Aerospace World

By Peter Grier

Chiefs: Annual $50 BillionÐ$60 Billion Boost Needed The US military chiefs have deliv- ered to Congress this message: The country’s fighting forces are OK for the moment, the future looks trou- bling, and the get-well effort can’t be carried out on the cheap. Boeing photo by Ron Bookout That is the essence of extended Sept. 27 testimony to the armed ser- vices committees in the House and Senate. The panels heard from heads of all four services and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Army Gen. Henry H. Shelton. The chiefs, under questioning, in- dicated that the Pentagon budget needs to be boosted by $50 billionÐ $60 billion per year for the next 10 years. Annual increases included $20 billionÐ$30 billion for the Air Force, $17 billion for the Navy, $10 billion for the Army, and $1.5 billion for the Boeing’s X-32A Joint Strike Fighter concept demonstrator lands at Edwards Marine Corps. AFB, Calif., after its first flight Sept. 18. Fred Knox piloted the aircraft. It took Shelton said the US is prepared to off from Palmdale, Calif., and went through airworthiness tests, including flying fight and win two Major Theater Wars qualities and subsystems checkouts. The X-32A and Lockheed Martin’s JSF at more or less the same time, which version, X-35A, will undergo five months of testing at Edwards. is the basis of US national security strategy. Boeing JSF Makes First Flight in design to their planned production However, Shelton went on, the next Boeing’s Joint Strike Fighter con- aircraft. President and Congress will have to cept demonstrator, the X-32A, made Boeing has made several changes increase defense spending to keep its first flight Sept. 18 from Palmdale, in its design that are not reflected in the troops ready and equip them with Calif., to Edwards AFB, Calif. its X-32A. It has added horizontal the kinds of weapons they need. Its planned 40 minutes in the air tails and changed its wing shape, “We must find the resources nec- was cut short to 20 after a chase among other things. essary to modernize the force,” said airplane noticed hydraulic fluid leak- Shelton. ing from the aircraft. AEF Cycle 2 Coming Up Shelton’s comments were ampli- Company officials termed the leak As the Air Force neared the end of fied by the other chiefs: Gen. Michael “minor,” saying they were still able to its first 15-month Aerospace Expedi- E. Ryan, USAF Chief of Staff; Gen. complete planned tests. After it was tionary Force cycle, officials are gath- Eric K. Shinseki, Army Chief of Staff; repaired, a second flight Sept. 23 ering up lessons and implementing Adm. Vernon E. Clark, Chief of Naval lasted nearly an hour and took the changes to improve AEF Cycle 2. Operations; and Gen. James L. Jones, airplane to 10,000 feet. The service launched the Expedi- Commandant of the Marine Corps. “The airplane is a pleasure to fly,” tionary Aerospace Force concept Oct. Though the service chiefs offered said Boeing JSF chief test pilot Fred 1, 1999, part of an effort to make the hard numbers, Shelton himself men- Knox. lives of its personnel more stable and tioned no specific budget figures and The flights were the first of a predictable. said the amount of additional defense planned five-month test program at After the first 10 deployments of spending would depend on the out- Edwards. The program calls for 50 the AEFs, officials are pleased with come of a planned Pentagon review flights, totaling about 100 hours, to the results. “My general impression next year. validate the Boeing airplane’s han- is that the Aerospace Expeditionary Shelton said an overly large chunk dling characteristics. Force is going very well,” said Brig. of DoD spending is being used to fill Boeing’s JSF test aircraft got into Gen. Dennis R. Larsen, commander gaps in near-term readiness, rather the air earlier than its Lockheed Mar- of the AEF Center at Langley AFB, than going to pay for new equipment. tin counterpart, but Lockheed offi- Va. “There are some growing pains, “We are, collectively, robbing Peter cials were quick to note their JSF but any time you make a transition to pay Paul,” Shelton said. concept demonstrator is much closer that is this major and involves an

