cambyses first routed the Egyp- as a public meeting place where busi- tians at the coastal outpost of Pelusium. ness, government, and social affairs He then drove the Egyptian army past were conducted. It was an ideal place Tahpanhes to the walled city of Mem- for Jeremiah to deliver his message. phis. There he completed his defeat of Petrie searched for the stones which the Egyptians. Jeremiah placed there, but without suc- Thus Cambyses broke the dominion cess. Floodwaters had swept away of Egypt, and her proud might came most of the platform. to an end as foretold by Ezekiel. Jeremiah foretold the following Cambyses went on to conquer all events with regard to Tahpanhes: Egypt and set up Persian rule in the " 'Thus says the Lord of hosts, the land. That was indeed a dark day for God of Israel: Behold, I will send and Egypt, for she was never again to be a take Nebuchadrezzar the king of Baby- nation of major importance. lon, my servant, and he will set his throne above these stones which I have The city of Thebes, for much of hid, and he will spread his royal canopy Egyptian history, was the leading city over them.' " Jeremiah 43:10, R.S.V. of southern Egypt. Located on the "The word which the Lord spoke to eastern bank of the Nile some 450 Jeremiah the prophet about the coming miles south of Cairo, Thebes was the of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon to seat of the Pharaohs, starting about smite the land of Egypt: 'Declare in 2100 B.C. The city reached the height Egypt, and proclaim in . Tahpan- of its power between 1500 and 1000 hes; say, "Stand ready and be prepared, B.c., when it was the center of a vast for the sword shall devour round about empire and the wealthiest and most you." ' " Jeremiah 46:13, 14, R.S.V. famous city in all the world. Named Jeremiah predicted that Nebuchad- after the local god Amon, the Egyp- nezzar, the Babylonian king who had tians called their capital Nu-Amon, just sacked Jerusalem, would defeat "The Town of Amon." The Hebrews Tahpanhes and set up his throne there. referred to it by the Egyptian name, The records of history verify the fact and so we have No-Amon, or simply that Nebuchadnezzar did indeed invade No in the King James Version of the Egypt as Jeremiah predicted.
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