14 AIR FORCE Magazine / November 2000 its demilitarized zone border with Key Senator Opposes New Service South Korea, says the report, which is titled “2000 Report to Congress: for Military Space Military Situation on the Korean Pen- insula.” It was written at the behest of Sen. Wayne Allard, a Colorado Republican, serves on the Senate Armed Congress by US commanders in South Services Committee and chairs that panel’s Strategic Subcommittee, which Korea and defense intelligence offi- oversees military space. Moreover, military space is, for him, a major local political issue, given the fact that Colorado is the home of US Space Command, cials in Washington. , North American Aerospace Defense Command, and North Korean forces have stock- numerous space contractors. piled more than 500 shorter-range At a Sept. 21 session of the Defense Writers Group in Washington, D.C., Allard Scud missiles and still makes and was asked about the workings of the new, Congressionally mandated space fields No Dong missiles able to hit US commission and its key issue—should Congress take military space activities forces in South Korea and Japan. away from the Air Force and hand them over to a newly created military service? Moreover, said the report, North Allard’s response: Korea has the ability to produce an- “[Sen.] Bob Smith, my predecessor as chairman of the Strategic Subcommit- thrax and other biological agents and tee, has pushed for a separate agency. ... I think that the constraints on our military financially are such that this is not the time to be setting up a new agency, has “produced munition stockpiles because it just means that much more money gets diverted from some other estimated at up to 5,000 metric tons military needs which I see as much greater—for example, operation and mainte- of several types of chemical agents.” nance of our equipment. We are at a time when our budget is severely constrained North Korea “maintains a dogged with the increased deployments that we’re having. ... I think it would be inadvis- adherence to a ‘military first’ policy able, at least at this time, to set up a separate space agency, or [give] space a seat even against the backdrop of a na- on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, or something like that. I think it would be inadvisable. tion facing severe economic and so- I think you’d set up a whole new bureaucracy, with ranking and commands. We’ve cial challenges,” the report states. It got better places to put our resources.” says the army is more than just a military organization, serving as “the central unifying structure in the coun- organization as big as the Air Force, gone from 90,000 to 141,000 AEFÐ try.” there are bound to be some problem deployable people. The report concludes that “until areas.” Guard and Reserve units make up North Korea’s conventional military As the service moves into its sec- a significant portion of this manpower. threat is significantly reduced and its ond cycle, the Air Force will be length- Ten percent of combat support task- quest for nuclear weapons is elimi- ening the deployments of the on-call ings and 24 percent of aviation unit nated, the Korean peninsula remains Aerospace Expeditionary Wings. commitments for the second cycle a dangerous theater.” “The AEWs will go from 90 days to are filled by Guard and Reserve units. 120 days, Larsen said. DoD Left Deutch Probe to CIA? AEW commanders found that, in Pentagon Warily Eyes North The Pentagon insists it was not 90-day deployments, the wings did Korea reluctant to investigate former Deputy not have enough time to recover and A new Pentagon report, publicly Secretary of Defense John M. Deutch’s then be ready to go back on call. released Sept. 22, holds that North mishandling of classified information. “This also rotates who is on call for Korea, despite its recent overtures to Instead, DoD at first thought it best the holiday and summer season,” said the West, is still a major military threat to leave any such probe to the Cen- Larsen. that continues to devote a dispropor- tral Intelligence Agency, officials said tionate share of its resources to armed Sept. 20. Deutch left DoD to become Early Notification Strengthens might. director of the CIA in 1995. AEFs Pyongyang has deployed large “The CIA had already started down Improvement in the notification pro- numbers of rocket launchers, artil- this road,” said a Pentagon spokes- cess stands out as one of the EAF’s lery pieces, and other weapons along man, Rear Adm. Craig Quigley, at a biggest successes so far, said the AEF Center’s Larsen. Prior to AEFs 5 and 6, notifications went out some 15 days before de- “Significant Readiness Challenges, ployment. For the second cycle, which Today and in the Future” begins Dec. 1, notification comes 120 days prior to the start. From the Sept. 21 testimony of Lt. Gen. Robert H. Foglesong, deputy chief of Shortfall rates—the measurement staff, air and space operations, to the House Armed Services Military Procure- of units unable to carry out their AEF ment Subcommittee: taskings—have also improved. “Overall combat readiness is down a total of 23 percent since 1996. Air Combat “We started out with about 3.2 per- Command, active duty combat units, led this decline, and their readiness dropped cent of our taskings coming back as by a sharp 42 percent over the same period. As we strive to keep the readiness shortfalls in AEFs 5 and 6, but cur- of our forward deployed units up, our Stateside units are paying the price as we rently we’re down to 0.5 percent for operate in a limited resource environment marked by multiple contingencies. “Today, our Air Force men and women and their commanders continue to AEFs 1 and 2 for the second cycle,” ‘make things happen’ by coping with the readiness challenges, despite heavy said Larsen. tasking and tough fiscal constraints. Nonetheless, the mission capable rates for With earlier notification, units now major Air Force weapon systems steadily declined by nearly 11 percent since have time to make sure they have all 1991 to a mission capability rate of 73 percent today. the personnel they need to do their “Parts cannibalization rates are still very high and indicate increased workload assigned jobs. Plus, the number of on our maintenance personnel. These indicators continue to point to significant people covered by the AEF organiza- readiness challenges today and in the future.” tion has increased. The service has

AIR FORCE Magazine / November 2000 15 Aerospace World briefing for reporters. “Rather than proved, but in some key areas— joint readiness concerns provided by duplicating their effort, we felt that particularly manning and training— theater commanders in chief, who the best course of action was to let problems remain, according to the focus on areas such as intelligence, that professional investigation pro- Pentagon’s latest quarterly readiness surveillance, reconnaissance defi- ceed.” report. ciencies, information vulnerabilities, Deutch has admitted that he wrong- “Most major combat and key sup- and the ability to disengage from cur- fully violated CIA rules by writing and port forces are ready to meet as- rent operations to meet timelines set storing thousands of pages of classi- signed taskings, although there are for a two Major Theater War situa- fied data on home computers that force readiness and capability short- tion. were also used to access the Internet. falls that increase risk in executing The latest report states that the The CIA and the Pentagon have operations,” concludes the report. “risk factors for executing ongoing been investigating whether he com- Added funds are helping ease some operations and responding to a Ma- mitted similar violations during his critical maintenance problems, offi- jor Theater War are moderate, while Defense Department tenure. cials noted. The Department of De- the risk for a second Major Theater The Pentagon’s internal damage fense has added $150 billion to its War is high.” assessment effort began after Sec- defense program since the 1997 Qua- retary of Defense William S. Cohen drennial Defense Review—largely to Pilot Discharged Over Anthrax received a CIA report in February bolster personnel, operations, and Shots 2000. DoD’s inspector general is look- maintenance. The Air Force on Sept. 1 discharged ing into Deutch’s handling of depart- For its part, the Air Force has another active duty pilot for refusing ment computers and where those poured an extra $2 billion into spare to agree to an anthrax vaccination. computers now are. Some were dis- parts in an effort to end aircraft can- The pilot, former 1st Lt. Jamie C. posed as surplus, some ending up at nibalization and increase mission Martin, had been assigned to Dover a Baltimore scrap dealer. capable rates. AFB, Del. He was discharged for dis- The report judges all the services obeying an order. Readiness Still a Concern in three major areas: personnel, train- Martin already had taken three US military readiness has im- ing, and equipment. It also highlights shots of the six-shot anthrax vacci- nation program. He refused to take a fourth shot. Martin told the Delaware State Strange Stories About Enola Gay; News, a Dover newspaper, that he They Just Keep Coming received his first three shots, at two- week intervals, during August and Reporter Bob Thompson didn’t do his homework for his cover story, “The September 1999, but that he refused Museum of the American Century,” in The Washington Post Magazine Sept. 17. to take any more because he became His subject was the National Air and Space Museum, so eventually, he got around ill from the inoculations. to the controversy in 1994Ð95 when the museum planned to use the Enola Gay, Martin, according to the newspa- the B-29 that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, as the centerpiece in a per, said, “The first wasn’t that bad. It political horror show. was hardly noticeable. The second Thompson didn’t put it that way, of course—but then he talked only to one side gave me some flu-like symptoms for in the controversy, and he also ignored what his own newspaper had to say about about five or six days, but the third it at the time. was a real doozy. It put me in bed. ... In 1994, Air Force Magazine and the Air Force Association brought the museum’s plans to the attention of the public, the news media, and Congress. The I had severe headaches and every museum cast the Japanese as victims more so than as aggressors in World War move was an effort because my body II and took a harsh view of American motives and actions. muscles hurt so badly. ... When I was The plan finally collapsed in 1995. The ill-fated exhibition was canceled and able to get up, I had vertigo and had replaced with one that showed the aircraft and gave a straightforward account of to grab hold of furniture until the diz- events. The nonpolitical exhibition ran for three years and drew almost 4 million ziness went away. I also had ringing visitors—the most ever for a special exhibition at the museum. in my ears and short-term memory Thompson, however, cites a “notorious” and “heavily politicized struggle” in loss.” which the exhibit was “stripped of meaningful content” when a “vehement attack He said the side effects from the by the Air Force Association sparked a widespread public outcry.” In fact, the “meaningful content” stripped out was claptrap about World War II third shot continued for months. in the Pacific. “For most Americans,” the script said, “it was a war of vengeance. Martin was assigned to Dover in For most Japanese, it was a war to defend their unique culture against Western June 1999 and was a captain-select, imperialism.” in line to fly C-5 aircraft. He said that, Although Thompson may not know it, his newspaper came to the same after refusing the fourth shot, his cap- conclusion that AFA did. A Post editorial in January 1995 said that early drafts of tain-select status was rescinded. He the Enola Gay script were “incredibly propagandistic and intellectually shabby” was given an honorable discharge and had “a tendentiously anti-nuclear and anti–American tone.” under general conditions but fined The next month, another Post editorial said, “It is important to be clear about $1,200. what happened at the Smithsonian. It is not, as some have it, that benighted advocates of a special-interest or right-wing point of view brought political power to bear to crush and distort the historical truth. Quite the contrary. Narrow-minded F-22 Testing Moves Ahead representatives of a special-interest and revisionist point of view attempted to use The F-22 fighter program by early their inside track to appropriate and hollow out a historical event that large fall had passed three of nine flight numbers of Americans alive at that time and engaged in the war had witnessed test milestones to be completed this and understood in a very different—and authentic—way.” year. —John T. Correll The most recent milestone entailed flight maneuvers with open weapons

16 AIR FORCE Magazine / November 2000 bay doors at high angles of attack. Raptor 4002 successfully completed this test Aug. 22. Specific maneuvers included 360- degree rolls and full pedal sideslips. They were intended to test the ability of the weapons bay doors to with- stand the stresses of intense pres- USAF photo by Phil Kocurek sure changes. The “F-22 continues to perform outstandingly in all tests that we have performed, and it remains unsur- passed in both its handling and flight performance,” said Lockheed test pilot Jon Beesley. Upcoming milestones include first flight of Raptors 4003, 4004, 4005, and 4006; radar cross section test- ing; weapons separation testing; and avionics flight tests. As of Sept. 1, the F-22 had also completed 13 of 19 planned air ve- hicle ultimate load static tests. The The Air Force’s first CV-22 lands at Edwards AFB, Calif., on Sept. 18 after a nearly latest static test, completed Aug. 23, six-hour flight from a Bell Helicopter Arlington, Tex., facility. Maj. Tom Currie was was designed to test the strength of the pilot. The tiltrotor will now undergo two years of testing at Edwards. the aircraft’s midfuselage structure and engine inlet ducts. NAS Fort Worth JRB (Carswell Field), Air Force officials said an accident Reserve Pilot Killed in Crash Tex. report board has been established. An Air Force Reserve Command Simons had been returning to Cars- pilot was killed when his F-16C fighter well from Hill AFB, Utah, when the Edwards Gets Air Force Osprey crashed near Tulia, Tex., on Aug. 28. accident occurred. The aircraft was USAF’s first CV-22 Osprey arrived Maj. Stephen W. Simons was as- carrying an inert AIM-9M training at Edwards AFB, Calif.—opening the signed to the 301st Fighter Wing’s missile but no live munitions or bombs, tiltrotor era for the Air Force. 457th Fighter Squadron, based at according to a USAF news release. The aircraft, which will be used in

AIR FORCE Magazine / November 2000 17 Aerospace World Calif., also flew home Sept. 5. The The Air Force Memorial aircraft were sent home by the Na- tional Interagency Fire Center in Congress Grants an Extension Boise, Idaho. The center will rely on commercial businesses to keep up the fire war in the fall. Partly in reaction to a large volume of mail from their home districts, the House and Senate voted unanimously to extend the deadline to build an Air Force Since the beginning of the year, Memorial in metropolitan Washington, D.C. 75,089 fires have burned some 6.6 This means the Air Force Memorial Foundation has an additional five years to million acres in western states, ac- finish fund-raising and break ground for construction. So far, $24.5 million of the cording to the fire center. By way of approximately $30 million required has been raised. contrast, an average year sees 62,435 Contributors include several aerospace firms and more than 70,000 individual fires burn about 2.96 million acres. donors, who generated a flood of mail to Congress in support of the memorial. Guard and Reserve C-130 units The project was initially authorized by Congress in 1993 and proceeded in have dropped more than 970,000 orderly fashion through the numerous procedural and design reviews. A site on gallons of fire retardant on fires in Arlington Ridge, adjacent to Arlington National Cemetery and overlooking the Potomac River, was selected, and the proposed design for the memorial received California, Idaho, and Montana. The considerable acclaim, including a Washington Post report that heaped praise on molasses-like retardant is 85 percent it. water, 11 percent salt, and 4 percent In 1997, however, a neighborhood group calling itself “Friends of Iwo Jima” flow conditioners and red coloring began an opposition to the project, on grounds ranging from increased traffic in agent. It does not extinguish fires so the area to a claim that the Air Force Memorial would “encroach” on the Marine much as inhibit the combustibility of Corps Iwo Jima Memorial—which is 500 feet up the slope and with a stand of trees and undergrowth. mature trees in between. In time, Marine Corps veterans joined in the objection. Parties seeking to block the Air Force Memorial brought suit in federal court Missile Defense Cost Goes Up and lost twice, the second time with prejudice. What the protests did achieve was to slow down fund-raising. The projected cost of the proposed Without the extension, approved by the House Sept. 12 and the Senate Oct. 3, National Missile Defense system has the project would have had to return to the beginning of the process and go gone up, according to its chief mili- through the series of reviews and approvals all over again. tary overseer. Groundbreaking is now tentatively scheduled for the fall of 2001. Air Force Lt. Gen. Ronald T. Kadish, head of the Pentagon’s Ballistic Mis- sile Defense Organization, told law- makers that total acquisition and life- flight testing, is a Marine Corps MV- ing SystemÐequipped C-130s from cycle cost of the basic NMD system 22 reconfigured into the CV configu- the 302nd Airlift Wing, Peterson AFB, would be $40.3 billion. ration at Bell Helicopter’s Flight Re- Colo., went home after Labor Day, The estimate covers the program search Center in Arlington, Tex. ending a nearly six-week stint of fire through Fiscal 2028. That estimate, Changes included addition of multi- fighting. Two C-130s and 49 Air Na- Kadish said in Sept. 8 testimony be- mode radar for terrain following and tional Guardsmen from the 146th Air- fore a House military subcommittee, terrain avoidance, auxiliary fuel tanks, lift Wing, Channel Islands ANGB, includes the $5.7 billion already spent and an integrated electronic warfare suite. The CV-22 is intended to be used by Air Force units dedicated to US Special Operations Command. “The arrival of this [first] aircraft means combined developmental and operational testing for the US Spe- cial Operations Command’s No. 1 acquisition priority,” said Lt. Col. Jim Shaffer, CV-22 multiservice opera- tional test director. The test program is scheduled to end in August 2002. The Air Force plans to replace its fleet of MH-53J Pave Low helicop- ters with 50 CV-22s. Initial opera- tional capability is set for 2004. The first set of four production aircraft will go to the 58th Training Squadron at Kirtland AFB, N.M., where they will be used for advanced aircrew train- ing.

Fire-Fighting Effort Winds Down The Joint Direct Attack MunitionÐExtended Range is shown on an F-16 before a Air Force Reserve Command’s cross-range flight test at White Sands Missile Range, N.M. The JDAMÐER uses a support of fire-fighting efforts in the strap-on wing device called a Diamond Back—a low-cost, high-performance West wound down in September. wing kit that increases the JDAM’s range and allows attack on multiple, widely Two Modular Airborne Fire-Fight- separated targets from a single release point.

18 AIR FORCE Magazine / November 2000 Aerospace World on the program and represents a $4 The Air Force, Army, and Navy AFB, Calif., will examine upgrades billion increase over previous figures. now have all missed reserve recruit- that are intended to improve the op- ing goals for three years running, erational capability of the nation’s Every Airman a Recruiter? according to a report in the New York stealth bomber fleet. “Get the word out: The Air Force is Times. The first change to be tested will hiring.” This year is unlikely to see a turn- be the application of magnetic radar- That is what Undersecretary of the around. Air Force Reserve Command absorbing materials on surface pan- Air Force Carol DiBattiste told mem- is projected in Fiscal 2001 to fall els. The new materials should help bers of the 81st Training Wing, Kees- 2,000 personnel short of its 11,321 technicians by reducing from hours ler AFB, Miss., during a recent visit. recruitment quota. to minutes the time necessary to get This year the Air Force has begun The Navy reserve will likely be at the aircraft systems behind the an intense public awareness program 4,000 short of its 18,410 goal. panels. to let school systems, businesses, ci- A number of factors are contribut- Future upgrades to be tested in- vilian leaders, and retirees know that ing to this shortfall, say officials. For clude improved satellite links that will the Air Force needs people and has one, the postÐCold War force draw- increase communications speed to much to offer. The service recently down means that there is a smaller the point where an entire mission can launched a major ad campaign that pool of active duty personnel to try be uploaded to the aircraft while it is brings home the Air Force message in and lure into the reserves when they in the air; software upgrades to in- movies and prime time, cable, and separate from service. Such recruits crease crew situational awareness; sports television broadcasts, DiBattiste have traditionally formed the back- and integration of the joint air-to-sur- said. bone of the reserve force. face standoff missile. Enlistment bonuses are being of- Also, propensity to serve in the fered in such hard-to-fill areas as me- reserves is declining. Among per- Team ABL Says Effort Is On chanical and electronics engineering. sonnel leaving the Army, 21 percent Track The number of recruiters doubled from now say they would consider the re- The Airborne Laser program is on 800 in November 1999 to 1,600 today. serves. Four years ago, the figure track to attempt to shoot down a bal- Retention goals are 55 percent for was 41 percent. listic missile in September 2003, Team first-term airmen, 75 percent for sec- This declining interest may stem in ABL officials said Sept. 12. ond-term airmen, and 95 percent for part from a realization that service in Col. Ellen Pawlikowski, the pro- USAF’s career personnel. Current fig- the reserves today means much more gram manager, said the ABL is ready ures are 52, 69, and 91, respectively. than weekends and summer camp. to go as it heads toward the engi- Pay raises, improved retirement From the Balkans to the Gulf, USAF neering, manufacturing, and devel- benefits, and improved health care is leaning on reserve units to help opment stage. should help retention, said the ser- carry out its missions. The average Recently completed tests have vali- vice’s second-ranking civilian. “The USAF reservist served 58 days last dated the ABL’s optics, said Paw- Air Force is a retention force and if year. Aircrews served an average likowski. The optics compensate for we’re going to retain our quality 110 days. disturbances in the atmosphere via a people, we have to take care of our deformable mirror. This compensation families,” she said. USAF Begins Flight Test of B-2 results in from two to 15 times more Upgrades energy on target, according to tests. Recruiting Service Sweeps New B-2 flight tests at Edwards Modifications on the ABL platform, Not since January 1992 had all 28 of Air Force Recruiting Service’s squadrons overshot monthly enlist- ment contract goals. They did so in August. The AFRS units reported signing up from 101.2 percent to 155.9 per- cent of their contract quotas. The AFRS overall average was 114 percent. Enlistment contract goals are pur- USAF photo by Larry McTighe posely set higher than actual Air Force personnel needs, noted AFRS officials. That allows for cancellations and a typical 10 percent disqualification rate. More recruiters, targeted bonuses, and TV ads all helped the AFRS push. “We should also acknowledge all Air Force people who contributed to this success through the We Are All Recruiters program,” said Brig. Gen. Duane Deal, AFRS commander.

Reserve Recruiting Droops While US armed forces have im- proved their recruiting for active duty During Dover Downs (Del.) International Speedway’s tribute to USAF, Gen. Hal personnel, attracting part-time war- Hornburg, AETC commander, swears in 25 enlistees Sept. 24. The USAF NASCAR riors is proving harder than ever. Winston Cup series car in the background raced in North Carolina in May.

20 AIR FORCE Magazine / November 2000 Polls Indicate Public Concern About US Strength From all appearances, a large part of the public would like to Gallup Organization. In the first poll, 43 percent of Americans see the US military put on a bit more muscle. said they thought US armed forces weren’t as strong as they That is the gist of two public opinion polls taken in late needed to be. The second poll found 40 percent of the respon- summer. One was conducted by Princeton Survey Research dents believing that Washington spends too little on military Associates for Newsweek. The second poll came from the power.

Don’t know 4% 9% Stronger than No opinion 6% needed

Too much 20%

40% Too little About right 44% Not strong enough 43% About right 34%

PSRA/Newsweek Poll Gallup Poll (Aug. 25, 2000) (Aug. 30, 2000)

Do you, yourself, feel that our national defense is stron- There is much discussion as to the amount of money the ger now than it needs to be, not strong enough, or about government in Washington should spend for national right? defense and military purposes. How do you feel about this? Do you think we are spending too little, about the Source: Princeton Survey Research Associates, Aug. 24Ð25, 2000, right amount, or too much? and based on telephone interviews with a national registered voters sample of 753. Survey Sponsor: Newsweek Source: Gallup Organization, Aug. 24Ð27, 2000, and based on tele- Data provided by The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, phone interviews with a national adult sample of 1,019. Data provided Univ. of Connecticut. by The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, Univ. of Connecticut.

AIR FORCE Magazine / November 2000 21 Aerospace World a used Boeing 747, are near the half- way mark. When finished, the aircraft will have a bulkhead between the crew and the laser modules and chemicals, a 14,000-pound nose tur- ret, and a titanium belly skin to handle and channel out laser exhaust.

Tailhook, the Sequel USAF photo by MSgt. Val Gempis Once again, the Tailhook Associa- tion is facing allegations of miscon- duct at one of its conventions. Nine years ago, riotous behavior and debauched assaults on women at a Tailhook convention in Las Ve- gas caused the Navy to break off its official relationship with the group, which supports Navy and Marine Corps aviation. The new charge is much less serious, but if proved true, it could still cause the Navy to again sever its Tailhook ties. The allegations stem from the Members of Joint Task ForceÐFull Accounting look around a cave at Marble claims of a married couple that was Mountain, near Da Nang, Vietnam, in September. The task force, formed in 1992, staying at the Sparks, Nev., hotel has investigators, linguists, analysts, and other specialists who search for that was hosting this year’s Tailhook remains of Americans still unaccounted for from the Vietnam War. convention. The husband and wife allege that, to reach their room, they Some design issues were deferred. Proponents feel that recognition of had to shoulder their way through a These issues included the plan for a the World War II generation is long hallway crowded with naval aviators. central statue and plans for lighting overdue and that the design is in As they did so, they were subject to and roadways. “We are absolutely keeping with the nearby Korean War verbal harassment, and at least one delighted,” said Mike Conley, spokes- and FDR Memorials. aviator made inappropriate physical man for the American Battle Monu- “The bottom line is, this is a re- contact with the woman, according to ments Commission. “It is the culmi- vered spot where people can come to their allegations. nation of a very long and very public reflect and learn about sacrifice of The Navy’s inspector general and process, and it clears the way for us their family, neighbors, and friends,” its criminal service have begun an to break ground on Nov. 11.” said former Sen. Robert Dole, who investigation. Opponents of placing a World War led fund-raising for the $140 million II monument on the Mall argue that it memorial. World War II Memorial Moves will spoil the open nature of the site Forward and ruin the sight lines toward the Report Details US Nuke A proposal to place a World War II Lincoln Memorial. Problems memorial on the National Mall in They also complain that it could The Department of Energy has re- Washington took a giant step forward infringe on areas where the crowd ported that it has had to put off reli- Sept. 21 when the National Capital gathered to hear the Rev. Martin ability testing of and repairs to major Planning Commission voted narrowly Luther King’s historic “I Have a Dream” nuclear weapons as a result of prob- to approve the final design. speech in 1963. lems caused by poor maintenance at DoE weapons facilities. A new study, prepared by DoE’s inspector general, said basic mainte- nance problems have also set back Senior Staff Changes the schedule for disassembling some older warheads. The report was made RETIREMENTS: Brig. Gen. Frank J. Anderson Jr., Maj. Gen. Richard C. Marr. public Sept. 26. NOMINATIONS: To be Lieutenant General: John H. Campbell. According to a Sept. 27 Wall Street Journal story, the symptoms of de- CHANGES: Maj. Gen. John R. Baker, from Dir., Jt. Matters, DCS, Air & Space Ops., ferred maintenance include leaky USAF, Pentagon, to Asst. DCS, Air & Space Ops., USAF, Pentagon ... Brig. Gen. Kevin roofs and fire hazards. The problems P. Chilton, from Cmdr., 9th Recon Wg., ACC, Beale AFB, Calif., to Dir., PoliticoÐMilitary are blamed on budget cutting, with Affairs (AsiaÐPacific & Middle East), Jt. Staff, Pentagon ... Maj. Gen. Daniel M. Dick, the DoE study estimating it will need from Cmdr., 13th AF, PACAF, Andersen AFB, Guam, to Dir., Strategy, Rqmts., & an additional $5 billion to $8 billion Integration, JFCOM, Norfolk, Va. ... Brig. Gen. Stanley Gorenc, from Vice Cmdr., 5th over 10 years to cope with the back- AF, PACAF, Yokota AB, Japan, to Cmdr., 9th Recon Wg., ACC, Beale AFB, Calif. ... logs in its Stockpile Stewardship pro- Brig. Gen. Michael A. Hamel, from Dir., Rqmts., AFSPC, Peterson AFB, Colo., to Dir., Space Ops. & Integration, DCS, Air & Space Ops., USAF, Pentagon ... Maj. Gen. gram, designed to keep the US nu- Theodore W. Lay II, from Dep. Dir., PoliticoÐMilitary Affairs (AsiaÐPacific & Middle clear weapons force effective without East), Jt. Staff, Pentagon, to Cmdr., 13th AF, PACAF, Andersen AFB, Guam ... Brig. testing warheads. Gen. (sel.) Dale C. Waters, from Chief, AF Colonel Matters Office, Pentagon, to Vice Responding to the inspector gen- Cmdr., 5th AF, PACAF, Yokota AB, Japan. ■ eral’s findings, Madelyn R. Creedon,

22 AIR FORCE Magazine / November 2000 deputy administrator for defense pro- grams at the Energy Department, John Frisbee, 1917Ð2000 wrote that the agency agrees. She said that while the problems haven’t John L. Frisbee, 83, longtime author of Air Force Magazine’s “Valor” series, harmed the reliability of US nuclear died Aug. 26 in Marshall, Va. He was buried in Arlington Cemetery. weapons, “we face a number of chal- Frisbee was a combat pilot in World War II, taught at West Point, was head of lenges if we are to meet future re- the History Department at the Air Force Academy, and retired from the Air Force quirements.” in 1970 after extended service in the Pentagon. He then came to Air Force Magazine, rising from senior editor to executive editor to editor before his second The maintenance problems were retirement in 1980. found at two DoE facilities, one in In 1983, he began his third career at age 66, taking over “Valor”—a monthly Amarillo, Tex., and the other in Oak series about heroism in aerial combat—which he wrote until his health forced him Ridge, Tenn. to stop in 1998. Frisbee’s “Valor” is recognized as the best and most extensive body of work anywhere in the world on Air Force heroism. All 176 of his articles News Notes are available on the World Wide Web at World War I Navy Yeoman Frieda In 1987, Frisbee edited Makers of the Air Force, published by the Mae Hardin, the nation’s oldest wo- Office of Air Force History. man veteran, died Aug. 9 in a nursing home in Livermore, Calif. Hardin was 103 and had been a featured guest speaker at the October 1997 dedica- lower-level personnel do not believe cedures at the time, ejected with mi- tion of the Women in Military Service Navy leadership will address their nor injuries. for America Memorial at Arlington issues. A lack of training in use of US 3rd Air Force, based at RAF National Cemetery. precision guided weapons, for in- Mildenhall, UK, was granted Honor- Heavy rains exceeding 23 inches stance, led to a less-than-optimal hit ary Freedom of the Borough by the caused major flooding at Kunsan AB, rate in Kosovo during last year’s air St. Edmundsbury council in an Aug. South Korea, during the period Aug. campaign, according to the Navy in- 27 ceremony. The honor—the first 24Ð27. Numerous base facilities spector general. ever granted an American military flooded in the record downpour, and The Federal Aviation Adminis- unit—allowed 3rd Air Force to “pa- service personnel had to work with tration is investigating a report of a rade through the streets of the bor- Republic of Korea army troops to clear Sept. 7 near miss between a United ough with fixed bayonets, regimental mud slides from the primary road be- 757 and an F-117 from the 410th band playing and colours flying,” ac- tween the base and Kunsan City. Flight Test Squadron, Edwards AFB, cording to the proclamation. The Dec. 15, 1999, crash of an Calif. The F-117 was not in stealth The 400th Missile Squadron, F.E. Air Force HH-60G helicopter in Ku- configuration and was flying accord- Warren AFB, Wyo., has been named wait was caused by pilot error, ac- ing to FAA rules at the time of the the best missile squadron in the Air cording to an accident report released alleged incident. Force for 1999 by winning the Asso- Aug. 28. The HH-60, assigned to the The only surviving World War I ciation of Air Force Missileers’ Gen- 332nd Expeditionary Rescue Squad- Army Air Corps pilot celebrated his eral Samuel Phillips Award. The squad- ron, was on approach to a desert 104th birthday Aug. 14. Retired Lt. ron is the only Peacekeeper unit in the landing zone when it made a hard Col. John Potts, who lives today in a Air Force. touch down and rolled to its side. The Sarasota, Fla., retirement commu- On Aug. 23, a Boeing Delta III pilot had allowed the helicopter air- nity, also served in World War II and rocket successfully placed a data- speed to drop too low, according to the Korean War. gathering simulated payload into or- the report. The crew sustained only On Aug. 31 a T-6 Texan II trainer bit. Instruments from the 9,500-pound minor injuries. assigned to the 12th Flying Training satellite were to provide information A Navy inspector general report Wing, Randolph AFB, Tex., crashed to further validate baseline data on has found that naval aviation is suf- just south of San Antonio. The air- launch vehicle performance. fering from serious training and fi- crew, which was on a familiarization Elmer E. Mooring Jr. was pre- nancing problems and that many flight and conducting instrument pro- sented with the Brewer Award during the national conference of the CAP in San Antonio on Aug. 19. The award is given for contribu- tions in providing aerospace educa- Index to Advertisers tion to young people. The 30th Airlift Squadron and 374th Aeromedical Evacuation Squad- Air Force Memorial Foundation ...... 21 ron recently completed a historic mis- Bell Helicopter...... 33 sion—the first humanitarian mission Boeing ...... 48Ð49, Cover IV flown by the US Air Force into Com- Colorado Kreations ...... 9 munist China. The mission to Shang- Leatherman Tool...... 17 hai IAP returned an 83-year-old quad- Lockheed Martin ...... Cover II riplegic to her home. The woman had Military.Com ...... 19 been living in the US and suffered a Mitchell Lang ...... 13 fall that broke her neck last April. Motion Models...... 11 On Aug. 17, a Titan IVB success- Northrop Grumman ...... Cover III Pratt & Whitney ...... 5 fully launched a classified payload Spectrum Astro ...... 53 for the US Air Force and the National USAA ...... 7 Reconnaissance Office. It was the second Titan IV launch of the year New AFA Wearables ...... 91 and the 30th overall. ■

AIR FORCE Magazine / November 2000 23